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❖What are you going to do with that vase , Penny?
❖ I’m going toput it on thistable ,
❖ Don’tdo that. Give it to me.
❖ What are you going to do with it?
❖ I’m going toput it here, in front of the window
Be careful ! Don’dt rop it!
❖ Don’t put ithere, Sam. Put it here, on this shelf .
rose/ lily/ jasmine
Where does Sam put the vase in the end?
❖do with…..
❖ ---What are you going to do with
these dirty clothes?
❖ 你打算怎样处理这些脏衣服?
❖care n. 照料,照顾;
❖v. 关心,顾虑,照顾 ❖take care of =look after 照顾某人 ❖You must take care of (look after) her.
I don’t careห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ 我不在乎 Who cares? 管他呢
care v. 在乎
❖I don’t care about money. I don’t care (about) you. care for 喜欢(常用于否定句和疑问句) She doesn’t really care for red
★ front n. 前面
in front of the bus
in the front of the bus
★careful adj. 小心的,仔细的
care + ful = careful仔细的 care + less =careless粗心的
❖ Lily is a careful girl. /Lily is careful. ❖ Be careful! 小心点 ❖ Look out! 小心,当心 ❖ Mind yourself! 小心一点儿! ❖ Mind your own business. 管好你自己的事。 ❖ Watch your step! 小心滑倒 ❖ be careful with money 吝啬,从不花钱
❖drop n. 滴 ❖a drop of water 一滴水 some drops of water 几滴水
★ flower n. 花(通称)
flour:面粉(同音词) flower:各种各样的花草
flower bed 花坛
❖ Put the flowers into the vase.
❖ 把花放进花瓶里。
★ drop v. 掉下
❖ ① vt. (失手)落下;掉下;放下
❖ She dropped her knife and hurried to answer the phone.
❖ 她放下刀子赶紧去接电话。 ❖ ② v. (使)滴下;滴水
❖ Tears dropped from her face.
3.There we are! 放好啦~
Here we go! 开始啦! There he/she is! 就是他了! That’s it! 就这样了! Here we are! 我们来啦!
❖Translation ❖花瓶
❖careful ❖你打算如何处理那花瓶? ❖Don’t do that! ❖Be careful! ❖It’s a lovely vase. ❖我打算把它放在桌子上。
❖ ③ v. (使)下降;降低
❖ He dropped his voice.
Don’t drop it! Drop me a line/letter. 给我写信。 drop sb. a line 给某人写一封信 e.g. Drop me a line when you are free.
❖ 你有空给我写一封信。
❖front door: 前门,正门 in front of(在某物的前方)
❖ in the front of(在某物内部靠前的地方)
sit in front of the classroom
sit in the front of the classroom
❖ --- I’m going to wash them.
❖ 我打算把它们洗了。
❖ = deal with / cope with 处理
2. Be careful! 小心! =Watch out! =Look out!
拿……小心点 后加介词with Be careful with the knife.
❖ 头脑风暴:说祈使句。
❖front /frʌnt/ n. 前面
❖in front of 在……之前 ❖careful /'keəfəl/ adj. 小心的,仔细的 ❖vase /vɑːz/ n. 花瓶 ❖drop /drɒp/ v. 掉下
❖flower /'flaʊə/ n. 花
★front n. 前面;adj. 前面的
Interesting English
She's a green hand. "green hand" means____.
A.老手 B.新手 C.绿手 D.热手
He is a yes-man. I don't like him.
A.说一不二的人 B.唯唯诺诺的人
Look out! A car is coming. "Look out!" means __.
A.往外看! B.看呀! C.看外面 D.小心!
Lesson 39
Don’t drop it!
What are you going to say to him?
❖Don’t drop it! ❖祈使句 ❖Stand up. Don’t stand up. ❖Sit down. Don’t sit down.