


Term over three year: probation period is six months.
3-4.1HR & Adm Department will release aEvaluation for QualifiedEmployees During Probation Period15 Days before the probation period is expired to the employee’s direct supervisor.
3-4.3Both parties should decide wether to renew the contract at lease one month before this contract expires.
3-3Probation period试用期
3-6Personnel records个人档案
3-6.1Personnel records record all the information related to the employees.



AM工作手册criedfox ASSISTANT MANAGER 大堂副理工作手册大堂副经理的运作及操作程序AM/001制度:写作值班日志(LOG BOOK)目的:记录酒店日常发生各种事件,便于阅读跟办.执行程序:1.书写值班日志必须工整、整齐、明了易明白;2.记录的事件必须具备:发生的时刻、涉及的人物姓名、性别、事件通过、采取的措施、处理的结果.如是涉及到客人的,必须记录国籍、客人类别;如涉及到消费的,则须记录住店日期、订房来源、房间号码等.3.如需跟办的事件则需注明相关的跟办班次,跟办完毕或需连续跟办的事件,则须记录该事件发生的本末,以便于事件的完整记录.4.涉及财务的事件记录,必须将相关单据的原件或复印件附在值班日志上.5.AM必须阅读值班日志记载的领导批示、需要周知及跟办的事宜.制度:例行工作AM/002目的:明确工作责任制,使日常工作更有序、高效地进行执行程序:1.早班:(1).与夜班当值交接工作,并跟办夜班未完成的工作.(2).查看当日的“顾客预期抵达表”是否有VIP将入住酒店,有需要作专门安排者,如致送花篮、果篮等,须按时做出安排,并检查结果,做好欢迎预备工作.(3).按时巡视酒店内外各公共区域,注意做好公共区域的灯光操纵,检查酒店范畴内的广告牌、横幅、条幅、鲜花及各种装饰是否妥当.(4).留意公共区域范畴内的推广和活动通告牌并及时做好收取工作,如宴会、会议等(专门是酒店大堂入口).(5).查看当日的“顾客预期离店表”是否有VIP将离开酒店,有需要做专门安排者,做好欢送预备工作,核查需要续住及延迟退房的客人和客房,并做出适当安排.(6).做好内部交班本的记录,整理归档当天收发的酒店文件.(7).在16:00前检查当天的住客登记表.(8).决定并处理在中班发生的紧急/突发事件.(9).将未完成的工作交予中班办跟办.(10).完成至少三份来宾意见表,专门是关于酒店服务和出品方面做得不足之处的建议或意见.(11).抽查客房卫生状况及易耗品,MINI-BAR的配置情形等.2.中班:(1).与早班交接工作,并跟办早班未完成的工作.(2).大堂、公共区域、外围等,并做好公共区域内的灯光操纵(按灯光开/关标准执行.(3).留意公共区域范畴内的通告牌并及时做好收取工作,如宴会、会议等(专门是酒店大堂入口).(4).留意酒店停车场及大门口交通情形.(5).在晚上0:00前检查当天的住客登记表.(6).决定并处理在中班发生的紧急/突发事件.(7).协助前台收银处理高额挂帐事宜,并采取适当的措施.(8).完成至少三份来宾意见表,专门是关于酒店服务和出品方面做得不足之处的建议或意见.(9).将未完成的工作交予晚班跟办.(10).抽查客房卫生状况及易耗品、MINI-BAR的配置情形等.3.夜班:(1).与中班交接工作,并跟办未完成的工作.(2).巡视酒店内外各公共区域,协助指挥各部门之间的工作.(3).负责做好所有公共区域范畴内灯光操纵(按灯光开/关标准执行).(4).联同当值保安巡查楼层,检查空房(包括“OOO”房).(5).决定是否将涉嫌逃帐的房间做C/O处理.(6).决定并处理在夜间发生的紧急/突发事件.(7).在早上08:00之前完成大堂副经理值班日志(LOG BOOK).(8).将未完成的工作交予早班跟办.(9).不管任何班当值,当接到其他部门报告时,都须赶忙到场/跟办,或如不能到场的,事后须向有关部门了解情形,又或跟办后,须将情形知会报告的部门.制度: 用语AM/003 目的:统一使用标准语执行程序:大堂副理在接时,须统一使用以下语言:中文:早晨/你好! 大堂副理! 请问有什么能够帮你?英文:Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening! Assistant Manager! May I help you ?制度:处理客人投诉AM/004目的:在保证酒店利益的前提下,AM在处理各种投诉时,应保持平复、耐心、微笑,采取果断、灵活而又令客人乐意同意的方式;妥善处理投诉,能给顾客留下美好的印象,任何处理不当将令酒店蒙受缺失。












员工手册Employee Handbook

员工手册Employee Handbook






为了更高的目标,让我们一起努力!祝贺并感谢您加入酒店!总经理二、业主介绍酒店业主公司:出资者: &注册时间:2004年9月注册地点:省工商行政管理局注册资金:人民币亿元有限公司(简称:,英文名称:China Group Co., Ltd 英文简称:)是企业集团之一。









该度假酒店提供:水疗中心:世界规模最大的室内天然温泉水疗中心规模与结构·建筑面积6,500平方米·主楼高5层(4-5层为屋顶花园及蜜月房)·6个花园贵宾阁(8个双人套房)主楼内设有:·20个单人及双人温泉套房,每个套房配备独用的按摩温泉池、淋浴间及更衣室(8个花园套房,4个豪华双人套房,7个豪华单人套房,1个蜜月套房)·13个双人理疗间(4个泰式按摩间,4个高科技间,5个双人间)·装修豪华的美发沙龙·超一流的健身中心·水中按摩池·水中运动池·冷/热水池各2个·男/女蒸汽浴、桑拿浴及三个按摩温泉浴缸·男/女宾休憩室·室内/外美食廊提供健康饮食·鲜榨果汁吧·私人咨询室·屋顶花园设有冥想,运动及按摩等场所·70平方米的购物区·1-3层的室内/外公共活动区域达1,200平方米客房·333 间豪华客房及公寓套房·所有客房配备独立的淋浴间·高级宾客用品·国际频道·海景客房餐饮王嫂中餐厅:粤菜、湘菜,正宗原味,名师主理。



新班主任教师工作手册英文版New Class Advisor Teacher's HandbookIntroduction:Being a class advisor is an honorable role that carries great responsibility. As a class advisor, you have the opportunity to shape the lives of your students and help them navigate through their academic journeys. This handbook aims to provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to effectively fulfill your duties as a new class advisor teacher. It covers topics such as building relationships with students, promoting academic success, managing classroom dynamics, fostering a positive learning environment, and handling disciplinary issues.Building Relationships with Students:1. Make an effort to learn your students' names as soon as possible. Addressing students by their names helps create a sense of belonging and fosters positive rapport.2. Show genuine interest in your students' lives and academic progress. Regularly check in with them individually to provide support and guidance.3. Organize team-building activities and encourage collaboration among students. This will promote a friendly and inclusive classroom atmosphere.Promoting Academic Success:1. Set high expectations for your students' academic performance. Make sure they understand the importance of setting personal goals and working hard to achieve them.2. Regularly assess your students' progress and provideconstructive feedback to help them improve. Encourage them to seek clarification on challenging topics and provide additional resources when necessary.3. Create a culture of continuous learning by promoting classroom discussions, debates, and project-based assignments. Incorporate real-life examples and practical scenarios to enhance their understanding of the subject matter.Managing Classroom Dynamics:1. Establish clear rules and expectations for behavior. Communicate these guidelines to students and consistently enforce them. Make sure consequences for violations are fair and consistent.2. Use positive reinforcement to encourage good behavior and active participation. Praise students for their achievements and provide recognition for their efforts.3. Develop effective classroom management strategies to address disruptive behavior. Utilize techniques such as redirecting, giving clear instructions, and implementing a seating arrangement that facilitates engagement and focus.Fostering a Positive Learning Environment:1. Create an inclusive classroom environment that celebrates diversity and respects different perspectives. Encourage open-mindedness and teach students to appreciate cultural differences.2. Incorporate various teaching methods and resources to cater to different learning styles. Use technology, visual aids, hands-on activities, and group work to engage students and make learning enjoyable.3. Encourage students to take on leadership roles within theclassroom. Assign them responsibilities such as organizing class events, leading discussions, or mentoring their peers.Handling Disciplinary Issues:1. Adhere to the school's disciplinary policies and procedures. Familiarize yourself with the guidelines provided to ensure consistency and fairness.2. Address disciplinary issues promptly and privately whenever possible. Speak to the student involved, gather relevant information, and discuss the consequences of their actions.3. Involve parents or guardians when necessary. Provide them with information about the incident and collaboratively develop strategies to prevent further misconduct.Conclusion:As a new class advisor teacher, you have an immense opportunity to inspire and shape the lives of your students. This handbook serves as a guide to help you effectively fulfill your role. By building relationships with students, promoting academic success, managing classroom dynamics, fostering a positive learning environment, and handling disciplinary issues, you can create a classroom environment where every student feels valued and motivated to succeed. Good luck on your new journey as a class advisor teacher!Additional Topics to Cover in the Handbook:1. Effective Communication:- Emphasize the importance of clear and effective communication skills for both teachers and students.- Teach students how to express their thoughts and opinions respectfully and listen actively to others.- Encourage students to ask questions and seek clarification when they don't understand something.2. Time Management:- Provide strategies and tips for students to effectively manage their time and prioritize their tasks.- Help students create a study schedule and teach them how to set achievable goals.- Remind students of the importance of balancing academics with extracurricular activities and personal time.3. Building a Supportive Classroom Community:- Encourage students to support and help each other academically and emotionally.- Promote a sense of belonging by organizing class activities that promote teamwork and inclusivity.- Foster a culture of respect, empathy, and acceptance within the classroom.4. Parent/Teacher Communication:- Highlight the importance of regular communication with parents/guardians to keep them informed of their child's progress. - Provide tips for conducting effective parent-teacher conferences and setting up a system for regular updates.- Encourage parents to actively participate in their child's education by attending school events and volunteering.5. Individualized Learning:- Emphasize the importance of recognizing and accommodating different learning styles and abilities.- Provide resources and strategies for differentiated instruction to meet the needs of all students.- Encourage students to take ownership of their learning by setting personal goals and reflecting on their progress.6. Mental Health and Well-being:- Educate students on the importance of mental health and well-being, emphasizing the need for self-care and stress management. - Offer resources and strategies for coping with academic pressure and building resilience.- Encourage students to seek help and support when they are feeling overwhelmed or struggling emotionally.7. Academic and Career Guidance:- Provide information on college/university entrance requirements and scholarship opportunities.- Offer guidance on choosing appropriate courses and extracurricular activities to support students' future goals.- Encourage students to explore different career options and provide resources for career exploration.8. Celebrating Achievements:- Create opportunities to recognize and celebrate students' achievements, both academically and non-academically.- Organize award ceremonies, class trips, or other special events to acknowledge and reward students' efforts.- Foster a culture of appreciation and recognition within the classroom community.Conclusion:This extended handbook provides additional topics that class advisor teachers can cover to further enhance their effectiveness in their role. By addressing topics such as effective communication, time management, building a supportive classroom community, parent/teacher communication, individualized learning, mental health and well-being, academic and career guidance, and celebrating achievements, class advisors can create a well-rounded and nurturing environment for their students. Remember, as a class advisor teacher, you have the power to positively impact the lives of your students and help them thrive academically and personally.。



Hilton Hotel Engineering Department Manual (English Version) IntroductionWelcome to the Hilton Hotel Engineering Department Manual. This manual serves as a comprehensive guide for all engineering staff members working in the hotel. It provides detailed information about the hotel’s systems, procedures, and best practices to ensure efficient operation, maintenance, and safety.Table of Contents1.Department Overviewanizational Structure3.Roles and Responsibilities4.Safety Procedures–Emergency Response–Fire Safety–Chemical Handling–Electrical Safety5.Maintenance and Repair–Equipment Maintenance–Preventive Maintenance–Troubleshooting Guide6.Energy Management7.Engineering Projectsmunication and Collaboration9.Policies and Procedures10.Conclusion1. Department OverviewThe Hilton Hotel Engineering Department is responsible for maintaining and operating all mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems within the hotel premises. This includes HVAC systems, elevators, lighting, fire protection, and water supply.2. Organizational StructureThe Engineering Department is organized hierarchically, with the Director of Engineering at the top followed by the Chief Engineer, Assistant Chief Engineer, and engineering staff. Clear lines of communication and reporting are established to ensure coordination and smooth operation of the department.3. Roles and ResponsibilitiesEach employee in the Engineering Department has specific roles and responsibilities. This section outlines the different positions and provides an overview of their duties, ensuring clarity and accountability within the department.4. Safety ProceduresSafety is of utmost importance in the Engineering Department. This section outlines the safety procedures that all staff members must follow, including emergency response protocols, fire safety measures, guidelines for handling chemicals, and electrical safety guidelines.5. Maintenance and RepairEfficient maintenance and repair of hotel systems are essential for uninterrupted guest service. This section provides detailed guidelines for equipment maintenance, preventive maintenance tasks, and a troubleshooting guide to address common issues that may arise.6. Energy ManagementHilton Hotel is committed to reducing energy consumption and promoting sustainability. In this section, energy management practices and initiatives are discussed to ensure efficient energy use and contribute to the hotel’s environmental goals.7. Engineering ProjectsThe Engineering Department is involved in various projects, including renovations, installations, and upgrades. This section outlines the project management process and provides guidelines for successful project execution, ensuring minimal disruption to hotel operations.8. Communication and CollaborationEffective communication and collaboration are essential for a well-functioning Engineering Department. This section emphasizes the importance of clear communication channels, teamwork, and collaboration with other hotel departments to ensure seamless operation and guest satisfaction.9. Policies and ProceduresThis section provides an overview of the Hilton Hotel policies and procedures that engineering staff members must adhere to. It covers topics such as attendance, dress code, code of conduct, and grievance procedures, ensuring a harmonious work environment.10. ConclusionThe Hilton Hotel Engineering Department Manual serves as a comprehensive reference for all engineering staff members. It outlines the department’s objectives, responsibilities, safety procedures, maintenance guidelines, energy management practices, and project execution strategies, ensuring efficient operation and guest satisfaction. By adhering to this manual, together we can maintain high standards and create a safe and comfortable environment for our guests.。



1. G e n e r a l总则1-1 Purposes 目的1-1.1 In order that employees have something to follow in the factory during working and living to keep our company’s production and living order and make sure ourcompany’s smooth operation, we hereby worked out this employee handbook.为了使员工在工厂的工作和生活有所遵循,维持公司的生产生活秩序并确保公司正常运转,特制定本员工手册。

1-1.2 ‘Without dividers, no circle’. Any healthily developing company couldn’t live without sound and scientific regulations and good staffs. This employeehandbook specifies the working disciplines that employees should obey, basiclimit of working conditions.“没有规矩,不成方圆” 。



1-2 Application Scope适用范围This employee handbook is applied to all employees, including those under probation period.本手册适用于全体员工,包括试用期内的员工。

1-3 The company empowers the right on explaining and modifying this employee handbook and other regulations. Any update is subject to the newest publication inBulletin Board Systems.公司拥有《员工手册》及其它厂规的解释权并保留修改权。


Testing Accountability Facilitator:Marquitta Raynor
School Improvement Grant Literacy Coach:
School Improvement Grant Math Coach:Crystal Jones
School Improvement Grant SIOP Coach:Elizabeth Ashurst
It is the responsibility of allCharlotteMecklenburgSchoolemployees to read and sign the policy and it is the responsibility to the CMS Principals to deny Internet access to staff members who have not read and signed the policy.
New Teacher Handbook
A survival
guide for your
1st year of
teaching at
WestMecklenburgHigh School
Table of Contents
Who’s Who page3-4
School Improvement Grant EC Coach:Debbie Brooks
AVID Coordinator:Tracy Forst
Lead Guidance:Grady Cathey
Instructional Technology Support:Mindra Wise



工科测量QS工作手册(英文版)1. IntroductionThe QS (Quantity Surveying) profession plays a crucial role in the field of engineering and construction. A QS is responsible for accurately assessing and managing the costs and quantities of a construction project. This manual aims to provide an overview of the essential tasks and duties of a QS in the field of engineering measurement.2. Role of a QSA QS is responsible for various tasks throughout the lifecycle of a construction project. Some of the key responsibilities include:•Conducting feasibility studies to determine the viability of a project•Preparing estimates and budgets for construction projects•Analyzing and managing costs throughout the project lifecycle•Ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory requirements•Negotiating and managing contracts with suppliers and contractors•Conducting valuations and assessments of completed works•Providing advice on cost-effective construction methods and materials•Acting as a liaison between the client, architect, and contractors3. Engineering MeasurementOne of the core responsibilities of a QS is conducting accurate measurements of quantities involved in a construction project. This involves the use of various measurement techniques and tools. Some of the most commonly used measurement methods in engineering include:•Measurements using conventional tools such as tape measures and rulers•Leveling and surveying techniques for elevation measurements•Use of electronic distance measuring tools for accurate measurements•3D laser scanning for capturing detailed as-built information•Application of Building Information Modeling (BIM) for precise quantity take-offs4. Quantity Take-offQuantity take-off is a critical task performed by a QS to determine the quantities of materials required for a construction project. This involves the process of measuring and quantifying the various components of a project, such as: •Excavation and earthworks•Concrete and masonry•Structural steel and reinforcement•Plumbing and electrical installations•Finishes and interior fittingsAccurate quantity take-offs form the basis for cost estimation and procurement of materials for the project.5. Cost EstimationCost estimation is another key task performed by a QS. It involves the assessment and determination of the costs involved in a construction project. This includes:•Material costs based on the quantity take-off•Labor costs based on the required workforce and duration of work•Plant and equipment costs for construction activities•Overhead costs for site management and administration•Contingency costs to accommodate unforeseen events or changes Accurate cost estimation is crucial for budget planning and monitoring throughout the project.6. Technology in QSThe role of technology in the QS profession has been rapidly evolving. The use of advanced software tools and applications has significantly improved the efficiency and accuracy of QS tasks. Some of the commonly used technologies in QS include: •Estimating software for accurate quantity take-offs and cost estimation•Project management software for scheduling and resource allocation•BIM software for 3D modeling and quantity take-offs•Mobile applications for on-site measurements and documentation•Cloud-based platforms for collaboration and data sharing Adopting and mastering such technologies is essential for modern QS professionals.7. ConclusionThe QS profession plays a vital role in the successful execution of construction projects. This manual provides an overview of the essential tasks and duties of a QS, including engineering measurement, quantity take-off, and cost estimation. With the rapid advancements in technology, embracing and leveraging tools and software applications is crucial for performing QS tasks efficiently and accurately. By continually improving skills and knowledge, QS professionals can enhance their contributions and add value to construction projects.。



外企常用英文缩写及必用英文单词1、RGDS: Regards2、TKS: Thanks3、ASAP: As soon as posible 越快越好越快越好4、BTW: By the way 顺便说一下顺便说一下5、FW: Foward 提出提出6、COD: Code of conduct COD: Code of conduct 公司行为规范准则公司行为规范准则公司行为规范准则7、OL: Office lady 办公室女职员办公室女职员8、EG: For example9、FYI: For you information 意思是不管你的事,你看一下就好了意思是不管你的事,你看一下就好了 1010、、ETC: Estimated time of complete 预计完成时间预计完成时间1111、、ETS: Estimated time of shipping 预计船期预计船期1212、、NG: No good 分歧格分歧格1313、、FNG: Fucking new guy FNG: Fucking new guy 常指把事情搞得一团糟的新员工常指把事情搞得一团糟的新员工常指把事情搞得一团糟的新员工 14 14、、CC: Carbon copy 抄送抄送在外企必会的英文单词:1、Stand up meeting 非正式的短会,比如说三两非正式的短会,比如说三两个人个人站在过道中间讨论一下事情,老外喜欢这样干;事情,老外喜欢这样干;2、Background 俺到外企上班了,那可是外企!像什么IBM 什么的,用字母当公司名的那可都是大外企,公司名的那可都是大外企,不是什么民企能够相比的!不是什么民企能够相比的!不是什么民企能够相比的!记得找工作的时候,记得找工作的时候,记得找工作的时候,人力人力资源部资源部((俺这叫HR)HR)的领导看着我的的领导看着我的的领导看着我的简历简历说,你的background 不错,俺心里就一阵兴奋,心想这可真到外企了呀!阵兴奋,心想这可真到外企了呀!3、Conference Call 这可是俺们的主要工作方式,有道是大call 三六九,小call 天天有,有事咱就call 一下,一下,call call 完该干吗咱还干吗呀!完该干吗咱还干吗呀!4、Aggressive 这是俺们领导表扬和批评人用的:“小×,你最近可是很不aggressive 啊!”于是,俺是天天很aggressive 地上班,很aggressive 地放工。



DCRC简介*什么是DCRC?DCRC是英文Dealer’s Customer Relationship Centre的缩写,它的全称译为“经销商客户关系中心”。



来自资料搜索网(.3722.) 海量资料下载DCRC是保持良好的顾客关系以及赢得潜在顾客的有效策略;帮助经销商提供高质量的销售和维修服务,因而产生回头客,顾客忠诚度和良好的顾客口碑。




外企全套员工手册、工作规范、规章制度、福利明细(全部按照国家规定劳动法制定、中英文对照Staff Handbook

外企全套员工手册、工作规范、规章制度、福利明细(全部按照国家规定劳动法制定、中英文对照Staff Handbook







我非常期待与你们每一位一起工作,并在这里祝愿大家在中华英才网工作愉快,事业有成!李凯润中华英才网首席执行官Welcome to China HR, we are genuinely delighted you have joined our organization and we hope that your experience with us will result in a long and successful career.The purpose of this handbook is to provide you with an overview of our business and a useful guide for all our employees. We will also provide you with online access to our HR policies, procedures and processes so you have a full understanding of our expectations as a China HR employee.Should you have any questions please contact your direct Supervisor, Manager or the HR Department for further clarification.From time to time, it may be necessary to revise and alter the contents of this handbook in line with legal requirements or company practices. These changes will be notified to you.I wish you well during your employment with us and look forward to working with you.Best Regards,Ciaran LallyCiaran Lally, China HR CEO1.1适用范围1.1 Application Range适用范围/人员 Scope/Persons Affected中华英才网内部全部公司:All Offices and Branches of ChinaHR•北京益佳信企业管理顾问有限公司Beijing E-Channel Enterprise Management Consultancy Co. Ltd.•英才网络技术(苏州)有限公司ECareer (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.•英才网络技术(上海)有限公司E-Career Co., Ltd.•上海华英网络技术有限公司Shanghai Huaying Co., Ltd.•英才华网网络技术(北京)有限公司及其分公司ECareer (Beijing) Ltd. and its branches•科兰德管理咨询(北京)有限公司Keyland Management Consulting (Beijing) Limited•网才天下科技(北京)有限公司及其分公司Wangcai Tainxia Technology (Beijing) Limited and its branches •尊智科技(北京)有限公司Zhunzhi Technology (Beijing) Limited•其它已经设立完成或正在设立中的公司(具体见附件[1]列表清单)。



SAFETY HANDBOOK员工安全手册Content1.Safety policy2.Safety philosophies3.Applicable safety rules4.Safety instructions•Personal protective equipment•Welding and cutting•Gas bottles•Machines, mechanical equipment•Maintenance, machines, premises•Lifting operations – manual, with crane•Electricity•Compressed air•Handling chemicals•Tools-hand tools, portable power tools or ones operated by compressed air •Wor at heights•Ladders – portable, fixed•Accidents involving slipping and falling•Fire•Transport5.Terms and definition6.Reporting of accident/near miss7.Safety signs and explanation8.Proposal of safety recognition and reward systems1. Safety Policy无锡海德鲁铝业管理层相信事故预防和有效生产是同等重要的。








酒店预订部英文工作手册Hotel Reservation Department English Operations Manual1. IntroductionThe Hotel Reservation Department English Operations Manual serves as a comprehensive guide for the employees of the department to ensure efficient and effective operations. This manual outlines the key procedures, protocols, and best practices for handling hotel reservations in English.2. Reservation Process2.1. Receiving Reservations- Provide a warm and professional greeting to guests in English.- Collect necessary guest information such as name, contact details, and preferences.- Verify availability of rooms and provide suitable options to guests.- Confirm the reservation details and inform guests about the reservation policy.2.2. Recording Reservations- Use the hotel's reservation system to record all reservation information accurately.- Include the guest's name, contact details, arrival and departure dates, room type, and any special requests.- Ensure that reservation details are properly communicated to other relevant departments.2.3. Modifying or Cancelling Reservations- Handle modification or cancellation requests promptly and professionally.- Verify the guest's identity and reservation details before making any changes.- Follow the hotel's policy for modification or cancellation fees, if applicable.- Update the reservation system with any changes made.3. Communication3.1. Phone Etiquette- Answer calls promptly and courteously, identifying the hotel and the Reservation Department.- Speak clearly and use a friendly tone while communicating with guests.- Listen actively, understanding and addressing guest inquiries or concerns.- Provide accurate information about room availability, rates, and hotel facilities.3.2. Email Correspondence- Respond to reservation inquiries via email within a reasonable timeframe.- Use professional language and proper grammar in all email communications.- Address guest queries or concerns with clarity and empathy.- Attach relevant documents or information as required.4. Upselling and Cross-selling- Identify opportunities to upsell or cross-sell hotel services, such as room upgrades, dining options, or spa treatments.- Provide detailed information about the benefits and features of additional services.- Personalize recommendations based on guest preferences and needs.- Follow the hotel's guidelines for upselling and cross-selling.5. Guest Relations5.1. Guest Complaints- Handle guest complaints professionally and promptly.- Listen attentively to the guest's concerns and empathize with their situation.- Apologize sincerely for any inconvenience caused and offer appropriate solutions.- Document the complaint and inform the relevant departments for necessary actions.5.2. Guest Requests- Respond to guest requests promptly and efficiently.- Anticipate guest needs and provide personalized service.- Coordinate with other departments to fulfill guest requests.- Follow up with guests to ensure satisfaction and address any additional needs.6. Confidentiality and Data Protection- Maintain strict confidentiality regarding guest information and reservations.- Comply with data protection regulations and the hotel's privacy policy.- Safeguard guest data from unauthorized access or disclosure.- Report any data breaches or security concerns to the appropriate authorities.7. Training and Development- Participate in regular training sessions to enhance English language skills and reservation knowledge.- Stay updated with the latest industry trends and technologies.- Seek feedback from supervisors and implement suggested improvements.- Share best practices and knowledge with team members.8. ConclusionThe Hotel Reservation Department English Operations Manual provides a comprehensive guide for employees to deliver exceptional service in English. By following the outlined procedures and best practices, the department can ensure smooth operations, guest satisfaction, and contribute to the overall success of the hotel.。



WEST MECKLENBURG HIGH SCHOOLNew Teacher HandbookA survivalguide for your1st year ofteaching atby Lisa Rodriguez, Ph.D.Elements of classroom management vary. Inresearching this topic, it is clear that a commonunderstanding for the term management mightbe useful. For this purpose, management refersto issues of supervision, refereeing, facilitating,and even academic discipline. Not all studentbehaviors require intervention or confrontationwhile some are serious enough in nature to warrant formal disciplinary action. Rest assured that while there are current studies in higher education literature that suggest a growing trend of rudeness and even overt animosity towards faculty by students, the vast majority of classroom experiences are not dramatic.Since many teachers teach for years without encountering some of the management instances we discuss here, our intent is to move beyond identification of classroom problems to suggest preventative strategies and practical solutions. For some faculty, teaching comes quite naturally and the notion of management in the classroom is irrelevant. But situations within the classroom do occasionally occur that lead us to seek out advice in order to maintain the learning environment for students not to mention our personal sanity.Typical classroom management topics are listed in faculty handbooks to reflect pragmatic concerns such as policies on classroom breaks, disruptive and dangerous students, emergency procedures including weapons and drugs in the classroom, location of phones, etc. Keeping essential records is a component of this topic and is addressed in the previous Read section.A rule of thumb for faculty is to keep current on policies regarding student and faculty interactions as well as the role of your teaching assistants, if you have one. Know your CMS and state policy on student conduct.Issues / Solution Suggestions Table。



迪士尼乐园工作手册英文Disneyland Employee Handbook。


Welcome to the Disneyland family! As a Disneyland employee, you are part of a team that strives to provide guests with the highest level of customer service and entertainment. This handbook is designed to provide you with the information you need to succeed in your role and contribute to the magic of Disneyland.Employee Expectations。

As a Disneyland employee, you are expected to adhere to the following standards:1. Appearance: Employees are required to maintain a clean, neat, and professional appearance at all times. This includes wearing the designated uniform and name tag, aswell as adhering to grooming standards.2. Customer Service: Disneyland employees are expected to provide exceptional customer service to all guests. This includes being friendly, helpful, and knowledgeable about the park and its attractions.3. Safety: Safety is a top priority at Disneyland. Employees are expected to follow all safety procedures and guidelines, and to report any safety concerns to their supervisor immediately.4. Attendance and Punctuality: Employees are expected to arrive on time for their scheduled shifts and to maintain good attendance. If an employee is unable to work their scheduled shift, they must notify their supervisor as soon as possible.5. Confidentiality: Disneyland employees are expected to maintain the confidentiality of all company and guest information.Employee Benefits。



外企常用英语及其缩写FYI abbr. For Your Information 供参考Background 背景Conference Call 电话会议Hey Team! Well that sure was a quick conference call tonight!Aggressive 积极这是俺们领导表扬和批评人用的:“小X,你最近可是很不aggressive 啊!”Add sb. to loop这就是说要把谁给绕到圈子里去,有的事知道的人少,这就很不好,应该让多些人知道,于是就把他绕到圈子里去。


需要谁来搀和一下了,就把谁给involve 进来。



比如,“小X,把这个邮件“塞塞”XX领导!”“领导,这个邮件已经塞给你了!”Push做工作嘛,困难大了就要推呀,反正这工作来了,俺就得推这个,推那个,一个推一个,往往跟俺家驴推磨似的,推了一圈,还得自己推啊,后来搞明白,咱的推的功夫没有人家高啊!Stake holder头一次听老美那边讲engineering release methodology的时候,知道的这个词。


San Jose搞计算机的不能不知道硅谷吧,硅谷就在San Jose这个城市,雅虎老板杨致远也出生在这里。


ASAP老美常喜欢用的缩写,as soon as possiblePresentation个人或者部门做演讲的时候喜欢用这个词MockupUI部门做在产品开始code之前,在PRD出来之后做出来的模型Deliver工程部门发布产品给市场部门,需要经过QA部门检测。

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It’s wet in summer.
summer n.夏天
wet a.潮湿的、多雨的
It’s raining heavily outside.
The weather report is inaccurate.
outside ad.在外面
inaccurate a.不准确的
It’s very hot today, do you know the temperature?
The weather report says that it will rain tomorrow.
temperature n.温度
rain vt.下雨
What a terrible day!
overcast a.天阴的,多云的
terrible a.糟糕的,极差的
It looks like going to be a sunny day.
It’s much better than yesterday.
I’mafraidI have to leave now.
recognize vt.认出
leave vt.离开
I met my old classmate yesterday.
She still looks young.
yesterday n.昨天
Englishmen always complain about the badweather.
Thecelebrations will be postponed due to the bad weather.
complain vi.抱怨
No bad,thanks.
day n.一天,日
thank vt.感谢
Is Wang your first name?
No, it’s my family name,。We usually put our surname first.
sunny a.阳光充足的
better a.更好的
young a.年轻的
Did you do well in your exam?
What’s going on with your paper?
exam n.考试
paper n.学习
Welcome to our company.
This is my colleague Zhang Wei.
The weatherman said that a thunderstorm is coming these days.
The fog will clear this afternoon.
thunderstorm n.暴风雨
fog n.雾
It has been overcast these days.
I’d like to introduce our team members.
allow vt.允许
George didn’t expect that I could recognize him.
.Good morning,I haven't seen you in ages.
How long haven't we met?
morning n,早晨
long a.长(时间)
Do you have any plans for the New Year?
tomorrow n.明天
weather forecast天气预报
How do you like the weather today?
It will get warmer tomorrow.
weather n.天气
warm a.暖和
celebration n.庆祝活动,庆典
It’s cold and dry.
It’s chilly in the evening.
dry a.干燥的
chilly a.冷飕飕的
How’s the weather here in summer?
What's going on with your work?
go on with继续,进展
work n.工作
How are your kid?
How are your parents?
kid n.孩子
parent n.父母
How have things been these days?
How are you doing?
seevtHale Waihona Puke 遇见,碰到timen.时间
Do you have any plans for the New Year?
Sounds a good idea! It's time to make our plans.
Happy New Year!
Wish you make even greater success in the coming year.
Haven`t seen you for a long time。
Nice to meet you.
introduce vt.介绍
meet vt.认识
Have we metsomewherebefore?
Sorry, I don’t think so.
somewhere ad.在某处
think vt.认为,以为
I never thought I would see you here.
What a pleasant surprise to meet you here.
never ad.从未
surprise n.惊喜
Please allow me to introduce Mr. Zhang, manager of our company.
name n.名字
surname n.姓
I want you to meet my friend.
It’s my pleasure.
pleasure n.愉快,高兴
Let me introduce myself. My name is Lucy.
how ad.怎样
great [口]a.极好的
Good morning,I haven't seen you in ages.
How long haven't we met?
morning n,早晨
long a.长(时间)
What's going on?
company n.公司
colleague n.同事
What’s your job?.
I’m an editor.
job n.工作,职业
editor n.编辑
How will theweatherbetomorrow?
What does the weather forecast say?
Sounds a good idea! It's time to make our plans.
How are you doing?
I'm doing great.