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Follow-up Activity Report


1. Objectives目的

The objective of this follow-up activity is to follow the IATF16949 de-certification process as per rules 5th edition, see section 8.

本次跟踪活动的目的是为了符合IATF16949 审核规则第5版第8条中规定的认证退出流程。

Client responsibility客户职责

SGS shall require the client to submit, within a maximum of sixty (60) calendar days from the closing meeting of the site audit, evidence of the following;

SGS 应要求客户现场审核末次会议后最迟60个日历天内提交以下证据

a) Implemented correction, 已实施的纠正

b) Root cause, including methodology used, analysis, and results

根本原因分析, 包括使用的方法,分析和结果

c) Implemented systemic corrective actions to eliminate each nonconformity, including consideration

of the impact to other similar processes and products


d) Verification of effectiveness of implemented corrective actions


For Major nonconformities 对于严重不符合项

The certified client shall determine root cause & implement corrections (containment) & submit to the auditor within 15 calendar days from the end of the site audit.


Any Major non-conformity will result in the client certificate being placed in suspension. As per rules 5th edition see 8.3. Certificate suspension is a temporary status not exceeding 110 calendar days which results in either the reinstatement or withdrawal of the certificate. During suspension, the IATF16949 certificate remains valid and is still recognized by the IATF.

根据规则第5版8.3 ,任何严重不符合项将会导致客户证书暂停。证书暂停是一个临时状态不超过 110 日历日,会导致证书的恢复或撤回。在暂停期间, IATF16949 证书有效仍然被IATF认可。

Certification body responsibility 认证机构职责

Audit team member shall review the evidence & make a decision regarding acceptability within a maximum of ninety (90) calendar days from the closing meeting.


If acceptable, the non-conformitie(s) shall be closed.


If found not acceptable, the audit team member shall resolve the outstanding issues with the client within ninety (90) calendar days from the closing meeting.


In exceptional case(s) when nonconformity is open but 100% resolved with justification, action plan completion dates & agree follow-up audit date on site prior to the planned next visit by SGS Auditor.

特殊情况为当不符合项在有理由的开放但100% 解决时,行动计划完成日期以及达成一致的下一次审核前由SGSs审核员实施的现场验证审核日期。

If resolution cannot be completed, the final audit result shall be considered failed & the certificate

shall be immediately withdrawn. The client shall start over with an initial certification audit (stage 1 + stage 2).


For minor non-conformities reviewed off-site, the corrective actions shall be verified at the next planned audit with additional time added to the Audit Plan to confirm effectiveness of the action implemented. If corrective action found NOT to be effectively implemented a new major Non-Conformity shall be issued against the clients corrective action process and the previous Non-Conformity reissued as a major


Onsite verification现场验证

A major nonconformity shall require onsite verification of the corrective action plan & shall be

completed within a maximum of ninety (90) calendar days from the closing meeting.


2. Conclusions 结论

The organization has addressed the identified nonconformities

