



历届东盟博览会时间第一届:2004年11月03日-11月06日第二届:2005年10月19日-10月22日第三届:2006年10月31日-11月03日第四届:2007年10月28日-10月31日第五届:2008年10月22日-10月25日第六届:2009年10月20日-10月24日第七届:2010年10月20日-10月24日第八届:2011年10月21日-10月26日第九届:2012年09月21日-09月25日第十届:2013年09月03日-09月06日篇二:《2015年东盟博览会放假》2015年东盟博览会放假>> 在每年的中国—东盟博览会举办期间,南宁的企事业单位和社会团体都会放假两天,今年的中国—东盟博览会将在9月18日至21日举行,那么今年有望在9月18日起就放假,因9月19日为周六,南宁市民就可以连休三天。





> 而下半年还有一项南宁人的专属假期,按照惯例,在每年的中国—东盟博览会举办期间,南宁的企事业单位和社会团体都会放假两天,今年的中国—东盟博览会将在9月18日至21日举行,那么今年有望在9月18日起就放假,因9月19日为周六,南宁市民就可以连休三天。





















广东外语外贸大学学报JOURNAL OF GUANGDONG UNIVERSITY OF FOREIGN STUDIES2005年4月Apr. 2005第16卷第2期VOL.16 NO.2一.引 言2002年12月9日国务院新闻办公室发表了近23000字的《2002年中国的国防》(白皮书)(简称《国防》),《北京周报》分别于2003年1月2日和1月9日全文刊登了新华社提供的中英对照文本。


我们从对外宣传翻译策略角度对《国防》双语文本进行了对比分析,认为译文的问题在于:1) 亦步亦趋,大部分译文逐句对译;2)累赘繁复、语句冗长;3)中式英语特征明显;4) 有不少概念与句法逻辑错误。

究其原因有三:1)译者对对《2002年中国的国防》(白皮书)英译文评析 ——兼论对外宣传翻译“经济简明”原则曾利沙(广东外语外贸大学·广州·510420)内容提要:本文将应用翻译理论研究与翻译批评研究结合起来,一方面提出原则范畴连续统的概念,另一方面提出“整体性批评”模式。



关键词:对外宣传;翻译原则;连续统;翻译批评;认知思维;策略中图分类号:H315.9 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-0962(2005)02-0005-06Abstract: This paper attempts to bridge translation criticism with theoretic studies of pragmatic translation. Itproposes, on one hand, the concept of category continuum of translating principles, and brings forward the HolisticCriticism model on the other. It argues, within the theoretic framework, that the task of a critic is to demonstrate therelevant issues generalized and categorized from a comprehensive observation and analysis of the distribution oftypical information attributes of the bi-lingual texts, together with the statistical occurrences in the version. Itconcludes that the significance and theoretic values of criticism are seen in a positive proportion to the “q uantitativeoccurrences” of the identified typical information attributes in the version.Key words: overseas-oriented publicity; translating principle; continuum; translation criticism; cognitivethinking;strategy中文文本自身语言特征认识不足;2) 对英语民族语言文化和认知思维特征及其信息接受心理缺乏认识;3) 未能深入把握词语概念的认知语义特征。



《中国与世界贸易组织》白皮书,中英对照中国与世界贸易组织China and the World Trade Organization(2018 年年6 月)June 2018中华人民共和国国务院新闻办公室The State Council Information Office of the People&rsquo;s Republic of China 目录Contents前言Foreword一、中国切实履行加入世贸组织承诺I. China Has Faithfully Fulfilled Its WTO Accession Commitments二、中国坚定支持多边贸易体制II. China Firmly Supports the Multilateral Trading System三、中国加入世贸组织后对世界作出重要贡献III. China&rsquo;s Significant Contribution to the World After Accession to the WTO四、中国积极推动更高水平对外开放IV. China Is Actively Advancing Opening-Up to a Higher Level结束语Conclusion前言Foreword1978 年,中国开启了改革开放的历史进程。


40 年来,中国坚持对外开放基本国策,打开国门搞建设,逐步形成了全方位多层次宽领域的对外开放格局,极大促进了中国与外部世界的交流交融,为人类和平与发展的崇高事业作出了重要贡献。

In 1978, China started the historic process of reform and opening-up. This is a glorious chapter in the development epic of the country and the nation composed by the Chinese people, recording the great journey of common progress of China and the rest of the world. It has not only profoundly changed the country, but also greatly influenced the whole world. Over the past 40 years, China has beenadhering to the fundamental national policy of reform and opening-up and pursuing development with its door wide open. A model of all-round, multi-level, and wide-ranging opening-up has gradually taken shape. China is closely connected withthe outside world and has made a significant contribution to the noble cause of global peace and development.2001 年中国加入世界贸易组织,是中国深度参与经济全球化的里程碑,标志着中国改革开放进入历史新阶段。

《中国坚持通过谈判解决中国与菲律宾在南海的有关争议》白皮书 中英文

《中国坚持通过谈判解决中国与菲律宾在南海的有关争议》白皮书 中英文

《中国坚持通过谈判解决中国与菲律宾在南海的有关争议》白皮书White Paper: China Adheres to the Position of Settling Through Negotiation the Relevant Disputes Between China and the Philippines in the SouthChina Seadevelopment of the international law of the sea, a maritime delimitation dispute also arose between the two states regarding certain maritime areas of the South China Sea.5. 中菲两国尚未举行旨在解决南海有关争议的任何谈判,但确曾就妥善处理海上争议进行多次磋商,就通过谈判协商解决有关争议达成共识,并在双边文件中多次予以确认。


5. China and the Philippines have not yet had any negotiation designed to settle their relevant disputes in the South China Sea. However, the two countries did hold multiple rounds of consultations on the proper management of disputes at sea and reached consensus on resolving through negotiation and consultation the relevant disputes, which has been repeatedly reaffirmed in a number of bilateral documents. The two countries have also made solemn commitment to settling relevant disputes through negotiation and consultation in the 2002 Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC) that China and the ASEAN Member States jointly signed.6. 2013年1月,菲律宾共和国时任政府违背上述共识和承诺,单方面提起南海仲裁案。

































China has always adopted a responsible attitude to actively promoting IPR protection. While adhering to the international rules on IPR protection, China has decided on a level of IPR protection appropriate for its own national situation, and made great efforts to balance the interests among intellectual property creators, users and the general public, so as to create a benign circle for the creation and use of intellectual property.多年来,在全社会的共同努力下,中国保护知识产权取得重大进展。

Major progress has been made on IPR protection in China over the past years thanks to concerted efforts made by people from all walks of life.——建立健全符合国际通行规则、门类比较齐全的法律法规体系。




中国白皮书历史 自1991年发布第一部白皮书,截至2017年,中国已发表了90多部白皮书,涉及民主政治建设、法治建设、 政党制度、人权状况、军控、国防、防扩散、宗教问题、人口问题、能源、环境问题、知识产权问题、食品药品 安全、互联网以及西藏和新疆等内容,全面准确地介绍中国政府在这些重大问题上的政策主张、原则立场和取得 的进展,增进了国际社会对中国的了解和认识,受到了广泛**。 现行发布的白皮书皆可在中华人民共和国国务院新闻办公室官方网站查询,自行打印。 2022年 《台湾问题与新时代中国统一事业》白皮书 《新时代的中国青年》白皮书 《2021中国的航天》白皮书 《新时代的中国北斗》白皮书 2021年
各种颜色的“皮书”(7张)“皮书”最早源于政府部门对某个专门问题的特定报告,通常这种报告在印刷时 不作任何装饰,封面也是白纸黑字,所以称为“白皮书”。在不少国家,政府发布报告时使用“白皮书”已基本 成为惯例,比如,我国发表的“《中国的民族区域自治》白皮书”、“中国2004年国防白皮书”等。此外,也有 一些国家使用“红皮书”、“蓝皮书”、“绿皮书”等形式。“皮书”这种“官方解说”的性质,也使它常常和 “权威”相联系。
广义指政府、议会等公开发表的有关政治、经济、外交等重大问题的文件,封面为白色所以叫白皮书。 狭义指由中华人民共和国国务院新闻办公室发布的相关对外通告 白皮书,是由官方制定发布的阐明及执行的规范报告。 蓝皮书,是由第三方完成的综合研究报告。 绿皮书,是关于乐观前景的研究报告。 红皮书,是关于危机警示的研究报告。
白皮书最初是因为书的封皮和正文所用的纸皆为白色而得名。英语中“WHITE PAPER”和“WHITE BOOK”汉语均译做白皮书。但两者是有区别的:



政府工作报告REPORT ON THE WORK OF THE GOVERNMENT——2008年3月5日在第十一届全国人民代表大会第一次会议上Delivered at the First Session of the Eleventh NationalPeople's Congress on March 5, 2008国务院总理温家宝各位代表:Fellow Deputies,现在,我代表国务院,向大会报告本届政府过去五年地工作,对今年工作提出建议,请予审议,并请全国政协各位委员提出意见。

On behalf of the State Council, I would now like to deliver to you a report on the work of the government over the past five years and on the arrangements for its work this year for your deliberation and approval and also for comments and suggestions from the members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC).一、过去五年工作回顾I. Review of the Work of the Past Five Years第十届全国人民代表大会第一次会议以来地五年,是不平凡地五年。


The past five years since the First Session of the Tenth National People's Congress was a momentous period. Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC), governments at all levels and people of all the ethnic groups in China diligently followed the guiding principles set out at the Sixteenth CPC National Congress and worked in concert and with dedication. We vigorously responded to the complex and volatile international environment, strove to overcome various difficulties hindering economic and social development, and prevailed over the sudden and severe outbreak of SARS and catastrophic natural disasters such as the recent snow and ice storms in the south that the region has rarely seen before. We made major achievements in reform, opening up and modernization, which attracted the attention of the world.——经济跨上新台阶。


















PrefaceChina is the world’s largest developing country. In its development, it has endeavored to integrate the interests of the Chinese people with people of other countries, providing assistance to the best of its ability to other developing countries within the framework of South-South cooperation to support and help other developing countries, especially the least developed countries (LDCs), to reduce poverty and improve livelihood. China has proactively promoted international development and cooperation and played a constructive role in this aspect.When providing foreign assistance, China adheres to the principles of not imposing any political conditions, not interfering in the internal affairs of the recipient countries and fully respecting their right to independently choosing their own paths and models of development. The basic principles China upholds in providing foreign assistance are mutual respect, equality, keeping promise, mutual benefits and win-win.In recent years, China’s foreign assistance has kept growing. The following is an introduction of China’s foreign assistance from 2010 to 2012.I. Developing Foreign Assistance Cause SteadilyThe scale of China’s foreign assist ance kept expanding from 2010 to 2012. Besides complete projects and goods and materials, which were the main forms of China’s foreign assistance, technical cooperation and human resources development cooperation also saw remarkable increases. Asia and Africa were the major recipient areas of China’s foreign assistance. To promote the realization of Millennium Development Goals, China directed most of its assisting funds to low-income developing countries.1. Financial Resources for Foreign AssistanceFrom 2010 to 2012, China appropriated in total 89.34 billion yuan (14.41 billion U.S. dollars) for foreign assistance in three types: grant (aid gratis), interest-free loan and concessional loan.Grant is mainly offered to help recipient countries build small or medium-sized social welfare projects, and to fund human resources development cooperation, technical cooperation, material assistance and emergency humanitarian aid. In the three years, China provided 32.32 billion yuan of grants, accounting for 36.2 percent of the total assistance volume.Interest-free loan is mainly used to help recipient countries construct public facilities and launch projects to improve people’s livelihood. In the three years, China offered 7.26 billion yuan of interest-free loans, taking up 8.1 percent of its foreign assistance volume.Concessional loan is mainly used to help recipient countries undertake manufacturing projects and large and medium-sized infrastructure projects with economic and social benefits, or for the supply of complete plants, machinery and electronic products. In the three years, the concessional loans China provided to other countries amounted to 49.76 billion yuan, or 55.7 percent of its total assistance volume in the same period. Foreign assistance budget is put under the unified management of the Ministry of Finance in line with the budget and final accounts system. Concessional loans are raised by the Export-Import Bank of China on the market. As the loan interest islower than the benchmark interest releas ed by the People’s Bank of China, the difference is made up by the state as financial subsidies.2. Distribution of Foreign AssistanceFrom 2010 to 2012, China provided assistance to 121 countries, including 30 in Asia, 51 in Africa, nine in Oceania, 19 in Latin America and the Caribbean and 12 in Europe. Besides, China also provided assistance to regional organizations such as the African Union (AU).3. Forms of Foreign AssistanceFrom 2010 to 2012, China provided foreign assistance mainly in the following forms: undertaking complete projects, providing goods and materials, conducting technical cooperation and human resources development cooperation, dispatching medical teams and volunteers, offering emergency humanitarian aid, and reducing or exempting the debts of the recipient countries.Complete projects. In total, China undertook the construction of 580 such projects in 80 countries, with infrastructure and agriculture as the focus.Goods and materials. China provided 96 countries and regions with 424 batches of goods and materials, including mainly office supplies, mechanical equipment, inspection equipment, transport vehicles, articles for daily use, medicine and medical devices.Technical cooperation. China completed 170 technical cooperation projects in 61 countries and regions, mainly covering industrial production and management, agricultural planting and breeding, culture and education, sports and physical training, medical and health care, clean energy development, and planning and consultation. Human resources development cooperation. China held 1,951 training sessions for officials and technical personnel and on-the-job academic education programs in China, training a total of 49,148 people from other developing countries.Medical teams. China dispatched 55 teams composed of 3,600 medical personnel to 54 countries to provide stationed or touring medical services, treating nearly seven million patients.Volunteer programs. China sent about 7,000 young volunteers and volunteer Chinese language teachers to over 60 countries.Emergency humanitarian aid. China extended 1.5 billion yuan worth of materials and cash assistance in emergency humanitarian aid to more than 30 countries.Debt relief. China relieved nine LDCs and heavily indebted poor countries, namely, Tanzania, Zambia, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Mali, Togo, Benin, Cote d’Ivoire and Sudan, from 16 mature interest-free loans totaling 1.42 billion yuan.II. Helping Improve People's LivelihoodOne of the important objectives of China's foreign assistance is to support other developing countries to reduce poverty and improve the livelihood of their peoples. China prioritizes supporting other developing countries to develop agriculture, enhance education level, improve medical and health services and build public welfare facilities, and provide emergency humanitarian aid when they suffer severe disasters.1. Promoting Agricultural DevelopmentAgricultural development is crucial to poverty reduction in developing countries. Through establishing agricultural technology demonstration centers, dispatching agricultural experts to provide consultations and conduct technical cooperation, and training technical and managerial personnel on agriculture in other developing countries, China has taken proactive efforts to help other developing countries raise their agricultural productivity to effectively cope with food crises. From 2010 to 2012, China assisted 49 agricultural projects, dispatched over 1,000 agricultural experts to recipient countries, and provided them with a great quantity of machinery, improved varieties of grain, fertilizers and other agricultural materials.Assisting the establishment of agricultural technology demonstration centers. Such centers provide an important platform for China's foreign assistance in agriculture. From 2010 to 2012, China-assisted agricultural demonstration centers were completed in 17 countries, including Benin, Mozambique, Sudan, Liberia, Rwanda, Laos, and East Timor. China passed on advanced and applicable production technologies to local farmers through experiment, demonstration and training. The demonstration center in Liberia promoted hybrid rice and corn planting in areas of nearly 1,000 hectares, and trained over 1,000 local agricultural researchers and farmers. The demonstration center in Rwanda researched, experimented on and demonstrated the adaptability of paddy rice and fungi in the context of the local traditional agriculture, and provided technical training to women's associations, paddy rice growers' associations and other organizations in Rwanda.Dispatching senior agricultural experts and expert teams. Chinese agricultural experts took an active part in the agricultural planning of the recipient countries. The expert team dispatched to Benin provided expertise to the drafting of the country's Agricultural Law and Agricultural Administration Law. The expert teams sent to Botswana and Guinea-Bissau participated in the formulation of the two countries' agricultural development plans. Chinese experts assisted recipient countries in promoting their agricultural development. The expert team helped Lesotho with its application to the World Health Organization for FMD (foot-and-mouth disease) free membership. The expert team to Mauritania assisted the country in drawing up the plan for building its central laboratory for agricultural comprehensive analysis and testing. Chinese experts actively disseminated easy-to-learn agricultural techniques suited to the conditions of recipient countries. The expert team to Botswana promoted the use of plastic mulch incrop production. The expert team to Mali devised and promoted the use of iron harrows as a means of intensive cultivation in the paddy fields.Training technical and managerial personnel on agriculture. Taking the characteristics and actual needs of agricultural development in developing countries into consideration, China provided nearly 300 research and training programs of various forms for almost 7,000 agricultural officials and technicians from the recipient countries. These programs covered a wide range of sectors, including management of crop cultivation, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery, national policymaking on rural development and poverty reduction, food security, and agricultural cooperation among developing countries, and issues concerning the agricultural chain, such astechnology dissemination and the processing, storage, marketing and distribution of agricultural products.2. Improving the Level of EducationFrom 2010 to 2012, China continuously intensified its efforts of foreign assistance in education by way of constructing and maintaining school buildings, providing teaching facilities, training teachers, offering more government scholarships for foreign students to study in China, and assisting with the development of vocational and technical education, for the purpose of helping other developing countries improve their educational level and support their balanced and equitable development in education.Improving teaching and learning conditions. China assisted over 80 projects in relation to educational facilities, including the construction and maintenance of primary and secondary schools, universities and colleges as well as libraries, and has effectively improved the teaching and learning conditions in the recipient countries. China provided large amounts of free educational facilities and materials to the recipient countries, including computers, teaching tools, stationery and sports equipment, and established university online education networks and distance education systems. In this way, China facilitated the efforts of recipient countries to diversify their means and expand the coverage of education.Training teachers. In the three years, China trained over 1,000 educational officials, principals and faculty members from other developing countries by holding over 30 educational training programs, including those for senior administrators of colleges and universities, for higher education management, for vocational education management, for principals and teachers of primary and secondary schools, and for distance education.Supporting vocational and technical education. Thousands of local people have been trained in the China-assisted Friendship Vocational Training Center in Omdurman. To increase its enrolment, China started the upgrading and expansion project of the center. China took active steps to help the recipient countries develop vocational and technical education. From 2001 to 2012, China dispatched over 400 teachers to Ethiopia to train the local teachers working in agricultural vocational and technical education. A total of 1,800 teachers from agricultural vocational schools and 35,000 agricultural technicians received training.Increasing government scholarships to foreign students. From 2010 to 2012, the Chinese government assisted 76,845 foreign students to study in China. To promote regional development, China has continuously increased government scholarships to African students and augmented assistance for students from the ASEAN countries and the Pacific island countries to help under-developed countries in these regions develop their human resources.3. Improving Medical and Health ServicesMedical and health care is a major field where China directs its foreign assistance. From 2010 to 2012, China helped recipient countries improve their medical and health services, raise their disease control and prevention ability, and enhance their public health capacity by constructing hospitals, providing medicine and medicalequipment, dispatching medical teams, training medical workers and conducting exchanges and cooperation on disease prevention and treatment with other developing countries.Constructing medical facilities and providing free medical equipment. China assisted about 80 construction projects of medical facilities, including general hospitals, mobile hospitals, health centers, specialist clinics, and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) centers, which have effectively alleviated the shortage of medical and health facilities in recipient countries. Moreover, China provided them with about 120 batches of medical equipment and medicine, including color Doppler ultrasound machines, CT scanners, automatic biochemical analyzers, maternal and infant monitors, critical surgical instruments, ICU monitors, and MRI scanners as well as drugs against diseases such as malaria and cholera.Dispatching medical teams. China dispatched 55 medical teams with 3,600 medical workers to nearly 120 medical centers in recipient countries. They trained tens of thousands of local medical staff, which has relieved to a certain extent the shortage of medical services in recipient countries. The training was carried out through demonstrations, lectures, technical courses and academic exchanges, covering such topics as the prevention and treatment of malaria, AIDS, schistosomiasis and other infectious diseases, patient care, the treatment of diabetes and rheumatism, as well as the TCM of acupuncture application, naprapathy, health care methods and Chinese medicines. From 2010 to 2012, more than 100 Chinese medical workers were conferred medals by the recipient countries for their outstanding contributions. Carrying out Brightness Trip activities. Brightness Trip program was actively carried out in both governmental and non-governmental channels to help other developing countries in the treatment of eye diseases. From 2003, China started to send medical teams to provide free surgery for patients with eye diseases in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Cambodia, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Pakistan and other Asian countries. In November 2010, a Chinese Brightness Trip medical team arrived in Africa for the first time and carried out operations for over 1,000 cataract patients in countries including Zimbabwe, Malawi, Mozambique and Sudan.Assisting the prevention and control of infectious diseases. From 2010 to 2012, China provided 60 batches of antimalarial medicine, H1N1 influenza vaccine and cholera vaccine free of charge to other developing countries and held training in the prevention and control of infectious diseases, the expenditure for this purpose accumulating to RMB200 million. In 2007, China and the Comoros launched a cooperation program of treating malaria with an artemisinin compound, an effective antimalarial drug, which helped the Comorian island of Moheli reduce its incidence of malaria by 90%. From 2010 to 2012, while making further progress in Moheli, China started promoting the program on the Comorian island of Anjoyan.4. Building Public Welfare FacilitiesTo support other developing countries in improving their people's livelihood and organizing public activities, China actively assisted the construction of urban and rural public welfare facilities, affordable housing and social activity venues, providedrelevant equipment and materials, and conducted technical cooperation on operation and management.Carrying out well-drilling and water-supply projects. China undertook 29 well-drilling and water-supply projects in other developing countries, and drilled over 600 wells. Despite tough natural conditions and the threat of epidemics and terrorism, senior hydrogeologists and engineering geologists from China helped the recipient countries drill wells and undertake water-supply projects. China helped drill 200 fresh water wells in Kara and Centrale of Togo respectively and 38 wells in Darfur, Sudan and Kator of Juba, South Sudan, all of which were equipped with submersible pumps and generator sets. The China-assisted water-supply project in Zinder, Niger has solved the problem of drinking water for hundreds of thousands of local residents. Improving people's living conditions. China assisted 80 residential housing and affordable housing projects in other developing countries, totaling about 600,000 square meters in floor space. China's architects and engineers gave full consideration to the living habits and environmental features of the recipient countries in both external and interior design, and exercised strict quality control while making efforts to reduce costs, for the purpose of providing comfortable and endurable houses to local residents.Assisting the construction of public facilities. China assisted 86 construction projects of public cultural venues, sports venues, office buildings and conference centers in other developing countries. These projects helped enrich local residents' cultural and recreational life, improve the working conditions of local governments, and create a better cityscape. China assisted the rehabilitation of Sri Lanka's Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall, which was a gift from China in the 1970s and took on new dimensions four decades later. China funded the construction of Gabon's 40,000-seat stadium Stade d' Angondje, which hosted the competition final and closing ceremony of the 28th Africa Cup of Nations in 2012. China assisted the construction of the 20,000-square-meter Grand National Theater in Senegal, one of the largest theaters in Africa.5. Humanitarian AidOver the past few years, the world has been frequently hit by severe natural disasters caused by earthquakes, hurricanes, floods and droughts as well as humanitarian crises caused by wars, and many countries have suffered serious casualties and property losses. China has made quick response to the appeals of the international community by providing relief materials or cash aid and dispatching rescue and medical teams as needed, to help the victim countries with disaster relief and post-disaster reconstruction.Providing emergency relief materials or cash aid. From 2010 to 2012, the Chinese government provided RMB1.2 billion worth of emergency relief materials in some 50 batches, including tents, blankets, emergency lights, generators, fuel oil, food, medicine and water filters, to countries affected by natural disasters or humanitarian crises, such as the earthquake in Haiti, floods in Cambodia, earthquake in Myanmar, floods in Pakistan, hurricane in Cuba, the war in Libya, and the turmoil in Syria. In addition, China provided cash aid totaling RMB300 million.Assisting African countries in coping with the food crisis. In 2011 and 2012, the Horn of Africa and the Sahel were stricken by severe droughts and over 30 million people were faced with a serious food shortage. In 2011, the Chinese government provided on three occasions a total of RMB440 million worth of emergency food aid to the countries of the Horn of Africa, such as Ethiopia, Kenya, Djibouti and Somali. In 2012, the Chinese government provided RMB70 million worth of emergency food aid to Chad, Mali, Niger and other countries in the Sahel.Supporting post-disaster reconstruction. In 2010, Pakistan was hit by a severe flood rarely seen in history. The Chinese government promptly carried out rescue work in all aspects and through multiple channels, participated in post-flood reconstruction by helping the victims and rebuilding transportation infrastructure as the country requested. China also provided cash aid to support Pakistan government's compensation packages for victims, and undertook the restoration project of the340-kilometer national highway network destroyed in the flood-stricken areas, enabling 150 million people to have access to the traffic network. In March 2012, a series of blasts occurred in the north of Brazzaville, the capital of the Republic of Congo. China assisted the construction of settlements for people displaced from their homes and actively supported reconstruction after the explosions.Helping improve disaster prevention and relief capacity. China helped recipient countries enhance their emergency rescue, disaster prevention and relief capacity by ways of providing materials and training. Over the three years, China provided over 10 batches of rescue vehicles and equipment, and held 30 training programs on disaster prevention and relief for other developing countries, sharing experience with over 700 officials and technicians.III. Promoting Economic and Social DevelopmentChina has actively helped other developing countries in infrastructure construction, and assisted their efforts in strengthening capacity building and trade development. China has also increased the amount of foreign assistance in environmental protection, helping the recipient countries realize economic and social development.1. Improving InfrastructureIn light of the economic development of different countries, China arranges grants (aid gratis), interest-free loans and concessional loans in a well-proportioned manner to help recipient countries with the much needed infrastructure construction. From 2010 to 2012, China helped build 156 economic infrastructure projects. Exploring its advantages in technology, equipment and materials, and human resources, China effectively cut down investment costs for these projects while ensuring quality. Supporting development of transport system. During the three-year period, China assisted the construction of over 70 transport projects, including roads, bridges, airports and ports. For example, China helped build the third section of the Sika Highway that connects Kenya’s capital Nairobi to its economic hub Sika, thus making a contribution to the road network that links up Kenya, Ethiopia and Tanzania. Sri Lanka’s Mattala Rajapaksa International Airport, built with Chinese assistance, further improves the country’s all-dimensional transport network, and plays a positiverole in promoting links and communication between Sri Lanka and its neighboring areas.Increasing energy supply capacity. China assisted the construction of more than 20 energy projects, including hydropower stations, thermal power plants, power transmission, transformation and distribution grids, and geothermal drilling projects. The Bui Hydropower Station built by China in Ghana boasts the capacity of hydroelectricity generation, farmland irrigation, fisheries development and local tourism. Its completion has not only powered economic and social development in Ghana, but also benefited other areas in Western Africa. The China-assisted power transmission, transformation and distribution grids in Dakar, Senegal now provide power to 150,000 local residents, effectively ensuring power supply to the city, which had been troubled by its ageing grid and sudden blackouts until recently.Promoting the development of information-based societies. China assisted the building of over 60 IT-related projects, including optical cable telecommunication networks, e-government websites, and radio and television frequency modulation transmitters. The telecommunication projects assisted by China in Turkmenistan, Togo and Eritrea provide high-quality and steady telecommunication systems to these countries, and the number of users has grown exponentially. The optical cable transmission networks assisted by China in Cameroon and Tanzania have effectively promoted the application of fiber cables in African nations.2. Strengthening Capacity BuildingBelieving in the ancient Chinese wisdom that “teaching one to fish rather than giving one fish,” China shares its experience and technology with other developing countries through human resources and technical cooperation, as well as through volunteer service, to help other developing countries build their own professional teams and enhance their capacity for independent development.Fast development in human resources cooperation. From 2010 to 2012, China held 1,579 seminars for foreign officials, inviting nearly 40,000 officials from the governments of other developing countries to China. The topics of the seminars covered economics and management, multilateral trade negotiation, politics and diplomacy, public administration, vocational education, and non-governmental organizations. China also held 357 training sessions for about 10,000 technical personnel from other developing countries in the areas of agriculture, health care, telecommunications, industry, environmental protection, disaster relief and prevention, and culture and sports. To help other developing countries improve the ability of their senior management personnel in the public sector, China organized, during the three years, 15 on-the-job academic education programs. Master’s degrees in public administration, education, international relations and international media were granted to 359 officials from 75 developing countries.Extensive technical cooperation. During the three-year period, China sent over 2,000 experts to more than 50 countries to conduct technical cooperation, transfer applicable technique, and help improve these countries’ technical management capacity in agriculture, handcrafts, radio and television, clean energy, and culture and sports. China also dispatched senior planning and consulting experts to other developingcountries to help with the planning of land exploitation, clean energy utilization, river regulation, and economic cooperation. In a technical cooperation program, Chinese experts taught 500 Liberians to weave bamboo and rattan into marketable products. This program has not only created jobs, brought the locals more income and lifted them out of poverty, but also boosted the bamboo and rattan industry in the country. The active role of volunteers. China continued to send volunteers to other developing countries to provide services in language teaching, physical education, computer training, traditional Chinese medicine treatment, agricultural technology, art training, industrial technology, social development and international relief for schools, hospitals, government agencies, farms, and research institutes. A Chinese volunteer to Liberia successfully rescued a newborn with gastroschisis, and was awarded the African Star medal. Volunteers to Ethiopia improved the planting method for melons, and local fruit farmers harvested much more than usual that year; the volunteers also taught the locals to build biogas pits so that they could use clean energy more efficiently.3. Promoting Trade DevelopmentAs an active response to the WTO’s Aid for Trade initiative, China strengthened its assistance in infrastructure construction and production capacity building for other developing countries. China also stepped up zero tariff treatment to these countries, supported their involvement in the multilateral trading system, and provided training for their economic and trade professionals so as to promote the trade development of these countries.Improving trade-related infrastructure. During the three-year period, China assisted the construction of 90 large and medium-sized, trade-related infrastructure projects, effectively improving transportation for foreign trade in the recipient countries and reinforcing their connectivity with other areas. China also provided commodity inspection equipment, transport vehicles and other trade-related supplies and equipment to other developing countries. For example, it provided container inspection equipment to Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Ethiopia, Egypt, Chad, Cape Verde, Zambia and Serbia, which has helped these countries improve their commodity inspection capacity and customs clearance ability, as well as effectively combat against smuggling.Improving trade-related production capacity. China assisted the construction of a number of trade-related production programs, which have helped improve to a certain degree the production capacity of the recipient countries, so that they can better meet the needs of the market and improve the import-export mix. In December 2011, during the eighth ministerial conference of the WTO, China reached agreement with Benin, Mali, Chad and Burkina Faso – the Cotton-4 countries – on a cooperation program in which China provides cotton seeds, farm machinery and fertilizers, shares planting technologies, provides training, and supports local companies for technological upgrading and the expansion of industrial chain, so as to promote the development of the fo ur countries’ cotton industries and foreign trade.Promoting export to China. In an effort to effectively boost export to China from other developing countries, in 2005 China decided to offer zero tariff treatment on。





In the mid- 19th century, Western powers forced open China ' s door withgun boats. Internal turmoil and foreig n aggressi on gradually turned China into a semi-co lonial and semi-feudal society. The country became poor and weak, and the people suffered from wars and chaos. Fac ing imminent dan ger of n ati onal subjugation, one generation of patriots after another fought hard to find a way to reform and save the n atio n.1911年的辛亥革命,结束了统治中国几千年的君主专制制度,激励中国人民为争取民族独立和国家富强而斗争。



The Revoluti on of 1911 put an end to the system of mon archy which had ruled China for several thousa nd years, and in spired the Chin ese people to struggle for in depe ndence and prosperity. However, such efforts and struggle failed to cha nge the nature of China as a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society, or lift the Chinese people out of misery. Living up to the people ' s expectation, the CPC led them incarry ing out arduous struggle, and fin ally foun ded the People ' s Republic of China ir 1949. This marked the realization of China independence and liberation of its people and ushered in a new epoch in China ' s history.新中国成立60多年特别是改革开放30多年来,中国一直致力于探索符合本国国情和时代要求的社会主义现代化道路。



1000多篇中英对照演讲文稿及视频转载自:段菁转载于:05-16 15:50 | 分类:经典转载阅读:(2) 评论:(0)口译现场口译资料英语采访美剧天下欧美影视英语视频口译现场(视频+文本)————经典口译视频资料伦敦20国峰会英国首相布朗记者招待会(视频+文本)伦敦20国峰会奥巴马记者招待会(视频+文本)口译现场:09两会-杨洁篪答中外记者全程交传视频口译现场:2月21日希拉里与杨洁篪(视频+文本)口译现场:十一届人大二次会议就扩内需促就业保增长举行记者会090310口译现场:李肇星十一届全国人大二次会议首场新闻发布会同传现场:商务部人保部发布会(一个半小时)口译现场:李毅中在人大两会中发言(只有记者提问时才有口译,其他部分无口译)同传现场:2009温家宝政府工作报告(英文同传版+中文温家宝版+中英文档)口译现场:09.3.13温家宝答记者问(全程口译视频)(视频+中英对照)口译资料:温家宝在剑桥大学的演讲(视频1小时13分钟)2009世界经济论坛年会开幕式(世界经济论坛主席施瓦布致辞+瑞士联邦主席默茨致辞+俄罗斯总理普京演讲)(视频+中英文本)口译资料:温家宝在世界经济论坛2009年年会上的讲话视频口译资料:奥巴马总统就职典礼前林肯纪念堂(Lincoln Memorial)演讲视频口译资料:世界经济论坛2009年会--会前记者招待会奥巴马就职典礼庆祝音乐会(2小时)(视频22分钟+中英文本)口译资料:奥巴马就职演说(视频演讲--附9个视频+幻灯片)口译资料:Subtle Art of Doing Business with the Chinese同传现场:(视频+文本)胡锦涛在第七届亚欧首脑会议上的讲话同传现场:(视频+文本)第七届亚欧首脑会议记者招待会胡锦涛主席在日本早稻田大学的演讲2007博鳌论坛2005年世界经济论坛年会黄菊汉英同传国务院新闻办——中国就业政策和状况国务院新闻办——国家安全生产监督管理局副局长报告李肇星就国际形势和我国外交工作答中外记者问口译:9月2日布什参与古斯塔夫飓风会商并谈及能源问题奥巴马在阵亡将士纪念日的演讲(中英对照+视频)布什总统在耶鲁大学毕业典礼上的演讲八国峰会胡锦涛主席与布什总统会晤现场翻译(附音频)妮可基德曼“口译”面试NBC版本的2008北京奥运会开幕式下载,口译资料:看看白宫里面什么样(54分钟视频)(英文字幕)视频口译资料:奥巴马经济顾问委员会主任Christina Romer谈论一份关于就业机会的报告口译资料:国际货币基金组织懂事总经理2008年12月15日西班牙讲话(视频+译文)口译资料:奥巴马首次发表网络视频讲话经典名人演讲(含视频)比尔盖茨在上海交大的演讲比尔盖茨CES2008演讲比尔盖茨斯坦福大学的演讲Tom Brokaw在斯坦福大学06毕业典礼上的演讲Dana Gioia 在斯坦福大学07毕业典礼上的演讲Oprah Winfrey在斯坦福大学08毕业典礼上的演讲布什总统在耶鲁大学毕业典礼上的演讲布莱尔在清华大学的演讲沃伦·巴菲特:巴菲特在佛罗里达大学的演讲北大教授朱苏力在美国大学的演讲克林顿演讲时全场像明星演唱会一样美国优秀教师莱福&#8226;艾斯奎斯演讲理查安利十周年庆典晚会上演讲克林顿在清华就艾滋病等问题发表演讲(实录)布什介绍椭圆形办公室林毅夫《剑桥马歇尔讲座》马云在英国演讲视频(英文)比尔盖茨北大演讲比尔·盖茨博鳌亚洲论坛发表演讲比尔盖茨在清华大学的演讲J·K·罗琳在哈佛大学08年毕业典礼上的演讲第十一届21世纪全国英语演讲比赛前十名选手的精彩视频(视频+中英文本)口译资料:布什2009告别演说(视频演讲)口译资料:Speech by a school girl in UN conference on environment(视频+文本)2008美国总统大选汇总帖(总统辩论及分析+民主党大会各演讲+共和党大会各演讲)总统辩论及分析:《2008年美国总统第一场辩论》在线观看+文本《2008年美国总统第一场辩论》分析《2008年美国总统第二场辩论》在线观看+文本《2008年美国总统第二场辩论》分析《2008年美国总统第三场辩论》在线观看+文本《2008年美国总统第三场辩论》分析 The Grand Finale《2008年美国副总统辩论》在线观看+文本《2008年美国副总统辩论》分析民主党大会各演讲:《奥巴马8月28日在民主党大会接受总统候选人提名演说》在线观看+文本《Joseph R. Biden民主党大会接受副总统候选人提名演讲》在线观看+文本《比尔·克林顿8月27日在民主党大会上声援奥巴马演说》在线观看+文本《希拉里8月26日在民主党大会上声援奥巴马演说》在线观看+文本《2008美国大选民主党大会上Michelle Obama演讲》在线观看+文本《2008美国大选民主党大会上Edward Kennedy演讲》在线观看+文本《2008美国大选民主党大会上Al Gore演讲》在线观看+文本共和党大会各演讲:《麦凯恩共和党大会接受总统候选人提名演说》在线观看+文本《佩林9月3号在共和党大会接受副总统候选人提名演说》在线观看+文本《2008美国大选共和党大会上Rudy Giuliani 演讲》在线观看+文本《2008美国大选共和党大会上Joe Lieberman 演讲》在线观看+文本《2008美国大选共和党大会上布什演讲》在线观看+文本颁奖典礼《第81届奥斯卡颁奖典礼》完整版 175分钟第81届奥斯卡颁奖典礼红地毯2009年全英音乐奖颁奖典礼全场完整呈现2009第51届格莱美颁奖典礼149分钟完整版(中文字幕)35届人民选择奖颁奖典礼(35th People's Choice Awards)欧美影视:第66届美国金球奖颁奖典礼(CCTV-6,中文字幕)口译文本资料————演讲文稿(中英对照)口译资料:中国政府白皮书《中国的减灾行动》(中英对照)口译资料:杨洁篪在外交部五四青年节开放日上的致辞(中英对照)口译资料:大学生公众代表在外交部“五四”青年节大学生专场公众开放日上的发言(中英对照)口译资料:中欧应扩大合作共同反对贸易保护主义(王岐山撰文)(中英对照)口译资料:曾培炎在博鳌亚洲论坛2009年年会午餐会上的讲话(中英对照)口译资料:郑新立在博鳌亚洲论坛年会上的发言(中英对照)口译资料:刘结一部长助理在联合国亚太经社会第65届会议一般性辩论中的发言(中英对照)(原稿+译稿)温家宝在2009博鳌亚洲论坛开幕式上的演讲口译资料:精诚携手共克时艰——驻悉尼总领事胡山谈中国与新州合作关系(原稿+译文)口译资料:上海合作组织阿富汗问题特别会议中方讲话(中英对照)胡锦涛在G20国金融峰会上的讲话(中英对照)口译资料:4月1日《中法新闻公报》全文(中英对照)口译资料:上海合作组织成员国和阿富汗伊斯兰共和国关于打击恐怖主义、毒品走私和有组织犯罪的声明(中英对照)口译资料:2009年2月27日中国商务部长陈德铭在中英经贸合作研讨会致辞(中英对照)口译资料:09.3.12杨洁篪在美国战略与国际问题研究中心演讲(中英对照)口译资料:杨洁篪部长第十八届世界公共关系大会上做主旨发言(中英对照)口译资料:戴秉国在美国布鲁金斯学会发表纪念中美建交30周年演讲(中英对照)口译资料:何亚非副部长在安理会索马里海盗问题部长级会议上的发言(中英对照)口译资料:2008诺贝尔奖颁奖典礼开幕辞口译资料:英国首相布朗、法国总统萨科齐和欧盟委员会主席巴罗佐8日在伦敦的新闻发布会口译资料:第五次中美战略经济对话成果情况说明口译资料:加拿大总理电视演-讲抨击反对党结盟口译资料:奥巴马感恩节发表讲话鼓励国人挺过难关口译资料:胡锦涛在APEC第16次领导人非正式会议上的讲话(中英对照)口译资料:欧盟主席巴罗佐国家行政学院讲话口译资料:胡锦涛在APEC工商领导人峰会上的演讲(中英对照)口译资料:适应时代的需要,发挥建设性作用--前中国央行行长戴相龙二十国集团成立十周年感想(中英对照)口译资料:美国《新闻周刊》独家专访温家宝:我们应携手合作(中英对照)口译资料:刘振民大使在联大审议联合国建设和平委员会报告及秘书长关于建设和平基金报告时的发言(中英对照)温家宝出席美国友好团体欢迎午宴就中美关系发表演讲(中英对照)温家宝在联合国千年发展目标高级别会议上的讲话(中英对照)温家宝在2008年世界经济论坛(夏季达沃斯论坛)上的讲话(中英对照)王光亚大使在联合国发起支持中国汶川地震灾区早期恢复呼吁会议上的讲话(中英对照)杨洁篪外长在联合国非洲发展高级别会议上的讲话(中英对照)温家宝在第63届联大一般性辩论上的发言(中英对照)2008年刘淇在北京奥运会闭幕式上的致辞(中英对照)2008年残奥委会主席克雷文在北京残奥会开幕式的致辞(中英对照)2008年刘淇在北京残奥会开幕式上的致辞(中英对照)2008年胡锦涛在欢迎出席残奥会贵宾宴会上的祝酒词(中英对照)2008年残奥委会主席克雷文在北京残奥会闭幕式的致辞(中英对照)口译:2008年罗格在国际奥委会第120次全会开幕式上的讲话(中英对照)口译:2008年胡锦涛在北京奥运会欢迎宴会上的祝酒词(中英对照)口译:奥巴马在阵亡将士纪念日的演讲(中英对照)口译:胡锦涛博鳌亚洲论坛2008年年会开幕式上演讲【中英对照】罗格在奥运开幕式+闭幕式发言(中英对照)其他资料资料下载:美国19家银行测试报告概述(PDF,38页)英国政府发布的《流感信息宣传手册》(中英Pdf版本)口译资料:崇泉部长助理在中欧知识产权高层论坛上的演讲(中英对照)口译资料:博鳌亚洲论坛简介(全文)National Human Rights Action Plan of China (2009-2010)口译资料:全国人民代表大会常务委员会工作报告(中英对照)(中英对照)经典口译资料:中美能源与气候变化合作路线图(PDF报告58页英文+54页中文+新闻发布会信息)口译资料:比尔与美琳达·盖茨基金会(Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation)2009年度报告(附视频)口译资料:英方首次公开发表对华战略文件《英中合作框架》--(The UK and China: A framework for engagement )口译资料:中日韩领导人会议发表《中日韩合作行动计划》(中英对照)口译资料:中日韩《三国伙伴关系联合声明》(中英对照)口译资料:中美战略经济对话介绍-China-U.S. Strategic Economic Dialogue 口译资料:20国集团通过应对当前金融危机的《华盛顿声明》口译资料:20国集团介绍口译资料:20国集团财政部长与央行行长会议公报口译资料:中越联合声明口译资料:G20领导人金融市场和世界经济峰会——专题整理口译资料:二十国集团金融市场和世界经济峰会的宣言(音频+文本)口译资料:11月14日布什在G20金融市场和世界经济峰会前宴会上的讲话(音频+文本)口译资料:11月15日布什在G20金融市场和世界经济峰会结束记者招待会上的讲话口译资料:20国集团财政部长与央行行长会议公报口译资料:胡锦涛在二十国集团领导人金融市场和世界经济峰会上的讲话口译资料:适应时代的需要,发挥建设性作用--前中国央行行长戴相龙二十国集团成立十周年感想口译资料:20国集团通过应对当前金融危机的《华盛顿声明》口译资料:20国集团介绍口译资料:第七届亚欧首脑会议汇总贴(胡锦涛温家宝演讲+开幕式+记者招待会+三份文件)同传现场:同传现场:(视频+文本)胡锦涛在第七届亚欧首脑会议上的讲话同传现场:第七届亚欧首脑会议开幕式同传现场:(视频+文本)第七届亚欧首脑会议记者招待会口译资料:温家宝在第七届亚欧首脑会议上的讲话(中英对照)口译资料:口译资料:第七届亚欧首脑会议关于国际金融形势的声明(中英对照)口译资料:第七届亚欧首脑会议主席声明(中文+英文)口译资料:第七届亚欧首脑会议-可持续发展北京宣言(中文+英文)中高口二阶段练习素材系列中高口二阶段练习素材:金融危机与亚洲中高口二阶段练习素材:危机中的中英合作中高口二阶段练习素材:庆祝和展望中高口二阶段练习素材:知识产权中高口二阶段练习素材:回顾2008成就中高口二阶段练习素材:加强中美经济关系的四点建议奥巴马+希拉里——近期演讲系列(视频+文本)奥巴马:奥巴马演讲:应对甲型H1N1流感(视频下载+文本)希拉里阐述奥巴马政府外交政策(视频+文本)奥巴马访弱势群体学校发表演讲(视频+文本)奥巴马+副总统演讲:美国复苏与再投资法案奥巴马复活节演讲(视频下载+文本)奥巴马访问土耳其兜售新战略(视频+文本)奥巴马就美国汽车业形势发表讲话(音频+文本)奥巴马阿富汗巴基斯坦新战略(音频+文本)3月24日奥巴马新闻发布会(音频+文本)奥巴马:美国伊朗能有新开始(视频+文本)奥巴马演讲:小企业救助计划(视频+文本)希拉里:希拉里International Roma Day演讲(视频+文本)希拉里美洲开发银行会议演讲(视频+文本)希拉里阐述奥巴马政府外交政策(视频+文本)希拉里演讲:领跑世界能源环境合作(视频+文本)。



附录附录1:2007—2008年中国军队主要对外交往情况时间出访来访2007年1月18日至23日捷克军队总参谋长来访1月21日至24日泰国陆军司令来访1月24日至2月9日副总参谋长出访韩国、美国1月29日至2月1日新加坡陆军总长来访2月1日至6日印尼海军参谋长来访3月3日至8日俄罗斯军队总参谋长来访3月5日至18日总政治部副主任出访委内瑞拉、厄瓜多尔、阿根廷3月7日至11日南京军区司令员出访古巴3月17日至19日法国国防部长来访3月17日至24日津巴布韦国防军参谋长来访3月19日至26日老挝国防部长来访3月22日至25日美军参联会主席来访3月23日至26日海军舰艇出访印尼3月24日至31日约旦皇家空军司令来访4月1日至6日印尼国防部秘书长来华参加第二届中印(尼)防务安全磋商4月1日至8日苏丹联合参谋长来访4月1日至8日瑞士空军司令来访4月2日至17日海军司令员出访美国、英国、法国4月4日至8日尼日利亚国防部长来访4月12日至16日印度海军舰艇来访4月13日至30日空军政治委员出访津巴布韦、莫桑比克、赞比亚4月15日至5月1日总后勤部副部长出访摩洛哥、英国、比利时4月18日至19日德国国防部长来访4月18日至22日德国空军总监来访4月21日至30日玻利维亚武装力量总司令来访4月22日至29日加蓬国防部长来访4月23日至26日白俄罗斯国防部长来访4月23日至26日韩国国防部长来访4月24日至5月1日巴基斯坦参联会主席来访4月25日至5月8日军事科学院院长出访阿根廷、智利、美国4月27日至30日柬埔寨国防大臣来访5月7日至11日总装备部部长出访意大利5月8日至17日广州军区政治委员出访澳大利亚、新西兰5月10日至14日美军太平洋总部司令来访5月10日至23日国防部长出访古巴、阿根廷、智利、希腊、瑞士5月11日至26日沈阳军区司令员出访苏丹、卢旺达5月12日至23日副总参谋长出访墨西哥、委内瑞拉、巴西5月13日至20日纳米比亚国防军司令来访5月20日至26日印度参委会主席来访5月21日至27日英国空军参谋长来访5月22日至25日美国海军舰艇来访5月23日至6月3日总参谋长出访韩国、蒙古、越南5月23日至6月6日广州军区司令员出访俄罗斯、保加利亚5月24日至27日副总参谋长赴菲律宾出席第三届中菲防务安全磋商5月26日至6月4日坦桑尼亚国防部长来访5月27日至6月1日智利陆军司令来访6月1日至3日副总参谋长赴新加坡参加第六届香格里拉对话会6月3日至8日土耳其陆军司令来访6月4日至7日巴基斯坦海军舰艇来访6月4日至8日总政治部主任助理出访哥伦比亚6月8日至15日摩洛哥三军总监来访6月9日至16日津巴布韦国防部长来访6月9日至23日总装备部政治委员出访意大利、希腊6月18日至24日塞尔维亚军队总长来访6月19日至27日赞比亚国防部长来访6月24日至7月4日国防大学政治委员出访韩国、新西兰6月25日至7月8日海军政治委员出访智利、巴基斯坦6月26日至28日国防部长赴吉尔吉斯斯坦出席上海合作组织成员国国防部长会议6月27日至7月2日莫桑比克国防军总参谋长来访6月29日至7月3日阿塞拜疆军队总长来访7月1日至6日斯洛伐克国防部长来访7月1日至9日刚果(金)国防部长来访7月7日至10日澳大利亚国防部长来访7月8日至14日孟加拉国空军参谋长来访7月9日至17日厄瓜多尔联指司令来访7月13日至18日南非空军司令来访7月14日至21日突尼斯国防部长来访7月16日至22日格林纳达国务部长来访7月20日至29日保加利亚海军参谋长来访7月22日至26日济南军区司令员出访韩国7月24日至10月18日海军舰艇编队出访俄罗斯、英国、西班牙、法国并进行远航训练8月6日至11日印尼空军参谋长来访8月7日至20日总政治部主任助理出访朝鲜、罗马尼亚8月8日至23日总装备部部长出访孟加拉国、印尼、文莱8月9日至17日乌拉圭陆军司令来访8月10日至14日韩国海军参谋总长来访8月10日至16日智利海军舰艇来访8月14日至22日总装备部副部长出访俄罗斯8月14日至28日济南军区政治委员出访缅甸、柬埔寨、老挝8月17日至22日美国海军作战部长来访8月19日至23日阿根廷国防部长来访8月21日至29日匈牙利国防部长来访8月26日至31日越南国防部长来访8月26日至9月1日马里军队总长来访8月26日至9月1日博茨瓦纳国防军司令来访8月26日至9月9日空军司令员出访智利、芬兰8月29日至9月6日国防部长出访日本、菲律宾8月31日至9月3日韩国海军舰艇来访8月31日至9月10日总装备部科学技术委员会副主任出访波兰9月1日至8日巴西陆军参谋长来访9月3日至18日总政治部副主任出访波兰、芬兰9月6日至21日海军舰艇编队赴俄罗斯参加“中国年”活动并顺访英国、西班牙、法国9月9日至16日总后勤部副部长出访突尼斯、古巴9月10日至13日法国海军参谋长来访9月11日至11月1日海军舰艇编队出访澳大利亚、新西兰9月12日至16日英国海军舰艇来访9月12日至20日塞舌尔国防军司令来访9月14日至21日总参谋长助理出访墨西哥、厄瓜多尔9月15日至24日中非军队总参谋长来访9月20日至26日乌干达国防军司令来访9月23日至30日佛得角国防部长来访9月24日至29日保加利亚国防部长来访9月24日至29日澳大利亚海军舰艇来访9月26日至29日法国海军舰艇来访10月11日至22日新西兰海军舰艇来访11月1日至7日科特迪瓦国防部长来访11月4日至6日美国国防部长来访11月6日至9日印尼国防部长来访11月6日至11日土库曼斯坦国防部长来访11月7日至13日秘鲁国防部长来访11月7日至15日阿富汗国民军总参谋长来访11月13日至16日韩国参联会主席来访11月15日至29日总政治部主任出访越南、老挝11月15日至12月4日国防部长出访肯尼亚、科威特、泰国11月16日至11月30日总后勤部政治委员出访埃及、叙利亚11月18日至23日法国海军舰艇来访11月21日至12月7日海军舰艇出访日本11月22日至12月6日第二炮兵司令员出访瑞典、保加利亚11月27日至12月12日北京军区政治委员出访约旦、马达加斯加11月28日至12月1日海军舰艇出访日本12月1日至8日副总参谋长赴美国参加第九次中美国防部防务磋商12月2日至9日总装备部副政治委员出访马来西亚12月3日至9日罗马尼亚陆军参谋长来访12月7日至13日加纳国防部长来访12月7日至17日副总参谋长出访土耳其、以色列12月9日至13日乌克兰军队总参谋长来访12月10日至15日摩洛哥海军总监来访12月16日至23日柬埔寨国防国务秘书来访2008年1月5日至11日尼泊尔军队参谋长来访1月13日至16日美军太平洋总部司令来访1月13日至23日国防部长出访文莱、印尼、沙特1月17日至20日韩国陆军参谋总长来访2月23日至26日秘鲁海军舰艇来访2月26日至29日日本自卫队联合参谋长来访3月1日至4日白俄罗斯国防部长来访3月5日至23日俄罗斯军队总参谋长来访3月30日至4月4日美国海军陆战队司令来访4月1日至5日泰国海军舰艇来访4月3日至9日巴基斯坦海军参谋长来访4月7日至13日美国海军舰艇来访4月11日至13日韩国空军参谋总长来访4月12日至26日兰州军区司令员出访罗马尼亚、保加利亚4月14日至19日马来西亚空军司令来访4月16日至21日法国海军舰艇来访4月20日至24日济南军区政治委员出访韩国4月20日至25日总装备部科技委员会副主任赴马来西亚观摩亚洲防务展4月21日至26日巴基斯坦空军参谋长来访4月22日至26日朝鲜空军司令来访4月27日至5月1日西班牙海军参谋长来访4月27日至5月3日苏里南国防部长来访5月6日至9日总参谋长助理赴新加坡出席东盟地区论坛安全政策会议5月6日至12日巴布亚新几内亚国防部长来访5月14日至16日国防部长赴塔吉克斯坦出席上海合作组织成员国国防部长会议5月25日至30日汤加王国国防大臣来访5月25日至31日智利空军司令来访5月27日至31日加拿大海军舰艇来访5月29日至6月2日副总参谋长赴新加坡出席香格里拉对话会5月31日至6月7日埃及武装部队参谋长来访6月2日至6日芬兰国防部长来访6月16日至20日罗马尼亚国防部长来访6月24日至28日日本海上自卫队舰艇来访6月29日至7月5日新西兰陆军司令来访6月30日至7月3日泰国国防部长来访7月2日至9日圭亚那国防军参谋长来访7月6日至17日广州军区司令员出访美国7月11日至21日保加利亚陆军参谋长来访7月18日至21日澳大利亚国防军司令来访7月21日至25日阿根廷海军舰艇来访7月22日至27日法国海军舰艇来访8月1日至3日马来西亚海军舰艇来访8月12日至22日副总参谋长出访墨西哥、乌拉圭8月15日至18日德国国防部长来访8月16日至20日保加利亚国防部长来访8月25日至29日新加坡海军舰艇来访8月26日至29日总参谋长助理出访蒙古8月28日至9月5日副总参谋长出访阿根廷、智利、巴西9月3日至19日国防部长出访意大利、德国、白俄罗斯、匈牙利9月4日至17日济南军区司令员出访纳米比亚、肯尼亚9月6日至9日瑞士国防部长来访9月6日至16日总装备部副部长出访波兰9月6日至19日沈阳军区政治委员出访波兰、希腊9月8日至22日空军司令员出访智利、古巴、日本9月10日至18日厄瓜多尔海军舰艇来访9月10日至21日总参谋长出访塞尔维亚、挪威9月11日至23日总装备部副部长赴南非参观航展9月20日至27日泰国武装部队最高司令来访9月20日至28日英国海军参谋长来访9月21日至27日坦桑尼亚国防军参谋长来访9月21日至28日喀麦隆军队总参谋长来访9月22日至10月6日国防大学校长出访加拿大、美国、日本9月22日至26日巴基斯坦陆军参谋长来访9月22日至26日英国海军舰艇来访9月22日至27日南非陆军司令来访9月23日至27日尼泊尔国防部长来访9月23日至28日文莱皇家武装部队司令来访9月23日至29日老挝人民军总参谋长来访9月23日至29日第二炮兵政治委员出访澳大利亚、新西兰10月3日至12日海军舰艇出访韩国10月7日至11日总装备部科技委员会副主任赴希腊观摩雅典国际防务展10月9日至12日巴西海军舰艇来访10月12日至16日新加坡国防部长来访10月12日至17日瑞典三军总司令来访10月13日至19日厄瓜多尔国防部长来访10月14日至18日海军舰艇出访俄罗斯10月15日至19日菲律宾空军司令来访10月15日至29日成都军区政治委员出访叙利亚、埃及10月15日至30日总参谋长助理出访博茨瓦纳、莱索托和南非10月16日至20日南非海军舰艇来访10月18日至11月1日第二炮兵司令员出访坦桑尼亚、乌干达10月19日至28日科摩罗国家发展军总参谋长来访10月19日至11月1日军事科学院政治委员出访罗马尼亚、匈牙利10月20日至28日哥伦比亚武装力量总司令来访10月21日至11月6日副总参谋长出访柬埔寨、缅甸、韩国10月26日至31日牙买加国防军参谋长来访10月26日至11月11日总政治部副主任出访突尼斯、摩洛哥10月28日至11月13日海军司令员出访日本、印度、泰国、韩国10月28日至11月15日总政治部副主任出访老挝、越南、也门10月29日至11月4日总后勤部政治委员出访墨西哥11月1日至24日海军舰艇出访柬埔寨、泰国、越南11月2日至6日印度空军参谋长来访11月4日至8日塞尔维亚国防部长来访11月7日至15日军事科学院院长出访委内瑞拉、阿根廷11月8日至18日国防部长出访阿联酋、阿曼、巴林、卡塔尔11月13日至16日保加利亚军队总长来访11月17日至30日中央军委副主席出访委内瑞拉、智利、巴西11月20日至12月3日总后勤部副部长出访埃塞俄比亚、坦桑尼亚11月23日至29日德国海军监察长来访11月24日至27日罗马尼亚军队总长来访11月27日至12月9日南京军区司令员出访约旦、黎巴嫩11月27日至12月11日总参谋长助理出访以色列、马耳他11月29日至12月2日缅甸三军总长来访11月29日至12月5日新加坡三军总长来访11月30日至12月5日越南人民军总参谋长来访12月1日至7日总装备部政治委员出访印尼、智利12月6日至12日波黑军队联合参谋长来访12月6日至12日匈牙利军队总长来访12月6日至16日副总参谋长出访尼泊尔、印度12月10日至11日俄罗斯国防部长来访12月15日至17日加蓬国防国务部长来访12月16日至22日巴基斯坦参联会主席来访12月28日至30日亚美尼亚国防部长来访附录2:2007—2008年中国军队与外国军队举行联合演习和训练情况时间名称地点2007年3月6日至13日“和平-07”多国海军联合军事演阿拉伯海域习2007年5月11日至23日第二届西太平洋海军论坛多边海新加坡附近海域上演习2007年7月15日至31日“突击-2007”中泰陆军特种作战中国广州分队联合训练2007年8月9日至17日“和平使命-2007”上海合作组织中国新疆成员国联合反恐军事演习俄罗斯车里雅宾斯克2007年10月2日至3日中澳新(西兰)三边海上联合搜塔斯曼海域救演习2007年12月19日至27日“携手-2007”中印陆军反恐联合中国昆明训练2008年7月9日至31日“突击-2008”中泰陆军特种作战分队联合训练泰国清迈2008年12月5日至14日“携手-2008”中印陆军反恐联合训练印度贝尔高姆地区附录3:中国参加联合国维持和平行动情况(截至2008年11月30日)联合国维和行动任务区英文缩写参加时间维和部队人数军事观察员和参谋军官人数维和警察人数当前累计当前累计当前累计联合国停战监督组织UNTSO 1990年4月至今 2 89联合国伊拉克—科威特观察团UNIKOM 1991年4月至2003年10月164联合国西撒哈拉公民投票特派团MINURSO1991年9月至今13 314联合国柬埔寨临时权力机构UNTAC 1991年12月至1993年9月800 97联合国莫桑比克行动ONUMOZ 1993年6月至1994年12月20联合国利比里亚观察团UNOMIL 1993年11月至1997年9月33联合国阿富汗特派团UNSMA 1998年5月至2000年1月2联合国塞拉利昂特派团UNAMSIL 1998年8月至2005年12月37联合国维持和平行动部UNDPKO 1999年2月至今 2 11联合国东帝汶支助团UNMISET 2000年1月至2006年7207月联合国埃塞俄比亚—厄立特里亚特派团UNMEE 2000年10月至2008年8月49联合国波黑特派团UNMIBH 2001年1月至2002年1月20 联合国刚果(金)特派团MONUC 2001年4月至今218 1962 16 101联合国利比里亚特派团UNMIL 2003年10月至今558 3906 7 70 8 83联合国阿富汗支助团UNAMA 2004年1月至2005年5月3 联合国科特迪瓦行动UNOCI 2004年3月至今7 33联合国科索沃特派团UNMIK 2004年4月至今18 73 联合国海地稳定特派团MINUSTAH2004年5月至今143 916联合国布隆迪行动ONUB 2004年6月至2006年9月6联合国苏丹特派团UNMIS 2005年4月至今435 1740 23 88 18 47 联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队UNIFIL 2006年3月至今335 1187 9 24联合国东帝汶综合特派团UNMIT 2006年10月至今 2 7 21 30联合国塞拉利昂综合办事处UNIOSIL 2007年2月至2008年2月1非盟/联合国达尔富尔混合行动UNAMID 2007年11月至今315 315 7 7 合计186199108811532081379附录4:2007年中国七大类常规武器进出口情况出口进口武器类别进口国数量出口国数量作战坦克巴基斯坦18 无装甲战斗车坦桑尼亚 2无肯尼亚32乍得10大口径火炮系统孟加拉国36无卢旺达 6作战飞机孟加拉国 1无巴基斯坦 2加纳 4攻击直升机无无军舰无无导弹和导弹发射架也门 2俄罗斯984 印度尼西亚7附录5:1978—2007年中国国防费基本数据年度国内生产总值(亿元人民币)国家财政支出(亿元人民币)国防费(亿元人民币)国防费占国内生产总值比重(%)国防费占国家财政支出比重(%)1978年3645.22 1122.09 167.84 4.60 14.96 1979年4062.58 1281.79 222.64 5.48 17.37 1980年4545.62 1228.83 193.84 4.26 15.771981年4891.56 1138.41 167.97 3.43 14.75 1982年5323.35 1229.98 176.35 3.31 14.34 1983年5962.65 1409.52 177.13 2.97 12.57 1984年7208.05 1701.02 180.76 2.51 10.63 1985年9016.04 2004.25 191.53 2.12 9.56 1986年10275.18 2204.91 200.75 1.95 9.10 1987年12058.62 2262.18 209.62 1.74 9.27 1988年15042.82 2491.21 218.00 1.45 8.75 1989年16992.32 2823.78 251.47 1.48 8.91 1990年18667.82 3083.59 290.31 1.56 9.411991年21781.50 3386.62 330.31 1.52 9.75 1992年26923.48 3742.20 377.86 1.40 10.10 1993年35333.92 4642.30 425.80 1.21 9.17 1994年48197.86 5792.62 550.71 1.14 9.51 1995年60793.73 6823.72 636.72 1.05 9.33 1996年71176.59 7937.55 720.06 1.01 9.07 1997年78973.03 9233.56 812.57 1.03 8.80 1998年84402.28 10798.18 934.70 1.11 8.66 1999年89677.05 13187.67 1076.40 1.20 8.16 2000年99214.55 15886.50 1207.54 1.22 7.602001年109655.17 18902.58 1442.04 1.32 7.63 2002年120332.69 22053.15 1707.78 1.42 7.74 2003年135822.76 24649.95 1907.87 1.40 7.74 2004年159878.34 28486.89 2200.01 1.38 7.72 2005年183217.45 33930.28 2474.96 1.35 7.29 2006年211923.46 40422.73 2979.38 1.41 7.37 2007年257305.56 49781.35 3554.91 1.38 7.14 附录6:2007—2008年颁发的主要军事法规法规名称颁发机关发布时间中国人民解放军共青团工作总政治部(经中央军委批准)2007年1月1日条例中国人民解放军基层后勤管理条例(修订)中央军委2007年1月1日中国人民解放军审计条例(修订)中央军委2007年1月1日军队旅团级单位加强民主监督有关事务办事公开的规定(试行)总参谋部、总政治部、总后勤部、总装备部(经中央军委批准)2007年6月19日军队吸引保留高层次专业技术人才的规定中央军委2007年7月5日中华人民共和国飞行基本规则(修订)国务院、中央军委2007年10月18日现役军人和人民武装警察居民身份证申领发放办法国务院、中央军委2007年10月21日中国人民解放军院校招生工作条例总参谋部、总政治部、总后勤部、总装备部(经中央军委批准)2007年10月28日中国人民解放军预防犯罪工作条例(修订)中央军委2007年11月24日武器装备科研生产许可管理条例国务院、中央军委2008年3月6日中国人民解放军指挥军官考核评价纲要中央军委2008年3月29日中国人民解放军军人委员会工作条例总参谋部、总政治部、总后勤部、总装备部(经中央军委批准)2008年4月22日中国人民解放军司令部建设纲要(修订)中央军委2008年6月28日中国人民解放军安全条例中央军委2008年7月16日军队单位和人员财经违法行为处理规定总参谋部、总政治部、总后勤部、总装备部(经中央军委批准)2008年8月14日中国人民解放军传染病防治条例(修订)中央军委2008年10月19日。



The Socialist System of Laws with Chinese CharacteristicsInformation Office of the State CouncilThe People's Republic of ChinaOctober 2011, BeijingContentsForewordI. Establishment of the Socialist System of Laws with Chinese Characteristicsposition of the Socialist System of Laws with Chinese CharacteristicsIII.Features of the Socialist System of Laws with Chinese CharacteristicsIV.Improvement of the Socialist System of Laws with Chinese CharacteristicsConcluding RemarksForewordGoverning the country by law and building a socialist country under the rule of law is a fundamental principle for the Communist Party of China (CPC) to lead the people and effectively govern the country. We need to bring into being a socialist system of laws with Chinese characteristics so as to ensure there are laws to abide by for the carrying on of state affairs and social life; this is a precondition and foundation for us to implement the fundamental principle of the rule of law in all respects, and an institutional guarantee for China's development and progress. 依法治国,建设社会主义法治国家,是中国共产党领导人民治理国家的基本方略。












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•China's National Defense in 2008
•China's Policies and Actions for Addressing Climate Change
•Protection and Development of Tibetan
•Status Quo of Drug Supervision in China
•China's Efforts and Achievements in
Promoting the Rule of Law
•China's Energy Conditions and Policies
•China's Political Party System
•The Quality and Safety of Food in China
•China's National Defense in 2006
•The Development of China’s Undertakings for the Aged
•China's Space Activities in 2006
•Environmental Protection in China
•China's Peaceful Development Road
•Building of Political Democracy in China
•China's Endeavors for Arms Control, Disarmament and Non-Proliferation
•Gender Equality and Women's Development in China
•New Progress in China's Protection of Intellectual Property Rights
•China's Progress in Human Rights in 2004
•Regional Autonomy for Ethnic Minorities in China
•China's National Defense in 2004•China's Social Security and Its Policy •Regional Ethnic Autonomy in Tibet •China's Employment Situation and Policies
•Progress in China's Human Rights Cause in 2003
•China's Policy on Mineral Resources
•China's Policy on 'Three Direct Links' Across the Taiwan Straits
•China's Non-Proliferation Policy and Measures
•China's EU Policy Paper
•History and Development of Xinjiang
•Ecological Improvement and Environmental Protection in Tibet
•China’s National Defense in 2002
•Human Rights Record of the United States in 2001
•Tibet's March Toward Modernization
•The Development-oriented Poverty Reduction Program for Rural China
•Progress in China's Human Rights Cause in 2000
•China's Population and Development in the 21st Century
•China's Space Activities
•China's National Defense in 2000 •Narcotics Control in China
•The Development of Tibetan Culture
•Fifty Years of Progress in China's Human Rights
•National Minorities Policy and Its Practice in China
•China's National Defense
•The Development of China's Marine
•New Progress in Human Rights in the Tibet Autonomous Region
•On Sino-US Trade Balance
•Progress in China's Human Rights Cause in 1996
•Environmental Protection in China
•Freedom of Religious Belief in China •The Situation of Children in China •The Progress of Human Rights in China •China: Arms Control and Disarmament •Family Planning in China
•The Situation of Chinese Women •Intellectual Property Protection in China
•The Taiwan Question and Reunification of China
•Tibet--Its Ownership And Human Rights Situation
•Criminal Reform in China
•Human Rights in China。
