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1. body accessory 车身附件

2. exterior and interior trim 内外饰

3. weatherstrip 密封条

4. window winder handle 玻璃升降器手柄

5. door check strap 车门开度限位器

6. luggage compartment(trunk) lid(door)行李箱盖

7. longitudinal roof beam 车顶纵梁

8. steering wheel 方向盘

9. seat belt anchorage 安全带固定点

10. h orn 喇叭

11. h ead lamp 前大灯

12. t urn signal lamp 转向灯

13. r oof panel 顶盖

14. t ilting seat 靠背倾角可调座椅

15. h eight adjustable seat 高度可调式座椅

16. s un visior with vanity mirror 带梳妆镜的遮阳板

17. a ssist grip ,assist handle 扶手

18. b ack pad 靠背软垫

19. c ushion pad 坐垫软垫

20. e lectronic control interior mirror 车内电控后视镜

21. a ntidazzle rearview mirror 防眩目后视镜

22. d ual visor 双遮阳板main visor 主遮阳板sub visor 副遮阳板

extension visor 可伸出遮阳板

23. l umbar support air mat 腰椎支撑气垫

lumbar support device 腰椎支撑调节器

24. r eclining adjuster 靠背倾角调节器

25. s eat lift adjuster 座椅升高调节器

26. S RS=Supplemental Restraint System 辅助约束系统

27. D AB=Driver airbag 驾驶员安全气囊

PAB=Passenger airbag 乘员安全气囊

CAB=Curtain airbag 帘式安全气囊

SAB=Side airbag 侧安全气囊

KAB=Knee airbag 膝部安全气囊

28. i nflator ,gas generator 充气器

29. d ummy, anthropomorphic test drive 假人

30. s piral cable 螺旋电缆

31. d eployment door (安全气囊)展开盖

32. i gnition propellant 引燃药柱

33. g enerant housing 气体发生剂壳

34. g as generant 气体发生剂

35. r emote control door lock transmitter,

remote keyless entry(system) transmit 遥控门锁发射器

36. m echanical key 机械钥匙

37. s hock-absorber type 缓冲器式

38. e nergy-absorber type 吸能式

39. r ubstrip (保险杠)防擦条,橡胶条

40. f ront spoiler , front dam , air deflector 前阻风板,前扰流板

41. b ump reinforcement 保险杠加强件

42. b ump beam 保险杠横梁

43. m o(u)lding 装饰条

44. I P=instrument panel 仪表板

45. a ir outlet ,air vent 空调出风口

46. d efroster nozzle 除霜器喷嘴

47. g arnish (除霜器喷嘴)装饰件;garnish panel , trim panel 装饰板

48. a ir duct 风管

49. a irbag caution label 安全气囊警告标签

50. s ide skirt 侧裙

51. i ntegrate airbag 整体式安全气囊

52. t ie bar , cross car beam (CCB) 横梁

53. h eadlining 顶棚

54. c onsole 中通道,副仪表板

55. c up holder 杯托

56. m eter cluster outer cover 组合仪表外罩

57. f use box cover 保险丝盒盖板

58. s eal sponge 海绵条

59. c igar lighter cover 点烟器面板

60. m ounting screw 螺钉

61. g rip-assist 乘客扶手

62. i nterior fitting 内部安装件

63. a pplication for approval 认证申请

64. s pecification 技术描述

65. c onformity of production 生产一致性

66. c ategory M1 M1类

67. t ransverse plane 横截面

68. t ransversal or longitudinal 横向或纵向

69. s uface shall terminate in rounded edges 表面边缘应倒角

70. a nti pinch 防夹

71. t he protection of the occupants in the event of the front collision


72. o verlap 重叠度

73. d eformable barrier face 可变形壁障表面

74. u nladen kerb mass 整备质量

75. h ead performance criterion (HPC) 头部性能指标

76. n eck injury criteria (NIC) 颈部伤害指标

77. n eck tension criterion 颈部拉伸指标

78. a xial tenslle neck force 颈部轴向拉伸力

79. d uration of loading over given tension 拉伸负荷作用时间
