SAT作文素材 Adeline Virginia Woolf知识讲解
The Duchess and the JewellerIntroductionThe Duchess and the Jeweller is a short-sto ry written by Virginia Woolf in 1938. In this story the author experiments the stream of consciousness, showing the feelings and thoughts of Oliver Bacon, a greedy jeweller. It's a third person narrative where we have access to Oliver's inner monologue. First, we are going to see the social and economical ascension of Oliver Bacon, and then we are going to study the place of women in Oliver's life.Oliver Bacon has spectacularly climb the social ladder. He began his life in a poor and dark street in Whitechapel (l.17 ). He soon has started to have very high ambitions. As a boy, and against his mo ther's wish, he started to do a quite inglorious job: sell stolen dogs to rich women. Growing up, he worked into a shop selling cheap watches. It's the beginning of a lo ng social ascension.He found three diamonds which he sold in Amsterdam. He started to have a passion for jewellery, and bet with his mother that he will be the richest jeweller in England. He worked as a jeweller in a little shop in Hatton Garden where he has soon pro ved his talent. When he passed through the o ther jewellers, they used to stop themselves in their conversatio ns and look at him murmuring. l.39 . As the t ext says, the gestures of the jewellers has meant a lot of encouraging words to Oliver and he is still remembering that murmur amo ng the jewellers.His social ascensio n is associated to an economical ascension. As he became more famous and richer, he bo ught more and more expensive things. First he bought a hansom cab, which is a kind of horse-drawn carriage, then a car, then a luxurio us villa with servants (l.10, l.44). We also see his ascension because he started to go to the opera, which is an aristocratic hobby. He went to the dress circle, then into the stalls, which suggest once again his ascension: he had a better place in the society, so he had a better seat.His way to...Plot summaryOliver Bacon is this sto ry's pro tagonist. Once a poor bo y in the streets of London, he has become the richest jeweller in England. As a yo ung man, he sold stolen dogs to wealthy women and marketed cheap watches at a higher price. On a wall in his private room hangs a picture of his late mo ther. He frequently talks t o her and reminisces, once chuckling at his past endeavors.One day, Oliver enters into his private shop room, barely acknowledging his underlings, and awaits the arrival of the Duchess. When she arrives, he has her wait. In his room, under yellow gloves, he opens barred windows to get some air. Later, Oliver opens six steel safes, each containing endless riches of jewels.The Duchess and the Jeweller are described as "... friends, yet enemies; he was master, she was mistress; each cheated the other, each needed the other, each feared the other..." On this particular day, the Duchess comes to Oliver to sell ten pearls, as she has lost substantial money to gambling. Mr. Bacon is skeptical of the pearl's authenticity, but the Duchess manipulates him into buying them for twenty thousand pounds. When the Duchess invites him to an event that includes a cast of ro yalty and her daughter Diana, Oliver is persuaded to write a check.In the end, the pearls are found to be fakes, and Oliver looks at his mother's portrait, questioning his actio ns. However, what Oliver truly bought was not actually the pearls: it was Diana.Theme: The desire of man for identity & prestige (a social satire criticizing this)symbols of desireMademoiselle is a example of symbolism; Olive r reminisces how she ―married Mr. Pedder of the local brewery‖ .She is a symbo l of his lost loves and ambitions—he used to be happy; but now he wanders for satisfaction. In his undying pursuit of love, he writes the ―cheque for twenty thousand pounds". He is trying to woo the Duchess’s daughter, so he blindly writes this check—a symbo l of his desireSymbols of deceitDuchess is a prominent symbol of artifice; Since her pearls are fake, they symbo lize evil and deception; they completely blind Oliver. When h e finds out that the pearls are ro tten, Oliver murmurs, ―it is to be a long week-end‖ This week-end which Oliver looks forward to is a hollow reward fo r his writing of the check. He hopes that it will be a chance to become acquainted with Diana; but since he is trying to buy her lo ve, he will most likely be rejectedSymbols of greedOliver is displeased with his current possessions and seeks extra wealth. In the same way, Oliver ―snuffed always for another truffle‖ .This truffle is an evident symbol of a better opportunity; Oliver is restless with his money and lifestyle: he is always in pursuit of more. ―though he had won his bet,‖ he is still dissatisfied. This bet is a symbol of his early desires to become the best; however, even when he becomes peerless, he still yearns for greater luxury.Virginia Woolf (Adeline Virginia Stephen)(January 25, 1882 – March 28, 1941) was an English novelist and essayist regarded as one of the modernist literary figures of the twentieth centuryMajor WorksFictionsThe Voyage Out 出航(1915)Mrs. Dalloway 达洛维夫人(1925)To the Lighthouse 到灯塔去(1927) Orlando 奥兰多(1928)EssaysA Room of One’s Own 一间自己的房间(1929)Three Guineas三个几尼(1938)The no vel shows the thoughts and actions of a greedy jeweller; Woolf makes a thematic point that corrupt people do corrupt actions for purely selfish motives (and often witho ut regret). It was first published in British Harper's Bazaar Magazine in April 1938 and subsequently published posthumously in 1944 in the collection A Haunted House and Other Short Stories.Style Stream of consciousness (mainly interior mono logue & free association) Symbolism:。
作文素材:弗吉尼亚 伍尔芙
作文素材:弗吉尼亚·伍尔芙:伟大的灵魂都是雌雄同体弗吉尼亚·伍尔芙(Adeline Virginia Woolf,1882-1941),英国女作家、文学批评家和文学理论家。
1. 人不应该是插在花瓶里供人观赏的静物,而是蔓延在草原上随风起舞的韵律。
2. 一个人能使自己成为自己,比什么都重要。
3. 一个人一旦有了自我认识,也就有了独立人格,而一旦有了独立人格,也就不再浑浑噩噩,虚度年华了。
4. 记住我们共同走过的岁月。
5. 夕阳西下,清晰的轮廓消失了,寂静像雾霭一般袅袅上升、弥漫扩散,风停树静,整个世界松弛地摇晃着躺下来安睡了……6. 出来找乐子的男人,碰到用情太深的女人,犹如钓鱼钓到白鲸。
7. 他人的眼睛是我们的监狱,他人的思想是我们的牢笼。
8. 她面对着一望无际的蔚蓝色的大海;那灰白色的灯塔,矗立在远处朦胧的烟光雾色之中;在右边,视力所及之处,是那披覆着野草的绿色沙丘,它在海水的激荡下渐渐崩塌,形成一道道柔和、低回的皱折;那夹带泥沙的海水,好像不停地向杳无人烟的仙乡梦国奔流。
9. 这时她用不着顾忌任何人,她可以独处,可以处于自然状态。
10. 当生活的活跃程度暂时减低时,体验的领域显得无边无涯。
11. 伟大的灵魂都是雌雄同体。
Thank You!
• Most of them are elites from Cambridge University. • The group has almost become synonymous with the British avant-gard artists(先锋派艺 术家) before and after the First World War, and is closely related to the formalism(形式主义), radicalism(激进主义), rational philosophy(理性哲学) and feminist thinking • (女性主义思潮)at that time.
Major Works
short novels • The Mark on the Wall, 1917 • Kew Gardens, 1919 • Solid Objects, 1920 • Moments of Being: Slater‘s Pins Have No Points,1928 non-fictions • Mr.Bennett and Mrs. Brown, 1924 • Modern Fiction, 1925 • The Common Reader,1925 • A Room of One's Own, 1929 • The Second Common Reader,1933
Mother:Julia Prinsep Stephen,a renowned beauty, born in India; a gentle and sentimental woman. Siblings: halfsisters, halfbrothers, sister Venessa, brothers Thoby, Adrian Marriage Ex-fiancé :Lytton Strachey,a British writer and critic. A founder member of the Bloomsbury Group Husband: Leonard Woolf, her lifelong companion and protector, graduated from Cambridge University ,an English political theorist, author, publisher and civil servant
Woolf & Stream of consciousness literature
A famous writer and founder of stream of consciousness novels A woman writer who had the highest achievements in stream of consciousness literature In 1919, she published the first novels of stream of consciousness ---The Mark on the Wall(1919)
A suffragette(女权主义者) to struggle for women's right to vote, accept education and have their own separate rights of a house
Virginia Woolf was considered the center of United Kingdom Literature at that time and a representative of civilized mode .Her death meant the end of an era
1912 Married Leonard Woolf 1917 Founded the Hogarth Press 1941 Suicided by drowning with nervous depression
Contributions & Fame
• An English author, critic,essayist, publisher, and writer of short stories, regarded as one of the foremost modernist literary figures of the twentieth century • During the interwar period, Woolf was a significant figure in London literary society and a member of the Bloomsbury Group
Virginia Woolf’s Life
• Virginia Woolf was born in London in
1882 . • 1895, her mother died, she nervous breakdown. • 1904, her father died, She and Vanessa (her sister) move to the Bloomsbury and established Bloomsbury Group (布卢姆斯伯里派)with her friends.
弗吉尼亚· 吴尔夫(Virginia Woolf,或译弗吉尼亚· 伍尔芙, 1882年1月25日-1941年3月28 日)。英国女作家,被誉为二十 世纪现代主义与女性主义的先锋。 两次世界大战期间,她是伦敦文 学界的核心人物,同时也是布卢 姆茨伯里派(Bloomsbury Group) 的成员之一。最知名的小说包括 《戴洛维夫人》(Mrs. Dalloway)、《灯塔行》(To the Lighthouse)、《雅各的房 间》(Jakob's Room)。
Virginia Woolf’s Life
• 1912.8.10, she got married with Leonard. • 1913-1915 Psychotic episodes. • 1917, Woolf couple at home established Hogarth
Press in the basement. • Throughout her life, Woolf was plagued by periodic mood swings and associated illnesses. Though this instability often affected her social life, her literary productivity continued with few breaks throughout her life. • 1941.3.28 Woolf drowned herself in the River Ouse near her house .
Unit 07 a room of one's own
Her most famous works include the novels Mrs Dalloway (1925), To the Lighthouse (1927) and Orlando (1928), and the booklength essay A Room of One‘s Own (1929), with its famous dictum(名言), "A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction.”
A Room of One's Own
• “Intellectual freedom depends upon material things. Poetry depends upon intellectual freedom. And women have always been poor, not for two hundred years merely, but from the beginning of time . . .”
❖ 莎士比亚笔下的女人和17世纪那些可信的传 记中的女人一样,…不缺乏个性和特点。
2). ---a worm winged like a eagle; the spirit of life and beauty in a kitchen chopping up suet. (para.3)
Unit 7 A Room of One's Own
Virginia Woolf
I. Related Information II. Themes III. Difficult Points IV. Text and Words
到灯塔去 英语论文
Final paperAn Analysis of Virginia Woolf’s Thoughts of Gender and Gender Differences in To the LighthouseRequirements:Content: You may write a term paper on the following novels:1.The Catcher in the Rye2.To the LighthouseEvaluation:Abstract:Virginia Woolf(1882-1941) is a renowned English writer best known for her novels and essays. To the Lighthouse is one of her great works. This paper is mainly study three issues: feminism, the understanding of gender and the thoughts of gender differences.摘要:弗吉尼亚. 伍尔夫(1882-1941)是一位以小说和散文而著名的英国作家。
OutlineTitle: An Analysis of Virginia Woolf’s Thoughts of Gender and Gender Differences in To the LighthouseⅠ.IntroductionⅡ. Body:A.Woolf and feminismB.Woolf’s androgynous visionC.Gender differences1.Definition of gender difference2.Woolf’s thoughts of gender differencesⅢ. ConclusionⅠ. Introduction:Virginia Woolf was born Adeline Virginia Stephen on 25 January, 1882 inLondon. She was an English novelist and essayist, regarded as one of the foremost modernist literary figures of the twentieth century. Her most famous works include the novels Mrs. Dalloway(1925), To the Lighthouse(1927) and Orlando(1928) and the book-length essay A Room of One’s Own(1929) with its famous dictum, “ A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction”Wang wenyan, a postgraduate of Hunan University in the paper Female Consciousness in To the Lighthouse analyzes two major female characters, Mrs. Ramsay and Lily Briscoe from the feminist criticism point of view. At first, she studies the growth of Virginia Woolf’s feminism and analyzes “Angel in the House”and “the undercurrent in Mrs. Ramsay”. This paper is very good at focusing on one topic that is Virginia Woolf’s feminism. It offers me some knowledge about feminism and makes me more familiar with this book.Cheng ying, a posts graduate from Zhengzhou University in her paper Virginia Woolf’s Art of Fiction in To the Lighthouse studies her typical stream-of-consciousness technique, musical methods, cinematic methods and poetic methods. And she mainly analyzes how these techniques used in the novel. Through reading this paper it is helpful for us to have a hint of Wool’f’s writing skills.Li songyue, a scholar of Zhengzhou University in his paper 《<到灯塔去>两性形象的象征意义阐述》he mainly studies the narrative strategy----symbolism and gender perspective. Through the comparison of different genders’ personality, action, thinking symbolic colors and finally comes out the conclusion that in the book To the Lighthouse some objects are the symbols of genders.But in this paper, what I want to study is gender and gender differences in the novel To the Lighthouse. I will talk about feminism, androgynous thoughts and genderdifferences in the novel.Ⅱ. Virginia Woolf’s Thoughts of Gender and Gender Differences in To the LighthouseA. Woolf and feminismFeminism is an intellectual, philosophical and political discourse aimed at equalrights and legal protection for women. It involves various movements, theories and philosophies, all concerned with issues of gender difference that advocate equality for women and that campaign for women’s rights and interests.Virginia Woolf’s feminist thoughts widely cover the fields of society, politics, ethics, aesthetics, etc. and the need for freedom for the female is the primary theme in her ethical scheme. Gender and politics, morality and psychological desire are mixed together inextricably in her presentation of human motivation. In spite of all of these, Virginia Woolf has never, even once in her life, admitted that she herself is an advocator for feminism and insists that what she did was just studying it. Here we can see the complexity of Woolf’s feminist position and the flexibility with which she may be read as a feminist.In To the Lighthouse, Mrs. Ramsay and Lily Briscoe are the two female figures that Woolf mainly describes. However, they impress the readers strikingly for their views about the way to realize their own dreams and to escape from nothingness. Through the reading of Woolf’s different descriptions of Mrs. Ramsay and Lily Briscoe, we may find Woolf’s thoughts of female in the novel.Mrs. Ramsay is a competent and intelligent housewife. She supports her husband by running the house smoothly and endures domestic anxiety alone so that the daily chores won’t interrupt Mr. Ramsay’s serious thoughts on reason and logic. She miraculously manages to run the house without disturbing her husband. The financial condition of the family is exposed by one of the guests, Mr. Bankes’ perception of the family. “The Ramsays were not rich, and it was a wonder how they managed to contrive it all. Eight children! To feed eight children on philosophy!” In fact, the wonder maker is Mrs. Ramsay. With herwisdom in housework she successfully shoulders the responsibility of house management without any help from her husband. Though she is worried about the household, she tries her best not to disturb him. The refrain of the bill for the greenhouse roof looms but she decides not to tell him. “She had it on the tip of her tongue to say, as they strolled, ‘It’ll cost fifty pounds,’ but instead, for her heart failed her about money, she talk ed about Jasper shooting birds …” Mrs. Ramsay feels it her obligation to keep the husband away from the worries of small daily family life.Being a good mother is another criterion of the ideal Victorian womanhood. Woolf depicts such a good mother in this novel. Mrs. Ramsay protects her children from disillusion. When her son, James hopes for a trip to the lighthouse the next day and the father declares bad weather, it is Mrs. Ramsay who insists upon the possibility of a clear day. In this way she protects the sensitive mind of the child, retaining hope and faith in him, which shows her reverence for the spirit in others. What’s more, Mrs. Ramsay also protects her children from the chaotic adult world. By intuition, she knows the world is full of misery and sufferings.Apart from Mrs. Ramsay, Lily is the other important female figure in To the Lighthouse. She admires and loves Mrs. Ramsay and shares a lot with her. However, their differences exceed their similarity. Compared with Mrs. Ramsay who is presented as an ideal woman of Victorian period, Lily represents the woman image of the new generation. She holds her unique views on marriage, which collides with the established and long standing Victorian customs of marriage. She develops her individual relationships with the opposite sex, which challenges the unitary relationship of marriage between the two sexes. She ventures into the career of painting, which has been the preserved domain of men. She courageously fights against any difficulties and obstacles that come in her way to self independence and self realization.B. Woolf’s androgynous visionAndrogyny is a term derived from two Greek words which can refer to either of two related concepts about gender: the mixing of masculine and feminine characteristics, as in fashion statements; or the balance of “anima and animus” in psychoanalytic theory. For Woolf, the psyche is composed of two parts, one male and the other female, and only when the two are fused into one will the mind be able to produce art.In Woo lf’s opinion, there exist two genders in human cerebrum –male and female and each pair forms a complementary whale. There is no apparent hierarchical order between them: the only dominance is the feminine part in the woman’s brain, and vice versa for man. Woolf’s choice of the word “fatal” is particularly important for an understanding of the high premium she places on androgyny. An importantaspect of Woolf’s argument for androgyny insists that writers should shun consciousness of their own sex when they write because pressures to conform to social gender roles create barriers that are “fatal” to creativity. She thinks that androgynous writing is not only an ideal, but also a reality. As for Woolf, “Perhaps a mind that is purely masculine cannot create, any more than a mind that is purely feminine”. She thinks that Shakespeare’s mind is a type of the androgynous of the man-womanly mind.C. Gender differences1. Definition of gender differenceThe term “gender difference” refers to a distinction of biologic al and/or physiological characteristics typically associated with either males or females of a species in general. In the study of humans, socio-political issues arise in classifying whether a sex difference results from the biology of gender. Some feminists see gender differences as caused by patriachy or discrimination, although Difference Feminism argues for an acceptance of gender differences. Conservative masculists tend to see gender differences as inherent in human nature, while liberal masculists see gender differences as caused by matriarchy or discrimination.2. Woolf’s thoughts of gender differencesWoolf’s thoughts of gender differences are formed through her understanding of the social prejudice towards all fields that related to women.There is no doubt that Woolf not only realizes the existence of gender differences and she also advocates protecting the existence. The gender differences are caused by two major aspects: the subjective social ideology that treats men and women differently and considers different genders should have different roles; and the objective existence of psychological and physical differences between different genders. These two aspects are respectively subjective cause and objective cause. In conclusion, the essence of Woolf’s thoughts of gender differences is: 1) admission of the existence of gender differences, in both subjective and objective aspects; 2) opposition to the subjective and prejudiced thoughts of genderdifferences; and 3) promotion of the objective gender differences and encouragement of the existence of such differences.In To the Lighthouse, Woolf presents clear portraits of male and femalecharacters. The characters she describes most carefully are Mr. Ramsay and Mrs. Ramsay. In the novel, the both Mr. Ramsay and Mrs. Ramsay want to create a harmonious atmosphere among people and try to be understandable to others. However, they have different outlooks on life and their attitudes and behaviors are also significantly different.In To the Lighthouse, Virginia Woolf discusses the influence of the traditional conception about different genders, which is the cause of gender differences. Mrs. Ramsay in the novel is the typical woman who is the slave fostered by men. Although she is not satisfied with the life of losing herself and lacking for self-confidence, she still worships her husband blindly, depends on her husband and subordinates to her husband. Besides playing the role of a virtuous wife and a lovely mother initiatively in the family and an elegant hostess in social situations, she still makes use of her influential power. Mrs. Ramsay does not only comply with social customs herself, she also impels others: she arranges for the marriage between Paul and Minta and tries to persuade Lily to marry Mr. Bankes. Under the influence of such traditional conception about different genders, Lily still feels that she can’t get rid of social prejudice to concentrate her attention on the art of painting although she is a woman having her own inclination. She always feels that she is just a second-class painter, and her works will not be hung on the wall to be seen by people. Furthermore, there is Mr. Tansley whispering in her ear, “Women can’t paint, women can’t write” obvious that her feeling of failure is caused by the influence of the traditional conception about different genders that women are inferior to men.Another great difference between different genders is that Mr. Ramsay is more realistic while Mrs. Ramsay more idealistic. This can be seen, in the very beginning of the novel, from the attitudes towards whether the Ramsays can go to the lighthouse the next day. Mrs. Ramsay says: “Yes, of course if it’s fine tomorrow, but you’ll have to be up with the lark,” then they will go to the lighthouse. These words convey an extraordinary joy to her son. But her husband comes over and refutes: “But, it won’t be fine”. What he says is the truth and the truth forever; he does not resort to deception and distort the fact, and he will not say some harsh words mildly and indirectly to satisfy others. Mrs. Ramsay comforts James: “But it may be fine –Iexpect it will be fine” (ibid.: 260). Although she has no idea about the weather of thenext day, Mrs. Ramsay is not only idealistic herself, but also wants to give her son comfort and hope. Mr. Ramsay, on the other hand, is not only rational as mentioned before, but also realistic, directly telling his son that the weather will not be fine and they can’t go to the lighthouse the next day. To Mr. Ramsay, the reality towers abo ve the rest, i.e., it’s much more important to respect the facts than to care for children. Therefore, his little son James is even anxious to kill him. As a philosopher, he may be skilled at explaining and dealing with everything in the world with his sense and logic. However, when he applies this kind of attitude to real life, such attitude seems so stubborn that he even denies human nature and suppresses others’ feeling, not only in his learning, but also in dealing with human relationship.The third difference between different genders lies in the aesthetic appreciations. Mr.Ramsay can’t feel the beauty of nature at all. In this novel, male characters come into society,engaging in scientific study. Thinking themselves as the creators of the culture, men talk about science and politics. Yet being deprived of the rights to receive education, women have to stay at home and stand beyond culture. Mr. Ramsay and Mrs. Ramsay have different reactions to the scenes of nature. For example, when Mr. Ramsay has a wal k with his wife by the seaside“he thought, looking at the land dwindling away… Poor little place,” but Mrs. Ramsay considers, “He said the mostmelancholy things,” and believes that “it was a perfectly lovely evening”.Ⅲ. ConclusionOn the whole, this dis sertation expounds on Virginia Woolf’s thoughts of gender and gender differences through the analysis of her thoughts of feminism manifested in her novel To the Lighthouse. From our analysis of the characters in the novel To the Lighthouse, we can see that Woolf’s perspective of women is unique. According to Woolf, women are not inferior to men in any field.In my opinion, the basis of Virginia Woolf’s androgynous theory has something in common with her thoughts of gender differences to a certain extent. Androgynous theory advocates that men and women command the chaotic world in their own way: men rely on their reason and logic; women rely on their intuition and self-awareness. In fact, what Woolf insists as part of her thoughts of gender differences is that mentend to be more reasonable than women and women more sensitive than men. In addition, Woolf’s thoughts of gender differences can be regarded as a bridge, connecting Woolf’s thoughts of feminism and androgynous vision.Virginia Woolf’s thoughts of wom en still have practical significance in our modern society. Nowadays, women’s social position has been greatly improved, but there are many unfair treatments of women in the society, especially in finding jobs. There are many women isolated in their families after marriage, which is partly caused by their insufficient confidence in themselves. So it is time to get rid of the biased thoughts of gender differences about women and women themselves should believe that they can do many things like men. However, as a matter of fact, women should realize that they have both advantages and disadvantages. In this sense, women should not reject all male qualities and they need to absorb some male qualities to become perfect ones. In this way, women and men can draw the strong points of others to offset their own weakness, so that our society can get a harmonious development. In short, Virginia Woolf has made a great contribution to English literature and she will always be remembered as one of the most prominent women writers in England forever.Reference[1] 程英. Art of Fiction in To the Lighthouse [D].郑州:郑州大学,2002[2]李嵩岳. 《到灯塔去》两性形象的象征意义阐述[D]. 郑州,郑州大学,2009 [2] 吴庆宏. 弗吉尼亚伍尔夫与女权主义[M]. 北京: 中国社会科学出版社, 2005.[4]. 王文艳. 《到灯塔去》中的女性意识[D].长沙:湖南师范大学,2001。
The mark on the wall
"Love-making—after 25 years can't bear to be separate ...
you see it is enormous pleasure being wanted: a wife. And our marriage so complete."
About the Writer
The sudden death of her mother in 1895, when Virginia was thirteen, and that of her half-sister Stella two years later, led to the first of Virginia's several nervous breakdowns. The death of her father in 1904 provoked her most alarming collapse and she almost killed herself. Modern scholars (including her nephew and biographer, Quentin Bell) have suggested her breakdowns and subsequent recurring depressive periods were also influenced by the sexual abuse to which she and her sister Vanessa were subjected by
of his wife encouraged her ill health and ultimately was
responsible for her death. Though extensively researched from the feminist perspective, this view is not accepted by Leonard's family and some critics.Victoria Glendinning‘s book Leonard Woolf: A Biography argues that Leonard Woolf was not only supportive of his wife but enabled her to live as long as she did by providing her with the life and atmosphere she needed to live and write. Virginia's own diaries support this view of the Woolfs' marriage
Mrs Dalloway
情节摘要: 一个晴朗的夏日早晨,主人公克拉丽沙· 达洛维走 在伦敦的街道,为自己晚上的派对采买物品。美 好的天气使她想起了自己已逝的青春,以及她年 轻时的狂热追随者彼得.沃尔士。她思忖自己当初 嫁了可靠的达洛维,而不是捉摸不定的沃尔士, 是不是一个正确的决定。沃尔士当天从印度返回 伦敦来看望她,更让她突然思绪不宁。 同时,在伦敦的另一角是一战退伍军人塞普蒂默 斯· 史密斯和他的妻子露西娅。史密斯患有无名的 狂想症,经常幻见在一战中牺牲的好友伊凡。当 权威医师决定对他实行强制隔离治疗时,他跳楼 自尽。
因此,克拉丽沙虽然生活在矛盾之中, 却生活的并不痛苦,她找到了理想和现 实的平衡点并安然生活。我不知道该如 何定义这种能力,也许,这是一种属于 女性的智慧。达洛维夫人的生活到底是 幸福还是悲哀?我想都不至于,或许,这 就是千百年来属于女性的最合理的生活。 (书评原话)
关于作者: 1 人物简介 2 代表作品 3 作品影响
达洛维夫人是一战后英国社会对女性定义的典型 代表:“居家天使”。她接受社会强加的束缚, 甚至热切地扮演着自己的角色:政客的太太。 在书中,我们了解到,克拉丽沙在同彼得热恋的 时候,曾经不停的交谈,并且在交谈中感觉到精 神上的默契因此感到了理解的美妙,语言的美妙, 交流的美妙。当克拉丽沙老了的时候,看到年轻 人只会用低级的娱乐来刺激感观而无法用语言进 行精神的交流的时候,她说她为此感到遗憾,并 且幸福的回忆起年轻时和彼得长谈的情形。因此 我们也可以知道,克拉丽沙,是一个有着自己独 立的精神的,会思考的的女人。一个可以自己决 定自己生活的女人。
出航(The Voyage Out,1915年) 夜与日(Night and Day,1919年) 墙上的斑点(Mark on the wall,1919) 雅各的房间(Jacob's Room,1920年) 达洛维夫人(Mrs. Dalloway,1925年) 到灯塔去(To the Lighthouse,1927年) 奥兰多(Orlando: a Biography,1928年) 海浪(The Waves,1931年) 岁月(The Years,1937年) 幕间(Between the Acts,1941年)
文学家伍尔芙的简介艾德琳·弗吉尼亚·伍尔芙Adeline Virginia Woolf,1882年1月25日-1941年3月28日,两次世界大战期间,她是伦敦文学界的核心人物,同时也是布卢姆茨伯里派Bloomsbury Group的成员之一。
最知名的小说包括《达洛维夫人》Mrs. Dalloway《到灯塔去》To the Lighthouse等。
Virginia Woolf
During the interwar period, Woolf was a significant figure in London literary society and a member of the Bloomsbury Group. Her most famous works include the novels Mrs Dalloway (1925), To the Lighthouse (1927) and Orlando (1928), and the book-length essay A Room of One's Own (1929), with bookits famous dictum, "A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction.“ fiction.“ Throughout her life, Woolf was plagued by periodic mood swings and associated illnesses. Though this instability often affected her social life, her literary productivity continued with few breaks until her suicide.
Major themes (3)
The Aggression of Men Woolf posits that men historically belittle women as a means of asserting their own superiority. In her metaphor of a lookinglooking-glass relationship, men, threatened by the thought of losing their power, reduce women to enlarge themselves. However, just as women's writing suffers from the emotions of anger and fear, men's writing suffers from this aggression. The men the narrator reviews do not write "dispassionate," detached arguments that would otherwise convince the reader, but expose their own prejudices. In the end, their writing revolves around them rather than around their subject. Woolf points out that war is a greater societal byproduct of this consuming aggression and defensiveness.
弗吉尼亚 伍尔芙
1941年2月完成《幕间》写作。1941年3月28日,预感另一次精神崩溃即将开始,伍尔芙担心自己永远不会再 好转,在留下两封分别给丈夫和姐姐温妮莎的短信后,1941年3月28日,她用石头填满口袋,投入了位于罗德麦 尔(Rodmell)她家附近的欧塞河(River Ouse) 。终年59岁。
1932年10月《普通读者》第二系列出版,1933年10月《爱犬富莱西》出版,拒绝曼彻斯特大学的荣誉学位。 1935年1月亲友们在姐姐文尼莎画室中上演弗吉尼亚的剧本《淡水》。1937年3月完成并出版小说《岁月》。1938 年6月出版长篇散文《三个基尼金币》。拒绝利物浦大学的荣誉学位。1940年7月《罗杰·弗赖伊传》(《Roger Fry: A Bibliography》)出版。1940年,弗吉尼亚夫妇在伦敦的住宅被德国飞机轰炸。夫妇俩商量好,如果英 国战败,两人即相携自尽,免受法西斯统治之辱。
弗吉尼亚不幸的生活经历,使她如含羞草一般敏感,又如玻璃般的易碎,她是优雅的,又是神经质的,一生 都在优雅和疯癫之间游走。有人这样描述弗吉尼亚,准确地把握住她的精神气质:“她的记忆有着隐秘的两面— —一面澄明,一面黑暗;一面寒冷,一面温热;一面是创造,一面是毁灭;一面铺洒着天堂之光,一面燃烧着地 狱之火。”
伍尔芙和里顿·斯特拉奇,1923年从1906年起,弗吉尼亚的兄弟在剑桥结识的朋友们不断来家聚会,逐渐形 成了一个文艺和学术的中心,也就是著名的布卢姆斯伯里集团,这里面包括了当时文化界的大批精英,包括其核 心成员有:作家伦纳德·伍尔芙(弗吉尼亚的丈夫),艺术批评家克莱夫·贝尔(范妮莎的丈夫),传记作家利 顿·斯特雷奇,文学批评家德斯蒙德·麦卡锡,经济学家约翰·梅纳德·凯恩斯,画家邓肯·格兰特,艺术批评 家罗杰·弗莱,作家福斯特等。除此之外,哲学家罗素、诗人T·S·艾略特、乔伊斯、小说家亨利·詹姆斯和奥 尔都斯·赫胥黎也与布卢姆斯伯里团体过从甚密。 这些“欧洲的金脑”多半是剑桥大学的优秀学子。
Virginia Woolf
viewed the realistic Victorian novel, with its neat and linear plots, as an inadequate form of expression; the Edwardians and materialists • Experiments with a new form of novel writing began in the 1920s depicts the subjective experiences and fragmented memories of its central characters. reflects the violent contrasts and disjointed impressions of the world stream-of-consciousness narration style
COLLECTIONS OF ESSAYS, literary commentaries
A Room of One’s Own , 1929 《一间自己的房间》
With its famous dictum, "A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction.“ 女人要有一间属于自己的小屋,一笔属于自己的薪金,才能真正拥有 创作的自由。
• 1909—Married Lytton Strachey, but her husband is a gay, and it’s a failure.
• 1912—Got married with Leonard Woolf, a critic and writer on economics.
最新SAT作文素材 Adeline Virginia Woolf
Adeline Virginia Woolf121总述3456782教育背景(social influence)9Virginia Woolf was born Adeline Virginia Stephen in London in 1882 Virginia's father, Sir Leslie Stephen(1832–1904), was a notable1011historian, author, critic and mountaineer.[2]He was the editor of12the Dictionary of National Biography, a work which would influence 13Woolf's later experimental biographies.14Sir Leslie Stephen's eminence as an editor, critic, and biographer,15and his connection to William Thackeray(the father of his first wife),meant that his children were raised in an environment filled with the 1617influences of Victorian literary society. Henry James, George Henry18Lewes, Julia Margaret Cameron(an aunt of Julia Stephen), and JamesRussell Lowell, who was made Virginia's honorary godfather, were among1920the visitors to the house.21The sisters did, however, benefit indirectly from their brothers'Cambridge contacts, as the boys brought their new intellectual friends2223home to the Stephens' drawing room.24253生活的困难26The sudden death of her mother in 1895, when Virginia was 13, and that 27of her half-sister Stella two years later, led to the first of Virginia's 28several nervous breakdowns.29The death of her father in 1904 provoked her most alarming collapse 30and she was briefly institutionalized.31Her breakdowns and subsequent recurring depressive periods were 32also influenced by the sexual abuse she and Vanessa were subjected to by their half-brothers.3334Throughout her life, Woolf was plagued by periodic mood swings and 35associated illnesses. Though this instability often affected her social 36life, her literary productivity continued with few breaks throughout her 37life.384成就3940Woolf began writing professionally in 1900, initially for the Times Literary Supplement with a journalistic piece41Her first novel, The Voyage Out, was published in 19154243Woolf is considered one of the greatest innovators in the English 44language. In her works she experimented with 45stream-of-consciousness and the underlying psychological as well as 46emotional motives of characters.47stream-of-consciousness is a literary method of representing such ablending of mental processes in fictional characters, usually in an4849unpunctuated or disjointed form of interior monologue.505女权主义5152Virginal Woolf is generally regarded as one of the greatest writers 53of modernism as well as one of the pioneers of women’s liberation from 54patriarchy.55In the essay, “Pro fessions for women”, she tell her story that how 56she became a reviewer by overcoming big obstacles, the gender-consciousness.5758In the last Queen Victoria, women usually could not achieve their career 59success because of woman’s traditional role as sympathizer to men.However, Virginia break the rules by having a mind of her own,6061expressing what she think to be the truth about human relations, morality, 62and sex.Possessing the solution to be a independent woman, Virginia succeed6364in writing exquisite novels, like Mrs Dalloway, To the Lighthouse and Orlando.6566676 别人的帮助68在生活上,伍尔芙也接受了伦纳德的安排,不会对什么问题提出异议。
The Duchess
1、C o rru p t in d iv id u a ls w ill b e h a v e im m o ra lly (w ith o u t co m p u n c tio n ) in o rd e r to sa tis fy th e ir b a s e se lfis h m o tiv e s . 2、A lth o u g h th e u p p e r cla s s ‟s life is g o rg e o u s , o n e ca n n ‟t b e to o g re e d y a n d a m b itio u s to clim b to a h ig h e r p o s itio n w ith m oney . 3、Ha p pi n e s s c a n not b e b o u g ht bu y m o n e y , cle a rly , O liv e r “b o u g h t” th e D u c h e s s ‟s d a u g h te r, n o t m e re ly th e fa k e p e a rls . 4、N o m a tte r h o w b a d is yo u r fa m ily b a c k g ro u n d , yo u ca n ch a n g e yo u r d e s tin y b y yo u r o w n e n d e a v o r .
—By M a tinda a nd H e le n
Virginia Woolf
Adeline Virginia Woolf (25 January 1882 – 28 March 1941) was an English author, essayist, publisher, novelist , and critic .She has been regarded as one of the foremost modernist literary figures of the twentieth century.
professions for women课前知识了解
1. Virginia Woolf1. Virginia Woolf’s LifeAdeline Virginia Stephen was born in London on January 25, 1882 to Leslie Stephen, statesman and man of letters学者, and Julia Duckworth Stephen.A successful innovator in the form of the novel, she is considered a significant force in 20th-century fiction.Virginia Woolf suffered mental breakdowns in 1895 and 1915; she drowned herself in 1941 because she feared another breakdown from which she might not recover. She died in a river in her hometown. Most of her posthumously published works were edited by her husband.Virginia was educated at home in her father's library. She was keenly aware that if she had been a boy she would have gone on to Cambridge or Oxford(It was not until 1976 that girls were allowed to enter Oxford). Later, with this sense of injustice, she wrote two feminist works, A Room of One's Own (1929) and Three Guineas (1938).In 1895 Virginia's mother died, and her father went into deep mourning. At the age of 13 Virginia had a mental breakdown. In 1902 Leslie Stephen was knighted. Two years later he died. Virginia had a second mental breakdown and tried to commit suicide by jumping out of a window. She remained in frail health all her life. Virginia and her sisters Vanessa and Adrian and her brother Thoby moved to Bloomsbury. She published her first essays and soon became a regular book reviewer for the Time Literary Supplement增刊. She also taught at an evening college for working men and women. The four Stephens traveled to Greece, where Vanessa and Thoby became ill. Thohy died of typhoid fever伤寒at the age of 26. The sudden death of her favorite brother is reflected in the deaths of Percival in The Waves and Jacob in Jacob's Room.Virginia and Vanessa hosted gatherings of artists and writers. The gradual gathering of the "Bloomsbury Group"was comprised of such people as E. M. Foster and John Maynard Keynes.Vanessa married one of the friends, Clive Bell; Virginia married another, Leonard Woolf, a writer on politics and economics. Virginia had a third mental breakdown, which lasted for three years. During this time, she completed the novel The V oyage Out. In 1917, the Woolf bought a secondhand printing press, and set up the Hogarth Press. Later the Press would publish Foster, Dostoevski, T. S. Eliot, Katherine Mansfield, Freud, Gorki and all of Woolf's novels and writings.Her first two novels The V oyage Out (1915) and Night and Day (1919) are fairly conventional and realistic. These were followed by Jacob's Room (1922), Mrs. Dalloway (1925), To the Lighthouse (1927); Orlando (1928), the book-length feminist essay A Room of One's Own, The Waves (193I), The Years (1937), Three Guineas. In 1940 she completed the draft of Between the Acts. Woolf's writing gained not only swift but also persistent and increasing attention and praise. Her name is typically associated with early 20th century modernism in fiction.During the Battle of Britain, bombs destroyed her home in London. At the onset发作of another mental breakdown, which she feared would be permanent, Virginia Woolf filled her pockets with stones and drowned herself in the River Ouse on March 28, leaving suicide notes for her husband and sister. Her husband Leonard Woolf published various essays, short stories, letters and diaries of hers, as well as several autobiographies, which detail their life together.2. Her famous novelsThe Voyage Out出航(1915) Night and Day夜与日(1919)Jacob's Room雅各的房间(1922) Mrs Dalloway达洛维夫人(1925)To the Lighthouse到灯塔去(1927) Orlando奥兰多(自传)(1928)The Waves海浪(1931) The Years岁月(1937)Between the Acts幕间(1941)3. Her achievement:1. Stream-of- Consciousness TechniqueAs a novelist Woolf's primary concern was to represent the flow of ordinary experience.Her emphasis was not on plot or characterization but on a character's consciousness, his thoughts and feelings, which she brilliantly illuminated by the stream of consciousness technique.Woolf and Joyce are the most gifted and innovative of the stream of consciousness novelists 2. A Feminist:She was very much concerned with the rights and position of women, especially of intelligent women and women writers.She actively took part in the struggle for woman’s rights of suffrage & rights to work which is shown in her Three GuineasShe wrote several essays on the subject, notably in A Room of One’s Own3. An insight into gender‘The meaning of the word "gender" has evolved as differentiated from the word "sex" to express the reality that women and men roles and status are socially constructed and subject to change.’4.Characteristics of her creation:1. Special personal experience and view;2. Relations between people above the social environment;3. Not concern much about politics, but concern much the rights of women.4. Limitation in depth and wideness of reflecting society, but contributed much in content and technics of creation.Her writing style is also noted for poetic and symbolic quality besides the techniques of interior monologue 内心独白and stream of consciousness.2. Stream of consciousness1. Definition:The literary technique was first used in the late 19th century, employed to evince subjective as well as objective reality. It reveals the character's feelings, thoughts, and actions, often following an associative rather than a logical sequence, without commentary by the author.Stream of consciousness, as a term, was first used by William James, the American philosopher and psychologist, in his book The Principles of Psychology (1890). Widely used in narrative fiction, the technique was perhaps brought to its highest point of development in Ulysses (1922) and Finnegan Wake (1939) by the Irish novelist and poet James Joyce. Other exponents of the form were American novelist William Faulkner and British novelist Virginia Woolf.Stream of consciousness writing is a variant of third person point of view, in which the narrator relates only what is experienced by a character’s mind from moment to moment.2. Features of stream of consciousness1. Presents thoughts and feelings of a character as they occur.2. It shows a mind at work.3. It may contain parts that do not see coherent because that are based on the free association of ideas and feelings of an individual’s mind.4. It is in 3rd person5. Interior monologue:Stream of consciousness writing is usually regarded as a special form of interior monologue and is characterized by associative leaps in syntax and punctuation that can make the prose difficult to follow.Stream of consciousness emphasizes the origin of a narrative from inside the mind of a single character, rather than from an objective, distanced, third party.6.Inversion of time and space3. Multiple points of viewMultiple points of view: it is one of the literary techniques William Faulkner used, which shows within the same story how the characters reacted differently to the same person or the same situation. The use of this technique gave the story a circular form wherein one event was the center, with various points of view technique makes the reader recognize the difficulty of arriving at a true judgment.4. Representative writer1. James Joyce (Irish)Ulysses 尤利西斯2.William Faulkner (America)The sound and the fury 喧哗与骚动3.Marcel Proust (France)Remembrance of things past 追忆似水年华4. Virginia WoolfTo the lighthouse 到灯塔去1927年3. Women in the Victorian era1. IntroduceThe status of women in the Victorian era is often seen as an illustration of striking discrepancy between the national power and wealth and what many, then and now, consider its appalling social conditions. During the era symbolized by the reign of British monarch Queen Victoria, women did not have suffrage rights, the rights to sue, or the rights to own property.Discrimination was rampant surrounding the idealistic impression that aristocratic women should be “pure” and “clean”. This paradoxical form of repression used positive words to restrict upper-class Victorian-era women from becoming “dirty” with the jobs that would nave provided them with economical freedom and the lifestyles that would have provided them with social freedom. It was sometimes even claimed that “decent”women were untroubled by sexual pleasure.In stark contrast to Queen Victoria, the powerful female monarch of the time, the duties of the average upper-class women were to maintain children and the house. Upper-class professional women faced great discrimination in employment beyond the role of children’s teacher.2. Restriction regarding women’s right1. Limited rights of married womenThe law regarded a married couple as one person. The husband was bound by law to protect her. The law expected her to defer to his judgment. Women lost the rights to the property they brought into the marriage, even following divorce. A husband had complete legal control over any income earned by his wife. Women were not allowed to open banking accounts. Married women were not able to conclude a contract without her husband’s legal approval. It was impossible to charge the wife with concealing her husband or for stealing from her husbandas they were one person in law.2.Opportunities for women limited to the household3. Limited socially acceptable pastimes for women4. Double standard in sexual activities5. Lack of gender equality in educationWomen were not freely offered the opportunity to study subjects of an extended, classical, and commercial nature. This made it difficult for a woman to break free from the societal constraints to achieve independent economical status. Education was specialized by gender. Women were provide with the opportunity to study refined subjects such as history, geography and general literature which would provide them with interesting but noncontroversial topics for discussion. Despite the restrictions and stigmatization, some women did excel in “male” subjects such as law, physics, engineering, science and art. These women pioneered the path for the much improved gender equality in modern education in the UK. Women were rarely given the opportunity to attend university. It was even said that studying was against their nature and could make them ill. They were to stay more or less an “ornament of society” .3. Women in the Victorian era1. The role of women was to have children, please their husbands, and tend to the house.2. Victorian femininity: purity, piety(孝顺), submission(顺从)and domesticity(一心管家务的)3. Viewed as the dependents of their husbands or fathers, women, for the most part, could not serve on juries; could not hold elective office; and could not vote。
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•Virginia Woolf •Early years •Personal life •Works •Death •Comments
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The Voyage Out (1915) Night and Day (1919) Jacob's Room (1922) Mrs Dalloway (1925) To the Lighthouse (1927) Orlando (1928) The Waves (1931) The Years (1937) Between the Acts (1941)
Short story collections Monday or Tuesday (1921) A Haunted House and Other Short Stories (1944) Mrs Dalloway's Party (1973) The Complete Shorter Fiction (1985)
―Page 15―
Virginia Woolf published three books to which she gave the subtitle "A Biography": Orlando: A Biography (1928)
Flush: A Biography (1933)
挚爱的你, 我很确定我会再陷疯狂,我一定熬不过又 一次的煎熬,而这次我将无法康复。我开始听 到呓声也无法专心,所以我这么做似乎是最好 的。你给了我最大的幸福,你已竭尽所能为我 付出一切。我知道我毁了你的一生,没有我, 你就可以海阔天空,你会的,我知道。我连封 信也写不好,我只想说我一生的幸福都是你赋 予我的,你对我百般忍耐,也对我……体贴无 以复加。我早已一无所有,除了知道你对我的 好。我不能再拖累你的一生。再没有人能像我 们这般曾经拥有如此幸福。 弗吉尼亚
英国女作家伍尔芙(Adeline Virginia Woolf)有句名言:如果你是一个女人,你一定要有一间属于自己的房间。
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S A T作文素材
A d e l i n e V i r g i n i a
W o o l f
Adeline Virginia Woolf
2教育背景(social influence)
Virginia Woolf was born Adeline Virginia Stephen in London in 1882
Virginia's father, Sir Leslie Stephen (1832–1904), was a notable historian, author, critic and mountaineer.[2] He was the editor of the Dictionary of National Biography, a work which would influence Woolf's later experimental biographies.
Sir Leslie Stephen's eminence as an editor, critic, and biographer, and his connection to William Thackeray (the father of his first wife), meant that his children were raised in an environment filled with the influences of Victorian literary society. Henry James, George Henry Lewes, Julia Margaret Cameron (an aunt of Julia Stephen),
and James Russell Lowell, who was made Virginia's honorary godfather, were among the visitors to the house.
The sisters did, however, benefit indirectly from their brothers' Cambridge contacts, as the boys brought their new intellectual friends home to the Stephens' drawing room. 3生活的困难
The sudden death of her mother in 1895, when Virginia was 13, and that of her half-sister Stella two years later, led to the first of Virginia's several nervous breakdowns.
The death of her father in 1904 provoked her most alarming collapse and she was briefly institutionalized.
Her breakdowns and subsequent recurring depressive periods were also influenced by the sexual abuse she and Vanessa were subjected to by their half-brothers.
Throughout her life, Woolf was plagued by periodic mood swings and associated illnesses. Though this instability often affected her social life, her literary productivity continued with few breaks throughout her life.
Woolf began writing professionally in 1900, initially for the Times Literary Supplement with a journalistic piece
Her first novel, The Voyage Out, was published in 1915
Woolf is considered one of the greatest innovators in the English language. In her works she experimented with stream-of-consciousness and the underlying psychological as well as emotional motives of characters.
stream-of-consciousness is a literary method of representing such a blending of mental processes in fictional characters, usually in an unpunctuated or disjointed form of interior monologue.
Virginal Woolf is generally regarded as one of the greatest writers of modernism as well as one of the pioneers of women’s liberation from patriarchy.
In the essay, “Professions for women”, she tell her story that how she became a reviewer by overcoming big obstacles, the gender-consciousness.
In the last Queen Victoria, women usually could not achieve their career success because of woman’s traditional role as sympathizer to men.
However, Virginia break the rules by having a mind of her own, expressing what she think to be the truth about human relations, morality, and sex.
Possessing the solution to be a independent woman, Virginia succeed in writing exquisite novels, like Mrs Dalloway , To the Lighthouse and Orlando.
6 别人的帮助