
编号:_______________本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打印,感谢您的下载商务英语合同里最常用的几个经典词句甲方:___________________乙方:___________________日期:___________________The contract is made out in English and Chinese languages in quadruplicate, both texts being equally authentic, and each Party shall hold two copies of each text.2、本合同由双方代表于1999年12月9日签订。
This contract is signed by the authorized representatives of both parties on Dec. 9, 1999. After signing the contract, both parties shall apply to their respective Government Authorities for ratification. The date of ratification last obtained shall be taken as the effective date of the Contract. Both parties shall exert their utmost efforts to obtain the ratification within 60 days and shall advise the other party by telex and thereafter send a registered letter for confirmation.3、本合同有效期从合同生效之日算起共10年,有效期满后,本合同自动失效。

国际贸易合同条款五个方面中英文English:1. Price and payment terms: This section outlines the agreed-upon price for the goods or services being traded, as well as the payment terms, including the currency of payment, method of payment, and any applicable discounts or penalties for late payment.2. Delivery terms: This part specifies the agreed-upon delivery terms, including the place of delivery, the time of delivery, the party responsible for transportation costs, and any requirements for insurance or customs documentation.3. Quality control: Quality control terms detail the standards and specifications that the goods or services must meet, including any inspections or testing procedures, as well as procedures for handling defective or non-conforming goods.4. Dispute resolution: This section sets forth the procedures for resolving disputes that may arise under the contract, including whether the parties will use negotiation, arbitration, or litigation to settle disagreements.5. Force majeure clause: The force majeure clause outlines the circumstances under which a party may be excused from performingits obligations under the contract due to unforeseen events beyond its control, such as natural disasters, war, or government actions.中文翻译:1. 价格及支付条款: 本节概述了所交易商品或服务的约定价格,以及支付条款,包括支付货币、支付方式以及任何适用的延迟支付折扣或罚款。

商务英语合同写作用得上的21个句子-商务,英语,合同商务指南There is an arbitration clause in the contract. (or insurance clause, inspection clause, shipping clause...)这是中的一项仲裁条款。
(或:条款,检验条款,装运条款等)We sincerely hope that both quality and quantity are in conformity with the contract stipulations.我们真诚希望质量、数量都与合同规定相吻合。
The contract states that the supplier will be charged a penalty if there is a delay in delivery.合同规定如果供货商延误交货期,将被罚款。
精彩资讯:热点专题:宝典The contract comes into effect today, we can’t go back on our word now.合同已于今日生效,我们不能反悔了。
Once the contract is approved by the Chinese government, it is legally binding upon both parties.合同一经中国政府批准,对双方就有了法律约束力。
We always carry out the terms of our contract to the letter and stand by what we say.我们坚持重合同,守信用。
You have no grounds for backing out of the contract.你们没有正当理由背弃合同。
In case one party fails to carry out the contract, the other party is entit to cancel the contract.如果一方不执行合同,另一方有权撤消该合同。

1. 情景模拟:在课堂中,老师可以设计一些情景模拟的活动,让孩子们在真实的场景中练习语言表达。
2. 背诵诗歌:通过让孩子背诵古诗词或现代诗歌,可以培养他们的语感和韵律感,提高语言表达的流畅度和准确度。
3. 多媒体教学:结合多媒体资源,如课件、音频、视频等,可以生动形象地呈现语言知识,吸引孩子的注意力,提高他们的学习积极性。
4. 听说训练:在语言教学中,听和说是基础。
5. 互动讨论:鼓励孩子们参与课堂讨论和互动交流,可以锻炼他们的逻辑思维和语言表达能力。

商务英语合同按一定逻辑顺序排列的句子1. 商务英语合同嘛,开头得明确合同双方是谁。
2. 接下来呢,合同得把交易的内容讲明白。
3. 然后啊,价格可不能落下。
4. 付款方式也是关键部分哦。
5. 交货或者服务的时间要确定好。
6. 质量标准也得详细规定。
7. 关于违约条款那可是必不可少的。
8. 合同里还得有保密条款。
9. 争议解决方式也要在合同里说清楚。

句商务合同英语常用语Business Contract English Common ExpressionsIntroduction:In the international business arena, it is essential to have clear communication and understand the terms and conditions stated in a business contract. This article aims to provide you with a comprehensive list of commonly used English expressions in business contracts. Familiarizing yourself with these phrases will enable you to negotiate, draft, and understand business contracts effectively.1. Agreement:1.1 This agreement sets forth the terms and conditions between the parties.1.2 The parties hereby agree to the terms and conditions stipulated herein.1.3 This agreement shall commence on the effective date and continue until terminated by either party.2. Definitions:2.1 The following definitions apply unless otherwise stated in this agreement:- "Party A" refers to [description of Party A].- "Party B" refers to [description of Party B].- "Product" refers to [definition of the product/service].2.2 Any terms not defined in this agreement shall have the meaning as commonly understood in the industry.3. Scope of Services:3.1 Party A shall provide [description of services] as outlined in Exhibit A.3.2 Party B agrees to compensate Party A for the services provided as outlined in Exhibit B.4. Obligations:4.1 Both parties shall undertake their respective obligations in good faith and in accordance with the terms of this agreement.4.2 Party A shall perform the services diligently, professionally, and in a timely manner.4.3 Party B shall provide Party A with all necessary resources and information to facilitate the performance of the services.5. Payment Terms:5.1 Party B shall pay Party A the agreed amount as outlined in Exhibit B within [number of days] upon receipt of an invoice.5.2 Invoices shall be sent to Party B in electronic format to the email address specified herein.5.3 Late payments shall incur an interest rate of [percentage] per month until the outstanding amount is settled.6. Confidentiality:6.1 Both parties agree to keep all confidential information obtained during the course of this agreement confidential and not disclose it to any third party.6.2 The obligation of confidentiality shall survive the termination of this agreement for a period of [number of years].7. Termination:7.1 Either party may terminate this agreement by providing [number of days/months] written notice to the other party.7.2 Termination shall not relieve parties from their obligations incurred prior to the effective date of termination.8. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution:8.1 This agreement shall be governed by and construed according to the laws of [jurisdiction].8.2 Any dispute arising out of or relating to this agreement shall be resolved through arbitration in accordance with the rules of [arbitration institution].Conclusion:This article has presented a range of commonly used English expressions in business contracts. Being familiar with these phrases will greatly assist you in understanding and negotiating business contracts effectively. Remember, clear communication is crucial for successful international business transactions.。

商务英语合同按一定逻辑顺序排列的句子1. 商务英语合同就像一场精心编排的舞蹈,每个舞步都有它的位置。
2. 合同里的定义条款就像是游戏规则的说明书,把那些重要的概念都解释清楚。
3. 接着就是合同的核心内容啦,这部分就像是一顿大餐的主菜。
4. 付款条款也是商务英语合同的关键部分。
5. 交货或者服务提供条款得排好队。
6. 商务英语合同里的保密条款可不能少,这就像守护宝藏的大门。
7. 违约责任条款像是悬在头上的一把剑,让双方都不敢轻易违背合同。

外贸合同专业术语1. “FOB(Free on Board)离岸价”这个术语可太重要啦!就像你在海边卖鱼,鱼一上船,责任就开始转移啦。
哇塞,要是不懂这个,万一出点啥岔子,那可就亏大了啊!2. “CIF(Cost, Insurance and Freight)到岸价”这CIF就像一个贴心的大礼包。
3. “L/C(Letter of Credit)信用证”信用证啊,那可是外贸里的“定心丸”。
4. “INCOTERMS(国际贸易术语解释通则)”这就像是外贸合同的“武林秘籍”啊。
5. “Bill of Lading(提单)”提单就像货物的“身份证”和“通行证”。
6. “Customs Clea rance(清关)”清关就像货物出国或者回国的“安检”。

商务英语合同常用语在国际贸易中,商务谈判胜利后,都会双方签合同是必需的,而合同的拟写需要非常谨慎,那么关于合同的常用语都有哪些呢?以下是我给大家整理的商务英语合同常用语,盼望可以帮到大家161 I still have some questions concerning our contract.就合同方面我还有些问题要问。
162 We are always willing to cooperate with you and if necessary make some concessions.我们总是情愿合作的,假如需要还可以做些让步。
163 If you have any comment about these clauses, do not hesitate to make.对这些条款有何看法,请尽管提,不必客气。
164 Do you think there is something wrong with the contract?你认为合同有问题吗?165 Wed like you to consider our request once again.我们盼望贵方再次考虑我们的要求。
166 Wed like to clear up some points connected with the technical part of the contract.我们盼望搞清晰有关合同中技术方面的几个问题。
167 The negotiations on the rights and obligations of the parties under contract turned out to be very successful.就合同保方的权利和义务方面的谈判特别胜利。
168 We cant agree with the alterations and amendments to thecontract.我们无法同意对合同工的变动和修改。

1. 介绍双方当事人合同第一部分通常用来介绍合同双方当事人的信息。
常见的句型如下:- Party A and Party B hereby enter into this agreement, hereinafter referred to as "the Contract".甲方和乙方特此签订本协议,下称“本合同”。
- Party A, a company registered and existing under the laws of [国家], with its principal place of business at [地址], represented by [代表姓名], on behalf of and in the name of Party A.甲方是一家依据[国家]法律注册、存在的公司,其主要经营地位于[地址],代表甲方的是[代表姓名]。
- Party B, a company organized and existing under the laws of [国家], with its principal office located at [地址], represented by [代表姓名], on behalf of and in the name of Party B.乙方是一家依据[国家]法律组织成立的公司,其主要办公地位于[地址],代表乙方的是[代表姓名]。
2. 描述合同目的和范围合同的第二部分通常解释合同的目的和范围,确保对双方都具有明确性。
常见的句型如下:- The purpose of this Contract is to define the rights and obligations ofthe parties in relation to [合同目的].本合同的目的是为了明确双方在[合同目的]方面的权利和义务。

Contract No.: 2023-ABC123Date: March 1, 2023This Contract (hereinafter referred to as “the Contract”) is made and entered into on this 1st day of March, 2023, between the following parties:Seller:[Full Name][Company Name][Company Address][Country]Buyer:[Full Name][Company Name][Company Address][Country]WHEREAS, the Seller is engaged in the manufacturing and selling of [Product Description], and the Buyer is interested in purchasing thesaid products for [Purpose of Purchase];NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows:1. Scope of the Contract:This Contract shall govern the sale and purchase of [Product Description] as specified in the attached Schedule A.2. Quantity and Quality:The quantity of the products shall be as specified in Schedule A. The quality of the products shall conform to the standards andspecifications set forth in the attached Quality Certificate.3. Price and Payment Terms:The price of the products shall be [Price] per unit, subject to the terms and conditions as follows:- The Buyer shall make a 30% advance payment upon signing this Contract.- The remaining 70% of the total price shall be paid upon the delivery of the products, as evidenced by the Delivery Certificate.- Payment shall be made by [Payment Method] within [Number of Days] days from the date of the invoice.4. Delivery:The Seller shall deliver the products to the Buyer at [Delivery Address] within [Number of Days] days from the date of this Contract, or such other date as may be mutually agreed upon by the parties.5. Inspection and Acceptance:The Buyer shall have the right to inspect the products upon delivery. If the products do not conform to the specifications set forth in this Contract, the Buyer shall notify the Seller within [Number of Days] days from the date of delivery. The Seller shall be responsible for the cost of any necessary repairs or replacements.6. Warranty:The Seller warrants that the products shall be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of [Number of Months/Years] from the date of delivery. The Buyer shall notify the Seller of any defects within the warranty period, and the Seller shall, at its option, repair or replace the defective products.7. Intellectual Property Rights:The Buyer acknowledges that all intellectual property rights associated with the products, including but not limited to patents, trademarks, and copyrights, shall remain the property of the Seller.8. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution:This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Country]. Any disputes arising from or in connection with this Contract shall be resolved through amicable negotiation. If such negotiation fails, the parties agree to submit the dispute toarbitration under the rules of [Arbitration Institution].9. Miscellaneous:- This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements, whether written or oral.- Any amendment or modification of this Contract must be in writing and signed by both parties.- This Contract may be executed in two (2) counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.SELLER:_________________________[Signature of Seller][Name of Seller]BUYER:_________________________[Signature of Buyer][Name of Buyer]Schedule A:[Detailed Product Description, Specifications, and Quantities] [End of Contract]。
国际商务中合同 Contract常用语及词汇

国际商务中合同Contract常用语及词汇在国际贸易中,口语的表达能力是商务人员的重要能力之一,也是必备的,因为很多时候,一场交易的成功与否都是跟口语有着很大的关系,那么关于合同的相关专业用语该怎么说?以下是小编给大家整理的商务中合同 Contract常用语及词汇,希望可以帮到大家We'll have the contract ready for signature.我们应准备好合同待签字。
We signed a contract for medicines.我们签订了一份药品合同。
Mr. Zhang sings the contract on behalf of the China National Silk Import & Export Corporation.张先生代表中国丝绸进出口总公司在合同上签了字。
A Japanese company and SINOCHEM have entered into a new contract.中国化工进出口总公司已经和日本一家公司签订了一份新合同。
It was because of you that we landed the contract.因为有了你,我们才签了那份合同。
We offered a much lower price, so they got the contract.由于我们报价低,他们和我们签了合同。
Are we anywhere near a contract yet?我们可以(接近于)签合同了吗?We sign a contract when we are acting as principals.("principals" refers to the "seller" and the "buyer")当我们作为货主时都要签订合同。
(这里的“货主”指合同中的卖方和买方)I know we (the seller) should draw up a contract and the buyer has to sign it.我们知道我们(卖方)应该拟出一份合同,买方必须签署合同。

合同条款常用英文买方 buyer卖方 seller项目名称 Project name地址 address电话 phone传真 fax联系人 contact person本合同由买卖双方签订,根据本合同条款,买方同意购买,卖方同意出售以下产品。
This contract is made by and between the buyersand sellers, whereby the buyers agree to buy and the sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned. Commodities according to the terms and conditions stipulated below.1. 详细货物清单 Detail supply list2. 合同价格 Contract value序号 item 型号 model 尺寸 size, dimension 数量amount, unit 单价 unit price 总价 total price 备注remark 货物,运费 freight, transportation 合同总额(含安装费与税金) Contract amount incl. VAT installation3. 付款条件 payment conditions, payment terms4. 交货地点 delivery place5. 发货期 delivery time6. 安装条款 installation clause7. 验收条款 inspection clause8. 保证条款 guarantee clause9. 不可抗拒条款 Force Majeure Clause10. 违约条款 Breach clause11. 其他条款 Miscellaneous clause12. 买卖双方信息 buyer and seller information此合同一式二份,由双方各持一正本。

1 WhereasWhereas: considering that 鉴于, 就……而论(法律用语)例1Whereas the first Party is willing to employ the second Party and the second Party agrees to act as the first Party’s Engineer in Bamako, it is hereby mutually agreed as follows:鉴于甲方愿意聘请乙方, 乙方同意应聘为甲方在巴马科(工程)的工程师, 合同双方特此达成协议如下例2Whereas Party B and Party A have entered into this Contract to install Party A’s air-conditioning equipment, the Parties hereto do hereby agree as follows:Chinese version for reference:鉴于乙方与甲方订立本合同, 安装甲方的空气调节设备, 双方同意如下:2 In Witness Whereof [❤1]Whereby:In Witness Whereof:作为所协议事项的证据,这个短语常常在合同结尾条款中使用,可译为“特此立(证)裾”,“以此立(证)据”等;In Testimony Whereof:以此为证,特立此证;Whereby: by the agreement; by the following terms and conditions, etc.凭此协议,凭此条款等。
例1In Witness Whereof the Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed on the day and year first before written[❤2] in accordance with their respective laws.本协议书由双方根据各自的法律签订,于上面所签订的日期开始执行,特立此据。

一、合同开头部分1、“This Contract is made and entered into as of date by and between Party A name (hereinafter referred to as "Party A") and Party B name (hereinafter referred to as "Party B")”(本合同由甲方名称(以下简称“甲方”)和乙方名称(以下简称“乙方”)于日期签订。
)2、“The parties hereto agree as follows:”(双方在此约定如下:)二、定义与解释部分1、“For the purposes of this Contract, the following terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them below:”(就本合同而言,以下术语应具有以下所赋予的含义:)2、“'Goods' shall mean description of goods”(“货物”应指货物描述。
)三、合同主体部分1、“Party A shall obligation of Party A within time frame”(甲方应在时间框架内甲方的义务。
)2、“Party B undertakes to obligation of Party B by deadline”(乙方承诺在截止日期前乙方的义务。
)四、价格与支付条款1、“The total price for the goods and services provided under this Contract is amount (inclusive of taxes and other charges)”(根据本合同提供的货物和服务的总价为金额(包括税费及其他费用)。

二、合同条款1. 定义和解释该部分主要用于解释合同中的词汇和短语,确保双方在理解上没有差异。
常见表达如下:- "本合同"指本次合作双方达成的协议。
- "甲方"指合同中被指定的第一方。
- "乙方"指合同中被指定的第二方。
- "有效期"指合同的生效和终止日期。
- "违约"指不能履行合同义务的行为。
2. 目的和范围该部分清楚地说明合同的目标和范围,避免后期产生歧义。
常见表达如下:- 本合同的目的是确保甲方向乙方供应商品/服务并确保合法权益。
- 本合同适用于双方在特定时间范围内的所有商务交易。
- 乙方应根据本合同的要求提供特定的商品/服务。
3. 条款和条件该部分是合同的核心内容,包括价格、付款方式、交货期限等具体条款和条件。
常见表达如下:- 商品/服务的价格应在双方达成一致后确定,并由甲方支付给乙方。
- 付款方式可以是现金、支票、电汇等,应在合同签署后的指定日期内完成。
- 乙方应在指定的交货期限内向甲方提供商品/服务。
- 双方应及时解决可能发生的任何争议,并保护彼此的权益。
4. 保密在商务合作中,涉及到商业机密和敏感信息的保护非常重要。
常见表达如下:- 双方同意将在合作过程中获取的商业机密保密,未经许可不得泄露给第三方。
- 乙方承诺在合同终止时将甲方所有的商业机密归还给甲方,并不再使用。
5. 终止合同在某些情况下,合同可能需要提前终止。
常见表达如下:- 双方同意在事先通知的情况下可以提前终止合同。
- 若甲方或乙方发生重大违约行为,对方有权立即终止合同。

商务英语写作中的合同英文商务英语写作中的合同英文Before You Write the First Word1. Ask your client to list the deal points. This can be in the form of a list, outline or narration. Doing this will help the client focus on the terms of the agreement.2. Engage your client in "what if" scenarios. A good contractwill anticipate many possible factual situations and express theparties' understanding in case those facts arise. Talking to your client about this will generate many issues you may not otherwise consider.3. Ask your client for a similar contract. Frequently, clients have had similar transactions in the past or they have access to contracts for similar transactions.4. Search your office computer or the Internet for a similar form. Many times you can find a similar form on your computer. It may be one you prepared for another client or one you negotiated with another lawyer. Just remember to find and replace the old client's name.Starting with an existing form saves time and avoids the errors of typing. Here are some Web sites where you can find forms:5. Obtain forms in books or CD-ROM. Typical forms of contracts can be found in form books, such as West's Legal Forms (a nationwide set) and Florida Jur Forms, as well as in treatises and Florida Bar CLE publications. These can be used as the starting point for drafting the contract or as checklists of typical provisions and wording to includein the contract. Many treatises and form books now come with forms on disk or CD-ROM.6. Don't let your client sign a letter of intent without this wording. Sometimes clients are anxious to sign something to show good faith before the contract is prepared. A properly worded letter ofintent is useful at such times. Just be sure that the letter of intent clearly states that it is not a contract, but that it is merely anoutline of possible terms for discussion purposes. See Appendix CWriting that First Word7. Start with a simple, generic contract form. The form in Appendix A is such a form. It provides a solid starting point for the structure of the contract. Like a house, a contract must have a good, solid foundation.8. State the correct legal names of the parties in the first paragraph. As obvious as this is, it is one of the most common problems in contracts. For individuals, include full first and last name, and middle initials if available, and other identifying information, if appropriate, such as Jr., M.D., etc. For corporations, check with the Secretary of State where incorporated.9. Identify the parties by nicknames. Giving each party a nickname in the first paragraph will make the contract easier to read. For example, James W. Martin would be nicknamed "Martin."10. Be careful when using legal terms for nicknames. Do not use "Contractor" as a nickname unless that party is legally a contractor. Do not use "Agent" unless you intend for that party to be an agent, and if you do, then you better specify the scope of authority and other agency issues to avoid future disagreements.11. Include a blank for the date in the first paragraph. Putting the date in the first paragraph makes it easy to find after the contract is signed. It also makes it easy to describe the contract in other documents in a precise way, such as the "December 20, 2000, Contract for Sale of Real Estate."12. Include to provide background. Recitals are the "whereas" clauses that precede the body of a contract. They provide a simple way to bring the contract's reader (party, judge or jury) up to speed on what the contract is about, who the parties are, why they are signing a contract, etc. The first paragraph in the body of the contract can incorporate the recitals by reference and state that they are true and correct. This will avoid a later argument as to whether or not the recitals are a legally binding part of the contract.。

商务英语写作合同条款常用句以下是商务英语写作合同条款常用句:1. 合同目的与范围:This contract is entered into by and between [Party A] and [Party B] for the purpose of [stating the purpose]. The contract outlines the rights and obligations of both parties in relation to [specify the scope].2. 合同价格与支付方式:The total contract price is set at [amount] and shall be paid in [currency] according to the following payment schedule: [describe payment terms, such as installment or lump sum]. The payment will be made via [specify payment method].3. 交货与交付:[Party A] shall deliver the goods/services to [Party B] at the designated location on or before the agreed delivery date. The delivery shall be considered complete upon [specify acceptance criteria].4. 质量与保修:The goods/services provided by [Party A] shall meet the agreed specifications and quality standards. [Party A] warrants that thegoods/services will be free from defects and will remain in good working condition for a period of [warranty duration] from the date of delivery.5. 保密与知识产权:Both parties agree to keep all confidential information obtained during the course of this contract confidential and not disclose it to any third party without prior written consent. Any intellectual property rights arising from the execution of this contract shall be owned by [Party A/Party B] as stipulated in a separate agreement.6. 违约与争议解决:In the event of a breach of this contract by either party, the non-breaching party shall have the right to terminate the contract and seek legal remedies for any resulting damages. Any disputes arising from or in connection with this contract shall be settled through amicable negotiation. If the parties fail to reach a settlement, the dispute shall be submitted to [arbitration/court of jurisdiction].7. 终止与解除:Either party may terminate this contract by providing written notice to the other party [specific notice period] in advance. This contract may also be terminated if either party fails to fulfill its obligations under this contract or becomes insolvent.8. 不可抗力:If either party is unable to perform its obligations under this contract due to force majeure circumstances, such as natural disasters or government regulations, the affected party shall be exempt from liability and shall promptly notify the other party in writing.9. 其他条款:Any additional terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties shall be set forth in a separate written agreement and shall have the same legal effect as this contract. This contract represents the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes any prior or contemporaneous agreements or understandings.10. 法律适用与生效:This contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [jurisdiction]. Any disputes or claims arising from this contract shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of [court of jurisdiction]. This contract shall become effective upon signature by both parties.以上是商务英语写作合同条款常用句,以帮助您撰写高质量的商务英语合同。

下面店铺为大家带来商务英语写作合同条款常用句,欢迎大家阅读!商务英语写作合同条款常用句:1.We are satisfied with the terms of this contract for the most part, but we feel that your terms of payment are too severe.我们对该合同大部分条款感到满意,但是你们的付款条款太刻苛2.We would like to have another discussion of these conditions in the afternoon before there are finally included in the contract.在合同最终签订之前,我们想在下午就这些条款进行其它的讨论3. Before signing the contract this afternoon, I think we better go over few final details.在今天下午签订合同之前,我想们最好重温一下最后的细节4.We’d better draw up a rough draft to the contract then talk it over in detail at our next meeting.我们最好先就合同拟定一个草案,在下次会议中我们再确定细节5.This is a copy of our specimen contract in which the general sales terms and conditions are contained.这是我们一份包括一般销售条款和条件的合同样本6.We hope that you won’t object to our inserting such a clause in the agreement.我们希望你们不介意在协议中加入这一条款7.If any other clause in this contract is in conflict with the supplementary conditions the supplementary conditions should be taken as final and binding.若合同中任一条款与附加条款冲突,则附属条款为最终裁决并对双方有约束力8.We think it is necessary to include a force majeure clause in this contract.我们认为合同中加入不可抗力条款很有必要9. After studying your draft contract we found it necessary to make a few changes.研究过贵司起草的合同,我们发现有必要做一些修改10.Since both of us are in agreement on all the terms shall we sign the contract now?既然我们双方均同意所有条款,那我们现在就签合同?11.We think your draw contract needs some modification.我们认为贵司起草的合同需做一些修改。
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1.we are satisfied with the terms of this contract for the most part, but we feel that your terms of payment are too severe.
2.we would like to have another discussion of these conditions in the afternoon before there are finally included in the contract.
3. before signing the contract this afternoon, i think we better go over few final details.
4.we’d better draw up a rough draft to the contract then talk it over in detail at our next meeting.
5.this is a copy of our specimen contract in which the general sales terms and conditions are contained.
6.we hope that you won’t object to our inserting such a clause in the agreement.
7.if any other clause in this contract is in conflict with the supplementary conditions the supplementary conditions should be taken as final and binding.
8.we think it is necessary to include a force majeure clause in this
9. after studying your draft contract we found it necessary to make
a few changes.
10.since both of us are in agreement on all the terms shall we sign the contract now?
11.we think your draw contract needs some modification.
12.any modification alteration to the contract shall be made with the consent of both parties.
13.no changes can be made on this contract without mutual consent.
14.we must make it clear in the contract that you are obliged to complete the delivery of the good within the contractual time of shipment.
15.if the shipment can not be made within three month as stipulated, the contract will become void.