人力资本与增值 Human Capital and Growth

143E nterprise E conomy2013年第1期(总第389期)区域人力资本与经济增长实证研究———以江西省人力资源战略调整为例□刘瑛熊先承[摘要]人力资本作为生产要素,在地区经济发展过程中发挥着决定性影响。
本文利用最小二乘法对江西省人力资本与经济增长之间的关系进行研究,结果发现江西省人力资本的弹性系数为0.3800,说明江西省的区域人力资本每增长1%,江西省GDP 就将增长0.3800%,且人力资本的投入与经济增长之间互为Grange 原因。
(江西南昌330013)Abstract :Human capital,as a production factor,plays a decisive role in the regional economic development.This paper aims at ex-ploring the relations between human capital and economic growth of Jiangxi province with the method of the least squares.It turns out that the elastic coefficient of Jiangxi human capital is 0.3800,showing that the GDP of Jiangxi province will increase by 0.3800%when the regional human capital of Jiangxi rises by 1%.That s why the output of human capital and the e-conomic growth are mutually Grange.Key words:human capital investment;educational funding;empirical research在经济学理论背景下,物质资本和劳动的投入是促进区域经济稳定增长的重要因素。

[关键词] 资本-产出人力资本物质资本经济增长Capital Formation、Human Capital Accumulation And Economic Sustainable Growth In ChinaXiangjun Tang[Abstract]:China’s economic growth has been characterized by capital formation in recent years ,we take human capital accumulation into account to analyze. we find that ,(1) During the period of 1978-1994,china’s capital-output ratio maintained a declining pattern , only after has china’s capital-output ratio begun to increase slightly ,but happen to decrease exceptionally of 2000-2002,then begun to rise after 2003; (2) China’s human capital stock has trended upward since 1978, and if we take human capital external effect into account , will increase material capital capita and decrease capital-output ratio, but ,because of the marginal reward increasing effect of human capital ,such capital capita upward will cause to economic sustainable growth. (3) China’s material capital stock has been highly contribute to economic growth and china’s human capital stock has been slightly rising since the reform started in1978, however,china’s human capital stock has been largely increased in recent years ,so, we should keep it and make china’s economic growth sustainable.[keywords] capital-output ratio, human capital, material capital, economic growth联系方式:陕西师范大学国际商学院103号信箱710062 汤向俊E-mail: Tel:手机:(0)8187资本深化、人力资本积累与中国经济持续增长[内容提要]:本文针对中国经济转轨过程中近年来呈现资本深化的特征,引入人力资本积累因素进行分析。
人力资本投资(investment in human capital)

The American Economic Review(美国经济评论)人力资本投资(investment in human capital)中文翻译版尽管人们获得有用的技能和知识很明显,但不明显的是,这些技能和知识是资本的一种形式,这种资本是在有意投资的大部分产品,它在西方社会以比传统(非人类的)资本更快的速度生长,其增长很可能是经济体系的最显著特征。

关键词:人力资本,中国经济增长,教育,技能培训,科技创新IntroductionIn recent years, China has witnessed a rapid economic growth, which has brought in a series of economic and social changes. One of the key factors contributing to this growth is human capital. Human capital refers to the knowledge, skills, competencies, and attributes embodied in individuals that facilitate the creation or increase of economic value. In other words, human capital is the accumulated knowledge and abilities of human beings that can be used to generate wealth and social welfare (Schultz, 1961). The purpose ofthis paper is to analyze the impact of human capital on China's economic growth.Literature ReviewThe impact of human capital on economic growth has been widely discussed in the literature. Most scholars agree that human capital is a crucial factor in promoting economic growth (Lucas, 1988; Mankiw, Romer, & Weil, 1992). Human capital has various components, such as education, training, and skills, and each component has its own impact on economicgrowth. However, the majority of the literature emphasizes the importance of education in developing human capital and promoting economic growth (Becker, 1962; Benhabib & Spiegel, 1994; Barro, 1997).Empirical AnalysisTo test the impact of human capital on China's economic growth, we collected data from 1990 to 2020 from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) and the World Bank. We used GDP per capita as the dependent variable and human capital, population, and capital as independent variables. In the regression model, human capital is measured by three factors: education, skill training, and technological innovation.The regression results show that human capital has a significant positive impact on China's economic growth. Specifically, education, skill training, and technological innovation all have a significant positive effect on economic growth. Among them, education has the greatest impact on economic growth, followed by skill training and technological innovation. The regression model is as follows:GDP per capita= 0.023 + 0.235E + 0.179T + 0.129K(3.45) (7.62) (5.89) (6.97)Where GDP per capita is the dependent variable; E, T, and K are education, skill training, and technological innovation, respectively; and the numbers in parentheses are the t-values.Discussion and ConclusionIn conclusion, human capital has a significant positive impact on China's economic growth. The findings of this study suggest that education, skill training, and technological innovation are essential components of human capital that need to be promoted to enhance China's economic growth.Policymakers should focus on building a comprehensive education and training system that can provide individuals with the knowledge and skills they need to contribute to the economy. Additionally, policymakers should encourage research and development in science and technology to promote technological innovation, which can further drive economic growth.ReferencesBarro, R. J. (1997). Determinants of Economic Growth: A Cross-Country Empirical Study. Cambridge: MIT Press.Becker, G. S. (1962). Investment in Human Capital: A Theoretical Analysis. Journal of Political Economy, 70(5), 9-49.Benhabib, J., & Spiegel, M. M. (1994). The Role of Human Capital in Economic Development: Evidence from Aggregate Cross-Country Data. Journal of Monetary Economics, 34(2),143-173.Lucas, R. E. (1988). On the Mechanics of Economic Development. Journal of Monetary Economics, 22, 3-42.Mankiw, N. G., Romer, D., & Weil, D. N. (1992). A Contribution to the Empirics of Economic Growth. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 107(2), 407-437.Schultz, T. W. (1961). Investment in Human Capital. The American Economic Review, 51(1), 1-17.。

一、人力资本理论基本概念人力资本(Human Capital)是指人们花费在人力保健、教育、培训等方面的开支所形成的资本。

一、引言舒尔茨(Theodore W. Schultz) 在1960年就职美国经济学会会长时发表了题为《人力资本投资》(Investment in human capital)的重要演讲,迄今已有60周年(Schultz,1961)。
人力资本是经济增长的重要因素,与非人力资本(物资资本)具有同样重要作用(Schultz,1960,1961,1993;Becker, 1962)。
主要的研究集中于人力资本的主要投资方式(如,Schultz,1961;Becker,1962等),人力资本与经济增长(如, Lucas,1988;Romer,1989;Becker, Murphy & Tamura,1990)、人力资本的投资收益率(如,Mincer,1958,1962;Card,1999;Heckman et al., 2003)以及人力资本与收入分配(如,Schultz,1961;Mincer,1958,1970)等方面。

Human Capital人力资本在经济中,人力资本涉及人类作为生产收入的行为者的生产能力。

每个经理都必须知道的75个关键绩效指标(KPI)每个经理都必须知道的75个关键绩效指标(KPI)原著:BERNARD MARR 翻译:Bruce本编⽂章原⽂在LinkedIn到⽬前有34.5万浏览量,作者我已添加为好友!如有错误,欢迎指正!关键绩效指标(Key Performance Indicator,简称KPI)是经理和领导们⽤来衡量成功与否的重要指标。

2、“人力资本”:人力资本”(human capital)这一概念是由美国经济学家舒尔茨首先提出的。
3、“进口替代”战略:进口替代战略(the strategy of import substituting)是指通过建立和发展本国的工业,用本国生产的工业制成品替代从国外进口的工业制成品,以带动经济增长,实现工业化。

医疗卫生总支出(占GDP比例)/ 人均医疗卫生支出(现价美元)
6 2007 2008 2009
中国 美国 日本 英国
4.6 48 14.1 5,052 7.9 2,558 7.3 1,817
4.8 54 14.8 5,453 8.0 2,450 7.6 2,049
CASE1中国的“浙江——陕西”之谜 CASE2韩国教育投资对经济增长作用的评价
结论:陕西的人口素质要高于浙江,但 经济增长明显低于浙江
20世纪80年代,劳动力流动 人力资本的资源配置能力 技术型 市场型 制度型
人力资本的资源配置能力 人力资本投资所处的环境
The role of human capital in economic development Evidence from aggregate cross-country data
➢ 人力资本的生产功能 ➢ 人力资本与经济增长的因素分析
CASE1中国的“浙江——陕西”之谜 CASE2韩国教育投资对经济增长作用的评价
➢ 人力资本与经济增长关系研究现状 ➢ 人力资本与经济增长的模型分析 ➢ 人力资本与经济增长关系总结
人力资本是决定经济增长的重要因素, 关键在于人力资本具有特殊的生产功能。 因此,对人力资本生产功能的认识是理 解人力资本与经济增长关系的基础。
本国技术创新速度 吸收进口技术的速度

应 用 数 学M ATHE M ATIC A APP LIC AT A2002,15(增):148~151Ξ人力资本、自然资本与最优经济增长要素分析殷宝健,胡适耕(华中科技大学数学系,武汉430074)摘要:通过把人力资本、自然资本与社会生产总量联系起来,由消费物资多少、获得知识多少及自然资本存量大小这三因素来确定效用,提供了物质、人力和自然资本三种重要资产增长的模型框架,得到了经济的消费增长率、均衡时各种资本的增长率之间的关系和实现最优经济增长的控制策略.关键词:社会生产总量;人力资本;自然资本;最优经济增长中图分类号:F224.12 AMS(2000)主题分类:90A09文献标识码:A 文章编号:100129847(2002)增20148204如何有效处理经济增长与自然资源的消耗、自然环境的破坏之间的关系.文献[123]就经济增长与环境保护做了讨论,但均未考虑人力资本因素,本文在其基础上增加了人力资本要素,参考文献[4]提出了自然资本的增长方程并将二者引入生产函数,以求出经济的消费增长率、长期均衡时各种资本增长率水平的比较状态及最优经济增长的控制策略.分别以Y,K,H和R表示社会的生产总量,物质资本存量,人力资本存量和自然资本存量.设定一个封闭经济,该经济的总人口被标准化为”1”,不考虑人口增长,设n为整个经济中将人力资本投入到人力资本生产部门(教育和培训部门)的比例,则(1-n)H代表投入到物质生产部门的人力资本,于是经济的物质生产函数为Y=F[K,(1-n)H,R],(1)用C代表社会总消费.I H是社会对人力资本的投资,以保护和节约现有资源和开发新资源,用常数δ(0<δ≤1)表示物质资本的折损率,从而有物质资本积累方程K=Y-C-I H-δK,(2)经济中的人力资本的另一部分,即H-(1-n)H=nH,用来提高它的存量;另外,设人力资本有一个潜在的增长率δH,δH>0为常数.这样人力资本的积累方程如下H=δH nH+I H,(3)随着时间的推移,用φ(R)表示可再生自然资本的增长函数,φ′(R)>0;ψ(Y)反映经济活动的增加对自然资本的负面影响,有性质ψ(Y)>0,ψ′(Y)>0;θI H(0≤θ≤1)为社会对人力资本投资I H时在自然资本积累中起作用的部分,可得到自然资本积累方程R=φ(R)+θI H-ψ(Y).(4)Ξ收稿日期:2002206212作者简介:殷宝健(19762),男,汉,山东省临沂人,硕士研究生,研究方向:经济金融数学.各种资本的初值假设如下:K (0)=K 0>0,H (0)=H 0>0,R (0)=R 0>0.(5) 最优经济增长意味着实物资本随时间推移扩张的同时,人力资本和自然资本呈现出正增长而且二者的分布不会变得更差.因此,社会计划者考虑以下的社会总效用U =∫∞e -ρt [u (C t )+v (H t )+w (R t)]d t.式中ρ>0是时间偏好率.Cu ″(C )/u ′(C )=-σ,Hv ″(H )/v ′(H )=-τ,Rw ″(R )/w ′(R )=-η,σ>0,η>0,η≠1,τ>0,τ≠1,为相对风险厌恶系数.一些符号假定:g X > X /X ;g Y =αg K +βg H +γg R ,0<α<1,0<β<1,γ>0,为弹性系数.于是,社会计划者研究如何实现最优经济增长的问题转化为以下动态最优化问题的求解max ∫∞0e -ρt [u (C t )+v (H t )+w (R t )]d t(6)s.t.(2),(3),(4),(5).我们有以下Hamilton 方程H =u (C ,H ,R )+λ1(Y -C -I H -δK )+λ2(δH nH +I H )+λ3[φ(R )+θI H -ψ(Y )],式中λ1,λ2,λ3分别表示t 时刻物质资本存量、人力资本存量和自然资本存量的影子价格的现值.控制变量C ,n ,I H 的一阶条件u ′(C )=λ1,(7)λ1βY 1-n =λ2δH H +ψ′(Y )·βY 1-n ,(8)λ1=λ2+θλ3.(9)状态变量K ,H ,R 的方程为λ1=ρλ1-λ1αY K -δ+λ3ψ′(Y )αY K ,(10) λ2=ρλ2-v ′(H )-λ1βY H -λ2δH n +λ3ψ′(Y )βY H ,(11)λ3=ρλ3-w ′(R )-λ1γY R -λ3φ′(R )+λ3ψ′(Y )γY R ,(12)横截性条件lim t →∞e -ρt λ1K =0,lim t →∞e -ρt λ2H =0,lim t →∞e -ρt λ3R =0,(13)将(7)式两边取对数后再求导可得g C =-1σg λ1.(14)联立(7),(8)和(9)可解出λ2=[ψ′(Y )-θ]βY βψ′(Y )Y -θδH (1-n )H u ′(C ),(15)λ3=βY -δH (1-n )H βψ′(Y )Y -θδH (1-n )Hu ′(C ).(16)941增刊 人力资本、自然资本与最优经济增长要素分析由(10),(11),(12)结合(7),(15),(16)可求出gλ1=ρ+δ-[ψ′(Y)-θ]δH(1-n)Hβψ′(Y)Y-θδH(1-n)H·αYK,(17)gλ2=ρ+δH-θδH(1-n)H-βψ′(Y)Y[θ-ψ′(Y)]βY·v′(H)u′(C),(18)gλ3=ρ-φ′(R)+[ψ′(Y)-θ]δH(1-n)HδH(1-n)H-βY·γYR-θδH(1-n)H-βψ′(Y)YδH(1-n)H-βY·w′(R)u′(C).(19)由(14),(17)两式可知所考察经济的增长率g C=1σδH(φ′(Y)-θ)ψ′(Y)F2-θδH·F1-ρ-δ.(20)式中F1=γFK,F2=βY(1-n)H,另外F3=γYR.由Ramsey2K oopmans模型知此处欧拉方程形式为g C=1σ(F1-ρ-δ),则有以下命题成立:命题1 当F2>δH0<ψ′(Y)<θ或0<F2<δHψ′(Y)>θ时,g C> g C;当F2=δH时,g C= g C;其他情况下,g C< g C.证 只须考虑δH(ψ′(Y)-θ)ψ′(Y)F2-θδHF1与F1的大小,而F1>0,故只须考虑δH(ψ′(Y)-θ)ψ′(Y)F2-θδH-1与0的大小.易证命题成立.设g3C为均衡时经济的消费增长率,其数值由(20)式中变量Y,K,H,R,θ分别在均衡处取值可得.该经济在均衡时,变量χ=CK ,f1=[ψ′(Y)-θ]θδH(1-n)Hβψ′(Y)Y-θδH(1-n)H·αYK,f2=-θδH(1-n)H-βψ′(Y)Y[θ-ψ′(Y)]βY ·v′(H)u′(C),f3=-φ′(R)+[ψ′(Y)-θ]δH(1-n)HδH(1-n)H-βY·γYR-θδH(1-n)H-βψ′(Y)YδH (1-n)H-βY·w′(R)u′(C)都是常数,于是有g3K=g3C;f1f2为常数,两边取对数后在求导可得(1-τ)g3H=g3K-σg3C,从而g3H=σ-1τ-1g3C;对f3关于θ求导应为零,故得γYR=w′(R)u′(C),两边取对数后再求导得到g3Y=(1-η)g3R+σg3C,结合g3Y=αg3K+βg3H+γg3R,g3K =g3C得到g3R=(α-σ)g3C+βg3H1-γ-η,g3Y=(1-η)βg3H+α(1-η)g3C-γσg3C1-γ-η.由此得到均衡时各种资本增长率之间的关系g3K=g3C;g3H=σ-1τ-1g3C;g3R=(α-σ)g3C+βg3H1-γ-η;g3Y=(1-η)βg3H+α(1-η)g3C-γσg3C1-γ-η. 参数分析和经济解释051应 用 数 学 2002a.命题1有很强的经济意义,当经济中人力资本的边际产出比人力资本潜在的增长率大,而经济活动的增加对自然资本的负面影响较小时,经济的运行实现了较高的增长率;此时,对人力资本的投资在自然资本的积累中作用较小,增大人力资本在物质生产中的投入是有利选择.另外,当人力资本的边际产出比人力资本潜在的增长率小,而经济活动的增加对自然资本的负面较大时,经济的运行同样实现了较高的增长率;此时,对人力资本的投资在自然资本的积累中作用重大,应减小参与物质生产的人力资本而增大对人力资本的投资以提高其存量.据此,我们可以针对具体情况寻找实现最优经济增长的合理路径.b.根据均衡时经济中各种资本的增长率之间的关系知道:g 3K ,g 3R ,g 3Y 都与g 3C ,g 3H 有着紧密的关系,而且在σ>τ>1或0<σ<τ<1时有g 3H >g 3C ;更进一步,在0<η<1-γ的情况下,而0<σ<τ<α或0<σ<α≤τ<1时有g 3H >g 3C ,g 3Y >0,g 3R >0.这样,相对于物质资本和自然资本,人力资本发挥了一种能动性作用,其增长率对于维持社会总产出和自然资本的正增长及推动经济走上最优增长的道路有着重要意义.参考文献:[1] 范金,陈锡康.环保意识、税收和经济增长[J ].数量经济技术经济研究,2000,4:26~28.[2] 张涛.经济持续增长的要素分析[J ].数量经济技术经济研究,2001,4:43~45.[3] 刘金山,胡适耕,刘先忠.环境污染与内生人口增长[J ].华中科技大学学报,2001,10:110~111.[4] 托马斯等.增长的质量/(世界银行)[M].北京:中国财政出版社,2001.[5] David R omer.Advanced Macroeconomics[M].Berkley :University of California ,1996.H uman C apital N atrual C apital andAnalysis for Optimal Economic G row thYIN Bao 2jian ,HU Shi 2geng(Dept.o f Math.,Huazhong Univer sity o f Science and Technology ,Wuhan 430074,China )Abstract :C onnecting human capital and natural capital with the output ,s ocial utility is decided by the following three factors :consum ption g oods ,K nowledge acquirement and natural capital.The framew ork for physical capital ,human capital and natural capital ,three kinds of im portant capital are estabilished which can give the economics ’consum ption growth rate ,the relation of all kinds of capital growth rate in equilibrium and the optimal strategy for economic growth rate.K ey w ords :Output ;Human capital ;Natural capital ;The optimal economic growth151增刊 人力资本、自然资本与最优经济增长要素分析。
人力资本(Human capital)

人力资本(Human capital)
1 人力资本的定义
2 人力资本的分类
3 人力资本理论
3.1 人力资本理论的起源、形成与发展
3.2 人力资本理论的内容
3.3 人力资本理论的意义
一 、人力资本思想的萌芽(古典经济学家对劳动价值的研究)
Human Capital Theory(人力资本理论与教育)

Thanks For Listening!
The third part:Education Investment 教育投资 1 2 3
Conclusions of education investment cost and profits
教育投资成本与收益的结论 Education cost affects the education investment demand, the rising cost of education makes the education demand decline.
The relationship of Human Capital Theory Human Capital and Education Investment Education 人力资本理论 教育投资
Part Ⅲ:Education Investment 教育投资
Non-monetary cost(非货币成本): Refers to the psychological cost(心理成本) due to education.
接受教育所承受的art:Education Investment 教育投资 2
Education investment profits 教育投资的收益
Part Ⅱ:The relationship of Human Capital and education 人 力 资 本 与 教 育 的 关 系 1
Education is an important source of human capital investment.

【关键词】新经济;数字化转型;智慧资本;财务信息系统【中图分类号】F275一、引言《商业周刊》(Business Week)于1996年12月刊登Michael Mandel的文章《新经济的胜利:全球化和信息革命的强大回报》,将“新经济”定义为由全球化和信息革命构筑而成的经济。
二、智慧资本的确认和计量Stewart提出智慧资本(Intellectual Capital,IC)的概念,并将之划分人力资本(Human capital)、结构资本(Rtructural capital)和关系资本(relation capital)。

abstract: human capital as an important factor of economic growth, can not only simply focus on the inventory and economic growth, but also should consider the structure of human capital. this paper analyses the contribution of the different levels of human capital for economic growth, and draw the appropriate conclusions, and finally gives the corresponding recommendations of development of human capital and adjustment of industrial structure in various regions based on investigating the human capital structure in eastern, central and western regions of china.关键词:人力资本结构产业结构调整经济增长keywords: human capital structure; industrial restructuring; economic growth.1. introduction“human capital”, usually it is considered as a sign ofthe human capital theory raised by the american economist theodore schultz introducing the concept of “human capital”in 1960. since that, many economists conducted a series of studies on human capital theory by using different methods and different views. one of the representative figure are:arrow 、uzawa、romer 、shen lisheng、wang jinying 、liao chuhui etc.in recent years, some scholars had studied the relationship between human capital structure and economic growth. but there are a variety of different interpretations of the concept of “human capital structure”, and build up various definition. based on schultz’s definition of human capital formation, li jianmin (1999) divided human capital into five categories: education, technology, knowledge,health and population migration. wang jinying (2001) divided human capital into two kinds: education and non-education human capital, according to the different way of investment. hu jinglin (2001) divided the human capital into general human capital, professional and technical human capital,management-type human capital, research and development of human capital and decision-making of human capital by different division of labor in society. zhang yili (2005)divided human capital into general human capital,professional human capital, entrepreneurs human capital. and he defined a combination of these types of human capital within a region or country as human capital structure this paper divided the human capital into three categories: basic human capital, the skills of the human capital and the professional human capital based on the previous research. for the convenience of measurement we can combined with our education system and the general employment choice of education population, in this paper, the employed population has received junior college or above of the population is defined as professional human capital, the only received compulsory education (including unfinished) is defined as basic human capital, and the rest is defined as skilled human capital.2. the variable index selection and the model set2.1. the variable index selectionthis paper examine the impact of human capital structure in eastern, central and western china regions on economic growth. human capital is divided into three levels according to the hierarchy of the different. variables considered in this paper include the following:economic growth y , taking the real annual regional gdp growth value;physical capital k , taking the fixed assets investment in the various regions. k’s value is calculated using the perpetual inventory method, and the depreciation rate is set as 5% in this paper.h1、h2 and h3, respectively, is the inventory of basis human capital, skilled human capital and professional human capital, calculated by years of education: h1= 9*the number of the employment population of this level of education, h2 =12*the number of the employment population of this level of education,h3=16*the number of the employment population of this level of education.y、k,corresponding equivalent to the value of 1992 according to the price index. in this paper, the data are from china statistical yearbooks and china education statistical yearbooks, or calculated from the relevant data of above yearbooks.2.2. the model setthis paper adopt a c——d production function model:■(1)which, y is economic growth, k is the inventory ofphysical capital, h is the inventory of human capital, a and β are respectively the output elasticity rate of physical capital and human capital, a is technological progress rate, is constant. the formula (1) can be deformed into:■(2)which ,β、γ and λ are respectively the output elasticity rate of the basic human capital, skilled human capital and professional human capital,■. by taking the logarithm on both sides of the formula (2), this paper’s measurement model is:■(3)ys is the amount of gdp growth for region i in year t ;kit is fixed capital for the region i in year t ;h1it ,h2it,h3it are respectively the basic human capital, skilled human capital and professional human capital for the regioni in year t.3. the data analysis and conclusions3.1. visual analysis of the datafrom each region’s economic growth rate, the gdp value of the eastern, central and western china regions in 2010 respectively are 4.43,3.92 and 4.24 times the ones in 1998,eastern china region is located the first level of the growth. from the terms of changes of the regional stock of human capital,all levels of human capital stock was increasing in recent years. the eastern part of the basic human capital and the professional human capital growth rate is most significant . from the constitutes percentage at all levels of human capital each region each year, the human capital constitute of the eastern, central and western regions are mainly basic human capital, basic human capital stock accounted for about 60%, skilled human capital accounts for about 25%. however, a clear trend is that: the proportion of basic human capital is gradually decreasing; the proportion of professional human capital is increasing year by year.the fixed assets investment of eastern, central and western regions is also increasing year by year. however,in terms of the relative amount, the fixed assets investment of central region in 2010 is 9.98 times the ones in 1998,the western region’s is 8.68 times, the eastern is 6.25 times,the growth rate of the central region is the fastest.from the simple comparison above, a simple conclusion can be drawn: the fixed assets investment of the eastern region has increased the minimum, the stock of basic human capitaland professional human capital increased most significantly,the rate of economic growth is the fastest; while the fixed assets investment of the central region is the largest increase, but the rate of economic growth is the slowest.3.2. inspection of the modelin order to further analyze the relationship between economic growth and physical capital of the eastern, central and western regions and the human capital at all levels, we can use the measurement tool called as e-views 6.0 to test the relevant data. first of all, we have the adf stationary test. the results show that the data of the eastern, central and western regions are an order smooth sequence. according to the results of human inspection, we chose a fixed utility model. estimate the data using the method of least squares (ols), the regression equations are as follows:eastern:■(4)central:■(5)western:■(6)three equation’s t and f are very significant, r2 are greater than 0.9, it has strong explanation. the regression results show that the economic growth mainly relies on investment in physical capital in china’s eastern, centraland western regions. from the perspective of human capital,the basic human capital of the three regions has a positive impact on economic growth, which is the most significant in the western region. the reason should be related to the industrial structure of the three regions: it is mainly agricultural and primary processing industries in western region, the relative lack of high-tech industries, the economic growth is still mainly rely on labor-intensive industries, the vast majority of the practitioners of these industries only have the basic human capital. in comparison,the proportion of the labor-intensive industry in central and eastern regions is less than the western regions’ .especially in eastern region, so the contribution to economic growth of the basic human capital in eastern region is minimum,only in the eastern region the skilled human capital have a positive impact on economic growth , while it has a negative impact on economic growth in the central and western regions,and it is the most significantly in the central region. we can conclude that skilled human capital does not have full employment, or the industrial structure and human capital structure does not match in the central and western regions. opposite to our experience judgment, professional humancapital was a weak negative impact on economic growth in the eastern region, but it has a positive influence in the central and western regions. we can conclude that the overall surplus of professional human capital in the eastern region, the direction of migration of human capital also illustrates this point. a large number of human capital move into the eastern region because of its developed economy, which led a structural surplus of human capital of the eastern region.4. suggestionsdue to the cultivation of human capital is a long-term and ongoing process, there is a long time lag between the return on human capital and investment, so in order to make the economic develop better, the government of each region should be made the overall planning in accordance with the actual situation of their own.in the long run, the eastern, central and western regions should base on natural resource endowments and sustainable industrial advantages, combined with the region’s stock and structure of human capital to determine the direction of the region’s economic development and human capital development strategy,reasonable allocation of educational resources in the region. guide the reasonable development of the region’shuman capital.in the short term, the human capital of each region which needed would be got by the migration of human capital. previous analyzes of this paper show that the professional human capital of the eastern region is the excess; the skilled human capital of the central and western regions is the excess at this stage. each region can also adjust the existing industrial structure according to its own conditions and human capital .because of the skilled human capital is the excess in the central and western regions, they can choose to accept some industry which transferred from the eastern region and bears some technical content, so that the region not only can achieve the full employment of the population but also to upgrade local industry. the eastern region can take the opportunity to eliminate some of the backward production capacity, and take advantages of the superiority of professional human capital, accelerate the development of high-tech industries, to achieve industrial upgrading.references:1.zhang yili. the choice of the regional economic development mode due to the structure of human capital . economic perspectives , 2005.7.2.wang jinying. human capital and economic growth: theory and practice[m]. beijing:china financial and economic publishing house, 2001.3.yu lingyun, jiang yushi. the effects of public spending of pension insurance and human capital[j]. finance and trade economics,2008(2):63-68.作者简介:杨超,西南交通大学公共管理学院博士研究生,研究方向:人力资本与经济增长。

人力资本(human capital )定义:通过教育、培训、保健、劳动力迁移、就业信息等获得的凝结在劳动者身上的技能、学识、健康状况和水平的总和。
人力资本(Human capital)是指劳动者受到教育、培训、实践经验、迁移、保健等方面的投资而获得的知识和技能的积人力资本价格模型累,亦称“非物力资本”。
人力资本投资定义: 是通过增加人的资源而影响未来的货币和物质收入的各种活动。
我国中小企业人力资本投资不足的原因分析中文摘要: 当今,中小企业在我国经济的飞快发展中扮演着重要的角色,可以这样说,没有我国中小企业在改革开放这几十年所做的贡献,就没有我国经济高速增长和各项事业迅猛发展的今天。
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Convergence club
Convergence: GDP per capita - Western Europe & Western Offshoots30,000
Hale Waihona Puke Denmark 20,000 France Germany Italy 15,000 Sw itzerand United Kingdom Australia 10,000 Canada United States
Modern economic growth:
Divergence in relative productivity levels and living standards. In the last century: income in the “less” developed countries have fallen far behind those in “developed” countries.
East Asian miracle
Large exporters of manufactured goods of increasing sophistication. Highly urbanized and increasingly well-educated. High savings rates. Pro-business governments.
1820 onwards:
No consensus
Economic growth models have attempted to explain the change in growth rates but no consensus has emerged.
Regularities – modern times
Explaining modern growth
It’s human capital….
Some figures
Last millennium:
World population growth = 22-fold Income per capita growth = 13-fold World GDP growth = 300-fold Income per capita growth = 50% Life expectancy = 24 years Income per capita growth = 8-fold Life expectancy now = 66 years
Per capita output grows over time and its growth rate does not tend to diminish Physical capital per worker grows over time The shares of labor and physical capital in national income are nearly constant The growth rate of output per worker differs substantially across countries.
GDP per capita
30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 1 1000 1500 1600 1700 1820 1900 1950 2000
1990 International Geary-Khamis dollars
Western Europe Western Offshoots Asia Africa World Latin America
Developed countries:
Strong convergence in per capita incomes within these countries No obvious acceleration of overall growth rates over time.
What we see in the data
18 70 18 76 18 82 18 88 18 94 19 00 19 06 19 12 19 18 19 24 19 30 19 36 19 42 19 48 19 54 19 60 19 66 19 72 19 78 19 84 19 90 19 96
Making a miracle by Lucas
0.0% 1870 -1.0% 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990
Growth between countries
Human capital
The main engine of growth Main source of differences in living standards among nations. Physical capital plays an essential but subsidiary role. Expansion of the definition of HK: not only formal education but on the job.
GDP per capita growth (1960-2000) Philippines: 62% South Korea: 1200% GDP per capita growth, annual rate (1960-2000) Philippines: 1.2% South Korea: 6.6%
Variability of growth rates over time
Variability of growth rates between countries
Convergence in richer countries
Growth rates over time
Annual Growth Rates by decade