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Unit 14

1. at the chemist'在药店at the barber'在理发店

at the tailor '在裁缝店at the butcher's 在肉店

2. as a reward for作为对什么的回报=in reward for为报答什么

3. get paid by the hour按小时领取薪水

4. sb. be in charge of sth.某人负责某事

sb. take charge of sth.某人负责某事

sth.be in the charge of sb.=sth.be in sb 'charge 某事由某人负责

free of charge 免费的=for free

charge sb money for sth.由于某物向某人收费

charge sb. with sth. 指控某人做了某事=accuse sb. of sth.

5. aid sb. to do aid sb. in doing/ with sth.

come to one's aid 来帮助某人

in aid of为了帮助谁

with the aid/help of在谁的帮助下

first aid 急救

6. aircraft works sheep deer means fish series species 单复同形

7. consult a doctor 看医生consult a dictionary/map=refer to a dictionary=turn to a dictionary

8. quarrel with sb. about /over sth 与某人就某事争吵=have a quarrel with sb about/over sth.

9. set sb. an example=set an example to sb.给某人树立一个榜样

for example=for instanee 例女口

take sb/sth. for example 以---为例

follow one ' example.以谁为榜样

by example用实例

10. rather than而不是/而不做,A rather than B作主语,谓语要与A在人称和数上保持一致prefer to

do rather than do 宁愿做----而不做

11. be/get stuck in the traffic jam/ in the mud/ on the road/ on the problem 被问题难住/卡住

12. be on a journey/trip 在旅行

be on holiday/vacation 在度假

be on a visit to+n. 在访问

be on a diet 节食

13. collect thoughts 整理思绪

14.learn/recite lines 学习/背颂台词

15. make up①组成②编造③化装④弥补⑤和解

16. make out①分辨出,勉强辨认②假装,声称③理解

make a differenee (to sb.) 起作用,有影响

make use of 禾U用

make full use of =make the most/best of 充分禾U用

make up one's mind to do sth.下定决心做某是

make progress取得进步

make it (make it to sp.)成功

make fun of sb.取笑某人

make one's way 前进

make room for 给---让空

make ends meet 使收支平衡

17. t urn over 反转,翻身,打翻,仔细考虑

turn up 出现,露面,开大声音

turn to sb. for help 向某人求助

turn in 上交

turn out 结果是-- ,证明是--

turn down 关小,拒绝

18. g o into detail(s)细谈in detail 详细地detailed description 详细的描述

19. s peak up=speak out 大声勇敢的说出来

2O.sit up①坐直②熬夜=stay up

21.in an instant 立刻,马上for an instant 片刻,一会儿

22. base A on B 把A建立在B的基础上

A be based on

B A 以B 为基础

on the basis of 以--- 为基础

on a regular basis 定期地,经常地

23. keep an appointment 守约break an appointment 失约

make/fix /have an appointment with 与谁约见/ 有约。

24. break one 's promise=beak on e's word 食言

25. be surrounded by /with 被--- 包围环绕

26. a certain= some 某一个

27. pay off vi. 得到回报,成功vt. 还清,(结清工资后)解雇

pay sb.money for sth 付给某人某样东西的钱

pay back 归还pay a visit to sb./sp. 访问

28. commit suicide 自杀commit a crime 犯罪

commit time/money to doing sth. 在某方面花时间金钱(此处commit 是“投入”的意思)commit the baby to his aunt 把孩子托付给它的姑姑(此处commit 是“托付”的意思)commit oneself to doing=be committed to doing=be devoted to doing 专心致力于make a commitment 作出承诺29. exist in 存在与什么中

come into existence 开始存在,出现,产生=come into being 形成

in existence 现存的,现有的

30. have a grasp/knowledge/command of sth 掌握精通

have a good understanding of 理解

grasp sb. by the hand 抓住某人的手

grasp one's meaning 理解某人的意思

31.in summary=in a word=in short=on the whole =as a whole=to sum up 总得来说
