国际贸易实务第二章课后习题答案一、单项选择题1.C2. B3. D4. A5. D二、多选题1.ABC2.ABCDE三、简答题1、答案要点:我国进出口商品的作价原则是:在贯彻平等互利的原则下根据国际市场价格水平,结合国别地区政策,并按照我们的购销意图确定适当的价格。
如USD per metric ton CIF New York including 2% commission 。
(2)也可在贸易术语后面加注佣金的英文缩写字母“C”,并注明佣金的百分比来表示,如USD per metric ton CIFC2% New York 。
(3)明佣的表示方法一般是在价格之后加列一定百分比的佣金率,如USD27.50 per piece CIFC5 New York ,这里的C5指5%commission ,即佣金率。
Chapter 1 International Trade1.What are the reasons for international trade?There are three main reasons: resource reasons, economic reasons, and political reasons. The resource reasons refer to the uneven distribution of resources such as natural resources, capital, and labor. The economic reasons are explained by the principal of absolute advantage and the principal of comparative advantage. Besides, nations are motivated to trade or not to trade with each other by international and domestic political needs.2.What is the principal of comparative advantage?Created by David Ricardo, the principal of comparative advantage is a basic theory for specialization and trade which says trade will benefit both nations provided only that their relative costs, that is, the ratios of their real costs measured by labor-hour or another commodity, are different for two or more commodities. In other words, trade depends on differences in comparative cost or opportunity cost, and one nation can profitably trade with another even though its real costs are higher (lower) in every commodity.3.What are the benefits of international trade?The benefits of international trade include cheaper goods, more choices of goods, wider market for domestic producers, and the growth of domestic and world economy.4. Why does trade protectionism still exist despite the benefits of international trade?Trade protectionism exists for economic and political reasons. Nations want to protect their infant industries and jobs from foreign competition, to maintain balance of payment, and not to support their foes.5.Want are some of the forms of trade restrictions?Trade restrictions take the forms of tariff barriers and non-tariff barriers.6.What is a tariff barrier and what is a non-tariff barrier?A tariff barrier is a direct monetary burden to discourage trade in which a duty or fee is levied on goods being imported into (or exported out of) a country. A non-tariff barrier, on the other hand, is not directly a monetary burden though it often costs more time and money. Non-tariff barriers include quota, license, foreign exchange control, technical standards, and regulations, etc.Terms1. A tariff: is a duty or fee that is levied on goods being imported into (or exported out of) acountry.2.Surtax: is an additional tax. It may also be temporary and discriminatory. In internationaltrade, import surtax is often collected to cope with international payment difficulties and to prevent dumping.3.Anti-dumping duty: is a fee that is collected by the importing country when it believes thatthe exporting country is selling a significant amount goods to the importing country at prices much lower than in the exporting country.4.Specific duty: is a tax of a certain sum assessed and collected on an article without referenceto its value or market.5.Ad valorem duty: is a tax which is graded according to the cost, or market value, of thearticle taxed.6. A quota: is a quantitative restriction or an upper limit in terms of physical quantity or value.7.An import license: is a permit for import issued by the government to control the import ofgoods.8.Foreign exchange control: means various forms of restriction imposed by a government onthe purchase/sale of foreign currencies by residents or on the purchase/sale of local currency by nonresidents.Chapter 2 Terms of Delivery1.What are the key issues that a contract must spell out clearly?Seller’s and buyer’s responsibilities and associated costsTime and place of deliveryDocuments and expensesTitle to the goods2.Why are Incoterms created?Incoterms are created to provide a set of international rules for the interpretation of the most commonly used trade terms in foreign trade. Thus, the uncertainties of different interpretations of such terms in different countries can be avoided or at least reduced to a considerable degree.3.How are the terms structured in Incoterms?The terms are grouped in four basically different categories: E-term, F-terms, C-terms, and D-terms. E-term requires the seller to make the goods available to the buyer usually at the seller’s own premises. F-terms require the seller to deliver the goods to a carrier appointed and paid by the buyer. C-terms require the seller to contract and pay for carriage without assuming the risk of loss of or damage to the goods or additional costs due to events occurring after shipment and dispatch. D-terms require the seller to bear all costs and risks needed to bring the goods to the place of destination.4.Do you have to use Incoterms in every transaction? Why or why not?No, sellers and buyers don’t need to use Incoterms in their transaction because Incoterms are created only to provide an option, not an obligation.5.What should be considered in the choice of terms of delivery?Transport capacityCustomer’s locationFreight rateLoading/unloading facilities and local port customRisks in transitChapter 3 Cargo Packaging, Stowage & Marking1.Generally speaking, what are the main reasons for cargo packaging?Generally speaking, there are four main reasons for cargo packaging:a.protective function that essentially involves protecting the contents from the environment andvice versa;b.loading and transport function that requires proper packaging design for easy handling andspace-saving transportationc.stowage function that facilitates stowage and distribution; andd.promotion function that helps generate product awareness and sales2.The protective function of packaging essentially involves protecting the contents fromthe environment. Is this statement true or false and why?This statement is only partially true because the protective function of packaging involves protecting people and the environment, not only the contents, particularly for hazardous materials.3.What is the most efficient method of handling general cargo?The most efficient method of handling general cargo is to make up cargo unit.4.What are the main factors influencing types of cargo packaging?The main factors influencing types of cargo packaging are:a.nature of cargo;b.transport;c.Customs and statutory requirements;d.Insurance acceptance conditions;e.Cost; andf.Ease of handling and stowage5.What should be considered in the stowage of cargo?The following should be considered in the stowage of cargo:a.observation of weight limitations and distributions;b.prevention of damage to transport vehicle;c.best use of available deadweight or cubic capacity to minimize the broken stowage;d.avoidance of mixing incompatible cargo;e.plan for ease of unloading6.What purposes does correct and complete marking serve?Correct and complete marking of packages helps prevent incorrect handling, accidents, incorrect delivery, losses of weight and volume and Customs fines7.What are the main types of marks?The main types of marks include shipping marks, information marks, indicative marks and warning marks.8.What are the marking requirements?The marking requirements are internationality, visibility, legibility and indelibilityChapter 4 Transport1.What are the key differences between liners and tramps?A liner operates over a regular route according to an advertised time-table but a tramp does not operate this way. Instead, a tramp is a vessel hired to pick up cargo from almost any port and go directly to the port of destination.2.What does the abbreviation FIO stand for? What does it mean?FIO stands for “free in and out”, which means that the charterer of a vessel, not the ship operator, is responsible for the costs of loading and unloading.3.What key purposes does a B/L serve?A B/L serves three key purposes. First, it is evidence that a valid contract of carriage exists between the carrier and the shipper, and it may incorporate the full terms of the contract between them. Second, it is a receipt signed by the carrier confirming whether goods matching the contract description have been received from the shipper in good condition. Third, it is also a document of title, creating ownership of the goods shipped.4.What should a clause of shipment include?A clause of shipment should include time of shipment, port of shipment and port of destination, advice of shipment, partial shipment and transshipment.5.What is Air Waybill and what is the key difference between the document and an OceanB/L?An air waybill is a transport document issued by airlines or air cargo companies or their agents. The key difference between this document and an ocean B/L is that air waybill is not a title document. As a straight waybill, an air waybill is not transferrable or negotiable and a shipper does not lose his ownership of the cargo by handing the air waybill to the airline. However, as the buyer is named the consignee on the waybill and he/she can claim the consignment from the carrier by simply showing proof of identity.6.What is international multimodal transport?International multimodal transport is the carriage of goods by at least two different modes of transport on the basis of a multimodal transport contract from a place in one country at which the goods are taken in charge by the multimodal transport operator to a place designated for delivery situated in a different country.7.What are the general considerations in cargo transport?Reliability, speed and frequency, and cost.Chapter 5 Foreign exchange rate & Contract formation- Offer & Acceptance1.How is the exchange rate between any two currencies expressed?There are two ways to express the exchange rate between any two currencies, i.e., the price of Currency A can be quoted in terms of Currency B or vice versa. Depending on whether home currency is used to express the price of foreign currencies or foreign countries are used to express the price of home currency, we have direct quotation and indirect quotation.2.How many rates does a bank normally quote?Two, a buying (bid) rate and a selling(ask)rate.3.Why is exchange rate an important issue for international traders?While the exchange rates between currencies float, payment is normally made sometime after the contract is concluded. The final earnings in the home currency (if the contract currency is a foreign currency) will only be known with the prevailing exchange rate at the time the payment is made. A favorable exchange rate will give the exporter more home currency. On the other hand, an adverse movement of the exchange rates will bring him a loss in terms of home currency.4.How can we manage the exchange rate risks (foreign exchange risks)?There are a number of choices: choosing the right currency for a transaction, booking a forward contract, and using other products that banks offer.5.If you intend to make your offer indefinite, what can you do to avoid misinterpretation?If an offerer wants to make an offer indefinite, he should make clear reservations to avoid misinterpretation.6.How can you terminate an offer?An offer can be terminated by:The party offering may revoke the offer if no consideration has been given.The offer may lapse (either after a specified time, or it may just become stale).Offer may come to an end after a stipulated event occurs or does not occur.Offer may lapse on death of the party offeringOffer is killed by a counter-offer.7.Who can accept an offer?Only the offeree can accept an offer.8.What does acceptance mean to a contract?Since an acceptance indicates assent to an offer, it validates the contract and means that boththe offerer and the offeree will be bound by the terms and conditions in the offer.9.What is a counter-offer?A counter-offer is either the office’s proposal of a new set of terms for the transaction or his conditional acceptance by making actual, material changes in the offer.1.Foreign exchange: is the currency of any foreign country which is the authorized instrumentof settlement and the basis for record keeping in that country.2.Like any other commodities, a foreign exchange has a price, which is expressed in anothercurrency. Exchange rate is the price relationship between the currencies of two countries or the price of one currency in terms of the other.3.Offer rate(of foreign exchange):is the price at which a bank is willing to sell foreignexchange to its customers4. A definite offer:is one that clearly expresses the offerer’s willingness in concluding atransaction by providing complete and clear information for the deal. Normally it includes all the necessary items for a transaction, specifies the time by which the offer is valid and the time the acceptance must be received, and uses the phrase “offer firm” meaning that the offer is made without reservations.5.An acceptance: is a statement made by the offeree indicating assent to an offer.。
C 4.C 5。
B 6.B 7.C四、判断题1.× 2.√3。
《跟单信用证统一惯例》规定,About表明数量可有上下10%的伸缩,因此,“About 500m/t”的交货数量可在450-550m/t之间,而“500m/t 5% more or less at seller’s option"卖方最多可交525m/t,最少可交475m/t,多交或少交部分一般按合同价格计价。
第三章 习题(P64)案例分析1. (1)中、美均是《公约》的成员,故适用《公约》规定;(2)根据《公约》规定,发盘在送达受盘人时生效;另外,一项发盘,即使是不可撤销的发盘,也可以撤回,撤回的通知在发盘送达受盘人之前,或同时送达受盘人;(3)鉴于我国与美国存在12小时时差。
国际贸易实务 教学课件 ppt 作者 孟海樱 .课后习题参考答案
《国际贸易实务》课后习题参考答案第一章绪论一、单项选择题1.A2. D3. B4. A5. A6.D7. B8. D9. D 10. C二、多项选择题1.ABCD2.AC3.ABCD4.ABC5.ABCD6.BCD三、简答题1.构成有效发盘的条件:应向一个或一个以上特定的人提出,内容必须十分确定,必须表明发盘人对其发盘一旦被接受即受约束的意思(表明订约意旨)。
6.合同书的形式:合同/确认书(sales/purchase contract or confirmation),协议(agreement),备忘录(memorandum of understanding ),意向书(letter of intent),订单/委托购单签订书面合同的意义:合同成立的证据,合同生效的条件,合同履行的依据。
《国际贸易实务》习题集第一模块货物的品质一、不定项选择题1、卖方根据买方来样复制样品,寄送买方并经其确认的样品,被称为(BDE ).A、复样B、回样C、原样D、确认样E、对等样品2、在国际贸易中,造型上有特殊要求或具有色香味方面特征的商品适合于(A )A、凭样品买卖B、凭规格买卖C、凭等级买卖D、凭产地名称买卖3、若合同规定由品质公差条款,则在公差范围内,卖方(A)A、不得拒收货物B、可以拒收货物C、可以要求调整价格D、可以拒收货物也可以要求调整价格4、大路货是指( D )A、适于商销B、上好可销品质C、质量劣等D、良好平均品质5、卖方交货是因采用GMQ标准而发生争议,通常的解决方式是(C )A、根据买方所在国法律解决B、根据卖方所在国法律解决C、同业公会一仲裁的方式解决D、国际法庭解决6、目前我国出口的某些工艺品、服装、轻工业品等常用来表示品质的方法是(A )A、凭样品买卖B、凭规格买卖C、凭等级买卖D、凭产地名称买卖10、凭样品买卖时,如果合同中无其他规定,那么卖方所交货物(B )A、可以与样品大致相同B、必须与样品完全一致C、允许有合理公差D、允许在包装规格上有一定幅度的差异二、判断题1、在出口贸易中,表达品质的方法多种多样,为了明确责任,最好采用既凭样品又凭规格买卖的方法。
A、以净重作为毛重作为计价的基础B、按毛重计算重量作为计价的基础C、按理论重量作为计价的基础D、按法定重量作为计价的基础2、我国目前使用最多的计量方法(B).A、按数量计算B、按重量计算C、按长度计算D、按体积计算3、国际贸易中大宗农副产品、矿产品及部分工业制成品习惯计量方法( C )。
国际贸易实务 课后练习参考答案
课后练习参考答案第1章商品的品名、品质、数量■课后自测□选择(单项)1、C2、B3、D4、A5、A□判断1、√2、×3、×4、√5、×6、√7、×8、√9、×10、√□简答1、从法律角度上看, 商品的具体描述是商品说明的一个主要组成部分,是货物交收的基本依据之一。
《跟单信用证统一惯例》规定,About表明数量可有上下10%的伸缩,因此,“About 500m/t”的交货数量可在450-550m/t之间,而“500m/t 5% more or less at seller’s option”卖方最多可交525m/t,最少可交475m/t,多交或少交部分一般按合同价格计价。
第一章:国际贸易基础知识1.1 国际贸易的定义和特点1.2 国际贸易主体和主要形式1.3 国际贸易的国内法律制度第二章:国际贸易环境与经济全球化2.1 国际贸易环境的要素和特点2.2 经济全球化的主要表现和影响2.3 国际经济组织和国际贸易规则第三章:国际贸易政策与手续3.1 国际贸易政策的基本原则和类型3.2 进出口许可证件与手续3.3 贸易保护主义措施第四章:国际贸易的结算与融资4.1 国际贸易的结算方式和主要条款4.2 国际贸易融资的种类和形式4.3 国际贸易支付工具和结算方式第五章:国际货物运输与保险5.1 国际货物运输的基本方式和特点5.2 国际货物运输的组织和协议5.3 国际货物保险的种类和保险单据第六章:国际商务实务与沟通技巧6.1 国际商务实务的基本环节和步骤6.2 国际商务谈判的原则和技巧6.3 国际商务沟通的方式和策略附件列表:附件一:国际贸易合同范本附件二:国际贸易电子商务平台介绍法律名词及注释:1. 国内法律制度:指一个国家或地区内部的法律体系,由宪法、法律、行政法规、地方性法规等构成,用于规范国内贸易活动的法律体系。
2. 进出口许可证件:指用于控制和管理进出口货物的文件或证件,包括许可证、登记证、批准证等。
3. 贸易保护主义措施:指国家为了保护本国产业和市场,对进口货物进行限制和限制性措施的做法,包括关税、配额、反倾销等手段。
4.拒绝买方此要求.根据FOB术语我们可得知,租船是买方的责任,既然买方是以委托方式要求我方代为办理租船, ,并且费用由买方负担,所以能否租到合适的船,我方都不负任何责任。
买方没有权利因此而撤销合同.5.拒绝买方的要求.根据CIF术语,在货物越过装运港船弦时风险已经从卖方转移到买方.我方只负责货物在装运港之前的灭失或损失的一切风险,并支付货物运至目的港的正常运费以及签订保险合同及支付保险费.并在货物发出后及时将保险合同转让给买方.所以买方自己向中国人民保险公司提出索赔,.也没有退还全部货款的必要.6.为了减少货物存在仓库的风险,我可以应采用FCA或CIP,CPT术语签订合同.这样,当货物在交往湛江码头仓库或者承运人时风险就从我方转移至卖方,则发生此事故,货物的损失就不用我方承担.;7.按CFR术语,合同规定保险由买方自理.但我方有义务在货物装船后及时向买方发去装船通知,使买方及时购买保险,但上述案例中卖方由于未及时向买方发去装船通知,使买方无法及时购买保险,这是由于我方的失误造成的,货物在海上灭失,卖方应承担所有的损失.8.由于日本客商坚持由自己办理运输,所以采用EXW术语可以使双方都满意.第二章合同单选题判断1.由于凭样品交货时,所交货物品质必须与样品完全一致.所以虽然B交货的质量太好,但不符合合同中品质条款的规定,所以B的做法属于违约行为,如果上诉到法院,B必须赔偿A由于交货品质与样品不同而造成的全部损失.2.A公司在与外商洽谈过程中,表现出了以样品表示品质的倾向,而在合同中又用文字方法表示商品的具体规格,这两种表示方法本来就难两全,很容易让外商抓住两者之间的矛盾点,仲裁机构则认为A公司在此项交易中必须做到按样品交货,同时货物也要符合合同的品质条款,而外商的商检证书则证明A公司的货物不符合样品的要求,所以仲裁机构判决卖方没有完成交货义务,须赔付买方的品质公差. 教训:订立合同品质条款中,以上两种品质表示方法只能二者择其一,或者寄送样品时,注明“样品仅供参考,以合同品质条款为准”3.合同中规定的溢短装条款,并不适合那些可以非常明晰表示的货物计量方法,类似以件计算,以打计算,所以卖方提出的依据本身就是不合理的.在议付过程中出现了单证不符的现象,所以遭到银行的议付.教训:为了顺利完成议付,完成合同规定的卖方应负的义务,卖方应尽量做到单单相符,单证相符,单据与合同相符.4.为了时卖方在利用信用证议付时能顺利取得货款,卖方应严格按照合同以及信用证的要求,做到单单相符,单证相符,单据与合同相符.避免不必要的麻烦与损失.5.银行的拒付有理,因为数量上可以有10%的溢短装是直货物在重量上存在溢短,并不是允许能明晰表现的数量存在溢短.卖方的做法使得单证不符,必然遭到议付行的拒付.6.我方应具体分析,看卖方提出索赔时是否已经超出了索赔期,如果超出索赔期,我方则可以拒绝赔偿,但如果在索赔期内,我方应要求买方出具具体的商检证书以及证明期面料确实为我方出口给买方的那几批纺织品.如果确实责任在我方,则我方需赔偿买方的损失.7.我方应尽量不接受,因为这涉及到知识产权的问题.同时,在有些国家,没有进口商的原产地证书,有些货物是不允许销售的.这将对我方造成一定的损失.8.我方装出22公吨货物,总金额超出了信用证的最高金额,不能做到单证相符,所以遭到议付行的拒付.第三章运输单选题多选题六、计算题P16 第2题50美元+(200+200*10%)*0.05=X*(1-3%)解得X=62.9美元七.案例分析1.船公司的做法成立.因为签订的是联运提单,每个承运人只对其航程负责.但船公司仍有识别提单是否是正本(只有提正本提单,才能提取货物)的义务.所以我方应通过船公司想最后议程的承运人索赔.2.银行有拒付的权利.因为倒签提单银行是不接受,受益人也不可援引不可抗力条款,信用证的不可抗力条款只适用于银行。
国际贸易实务习题和答案(doc 12页)
国际贸易实务习题和答案(doc 12页)国际贸易实务习题及答案选择/判断合同的商定与履行:一、判断以下说法正确与否:1. 在国际贸易中,达成一项交易的两个必不可少的环节是发盘和接受。
()√2. 发盘必须明确规定有效期限,未规定有效期的发盘无效。
()×3. 一项有效的发盘,一旦被受盘人无条件地全部接受,合同即告成立。
()√4. 在交易磋商过程中,发盘是卖方作出的行为,接受是由买方作出的行为。
()×5. 按《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》规定,一项发盘发出后,发盘人可以随时将其撤销。
()×6. 还盘是对发盘的拒绝,还盘一经作出,原发盘即失去效力,发盘人不再受其约束。
()√7. 一项接受,可以由受盘人作出,也可由发盘人作出。
()√8. 国际货物买卖交易磋商中的接受,应以声明或行动表示,但在特定条件下,缄默也可以构成接受。
(√)9. 逾期送达发盘人的接受,只要发盘人默认,合同即成立。
()×10. 因传递原因造成逾期接受,如发盘人未及时表示同意与否,则该项逾期接受即视作有效的接受。
()√11 按《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》规定,发盘一经发出立即生效。
()×12. 根据《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》的规定,受盘人可以在发盘的有效期内,以开立信用证这一行为表示接受。
()√13. 还盘在形式上不同于拒绝,但还盘和拒绝都可导致原发盘的失效。
AA. 除非发盘人及时提出异议,该逾期接受有效,合同成立B. 只要发盘人及时表示确认,该逾期接受有效,合同成立C. 该逾期接受丧失接受效力,合同未成立2、一项发盘,经过还盘后,则该项发盘()。
CA.CIF 比CFR 大B.CFR 比CIF 大C.CIF 与CFR 相同4. 按FOB 术语签订的合同,采用程租船运输的大宗货物,应在合同中具体订明()。
国际贸易实务习题答案第二章(一)货物描述-品质条款一、单选题1. 大路货是指(D)。
A. 适于商销B. 上好可销品质C. 质量劣等D. 良好平均品质2. 某美国客商到我国一家玩具厂参观, 之后对该厂的部分产品很感兴趣, 于是立即签定购买合同,批量购买他所见到的那部分产品, 决定按实物样品作为合同中交收货物的品质要求。
这种表示品质的方法是( B )。
A. 看货购买B. 凭卖方样品C. 凭买方样品D. 凭对等样品3.凭样品买卖时, 如果合同中无其他规定, 那么卖方所交货物(B )。
A. 可以与样品大致相同B. 必须与样品完全一致C. 允许有合理公差D. 允许在包装规格上有一定幅度的差异4.外商在收到我方寄送的样品后, 来电表示愿意按我所提交易条件成交, 并嘱其签订销售合同。
我方在合同内详细列出该商品的品质规格, 经对方签字后寄回无误。
我方按约装船, 忽然接到对方来电: “你方所装货物品质是否与样品相符。
”我方的正确答复应该是( D )。
A. 我方所装货物品质与样品相符B. 我方所装货物品质与样品大致相符C. 我方所装货物品质与样品完全相符D.我方所装货物品质以合同为准, 样品仅供参考5. 对等样品也称之为(B )。
A. 复样B. 回样C. 卖方样品D. 买方样品6. 在国际贸易中造型上有特殊要求或具有色香味方面特征的商品适合于(A )。
A. 凭样品买卖B. 凭规格买卖C. 凭等级买卖D. 凭产地名称买卖7.凡货样难以达到完全一致的, 不宜采用( A )。
A. 凭样品买卖B. 凭规格买卖C. 凭等级买卖D. 凭说明买卖8.凭卖方样品成交时, 应留存(C )以备交货时核查之用。
A. 对等样品B. 回样C. 复样D. 参考样品9.在品质条款的规定上, 对某些比较难掌握其品质的工业制成品或农副产品, 我们多在合同中规定( C )。
A. 溢短装条款B. 增减价条款C. 品质公差或品质机动幅度D. 商品的净重10.若合同规定有品质公差条款, 则在公差范围内, 买方(A )。
也发个给我呗 michellehoo918@ 跪谢!!!国际贸易实务课后答案(二):国际贸易实务的计算题求答案(紧急)明宇公司向英国ABC公司出口女士衬衣10,000件,每100件装一纸箱,装运港大连,目的港伦敦.FOB单价为,经查大连至伦敦的基本运费为每箱,燃油附加费费率为8%,保险费率为%.请计算该批衬衣的CIF价格,并用英文写出完整的价格条款(计算结果精确到小数点后2位).CIF伦敦=实际成本+运费+保险费=实际成本+运费+报价*(1+投保加成)*保险费率=CFR/{1—(1+投保加成)*保险费率}={*100+*(1+8%)}/{1—110%*%}=/箱CARTON CIF LONDON,EACH CARTON OF 100 PIECES OF SKIRT. 国际贸易实务课后答案(三):求《国际贸易实务》案例分析题答案啊我国某公司签订了一份以即期信用证付款的FOB合同,进口食品1000箱。
国际贸易实务习题(附参考答案)一、单选题(共50题,每题1分,共50分)1、按《2010年通则》的解释,CIF与CFR的主要区别在于( )A、前者卖方租船定舱,后者买方租船定舱B、前者卖方办理货运保险,后者买方办理货运保险C、前者卖方承担装船前的一切风险,后者买方承担装船前的一切风险D、前者卖方办理出口手续,后者买方办理出口手续正确答案:B2、按照《2010通则》的规定,以下关于“CIF”的内容提法正确的是( )。
D、货物的风险在货物实际交付时由卖方转移给买方正确答案:A3、托收方式与信用证支付方式的主要区别是( )。
A、前者使用商业汇票,后者使用银行汇票B、前者是商业信用,后者是银行信用C、前者是顺汇,后者是逆汇D、前者对卖方有利,后者对买方有利正确答案:B4、在保险人所承保的海上风险中,搁浅、触礁属于( )A、一般外来风险B、特殊外来风险C、自然灾害D、意外事故正确答案:D5、汇票根据( )不同,分为银行汇票和商业汇票。
A、受款人B、承兑C、出票人D、付款人正确答案:C6、按照《跟单信用证统一惯例》的规定,受益人最后向银行交单议付的期限是不迟于提单签发日的( )。
A、21B、25C、11D、15正确答案:A7、在进出口贸易实践中,对当事人行为无强制性约束的规范是( )。
( )A、FOB出口价B、CIF出口价C、FOB进口价D、CIF进口价正确答案:A9、在CIF出口贸易中,码头工人野蛮装运导致数件货物包装破损,收货后买方寻找的索赔方为( )A、卖方B、船长C、港务D、保险公司正确答案:A10、国际贸易中,运输标志一般由()。
《国际贸易实务》习题及案例集含答案一、单选题1、国际贸易中,凭样品买卖时,样品()A 只能由卖方提供B 只能由买方提供C 既可以由卖方提供,也可以由买方提供D 以上都不对答案:C解析:在国际贸易中,凭样品买卖时,样品既可以由卖方提供,也可以由买方提供。
2、按照《2010 通则》的解释,CIF 与 CFR 的主要区别在于()A 办理租船订舱的责任方不同B 办理货运保险的责任方不同C 风险划分的界限不同D 办理出口手续的责任方不同答案:B解析:CIF 术语下,卖方负责办理货运保险;CFR 术语下,买方负责办理货运保险。
3、某外贸公司出口茶叶 5 公吨,在海运途中遭受暴风雨,海水涌入舱内,致使一部分茶叶发霉变质,这种损失属于()A 实际全损B 推定全损C 共同海损D 单独海损答案:D解析:单独海损是指保险标的物在海上遭受承保范围内的风险所造成的部分灭失或损害,即指除共同海损以外的部分损失。
4、下列支付方式中,属于银行信用的是()A 信用证B 汇付C 托收D 支票答案:A解析:信用证是一种银行开立的有条件的承诺付款的书面文件,属于银行信用。
5、我某公司按 CIF 条件出口坯布 1000 包,货物在运输途中因货舱淡水管道滴漏,致使该批坯布中的 150 包遭水渍,这种损失属于()A 实际全损B 推定全损C 共同海损D 单独海损答案:D解析:单独海损是由承保风险所直接导致的船、货损失。
本题中,150 包坯布遭水渍是由于货舱淡水管道滴漏这一意外事故直接导致的,属于单独海损。
二、多选题1、构成共同海损的条件有()A 共同海损的危险必须是实际存在的B 消除船、货共同危险而采取的措施是有意合理的C 共同海损的牺牲必须是特殊的,费用支出是额外的D 共同海损的牺牲和费用必须是有效的E 共同海损的发生是不可避免的答案:ABCD解析:构成共同海损需满足以下条件:共同海损的危险必须是实际存在的;消除船、货共同危险而采取的措施是有意合理的;共同海损的牺牲必须是特殊的,费用支出是额外的;共同海损的牺牲和费用必须是有效的。
卖方认为,合同是按照CIF条件成交的,根据《INCOTERMS 2010》的解释,CIF是在装运港交货,买卖双方承担的风险是以装运港船上为界划分,也就是说卖方只承担货物装上船之前的风险,而在运输途中发生的货物损坏,灭失以及延误的风险均由买方承担。
第二章思考题:1、E XW买卖双方的基本义务卖方基本义务:(1)在合同规定的时间、地点,将合同约定的货物置于买方的处置之下(2)承担将货物交给买方处置之前的一切费用和风险。
二、单项选择题1.在进出口贸易实践中,对当事人行为无强制性约束的规范是( C )。
A.国内法B.国际法C.国际贸易惯例D.国际条约2.与进出口贸易关系最大,也是最重要的一项国际条约是( A )。
A.《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》B.《国际贸易术语解释通则》C.《跟单信用证统一通则》D.《托收统一规则》3.在补偿贸易业务中,购进技术设备的一方用该技术设备投产后生产出来的产品偿还技术设备的价款或购买技术设备所用贷款的本息,这种方式称作( D )。
A.部分补偿B.间接补偿C.综合补偿D.直接补偿4.下列关于包销、代理的描述中,正确的是( A )。
A.包销商、独家代理商均享有指定商品的专营权B.包销商、代理商均得到货物实体C.包销商、代理商均得到货物的所有权D.包销商、代理商经营的目的均为获取佣金5.在来料加工业务中,料件与成品的所有权( C )。
A.成品属于供料方,料件属于加工方B.料件属于供料方,成品属于加工方C.属于供料方D.均属于加工方6.在独家代理和包销两种贸易方式中( B )。
A.前者是买卖关系,后者是代理关系B.前者是代理关系,后者是买卖关系C.都是代理关系D.都是买卖关系7.拍卖的特点是( C )。
A.卖主之间的竞争B.买主和卖主之间的竞争C.买主之间的竞争D.拍卖行与拍卖行之间的竞争8.有些国家的政府或海关在处理库存物资或没收货物时往往采用( C )。
A.增价拍卖B.减价拍卖C.密封式递价拍卖D.一般拍卖三、多项选择题1.下列对拍卖业务的描述恰当的有( ACD )。
A.拍卖是一种公开竞买的现货交易B.参与拍卖的买主,一般须向拍卖机构缴存一定数额的保证金C.拍卖己独特的法律和规章D.拍卖是在一定的机构内有组织地进行的2.下列对招标业务的描述正确的有( ABCD )。
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Chapter 1 International Trade1.What are the reasons for international trade?There are three main reasons: resource reasons, economic reasons, and political reasons. The resource reasons refer to the uneven distribution of resources such as natural resources, capital, and labor. The economic reasons are explained by the principal of absolute advantage and the principal of comparative advantage. Besides, nations are motivated to trade or not to trade with each other by international and domestic political needs.2.What is the principal of comparative advantage?Created by David Ricardo, the principal of comparative advantage is a basic theory for specialization and trade which says trade will benefit both nations provided only that their relative costs, that is, the ratios of their real costs measured by labor-hour or another commodity, are different for two or more commodities. In other words, trade depends on differences in comparative cost or opportunity cost, and one nation can profitably trade with another even though its real costs are higher (lower) in every commodity.3.What are the benefits of international trade?The benefits of international trade include cheaper goods, more choices of goods, wider market for domestic producers, and the growth of domestic and world economy.4. Why does trade protectionism still exist despite the benefits of international trade?Trade protectionism exists for economic and political reasons. Nations want to protect their infant industries and jobs from foreign competition, to maintain balance of payment, and not to support their foes.5.Want are some of the forms of trade restrictions?Trade restrictions take the forms of tariff barriers and non-tariff barriers.6.What is a tariff barrier and what is a non-tariff barrier?A tariff barrier is a direct monetary burden to discourage trade in which a duty or fee is levied on goods being imported into (or exported out of) a country. A non-tariff barrier, on the other hand, is not directly a monetary burden though it often costs more time and money. Non-tariff barriers include quota, license, foreign exchange control, technical standards, and regulations, etc.Terms1. A tariff: is a duty or fee that is levied on goods being imported into (or exported out of) acountry.2.Surtax: is an additional tax. It may also be temporary and discriminatory. In internationaltrade, import surtax is often collected to cope with international payment difficulties and to prevent dumping.3.Anti-dumping duty: is a fee that is collected by the importing country when it believes thatthe exporting country is selling a significant amount goods to the importing country at prices much lower than in the exporting country.4.Specific duty: is a tax of a certain sum assessed and collected on an article without referenceto its value or market.5.Ad valorem duty: is a tax which is graded according to the cost, or market value, of thearticle taxed.6. A quota: is a quantitative restriction or an upper limit in terms of physical quantity or value.7.An import license: is a permit for import issued by the government to control the import ofgoods.8.Foreign exchange control: means various forms of restriction imposed by a government onthe purchase/sale of foreign currencies by residents or on the purchase/sale of local currency by nonresidents.Chapter 2 Terms of Delivery1.What are the key issues that a contract must spell out clearly?Seller’s and buyer’s responsibilities and associated costsTime and place of deliveryDocuments and expensesTitle to the goods2.Why are Incoterms created?Incoterms are created to provide a set of international rules for the interpretation of the most commonly used trade terms in foreign trade. Thus, the uncertainties of different interpretations of such terms in different countries can be avoided or at least reduced to a considerable degree.3.How are the terms structured in Incoterms?The terms are grouped in four basically different categories: E-term, F-terms, C-terms, and D-terms. E-term requires the seller to make the goods available to the buyer usually at the seller’s own premises. F-terms require the seller to deliver the goods to a carrier appointed and paid by the buyer. C-terms require the seller to contract and pay for carriage without assuming the risk of loss of or damage to the goods or additional costs due to events occurring after shipment and dispatch. D-terms require the seller to bear all costs and risks needed to bring the goods to the place of destination.4.Do you have to use Incoterms in every transaction? Why or why not?No, sellers and buyers don’t need to use Incoterms in their transaction because Incoterms are created only to provide an option, not an obligation.5.What should be considered in the choice of terms of delivery?Transport capacityCustomer’s locationFreight rateLoading/unloading facilities and local port customRisks in transitChapter 3 Cargo Packaging, Stowage & Marking1.Generally speaking, what are the main reasons for cargo packaging?Generally speaking, there are four main reasons for cargo packaging:a.protective function that essentially involves protecting the contents from the environment andvice versa;b.loading and transport function that requires proper packaging design for easy handling andspace-saving transportationc.stowage function that facilitates stowage and distribution; andd.promotion function that helps generate product awareness and sales2.The protective function of packaging essentially involves protecting the contents fromthe environment. Is this statement true or false and why?This statement is only partially true because the protective function of packaging involves protecting people and the environment, not only the contents, particularly for hazardous materials.3.What is the most efficient method of handling general cargo?The most efficient method of handling general cargo is to make up cargo unit.4.What are the main factors influencing types of cargo packaging?The main factors influencing types of cargo packaging are:a.nature of cargo;b.transport;c.Customs and statutory requirements;d.Insurance acceptance conditions;e.Cost; andf.Ease of handling and stowage5.What should be considered in the stowage of cargo?The following should be considered in the stowage of cargo:a.observation of weight limitations and distributions;b.prevention of damage to transport vehicle;c.best use of available deadweight or cubic capacity to minimize the broken stowage;d.avoidance of mixing incompatible cargo;e.plan for ease of unloading6.What purposes does correct and complete marking serve?Correct and complete marking of packages helps prevent incorrect handling, accidents, incorrect delivery, losses of weight and volume and Customs fines7.What are the main types of marks?The main types of marks include shipping marks, information marks, indicative marks and warning marks.8.What are the marking requirements?The marking requirements are internationality, visibility, legibility and indelibilityChapter 4 Transport1.What are the key differences between liners and tramps?A liner operates over a regular route according to an advertised time-table but a tramp does not operate this way. Instead, a tramp is a vessel hired to pick up cargo from almost any port and go directly to the port of destination.2.What does the abbreviation FIO stand for? What does it mean?FIO stands for “free in and out”, which means that the charterer of a vessel, not the ship operator, is responsible for the costs of loading and unloading.3.What key purposes does a B/L serve?A B/L serves three key purposes. First, it is evidence that a valid contract of carriage exists between the carrier and the shipper, and it may incorporate the full terms of the contract between them. Second, it is a receipt signed by the carrier confirming whether goods matching the contract description have been received from the shipper in good condition. Third, it is also a document of title, creating ownership of the goods shipped.4.What should a clause of shipment include?A clause of shipment should include time of shipment, port of shipment and port of destination, advice of shipment, partial shipment and transshipment.5.What is Air Waybill and what is the key difference between the document and an OceanB/L?An air waybill is a transport document issued by airlines or air cargo companies or their agents. The key difference between this document and an ocean B/L is that air waybill is not a title document. As a straight waybill, an air waybill is not transferrable or negotiable and a shipper does not lose his ownership of the cargo by handing the air waybill to the airline. However, as the buyer is named the consignee on the waybill and he/she can claim the consignment from the carrier by simply showing proof of identity.6.What is international multimodal transport?International multimodal transport is the carriage of goods by at least two different modes of transport on the basis of a multimodal transport contract from a place in one country at which the goods are taken in charge by the multimodal transport operator to a place designated for delivery situated in a different country.7.What are the general considerations in cargo transport?Reliability, speed and frequency, and cost.Chapter 5 Foreign exchange rate & Contract formation- Offer & Acceptance1.How is the exchange rate between any two currencies expressed?There are two ways to express the exchange rate between any two currencies, i.e., the price of Currency A can be quoted in terms of Currency B or vice versa. Depending on whether home currency is used to express the price of foreign currencies or foreign countries are used to express the price of home currency, we have direct quotation and indirect quotation.2.How many rates does a bank normally quote?Two, a buying (bid) rate and a selling(ask)rate.3.Why is exchange rate an important issue for international traders?While the exchange rates between currencies float, payment is normally made sometime after the contract is concluded. The final earnings in the home currency (if the contract currency is a foreign currency) will only be known with the prevailing exchange rate at the time the payment is made. A favorable exchange rate will give the exporter more home currency. On the other hand, an adverse movement of the exchange rates will bring him a loss in terms of home currency.4.How can we manage the exchange rate risks (foreign exchange risks)?There are a number of choices: choosing the right currency for a transaction, booking a forward contract, and using other products that banks offer.5.If you intend to make your offer indefinite, what can you do to avoid misinterpretation?If an offerer wants to make an offer indefinite, he should make clear reservations to avoid misinterpretation.6.How can you terminate an offer?An offer can be terminated by:The party offering may revoke the offer if no consideration has been given.The offer may lapse (either after a specified time, or it may just become stale).Offer may come to an end after a stipulated event occurs or does not occur.Offer may lapse on death of the party offeringOffer is killed by a counter-offer.7.Who can accept an offer?Only the offeree can accept an offer.8.What does acceptance mean to a contract?Since an acceptance indicates assent to an offer, it validates the contract and means that boththe offerer and the offeree will be bound by the terms and conditions in the offer.9.What is a counter-offer?A counter-offer is either the office’s proposal of a new set of terms for the transaction or his conditional acceptance by making actual, material changes in the offer.1.Foreign exchange: is the currency of any foreign country which is the authorized instrumentof settlement and the basis for record keeping in that country.2.Like any other commodities, a foreign exchange has a price, which is expressed in anothercurrency. Exchange rate is the price relationship between the currencies of two countries or the price of one currency in terms of the other.3.Offer rate(of foreign exchange):is the price at which a bank is willing to sell foreignexchange to its customers4. A definite offer:is one that clearly expresses the offerer’s willingness in concluding atransaction by providing complete and clear information for the deal. Normally it includes all the necessary items for a transaction, specifies the time by which the offer is valid and the time the acceptance must be received, and uses the phrase “offer firm” meaning that the offer is made without reservations.5.An acceptance: is a statement made by the offeree indicating assent to an offer.。