



【课程名称】:雅思口语课程【课时】:2课时【教学目标】:1. 帮助学生掌握雅思口语考试的评分标准及技巧。

2. 提高学生的口语表达能力和听力理解能力。

3. 培养学生的逻辑思维和应变能力。

4. 增强学生的自信心,提高口语考试的应试能力。

【教学重点】:1. 雅思口语考试的评分标准及技巧。

2. 口语表达能力的提升。

3. 逻辑思维和应变能力的培养。

【教学难点】:1. 学生如何将所学知识应用到实际口语考试中。

2. 学生如何克服口语考试中的紧张情绪。

【教学准备】:1. 教师准备:PPT课件、口语练习材料、评分标准表。

2. 学生准备:积极参与课堂讨论,提前预习口语话题。

【教学过程】:第一课时一、导入1. 介绍雅思口语考试的基本情况,包括考试形式、评分标准等。

2. 引导学生了解雅思口语考试的五大原则:人、物、地点、事件、媒体。

二、口语技巧讲解1. 针对雅思口语考试的评分标准,讲解每个部分的得分要点。

2. 阐述如何运用TSE方法(Topic Sentence、Supporting Ideas、Examples)进行口语表达。

三、口语练习1. 学生分组,进行口语话题讨论,教师巡回指导。

2. 学生根据所学技巧,进行角色扮演,模拟口语考试场景。

四、总结与反馈1. 教师总结本节课的重点内容,强调口语技巧的重要性。

2. 学生分享练习心得,教师给予反馈。

第二课时一、复习与巩固1. 回顾上节课所学内容,巩固口语技巧。

2. 学生进行口语话题练习,教师指导。

二、实战演练1. 学生进行口语考试模拟,教师监考并评分。

2. 学生分析自己的不足,教师针对性地进行指导。

三、总结与反思1. 教师总结本节课的重点内容,强调实战演练的重要性。

2. 学生分享模拟考试心得,教师给予反馈。

四、课后作业1. 学生根据所学技巧,完成一篇口语作文。

2. 教师批改作文,并提供修改建议。

【教学反思】:1. 本节课的教学内容是否符合学生的实际需求。

2. 学生是否掌握了口语技巧,能否将其应用到实际口语考试中。



一、课程名称:雅思培训课程二、课时安排:每周2次,每次2课时三、教学目标:1. 提高学生的英语听、说、读、写能力;2. 帮助学生掌握雅思考试技巧,提高考试成绩;3. 培养学生的英语思维习惯,提高英语综合素质。

四、教学内容:1. 雅思考试简介及考试结构;2. 雅思听力技巧;3. 雅思阅读技巧;4. 雅思写作技巧;5. 雅思口语技巧;6. 模拟考试及评分标准讲解。

五、教学重点:1. 雅思考试技巧的掌握;2. 各项技能的提高。

六、教学难点:1. 雅思考试技巧的应用;2. 各项技能的综合运用。

七、教学方法:1. 讲授法:讲解雅思考试技巧、阅读、写作、口语等方面的知识;2. 案例分析法:通过典型例题分析,帮助学生理解并掌握考试技巧;3. 模拟训练法:进行模拟考试,提高学生的应试能力;4. 小组讨论法:分组讨论,提高学生的团队合作能力和英语表达能力。

八、教学过程:第一课时1. 课程导入:介绍雅思考试简介及考试结构,让学生对雅思考试有一个全面了解。

2. 雅思听力技巧讲解:介绍听力题型、解题技巧等,通过典型例题分析,让学生掌握听力技巧。

3. 模拟训练:播放雅思听力真题,让学生进行练习,教师现场指导。

第二课时1. 雅思阅读技巧讲解:介绍阅读题型、解题技巧等,通过典型例题分析,让学生掌握阅读技巧。

2. 雅思写作技巧讲解:介绍写作题型、解题技巧等,通过典型例题分析,让学生掌握写作技巧。

3. 模拟训练:让学生进行雅思写作练习,教师现场指导。

第三课时1. 雅思口语技巧讲解:介绍口语题型、解题技巧等,通过典型例题分析,让学生掌握口语技巧。

2. 模拟训练:让学生进行雅思口语练习,教师现场指导。

3. 总结与反馈:对学生的练习进行总结,指出不足之处,提出改进建议。

九、课后作业:1. 完成雅思听力、阅读、写作、口语的模拟练习;2. 查阅相关资料,了解雅思考试动态;3. 记录学习心得,分享学习经验。

十、教学评价:1. 课堂表现:包括出勤率、课堂参与度等;2. 模拟考试成绩:根据学生的模拟考试成绩,评估教学效果;3. 学生反馈:收集学生对教学内容的意见和建议,不断优化教学方案。



课时:2课时教学目标:1. 让学生掌握雅思考试的基本题型和评分标准。

2. 培养学生的听、说、读、写四项技能,提高学生的英语综合应用能力。

3. 激发学生对雅思英语备考的兴趣,提高备考信心。

教学内容:1. 雅思考试简介及题型分析2. 听力、阅读、写作、口语备考策略教学过程:第一课时:一、导入1. 教师简要介绍雅思考试及其重要性。

2. 引导学生思考:为什么选择雅思考试?如何备考雅思?二、雅思考试简介及题型分析1. 雅思考试分为四个部分:听力、阅读、写作、口语。

2. 听力:30分钟,40题,测试学生在日常生活、社会和学术环境中获取口头信息的能力。

3. 阅读:60分钟,40题,测试学生在学术环境下获取、理解和处理书面信息的能力。

4. 写作:60分钟,两篇作文,测试学生的书面表达能力。

5. 口语:11-14分钟,三个部分,测试学生的口语表达能力。

三、听力备考策略1. 培养良好的听力习惯,如:跟读、模仿。

2. 做真题,分析题型,总结规律。

3. 提高词汇量,熟悉不同场景下的常用词汇。

4. 做听力练习题,提高听力技巧。

四、阅读备考策略1. 培养良好的阅读习惯,如:快速阅读、精读。

2. 做真题,分析题型,总结规律。

3. 提高词汇量,熟悉不同文章类型中的常用词汇。

4. 做阅读练习题,提高阅读速度和理解能力。

五、写作备考策略1. 掌握不同类型的作文结构。

2. 提高词汇量和语法水平。

3. 多做真题,分析范文,总结写作技巧。

4. 培养良好的写作习惯,如:定时写作、修改作文。

六、口语备考策略1. 培养良好的口语习惯,如:模拟考试、日常口语交流。

2. 提高词汇量和语法水平。

3. 了解不同话题的背景知识。

4. 多做口语练习题,提高口语表达能力。

第二课时:一、复习上节课所学内容1. 回顾雅思考试简介及题型分析。

2. 复习听力、阅读、写作、口语备考策略。

二、互动环节1. 学生分组讨论,分享各自的备考经验和心得。

2. 教师针对学生的问题进行解答和指导。


1. Why did you choose this major/job? 2. How do you like your job/studies?
丢分点5:千人一答 提分技巧5:先思考,再答题 > 6
1. What kind of place is your hometown?
1. 地点影响分吗?--北京VS外地 2. 考官口音影响分吗?--英美澳加印日 3. 听不影响分吗?--反应正常OK;无反应或错误反
应NO 4. 穿着打扮影响分吗?--双方舒服OK (西服; low cut) 5. 个人观点如政治、宗教、非常规想法等影响分吗?-- 观
6. 考官表情流露分数吗?
2. What’s your name? 3. Can I see your identification? 4. Do you work or are you a
二、P1 必问3大题
1. 学习or工作 2. 家乡 3. 住所 ➢ 必须提前准备,见“作业清单” ➢ 必须打通思路,回答无准备提问
5.76 5.45
5.26 5.12 5.45
Hong Kong 6.74
5.99 5.90 6.40
5.72 6.19
5.93 5.62 5.97
Vietnam 5.94
5.64 5.55 5.70
6.69 5.94 6.48





以下是整理的雅思⼝语有哪些考试内容,欢迎阅读!1.雅思⼝语有哪些考试内容 1、雅思考试⼝语第⼀个部分:introduction and interview部分 introduction andinterview我们主要可以分为;两个部分解答:在开始的时候,考官会问你⼀些基本的问题,主要是⼀些关于⾝份的问题,可能会问你:名字是什么,看你的证件吗等等简单的问题,这个过程之后就会正式进⼊到这个所谓interview的部分。


2、雅思考试⼝语第⼆部分:Personal long-turn部分 在这个部分,学⽣会拿到⼀张写着题⽬的纸张,这个题⽬主要是关于⼈,或者⼀个地⽅,或者是某件事情,还有⼀些提⽰性的问题。


3、雅思考试⼝语第三部分:Two-way discussion部分 这个部分和第⼀部分有类似的东西,主要是以问答的形式出现,考官会抛出⼀些问题,这些问题是和第⼆部分的内容⽐较相关的,涉及的主要层⾯是关于社会、⾃然、⽣态之类的,内容⽐第⼀部分相对深⼊很多,词汇量的要求也会⼤⼀些,这个持续时间是四五分钟的样⼦。


4、雅思考试⼝试部分的评分标准 A、Fluency and coherence,流利度和相关性 B、Lexical resource,词汇量 C、Grammatical range and accuracy,所谓的语法的范畴和我们的所谓的什么,准确度 D、Pronunciation,发⾳2.雅思⼝语范⽂之影响你的⼈ A person who has influenced you Please describe a person who has greatly influenced you You should say: Who the person is (was) How you came into contact with this person How he/she has influenced you and why And you have you say whether this person has influenced others To talk about a person who has influenced me the most, I think there isnone other but my father. Working as a government official, he doesn’t appear tobe extraordinary in any way, but just working faithfully and peacefully raisinghis family, never putting his family or children aside. Yet however regular hemay look, he is never ordinary to me, because I’ve learned many of the mostbasic and important life lessons from him: family, responsibility,accountability, faithfulness, vision and fulfilling goals, etc.—he is the firstand best teacher in my life. As to influence, people all influence one anotherin one way or another during their contact. But as to whether my father hasinfluenced other people as much as he does to me, I am notsure. Nevertheless Ialways hear people in the neighborhood talking about him as a model husband andfamily head. He must have touched some lives. 本题要求考⽣突出⼀个对⾃⼰影响巨⼤的⼈,尽管⾝边所有的⼈都总是⽆时⽆刻或多或少地在互相影响着⾃⼰。


Cycling Parties
Writing Travel
advertisemen ts Films
1. Do you…? 2.Do people in your country do…? 3.What type of …do you like? 4.What type of …do you dislike? 5.What do you like about…? 6.What do you dislike about…? 7.What do you like to do +时间? 8.What do you dislike to do +时间? 9.Is it easy/difficult/convenient/safe/dangerous to do…? 10.When did you first do …? 11.Did you do…when you were a child? 12.When did you last do …? / Tell me about your last …experience? 13.When and where do you…? 14.Do you like do…alone or with friends? 15.Do you prefer A or B? Why? 16.Do you think it’s necessary/important for children/schools to
Is food safety a serious problem in your country? Do schools and universities provide healthy food for students in your country?


• 两分钟结束
4这Biblioteka 回答还不够!• 口语不好的同学,会这样回答: • Umm…(脑袋开始发晕了) BMW…Well…BMW Mini Cooper…It…it looks small
but…small and…expensive…Umm… It costs expensive… Because it is cute so I want to buy… • 时间才过了30秒 • “That‘s all ?” 考官问。 • Emm… Umm… • ………………
• 带着你的关键词:Car (no t moto/b icycle), Minicooper, Blue Medium Size, Fashionable, Attracting, Expensive, cannot buy now, convenience, show off, safety
• 带着你的关键词:Car (no t moto/b icycle), Minicooper, Blue Medium Size, Fashionable, Attracting, Expensive, cannot buy now, convenience, show off, safety
• 套用背好的开头! • It has been my dream car since I saw the movie “The Italian Job” two year ago,
in which Mini Cooper is the biggest star. • 接着串关键词! • I would choose a car rather than a motor or bicycle because cars are perfect

雅思口语keith 讲义

雅思口语keith 讲义

雅思口语keith 讲义一、开场白在雅思口语考试中,开场白的好坏往往影响到考官对你的第一印象。


以下是一些常用的开场白:1. Good morning/afternoon, examiner. It's nice to meet you today.2. Thank you for inviting me to this interview. I'm really looking forward to it.3. I hope you're well today, examiner. I'm ready to start our conversation.4. I appreciate the opportunity to be here and have this conversation with you.二、个人背景介绍在开场白之后,考官通常会要求考生介绍一下自己的背景信息,包括姓名、年龄、职业、家庭等等。


以下是一个简单的个人背景介绍范例:My name is Li Hua, I'm 25 years old, and I work as a marketing manager for a small company in Beijing. I have a younger sister and we both live with our parents who are retired.三、话题展开在个人背景介绍之后,考官会开始提问一些话题,包括家庭、工作、兴趣爱好等等。


以下是一些常见话题的展开方式:1. 家庭:My family is very important to me. My parents have always been supportive of everything I do and my sister and I are very close. We try to spend time together as much as possible.2. 工作:I love my job as a marketing manager. It's challenging but also very rewarding. I enjoy developing marketing plans and strategies to promote our products and services. I also like working with my team to achieve our goals.3. 兴趣爱好:I have a variety of interests, including reading, writing, and hiking. I enjoy reading books that challenge me and help me grow as a person, while also providing me with a break from the stresses of work. Writing is a way for me to express my thoughts and feelings, and hiking is a great way to appreciate nature and clear my mind.。



SPEAKINGPart1People&AnimalWork or study(Is there anything interesting in your work?What can help you do better in your work?Where did you go to school?What do you expect yourschool to improve?Are you satisfied with your campus or not?Howmany hours do you study a week?Do you think your school is a goodplace for study?)NamePetMovie star(Who is your favorite movie star?Have you met a movie star in your daily life?Is international star popular in your country?)EventsTransportation(Do you always take buses?Have you ever travelled by taxi?Is there any traffic jam in the area you live?)Public holiday(Do you like public holidays?What do you do on public holidays?Which public holiday do you like most?)Sports(What’s the most popular sport in your country?Who’s your mostfavorite sport star?)Take photos(Do you take photos using your phone or camera?What photos do you take?Do you want to learn how to take photos?How do you usuallydeal with your photos?Do you like to take selfies?Why?)Morning routine(Do you think breakfast is important?What are the benefits ofbreakfast?Do you want to change your morning routine?) Cooking(Do you like cooking at home or eating out?)SleepingObjects/ThingsPainting(What kind of painting do you like?Have you learned drawing or painting?Is it important to hang pictures at home?If someone wants to draw a picture ofyou,will you agree?Movie(How often did you watch a movie in your childhood?How often do you watcha movie now?Do you prefer to go to a movie alone or with others?)Email(How often do you write an email?When do you write an email?)Water(How often do you drink water?Do you like to drink water?Is there any time when you feel very thirsty but you can’t drink water?Do you like bottledwater or tap water?Is bottled water expensive in your country?)Music(How often do you listen to the music?When do you listen to the music?What is the kind of music that you don’t like?Do you want to learn any musicalinstrument?Have you ever gone to a concert?)Shoes(Do you like comfortable shoes or fashionable shoes?Do you buy shoes online?How often do you buy shoes?Describe your most favorite pair ofshoes.)Sunglasses(Do you wear sunglasses?Do you buy a lot of sunglasses?Have you ever lost sunglasses?)Tea/Coffee(Do Chinese people prefer coffee or tea?Why?When was the last time you had coffee?Where do you like to drink coffee?)PlaceLiving place(Where do you live?What do you like about the place you live?Do you know someone who live nearby?Will you keep living at there for a longtime?Is there any recent change in the area you live?)HometownGarden/Park(Do you usually go to the park?When’s the last time that you went to the park?Do you like outdoor park or indoor park?Are public parksimportant in China?Are there many public gardens in China?Do youthink there are enough public gardens or parks in your hometown?Whatdo you think are the benefits of having gardens in the city?)Crowded placeCity(How long have you lived in this city?What’s your impression of this city?What do you expect this city to change?)AbstractHandwriting(Are there many people in China who like to write by hand?Do youusually write by hand or type through laptop?Do you want to receive ahandwritten card?Is your handwriting hard to recognize?Do you thinkhandwriting can reflect personality?)Watch skyWeather(Do you like cloudy days?Are there many cloudy days a year in the city you live?)Patience(Are you a patient person?Are you more patient when you were young than you are now?)Color(What’s your favorite color?Why?Do you like light colors?What color do you want to use for your bedroom’s wall?Is the color of a car important?)Part2&3People&AnimalDescribe an intelligent person一个聪明的人Describe a person you would like to know你想认识的人Describe an old person who is interesting你遇到的有趣的老人Describe a person you enjoy working or studying with你想一起工作或学习的人Describe a person you wanted to be similar to when you were growing up你长大想成为的人Describe a person you have seen who is beautiful or handsome俊男美女EventsDescribe a time that you have to change your plan suddenly突然改变计划Describe a time that someone did not tell you the whole truth about something.隐瞒真相Describe a time that you receive what you really want.一次你得到了你真正想要的东西。




二、教学内容1. 雅思考试简介- 介绍雅思考试的背景和重要性;- 解释雅思考试的四个模块:听力、口语、阅读和写作;- 引导学生了解雅思考试的评分标准。

2. 雅思听力技巧- 教授学生如何提高听力技巧,包括注意力集中、积累词汇、理解主旨和细节等;- 给予学生一些听力练习的机会,并提供反馈和建议。

3. 雅思口语技巧- 引导学生了解雅思口语考试的要求和形式;- 提供一些口语练习的话题和范例,帮助学生提高表达能力和流利度;- 提供学生在小组中互相交流和评价的机会。

4. 雅思阅读技巧- 教授学生如何快速有效地阅读雅思考试的文章,包括扫读、略读和详读;- 对不同类型的题目进行讲解,提供解题技巧和策略。

5. 雅思写作技巧- 引导学生了解雅思写作考试的要求和形式;- 提供一些写作练习的话题和范例,帮助学生提高表达能力和逻辑思维;- 教授学生如何进行论证和组织文章结构。

三、教学过程1. 教师简要介绍雅思考试的背景和重要性,并引导学生思考他们选择参加雅思考试的原因。

2. 教师分别对听力、口语、阅读和写作进行详细讲解,包括考试形式、评分标准和技巧要点。

3. 教师将学生分成小组,进行一些听力、口语和阅读的练习。


4. 教师给学生提供一篇雅思写作的范文,讲解其中的论证和结构,并引导学生进行写作训练。

5. 教师总结本节课的重点和要点,并鼓励学生进行自主学习和练习。

四、教学评估1. 教师对学生的听力、口语、阅读和写作进行实时评估,包括准确度、流利度、理解能力和表达能力等方面。

2. 学生之间的互动和小组讨论也可以作为教学评估的一部分,以便了解学生的合作能力和互动能力。

五、教学资源1. 雅思考试官网和相关教材;2. 视听资料和练习题;3. 雅思写作范文和练习题。



雅思口语模板一、Introduction (介绍)A. Greetings (问候)- Hello/Hi, my name is [Your Name].- Nice to meet you all.B. Self-introduction (自我介绍)- I am from [Your Country/City].- I am [Your Age] years old.- Currently, I am [Your Profession/Student].C. Topic introduction (话题介绍)- Today, I would like to discuss/talk about the topic of [Topic]. - I chose this topic because [Reason].二、Main Body (主体部分)A. Opinion (观点)- In my opinion, I believe that...- From my perspective, I think that...B. Supporting points (支持观点)1. Firstly, [First Supporting Point]- For example, [Example].2. Secondly, [Second Supporting Point]- Additionally, [Additional Example].3. Lastly, [Third Supporting Point]- Moreover, [Additional Example].C. Contrasting points (对比观点)1. On the other hand, some people argue that...- For instance, [Example].2. However, another perspective is that...- Additionally, [Additional Example].D. Personal experience (个人经历)- Personally, I have experienced [Personal Experience Related to the Topic].- This experience has shaped my viewpoint because [Explain How Personal Experience Influenced Opinion].E. Conclusion (结论)- In conclusion, I believe that...- Overall, taking everything into consideration, I think that...三、Vocabulary and Phrases (词汇和短语)A. Topic-related vocabulary (与话题相关的词汇)- [Vocabulary Word] means...- [Vocabulary Word] represents...B. Opinion phrases (观点表达)- In my opinion...- From my perspective...- I strongly believe that...- It is evident to me that...- Personally, I feel that...C. Transition phrases (过渡短语) - Firstly...- Secondly...- Lastly...- On the other hand...- In contrast...- However...- In addition...- Additionally...- Moreover...D. Conclusion phrases (结论表达) - In conclusion...- Overall...- Taking everything into consideration...- All things considered...四、Sample Question and Answer (示例问题和答案) Question: What is your favorite hobby?Answer: My favorite hobby is reading. Personally, I find it to be a very enriching activity that allows me to escape reality and delve into different worlds through books. Additionally, reading helps expand my vocabulary and knowledge in various areas of interest. All in all, reading is a hobby that I thoroughly enjoy and highly recommend to others.五、Practice (练习)To practice using this template, you can try answering different questions or discussing various topics using the provided structure. This will help you become more comfortable and fluent in expressing your opinions in English.六、Conclusion (总结)In conclusion, having a template can be a valuable tool for organizing your thoughts and effectively communicating your ideas during the IELTS speaking test. Remember topersonalize the template to your own opinions and experiences to make your responses more authentic. With practice and familiarity, you will be able to confidently tackle any speaking topic and impress the examiners with your fluency and coherence. Good luck!。


which I think are great: Friends are just like stars, you can’t always see them, but you just know they are there. Sometimes, when I say “I am ok.”, I actually need someone to look me in the eye, hold me tight and say “I know you are not.” Ver y classic! It is something that can’t be measured in terms of money. In other words, you can’t put a price tag on friendship.
年薪,诱人的将近和优厚的待遇 • Competition is getting tougher and tougher. 竞争越来越激烈。 • Be on top all the time 总是第一
Study & Work • 1. Are you studying or working? • I am a university student from Jilin University. My major is
years? • Yes, I would say earth-shattering changes happened in my
hometown these years. Off the top of my head, the city planning has been getting better and better: Skyscrapers and boulevards are everywhere: trees, flowers and green grass are all giving a fancy flavor to the whole city. On the top of it, people’s living standards have improved a lot as well.



《雅思口语教案》Word版第一章:雅思口语考试概述1.1 雅思口语考试形式和结构1.2 雅思口语考试评分标准1.3 雅思口语考试题型及应对策略第二章:雅思口语Part 1话题与技巧2.1 常见话题及应对策略2.2 个人信息类问题回答技巧2.3 物品类问题回答技巧2.4 地点类问题回答技巧2.5 事件类问题回答技巧第三章:雅思口语Part 2话题与技巧3.1 常见话题及应对策略3.2 人物描述技巧3.3 物体描述技巧3.4 地点描述技巧3.5 事件描述技巧第四章:雅思口语Part 3话题与技巧4.1 常见话题及应对策略4.2 抽象问题回答技巧4.3 社会问题回答技巧4.4 两难问题回答技巧4.5 解决方案类问题回答技巧第五章:雅思口语实战演练5.1 模拟雅思口语考试环境5.2 学生分组练习5.3 教师点评与指导5.4 常见问题解答与优化第六章:雅思口语Part 1高频话题与实战演练6.1 家庭与环境6.2 学习和职业6.3 兴趣爱好和休闲活动6.4 旅行和假期6.5 科技与日常生活6.6 实战演练与教师点评第七章:雅思口语Part 2高频话题与实战演练7.1 人物描述7.2 物体描述7.3 地点描述7.4 事件描述7.5 实战演练与教师点评第八章:雅思口语Part 3高频话题与实战演练8.1 教育类话题8.2 环境类话题8.3 社会类话题8.4 科技类话题8.5 实战演练与教师点评第九章:雅思口语答题技巧与策略9.1 语言表达技巧9.2 逻辑思维与连贯性9.3 词汇与句型运用9.4 听力技巧在口语中的应用9.5 实战演练与教师点评第十章:雅思口语考前冲刺与模拟考试10.1 考前冲刺策略10.2 模拟考试环境与流程10.3 学生答题与教师点评10.4 常见问题解答与优化10.5 考前心理调节与鼓励重点和难点解析一、雅思口语考试概述重点和难点解析:理解和掌握雅思口语考试的形式、结构和评分标准是基础,需要重点关注每个部分的时间分配、题型和评分要点。

剑桥雅思18 口语题范例

剑桥雅思18 口语题范例

剑桥雅思18 口语题范例引言概述:剑桥雅思18口语题范例是雅思考试中的一本备考资料,它提供了一系列口语题目的范例,帮助考生更好地准备口语考试。


正文内容:1. 日常生活1.1 家庭生活:谈论家庭成员、家庭活动和家庭规模等。

1.2 兴趣爱好:描述自己的爱好、为什么喜欢这些爱好以及如何参与其中。

1.3 旅行经历:分享自己的旅行经历、旅行的目的地、感受和收获等。

1.4 饮食习惯:讨论自己的饮食习惯、喜欢的食物和饮料、对健康饮食的看法等。

1.5 社交活动:谈论参加的社交活动、结交新朋友的经验以及社交活动对个人发展的影响。

2. 教育2.1 学校生活:描述自己的学校、学习的科目和学校活动等。

2.2 教育方式:探讨不同的教育方式、自主学习和传统教育的优缺点等。

2.3 学习习惯:分享自己的学习习惯、如何提高学习效率和记忆力等。

2.4 考试压力:讨论学习压力对个人的影响、应对考试压力的方法和经验等。

2.5 外语学习:谈论外语学习的重要性、学习外语的困难和克服困难的方法等。

3. 工作3.1 职业规划:描述自己的职业规划、为什么选择这个职业以及如何实现目标等。

3.2 工作经验:分享自己的工作经验、工作的内容、团队合作和个人成长等。

3.3 工作环境:讨论理想的工作环境、与同事相处的经验和工作对个人发展的影响等。

3.4 领导能力:谈论自己的领导能力、如何培养领导能力和在工作中展现领导力的方式等。

3.5 职业发展:探讨职业发展的重要性、如何提升职业竞争力和实现个人职业目标等。

4. 环境4.1 城市生活:描述自己所在城市的特点、喜欢城市生活的原因和对城市环境的改善建议等。

4.2 自然环境:讨论保护自然环境的重要性、个人如何参与环保活动以及对环境污染的看法等。

4.3 城市交通:谈论城市交通问题、交通拥堵的原因和解决方案等。


与他人分享学习心得和进步情况,互相鼓励和支持,共同提高口语 水平。
每天安排一定的时间进行口语练习,通过模拟考试、角色扮演、话题 讨论等方式不断提高自己的口语表达能力。
模拟真实雅思口语考场,包括考 官席、考生席、计时器等。
详细介绍雅思口语考试流程,包括 入场、身份验证、考试规则等。
严格按照雅思口语考试时间要求, 进行模拟考试的时间安排。
整理历年雅思口语考试真题,并 进行分类和归纳。
相信自己有能力通过考试,遇到困难时积极寻求解决方法,不轻易 放弃。
01 个人信息类
包括家庭、工作、学习和日常生 活等话题。
02 社会话题类
涉及环境、科技、教育、文化、 全球化等社会热点问题。
03 抽象话题类
如成功、幸福、领导力、团队合 作等抽象概念或品质。
针对以上话题范围,考生可以提 前准备相关词汇和表达,通过模 拟练习提高应对能力。同时,注 意培养自己的思维深度和广度, 以便在考试中能够更深入地探讨 问题。



6 ▪ Speaking Band
▪ Candidate is willing to talk at length, not always directly answering the question. The speech is mostly fluent with some hesitation and repetition. Usage of linking words (like however, on one hand, then again, etc) is there, but not always they are used appropriately or accurately. The vocabulary is large enough for candidate to speak on the given topic and he is easy to understand, even if there are some grammatical errors. The candidate uses both simple and complex sentence structures; but it shows that the grammar in complex ones is harder for him to control. The pronunciation is mostly correct with occasional errors.
▪ Uses paraphrase effectively (改述 )
▪ (plus Band 6 generally paraphrases successflly)
▪ Grammatical range and accuracy



雅思口语语料1. 讨论个人兴趣爱好人们的兴趣爱好各不相同,有些人喜欢运动,比如游泳、跑步、篮球等,有些人则喜欢音乐和艺术,比如弹钢琴、画画等。




2. 讨论人们的职业选择选择职业是人生中非常重要的决定之一。




3. 讨论人们的旅行经历旅行能让人们更好地了解世界和自己。




4. 讨论人们的爱好爱好是人们生活中非常重要的一部分,它可以让你放松自己,增加生活乐趣。



5. 讨论人们的教育背景和学业教育背景是一个人的基础,它能够为你的未来职业发展铺平道路。



6. 讨论人们的社交网络和交友圈人际关系是人们生活中非常重要的一部分,它能够为你带来支持和鼓励,也能帮助你应对挑战和困难。


7. 讨论人们的重要决策人们生活中会面临很多决策,这些决策都可能影响人生的方向和目标。



8. 讨论人们的文化根源和身份认同人们的文化背景和身份认同是他们生命中非常重要的一部分。



《雅思口语教案》word版一、教学目标1. 让学生掌握雅思口语考试的题型和评分标准。

2. 提高学生的雅思口语表达能力和思维能力。

3. 培养学生在国际交流中的跨文化交际能力。

二、教学内容1. 雅思口语考试题型及评分标准介绍。

2. 常用雅思口语词汇、短语和句型。

3. 雅思口语Part 1-3的答题技巧及示范。

4. 雅思口语Part 4的答题技巧及示范。

5. 雅思口语Part 5的答题技巧及示范。

三、教学方法1. 讲授法:讲解雅思口语考试题型、评分标准、答题技巧等。

2. 互动法:学生模拟雅思口语考试,教师点评并指导。

3. 实践法:学生进行小组讨论、角色扮演等实践活动。

4. 任务驱动法:布置相关口语作业,让学生课后练习。

四、教学步骤1. 引入:简要介绍雅思口语考试及本节课的教学目标。

2. 讲解:详细讲解雅思口语考试题型、评分标准、答题技巧等。

3. 示范:教师示范回答雅思口语题目,学生跟随模仿。

4. 实践:学生进行小组讨论、角色扮演等实践活动。

5. 点评:教师点评学生口语练习,给出改进建议。

6. 作业布置:布置相关口语作业,让学生课后练习。

五、教学评估1. 课堂参与度:观察学生在课堂上的发言和互动情况。

2. 口语练习:评估学生在实践活动中的口语表达能力和思维能力。

3. 作业完成情况:检查学生课后作业的完成质量和进度。

4. 进步幅度:对比学生前后课堂表现的差异,给予鼓励和肯定。

六、教学资源1. 教材:《剑桥雅思口语实战指南》2. 辅助材料:雅思口语题库、示范答案、评分标准解析3. 多媒体设备:投影仪、电脑、音响等4. 网络资源:雅思官方网站、在线口语练习平台七、教学重点与难点1. 教学重点:雅思口语考试题型、评分标准、答题技巧。

2. 教学难点:如何在口语考试中运用恰当的词汇、短语和句型,以及提高跨文化交际能力。

八、教学计划1. 课时安排:共10课时,每课时45分钟。

2. 教学进度安排:课时1-2:介绍雅思口语考试及评分标准。

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雅思口语做一篇雅思口语Ask Questions:Answer Questions:口语考试是不是只能回答“积极”的答案?是不是一定要回答“新颖”的答案?口语考试是每个月的最后一场最简单吗?口语2:00考和5:00考有没有区别?周六考和周日或者周一考有没有区别?口语用词是越难越拿分吗?口语要准备模板吗?发音在口语评分中到底有多重要?口试问题没有听懂怎么办?:il beg your pardon?’I’Sorry I didn’t quite catch the question. Could you ask it again?”,orry I missed that one. Could you repeat it?”雅思考试评分标准Do you like making other people laugh?典型的5分答案:Yes, I do. I’m a funny person and I always tell my friend jokes.典型的7分答案:Sure. I know lots of jokes and really enjoy sharing them with f friends of mine. It seems that I just happen to have a unique sense of humor. I tend to believe humor is essential to a good mood at work and at home as well.What’s your favorite subject at school?典型的5分答案:It’s English because English is very useful and interesting.典型的6分答案:lt’s math because math makes us smart and, you know, math is very useful when it comes to learning some other subjects such as physics and chemistry.典型的7分答案:Umm, I guess it’s PE, which stands for physical education. Sometimes we call it the gym class. It helps us release stress and actually physical exercises get us more focused on academic subjects. So you see, PE not just keeps us physically fit, it boosts our grades as well.What’s your favorite season?典型的5分答案:I like winter best. I enjoy the snow in winter. lt’s so beautiful.典型的6分答案:It’s spring because everything is fresh in spring. Sometimes we have light rain. Spring is gentleand comfortable.典型的7分答案:Well, I would say… summer. Actually, the summer in Beijing is really hot…,scorching, you know. But in summer, my friends and l can just hang out together inthe places like malls coz we have much more free time. The summer vacation is long, like two months, which longer than the spring break. And the coolest thing about summer is we tend to wear casual clothes like tees and shorts…我们的结论:5分是挣扎着说出来的(或者另一个极端是超级无敌流利地背出来的),和考官的交流要不然就是基本无效,要不然就特生硬6分是思考着说出来的,和考官的交流开始有效,但是并不充分而且不很流利7分则是快速思考后自然地说出来的,和考官的交流比较充分而且已经有一定的层次关系,但允许有一些小的语法或用词错误和少量发音问题Part 1是什么?关键词:chat关于你的背景、爱好、兴趣和习惯的基础问题Part 1就是一个chat,和考官聊一聊你自己的基本情况。

从答案的长度上来讲,每道题平均起来能回答3句话左右—般来说,在国外聊天儿的时候人们是比较随意的说Part 1的时候,请放松你的心态,跟examiner好好地聊一次吧!比如说:Have you ever been in very cold weather? [When?]Would you prefer to live in a hot place or a cold place? [Why?]How do you usually travel to work or college? [Why?]Part 2是什么?考官发一张大纸,上面印着一个topic和几个提示。

Part 2的本质是要你做一-个description(描述)回想一下自己小时候上语文课的时候,老师向6向你描述一个事物和老师平时说话有什么不同。

Part2和Part1会有适当的停顿(( pause)需要有,—定的规划,也需要有秩序。


Part 3是什么?Part3 是discussion(讨论),多数时候Part 3的问题与Part 2所考卡片的话题有关,但有的题目也可能会离开( deviate from)卡片的范围。

Part3和Part 1的本质区别Part 1的很多题是关于“you/your life”Part 3的很多题目则是关于“people”, “society”或者“your country”,甚至有时涉及到“the world / global issues”既然是discussion,那么在语言必须要体面会用到很多表示逻辑关系的连接词Part3答案比Part1要正式听以,如果说Part 1是和考官聊天(chat),那么在Part 3,你的任务就是论述好你的观点( state your case)。

Part 1的话题有范围吗?studies; work; building; people; languageweather&season; hometown; reading & writingfood; media; artscolors; nature; collectionclothing; traveling; sports&outdoor activitiespets; festivals, holidays & parties; shoppingPart 1的提问方式有规律吗?它永远只有两种形式:①Yes/No类题②②Wh- ( What/Why/Which…) / How类题Part 1考什么?The Start of the TestPlease switch off/ turn off your mobile phoneWhat’s your full name? / Can you tell me your full name please?Can I see your ID card please?Hometown/ Your House/ Your flatWhat do you like about your hometown?What do you dislike about your hometown?Do you think your hometown is good for young people?What’s the nightlife like in your hometown?What would you change about your city? *What types of public transport can be found in your hometown?Do you have a driver’s license?You know, driving is not a right. lt’s a privilege(特许的权利).Driving makes life much easier for me and my family members.Do you live in a house or a flat?Is your landlord charging a high rent for the flat?Is there anything hanging on the wall?Your Studies/ Your WorkAre you working or studying?What do you like about your studies?What’s your major? Do you like it?Is there anything you don ‘t like about it?.What did you do on your first day in this school university?国外学校的第一天经常被称为Orientation Day,常见活动有an orientation tour of the campus 其实也就是带着大家看看校园,a Welcome Meeting,a free lunch,在有些学校里还能meet the principal校长and other faculty and staffHobbiesDo you have any hobbies?What do you usually do at weekends?What do people usually do to relax in your country?What do you usually do at weekends?Sports / Outdoor ActivitiesWhat sports are most popular in your country?l think it’s important to play a sport?Do you think it’s important to play a sport?Do you like doing outdoor activities?Do you like swimming?What are the benefits of swimming?Do you like biking / cycling?Are bikes popular in China?How old were you when you first learned to ride a bike?Do you often play games?What games are popular in China?The MediaWhat types of TV program do you like watching?What types of TV program are popular in your country?Why do we need ads?What kinds of radio program do you like best?What types of film do you like watching?What are the differences between local newspapers and international newspaper?The InternetWhat often do you use computers?What are the differences between emails and letters? *What are the disadvantages of writing something by hand?How can children improve their handwriting?Reading &WritingDo you like reading?What’re your favorite kinds of books?Do you prefer to type things or to write things on paper?LanguageWhat do you find difficult about learning writing?What do you find difficult about learning English?What would you like to learn another foreign language in the future?ClothingWhat kinds of clothing do you like wearing?Do you like fashionable clothing?FoodHow often do you eat out in restaurants?What are the advantages and disadvantages of eating out?Is fast food popular in your country?Which meal is the most important to you, breakfast, lunch or dinner?Do you like cooking? Why?Do you think children should learn how to coo k ;.Do you like vegetables?PeopleDo you prefer to have old people or young people as your neighbors?Who does the housework in your family?What do you usually do with your friends?In your country, where can you meet new people?Did you have a happy childhood?Do you prefer to have old people or young people as your neighbors?In your country, where can you meet new people?ArtsWhat kinds of music do you like listening to?Do you think it’s important for children to learn to play a musical instrument? What kinds of photographs do you like looking at?BuildingAre historical buildings important?Do you often go to museums?How can a museum attract more people?What are the advantages of staying in a hotel?What are the advantages of staying in a hotel?Weather & SeasonsWhat types of weather do you like best?What is your favorite season?How do people feel about rain?ShoppingDo you like shopping’?How often do you go shopping?CollectionWhy do s some & people like collecting things?ColorsDo any colors have special meanings?NatureDo birds have a special meaning in your culture?Do any flowers I have e special meaning?Are parks and gardens important in your country?PetsWhat are the advantages of raising pets?TravelDo you like travelling?Why do ‘people like spending time near the sea?PollutionHow can people control the pollution in your city?What harm can noise do to our lives?Festivals, Holidays & PartiesDo you like Partying?What are the differences between formal and informal parties?Is it important for people to celebrate their birthdays?What do people usually do at weddings in China?How do you spend holidays?Do you think festivals are important?Do you like dancing?What are the most popular gifts parents give their children in your country?。
