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Answers to the Questions

V. 1. B 2. B 3. D 4. A


1. According to Ms. Wellington, Gen X’ers are attracted to their organizations for utterly traditional reasons: reputation of the organization, opportunities to advance.

2. Catalyst and other research organizations caution that this age group has high demands for employers. If their demands are not met, they will leave. And they are highly sensitive to the way in which they are treated. If the Gen X’er believes that his employer is not making a commitment to him, he will leave.

3.The survey found that more than 70 percent of them rated companionship, a loving family and enjoying life as extremely important. In contrast, fewer than 20 percent of them said earning a lot of money and becoming an influential leader were extremely important goals.

4. According to Robert Morgan, the corporate loyalty is rising in the current economic climate partly because of job insecurities. Besides, there is the war for talent. As labor shortages intensified in recent years, employers have worked hard at retaining good workers.


I.(1) Summary lead

Increasing job loyalty of Gen X’ers

II. (2 –6) Catalyst’s survey about job loyalty of Gen X’ers

1. General situation of the job loyalty

2. Findings about the similarities between Gen X’ers and the previous generations

a. Old-fashioned goals

b. Traditional attractions

3. Findings about the differences between Gen X’ers and the previous generations

a. High demands for employers

b. High sensitiveness to the way they are treated

III. (7 – 8) Specific example of Colleen Galle

Reasons for staying: job satisfaction

job loyalty

IV. (9 – 11) More details of the survey

1. Scope, objects and focus of the survey

2. Findings about the factors in job loyalty:

Companionship, loving family, enjoying life

3. Statistics showing job loyalty

V. (12 – 15) Analysis of job loyalty

1. Not surprising in the current economic climate

2. Comparison between 1999 and 2001 in job loyalty

3. Reasons for the increase of job loyalty

a. Present job insecurity

b. Employers’ efforts at retaining the talented

Answers to the Questions

V. 1.A 2.A 3. B 4. D


1.The purpose of the debate between Mateo and Martinez is to focus on the specific needs of

Latinos that both parties are courting.

2.The problems pointed out by Martinez are bad education, unemployment and lack of health


3.The author says Latino turnout and preference will be decisive in the election because they are

the majority minority and more of Latinos than ever before are expected to go to the polls, and

a large number of those people are not tied to either political party.

4.According to the article, a candidate who figure out how to talk to Latinos about education

and healthcare in a compelling way can lock up Latinos’ vote.

5.The term “Hispanic” came into official use in 1973, when the Nixon administration formally

divided Americans into five races. Liberals prefer the term “Latino” on the grounds that the Spaniards were the very people who destroyed the indigenous cultures of Latin Americans) 6.The author thinks that the term “Hispanic”is a marketing term and it’s a term used by

politicians at election time.

7.The author thinks that the term “Hispanic”is a marketing term and it’s a term used by

politicians at election time. It cannot reflect cultural realities.


I. (1 – 2) Debate between Mateo and Martinez

1. Main issues for the debate and the purpose of the debate

2. Audience’s response: louder opponents’ voices

II. (3 – 5) Latinos’ importance in election

1. Decisive role of Latino voter turnout and preference

2. Reason for the importance of Latino vote: Latinos’ ascent to the majority minority in 2003

3. Factors limiting Latinos’ voting strength

a. Many of them are not yet US citizens.

b. One third of Latinos are under 18.

III. (6 – 8) Latinos’ prime concerns

1. Importance of education and healthcare to Latinos

2. Reasons for the importance of those issues

a. U.S. – born Latinos form the majority.

b. It’s more likely for Latinos to lack healthcare and education.

IV. (9 – 10) Discussion about the term “Hispanic”

1. The origin of the term and the problems with the term

2. Rich diversity of Latinos

V. (11) Increased visibility of Latinos

Lesson 3
