第一节 概 述 第二节 萧伯纳 第三节 劳伦斯 第四节 托马斯·曼 第五节 昆德拉 第六节 纳博科夫 第七节 海明威 第八节 索尔·贝娄 第九节 塞林格
第一节 概述
20世纪现代主义文学以其快速、锐气和新颖的表达模 式,实现了文学主潮的华丽转身,而20世纪现实主义文学 延续了19世纪现实主义文学的传统,有着厚重的历史感。
• 萧伯纳是英国现代最杰出的戏剧家。 他兼收并蓄地吸收马克思、尼采等人 的哲学思想和布莱克、易卜生等人的 艺术成就,确立了积极乐观的“创造 进化论”、针砭时弊的社会问题剧和 以反讽、悖谬及讨论见长的“萧伯纳 式”风格。
• 1925年萧伯纳获得诺贝尔文学奖,授 奖词称赞他的作品“具有理想主义和 人道精神,其令人激动的讽刺往往浸 润着独特的诗意之美。”
康拉德 高尔斯华绥 毛姆
• 法国文学
19世纪斯丹达尔和巴尔扎克的创作确立了现实主义的辉煌,随着20世纪 社会状况和审美观念的急剧变化,法国现实主义文学与传统文学相比已 经发生了很多变异。一是长河小说的涌现;二是描写空间的扩大。
最后伊莉 莎离开息 金斯,嫁 给了一直 追求她的 佛莱第。
二、最受观众喜爱的萧剧——— 《匹克梅梁》
• 《匹克梅梁》的情节引人入胜,内涵丰富,可以从不同角度做出 多种解读,其中最引人深思的还是关于人的社会身份问题。
✓首先,这部戏剧深刻地揭示出人的社 会身份的差别。特权阶级与普通民众 在社会身份上存在着巨大的区隔:一 方面表现为实在性的,主要指占有资 本或财产的多少;另一方面表现为符 号性的,即谈吐、举止、品位的差别。 萧伯纳在本剧中着意探讨的是身份的 符号性。
第一节 概 述 第二节 萧伯纳 第三节 劳伦斯 第四节 托马斯·曼 第五节 昆德拉 第六节 纳博科夫 第七节 海明威 第八节 索尔·贝娄 第九节 塞林格
第一节 概述
20世纪现代主义文学以其快速、锐气和新颖的表达模 式,实现了文学主潮的华丽转身,而20世纪现实主义文学 延续了19世纪现实主义文学的传统,有着厚重的历史感。
• 萧伯纳是英国现代最杰出的戏剧家。 他兼收并蓄地吸收马克思、尼采等人 的哲学思想和布莱克、易卜生等人的 艺术成就,确立了积极乐观的“创造 进化论”、针砭时弊的社会问题剧和 以反讽、悖谬及讨论见长的“萧伯纳 式”风格。
• 1925年萧伯纳获得诺贝尔文学奖,授 奖词称赞他的作品“具有理想主义和 人道精神,其令人激动的讽刺往往浸 润着独特的诗意之美。”
康拉德 高尔斯华绥 毛姆
• 法国文学
19世纪斯丹达尔和巴尔扎克的创作确立了现实主义的辉煌,随着20世纪 社会状况和审美观念的急剧变化,法国现实主义文学与传统文学相比已 经发生了很多变异。一是长河小说的涌现;二是描写空间的扩大。
最后伊莉 莎离开息 金斯,嫁 给了一直 追求她的 佛莱第。
二、最受观众喜爱的萧剧——— 《匹克梅梁》
• 《匹克梅梁》的情节引人入胜,内涵丰富,可以从不同角度做出 多种解读,其中最引人深思的还是关于人的社会身份问题。
✓首先,这部戏剧深刻地揭示出人的社 会身份的差别。特权阶级与普通民众 在社会身份上存在着巨大的区隔:一 方面表现为实在性的,主要指占有资 本或财产的多少;另一方面表现为符 号性的,即谈吐、举止、品位的差别。 萧伯纳在本剧中着意探讨的是身份的 符号性。
西奥多·德莱塞(Theodore Dreiser,1871—1945) 《嘉莉妹妹》 (1900)、《珍妮姑娘》(1911) “欲望”三部曲:《金融家》(1912)《巨人》 (1914)《斯多葛》(1947) 《美国的悲剧》(American Tragedy,1925) 美国现代文学的先驱者之一 : A.突破了美国文学长期以来的“胆小和高雅的传统”。 在题材和主题思想方面打破旧的框框,拓宽了创作 的领域,引进了从未有过的新的主题思想;以严格 的、雄辩的现实主义态度描写了现实生活 。 B.全部作品都取材于现实生活,贯穿着揭露美国生活 方式和社会制度这一重要主题。一部形象的美国现 代社会的发展史。 C.自觉地吸纳20世纪的现代哲学、心理学和生理学的 成果,体现了独特的现实主义风格
约翰·多斯·珀索斯(John Dos Passos,1896—1970)
“美国”三部曲:史诗类小说,现代派小说的实验精 神 《北纬四十二度》(1930 ,The 42nd Parallel,) 《一九一九年》(1932 ,1919) 《赚大钱》(1936 ,The Big Money) 斯坦贝克(John Steinbeck,1902-1968) 《胜负未决的战斗》(1936)《鼠与人》(1937) 《愤怒的葡萄》(1939) :1962年诺贝尔文学奖 主题深刻丰富:“大萧条时期的《汤姆叔叔的小屋》” 社会抗议小说:史诗规模 传统现实主义与自然主义相结合的写作手法
舍·安德森(Sherwood Anderson,1876一1941): 《小镇畸人》(1919) 辛·刘易斯(Sinclair Lewis,1885—1951) : 《大 街》(Main Street,1920)、《巴比特》 (Babbitt,1922) 伊迪斯·华顿(Edith Wharton ,1862—1937): 《天真时代》(1920) “哈莱姆文艺复兴” :持续近10年的文艺运动 A.在广大黑人的社会觉悟和阶级觉悟普遍提高的基 础上,新一代黑人知识分子开始重新评价自己的 艺术创造才能,并要求在文学艺术作品中塑造有 独立人格和叛逆精神的“新黑人”形象; B.重视加强黑人文学的艺术性,提出“美是最好的 牧师”的口号,主张以现代艺术表现力,描写哈 莱姆区黑人“特殊情调”的生活。
美国文学 ppt课件
• Puritan opposition to pleasure and the arts sometimes has been exaggerated.
• Religious teaching tended to emphasize the image of a
wrathful GodOf Plymouth Plantation
Anne Bradstreet (安妮·布拉 德斯特里特) (1612-1672)
the first American woman poet
a Puritan poet, once called “Tenth Muse”
• The spiritual life in the colonies during that period was molded by the bourgeois Enlightenment.
2. Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790):
• The Autobiography • Poor Richard’s Almanack
the first American writer
A Description of New England 《新英格兰叙事》 (1616)
General History of Virginia《弗吉尼亚通史》 (1642)
• Pocahontas
William Bradford (1590-1657)
• Politics dominated the revolutionary phase of American writing.
• The crisis in American life carried by the Revolution made artists self-conscious about American subjects.
外研社美国文学史及选读(第三版)(第二册)教学课件0 Part V-Introduction
After the First World War a group of new American dramatists emerged, and the American theater ceased to be wholly dependent on the dramatic traditions of Europe. Experimental playwrights, hostile to outworn and timid theatrical convention, created works of tragedy, stark realism, and social protest. Early in the 1920s the most prominent of the new American playwrights, Eugene Gladstone O’Neill, established an international reputation with such plays as The Emperor Jones (1920) and The Haiuction
Waste Land, the most significant American poem of the 20th century, helped to establish a modern tradition of literature rich with learning and allusive thought.
American society. Early in the century Ezra Pound and T. S. Eliot published works that would change the nature of American poetry, but their impact (and that of other modernist writers) on the general reading public was slight. The genteel tradition and popular romanticism still dominated the nation’s literary tastes.
Waste Land, the most significant American poem of the 20th century, helped to establish a modern tradition of literature rich with learning and allusive thought.
American society. Early in the century Ezra Pound and T. S. Eliot published works that would change the nature of American poetry, but their impact (and that of other modernist writers) on the general reading public was slight. The genteel tradition and popular romanticism still dominated the nation’s literary tastes.
20世纪西方文学 PPT
第二节 萧伯纳
萧伯纳 (George Bernard Shaw, 1856—1950) 英国20世纪杰出剧作家 1925年荣获诺贝尔文学奖
❖批判讽刺英国19世纪末20世纪初的社 会现实。 ❖描写了中产阶级一代人的软弱。 ❖思考了更有普遍意义的人生态度与人 性问题。
20世纪美国最杰出的 现实主义作家之一。
德莱塞 漫画
1、情节梗概及主要人物 《美国的悲剧》是德莱塞成就的顶峰, “是对美国制度的一个控诉”。
❖ 将揭露“美国梦”的虚幻这一传统主题 发展到前所未有的高度。
❖ 质朴无华的真实感带来强烈的艺术感染 力。
❖ 垄断资本主义的发展 ❖ 西方现当代自然科学成就 ❖ 物质的兴盛
20世纪文学,特别是现代主义倾向 的文学,蕴含的是一种非理性人本意识, 它是对传统的以理性为核心的人本意识 的一种反拨,也显示了欧美文学在人文 观念上的新发展。
❖ 回到非理性状态 ❖ 对物质文明的反抗 ❖ “人道”、“理性”的否定与 复归
法国小说家、戏剧 家和散文家。
1915年,因“他的文学作品中的高 尚理想和他在描绘各种不同类型人物时 所具有的同情和对真理的热爱”而获得 诺贝尔奖。
❖ 善于描绘个人的奋斗和思想探索历程。 ❖ “长河小说”
二、《约翰 · 克里斯朵夫》
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
❖运用内视角的强化与外视角的集约之间 的复合式叙述。
❖在传统的“全知全能”的作者叙述中注 入了大量的心理分析和展示心理意象的呈 现。
Jazz Age
After WWI, people found that the war which
cost millions of lives failed to provide an abiding
solutions to the world’s problems, that the war
to Arms, 1929, William Faulkner The Sound and the Fury, 1929,
Drama: Eurgene O’Neill, The Emperor Jones, 1920, Anna
Christie, 1921, The Hairy Ape 1922,
Part V. Twentieth-Century Literature
1920s, Jazz Age.
I. Historical Background: WWI, peace-making period/boom time.
Politically, US entered WWI in 1917 for purity and democracy. The period of peace-making ended with general disillusionment about the value of war: only a sense of the failure of political leaders and a belief in the futility of hope. No abiding solutions to the world’s problems was found. And the resurgence of nationalism and the rise of new totalitarianism produce a second world war.
• 在东欧、南欧和北欧,一些具有世界影响的作家也 纷纷涌现;
• 在拉丁美洲更是出现了举世瞩目的世界级的文学大 师。。
20世纪的英国现实主义文学加强了对英国社会的保守 性和虚伪性的批判,具有一种冷峻地直面人生的特点。
萧伯纳、劳伦斯、高尔斯华绥 、毛姆、 “愤怒的青 年” 、戈尔丁等
特别是注意吸收现代主义的艺术手法,诸如内心独 白、梦幻描写、时空倒序、象征、荒诞意识手法 的运用等等,丰富了艺术表现的技巧与手段。
① 明显的内倾化、主观化特征,心理描写的 手法更为丰富。
② 人物潜意识的探索,以反映人物完整的内 心世界。
③ 情节越来越淡化,更注重心理变态的描写, 而不是情节的曲折。
现实主义作家一方面继承和发扬传统手法,注重情 节完整,结构严密,人物的典型和语言的纯洁; 另一方面又努力融汇各种不同流派的艺术表现手 法,借用传记、新闻等非艺术作品的写作形式, 融合电影、电视、新闻报道中的新的表现手法, 以增强自己的表现力。
1、迅速及时地反映现实生活 把握时代的脉搏、撷取重大的社会题材,象旋 风一样追逐当代人的足迹,快速及时地反映瞬 息万变的现实生活和世界风云。 战争文学或反法西斯文学成为20世纪现实主义 文学的一个重要主题,在这类题材的作品中, 爱国主义的激情响彻云霄。
(法)杜亚美《受害者》(1917) (法)马尔罗《希望》(1938) (美)海明威的剧作《第五纵队》(1938)
索尔贝娄及其小说《赫尔索格 》、《洪堡 的故事 》:
第二节 罗曼·罗兰与《约翰·克利斯朵夫》
• 在拉丁美洲更是出现了举世瞩目的世界级的文学大 师。。
20世纪的英国现实主义文学加强了对英国社会的保守 性和虚伪性的批判,具有一种冷峻地直面人生的特点。
萧伯纳、劳伦斯、高尔斯华绥 、毛姆、 “愤怒的青 年” 、戈尔丁等
特别是注意吸收现代主义的艺术手法,诸如内心独 白、梦幻描写、时空倒序、象征、荒诞意识手法 的运用等等,丰富了艺术表现的技巧与手段。
① 明显的内倾化、主观化特征,心理描写的 手法更为丰富。
② 人物潜意识的探索,以反映人物完整的内 心世界。
③ 情节越来越淡化,更注重心理变态的描写, 而不是情节的曲折。
现实主义作家一方面继承和发扬传统手法,注重情 节完整,结构严密,人物的典型和语言的纯洁; 另一方面又努力融汇各种不同流派的艺术表现手 法,借用传记、新闻等非艺术作品的写作形式, 融合电影、电视、新闻报道中的新的表现手法, 以增强自己的表现力。
1、迅速及时地反映现实生活 把握时代的脉搏、撷取重大的社会题材,象旋 风一样追逐当代人的足迹,快速及时地反映瞬 息万变的现实生活和世界风云。 战争文学或反法西斯文学成为20世纪现实主义 文学的一个重要主题,在这类题材的作品中, 爱国主义的激情响彻云霄。
(法)杜亚美《受害者》(1917) (法)马尔罗《希望》(1938) (美)海明威的剧作《第五纵队》(1938)
索尔贝娄及其小说《赫尔索格 》、《洪堡 的故事 》:
第二节 罗曼·罗兰与《约翰·克利斯朵夫》
人之福,也是众人之父“a common blessing and father to them all”
John Winthrop
John Winthrop:《新英格兰历史》“The History of New England”. 1630年登上“阿贝亚”(Arbella)to Massachusetts并开始写日记keep a journal
其还是美国第一位主要作家the first major writer非凡表达能力,简洁明了,有点幽默,还是一位讽 刺天才as an author he had power of expression, simplicity, a subtle humor. He was also sarcastic.
美国早期文学主要为the narratives and journals of these settlements采用in diaries and in journals(日记和日志),他们写关于the land with dense forests and deep-blue lakes and rich soil.
Edward Taylor
清教徒诗人中最杰出的一位the best of the Puritan poets 他的作品遵循了十七世纪中期一些杰出诗人风格和形式his work followed they
style and forms of the leading English poets of the mid-seventeenth century。 他大部分作品关于宗教的,大部分诗歌直接以赞美诗为基础进行创作的most of
John Winthrop
John Winthrop:《新英格兰历史》“The History of New England”. 1630年登上“阿贝亚”(Arbella)to Massachusetts并开始写日记keep a journal
其还是美国第一位主要作家the first major writer非凡表达能力,简洁明了,有点幽默,还是一位讽 刺天才as an author he had power of expression, simplicity, a subtle humor. He was also sarcastic.
美国早期文学主要为the narratives and journals of these settlements采用in diaries and in journals(日记和日志),他们写关于the land with dense forests and deep-blue lakes and rich soil.
Edward Taylor
清教徒诗人中最杰出的一位the best of the Puritan poets 他的作品遵循了十七世纪中期一些杰出诗人风格和形式his work followed they
style and forms of the leading English poets of the mid-seventeenth century。 他大部分作品关于宗教的,大部分诗歌直接以赞美诗为基础进行创作的most of
Poetic Principles
To Poe, poetic meaning is in the poem’s own poem’ composition and utterance, thus there is no utterance, exterior or transcendental truth in a poem. This emphasis on the poem’s own integrity poem’ and that a poem being absolutely independent allows people to associate Poe with the school of “art for art’s sake” and to regard him art’ sake” as a precursor to the school of New Criticism in the 20th century America.
► Quoth
the Raven, Nevermore
► Original
Burial Place of Edgar Allan Poe From October 9, 1849 Until November 17, 1875 ► Mrs. Marian Clemm, His Mother-In-Law Mother-InLies Upon His Right And Virginia Poe His Wife, Upon His Left. Under The Monument Erected To Him In This Cemetery
► Before
he became editor of Southern Literary Messenger in 1835, he had published a number of short stories, including “MS Found in a Bottle” Bottle”. In his new position as editor, Poe soon established himself as a leading critic in literature. literature. His editorship and the vitality of his critical articles and his literary creation brought him increasing fame in literary circles but never wealth; even when he was at the peak of his career, he was “as … as ever I was in my life.” life. in 1847 his wife died, and then two more years of loneliness, poverty, intoxication and illness killed Poe at the age of 40.
histories, travel accounts, diaries,
biographies, letters, autobiographies, sermons,
and poems.
Major writers:
Captain John Smith (约翰·史密斯)
? the first American
? The “newness” of Americans as a nation is in connection with American Romanticism.
? As a logical result of the foreign and native factors at work, American romanticism was both imitative and independent
Politics dominated the revolutionary phase of American writing.
The crisis in American life carried by the Revolution made
artists self-conscious about American subjects.
?“Poet of the American
?“Father of American
?“Pioneer of the New
?“A gifted and versatile lyric
? “The Rising Glory of America” (1772)
艾略特的故事 《美国》《诉讼》《城堡》
► 卡夫卡及其创作 ——现代人的困惑
《荒原》:《死者葬仪》 现代主义和后现代主义文学解析
► 卡夫卡及其创作 ——现代人的困惑
现代主义文学的总体特征 现代主义文学的总体特征 后现代主义文学的总体特征
《雷霆的话》 如何区别现代主义和后现代主义文学
►现代主义文学诞生的背景 ►现代主义文学的难读 ►象征主义文学 ►现代主义文学的总体特征
►如何区别现代主义和后现代主义文学 ►后现代主义文学的总体特征
《荒原》:《死者葬仪》 《对弈》
► 悲剧喜剧化 ——现代人的困惑
卡夫卡及其创作 ——现代人的困惑
► 舞台的象征化 ——现代人的困惑
卡夫卡及其创作 ——现代人的困惑
尤奈斯库《秃头歌女》 卡夫卡及其创作
► ——现代人的困惑
► 贝克特《等待戈多》 现代主义文学的总体特征
►“垮掉的一代”从何而来 ►为什么“垮掉” ►“垮掉”了什么 ►凯鲁亚克
主题 《火诫》
美国文学史及选读 ppt课件
2. character of colonial literature a. content: religious, political b. form: diary, journal, letters, travel books,
sermons, history (personal literature) c. style: simple. direct, concise d. out of humble origins
With regard to technique one naturally thinks of the simplicity which characterizes the Puritan style of writing.
John Cotton and Roger Williams Anne Bradstreet and Edward Taylor 小虫小物尚扬声,难道吾便如哑子。
2. John Calvin a. predestination b. original sin and totated few
3. practical , optimistic, idealistic 4. a doctrinaire opportunist
The American Puritan’s metaphorical mode of perception was chiefly important in calling into being a literary symbolism which is distinctly American.
The Literature of Colonial America
Historical Introduction
1. colonial settlement(1607-1776) In 1492, Christopher Columbus discovered
sermons, history (personal literature) c. style: simple. direct, concise d. out of humble origins
With regard to technique one naturally thinks of the simplicity which characterizes the Puritan style of writing.
John Cotton and Roger Williams Anne Bradstreet and Edward Taylor 小虫小物尚扬声,难道吾便如哑子。
2. John Calvin a. predestination b. original sin and totated few
3. practical , optimistic, idealistic 4. a doctrinaire opportunist
The American Puritan’s metaphorical mode of perception was chiefly important in calling into being a literary symbolism which is distinctly American.
The Literature of Colonial America
Historical Introduction
1. colonial settlement(1607-1776) In 1492, Christopher Columbus discovered
Elizabethan Essays The Use of Poetry and The Use of
Criticisms After Strange Gods
The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
It depicts a timid middle-aged man going to propose marriage to a lady but hesitating all the way there. It takes the form of soliloquy, like interior monologue like that of Browning’s.
IV. Principles
1. Direct treatment of the “thing”, whether subjective or objective;
2. To use absolutely no word that does not contribute to the presentation;
艾略特的诗歌创作以《荒原》和伴以英国天主教为标志可以分为早、中、 晚三个时期。
早期:主要包括《普鲁弗洛克及其他》和The Poems(1920)《诗集》 两个本子。
中期:The Waste《荒原》
The Hollow Man《空心人》
后期:Gerontion《小老头》、 Ashy Wednesday 《圣灰星期三》
它是诗人登峰造极之作,在诗中诗人对诗歌 语言进行了严肃的思考,思考的结果从该 诗本身的语言特色就可以看出来:普通正 规而又十分精确。此时艾略特担心语言会 因使用不当而退化,进而影响到我们思想 情感的品质。它最初是四首独立的诗: Burnt Norton, 1935 《烧毁的诺顿》、 East Coker, 1940 《东库克》、The Dry Salvages, 1941 《干燥的塞尔维吉斯》 Little Gidding, 1943 《小吉丁》
lecture_4 美国文学史课件
❖ It is this movement that helped to open the first stage of modern English and American Poerty.
7. Reprentatives: Ezra Pound, William Carlos Williams, Wallace Stevens, T.S. Eliot, Carl Sandburg, Marianne Moore, Hilda Doolittle, Richard Aldington.
Three principles of imagism put forward by Pound: • Direct treatment of thing: • Economy of Expression: • Rhythm:
5. What is an “image” according to Pound:
Fitzgerald: (1896----1940)
• Life: • Works: This Side of Paradise 1920 The Beautiful and Damned 1921 Flappers and Philosophers Tales of the Jazz Ape---- collection of stories
Pound defined an image as that which presents an intellectual and emotional complex in a stage of time. Later he extended this definition as “a vortex or cluster of fused ideas” “endowed with energy”
7. Reprentatives: Ezra Pound, William Carlos Williams, Wallace Stevens, T.S. Eliot, Carl Sandburg, Marianne Moore, Hilda Doolittle, Richard Aldington.
Three principles of imagism put forward by Pound: • Direct treatment of thing: • Economy of Expression: • Rhythm:
5. What is an “image” according to Pound:
Fitzgerald: (1896----1940)
• Life: • Works: This Side of Paradise 1920 The Beautiful and Damned 1921 Flappers and Philosophers Tales of the Jazz Ape---- collection of stories
Pound defined an image as that which presents an intellectual and emotional complex in a stage of time. Later he extended this definition as “a vortex or cluster of fused ideas” “endowed with energy”
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Part V. Twentieth-Century Literature
1920s, Jazz Age.
I. Historical Background: WWI, peace-making period/boom time.
Politically, US entered WWI in 1917 for purity and democracy. The period of peace-making ended with general disillusionment about the value of war: only a sense of the failure of political leaders and a belief in the futility of hope. No abiding solutions to the world’s problems was found. And the resurgence of nationalism and the rise of new totalitarianism produce a second world war.
from serious problems.;
Lost Generation
refers to those writers who were devoid of faith, values and ideas and who were alienated from the civilization the capitalist society advocated. It includes the writers such as (Hemingway, F.S. Fitzgerald, Thomas Wolfe, and Louis Bromfield) and poets (like Malcolm Cowley, E. E. Cummings, Archibald Macleish, and Ezra Pound), who rebelled against former values and ideas, but replaced them only by despair or a cynical hedonism. They were totally frustrated by the WWI and returned from that “Great War” to their own country only to find the grim reality that the social values and civilization were hollow and affected if compared to the cruel realities of the battleground. They felt alienated from Am; erican civilization, which4
People experiment with new amusements.
They restlessly pursued stimulus and pleasures,
wallow in heavy drinking, fast driving and
casual sex. By these, they hoped to seek relief
Socially, decline of idealism. Patriotism became cynical disillusionment. Unity of family weakened. There appeared the revolt of the Younger Generation. They escaped responsibility and assumed immorality.
2Jazz Age源自After WWI, people found that the war which
cost millions of lives failed to provide an abiding
solutions to the world’s problems, that the war
Lost Generation
They had cut themselves off from their past and old values in America and yet unable to come to terms with the new era when civilization had gone mad. They wandered pointlessly and restlessly, enjoying things like fishing, swimming, bullfight and beauties of nature, but they were aware all the while that the world is crazy and meaningless and futile. Their whole life was undercut and defeated. They cast away all past concepts and values in order to create new types of writing, which was characterized by disillusionment with ideals and further with civilization the capitalist society advocated. They painted the post-war western world as a waste land, lifeless and hopeless due to ethical degradation and dis; illusionment with dreams5.
20s, Jazz Age
Economically, because of the war, American industry developed fast. The nation is full of bouncing ebullience, fearful of nothing, confident smug isolationism.
was just the traps of political leaders. Such a
disillusionment about the value of war,
accompanied by the booming of American
economy drove people to cynical hedonism.
1920s, Jazz Age.
I. Historical Background: WWI, peace-making period/boom time.
Politically, US entered WWI in 1917 for purity and democracy. The period of peace-making ended with general disillusionment about the value of war: only a sense of the failure of political leaders and a belief in the futility of hope. No abiding solutions to the world’s problems was found. And the resurgence of nationalism and the rise of new totalitarianism produce a second world war.
from serious problems.;
Lost Generation
refers to those writers who were devoid of faith, values and ideas and who were alienated from the civilization the capitalist society advocated. It includes the writers such as (Hemingway, F.S. Fitzgerald, Thomas Wolfe, and Louis Bromfield) and poets (like Malcolm Cowley, E. E. Cummings, Archibald Macleish, and Ezra Pound), who rebelled against former values and ideas, but replaced them only by despair or a cynical hedonism. They were totally frustrated by the WWI and returned from that “Great War” to their own country only to find the grim reality that the social values and civilization were hollow and affected if compared to the cruel realities of the battleground. They felt alienated from Am; erican civilization, which4
People experiment with new amusements.
They restlessly pursued stimulus and pleasures,
wallow in heavy drinking, fast driving and
casual sex. By these, they hoped to seek relief
Socially, decline of idealism. Patriotism became cynical disillusionment. Unity of family weakened. There appeared the revolt of the Younger Generation. They escaped responsibility and assumed immorality.
2Jazz Age源自After WWI, people found that the war which
cost millions of lives failed to provide an abiding
solutions to the world’s problems, that the war
Lost Generation
They had cut themselves off from their past and old values in America and yet unable to come to terms with the new era when civilization had gone mad. They wandered pointlessly and restlessly, enjoying things like fishing, swimming, bullfight and beauties of nature, but they were aware all the while that the world is crazy and meaningless and futile. Their whole life was undercut and defeated. They cast away all past concepts and values in order to create new types of writing, which was characterized by disillusionment with ideals and further with civilization the capitalist society advocated. They painted the post-war western world as a waste land, lifeless and hopeless due to ethical degradation and dis; illusionment with dreams5.
20s, Jazz Age
Economically, because of the war, American industry developed fast. The nation is full of bouncing ebullience, fearful of nothing, confident smug isolationism.
was just the traps of political leaders. Such a
disillusionment about the value of war,
accompanied by the booming of American
economy drove people to cynical hedonism.