九年级上册数学易错题汇总1. 关于X 的方程¥+21-7〃 = 0有两个相等的实数根,则,〃的值是()A.m = 1 = - 1 = 2 D.〃,=-2【考点】根的判别式.【解答】由题意可知:△=4+4m = 0,in = - 1,故选:B.2. 下列关于X 的方程是一元二次方程的是()A./+1 =0B.x+1 = 1X (x+l ) (x-l ) *七€+1故本选项符合题意;C. ”+Z )x+f = O D.【考点】一元二次方程的定义.【解答】刀、是一元二次方程,不是一元二次方程,故本选项不符合题意;。
、不是一元二次方程,故本选项不符合题意;D 、 不是一元二次方程,故本选项不符合题意;故选:A.3.一个容器盛满纯药液63千克,第一次倒出一部分药液后加满水,第二次 又倒出同样多的药液,再加满水,此时容器内的纯药液剩下28千克,那么每次倒出的药液是()A.20千克 B.21千克 C.22千克 D.175千克【考点】一元二次方程的应用.【解答】设每次倒出药液x升,63-x依题意,得:士寻二1-咎63 63整理,得:一i26r+2205=0,解得:XI二21,.K2二105(不合题意,舍去).故选:B.4.已知关于x的一元二次方程(4 1)r—2x+2=0有两个不相等的实数根,则次的取值范围值是()A.k<旦B.k<2CA〈岂且《兴1DAW岂且上尹L2222[考点】一元二次方程的定义;的判别式.【解答】根据题意得:△二〃-4w=4・8(*1)=12.8左>0,且X-1产0,:上且左乂1./'JT得故选:C.5.—元二次方程寸一6x一1=0配方后可变形为()A.(X-3)2=8B.(x-3)2=10 c.(x+3)J8 D.(x+3)2 =10【考点】解一元二次方程•配方法.【解答】・.・*2-6*-1=0,•*-x2-6x=1,.•-(x-3)2=10,故选:8.6.某商品原售价为60元,4月份下降了20%,从5月份起售价开始增长,6月份售价为75元,设5、6月份每个月的平均增长率为.「则的值为()A.15% B.25% C.20% D.30%【考点】一元二次方程的应用.【解答】设5、6月份每个月的平均增长率为X,由题意,得60(1-20%)(1+x)2=755得X=0.25二25%(舍去负值)牧选:B.7.一元二次方程X2-5.X+1=。
初中数学选择、填空、简答题之羊若含玉创作易错题集锦及答案一、选择题1、A、B是数轴上原点两旁的点,则它们暗示的两个有理数是(C )A、互为相反数B、绝对值相等C、是符号不合的数D、都是负数2、有理数a、b在数轴上的位置如图所示,则化简|a-b|-|a+b|的成果是(A )A、2aB、2bC、2a-2b D3、汽船顺流航行时m千米/小时,逆流航行时(m-6)千米/小时,则水流速度(B )A、2千米/小时B、3千米/小时C、6千米/小时D、不克不及确定4、方程2x+3y=20的正整数解有(B )A、1个B、3个C、4个D、无数个5、下列说法错误的是(C )A、两点确定一条直线B、线段是直线的一部分C、一条直线是一个平角D、把线段向双方延长等于直线6、函数y=(m2-1)x2-(3m-1)x+2的图象与x轴的交点情况是( C )A、当m≠3时,有一个交点B、1±m时,有两个交≠C、当1±=m时,有一个交点D、不管m为何值,均无交点7、如果两圆的半径分离为R和r(R>r),圆心距为d,且(d-r)2=R2,则两圆的位置关系是( B )A 、内切B 、外切C 、内切或外切D 、不克不及确定8、在数轴上暗示有理数a 、b 、c 的小点分离是A 、B 、C 且b<a<c ,则下列图形正确的是( D )A B C D9、有理数中,绝对值最小的数是( C )A 、-1B 、1C 、0D 、不存在10、21的倒数的相反数是( A )A 、-2B 、2C 、-21D 、2111、若|x|=x ,则-x 一定是( B )A 、正数B 、非负数C 、负数D 、非正数12、两个有理数的和除以这两个有理数的积,其商为0,则这两个有理数为( C )A 、互为相反数B 、互为倒数C 、互为相反数且不为0D 、有一个为013、长方形的周长为x ,宽为2,则这个长方形的面积为( C )A 、2xB 、2(x-2)C 、x-4D 、2·(x-2)/214、“比x 的相反数大3的数”可暗示为( C )A 、-x-3B 、-(x+3)C 、3-xD 、x+315、如果0<a<1,那么下列说法正确的是( B )A 、a2比a 大B 、a2比a 小C 、a2与a 相等D 、a2与a 的大小不克不及确定16、数轴上,A 点暗示-1,现在A 开端移动,先向左移动3个单位,再向右移动9个单位,又向左移动5个单位,这时,A 点暗示的数是( B )A 、-1B 、0C 、1D 、817、线段AB=4cm ,延长AB 到C ,使BC=AB 再延长BA 到D ,使AD=AB ,则线段CD 的长为( A )A 、12cmB 、10cmC 、8cmD 、4cm18、21-的相反数是( B )A 、21+B 、12-C 、21--D 、12+-19、方程x(x-1)(x-2)=x 的根是( D )A 、x1=1, x2=2B 、x1=0, x2=1, x3=2C 、x1=253+, x2=253-D 、x1=0,x2=353+, x3=253-20、解方程04)1(5)1(322=-+++x x x x 时,若设y x x =+1,则原方程可化为( B )A 、3y2+5y-4=0B 、3y2+5y-10=0C 、3y2+5y-2=0D 、3y2+5y+2=021、方程x2+1=2|x|有( B )A 、两个相等的实数根;B 、两个不相等的实数根;C 、三个不相等的实数根;D 、没有实数根22、一次函数y=2(x-4)在y 轴上的截距为( C )A 、-4B 、4C 、-8D 、823、解关于x 的不等式⎩⎨⎧-<>a x a x ,正确的结论是( C )A 、无解B 、解为全体实数C 、当a>0时无解D 、当a<0时无解24、反比例函数x y 2=,当x≤3时,y 的取值规模是( C )A 、y≤32B 、y≥32C 、y≥32或y<0D 、0<y≤3225、0.4的算术平方根是( C )A 、0.2B 、±0.2C 、510D 、±510 26、李明骑车上学,一开端以某一速度行驶,途中车子产生故障,只好停车修理,车修好后,因怕耽误时间,于时就加速了车速,在下列给出的四个函数示意图象,相符以上情况的是( D )A B C D27、若一数组x1, x2, x3, …, xn 的平均数为x ,方差为s2,则另一数组kx1, kx2, kx3, …, kxn 的平均数与方差分离是( A )A 、k x , k2s2B 、x , s2C 、k x , ks2D 、k2x , ks228、若关于x 的方程21=+-a x x 有解,则a 的取值规模是( B )A 、a≠1B 、a≠-1C 、a≠2D 、a≠±129、下列图形中既是中心对称图形,又是轴对称图形的是( A )A 、线段B 、正三角形C 、平行四边形D 、等腰梯形30、已知d c b a =,下列各式中不成立的是( C )A 、d c b a d c b a ++=--B 、d b ca d c 33++= C 、b d ac b a 23++= D 、ad=bc 31、一个三角形的三个内角不相等,则它的最小角不大于( D )A 、300B 、450C 、550D 、60032、已知三角形内的一个点到它的三边距离相等,那么这个点是( C )A 、三角形的外心B 、三角形的重心C 、三角形的心坎D 、三角形的垂心33、下列三角形中是直角三角形的个数有( B )①三边长分离为3:1:2的三角形 ②三边长之比为1:2:3的三角形 ③三个内角的度数之比为3:4:5的三角形 ④一边上的中线等于该边一半的三角形A 、1个B 、2个C 、3个D 、4个34、如图,设AB=1,S △OAB=43cm2,则弧ABA 、3πcmB 、32πcm C 、6πcm D 、2πcm 35、平行四边形的一边长为5cm ,则它的两条对角线长可以是( D )A 、4cm, 6cmB 、4cm, 3cmC 、2cm, 12cmD 36、如图,△ABC 与△BDE 都是正三角形,且不动, 将△BDE 绕B 点旋转,则在旋转进程中,AE 与CD 的大小关系是( A )A 、AE=CDB 、AE>CDC 、AE>CD D 、无法确定37、顺次贯穿连接四边形各边中点得到一个菱形,则原四边形必是( A )A 、矩形B 、梯形C 、两条对角线互相垂直的四边形D 、两条对角线相等的四边形38、在圆O 中,弧AB=2CD ,那么弦AB 和弦CD 的关系是( C )A BA 、AB=2CDB 、AB>2CDC 、与CD 不成能相等39、在等边三角形ABC 外有一点D ,知足AD=AC ,则∠BDC 的度数为( D )A 、300B 、600C 、1500D 、300或150040、△ABC 的三边a 、b 、c 知足a≤b≤c ,△ABC 的周长为18,则( C )A 、a≤6B 、b<6C 、c>6D 、a 、b 、c 中有一个等于641、如图,在△ABC 中,∠ACB=Rt ∠,AC=1,BC=2,则下列说法正确的是( C )A 、∠B=300 BC 、斜边上的高线长为552D 、该三角形外接圆的半径为142、如图,把直角三角形纸片沿过极点B 的直线BE (BE 交CA 于E )折叠,直角极点C 落在斜边AB 上,如果折叠后得到等腰三角形EBA ,那么下列结论中(1)∠A=300 (2)点C 与AB 的中点重合 (3)点E 到AB 的距离等于CE 的长,正确的个数是( D )A 、0B 、1C 、2D 、343、不等式6322+>+x x 的解是( C )A 、x>2B 、x>-2C 、x<2D 、x<-2 44、已知一元二次方程(m-1)x2-4mx+4m-2=0有实数根,则m 的取值规模是( B )A 、m≤1B 、m≥31且m≠1 C 、m≥1 D 、-1<m≤145、函数y=kx+b(b>0)和y=x k -(k≠0),在同一坐标系中的图象可能是( B ) A B C D46、在一次函数y=2x-1的图象上,到两坐标轴距离相等的点有( B )A 、1个B 、2个C 、3个D 、无数个47、若点(-2,y1)、(-1,y2)、(1,y3)在反比例函数x y 1=的图像上,则下列结论中正确的是( D )A 、y1>y2>y3B 、y1<y2<y3C 、y2>y1>y3D 、y3>y1>y248、下列根式是最简二次根式的是( B )A 、a 8B 、22b a +C 、x 1.0D 、5a49、下列盘算哪个是正确的( D )A 、523=+ B 、5252=+ C 、b a b a +=+22 D 、212221221+=-50、把a a 1--(a 不限定为正数)化简,成果为( B )A 、aB 、a - C 、-a D 、-a - 51、若a+|a|=0,则22)2(a a +-等于( A ) A 、2-2a B 、2a-2 C 、-2 D 、252、已知02112=-+-x x ,则122+-x x 的值( C )A 、1B 、±21C 、21D 、-21 53、设a 、b 是方程x2-12x+9=0的两个根,则b a +等于( C ) A 、18 B 、6 C 、23 D 、±2354、下列命题中,正确的个数是( B )①等边三角形都相似 ②直角三角形都相似 ③等腰三角形都相似④锐角三角形都相似 ⑤等腰三角形都全等 ⑥有一个角相等的等腰三角形相似⑦有一个钝角相等的两个等腰三角形相似 ⑧全等三角形相似A 、2个B 、3个C 、4个D 、5个二、填空题1、如果一个数的绝对值等于它的相反数,那么这个数一定是_____非正数____.2、a 是有理数,且a 的平方等于a 的立方,则a 是__0或1_.3、已知有理数a 、b 知足(a+2)2+|2b-6|=0,则a-b=___-5___.4、已知a-b=1, b+c=2, 则2a+2c+1=___7____.5、当x___≥3____时,|3-x|=x-3.6、从3点到3点30分,分针转了__180____度,时针转了___15____度.7、某种商品的标价为120元,若以标价的90%出售,仍相对进价获利20%,则该商品的进价为__90___元.8、为使某项工程提前20天完成,需将原来的工作效率提高25%,则原筹划完成的天数__100___天.9、因式分化:-4x2+y2=(2)(2)x y x y -+-, x2-x-6=(3)(2)x x -+10、盘算:a6÷a2=__4a ____,(-2)-4=__116____,-22=__-4____ 11、如果某商品降价x%后的售价为a 元,那么该商品的原价为10.01a x- 12、已知A 、B 、C 是数轴上的三个点,点B 暗示1,点C 暗示-3,AB=2,则AC 的长度是____2或6_____.13、甲乙两人合作一项工作a 时完成,已知这项工作甲独做需要b 时完成,则乙独做完成这项工作所需时间为b a ab- 14、已知(-3)2=a2,则a=___3±____.15、P 点暗示有理数2,那么在数轴上到P 点的距离等于3个单位长度的点所暗示的数是_5或1_.16、a 、b 为实数,且知足ab+a+b-1=0,a2b+ab2+6=0,则a2-b2=___±17、已知一次函数y=(m2-4)x+1-m 的图象在y 轴上的截距与一次函数y=(m2-2)x+m2-3的图象在y 轴上的截距互为相反数,则m=___-1____.18、关于x 的方程(m2-1)x2+2(m+1)x+1=0有两个实数根,则m 的取值规模是_1m <-___.19、关于x 的方程(m-2)x2-2x+1=0有解,那么m 的取值规模是______3m ≤______.20、已知方程x2+(4-2m)x+m2-5=0的两根之积是两根之和的2倍,则m=____1或3___.21、函数y=x2+(m+2)x+m+5与x 轴的正半轴有两个交点,则m 的取值规模是__44m m ><-或_.22、若抛物线y=x2+1-k x-1与x 轴有交点,则k 的取值规模是1K ≥_23、关于x 的方程x2+(t-2)x+5-t=0的两个根都大于2,则t 的取值规模是____2t <-___24、函数y=(2m2-5m-3)x132--m m 的图象是双曲线,则m=_______0________.25、已知方程组⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧=+-=++-01022y x a y x 的两个解为⎩⎨⎧==11y y x x 和⎩⎨⎧==22y y x x ,且x1,x2是两个不等的正数,则a 的取值规模是___314a -<<-__. 26、半径为5cm 的圆O 中,弦AB//弦CD ,又AB=6cm ,CD=8cm ,则AB 和CD 两弦的距离为__1或7__27、已知AB 是圆O 的直径,点C 在圆O 上,过点C 引直径AB 的垂线,垂足是D ,点D 分这条直径成2:3的两部分,若圆O 的半径为5cm ,则BC 的长为_28、两圆相交于A 、B ,半径分离为2cm 和2cm ,公共弦长为2cm ,则21A O O ∠=___1050____.29、在圆O 的平面上取一点P 作圆O 的割线,交圆O 于A 、B ,已知PA=2,PB=3,PO=4,则圆O 的半径为30、内切两圆的半径分离是9cm 和R ,它们的圆心距是4cm ,那么R=__13或5_cm.31、相切两圆的半径分离为10cm 和8cm ,则圆心距为__18或2_cm.32、过圆O 外一点P 作圆O 的两条切线PA ,PB ,切点分离为A ,B ,C 为圆周上除切点A 、B 外的任意点,若00070,__55125_APB ACB ∠=∠=则或. 33、圆O 的割线PAB ,交圆O 于A 、B ,PA=4,PB=7,PO=8,则圆O 的半径是___6___.34、已知两圆半径分离为x2-5x+3=0的两个根,圆心距为3,则两圆位置关系为____内含_____.35、已知点O 到直线l 上一点P 的距离为3cm ,圆O 的半径为3cm ,则直线l 与圆的位置关系是____相切___.36、∆Rt ABC 中,090=∠C ,AC=4,BC=3,一正方形内接于∆Rt ABC 中,那么这个正方形的边长为___1__.37、双曲线x ky =上一点P ,分离过P 作x 轴,y 轴的垂线,垂足为A 、B ,矩形OAPB 的面积为2,则k=__2±__.38、圆的弦长等于它的半径,那么这条弦所对的圆周角的度数是___300___.39、在数轴上,到原点的距离等于5个单位长度的点共有_____2_____个.40、比-2.1大而比1小的整数共有___3___个.41、用轻便办法盘算:1-2+3-4+5-6+…+119-120=___-60__.42、若1a <-1,则a 取值规模是__-1< a <__0___. 43、小于2的整数有_无数___个.44、已知关于x 的一元二次方程4x-a=2x+5的解是x=1,则a=____-3______.45、一个角的补角是这个余角的3倍,则这个角的大小是____450______.46、一个长方形的长是宽的3倍还多2cm ,如果设宽为xcm ,那么长方形长是___3X+2___cm ,如果设长为xcm ,那么长方形的宽是__23x -____cm. 47、如果|a|=2,那么3a-5=__-11或1___.48、冰箱售价2000元/台,国庆节开端季候性下降20%,则售价为__1600____元/台.到来年五一节又季候性涨价20%,则售价为___2400___元/台.49、22__不是__分数(填“是”或“不是”)50、16的算术平方根是_2_____.51、当m=__0____时,2m -有意义. 52、若|x+2|=3-2,则x=4或 53、化简2)14.3(π-=__ 3.14π-___.54、化简a a ---51)5(=___ 55、使等式x x x x -⋅+=-+44)4)(4(成立的条件是___44x -≤≤__56、用盘算器盘算程序为 –2·4÷3 =的成果为____-0.8___.57、盘算)32(6+÷=___58、若方程kx2-x+3=0有两个实数,则k 的取值规模_1012k k ≠≤且_ 59、分式4622--+x x x 的值为零,则x=___-3____.60、已知函数y=22)1(--m x m 是反比例函数,则m=__-1___.61、若方程x2-4x+m=0与方程x2-x-2m=0有一个根相同,那么m 的值等于___3_或0___.62、已知不等式(a+b)x+(2a-3b)<0的解为x>3,则不等式(a-3b)x+(b-2a)>0的解是_13x >_. 63、正比例函数y=kx 的自变量增加3,函数值就相应削减1,则k 的值为__13-___. 64、直线y=kx+b 过点P (3,2),且它交x 轴,y 轴的正半轴于A 、B 两点,若OA+OB=12,则此直线的解析式是_13383y x y x =-+=+或____. 65、已知直角三角形的双方分离为3cm 和4cm ,则该三角形的第三边长为___566、已知正三角形一边上的高线长为1,则正三角形外接圆的半径为__23________.67、已知等腰三角形的一外角等于1000,则该三角形的顶角等于____800或200____.68、等腰三角形的两条边长为3和7,则该三角形的周长为____17______.69、已知点A 到x 轴的距离为2,到y 轴的距离为5,且A 点的横、纵坐标符号相反,则A 点坐标是_(5,2)(5,2)--或__.70、矩形面积为其对角线与一边的夹角为300,则从此矩形中能截出最大正方形的面积为__16________.71、已知梯形上、下底长分离为6,8,一腰长为7,则另一腰a 的规模是_59a <<_;若这腰为奇数,则此梯形为_等腰_梯形.72、在坐标为5cm 的圆中,弦AB 的长等于5cm ,那么弦AB 所对的圆周角为__300或1500__.73、已知圆O 的直径AB 为2cm ,过点A 有两条弦AC=2cm ,AD=3cm ,那么∠CAD=__150或750__.74、已知圆O 的半径为5cm ,AB 、CD 是圆O 的两条弦,若AB=6cm ,CD=8cm ,则AB 、CD 两条弦之间的距离为__1或7__.75、圆锥的底面周长为10cm ,正面积不超出20cm2,那么圆锥面积S(cm2)和它的母线l(cm)之间的函数关系式为_5s l =_,其中l 的取值规模是_04l <≤_.76、如果圆锥的正面展开图是半圆,那么这个圆锥的轴截面的顶角是__60___度.77、如图,在△ABC 中,∠ACB=Rt ∠,∠A=300CD ⊥AB 于D ,DE ⊥AC 于E ,则CE:AC=___178、为了搞活经济,商场将一种商品按标价9折出售,仍可获取利润10%.79、若商品的标价为330元,那么该商品的进货价为___270元____.79、分化因式4x4-9=__22x +(__. 80、化简22)23()32(x y y x -+-=_46x y -__.81、若a2=2,则a=_;若2)(4=a ,则82、已知a 、b 是方程x2-2(k-1)x+k2=0的两个实数根,且a2+b2=4,则k=_0____.83、以215+和215-为根的一元二次方程是_210x +=__.84、方程01111=+--+-x x x k x 有增根,则k 的值为__-1___. 85、函数y=-2x2的图像可由函数y=-2x2+4x+3的图像经怎样平移得到?向左移1个单位,向下移5个单位86、二次函数y=x2-x+1与坐标轴有__1___个交点. 87、二次函数的图像与x 轴交点横坐标为-2和1(2,4),则其函数解析式为__22y x x =+-___.88、6与4的比例中项为___±89、若k ba c c abc b a =+=+=+,则k=___12____. 90、把一个图形按1:6的比例缩小,那么缩小后的图形与原图形的面积比为___1:36_____.91、如图,△ABC 中,AD 为BC 上的中线,F 为AC 上的点,BF 交AD 于E ,且AF:FC=3:5,则AE:ED=___6:5_______.92、两圆半径分离是5cm, 32cm ,如果两圆相交,且公共弦长为6cm ,那么两圆的圆心距为_7或1__cm.93、已知cot14032’=3.858,2‘修正值为0.009,则cot14030’=_3.867__.94、已知平行四边形一内角为600,与之相邻的双方为2cm 和3cm ,则其面积为_95、Rt △ABC 中,∠C=Rt ∠,BC=6,AC=8,则以C 为圆心,524为半径的圆与直线AB 的位置关系是_相切__. 96、已知圆内两弦AB 、CD 交于点P ,且PA=2, D P则CD=__193_____. 97、如图,圆O 外一点P 作圆O 的两条割线PAB 和PCD ,若PA=2,AB=3,PD=4,则PC=_52_.98、已知圆O1与圆O2内切,O1O2=5cm ,圆O1的半径为7cm ,则圆O2的半径为__2或12____.99、已知半径为2cm 的两个圆外切,则和这两个圆相切,且半径为4cm 的圆有__5___个.100、已知圆O1与圆O2相切,半径分离为3cm, 5cm ,这两个圆的圆心距为_8或2__cm.101、圆O 的半径为5cm ,则长为8cm 的弦的中点的轨迹是以_O 为圆心,3为半径的一个圆.102、矩形木板长10cm ,宽8cm ,现把长、宽各锯去xcm ,则锯后木板的面积y 与x 的函数关系式为_243680y x x =-+103、如图,已知D 、E 和F 、G 分离在△ABC 的ABDF//EG//BC ,AD:DE:EB=1:2:3,则S 梯形DEGF:S 梯形EBCG=_8:27___.104、如果抛物线y=x2-(k-1)x-k-1与x 轴交于A 、B ,与y 轴交于C ,那么△ABC 面积的最小值是__0____.105、关于x 的方程x2+(m-5)x+1-m=0,当m 一个根小于0,另一个根大于3.106、如图,在直角梯形ABCD 中,AB=7,AB 上的点P 使△PAD ∽△PBC ,那么这样的点有__3____个.107、在Rt △ABC 中,∠C=Rt ∠,CD ⊥AB 于D ,AB=16,CD=6,则AC-BC=__8___.108、△ABC 中,AC=6,AB=8,D 为AC 上一点,AD=2,在AB 上取一点E ,使△ADE ∽△ABC 相似,则AE=_833或2______. 109、圆O 中,内接正三角形,正方形、正六边形的边长之比为__________.110、△ABC 内接于圆O ,OD ⊥BC 于D ,∠BOD=380,则∠A=_380___.111、若2x2-ax+a+4=0有且只有一个正根,则1682+-a a =____ 112、已知抛物线y=2x2-6x+m 的图像不在x 轴下方,则m 的取值规模是_94m ≤_______. 113、已知两圆外切,大圆半径为5,两圆外公切线互相垂直,则外公切线长为_10_.114、a 、b 、10c 是△ABC 的三边长,已知a2-4ac+3c2=0,b2-4bc+3c2=0,则△ABC 是直角三角形.三、解答题1、若方程4x2-2(m+1)x+m=0的两根是∆Rt ABC 两锐角A 、B 的正弦值,求m 的值.221sin sin 02sin sin 04sin sin 1m A B m A B A B +⎧+=>⎪⎪⎪•=>⎨⎪⎪+=⎪⎩解:由题可得;解得:13m =23m =-(舍) 2、解方程:1253=+--x x3、解方程组2221494(3)3x y x y ⎧+=⎪⎪⎨⎪=+⎪⎩4、解方程(x2-2x+2)(x2-2x-7)+8=05、一艘船以25千米/时的速度向正南偏向航行,在A 处看灯塔S在船的北偏东300,2小时后航行到B 处,在B 处看灯塔S 在船的北偏东450,求灯塔S 到B 处的距离.6、如图,在平行四边形ABCD 中,∠BAD=300,AB=5cm ,AD=3cm ,E 为CD 上的一个点,且BE=2cm ,求点A 到直线BE 的距离.7、如图,直线AT 切圆O 于点A ,过A 引AT 的垂线,交圆O 于B ,BT 交圆O 于C ,贯穿连接AC ,求证:AC2=BC·CT.8、如图,在△ABC 中,E 是心坎,AE 的延长线和△ABC 的外接圆相交于D ,求证:DE=DB=DC.初中数学选择、填空、简答题易错题集锦及答案一、选择题1、A 、B 是数轴上原点两旁的点,则它们暗示的两个有理数是( )A、互为相反数B、绝对值相等C、是符号不合的数D、都是负数2、有理数a、b在数轴上的位置如图所示,则化简|a-b|-|a+b|的成果是()A、2aB、2bC、2a-2b D3、汽船顺流航行时m千米/小时,逆流航行时(m-6)千米/小时,则水流速度()A、2千米/小时B、3千米/小时C、6千米/小时D、不克不及确定4、方程2x+3y=20的正整数解有()A、1个B、3个C、4个D、无数个5、下列说法错误的是()B、两点确定一条直线B、线段是直线的一部分C、一条直线是一个平角D、把线段向双方延长等于直线7、函数y=(m2-1)x2-(3m-1)x+2的图象与x轴的交点情况是( )B、当m≠3时,有一个交点B、1±m时,有两个交≠C、当1±m时,有一个交点D、不管m为何值,均无交点=8、如果两圆的半径分离为R和r(R>r),圆心距为d,且(d-r)2=R2,则两圆的位置关系是()A、内切B、外切C、内切或外切D、不克不及确定8、在数轴上暗示有理数a、b、c的小点分离是A、B、C且b<a<c,则下列图形正确的是()A B C D9、有理数中,绝对值最小的数是( )A 、-1B 、1C 、0D 、不存在10、21的倒数的相反数是( )A 、-2B 、2C 、-21D 、2111、若|x|=x ,则-x 一定是( )A 、正数B 、非负数C 、负数D 、非正数12、两个有理数的和除以这两个有理数的积,其商为0,则这两个有理数为( )A 、互为相反数B 、互为倒数C 、互为相反数且不为0D 、有一个为013、长方形的周长为x ,宽为2,则这个长方形的面积为( )A 、2xB 、2(x-2)C 、x-4D 、2·(x-2)/214、“比x 的相反数大3的数”可暗示为( )A 、-x-3B 、-(x+3)C 、3-xD 、x+315、如果0<a<1,那么下列说法正确的是( )A 、a2比a 大B 、a2比a 小C 、a2与a 相等D 、a2与a 的大小不克不及确定16、数轴上,A 点暗示-1,现在A 开端移动,先向左移动3个单位,再向右移动9个单位,又向左移动5个单位,这时,A 点暗示的数是( )A 、-1B 、0C 、1D 、817、线段AB=4cm ,延长AB 到C ,使BC=AB 再延长BA 到D ,使AD=AB ,则线段CD 的长为( )A 、12cmB 、10cmC 、8cmD 、4cm18、21-的相反数是( )A 、21+B 、12-C 、21--D 、12+-19、方程x(x-1)(x-2)=x 的根是( )A 、x1=1, x2=2B 、x1=0, x2=1, x3=2C 、x1=253+, x2=253-D 、x1=0,x2=353+, x3=253-20、解方程04)1(5)1(322=-+++x x x x 时,若设y x x =+1,则原方程可化为( )A 、3y2+5y-4=0B 、3y2+5y-10=0C 、3y2+5y-2=0D 、3y2+5y+2=021、方程x2+1=2|x|有( )A 、两个相等的实数根;B 、两个不相等的实数根;C 、三个不相等的实数根;D 、没有实数根22、一次函数y=2(x-4)在y 轴上的截距为( )A 、-4B 、4C 、-8D 、823、解关于x 的不等式⎩⎨⎧-<>a x a x ,正确的结论是( )A 、无解B 、解为全体实数C 、当a>0时无解D 、当a<0时无解24、反比例函数x y 2=,当x≤3时,y 的取值规模是( )A 、y≤32B 、y≥32C 、y≥32或y<0D 、0<y≤3225、0.4的算术平方根是( )A 、0.2B 、±0.2C 、510D 、±510 26、李明骑车上学,一开端以某一速度行驶,途中车子产生故障,只好停车修理,车修好后,因怕耽误时间,于时就加速了车速,在下列给出的四个函数示意图象,相符以上情况的是( )A B C D27、若一数组x1, x2, x3, …, xn 的平均数为x ,方差为s2,则另一数组kx1, kx2, kx3, …, kxn 的平均数与方差分离是( )A 、k x , k2s2B 、x , s2C 、k x , ks2D 、k2x , ks228、若关于x 的方程21=+-a x x 有解,则a 的取值规模是( )A 、a≠1B 、a≠-1C 、a≠2D 、a≠±129、下列图形中既是中心对称图形,又是轴对称图形的是( )A 、线段B 、正三角形C 、平行四边形D 、等腰梯形30、已知d c b a =,下列各式中不成立的是( )A 、d c b a d c b a ++=--B 、d b ca d c 33++= C 、b d ac b a 23++= D 、ad=bc 31、一个三角形的三个内角不相等,则它的最小角不大于( )A 、300B 、450C 、550D 、60032、已知三角形内的一个点到它的三边距离相等,那么这个点是( )A 、三角形的外心B 、三角形的重心C 、三角形的心坎D 、三角形的垂心33、下列三角形中是直角三角形的个数有( )①三边长分离为3:1:2的三角形 ②三边长之比为1:2:3的三角形 ③三个内角的度数之比为3:4:5的三角形 ④一边上的中线等于该边一半的三角形A 、1个B 、2个C 、3个D 、4个34、如图,设AB=1,S △OAB=43cm2,则弧ABA 、3πcmB 、32πcm C 、6πcm D 、2πcm35、平行四边形的一边长为5cm ,则它的两条对角线长可以是( )A 、4cm, 6cmB 、4cm, 3cmC 、2cm, 12cmD 36、如图,△ABC 与△BDE 都是正三角形,且不动, 将△BDE 绕B 点旋转,则在旋转进程中,AE 与CD 的大小关系是( )A 、AE=CDB 、AE>CDC 、AE>CD D 、无法确定37、顺次贯穿连接四边形各边中点得到一个菱形,则原四边形必是( )A 、矩形B 、梯形C 、两条对角线互相垂直的四边形D 、两条对角线相等的四边形38、在圆O 中,弧AB=2CD ,那么弦AB 和弦CD 的关系是( )A 、AB=2CDB 、AB>2CDC 、与CD 不成能相等 39、在等边三角形ABC 外有一点D ,知足AD=AC ,则∠BDC 的度数为( )A 、300B 、600C 、1500D 、300或1500A B40、△ABC 的三边a 、b 、c 知足a≤b≤c ,△ABC 的周长为18,则( )A 、a≤6B 、b<6C 、c>6D 、a 、b 、c 中有一个等于641、如图,在△ABC 中,∠ACB=Rt ∠,AC=1,BC=2,则下列说法正确的是( ) A 、∠B=300 B 、斜边上的中线长为1C 、斜边上的高线长为552D 、该三角形外接圆的半径为142、如图,把直角三角形纸片沿过极点B 的直线BE (BE 交CA 于E )折叠,直角极点C 落在斜边AB 上,如果折叠后得到等腰三角形EBA ,那么下列结论中(1)∠A=300 (2)点C 与AB 的中点重合 (3)点E 到AB 的距离等于CE 的长,正确的个数是( )A 、0B 、1C 、2D 、343、不等式6322+>+x x 的解是( )A 、x>2B 、x>-2C 、x<2D 、x<-2 44、已知一元二次方程(m-1)x2-4mx+4m-2=0有实数根,则m 的取值规模是( )A 、m≤1B 、m≥31且m≠1 C 、m≥1 D 、-1<m≤145、函数y=kx+b(b>0)和y=x k -(k≠0),在同一坐标系中的图象可能是( ) A B C DE A B C46、在一次函数y=2x-1的图象上,到两坐标轴距离相等的点有( )A 、1个B 、2个C 、3个D 、无数个47、若点(-2,y1)、(-1,y2)、(1,y3)在反比例函数x y 1=的图像上,则下列结论中正确的是( )A 、y1>y2>y3B 、y1<y2<y3C 、y2>y1>y3D 、y3>y1>y248、下列根式是最简二次根式的是( )A 、a 8B 、22b a +C 、x 1.0D 、5a49、下列盘算哪个是正确的( )A 、523=+ B 、5252=+ C 、b a b a +=+22 D 、212221221+=-50、把a a 1--(a 不限定为正数)化简,成果为( )A 、aB 、a - C 、-a D 、-a - 51、若a+|a|=0,则22)2(a a +-等于( ) A 、2-2a B 、2a-2 C 、-2 D 、252、已知02112=-+-x x ,则122+-x x 的值( )A 、1B 、±21C 、21D 、-21 53、设a 、b 是方程x2-12x+9=0的两个根,则b a +等于( ) A 、18 B 、6 C 、23 D 、±2354、下列命题中,正确的个数是( )①等边三角形都相似 ②直角三角形都相似 ③等腰三角形都相似④锐角三角形都相似⑤等腰三角形都全等⑥有一个角相等的等腰三角形相似⑦有一个钝角相等的两个等腰三角形相似⑧全等三角形相似A、2个B、3个C、4个D、5个二、填空题1、如果一个数的绝对值等于它的相反数,那么这个数一定是_________.2、a是有理数,且a的平方等于a的立方,则a是___.3、已知有理数a、b知足(a+2)2+|2b-6|=0,则a-b=_____.4、已知a-b=1, b+c=2, 则2a+2c+1=_______.5、当x______时,|3-x|=x-3.6、从3点到3点30分,分针转了______度,时针转了_______度.7、某种商品的标价为120元,若以标价的90%出售,仍相对进价获利20%,则该商品的进价为____元.8、为使某项工程提前20天完成,需将原来的工作效率提高25%,则原筹划完成的天数_____天.9、因式分化:-4x2+y2=________________,x2-x-6=___________10、盘算:a6÷a2=______,(-2)-4=______,-22=______11、如果某商品降价x%后的售价为a元,那么该商品的原价为______________12、已知A、B、C是数轴上的三个点,点B暗示1,点C暗示-3,AB=2,则AC的长度是_________.13、甲乙两人合作一项工作a时完成,已知这项工作甲独做需要b时完成,则乙独做完成这项工作所需时间为___________14、已知(-3)2=a2,则a=_______.15、P点暗示有理数2,那么在数轴上到P点的距离等于3个单位长度的点所暗示的数是________.16、a、b为实数,且知足ab+a+b-1=0,a2b+ab2+6=0,则a2-b2=________.17、已知一次函数y=(m2-4)x+1-m的图象在y轴上的截距与一次函数y=(m2-2)x+m2-3的图象在y轴上的截距互为相反数,则m=_______.18、关于x的方程(m2-1)x2+2(m+1)x+1=0有两个实数根,则m的取值规模是_________.19、关于x的方程(m-2)x2-2x+1=0有解,那么m的取值规模是____________.20、已知方程x2+(4-2m)x+m2-5=0的两根之积是两根之和的2倍,则m=_______.21、函数y=x2+(m+2)x+m+5与x轴的正半轴有两个交点,则m的取值规模是___________.22、若抛物线y=x2+1 k x-1与x轴有交点,则k的取值规模是__________23、关于x的方程x2+(t-2)x+5-t=0的两个根都大于2,则t的取值规模是_______24、函数y=(2m2-5m-3)x132--m m 的图象是双曲线,则m=_______________.25、已知方程组⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧=+-=++-01022y x a y x 的两个解为⎩⎨⎧==11y y x x 和⎩⎨⎧==22y y x x ,且x1,x2是两个不等的正数,则a 的取值规模是___________.26、半径为5cm 的圆O 中,弦AB//弦CD ,又AB=6cm ,CD=8cm ,则AB 和CD 两弦的距离为________27、已知AB 是圆O 的直径,点C 在圆O 上,过点C 引直径AB 的垂线,垂足是D ,点D 分这条直径成2:3的两部分,若圆O 的半径为5cm ,则BC 的长为________.28、两圆相交于A 、B ,半径分离为2cm 和2cm ,公共弦长为2cm ,则21A O O ∠=__________.29、在圆O 的平面上取一点P 作圆O 的割线,交圆O 于A 、B ,已知PA=2,PB=3,PO=4,则圆O 的半径为________.30、内切两圆的半径分离是9cm 和R ,它们的圆心距是4cm ,那么R=______cm.31、相切两圆的半径分离为10cm 和8cm ,则圆心距为________cm.32、过圆O 外一点P 作圆O 的两条切线PA ,PB ,切点分离为A ,B ,C 为圆周上除切点A 、B 外的任意点,若=∠=∠ACB APB 则,70 _____________________33、圆O 的割线PAB ,交圆O 于A 、B ,PA=4,PB=7,PO=8,则圆O 的半径是______.34、已知两圆半径分离为x2-5x+3=0的两个根,圆心距为3,则两圆位置关系为_________.35、已知点O 到直线l 上一点P 的距离为3cm ,圆O 的半径为3cm ,则直线l 与圆的位置关系是_______.36、∆Rt ABC 中,090=∠C ,AC=4,BC=3,一正方形内接于∆Rt ABC 中,那么这个正方形的边长为_____.37、双曲线x ky =上一点P ,分离过P 作x 轴,y 轴的垂线,垂足为A 、B ,矩形OAPB 的面积为2,则k=____.38、圆的弦长等于它的半径,那么这条弦所对的圆周角的度数是______.39、在数轴上,到原点的距离等于5个单位长度的点共有__________个.40、比-2.1大而比1小的整数共有______个.41、用轻便办法盘算:1-2+3-4+5-6+…+119-120=_____.42、若1a <-1,则a 取值规模是_____. 43、小于2的整数有____个.44、已知关于x 的一元二次方程4x-a=2x+5的解是x=1,则a=__________.45、一个角的补角是这个余角的3倍,则这个角的大小是__________.46、一个长方形的长是宽的3倍还多2cm ,如果设宽为xcm ,那么长方形长是______cm ,如果设长为xcm ,那么长方形的宽是______cm.47、如果|a|=2,那么3a-5=_____.48、冰箱售价2000元/台,国庆节开端季候性下降20%,则售价为______元/台.到来年五一节又季候性涨价20%,则售价为______元/台.49、22____分数(填“是”或“不是”)50、16的算术平方根是______.51、当m=_____时,2m -有意义.52、若|x+2|=3-2,则x=____________.53、化简2)14.3(π-=_____.54、化简a a ---51)5(=______.55、使等式x x x x -⋅+=-+44)4)(4(成立的条件是_____56、用盘算器盘算程序为 –2·4÷3 =的成果为_______.57、盘算)32(6+÷=__________.58、若方程kx2-x+3=0有两个实数,则k 的取值规模______________59、分式4622--+x x x 的值为零,则x=_______.60、已知函数y=22)1(--m x m 是反比例函数,则m=_____.61、若方程x2-4x+m=0与方程x2-x-2m=0有一个根相同,那么m 的值等于______.62、已知不等式(a+b)x+(2a-3b)<0的解为x>3,则不等式(a-3b)x+(b-2a)>0的解是________.63、正比例函数y=kx 的自变量增加3,函数值就相应削减1,则k 的值为_____.64、直线y=kx+b 过点P (3,2),且它交x 轴,y 轴的正半轴于A 、B两点,若OA+OB=12,则此直线的解析式是_____.65、已知直角三角形的双方分离为3cm和4cm,则该三角形的第三边长为__________.66、已知正三角形一边上的高线长为1,则正三角形外接圆的半径为__________.67、已知等腰三角形的一外角等于1000,则该三角形的顶角等于________.68、等腰三角形的两条边长为3和7,则该三角形的周长为__________.69、已知点A到x轴的距离为2,到y轴的距离为5,且A点的横、纵坐标符号相反,则A点坐标是___.其对角线与一边的夹角为300,则从此矩形中能70、矩形面积为71、已知梯形上、下底长分离为6,8,一腰长为7,则另一腰a的规模是_59<<_;若这腰为奇数,则此梯形为________梯形.a72、在坐标为5cm的圆中,弦AB的长等于5cm,那么弦AB所对的圆周角为____.73、已知圆O的直径AB为2cm,过点A有两条弦AC=2cm,AD=3cm,那么∠CAD=____.74、已知圆O的半径为5cm,AB、CD是圆O的两条弦,若AB=6cm,CD=8cm,则AB、CD两条弦之间的距离为____.75、圆锥的底面周长为10cm,正面积不超出20cm2,那么圆锥面积S(cm2)和它的母线l(cm)之间的函数关系式为_5s l =_,其中l 的取值规模是______.76、如果圆锥的正面展开图是半圆,那么这个圆锥的轴截面的顶角是_____度.77、如图,在△ABC 中,∠ACB=Rt ∠,∠A=300CD ⊥AB 于D ,DE ⊥AC 于E ,则80、为了搞活经济,商场将一种商品按标价9折出售,仍可获取利润10%.81、若商品的标价为330元,那么该商品的进货价为_______.79、分化因式4x4-9=____.80、化简22)23()32(x y y x -+-=___.81、若a2=2,则a=_;若2)(4=a ,则a=____.82、已知a 、b 是方程x2-2(k-1)x+k2=0的两个实数根,且a2+b2=4,则k=_____.83、以215+和215-为根的一元二次方程是___.84、方程01111=+--+-x x x k x 有增根,则k 的值为_____. 85、函数y=-2x2的图像可由函数y=-2x2+4x+3的图像经_____________________________平移得到86、二次函数y=x2-x+1与坐标轴有_____个交点.87、二次函数的图像与x 轴交点横坐标为-2和1,且通过点(2,4),则其函数解析式为_____.88、6与4的比例中项为__________.D89、若k ba c c abc b a =+=+=+,则k=_______. 90、把一个图形按1:6的比例缩小,那么缩小后的图形与原图形的面积比为________.91、如图,△ABC 中,AD 为BC 上的中线,F 为AC 上的点,BF 交AD 于E ,且AF:FC=3:5,则AE:ED=__________.93、两圆半径分离是5cm, 32cm ,如果两圆相交,且公共弦长为6cm ,那么两圆的圆心距为___cm.93、已知cot14032’=3.858,2‘修正值为0.009,则cot14030’=___.94、已知平行四边形一内角为600,与之相邻的双方为2cm 和3cm ,则其面积为___cm2.95、Rt △ABC 中,∠C=Rt ∠,BC=6,AC=824为半径的圆与直线AB 的位置关系是___.96、已知圆内两弦AB 、CD 交于点P ,且PA=2,则CD=_______.98、如图,圆O 外一点P 作圆O 的两条割线PAB 和PCD ,若PA=2,AB=3,PD=4,则PC=__.98、已知圆O1与圆O2内切,O1O2=5cm ,圆O1的半径为7cm ,则圆O2的半径为______.99、已知半径为2cm 的两个圆外切,则和这两个圆相切,且半径为4cm 的圆有_____个.。
倪紫娟错题回顾及新诊断练习练习1Part 2 V ocabulary and Grammar (第二部分词汇和语法)II.错题回顾练习:说明:1-9题选自九年级课课练上Unit5 B卷,10-20题选自金牌教练Unit5 the human brain. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案): (共20分)1.I’m terribly sorry, but I have forgotten __________ the tickets with me.A.to bringB. bringingC. to takeD. taking2.This exercise is not difficult. I ________ any help.A. needn’tB. needC. need not toD. don’t need3. Since next term sports meeting will ________ in our school, we should make our school _______ .A. take place, more beautifulB. be taken place, more beautifulC. take place, more beautifullyD. be taken place, more beautifully4. My bicycle is broken. I’ll ____________A. have it repairB. have it repairedC. have it repairingD. have it was repaired5. ________ good piece of advice he has given us!A. WhatB. What aC. HowD. How a6. It was very noisy outside, so my father went out to see __________ .A. what happensB. what was happeningC. what will happenD. what was happened7. Don’t worry. You __________ your room in a minute.A. will showB. will be shownC. are shownD. show8. ____________ the students attended the lecture in the hall yesterday.A. About two hundred ofB. More than two hundredsC. Over two hundreds ofD. Hundreds of9. She told me to take either of the skirts and leave ___________A. anotherB. otherC. the otherD. the others10. This term Miss White will teach _______ English instead of Mr Black.A. theyB. themC. theirD. theirs11. For the time being, some newly-produced mobile phones can take photos _____ a camera.A. ofB. forC. likeD. as12. Now can you ________ the difference between the two words?A. tellB. talkC. sayD. speak13. _________ Spring Festival Eve, people in China usually have a big dinner with families.A. InB. OnC. AtD. By14. The music sounds __________ . I enjoy every minute of it.A. wellB. beautifulC. boringD. wonderfully15. How much money did you ________ all these things?A. takeB. giveC. spendD. pay for16. You will not pass the examination ________ you work hard at your lessons.A. ifB. beforeC. untilD. unless17.---Why don’t you like the speech?--- It’s ____________ one that I have ever listened to .A.such an interestingB. more interestingC. the most interestingD. the least interesting18.Jim’s grandpa _________ for ten years .A. diedB. was deadC. has diedD. has been dead19. Try to memorize these new words in a short time.(选出划线部分最佳解释)A. understandB. unable to rememberC. forgetD. learn… by heart20. She made a dramatic speech at the meeting. (选出划线部分最佳解释)A. an excitingB. an excitedC. a longD. a dull(Answers:1-5 ADABB.6-10 BBACB 11-15 CABBD 16-20 DDDDA )中考诊断练习:31. Could I have an early morning call ________six o'clock tomorrow?A) on B) to C) at D) in32. We have decided to try ________ best to raise more money for the local charity.A) us B) our C) we D) ours33. You really don't have to worry ________ your weight. You look just right.A) for B) from C) with D) about34. I can't connect my computer to the Intemet. There must be ______ wrong with it.A) something B) everything C) anything D) nothing35. The baby feels _________ while his mother holds him in her arms.A) save B) safe C) safely D) safety36. Pudong International Airport is one of airports in the world.A) big B) bigger C) biggest D) the biggest37. Martin and his friends didn't eat up all the food they ordered, __ they took the rest away.A) for B) or C) so D) as38. Peter will cook for his parents __ the International Day' of Families comes.A) unless B) when C) until D) though39. With the help of the new technology, you __ e-mail your friends by mobile phone.A) can B) must C) need D) should40. ______ Tony_______ Frank likes the CD. They think the music is too noisy.A) Neither...nor B) Either...or C) Both...and D) Not only...but also41. Stop ______ about the traffic. Just think about what we can do to improve it.A) complain B) to complain C) complaining D) complained42. Don't jump to a conclusion! Let's __ the problem first.A) to discuss B) discuss C) discussed D) discussing43. -- ______do millions of online users visit the home page of the government?-- To read the news and search for the information they need.A) When B) Where C) Why D) What44. The volunteers __ a lot of help to the community for nearly ten years.A) offered B) will offer C) are offering D) have offered45. The students the Art Festival when I passed by their school.A) celebrate B) were celebrating C) will celebrate D) have celebrated46. Jenny told me that she __ an English Speech Contest the next month.A) takes part in B) is taking part in C) took part in D) would take part in47. ______ wonderful concert they are putting on in the city square!A) How B) What C) What a D) What an48. I'm sure that stricter roles to control cigarette smoking very soon.A) made B) will make C) were made D) will be made49. -- Shall we join in the Green World Summer Camp?--_________A) Good idea. B) You're welcome. C) Not at all. D) Never mind.50. -- Congratulations! You've got a chance to be an exchange student!--________A) Thank you. B) I agree. C) Of course. D) Good luck.II: C B D A B D C B A A C B C D B D C D A Aplete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only beused once (将下列单词或词组填入空格。
错题集I.Choose the best answer:1.My grandpa __________ taking a walk after suppera. likeb. would likec. used tod. is used to2. Could you tell me __________?a. when he has goneb. why did you look worriedc. what’s wrong with your legd. whom are you looking for3. I ______ the math hobby group for half a term.a. have joinedb. have taken part inc. have been ind. had joined4. ______ them here . I want them here, please.a. Getb. Bringc. Taked. To place5. The teacher told us _______.a. what would we do in our physics classb. who had forgotten to do the homeworkc. what was the weather like that dayd. how we could got there that day6. My son __________ twenty birthday cards this year and Tom’s is the nicest.a. has hadb. will havec. hasd. had7. John told me why he ______ the Bund last time.a. didn’t visitb. hasn’t visitedc. wasn’t visitingd. hadn’t visited8. Mary _________ a private college last term. Now she ________ a part-time job in order to pay for her college expenses.a. attended, doesb. attended, didc. had attended, doesd. attended, have done9. The Bird Flu ________ in China and now we can eat chicken again.a. will disappearb. disappearedc. has disappearedd. has been disappeared10. Jane told us that she _______ Japan twice in the last few years.a. would beb. had beenc. wasd. has been11. Mum, what have you cooked for me? Oh, how delicious it ___________!a. looksb. smellsc. tastesd. seems12. They are training hard in order not to ______ the match.a. winb. failc. losed. give up13. _________ important information Yangliwei has collected about the space!a. Howb. What anc. Whatd. What a14. The Browns have just arrived in Shanghai for a trip. They are looking for a hotel_______.a. to stayb. to livec. to stay atd. to live in15. The newspaper named “21st Century Teens” is ______ by _______ middle schoolstudents.a. welcome… huge amounts ofb. welcomed … huge amounts ofc. welcome … a large number ofd. welcomed … a large number of16. She asked me ________.a. when will you startb. what time is it by your watchc. what was the matter with youd. what the matter was17. My recorder doesn’t work. I’ll have it _________ tomorrow.a. to repairb. repairedc. will repaird. be repaired18. What ______ great fun it is to talk with you.a. ab. anc. thed. /19. The Smiths aren’t used to _________ Chinese food though they used to _______in China for two months.a. have…stayb. have…stayingc. having…stayd. having…staying20. There’s _______ in today’s newspaper, ______?a. something important… is thereb. anything important…isn’t therec. nothing important…isn’t thered. something important…isn’t there21. What will you _____ him to ______ at tomorrow’s meeting?a. tell…speakb. ask…speakc. ask…talkd. tell…say22. It’s very cold outside. You’d better _______ out. Why ______ TV at home?a. not to go… not watchingb. not go… not watchc. not to go…not watchd. not go… not watching23. Edison spent as much time as he could ______ from books.a. learnb. to learnc. learningd. learnt24. She _______ help. She can do it _______.a. needn’t any… by herselfb. doesn’t need some… by herselfc. needn’t any… herselfd. doesn’t need any… herself25. Jack will fly to America _______ the evening ______ June 4.a. on…ofb. in…onc. in…ofd. on…on26. Please ______ your hands before you ______ from your seat to answer thequestionsa. raise…riseb. raise…raisec. rise…raised. rise…rise27. No one knows ______, so we can do nothing about it.a. how to do nextb. how to do the nextc. what to do the nextd. what should we do next28. I didn’t know ______ here tomorrow.a. when he will comeb. when will he comec. when would he comed. when he would come29. _______ great fun it is to go swimming on a hot summer afternoon!a. Whatb. Howc. What ad. What an30. It is from the sun ______ we get light and heat.a. whereb. in whichc. thatd. which31. A: Do you mind if I am seated here beside you?B: _________.a. Yes, pleaseb. No, I doc. No. Do as you pleased. Yes, I don’t32. Was she made ______ the classroom?a. cleansb. cleanc. to cleand. to cleaning33. I met Li Ming yesterday. We _______ for ten years.a. hasn’t seenb. hadn’t seenc. haven’t seend. didn’t seen34. A: John failed in the final exam. How about Eddie? B: ______.a. He did sob. Neither did hec. So he didd. so did he35. ----May I speak to John? ---- Hold on, please.a. Don’t hang up the telephoneb. Speaking, pleasec. Hold it in your handd. Hold the telephone36. Now some people prefer outdoor sports _____ TV at home.a. than watchb. to watchc. than watchingd. to watching37. Could you tell me_______?a. which floor does Mr. Smith live onb. where has his father beenc. why they have a discussion tomorrowd. what time we are going to have a meeting38. Sally, together with her students _______ visiting the zoo this time yesterday.a. isb. wasc. ared. were39. I am sorry I ______ my exercise-book at home.a. have missedb. have leftc. have putd. have forgotten40. Of all the books, it is the only one ______ ever been written on this subject.a. which haveb. that havec. who hasd. that has41. The boy spent as much time as he could _________ books.a. readb. to readc. readingd. to be read42. Would you like a pudding? Go and bring me a little ______ and I will make onefor you.a. bowlb. applesc. chalkd. shampoo43. I don’t think he _____ a new calculator. He has already had one.a. need to buyb. needs buyc. needd. need buy44. The town _____ isn’t shown on this map. It’s not very famous.a. I come fromb. I come from itc. that I comed. from that I come45. ----I ______ the film My Boss’s Daughter. ----When _____ you ______ it?a. have seen…have, seenb. have seen …did, seec. did see…do, seed. did see… will, see46. There _____ fish in this river than in that one.a. are fewerb. is fewerc. are lessd. is less47. He has given me ______ I want.a. whichb. thatc. all whatd. what48. There _______ two football matches tomorrow afternoon.a. will haveb. are going to havec. are going to bed. is going to be49. Do you remember _____ to her at the beginning of the new term?a. introducingb. to introducec. to be introducedd. being introduced50. Please give me a pen ________.a. to writeb. writec. writingd. to write with51. How can you make yourself ______ if you can not express yourself clearly?a. be understoodb. understandingc. being understoodd. understood52. _________ means friendly, meeting and getting along well with many people.a. Sociableb. Activec. Sociald. Society53. What kind of hair-style are you fond of _______?a. wearingb. suitingc. fittingd. matching54. He wanted to know ______.a. what the matter isb. what’s the matterc. what was the matterd. what the matter was55. The window is broken Try to ______ who broke it.a. find outb. findc. lookd. look for56. I can’t remember where I _____ my pen.a. forgotb. leftc. losed. lost57. After doing some experiments, we know that sea water ______ at a lowertemperature than fresh water.a. was frozenb. is freezingc. freezesd. froze58. It’s much ______ to go to Pudong International Airport by maglev than by bus.a. quicklyb. quickc. quickerd. more quickly59. Mrs. White has had _______ that she is not able to get a good job.a. so little educationb. such little educationc. so a little educationd. such a little education60. To plant this big tree, you need to dig a _________ hole.a. five feet deepb. five-feet-deepc. five-foot-deepd. five foot deep61. The students were reading the text ______ the teacher came into the classroom.a. whileb. wherec. sinced. when62. ----Those small bottles with pictures inside are very nice and beautiful.----Yes, they ______ in the town Wu Zhen.a. paintedb. were paintingc. were paintedd. had painted63. I have many difficult problems _______.a. to work them outb. to be worked outc. to work outd. to answer64. Sports is more popular than _______ of relaxing.a. any other wayb. any waysc. other any waysd. any other ways65. The number of cyclists in China _______ very large.a. areb. isc. haved. has66. Her job is _________ the customers how to use the computer.a. showedb. to showc. showingd. shown67. He had already posted the letter ______ five yesterday.a. onb. atc. byd. for68. The twins ______ May 5, 1983.a. was born inb. were born onc. was born ond. were born in69. Little Tom was seen ________ at the street corner as he had lost his way home.a. cryingb. cryc. to cryd. cried70. ___________ freezing weather!a. Whatb. What ac. Howd. What the71. A sudden loud noise made the little girl _______ to cry.a. startedb. startingc. startd. to start72. Some people like coffee with sugar or milk, _______ prefer black coffee.a. othersb. otherc. the otherd. the others73. He’s given an important report on the work of the government, ________?a. isn’t heb. is hec. hasn’t hed. has he74. Yesterday morning Tom came to my room to apologize for what he ______ at themeeting.a. saidb. would sayc. has saidd. had said75. She really enjoys ______ the songs by those famous singers.a. to listenb. to listen toc. listening tod. of listening to76. Could you let me know ______ for Beijing tomorrow?a. that your brother is leavingb. if your brother was leavingc. whom is your brother leaving withd. who is leaving77. Tongtong _____ the foreigners around our school at 3:00 yesterday afternoon.a. was showedb. showedc. had showedd. was showing78. As a little boy, Dick soon got used ______ Chinese food.a. to eatb. eatingc. to eatingd. of eating79. The city government needs ______ money to build underground railway.a. a lotb. a great manyc. a large amount ofd. a large number of80. _______ useful information you’ve emailed us!a. What ab. How ac. Howd. What81. This is the key _______ my bike.a. onb. ofc. tod. at82. In China to go on a trip is becoming one of ________ of spending holidays.a. the most popular waysb. the most popular wayc. most popular waysd. most popular way83. There are many differences _____ Chinese and English. That’s why it’s hard_____ us to learn English.a. among, ofb. between, ofc. among, ford. between, for84. Children ________ read different kinds of books.a. needingb. need toc. needsd. needs to85. Great changes ________ in Shanghai these years.a. have taken placeb. have been taken placec. were taking placed. are being taken place86. More laws _______ to fight pollution in the near future.a. will makeb. have madec. will be maded. make87. John will sell ______ his stamps to help the poor children in the west of China.a. hundredsb. one hundred ofc. some informationd. quite a few88. Please speak English as ______ as possible so as to improve your spoken English.a. fastb. soonc. goodd. often89. Who jumps _______ in your class, John?a. longestb. the longestc. farthestd. furthest90. David, _______ the knife to Jane. Let her ______ the cake.a. pass, cutb. pass, to cutc. passing, cutsd. passing, cut91. Mary helps her mother with her housework every day for about ________.a. a half and an hourb. one and a half hoursc. an hour and halfd. one and half hours92. Tom went to school because he felt _______.a. enough wellb. well enoughc. good enoughd. enough good93. Mary used to _______ early in the morning. So she was used to _______ up early.a. run…gettingb. running…gettingc. run…getd. running…get94. When I got to school, I found I _______ my English book at home.a. had leftb. had lostc. had forgottend. had put95. The national flag ______ before the morning exercises every day.a. riseb. raisesc. is risend. is raised96. We welcome every one to join the hobby group.a. take part inb. enter forc. become a member ofd. join in97. I’m not afraid to ride a motorcycle and ______ my sister.a. so isb. so doesc. neither isd. neither does98. ______ surprising news we’ve just heard.a. Whatb. What ac. What and. How99. The Greens have got used ______ in Shanghai.a. liveb. to livec. livingd. to living100. The doctor operated _______ the wounded soldier carefully.a. onb. toc. ford. with101. Tom’s father seemed _______ with his progress.a. sadlyb. angrilyc. happyd. happily102. She asked me ________.a. if there would be any meeting in the afternoonb. if would there be any meeting in the afternoonc. if was there any meeting in the afternoond. that there would be any meeting in the afternoon103. ________ damage was done by the flood.a. A plenty ofb. A great deal ofc. A large number of`d. A large amount of104. They were told that the meeting _______ once a week.a. would be heldb. holdsc. was heldd. will hold105. I have three cousins. One is in Grade Six, _____ is in Grade Seven and ______ is in Grade Eight.a. other, the otherb. another, the thirdc. the other, the thirdd. the other, another106. Excuse me, how _______ get to the People’s Square?a. I canb. I wouldc. I couldd. should I107. Could you tell me ______?a. when he has goneb. why did you look worriedc. what’s wrong with your legd. whom are you looking for108. Could you tell me what ______UFO looks like?a. sineb. /c. ad. an109. It snowed so heavily that many cyclists slipped and fell _______ their bicycles.a. offb. off fromc. fromd. down110. Please tell him how many states _______.a. have all mattersb. have most matterc. all matter hasd. most matter have111. There is little ink in the bottle, ________?a. is itb. is therec. isn’t thered. isn’t it112. You were pleased when you heard the result, __________?a. wasn’t itb. didn’t itc. weren’t youd. didn’t you113. There were ______ of people in the park. They came from different parts of our country.a. five thousandb. five thousandsc. many thousandsd. some thousand 114. The Young Pioneer ________ the old man.a. made room forb. made a room forc. made room tod. made a room to115. These letters are _______. They are from their mothers.a. Jack’s and Mary’sb. Jack and Maryc. Jack’s and Maryd. Jack and Mary’s116. You know ______ about it than Tom does.a. even littleb. more lessc. even lessd. more little117. It’s the first time that Tom has been to America, _______?a. isn’t heb. hasn’t hec. hasn’t itd. isn’t it118. Mrs. White has ______ that she is not able to get a job.a. so little educationb. such little educationc. so a little educationd. such a little education119. It __________ 50 yuan. Surely it didn’t.a. may have costb. can’t have costc. must have costd. mustn’t have cost120. He has kept ________ of the old photos.a. everyoneb. every onec. oned. anyone121. __________ our team will win the match is still unknown.a. Ifb. Whetherc. Thatd. /122. I don’t know _________.a. where he stays atb. which school he studiesc. how long he had lived thered. whether he will com to see me123. I can’t find the stamp. I must have put it in ________.a. some bookb. any bookc. some booksd. any books124. The famous theater is _____ 6th Street.a. in theb. on thec. ind. on125. The black and white cat ______ mine.a. isb. arec. haved. has126. The bananas taste _______. I want _________.a. wonderfully… three moreb. wonderfully… more threec. wonderful… three mored. wonderful… more three127. I know the accident ______ in a small village.a. took placeb. has been taken placec. took the place ofd. was happened128. Mum is busy with the housework _________.a. just a momentb. in a momentc. just nowd. at the moment129. You may ______ the film, if not, I’d like _____ a ticket for you.a. have seen, to buyb. see, to buyc. see, buyingd. have seen, buying130. You had better ______ it, for it’s dangerous.a. not to touchb. not touchc. don’t touchd. won’t touch131. The poor man has ______ in bed for about two weeks.a. lyingb. layc. laind. lied132. The milk can’t be drunk because it has _______ bad.a. beenb. gonec. comed. made133. The car stopped so ________ that the bus behind almost ran into it.a. closelyb. immediatelyc. suddenlyd. soon134. It was early ________ the morning of May the first when we set off.a. inb. onc. atd. for135. The music sounds _______.a. sweetlyb. horriblyc. easilyd. lovely136. I have three pencil-boxes. One is made of plastics, _____ are made of ______.a. other, woodb. the other two, woodsc. another two, woodd. the others, wood137. She has been sick ______ the night of last Sunday.a. onb. atc. sinced. during138. Alice lives next door to us. I often hear her _______ all night long.a. singb. to singc. singsd. singing139. Tom isn’t in at the moment. He _________ for a swim.a. has beenb. has gonec. goesd. went140. How do you pronounce ______”u” in the word “language”?a. anb. thec. ad. /141. My uncle will not _________ us to use his recorder.a. haveb. letc. maked. allow142. It was two years ago _______ she joined the army.a. sinceb. whenc. thatd. while143. Something _______ to save the forests on the mountains.a. has doneb. didc. has been doned. have been done144. May didn’t know ______.a. where is Tom’s fatherb. when was the first match madec. who the old woman isd. what was wrong with his watch145. It is very dangerous. I don’t think you ______ go to the desert alone.a. shouldb. mustc. cand. may146. We all know that Mr. Green was not _________ with the pean.a. pleasantb. pleasec. pleasingd. pleased147. Water ________ at the temperature of 0℃.a. freezesb. frozec. freezingd. frozen148.Mark Twain’s joke made everyone in the room _______.a. laughb. laughedc. laughd. laughing149. Tongtong is the best friend of ________.a. meb. Ic. myd. mine150. It’s raining heavily. You’d better ________ out.a. gob. to goc. not god. not to go151. ___________ important information they’ve collected!a. Howb. How anc. Whatd. What an152. Jane and Mary went to the _______ yesterday afternoon.a. shoe storeb. shoe’s storec. shoes stored. shoes’ store153. If you spend ______ more time on your English study, you’ll be good at it sooner or later.a. a fewb. a littlec. fewd. little154. The teacher put the notice on the board, ______ the students might see it.a. becauseb. now thatc. in order thatd. so as155. In the exam, the _____ you are, the _______ mistakes you’ll make.a. carefully, littleb. more carefully, fewerc. more careful, lessd. more careful, fewer156. It’s hot. The temperature ________ 35℃.a. has been raised atb. has risen toc. has been risen ford. has raised157. There’re ________plants _______ animals on the moon.a. no, andb. no, orc. no, nod. not, and158. ________ did he wait there that day?a. Whereb. Until whenc. Whomd. By whom159. He was seen _______ this time yesterday.a. wroteb. to writec. writingd. writeplete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms:1.Pocket ______________ can fit into our pockets.(calculate)2.Li Lei can throw the volleyball much ______________ than I. (far)3.Whales are the biggest animals _______________. (live)4.What __________ news it is! (surprise)5.“Open your mouth ___________, my child.” The doctor said to Tom. (wide)6.The __________ of the young firemen made us very sad. (die)7.Hearing the good news about the 2010 Expo, we jumped __________. (excite)8.The apples in the box are bigger than the __________ on the table. (one)9.After a day’s hard work, Mark feels very _________. (sleep)10.You’ll certainly enjoy ____________ at the party, Children! (you)11.Six children have been ___________ because of he Bird Flu so far in the country.(die)12.The air __________ by the dirty smoke can make us feel sick. (pollute)13.Mingming didn’t tell the truth. We were sorry for his _________. (honest)14.Jack’s mother __________ the family as a house keeper for 15 years. (servant)15.After the earthquake, the citizens are suffering ______________ and cold. Theyneed a lot of clothes, blankets and food. (hungry)16.Teenagers show great ____________ in this magazine because of the colorfulphotographs. (interested)17.The old library was __________ last year. It looks more beautiful. (build)18.She couldn’t sleep last night because her husband breathed _____________ whenhe was sleeping. (noise)19.The two __________ had no ideas of what the Frenchman was talking about.(Germany)20.Our school will have an open day on the ___________ of December. (twelve)21.The puppies and the kittens have been brought to __________. Don’t worry aboutthem. (safe)22.UNESCO stands for the United Nations ______________ Scientific and CulturalOrganization. (educate)23.We went to a beautiful town and spent an ____________ day. (forget)24.People can see a wide _______ of goods on sale during the festive season. (vary)25.She becomes _____________ if everything is completely quiet. (vision)26.They were pleased with the __________________ of the hotel. (manage)27.In 1620, the first _____________ arrived in North America from England. (settle)28.She wanted to be _____________ and decided to leave her family. (dependence)29.among all fruits, I have a strong ___________ for apples. (prefer)30.----What’s your ____________? ----Chinese. (national)31.Are there any taxi ____________ in that small city? (serve)32.The sick man is getting _____________. (ill)33.Nancy is a clever girl. She is not easily _____________. (foolish)34.There is a ___________screen in front of his computer. (protect)35.“Take care of _______ while you are studying in the university.” Mum said toher sons. (you)36.The foreigners were welcomed _________ in our school. ( warm)37.Tsunami is a _________ to the whole country. (threaten)38.The girl bought a copy of English on a ________________ world. ( change )39.As we all know that the moon is __________ . (life)40.His grandfather has been _________ for nearly ten years. ( die)41.It’s ___________ to swim in the swimming pool than in the river.42.He ____________ stealing the purse. ( admission)43.The more you smoke, the ____________ you’ll be. (ill)44.He always kept his money in the ___________. (safety)45.Be careful not to jump to ____________. (conclude)46.A friend of _______ often helps him with his homework. (he)47.Dirty water should be cleaned before it __________ rivers. (pollution)48.His ________ cost his life. (care)49.The _________ results will be broadcast tonight.50.To the doctor’s surprise, the patient’s eyes were __________ open. (wide)51.He has none of his sister’s ___________. (honest)52.Betty was one of the ____________ actresses of her time. (lead)53.The _________ will deliver the notice to you. (message)54.My aunt has become rather ___________ in her old age. ( forget)55.You should have more respect for your ____________. (old)56.___________, women in the west are married in long white dresses. (tradition)57.She has passed the ________ examination of senior middle school. (enter)58.Shanghai is one of the largest ______________ centers in the world. ( busy)59.She works in the company’s export __________. (divide)60.He closed his letter with ______________ of grateful thanks. (expression) III.Rewrite the sentences as required:1.Her sister has been a nurse for five years.Her sister has _______ ________ a nurse for five years.2.Tim doesn’t collect coins. Jack doesn’t collect coins, either.Neither Tim ________ Jack ___________ coins.3.She is tall and thin. She has long hair.She is ________ tall and thin girl _______ long hair.4.My T-shirt is small.______ ______ is your T-shirt?5.How much did the manager pay the children? (改为被动语态)How much ________ the children _________?6. A machine needs fuel to make its parts work._________ does a machine need fuel _________?7.The US government should apologize to the Chinese side.The US government should ________ ________ to the Chinese side.8.You must say something at tomorrow’s meeting.You ___________ say ____________ at tomorrow’s meeting.9.Mary won the prize with the help of the teacher._______ ________ Mary win the prize?10.What made you so upset?________ what ________ you made so upset?11.Do you mind my opening the window?Do you mind _______ _________ open the window?12.Did they give you anything? (改为被动语态)___________ anything ___________ to you?13.I saw a pretty picture on the wall when I entered Betty’s room.A pretty picture on the wall _______ my ______ when I entered Betty’s room.14. I’m the only one who can do it right._________ ___________ people can do it right.15. He left Nanjing two years ago.He has __________ _________ from Nanjing for two years.16. It’s too hard for me to understand you.It’s too hard for me to understand you, _________ _________?参考答案:Ⅰ:1-5 DCCBB 6-10 AAACB 11-15 BCCDD 16-20 CBDCD 21-25 DBCDA26-30 ABDAC 31-35 CCBDA 36-40 DDBBD 41-45 CADAB 46-50 ADCDD51-55 DAACA 56-60 BCCAC 61-65 DCCAB 66-70 BCBAA 71-75 CACDC76-80 DDCCD 81-85 CADBA 86-90 CDDDA 91-95 BBAAD 96-100 CCADA 101-105 CADAB 106-110 DCBBC 111-115 BCCAA 116-120 CDAAB121-125 BDADA 126-130 CADAB 131-135 CBCBD 136-140 DCABB141-145 DCCDA 146-150 DAADC 151-155 CABCD 156-159 BBBCⅡ:1.calculators2.further/farther3.alive4.surprising5.wide6.death7.excitedly8.ones9.sleepy 10.yourselves 11.died 12.polluted 13.dishonesty 14.has served 15.hunger 16.interest 17.built 18.noisily 19.Germans 20.twelfth 21.safety cation23.unforgettable 24.variety 25.visible 26.management 27.settlers 28.independent 29.preference 30.nationality 31.services 32.worse 33.fooled 34.protective35.yourselves 36.warmly 37.threat 38.changeable 39.lifeless 40.died42.admits/admitted 43.worse 44.safe 45.conclusion 46.his 47.pollutes48.carelessness 50.wide 51.honesty 52.leading 53.messenger 54.forgetful55.elders 56.Traditionally 57.entrance 58.business 59.division 60.expressingⅢ:1.worked as2.nor collects3.a with4.What size5.were paid6.What for7.say sorry8.needn’t anything9.How did 10.By were 11.if I 12.Was given 13.caught eyes 14.No other 15.been away 16.isn’t it11。
2、下列物质直接由原子构成的是A.金刚石B.C60C.氯化钠D.二氧化碳答案:A解析:A. 金刚石是由碳原子直接构成,选项正确;B. C60是由碳六十分子构成,一个分子由60个碳原子构成,选项错误;C. 氯化钠是由钠离子和氯离子构成,选项错误;D. 二氧化碳由二氧化碳分子构成,选项错误。
初三化学易错题集 2
![初三化学易错题集 2](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/998df9dfc1c708a1284a44f6.png)
2. 在平面直角坐标系中,点A(3,-1)、B(-4,5)、C(-3,-4),则△ABC的面积是多少?
3. 若a+b=4,a-b=2,则a-b=?
4. 甲、乙两条路线交点为P点,甲路线上距离P点30 km的地方有一村庄,乙路线上距离P点20 km的地方有一村庄。
若两村庄之间的距离为50 km,则甲、乙两路线的长度分别是多少?
5. 有一条直线通过点(1,3)和点(2,4),则该直线的斜率是多少?
6. 若x+2y=5,则2x+4y=?
7. 若a:b=3:5,且a+b=40,则a的值是多少?
8. 在直角三角形ABC中,∠A=90°,AC=8 cm,BC=10 cm,则AB的长度是多少?
9. 若5a+3b=13,2a+4b=10,则a的值是多少?
10. 某商店打折,原价为x元的商品现在售价为(x-20)元,现在售价为80元,则原价为多少元?
- 1 -。
1. 错题:-3 + 2 = 1解析:这是一个整数的加法运算,其中涉及到了负数的概念。
所以-3 + 2的运算结果应该是-1。
2. 错题:-5 × -6 = 30解析:这是一个整数的乘法运算,其中有两个负数相乘。
-5 × -6的运算结果应该是30。
1. 错题:3x - 2x = 6解析:这是一个代数式的化简题,涉及到了变量x的运算。
3x - 2x 实际上是x的系数的差值,即1x。
所以3x - 2x的化简结果应该是x。
2. 错题:2(3x - 4) = 5x + 6解析:这是一个一元一次方程的求解题,需要运用分配律和合并同类项的规则。
首先将2乘以括号内的表达式:2(3x - 4) = 6x - 8。
然后将得到的结果与5x + 6进行比较,进行方程的求解。
最终求解过程是6x -8 = 5x + 6,将x的系数移到一边,常数移到另一边,得到x = 14。
1. 错题:∠ABC = ∠CDE,并且AB = CD,可以判断三角形ABC与三角形CDE全等。
解析:根据相等角和对应边的性质,如果∠ABC = ∠CDE,并且AB = CD,那么可以判断三角形ABC与三角形CDE相似,而不是全等。
初三上倪紫娟level middle错题集
![初三上倪紫娟level middle错题集](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/4772f5d4d15abe23482f4dfb.png)
初三上倪紫娟level middle错题集2Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar (第二部分词汇和语法) 错题回顾练习;说明:本次错题选自金牌教练九年级上。
II. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案): (共20分)1.(金牌教练P11,No 1.)The workers are building ________ eight-hundred-meter-long bridge over the river.A. aB. anC. theD. /2.I met an old friend of ________ in the street yesterday.A. myB. meC. myselfD. mine3.The elderly man isn’t ________ to carry the suitcase.A. so strongB. strong enoughC. too strongD. enough strong4.Great changes ________place in Pudong since 1990.A. had takenB. had been takenC. have takenD. have been taken5.___________ a stormy night , the sick beggar died of hunger.A. InB. OnC. AtD. For6.He looks very worried. He must have something important ___________.A. talkingB. talking aboutC. to talkD. to talk about7.Tom said he would have __________holiday.A. a two-weekB. a two-weekC. two-weekD. two weeks8. It’s only __________walk , so you can get here in foot.A. half an hourB. a half hourC. half an hour’sD. half an hours’9. ——Have you finished your writing?——No, I’ll finish it in _______minutes.A. ten anotherB. more tenC. other tenD. ten more10. Sam ran fast so as _________late for class.A. toB. to beC. not toD. not to be11. He suddenly ________from the chair when he heard the exciting news.A. roseB. raisedC. risesD. raises12. In my opinion , Jack doesn’t write English ________as his sister.A. as clear asB. as clearly asC. so clear asD. more clearly13. One afternoon she set off from the coast in a small boat. (选出划线部分的最佳解释)A. set outB. set asideC. set upD. set free14. The decision is still hanging.(选出划线部分的最佳解释)A. is known to allB. is still hungC. hasn’t been decided yetD. is still familiar to people15. I had no idea about that. (选出划线部分的最佳解释)A. don’t knowB. didn’t knowC. don’t aware ofD. didn’t recognize16. He fell down and banged his knee . (选出划线部分的最佳解释)A. hurtB. hit sharplyC. hangedD. beat17. Liu Xiang has a burning desire to run the fastest in 2012 Olympic G ames . (选出划线部分的最佳解释)A. fireB. hopefulC. strongD. skillful18. The letter was written __________.A. with a handB. by handsC. in handD. for hand19. After the interview , the boss claimed that she ________the job .A. was fitted forB. fit forC. was fit forD. fitted for20. I can ________ believe that he studies so ________.A. hard …hardB. hard … hardlyC. hardly …hardlyD. hardly …hard21. He passed me a knife to cut bread _______.A. withB. with itC. by itD. /22. This is a very difficult question . Do you know _________?A. what to answerB. how answerC. how to answer inD. what to answer it(The answers: 1-5 BDBCB 6-10 DACDC 11-15ABACB 16-20BCACD 21-22 AC)诊断练习题:31.Paul told me that he had bought a new flat on ________ phone.A) a B) an C) the D) /32.The Grade 9 students took exams ________ Christmas Day this year.A) on B) at C) to D) in33.I asked my friends to help ________ to the fruit and snacks.A) they B) them C) their D) themselves34. We need to go shopping. There is ________ juice left in the fridge.A) little B) few C) many D) much35. A surprising ending can add excitement ________ a film.A) for B)to C) at D) on36.I could hear calling to me, but I didn’t know who he was.A) everyone B) someone C) anyone D) nobody37.You’d better not stay outdoors in this kind of weather, you?A) do B) don’t C) had D) hadn’t38.The road near my home has been rebuilt. It’s much and noisier.A) wide B) wider C) widest D) the widest39.He’s not in now. Would you like to leave a message ________ call again later?A) and B) but C) so D) or40.Joan says she won’t buy a car ________ she passes the driving test.A) unless B) because C) since D) if41.Ben started his business in his twenties and became after years of hard work.A) succeed B) success C) successful D) successfully42. It is really comfortable ________ in an air-conditioned classroom in summer.A) study B) to study C) studying D) studied43. The Greens ________ several times since they came to work in this city.A) move B) moved C) have moved D) are moving44. Jenny will stay with a Canadian family when she ________ for a further studynext year.A) goes B) go C) will go D) has gone45. Jessica’s parents always encourage her ________ out her opinions.A) speak B) speaking C) to speak D) will speak46. I like traveling very much. My hope is ________ around the world one day.A) travel B) traveled C) will travel D) to travel47.—The manager says there’s no hot water after 8:00p.m.—You mean we ________ go to bed without a shower. How terrible!A) have to B) may C) must D) can48. Cathy enjoys ________ her grandchildren playing with her pets in the garden.A) watch B) watching C) to watch D) watches49. —Sorry I’m late, but the bus broke down.— I’ve just got here myself.A) That’s all right. B) Thank you very much.C) You’re welcome. D) I think you’re right.50. —My son had an accident this morning. He fell down some stairs.—________ How did it happen?A) Don’t mention it. B)It sounds so strange.C) It doesn’t matter.D) I’m sorry to hear that.II I. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. E ach wordor phrase can only be used once(将下列单词或词组填入空格。
初三英语易错题集锦和解析(1010月26日晚8点到8点30讲解(郁老师)1 Say / talk / tell / speak1speak English讲英语2say…in English用英语说3say that说…4talk about谈论..5tell the difference区分差异6what….say说什么7talk with….与…交谈8 tell a story 讲故事1 Mr Lee ______ that he would join us in the football game tomorr ow(said talked spoketold)2 Millions of Shanghai citizens are learning to _____ English for the 2021 World Expo(tell speak saytalk)3 The teachers and students are____ about the school sports meet the se days(speaking talking sayingtelling)4 Could you _____ something in English in today’s English class?(say speak telltalk)5 Tim could _____ neither French nor German, so I ____ with him in English(speak…talked talk…..told say….spoke te ll….talked)6 I’m sorry I didn’t hear what you _______. Could you repeat?(talked told said spok e)7 Students often find it hard to ________ the difference between the two words(say tell talk speak)8 May I __________ to Mr Smith? __________. Who’s that callin g?9 My grandma ____________ me a story every night.10 My teacher _______________ us not to play in the street.11 Jane ______________ with me about her holiday in America yest erday.12 Alice can _______________ not only English but also French.13 When he heard the news, he didn’t know what to ____________14 Can you _____________ me the way to the nearest post office?15 What did he ____________ you to ________________ at the mee ting?16 When the teacher came in, all the students stopped ____________ _____.17 Why not ___________________ it in English?18.Jessica is looking forward to _______________ at the meeting.2 see / watch / notice / look / find / read1 can’t see anything 不能看见任何东西2 watch a match 观看竞赛3 notice 注意4 look at 看着5 read a book / a map 看书、看地图6 look for 查找7 find 发觉8 find out 查明(后加疑问词)1 Would you please ____ what time the delayed flight will arrive(find find out look for l ook at)2 Can you help me to ____ the word in the dictionary? It confuses me a lot(find look up look for fi nd out)3 You’d better _____ the city map before you go sightseeing(look at have a look watchread)4 Thousands of people came to Shanghai to ______ the 48th World Table Tennis Championships(see notice watchlook)5 The room is very dark. I can’t _____ anything clearly without a l ight(watch look see no tice)6 Have you ____________ the film “The Return of the King”?7 Mr. Green took out a map and ______________ it8 You coughed a lot. You’d better go to __________ the doctor.9 We all like _______________ cartoons10 The students of our school are _______________ a football match.11 My mother and I will ________________ my father off at the air port12Please be quiet and ________________ at the blackboard.13Jane ______________ hard, but _____________ nothing because she was short eyesight14 Let me ______________ the phone number in Yellow Pages.3 Pay / cost / afford / spend / take1sb spend time doing花时刻做…2it takes sb time to do花时刻做…3sb pay money for花钱买…4sb spend money on花钱买…5sth cost sb money花钱买…6can't afford买不起/花不起1 Many people were too busy to _____ a holiday before the Olympi cs last year.(explore afford offer connect)2 Yang _____ about 20 days traveling around the earth.(took spent paid cos t)3 I’m afraid I can’t _____ to go on holiday because I lost my job last week(take cost spend affor d)4 The red skirt is too expensive. I can’t ______ it(pay afford spend cos t)5 Cars are very expensive. I can’t afford to _____ one now(spend pay cost buy)6 Though the PSP ______ him about 1200 yuan, he doesn’t think i t is expensive(took spent paid cost)7 They were worried that their son often ______ too much time play ing computer games(spent cost paid bough t)8 Jane ______ ten months on the novel. And now, it is quite popula r among children(took paid cost spen t)9 My parents _____ about 1000 yuan for my school education each year(spend take cost pay)10 It _____ several years to build Qinghai-Tibet Railway, the highest railway in the world(spent took cost paid)11 The house _______________ me a lot of money12 She _________________ a lot of money on the books13 He ________________ two hours doing his homework.14 It ________________ me half an hour to write the letter.15 How much did these shoes _________________ ?16 How much did Mary _______________ for the house?17 How much time did you _______________ making the model shi p?18 He ________________ the bill and went out of the restaurant.4 Join take part in enter for attend hold1take part in=join in参加(活动)2join WTO加入WTO组织3enter for报名参加4hold举办、容纳5attend APEC出席APEC会议1 The students in my class all ______ the hobby group.(join enter for join in t ake part in)2 All of us were very glad to know that our country____the WTO i n the end(joined took part in entered att ended)3 We are going to have a sports meeting this Sunday. Have you ___ ___ any events yet?(taken part in joined entered for attend)4 The VIPs from 21 countries will ______ the APEC in Shanghai th is autumn(hold take part in joinattend)5 China _______ the World Expo in St. Louis, US for the first time in 1904(took part in joined held entered fo r)6 Can I __________________ you? You’re welcome.7 Alice and Jone _____________ the singing group. They meet ever y Tuesday8 Mr. Smith will _______________ an important meeting tomorrow.9 My brother _________________ the army in 202110 There will be a sports meeting next week. Tom _____________ t he 400-metre race and the long jump.11 There was a sports meeting last week. All the students ________ ______ it.12 We will _____________ a lecture about modern science.13The students in Class One_____________ the group singing at the party14 I haven’t decided what events to _______________.15 Will you ________________ us in the game?16 A CD can _____________ over 300,000 pages of documents答案:第一部分1-7 A B B A A C B8speak speaking9 tells10 tells11 talked12speak13say14tell15 tell ...say16talking17say18speaking第二部分1-5 B B D C C6 seen7read8see9watching10watching11see12look13looked, saw14read第三部分1-10 B B D B D D A D D B 11cost12 spent13spent14took15cost16pay17spend18paid第四部分1-7 A A C D B6join7 have joined8attend9joined10will enter for11 took part in12attend13took part in 14 enter for 15join 16 hold。
初三上学期数学错题集(一元二次方程)(一) 2012.09.09已打印1、若方程(m-2)x㎡-2+mx2=7是关于x的一元二次方程,则m的值为。
6、方程(x-2)(x+3)=6的解是()A.x1=-4,x2=3 B.x1=2,x2=3C.x1=2,x2=-3 D.x1=4,x2=-37、用因式分解法解方程5(x+3)-2x(x+3)=0,可把它化为两个一元一次方程、求解。
初三上学期数学错题集(一元二次方程)(二)2012.09.15已打印1、解方程:(1)3y(y-1)2=2-2y (2)7 x2=21x (3)(x2+1)2-3(x2+1)-28=02、若△ABC的边长都是方程x2-10x+21=0的根,求△ABC的周长。
3、若△ABC 的边长都是方程x 2-7x+12=0的根,求△ABC 的周长。
4、已知P=157m-1,Q= m 2-158m(m 为任意实数),则P 、Q 的大小关系为 ( ) A .P<Q B. P=Q C. P>Q D.不能确定 5、关于x 的方程(k+1)x 2+2(k+1) x+k=0无实数根,则k 的取值范围是 。
6、已知a 是整数,满足⎩⎨⎧>->+023013a a 试解关于x 的一元二次方程x 2-4=x(ax-3).7、k 为何值时,关于x 的方程(k-1)x 2-(2k+1) x+k+1 = 0(1)有一解?(2)有两个不相等的实数根?8、已知△ABC 的两边AB 、AC 的长是关于x 的一元二次方程x 2-(2k+1) x+k(k+1) = 0的两个实数根,第三边BC 的长为5.(1)k 为何值时,△ABC 是以BC 为斜边的直角三角形?(2)k 为何值时,△ABC 是等腰三角形?并求△ABC 的边长。
7. Six-month-old babies are not old enough to tell the differences between need and want.(保持句意)
Six-month-old babies are________ ________ to tell the differences between need and want.
By the end of last term , we _____ English for four years.
A. have learned B. learned C. would learn D. had learned
答案 D,过去的过去,过去完成时,不多解释。
When I _____ the cinema, the film______ for ten minutes.
13. Sonia never cleans ______ even offers to wash the dishes. How lazy he is!
A. but B. and C. so D. Or
答案D。否定句中,用or代替and 表示“和、与、同时”
题中还有个句型要注意:offer to do sth 主动(提出)做某事
11、 The mountain is 5,300 metres high.(保持原句意思)
The mountain is 5,300 metres ____ ______.
答案 in height 同义句,没解释,这种题目也要注意 表示多高 多长 多老 做前置定语时的连字符格式用法。这里,不拓展。
The 30th Olympic Games will _______ ________ in London in July, 2012.
沭阳如东实验学校初三物理期末复习(错题集锦1)一、选项题1.功率一定的拖拉机在深耕时的行驶速度比在公路上慢,这主要是为了( )A.增大牵引力B.增大牵引力所做的功C.增大发动机的功率D.节省燃料2.某人骑着一辆普通自行车,在平直公路上以某一速度匀速行驶,若人和车所受的阻力为20N ,则通常情况下,骑车人消耗的功率最接近 ( )A 、1WB 、10WC 、100WD 、1000W3.如图,一块厚度、密度均匀的长方形水泥板放在水平地面上,用一竖直向上的力,欲使其一端抬离地面。
则 ( )A 、F 甲>F 乙,因为甲方法的动力臂长B 、F 甲<F 乙,因为乙方法的阻力臂长C 、F 甲>F 乙,因为乙方法时阻力臂短D 、F 甲=F 乙,因为动力臂都是阻力臂的2倍4.用弹簧测力计沿水平方向两次拉着同一物体在同一水平面上运动,两次运动的S-t 图像如图所示,其对应的弹簧测力计示数分别为F1和F2,功率分别为P1和P2,则它们大小关系正确的是 ( )A.F1>F2 P1>P2B.F1=F2 P1>P2C.F1=F2 P1<P2D.F1<F2 P1<P25.小明小组利用如图所示装置探究“杠杆平衡条件”时,在杠杆两侧挂上不同个数的钩码,移动钩码使杠杆在水平位置平衡,这样三次实验后得出结论:动力×支点到动力作用点的距离=阻力×支点到阻力作用点的距离。
下列能帮助他得出正确结论的操作是 ( )A .去掉一侧钩码,换用弹簧测力计竖直向下拉B .去掉一侧钩码,换用弹簧测力计斜向下拉C .去掉一侧钩码,换用弹簧测力计竖直向上拉D .增加钩码个数,再多次实验使结论更具普遍性6.下列关于功率和机械效率的说法中 正确的是 ( )A 功率大的机械做功一定多B 做功快的机械 功率一定大C 效率高的机械 功率一定大D 做功多的机械 效率一定高7.用相同的滑轮和绳子分别组成如图所示的甲、乙两个滑轮组,把相同的重物匀速提升相同的高度.若不计绳重及摩擦,下列说法正确的是 ( )A .绳子受的拉力F1和F2大小相等,滑轮组的机械效率相同B .绳子受的拉力F1和F2大小不相等,滑轮组的机械效率不同C .绳子自由端移动的距离不相等,拉力对滑轮组所做的功相等D .绳子自由端移动的距离不相等,拉力对滑轮组所做的功不相等第7题第3题 第4题第5题8.“跳远”是一项常见的体育运动。
初中数学选择、填空、简答题易错题集锦及答案一、选择题1、A 、B 是数轴上原点两旁的点,则它们表示的两个有理数是( C )A 、互为相反数B 、绝对值相等C 、是符号不同的数D 、都是负数 2、有理数a 、b 在数轴上的位置如图所示,则化简|a-b|-|a+b|的结果是( A ) A 、2a B 、2b C 、2a-2b D 、2a+b3、轮船顺流航行时m 千米/小时,逆流航行时(m-6)千米/小时,则水流速度( B ) A 、2千米/小时 B 、3千米/小时 C 、6千米/小时 D 、不能确定4、方程2x+3y=20的正整数解有( B )A 、1个B 、3个C 、4个D 、无数个 5、下列说法错误的是( C )A 、两点确定一条直线B 、线段是直线的一部分C 、一条直线是一个平角D 、把线段向两边延长即是直线6、函数y=(m 2-1)x 2-(3m-1)x+2的图象与x 轴的交点情况是 ( C ) A 、当m ≠3时,有一个交点 B 、1±≠m 时,有两个交 C 、当1±=m 时,有一个交点 D 、不论m 为何值,均无交点7、如果两圆的半径分别为R 和r (R>r ),圆心距为d ,且(d-r)2=R 2,则两圆的位置关系是( B ) A 、内切 B 、外切 C 、内切或外切 D 、不能确定8、在数轴上表示有理数a 、b 、c 的小点分别是A 、B 、C 且b<a<c ,则下列图形正确的是( D )A B C D 9、有理数中,绝对值最小的数是( C ) A 、-1 B 、1 C 、0 D 、不存在 10、21的倒数的相反数是( A )A 、-2B 、2C 、-21 D 、2111、若|x|=x ,则-x 一定是( B )A 、正数B 、非负数C 、负数D 、非正数12、两个有理数的和除以这两个有理数的积,其商为0,则这两个有理数为( C ) A 、互为相反数 B 、互为倒数 C 、互为相反数且不为0 D 、有一个为0 13、长方形的周长为x ,宽为2,则这个长方形的面积为( C ) A 、2x B 、2(x-2) C 、x-4 D 、2·(x-2)/2 14、“比x 的相反数大3的数”可表示为( C ) A 、-x-3 B 、-(x+3) C 、3-x D 、x+3 15、如果0<a<1,那么下列说法正确的是( B ) A 、a 2比a 大 B 、a 2比a 小C 、a 2与a 相等D 、a 2与a 的大小不能确定16、数轴上,A 点表示-1,现在A 开始移动,先向左移动3个单位,再向右移动9个单位,又向左移动5个单位,这时,A 点表示的数是( B )A 、-1B 、0C 、1D 、817、线段AB=4cm ,延长AB 到C ,使BC=AB 再延长BA 到D ,使AD=AB ,则线段CD 的长为( A )A 、12cmB 、10cmC 、8cmD 、4cm 18、21-的相反数是( B ) A 、21+B 、12- C 、21-- D 、12+-19、方程x(x-1)(x-2)=x 的根是( D )A 、x 1=1, x 2=2B 、x 1=0, x 2=1, x 3=2C 、x 1=253+, x 2=253-D 、x 1=0,x 2=353+, x 3=253-20、解方程04)1(5)1(322=-+++xx x x 时,若设yx x =+1,则原方程可化为( B )A 、3y 2+5y-4=0 B 、3y 2+5y-10=0 C 、3y 2+5y-2=0 D 、3y 2+5y+2=021、方程x 2+1=2|x|有( B )A 、两个相等的实数根;B 、两个不相等的实数根;C 、三个不相等的实数根;D 、没有实数根 22、一次函数y=2(x-4)在y 轴上的截距为( C ) A 、-4 B 、4 C 、-8 D 、823、解关于x 的不等式⎩⎨⎧-<>a x ax ,正确的结论是( C )A 、无解B 、解为全体实数C 、当a>0时无解D 、当a<0时无解 24、反比例函数xy 2=,当x ≤3时,y 的取值范围是( C ) A 、y ≤32 B 、y ≥32C 、y ≥32或y<0D 、0<y ≤3225、0.4的算术平方根是( C ) A 、0.2 B 、±0.2 C 、510D 、±51026、李明骑车上学,一开始以某一速度行驶,途中车子发生故障,只好停车修理,车修好后,因怕耽误时间,于时就加快了车速,在下列给出的四个函数示意图象,符合以上情况的是( D )A B C D27、若一数组x 1, x 2, x 3, …, x n 的平均数为x ,方差为s 2,则另一数组kx 1, kx 2, kx 3, …, kx n的平均数与方差分别是( A )A 、k x , k 2s 2B 、x , s 2C 、k x , ks 2D 、k 2x , ks 228、若关于x 的方程21=+-ax x 有解,则a 的取值范围是( B ) A 、a ≠1 B 、a ≠-1 C 、a ≠2 D 、a ≠±129、下列图形中既是中心对称图形,又是轴对称图形的是( A )A 、线段B 、正三角形C 、平行四边形D 、等腰梯形30、已知dcb a =,下列各式中不成立的是( C ) A 、d c b a d c b a ++=-- B 、d b c a d c 33++= C 、bd ac b a 23++= D 、ad=bc 31、一个三角形的三个内角不相等,则它的最小角不大于( D ) A 、300 B 、450 C 、550 D 、60032、已知三角形内的一个点到它的三边距离相等,那么这个点是( C )A 、三角形的外心B 、三角形的重心C 、三角形的内心D 、三角形的垂心 33、下列三角形中是直角三角形的个数有( B )①三边长分别为3:1:2的三角形 ②三边长之比为1:2:3的三角形 ③三个内角的度数之比为3:4:5的三角形 ④一边上的中线等于该边一半的三角形 A 、1个 B 、2个 C 、3个 D 、4个 34、如图,设AB=1,S △OAB =43cm 2,则弧AB 长为( A )A 、3πcm B 、32πcm C 、6πcm D 、2πcm 35、平行四边形的一边长为5cm ,则它的两条对角线长可以是( D )A 、4cm, 6cmB 、4cm, 3cmC 、2cm, 12cmD 、4cm, 8cm36、如图,△ABC 与△BDE 都是正三角形,且AB<BD ,若△ABC 不动,将△BDE 绕B 点旋转,则在旋转过程中,AE 与CD 的大小关系是( A )A 、AE=CDB 、AE>CDC 、AE>CD D 、无法确定37、顺次连结四边形各边中点得到一个菱形,则原四边形必是( A ) A 、矩形 B 、梯形 C、两条对角线互相垂直的四边形 D 、两条对角线相等的四边形 38、在圆O 中,弧AB=2CD ,那么弦AB 和弦CD 的关系是(C )A 、AB=2CDB 、AB>2CDC 、AB<2CD D 、AB 与CD 39、在等边三角形ABC 外有一点D ,满足AD=AC ,则∠BDC 的度数为( D ) A 、300 B 、600 C 、1500 D 、300或150040、△ABC 的三边a 、b 、c 满足a ≤b ≤c ,△ABC 的周长为18,则( C )A 、a ≤6B 、b<6C 、c>6D 、a 、b 、c 中有一个等于641、如图,在△ABC 中,∠ACB=Rt ∠,AC=1,BC=2,则下列说法正确的是( C )A 、∠B=300B 、斜边上的中线长为1C 、斜边上的高线长为552D 、该三角形外接圆的半径为142、如图,把直角三角形纸片沿过顶点B 的直线BE (BE 交CA 于E 直角顶点C 落在斜边AB 上,如果折叠后得到等腰三角形EBA ,那么下列结论中(1)∠A=300(2)点C 与AB 的中点重合 (3)点E 到AB 的距离等于CE 的长,正确的个数是( D ) A 、0 B 、1 C 、2 D 、343、不等式6322+>+x x 的解是( C )A 、x>2B 、x>-2C 、x<2D 、x<-244、已知一元二次方程(m-1)x 2-4mx+4m-2=0有实数根,则m 的取值范围是( B ) A 、m ≤1 B 、m ≥31且m ≠1 C 、m ≥1 D 、-1<m ≤1 AB45、函数y=kx+b(b>0)和y=xk-(k ≠0),在同一坐标系中的图象可能是( B ) A B C D46、在一次函数y=2x-1的图象上,到两坐标轴距离相等的点有( B )A 、1个B 、2个C 、3个D 、无数个 47、若点(-2,y 1)、(-1,y 2)、(1,y 3)在反比例函数xy 1=的图像上, 则下列结论中正确的是( D )A 、y 1>y 2>y 3B 、y 1<y 2<y 3C 、y 2>y 1>y 3D 、y 3>y 1>y 2 48、下列根式是最简二次根式的是( B ) A 、a 8 B 、22b a + C 、x 1.0 D 、5a49、下列计算哪个是正确的( D )A 、523=+B 、5252=+C 、b a b a +=+22D 、212221221+=-50、把aa 1--(a 不限定为正数)化简,结果为( B )A 、aB 、a- C 、-aD 、-a-51、若a+|a|=0,则22)2(a a +-等于( A ) A 、2-2a B 、2a-2 C 、-2 D 、252、已知02112=-+-x x ,则122+-x x 的值( C ) A 、1 B 、±21 C 、21D 、-2153、设a 、b 是方程x 2-12x+9=0的两个根,则b a +等于( C )A 、18B 、6C 、23D 、±2354、下列命题中,正确的个数是( B )①等边三角形都相似 ②直角三角形都相似 ③等腰三角形都相似④锐角三角形都相似 ⑤等腰三角形都全等 ⑥有一个角相等的等腰三角形相似⑦有一个钝角相等的两个等腰三角形相似 ⑧全等三角形相似A 、2个B 、3个C 、4个D 、5个 二、填空题1、如果一个数的绝对值等于它的相反数,那么这个数一定是_____非正数____。
初三英语错题集单项选择1. The hotel is bigger than of the other side of the road .It is the bigger.A. any other onesB. any one C . the other one D . any other one2. Tom is strongly keeping animals in the zoo, because he thinks animals should also have the right to enjoy the freedom.A. againstB. forC. atD. of3. She managed to win the match, ____ he fell over and nearly couldn 't get up in the race . A. because B. thoughC. ifD. or 4.— Why does Jack look so disappointed? -- Because he .A. didn 't inviteB. isn ' in t vitedC. hasn 't been invitedD. wasn 't invited 5. There some beef and tomatoes in the fridge. A. has B. have C. is D. are6. --- What do you think of the book of “Harry Potter ”? ---I think it is one of films that I ______ ever.A. more interesting ;sawB. the most interesting ;have seenC. more interested ;seeD. the most interested; have seen7. The man ate a big dinner,he said he was still hungry. A. and B. but C.however D. so8. ---Why not have dinner at Qiaojiangnan Restaurant tonight?--- . Don 't you know how expensive their dishes are?A. You bet.B. Why not?.C. No ,I can 't afford it.D. You can 't be serious .9. ---Must I come back before 10:30?---No, you . But you be back later than lunch-time.A. mustn 't; can 'tB. needn 't; can 'tC. mustn 't; mayD. needn 't; may 10. ---Jean, why are you still here? They are ready to start.---I 'm sorry, but Iwhere to go. A. don 't tell B. didn 't tell C. wasn 't told D. haven 't told 11. ---Who has the interesting book?---Joan ___ . She the book for a week.A.has ; has borrowedB.does; has boughtC. does;had had 12. ---Who 's singing in the next room? Is it Lucy? be her. I saw he has gone to New York. B. shouldn 't C. mustn 't 14. Your girlfriend has broken up with you for several years .Why notA. to stop missingB. to stop to missC. stop missingD. stop to miss15. She is very strict her children studies.A. with, withB. in; withC. with; inD. to; with16. ---If you go to visit the Great Wall , .A. so do IB. so would IC. so I willD. so will ID.has; has had ---ItA. can 'tD. won 't 13. The school report A. disappointed; exciting C. disappointed; excited made my parents veryB. disappointing; excitingD. disappointing; excitedher?17. ---Which of the following helps paper burn?---It 's a piece of cake. Does.A. CO 2B. N2C. O2D.H2O18. ---What do you think of your English teacher?---I love her. She is really . She seldom has a smile on her face.A. crossB. seriousC. strictD. difficult19. ---What 's that noise?---Oh, I forgot to tell you. The new machine .A. was testedB. will be testedC. is being tested D .has been tested20. Could you tell me ?A.what the matter is with herB.what you deal with the old machinesC. how I get on with a person I dislikeD. whether is it fine tomorrow21. ---Which jacket do you prefer, the blue one or the white one?---Well, I 'd like to take of them. I have no enough money to take both.A. neitherB. bothC. eitherD. one22. ---Do you know the girl plays the most important role in the film ?---Of course I do, she is called Zhang Fengxi. Her performance is really funny.A. whatB. thatC. which D .whose23. —I hear a famous doctor Mary--- She is badly ill .Her mother ___ away one of her livers(肝脏) to operate for MaryA. operate on; gaveB. operating for; willC. will operate on; will giveD. to operate ; gave24. ---Shall we see the movie today or tomorrow?--- . It 's all the same to me.A. It 's a great ideaB. Why not?C. No dealD. It 's up to you25. ---I 'll be away on holiday for a week. Would you mind looking after my parrot?---Not at all. .A. That depends.B. I'd rather notC. I'll be glad toD. I'm very busy26. ---Tony ,what are you up to ?---I a book .A. read B .am reading C. have read D. will read27. ---I 'm going to visit my aunt the next month.--- .A. That sounds so funB. It 's very kind of you.C. Remember me to herD. I hope you give my best wishes to her28. If you try to sit on the two chairs, you will fall them. For life, you must choose one chair.A. betweenB. amongC. underD. behind29.I can't an comfortable room to live in for myself.A. provideB. payC. affordD.offer30. ---I 'm too nervous to give a talk before so many people. --- , Maria. You can do it.A. Just do it .B. You can't be so seriousC. With pleasureD. That 's it .31. ---Shall I give you a ride as you look so tired?---Thank you. .A.Go aheadB. Do as you likeC. Don't mention itD. It couldn 't be better32. Our natural resources will longer if we learn to recycle them.A. useB. stayC. keepD. last33. We shall have a better and cleaner to live on in the future.A. natureB. environmentC. worldD. planet34. Could you tell me ?A. if to go thereB. if I could go thereC. how can I go thereD. whether I can go there35. In the past twenty years, many tall buildings have been built in our city. Look! This is aA. 70-floor buildingB. 70-floors buildingC. 70-floor buildingsD. 70 floors building36. ---Do you know the boy is playing soccer there?---Certainly. He is a friend of my .A. who; brother 'sB. who; brotherC. whom; brother 'sD. whose; brother 37 ---Water and food Japan now.---Yes, people all over the world are helping them.A. is neededB. was neededC. are neededD. were needed38.Jerry is looking forward to an MP5 for long, but his father has no money to buyfor him. A. one B. it C. this D. that39. ---Look at the pretty girl. Is it Linda?---No, it be her. She has gone back to London.A. mustn 'tB. needn 'tC. can 'tD. won 't40. ---is it from here to the nearest hospital? ---About two kilometers away.A. How longB. How farC. How oftenD. How soon 41.---I 'm afraid I can 't pass tomorrow 's test. --- . I 'm sure you 'll make it.A. Take it seriouslyB. Forget itC. Cheer upD. Don 't mention it 42.---May I play computer games now? ---No, you have finished doing the dishes.A. unlessB. untilC. becauseD. when43.---Did you go to Ellen 's birthday party last night?---No, I . A. haven 't invited B. didn 't invite C. am not invited D. wasn 't invited44. Many students enjoy the book Harry Potter by J.K.Rowling. 47. ---Jim, please your school things. It 's too messy here. ---OK. I 'll do it right now.A. pass awayB. put outC. put awayD. leave out48. ---What do you often do classes to relax yourself? ---Listen to music.A. overB. amongC. throughD. between 49. ---I can 't say I want to see you again. It 's a year since I last saw you. ---I miss you so much, too.A. how longB. how muchC. how long D .how soon50. ---Who was the girl you talked with yesterday? ---My partner, Helen.A. whoB. thatC. which D .whoseA. who writesB. which is writingC. was written45---You look sad. Are you homesick?---Not really. I the friends back home.A. was thinking ofB. have thought ofC. am thinking of46.---Mum, can I go out to play basketball with my friends?---No, you can 't go until your homework .A. will be finishedB. is finishedC. would be finishedD. which was written D. had thought ofD. was finished51. ---Would you like to join us?---I 'm afraid I can 't. I look after my grandparents.A. used toB. mean to C .belong toD .manage to 52. ---Are you going to Tibet for vacation?---Yes. I want you tome with some information about it. A. offer B.present C .show D .provide 53.---The classroom is clean it was yesterday. ---Sorry, I forgot to clean it. A. as; than B. so; as C. not so; asD. more; than 54. Mr. Wang doesn 't believe him, he says.A. wheneverB. whateverC. however D .though 55. It 's an important decision for you, soyour time and think it over. A. take B. waste C. kill D. save56. ---What do you like doing reading?---I like playing football and listening to music as well.A. exceptB. as far asC. as well as D . without57. ---The river is polluted badly.---It 's really awful. Dozens of fishsince last year. A. died outB. were deadC. have been deadD. are dying 58.---There are bad books as well as good on theInternet.---That 's true. And we should choose good books to read.A. thatB. thoseC. oneD. ones59. The buildings in Shanghai is higher than in Hangzhou.A. thatB. thoseC. one D . onesyour grandfather like watching Beijing Opera.---Right, just as many old do in China.A. not only; but alsoB. either; orC. neither; norD. both; and61. ---I wonder if she to the party.---She is sure to come if it rainy tomorrow.A. comes; hasn 'tB. will come; doesn 'tC. comes; willD. will come; isn 't62. ---Thank you for seeing me off.B. See you laterC. Have a good journeyD. Don 't say so.63. ______ of the students in our class _______ able to play computer games well.A. Two-fifths; areB. Two fifths; isC. Second fifths; areD. Two five; are64. ___ , you ' ll pass the English exam easily.66. ---What a beautiful YO-YO you have! Can I play ___ with you?---Sorry, that 's my brother 's. You can buy ___ for yourself.67. ---We are all here __ Lily. Where 's she?--- She 's gone to the library. A.except for B. besides68. — Never be late again, ________ ? — 60.---I hear your grandmother A. Never mind A. Study hard B. Studying hard 65. --- ___ hard work you have done!--- It ' s very kind of you toa sy so. A.What a B. How C. To study hard D. Studied hardC. WhatD. How aA. it; itB. it; oneC. one; itD. one; one C. but D. includingSorry, _________________________ .A. shall I;I won'tB. will you; I won'tC. do you; I don'tD. will you; I don't69---He will call me when he here. ---But I don 't know when he .A. will arrive; will arriveB. arrives; arrivesC. will arrive; arrivesD. arrives; will arrive70. Last week, Kate 's mothert bhoeur_g_h__ European watch as __ birthday present.A. a; aB. an; aC. an; /D. a; the71. —Can you tell me some information about Italy?—Sorry, I __________ to Paris, so I know little about it.A. didn 't travelB. won' t travelC. haven't travelledD. hadn 't traveled72 It is a nice wallet for you _______ .A. to put your money inB. put your moneyC. to put your moneyD. putting your money in73. Remember to spend some time your loved ones, because they're not going to be around forever.A. ofB. withC. inD. on74. --- Let 's do something for our parents .---- Good idea !We are supposed always _____ parents' love.A. express B . require C .value D . recognize75. It takes me a great deal of time to ___ many e-mails a day .A. cheer forB. warm upC. deal withD. gave away76. This is your order , a hamburger and an apple pie . ________ ?--- I will have it here .A. For here or to goB. Something to drinkC. what else D . Is that OK77 .Make sure you close the door ____ you when you enter .A. behindB. beforeC. beside D . ahead78 --- .The poems ___ Du Fu remains popular .---- Great works can ____ the test of time .A. failB. makeC. experienceD. stand79. When we do sports , we should take care and guard ______ accidents .A. withB. againstC. over D . for80 . ---Are you going to do something different this summer vacation ?-- You bet ! I feel like ______ a new hobby like jogging .A. give up B .put up C . keep up d . take up81. I used to chat with my friends ___ my lunch break when I was in my university .A. betweenB. duringC. inD. among82. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- What makes you feel you so disappointed ? --------------------------------------------------------- _______A .Losing the match B. To lose the match C. Lost the match D . Losed the match83. --- He seems to be very tired. ------- H e __ be .He has only worked for half an hour .A. needn 't B . may not C. mustn't D. can't84. Provide your dentist with a correct medical history ____ he can give you the right treatment.A. even thoughB. as long asC. unless D . in order that84. --- Fewer animals are living on the earth as a result of man .-- Yeah . we should make a/an _______ to protect them , not to kill them .A. differenceB. dealC. effort D sense85 . ---- What does Mary do to lose weight and keep fit ?-- She has to ______ in the sports hall for three hours a day .A. think upB. stay upC. work outD. hang out86. --- Could you tell me the reason why she threw away what her boyfriend had sent her ? ---- I don 't know ___ she dealt with those things like that .A. how B . why C. what D . where87. It took the little boy a very long time to ____ the sadness from the death of his dog .-- A. go over B . look over C. get over D . fall over88. What do the sisters have ____ ?---- Both of them like painting .Also, Chinese is their favorite subject .A. in commonB. in orderC. at present D .89. True friends should try to __ each other when one of you is feeling down .A. treasureB. supposeC. punish D . promise90. I don't want to go to a restaurant . _ , we can 't afford it .A.. BesidesB. HoweverC. InsteadD. Exactly .91. Oh , you dropped my cup . ------------ Sorry , I ___ it .A. don't seeB. didn 't seeC. sawD. have seen。
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2011初中英语错题整理35. Nowadays some old famous buildings are not familiar ______ the new citizens of Shanghai.A. withB. onC. forD. to51 The kind girl promises to _____ charity as her job when she grows up.A take up B. take off C. take out D. take away55. --Our class will go climbing this weekend. -- ______A. You’re welcomeB. That’s rightC. Enjoy our time thereD. Good idea59. “ ______ and gentlemen,” he said, loudly, but forgot the rest the words. (lady)61. Believe it or not, sometimes even your favourite milk can be ______ . (health)63 Now more and more people ______ that it is important to keep balance of nature. (real) 65. My husband has never se nt flower to his mother on Mother’s Day. (一般疑问句)________ your husband ______ sent flowers to his mother on Mother’s Day?70. The fire was so fierce that nobody could enter the building to rescue people. (保持原意) The fire was ______ fierce for ______ to enter the building to rescue people.32 --Wow,What a nice iPad!-- My parents bought it for my sister and me. It’s ________A. hersB. mineC. oursD. theirs40. -- Could you give me a hand? I want to _______the picture on the wall.-- My pleasure.A. put upB. put offC. put onD. put out46. It’s hard for the little girl to __________ the difference between these signs.A. say B ta1k C. tell D. speak52. Her speech was so dramatic that everyone was attracted. The underlined word means _____A. excitingB. surprisingC. AmusingD. interesting54. No one tells us ______ , so we need your help to finish the work. .A. what to do ,B. what should we doC. how to doD. how we should do70. Chang’e II Rocket travelled to the moon at the speed of 7.9 kilometers per second.______ ______ did Chang’e II Rocket travel to the moon?42. ______ my father ______ my mother 1ike playing table tennis.A Neither, nor B. Not only, but also C. Either, or D. Both, and57 One of the ______ is our new school library (build). 58 Jane introduced ______ to her new classmates at their first meeting (her)63 The meeting room is full so it is ______ to find a seat there (possible)64. The old lady knew who the thief was but she didn’t report the ______ to the police. (thief) 70. They threw some rubbish into the river at night days ago (被动)Some rubbish ______ _______ into the river at night days ago.33. You may have ______ cake if you are not full enough.A. otherB. the otherC. anotherD. others37. People in some countries eat many ______ as their main food.A. breadB. meatC. riceD. potatoes38 Some people have the habit of talking to ______ when they are aloneA. theyB. themC. theirD. themselves45. --Can 1 park my car here?- Yes, you __, but you should leave before 5:00p.m.A. mustB. mayC. ought toD. will56. -- Would you like me to bring you some iced juice?A. Of course not!B. It’s my pleasure.C. Yes, I’d like to.D. Yes, please.59. Everybody has his own way to ______ important events. (memory)63. Jack didn’t notice the motorcycle and walked ______ across. (straight)67. He’d better drink less coffee, ______ ______ ?68. Paul made three model planes last yearThree model planes ______ ______ by Paul last year.69. The magazine you are reading is Jane’s.The magazine you are reading ______ ______ Jane.3l. I went to see ______ film named the Trojan War with my friends yesterday.A. aB. an “C. theD. /33.A DVD-Rom drive can store ______ pages of writing, pictures and sounds.A. an amount ofB. a number ofC. a littleD. much34. We’re told that the story happened ______ the evening of National Day.A. inB. toC. atD. on37. ______ are you allowed to play on the computer in a week?A. How longB. How soonC. How farD. How often51. Jimmy is ______ late for school, isn’t he?A. rarelyB. seldomC. sometimesD. hardly56. ---Excuse me. I want to complain about the soya milk. --______A. It’s hard to say.B. What is the problem?C. No, thanks.D. I don’t know at all.63. Tom felt ______ because he had to keep his pet dog in a very small space. (happy)31. _______ detective s job is to find the guilty and protect the innocentA. /B. AC. AnD. The33 -- How beautiful the Christmas cad is!-- Yes, it’s _______ my daugh ter. I received it this morningA. toB. onC. forD. from34. -- Would you like chicken noodles or meat noodles?--- ______ ,I d like tomato noodlesA. EitherB. NeitherC. BothD. None49. Will you _____ your new book here? I’d like to have a look at it.A. bringB. takeC. getD. carry53. Arthur apologized to Tony for being late for the meeting. The underlined part means______A. was used toB. was thankful toC. said sorry toD. explained the reason61. Pansy is a tall and _______ girl with a cheerful face. (please)64. I got ______ in the animated cartoon the first time I watched it. (interest)34. Clowns attracted the attention of the crowd ______ wearing colourful clothes.A. byB. withC. onD. at36. Being buried in the mine was terrible ____ the 33 Chile miners never gave up.A. althoughB. soC. forD. but37. It’s Joyce’s _____ to organize our school’s Got Talent next week.A. knowledgeB. responsibilityC. emotionD. ceremony41. The policemen worked very hard to keep the 2010 World Expo ______A. safeB. safelyC. safetyD. save44 ______ exciting news that Chinese Women’s V olleyball team won the gold medal againA. What anB. WhatC. HowD. How an56 ---Would you mind my using your printer for a while Mine doesn’t work now --______A. Never mindB. Certainly notC. take it easyD. I don’t know61. Recycling and ______ materials can help reduce the amount of land pollution. (use)62. The higher the ground is, the ______ the air becomes. (thin)67 The ice c ream will melt, so you’d better put it in the fridge at once.The ice cream will melt ______ you ______ put it in the fridge at once.,69. Miss Emma needed some flour to make a cake, ______ ______ ?31. It’s _________ common knowledge that light trave ls faster than sound.A. aB. anC. theD. /32. Thanks giving Day falls on the fourth Thursday _____ November.A. inB. onC. atD. for33. Children in the UK call Childline for help with many different ______A. adviceB. troubleC. informationD. problems 39. Pansy’s composition is very good ______ a few spelling mistakes.A. exceptB. except forC. except thatD. besides40. It’s true that the brain ______ every p art of the body.A. controlsB. connectsC. removesD. trains41. The three ______ types of comic books are detective, science fiction and humour,A. popularB. more popularC. most popularD. the most popular52 The carpet in the bedroom is spotlessly clean. The underlined part means ______A. mainlyB. hardlyC. completelyD. rarely54. Could you please tell me _______?A. when the opening ceremony will startB. when the opening ceremony had startedC. when will the opening ceremony startD. when did the opening ceremony start66. We can see paper cutting in many parts of China during the Spring Festival. (被动语态)Paper cutting can ______ ______ in many parts of China during the Spring Festival68. in Chinese culture, celebration is held for a baby’s first-month birthday. (______ ______ held for a baby’s first-month birthday in Chinese culture?34. Aun t Wang has a shopping bag in one hand. What’s in ________hand?A. her otherB. othersC. otherD. her the other36. The newly built bridge is about ______ wide.A. fifteen metresB. fifteen metres’C. fifteen-metreD. fifteen metre37. l mile is equal to about ______ kilometers.A. 1.2B. 1.4C. 1.6D. l.842 Thousands of people were injured in the terrible earthquake. And the injured ______ to the hospital at once.A. have been takenB. has takenC. was takenD. were taken43. Excuse me, could I pay ______ credit card in your restaurant?A. byB. forC. onD. with45. With the help of Internet, the latest news can ______ every corner of the world swiftly.A. reachB. arriveC. getD. return49. How glad we were ______ each other again in Baoshan District!A. meetingB. metC. to meetD. meet50.This morning I got up early ______ be late for the English exam.A. in order thatB. in order to notC. so as toD. so as not to51. –Is someone hurt in the accident? --Yes. One is hurt, but not ________A. muchB. badC. badlyD. hard52. The lady is always ______ in white at the party.A. wearingB. dressingC. wornD. dressed54. --Could you please tell us ____? --Certain1y.A. where does Jane liveB. who is Jane waiting forC. who Jane is waiting forD. where Jane lives in56. You are posting a parcel. The postal clerk says something you can’t hear clearly. You say, ______A. I’m not hearing youB. I don’t know what you sayC. Say it againD. I beg your pardon58. My mother often tells me not to send a photo of ______ to someone whom I talk with on the Internet. (I )62.The smoke which has been cleaned is ______ . (harm)63.Our-govemment has paid great attention to ______ right nowadays. (farm)64.Ar learning the text, my English teacher me to ______ it to the whole class.(tell)66. Shanghai Department Store is open until 10:00 p.m. (划线提问)______ ______ is Shanghai Department Store open?68 Jack could hardly believe the good news, ______ ______ ? (反义疑问句)70. The o1der gets, the more forgetful he becomes.He becomes more forgetful ______ ______ .32 I think that we should judge students by ______ behaviours and studiesA. theyB. theirC. themD. themselves36. My daughter looked ______ when she was wearing that red hat.A. funnyB. interestingC. attractiveD. amazing37 We had better start to make the cake ______ everything is ready.A. untilB. beforeC. thoughD. since45. ---May I park my car, here, Sir? --_____. You may park over thereA. Yes, you mayB. Yes, you canC. No, you needn’tD. No, you mustn’t48. Would you please tell me ______ ?A. when would our teacher leave for LondonB. when our teacher would leave for LondonC. when will our teacher leave for LondonD. when our teacher will leave for London44 If you are not ____ the style of the uniforms, you can design them by yourselves.A. worried aboutB. covered withC. satisfied withD. responsible for51. The _____ of computer enables the people throughout the world to keep in touch with each other easily.A. communicationB. inventionC. operationD. information56. ---I think we students should have enough time to relax ourselves.A. That’s all rightB. I can’t agree with you moreC. I don’t think soD. You are welcome57.Vicky’s hobby is collecting ______ from different countries. (coin)59. Susan, a friend of ______ , is waiting for you at the school gate. (you)68. If you are much careful, you will make few mistakesThe ______ careful you are, the ______ mistakes you will make.32. A friend of ______ will stay with my family for a couple of days this month.A. meB. myC. mineD. I34. It’s a nuisance that ______ sides of the narrow street are crowded with cars.A. noneB. neitherC. eitherD. both37. Most people from Sichuan _________ eat various spicy foods.A. useB. are used toC. use toD. used to38. Nowadays there are frequent floods _____ global warming becomes more and more serious.A. soB. andC. becauseD. but41. The Browns ______ a party in the garden if it is fine weekend.A. haveB. will haveC. were havingD. had52. I get tired of Jim’s long, dull story. It sounds endless. The underlined part mean” _______A. get along withB. get bored withC. get rid ofD. get ready for54. ---We’ll set off at nine o’clock. Please be here on time. --___ .A. Sure, I will.B. That’s rightC. Yes, I am.D. Never mind. I will.56. Chil1y asked me _____A. if Tim would go sightseeingB. how would Tim go sightseeingC. when would Tim go sightseeingD. where would Tim go sightseeing61. You’d better not ask ______ questions during the interview. (person)62. Granny was still working for charity organizations in her ______ . (seventy)37. During the two-day holidays, some people go sightseeing, ______ people rest at home.A. otherB. the othersC. othersD. the other46. Tom bought a lovely pet cat last week. It ______ him nearly 500 yuan.A. paidB. spentC. tookD. cost61. Miss Lin is sure that she will ______ the coming writing competition. (success)65. Both my sister and I like reading comic strips. (否定句)______ of us ______ comic strips.39. The students _______the farmers cut the rice this time yesterday.A. helpedB. will helpC. are helpingD. were helping40. They ______ their classroom to welcome the coming Christmas tomorrow afternoon.A. decorateB. will decorateC. are decoratingD. decorated56. --I don’t think I can read all these words. --______A. I don’t think so.B. Just try it.C. I agree.D. That’s OK57. Dave Farrow could remember things quite well after seeing only ______ . (one)69. Computers can’t work unless human beings write programs for them.Computers can’t work ______ human beings ______ write programs for them.33. Young people should learn how to care ______ others.A. withB. forC. byD. by34. I can’t understand why Steven bought so many watches but never wears ______ of them.A. anyB. bothC. anotherD. others38. ______ happy we are to have held a successful World Expo!A. WhatB. What aC. What anD. How40. Among the jeans I chose______ pair because I hadn’t enough money on me.A. cheapB. cheaperC. cheapestD. the cheapest44. The young detective needs a(an) ______ and he wants to make a decision at once.A. informationB. knowledgeC. ideaD. case48. David turned his back on me and I knew that he was ______ with my words.A. angryB. connectedC. satisfiedD. familiar49. 2010 Asian Games _____ in Guangzhou from Nov. 12 to Nov.27A. are heldB. were heldC. will be heldD. have been held--_____ I am going hone at once.A. Have a gr eat time.B. sorry, I won’t do thatC. I’d like to.D. OK, with pleasure.56. --Excuse me, would you mind if I close the window? --______ . It’s cold.A. Never mindB. I hope notC. What a pity!D. of course not61. Jane got a beautiful bike on her ______ birthday. He likes it very much. (fifteen)67. Emma has different opinion how to save pocket money, ______ ______ ?70. I will call the police if that noise doesn’t stop soo nI will call the police ______ that noise ______ soon.36 ______ interesting story it is! I want to read it for a second timeA. WhatB. What aC. What anD. How40 The food in this restaurant is very delicious, ______ it is too expensiveA. forB. orC. soD. but52. The government is trying hard to find a(n) _____to the traffic problem in big cities.A. operationB. solutionC. pollutionD. occupation68. A big fire damaged a high-rise building in Shanghai two months agoA high-rise building ______ ______ by a big fire in Shanghai two months ago31. A British man collected 120 000 plastic bottles and he built ____ island with all the bottles.A a B. an C. the D./32. The opening ceremony of the Asian Games in Guangzhou were held _____ November.A. atB. onC. inD. to33. Because they couldn’t afford the expenses the boy’s mother had to teach him ______ .A. ourselvesB. themselvesC. herselfD. himself35. There are only two students in the classroom. _____ have gone to the playgroundA. The otherB. The othersC. AnotherD. Others43. Avatar II will be in cinema soon. This time Cameron ___ a new story about Pandora ocean.A. will tellB. has to1ldC. would tellD. is telling44. It’s said that David ______ Kung Fu from an elderly Chinese man for several months.A. is learningB. will learnC. has learnedD. had learned46. Mr. Brown told the detective that he remembered _____ the window when he left the room.A. to closeB. closedC. closingD. close 48. The captain ordered the soldier _____ the wooden horse into the city. IA. pu1lB. pulledC. pullingD. to pull51 “0. Henry’s stories often have unexpected endings The underlined part means______A. surprisingB. wonderfulC. interestingD. unusual54. Don’t forget to make a phone call to us ______ you get some new information.A. sinceB. ifC. whileD. until55. Tom asked ______A. if he could join usB. that he would join usC. when could he join usD. when he can join us65. Both of the twins like pop music. (否定句)______ of the twins ______ pop music.69. Recently, people found a huge egg in a chicken house in England.Recently, a huge egg ______ ______ in a chicken house in England.70. Peter will go to jail. John will not go to jail.Peter will go to jail ______ ______ John.。