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— Unit 3 Under the sea


Part 1 重点词汇(Ⅰ)

1. He was caught tying to ________ the country.

A. escape

B. avoid

C. flee

D. shelter

2. —What did the president say just now?

— He said that the ________ speech contest would be held the next week?

A. annual

B. year

C. average

D. usually

3. In order to find out how the accident happened, the police are looking for

anyone who had _________it.

A. witnessed

B. proved

C. searched

D. stared

4. The rescue team didn’t________ their hope of rescuing the coal miners

________ underground when there was a terrible accident at the mine on

March 28, 2010. Luckily, 115 people were saved.

A. abandon; buried

B. abandon; burying

C. cancel; buried

D. cancel; burying

5. The likely reactions of the market must need to be _______ before we acted.

A. considered on

B. based on

C. relied on

D. reflected on

6. Most teenagers are not ________ the danger of playing computer games,

which I think does more harm than good to them.

A. well aware to

B. well aware of

C. aware that

D. very aware of

7. —What made you so _______?

— The terrible noise outside the room.

A. scare

B. to scare

C. scared

D. scaring

8. The high cost of __________ makes life difficult for students in London.

A. accommodation

B. condition

C. adoption

D. adaption

9. If he fails again, he will _______ us all ________ with him, which makes him

work harder than ever before.

A. drag; down

B. drag; in

C. drag; out

D. drag; up

10. He urged that all the companies _______ measures to keep the environment

clean, safe and friendly.

A. take

B. must take

C. are to take

D. took

Part 2 重点词汇(Ⅱ)

11. He came in and took a seat _______________(相对的,相反的)to me.

12. He ___________(暂停,中止)before making the important decision.

13. The shops sells only a ___________(狭窄的,狭隘的)range of goods.

14. It’s only _________________(浅的,肤浅的,浅薄的)people who judge

by appearance.

15. He ________(跳水,潜水,俯冲)from the bridge and rescued the child.

16. They are all made of one-hundred percent ________(纯的,纯粹的)silk.

17. The visitors described our campus _________________(生动,鲜明).

18. It was ___________(锋利的,敏捷的)of you to have noticed that.

19. An _____________(使人敬畏的,令人畏惧的)thunderstorm struck the city


20. The fence marks the _______________(界限,分界线)between my land and


Part 3 重点短语

1. Don’t rely on your relatives to ____________ you ________(帮摆脱困境或


2. She turned the discussion _________________(上下翻转)by asking a

foolish question.

3. Feng Yun–ching and Ho Shen _______________(吓得要死)at that scene.

4. The next program starts in five minutes; _________________(与此同时,在

此期间), here is some music.

5. John has _________________(意识到)having done something wrong.

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