






[关键词]大学校训翻译;校训来源;动静对比与转换;四种句型;淮南师范学院校训[中图分类号]H315.9[文献标识码]A [文章编号]1009-9530(2018)03-0072-04清华大学原校长顾秉林教授曾说:“大学有三宝:校训、校友和校园”[1]。













举世闻名的麻省理工学院是一所以工科为主的大学,建校之初就以“Mind and Hand”为其校训(原拉丁文为:Mens et Manus)。

























中国著名大学校训中英文对照翻译搜集了中国(包括港澳台地区)一些著名高等学府的中英文校训:Peking University (founded in 1898): Patriotism, Advancement, Democracy and Science北京大学(创建于1898年):爱国进步民主科学Tsinghua University (founded as early as 1911): Self-discipline and Social Commitment清华大学(始建于1911年):自强不息厚德载物Wuhan University (date back to 1893): Improve Yourself, Carry Forward Stamina, Seek Truth and Develop Innovations武汉大学(前身建于1893年):自强弘毅求是拓新Tianjin University (founded in 1895): Seek Truth from Facts天津大学(创建于1895年):实事求是Zhejiang University (founded in 1897): Seek Truth and Be Creative浙江大学(创建于1897年):求是创新Shandong University (founded in 1901): Noble in Spirit; Boundless in Knowledge山东大学(创建于1901年):气有浩然学无止境Nanjing University (founded in 1902): Be Honest and Intelligent, Study Hard and Act Sincerely南京大学(创建于1902年):诚朴雄伟励学敦行Beijing Normal University (founded in 1902): Learn to be an Excellent Teacher; Act as an Exemplary Person北京师范大学(创建于1902年):学为人师行为世范Southeast University (founded in 1902): Strive for Perfection东南大学(创建于1902年):止于至善Fudan University (founded as early as 1905): Rich in Knowledge and Tenacious of Purpose; Inquiring with Earnestness and Reflecting withSelf-practice复旦大学(始建于1905年):博学而笃志切问而近思Jinan University (founded in 1906): Loyalty, Credibility, Sincerity, and Piety暨南大学(创建于1906年):忠信笃敬Tongji University (founded in 1907): Discipline, Practicality, Unity and Creativity同济大学(创建于1907年):严谨求实团结创新Nankai University (founded in 1919): Dedication to Public Interests, Acquisition of All-round Capability, and Aspiration for Progress with Each Day南开大学(创建于1919年):允公允能日新月异Harbin Institute of Technology (founded in 1920): Strict Standard and Sufficient Effort哈尔滨工业大学(创建于1920年):规格严格工夫到家Xiamen University (founded in1921): Pursue Excellence, Strive for Perfection厦门大学(创建于1921年):自强不息止于至善Sun Yat-sen University (founded in 1924): Study Extensively, Enquire Accurately, Reflect Carefully, Discriminate Clearly, Practise Earnestly中山大学(创建于1924年):博学审问慎思明辨笃行Renmin University of China (date back to 1937): Seek Truth from Facts中国人民大学(前身建于1937年):实事求是Beijing Institute of Technology (founded in 1939): Solidarity, Diligence, Practicality and Creativity北京理工大学(创建于1939年):团结勤奋求实创新Beijing Foreign Studies University (founded in 1941): Be United, Alert, Earnest and Lively北京外国语大学(创建于1941年):团结紧张严肃活泼National University of Defense Technology (founded in 1953): Dedication and Practicality国防科学技术大学(创建于1953年):奉献求实University of Science and Technology of China(founded in 1958): Socialist-minded and Professionally Proficient, Associating Truth with Fact中国科学技术大学(创建于1958年):红专并进理实交融National Tai Wan University (date back to 1927):Cultivate Your Virtue, Advance Your Intellect; Love Your Country and People国立台湾大学(前身建于1927年):敦品励学爱国爱人Hong Kong Polytechnic University (founded in 1937): To Learn and to Apply for the Benefit of Mankind香港理工大学(创建于1937年):开物成务励学利民。



2019年4月第21卷第2期沈阳建筑大学学报(社会科学版)Journal of Shenyang Jianzhu University (Social Science )Apr.2019Vol.21,No.2收稿日期:2018-09-12基金项目:安徽省高校人文社会科学研究重点项目(SK2018A0511);淮南师范学院科学研究基金项目(2017xj52);淮南师范学院青年科研创新团队项目(2015-3-06)作者简介:张久全(1982—),男,安徽寿县人,硕士。

文章编号:1673-1387(2019)02-0177-05doi :10.11717/j.issn.1673-1387.2019.02.12“双一流”背景下的中外大学校训翻译对比———以中国科学技术大学校训英译为例张久全,孟焱(淮南师范学院外国语学院,安徽淮南232038)摘要:以中国科学技术大学校训为例,从汉英语言“动静对比”视角探讨中外大学校训用语特征的语言学依据,总结了国外大学校训用语表达的4种基本句型,更好地服务于校训的英译工作,以此提高国内高校教育理念建设和知名度建设,以期为校训英译翻译工作者提供参考和借鉴。









文章标题:Exploring the Essence of University MottosIn the realm of higher education, university mottos serve as beacons of inspiration and guidance, embodying the core values and aspirations of the institutions they represent. These succinct phrases, often engraved in stone or displayed prominently on campus, are more than just words; they are the embodiment of the institutions' ethos and the principles that guide their academic pursuits and community life.The significance of university mottos lies in their ability to capture the essence of an institution in a few carefully chosen words. They reflect the institution's historical traditions, its commitment to academic excellence, and its aspirations for the future. These mottos often serve as a source of inspiration for students, faculty, and alumni, reminding them of the values that unite them and the goals they strive to achieve.One notable example of a university motto is "Truth," adopted by Harvard University. This simple yet profoundmotto encapsulates the institution's unwavering commitment to the pursuit of knowledge and the search for truth. It is a reminder to all who enter its halls that the quest for truth is the foundation of all academic endeavors and the cornerstone of a meaningful life.Another example is Yale University's motto, "Lux et Veritas" (Light and Truth). This Latin phrase expresses the university's dual commitment to intellectual illumination and the discovery of truth. It underscores the belief that through rigorous study and critical thinking, individuals can gain both knowledge and wisdom, leading to a more enlightened and fulfilling life.The University of California, Berkeley's motto, "Fiat Lux" (Let There Be Light), similarly emphasizes the role of education in illuminating the path to knowledge and understanding. This motto encourages students and faculty to embrace a spirit of inquiry and exploration, seeking to dispel the darkness of ignorance and embrace the light of learning.Beyond their academic implications, university mottos also serve as a source of institutional pride and identity.They are often invoked during graduation ceremonies, commencement speeches, and other significant events,serving as a rallying cry for the university community.They unite alumni across generations, connecting them to a shared history and a common purpose.In conclusion, university mottos are not just words; they are the living embodiment of an institution's values and aspirations. They serve as beacons of inspiration, guiding students, faculty, and alumni on their academic journeys. By understanding and embracing these mottos, we can gain a deeper understanding of the institutions we belong to and the roles we play in shaping their futures.**文章标题**:探索大学校训的精髓在高等教育领域,大学校训作为激励和指引的灯塔,体现着所代表机构的核心价值和抱负。









根据研究内容可将其归纳为三个方面: 一是对汉语校训本身的研究。














关于大学校训的英语作文The Essence of a University Motto: A Guiding Light for Personal and Academic GrowthA university's motto is more than just a catchy phrase or a decorative element on a diploma - it is a distillation of the institution's core values, a guiding principle that shapes the experiences and aspirations of its students. As an integral part of the academic landscape, a university motto serves as a touchmark for personal and intellectual development, inspiring individuals to strive for excellence and embrace the transformative power of education.At the heart of any esteemed university lies a motto that encapsulates the institution's fundamental purpose and the ideals it seeks to instill in its students. These mottos often reflect the institution's history, its cultural heritage, and the timeless wisdom that has sustained it through the passage of time. They serve as a constant reminder of the higher calling that academia represents, urging students to transcend the boundaries of their own limitations and to engage with the world in a meaningful and impactful way.One such example is the motto of the University of Cambridge, "Hinc lucem et pocula sacra," which translates to "From here, light and sacred draughts." This succinct yet powerful phrase evokes the university's role as a beacon of enlightenment, a place where the pursuit of knowledge is revered as a sacred endeavor. The metaphor of "light" symbolizes the illumination of the mind, the dispelling of ignorance, and the cultivation of a thirst for intellectual discovery. The "sacred draughts" allude to the nourishment of the soul, the spiritual and ethical dimensions that are integral to the educational experience.Similarly, the motto of the University of Oxford, "Dominus Illuminatio Mea," which means "The Lord is my light," reflects the institution's historical roots in Christian tradition and its commitment to the harmonious integration of faith and reason. This motto serves as a reminder that the quest for knowledge is not merely an academic exercise, but a profound journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth, where the divine and the intellectual converge to shape the individual's worldview and moral compass.In contrast, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's motto, "Mens et Manus," which translates to "Mind and Hand," emphasizes the university's focus on the practical application of knowledge. This motto encapsulates the institution's belief in the synergisticrelationship between theoretical understanding and hands-on experimentation, underscoring the importance of bridging the gap between the conceptual and the tangible. It encourages students to engage in interdisciplinary collaboration, to think critically, and to apply their knowledge to real-world challenges, ultimately shaping them into innovative problem-solvers and agents of change.The University of Chicago's motto, "Crescat scientia; vita excolatur," which means "Let knowledge grow from more to more; and so be human life enriched," resonates with a different set of values. This motto underscores the university's commitment to the pursuit of knowledge as a means of personal and societal transformation. It suggests that the growth of knowledge should not be an end in itself, but rather a catalyst for the enrichment of human life, fostering a deep understanding of the human condition and the complexities of the world we inhabit.These diverse mottos reflect the unique identities and priorities of their respective institutions, but they share a common thread – the belief that a university education is not merely a means to an end, but a transformative journey that shapes the individual's character, intellect, and moral fiber. By embracing the essence of their university's motto, students are empowered to cultivate a sense of purpose, to develop a critical and analytical mindset, and to forge meaningful connections between their academic pursuits and thebroader social and ethical implications of their actions.Moreover, a university motto can serve as a unifying force, transcending the boundaries of individual disciplines and fostering a shared sense of community among students, faculty, and alumni. It becomes a rallying cry, a touchstone that reminds everyone within the academic community of the institution's core values and the collective responsibility to uphold them. This sense of shared purpose and identity can be a powerful catalyst for collaboration, innovation, and social impact, as students and faculty work together to translate the ideals embodied in the motto into tangible outcomes that benefit society as a whole.In conclusion, a university motto is more than just a catchy phrase –it is a distillation of the institution's core values, a guiding principle that shapes the experiences and aspirations of its students. By embracing the essence of their university's motto, individuals can cultivate a deeper understanding of their own purpose, develop a critical and analytical mindset, and forge meaningful connections between their academic pursuits and the broader social and ethical implications of their actions. As students navigate the complexities of the modern world, the wisdom encapsulated in a university motto can serve as a steadfast beacon, illuminating the path towards personal and intellectual growth, and ultimately, the betterment of humanity.。



【摘要】大学校训全面体现了学校的办学理念、人才培养目标和师生员工行为准则.校训的翻译对于学校的对外交流至关重要.综观中外著名大学校训的翻译,结合校训语言和内容的特点,校训翻译应遵循互文性、传意性和简洁性三大原则.我校校训的英文表述为:Virtue, Knowledge, Progress and Practice.
1.基于广告传播视角的校训翻译研究——兼谈江西师范大学校训的翻译 [J], 彭朝忠;彭志洪
2.汉英"动静"对比视域下的中外大学校训翻译研究r——兼译淮南师范学院校训[J], 张久全;孟焱
3.校训翻译的多维度解读r——以仰恩大学校训英译为例 [J], 却正强;胡联伟;常文彩
——以湖北应用型本科校训为例 [J], 戴李怡;忻竞
5.“双一流”背景下的中外大学校训翻译对比——以中国科学技术大学校训英译为例 [J], 张久全;孟焱



[摘 要] 中国高校网站上的“学校简介”是国内外读者了解学校信息的主要渠道。 对其进行翻译和
研究有助于促进学校的国际交往和合作办学,对宣传学校形象和提升学校影响力也至关重要。 通过对
现有文献进行梳理发现,中西方“学校简介”差异主要体现在文本结构、语言措辞和语体风格三方面。 以
淮南师范学院创立于 1958 年,在 60 年的办学 中,为社会培养了大量优秀的教育工作者和应用型 人才。学校坚持“地方性、应用型、开放式”的办学定 位,彰显教师教育办学特色,努力建设成为地方应 用型高水平大学。 在这个过程中,学校积极推进国 际合作办学,对外交流日益频繁,外宣工作急需开 展。本文从读者反应论视域探讨淮南师范学院官方 网站上“学校简介”的翻译策略和翻译模式,为学校 的发展助力,也为整个中国高校“学校简介”的翻译 和研究提供借鉴。
特征。同时,通过调研发现,美国东北州立大学和英 国约克大学的“学校简介”在英文版本中具有一定 的代表性,能体现此类文本的特征。 本部分以这些 文本资料为例来探讨中西方高校“学校简介”的差 异,以便为接下来基于“读者反应论”的“学校简介” 翻译研究奠定基础。
2019 年第 3 期 第 21 卷(总第 115 期)
Байду номын сангаас
No. 3, 2019 General No. 115, Vol.21



的完成 不仅 是作 者 单 方 面 的努 力 , 还 需 要 依 靠 读 者 的能动 性 。只有 在 双 方 的共 同配 合 下 , 这 个 作 品的
创 作意 义 才能 得 以实 现 。接 受 论 主 要 有 三 个 观 点 :

期 待视 野 , 视 野融 合 , 视 野 转变 。
( 一) 期待 视野
文本 的视 界 , 翻译 才 能 被 理解 和 接受 。它 不仅 解 释 了文 学 阅读 的过程 , 而且 也 是 一 个 译 者 在 翻译 实 践
如今 , 中国与 外界交 流 日益 密切 , 作 为文 化交 流 的场所 , 中 国的大 学也越 来 越受 到外 国朋 友 的关 注 。
而 大 学校 训作 为外 界 了解 中 国大 学 的窗 f S l , 凝 聚 了
文本想 要 传达 的文 化 内涵 。只有 通过 读者 的传 送过
程作 品才 能够 逐 步进 入 连 续 变 化 的有 经验 的视 野 ,
读 者在 接 受 一 件 作 品 时 , 已 经形 成 了一 定 的世
界观 、 社 会 阅历 、 审美 倾 向 , 而 且他 的 意识不 是 空 的 , 这些 就构 成 了他 的期 待 视 野 。姚 斯 认 为 , 一 部 文学
根 据 接 受论 , 读 者 的 阅读体 验 构 成 了他 们 的期 待 视野 , 期待 视 野 反 过 来 又影 响 了他 们 的行 为 。姚 斯认为, 一 个新作 品 与它 最 初 的 读 者 的期 待 视 野 之 间有一 段距 离 。而 接 受 也 是 一个 很 长 的过 程 , 目标 读 者往 往 要花 相 当长 的时 间来完 全理 解和接 受 目标
关键词 : 接受理论 ; 大学校训 ; 英译


铭 日: ‘ 苟 日新 , 日 日新 . 又 日新 ’ 2 . 名 人题 词
大 学 办 学 宗 旨与 文 化精 神 的 高度 概 括 . 研 究 校 训 有 助
于认 识 学 校 的 办 学 理 念 和 办 学 目标 研 究 中 西方 大 学
校训的翻译 . 有 利 于 中 西方 大 学在 办学 理 念 和 办 学 目 改 革 开 放 以来 .我 国 多 数 大 学 校 训 由国 家 领 导 标 上 相 互 学 习与 借 鉴 本 文 旨在 从 直译 与意 译 的 角度 人 、 著 名 专 家 学 者 题 词 。如 : 中 国 医科 大学 校 训 “ 救 死 具 体 分 析 中西 方 大 学 的 校训 . 对 校 训 翻 译 的 特 点 进 行 扶 伤 . 实 行 革命 的 人 道 主 义 ” 由毛泽东题 同. 国 防 科 技
引 言
律” , 北京师范大学校训“ 学为人师 、 行 为世 范 ” 为 著 名 史学家启 功所拟 . 上海交通 大学校训 “ 饮水思 源 国荣 校 ” 出 自校 长唐 文治 3 . 公 开 征 集 爱

《 辞海 》 中将 “ 校训 ” 解释 为“ 学 校 为 训 育 上 之 便
训。 其 目的在 使 个 人 随时 注 意 而 实 践 之 ” 。 由此 可 见 ,
总结 与 借 鉴 关键词 : 中 西校 训 直 译 意 译 大学校训 “ 厚德 博学 . 强军兴 国” 由江 泽 民题 写 . 中 山
大学校 训“ 博学
审问 慎 思 明 辨
笃行 ” 出 自孙
中山. 中 国外 交 学 院校 训 源 自周 恩 来 给 外 交 人 员 倡 议 ★ 基 金 项 目 :本 文 获 2 0 1 4北 京 市 本 科 生 培 养 一 的 1 6字方 针 “ 站稳立场 , 掌握政策 , 熟 悉业 务 . 严 守 纪 大学生科研训练“ 从 中西 方 大 学 校 训 析 中西 方 教 育 文 化之差异” 的资 助



厚德尚学的英语“厚德尚学”:一、英语翻译及解释1. “Virtue - oriented and Learning - esteemed”- “Virtue - oriented”表示以品德为导向的,“oriented”有“以……为方向,以……为导向”的意思,强调重视品德方面的建设与导向。


- “Learning - esteemed”中“esteemed”是“尊重、尊敬”的意思,整个短语表示崇尚学习,强调对学习这件事怀着敬重的态度。

二、运用情况及例子(一)学校校训相关1. 在学校的宣传册上:Our school adheres to the principle of “Virtue - oriented and Learning - esteemed”, aiming to cultivate students with both excellent moral characters and strong academic abilities.(我们学校秉持“厚德尚学”的原则,旨在培养既有优秀品德又有很强学术能力的学生。

)2. 学校领导在开学典礼致辞:We should always remember the concept of “Virtue - oriented and Learning - esteemed” in our school life. It is the foundation for our growth and development.(我们在校园生活中应该时刻牢记“厚德尚学”的理念。


)3. 在学校的文化墙上:The motto “Virtue - oriented and Learning - esteemed” is deeply engraved in every student's heart, guiding them topursue both moral and intellectual improvement.(“厚德尚学”的校训深深铭刻在每个学生心中,引导他们追求品德和学识的提升。



















大学校训的英文作文English:The university motto serves as a guiding principle for both students and faculty, embodying the institution's values and aspirations. It encapsulates the essence of the academic journey, emphasizing the pursuit of knowledge, excellence, and integrity. The motto instills a sense of purpose and direction, reminding individuals of their responsibility to contribute positively to society. It fosters a culture of continuous learning and personal growth, encouraging students to explore new ideas, challenge assumptions, and embrace diversity. Furthermore, the university motto serves as a unifying force, binding the community together in a shared commitment to scholarship, service, and leadership. It inspires individuals to strive for greatness, to surpass their limits, and to make a meaningful impact on the world around them. In essence, the university motto encapsulates the collective aspirations of the institution, guiding its members towards a future of innovation, enlightenment, and social progress.Translated content:大学校训是学生和教职员工的指导原则,体现了学校的价值观和愿景。



介绍校训稿子英文作文英文:As a student of this school, I am proud to introduce our school motto: "Strive for excellence, pursue truth, and serve the community." This motto embodies the values and principles that our school upholds and instills in its students."Strive for excellence" means that we should always aim for the best in everything we do, whether it's academics, sports, or personal development. It encourages us to work hard and never settle for mediocrity."Pursue truth" means that we should always seek knowledge and understanding, and never stop questioning and learning. It emphasizes the importance of critical thinking and intellectual curiosity."Serve the community" means that we should use ourtalents and skills to make a positive impact on society. It encourages us to be responsible and compassionate citizens, and to contribute to the betterment of our community.These three principles are not just words on a plaque, but are integrated into the daily life of our school. For example, our teachers encourage us to challenge ourselves and strive for excellence by offering advanced courses and opportunities for academic enrichment. We are also encouraged to pursue truth by engaging in discussions and debates, and by conducting research and experiments.Furthermore, our school organizes various community service activities, such as volunteering at local charities and participating in environmental clean-up projects. These activities allow us to apply the skills and knowledge we have acquired in school to real-life situations, and to make a positive impact on the world around us.中文:作为这所学校的学生,我很自豪地介绍我们的校训,“追求卓越,追求真理,服务社会”。



我的大学校训英语作文My University MottoAs I stepped onto the campus of my university, I was immediately struck by the words that were etched in bold letters above the entrance: "Seek truth, pursue excellence, and serve others." These simple yet powerful words encapsulate the essence of our university's motto, guiding us and inspiring us to be the best versions of ourselves."Seek truth" serves as a constant reminder to all of us, encouraging us to approach our studies, our relationships, and our lives with an open mind and a thirst for knowledge. It reminds us to be discerning in our pursuit of information, to question the status quo, and to seek out the deeper meanings behind the things we encounter. In our classes, our research, and our discussions, we are constantly reminded of the importance of seeking truth in all aspects of our lives."Pursue excellence" challenges us to set high standardsfor ourselves and to strive for greatness in everything we do. It serves as a reminder that we are capable of achievinggreat things and that we should not settle for mediocrity. Whether it's in our academics, our extracurricular activities, or our relationships, we are encouraged to push ourselves to be the best we can be and to constantly aim for excellence in everything we do."Serve others" is perhaps the most important aspect ofour university motto, as it reminds us of the importance of giving back to our communities and contributing to the betterment of society. It instills in us a sense of social responsibility and encourages us to use our knowledge andskills to make a positive impact on the world around us. Whether it's through volunteer work, community service projects, or simply being kind and compassionate to those around us, our university motto reminds us that servingothers is one of the most noble and fulfilling pursuits we can engage in.These three simple yet profound phrases form the backbone of our university's ethos, shaping the way we approach our education, our personal growth, and our contribution to the world. They serve as a constant reminder that we are part of something greater than ourselves and that we have a responsibility to seek truth, pursue excellence, and serve others in everything we do.In my time at this university, I have seen these words come to life in countless ways. From the dedication of our professors to the resilience of my fellow students, thespirit of our motto is palpable in every aspect of university life. I have seen students tirelessly pursuing knowledge, working towards their goals, and dedicating their time and energy to helping those in need. I have witnessed the impact of our university's commitment to truth, excellence, andservice, and I am constantly inspired by the ways in which these values shape our community.For me, our university motto serves as a guiding light, a reminder of the impact we can make and the responsibilitieswe have as members of this institution. It has shaped the way I approach my studies, my relationships, and my future goals, and it has instilled in me a deep sense of purpose and direction. I am constantly inspired by the ways in which our university motto is brought to life by my peers and mentors, and I am grateful for the ways it has shaped me into a more thoughtful, driven, and compassionate individual.As I prepare to graduate from this university, I take the values of our motto with me, knowing that they will continueto guide me in all of my future endeavors. I am proud to have been a part of a community that is dedicated to seeking truth, pursuing excellence, and serving others, and I am confident that these values will continue to shape the impact I make onthe world around me. I am grateful for the ways in which our university motto has shaped me, and I am excited to carry its spirit with me as I embark on the next chapter of my life.。



喜欢校训的原因英语作文I enjoy our school motto because it serves as a guiding principle for how we conduct ourselves both inside and outside of the classroom. 学校的校训给予了我们在课堂内外行为的指导原则。

From a young age, we are taught to uphold the values and ideals laid out in our motto, instilling a sense of responsibility and integrity in all aspects of our lives. 从小,我们被教导要秉持校训中规定的价值观和理想,这为我们生活的方方面面灌输了责任感和诚实。

It serves as a constant reminder of the standard of excellence that our school expects from us, motivating us to always strive for the best. 校训时刻提醒着我们学校对我们的优秀标准,激励我们始终追求最好。

I find comfort in knowing that I am part of a community that values not just academic achievement, but also character development. 我很欣慰地知道我是一个注重品德、不仅仅是学业成就的社区的一员。

Our school motto also fosters a sense of unity and belonging among students, creating a strong bond that transcends individual differences. 校训还培养了学生们的团结合作精神,创造了超越个人差异的紧密联结。



作者: 胡波
作者机构: 南京理工大学泰州科技学院外国语学院,江苏泰州225300
出版物刊名: 辽宁工业大学学报:社会科学版
页码: 69-73页
年卷期: 2016年 第5期
主题词: 接受美学 国内高校 校训 英译




The Significance of University MottosThe university motto is an important part of the university's spiritual culture, carrying the school's values and educational philosophy. It serves as a behavioral guideline and spiritual support for students during their academic journey, holding significant significance.Firstly, the motto inspires students to pursue excellence. It encourages students to continuously strive for progress, reach new heights, and pursue excellence in academics, character, arts, and other aspects, assisting them in realizing their own life values.Secondly, the motto guides students to cultivate good character. University mottos often embody positive moral concepts, inspiring students to cultivate qualities such as self-discipline, integrity, courage, benevolence, and guiding them to establish correct life and values.Finally, the motto embodies the cultural atmosphere and cohesion of the school. It is the spiritual banner of the school, symbolizing the core beliefs and common pursuits of the school, which can unite the hearts of teachers and students, promote the construction and development of campus culture.译文:大学校训是大学精神文化的重要组成部分,承载着学校的价值观念和教育理念。

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作者:郑传银, 张久全
作者单位:郑传银(淮南师范学院,外语系,安徽,淮南,232001), 张久全(苏州大学,外国语学院,江苏,苏州,215006)
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4.龚晓斌.兰夏国外著名大学校训的语言特点及文化内涵[期刊论文]-安徽工业大学学报(社会科学版) 2007(03)
5.钟晓雪从校训看大学教育的理念与精神追求[期刊论文]-江苏高教 2003(06)
1.安敬涛中国大学校训汉英翻译研究述评[期刊论文]-内蒙古农业大学学报(社会科学版) 2009(6)
