三、技术规格:测量技术:弧压反馈与电压接触式检测最高控制精度:±1 V控制电压范围: 55-220 V电机驱动方式:桥式脉冲调宽(PWM)最大输出功率: 150 W初始定位上升时间: 0.2-1.5 s穿孔延时时间: 0.2-3 s切割结束回缩时间: 1s 2s 3s弧压显示: 4位蓝色背光LCD工作电源: DC 24V (电流视升降电机而定)输入、输出接口: 1个五芯航插、1个六芯航插、1个D型连接器外壳体积: 82mm×145mm×200mm工作环境温度: 0-50℃四、前面板元件作用及其操作:4位数字电压表:电源指示/设置弧压/实际弧压接通电源后表头的背光灯即亮,同时数字显示为设定弧压,切割时显示实际弧压(无论在手动模式或自动模式)。
SF-HC30P 割炬高度控制器 用户使用手册 V1.0说明书

SF-HC30P割炬高度控制器北京斯达峰控制技术有限公司北京市石景山区海特花园44号楼206目录1前言 (1)1.1 目的 (2)1.2 重要声明 (2)1.3 警告 (3)2概述 (4)2.1技术特点 (4)2.2功能特点 (5)2.3 主要技术指标 (6)3安装 (7)3.1 安装 (7)3.2接口定义说明 (8)4参数说明 (12)4.1参数设定说明 (12)4.2增强参数说明 (12)5使用指南 (14)5.1手动操作 (14)5.2自动操作 (15)6数控系统与调高器有关M指令 (16)6.1 数控系统直接控制输出端口的M功能 (16)6.2 M功能固定循环 (16)6.3 数控系统推荐设置(斯达峰系统) (17)7故障排除 (18)8附录 (19)9联系我们 (20)1前言无论是火焰切割还是等离子切割方式,在切割过程中割炬的割嘴与割板之间的距离(高度)的稳定性至关重要,它将直接影响到切割的速度和切口的质量。
SF-HC30P等离子割炬高度控制器1.1 目的SF-HC30P等离子割炬高度控制器是专门为等离子坡口切割机设计的割炬高度自动控制模块。
1.2 重要声明l SF-HC30P等离子坡口割炬高度控制器实物和使用手册内容可能存在部分差异,请以实物为准。
弧压调高器 等离子弧压调高器

以切割。 1. 检查等离子电源是否打
开; 2. 分压板与调高器之间接
线是否正确; 3. 分压板是否损坏 检查电机是否卡死
初始定位完成后不 能自动起弧。
自动状态下调高器 跟踪太慢
起弧穿孔后等离子 弧立即熄灭
在割炬碰板后的起弧过程中进行动态穿孔 割炬提升的时间,单位秒
0.3 秒
大动作越迅速,值越小动作越柔和,单位是 70%
大动作越迅速,值越小动作越柔和,单位是 50%
故障 ERR2
故障 ERR3
电机不转或只有一 个方向运转
打开电源后,割炬 一直向上提(NPN 型开关定位方式)
原因 自动运行过程中碰板
自动运行过程中断弧 故障
从未检测到等离子弧 压反馈
过流保护 驱动模块损坏 割炬上定位接近开关 没有安装到位,处于开
路状态 接近开关损坏
1. 检测等离子电源是否正 常;
按键说明:菜单——通常显示界面下按此键进入参数设置,允 许用户进行各项参数设定。在参数设置是按此键退出参数设定。 确定:在参数设定时按此键后所设本项参数的数值将被保存到 控制器中,并显示下一项参数。↑键:按此键光标处数字增加。 ↓键:按此键光标处数字减小。←键:通常显示界面下按此键 切换显示信息(0 运行状态→1 电机速度→2 弧压值→3 电机电 流值→4 电机驱动电压),参数设定时按此键光标左移一位,移 到最左一位后再按此键光标将回到最右面的数字位。复位:用 于故障复位。

XPTHC-100弧压调高控制器使用说明书深圳市宏宇达数控技术有限公司2007-05-05目录1、简介1.1、产品型号 (4)1.2、中文名 (4)1.3、适用范围 (4)1.4、工作原理 (4)1.5、基本功能 (4)1.6、弧压检测方式 (5)2、技术参数 (6)3、工作过程 (7)3.1、方式一 (8)3.2、方式二 (8)4、操作面板功能介绍 (9)5、分压板 (10)5.1、非隔离直接分压方式 (10)5.2、隔离分压方式 (11)6、初始定位 (12)6.1、割炬保护帽定位检测方式 (12)6.2、常开型(NPN)、常闭型(PNP)接近开关定位方式 (14)7、接口电路 (15)7.1、电源接口 (15)7.2、割炬升降接口 (15)7.3、连接到等离子的接口 (17)7.4、连接到数控的接口 (17)7.5、接近开关初始定位接口 (18)7.6、电流反馈设置 (18)8、控制接线 (19)8.1、保护帽定位接线图 (19)8.2、接近开关/开关定位接线图 (20)1、简介1.1、产品型号:XPTHC-1001.2、中文名:弧压高度控制器1.3、适用范围:具有恒流特性的或在一定电压范围内具有恒流特性的等离子切割机的割炬高度控制,适用于绝大多数的进口或国产机型。

AVC103 弧压自动调高控制器
版本 Version 3.0A 2010 年 5 月
深圳市昂泰科技有限公司 电话:0755-29489105 传真:0755-29489061
Web Site:
AVC103 等离子弧压调高控制器利用等离子电源的恒流特性,在切割过程中, 切割电流总是等于设定的电流,而切割的弧电压在固定的速度下跟随割炬与板材 的高度变化而变化,当割炬与板材的高度增大时,弧电压上升;当割炬与钢板的 高度减小时,弧电压下降。AVC103 弧压调高控制器通过检测弧电压的变化,进 而控制割炬的升降电机来控制割炬与板材的距离,使弧电压保持不变,割炬高度 同时也保持不变。
AVC103 控制器的工作电压为:交流 AC24V+10%,50Hz/60Hz,控制器本身功 耗<10W。请使用隔离变压器供电,变压器功率需大于(升降电机功率+10W)的 120%,一般在 100W-200W 之间;请勿与其他强干扰源如点火器、电磁阀等共用该 变压器;电源连接请参考图 2-5。
升降电机:DC24V 直流电机。 驱动方式:PWM(脉宽调制方式) 输出功率:最大 60W 工作温度:调高器-10∽60℃ 初始定位方式:接近开关式初始定位(适用水上水下切割的各种等离子) 保护帽定位(适用于水上切割的的中小功率的等离子) 分压比:100:1 精度:最高±1V,可调 外形尺寸:长 X 宽 X 高:180mmX160mmX50mm

目录一、编制依据 (1)二、工程概况 (1)三、施工组织 (1)四、施工工艺 (3)五、质量保证措施(含强条、质量通病防治措施、成品保护措施) (6)六、安全技术措施 (9)一、编制依据1.1有关厂用高低压配电系统、控制室总的部分的设计图纸。
GB/T3787-20061.7《用电安全导则》GB/T13869-20081.8《施工现场临时用电安全技术规范》JGJ 46-20051.9《汽车吊操作规程》GT-550E2.0 《安全标志使用导则》 GB 16179-1996二、工程概况2.1设备简介本工程35kV 配电装置采用SF6 绝缘金属成套开关柜,采用真空断路器,南区海上升压站户内双列布置,北区海上升压站户内单列布置,所有进出线均采用电缆方式。
本工程每座海上升压站0.4kV 配电装置设10 面站用配电屏,其中 6 面为工作配电屏,4 面为应急配电屏,采用户内单列布置。
2.2 设备布置本工程35kV开关柜位于二层甲板开关室内,400V站用屏位于二层甲板低压开关室内。

HEAVTH PTHC-2装箱单PTHC-2弧压自动控制系统序号 名称 数量 备注 1 PTHC-2主机2 航空插座 2,3,4,7,103 100:1分压板4 系统使用说明书5 接近开关 PR12-2DN6 防碰撞夹具7 8注:用户收到货后,请及时开箱检查。
装箱:__________ 日期:__________产品质保说明:感谢您选用本公司产品!凭机身编号和主板编号,海斯科技将为您提供主机保修一年服务,终生成本维修。
下列情况,不属免费服务范围:a) 不符合保修规定,产品上所粘贴的编号或标签破损、缺失、 或与产品不符。
b) 由于环境因素、使用不当及不可抗拒的因素造成之损坏; 未经我公司许可,自行维修或改动造成损坏。
HEAVTH PTHC-2PTHC-2弧压高度自动控制系统使用说明书版本:091109常州海斯科技有限公司HEAVTH PTHC-2目录一、基本概念二、功能简介及特点三、技术参数四、干式切割和水下切割五、工作过程六、操作面板功能介绍七、基本参数调整八、内部参数调整九、分压板十、初始定位介绍十一、接口电路十二、故障维护十三、控制原理图框图与控制接线敬请注意:在使用PTHC-2控制器以前,请仔细阅读本说明书。

5. 设备的运行 ..........................................................................................................................11
5.1. 5.2. 5.3. 5.4. 5.5.
3. 设备各部件结构设计及说明 ................................................................................................6
3.1. 概述..........................................................................................................................6 3.2. 主要结构及材质说明..............................................................................................6
版本:A 第2页,共28页
本说明书能帮助用户对高压加热器进行正确安装,避免对设备造成可能的损伤, 以便设备安全运行。用户须认真阅读本说明书及安装图,并在说明书和安装图以及《 压力容器安ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้及技术监察规程》99版的指导下进行设备安装工作。
Microstep SH-HC30 火焰 等离子割炬高度控制器 系统手册

手册内容 1. 前言 2. 概述 3. 安装 4. 快速操作 5. 调试 6. 使用指南 7. 控制面板 8. 故障排除 9.初始定位 10.数控与调高器有关的指令11.调高远端控制器Microstep SH-HC30 系统手册 火焰/等离子割炬高度控制器版权所有未经特别授权,禁止对文件进行传播或复制,禁止对其内容进行商业宣传或通讯。
目录1前言 (1)1.1 目的 (1)1.2 重要声明 (2)1.3 警告 (3)1.4 名词解释 (4)1.5 公司信息 (5)2概述 (7)2.1 技术特点 (7)2.2 主要技术指标 (8)3安装 (9)3.1 机械安装 (9)3.2 电气安装连接 (14)3.3 分压板的功能介绍 (21)3.4 分压板尺寸图 (23)4电容和弧压调高控制器快速操作指南 (24)4.1 电气操作面板控制操作:(外部开关方式) (24)4.2 SH-2002AH/SH-2200H数控系统输出接口操作(I/O控制方式) (25)4.3 用数控系统通讯接口完成操作(RS232 通讯方式) (26)4.4 操作流程 (26)4.5 日常工作操作流程 (27)5使用指南 (28)5.1 参数设置 (28)5.2 手动操作 (28)5.3 自动操作 (29)6调试 (30)6.1 电容式检测的初始调试 (30)6.2 一键高度校准调试步骤 (31)7控制器面板 (32)7.1 控制参数 (32)7.2 操作面板 (33)7.3 显示状态描述 (34)8故障排除 (36)9初始定位功能说明 (37)9.1 定位方式 (37)9.2 定位高度设置 (37)9.3 工艺 (37)9.4 首次弧压采集(设定A值) (38)10数控系统与调高器有关M的指令功能 (39)10.1 数控系统直接控制输出端口的M功能 (39)10.2 M功能固定循环 (39)11调高远端控制器 (42)11.1 功能介绍 (42)11.2 操作指南 (43)11.3 接线说明 (44)11.4安装尺寸 (45)1前言无论是火焰切割还是等离子切割方式,在切割过程中割炬与割板之间的距离(高度)的稳定性至关重要,它将直接影响到切割的速度和切口的质量。

VTH15 Series User’s ManualV3.2.2Table of Contents1 General Introduction (4)1.1Model List (4)1.2 Front Panel (5)1.3 Rear Panel (7)2 Product Function (9)2.1 Basic Function (9)2.1.1 Main Menu (9)2.1.2 Video Talk (10)2.1.3 Security (12)2.1.4 Info Search (14)2.1.5 System Settings (17)2.2 Unlock (21)2.3 Arm/Disarm (21)2.4 Screen Calibration (22)Appendix 1 Technical Specification (23)Important Safeguards and WarningsPlease read the following safeguards and warnings carefully before using the product in order to avoid damages and losses.Note:●Do not expose the device to lampblack, steam or dust. Otherwise it may cause fire orelectric shock.●Do not install the device at position exposed to sunlight or in high temperature.Temperature rise in device may cause fire.●Do not expose the device to humid environment. Otherwise it may cause fire.●The device must be installed on solid and flat surface in order to guarantee safetyunder load and earthquake. Otherwise, it may cause device to fall off or turnover.●Do not place the device on carpet or quilt.●Do not block air vent of the device or ventilation around the device. Otherwise,temperature in device will rise and may cause fire.●Do not place any object on the device.●Do not disassemble the device without professional instruction.Warning:●Please use battery properly to avoid fire, explosion and other dangers.●Please replace used battery with battery of the same type.●Do not use power line other than the one specified. Please use it properly. Otherwise,it may cause fire or electric shock.Special Announcement●This manual is for reference only.●All the designs and software here are subject to change without prior written notice.●owners.●If there is any uncertainty or controversy, please refer to the final explanation of us.●1 General Introduction1.1 Model ListThis manual is for the following product models; please carefully check your model and1.2 Front PanelThe front panel of the series product is shown in Figure 1- 1 VTH15 Series B(W) Model.Figure 1- 1 VTH15 Series B(W) ModelFigure 1- 2 VTH1.3 Rear PanelMake VTH15 Series AH model and CH model as examples. Ports of VTH of different models may have different locations, but corr esponding ports’ functions stay the same.Figure 1- 3 VTH15 Series AH ModelFigure 1- 4 VTH15 Series CH Model2 Product Function2.1 Basic Function2.1.1 Main MenuThe product main interface has four menus: Video Talk, Security, Message, and Settings. SeeFigure 2- 1.Figure 2- 1 VTH15 series2.1.2 Video Talk2.1.2.1 Call UserThis function is used for VTH to call VTH. Step 1. Click on, Input room no. of user to call (i.e. Building 1, Unit 1,Room 101 is 1-1-101), press icon to call. When the user being called answers thecall, user can have a bidirectional talk. See Figure 2- 2.Figure 2- 2Step 2. Click oncontact book icon, user can call, add, edit and delete contacts.Note:If both the two indoor door stations are VTH-CM models (with front camera), then you can perform a bidirectional visual talk. See Figure 2- MonitorClick on , you can monitor unit VTO, fence station or IPC. Call HistoryClick on , you can view missed call, answered call and called call. SeeFigure 2- Management CenterClick on or press Emergency button, and it is to call MGT center.2.1.3 SecurityIn homepage, click on Security to enter Security interface. Armed zoneStep 1. Click on , interface shows current 8-ch area status, including AreaType, Current Status, and Delay Time. See Figure 2- 5.Figure 2- 5Step 2. Click on Set, input password, to enter area setting interface. See Figure 2- 6. Note:The entry password is user password. Default password is 123456, please see Ch 2.1.5.Figure 2- 6You can set bypass and delete for 4~8 channels to disable area for one time or long-term. Alarm HistoryClick on , and it records alarm time, area no., and event.Meantime, alarm info will be simultaneously uploaded to management platform. When each channel has alarm, there will be a 15s alarm locally, plus a pop-up alarm interface. Mode SetupClick on , set area alarm mode, including Out mode, In mode, Sleep mode and Custom mode. See Figure 2- 7.Figure 2- 7Note:Password to enter mode setup page is the user password, and default password is 123456. Refer to Ch Info SearchIn homepage, click on Info Search, to enter Info Search interface. Publish InfoClick on , you can view, delete and clear information published.VTH receives information from the center, and indicator will turn on.Figure 2- Guest MessageClick on , user can view guest message with time and location on VTH. Video PicturesStep 1. Click on , user can view video and picture during monitoring andtalk on VTH.Step 2. Click on Records to view, delete and clear records. See Figure 2- 9.Figure 2- 9Step 3. Click on View to play record. See Figure 2- 10.Figure 2- 10Step 4. Click on file to view, delete or clear pictures.Note:On VTH project setting interface, enable function. When VTO calls VTH, VTH will take three photos automatically and save them to local SD card. (OnlySome models support this function)2.1.5 System SettingsIn System Settings interface, user can set screen brightness, incoming ring, alarm ring, talk time, DND time and etc. The following introduces the most commonly used functions.User2.1.5.1 User SettingsClick on , you can set password, ring, talk, DND, local IPC, clean, touch ring, SD card and snapshot plus restore default settings. See Figure 2- 11.Figure 2- 11PasswordStep 1. Click on Password. You can set user password, unlock password, arm password and anti-hijack password. See Figure 2- 12.Figure 2- 12● User password initially is 123456.● Unlock password initially is null.● Arm password initially is 123456.● Disarm password initially is 123456.● Anti-hijack password initially is 654321.Note:Some series has the same password for arming and disarming.Step 2. Click on OK when you complete.DisplayClick on Display. You can set screen brightness and screensaver via and .RingClick on Ring. You can set call ring and alarm ring via and .TalkStep 1. Click on Talk. You can set ring, call time, monitor time, record time and message time of VTO and VTH. See Figure 2- 13.Figure 2- 13Step 2. Click on to increase time, click on to decrease time. Unit is second.Step 3. Click on OK.DNDClick on DND to set do not disturb time. Unit is hour.Local IPCStep 1. Click on Local IPC. You can set IPC name, address, username and password. SeeFigure 2- 14.Figure 2- 14Step 2. Click on Save.Step 3. In homepage, click on talk to view added IPC video.CleanClick on Clean to lock screen and now you can clean the screen.DefaultClick on Default to restore system default settings.SD cardClick on SD Card, you can view SD card free space or format SD card.Note:Password to enter SD card setting interface is the user password, which is initially 123456. Touch RingSlide . ON means touch sound is on. OFF means touch sound is off.Auto Capture (Snapshot)Slide . ON means snapshot is on. OFF means snapshot is off. Project SettingsClick on , this function is for installer user only. The entry password is 002236. IntroductionClick on , you can view this product and problems might encounter during usage. See Figure 2- 15.Figure 2- 152.2 UnlockWhen VTH is being called, monitored, in call status, press unlock button or unlock icon on VTH to remotely unlock door.2.3 Arm/DisarmDisarm StatusPress arm icon in homepage, select one mode (out, in, sleep and custom). In pop-up box, input arm password (default password is 123456.). See Figure 2- 16.Figure 2- 16●If you select delay, then system will enter armed status after the delay period.●If you select immediate arm, then system will enter armed status when audio prompt ends.Arm StatusPress disarm icon in the lower right corner of homepage. Input disarm password (default password is 123456.). If the password is correct, system will say disarmed successfully. If the password is incorrect, system will ask you to try again.2.4 Screen CalibrationThe product is calibrated before shipped out from factory, and if you want to calibrate the screen, press unlock+arm/menu button to enter calibration interface. Calibrate the screenaccording to the tips.Appendix 1 Technical SpecificationNote:●This manual is for reference only. Slight difference may be found in userinterface.●All the designs and software here are subject to change without prior writtennotice.●All trademarks and registered trademarks are the properties of their respectiveowners.●If there is any uncertainty or controversy, please refer to the final explanationof us.●Please visit our website or contact userr local service engineer for moreinformation.。

4、操作面板功能介绍面板示意图如图一:给定弧压弧压显示初始定位穿孔时间起弧测试穿孔高度高度设置设置初始定位测试自动(上)/手动开关上升/下降图一:面板弧压显示(Arc Voltage):在起弧前显示的是给定弧压,在起弧后显示的是实际弧压。
引弧高度设置电位器(Set IHS):设置初始定位的高度,顺时针旋转,高度增加。

目录1.编制依据及说明 (2)2.工程概况 (2)2.1工程概况 (2)3.施工准备工作及条件 (2)3.1 施工前具备条件 (2)3.2 施工准备 (2)4.施工组织机构及劳动力计划 (3)4.1施工组织机构 (3)4.2劳动力计划 (3)5.主要工器具及材料计划 (3)6. 施工的主要工序及技术要求 (4)6.1开关柜(配电盘)开箱检查及转运 (4)6.2开关柜(配电盘)就位找正 (4)6.3屏盘内母线安装 (4)7.质量保证措施 (5)8.安全健康与环境管理措施 (6)9. 危害辨识风险评价表 (6)10.环境因素统计表及环境因素评价表 (6)全厂高、低压配电装置安装作业指导书1.编制依据及说明1.1依据重庆渝经技术研究院设计图,设备安装说明书及相关的图纸和技术手册。
1.5 电力工程质量强制性标准条文 2006版2.工程概况2.1工程概况海丰和锐二期募投项目热电安装工程厂用电系统主要有厂用电部分、输煤系统、及辅助厂房等盘柜设备。
3.施工准备工作及条件3.1 施工前具备条件3.1.1土建将配电室交付安装,并符合交安条件;3.1.2检查配电室配电屏(盘)电缆预留孔洞是否符合要求;3.1.3配电室内应有充足的施工照明和施工电源的引接位置;3.1.4设备检查,安装验评等技术资料、表格齐全、完整。
3.2 施工准备3.2.1安全、技术交底:施工人员安装前熟悉设计图、制造厂的技术资料,详细了解设备的安装技术规范和工艺要求以及施工范围,并交待安全施工的注意事项。
Cascade 高低压力调节器套件 6804769 用户安装指南说明书

Installation InstructionscFor Technical Support . . . To Order Parts . . .Call: 1-800-227-2233 Fax: 1-888-329-8207 Call: 1-888-227-2233 Fax: 1-888-329-0234 Internet: Internet: Write: Cascade Corporation, PO Box 20187, Portland, OR 97294Write: Cascade Corporation, 2501 Sheridan Ave., Springfield, OH 45505High-Low Pressure Regulator Kit 6804769This manual provides instructions for Cascade High-Low Pressure Regulator Kit 68047669 for carton clamps. The kit includes a valve, a driver operated high-low switch and an indication light bar.Cascade recommends using a low pressure tank line kit for a dedicated return connection to the truck tank.2AC1952.epsInstallation12 3 4 5 6 7 port.7Install open circuit hoseto attachment clamp portDisconnect cable3AC1954.eps8 In a location convenient to the truck operator, locate andmount the High-Low Switch.9 Locate and mount the Light Bar on the back of theoverhead guard.108Mount Mount Switch10 As required, connect the light bar cable and solenoid cable to the High-Low Switch. Use the diagram andtable, shown. Check the cable routing for pinch points and clearance. Use wire ties as needed.CAUTION: Consult the Lift Truck OEM for proper + power source connection.11 Connect the fused positive wire to a 12V switched power source. Connect the ground wire. Check the cablerouting for pinch points and clearance. Use wire ties as needed.12 Reconnect the positive battery cable to the battery.High-Low ValveHigh-Low Switch CableSolenoid Cable Light Bar Cable #1 (+)Brown (+)–#2 (–)Blue (–)–Green/Yellow –Green/Yellow#3 (Red)–#1#4 (Green)–#24NOTE:IMPORTANT:application.1 Set rocker switch to LOW . The light bar will indicate 'green'and the solenoid coil LED will light up.2 Loosen jam nut on No. 2 relief cartridge. Adjust the reliefcartridge (3/16 in. Allen Wrench) inward (CW) to raise pressure or outward (CCW) to lower the pressure.3 Clamp a light load and check the pressure. Readjust as required. Tighten jam nut.4 Move rocker switch to HIGH . The light bar will indicate 'red'and the solenoid coil LED will remain off.5 Loosen jam nut on No. 3 relief cartridge. Adjust the reliefcartridge (3/16 in. Allen Wrench) inward (CW) to raise pressure or outward (CCW) to lower the pressure 6 Clamp a heavy load and check the pressure. Readjust asrequired. Tighten jam nut.Light Bar KitREF QTY PART NO.DESCRIPTION6804769Light Bar Kit – 12V 116804614Switch Box Assembly ●216017897Fuse, ATM type 5 amp316058068Valve Assembly ▲426041432Relief Cartridge52669597Seal Kit616014287Solenoid Coil – 12V716058521Solenoid Cartridge816090961Solenoid Cable916804585Light Bar Assembly ■●Includes item 2.▲Includes items 4 – 8.■Includes items 10 – 18.REF QTY PART NO.DESCRIPTION 1016804584Mounting Bar1146405847Capscrew, M4 x 20122206323Lockwasher M4132763169Capscrew, M6 x 201416076821Red Lamp Assembly151217948Red Lens1616076819Green Lamp Assembly171217952Green Lens184686453Nut, M65Do you have questions you need answered right now? Call your nearest Cascade Parts Department. Visit us online at AMERICASCascade CorporationParts Sales2501 Sheridan Ave.Springfield, OH 45505Tel: 888-CASCADE (227-2233) Fax: 888-329-0234Cascade Canada Inc.5570 Timberlea Blvd.Mississauga, OntarioCanada L4W-4M6Tel: 905-629-7777Fax: 905-629-7785Cascade do BrasilRua João Guerra, 134Macuco, Santos - SPBrasil 11015-130Tel: 55-13-2105-8800Fax: 55-13-2105-8899EUROPE-AFRICACascade Italia S.R.L. European Headquarters Via Dell’Artigianato 137050 Vago di Lavagno (VR) ItalyTel: 39-045-8989111Fax: 39-045-8989160Cascade (Africa) Pty. Ltd. PO Box 625, Isando 1600 60A Steel Road Sparton, Kempton Park South AfricaTel: 27-11-975-9240 Fax: 27-11-394-1147ASIA-PACIFICCascade Japan Ltd. 2-23, 2-Chome, Kukuchi Nishimachi Amagasaki, Hyogo Japan, 661-0978 Tel: 81-6-6420-9771 Fax: 81-6-6420-9777Cascade Korea121B 9L Namdong Ind.Complex, 691-8 Gojan-DongNamdong-KuInchon, KoreaTel: +82-32-821-2051Fax: +82-32-821-2055Cascade-XiamenNo. 668 Yangguang Rd.Xinyang Industrial ZoneHaicang, Xiamen CityFujian ProvinceP.R. China 361026Tel: 86-592-651-2500Fax: 86-592-651-2571Cascade India MaterialHandling Private LimitedNo 34, Global Trade Centre1/1 Rambaugh ColonyLal Bahadur Shastri Road,Navi Peth, Pune 411 030(Maharashtra) IndiaPhone: +91 020 2432 5490Fax: +91 020 2433 0881Cascade Australia Pty. Ltd. 1445 Ipswich Road Rocklea, QLD 4107 AustraliaTel: 1-800-227-223Fax: +61 7 3373-7333Cascade New Zealand15 Ra Ora DriveEast Tamaki, AucklandNew ZealandTel: +64-9-273-9136Fax: +64-9-273-9137Sunstream IndustriesPte. Ltd.18 Tuas South Street 5Singapore 637796Tel: +65-6795-7555Fax: +65-6863-1368c© Cascade Corporation 201002-2010Part Number 6804911。
合作电力系列II 200A、15kV和25kV类角接线安装说明书

200 A, 15 kV and 25 kV class elbow installation instructionsWith integral jacket seal for use on tape and wire shielded cableDISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITYThe information, recommendations, descriptions and safety notations in this document are based on Eaton Corporation’s (“Eaton”) experience and judgment and may not cover all contingencies. If further information is required, an Eaton sales office should be consulted. Sale of the product shown in this literature is subject to the terms and conditions outlined in appropriate Eaton selling policies or other contractual agreement between Eaton and the purchaser.THERE ARE NO UNDERSTANDINGS, AGREEMENTS, WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR MERCHANTABILITY, OTHER THAN THOSE SPECIFICALL Y SET OUT IN ANY EXISTING CONTRACT BETWEEN THE PARTIES. ANY SUCH CONTRACT STATES THE ENTIRE OBLIGATION OF EATON. THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BECOME PART OF OR MODIFY ANY CONTRACT BETWEEN THE PARTIES. In no event will Eaton be responsible to the purchaser or user in contract, in tort (including negligence), strict liability or otherwise for any special, indirect, incidental or consequential damage or loss whatsoever, including but not limited to damage or loss of use of equipment, plant or power system, cost of capital, loss of power, additional expenses in theuse of existing power facilities, or claims against the purchaser or user by its customers resulting from the use of the information, recommendations and descriptions contained herein. The information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice.ii200 A, 15 kV And 25 kV clAss elbow instAllAtion instructions MN650009EN August 2022 iiiLoadbreak connectors200 A, 15 kV And 25 kV clAss elbow instAllAtion instructions MN650009EN August 2022 ContentsSAFETY FOR LIFE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IV SAFETY INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IVHazard statement definitions ...........................................iv Safety instructions . (iv)PRODUCT INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1Introduction ..........................................................1Acceptance and initial inspection .........................................1Handling and storage ...................................................1Standards .. (1)INSTALLATION PROCEDURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1PREPARATION OF TAPE AND WIRE SHIELDED CABLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2Cable training (2)OPERATING PROCEDURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8Loadmake operation ...................................................8Fault close ...........................................................8Loadbreak operation (8)ivLoadbreak connectors200 A, 15 kV And 25 kV clAss elbow instAllAtion instructions MN650009EN August 2022 Safety for lifeEaton meets or exceeds all applicableindustry standards relating to product safety in its Cooper Power E series products. We actively promote safe practices in the use and maintenance of our products throughour service literature, instructional training programs, and the continuous efforts of all Eaton employees involved in product design, manufacture, marketing, and service.We strongly urge that you always follow all locally approved safety procedures and safety instructions when working around high-voltage lines and equipment, and support our “Safety For Life” mission.Safety informationThe instructions in this manual are not intended as asubstitute for proper training or adequate experience in the safe operation of the equipment described. Only competent technicians who are familiar with this equipment should install, operate, and service it.A competent technician has these qualifications:•Is thoroughly familiar with these instructions•Is trained in industry-accepted high- and low-voltage safe operating practices and procedures•Is trained and authorized to energize, de-energize, clear, and ground power distribution equipment•Is trained in the care and use of protective equipment such as arc flash clothing, safety glasses, face shields, hard hats, rubber gloves, clampsticks, hotsticks, etc.Following is important safety information. For safe installation and operation of this equipment, be sure to read and understand all cautions and warnings.Hazard statement definitionsThis manual may contain four types of hazard statements.Safety instructionsFollowing are general caution and warning statements that apply to this equipment. Additional statements, related to specific tasks and procedures, are located throughoutthe manual.1Product information200 A, 15 kV And 25 kV clAss elbow instAllAtion instructions MN650009EN August 2022 Product informationIntroductionEaton’s Cooper Power series loadbreak elbow connector is a fully shielded and insulated plug-in termination for connecting underground cable to transformers, switching cabinets, and junctions equipped with loadbreak bushings. The elbow connector and bushing insert comprise the essential components of all loadbreak connections.Read this manual firstRead and understand the contents of this manual and follow all locally approved procedures and safety practices before installing or operating this equipment.Additional informationThese instructions cannot cover all details or variations in the equipment, procedures, or process described nor provide directions for meeting every possible contingency during installation, operation, or maintenance. When additional information is desired to satisfy a problem not covered sufficiently for the user’s purpose, please contactyour Eaton representative.Acceptance and initial inspectionEach loadbreak elbow connector is completely inspected and tested at the factory. It is in good condition when accepted by the carrier for shipment. Upon receipt of a loadbreak elbow connector kit, inspect the connector thoroughly for damage and loss of parts incurred during shipment. If damage or loss is discovered, file a claim with the carrier immediately.Handling and storageIf the loadbreak elbow connector is to be stored for an appreciable time before installation, provide a clean, dry storage area. Locate the connector so as to minimize the possibility of physical damage.StandardsISO 9001 Certified Quality Management System.Installation proceduresCable stripping and scoring tools, available from various tool manufacturers, are recommended for use when installing loadbreak elbows. After preparing the cable, the elbow housing is pushed onto the cable. The loadbreak probe is threaded into the coppertop connector using the supplied installation tool or an approved equivalent. Use a clampstick to perform loadmake and loadbreak operations. (See Operating Procedures on page 8.)Complete elbow kit includes:•Standard elbow body or elbow body with jacket seal •Coppertop compression connector •Loadbreak probe •Probe installation tool •Silicone lubricant•Mastic strips (jacket seal elbow only)•Installation instruction sheetTools/accessories needed:•Tape measure •Wire brush •Knife•Cable stripping tool •Crimping tool •Cable cleaner •Cable cutters •Clampstick•Personal protective equipment2Preparation of tape and wire shielded cable200 A, 15 kV And 25 kV clAss elbow instAllAtion instructions MN650009EN August 2022 Figure 1 . Line illustration of 200 A, 25 kV expanded range Posi-Break E elbowPreparation of tape and wire shielded cableCable trainingPosition cable vertically so that it is centered between apparatus bushing and parking pocket, parallel to theapparatus frontplate. Provide adequate slack in the cable to permit unrestricted movement of the elbow connector from the apparatus bushing to a standoff bushing or portable feedthru.Once installed, the cable should enter the elbow connector in a straight line. Avoid a tight bend radius at the cable entrance of the elbow that causes the elbow to bend. (See Figure 2.)Figure 2 . Proper cable trainingCorrectIncorrect3Preparation of tape and wire shielded cable200 A, 15 kV And 25 kV clAss elbow instAllAtion instructions MN650009EN August 2022 Step 1 . Measure down from top of the cable 8-1/2 inches (216 mm). Remove cable jacket (if jacketed cable is used) to expose metallic shielding tape or wires. (Tape shielded cable shown.)Step 2 . Remove 7-1/2 inches (191 mm) of metallic shielding leaving a minimum of 1 inch (25 mm) exposed at cable jacket end. Bind end of metallic shield with two highly stretched wraps of semi-conductive tape.Step 3 . Measure down from the top of the cable 2-1/8 inches (54 mm). Remove the insulation and conductor shield to expose the bare conductor. Take care not to nick the conductor.Step 4 . Clean the exposed conductor using a wire brush.ote: N The probe (male contact) should be preassembledinto the threads of the compression connector prior to crimping to ensure proper thread engagement.Place the coppertop (bimetal) connector on the conductor. Make sure the threaded hole in connector faces the apparatus bushing.Crimp the connector in place using a tool and diecombination and minimum suggested number of crimps in parentheses as shown in T able 1 on page 7. Start crimping just below the knurled line and rotate eachsuccessive crimp to prevent bowing. Do not overlap crimps. Clean excessive inhibitor grease from coppertop connector by wiping toward threaded eye. Smooth any sharp edges on the crimp connector surface.Tape shieldStep 1Step 2Step 3Step 4Insulation shieldClean4Preparation of tape and wire shielded cable200 A, 15 kV And 25 kV clAss elbow instAllAtion instructions MN650009EN August 2022 Step 5 . Measure down from the top of the connector 6.875 inches (175.0 mm). Remove the insulation shield. Take care not to nick or gouge the insulation. Place a 1/8-inch bevel on the insulation to ease elbow installation.Step 6 . Position performed ground braid with long end along cable jacket. Wrap braid around the cable metallic/ wire shield and cut off excess (do not overlap braid onto itself).Step 7 . Secure in place with constant force spring supplied. Cinch (tighten) last lap of spring.5Preparation of tape and wire shielded cable200 A, 15 kV And 25 kV clAss elbow instAllAtion instructions MN650009EN August 2022 Step 8 . Select a strip of mastic tape. Remove liner and wrap one layer of mastic around the cable jacket 1/2 inch (13 mm) from the cut edge of the jacket, underneath the solder block area of the braid. (Do not stretch the mastic tape while applying and do not overlap.)Step 9 . Apply a second layer of mastic directly over the solder block and first layer of mastic tape. Press in place.Step 10 . Add a third layer of mastic tape at the transition point of the cable jacket and braided ground strap/constant force spring. Press in place.Step 11 . Start at the end of the metallic shield and apply two half-lapped layers of vinyl tape (not supplied) over the constant force spring and mastic seal. Extend the tape application onto the cable jacket 1/4 inch (6 mm) beyond the mastic seal.ote: N Do not cover the exposed insulation shield.6Preparation of tape and wire shielded cable200 A, 15 kV And 25 kV clAss elbow instAllAtion instructions MN650009EN August 2022 Step 12 .to the insulation. Clean and lubricate the cable entrance of the elbow.Place elbow on cable. With a twisting motion, push the elbow onto the cable until the threaded eye of the coppertop connector is aligned with the elbow.Step 13 .7Preparation of tape and wire shielded cable200 A, 15 kV And 25 kV clAss elbow instAllAtion instructions MN650009EN August 2022 Step 14 . Push down and twist the elbow to align the coppertop compression connector. The threaded hole in the connector should be centered with respect to the hole in the elbow and perpendicular to the probe axis. By hand, insert the probe into the elbow along the center axis of the interface and thread the loadbreak probe into the coppertop connector. A thin layer of silicone lubricant applied to the last 1/4 inch of the probe body (not on the threads) can aid in installation, especially when installing a Posi-Break elbow probe.ote: N If installing a Posi-Break elbow, be sure to use aPosi-Break probe with black insulating sleeve.After at least three full turns or when the probe is seated (five 1/2 turns) onto the connector, use the provided installation tool to properly torque the loadbreak probe. Proper torque is applied when the tool twists at least 180° (1/2 turn).ote: N If a different installation tool is used, it must applya torque of 100 to 120 lbf-in (11.0–13.5 N•m).Clean and lubricate bushing and elbow interface areas with a thin even coating of the silicone lubricant provided. Attach a drain wire lead from the ground braid to the drain wire eye of the elbow.T able 1 .Crimp charta Compressed stranding only.Step 14Eaton1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122United StatesEaton’s Power Systems Division 2300 Badger Drive Waukesha, WI 53188United States/cooperpowerseries© 2022 EatonAll Rights ReservedPrinted in USAPublication No. MN650009EN / Z26653 August 2022Eaton is a registered trademark. All trademarks are propertyof their respective owners.Operating proceduresDo not connect two different phases of a multiple-phase system. Before closing a single-phase loop, make certain both ends of the loop are the same phase. Loadmake operationStep 1 . Area must be clear of obstructions or contaminations that would interfere with the operationof the loadbreak elbow.Step 2 . Securely fasten a clampstick to the pullingeye of the elbow.Step 3 . Place the loadbreak elbow over the bushing, inserting the white arc follower of the probe into the bushing approximately 2-1/2 inches (64 mm) until a slight resistance is felt. This will align and stabilize the elbow. Step 4 . Turn your back to the bushing and grasp the clampstick securely and obtain good footing. Slam the elbow onto the bushing with one quick and continuous motion.Step 5 . Turn around and apply a force to the clampstick to push the elbow onto the bushing. A popping or snapping sound is often heard when this operation is performed. Step 6 . To check that the elbow is properly latched, apply a gentle pull force to the clampstick. When latched properly, the elbow will not slide back off of the bushing.Step 7 . As a last operation, push on the clampstick to seat the elbow all the way onto the bushing again. This ensures that the elbow is latched and was not dislodged during the latching check in previous step above.Fault closeIt is not recommended that operations be made on known faults.If a fault is experienced, the elbow connector, probe,and the bushing must be replaced.Loadbreak operationStep 1 . Area must be clear of obstructions or contaminants that would interfere with this operation.Step 2 . Use clampstick to secure standoff insulator or portable feedthru in bracket. Ground devices to system ground per appropriate installation instructions. All associated apparatus must also be grounded.Step 3 . Secure elbow eye firmly onto clampstick and lock. Step 4 . Twist clampstick clockwise until the elbow rotates slightly on bushing—about 1/4 inch (6 mm). This action will break any surface friction between outer surface of bushing and inner surface of elbow.Step 5 . Withdraw elbow from bushing with a fast, firm, straight motion. Minimum amount of travel of elbow to loadbreak is 9 inches (229 mm).Step 6 . Use clampstick to place elbow on lubricated standoff insulator or portable feedthru (follow loadmake instructions).Step 7 . Place an insulated protective cap with groundwire attached to system ground on any exposed energized bushing using clampstick. Follow the same operating procedures for the elbow as outlined in the section Loadmake Operation.Operating procedures。
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备注 电机正反转试运行模式。
备注 参数编辑模式
返回到电机正反转 试运行模式。
监视模式 退出模式 (退出后高级模式自动关闭)
产品用途:用于等离子切割机的割炬高度自动控制,适用于绝大多数的 进口或国产等离子电源。
工作原理:VHC15 弧压高度控制器的原理是利用等离子电源的基本恒流 的特性,通过检测等离子弧电压的变化来检测等离子切割过程的割炬高 度变化,实现对切割割炬的高度控制。
应用建议:弧压高度控制器需要与割炬升降体配合使用,应根据不同的 升降体调整不同的设置参数,为了更好的使 VHC-15 弧压高度控制器工 作在最佳性能,请选择合适的升降体配套使用。为了保护您等离子割炬 安全,强烈建议您安装割炬防碰撞装置。
产品特点: 1、手动动态速度自动调整,开始动时为低速运转,持续动作 1 秒以上 自动转为高速。 2、初始定位速度自动转换,可以解决由于等离子初始定位速度过慢而 造成效率过低,解决初始定位速度过快引起的对升降体冲击过大,延长 升降体、等离子割炬及等离子易损件的寿命。 3、支持力矩检测初始定位方式,用户可以不需要再等离子割枪夹持器 上安装初始定位接近开关或欧姆夹,可以解决使用欧姆夹时由于钢板喷 漆或生锈而导致的接触不良或使用接近开关时由于接近开关损坏而无 法成功初始定位,从而导致割枪持续撞击钢板而导致的割枪损坏。 4、智能的报警提示代码,现场人员可以很容易的通过这些故障代码来 判断是什么原因引起的报警,报警时还会有蜂鸣器提示报警音。 5、数字弧压高度控制器,软件提供终身免费升级服务。
按压 SET/ENT 键超过 2 秒钟以上进入参数设置,调整 Pn01 号参数可以
按压 SET/ENT 键超过 2 秒钟以上进入参数设置,调整 Pn02 号参数可以
连接端子建议采用 U 型冷压端子连接,功率电源及电机电线建议选用 0.75~1.5mm 的 RV 电线连接,其它电线建议使用直径为 0.3~0.75mm 内 的 RV 电线连接。
有些等离子具有运动反馈输出功能,当用户把等离子运动反馈信号直接 连接到数控系统时,调高接口的反馈信号可以不连接,悬空即可,有些 国产等离子电源不具有反馈输出功能时,反馈信号需要连接到调高器。
请跳过此步骤。 3、安装:将调高器从面板正面装入,并使用附带的附件将其牢牢固定
在安装面板上。 4、安装弧压采集盒:建议安装在电气控制柜中,采集盒有 2 中安装方
式,如果空间足够大可以选择卧式安装,如果空间较小可以选 择立式安装。 5、安装完毕:清理安装过程中产生的垃圾。
下图为 VHC15 的接线图,图中介绍了各个引脚的功能定义及引脚的连 接的目标去向,电源引脚旁边标注了电源的正负极与所需电流的大小, 弧压采集需要的是电流信号,不要把电压类型的采集板信号连接到上 面,否则可能会损坏调高器或其它弧压采集装置,调高器的 2 路输出均 为继电器输出,额定电流为 3 安培,使用继电器触点时不要超出触点容 量,已确保调高器可以长期稳定可靠的工作。
按压 SET/ENT 键超过 2 秒钟以上进入参数设置,调整 Pn03 号参数可以
因造成断弧需要自动提升 1 个高度的时间,以免机床运动时,割枪碰到
无初始定位,有自动跟踪模式,此模式适用切割一 些特殊的例如薄板时,防止初始定位的力过大。
自动初始定位,无自动跟踪模式,此模式不经常使 用,一般测试时可能会用到。
无初始定位,无自动跟踪,全手动模式,此模式不 经常使用。
如何在切割过程中查看弧压设定值: 在切割过程中,按压 SET/ENT 键即可查看当前设定弧压值,显示弧压设 定值时 ACT 指示灯会熄灭。
备注 强制启弧试运行模式。 进入手动测试状态。
返回到强制启弧 试运行模式。
参数号通过相应按键可进行 加减,持续按压按键可快速加 减。
强制反馈输出的方法同强制启弧输出的方法相同,区别在于试运行编号 为 Fn02,进入状态时显示为 Y1,请参照强制启弧的方法来操作。
请谨慎操作此参数,当执行完参数初始化功能时,所有参数都将恢复到 出厂设置,初始化完成后,调高控制器会自动重新启动,而且无法撤销
参数内容可通过相应按键可 进行加减,持续按压按键可快 速加减。(已参数 Pn00 为例)
参数保存完成,并自动返回参 数内容。 返回到参数编辑模式。
备注 手动测试升降动作
强制启弧输出 强制反馈输出
LED 数码管显示说明
7 段显示对照:
检测到回缩信 号,割枪正在向 上提升。
SET/ENT (持续按住)
监视模式的功能 键操作
备注 参数初始化。 正在初始化。 初始化完成,系统重新启动。
备注 监视弧压设定值
外形尺寸:调高器 96*48*75mm,弧压采集盒 78*111*36mm。 开孔尺寸:调高器 92*45mm。 安装步骤:
1、选址:根据现场实际情况选一个适合操作人员操作的地方,并确保 可以有足够的空间来容纳调高控制器。 2、开孔:按照开孔尺寸大小开一个合适的方孔,如果外壳已提前开好,
首次初始定位 中。
1、在参数 Pn14 号参数为 0 时,通过 U 或 D 键进行加减弧压值,当
2、按压 SET/ENT 键超过 2 秒钟以上进入参数设置,调整 Pn00 号参数可
初始定位方式:接近开关式、力矩检测式。 弧压检测方式:隔离检测。 接收分压比:100:1(电流输入) 跟踪精度:最小±1V(可通过参数调整)。 跟踪方式:手动/半自动/全自动。 外部接口:弧压调高器器带有 8 路输入接口、2 路输出接口,1 路弧压
采集接口,1 路电机输出接口,1 路控制电源接口,1 路功率电源接口T 键超过 2 秒钟以上进入参数设置,调整 Pn04 号参数可以
按压 MODE/ESC 键可以在下面这四种模式间轮流切换。
全自动跟踪模式,带有自动初始定位,自动跟踪功 能,在正常切割时最常用这种模式。
SET/ENT:在非参数设置状态下,按住此键超过 2 秒钟以上进入参数设
速增加设置弧压值。修改 Pn14 号参数的值为 1 时,可以将该按键重新
控制电源:DC24V±20%。 功率电源:DC24V±20%。(建议变压器整流后供电电压≈30V 为宜) 电机类型:普通直流永磁电机。 电机电压:DC24V。 输出电流:最大 5A。 工作温度:-10~65 摄氏度。
调高器有需要 2 组电源同时供电,均是直流 24±20%伏特电压输入,如 果现场条件不具备这样的 2 组电源时,在外界干扰较小时,可以尝试共 用同一组电源供电。需要注意的是功率电源的正负极极性不要接反,否 则可能会导致调高控制器的损坏,由此造成的损坏不在质保范围之内。
的条件下使用,应避免在高潮时环境下温度的剧烈变化而使得水蒸气凝 结在内部电路板上。 请确保控制的连接电缆与电源,负载输出电缆分开,并保持适当间距, 不要交叉或缠绕。 注意:在检修前请断开调高器电源,最好断开所有连接线路,以防止意 外发生。 只有接受过严格培训人员,才可维修本设备,非合格人员在试图修理或 调整未包含在本说明书的故障时,应极其小心,以防失去产品保修的权 利。 一旦发现有故障或不能正常工作时,请将调高器和详细的故障描述一起 发送到代理商或本公司,本公司的联系方式见本说明书结尾处。 仔细阅读本说明书,理解文字及产品性能,遵循产品设计原理,保证操 作可靠。