Unit 1-高职职业综合英语1
新职业英语——职业综合英语1Unit 1课件1
SAMSUNG: 三星(韩国)
LG: (韩国)
Philips: 飞利浦(荷兰)
Lenovo:联想(中国) Apple: 苹果(美国) IBM: (美国) Dell: 戴尔(美国) Sony: 索尼(日本
Li-Ning: 李宁牌(中国) Adidas:阿迪达斯(德国) Nike: 耐克(美国) Reebok:锐步(美国 Kappa: 卡帕,背靠背(意大利) ANTA: 安踏(中国)
5) TOEFL:Test of English as a Foreign Language 托福,非英语国家英语能力考试
1)NBA: National Basketball Association 美国职业篮球联赛
2)CBA: Chinese Basketball Association 中国男子篮球职业联赛
对于下列每种类型的产品,至少列举出2个 生产公Байду номын сангаас:
TCL(中国) Konka:康佳(中国) Skyworth:创维(中国) ChangHong:长虹(中国) Haier:海尔(中国) Hisense:海信(中国) Xoceco:厦华(中国)
Panasonic:松下(日本) TOSHIBA:东芝(日本) HITACHI:日立(日本) Sanyo:三洋(日本) Sharp:夏普(日本)
4)DOS:Disk Operating System 磁盘操作系统
5)AutoCAD: Autodesk Computer Aided Design 计算机辅助设计软件
1. Bill Gates
William (Bill) H. Bill Gates is the co-founder, chairman and chief software architect of Microsoft Corporation, the world’s largest and most profitable software company. And he is also the richest man in the world.
Warm-up Listening and Speaking Text A Grammar Tips Text B Comprehensive Exercises Practical Reading and Writing
Unit 1 Education
Background Information
Unit 1 Education
Objectives In this unit, you will — read what Bill Gates says about education; — build up your vocabulary relating to campus life;
《实用综合教程(第二版)》第1册电子教案 Unit 1 Education
Background Information
Question 1: Do you know anything about Bill Gates, such as his life and his educational background? Hints 1. Birthday and birthplace: October 28, 1955; Seattle, Washington 2. Educational background: public elementary school private school Harvard University from 1973-1975 (education not completed)
高职高专核心英语综合教程上册Unit 1 College Life-PPT课件
Unit 1: College Life
上海交通大学出版社 《高职高专核心英语综合教程—上册》
Background References
Since the implementation of reform and opening up, the reform and development of higher education have made significant achievements. A higher education system with various forms, which encompasses basically all branches of learning, combines both degreeeducation and non-degree education and integrates college education, undergraduate education and graduate education, has taken shape. Higher education in China has played an important role in the economic construction.
language lab playground
dining hall library
上海交通大学出版社 《高职高专核心英语综合教程—上册》
Part I : Speaking Activity
New Words & Expressions
上海交通大学出版社 《高职高专核心英语综合教程—上册》
Eg. Household applia nceTCL, Sony, Panasonic, Philips…
Computers: Le novo, Apple, IBM, Sony…
Sportswear: Li-N ing, Adidas, Nike, Reebok…
which the compa nies are headquartered.
Car Companies: BMW (U.S.); Toyota (Japan); Ford (U.S.)
Supermarket: Walmart (U.S.); Metro(Germa ny); Carrafour(Fra nee)
Mobile Phone: Nokia (Finlan d); Sams ung (Korea); Lenovo (Chi na) Backgro und in formatio n: What is a logo?
Task 2.List at least two compa nies for each type of the followi ng products.
Ss have a gen eral un dersta nding of Readi ng A
1. Backgro und in formati on about Google Compa ny
2.Words and expressi ons releva nt toGoogle”
3.Global readi ng of passage A
(Ask Ss to prese nt their ideas. Kno wledge in side or outside the text is welcome.)
高职国际英语1 unit 1
Unit1People1.Warmingup:Usingthephrases“Howdoyoudo?MynameisNicetomeetyou.”writtenontheboard.2.Focus:Thestudentsareshownpicturesofpeoplemeetingforthefirsttime.Theyarealsosuppli edwithadialoguewhichtheycancopytosaywhattheydowhentheymeetsomebodyfor thefirsttime.Theyjointheirhandsatpalmsandsmile.Theyshakehandsandsmile. Theybowfromthewaistandlowertheireyes.Askstudentsto:1)Matchnationalitieswiththepictures:whichpictureshowsanIndianwoman?WhichpicturesshowstwoJapanesewomen?WhichpictureshowstwoAmericans?Whi chpicturesshowstwoChinesemen?2)Actoutoneofthesegreetingsinclass.Theotherstudentsmustguesshowtheyaregreetingeachother.Areyoubowingfromthewaistandloweringyoureyes?Areyous hakinghandsandsmiling?3)Tellhowtheygreeteachother?Howtheygreetolderpeople?Howtheygreettheirteachers?Howtheygreettheirparentsandotherrelatives?Andactingoutthesediff erentwaysforgreetingpeople.3.TextA:greetingandintroducingpeople1)Newwordsreading2)Askstudentswhattheycanseeinthepictures,howoldtheythinkthepeopleare,whatkindofoccasionitcouldbeandiftheyhaveabarbecueathomeandwhattheybarb ecue.3)Askstudentstoreadoutthetextloudparagraphbyparagraph.Collectanywordswhichstudentshavedifficultypronouncing.Writingthesewordsontheboard.Make alistontheboard.Thenrepeatthewords.4)Askstudentsthefollowingquestions:Howtogreetanolderpersonwhenyoumeethimforthefirsttime?Doyoushakehandswithanolderperson?Doyousmileatanolderperson?Howdoyouintroduceyourselftoanolderperson?Whatdoyousaytoayoungerperson?Howdoyouintroducesomebodyelsetoayoungerperson?Whatdoyousaytosomebodyyoualreadyknow?Howdoyouanswerayoungerpersonyouknowwhogreetsyoufirst?5)PairworkasKateMillerandSungLingstartingfromline17.6)Page5-1:readoutthesentencesandthenpairthem.7)Page5-2:checkthemeaningofthewordsbeforedoing.4.Backgroundinformation:1)studentexchange:increasestudent'sunderstandingandtoleranceofotherculture s,aswellasimprovingtheirlanguageskillsandbroadentheirsocialhorizon.2)Barbecue:anoutdoormeal,usuallyaformofsocialgatheringatwhichmeats,fish,orf owl,alongwithvegetables,areroastedoverawoodorcharcoalfire.5.wordsandexpressions:1)exchangepartner2)BowTheybowedlowtothechairman.Heturnedandbowedtohisboss.BowandarrowsHetookbowonstagetoaudience.3)Next-doorneighbor4)LimpLimphandshakeSheletherwholebodygolimp.Maryhadtwistedherankleandwaslimping.一瘸一拐5)Friend--friendlyunfriend--unfriendly--unfriendliness6)Informal--informally--informality7)Shortperiod8)Formal--formally--formality9)Hadbetterdo10)Informalformalnaturalpersonalprofessionaladditionaleducationalmusicalact ualofficialregionalindustrialinternationalmedicaltraditionalculturalpracticalPage7listening1:Beforeplayingtherecordinggetstudentstoreadthesentences1to6,firstquietlytothe mselves,thenaloud.Makesurethateverybodyhasunderstoodthesentences.Nowplaytherecordingandgetstudentstodotheexercise.Bepreparedtoplaytherecor dingasoftenasthestudentsneedit.Patrick:goodmorning.Excuseme,butareyouMsSusanGarnerfromChicago,pleaseSusan:that'sright.Patrick:howdoyoudo,MsGarner?I'mPatrichChoy.It'snicetomeetyou.I'vecometota keyoutoyourhotel.Susan:howdoyoudo,MrChoy.It'snicetomeetyou,too.Look,mayiintroduceyoutoone ofmycolleagues?ThisistonyHunter.Tony,thisisPatrickChoy.He'scometotakeustoo urhotel.Tony:Fine.Howdoyoudo,MrChoy?It'sapleasuretomeetyou.Patrick:Howdoyoudo,MrHunter.WelcometoHongkong.Tony:Thankyou.I'veheardsomanygoodthingsaboutHongkongthatit'swonderfulto behere.Patrick:that'snicetohear.Now,couldyoucomethisway,please?Thecar'sjustoutsidet hebuilding.It'snotfar.Askstudentstoreadoutthesentencesandsaywhethertheyaretrueorfalse.TextB:BlindDate1.Backgroundinformation:1)Blinddate:itusuallyoccurswhenthetwopeoplepreviouslynotknowingeachotheraregoingoutonadatesetupbyanotherpersonwhoknowsbothpeople.Today,m ostblinddatesaren'ttotallyblindperse,thankstoonlinesocialsitessuchasFacebo okandMySpace,wheremanypeoplehavephotographsofthemselvesthatareea silyaccessiblebyothers.2)Geocaching地理寻宝游戏:isahightechversionofhideandseekandanoutdoorrecreationalactivity,inwh ichtheparticipantsexploretheoutdoorsinsearchofhidden“treasure”andadven turebyusingaGPSreceiverormobiledeviceandothernavigationaltechniques.2.Wordsandexpressions:1)Internetdatingsite2)Icouldnotbelievemyeyes.3)ShebeganmodellinginParisaged15.4)Glamour--glamorous5)Suit--suitable6)Allthegirlsfanciedhim.Lindatookquiteafancytohim.Whatdoyoufancydoing?Ijustfanciedadrink.7)tongue-tied8)Agenerousglassofwine一大杯酒;generosity大量充足9)Tipthewaiteradollar10)Stripedtie条纹领带11)TieupyourshoelaceItiedaknotintherope.12)ican'tstand.13)Ignore--ignorant--ignorance14)Beinnomoodfor.../todo...没心情做某事Beinthemoodfor../todo...有心情做某事Beinamood情绪不好15)misery--miserable--miserably16)Regret--regrettable--regrettably17)Straightaway马上18)Hopefully但愿19)Strikeupaconversationwithsb.搭讪攀谈strick--struck20)Beinconversationwithsb.正在谈话21)Makeconversation搭话找话说说应酬话。
中职英语职业模块 unit01
call about the hardware
5. 4:20 p.m. ask the janitor to clean the
meeting room
Unit 1 Working Together
Listening & Speaking
Listening Dialogue Role Play Words and Expressions
Unit 1 Working Together
Reading & Writing
Reading 1 Reading 2 Writing
Unit 1 Working Together
Reading 1
Warm up Text A Words and Expressions Read and fill Read and think
6. Every company has its own style and pace for doing work. Pace your work to that of your fellow employees.
Note that any of this advice has almost nothing to do with the job itself or the skills, training and experience you bring to it. That’s usually the easy part of any new job.
Unit 1 Working Together
高教版英语1(高职高专版)(第三版)课件unit 1
Unit 1 Greeting People You Meet for the First Time
Aims and Requirements Language Focus
Focal Function and Patterns
3) Hi! How are you? Hello! How are things with you? Hey! How are you doing?
English I
Unit 1
Greeting People You Meet for the First Time
高职英语第一册unit 1
Unit OneWhy College?ⅠWarm-Up Activities1. Listening: (Listen to the summary of the text made by you or news related to the text and then answer the following questions. In case of meeting some new words, write them down on the blackboard and give some brief hints.)2. Interview:3. Discussion: (It allows the students to work in pairs or small groups to discuss the following questions.)1) What’s the advantage of going to college?2) What’s the disadvantage of finding a job after high school?3) Give your opinions.4. Report:Look at the title.Why college?Do you know what college is?Well you are college students. Well if someone ask you, what’s your major? How to answer? You should say I’m Sports majors. Sports majorDegreeBachelor degreeMaster degreeWhy you come to college?For a better life, right?Diploma 文凭After you graduate from school you will start your career.Entertainer 演艺人员Entrepreneur 企业家Executive 管理人员Athlete 运动员ⅡVocabulary StudyRead and explain some useful words or phrases.o advanced:e.g. Most people find her advanced ideas difficult to accept.o beyond: outside the range ofe.g. The car is beyond repair.------ Can you give me a hand?_____ Sorry, it is beyond me.o dominate: v. have power and control overe.g. Much of my spare time seems to be dominated by housework.Sports, and not learning, seem to dominate at that school.o entertainer:eraser, erector, director, computer, weedier, viewer, and so on.o faith: (in)e.g. Have you any faith in what he says?o major: n. chief subject at collegee.g. Business English is my major at college.adj. chief or importante.g. Guangzhou is one of the major cities of China.v. specialize ine.g. He majored in two subjects at CambridgeUniversity.o outearn: v. earn more thane.g. Tom outearns his father.out: surpassinge.g. outgo, outgrow, outlook, outliveo view:v. see or regard or think ofe.g. We will go and view the house before we buy it. ( inspect)He was viewed as the best candidate for this fob. (think of sb. as)II. Text Presentation and Language Points1. The more you learn, the more you earn.This is a structure used to show that two things happen together.Examples:A. The more practice you have, the fewer mistakes you will make.B. We'll have to begin our journey early tomorrow; in fact, the earlier, the better.C. Actually, the busier he is, the happier he feels.D. The more I read the poem, the more I understood it.2 .... as she accepted her high school diploma.diploma: a certificate of graduation from a school or collegeExamples:A. He received a diploma from Harvard in 1978.B. She worked hard to earn her music diploma.3. Although Cyndi made it without a high school degree, most people don't.make it: be successful (in one's career, etc.)Examples:A. He failed to make it as a writer.B. It's hard to make it to the top in show business.4. In the U.S.A. today, about 75% of jobs require some education or technical training beyond high school degrees; college graduates outearn those without a college education;...1) require: needExamples:A. What do you require of me?B. They required me to be quiet.C. It is required that the instrument should be tested before it is actually used.2) beyond: outside the range ofExamples:A. The car is beyond repair.B. Your work is beyond all praise.C. They're paying $100,000 for a small flat it's beyond belief.3) outearn: earn more thanExample:Tom outearns his father.4) out-: to a greater extent; surpassing, such as outdo, outlive, outnumberExamples:A. Jim outlived his wife by five years.B. John was unable to outdo his elder brother at tennis.C. The teenager outgrew his shoes in four months.D. Our army outnumbered the enemy's troops.5. Many skilled blue-collar workers, salespeople, business executives, and entrepreneurs outearn college professors and scientific researchers.executive: person or group in a business organization with administrative or managerial powers Example:I would like to apply for the position of sales executive.Lines 13 176. But a college education is not only preparation for a career; it is also (or should be) preparation for life.career: job or professionExamples:A. People choose their careers for many reasons.B. A r6sum6 always includes a description of your career objectives.7. In addition to courses in their major field of study, most students have time to take elective courses.1) in addition to: as well as; besidesExamples:A. In addition to giving a general introduction to computers, the course also provides practical training.B. We saw a Mickey Mouse cartoon, in addition to the cowboy movie.2) major as an adjective: greater or more importantExample:A. Cigarette smoking is a major factor contributing to cancer.B. Chicago is one of the major cities of the United States.major as a noun: a chief or special subject at a universityExample:She chose economics as her major.major in: specialize in (a certain subject) at college or universityExample:Helen majored in two subjects at the University of Maryland.8 .... or whatever else interests them.whatever: (used as pronoun or adjective)Examples:A. Whatever happens, don't forget to write to me.B. You can take whatever book you like on the bookshelf.9. But recent high school graduates no longer dominate the college campuses.1) graduate as a noun: person who has completed a course at a college, school, etc.Example:College graduates in China are now-ready to accept lower-paid jobs.graduate as a verb: complete an educational courseExample:He graduated from Oxford ten years ago.2) dominate: have power and control overExamples:A. He completely dominated the group and made all the decisions.B. Thanks to his strong personality, John dominated the new committee.3) campus: the grounds of a school, college or universityExamples:A. Freshmen are required to live on campus.B. The Princeton campus has developed into one of the most attractive in the country.10. Serving this great variety of people are about 3,400 colleges and universities enrolling more than 12 million students.variety: different kinds ofExamples:A. The electronics department had a wide variety of radios.B. There is quite a variety of food on the buffet table.11. American faith in the value of education is shown by this rising number of Americans who have at least a bachelor's degree.faith: strong belief inExamples:A. Have you any faith in what he says?B. I haven't much faith in the medicine.12. In the U.S.A., a college education is not viewed as a privilege reserved for the wealthy or the academically talented.1) view.., as: consider sb. or sth. in a certain wayExamples:A. I view John as a reliable colleague.B. John views his office as a dungeon.2) ) privilege: special fight given to a personExamples:A. The wealthy seem to have a great many privileges.B. Diplomats enjoy a lot of privileges in foreign countries.3) reserve: keep for a special purpose; make a reservation; and reserved is often used as adjective, meaning unwilling to express oneself freely or kept for special use.Examples:A. We'll reserve the room for you till noon tomorrow.B. The first three rows of the hall are reserved for special guests.C. I have reserved a table for two at the restaurant.D. Sorry, we haven't a reserved table.E. Jane is a shy, reserved girl.4) talent: special natural ability or skill; and talented is adjectiveExamples:A. He has a talent for drawing.B. This university aims at helping young people develop their talents.C. Yao Ming'is a highly talented basketball player.talented: having or showing talent; giftedExample:He was a very talented architect.V. Summary of the TextBetter education usually means higher incomes, although this may not always be the casein our life. In America today, more and more people, in spite of their differences in age, go to college also for career advancement or personal growth. The fact that America has got amuch higher percentage of people with college degrees than most other major countries in the world is proof of American faith in the value of education and equal rights for education in theU.S.Word reviewLet’s have a review of what we have learned.ReviewThree fundamental sentence patterns1) be eg: I am a boy2) There be: Three are 70 students in our class.3)He studied English.He studied English hard in the university for the test on Sunday.He studied English on Sunday.He studied English in the University on Sunday.He studied English hard.He studied English for the test.OutearnTom outearned his father last year.GraduateHe graduates from Oxford ten years agoDominateJohn dominated the new committee, thanks to his strong personality.He completely dominated the group and made all the decision.ReserveWe’ll reserve the room for you till noon tomorrow.The first three rows are reserved for special guests.We reserved the first three rows for special guests.I have reserved a table for two at the restaurant.ReservedJane is a shy, reserved girl.RequireWhat do you require of me? Require sth of sbThey required me to be quiet. Require sb to do sthIt is required that the instrument should be tested before it is actually used.It is required that…Made itHe failed to make it as a writerIt’s hard to make it to the top in show business.In addition toIn addition to the cowboy movie, we saw a Mickey Mouse cartoon.View… asI view john as a reliable colleague.John views his office as heaven.3. Read the text again and answer my questionGrammarHomework英语冠词专项练习题:1. I read ______story. It is ______interesting story.A. a, anB. a, aC. the, theD. /, an2. Britain is __ European country and China is ___ Asian country.A. an, anB. a, aC. a, anD. an, a3. ______China is _____ old country with _____ long history.A. The, an, aB. The, a, aC. /, an, theD. /, an, a4. _____elephant is bigger than ______ horse.A. /, /B. an, aC. An, aD. /, the5. We always have ______rice for ______lunch.A. /, /B. the, /C. /, aD. the, the6. It took me ______ hour and _____ half to finish ______ work.A. a, a, aB. an, a, aC. an, a, theD. an, a, /7. ______ doctor told me to take ______ medicine three times______day, stay in _____bed, then I would be better soon.A. /, a, a, theB. A, the, the, /C. The, the, a, /D. A, /, a, /8. There is ____ picture on ____ wall. I like ____ picture very much.A. a, the, theB. a, the, aC. the, a, aD. a, an, the9. January is ______first month of the year.A. aB. /C. anD. the10. Shut _____door, please.A. aB. anC. theD./11. Einstein won _____ Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921.A. aB. anC. theD. /12. What ____ fine day it is today! Let's go to the Summer Palace.A. aB. anC. theD. /13. I like music, but I don't like ____ music of that TV play.A. aB. anC. theD. /14. ____ girl over there is ____ English teacher.A. The, anB. A, /C. The, /D. A, a15. It's ____ exciting way to shop on the Net.A. aB. anC. theD. /16. She was ___ founder of ___ order of nuns called the Missionaries of Charity.A. a, anB. a, /C. the, /D. the, an17. Xi'an is ___ old city with ___ long history, isn't it?A. a, anB. an, aC. the, theD. the, a18. Nancy's sister is ____ English teacher, isn't she?A. aB. anC. theD. /19. Chaffs is______ boy, but he can play the guitar very well.A. an eight-years oldB. a eight-year-oldC. a eight-years-oldD. an eight-year-old20. We often have sports after class, and I like to play _____ basketball.A. aB. anC. theD. /21.More college graduates would like to work in _______ west part of our country ______ next year.A. the, theB. /, /C. /, theD. the, /22.We work five days ______ week.A. aB. anC. theD. /23.-In which class is ______ boy in white?-He's in class 4.A. theB. aC. anD. /24.-Where do you usually have ______ lunch?-At home.A. aB. anC. theD. /25.He hit his sister in ______ face.A. theB. herC. ×D. his26.-Have you seen ______ book? I left it here this morning.-Is it ______ Chinese book? I saw it.A. a, theB. the, theC. the, aD. a, a27.There's ______“u” and ______“s” in ______word “use”.A. an, a, theB. a, an, ×C. a, a, aD. a, an, the28.-Did you see my grandmother?-Oh, I saw ______old woman sitting on a chair by the lake. Maybe she is.A. aB. anC. theD. ×29.-Do you see ______man with dog?-Oh, Yes, dog is yellow.A. the, a, TheB. a, a, theC. a, a, AD. a, the, A30.Who is ______better, Li Ping or Wang Dong?A. theB. aC. anD. ×参考答案:1-5 ACDCA 5-10 CCADC 10-15 CACAB 16-20 DBBDD 21- 25 DAADA 26-30 DDBBD。
(teacher expla in the structure of the text and key words and expressi ons)
Achieve (vt.)
Achieve+n. (sth good)
e.g. After 10 years of hard work, he fin ally achieved
(2)in formatio n collecti on
What do you know about "google"?
What search engine do you often use to find information about something or the In ternet?
(Ask Ss to prese nt their ideas. Kno wledge in side or outside the text is welcome.)
Task 2.List at least two compa nies for each type of the followi ng products.
Compare the brands and choose your favorite one.
Eg. Household applia nceTCL, Sony, Panasonic, Philips…
e.g. 1. The school excels in sports.
2. She has always excelled at foreig n Ian guages.
in terms of:from the point of view of; with regard to; concerning
New Words and Phrases
• term
n. 术语;学期;期限;条款 vt. 把…叫做
e.g.: He failed no students this term.这学期他 没有给学生不及格。
• expert
adj. 熟练的;内行的;老练的 n. 专家;行家;能手 vt. 当专家;在…中当行家 e.g.: The expert elaborates his theory from his own reason. 这位专家详尽阐述他的学说。
New Words and Phrases
• professor n. 教授;教师;公开表示信仰的人
e.g. :The professor improvised a poem in the class. 教授在课堂上即兴创作了一首诗
• honor
n. 荣誉;信用;头衔 vt. 尊敬(等于honour);给…以荣誉 e.g. : Your honor brings to all of us. 你的荣誉给我们带来了荣耀。
Unit 1 Greeting People You Meet for
the First Time
Dialogue A
• Receptionist: a person who receives people arriving in a hotel 接待员
• Technical: a. having special knowledge技 术的、工业的 \ technical school技术学 校
so involves the risk of failure 冒险(行动或事业) Joint venture 合资企业
I chose come to… (your college name) because I think it’s easier and cheaper for me.
M: I am in the Department of _____L_a__w______ and I am a freshman on the campus. How about you?
S: I have been studying here for two years.
M: Really? Could you do me a small favor and show me around? I want to take a tour of the campus.
Unit 1 A Brand New following questions with your partners.
1. What’s your first impression of your college? 2. What is your major? Why did you choose it? 3. What things would you like to do during college?
Unit 1 A Brand New Day
An all-hands meeting is one that is held with everyone who works within a company. It tends to be held when there is important information that needs to be communicated to a large group of employees, as this allows information to be passed on to everyone at the same time.
Dustin was chosen as the new CEO, with 95% of the votes.
Successful candidates need to be supported by at least 2/3 of all stakeholders.
If nobody receives the required number of votes, the previous person stays on for another 6 months
Can Employees Decide an Organization’s Leadership?
Today the leadership election process looks quite different.
The CEO starts the process by proposing an organizational structure for the next year with a public document, sharing a vision for the future and what would be needed in terms of leadership positions. Everyone is able to question the necessity of any position. Once the positions are defined, everyone can apply, or propose someone else. One month before an election, the people who are up for the position introduce themselves and their ideas. Successful candidates need to be supported by at least 2/3 of all stakeholders. If nobody receives the required number of votes, the previous person stays on for another six months, and then a new election would be held.
高职高专英语第一册Unit One
U n i t O n eWords and Expressionsmore ..., the more ...越…越…The more angry he became, the more she laughed at him.他越生气,她就越笑他。
the more ..., the less ...越…越不…The more difficult the questions are, the less likely I am to be able to answer them.问题越困难,我就越不可能回答2. (1)executive adj.决策和执行的a man of great executive ability决策与执行能力强的人执行者; 行政长官; [美]最高行政官(指州长或总统) ;行政部门; 执行委员会经理, 社长, 董事The president of a company is an executive.公司的经理是公司的管理者。
(2)(善于)执行的, 管理的, 行政的an executive committee执行委员会an executive branch行政部门executive authorities 行政当局executive board 董事会; 理事会Para. 21.career事业;职业My grandfather was a career teacher; it's the only job he'd ever done.我祖父教了一辈子书,教书是他所干过的唯一的工作。
make a career 在事业上有所成就At school we learn a variety of things.在学校我们学习各种东西The shopping-centre sells a variety of goods.这个购物中心出售许多种商品。
At school we learn a variety of things.在学校我们学习各种东西。
高职国际进阶英语综合教程unit1课文原文和译文高职国际进阶英语综合教程unit1课文原文和译文Text A Barbecue partySung Ling from Shanghai is staying with her exchange partner, Kate Miller, in San Francisco.On Ling’s first Saturday, the Millers have a barbecue in their garden. They want to introduce Ling to some of their neighbours. Kate also invites some of her friends from school.Before the barbecue, Ling is a little nervous. “What do I say when you introduce me to somebo dy?” she asks Kate.“Don’t worry, Ling,” Kate says. “It’s very easy. When I introduce you to an older person, for example Grant Summers, our next-door neighbour, I say, ‘Grant, this is Sung Ling from Shanghai. She’s my exchange partner.’ And then I say to you, ‘Ling, this is Grant Summers. He’s our next-door neighbour.’ And you just say, ‘How do you do, Mr Summers? It’s nice to meet you.’”“Yes, but do I shake hands or just smile?”“Well, with an older person you can shake hands and smile. But remember that in America, we like a firm handshake.”“Okay, Kate,” Ling says, “but what about when I want to introduce myself? Maybe you won’t be there.”“Well, if it’s an older person –Grant’s wife, Susan, for example –you just offer your hand and say, ‘How do you d o? I’m Sung Ling from Shanghai. I’m Kate’s exchange partner.’”“And what will the other person say?” Ling asks.“Well, the other person will also say ‘How do you do?’ and tell you his or her name.”“Okay. I’ve got that. But what about younger people? Youk now, your friends from school.”“Well, just say, ‘Hi, I’m Ling, Kate’s exchange partner.’ It’s very informal.”“And what about people I already know?”“Well, if you see somebody you know after a short time, just say ‘Hello.’ But if you see them after a lon ger time, then you say, ‘How are you?’ or maybe ‘How are things?’”“And what do I answer if somebody greets me with ‘How are you, Ling?’”“Just say ‘Fine, thanks. And you?’ Then the other person says, ‘I’m fine, too. Thanks.’”“Okay. But I thought you said it’s very easy.”译文:上海来的宋玲与她的交换伙伴凯特·米勒一起住在旧金山。
高职高专 新职业英语 职业综合英语1 课文翻译
高职高专新职业英语职业综合英语1 课文翻译--------------------------可以编辑的精品文档,你值得拥有,下载后想怎么改就怎么改---------------------------==========================================================高职高专新职业英语?职业综合英语1课文翻译Unit 1 Organization第一课谷歌上过互联网的人都见过谷歌,许多人要在互联网上查找某方面的信息时,他们都会去“谷歌”一下。
高职高专综合英语unit 1
1.计算类,数字,价格,熟记和数字相关 的题型。 2.关键词类,相关背景。 3.同义词转换。 passerby=a people who pass by =pedestrian 4.逻辑推理,说话人的语气来判断。
Intensive Reading
China under Globalization • The present situation of “China under Globalization” 1. With the globalization of markets, stiffer competition, new technologies and demanding customers, supply chain management has become the rallying cry of business leaders from around the globe. Why? Because effective supply chain management lets you deliver products and services cheaper, faster, and better. In today’s marketplace, you must have that competitive edge to survive and grow.
8.严师总能出高徒,通宵熬夜不怕苦。 (短对话中出现老师常有高要求,而学生做作业通常要花比预期更多的间。) 9.论文通常要修改,严重一点就重来。 (短对话中,如果有论文或者作业,通常不容易按时完成。) 10.如果遇到有讲座,内容一般都无聊。 (对话中,出现讲座,通常观众不会从头听到尾,要么睡觉,要么不开心。) 11.车船从来不按时,时间一定要记好。 (短对话中,乘坐交通工具,通常不准时。一定要记好时间。) 12.事故灾难不用怕,死里逃生有诀窍。 (短对话中出现事故,一般死不了人。总是有出人意料的事情发生。) 13.生病如需去医院,切记提前要预约。 (中美文化差异,事事都要提前约。) 14.生活当中要买票,基本都是买不到。 (短对话中出现买票,订房,一般很难如意。) 15.对话虽短别大意,关键记住易答题。 (对话中要注意记笔记。特别留意时间,关系,地点,数字,电话号码等。)
新世纪高职高专英语综合教程01-unit 1
4. Going to college ,either full-time or part time, is
naturally becoming the next step after high school. Today,
more than half of American high school graduates enroll t — be successful (in one's career, etc.)成功 e.g. He failed to make it as a writer. 他没有成为一名作家。 It's hard to make it to the top in show business. 很难到达演艺界的顶峰。
3. But a college education is not only preparation for a career; It‟s also preparation for life. In addition to courses in their major field of study, most students have time to take elective courses. They may take classes that help them understand more about human nature, government, the arts, sciences, or whatever else interests them.
Language Points
in addition to — as well as; besides e.g. In addition to giving a general introduction to computers, the course also provides practical training. 除了对计算机的总体介绍,该课程还提供实践培训。 We saw a Mickey Mouse cartoon, in addition to the cowboy movie. 除了看牛仔的电影,我们还看了米老鼠的卡通,
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., founded in 1962, is an American public corporation that runs a chain of large, discount department stores. It is the world’s largest public corporation by revenue, according to the “2008 Fortune Global 500”. 收益,营业
9. Each room in this building has its own special __fe_a_t_u_r_e_s__. 10. The area’s rich natural resources have long __f_u_e_l_e_d___
the Russian economy.
Carrefour SA is a French international hypermarket chain, with a global network of outlets. It is the second largest retail group in the world in terms of revenue after Wal-Mart.
Germany ___J_a_p_a_n____ ____U_S_A______
Supermarket Companies
Germany ____U_S_A_____ ___F_r_a_n_c_e___
Mobile Phone Companies
Republic of Korea
__P_. _R_._C_h_i_n_a_ __F_i_n_l_a_n_d___
a decision.
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Unit 1 Organization
LanguTasak ge Lab 2-2
6. Swimmers have been told to __s_ta_y__a_w_a__y_f_r_o_m_ the beach following a shark attack last week.
3. The business was __a_c_q_u_i_re_d__ from Owen four years ago. 4. Summers in the north ___te__n_d_t_o__ be cooler and drier
than in the south. 5. Once we have the __r_e_le__v_a_n_t_ information, we can make
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Unit 1 Organization
ReadTAe-i3xnt g A
3 Page and his partner Sergey Brin set up their company on September 7, 1998 and registered the the following week. The search engine quickly grew in popularity and in 2000 Google began to sell advertising on their website. After a few years of growth fueled by eager investors, Google went public. Many Google employees became instant millionaires.
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Unit 1 Organization
ming-up Company
Samsung Group is the largest company of the Republic of Korea. It is composed of Samsung Electronics, Samsung Heavy Industries and Samsung Engineering & Construction.
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Unit 1 Organization
ReaTAe-4dxt ing A
4 Google has recently acquired which is the Internet’s largest videosharing website and continues to add new features every day including tool bars, email, and advertising. Of course, with growth and success there also comes competition. Microsoft has recently tried to acquire Yahoo in order to compete with Google in the Internet search engine area.
1. To become a successful _e_n_t_re_p__re_n__e_u_r, one should have a working knowledge about the business he plans to start.
2. If you click on this ____l_in_k____, it takes you to our flight schedule.
Unit 1 Organization
Warmrm-ing-up 1
Task 1 Look at the following logos and give the names of the countries in which the companies are headquartered.
Car Companies
Lenovo Group Limited is China’s largest and the world’s fourth largest personal computer manufacturer. Lenovo mainly produces desktops, laptops, servers, handheld computers, imaging equipment and mobile phone handsets (听筒).
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Unit 1 Organization
“创意休息时间”(Innovation Time Off )
“年轻人最向往的雇主 ”( The best employer of youngsters to work for)
Unit 1 Organization
Let’s compete!
Unit 1 Organization
LanguTasak ge Lab 2-1
Task 2 Complete the following sentences with the words or phrases from Task 1. Change the form if necessary.
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Unit 1 Organization
Text Task 1 Task 2
Readgt; Home
Unit 1 Organization
ReadTAe-1xitng A
1 Anyone who has ever used the Internet has
新职业英语 Unit 1 Organization Unit 1
Reading A
Unit 1 Organization
What is a logo?
A logo is a graphical element that, together with its logo type, forms a trademark or commercial brand.
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Unit 1 Organization
War mW mi-na2r g-up
Task 2 List at least two companies for each type of the following products.
TCL, Sony, Panasonic, Philips…
7. Students with good communication skills will have a better chance to ____e_x_c_e_l __ at work.
8. Ever since basketball was invented, its _p_o_p__u_la_r_i_ty_ has become increasingly higher.
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Unit 1 Organization
ReadRngeiaAdni g A
How to introduce a company?
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Unit 1 Organization
Business Know-how