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U U T he U nite d S ta te s M ilita ry Aca de m y ——W e st P oint S S
课目:大学英语 学院:旅游与历史文化学院 班级:旅游管理1101班 姓名:胡泽宇,张芮
Baidu Nhomakorabea
The United States Military Academy,also kown as West Point,or simply USMA,public,coeducational military college at Point,is the first engineering school founded in the United States.
There're standard ways to answer the sergeants: Yes,Sergeant. No,Sergeant. No,excuse,Sergeant. I do not understand,Sergeant.
Not everyone will have the heart to keep going.By the end of the Beast Barracks, about 14 percent of the
Soon America's founding fathers soon recognized the need for an institution dedicated to educating and training military officers.It is maintained by the United States Department of the Army to train and educate students to be
West Point Experience: Intellectual Physical military moral-ethical
A favorite expression at West point is that: "much of the history we teach was made by people we taught."
The Academy's mission is :"toeducate, train,and inspire the corps of cadets so that each graduate is a commissioned leader of character committed to the values of Duty, Honor,Country;professional growth throughout a career as officer in the United States Army;and a lifetime of selfless service to the nation."
Academy's motto:
Duty Honor
Beast Barracks is a six weeks of relentless often harsh physical training.Somebody thinks that there's nothing tougher than being in the beast barracks.It's about pain;it's about overcoming your limits.
General of Army
General Lieutenant General 将军 中将
Major General
Brigadier General Colonel Lieutenant Colonel
准将 上校 中校
captain First Lieutenant Second Lieutenant Staff Sergeant Sergeant
上尉 中尉 少尉 上士 军士
Private Basic Private
一等兵,二等兵 三等兵
He spent his early years in remote sections of New Mexico. As a tenager, Arthur had served with distinction in the Union Army,eventually earning the Congressional Medal of Honor for leading a courageous assault up Missionary Ridge in Tennessee.
West Point is located in Orange County,New York, on the western bank of the Hudson River,about 80 km north of New York City.
The military academy was established by the Congress of the United States there in March 26, 1802.Its original purpose was to lessen America's need for foreign engineers and artillerymen.
Breakfast is no time to relax.At West Point,there're rules for everything,even eating.Food is passed over the table and you have to start with the head of the table.
Welcome to west point