


第一卷(选择题共 85分)




1. What are they doing now?

A. Watching a movie

B. Traveling by car

C. Traveling by train

2. Which country does Suzanne live in now?

A. America

B. Britain

C. Switzerland

3. What does the woman want?

A. A red car

B. A factory job

C. A ride to a factory

4. Where is the man going to spend his vacation?

A. At a factory

B. At home

C. In a stamp collection company

5. What do we learn from the text、

A. The woman’s boss is getting another job.

B. The woman is disappointed at not getting the job.

C. The woman’s boss is letting her have a better job.




6. What has happened to the man and the woman?

A. They have lost their car.

B. They are looking for a policeman.

C. They have lost their way.

7. What did they decided to do next?

A. They decided to ask somebody for help.

B. They decided to turn right.

C. They decided to drive back..


8. What’s the main idea of the dialogue?

A. A letter of a job application.

B. Giving advice.

C. Good friends.

9. According to Betty’s suggestion, the man’s application should begin with?

A. his work experience

B. something about his family.

C. his education at school.

10. What is the aim of the letter of application?

A. The man wants to become a member of a club.

B. The man is eger to get a job.

C. To ask Betty to help him.


11. Where was George yesterday、

A. At his ususal place.

B. In the newspaper office.

C. At home.

12. Which of the following didn't George do yesterday?

A. Go shopping.

B. Wash clothes.

C. Repair his radio.

13. Why did the woman call George?

A. To ask him to the concert.

B. To go on a holiday with him.

C. To invite him to dinner at home.

14. Where did George see Marry?

A. At the office

B. At the concert

C. In his sister’s home


15. Why did the man need help?

A. Because he bought too many books.

B. Because there was something wrong with his arms.

C. Because his arms were broken.

16. Why did the man buy so many books、

A. Because it was Christmas Day.

B. Because the books were cheap.

C. Because he wanted to give some to his friends.

17. How much was each book?

A. 5 cents.

B. 15 cents.

C. 50 cents. 听第10段材料,回答第18至20题.

18. What is the main topic of the passage?

A. Keeping food in the summer.

B. Cooking food in the summer.

C. Eating food in the summer.

19. Which of the following foods would be most likely to go bad in warm weather?

A. Cookies.

B. Chicken.

C. Ice cream

20. According to the passage, what should you do with food that doesn’t seem to be normal?

A. Eat it immediately

B. Try a little.

C. Throw it away.



21. On September 1st, 2010, more than 1500 students ________ an important lecture given by Taishan Huang, a famous education expert.

A. took

B. made

C. attended

D. joined

22. You’d better cut your hair short. Our school doesn’t long hair.

A. approve of students wore

B. approve students to wear

C. approve of students to wear

D. approve of students wearing

23. It’s required that we work some extra hours today, for a lot of work requires

A. should, doing

B. must, to be done

C. have to, to do

D. will, do

24. Lucy has ________ all of the goals she set for herself in high school and is ready for new challenges at university.

A. achieved

B. recognized

C. required

D. spared

25. What is the best way you can think of ________ the present problem?

A. doing with

B. do with

C. to do with

D. done with

26. Mother has told us to ________ some candles in the house in case the electricity is off. So now we are busy ________ the coming night.

A. prepare, preparing

B. prepare for, preparing

C. prepare, preparing for

D. prepare for, preparing for

27. Humans are destroying nature day by day, ________, of course, will cause punishment sooner or later.

A. that

B. /

C. which

D. what

28. Tom, is this the man ________ just now?

A. to who you spoke

B. who you spoke

C. whom you spoke

D. you spoke to

29. There isn’t a single friend ________ he can turn for help; he feels lonely.

A. who

B. whom

C. from whom

D. to whom

30.The school ________ I visited the other day was not the one ________

I once studied.

A. that, which

B. which, where

C. where, which

D. where, that

31. We shall never forget the days _____ we had our military training ( 军训) at the beginning of this term, ____ has a great effect on our school life.

A. that; which

B. which ; that

C. when ; which

D. when ; who

32. I know many students in our school _________ eyesight is weak.

A. who

B. whom

C. which

D. whose

33. ______ his return from Beijing, he went to visit his teacher.

A. At

B. From

C. On

D. As

34. Mary's pale face suggested that she ____ ill. And we suggested that she ____ a medical examination.

A. was; have

B. was; had

C. should be; had

D. be; have

35. The class teacher promised to keep me well ____ how things were going on at school when I was ill at home because of swine flu.

A. inform of

B. informed of

C. informs of

D. informing of




Mr.Smith gave his wife ten pounds for her birthday. The day after her birthday Mrs.Smith went shopping. She got on 36 and sat down next to an old lady. 37 she noticed that the old lady’s handbag was 38 . Inside it, she found a wad(沓)of pound notes 39 the one her husband had given her. She quickly 40 her own bag—the notes were 41 . Mrs.Smith was now sure that the old lady sitting 42 her must have stolen them. She thought 43 not have to call the 44 as she didn’t like getting people 45 .

So she decided to take back the money 46 the lady’s handbag and say 47 about it. She looked around the bus to make sure 48 was watching, then she carefully put her hand into 49 handbag, took out the notes and 50 her own handbag.

When she got home that evening, she showed 51 the beautiful hat she had bought. “How did you 52 it?” he asked. “ 53 you gave me for my birthday, of course.” “Oh, 54 then?” he asked, as he 55 a wad of pound notes on the table.

36. A. a bus B. a train C. an old ship D. a plane

37. A. Immediately B. Suddenly C. Luckily D. Quickly

38. A.good B.old C.open D.shut

39.A. the same that B. perhaps was C. probably as

D.exactly like

40. A. looked at B. watched carefully C. saw to D. looked into

41. A. gone B. missed C. disappear D. found

42 . A. close B. next to C. before D. behind

43. A. she would B. he could C. she must D. he might

44. A. driver B. old lady C. police D. husband

45. A. to difficulty B. into trouble C. out of work D. seeing her

46. A. into B. out C. away D. from

47. A. something B. everything C. anything D. nothing

48. A. nothing B. somebody C. nobody D. neither

49. A. the old lady’s B. her husband’s C. the police’s

D. her own

50. A. gave it away B. put them into C. brought them out D. took it to

51. A. the driver B. the police C. the old lady D.her husband

52. A. pay for B. spend on C. cost in D. take to

53. A. Use them B. With the money C. With that D. Using it

54. A. how is it B. what’s that C. where is it D. why is this

55. A. put up B. held out C. pointed to D. handed up




One fine afternoon, I was walking along Fifth Street when I remembered that it was necessary to buy a pair of socks. Why I wished to buy only one pair was unimportant. I turned into the first sock shop that caught my eye. A boy clerk, who could not have been more than seventeen years old came forward. “What can I do for you, sir?” he said “I wish to buy a pair of socks.” I replied.

His eyes shone. There was a note of exc itement in his voice. “Did you know that you had come into the finest place in the world to buy socks?”

I had no idea of that, as my entrance had been accidental(偶然旳). “Come with me,” said the boy, eagerly. I followed h im to the back of the shop, and he began to pull down box after box from the shelves, showing their contents (内装物)for my choice.

“Hold on, boy” I said “I am going to buy only one pair!” “I know that,” said he, “but I want you to see how beautiful these are. Aren’t they wonderful!” There was o n his face an expression of seriousness and pride and delight as if he were showing me the secrets of his religion (宗教信仰). I became far more interested in him than in the socks. I looked at him in surprise. “My friend, ” said I, “if you can keep this up, if this is not merely from having a new job, if you can keep up this high spirit and excitement day after day, in ten years you will own every sock in the United States.”

56. What did the writer want to buy one fine afternoon?

A. A pair of shoes.

B. A pair of socks.

C. Two pairs of socks.

D. A set of books.

57. Which is true according to the passage?

A. The shop was on the Second Road.

B. The boy was 18 years old.

C. The boy was not in high spirits.

D. The writer entered the shop by chance.

58. What the writer said in the last paragraph means that ______.

A. if you don’t work hard, you will lose the job

B. you should keep on following your customs

C. if you keep up your great interest in your work, you will succeed in the future

D. if you are too hardworking, you will fail


Professor Martin’s report says that children who attend a number of different schools, because their parents have to move around the country, probably make slow progress in their studies. There are also signs, says Professor Martin, that an unusually large number of such children are mentally affected.

The Professor says, “It’s true, my personal feeling is that children should stay in one school. However, our findings are based on research and not on any personal feelings that I or my assistants may have on the subject.”

Captain Thomas James, an Army lecturer for the past 20 years and himself a father of 2 children, said, “I’ve never heard such rubbish. Taking me for example, no harm is done to the education of my children who change school regularly---if they keep to the same system. In my experience----and I’ve known quite a few of them---- Army children are as well-adjusted(调整) as any others, if not more so. What the professor doesn’t appear to notice is the fact that in such situations children will adapt (适应) much better than grown-ups.”

When this was put to Professor Martin, he said that at no time had his team suggested that all such children were mentally affected in some way, but simply that in their experience there was a clear tendency (倾向). “Our finding shows that while the very bright child can deal with regular change without harming his or her general progress in studies, the majority of children suffer from constantly having to enter a new learning situation.”

59. Professor Martin’s report suggests that _______.

A. it may not be good for children to change schools often

B. parents should not move often

C. more and more children are mentally affected

D. children will make rapid progress if they stay in one school.

60. According to the passage, Professor Martin’s personal feeling____ .

A. is the opposite of what his report has shown

B. is in a way (在某种程度上)supported by his research

C. has played a big part in his research

D. is based on his own experience as a child

61. From the passage, we can conclude that Captain Thomas’ children____.

A. have been affected by changing schools

B. have not been affected by changing schools

C. like every army school they have been in

D. are the brightest among the children who often change school

62. According to Professor Martin, ____ suffer from changing schools regularly.

A. non-army children

B. bright children

C. the majority of children

D. few children

63.Captain Thomas believes _____.

A. army children are generally better adjusted than any others

B. army children are usually less experienced than any others

C. children can adapt more easily and quickly than grown-ups

D. children can adapt as easily and quickly as grown-ups


Great Wall Xmas BBQ

Beijing Hikers are organizing a three-hour hike on a rarely visited part of the Great Wall and will celebrate Christmas afterwards with a Christmas barbecue dinner in a small hotel at the foot of the Great Wall . Meet at 8:30 am. Dec. 25 in front of Starbucks at Lido Holiday Inn , Jiangtai Lu. Please write to or 139-100-25516.

Pingyao tour

High Club will guide a weekend trip to Pingyao , an ancient walled town near Taiyuan , capital city of Shanxi Province . The town is one of the best-preserved(保护) featuring courtyard buildings of the Ming and Qing dynasties (1368-1911) . Among them is the Qiao family courtyard house, the shooting location of Zhang Yimou’s Raise the Red Lantern (《大红灯笼高高挂》). Leave on Friday (December 23) night by train and back to Beijing on Sunday morning . For sign-up and more information , contact Lucy at or 8580-5080,.

New Year Harbin trip

The Chinese Culture Club is running a new year trip to Harbin , to catch a fresh view of its yearly ice and snow lantern festival .

As the temperature is expected to fall between minus 20 to 30℃, visitors are warned to prepare well with jackets , masks , fur gloves and boots. The trip sets out by train at night on December 31 and gets back on the morning January 2. The cost is 2,300 yuan (US$ 284) . Reservation(预订) is required at 8457-2772.

64. One who is interested in life of ancient Chinese is more likely to contact ______.

A. 139-100-25516


C. 8580-5080

D. 8457-2772

65. The term “BBQ” in the topic “Great Wall Xmas BBQ” should mean a kind of ________.

A. meal B . tour C. transportation D. dance

66. Pingyao is worth seeing mainly because ________.

A. it’s a town surrounded by walls

B. it’s near the capital of Shanxi

C. its buildings are old and in good condition

D. a famous film was shot there

67. The last advertisement of New Year Harbin trip offers NO information about _____.

A. what to take there

B. what to buy there

C. when to leave and return

D. how much to pay


There is a wonderful story about a young girl who had no family and no one to love her.

One day, feeling very sad and lonely, she was walking through a grassland when she noticed a small butterfly caught in a thorn (荆棘) bush. The young girl carefully released the Butterfly. Instead of flying away, the little butterfly changed into a beautiful fairy. The young girl rubbed her eyes in disbelief.

“For your wonderful kindness,” the good fairy said to the girl, “I will give you any wish you w ould like.” The little girl thought for a moment and then replied, “I want to be happy.”

The fairy leaned toward her and whispered in her ear. Then the fairy disappeared.

As the little girl grew up, there was no one in the land as happy as she. Everyone asked her secret of happiness .She would only smile and answer, “The secret of my happiness is that I listened to a good fairy when I was a little girl.”

When she was very old and on her deathbed, the neighbors all gathered around her, that her unbelievable secret of happiness would die with her. “Tell us, please,” they begged, “Tell us what the good fairy said.” The lovely old woman simply smiled and said, “She told me that everyone, no matter how secure they seemed, no matter how old or young, how rich or p oor, had need of me.”

68. Noticing the butterfly was caught by the thorn, the orphan girl ______.

A. helped the butterfly escaped from the thorn

B. felt sorrow, but she didn’t go up to help it

C. fell down on it too

D. failed to help it release from the thorn

69. The only thing that the little girl wanted was________.

A. to be rich

B. to have her own parents

C. to have a lot of friends

D. happiness

70. The neighbors all gathered around the old happy woman when she was dying, because ______.

A. they loved this woman deeply and they didn’t wanted her to die

B. the woman had lots of money to be shared as soon as she died

C. they wanted to know the secret of her lifetime happiness

D. they wanted to pray for her after her death


第一节任务型阅读 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)



NetSmartz advises using the following “Internet Safety Pledge(誓言)” to make sure of kids’ safety on the Internet. Here is the safety pledge for middle and high school students.

1. I will set up some rules with my parents for going online, including the time of day I may be online, the length of time I may be online and whom I may communicate with. I will not do anything against the rules.

2. I will keep my identity(身份) secret from people online. I will never give away personal information such as my full name, my mailing address, my telephone number, the name of my school, or any other information that could help someone know my actual identity. I won’t give away any personal information about my friends or family, either.

3. If I come across some information that is rude or makes me feel scared, uncomfortable, or confused, I won’t respond(应答) to it, and I will show the message to a trusted adult right away so that he or she can decide if it is necessary to contact the online service or other authorities(机构).

4. Since the biggest danger to my safety is getting together with someone I have first “met” online, I won’t meet in person with anyone unless my parents agree. If they agree, I will ask them to go with me and the meeting will be in a public place.

5. I will respect other’s rights while I am online — I will always treat others the way I would like to be treated and I will respect copyright laws. I will not do anything that hurts other’s feelings or anything that goes against the law.

第二节单词拼写根据所给中文或首字母提示写上完整旳单词.(每词0.5分, 满分5分)

81. The businessman d_________ (捐赠) a lot of money to the hospital.

82. Teaching children is a c_________ (具有挑战性旳) and rewarding job.

83. He is making _______________ (准备) for the meeting.

84. I have the greatest ___________ (尊敬) for our teachers.

85. There are plenty of jobs _________ (可得到旳) in the western part of the country.

86. Swam Lake is one of Tchaikovsky’s best-known ___________.(作品)

87. The picture shows four g_________: great grandmother, grandfather, mother and baby.

88. He _________(挑选,选择) a pair of socks to match his shoes.

89. T_________ it is difficult to improve your cooking skills in such a short time, you should still keep practising.

90. After _____ from university, he went to China to study Chinese at Peking University.(毕业)

第三节根据中文提示, 完成下列句子, 每条横线上填写一个词.(每题1分,共10分)

91. 这只熊猫宝宝正受到熊猫妈妈旳精心照料.

The baby panda _______ ________ _______ good care of by its mother.

92. 我很遗憾旳告知你我们不能给你提供你所需要旳服务.

I _______ ______ _______ you that we can’t provide you with the service you need.

93. 我们应该尽早培养孩子们旳读书兴趣.

We should ______ ______ _______ _________ ______ in reading as early as possible.
