Translation1-8英语专业 翻译课程练习
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6. Period six (after May Fourth Movement) some important figures: 周氏兄弟. 林语堂, 梁实秋, 朱生豪, 傅雷, 杨宪益等
Chapter 3 Basic Theories on Translation
1. The nature and scope of translation 1.1 What is translation? 1. Definitions Translation may be defined as ―the replacement of textual material in one language (SL) by equivalent textual material in another language (TL)‖ SL—Source Language TL----Target Language
4. Indeed, he was one in whom the ancient Roman honor more appeared than in any that drew breath in Italy.
5. Will you take advantage of a man‘s nature to do him out of the price of his own daughter what has brought up and fed and clothed by the sweat of his brow until she‘s growed big enough to be interesting to you two gentlemen?
3. General Teaching Plan 1. Purposes: to help students have an basic understandings on translation; be capable of using the basic translating skills to do EC and C-E translation of average difficulty; and improve their appreciation on English as well as deepen their comprehension on both Chinese and English. 2. Methods: the combination of appropriate theories and lots of practices 3. working language: English mixed with Chinese
冯庆华,1997 ,《实用翻译教程》,上海: 上海外语教育出版 钟述孔,1996 ,《英汉翻译手册》,北京: 世界知识出版社 范仲英, 1994,《实用翻译教程》, 北京: 外语教学与研究出版社 陈定安,1998 ,《英汉比较与翻译》,北京: 中国对外翻译出版公司 钱歌川,《翻译的技巧》 梅德明,2001 ,《高级口译教程》,上海: 上海外语教育出版社
1. They noticed a beautiful, slim, talkative old man. 2. three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and the unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind.
Translation of Buddhist script the introduction of it into China
2.1.1 period one (148AD---316AD)
安世高,西域安息人, <义理明晰,文字允正,辩而不华,质而不野> 支娄迦慊,西域月支人, 支谦
4. My requirement for students
1. work hard 2. finish my homework 3. attend the class and answer questions actively.
5. Exam and final scores :
The climax of Buddhist script translation The characteristics of this period Some famous figures: 玄奘 (600-664 AD)
2.1.4 Period Four (954—1111 AD) 2.1.5 The influence of it
2.1.2 Period Two (317 AD ---617AD)
The chaos situation of China that time 释道安 (314-385 AD) ―五失本,三不易” 鸠摩罗什 (350-409 AD) 翻译经文400多卷
2.1.3 Period Three (618-917AD)
Chapter 2 The History of Translation
Part one. The history of Chinese translation
( reference: 《中国翻译简史》)
1. Period One (from Zhou Dynasty to Eastern Han Dynasty)
A. overall attendance of the class 5% B. answering questions 10% C. homework 15% D. examination 70%
6.your requirement and suggestion for me
4. examples
您两位不致因为我这人脾气好就想骗我, 乘机贬低我女儿的身价吧? 她现在倒是 长大成人了,您两位也对她感兴趣了, 可是,我当初为了把她拉扯大,给她吃, 给她穿, 不晓得流了多少血汗啊!
Reference Books 马祖毅:1998,《中国翻译简史》,北京:中国 对外翻译出版公司 潭栽喜,2000, 《西方翻译简史》,北京:商务 印书馆 Nida.E.A.1997. Language, Culture and Translating. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press 刘宓庆,1998 ,《文体与翻译》,北京:中国对 外翻译出版公司 梅德明,2001 ,《高级口译教程》,上海:上海 外语教育出版社 杜承南,文军,1994,《中国当代翻译百论》, 重庆:重庆大学出版社
3. 翻译是按社会认知需要、在具有不同规则 的符号系统之间所作的信息传递过程。” ( 方梦之, 1999) 4. “翻译是语言活动的一个重要组成部分, 是指把一种语言或语言变体的内容变为另一 种语言或语言变体的过程或结果,或者说把 用一种语言材料构成的文体用准确而完整地 再现出来。” ( 穆雷,方梦之,1997) 5.“翻译是译者将这一种语言文字所蕴含的 意思用另一种语言文字表达出来的文化活 动。” ( 王克非1997)
2. Nida says, ―Translation consists in the reproduction in the receptor language of the message of the source language in such a way that the receptors in receptor language may be able to understand adequately how the original receptors of the source language understood the original message‖
4. The procedure of translation
the comprehension of the ST, the transfer of meaning and the expression
3. Zhang, surely, is guilty of one crime: she
steals the film. ―She allows the audience to pour themselves into her imagination,‖ Lee says , ―it is not really her in the movie , it‘s you. That‘s beyond acting. It‘s cinematic charisma.‖
E-C Translation
Lecturer: Gu Tao
Chapter 1 Introduction
1 .Self-introduction
2. A brief translation
1. How much do you know about translation? Can you list your favorite translation works or translator? 2. what is the function of translation?
2.2 Translation on other fields
Biblioteka Baidu
2.2.1 translation of foreign affairs 2.2.2 translation of folk songs 2.2.3 translation of science and technology 2.2.4 translation of other religions
Zhou: 象胥,舌人 越人歌:山有枝兮,枝有木,心悦君兮,君不知. Qin: 典客 Western Han:典客 Eastern Han: Translation of Buddhist scripts 佛经翻译
2. Period Two (Han Dynasty----Song Dynasty)
2. The nature of translation: a science or an art; a cross-linguistic, cross-cultural and crosssocial activity. 3.. Translating techniques: free translation/literal translation;
5. Period Five (Opium war—May fourth Movement) 5.1 林则徐 5.2 总理衙门 5.3 同文馆 5.4 维新派:严复,梁启超 5.5 林纾
严复一个人所译的<天演论>, <原富>, < 法意>, <名学> 几部书,实在要比一大批 帝国主义与洋务官僚们三十年间所出的 全部作品和书籍, 更能响应着时代的要求, 更能满足这个时代的热望.
3. Period Three (Yuan Dynasty) 4. Period Four (Ming---Opium War)
4.1 early Ming: 四夷馆 4.2 late Ming to early Qing
some famous figures : 利马窦,汤若望,李之藻,徐光启 《几何原本》