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How You Can Afford To Travel The World

After traveling to over 40 countries and learning valuable ways to travel hack, I ha ve learned oneimportant rule: you do not need a lot of money (or have a high-pay ing job) to travel. Many peopleare hesitant to travel, and hold themselves back fro m possibly some of the most epic adventuresbecause they think that they can’t afford the costs of traveling the world. With a few simple rulesand tips it can be e ntirely possible to travel short or long term with little income.

In any case, if you’re going to travel the world, you’re going to need realistic financial planning. How much are you going to save? Wh at is the minimum you will need to get you where you want togo without starving or feeling stranded? How do your finances look for when you return home? These are all essential questions to have thought out before one departs on a long trip, a nd thefollowing guidelines can help you get set to afford to travel.

Set a Travel Goal

First and foremost, create a travel goal and stick to it. By mapping out what your e xpectations are foryour trip, it’s more likely that you will work towards it on a daily basis. Think about the length of thetrip and the type of experiences you hope to gain. For instance, a goal can b

e to backpack throughSouth America for three months on a $1,000 per month bu dget, or to live in an eco-village in Indiafor several months. With your travel baseli ne goals outlined, it’s easier to plan for what needs to bedone to get there. Start a Travel Fund

Unless you plan to use prior savings, you’re going to have to save some cash to pay for yourtravels. Even if you only put $20 0 into a travel fund every month, that’s $2,400 you will have savedup in one year. On top of that, anytime you come acro ss extra cash, put it into your travel fund. Themore you’re able to contribute to the fund, the more you will be able to stretch out your bud getand ultimately make your trip more flexible and enjoyable. This takes financial r esponsibility, and bymaking a commitment to yourself to not tap into those saving s you will reach your goal sooner.

Get Your Finances in Order

A couple of months before you are due to travel, make sure to get every single on e of your financesin order so that you are not accumulating late fees or paying for things you simply don’t need whileyou’re abroad. Call your car insurance company to let them know you won’t be driving your carand have them freeze your account until you return. If you do n’t plan to use your cell phone onyour trip, you can ask your service provider to also freeze your account until you return so you’
