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飞 雪 连 天 射 白 鹿
《飞狐外传》 《雪山飞狐》 《连城诀》 《天龙八部》 《射雕英雄传》 《白马啸西风》 《鹿鼎记》
笑 书 神 侠 倚 碧 鸳
《笑傲江湖》 《书剑恩仇录》 《神雕侠侣》 《侠客行》 《倚天屠龙记》 《碧血剑》 《鸳鸯刀》
• 第一部武侠小说《书剑恩 仇录》(1955-1956), 在《香港商报》上连载。 • 《碧血剑》(1956-1957) • 《雪山飞狐》(57-58) • 《射雕英雄传》(58-59) • 《神雕侠侣》(59-61) • 《飞狐外传》(60-61) • 《白马啸西风》(60) • • • • • • • • 《鸳鸯刀》(61) 《倚天屠龙记》(61-63) 《连城诀》(63) 《天龙八部》(63-66) 《侠客行》(65) 《越女剑》(68) 《笑傲江湖》(67-69) 《鹿鼎记》(69-72)
He completed his last wuxia novel in 1972, after which he officially retired from writing, and spent the remaining years of that decade editing and revising his literary works instead.
Swordswoman Riding West on White Horse
The Deer and the Cauldron
The Smiling Proud Wanderer
The Book and the Sword The Return of the Condor Heroes
Ode to Gallantry Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre Sword Stained with Royal Blood

Sword of the Yue Maiden Other Tales of the Flying Fox Fox Volant of the Snowy Mountain A Deadly Secret Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils
The Legend of the Condor Heroes
The Return of the Condor Heroes " was written in 1959, after" the legend of the Condor Heroes ",before " the Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber ", Mr Jin Yong in the martial arts novel creation of a milepost(里程碑). " The Return of the Condor Heroes " in the works of Jin Yong was adapted into a TV drama .
• 14.小无相功 an unseen power (一种看不见的力量?原 力……) • 15.太玄经 all fool‘s daliy (全是胡言乱语的日记,还真是 玄哪!) • 16.胡青牛医书 buffulo Hu‘s medicine book(水牛胡的医 书,原来青牛又叫水牛?) • 17.五毒秘传 the experience of eat drink fu c k bet and smoke(吃干赌喝抽菸的经验,这也太毒了吧) • 18.药王神篇 king of drag(摇头之王,武侠也有摇头的啊) • 19.七伤拳 7 hurted organ (被伤害的七个器官,有点道 理) • 20.吸星**suck star over china(****全中国的星星,好神 啊)21.天山六阳掌 6 men of mountain Sky‘s press (天 山上的六男子掌法,逐字翻也不是这样的吧)
He is famous as his pen name ---Jinyong
Jin Yong ( february, 6, 1924 -), formerly known as Cha Liangyong, born in Zhejiang Haining, is a renowned Wuxia fiction writers. He moved to Hongkong in 1948,and he is the founder of “ Ming paper ” of Hongkong, and with “飞雪连天射白鹿,笑书 神侠倚碧鸳 ” and “ 越女剑 " 15 novels, his novels have been adapted into television , games, cartoons and other products.
Blade-dance of the Two Lovers
The Condor Trilogy
• The Legend of the Condor Heroes
• The Return of the Condor Heroes • Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre
This is his picture when he studied in Cambridge.
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Thank you
" The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber " was written in the 1961, story time span of one hundred years, with the late Yuan heroes come from, and turbulence broad background, story around two weapons Dragon Saber and Yi Tian sword
The martial arts champion (武林盟主)
Jinyong wrote a total of 15 pieces, of which one ("Sword of the Yue Maiden") is a short story and the other 14 are novels and novellas of various length.
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金庸笔下的武功被这样翻译成英语 1.九阳神功 nine man‘s power (九个男子的力量) 2.九阴真经 nine woman‘story (九个女人的故事) 3.九阴白骨爪 nine woman catch a white bone (九个女人 抓著一个白骨,老外看了还以为会出现召唤兽呢?) 4.神照经 God bless you (神保佑你) 5.胡家刀法 Dr.Hu‘sword (胡博士的剑,天哪,咱们的胡兄 何时成了博士?) 6.两仪剑法 1/2 sword (二分之一的剑,请问是左右1/2还 是上下1/2?) 7.一阳指 one finger just like a pen is (一只手指像笔一 样?) 8.洗髓经 wash bone (洗骨头? 谁敢去给别人洗骨头啊) 9.苗家刀法 Miao‘s sword (苗家的刀,好啦,算你对!) 10.易筋经 change your bone (换你的骨头。老兄算你狠) 11.龙象波若功 D and E comble togeter (龙和象的混合 体?) 12.梯云纵心法 elevator jump (电梯跳跃?在天雷的打击下, 电梯产生异变,於是电梯有了生命……) 13.轻功水上飘 flying skill (飞行技能 ,好简洁!)
• 22.黯然**掌 Deepblue press(深深忧郁的掌法,对对对, 有忧郁症的都使的出来) • 23.松风剑法 softwind sword(软风剑,这还有点像样) • 24.回风落雁剑法 comeback sword(喝了再上剑,在拍广 告吗?) • 25.血刀经 blood strike(cs 的场地都用上啦) • 26.金刚伏魔圈 superman‘s cover(超人的保护,老外看 了还以为超人会出现呢) • 27.八荒六合唯我独尊功 my name is NO.1(我的名字叫 第一,无言……) • 28.含沙射影 shoot you with a machine gun(用机关枪射 你,这样对吗??) • 29.葵花宝典 sunflower Bible/from gentlenan to a lady (太阳花的圣经,可让你从绅士变淑女,欧洲变性者的一 大福音阿)
" The legend of the Condor Heroes " is Jin Yong's middle martial arts novels creation representative the work
The Legend of the Condor Heroes
After Jin yong completed all his titles, it was discovered that the first characters of the first 14 titles can be joined together to form a couple with 7 characters on each line: