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M5 Unit 4

1.journalist /dʒɜrnəlɪst/ ( journalists )

N-COUNT A journalist is a person whose job is to collect news and write about it for newspapers, magazines, television, or radio. 新闻工作者

2.involve /ɪnvɒlv/ ( involves, involving, involved, to involove )

1. V-T If a situation or activity involves something, that thing is a necessary part or consequence of it. 需要

例:Running a kitchen involves lots of discipline and speed.


2. V-T If a situation or activity involves someone, they are taking part in it. 涉及

例:If there was a cover-up, it involved people at the very highest levels of government.


3. V-T If you say that someone involves themselves in something, you mean that they take part in it, often in a way that is unnecessary or unwanted. 使卷入

例:I seem to have involved myself in something I don't understand.


4. V-T If you involve someone in something, you get them to take part in it. 使参与

例:Nasser and I do everything together, he involves me in everything.


5. V-T If one thing involves you in another thing, especially something unpleasant or inconvenient, the first thing causes you to do or deal with the second. 使陷入

例:I don't want to do anything that will involve me in a long-term commitment.


3.editor /ɛdɪtər/ ( editors )

1. N-COUNT An editor is the person who is in charge of a newspaper or magazine and who decides what will be published in each edition of it. 主编

例:Her father was the former editor of the Saturday Review.


2. N-COUNT An editor is a journalist who is responsible for a particular section of a newspaper or magazine. 栏目编辑

例:Mike later became the sports editor for The Beacon.


3. N-COUNT An editor is a person who checks and corrects texts before they are published. 编辑例:Your role as editor is important, for you can look at a piece of writing objectively.


4. N-COUNT An editor is a person who collects pieces of writing by different authors and prepares them for publication in a book or a series of books. (书籍、丛书) 主编

例:Michael Rosen is the editor of the anthology.


4.photograph /foʊtəgræf/

( photographs, photographing, photographed, to photograph )

1. N-COUNT A photograph is a picture that is made using a camera. 照片

例:He wants to take some photographs of the house.


2. V-T When you photograph someone or something, you use a camera to obtain a picture of them. 给…照相[FORMAL]

例:She photographed the children.


例:I hate being photographed.


5.photographer /fətɒgrəfər/( photographers )

N-COUNT A photographer is someone who takes photographs as a job or hobby. 摄影师; 摄影爱好者

例:...a professional photographer.


例:...an amateur photographer.


6.photography /fətɒgrəfi/

N-UNCOUNT Photography is the skill, job, or process of producing photographs. 摄影术; 摄影

例:Photography is one of her hobbies.


7.unforgettable /ʌnfərgɛtəbəl/

ADJ If you describe something as unforgettable, you mean that it is, for example, extremely beautiful, enjoyable, or unusual, so that you remember it for a long time. You can also refer to extremely unpleasant things as unforgettable. 令人难忘的

例:A visit to the museum is an unforgettable experience.


例:...the outdoor activities that will make your vacation unforgettable.


8.assignment /əsaɪnmənt/ ( assignments )

N-COUNT An assignment is a task or piece of work that you are given to do, especially as part of your job or studies. 任务; 作业

例:The assessment for the course involves written assignments and practical tests.


9.delighted /dɪlaɪtɪd/

1. ADJ If you are delighted, you are extremely pleased and excited about something. 高兴的

例:I know Frank will be delighted to see you.

