



产品的结构与特点◆NDIR 红外测量原理◆单光源、双光束◆数字信号处理◆温度自动补偿◆4-20mA/0.4-2V 、UART 、Modbus多种信号输出可选◆进口元器件,性能稳定,波动小◆长寿命,可自动零点校准◆多点标定,量程范围内线性良好◆可按用户要求订制气体种类、量程及精度等级圣凯安科技研发、生产的NE-101系列高精度红外气体传感器是一款采用NDIR红外吸收检测原理的气体传感器模组。

该传感器采用国外进口光源、特殊结构的光学腔体和双通道探测器,实现空间双光路参比补偿,微处理器进行信号采集、处理和输出,线性误差优于满量程的±1%、零点漂移小,具有很好的选择性,高灵敏度,无氧气依赖性,寿命长,低功耗;内置温度传感器,可进行温度补偿;同时具有4-20mA /0.4-2V、UART、Modbus (用户可选)输出;报警点可设置,能够简单、快速地与现有的监测和控制系统相连接,方便客户各种应用NDIR 红外气体检测模块NE-101NE Sensor检测气体SF6CO2CH4HC检测量程(其他量程请咨询技术人员)0-1000ppm0-2000ppm0-5000ppm0-5000ppm 0-1500ppm0-5000ppm0-1%VOL0-1%VOL 0-2000ppm0-1%VOL0-100LEL0-100LEL 0-3000ppm0-5%VOL0-10%VOL0-10%VOL分辨率1ppm;0.1%LEL(根据检测范围)进气方式管道式扩散式气体接口3mm(inner);5mm(outer)/气体流量0.2…0.5L/min(稳定)气室尺寸(L)76x(W)51x(H)22mm预热时间<2min;<30min(达到技术标准)运行电压9-36VDC输出波动0.5%FS输出信号4-20mA/0.4-2V、UART、Modbus(RTU、ASCLL、自定义)使用温度‐10℃—50℃温度对零点影响0.1%FS per℃存储温度‐20℃…60℃环境压力800hPa—1200hPa环境湿度0%…95%(rel.)响应时间<30s(@0.3l/min)<60s(@0.3l/min)检测下限2%FS重复性1%FS线性误差2%FS温度对满量程点影响0.2%FS per℃零点漂移1%FS/24h应用市场气体分析行业、工业过程控制、环境检测和发电厂、变电站进行气体浓度和气体泄漏检测报警安装说明该传感器安装定位孔间距64mm,孔径3mm接线插座间距2.54mm维修保养应注意的事项传感器应定期校准,建议不大于6个月,若开启自动校准长期运行则不需要校准;不要在粉尘密度大的环境长期使用传感器;请在传感器供电范围内使用传感器。

MQ4 甲烷、天然气气体传感器

MQ4 甲烷、天然气气体传感器

* 简单的驱动电路
备注 AC or DC AC or DC 室温 备注 最小值大于2%
备注 适用范围: 300-10000ppm 甲烷,天然气。
MQ-4 气敏元件的结构和外形如图 1 所示(结构 A 或 B), 由微型 AL2O3 陶瓷管、SnO2 敏感层,测量电极和ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ加热器构成的敏感元件固定在塑料或不锈钢制成的腔体内,加热器为气敏元件提供了必要的工作条件。封
图 4 MQ-4 型元件温湿度特性
灵敏度调整: MQ-4型气敏元件对不同种类,不同浓度的气体有不同的电阻值。 因此,在使用此类型气敏元件时,
灵敏度的调整是很重要的。 我们建议您用5000ppm甲烷校准传感器。 当精确测量时,报警点的设定应考虑温湿度的影响。
TEL:0371-60932955 60932966 60932977
Email:w insensor@

MQ-4 气体传感器
* 对甲烷,天然气有很高的灵敏度
* 对乙醇,烟雾的灵敏度很低
* 快速的响应恢复特性. * 长期的使用寿命和可靠的稳定性
A. 标准工作条件
TEL:0371-60932955 60932966 60932977
Email:w insensor@








二、产品特性:1、采用各种进口传感器,寿命至少2年2、采用高速、高精度处理电路对传感器信号进行处理,响应速度快、测量精度高,稳定性和重复性好3、仪器自带背光大屏幕显示,直观显示气体浓度、类型、单位等各种参数4、气室独立设计,结合空气动力学,更能快速、准确检测目标气体5、全量程范围温度数字自动跟踪补偿,保证测量准确性6、软件校准加按键设置,操作简单人性化7、具备数据恢复功能,无须担心误操作8、RS485、三线制4-20mA输出,继电器输出和声光报警可选9、可为客户配套WLO Sin气体采集软件,软件具有数据存储、查询、导出功能。

三、技术参数:检测原理:电化学检测对象:CH4甲烷检测量程:0-100%LEL分辨率:0.1%LEL检测精度:±3%重复精度:±1%响应时间:30S接线方式:M20*1.5内螺纹接线线材:RVVP3*0.75mm2安装方式:壁挂式、管道式、泵吸式壳体材料:铝合金隔爆外壳外形尺寸:125*106*153mm防爆等级:ExdII CT6防护等级:IP65整机重量:1.8Kg工作温度:-20~50℃(特殊要求根据需要定制)工作湿度:10~95%RH非凝露工作电源:24VDC(12-30VDC)工作电流:33mA@24V输出方式:RS485、三线制4-20mA(可根据客户需求定制GPRS、R2S、WI2SI等无线网络传输方式)报警方式:一组继电器输出(2A@30V)、声光报警(可选)声光报警电流:120mA,80db@1m计量认证:第三方计量认证执行标准:GB15322.1-2003,GB3836.1-2010GB3836.2-2010,GB3836.4-2010四、应用场所石油石化、化工厂、冶炼厂、钢铁厂、煤炭厂、热电厂、医药科研、制药生产车间、烟草公司、环境监测、学校科研、楼宇建设、消防报警、污水处理、工业气体过程控制、锅炉房、垃圾处理厂、隧道施工、输油管道、加气站、地下燃气管道检修、室内空气质量检测、危险场所安全防护等。





























图 7:长期稳定性曲线 图中所有测试都是在标准试验条件下完成的,横坐标为观察时间,纵坐标为 VRL 值。
注意事项 1 必须避免的情况 1.1 暴露于可挥发性硅化合物蒸气中
传感器要避免暴露于硅粘接剂、发胶、硅橡胶、腻子或其它存在可挥发性硅化合物的场所。如 果传感器的表面吸附了硅化合物蒸气,传感器的敏感材料会被硅化合物分解形成的二氧化硅包裹, 抑制传感器的敏感性,并且不可恢复。 1.2 高腐蚀性的环境
传感器暴露在高浓度的腐蚀性气体(如 H2S,SOX,Cl2,HCl 等)中,不仅会引起加热材料及传 感器引线的腐蚀或破坏,并会引起敏感材料性能发生不可逆的劣变。 1.3 碱、碱金属盐、卤素的污染
郑州炜盛电子科技有限公司 地址: 郑州市高新技术开发区金梭路 299 号 电话:0371-60932955/60932966/60932977 传真:0371-60932988 微信号:winsensor E-mail:sales@
助焊剂:含氯最少的松香助焊剂 恒温烙铁 温度: 250℃ 时间:不大于 3 秒 2.7.2 使用波峰焊时应满足以下条件: 助焊剂:含氯最少的松香助焊剂 速度:(1-2)米/分钟 预热温度:(100±20)℃ 焊接温度:(250±10)℃ 1 次通过波峰焊机
MQ-4 气体传感器对甲烷灵敏度高,对酒精及其 他一些干扰性气体有较强的抗干扰能力。 传感器特点
本品在较宽的浓度范围内对甲烷有良好的灵敏度,具有长寿命、低成本、驱动电路简单等优点。 主要应用



CH4甲烷传感器CH4甲烷传感器特点:★是款内置微型气体泵的安全便携装置★整机体积小,重量轻,防水,防爆,防震设计.★高精度,高分辨率,响应迅速快.★采用大容量可充电锂电池,可长时间连续工作.★数字LCD背光显示,声光、振动报警功能.★上、下限报警值可任意设定,自带零点和目标点校准功能,内置温度补偿,维护方便.★宽量程,最大数值可显示到50000ppm、100.00%Vol、100%LEL.★数据恢复功能,免去误操作引起的后顾之忧.★显示值放大倍数可以设置,重启恢复正常.★外壳采用特殊材质及工艺,不易磨损,易清洁,长时间使用光亮如新.CH4甲烷传感器产品特性:★是款内置微型气体泵的高精度的手式安全便携装备;★进口电化学传感器具有良好的抗干扰性能,使用寿命长达3年;★采用先进微处理器技术,响应速度快,测量精度高,稳定性和重复性好;★检测现场具有现场声光报警功能,气体浓度超标即时报警,是危险现场作业的安全保障;★现场带背光大屏幕LCD显示,直观显示气体浓度/类型/单位/工作状态等;★全量程范围温度数字自动跟踪补偿,保证测量准确性;★半导体纳米工艺超低功耗32位微处量器;★全软件自动校准,传感器多达6级目标点校准功能,保证测量的准确性和线性,并且具有数据恢复功能;★全中文/英文操作菜单,简单实用,带温度补偿功能;★防高浓度气体冲击的自动保护功能;CH4甲烷传感器技术参数:检测气体:空气中的CH4甲烷气体检测范围:0-100ppm、500ppm、1000ppm、5000ppm、0-100%LEL分辨率:0.1ppm、0.1%LEL显示方式:液晶显示温湿度:选配件,温度检测范围:-40~120℃,湿度检测范围:0-100%RH检测方式:扩散式、流通式、泵吸式可选安装方式:壁挂式、管道式检测精度:≤±3%线性误差:≤±1%响应时间:≤20秒(T90)零点漂移:≤±1%(F.S/年)恢复时间:≤20秒重复性:≤±1%信号输出:①4-20mA信号:标准的16位精度4-20mA输出芯片,传输距离1Km②RS485信号:采用标准MODBUS RTU协议,传输距离2Km③电压信号:0-5V、0-10V输出,可自行设置④脉冲信号:又称频率信号,频率范围可调(选配)⑤开关量信号:标配2组继电器,可选第三组继电器,继电器无源触点,容量220VAC3A/24VDC3A传输方式:①电缆传输:3芯、4芯电缆线,远距离传输(1-2公里)②GPRS传输:可内置GPRS模块,实时远程传输数据,不受距离限制(选配)接收设备:用户电脑、控制报警器、PLC、DCS、等报警方式:现场声光报警、外置报警器、远程控制器报警、电脑数据采集软件报警等报警设置:标准配置两级报警,可选三级报警;可设置报警方式:常规高低报警、区间控制报警电器接口:3/4″NPT内螺纹、1/2″NPT内螺纹,同时支持2种电器连接方式防爆标志:ExdII CT6(隔爆型)壳体材料:压铸铝+喷砂氧化/氟碳漆,防爆防腐蚀防护等级:IP66工作温度:-30~60℃工作电源:24VDC(12~30VDC)工作湿度:≤95%RH,无冷凝尺寸重量:183×143×107mm(L×W×H)1.5Kg(仪器净重)工作压力:0~100Kpa标准配件:说明书、合格证质保期:一年CH4甲烷传感器简单介绍:CH4甲烷传感器报警器高精度、高分辨率,响应快速,超大容量锂电充电电池,采样距离远,LCD背光显示,声光报警功能,上、下限报警值可任意设定,可进行零点和任意目标点校准,操作简单,具有误操作数据恢复功能.CH4甲烷传感器应用场所:医药科研、学校科研、制药生产车间、烟草公司、环境检测、楼宇建设、消防报警、污水处理、石油石化、化工厂、冶炼厂、钢铁厂、煤炭厂、热电厂、锅炉房、加气站、垃圾处理厂、隧道施工、输油管道、航空航天、工业气体过程控制、室内空气质量检测、地下燃气管道检修、危险场所安全防护、军用设备检测等。



甲烷CH43气体检测传感器模组甲烷CH43气体检测传感器模组适用于各种环境和特殊环境中的甲烷CH43气体浓度和泄露,在线检测及现场声光报警,对危险现场的作业安全起到了预警作用,此仪器采用进口的电化学传感器和微控制器技术,具有信号稳定,精度高,重复性好等优点,防爆接线方式适用于各种危险场所,并兼容各种控制器,PLC,DCS 等控制系统,可以同时实现现场报警和远程监控,报警功能,4-20mA标准信号输出,继电器开关量输出。











防爆等级:Exd II CT6连接电缆:三芯电缆(单根线径≧1.5mm);建议选用屏蔽电缆。

连接距离:≦1000m.防护等级:IP65.外形尺寸:183X143X107mm.重量:1.5Kg.检测气体:空气中的甲烷CH43检测范围:0-100ppm、500ppm、1000ppm、5000ppm、0-100%LEL分辨率:0.1ppm、0.1%LEL显示方式:液晶显示温湿度:选配件,温度检测范围:-40~120℃,湿度检测范围:0-100%RH检测方式:扩散式、流通式、泵吸式可选安装方式:壁挂式、管道式检测精度:≤±3%线性误差:≤±1%响应时间:≤20秒(T90)零点漂移:≤±1%(F.S/年)恢复时间:≤20秒重复性:≤±1%信号输出:①4-20mA信号:标准的16位精度4-20mA输出芯片,传输距离1Km②RS485信号:采用标准MODBUS RTU协议,传输距离2Km③电压信号:0-5V、0-10V输出,可自行设置④脉冲信号:又称频率信号,频率范围可调(选配)⑤开关量信号:标配2组继电器,可选第三组继电器,继电器无源触点,容量220VAC3A/24VDC3A传输方式:①电缆传输:3芯、4芯电缆线,远距离传输(1-2公里)②GPRS传输:可内置GPRS模块,实时远程传输数据,不受距离限制(选配)接收设备:用户电脑、控制报警器、PLC、DCS、等报警方式:现场声光报警、外置报警器、远程控制器报警、电脑数据采集软件报警等报警设置:标准配置两级报警,可选三级报警;可设置报警方式:常规高低报警、区间控制报警电器接口:3/4″NPT内螺纹、1/2″NPT内螺纹,同时支持2种电器连接方式防爆标志:ExdII CT6(隔爆型)壳体材料:压铸铝+喷砂氧化/氟碳漆,防爆防腐蚀防护等级:IP66工作温度:-30~60℃工作电源:24VDC(12~30VDC)工作湿度:≤95%RH,无冷凝尺寸重量:183×143×107mm(L×W×H)1.5Kg(仪工作压力:0~100Kpa器净重)标准配件:说明书、合格证质保期:一年甲烷CH43气体检测传感器模组的简单介绍:甲烷CH43报警器●自动温度补偿,零点,满量程漂移补偿●防高浓度气体冲击的自动保护功能●全软件校准功能,用户也可自行校准,用3个按键实现,操作简单●二线制4-20mA输出甲烷CH43气体检测传感器模组的应用场所医药科研、制药生产车间、烟草公司、环境监测、学校科研、楼宇建设、消防报警、污水处理、工业气体过程控制石油石化、化工厂、冶炼厂、钢铁厂、煤炭厂、热电厂、、锅炉房、垃圾处理厂、隧道施工、输油管道、加气站、地下燃气管道检修、室内空气质量检测、危险场所安全防护、航空航天、军用设备监测等。







(注意:甲烷CH4传感器(SK-600-CH4)在不同的应用环境或行业有不同的别名,如甲烷CH4检测仪甲烷CH4变送器甲烷CH4探测器甲烷CH4探头便携式甲烷CH4探头甲烷CH4检测装置)特点■智能化EC传感器,采用本质安全技术,可支持多气体、多量程检测,并可根据用户需求提供定制化产品,无需工具可实现传感器互换、离线标定和零点自校准■智能的温度和零点补偿算法,使仪器具有更加优良的性能具有很好的选择性,避免了其他气体对被检测气体的干扰■多种信号输出,既可方便接入PLC/DCS等工控系统,也可以作为单机控制使用■超大点阵LCD液晶显示,支持中英文界面■免开盖,红外遥控器操作,单人可维护■本地报警指示,一体化声光报警器(选配)■仪器具有超量程、反极性保护,能避免人为操作不当引起的危险■丰富的电气接口,可供用户选择■通过ATCH4、UL、CSA等认证,具有国际化高端品质(同时对于不同行业的针对性应用有:甲烷CH4报警装置高精度甲烷CH4浓度分析仪甲烷CH4检测模块甲烷CH4传感器RS485信号输出甲烷CH4报警器4-20mA信号输出甲烷CH4报警器固定式带液晶显示型甲烷CH4检测仪带显示带声光报警器固定式甲烷CH4检测仪等产品模式)东日瀛能科技甲烷CH4探头厂家甲烷CH4探头价格详情可咨询东日瀛能SK-600-CH4技术参数:■产品名称:甲烷CH4报警器SK-600-CH4■检测气体:甲烷CH4■检测原理:电化学原理、催化燃烧原理■检测范围:0-10ppm、0-20ppm、0-50ppm、0-200ppm、0-5000pp等任意可选■分辨率:0.1ppm、0.1ppm、0.2ppm、1ppm、25ppm等可选■检测方式:扩散式、泵吸式可选■显示方式:液晶显示■输出信号:用户可根据实际要求而定,最远可传输2000米(单芯1mm²屏蔽电缆)①两线制4-20mA电流信号输出(三线制可选)②RS-485数字信号输出,配合RS232转接卡可在电脑上存储数据(选配)③2组继电器输出:无源触电容量220VAC3A,24VDC3A(选配)④报警信号输出:现场声光报警,报警声音:<90分贝(选配)■检测精度:≤±2%(F.S)■重复性:≤±1%■零点漂移:≤±1%(F.S/年)■报警方式:声、光报警■响应时间:小于20S■恢复时间:小于20S■防爆类型:本质安全型■防爆标志:CH4d II C T6Gb■防护等级:IP65■直接读数:PPM、%LEL、%VOL任意设定■传感器寿命:24个月■使用环境:温度-20℃~+70℃;相对湿度≤95%RH(非凝露)■工作电源:24VDC(正常工作电压范围:10~30VDC)■外型尺寸(含探枪长度):170×140×80mm■重量:1.5Kg■壳体材料:不锈钢/铝合金■标准附件:说明书、合格证、发货清单、保修卡、包装箱、220V转24V电源(选配)、RS485转RS232(接电脑用为可选)设计标准GB50493-2009《石油化工企业可燃气体和有毒气体检测报警设计规范》GB12358-2006《作业场所环境气体检测报警仪通用技术要求》执行标准GB3836.1-2010《爆炸性气体环境用电气设备第一部分:通用要求》GB3836.2-2010《爆炸性气体环境用电气设备第二部分:隔爆型“d”》Q/SK01-2013《深圳市东日瀛能科技有限公司企业执行标准》【东日瀛能科技始终走在行业前端,是深圳最早从事气体检测仪生产的厂家之一;中国气体检测仪著名品牌;国家防爆合格证取得单位;产品多样(气体传感器,气体传感器模块,红外气体传感器,气体报警器,便携式气体检测仪等)技术精湛、售后完善】东日瀛能科技将甲烷CH4传感器将安全送往云南省、福建省、台湾省、海南省、山西省、四川省、陕西省、贵州省、安徽省、重庆、北京、上海、天津、广西、内蒙古、西藏、新疆、宁夏等每一处需要的地方应用场所石油石化、化工厂、冶炼厂、钢铁厂、煤炭厂、热电厂、医药科研、制药生产车间、烟草公司、环境监测、学校科研、楼宇建设、消防报警、污水处理、工业气体过程控制、锅炉房、垃圾处理厂、隧道施工、输油管道、加气站、地下燃气管道检修、室内空气质量检测、危险场所安全防护、航空航天、军用设备监测等。


Application Scene
传感器入厂品质检验 故障传感器检测 仪表研发阶段的对比测试和验证 仪表选型或安装选点的现场气体测试 用于室内或特定环境的气体检测
Easy Board气体检测模块
Easy Board detection module
小体积,直插式排针连接方式 适配ES1 / ES4 / EC4系列电化学气体传感器 标准电压输出,2.4~5V供电 尺寸:22x18x12mm
Networked multi station system
Software Interface
Product selection form
ES1- Easy Gas Sensors
1 All Gas/VOC 2 All Gas/VOC 3 All Gas/VOC 4 CO 5 CO 6 CO 7 H2 8 H2 9 H2S 10 H2S 11 H2S 12 NO2 13 NO2 14 NO2 15 HCN 16 O2 (Bias voltage) 17 HCHO 18 SO2
System composition
配气系统: 干湿配气系统基础单元/控制系统/干燥零气系统/标气流量控制系统 测试系统: 传感器/仪器测试工装、传感器/仪器信号采集系统/温湿度环境模拟系统 软件系统: 电脑/工控机/上位机软件
System Characteristics
模块化的系统设计,每个模块可以独立购买使用 一套系统可以同时控制10个工作站 同时可以混合5种目标气体 可以同时进行两路气体的测试 独特、科学的气路系统设计 让批量测试的传感器/仪器同一时间接触气体 批处理程序可以快速、批量化检测 批处理程序运行复杂的检测条件,比如用于欧洲标准的测试 可以生成检测或测试报告 原始测试数据可以自动存储到服务器 打印用户定制的商标 满足实验室设备的法规要求 系统实现自动控制温湿度实验箱 可以随时随地通过网络进行远程启动试验,或检查试验过程或结果

工业科学 维斯特 m x4 多气体监测器 产品手册说明书

工业科学 维斯特 m x4 多气体监测器 产品手册说明书

1Multi-gas Monitor产品手册设 置操 作 维 护部件号:版本复合式气体检测报警器珠海司福斯特科技有限w w w .sa f e d t e c h .c o m气体/火焰检测专家!Ventis ™ MX4 产品手册目录版权声明 (3)警告及注意事项 (3)常规 ......................................................................................................................................................................... 3 人员 ........................................................................................................................................................................ 3 危险情况、毒物和污染物 ........................................................................................................................................ 3 一般用法.................................................................................................................................................................. 3 监管机构发布的使用条件与警告 .............................................................................................................................. 4 建议做法 .. (4)VENTIS MX4™ 资源 (6)VENTIS MX4 功能 (6)仪器拆箱 (7)箱内部件.................................................................................................................................................................. 7 反馈问题 .. (7)监测仪概述 (8)特点与功能 .............................................................................................................................................................. 8 显示屏幕.................................................................................................................................................................. 9 警报 .. (11)监测仪设置 ................................................................................................................................................................... 13 电池特性和监测仪兼容性 ...................................................................................................................................... 13 充电锂离子电池盒 (14)说明................................................................................................................................................................ 14 开机和关机 ............................................................................................................................................................ 16 配置 .. (17)介绍................................................................................................................................................................ 17 说明................................................................................................................................................................ 17 配置过程 .. (18)监测仪使用和维护 (25)调零、标定和通气测试 (25)程序................................................................................................................................................................ 25 建议................................................................................................................................................................ 25 一般信息. (26)说明 ............................................................................................................................................................... 26 现场空气采样建议做法 ......................................................................................................................................... 33 清洁 ...................................................................................................................................................................... 33 维护 .. (33)电池盒 ............................................................................................................................................................ 33 监测仪转换 ..................................................................................................................................................... 37 传感器、传感器防水膜、LCD 和振动电机更换 .............................................................................................. 39 泵模块 ............................................................................................................................................................ 42 Ventis MX4 分解图 .. (43)产品、规格与认证 (46)Ventis MX4 配件与部件 ......................................................................................................................................... 46 监测仪规格 ............................................................................................................................................................ 48 作业条件................................................................................................................................................................ 48 储存条件................................................................................................................................................................ 49 传感器规格 ............................................................................................................................................................ 49 有毒气体传感器 交叉灵敏度表 .............................................................................................................................. 49 可燃性气体的LEL 及LEL 相关系数 ...................................................................................................................... 50 认证 .. (51)质保 .............................................................................................................................................................................. 53 责任限定. (53)英思科公司全球办事处 .............................................................................................................................................. 封底珠海司福斯特科技有限w w w .sa f e d t e c h .c o m气体/火焰检测专家!Ventis™ MX4 产品手册►版权声明Ventis MX4™ 和Ventis™ 是英思科公司的商标。











5. 2006年生产的仪器具有报警声响亮功耗低,无启动冲击电流,可以适配各种分站电源。

6. 2006年生产的仪器具有数字化串行输出功能,可有效抑制电磁干扰造成的“冒大数”干扰。

测量范围:低浓型:0.00-10% CH4;高低浓型:0.00-10-100% CH4;测量误差:基本误差:测值×±10% (典型值:测值×±5%)输出信号:脉冲频率200-1000;200-2000;0-500等;0-5000;5-15;模拟信号 : 4-20mA; 1-5mA;串行码元件寿命:≥1.5年响应时间: <20s显示方式:三位0.5''LED数码管工作电源: DC 9-24V;功耗:≤60mA (18V)接线距离: >2km(1.0mm2电缆)报警方式:声光报警报警门限: 0.1-10% CH4可修改断电门限: 0.1-10% CH4可修改报警声强:>85db(1米)断电输出信号:幅度>6 mA检测速度: 1次/2s红外遥控距离:>6m工作方式:连续工作防爆型式:矿用隔爆兼本质安全型Exd[ib]I软件调零范围:±70字。



valve positioner阀门定位器valve position transducer阀位发送器valve position indicator阀位置指示器suction filter吸滤器level meter电平计液位计meter[5mi:tE]n.测量仪表; (测量)计,表计数器计量人员邮资机; (邮件上的)邮资已付戳记汽车停放收费计meter maid处理违章停车的女警察meter[5mi:tE]vt.用表测量[计量, 记录]用邮资总付计数器在(邮件)上打戳计量[定量]供给用汽车停放计时器测定; 给...装汽车停放计时器vi.用表计量[记录]meter-inn.在压力管路中的液压调节meter-kilogram-secondadj.米·公斤·秒单位制的metermann.读表者, 仪表调整者meter-mixern.计量混合器meter-monitoredadj.有仪表监视的meter-raten.电表计费率meter-ton-secondn.米·吨·秒(单位制)in short meter立刻, 不久lie like a gas meter一味撒谎absorbed power meter吸收功率计absorption frequency meter 吸收式频率计acoustic ocean-current meter 声学海流计adhesive meter粘着力计air meter风速计; 量气计air flow meter空气流量计airborne radiation meter机载式辐射仪alkali meter碳酸定量计, 碱量计altitude meter高度计AM modulation meter调幅度测量仪ampere meter安培表, 电流表ampere-hour meter安(培小)时计ampere-volt- ohm meter [AVO]万用电表angle meter测角器audibility meter听度计audio-frequency power meter 声频功率计audio-noise meter噪音计automatic distortion meter自动失真仪average reading meter平均值读数计back resistance meter反向电阻测量计badge meter(核子)剂量计balanced phase meter平衡相位计balanced-load meter平衡电路[负载]用仪表ball flow meter球形流量计band suspension meter带悬式仪表, 拉丝式仪表bandwidth meter(频)带宽(度)计batch meter计量箱, 计量给料器, 给料漏斗, 量斗, 分批计battery meter电池充放电用的安时计bearing meter方位指示器, 方位显示器beat-frequency meter差频(频率)计bellow gas meter膜盒式气量计belt weight meter带秤bias meter信号偏压计bimetallic meter双金属(线)式仪表blade wheel current meter叶轮流速计blast meter爆破力测量计bolometric power meter测热电阻功率计bouncing-pin detonation meter弹跳杆式爆震计buoyancy moisture meter 浮力湿度计buzzer frequency meter蜂鸣器频率计call meter呼叫计数器, 通话计次器calls waiting meter延迟呼叫计数器calorie meter量热器calorimetric gas meter量热煤气表calorimetric power meter量热式功率计camera tube lag meter摄象管余象测量仪capacitance meter电容(测量)计capacity coupling meter电容测试器, 电容计carbon equivalent meter碳当量仪carrier deviation meter载波频偏计cavity frequency meter (谐振)腔频率计, 空腔频率计center zero meter中心指零式(测量)仪表check meter校验[控制]仪表chronaxie meter时值计, 记时计; 电子诊断器circuit noise meter电路噪声(测量)计cirscal meter大转角动圈式电表clearance meter间隙计; 余隙计climb meter升降速度表clock meter钟表式计数器coating thickness meter镀层厚度计[测量仪]同轴(空腔谐振器式)频率计coercive meter矫顽磁性测量仪coercive force meter矫顽磁力计, 矫顽磁场强度测定器color temperature meter【摄】色温计commercial frequency meter工业用电频率计, 市电频率表, 工频频率表commutator-type meter整流式[马达]计数器compactness meter紧实度计compound meter复合流量计concentration meter浓度计conductivity meter电导计congestion call meter忙呼叫计数表congestion traffic-unit meter忙话务量记录器consistency meter稠度计consolido meter压密试验计constant-head meter恒压头流量计consumption meter流量表, 耗量表contamination meter(放射性)污染测量计contrast index meter【摄】反差指数计conveyer weight meter输送重量计cosmic-ray meter宇宙射线测量计coulant meter电量计count rate meter计算速度测定[记录]器计数式频率计counting-rate meter计算速度测定器; 脉冲频率计coupling meter耦合度测试器course meter航向指示器crack meter裂缝探测仪crest meter峰值计crocking meter沾色试验仪cross-talk meter串音[串话]测试器cumulative demand meter累计式最大需要电量计cup meter环状风轮, 风速仪curd(tension) meter凝乳张力测定仪current meter测流计current distribution meter电流分布测量器cut meter切削速度(指示)计cycloidal gas meter摆旋气表; 摆线式气表danger meter火险估测仪db [decibel] meter电平表, 分贝计D.C. commutator meter直流换向计dead-beat meter不摆仪表, 速示仪表demand meter最大负荷测试器; (最高)需量计density meter (=densimeter) 密度计detector frequency meter检波式频率计detonation meter爆震计dew meter露点湿度计dial flow meter刻度盘流速计diaphragm meter膜片计量器dielectric-type moisture meter电容式[电介质]湿度计differential head meter差高计differential thermal analysis meter差示热分析仪diffraction meter衍射计digital frequency meter数字频率计digital integrating meter数字积算仪digital level meter数字式电平表digital panel meter数字式面板表direct reading meter直读式测量仪, 直读计direction meter无线电定向器directional power meter定向功率计director meter指挥器(呼出)记数器displace meter变位流量计displacement meter位移计displacement-type liquid meter根据排代原理运转的流量计displacer-type meter浮子式计distance meter测距计distortion(factor) meter失真(系数)测试器, 失真系数计, 失真度表dose meter剂量计, 配(料)计, 照射(剂量)计dose-rate meter剂量率计double-rate meter双费制电度计double-tariff system meter双价电度表doubling time meter双倍计时表draft-indicating meter吃水指示计drift meter偏差计, 偏流计, 漂移计, 测斜仪, 偏移测量仪drop meter滴量计dry test gas meter干试煤气用量表drying meter(漆膜)干燥计; 测干仪drying time meter干燥时间测定器dual meter双读表duple meter【文学】双韵律诗句dust meter喷粉机计量器, 量尘器dynamic meter测力计dynamic strain meter动态应变仪dynatron frequency meter负阻管频率计earth-resistance meter地阻测量器, 地阻计ebullio meter沸点测定计echo meter回声测试器, 回波计eddy meter涡流计eddy curreny thickness meter电涡流厚度计effective-call meter有效呼叫计数器, 接通计数器effusion meter流量计, 隙漏计; (气体)扩散计elbow meter弯管流量计electric moisture meter电动湿度计electric second meter电秒表electric transmission current meter电传海流计electrical resistance moisture meter 电阻式湿度计electricity meter量电计electrolytic meter电解式仪表[电量计] electromagnetic meter电磁表[计]electromagnetic blood flow meter电磁血流量electromagnetic couplingmeter电磁耦合测试器electromagnetic current meter电磁海流计electromagnetic type discharge meter 电磁式流量计electron beam power meter电子束功率计electron watt-hour meter电子式电度表electronic microsecond meter电子微秒表electronic millisecond meter电子毫秒表electronic time meter电子测时计electronic-flash meter电子闪光计electrostatic meter静电计electrothermal meter热丝电流计elegiac meter【文学】哀歌格律elevation meter仰角计elongation meter伸长计energy meter能量计(累积式瓦特时计) engine mission meter发动机变速箱转数计enlarging meter放大光度计enrichment meter(同位素)浓缩度计envelope delay time meter包络延时测量器error meter误差测量计, 失配测量器excess meter积算超量功率表; 最大需量计exposure meter曝光计[表]extensibility meter延伸率计extension meter延伸仪extinction meter消光计fall-off meter偏振测量仪fallout meter辐射量测试器fatigue meter疲劳强度计feed meter给水流量计field intensity [strength] meter (电波)场强计film resistance meter薄膜电阻测试仪fire-danger meter火险预警仪firmness meter果实硬度测定计float meter浮标(液面)测量计, 浮尺float level meter浮筒液位计floating ball level meter浮球液位计flow meter流量计[表]flue gas analysis meter烟道[废]气分析器fluidity meter (=fluidmeter)流度计(测定不同温度下油品粘度的粘度计) flutter meter频率颤动测试器flux meter磁通量计, 麦克斯韦计foot-candle meter照度计, 英尺烛光计forward-power meter正向功率测量计frequency meter频率计frequency carrier diviation meter频率[载频]偏移计frequency-departure meter频率漂移计frequency-deviation meter频率偏差计, 频率稳定计fuel meter油量表gas meter气体流量计, 气表; 火表, 煤气(量)计gasoline meter汽油计Gauss meter高斯计, 磁感应(测定)计, 磁强计gear meter齿轮流量计geopotential meter位势米gloss meter光泽计gradient meter磁偏计; 高度指示器; 测斜仪grapher recording meter记录仪graphic meter自动记录仪器gravity meter (=gravimeter) 重差计grid-dip meter栅陷振荡器grid-rectification meter栅极整流电压表ground-speed meter地速计group propagation time meter 群传播时计gyroscopic turn meter陀螺回转指示计Hall-effect power meter霍尔效应功率计harmonic level meter谐振物位计haze meter (=visibility meter) 烟柱探测仪(防火用); 浊度计head meter压差流量计heat meter热电偶; 温度传感器; 量热计heat flow meter热流计heterodyne frequency meter 外差式频率计heterodyne wave meter外差(式)波长计hook-on type meter钩接[悬挂]式仪表hot band meter热条式电表hot-wire current meter热线海流计hour meter时计, 计时表house-service meter家庭用仪表; 普通用户电度表hum level meter哼声电平测试仪hydrogen meter氢表hygrometric moisture meter吸湿计hysteresis meter磁滞计[测定仪]icing-rate meter积冰速率表illuminance meter【摄】照度计impedance meter阻抗计impulse meter脉冲积算[计数]器impulse sound level meter脉冲声级计indicated noise meter噪声指示计indicating meter指示计, 指示器, 指示式仪表inductance meter亨利计, 电感表inductance measuring meter电感测量仪induction meter感应式电度表ineffec-tive call meter无效呼叫计数器inferential liquid-level meter间接液面计infra-red moisture meter红外线水分测定仪in-line meter设置在管线中的计量仪表insulating-resistance meter绝缘电阻计integrated demand meter累计需要计integrating meter积分器; 积算表integrating apparent energy meter 累计[表观]功率计integrating dose meter(核子)积分剂量计integrating watt meter累计功率计intermittent type meter间歇式测量仪表intermodulation distortion meter互调失真仪international standard [prototype] meter 国际米原器ion meter离子计ionic-activity meter离子活度计ionization vacuum meter电离真空计irradiance meter辐照度计joint meter测缝计kali meter碱量计, 碳酸定量计kilovar-hour meter千乏时计, 无功电度计kilowatt-hour meter(千瓦时)电度表klirr factor meter失真系数计knock meter爆震计lagged demand meter落后指示需要计laser airspeed meter激光空速表laser level meter激光物位计LC meter电感电容测试器LCR meter电感电容电阻测定计(三用表)lens meter检镜仪, 透镜检查仪, 焦度计level meter电平计; 液位计life meter寿命测定计light meter曝光表light-flux meter光通量计lighting meter照明[电光](用户)电度表light-spot type meter光点指示式测量仪表linear meter线性仪表liquid quantity meter液体流[定]量计liquid-displacement meter液体排代计load-current meter负载电流计load-rate prepayment meter 额定负载预付电度表lobed impeller meter叶形转子式流量计logarithmic divided meter对数刻度计logarithmic-scale noise meter 对数刻度噪声计loss meter损耗电度表luminance meter亮[光]度计magnetic susceptibility meter 磁化率计magnification factor meter Q 表master meter标[基]准仪表master frequency meter总[主]频率计mechanical level meter机械式物位计megohm meter兆欧计, 高阻计, 摇表memorizing meter记录仪表message meter通话计数器metal-powder flow meter金属粉末流动性测定仪microwave power meter微波功率计mile meter英里数表, 英里程计milk meter牛奶(流)量计modulation meter调制(度)表, 调制度测试器, 调制(深度测量)计moving coil meter动圈式仪表moving-iron meter动铁[电磁]式仪表mud meter含泥率计multiple-tariff meter多费制电度表near-zone electric-field-strength meter近域电场强度计net depth meter网深仪net height meter网高仪night vision meter夜视仪noise meter噪声计, 声级计, 噪声测试器, 噪声级表noise dose meter噪声剂量计noise figure meter噪声指数计notch power meter陷波功率计nozzle meter管嘴式流速计nuclear radiation thickness meter核辐射厚度计nutating-disk meter摆盘式水表, 圆盘容积沉量计objective noise meter客观声级计ocean bottom topographic meter海底地貌仪oil meter量油计opacity meter不透明性指示计open-channel meter明渠流量计optical quarter meter光学象限仪orifice flow meter孔(板)流速计oscillating meter振动式仪表output meter输出(测量)计overcompensated meter过补偿电度表overflow meter全忙计数器; 溢呼表overload meter过(负)载测定计overtaking meter接近速度指示器panel meter配电板式仪表parking meter汽车停放时间收费计时器peak program meter音量峰值表peg count meter通话[占线]计数表pendulum meter摆动式振动积算表percentage modulation meter调幅度测试器performance index meter工作质量指数计period meter回声探测器[计时器]; 原子核循环计permeability meter渗透计, 透气性测定仪pH meter pH计, 酸度计, 氢离子浓度测定仪phase meter相位表[计]phase-shift distortion meter相移失真计phone meter通话次数计; 测声计photoelectric dust meter光电量尘计photoelectric width meter光电式宽度计photovolt reflection meter光电压反射计piezoelectric pressure meter压电压力计pile-period meter反应堆周期(测量)计piston meter活塞流量计pitch meter螺距测量器Pitot-type speed meter水压[皮托管]计程仪plate orifice meter孔板测流计poetic meter诗音步Poid meter重量计, 加料计, 定量给料测定器position meter通话计次器positive displacement flow meter 容积式流量计positive-displacement meter正位移计, 正压移动泵postage meter邮资[政]计算器power meter功率表, 功率测量计, 瓦特表precision electrical meter精密电表prepayment meter预付式电度表pressure meter压力计pressure differential meter压差式流[耗]量表pressure vacuum meter压力真空表primary meter一次测量仪表, 初级测量仪profile meter表面测量仪, (表面粗糙度)轮廓仪program meter响度计project meter投影式比长计propeller meter推进器式流量计propeller-type current meter旋桨式海流计proportional gas meter比例气体计量器proportioning meter配料计proximity meter邻[接]近探测仪pulse meter脉冲计pygmy current meter微型流速仪quality meter品质计quality-factor meter质量因素计quantity meter安时计; (体积)流量计quotient meter流比计radar distance meter雷达测距仪radiation meter辐射仪radiation dose meter(辐射)剂量计radiation survey meter辐[放]射测量仪radioactive contamination meter 放射性沾染测量仪radioactivity meter放射性测量计radio-noise meter无线电噪声计rate meter定率计rate-of-climb meter爬升速度表rate-of-flow meter流量计ratio meter流比计, (电流)比率计reactance meter电抗测定计reaction type frequency meter 反馈式频率计reactive factor meter无功功率因数计reactive power meter无功功率计[伏安计], 乏计reactivity meter反应性测量计reactor-period meter反应堆周期(测量)计recording meter自记仪表, 自记计数器recording electrical meter记录电表recording frequency meter记录式频率计reed frequency meter振动簧片式频率计reference power meter标准功率计reflection meter反射计reflection factor meter反射系数测试计regulation meter稳定度测量器regularity meter均匀度试验器resilience meter弹性计resistance meter电阻表resistance closure meter(测量岩石应力用的)电阻闭合仪resistance strain meter电阻应变仪resistivity meter电阻率计reso meter谐振频率计reverberation time meter混响时间(测试)计revolution meter转速表; 旋转计数器ride meter(测量路面行驶质量的)测震仪, 平整度测定仪ring wake meter环形伴流计Roentgen meter伦琴射线计, X射线计rotary vane meter叶轮式水表rotating meter旋转式流量计running time meter计时器S meter信号强度指示器, 信号强度计salinity meter盐度计scattering meter散射仪sea water transmittance meter海水透射率仪secondary meter二次测量仪表segmental meter圆缺测流器selection [selective] level meter选频电平表self recording level meter自记水位计service meter通话计次器settlement meter沉降仪set-up-scale meter无零点刻度仪表sharp-edge orific meter锐孔流量计sheen gloss meter平光[糙面]光泽计shipborne radiation meter舰用[舰载式]辐射仪shunt meter并联电流计shunted meter有分流器的电流表signal meter信号指示器single-phase meter单相功率因数表single-phase watt-hour meter单相电度表single-rate prepayment meter单电价预付式电度表sinter meter烧结点测定仪skin temperature meter表面温度计slip meter转差(测定)器, 转差计; 速度表; 测滑表slope meter(电子管)互导测定器; 量斜表slot meter预算表smoke vapour meter熏烟蒸汽仪soap film gas meter皂膜气量计soft iron meter电磁式仪表sonic-electronic flow meter声-电流量计sound intensity meter声强计, 测音器sound survey meter(简易)测声计sound-level meter音[声]级计; 噪声计speed meter(汽车等的)速度计spin-rate meter角速计spot meter【摄】点亮度计spring-loaded thrust meter 弹簧测力计spurious power meter乱真信号功率测量仪stability meter稳定性试验仪standard meter标准米尺standard line meter线纹米尺standard power meter标准功率计standing-wave meter驻波测定[指示]器standing-wave-ratio meter 驻波比计static current meter静态海流计station meter基准仪, 基准尺, 标准量具steam meter蒸汽流量计steel plate thickness meter 钢板测厚仪step-rate prepayment meter 分级预付电度计stock meter浆料计量器storage meter仓库计量器storage battery meter蓄电池(充放电)记录仪strain meter应变计strain current meter应变片海流计stress meter应力计subjective noise meter主观噪声计substandard meter副标准电度表summation meter累加计数器, 总和计superheat meter过热计supply meter馈路电度表, 电源表; 电量计suppressed-zero meter无零点刻度仪表surface meter表面仪survey meter测量仪[器]susceptibility meter磁化率计syrup meter糖浆计量器target meter靶型流量计tautness meter应变计, 伸长计, 拉力计, 紧度计taxi meter计程器telemetering current meter遥测海流计telephone meter电话计数器television reflect meter电视反射功率计termination load type power meter 终端负载式功率计thermal meter热丝[电]式仪表thermal demand meter温差式最大用电功率计thermal flow meter热流量计thermal type meter热动[温差]式仪表thermistor power meter热敏电阻功率计thermocouple meter热电偶式电表(与热电偶联用的电流表或电压表) thermocouple current meter热电偶流速仪thermojuction type meter热电偶式测量计thermopile wave meter热电堆测波器thickness meter厚度计three-phase watt meter三相功率计three-phase watt-hour meter三相电度表three-wire meter三线制电量计; 电位计, 分压器throttling flow meter节流[差压]流量计thrust meter推力器, 推[测]力计tidal meter验潮仪tillage meter耕耘机具测试装置time meter计时器torque meter扭矩计, 旋转力矩测量器, 扭矩测量器torsion meter扭曲强度试验仪,扭力计totaling meter计数综合器totaliz-ing meter累计计数计tracking meter循迹表traffic unit meter话务量记录器train meter偏差测定计(测量目标实际位置的偏差) transfer function meter传递[转移]函数计transistor frequency meter晶体管频率计transmission frequency meter 透过式频率计transmission-level meter传输电平表transmittance meter能见度测量仪transmitter spurious meter发射机寄生信号测量仪transparency meter透明度计trip meter短距离里程表true ground speed meter真速测速仪; 地磁计程仪tuning meter调谐指示器, 调谐计turbine meter汽轮计turbulence meter湍流计ultra project meter超精度投影(光学)比较仪ultrasonic bond meter超声波结合强度测定计ultrasonic level meter超声物位计ultrasonic thickness meter超声波测厚仪unbalanced-load meter不平衡负载指示仪表under meter流量计; 流速计under-compensated meter补偿不足电度计underwater irradiance meter 水下辐射度计underwater scattering meter 水下散射计universal meter通用电表, 万用表unmeasured meter【音】无限制节拍unshunted hot-wire meter无分路式热线仪表utility meter需给电表vacuum meter真空表[计]vacuum tube Gm meter电子管跨导计vane type current meter叶片式海流计vane-wheel type water meter叶轮式水表vapor tension meter蒸汽压计var-hour meter乏(尔小)时计vector meter矢量计vector averaging current meter 矢量平均海流计vector impedance meter向量阻抗计vehicle-borne radiation meter车载式辐射仪very high charge watt-hour meter 最高负荷电度表vibration meter测振计[仪], 振动计vibration level meter振级计vibrator meter振动式计[配]量器video noise meter视频噪声测试仪viscosity meter粘度计visibility meter视度计visual exposure meter视象曝光计visual impedance meter阻抗显示装置, 视觉阻抗计void meter空隙计volume unit meter音量单位表容积式流量表volumetric displacement meter容量置换计waiting meter(短时)停车收费计water meter水表water current meter水流速计water clarity meter水明晰度计water sealed gas meter水封气表water-flowing type laser power meter 流水式激光功率计watt meter瓦特计, 电表, 功率表watt-hour meter瓦特小时计, 瓦时表, 电度表watt-hour demand meter最大需用瓦特计wattless power meter无功[效]功率计wave meter测波仪; 波长计; 波频计weir meter溢流表wet gas meter湿球气体流量计wet-type meter湿式水表whiteness meter白度计wide-range meter宽量程仪表width meter宽度计wind meter风力计; 风速表wirewound potential meter线绕电位器wobble-disk meter摆盘式水表频率颤动计, 抖晃仪(测量磁带录音摇晃抖动的一种仪器) yaw meter【航空】偏航指示器zero center meter中心零位电表。



甲烷CH4报警器甲烷CH4报警器产品描述:甲烷CH4检测报警器是东日瀛能科技多年来技术积累的杰作,拥有自主知识产权的高精度检测设备,同时、通过国家的防爆电气产品质量监督检验中心和质量技术监督局颁发的相关检测证书,通书为迎合国际市场,通过了CE ROHS CCC的国际认证.该系统产品适用于各种环境和特殊环境中的挥发性有机物甲烷CH4浓度和泄露,在线检测及现场声光报警,对危险现场的作业安全起到了预警作用,此仪器采用进口的电化学传感器和微控制器技术,具有信号稳定,精度高,重复性好等优点,防爆接线方式适用于各种危险场所,并兼容各种控制器,PLC,DCS等控制系统,可以同时实现现场报警和远程监控,报警功能,4-20mA标准信号输出,继电器开关量输出。













Technical Information(C a t a l y t i c T y p e G a s S e n s o r)Model NC-300S(Single Header Type)For Industrial Application深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com1.GeneralCatalytic type gas sensor NC series were developed for industrial applications, and NC-300S is a single header type gas sensor for general combustible gases. Shape, supply voltage and current are compatible with other sensor, however reliability, repeatability, stability and responsibility are quite superior to others, additionally the durability in strict circumstance are quite excellent. Features and typical applications are as follows.2.Features and applications1)Features・Good stability・Excellent repeatability and detection accuracy・Good linearity against gas concentration・Quick response・Down sizing for design flexibility of gas alarm or detector2)Applications・Fixed type gas alarm or detector for general combustible gases・Gas densitometer3.Ratings1)Supply voltage to sensor AC 2.0 +/- 0.1V(50-60Hz)DC 2.0 +/- 0.1V2)Current (when 2.0V is supplied) AC 300 +/- 20mA(50-60Hz)DC 300 +/- 20mA3)Ambient temperature and humidity in operationTemperature -20 - +60 degree CHumidity Less than 95%RH(without dew condensation)4)Ambient temperature and humidity in storageTemperature -30 - +70 degree CHumidity Less than 99%RH(without dew condensation)5)Detection range 0 – around 60%LELLower accuracy over 60%LEL(Except acetylene)4.Specification1)Zero offset value in air 0 +/- 30mV(without trimming resistor)2)Minimum sensitivity 40mV/1% of methane3)Response time Less than 8 sec. at T90Less than 3 sec. at T504)Linearity Effectively linear to 60%LEL5)Detection accuracy +/- 1%LEL深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com6) Span drift Less than 1%LEL/month 7) Zero offset drift Less than 0.5%LEL/month 8) Warranty period 24 months 5.Appearance and dimensionFig. 1 : Appearance and dimensions6. Measuring circuit diagramI n p u t (+)I n p u t (G N D )Fig. 2 : Recommended circuit diagram (R1, 2 : 200ohm, VR1 : 3Kohm)7. Gas sensitivity characteristics深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900Fig. 3 : Gas sensitivity characteristics8.Temperature dependence at 60%RHFig. 4 : Temperature dependence of zero offset深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900Fig. 5 : Temperature dependence of relative sensitivity to methane9.Humidity dependenceFig. 6 : Humidity dependence of zero offset(at 25 degree C)深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900Fig.7 : Humidity dependence of relative sensitivity to methane10.Long term stabilityFig. 8 : Long term stability of relative sensitivity to methane11.Sensitivity distributionFig. 9 : Sensitivity distribution深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-8525890012.Relative sensitivity(In case that sensitivity to methane is 100.)Gas/Vapor Chemical formula LEL (%) Relative sensitivityStd. Methane CH4 5.0 1001 Acetone (CH3)2CO 2.6 602 Ethanol C2H5OH 3.3 703 Ethyl acetate CH3COOC2H5 2.2 604 Ethylene C2H4 2.7 855 Hydrogen H2 4.0 1106 Iso-propanol CH3-C2H4OH 2.2 607 Methanol CH3OH 6.7 1008 Methyl ethyl ketone CH3-CO-C2H5 1.9 459 N-butane C4H10 1.8 7010 N-heptane C7H16 1.05 5511 N-hexane C6H14 1.2 6512 N-pentane C5H12 1.4 7013 Propane C3H8 2.1 7514 N-octane C8H18 0.95 5015 Toluene C6H5CH3 1.2 6016 Ammonia NH3 15.0 13017 Carbon monoxide CO 12.5 11018 Unleaded petrol 1.2 65Remarks)If other data are required, please contact us since sensitivity of many combustible gases except bad smell, dangerous, poisonous and high boiling temperature materials over 120 degree C are available for investigations.13. Durability1)Exposure in hydrogen sulfideTest conditionsSensors were exposed in 50%LEL of methane and 25ppm of hydrogen sulfide for 1hr. at normal temperature and humidity.No.Before test (mV) After test (mV)Zero offset Relative sensitivity to CH4 Zero offset Relative sensitivity toCH41 5.6 100 6.8 992 21.2 100 22.8 973 -17.9 100 -15.4 924 0.2 100 2.2 945 27.9 100 29.1 92深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com2)Exposure in HMDSTest conditionsSensors were exposed in 50%LEL of methane and 10ppm of HMDS for 1hr. at normal temperatureand humidity.No.Before test (mV) After test (mV)Zero offset Relative sensitivity to CH4 Zero offset Relative sensitivity to CH41 11.0 100 11.6 642 14.4 100 14.7 603 22.9 100 22.6 684 12.7 100 13.7 765 -19.4 100 -17.1 753)Exposure in high concentration of methaneTest conditionsSensors were exposed in 8% (160%LEL) of methane at normal temperature and humidity for 1hr.No.Before test (mV) After test (mV)Zero offset Relative sensitivity to CH4 Zero offset Relative sensitivity to CH41 -3.6 100 -1.3 982 -18.1 100 -16.2 1013 -10.7 100 -8.5 944 14.8 100 16.5 925 28.3 100 30.4 944)Drop testTest conditionsSensors were dropped from the height of 30cm onto the wood board of 3cm thickness with free fallby 3 times.No.Before test (mV) After test (mV)Zero offset Relative sensitivity to CH4 Zero offset Relative sensitivity to CH41 7.1 100 8.8 99-8.3 100 -8.8 100 23-5.4 100 -5.2 103-1.3 100 -1.2 100 4-2.0 100 -0.5 102 55)Vibration testTest conditionsVibration which is 10Hz with the 4mm of amplitude for 20min. to 3 directions of X, Y and Z wasadded to sensors at normal temperature and humidity.test(mV)testNo. Before(mV) After深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.comZero offset Relative sensitivity to CH4 Zero offset Relative sensitivity to CH41 20.4 100 20.9 1002 11.8 100 12.7 1003 -11.6 100 -11.9 100-28.4 100 -29.4 100 45 0.3 100 1.4 1016)Storage in high temperature and humidityTest conditionsSensors were stored in 60 degree C, 90%RH for 1000hrs. without being energized.No.Before test (mV) After test (mV)Zero offset Relative sensitivity to CH4 Zero offset Relative sensitivity to CH41 24.8 100 26.3 992 21.9 100 23.2 953 18.4 100 20.0 954 14.4 100 15.6 975 2.5 100 2.4 997)Operation in high temperature and humidityTest conditionsSensors were energized in 60 degree C, 90%RH for 1000hrs.No.Before test (mV) After test (mV)Zero offset Relative sensitivity to CH4 Zero offset Relative sensitivity to CH41 24.1 100 25.1 972 3.2 100 2.7 953 -9.7 100 -10.3 954 12.5 100 13.2 955 17.7 100 18.1 918)Storage in low temperatureTest conditionsSensors were stored in -20 degree C for 1000hrs.No.Before test (mV) After test (mV)Zero offset Relative sensitivity to CH4 Zero offset Relative sensitivity to CH41 11.1 100 11.8 1002 18.5 100 18.3 973 20.9 100 21.7 974 -22.3 100 -23.5 955 2.2 100 3.0 9914. Evaluation method深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com1.Test equipmentOutline of test equipment is as follows.Remarks on equipments)A)Test chamber・Material of test chamber is to be inactive like metal, glass or acrylic resin which does not exhale and adsorb gases.・V olume of test chamber is to be more than 1 litter per 1pc. of sensor.B)Circumstance・Clean circumstance is recommended as evaluation area. Dirty circumstance which contains combustible gases like organic solvent vapor is to be avoided.C)Gas densitometer・Laser gas densitometer is recommended, but volume method is available simply.D)Agitation in test chamber・Air agitation in test chamber is to be conducted carefully in order not to flow air to sensor directly. Air velocity to sensor is to be less than 0.5m/sec.E)Power supply・Both of AC power and DC power are available for sensor, however DC power supply is recommended for accurate evaluation.F)Digital volt meter・Since the impedance of sensor is fairly low, general digital volt meter having over 100kohm as input impedance is sufficiently available.G)Ventilation・Ventilator with ventilation capacity of over 10 times/min. of the volume of test chamber is recommended for the convenient evaluation.H)Installation position of sensor in test chamber深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com・When the sensor is installed in test chamber, it should be careful that each sensor is to be in constant position because output signal changes in case that position of sensor changes. If the rough evaluation is carried out, such careful treatment is not necessary.2.Adjustment of gas concentrationAdjustment of gas concentration is to be conducted by volume method or by using laser gas densitometer. In case of volume method, gas volume to be injected into a chamber is obtained from the calculation formula below described.V m Vi C Tr Tc()l=++−・・102732736V: Gas volume to be injectedVi: V olume of test chamber()m lTc: Temperature in test chamber(℃)Tr: Room temperature(℃)C: Target gas concentration (ppm)3.Evaluation methodA.Preliminary aging・Before evaluation of sensor, preliminary aging at rated voltage for over 1 hr. is recommended for accurate evaluation.B.Measurement・At first, output voltage in clean air is measured. It should be confirmed that output voltage has to be stable without fluctuation.・Output voltage is measured around 1min. later after the designated volume of gas is injected intoa test chamber.・Inside of test chamber should be substituted of clean air by ventilator.4.Notice on handling・Sensor is to be gently handled without adding shock or dropping.・Handling in a location which corrosive gases or poisonous gases exist is to be avoided.・Sensor does not have to be dipped in water.・Sensor does not have to be disassembled.・Do not cut pins in any case.・It has explosion proof structure, however it is recommended to be assembled in an approved body.深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900。



Intelligent Infrared Methane Gas Sensor(Model: MH-741A)ManualVersion: 3.3Valid from: May 1st, 2014Zhengzhou Winsen Electronics Technology Co., Ltd.StatementThis manual copyright belongs to Zhengzhou Winsen Electronics Technology Co., LTD. Without the written permission, any part of this manual shall not be copied, translated, stored in database or retrieval system, also can’t spread through electronic, copying, record ways.Thanks for purchasing our product. In order to keep customers using it better and reduce the faults caused by misuse, please read the manual carefully and operate it correctly in accordance with the instructions. If users disobey the terms or remove, disassemble, change the components inside of the sensor, we shall not be responsible for the loss.The specific such as color, appearance, sizes etc., please in kind prevail.We are devoting ourselves to products development and technical innovation, so we reserve the right to improve the products without notice. Please confirm it is the valid version before using this manual. At the same time, users’ comments on optimized using way are welcome.Please keep the manual properly, in order to get help if you have questions during the usage in the future.Zhengzhou Winsen Electronics Technology CO., LTD.MH-741A Infrared CH4 Gas Sensor1. Product DescriptionMH-741A is a universal type intelligent sensor todetect CH4 gas,taking advantage of non-dispersiveinfrared (NDIR) principle. With high selectivity, nooxygen dependence, high performance and longlifespan features, MH-741A also has built-intemperature compensation feature. MH-741A is acompact and high-performance sensor based oninfrared absorption of gas detection technology,micro-machining and sophisticated circuit design.2. FeaturesHigh sensitivity, high resolution, low power consumptionOutput method: UART, analog voltage signal, etc.Quick responseTemperature compensation, excellent linear outputExcellent stability, Long lifespanAnti-poisons, anti-vapor interferenceDetect combustible gas concentration matching with flame-proof marked detector in area 1&2 explosive environments which mix of ⅡA, ⅡB, ⅡC and T1-T6 flammable gases, vapors and air 3. ApplicationWidely used for industrial field instrumentation, industrial-process control and safety protection 4. Specification Table 1 Technical IndexProduct Model MH-741AGas Detected Flammable GasWorking Voltage 4.5 V ~ 5.5V DCAverage Current < 100mAInterface Level 3.3VMeasurement Range 0~100%VOL optional (view table 2)Output Signal IIC0.4-2V DCWarm-up Time 3minResponse Time T90 < 30sWorking Temperature -40℃ ~ 70℃Working Humidity 0 to 95%RH, non-condensing Dimension Φ44×61mmWeight 350gLifespan >5 yearsEx-marking Ex d ⅡC T6 GbProtected Class IP65Table 2 Measurement Range and AccuracyDetected Gas MeasurementRangeAccuracy RemarkMethane(CH4) 0~5%VOL 0.01%VOL Temperature compensation Methane(CH4) 0~10%VOL 0.01%VOL Temperature compensation Methane(CH4) 0~100%VOL 0.1%VOL Temperature compensation 5. Structural DrawingFigure 1 Structural Drawing of SensorFigure 2 Pin DefinitionPin DescriptionPad1V in (input voltage 4.5V~5.5V)Pad4GNDPad5V out (0.4~2V)Pad2IIC(SCL) clockPad3IIC(SDA) dataPad6, Pad7, Pad8Pad10, Pad11, Pad12Reserved, do not connectTable 3 Definition of Pin6. Application CircuitFigure 3 Application Circuit7. Explanation7.1 Analogue Voltage OutputInput 5V voltage to Win Pin, GND Pin connect power ground and Vout Pin connect input side of ADC, then warm-up the sensor, the Vout side will output a voltage value which stands for the gas concentration, while output voltage range 0.4V~2V stands for gas concentration 0~FS. If it found introuble in self-inspection process, the output voltage of sensor is 0V.Figure 4 Analogue Voltage Output7.2 Digital OutputInput 5V voltage to Win Pin, GND Pin connect power ground, CLK side of user’s communication interface connect CLK side of detector while SDA side connect SDA side of detector, then the detector will read the value of gas concentration directly through the IIC of the sensor (The pull-up resistor of user’s SCL and SDA signal lines must be no more than 10k to ensure the normal work of the communication interface), no need to calculate. 7.2.1 Communication ProtocolInfrared sensorInfrared sensorInfrared sensorDisplayUserMicro controllerRelayIsolationMH-741A is communicated through IIC bus. The module works basing IIC slave mode and can connects to external MCU, module address: 0x55, write operation address: 0xAA, read operation address: 0xAB. Every frame number data contains 10 bytes. Different host orders lead to different data and the last byte of data is the proof test value. The SCL clock frequency is recommend less than 10K.1) Device AddressAddress format: Highest seven digits are the module add of the sensor(0x55), the least significant digit is SDIR, 0 stand for Reading, 1 stand for Writing.Table 4: Address FormatIIC communicationWrite address: 0xAA, Read address: 0xAB2) Bus DescriptionIIC interface protocol is a special bus signal protocol, is composed of 3 parts - Start(S), Stop(P) and binary data, as shown below. At start,SCL is high,SDA is at falling edge.Aftter that,send the slave add.After the seven add digits is the control read&write digits,choose the read&write operation as above picWhen the slave device recognizes the corresponding add information,it sends a responsive signal to main device and SDA is pulled down at the ninth clock cycle.At stop,SCL keeps high level,SDA is at rising edge.Figure 5 IIC Sequence Chart3) CommandEvery frame number data of IIC communication command contains 10 bytes. Different host orders lead to different data and the last byte of data is the proof test value. Table 5 Command List0x96 Gas Concentration 0xA0 Calibrate zero point (ZERO ) 0xAACalibrate span point (SPAN )A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 W/R1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0/1Gas Concentration Reading1 0x96 Gas Concentration ReadingSend0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Command -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --CheckCode 0x96 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x6AEXP. 96 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 6AReturn0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ModuleStatusHighDensityLowDensityHighRangeLowRangeCheckCodeEXP. ReturnGas concentration= high density *256 + low density Calibrate Zero1 0xA0 Gas Concentration ReadingSend0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Command-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --CheckCode 0xa0 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x60EXP. A0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60Return 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --EXP. No value returnCalibrate Span1 0xAA Gas Concentration ReadingSend0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 CommandSPAN Value -- -- -- -- -- --CheckCode 0xaaHighByteLowByte0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0xbbEXP. AA 13 88 00 00 00 00 00 00 BB (Eg. calibrate 5000ppm, HEX:0x1388)Return 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --EXP. No value return7.2.2 Calibrate and CalculateThe checksum = (invert (byte0 +... + 8)) + 1For example, Gas Concentration ReadingCommand SentByte0 Byte1 Byte2 Byte3 Byte4 Byte5 Byte6 Byte7 Byte8 Byte9 Command - - - - - - - - CheckValue 0x96 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x6AA. Add all the bytes together except byte 00x96 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 = 0x96B. Get the value from step A, then invert it.0xff – 0x96 = 0x69C. Plus one based on the value of step B0x69 + 0x01 = 0x6A7.2.3 Example ProgramC Language Calibrate & Calculate and Routinechar getCheckSum(char *packet){char i, checksum;for( i = 1; i < 9; i++){checksum += packet[i];}checksum = 0xff – checksum;checksum += 1;return checksum;}8. Notes For Maintenance8.1 The sensor should be calibrated regularly. Recommended cycle time is once per 6 months.8.2 Do not use the sensor in the high dusty environment for long time.8.3 Please use the sensor with correct power supply.Zhengzhou Winsen Electronics Technology Co., LtdAdd.: NO.299 Jinsuo Road, National Hi-Tech Zone,Zhengzhou, 450001 ChinaTel.: 0086-371-67169097Fax: 0086-371-60932988E-mail:*******************Website:。



中文名称:甲烷传感器英文名称:methane transducer定义:将空气中的甲烷浓度变量转换成有一定对应关系的输出信号的装置。

应用学科:煤炭科技(一级学科);煤矿监测与控制(二级学科)概述 GJG 100H ( B )型红外甲烷传感器(管道用)是一种专门用以监测煤矿瓦斯抽放放管道内瓦斯气固定式本质安全型检测仪表。

仪器采用特殊的防尘、防水等措施,可有效克服管道内目标多种参数变化带来的影响,实现 0 % CH4 一 1 00 % CH 。



1 . 1 产品特点 1 . 1 . 1 GJGIOOH ( B )型传感器采用非色散红外气体检测技术检测甲烷气体浓度,具有测量精度校周期长、重复性好、测量范围宽、使用寿命长、不受其它气体影响等优点。

1 . 1 .2 GJG10OH ( B )型传感器在设计上采用高性能单片微机和高集成数字化电路,结构简单、靠、调试、维护方便。

1 . 1 . 3 GJG100H ( B )型传感器的零点、灵敏度及报警点皆采用红外调节。

1 . 1 . 4 GJG10OH ( B )型传感器除可连续检测瓦斯,还具有声光报警、断电信号输出,故障自检等实现了一机多用。

. 1 . 5 GJG100H ( B )型传感器的电源部分采用了高效率的开关电源,整机低功耗设计,增加了的传输距离。

1 . 1 . 6 GJG100H ( B )型传感器具有故障自检功能,使用、维护方便。

1 . 1 . 7 GJG10OH ( B )型传感器的外壳采用了高强度结构设计,抗冲击能力强。

1 .2 主要用途和适用范围1 .2 . 1 主要用途 GJG100H ( B )型传感器主要用于煤矿瓦斯抽放管道瓦斯气体浓度的连续检测。

1 .2 . 2 适用范围煤矿瓦斯抽放管道及其它输气管道高浓度瓦斯气体监测场所。

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Technical Information(C a t a l y t i c T y p e G a s S e n s o r)Model NC-300S(Single Header Type)For Industrial Application深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com1.GeneralCatalytic type gas sensor NC series were developed for industrial applications, and NC-300S is a single header type gas sensor for general combustible gases. Shape, supply voltage and current are compatible with other sensor, however reliability, repeatability, stability and responsibility are quite superior to others, additionally the durability in strict circumstance are quite excellent. Features and typical applications are as follows.2.Features and applications1)Features・Good stability・Excellent repeatability and detection accuracy・Good linearity against gas concentration・Quick response・Down sizing for design flexibility of gas alarm or detector2)Applications・Fixed type gas alarm or detector for general combustible gases・Gas densitometer3.Ratings1)Supply voltage to sensor AC 2.0 +/- 0.1V(50-60Hz)DC 2.0 +/- 0.1V2)Current (when 2.0V is supplied) AC 300 +/- 20mA(50-60Hz)DC 300 +/- 20mA3)Ambient temperature and humidity in operationTemperature -20 - +60 degree CHumidity Less than 95%RH(without dew condensation)4)Ambient temperature and humidity in storageTemperature -30 - +70 degree CHumidity Less than 99%RH(without dew condensation)5)Detection range 0 – around 60%LELLower accuracy over 60%LEL(Except acetylene)4.Specification1)Zero offset value in air 0 +/- 30mV(without trimming resistor)2)Minimum sensitivity 40mV/1% of methane3)Response time Less than 8 sec. at T90Less than 3 sec. at T504)Linearity Effectively linear to 60%LEL5)Detection accuracy +/- 1%LEL深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com6) Span drift Less than 1%LEL/month 7) Zero offset drift Less than 0.5%LEL/month 8) Warranty period 24 months 5.Appearance and dimensionFig. 1 : Appearance and dimensions6. Measuring circuit diagramI n p u t (+)I n p u t (G N D )Fig. 2 : Recommended circuit diagram (R1, 2 : 200ohm, VR1 : 3Kohm)7. Gas sensitivity characteristics深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900Fig. 3 : Gas sensitivity characteristics8.Temperature dependence at 60%RHFig. 4 : Temperature dependence of zero offset深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900Fig. 5 : Temperature dependence of relative sensitivity to methane9.Humidity dependenceFig. 6 : Humidity dependence of zero offset(at 25 degree C)深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900Fig.7 : Humidity dependence of relative sensitivity to methane10.Long term stabilityFig. 8 : Long term stability of relative sensitivity to methane11.Sensitivity distributionFig. 9 : Sensitivity distribution深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-8525890012.Relative sensitivity(In case that sensitivity to methane is 100.)Gas/Vapor Chemical formula LEL (%) Relative sensitivityStd. Methane CH4 5.0 1001 Acetone (CH3)2CO 2.6 602 Ethanol C2H5OH 3.3 703 Ethyl acetate CH3COOC2H5 2.2 604 Ethylene C2H4 2.7 855 Hydrogen H2 4.0 1106 Iso-propanol CH3-C2H4OH 2.2 607 Methanol CH3OH 6.7 1008 Methyl ethyl ketone CH3-CO-C2H5 1.9 459 N-butane C4H10 1.8 7010 N-heptane C7H16 1.05 5511 N-hexane C6H14 1.2 6512 N-pentane C5H12 1.4 7013 Propane C3H8 2.1 7514 N-octane C8H18 0.95 5015 Toluene C6H5CH3 1.2 6016 Ammonia NH3 15.0 13017 Carbon monoxide CO 12.5 11018 Unleaded petrol 1.2 65Remarks)If other data are required, please contact us since sensitivity of many combustible gases except bad smell, dangerous, poisonous and high boiling temperature materials over 120 degree C are available for investigations.13. Durability1)Exposure in hydrogen sulfideTest conditionsSensors were exposed in 50%LEL of methane and 25ppm of hydrogen sulfide for 1hr. at normal temperature and humidity.No.Before test (mV) After test (mV)Zero offset Relative sensitivity to CH4 Zero offset Relative sensitivity toCH41 5.6 100 6.8 992 21.2 100 22.8 973 -17.9 100 -15.4 924 0.2 100 2.2 945 27.9 100 29.1 92深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com2)Exposure in HMDSTest conditionsSensors were exposed in 50%LEL of methane and 10ppm of HMDS for 1hr. at normal temperatureand humidity.No.Before test (mV) After test (mV)Zero offset Relative sensitivity to CH4 Zero offset Relative sensitivity to CH41 11.0 100 11.6 642 14.4 100 14.7 603 22.9 100 22.6 684 12.7 100 13.7 765 -19.4 100 -17.1 753)Exposure in high concentration of methaneTest conditionsSensors were exposed in 8% (160%LEL) of methane at normal temperature and humidity for 1hr.No.Before test (mV) After test (mV)Zero offset Relative sensitivity to CH4 Zero offset Relative sensitivity to CH41 -3.6 100 -1.3 982 -18.1 100 -16.2 1013 -10.7 100 -8.5 944 14.8 100 16.5 925 28.3 100 30.4 944)Drop testTest conditionsSensors were dropped from the height of 30cm onto the wood board of 3cm thickness with free fallby 3 times.No.Before test (mV) After test (mV)Zero offset Relative sensitivity to CH4 Zero offset Relative sensitivity to CH41 7.1 100 8.8 99-8.3 100 -8.8 100 23-5.4 100 -5.2 103-1.3 100 -1.2 100 4-2.0 100 -0.5 102 55)Vibration testTest conditionsVibration which is 10Hz with the 4mm of amplitude for 20min. to 3 directions of X, Y and Z wasadded to sensors at normal temperature and humidity.test(mV)testNo. Before(mV) After深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.comZero offset Relative sensitivity to CH4 Zero offset Relative sensitivity to CH41 20.4 100 20.9 1002 11.8 100 12.7 1003 -11.6 100 -11.9 100-28.4 100 -29.4 100 45 0.3 100 1.4 1016)Storage in high temperature and humidityTest conditionsSensors were stored in 60 degree C, 90%RH for 1000hrs. without being energized.No.Before test (mV) After test (mV)Zero offset Relative sensitivity to CH4 Zero offset Relative sensitivity to CH41 24.8 100 26.3 992 21.9 100 23.2 953 18.4 100 20.0 954 14.4 100 15.6 975 2.5 100 2.4 997)Operation in high temperature and humidityTest conditionsSensors were energized in 60 degree C, 90%RH for 1000hrs.No.Before test (mV) After test (mV)Zero offset Relative sensitivity to CH4 Zero offset Relative sensitivity to CH41 24.1 100 25.1 972 3.2 100 2.7 953 -9.7 100 -10.3 954 12.5 100 13.2 955 17.7 100 18.1 918)Storage in low temperatureTest conditionsSensors were stored in -20 degree C for 1000hrs.No.Before test (mV) After test (mV)Zero offset Relative sensitivity to CH4 Zero offset Relative sensitivity to CH41 11.1 100 11.8 1002 18.5 100 18.3 973 20.9 100 21.7 974 -22.3 100 -23.5 955 2.2 100 3.0 9914. Evaluation method深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com1.Test equipmentOutline of test equipment is as follows.Remarks on equipments)A)Test chamber・Material of test chamber is to be inactive like metal, glass or acrylic resin which does not exhale and adsorb gases.・V olume of test chamber is to be more than 1 litter per 1pc. of sensor.B)Circumstance・Clean circumstance is recommended as evaluation area. Dirty circumstance which contains combustible gases like organic solvent vapor is to be avoided.C)Gas densitometer・Laser gas densitometer is recommended, but volume method is available simply.D)Agitation in test chamber・Air agitation in test chamber is to be conducted carefully in order not to flow air to sensor directly. Air velocity to sensor is to be less than 0.5m/sec.E)Power supply・Both of AC power and DC power are available for sensor, however DC power supply is recommended for accurate evaluation.F)Digital volt meter・Since the impedance of sensor is fairly low, general digital volt meter having over 100kohm as input impedance is sufficiently available.G)Ventilation・Ventilator with ventilation capacity of over 10 times/min. of the volume of test chamber is recommended for the convenient evaluation.H)Installation position of sensor in test chamber深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com・When the sensor is installed in test chamber, it should be careful that each sensor is to be in constant position because output signal changes in case that position of sensor changes. If the rough evaluation is carried out, such careful treatment is not necessary.2.Adjustment of gas concentrationAdjustment of gas concentration is to be conducted by volume method or by using laser gas densitometer. In case of volume method, gas volume to be injected into a chamber is obtained from the calculation formula below described.V m Vi C Tr Tc()l=++−・・102732736V: Gas volume to be injectedVi: V olume of test chamber()m lTc: Temperature in test chamber(℃)Tr: Room temperature(℃)C: Target gas concentration (ppm)3.Evaluation methodA.Preliminary aging・Before evaluation of sensor, preliminary aging at rated voltage for over 1 hr. is recommended for accurate evaluation.B.Measurement・At first, output voltage in clean air is measured. It should be confirmed that output voltage has to be stable without fluctuation.・Output voltage is measured around 1min. later after the designated volume of gas is injected intoa test chamber.・Inside of test chamber should be substituted of clean air by ventilator.4.Notice on handling・Sensor is to be gently handled without adding shock or dropping.・Handling in a location which corrosive gases or poisonous gases exist is to be avoided.・Sensor does not have to be dipped in water.・Sensor does not have to be disassembled.・Do not cut pins in any case.・It has explosion proof structure, however it is recommended to be assembled in an approved body.深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900。
