
美国文学一、殖民地时期1607-17651607年,captain john smith 带领第一批移民在北美大陆建立第一个英国殖民地--詹姆斯敦。
文学特点:宗教色彩,讲经布道向欧洲读者或亲友介绍新大陆的小册子和游记书信著名作家:Captain john smith,Anne Bradstreet, 以夫妻恩爱家庭美满为题材Edward Taylor,清教徒,牧师,讲道二、启蒙时期&独立战争时期1765-18世纪1730s,爱德华兹(Johnathan Edwards)为首的清教徒掀起“大觉醒”运动,企图恢复清教主义的统治,失败。
启蒙运动代表人物Benjamin Franklin(文学家科学家政治家):《格言历书》poor richard's almanac,通过格言警句宣传创业持家,待人处事的道德原则和勤奋致富的生活道路《自传》Autobiography,开创了美国名人写传记的风气独立战争时期文学以理性的散文为主,主要是各派政治力量对于革命的必要性、革命的前途与方向、政府的形式与性质等重大问题展开讨论时产生的杂文、政论文和演讲词,即便诗歌也以政治为内容。
代表作家:潘恩Thomas paine 的《常识》commom senseThomas Jefferson Declaration of Independence汉密尔顿、麦迪逊、杰伊合写的《论联邦》The Federalist Papers威廉-希尔-布朗william hill brawn,第一部美国小说《同情的力量》三、浪漫主义时期1800-1865作家们强调文学的想象力和感情色彩,反对古典主义的形式与观点,歌颂大自然,崇尚个人和普通人的思想感情,并且寻根问祖,发幽古之思情。

美国文学复习整理一、殖民主义时期的文学(colonial settlements)&理性和革命时期文学(revolutionary period)(文艺复兴时期)1.清教主义的shaping influence2.代表人物“T he Tenth Muse”第一位移民诗人2. Philip Freneau 菲利普·佛瑞诺有宗教隐喻,关注本土地貌、人文.写印第安人故事。
美国诗歌之父 father of American poetry代表作《野金银花》The Wild Honey Suckle3。
Thomas Jefferson 托马斯·杰弗逊起草了独立宣言 The Declaration of Independence 17764.Thomas Paine 托马斯·佩因拥护独立宣言代表作:《常识》Common Sense《理性时代》The Age of Reason5.Jonathan Edwards乔纳森·埃德沃兹大觉醒运动的代表人物 the Great Awakening6.Benjamin Franklin 本杰明·富兰克林代表作:《自传》The Autobiography《穷理查德历书》Poor Richard's Almanac美国梦的代表二.浪漫主义时期的文学(American Romanticism)早期浪漫主义(Early Romantic Period)1.背景:1> 时间:18世纪末到内战爆发前夕(1861)2> 条件:○1国家的快速发展,大量移民和工业化发展错误!小说的发展,期刊杂志(periodical)出现错误!受英国文学的影响2.浪漫主义的基本特征1>Stressing emotion rather than reason2>Stressing freedom and individuality3>Idealism rather than materialism4>Writing about nature, medieval legends(中世纪传说)and with supernaturalelements。

约翰·丹福斯(John Winthrop)《模範》(Model of Christian Charity)(1630年)是殖民地时期最重要的文学作品之一,强调基督教道德和殖民地社会的建立。

作为创作方法,浪漫主义在反映客 观现实上侧重从主观内心世界出发, 抒发对理想世界的热烈追求,常用 热情奔放的语言、瑰丽的想象和夸 张的手法来塑造形象。
在整体上而言,浪漫主义运动由欧 洲在18世纪晚期至19世纪初期出 现的许多艺术家、诗人、作家、音 乐家、以及政治家、哲学家等各种 人物自发组成,但至于浪漫主义的 详细特征和对于浪漫主义的定义, 一直到20世纪都仍是思想史和文 学史界争论的题材。
American Romanticism(1820-1860)
/19英美小Hale Waihona Puke 1班/目录/contents
出 现 背 景
主 要 理 念
代 表 人 物 及 作 品
瓦 尔 登 湖
美国文学中的浪漫主义时代是指18世纪末期到南北战争爆发前期的这段时间,因 为文学的勃兴与繁荣,又称“美国文艺复兴”。是美国文学史上最重要的时期。 华盛顿.欧文的《见闻札记》 ( The Sketch Book,1820)的出版宣告了这一伟大时 代的开始 惠特曼的《草叶集》(Leaves of Grass, 1855)则标志着浪漫主义文学的高峰。 浪漫主义时期的文学是美国文学的繁荣时期
表明了作者用它来挑战他个人的、甚至是整个人类的界限。但这种挑战不是对实现自我价值的 无限希望,而是伤后复原的无限力量。
如果把你的目光直接朝内看,就会发现,在你的思想中有一千个领 域尚未被发现。 知道自己知道什么,也知道自己不知道什么,这就是真正的知 识。

关键词:美国文学史;浪漫主义;文学特点The Romantic Period Literature in the history of AmericanLiteratureAbstract: Romantic Period is one of the most important periods in the history of American literature. When Americans were constructing their country, they also began to realize their differences from their European counterparts. They began to hope to see an entirely different literature model which expressed American cultures. Great writers of that period captured on their pages the enthusiasm and the optimism of that dream. Later,American literature came to Transcendentalism Period which emphasized individualism, self-reliance, and rejection of tradition authority. It was actually greatly influenced by romanticism. However, the country’s confidence was waved by the Civil War. After the war, Americans got lost. At about 1900s, American literature came to another entirely different age—the age of Realism. Realists searched for the social and human nature more directly. In part, Realism was a reaction against the Romantic emphasis on the strange, idealistic, and long-ago and far-away. It has been chiefly concerned with the commonplaces of everyday life among the middle and lower classes where character is a product of social factors and environment is the integral element in the dramatic complications.Keywords: American Literature History; Romanticism; Literary characteristics1、American RomanticismRomanticism refers to an artistic and intellectual movement originating in Europe in the late 18th century and characterized by a heightened interest in nature, emphasis on the individual’s experience of emotion and imagination, departure from the attitudes and forms of classicism, and rebellion against established social rules and conventions. The romantic period of American literature stretches from the end of the 18th century to the outbreak of the Civil War. It was an age of westward expansion, of the increasing gravity of the slavery question, of an intensification of the spirit of embattled sectionalism in the South, and of a powerful impulse to reform in the North. In literature it was America’s first great creative period, a full flowering of the romantic impulse on American soil.1.1The unique characteristics of American RomanticismAlthough greatly influenced by their English counterparts, the American romantic writers revealed unique characteristics of their own in their works and they grew on the native lands. For examp1e,(1) the American national experience of "pioneering into the west" proved to be a rich source of material for American writers to draw upon. They celebrated America's landscape with its virgin forests, meadows, groves, endless prairies, streams.and vast oceans. The wilderness came to function almost as a dramatic character that symbolized moral 1aw. (2) The desire for an escape from society and a return to nature became a permanent convention of American literature. Such a desire is particularly evident in Cooper’s Leather Stocking Tales, in Thoreau's Walden and,later, in Mark Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. (3) With the growth of American national consciousness, American character types speaking local dialects appeared in poetry and fiction with increasing frequency. (4)Then the American Puritanism as a cultural heritage exerted great influences over American moral values and American Romanticism. One of the manifestations is the fact that American romantic writers tended more to moralize than their English and European counterparts. (5) Besides, a preoccupation with the Calvinistic view of origina1 sin and the mystery of evil marked the works of Hawthorne, Melville and a host of lesserwriters.historical reasonsWith the independence of the United States of America, political autonomy, the rise of the economy, and cultural independence, the largest land expansion in American history began during the Romantic period of the United States. As of 1860, the Civil War began, the territory of the United States extended to the western coast of the Pacific Ocean. No one could have predicted the middle of 19th century. The United States expanded from just 13 states in her early days to 21, with a nearly eightfold increase in the number of citizens from 4 million in 1790 to 1860. The total population of the country reached 30 million. At that time, the European bourgeois revolution and technological revolutionThe influence of life, this young country has experienced the rapid industrialization of baptism, the affected area in addition to the United States at each city area, including the vast rural areas. Whether industrial or agricultural development are the extensive use of the steam engine, in the vast continent of the United States, many factories such as a large number of factories set up like bamboo shoots after a spring rain, the establishment of the inevitable with the demand for labor force increase, at the same time, when the United States appeared a lot of new inventions, these results quickly applied to the life, the production efficiency is greatly improved. In the romantic period, along with the rapid development of American politics, economy, culture, more and more around the worldImmigrants come to the United States, provide good human resources the arrival of immigrants to the industrial and agricultural development.epilogueThe peak period of Romanticism in American literature was the transcendentalism which appeared later.The concept of transcendentalism was first put forward by the New England Transcendentalism Club in 1830s.For the people of the New World,the idea was gradually accepted by American culture,the two most important writers were Emerson and Thoreau.They are regarded as the archetypal figures of American transcendentalism.Their works play an important role in thespiritual independence of American literature.Transcendentalism emphasizes the help of heaven to help the self-help.Strive to achieve the goal of self-improvement.Two other important writers,Hawthorne and Melvil,insisted on the original sin in the period of the moralism.They believed that only through moral constraints could human nature be promoted.reference documentation[1]Leslie A Fiedler. Love and Death in the merican Novel [M]. Harmondswort: Penguin Books, 1984.[2]Zhang Deming . Huckleberry. Adventures > and adult ceremony [J]. Journal of Zhejiang University, 1999. (4):91-97.[3]Jung .C.G.Conception of Collective unconsciousness [A] .trans by Wang Ai, selected by Ye Shuxian. Myth-archetypal criticism [C] .Xi 'an: Shaanxi normal University Press, 1987.101.[4]Bakhtin. Theory of novels [M] .translated by Bai Chunren, Xiao he .Shijiazhuang: Hebei Education Press, 1998.。

影响最大的是斯托夫人harriet beecher stowe,《汤姆叔叔的小屋》uncle tom's cabin
乡土文学:朱厄特sarah orne jewett, 短篇小说集《迪普黑文》deephaven and other stories,长篇小说《尖枞树之乡》the country of pointed firs
爱默生ralph waldo emerson, <论自然>nature(被称为超验主义的圣经),《论自立》self reliance,对打破神学统治,摒弃请教教义,强调人的地位,确立民主思想和发展民族文化起了极大作用。
梭罗henry david thoreau,emerson的朋友和门徒。《沃尔登》walden。《论公民的不服从》civil disobedience,主张用和平斗争的方式反对战争和奴隶制,对甘地、马丁路德金起过积极影响。
詹姆斯,被称为心理分析小说家,他晦涩的文体、开放性结局和内心独白等手法大大影响了后世的现代派,尤其是意识流文学。他的作品属于世态小说novel of manners,代表作《一位女士的肖像》the portrait of a lady's,《鸽翼》the wings of the dove,《专使》the ambassadors, 《金碗》the golden bowl.

1.Early Colonial Literature. 1607-17002.The literature of Reason And Revolution(18th century) The 18th-century American Enlightenment was a movement marked by an emphasis on rationality rather than tradition, scientific inquiry instead of unquestioning religious dogma, and representative government in place of monarchy. Enlightenment thinkers and writers were devoted to the ideals of justice, liberty, and equality as the natural rights of man.3. American RomanticismFeatures:1)From the end of the 18th century to the outbreak of he Civil War. It started with the publication of Washington Irving’s The Sketch Book and ended with Whitman’s Leaves of Grass. It is also called “the American Renaissance”.2)The desire for an escape from society and a return to nature became a permanent convention of American literature.3) The American Puritanism as a cultural heritage exerted great influences over American moral values.4) Besides, a preoccupation with the Calvinistic view of original sin and the mystery of evil marked the works of Hawthorne, Melville and a host of lesser writers5)The most clearly defined Romantic literary movement in this period is New England Transcendentalism6)It ranges from the comic fables of Washington Irving to the Gothic tales of Edgar Allen Poe, from the frontier adventures of James Fenimore Cooper to the narrative quests of Herman Melville, from the psychological romances of Nathaniel Hawthorne to the social realism of Rebecca Harding.4. The literature of Realism (1865-1918)1. This new attitude was characterized by a great interest in the realities of life.2.Interpreting sympathetically the “common feelings of commonplace people” was best suited as a technique to express the spirit of America.3.They introduced industrial workers and farmers , ambitious businessmen and vagrants流浪者, prostitutes妓女and unheroic胆怯的soldiers as major characters in fiction .4.They approached the harsh realities and pressures in the post Civil War society either by a comprehensive picture of modern life , or by a psychological exploration of man's subconsciousness .5.Artistically ,naturalistic writings are usually unpolished in language , lacking in academic skills and unwieldy in structure . Philosophically , the naturalists believe that the real and true is always partially hiddenfrom the eyes of the individual , or beyond this control . In a word , naturalism is evolved from realism when the author's tone in writing becomes less serious and less sympathetic but more ironic and more pessimistic .5. The Modern Period of literature1.The idea of “seize the day” or “enjoy the present” was pervasive, as opposed to placing all hope in the future.2.the writer’s task was to develop techniques that could represent a break with the past. Thus, the defining formal characteristics of the modernistic works are discontinuity and fragmentation.3.A typical modern work will seem to begin arbitrarily, to advance without explanation, and to end without resolution.4.They usually “screen himself” and speak ind irectly through an impersonal and objective story, which is usually a myth or a piece of the earlier literature, or a “mask”, that is, a persona.On the Characteristics and Speciality of Literature in Each Stage美国文学各个时期特点文理学院11级英语二班陈佳雯02。



文学特征:1、environment:①shaped by their New World environment美洲大陆新环境②array of ideas inherited from the romantic traditions of Europe.欧洲早期浪漫主义思潮2、美国文学特点:pluralistic多元化,manifestations表现形式: Varied多样, Individualistic个人主义,Conflicting矛盾3、romanticism的特点:frequently shared certain general characteristics; moral enthusiasm, faith in the value of individualism and intuitive perception, and a presumption that the natural world was a source of goodness and man’s societies a source of corruption.浪漫主义之间大部分是相通的,都注重道德,强调个人主义价值观和直觉感受,并且认为自然是美的源头,人类社会是腐败之源。
★4、transcendentalism超验主义:①as a moral philosophy, transcendentalism was neither logical norsystematized. It exalted feeling over reason, individual expression over the restraints of law and custom. 不讲逻辑,不讲系统,只强调超越理性的感受,超越法律和世俗束缚的个人表达。
②they spoke for cultural rejuvenation and against the materialism ofAmerican society.呼吁文化复兴,反对美国社会的拜金主义。

法国大革命冲击英国诗人,他们隐 遁山林,徜徉湖畔,远离城市。其 中最有名的就是湖畔派三诗人。他 们对资本主义文明及人与人之间的 现金交易关系极为反感,向往中古 时期的封建社会。他们曾隐居于英 国西北部的湖区,由此得名“湖畔 派”。
1798年华兹华斯和柯尔律治合著的 《抒情歌谣集》产生了巨大的影响。 当1800年再版时,华兹华斯写了一 篇序言,这篇序言成了英国浪漫主 义的宣言。诗史上的湖畔派是英国 浪漫主义文学的起点。
浪漫主义运动高峰是在法国。它的浪 漫主义思潮带有鲜明的政治色彩。
法国文学中最早出现的浪漫主义作家 是夏多布里昂(“浪漫主义的教父”) 和斯塔尔夫人(“浪漫主义的产 婆” )。
在浪漫主义文学中取得较高成就的还 有乔治·桑、梅里美。
欧那尼-莎尔-老公爵 触动了古典主义派的神经,它完全不
合古典主义的要求。古典主义的戏剧 一撅不振,浪漫派得到了巨大的发展。 1、主人公是绿林好汉,与国王为敌; 2、以爱情为主线,充满感情; 3、违背“三一律”,充满离奇情节;
是雨果的早期小说,也是19世纪浪漫主义文 学的典范作品。
这是一个典型的“拜伦式英雄”,拜 伦的悲观思想和个人主义反抗在这里 达到了高峰 。
曼弗德雷厌弃知识与理性,抑制欲望, 追求自由意志与思想的混杂人格反映 拜伦对启蒙思想家既否定又认同的态 度,其意志独立的思想较易使人想到 尼采等后来的文人,上承歌德,下启 尼采。
是浪漫主义时代欧洲诗歌创作的最高成就。 它是未完成的长篇讽刺叙事诗,或称诗体 小说。

随着独立的美国政府的成立,美国人民已感到需要有美国文学,表达美国人民所特有的经历:早期清教徒的殖民, 与印第安人的遭遇,边疆开发者的生活以及西部荒原等。

1、歌颂自然 大地是美好的,/ 星星是美好的,/附属于它们 的一切也都是美好的。 ——《自我之歌》 多么新奇!/多么真实啊!/足下是神圣的土地,/ 头上是太阳。 ——《从巴门诺克出发》 ※《草叶集》歌颂自然特点之一:自然中常见的 一切一切都使诗人无比喜悦、无比惊叹,诗人沉醉 在与自然界协调一致、与宇宙万物一起生长的欢乐 之中。乐观是贯穿其诗的基调。
19世纪美国文学概况/(三)废奴文学 ◇希尔德烈斯(1807—1865)
○《白奴》(1836),原名《阿尔琪·摩尔的回 忆》。情节由阿尔琪·摩尔自述。“第一部十足的 反蓄奴制的小说”。
主要人物:混血奴隶阿尔琪·摩尔;其生身父亲、 庄园奴隶主摩尔上校;反抗斗士汤姆士。
※ 思想内容:描述了广大黑奴的悲惨命运,控诉 了蓄奴制的罪恶。小说白人父亲压迫黑人儿子的情 节,使压迫者在摧残被压迫者的同时,把自己的精 神和人格“降低到动物的水平”。
美国文学概况/(四)现实主义文学 ◇弗兰克·诺里斯(1870—1902) ○《小麦史诗》三部曲,第一部《章鱼》,表现了农 场主同铁路资本家之间的冲突。
情节:圣基恩河流域一带土地,由政府拨给南太平 洋铁路公司,利益矛盾酿成武装冲突。
铁路——如同章鱼的腕足一样伸入农村,对农民进 行残酷剥削。 两种力量:铁路:追求利润的恶;小麦:善。
小说的故事情节、包括细节都带有悲剧色彩的象 征暗示意味:伊斯梅尔从科芬旅店起程(科芬: Coffin,棺材),结束时浮在魁魁格的棺材上。 “皮阔德号”船员集体——象征美国社会。 白鲸——神秘莫测的自然力。
埃哈伯——对神秘力量的抗争和探求;悲壮的英 雄史诗;邪恶固执的复仇。
美国文学期末复习笔记 (1)

美国文学笔记III. The Romantic period (浪漫主义时期): (1800-1865)American Transcendentalism(美国超验主义)(1830s- Civil War)Summit of Romanticism/ American Renaissance1. Appearance1836, ―Nature‖ by Emerson2. Features of Transcendentalism(1). Spirit(思想)/Oversoul(超灵)(2). importance of individualism(3). nature – symbol of spirit/God;garment of the oversoul(4). focus in intuition (irrationalism and subconsciousness)IV. The American Realism 现实主义时期(1865-1918)1. Three Giants in Realistic PeriodWilliam Dean Howells –―Dean of American Realism‖Henry JamesMark Twain2. Comparison:Theme:Howells –middle classJames –upper classTwain –lower classTechnique:Howells –smiling/genteel realismJames –psychological realismTwain –local colourism and colloquialismMark Twain (1835-1910):1. Summary:American writer, short story writer/Humorist2. Major works:The Celebrated jumping Frog of Calaveras County (1865)《卡拉维拉县弛名的跳蛙》Innocents Abroad (1869) 《傻子国外旅行记》The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876) 《汤姆.索亚历险记》Life on the Mississippi (1883) 《密西西比河上》The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1886)《哈克贝里.费恩历险记》: All modern American literature comes from his masterpiece ―The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.‖——Ernest Hemingway3. Style:(1). colloquial language(口语), vernacular (本土的)language, dialects(2). local colour(3). syntactic feature: sentences are simple, brief, and sometimes ungrammatical(4). humour(5). tall tales (highly exaggerated) (荒诞不经的故事)(6). social criticism (satire on the different ugly things in society)4. ContributionOne of Mark Twain’s significant contributions to American literature lies in the fact that he made colloquial speech an accepted, respectable literary medium in the literary history of the country.Henry James (1843-1916)1. Summary:An American and British novelist, literary criticFounder of psychological realismFirst of the modern psychological novelistInitiator of the international theme: American innocence in face of European sophistication2. Major works:Daisy Miller (1878)《戴茜·米勒》The Portrait of a Lady (1881) 《贵妇的肖像》The Wings of the Dove (1902)《鸽翼》The Ambassadors (1903)《专使》The Golden Bowl (1904)《金碗》The Art of Fiction(1884)《小说的艺术》3. His Point of view(1). Psychological analysis, forefather of stream of consciousness(2).Psychological realism(3). Highly-refined language4. Style –“stylist”(1). Language: highly-refined, polished, insightful, and accurate(2).V ocabulary: large(3). Construction: complicated, intricateNaturalism(自然主义)1. Background:(1). Dar win’s theory: ―natural selection‖(2).Spenser’s idea: ―social Darwinism‖(3). French Naturalism: Zora2. Features(1). environment and heredity(2). scientific accuracy and a lot of details(3). general tone: ironic and pessimistic, hopelessness, despair, gloom, ugly side of the societySt ephen Crane (1881-1900)1. Summary:Novelist, poetPioneer in the naturalistic traditionPrecursors(先驱)of Imagist poetry2. Major Works:Maggie: A Girl of the Streets 《街头女郎麦姬》: the first naturalistic novel in AmericaThe Red Badge of Courage 《红色英勇勋章》The Open Boat《海上扁舟》V. AMERICAN MODERNISM (1918-1945)(美国现代主义)F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940)1. Summary:Famous American novelist, short story writer, and essayistthe representative of the 1920sthe spokesman for the Jazz Ageone of the“lost generation”writers2. Major WorksThis Side of Paradise (1920) 《人间天堂》Tales of the Jazz Age (1922) 《爵士乐时代的故事》Tender Is the Night (1934) 《夜色温柔》The Great Gatsby (1925) 《了不起的盖茨比》:Narrative point of view – Nick CarrawayTheme: The decline of the American Dream3. His Point of view(1). He expressed what the young people believed in the 1920s, the so-called ―American Dream‖ is false innature.(2). He had always been critical of the rich and tried to show the integrating effects of money on theemotional make-up of his character. He found that wealth altered people’s characters, making them mean and distrusted. He thinks money brought only tragedy and remorse.(3). His novels follow a pattern: dream – lack of attraction – failure and despair.4. His ideas of “American Dream”It is false to most young people. Only those who were dishonest could become rich.William Faulkner (1897-1962)1. Sumary:An American novelist and poetInitiator of American Southern RenaissanceOne of the most influential modern novelists of 20th centuryNobel Prize winner for literature in 19492. Major Works:The Sound and the Fury 《喧哗与骚动》As I Lay Dying 《在我弥留之际》Light in August 《八月之光》Absalom, Absalom 《押沙龙,押沙龙!》Go Down, Moses 《去吧,摩西》Barn Burning 《烧牲口棚》Yoknapatawpha County(约克纳帕塔法县):--- A fictional county in northern Mississippi, the setting for most of William Faulkner’s novels and short stories, and patterned upon Faulkner’s actual home in Lafayette County, Mississippi.3. Major Themes of his Works(1). history and race(2). Deterioration(3). Conflicts between generations, classes, races, man and environment(4). Horror, violence and the abnormal4. Faulkner's narrative technique(1).Withdrawal of the author as a controlling narrator(2). Dislocation of the narrative time: The most characteristic way of structuring his stories is to fragment thechronological time.(3). the modern stream-of-consciousness(意识流)technique and the interior monologue(内心独白):(4). Multiple points of view(多重视角)(5). symbolism and mythological and biblical(圣经的)allusionsErnest Hemingway (1899—1961)1. Summary:Novelist and short-story writerOne of the great American writers of the 20th centuryThe Spokesman of the ―Lost Generation‖Nobel Prize winner for literature in 19542. Major worksThe Sun Also Rises 《太阳照常升起》A Farewell to Arms《永别了,武器》For Whom the Bell Tolls 《丧钟为谁而鸣》/ 《战地钟声》The Old Man and the Sea 《老人与海》A Clean, Well-lighted Place 《一个干净,明亮的地方》3. Major Themes(1).The ―Nada‖(虚无) Concept(2).Grace under pressure(压力下的优雅)―Man is not made for defeats. A man can be destroyed but not defeated.‖------The Old Man and the Sea(3). Code Hero(准则英雄/ 硬汉)a. The Hemingway hero is not a thinker; he is a man of action.b.―Grace under pressure is their motto.c.The Hemingway code heroes are best remembered for their indestructible(不可毁灭的)spirit.4. Artistic features(1) .The iceberg(冰山)techniqueThe dignity of movement of an ice-berg is due to only one-eighth of it being above water.(2). Language stylea. simple and naturalb.direct, clear and freshc. lean and economicald.simple, conversational, common found, fundamental wordse. simple sentencesf. Iceberg principle: understatement, implied thingsg.SymbolismEzra Pound (1885—1972)1. Summary:A leading spokesman of the ―Imagist Movement‖(意象主义运动)One of the most influential American poets and critic2. Major works:Cathay:《华夏集》《神州集》《中国诗章》Hugh Selwyn Mauberley《休·赛尔温·毛伯利》Cantos /《诗章》3. Imagism (1909-1917)(1) .Background:Imagism was influenced by French symbolism, ancient Chinese poetry and Japaneseliterature ―haiku‖(2). Defintion : The imagists, with Ezra Pound leading the way, hold that the most effective means to expressthe these momentary impressions is through the use of one dominant image.(3): Manifesto of Imagism:•Direct treatment•Economy of expression•New rhythmIn a station of the Metro《在一个地铁站》: a quintessential(典型的)imagist textRobert Frost(1847-1963)1. Summary:the most popular American poetWon Pulitzer Prize four timesReceived honorary degrees from forty-four colleges and universitiesRead ― The Gift Outright‖ at the inauguration of President John F. Kennedy in 19612. Famous Poems:F ire and Ice《火与冰》The Road Not Taken 《未选择的路》Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening 《雪夜伫立林边有感》Mending Wall《补墙》After Apple-Picking《摘罢苹果》3. Frost’s writing featureHis combination of the traditional verse pattern and a colloquial distinctive language (New England Speech)Eugene O’Neil (1888-1953)1. Summary:America's greatest playwrightWon the Pulitzer Prize four timesWon Nobel Prize in 1936Founder of the American drama2. Major WorksBeyond the Horizon (1920) 《天边外》The Emperor Jones(1920) 《琼斯皇帝》The Hairy Ape (1922)《毛猿》Desire under the Elms (1924) 《榆树下的欲望》美国文学笔记整理完整版18世纪末-19世纪中后浪漫主义时期Romanticism1. 早期浪漫主义华盛顿·欧文美国文学之父father of American Literature(为美国文学第一次赢得世界声誉)Washington Irving 以笔记小说和历史传厅闻名,humor1783-1859 The Sketch Book见闻札记(标志浪漫主义开始)A History of New York纽约史---美国人写的第一部诙谐文学杰作;----The Legend of Sleepy Hollow睡谷的传说---成为美国第1个获国际声誉作家-----Rip Van Winkle里普·万·温克尔(李伯大梦)The Alhambra阿尔罕伯拉2.超验主义New England Transcendentalism埃德加·爱伦·坡侦探小说之父Father of western detective stories and psychoanalytic criticism精神批Edgar Allan Poe 评,首开近代侦探小说先河,又是法国象征主义运动的源头1809-1849 Novelist小说家, poet, critic批评家good at writing Gothic(哥特式)and detective fictionPoetryThe Raven《乌鸦》To Helen《献给海伦》Short storiesHorror ( suspense, terror, Insanity, death,Revenge and rebirth)The Fall of the House of Usher《厄舍古屋的倒塌》The Masque of the Red Death 《红色死亡的化妆舞会》The Black Cat《黑猫》The Cask of Amontillado《一桶白葡萄酒》Ligeia《丽姬娅》Detective /ratiocinative(推理的)(originator)The Purloined Letter 《窃信案》The Muder in the Rue Morgue 《莫格街谋杀案》The Mystery of Marie Rog《玛丽.罗热疑案》The Gold Bug 《金甲虫》拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生Nature论自然-----新英格兰超验主义者的宣言书manifestoRalf Waldo Emerson The American Scholar论美国学者;American essayist,lecturer, poetThe Founder of Transcendentalism1803-1882 Self-reliance论自立The Transcendentalist超验主义者Representative Men代表人物School Address神学院演说Days日子-首开自由诗之先河free verseRalph Waldo Emerson was an American philosopher, essayist, and poet, best remembered for leading the Transcendentalist movement of the mid-19th century. He was seen as a champion of individualism个人主义.纳撒尼尔·霍桑subject: human soul first great American writer of fiction 虚构Nathaniel Hawthorne 象征主义大师American novelist and short story writer1804-1864 The Scarlet Letter红字Twice-told Tales尽人皆知的故事Mosses from an Old Manse古屋青苔The House of the Seven Gables有七个尖角阁的房子The Marble Faun玉石雕像The Blithedale Romance福谷传奇Young Goodman Brown年轻的布朗The Birthmark胎记His point of view : Hawthorne is influenced by Puritanism(清教主义)deeply.(1). Evil is at the core of human life 邪恶是人类生活的中心(2).whenever there is sin 罪恶, there is punishment 惩罚. Sin or evil can be passed from generation to generation 代代相传(3). Evil educates. 邪恶的教育(4). He has disgust in science科学. One source of evil is overweening (自负的) (too proud of oneself) intellect . His intellectual characters聪明的特征are villains反派角色, dreadful可怕的and cold-blooded冷血的赫尔曼·迈尔维尔擅长航海奇遇和异域风情Herman Melville Moby Dick/The White Whale白鲸(first American prose epic史诗)1819-1891 Main characters: Ishmael(以实玛利): the narrator 叙述者Ahab(埃哈伯): the protagonist 主要人物Moby DickTypee泰比Omoo奥穆Mardi玛地White Jacket白外衣Pierre皮尔埃; Billy Budd比利·巴德沃尔特·惠特曼Father of free verse自由诗之父Walt Whitman Leaves of Grass草叶集(the birth of truly American poetry and the1819-1892 end of romanticism)共和圣经Democratic Bible 美国史诗American EpicAmerican poet, essayist散文家, journalist新闻工作者, and humanist人道主义学家The father of free verse(自由诗)Song of Myself自我之歌Democratic Vistas 民主的前景One’s Self I Sing 《我歌唱一个人的自己》O Captain! My Captain! 《噢,我的船长!我的船长!》3.Writing themes (almost everything):equality of things and beings 平等的事情和人divinity 神学of everythingImmanence(无所不在)of GodDemocracy 民主evolution of cosmos(宇宙的演化)multiplicity 多样性of natureself-reliant spirit 自力更生的精神death, beauty of deathexpansion of America 美国的扩张brotherhood 手足情谊and social solidarity(社会团结)(unity of nations in the world世界统一的国家) pursuit 追求of love and happiness4.S tyle: “free verse(自由诗): the verse that does not follow a fixed metrical pattern固定的韵律模式, the verse without a fixed beat 固定的节拍or regular rhyme scheme规律的格律.(1).Parallelism(排比)(2).phonetic recurrence(同字起句法)(the repetition重复of words or phrases at the beginning of the line, inthe middle or at the end)(3).the use of a certain pronoun ―I‖ (the first person narrator)(4).strong tendency to use oral English使用英语口语的强烈倾向(5).the habit of using snapshots 生活小照(6).a looser and more open-ended syntactic structure语法结构(7).use of conventional image 传统的想象(8).vocabulary – powerful, colourful, rarely used words of foreign origins, some even wrong(9). sentences – catalogue目录technique: long list of names, long poem lines5. Significance of Leaves of GrassLeaves of Gras s, either in content or in form, is an epoch-making work in American literature:无论是在内容还是在形式上,是一个划时代的作品在美国文学→Its democratic content marked the shift from Romanticism to Realism. 其民主内容标志着从浪漫主义到现实主义的转变→Its free-verse form broke from old poetic conventions to open a new way for American poetry.其生发的形式从旧的诗意的约定了打开新的思路对美国诗歌。

19世纪欧美文学一、浪漫主义文学简答题浪漫主义文学的基本特征:1. 强烈的主观色彩,偏爱表现主观思想,注重抒发个人的感受和体验。
2. 喜欢描写和歌颂大自然。
(尤为突出) 作者们喜欢将自己的理解人物置身于纯朴宁静的大自然中,衬托现实社会的丑恶及自身理解的美好。
名词解释:德国耶拿派:1. 德国最早的一个浪漫主义文学流派。
2. 19世纪他们在耶拿创办的杂志上第一次提出了浪漫主义这个名称,并且系统地阐述了他们的浪漫主义文学主张:强调想象与情感,强调文学创作的绝对自由,追求宗教的神秘和象征感。
海德堡浪漫派:1. 19世纪一批作家在海德堡创办《隐士报》,形成了海德堡派。

The development of American literature as American history of development, and in various periods produces different literary works. In colonial times, their works on the one hand describes from discovering the new continent and explore literature. Another charges Puritan work is. The Puritan work is mainly reflect their own spirit. And then the generation of romanticism in American literature, their artificial center, depicting local amorous feelings, reflect America's own problem. Mainly reflects the freedom, expanding and individualism spirit. Then coming transcendence represented by Emerson. Transcendence sublime, cautious, advocated social reform and education, individualism is better than the traditional and social principles. But because the war is this period, the influence of the main works are exposing the social anybody. These literary works with strong local color and critical realism. With the outbreak of the war, American literature has entered the modern socialist period. The modernist literature works in form and content had the very big reform.摘要:20世纪为美国文学的空前繁荣和发展提供了充分的时间和空间,该文从背景,美国文学创作主题,社会文化和思想等反面展示了20世纪美国文学发展的主体特征——多元化。

了解美国文学史分期,简述各期 文学创作特点 (120字左右

特别是以爱默生为代表的超验主义(Transcendentalism)的倡导, 这些作家们主张人能超越感觉和理性而直接认识真理,摒弃以神为中心的清教教义。

一、二、殖民地时期(1607-1765)讲经布道等有关神学的材料或日记三、启蒙时期与独立战争时期(1765-18世纪末)1.富兰克林Benjamin Franklin:人文主义者,相信人性善良《格言历书》P oor Richard’ s Almanac《自传》The Autobiography建立了传记文学的传统2.潘恩Thomas Paine: 《常识》Common Sense3.杰斐逊Thomas Jefferson: 《独立宣言》Declaration of Independence4.汉密尔顿Alexander Hamilton杰伊John Jay麦迪逊James Madison:《论联邦》The Federalist Papers5.词典学家韦伯斯特Noah Webster美国在政治上独立了,在文学方面也必须独立;美国以军事著称,也必须以艺术著称世界。
四、浪漫主义时期(1800-1865)特点:Subjective, heart feeling, man & nature, individualism, inner life, Indian (past)Distinct features of American Romanticism: 1. to moralize and edify rather entertain 2. New American experience, including the exotic landscape, the frontier life, the westward expansion, the myth of a new garden of Eden in America强调文学的想象力和感情色彩,歌颂大自然,崇尚个人和普通人的思想感情。
赞美美国山水,讴歌美国的生活,反映了美国人民的乐观和热情1.欧文Washington Irving:《见闻札记》The Sketch Book开创了美国短篇小说的传统《睡谷的传说》The Legend of Sleepy Hollow《瑞普·凡·温克尔》Rip Van Winkle 反英雄小人物2.库珀James Fennimore Coope r:《皮袜子故事集五部曲》The Leather-stocking Tales3.布莱恩特William Cullen Bryant:美国第一个浪漫主义诗人《致水鸟》To a Waterfowl, 《黄色的堇香花》The Yellow Violet从杰克逊上台到南北战争,第一次大繁荣19世纪的浪漫主义主要表现为超验主义Transcendentalism1.爱默生Ralph Waldo Emerson:《论自然》Nature,《论自立》Self-Reliance2.梭罗Henry David Thorea u:《沃尔登》Walden, 《论公民的不服从》On theDuty of Civil Disobedience诗歌方面:1. 朗费罗Henry Wadsworth Longfellow2. 惠特曼Walt Whitman:《草叶集》Leaves of Grass3. 狄金森Emily Dickinson女小说家:1.霍桑Nathaniel Hawthorne: 《福谷传奇》The Blithedale Romance, 《带有七个尖角阁的房子》The House of the Seven Gables, 《红字》The Scarlet Letter2.梅尔维尔Herman Melville: 《白鲸》Moby Dick3.埃德加·艾·伦坡Edgar Allan Poe: 诗歌《乌鸦》The Raven古怪、奇特、病态深受哥特式小说影响,比较著名的有:《莉盖亚》Ligeia,《厄舍大厦的倒塌》The Fall of the House of Usher五、现实主义时期(1865-1918)特点:Contemporary, common people, open ending, objective, collective morality铁路的建设,资源的开发,移民带来的廉价劳动力等都促进了工业的发展。

二、美国浪漫主义文学的特点1. 对自然的崇拜浪漫主义文学中,自然是一种重要的元素,它给人以启示和力量。
2. 主人公的内心在美国浪漫主义文学中,个体主义和内省被视为非常重要的因素。
3. 对过去的回归美国浪漫主义文学中,对传统的看法变得与众不同,没有从传统中快速觉醒的信念,但是,它强调去初探传统的形态,或通过重新审视旧的文化传统来创新。
三、美国浪漫主义文学的代表作家及其作品1. 华盛顿·欧文欧文是19世纪美国浪漫派文学的代表人物,他的作品充满了清新的浪漫主义情调,并获得了广泛的认可。
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文学特征:1、environment:①shaped by their New World environment美洲大陆新环境②array of ideas inherited from the romantic traditions of Europe.欧洲早期浪漫主义思潮2、美国文学特点:pluralistic多元化,manifestations表现形式: Varied多样, Individualistic个人主义,Conflicting矛盾3、romanticism的特点:frequently shared certain general characteristics; moral enthusiasm, faith in the value of individualism and intuitive perception, and a presumption that the natural world was a source of goodness and man’s societies a source of corruption.浪漫主义之间大部分是相通的,都注重道德,强调个人主义价值观和直觉感受,并且认为自然是美的源头,人类社会是腐败之源。
★4、transcendentalism超验主义:①as a moral philosophy, transcendentalism was neither logical norsystematized. It exalted feeling over reason, individual expression over the restraints of law and custom. 不讲逻辑,不讲系统,只强调超越理性的感受,超越法律和世俗束缚的个人表达。
②they spoke for cultural rejuvenation and against the materialism of Americansociety.呼吁文化复兴,反对美国社会的拜金主义。
③they believed in the transcendence of “Oversoul,” an all-pervading power forgoodness from which all things come and of which all things are a part.相信精神上的超越,相信无所不能的善的力量,强调善为万物之源。
④it could exercise a healthy and restorative influence on the human mind. “Goback to nature, sink yourself back into its influence and you’ll become spiritually whole again.” The natural implication of a ll this was, of course, that things in nature tended to become symbolic, and the physical world was a symbol of the spiritual. This in turn added to the tradition of literary symbolism in American literature.⑤代表人物:Emerson爱默生,believed that man was a part of absolute good。
人性本善Thoreau 梭罗,beheld divinity in the “unspotted innocence” of nature. 自然才是神圣的“洁白无瑕”5、Literary forms文学形式:Novels, short stories, and poems replaced sermonsand manifestos as America’s principal literary forms.长篇小说、短篇故事和诗歌取代说教类及宣言类作品成为美国主要的文学形式。
6、Imaginative literature想象类文学7、the wilderness came to function almost as a dramatic character that illustrated moral law.戏剧化特色的野性讽喻了时代的道德准则。
8、The desire for an escape from society and a return to nature became a permanent convention of American literature. 逃离社会,回到自然成为了美国文学永恒的创作习惯。
9、Nationalism stimulated a greater literary interest in America’s language. In 1828 Noah Webster published “An American Dictionary of the English Language”. American character types speaking local dialects appeared in poetry and fiction with increasing frequency. 受民族主义影响,作家的目光转向了美国本土的语言,具有美国特征的本土方言开始在诗歌和小说中大量涌现。
10、At mid-century a cultural reawakening brought a “flowering of New England.” Led by Hawthorne, Emerson, and Thoreau. New England →Transcendentalism, 从新英格兰文学到超验主义。
二、代表作家:1、Washington Irving华盛顿.欧文the first great belletrist 第一个纯文学作家,划线部分为三个主要contribution①the first great prose stylist of American romanticism. 美国第一位浪漫主义散文文体作家②“Sketch Book”《见闻札记》, the first modern short stories and the first greatAmerican juvenile literature.现代文学史上第一部短篇小说和美国第一部伟大的青少年文学读物。
③Irving restored the waning Gothic romances which Poe soon infused withpsychological subtleties.重振了没落的哥特式浪漫主义小说,随后坡在此基础上,把心理学的一些知识融入了这种体裁。
④“Legends of the Conquest of Spain”《西班牙征服记》⑤manner 形式>matter 内容;avoid moralization教化to entertain娱乐/amuse消遣2、James Fenimore Cooper 詹姆斯.芬尼莫.库珀①contribution: launched two kinds of immensely popular stories →the seaadventure tale and the frontier saga开创了两种流传极广的小说体裁,边疆传奇小说和海上传奇小说。
②“Leatherstocking Tales”《皮袜子故事集》,包括“The Deerslayer”《杀鹿者》、“The Last of the Mohicans”《最后的莫希干人》、“The Pathfinder”《探路人》、“The Pioneers”《拓荒者》、“The Prairie”《大草原》, regard as “the nearest approach yet to an American epic.” 被认为是迄今为止美国最接近史诗的作品。
③the central figure in the novels, Natty Bumppo. 小说的中心人物,纳蒂.班波3、William Cullen Bryant 威廉.卡伦.布莱恩特poet 诗人①as Irving had shown that American prose had cone of age, so Bryantdemonstrated to European readers that American poetry was ready to demand serious attention.当欧文预示美国散文时代的到来时,布莱恩特向欧洲读者证实了美国的诗歌达到相当高的水平。
②He was the first American to gain the stature of a major poet.第一个获得美国主要诗人称号的作家。
③“To a Waterfowl”《致水鸟》the most perfect brief poem in the language. 用美国英语写作的最完美的短诗。
4、Edgar Allan Poe 埃德加.阿伦.坡①show his true talents as an editor, poet, literary critic. 编辑、诗人、文学评论家。
②Graham’s Magazine 格雷厄姆杂志(坡的工作场所)③“The Fall of the House of Usher”《鄂谢府崩溃记》、“The Raven”《乌鸦》thetitle poem of a collection, “Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque”《述异集》first collection of short stories. 第一部短篇小说集。
④often use grotesque or fantastic events.擅长描写哥特式和幻想类的小说。
readability 可读性→totality of impression 开门见山,加强印象compression 浓缩finality 要求结局5、Ralph Waldo Emersion 拉尔夫.沃尔多.爱默生①be responsible for bringing Transcendentalism to New England, 是把超验主义引入新英格兰的先驱。