Java编程规范总结命名:1. 为包、类、⽅法、变量取⼀个好名字,使代码易于理解2. 禁⽌使⽤魔⿁数字3. 常量命名,由全⼤写单词组成,单词间⽤下划线分隔,且使⽤ static final修饰4. 变量、属性命名,使⽤名词,并采⽤⾸字母⼩写的驼峰命名法5. ⽅法的命名,⽤动词和动宾结构,并采⽤⾸字母⼩写的驼峰命名法6. 类和接⼝的命名,采⽤⾸字母⼤写的驼峰命名法7. 包的命名,由⼀个或若⼲个单词组成,所有的字母均为⼩写8. 数组声明的时候使⽤ int[] index,⽽不要使⽤ int index[]注释:1. 尽量⽤代码来解释⾃⼰2. 注释应解释代码的意图,⽽不是描述代码怎么做的3. 保证注释与代码⼀致,避免产⽣误导4. 注释应与其描述代码位置相邻,放在所注释代码上⽅或右⽅,并与代码采⽤同样缩进5. 不要⽤注释保留废弃代码6. 不要⽤注释记录修改⽇志7. ⼀般单⾏注释⽤//,块注释⽤,JavaDoc注释⽤排版:1. 团队应遵守⼀致的排版风格2. 将排版风格固化到IDE的代码格式化配置⽂件中,并让整个团队使⽤3. 在不同的概念之间,增加空⾏4. 将逻辑紧密相关的代码放在⼀起5. 控制⼀⾏的宽度,不要超过120个字符6. 在不同的概念间(关键字、变量、操作符等)增加空格,以便清楚区分概念7. 采⽤缩进来区分不同层次的概念8. 将局部变量的作⽤域最⼩化9. 给if、for、do、while、switch等语句的执⾏体加⼤括号{}10. 控制⽂件的长度,最好不要超过500⾏变量和类型:1. 谨慎使⽤静态成员变量2. 避免随意进⾏类型强制转换,应改善设计,或在转换前⽤instanceof进⾏判断33. 需要精确计算时不要使⽤float和double4. 不能⽤浮点数作为循环变量5. 浮点型数据判断相等不能直接使⽤==6. 避免同⼀个局部变量在前后表达不同的含义7. 不要在单个的表达式中对相同的变量赋值超过⼀次8. 基本类型优于包装类型,注意合理使⽤包装类型⽅法:1. ⽅法设计的第⼀原则是要短⼩2. ⽅法设计应遵循单⼀职责原则(SRP),⼀个⽅法仅完成⼀个功能3. ⽅法设计应遵循单⼀抽象层次原则(SLAP)4. ⽅法设计应遵循命令与查询职责分离原则(CQRS)5. 不要把⽅法的⼊参当做⼯作变量/临时变量,除⾮特别需要6. 使⽤类名调⽤静态⽅法,⽽不要使⽤实例或表达式来调⽤7. 应明确规定对接⼝⽅法参数的合法性检查由调⽤者负责还是由接⼝⽅法本⾝负责8. ⽅法的参数个数不宜过多9. 谨慎使⽤可变数量参数的⽅法包、类和接⼝:1. 类和接⼝的设计应遵循⾯向对象SOLID设计原则2. 类的设计应遵循迪⽶特法则3. 类的设计应遵循“Tell,Don't ask”原则4. 类设计时优选组合⽽不是继承5. 除提供给外部使⽤的全局常量外,应尽量避免类成员变量被外部直接访问6. 避免在⽆关的变量或⽆关的概念之间重⽤名字,避免隐藏(hide)、遮蔽(shadow)和遮掩(obscure)7. 覆写(override)——⼦类与⽗类间8. 重载(overload)——类内部9. 隐藏(hide)——⼦类与⽗类间10. 遮蔽(shadow)——类内部11. 遮掩(obscure)——类内部12. 不要在⽗类的构造⽅法中调⽤可能被⼦类覆写的⽅法13. 覆写equals⽅法时,应同时覆写hashCode⽅法14. ⼦类覆写⽗类⽅法时应加上@Override注解15. 接⼝定义中去掉多余的修饰词16. 设计时,考虑类的可变性最⼩化异常:1. 只针对真正异常的情况才使⽤exception机制2. 在抛出异常的细节信息中,应包含能捕获失败的信息3. 对可恢复的情况使⽤受检异常(checked exception),对编程错误使⽤运⾏时异常(runtime exception)4. 不要忽略异常5. ⽅法注释和⽂档中要包含所抛出异常的说明6. ⽅法抛出的异常,应该与本⾝的抽象层次相对应7. 对第三⽅API抛出⼤量各类异常进⾏封装8. 使⽤异常来做错误处理,⽽⾮错误码9. 在finally块中不要使⽤return、break或continue使finally块⾮正常结束10. 不要直接捕获受检异常的基类Exception11. ⼀个⽅法不应抛出太多类型的异常12. 充分利⽤断⾔⽇志:1. ⽇志信息准确、繁简得当,满⾜快速定位的需要2. ⽇志的记录,不要使⽤ System.out 与 System.err 进⾏控制台打印,应该使⽤专⽤的⽇志⼯具(⽐如:slf4j+logback)进⾏处理3. ⽇志⼯具对象logger应声明为private static final4. ⽇志应分等级5. ⽇志中不要记录敏感信息多线程并发:1. 多线程访问同⼀个可变变量,需增加同步机制2. 禁⽌不加控制地创建新线程3. 创建新线程时需指定线程名4. 使⽤Thread对象的setUncaughtExceptionHandler⽅法注册Runtime异常的处理者(v1.5+)5. 不要使⽤Thread.stop⽅法,因为该⽅法本质是不安全的,使⽤它可能会导致数据遭到破坏6. 不要依赖线程调度器、线程优先级和yield()⽅法7. 采⽤Java1.5提供新并发⼯具代替wait和notify(v1.5+)8. 使⽤线程安全集合在多线程间共享可变数据9. 多线程操作同⼀个字符串相加,应采⽤StringBuffer10. 针对线程安全性,需要进⾏⽂档(javadoc)说明运算和表达式:1. 不要写复杂的表达式2. 运算时应避免产⽣溢出3. 采⽤括号明确运算的优先级控制语句:1. 采⽤for-each代替传统的for循环(v1.5+)2. 在switch语句的每⼀个case、和default中都放置⼀条break语句序列化:1. 尽量不要实现Serializable接⼝2. 序列化对象中的HashMap、HashSet或HashTable等集合不能包含对象⾃⾝的引⽤3. 实现Serializable接⼝的可序列化类应该显式声明 serialVersionUID泛型:1. 在集合中使⽤泛型(v1.5+)2. 类的设计可优先考虑泛型(v1.5+)3. ⽅法的设计可优先考虑泛型(v1.5+)4. 优先使⽤泛型集合,⽽不是数组(v1.5+)其他语⾔特性:1. 新代码不要使⽤已标注为@deprecated的⽅法2. 使⽤JDK⾃带的API或⼴泛使⽤的开源库,不要⾃⼰写类似的功能。
java 开发规范
java开发规范(一)java命名规范1、变量、成员、方法名统一采用驼峰命名(lowerCamelCase),做到见语知其义例子:变量——用户数据(userList)、方法——getUserData(int type)等。
例子:普通类——class UserModel,抽象类——abstract class AbstractUserDefinition等。
3、常量、类型、接口、子类的定义(1)常量使用全大写且单词之间用"_“隔开; (2)boolean变量不能使用is开头;(3)接口尽量不要修饰符、子类紧跟接口追加Impl。
说明:常量不可组装,需要原子性定义,不能出现"KEY”+SORT_TYPE 这种内部出现。
4、包名、异常、枚举、方法名称的定义(1)包名一律采用小写; (2)异常都采用_Exception结尾; (3)枚举都是以Enum结尾;(4)方法名称——根据方法内容采用如插入insert-*。
5、领域模型定义规范:主要是以VO\DTO\DO等结尾例子:用户数据——UserDTO等(1)数据对象:xxxDO,xxx 即为数据表名。
JAVA编程规范1.1 Java文件名与文件组织结构1.一个java源文件不应该超过2 000行。
3.一个Java源文件一般由下面的顺序构成:(1)文件注释头(2)包名(package)(3)引入(import)声明(4)类(class)或接口(interface)的声明部分1.2 Java文件注释头Java类文件注释头是用来描述该类功能及其特点,以及相关开发信息的,如该类的关联类(通常情况下不描述Java系统核心类如java.util.Vector, ng.Thread等)、开发公司或单位、版权、作者、代码审定人该类所支持的JDK版本、该类版本、开发日期、最后更改日期、修改人、复审人等信息,下面就是一个Java类文件注释头:/****************************************************************** 该类功能及其特点的描述(例如:该类是用来……)** 该类未被编译测试过。
** @see(与该类相关联的类):(*** 开发公司或单位:××软件有限公司研发中心** 版权:本文件版权归属××公司研发中心*** @author(作者):必胜利** @since(该文件所支持的JDK版本):Jdk1.3 或JDK1.42.在重点同时难以理解的地方另加注释。
1.7 变量的声明初始化与放置1.7.1 变量声明1.在一般情况下我们建议每一行代码,只声明一个变量;2.如果变量名称较短并且又是同一数据类型同一结构类型,并且没有给变量初始化则可以在同一行声明;1.7.2 变量初始化尽量在变量声明的地方初始化,如果变量的初始化与有待于计算或处理后的值有关,则我们可以在取得这个值后对变量做初始化。
java 编程规范
java 编程规范Java编程规范是为了促进Java代码的可读性、可维护性和可扩展性而制定的标准。
以下是一些常见的Java编程规范:一、命名规范1. 类名、接口名、枚举名首字母大写,采用驼峰命名法。
2. 变量名、方法名首字母小写,采用驼峰命名法。
3. 常量名全部大写,使用下划线分割单词。
4. 包名全部小写,使用点号分割单词。
二、代码格式1. 使用4个空格缩进。
2. 每行代码长度不超过80个字符。
3. 在二元运算符(如赋值、算术运算、逻辑运算)两侧添加空格。
4. 在逗号、冒号、分号之后添加空格。
5. 在左花括号之后和右花括号之前添加空格。
6. 在注释之前添加空格。
三、代码结构1. 类的成员按照作用域排列,先是静态成员,然后是实例成员。
2. 类的方法按照功能排列,先是构造方法,然后是其他方法。
3. 每个类只负责一个功能,遵循单一职责原则。
4. 使用适当的访问修饰符控制成员变量和方法的访问级别。
四、异常处理1. 不要捕获异常而不做任何处理,应该记录日志或者抛出更高级别的异常。
2. 不要将整个方法体放在try-catch块中,应该只捕获需要处理的异常。
3. 不要使用异常控制程序的流程,应该使用条件语句或者循环结构。
五、注释规范1. 使用Javadoc注释对类、方法、参数、返回值进行说明。
2. 在每个类的头部使用Javadoc注释描述该类的功能。
3. 使用内联注释对代码进行解释、补充和说明。
4. 注释应该清楚、简明、不冗余,遵循自然语言的习惯。
六、其他规范1. 避免使用魔法数值,应该使用常量或者枚举来表示。
2. 使用块注释对重要的代码块进行标注,方便阅读和查找。
3. 使用业界公认的缩写和术语,避免拼写错误和歧义。
4. 使用合适的数据结构和算法来解决问题,避免低效的代码。
Java语言编程规范(华为公司)DKBA华为技术有限公司企业技术规范DKBAXXXX-2001.12代替(DKBA200106-003)Java语言编程规范2001-12-XX发布2001-12-XX实施华为技术有限公司发布VVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVX。
XVX.X VX.X VX.X VX.XVX.X 目次前言 .............................................................................. .. (3)1 范围112 规范性引用文件113 术语和定义114 排版规范124.1 规则121.*程序块要采用缩进风格编写,缩进12的空格数为4个。
134.*不允许把多个短语句写在一行中,即一行只写一条语句5.*if, for, do, while, case,13switch, default 等语句自占一行,且if, for, do, while等语句的执行语句无论多少都要加括号{}。
XVX.X VX.X VX.X VX.XVX.X 8.*在两个以上的关键字、变量、常量14进行对等操作时,它们之间的操作符之前、之后或者前后要加空格;进行非对等操作时,如果是关系密切的立即操作符(如.),后不应加空格。
Java代码规范安博教育集团2010年4月第1章 目的此文档目的为了定义编码时的风格和规范。
第2章 范围目前,本文档定义了在以Java为主要开发语言的系统的编程指南,包括了开发web应 用时jsp的规范。
第3章 定义、首字母缩写词和缩略语第4章 参考资料第5章 代码规范5.1 代码组织与风格1.关键词和操作符之间加适当的空格。
5.2 注解定义这个规范的目的是让项目中所有的文档都看起来像一个人写的,增加可读性,减少项目组中因为换人而带来的损失。
Java 的语法与 C++ 及为相似,那么,你知道 Java 的注释有几种吗?是两种?// 注释一行/* ...... */ 注释若干行不完全对,除了以上两种之外,还有第三种,文档注释:/** ...... */ 注释若干行,并写入 javadoc 文档注释要简单明了。
String userName = null; //用户名边写代码边注释,修改代码同时修改相应的注释,以保证注释与代码的一致性。
对数据结构的注释应放在 其上方相邻位置,不可放在下面;对结构中的每个域的注释应放在此域的右方;同一结构中不同域的注释要对齐。
本文档中没有说明的地方,请参看SUN Java标准代码规范。
如果两边有冲突,以SUN Java标准为准。
1. 标识符命名规范1.1 概述标识符的命名力求做到统一、达意和简洁。
1.1.1 统一统一是指,对于同一个概念,在程序中用同一种表示方法,比如对于供应商,既可以用supplier,也可以用provider,但是我们只能选定一个使用,至少在一个Java项目中保持统一。
1.1.2 达意达意是指,标识符能准确的表达出它所代表的意义,比如:newSupplier, OrderPaymentGatewayService等;而supplier1, service2,idtts等则不是好的命名方式。
同样的,supplier1, 远没有targetSupplier意义丰富。
1.1.3 简洁简洁是指,在统一和达意的前提下,用尽量少的标识符。
比如:theOrderNameOfTheTargetSupplierWhichIsTransfered 太长,transferedTargetSupplierOrderName则较好,但是transTgtSplOrdNm就不好了。
1.1.4 骆驼法则Java中,除了包名,静态常量等特殊情况,大部分情况下标识符使用骆驼法则,即单词之间不使用特殊符号分割,而是通过首字母大写来分割。
例如class HelloWorld; interface Collection
例如:int YEAR, int WEEK_OF_MONTH。
(1) Java的源文件必须以扩展名 .java结束,源文件的基本组成部分是类。
(2) 源文件名必须与公有类的名字相同,一个源文件中至多只能有一个public的class声明。
(3) Java程序的执行入口是main方法,它有固定的书写格式:
public static void main(String [] args){ ... }
(4) Java语言严格区分大小写。
(5) 每条语句都以分号(;)结束。
(6) 空格只能是半角空格符或是Tab字符。
以下是一些常见的Java代码规范:命名规范:1. 类名使用大驼峰命名法,例如MyClass。
2. 方法名和变量名使用小驼峰命名法,例如myMethod。
3. 常量名使用全大写字母和下划线,例如MAX_VALUE。
4. 包名使用全小写字母,例如com.example.mypackage。
代码格式规范:1. 使用四个空格缩进,避免使用制表符。
2. 每行代码不超过80个字符,超出则换行。
3. 使用空格将运算符、逗号和分号与操作数分开,例如"int a =b + c;"。
4. 在左括号前后加一个空格,例如"if (condition) {"。
5. 在方法的左花括号前加空格,例如"public void myMethod() {"。
6. 使用大括号括起的代码块独占一行。
7. 在逻辑上相关的代码块之间使用空行分隔。
注释规范:1. 在类、方法和成员变量定义之前使用Javadoc注释说明其作用、参数和返回值。
2. 在方法内部使用注释解释代码的逻辑。
3. 避免使用不必要的注释,代码应尽可能自解释。
代码质量规范:1. 遵循SOLID原则,尽量将代码设计为松耦合、高内聚的模块。
2. 避免使用魔术数字,使用常量代替。
3. 使用异常处理机制来处理可预料的异常情况,不要捕获所有异常。
4. 避免使用全局变量,尽量将变量的作用范围限制在最小范围内。
5. 避免代码冗余和重复,尽量使用工具类和设计模式来重用代码。
测试规范:1. 使用单元测试框架(例如JUnit)编写测试用例,并确保每个方法都有相应的测试用例。
2. 使用断言来验证预期结果和实际结果是否一致。
3. 测试方法的命名应描述被测试方法的功能和预期结果。
版本管理规范:1. 使用版本管理工具(例如Git)来管理代码的版本和变更历史。
Java编码规范及实践目录Java编码规范及实践 (1)1.2术语 (2)1.3约束 (3)||!(condition5 && condition6)) { (14)4.1一般命名规范 (14)IQuery, IDataAccess,IReportBuilder (15)MAX_TIMES, DEFAULT_NAME (15)4.2特殊命名规范 (17)AbstractReportBuilder,AbstractBeanFactory (18)AccessException, RuntimeException (19)5.2一般原则 (20)1.代码应该和注释保持同步,如果代码和注释不同步,则阅读代码的人会 (20)2.注释尽量简洁,尺度没有准确的定义,大部分人能明白即可,可以将自 (20)Result getResult() throws Exception{ (21)Object getAction(); (22)JavaDoc 工具不要改变格式. (22)Get a default date/time formatter that uses the SHORT (23)Thread.sleep(1000); (24)Derived,如果一个方法可以接受基类对象b 的话:method1(Base b), (25)7.1工厂模式 (26)7.1.1简单工厂 (26)7.1.2工厂方法 (26)7.2单例模式 (27)Client: (27)7.3适配器模式 (28)7.4组合模式 (29)Client: (29)7.5外观模式 (30)Client: (30)7.6代理模式 (31)7.7命令模式 (32)Client: (33)7.8观察者模式 (33)7.9策略模式 (35)Client: (35)IKeyPairGenerable desGenerator = (35)IKeyPairGenerable rsaGenerator = (36)IKeyPairGenerable ideaGenerator = (36)KeyPairManager manager = new KeyPairManager(); (36)7.10模版方法模式 (36)7.11参观者模式 (38)总价格 (40)Client: (40)第1章概述1.1前言代码之于程序员,就像零件之于机械工,庄稼之于农民,它是软件的基石,一行行代码都是程序员的心血经过日日夜夜凝结成的。
java 代码规范
java 代码规范Java代码规范是指在Java程序设计中遵循的一些规则和约定,旨在提高代码的可读性、可维护性和可移植性。
¾ 块注释格式 块注释主要用于描述:文件、方法、数据结构和算法。一般在文件或者方法定义的
之前使用。也可以用在方法定义里面,如果块注释放在函数或者方法定义里,它必须与 它所描述的代码具有相同的缩进形式。
块注释应该用一个空行开头,以便于代码部分区分开来。 块注释举例:
// 正确
// 正确
argv++; argc--; // 错误,应该避免这样写
1. 大括号中的语句比组合语句多一级缩进。
命名规则为: com.sinosoft.系统名[.模块名] 具体参错误!未找到引用源。
包命名举例: com.sinosoft.platform.dto.domain
类命名规范 类名应该是名词,并且是大小写混合的。首字母要大写。尽量保证类名简单并且描
¾ 行尾注释 注释标记“//”能够注释一行或者该行由“//”开始直到行尾的部分。行尾注释不
if (foo > 1) {
// Do a double-flip.
return false;
// Explain why here.
Java编程规范(DOC)预览说明:预览图片所展示的格式为文档的源格式展示,下载源文件没有水印,内容可编辑和复制Java编程规范目录Java编程规范 (1)1编码规则 (1)2命名规范 (7)2.1类名、变量名(非final)、方法名 (7)2.2驼峰式命名 (7)2.3不能使用没有任何含义的英文字母进行命名 (7)2.4不能使用拼音进行命名,统一使用准确的英文进行命名 (8)2.5包名 (8)2.6接口与类的命名 (8)2.7抽象类命名 (8)2.8实现类命名 (8)2.9工具类命名 (8)2.10变量命名 (8)2.115、方法命名 (9)2.12系统的命名约定 (9)1编码规则1、数据库操作、IO操作等需要使用结束close()的对象必须在try -catch-finally 的finally中close(),如果有多个IO对象需要close(),需要分别对每个对象的close()方法进行try-catch,防止一个IO对象关闭失败其他IO对象都未关闭。
手动控制事务提交也要进行关闭,对大对象进行关闭操作示例:try{// ... ...}catch(IOException ioe){//... ...}finally{try{out.close();}catch(IOException ioe){//... ...}try{in.close();}catch(IOException ioe){//... ...}}2、系统非正常运行产生的异常捕获后,如果不对该异常进行处理,则应该记录日志。
logger.error(ioe,“[类.方法]描述”,参数);示例:try{//.... ...}catch(IOException ioe){logger.error(ioe);}3、自己抛出的异常必须要填写详细的描述信息。
java代码开发规范Java代码开发规范(Java Coding Convention)是一组编写Java 代码的规范和约定,以提高代码的可读性、可维护性和可重用性。
下面是一个包含大约1000字的Java代码开发规范概述:1. 命名规范:- 类名使用大写开头的驼峰式命名法,如MyClass。
- 方法名和变量名使用小写开头的驼峰式命名法,如myMethod。
- 常量名使用全大写字母和下划线的命名法,如MY_CONSTANT。
- 包名使用全小写字母,可以使用多级包名,如com.example.myproject。
2. 缩进和空格:- 使用4个空格进行代码块缩进。
- 除了特殊情况,每行代码最多120个字符。
- 操作符前后加上空格,如a + b。
3. 注释:- 使用Javadoc风格的类、方法和变量注释。
- 注释应该简洁明了,不要使用废话或无关信息。
- 注释应该更新以反映代码的变化。
4. 源文件:- 每个源文件只包含一个公有类。
- 源文件应该以UTF-8编码保存。
- 导入语句应该按照字母顺序排序。
5. 类的结构:- 每个类应该包含类的成员变量、构造方法、公有方法和私有方法,按照这个顺序。
- 成员变量应该使用private修饰,并提供相应的getter和setter方法。
- 公有方法应该提供必要的参数检查和异常处理。
6. 代码块:- 使用大括号包围代码块,即使代码块只有一行。
- 尽量减少嵌套层次,避免深层次的if-else或循环嵌套。
- switch语句应该包含default情况,并在每个case结束后加上break。
7. 异常处理:- 每个抛出异常的方法都应该声明可能抛出的异常类型。
- 在需要捕获异常的地方使用try-catch语句,并处理异常。
8. 并发编程:- 尽量使用线程安全的类和方法。
- 保护共享资源时使用synchronized关键字或者Lock对象。
9. 测试代码:- 每个公有类应该有相应的单元测试类。
以下是一些常见的Java代码编写规范:1. 命名规范:- 类名使用大写字母开头的驼峰命名法,如MyClass。
- 方法名使用小写字母开头的驼峰命名法,如myMethod。
- 变量名使用小写字母开头的驼峰命名法,并能直观地描述变量的含义,如myVariable。
- 常量名使用全大写的下划线命名法,如MAX_SIZE。
2. 缩进和空格:- 使用4个空格进行缩进,不要使用Tab键。
- 运算符之间加空格,如 a + b。
- 逗号之后加空格,如int a, int b。
- 括号之间加空格,如if (condition)。
- 方法和类的左括号不另起一行。
3. 注释规范:- 使用Javadoc格式进行注释,包括类、方法和成员变量的说明。
- 每个方法需说明参数、返回值和可能抛出的异常。
- 不要保留没有用的注释。
- 注释应该与代码保持一致,不要误导阅读者。
4. 类和方法的设计:- 类应该具有单一的职责,不要包含无关的功能。
- 方法应该具有清晰的目的和语义,不要过长或过于复杂。
- 类和方法应该尽量避免过多的参数,如果参数过多,可以考虑使用封装对象。
5. 异常处理:- 对于可能抛出的异常,应该根据情况进行合理的处理,而不是简单地忽略或抛出异常。
- 使用try-catch语句来捕获并处理异常,避免在代码中出现不受控制的异常。
6. 代码重构:- 定期进行代码重构,提高代码的可读性和可维护性。
- 删除无用的代码和注释。
- 提取公共代码块,避免重复的代码。
7. 包名和导入:- 包名应该以小写字母开头,使用有意义的命名。
- 导入语句应该只导入使用到的类,不要使用通配符导入。
8. 代码格式化:- 使用自动代码格式化工具来保持代码的一致性,如Eclipse 的代码格式化功能。
9. 单元测试:- 编写单元测试来验证代码的正确性和可靠性。
java 编程规范(Java Programming Style Guidelines)
Java Programming Style GuidelinesVersion 6.1, March 2008 Array Geotechnical Software ServicesCopyright © 1998 - 2008This document is available at of Content1 Introductiono 1.1 Layout of theRecommendationso 1.2 Recommendations Importanceo 1.3 Automatic Style Checking∙ 2 General Recommendations3 Naming Conventionso 3.1 General Naming Conventionso 3.2 Specific naming Conventions∙ 4 Files5 Statementso 5.1 Package and Import Statementso 5.2 Classes and Interfaceso 5.3 Methodso 5.4 Typeso 5.5 Variableso 5.6 Loopso 5.7 Conditionalso 5.8 Miscellaneous6 Layout and Commentso 6.1 Layouto 6.2 White spaceo 6.3 Comments∙7 References1 IntroductionThis document lists Java coding recommendations common in the Java development community.The recommendations are based on established standards collected from a number of sources, individual experience, local requirements/needs, as well as suggestions given in [1], [2], [3], [4] and [5].There are several reasons for introducing a new guideline rather than just referring to the ones above. Main reason is that these guides are far too general in their scope and that more specific rules (especially naming rules) need to be established. Also, the present guide has an annotated form that makes it easier to use during project code reviews than most other existing guidelines. In addition, programming recommendations generally tend to mix style issues with language technical issues in a somewhat confusing manner. The present document does not contain any Java technical recommendations at all, but focuses mainly on programming style.While a given development environment (IDE) can improve the readability of code by access visibility, color coding, automatic formatting and so on, the programmer should never rely on such features. Source code should always be considered larger than the IDE it is developed within and should be written in a way that maximize its readability independent of any IDE.1.1 Layout of the Recommendations.The recommendations are grouped by topic and each recommendation is numbered to make it easier to refer to during reviews.Layout for the recommendations is as follows:n. Guideline short descriptionExample if applicableMotivation, background and additional information.The motivation section is important. Coding standards and guidelines tend to start "religious wars", and it is important to state the background for the recommendation.1.2 Recommendation ImportanceIn the guideline sections the terms must, should and can have special meaning. A must requirement must be followed, a should is a strong recommendation, and a can is a general guideline.1.3 Automatic Style CheckingMany tools provide automatic code style checking. One of the most popular and feature rich one is Checkstyle by Oliver Burn.Checkstyle is configured through an XML file of style rules which is applied to the source code. It is most useful if it is integrated in the build process or the development environment. There are Checkstyle plugins for all the popular IDEs available.To use Checkstyle with the GeoSoft style rules below, use this configuration file: geosoft_checks.xml.2 General Recommendations1. Any violation to the guide is allowed if it enhances readability.The main goal of the recommendation is to improve readability and thereby the understanding and the maintainability and general quality of the code. It is impossible to cover all the specific cases in a general guide and the programmer should be flexible.3 Naming Conventions3.1 General Naming Conventions2. Names representing packages should be in all lower case.mypackage, pany.application.uiPackage naming convention used by Sun for the Java core packages. The initial package name representing the domain name must be in lower case.3. Names representing types must be nouns and written in mixed case starting with upper case.Line, AudioSystemCommon practice in the Java development community and also the type naming convention used by Sun for the Java core packages.4. Variable names must be in mixed case starting with lower case.line, audioSystemCommon practice in the Java development community and also the naming convention for variables used by Sun for the Java core packages. Makes variables easy to distinguish from types, and effectively resolves potential naming collision as in the declaration Line line;5. Names representing constants (final variables) must be all uppercase using underscore to separate words.MAX_ITERATIONS, COLOR_REDCommon practice in the Java development community and also the naming convention used by Sun for the Java core packages.In general, the use of such constants should be minimized. In many cases implementing the value as a method is a better choice:int getMaxIterations() // NOT: MAX_ITERATIONS = 25{return 25;}This form is both easier to read, and it ensures a uniform interface towards class values.6. Names representing methods must be verbs and written in mixed case starting with lower case.getName(), computeTotalWidth()Common practice in the Java development community and also the naming convention used by Sun for the Java core packages. This is identical to variable names, but methods in Java are already distinguishable from variables by their specific form.7. Abbreviations and acronyms should not be uppercase when used as name.exportHtmlSource(); // NOT: exportHTMLSource();openDvdPlayer(); // NOT: openDVDPlayer();Using all uppercase for the base name will give conflicts with the naming conventions given above. A variable of this type whould have to be named dVD, hTML etc. which obviously is not very readable. Another problem is illustrated in the examples above; When the name is connected to another, the readability is seriously reduced; The word following the acronym does not stand out as it should.8. Private class variables should have underscore suffix.class Person { private String name_; ... }Apart from its name and its type, the scope of a variable is its most important feature. Indicating class scope by using underscore makes it easy to distinguish class variables from local scratch variables. This is important because class variables are considered to have higher significance than method variables, and should be treated with special care by the programmer.A side effect of the underscore naming convention is that it nicely resolves the problem of finding reasonable variable names for setter methods:void setName(String name){name_ = name;}An issue is whether the underscore should be added as a prefix or as a suffix. Both practices are commonly used, but the latter is recommended because it seem to best preserve the readability of the name.It should be noted that scope identification in variables have been a controversial issue for quite some time. It seems, though, that this practice now is gaining acceptance and that it is becoming more and more common as a convention in the professional development community.9. Generic variables should have the same name as their type.void setTopic(Topic topic) // NOT: void setTopic(Topic value)// NOT: void setTopic(Topic aTopic)// NOT: void setTopic(Topic t)void connect(Database database) // NOT: void connect(Database db)// NOT: void connect(Database oracleDB)Reduce complexity by reducing the number of terms and names used. Also makes it easy todeduce the type given a variable name only.If for some reason this convention doesn't seem to fit it is a strong indication that the type name is badly chosen.Non-generic variables have a role. These variables can often be named by combining role and type:Point startingPoint, centerPoint;Name loginName;10. All names should be written in English.English is the preferred language for international development.11. Variables with a large scope should have long names, variables with a small scope can have short names [1].Scratch variables used for temporary storage or indices are best kept short. A programmer reading such variables should be able to assume that its value is not used outside a few lines of code. Common scratch variables for integers are i, j, k, m, n and for characters c and d.12. The name of the object is implicit, and should be avoided in a method name.line.getLength(); // NOT: line.getLineLength();The latter might seem natural in the class declaration, but proves superfluous in use, as shown in the example.3.2 Specific Naming Conventions13. The terms get/set must be used where an attribute is accessed directly.employee.getName(); employee.setName(name); matrix.getElement(2, 4); matrix.setElement(2, 4, value);Common practice in the Java community and the convention used by Sun for the Java core packages.14. is prefix should be used for boolean variables and methods.isSet, isVisible, isFinished, isFound, isOpenThis is the naming convention for boolean methods and variables used by Sun for the Java core packages.Using the is prefix solves a common problem of choosing bad boolean names like status or flag. isStatus or isFlag simply doesn't fit, and the programmer is forced to chose more meaningful names.Setter methods for boolean variables must have set prefix as in:void setFound(boolean isFound);There are a few alternatives to the is prefix that fits better in some situations. These are has, can and should prefixes:boolean hasLicense();boolean canEvaluate();boolean shouldAbort = false;15. The term compute can be used in methods where something is computed.puteAverage(); puteInverse()Give the reader the immediate clue that this is a potential time consuming operation, and if used repeatedly, he might consider caching the result. Consistent use of the term enhances readability.16. The term find can be used in methods where something is looked up.vertex.findNearestVertex(); matrix.findSmallestElement(); node.findShortestPath(Node destinationNode);Give the reader the immediate clue that this is a simple look up method with a minimum of computations involved. Consistent use of the term enhances readability.17. The term initialize can be used where an object or a concept is established.printer.initializeFontSet();The American initialize should be preferred over the English initialise. Abbreviation init must be avoided.18. JFC (Java Swing) variables should be suffixed by the element type.widthScale, nameTextField, leftScrollbar, mainPanel, fileToggle, minLabel, printerDialogEnhances readability since the name gives the user an immediate clue of the type of the variable and thereby the available resources of the object.19. Plural form should be used on names representing a collection of objects.Collection<Point> points; int[] values;Enhances readability since the name gives the user an immediate clue of the type of the variable and the operations that can be performed on its elements.20. n prefix should be used for variables representing a number of objects.nPoints, nLinesThe notation is taken from mathematics where it is an established convention for indicating anumber of objects.Note that Sun use num prefix in the core Java packages for such variables. This is probably meant as an abbreviation of number of, but as it looks more like number it makes the variable name strange and misleading. If "number of" is the preferred phrase, numberOf prefix can be used instead of just n. num prefix must not be used.21. No suffix should be used for variables representing an entity number.tableNo, employeeNoThe notation is taken from mathematics where it is an established convention for indicating an entity number.An elegant alternative is to prefix such variables with an i: iTable, iEmployee. This effectively makes them named iterators.22. Iterator variables should be called i, j, k etc.for (Iterator i = points.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { : } for (int i = 0; i < nTables; i++) { : }The notation is taken from mathematics where it is an established convention for indicating iterators.Variables named j, k etc. should be used for nested loops only.23. Complement names must be used for complement entities [1].get/set, add/remove, create/destroy, start/stop, insert/delete, increment/decrement, old/new, begin/end, first/last, up/down, min/max, next/previous, old/new, open/close, show/hide, suspend/resume, etc.Reduce complexity by symmetry.24. Abbreviations in names should be avoided.computeAverage(); // NOT: compAvg();ActionEvent event; // NOT: ActionEvent e;catch (Exception exception) { // NOT: catch (Exception e) {There are two types of words to consider. First are the common words listed in a language dictionary. These must never be abbreviated. Never write:cmd instead of commandcomp instead of computecp instead of copye instead of exceptioninit instead of initializept instead of pointetc.Then there are domain specific phrases that are more naturally known through their acronym or abbreviations. These phrases should be kept abbreviated. Never write: HypertextMarkupLanguage instead of htmlCentralProcessingUnit instead of cpuPriceEarningRatio instead of peetc.25. Negated boolean variable names must be avoided.bool isError; // NOT: isNoError bool isFound; // NOT: isNotFoundThe problem arise when the logical not operator is used and double negative arises. It is not immediately apparent what !isNotError means.26. Associated constants (final variables) should be prefixed by a common type int COLOR_RED = 1; final int COLOR_GREEN = 2; final int COLOR_BLUE = 3;This indicates that the constants belong together, and what concept the constants represents. An alternative to this approach is to put the constants inside an interface effectively prefixing their names with the name of the interface:interface Color{final int RED = 1;final int GREEN = 2;final int BLUE = 3;}27. Exception classes should be suffixed with Exception.class AccessException extends Exception { : }Exception classes are really not part of the main design of the program, and naming them like this makes them stand out relative to the other classes. This standard is followed by Sun in the basic Java library.28. Default interface implementations can be prefixed by Default.class DefaultTableCellRenderer implements TableCellRenderer { : }It is not uncommon to create a simplistic class implementation of an interface providing default behaviour to the interface methods. The convention of prefixing these classes by Default has been adopted by Sun for the Java library.29. Singleton classes should return their sole instance through method getInstance.class UnitManager { private final static UnitManager instance_ = new UnitManager(); private UnitManager() { ... } public static UnitManager getInstance() // NOT: get() or instance() or unitManager() etc. { return instance_; } }Common practice in the Java community though not consistently followed by Sun in the JDK. The above layout is the preferred pattern.30. Classes that creates instances on behalf of others (factories) can do so through method new[ClassName]class PointFactory { public Point newPoint(...) { ... } }Indicates that the instance is created by new inside the factory method and that the construct is a controlled replacement of new Point().31. Functions (methods returning an object) should be named after what they return and procedures (void methods) after what they do.Increase readability. Makes it clear what the unit should do and especially all the things it is not supposed to do. This again makes it easier to keep the code clean of side effects.4 Files32. Java source files should have the extension .java.Point.javaEnforced by the Java tools.33. Classes should be declared in individual files with the file name matching the class name. Secondary private classes can be declared as inner classes and reside in the file of the class they belong to.Enforced by the Java tools.34. File content must be kept within 80 columns.80 columns is the common dimension for editors, terminal emulators, printers and debuggers, and files that are shared between several developers should keep within these constraints. It improves readability when unintentional line breaks are avoided when passing a file between programmers.35. Special characters like TAB and page break must be avoided.These characters are bound to cause problem for editors, printers, terminal emulators or debuggers when used in a multi-programmer, multi-platform environment.36. The incompleteness of split lines must be made obvious [1].totalSum = a + b + c + d + e; method(param1, param2, param3); setText ("Long line split" + "into two parts."); for (int tableNo = 0; tableNo < nTables; tableNo += tableStep) { ... }Split lines occurs when a statement exceed the 80 column limit given above. It is difficult to give rigid rules for how lines should be split, but the examples above should give a general hint.In general:∙Break after a comma.∙Break after an operator.∙Align the new line with the beginning of the expression on the previous line.5 Statements5.1 Package and Import Statements37. The package statement must be the first statement of the file. All files should belong toa specific package.The package statement location is enforced by the Java language. Letting all files belong to an actual (rather than the Java default) package enforces Java language object oriented programming techniques.38. The import statements must follow the package statement. import statements should be sorted with the most fundamental packages first, and grouped with associated packages together and one blank line between groups.import; import .URL; import java.rmi.RmiServer; import java.rmi.server.Server; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.event.ActionEvent; import org.linux.apache.server.SoapServer;The import statement location is enforced by the Java language. The sorting makes it simple to browse the list when there are many imports, and it makes it easy to determine the dependiencies of the present package The grouping reduce complexity by collapsing related information into a common unit.39. Imported classes should always be listed explicitly.import java.util.List; // NOT: import java.util.*;import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet;Importing classes explicitly gives an excellent documentation value for the class at hand and makes the class easier to comprehend and maintain.Appropriate tools should be used in order to always keep the import list minimal and up to date.5.2 Classes and Interfaces40. Class and Interface declarations should be organized in the following manner:1Class/Interface documentation.2class or interface statement.3Class (static) variables in the order public, protected, package (no access modifier), private.4Instance variables in the order public, protected, package (no access modifier), private.5Constructors.6Methods (no specific order).Reduce complexity by making the location of each class element predictable.5.3 Methods41. Method modifiers should be given in the following order:<access> static abstract synchronized <unusual> final nativeThe <access> modifier (if present) must be the first modifier.public static double square(double a); // NOT: static public double square(double a);<access>is one of public, protected or private while <unusual> includes volatile and transient. The most important lesson here is to keep the access modifier as the first modifier. Of the possible modifiers, this is by far the most important, and it must stand out in the method declaration. For the other modifiers, the order is less important, but it make sense to have a fixed convention.5.4 Types42. Type conversions must always be done explicitly. Never rely on implicit type conversion.floatValue = (int) intValue; // NOT: floatValue = intValue;By this, the programmer indicates that he is aware of the different types involved and that the mix is intentional.43. Array specifiers must be attached to the type not the[] a = new int[20]; // NOT: int a[] = new int[20]The arrayness is a feature of the base type, not the variable. It is not known why Sun allows both forms.5.5 Variables44. Variables should be initialized where they are declared and they should be declared in the smallest scope possible.This ensures that variables are valid at any time. Sometimes it is impossible to initialize a variable to a valid value where it is declared. In these cases it should be left uninitialized rather than initialized to some phony value.45. Variables must never have dual meaning.Enhances readability by ensuring all concepts are represented uniquely. Reduce chance of error by side effects.46. Class variables should never be declared public.The concept of Java information hiding and encapsulation is violated by public variables. Use private variables and access functions instead. One exception to this rule is when the class is essentially a data structure, with no behavior (equivalent to a C++ struct). In this case it is appropriate to make the class' instance variables public [2].47. Arrays should be declared with their brackets next to the type.double[] vertex; // NOT: double vertex[]; int[] count; // NOT: int count[]; public static void main(String[] arguments) public double[] computeVertex()The reason for is twofold. First, the array-ness is a feature of the class, not the variable. Second, when returning an array from a method, it is not possible to have the brackets with other than the type (as shown in the last example).48. Variables should be kept alive for as short a time as possible.Keeping the operations on a variable within a small scope, it is easier to control the effects and side effects of the variable.5.6 Loops49. Only loop control statements must be included in the for() construction.sum = 0; // NOT: for (i = 0, sum = 0; i < 100; i++) for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) sum += value[i]; sum += value[i];Increase maintainability and readability. Make a clear distinction of what controls and what is contained in the loop.50. Loop variables should be initialized immediately before the loop.isDone = false; // NOT: bool isDone = false;while (!isDone) { // :: // while (!isDone) { } // :// }51. The use of do-while loops can be loops are less readable than ordinary while loops and for loops since the conditional is atthe bottom of the loop. The reader must scan the entire loop in order to understand the scope of the loop.In addition, do-while loops are not needed. Any do-while loop can easily be rewritten into a while loop or a for loop. Reducing the number of constructs used enhance readbility.52. The use of break and continue in loops should be avoided.These statements should only be used if they prove to give higher readability than their structured counterparts.5.7 Conditionals53. Complex conditional expressions must be avoided. Introduce temporary boolean variables instead [1].bool isFinished = (elementNo < 0) || (elementNo > maxElement); bool isRepeatedEntry = elementNo == lastElement; if (isFinished || isRepeatedEntry) { : } // NOT: if ((elementNo < 0) || (elementNo > maxElement)|| elementNo == lastElement) { : }By assigning boolean variables to expressions, the program gets automatic documentation. The construction will be easier to read, debug and maintain.54. The nominal case should be put in the if-part and the exception in the else-part of an if statement [1].boolean isOk = readFile(fileName); if (isOk) { : } else { : }Makes sure that the exceptions does not obscure the normal path of execution. This is important for both the readability and performance.55. The conditional should be put on a separate line.if (isDone) // NOT: if (isDone) doCleanup(); doCleanup();This is for debugging purposes. When writing on a single line, it is not apparent whether the test is really true or not.56. Executable statements in conditionals must be avoided.InputStream stream =, "w"); if (stream != null) { : } // NOT: if (, "w") != null)) { : }Conditionals with executable statements are simply very difficult to read. This is especially true for programmers new to Java.5.8 Miscellaneous57. The use of magic numbers in the code should be avoided. Numbers other than 0 and 1can be considered declared as named constants instead.private static final int TEAM_SIZE = 11; : Player[] players = new Player[TEAM_SIZE]; // NOT: Player[] players = new Player[11];If the number does not have an obvious meaning by itself, the readability is enhanced by introducing a named constant instead.58. Floating point constants should always be written with decimal point and at least one decimal.double total = 0.0; // NOT: double total = 0; double speed = 3.0e8; // NOT: double speed = 3e8; double sum; : sum = (a + b) * 10.0;This emphasize the different nature of integer and floating point numbers. Mathematically the two model completely different and non-compatible concepts.Also, as in the last example above, it emphasize the type of the assigned variable (sum) at a point in the code where this might not be evident.59. Floating point constants should always be written with a digit before the decimal point.double total = 0.5; // NOT: double total = .5;The number and expression system in Java is borrowed from mathematics and one should adhere to mathematical conventions for syntax wherever possible. Also, 0.5 is a lot more readable than .5; There is no way it can be mixed with the integer 5.60. Static variables or methods must always be refered to through the class name and never through an instance variable.Thread.sleep(1000); // NOT: thread.sleep(1000);This emphasize that the element references is static and independent of any particular instance. For the same reason the class name should also be included when a variable or method is accessed from within the same class.6 Layout and Comments6.1 Layout61. Basic indentation should be 2.for (i = 0; i < nElements; i++) a[i] = 0;Indentation is used to emphasize the logical structure of the code. Indentation of 1 is to small to acheive this. Indentation larger than 4 makes deeply nested code difficult to read and increase the chance that the lines must be split. Choosing between indentation of 2, 3 and 4; 2 and 4 are the more common, and 2 chosen to reduce the chance of splitting code lines. Note that the Sun recommendation on this point is 4.62. Block layout should be as illustrated in example 1 below (recommended) or example 2, and must not be as shown in example 3. Class, Interface and method blocks should usethe block layout of example 2.while (!done) { doSomething(); done = moreToDo(); } while (!done){ doSomething();done = moreToDo(); }while (!done) { doSomething(); done =moreToDo(); }Example 3 introduce an extra indentation level which doesn't emphasize the logical structure of the code as clearly as example 1 and 2.63. The class and interface declarations should have the following form:class Rectangle extends Shape implements Cloneable, Serializable { ... }This follows from the general block rule above. Note that it is common in the Java developer community to have the opening bracket at the end of the line of the class keyword. This is not recommended.64. Method definitions should have the following form:public void someMethod() throws SomeException { ... }See comment on class statements above.65. The if-else class of statements should have the following form:if (condition) { statements; } if (condition) { statements; } else { statements; } if (condition) { statements; } else if (condition) { statements; } else { statements; }This follows partly from the general block rule above. However, it might be discussed if an else clause should be on the same line as the closing bracket of the previous if or else clause:if (condition) {statements;} else {statements;}This is equivalent to the Sun recommendation. The chosen approach is considered better in the way that each part of the if-else statement is written on separate lines of the file. This should make it easier to manipulate the statement, for instance when moving else clauses around.66. The for statement should have the following form:for (initialization; condition; update) { statements; }This follows from the general block rule above.67. An empty for statement should have the following form:for (initialization; condition; update) ;This emphasize the fact that the for statement is empty and it makes it obvious for the reader that this is intentional.。
以下是Java语言规范的一些重要准则和规范:1. 标识符:Java中的标识符是用于命名变量、类、方法等的。
2. 区分大小写:Java是区分大小写的语言,变量名、方法名等的大小写是敏感的。
3. 缩进和空格:为了提高代码可读性,应该在代码块开始和结束处适当缩进,并且在关键字、运算符等之间使用空格,不要把多个语句写在同一行。
4. 注释:Java有三种注释方式:块注释,行注释和文档注释。
块注释用/* ... */包围,行注释用//开头,文档注释是指以/** ... */包围的注释,一般用于生成API文档。
5. 常量:Java中的常量是指在程序执行期间不能被改变的值。
6. 类和接口命名:类和接口的命名一般采用大驼峰命名法,即每个单词首字母大写,例如MyClass,而不是myClass或者MYClass。
7. 变量和方法命名:变量和方法的命名一般采用小驼峰命名法,即第一个单词的首字母小写,后面的单词首字母大写,例如myVariable,myMethod。
8. 方法长度和复杂性:为了提高代码的可读性和可维护性,一个方法的长度应该适度,并且控制方法的复杂性。
9. 异常处理:Java提供了异常机制来处理程序运行时产生的异常。
10. 类设计:一个类应该有清晰的职责和功能,并且遵循高内聚、低耦合的设计原则。
java代码开发规范⼀编码规范1.1 命名规范1. 代码中的命名均不能以特殊字符(如下划线、$#符号)开始或结束。
反例: _name / #Object2. 代码中的命名严禁使⽤拼⾳与英⽂混合的⽅式,更不允许直接使⽤中⽂的⽅式。
反例: toubao / lipei。
3. 类名使⽤UpperCamelCase风格,必须遵从驼峰形式。
正例:CommonUtils / BaseVo4. ⽅法名、参数名、成员变量、局部变量都统⼀使⽤lowerCamelCase风格,必须遵从驼峰形式。
正例: orderService / getOrderService()5. 常量命名全部⼤写,单词间⽤下划线隔开,⼒求语义表达完整清楚,不要嫌名字长。
正例: ZK_CONFIG_ROOTNODE6. 抽象类命名使⽤Abstract或Base开头;异常类命名使⽤Exception结尾;测试类命名以它要测试的类的名称开始,以Test结尾。
7. 包名使⽤com.hetai.服务名.分层名。
正例: oauth系统的DAO, com.hetai.oauth.dao8. 如果使⽤到了设计模式或具有明确职责,建议在类名中体现出具体模式或职责。
正例:ExecutorFactory / AbstractProducer9. 各分层都需要接⼝和实现类,实现类⽤Impl作后缀与接⼝区别。
10. 枚举类名建议带上Enum后缀,枚举成员名称需要全⼤写,单词间⽤下划线隔开。
正例:枚举名字:PolicyIdTypeEnum,成员名称:ID_CARD/ PASSPORT。
11. 各层⽅法命名规范: 1)查询的⽅法⽤get/ query做前缀。
2)插⼊的⽅法⽤add 或insert做前缀。
3)删除的⽅法⽤remove 或delete做前缀。
4)修改的⽅法⽤modify/ update做前缀。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
文件命名规范java程序使用如下的文件名后缀:文件类型后缀Java 源文件.javaJava 字节码文件.class对系统的文件命名方式有待于根据实际业务决定。
包命名规范包名应该唯一,它的前缀可以为任何小写的ASCII字符但必须是顶级域名,目前包括com, edu, gov, mil, net, org,或者ISO标准3166,1981中两个字符的国别代码。
2、注释规范Java 提供了两种类型的注释:程序注释和文档注释。
程序注释是由分隔符/*…*/,和// 隔开的部分,这些注释和C++ 中的注释一样。
文档注释(即“doc 注释”)是Java 独有的。
for (int i = 0; i < maxLoops; i++) { ... }注意:应避免局部变量屏蔽了外层变量的作用范围。
4、语句规范不允许出现空语句的情况,典型的错误案例是:A.一行里只有一个分号B.一个语句后面连续出现几个分号不允许出现无意义语句,如policyNo = policyNo;简单语句每行最多包含一个语句。
if ( condition) //禁止使用! 这种方式忽略了大括号{},容易导致错误。
switch语句使用格式如下:switch ( condition) {case ABC:statements;/* 不包括break语句*/case DEF:statements;break;case XYZ:statements;break;default:statements;break;}A.每一个case语句都要包含break语句,如果不包含应该说明正常情况下应在什么时候退出switch语句。
for语句for语句使用格式如下:for (int i = 0; i < maxLoops; i++) {...}try-catch语句try-catch语句使用格式如下:try {statements;} catch (ExceptionClass e) {statements;}try-catch语句后也可以跟随finally。
使用格式如下:try {statements;} catch (ExceptionClass e) {statements;} finally {statements;}如果catch块中除throw 异常外没有任何处理,则不应该写该try/catch块。
代码长度检查点最大字符数或行数可执行语句的最大行数120Java源文件最大行数2000方法、构造方法最多字符数120匿名内部类的最大行数120参数的最大个数77、JAVA源文件每个Java 源文件都包含一个单一的公共类或接口。
Java 源文件还遵循以下规则:- 开头注释- 包和引入语句- 类和接口声明所有的源文件都应该在开头有一个C 语言风格的注释,其中列出类名、版本信息、日期和版权声明。