(2)有的动词或动词词组在一定的上下文中只 起修辞作用,译成英语时可以部分省略或全部 省略,这样更符合英语的修辞习惯,如下例: 不看不知道,一看吓一跳。 If you don't see, you won't realize it.If you see, you will be shocked. The mere sight of it will be enough to shock you.
• (3)由于汉语动词没有屈折的形态变化,使用起来 非常方便,动词或动词形式在汉语句子中无处不 在,起到了很好的构句作用,但这些动词若是在英 译过程中省译的话,更符合英语的构句习惯。例 如: • 努力建立一个办事高效的行政管理体系。 • Effort should be made to establish a highly efficient administrative management system.
静态与动态 (Static vs Dynamic)
二、多动词汉语句子中动词的处理 • 汉语注重“动态”描写,总体修辞效果呈“动 态”, 一个句子中往往会涌现大量的动词,但 并不引起 动词的臃肿和混乱,因为动词没有屈折 的形态变 化,使用时不受形态上的限制,比较方便。 • 汉语动词可以作句子的不同成分,如主语、谓语、 宾语、定语、状语、补语;一个句子中可以连用 两个或更多的动词作谓语,动词之间也不用任何 关联词语,这种结构分为连动式和兼语式,统称为 复杂的谓语结构。动词连用是现代汉语句法的一 个显著特点。
02-03 词语翻译ppt课件
![02-03 词语翻译ppt课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/f7f82a7e4afe04a1b171de42.png)
5. 名词优势造成介词优势
介词前置于名词或名词短语,由于英语多用名词,必 然也要多用介词,因此常用介词短语取代动词短语, 即以“静”代“动”
英语名词汉语副词 When he catches a glimpse of a potential antagonist, his instinct is to win him over with charm and humor. 只要一发现有可能发对他的人,他就本能地要用他的魅力 和风趣将这人争取过来。 The new mayor earned some appreciation by the courtesy of coming to visit the city poor. 新市长有礼貌地前来探望城市贫民,获得了他们的一些好 感。
英语副词汉语名词 He is physically weak but mentally sound. 他身体虽弱,但思想健康。 The blueprint must be proportionally correct. 蓝图的比例必须正确。 Certainly people in enterprises must be mathematically informed if they are to make wise decision. 当然,企业管理人员要想做出明智的决策,就必须懂得数 学。
英译汉时,注意将静态转换为动态,用汉语的动词表达英 语原文中的静态概念。其中较为常见的词性转换为:
《英汉对比研究》第7章 静态与动态
![《英汉对比研究》第7章 静态与动态](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/044e8c0e2af90242a895e561.png)
第七章静态与动态(Stative vs.Dynamic)英语倾向于多用名词,因而叙述呈静态(stative);汉语倾向于多用动词,因而叙述呈动态(dynamic)。
R.Quirk等人对静态和动态曾作如下解释:Broadly speaking, nouns can be characterized naturally as ‘stative’in that they refer to entities that are regarded as stable.whether these are concrete (physical) like house,table,paper,or abstract (of the mind)like hope,botany,length.At the opposite pole,verbs can be equally naturally characterized as ‘dynamic’:they are fitted (by their capacity to show tense and aspect,for example) to indicate action,activity and temporary or changing conditions.These relations between the open classes can be summarized thus:STA TIVE noun ↔ adjectiveDYNAMIC verb adverb英语的静态倾向,主要表现在以下几方面:一、名词化(Nominalization)是英语常见的现象。
S.Potter在“Changing E nglish”一书中曾指出英语“名词优势于动词”的倾向(preponderance of nouns over verbs)。
▪ 一、英语是屈折语,汉语是非屈折语,相对而言, 英语语言形态丰富。在一定程度上说,词的形态 (及形式)变化是否过于繁复多变决定了词类优 势。英语动词形态变化繁复而稳定,这就使英语 动词的使用受形态的制约,而名词就没有这个问 题,因此名词在英语中占优势,名词的优势导致 了介词的伴随优势。
第十一 讲
(Static vs Dynamic)
▪ I.教学目的和要求: ▪ 1.掌握动态化特征在汉语中的具体表现 ▪ 2.掌握静态化特征在英语中的具体表现 ▪ II.教学重点与难点: ▪ 1.汉语动词的翻译 ▪ 2.英语介词的翻译 ▪ III.教学方法:教师讲授、学生练习 ▪ IV.课时:2学时 ▪ V.课的类型:讲授课 ▪
▪ 因此,在有些情况下,汉语动词并不是译成英语动 词,而是要遵循英语的这一修辞特点,进行必要的 词性转换,即动词向名词、介词等的转化,使译文 符合英语的句法规律,因而更加地道、更显文采。
▪ (一)动词转换成名词 ▪ 汉语中动词占优势,英语中名词占优势。一个主
要原因就是汉语中缺少像英语中的“-ing”词尾 和抽象名词的词缀那样的抽象化手段, ▪ 1.他妹妹老是说谎。
▪ 下面从“动态”与“静态”这一修辞差异入手来 探讨汉译英中汉语动词(不包括判断动词和能愿 动词)的处理。
▪ 一、单动词汉语句子中动词的处理
▪ “英语的静态修辞的实质是名词优势和介词优势, 而介词优势又是名词优势的必然结果。因为名词 与名词之间要借助介词来联结”(蒋坚松, 2002: 56)。
1.动词连用是汉语常见现象 2.动词(词组)可充当汉语句子的各种成分 3.汉语动词常常重复或重叠
1. Party officials worked long hour on meagre food, in old caves, by dim lamps.
Down with the old and up with the new.
1.名词化Nominalization 2.施事名词Agentive nouns in place of verbs. 3.介词Preparation- Prominent 4.动词弱化Verbs-weaken 5.形容词与副词Ajectives and adverbs in place of verbs
4.静态- Verb- weaken
❖动词虚化: 把动词转化或派生成名词,置于虚化动词(have, make, take, do)之后做其宾语,如have a look, take a walk, make attempts, pay visits, do some damages, put up a proposal
❖名词化主要指用名词(短语)来表达原来属于动词(短语)所表达的 信息,如用抽象名词来表达动作、行为、变化、状态等。
医生迅速到达,并非常仔细地检查了病人,因此病人很快就康复了。 The doctor arrived extremely quickly and examined the patient uncommonly carefully; the result was that he recovered very speedily. The doctor's extremely quick arrival and uncommonly careful examination of the patient brought about his very speedy recovery.
2)Prepositional phrases used as connectives
in case of 万一
for fear of 以免
in contrast with 与 …不同(bù tónɡ)
in search of 寻求
with regard to 关于
党的干部吃着粗茶淡饭,住着冰冷的窑洞,点着 昏暗的油灯,长时间地工作着。
On behalf of the organizing committee, I sincerely invite you to the conference on Western literature as an honored guest.
are beneath my notice. 对这样一个毫无教养的人口中之言,不值一理。
2. Prepositional phrases used as attributives
他是个脱离了低级趣味的人。 He is a man above vulgar interests. 他有人给他撑腰。 He has someone behind him. 我在读莎士比亚写的剧本。 I am reading a play by Shakespeare. 这个民有、民治(mín zhì)、民享的政府将永存于世。 The government of the people, by the people and
他邀请我去他家吃午饭(wǔfàn)。 He invited me to his house for lunch. 我们热烈欢迎你们参加这次研讨会。 We warmly welcome you to the seminar. 读书足以怡情,足以博彩,足以长才。 Studies serve for delight, for ornament and for ability.
英汉静态与动态对比 PPT课件
![英汉静态与动态对比 PPT课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/7528039d02d276a200292e32.png)
英语的限定动词只能做谓语,而汉语中的动词(包括动宾 词组、主谓词组等)无处不在,不仅做谓语,也可做主语,如 “理论联系实际是我们党的优良传统”, 宾语,如“鲁迅主张打落水狗”,
英汉对比之静态与动态(Static vs Dynamic)
在汉语里,动词使用频率高,呈现一种动态特征。 而在英语里,名词和介词使用频率高,呈现一种静态。
从语法上看, 英语句子是以动词为中心的。但动词的 使用频率明显低于汉语句子。周志培对三个翻译材料 (邓小平《在武昌、深圳、珠海、上海等地的谈话要 点》及英译文、英国首相撒切尔夫人在中国欢迎宴会 上的讲话及汉译文、美国罗斯福总统第四任就职演说 及汉译文) 进行分析,得出结论: 英语动词在这三个 材料中所占比率分别为14 %、11 %和15 % , 而汉语 动词所占的比率为则33 %、24 %和25 %。
和组合这样的用法, 相比而言英语的动词使用频 率就不如汉语。
一. 英语句子是以谓语动词为中心呈辐射状 的结构, 句子的其他成分以主谓结构为基础扩 展而成。不过, 英语是形合语言, 动词有形态 限制, 使用起来相对不自由。而汉语是一种典 型的分析型语言, 没有严格意义上的语法形态 变化及动词形态要求,动词不ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ与其他成分在 形态上相照应, 使用起来自由灵活。 汉语的介词贫乏,完全没有分词,英语使用介词 分词之处,汉语均用动词。
1 静态与动态
![1 静态与动态](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/0a9c1241767f5acfa1c7cd9c.png)
The doctor’s extremely quick arrival and uncommonly careful examination of the patient brought about his very speedy recovery. The doctor arrived extremely quickly and examined the patient uncommonly carefully; the result was that he recovered very speedily. 医生的迅速到达和对病人非常仔细的检查带来了他的迅速 康复。
(noun pileup) 会使语言失去活力,缺乏动感,
British history teacher A small car factory An old man’s bicycle
Overuse of Nouns in English
用名词表示施事者(Agentive noun),以代替动词。
用名词代替形容词,构成标题式短语(headline phrase)
名词化 (Nominalization)
名词化主要指用名词来表达原来属于动词(或形容词) 所表达的概念,如用抽象名词来表达动作、行为、变 化、状态、品质、情感等概念。 英语的名词优势可以使表达比较简洁,造句比较灵活, 行文比较自然,便于表达复杂的思想内容。
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English is static because of its noun predominance.
A study of that letter leaves us in no doubt as to motives behind it.
Chinese is dynamic owing to its verb predominance
account of John, I decided to refuse the
job. Professor Green did not travel by air for fear of having a heart attack. Dial 119 in case of fire. In contrast with his brother, he is always considerate in his treatment of others. In spite of the heavy rain, they went on working.
3. Prepositional phrases used as adverbial
他拿着枪,绕着屋子走。 He walked around the house with a gun. 穿过森林,他们找到了那个小村庄。 Through the forest, they found the small village. 说完这些话,他出去了。 With these words, he went out. 他们立刻出动去追击敌人。 They immediately set out in pursuit of the enemy.
6. prep. phr.
with/without + n. + doing/done adverbial.
He remained silent with his head down and hands in his pockets. With a rifle across his shoulder, the boy was playing the soldier.
吃过晚饭玛丽喜欢带孩子上街去走走。 Mary would like to take her child to the street for a walk after supper. 委员会成员完全赞成这项新提议。 The whole committee are completely for the new proposal. 邦德身着晚宴外套,开着玩笑,成了一名超级 英雄。 Bond became a joky superhero in a dinner jacket. 一到城里他就给舅舅打了个电话。 On reaching the city he called up his uncle.
She ran back to the kitchen, with eggs held carefully in her hands. The supermarket is very crowded on Sundays, with people going in and out. Without any food left in the refrigerator, she went shopping after work. He went to sleep with his light on.
It is beneath my dignity to do such a thing. 做这样的事有损我的尊严。 It is beyond his power to sign the contract on behalf of his company. 他无权代表公司签合同。 The rude remarks of such an ill-mannered person are beneath my notice. 对这样一个毫无教养的人口中之言,不值一 理。
1. be + prepositional phrase ( prep. + n.)
The discussion is under way. He is at his books. The machine is in operation. I know him quite well, for we are in the same office. At this time of the day, children are all at school.
grasped John by the collar. 他一把抓住约翰的衣领。 They praised the boy for his bravery. 他们赞扬那男孩的勇敢精神。
Prepositional phrases used as purposes or directions
他邀请我去他家吃午饭。 He invited me to his house for lunch. 我们热烈欢迎你们参加这次研讨会。 We warmly welcome you to the seminar. 读书足以怡情,足以博彩,足以长才。 Studies serve for delight, for ornament and for ability.
研究一下那封信,就使我们毫不怀疑该 信是别有用心的。
predominance results in a great deal of use of prepositions in English. The American ambassador to China expressed his hope of further improving the bilateral relations. His overdependence on his parents made him unable to adapt himself to the new life.
be above reproach make sth. after a model against the law to work against time against reason against a rainy day against the blue sky at a stretch to enter at the front door
be + prep. phr. (expressing comparison)
迈克的化学比班上其他同学好得多。 Michael is rather above the rest of the class in chemistry. 这部小说我读不懂。 The novel is above me. 要论音乐鉴赏力,苏珊比不上艾玛。 Susan is below Emma in music comprehension.
放债牟利 苦心经营 提前来 宁死不屈 不合时代潮流的思 想 背着某人干… 及其可鄙 不够格 许多借口掩饰下的 真情实况 不重要
beside the point beside the question beside oneself to read between the lines between the cup and lip between two fires beyond dispute something beyond a joke by nature by trade/ profession by the look of it
That failure gave me a heavy blow and I was at a loss about my future in the following days. 那次失败使我受到很大打击,在接下来的一段时间 里, 我对自己的前途感到很迷茫。 Party officials worked long hours on meager food, in cold caves, by dim lamps. 党的干部吃着粗茶淡饭,住着冰冷的窑洞,点着昏 暗的油灯,长时间地工作着。 On behalf of the organizing committee, I sincerely invite you to the conference on Western literature as an honored guest. 我代表组委会诚挚邀请您作为嘉宾参加有关西方文 学的这次会议。
2. Prepositional phrases used as attributives
他是个脱离了低级趣味的人。 He is a man above vulgar interests. 他有人给他撑腰。 He has someone behind him. 我在读莎士比亚写的剧本。 I am reading a play by Shakespeare. 这个民有、民治、民享的政府将永存于世。 The government of the people, by the people and for the people shall not perish from the earth.
无可指责 按照一个式样做 违法 争分夺秒地干 不讲理 未雨绸缪,防未然 在蓝天的映衬下 不停地 从前门进入
to lend money at interest at pains to do it to come before time to die before yielding ideas behind the times to do sth. behind one’s back below contempt below the mark the real reason below a mass of pretexts beneath notice