

T 525 om-92




REVISED – 1992

? 1992 TAPPI

The information and data contained in this document were prepared

by a technical committee of the Association. The committee and the

Association assume no liability or responsibility in connection with the

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Diffuse brightness of pulp (d/0°)


1.1This method is to be used to evaluate the diffuse blue reflectance factor (diffuse brightness) of pulp by measuring handsheets prepared according to TAPPI T 218 “Forming Handsheets for Reflectance Tests of Pulp.” The measurement of handsheets is the most commonly accepted procedure for obtaining pulp brightness; however, machine-dried sheets can also be used.

NOTE 1:The brightness of a handsheet will usually be 0.5 to 1.0 unit higher than that of a machine-dried sheet made from the same pulp.

1.2This method utilizes an integrating sphere to provide diffuse illumination and perpendicular (0°) observation geometry (1). With this geometry, specimen surface structure and azimuthal orientation have negligible effect on brightness.

1.3The instrument has a relatively large specimen aperture for the purpose of averaging small area variations in reflectance, making it possible to obtain a reliable average value with only a few individual measurements.

1.4This method is not intended for use with colored materials.

1.5Although this method does not specifically exclude naturally fluorescent pulps or the use of optical brighteners, paper manufacturers may wish to limit their pulp suppliers in their use of optical brighteners. Such additives may reduce the potential for paper manufacturers to control brightness by the use of additional optical brighteners.


Diffuse reflectance is measured at an effective wavelength of 457 nm by using a suitable filter set or an equivalent device for modifying the spectral response and an instrument having diffuse illumination and perpendicular observation geometry. The measurements are made in terms of absolute reflectance.


3.1Blue-light reflectance measurements were originally designed to provide an indication of the amount of bleaching that has taken place in the manufacture of pulp. The higher the blue-light reflectance, generally the whiter the products will appear. The method provides a simple, single-number index useful for comparing similar white materials; however, colored materials are better identified by using a standardized three-dimensional color space [see TAPPI T 442“Spectral Reflectance Factor, Transmittance, and Color of Paper and Pulp (Polychromatic Illumination),” T 524 “Color of White and Near-White Paper and Paperboard by L, a, b 45° 0° Colorimetry,” and T 527 “Color of Paper and Paperboard in CIE Y; x, y, or Y, Dominant Wavelength and Excitation Purity”].

Approved by the Optical Properties Committee of the Process and Product Quality Division


3.2Because the instrument geometry of this method is different from that of TAPPI T 452 “Brightness of Pulp, Paper and Paperboard (Directional Reflectance at 457 nm),” there is no simple relationship between the two brightness scales.

3.3Specularly reflected light (gloss) is excluded from the measurement of diffuse brightness by the use of

a gloss trap (specular reflectance absorber) as required in

NOTE 2:Material containing fluorescent brightening agents will exhibit higher reflectance values to a degree which is dependent upon the ultraviolet (UV) content of the radiation incident on the specimen. Control of such UV content is essential to maintain continuity

of measurement among optically brightened pulps.

NOTE 3:No known material is both perfectly reflecting and perfectly diffusing, but standards can be calibrated in terms of absolute reflectance (2). Standards with calibrations based on this reference can be obtained from ISO authorized laboratories.1


4.1Diffuse reflectance factor, the ratio of the radiance of a specimen to that of a perfectly reflecting diffuser, each being irradiated hemispherically and viewed identically.

4.2Absolute brightness, the diffuse reflectance factor for blue light in terms of a perfectly reflecting, perfectly diffusing specimen as determined on an instrument as described in section



5.1Reflectometer, an instrument designed for the measurement of diffuse reflectance which employs the following geometric, photometric, and spectral characteristics:

5.1.1Geometric characteristics Diffuse illumination of the specimen by means of an integrating sphere of 150 mm diameter. The sphere shall be equipped with screens to eliminate direct illumination of the specimen. sum total of the areas of the apertures in the sphere does not exceed 10% of the area of the sphere. The receptor aperture is surrounded by a gloss trap (black circular area) of external diameter subtending

a half-angle of 15.5 ± 0.5° at the center of the specimen aperture. No light reflected from the rim of the specimen aperture shall reach the receptor. The measured test area on the specimen is circular with a diameter 30 mm ± 1 mm. The specimen aperture diameter shall not exceed 35 mm and the edge thickness shall not exceed 2 mm. specimen is viewed perpendicularly (0°). Only reflected rays within a solid cone, whose vertex is in the specimen aperture and of half-angle not greater than 4°, shall fall on the receptor. light from all sources shall not exceed 0.5%.

5.1.2Photometric characteristics. The accuracy of the photometer, whether mechanical or electronic, is such that the departure from photometric linearity after calibration does not exceed 0.1% reflectance factor.

5.1.3Spectral characteristics. The effective wavelength of the reflectometer, 457.0 nm ± 0.5 nm, is arrived at with a combination of lamps, integrating sphere, glass optics, filters or other spectrally selective device and photoelectric cells. The filters should be such that the relative spectral distribution function F( ) of the reflectometer is as indicated in Table 1: F ( ) is the product of the following variables:

a)the relative spectral distribution of the radiant emittance of the integrating sphere,

b)the spectral transmittance of the glass optics,

c)the spectral transmittance of the filters or other spectrally selective device, and

d)the spectral response of the photoelectric cells, each being a function of the wavelength.

Table 1The relative spectral distribution function F ( ) of a reflectometer equipment for measuring diffuse brightness of pulp.

Wave-F( ),Wave-F( ),

length,arbitrary length,arbitrary

nm units nm units



400 1.047088.7

410 6.748053.1


43034.5500 5.6


5.2The following ancillary items must be available:

5.2.1Instrument standards, two or more opal glass or ceramic standards calibrated relative to a Level 2 (ISO) or Level 3 reference standard (see 7.3).

5.2.2Black cavity, a black cylindrical cavity, with centering device, having a known reflectance of less than 0.5%.

5.2.3Lens tissue, non-fluorescent, non-abrasive lens paper or tissue.


Cleaning solution, distilled water and detergent free from fluorescing or abrasive ingredients.

7.Calibration and standardization

7.1ISO reference standard of level 1 (IR1), the perfect reflecting diffuser. Ideal spectrally uniform Lambertain diffuser with a reflectance equal to 100.0 at all wavelengths.

7.2ISO reference standard of level 2 (IR2), standard whose reflectance factor has been determined by a standardizing laboratory in relation to the IR1. These standards are used by authorized standardizing laboratories for the calibration of their reference instruments.

7.3ISO reference standard of level 3 (IR3), standard where the reflectance factor has been determined by an authorized standardizing laboratory in relation to any IR2. These standards are employed by instrument users for the calibration of their instruments.

7.4Instrument standards, two opal glass or ceramic instrument standards are required. Wash standards with

a solution of distilled water and detergent which is free from fluorescing or abrasive ingredients. Ru

b surface with a soft cloth or brush with syntheti

c fiber bristles. Rinse thoroughly with distille

d water. Dry by blotting with filter paper. Plac

e in a desiccator for additional drying until ready for use.

NOTE 4:An instrument standard in frequent use should be cleaned regularly, at least weekly, and it should be cleaned at any time that there is reason to suspect that the surface has become contaminated.

7.5Calibration of instrument standards

7.5.1Turn instrument on and allow it to come to operating equilibrium. Consult instruction manual for manufacturer's recommended warmup time and use of any lamp-house cooling technique that may be provided.

7.5.2Clean two opal glass or ceramic instrument standards as described in 7.2.1, if they have not been cleaned recently.

7.5.3Place the 457 nm filter set in position or select modified spectral equivalent.

7.5.4Adjust instrument to read black cavity value with black cavity in specimen position.

7.5.5Place the IR3 reference standard in the specimen position. Adjust the instrument to read the assigned value.

7.5.6Place an opal glass or ceramic instrument standard in the specimen position and read the calibration value for this standard. Repeat the procedure to obtain the value for standard No. 2.

NOTE 5:The reflectance of opal-glass or ceramic standards is relatively stable; however, they must be calibrated at regular intervals on the specific instrument with which they will be used by making use of Level 3 reference standards and the procedures described in

Section 7.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/6412918213.html,e of instrument standards

Calibrate the instrument with standard No. 1 and then read standard No. 2. If the reading for standard No. 2 is not within 0.1% of its assigned value, clean it and reread. Use this reading as the new value for standard No. 2, and use this standard for the regular calibration of the instrument. Use standard No. 1 only to verify the calibration of standard No. 2.

NOTE 6:The relation between the calibrated values of the two instrument standards should remain constant. If a difference greater than 0.1% is observed, it is reasonable to assume that the calibration of standard No. 1 is more reliable because it has been used least.

However, if the difference is greater than 0.2%, even after careful cleaning of both new standards, it would be advisable to procure

a new Level 3 reference standard and to determine by this means whether the reflectance of one of the instrument standards has

actually changed.

9.Test specimens

Prepare handsheets according to T 218. Remove the filter paper cover from the dried handsheets. Cut the handsheets into tabs large enough to cover the measurement aperture of the instrument. Use a pad of tabs of sufficient number that doubling it will not change the brightness reading. Six tabs may be sufficient.


10.1 Place the 457 nm filter in position or select modified spectral equivalent and check black cavity reading (7.5.4). Place instrument standard No. 2 in position. Calibrate the instrument relative to this standard using the value obtained from the procedure described in Section 8.

NOTE 7: A single 150 mm diameter handsheet can be conveniently cut into six pre-shaped tabs using a paper cutter with a special template.

The six tabs can be stored in the folded filter paper cover until ready to read the brightness.

10.2Remove the top cover tab and place it on the bottom of the stack of tabs. Place the tabs, with the smooth side up, on a clean specimen holder.

10.3Read the brightness of the first tab and record to the nearest 0.1%. Transfer the top tab to the bottom of the stack and make a brightness reading on the second tab. Repeat this procedure until five tabs have been read. NOTE 8:Handle the specimens by the edges to avoid contamination. With many instruments, the brightness measurement must be made with reasonable speed because the reflectance may change as the moisture content of the surface of the specimen changes when

heated by the instrument lamps. Color reversion also is possible with unstable material, so do not leave the stack of tabs against

the specimen aperture while recording results.

NOTE 9:Since moisture content of the specimen has a slight effect on brightness, the best reproducibility is obtained by conditioning and making the tests in an atmosphere in accordance with TAPPI T 402 “Standard Conditioning and Testing Atmospheres for Paper,

Board, Pulp Handsheets, and Related Products.”


11.1Report a precise identification of the sample.

11.2Reference TAPPI Official Method T 525.

11.3Report the brightness of the sample as the average of five tab readings to the nearest 0.1%.

11.4Indicate whether data were obtained from measurement of a machine sheet or handsheet.


12.1 Data on the precision of measurement have been obtained from the published reports of the TAPPI-NBS Collaborative Reference Program (4) in which approximately 15 laboratories participated in the measurement of papers. The brightness values ranged between 75 and 81. The within-laboratory repeatability and the among-laboratory reproducibility were computed from the averages of the reported standard deviations in accordance with TAPPI T 1206“Precision Statement for Test Methods.” It is assumed that the measurement precision for pulp would be comparable.

12.1.1Repeatability: 0.2.

12.1.2Reproducibility: 1.2.

12.2The reader should be cautioned that these values are based on actual mill/laboratory brightness measurements with instruments or procedures that may not conform with this method. This information is given as a guide as to the potential variation in diffuse brightness evaluation that may exist across the industry.

13.Additional information

13.1Effective date of issue: February 4, 1992.

13.2This revision differs from the 1972 version as follows:

13.2.1The brightness reference has been changed from MgO to the perfect diffuser.

13.2.2Detailed instrument calibration procedure has been eliminated. Refer to instrument manufacturer's instructions.

13.2.3Inclusion of gloss trap has been added.

13.3 Related methods: ISO 2469, 2470, and 3688; CPPA E.1; SCAN P3; BSI 4432 Part 2470. Literature cited

1.H?fert, H. J., “A Filter Photometer for the Measurement of Reflectance,” Z. Inst. Kunde. 67 (5): 115(1959).

2.Budde, W., and Chapman, S. M., “The Calibration of Standards for Absolute Brightness Measurement with the

Elrepho,” Pulp Paper Mag. Can. 69: 153 (April 5, 1968).

3.Van den Akker, J. A., “Evaluation of Absolute Reflectance for Standardization Purposes,” J. Opt. Soc. Am.56: 252


4.Collaborative Reference Program for Paper (TAPPI-NBS), National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC 20234,

Report No. 25 (August 1973) through No. 56 (January 1979).

Your comments and suggestions on this procedure are earnestly requested and should be sent to the TAPPI Technical Divisions Administrator.


常用纸张尺寸大小 现在纸张的规格很多,基本的有四种:(全张尺寸) 1、787*1092MM 2、850*1164MM 3、889*1196MM 4、880*1230MM 还有很多不规则的全张尺寸。 所说的A*的尺寸是国际流行尺寸,即我们俗称的“大度尺寸”,最好用3,4两种裁切。A2的尺寸是420*594MM,用3,4两种尺寸的全张可以裁切出A2的四张。 纸张的规格是指纸张制成后,经过修整切边,裁成一定的尺寸。过去是以多少"开"(例如8开或16开等)来表示纸张的大小,现在我采用国际标准,规定以A0、A1、A2、B1、B2......等标记来表示纸张的幅面规格。标准规定纸张的幅宽(以X表示)和长度(以Y表示)的比例关系为X:Y=1:n 。 按照纸张幅面的基本面积,把幅面规格分为A系列、B系列和C系列,幅面规格为A0的幅面尺寸为841mm×1189mm,幅面面积为1平方米;B0的幅面尺寸为1000mm×1414mm,幅面面积为2.5平方米;C0的幅面尺寸为917mm×1279mm,幅面面积为2.25平方米;复印纸的幅面规格只采用A系列和B系列。若将A0纸张沿长度方式对开成两等分,便成为A1规格,将A1纸张沿长度方向对开,便成为A2规格,如此对开至A8规格;B8纸张亦按此法对开至B8规格。A0~A8和B0~B8的幅面尺寸见下表所列。其中A3、A4、A5、A6和B4、B5、B6等7种幅面规格为复印纸常用的规格。 举例说明:“A4”纸,就是将A型基本尺寸的纸折叠4次,所以一张A4纸的面积就是基本纸面积的2的4次方分之一,即1/16。其余依此类推。 A类就是我们通常说的大度纸,整张纸的尺寸是889*1194mm,可裁切A1(大对开,570*840mm)、A2(大四开,420*570mm)、A3(大八开,285*420mm)、A4(大十六开,210*285mm)、A5(大三十二开,142.5*210mm)……; B类就是我们通常说的正度纸,整张纸的尺寸是787*1092mm,可裁切B1(正对开,520*740mm)、B2(正四开,370*520mm)、B3(正八开,260*370mm)、B4(正十六开,185*260mm)、B5(正三十二开,130*185mm)……。 纸张按种类可分为新闻纸、凸版印刷纸、胶版纸、有光铜版纸、哑粉纸、字典纸、地图纸、凹版印刷纸、周报纸、画报纸、白板纸、书面纸、特种纸等。 普通纸张按克重可分为60gsm、80gsm、100gsm、105gsm、120gsm、157gsm、200gsm、250gsm、300gsm、350gsm、400gsm。 有人说A4纸张的通常大小是210x297(mm) 国际标准A4尺寸为210x297,在设计时除非客户特别要求,尽量设计成大16K即210x285,因为大度纸16K最大为210x285,要开出210x297只能开12K,造成开纸浪费,增加成本。 一般打印纸就是采用复印纸,复印纸的分类是按大小分的,有几个标准:A型、B型、K 型,K型纸就是我们常说的开型纸,只有在国内才有用K型纸的。现在一般都用A型纸。不管A型B型,它的分类都是这样的,比如A5是A6的两倍,A4是A5的两倍,A3是A4的两倍,B4是B5的两倍B3是B4的两倍,而K型的分类是把一张大的1K的纸分为两张为2K,把2K



按照纸张幅面的基本面积,把幅面规格分为A系列、B系列和C系列;幅面规格为A0的幅面尺寸为841mm×1189mm,幅面面积为1平方米;B0的幅面尺寸为1000mm×1414mm,幅面面积为2.5平方米;C0的幅面尺寸为917mm×1279mm,幅面面积为2.25平方米;复印纸的幅面规格只采用A系列和B系列。 纸张幅面规格尺寸表 ISO 216 A ISO 216 B ISO 216 C 规格幅宽*长度 (mm) 规格 幅宽*长度 (mm) 规格 幅宽*长度 (mm) A0 841× 1189 B0 1000× 1414 C0 917× 1297 A1 594×841 B1 707× 1000 C1 648×917 A2 420×594 B2 500×707 C2 458×648 A3 297×420 B3 353×500 C3 324×458 A4 210×297 B4 250×353 C4 229×324

A5 148×210 B5 176×250 C5 162×229 A6 105×148 B6 125×176 C6 114×162 A7 74×105 B7 88×125 C7 81×114 A8 52×74 B8 62×88 DL 110×220 A9 37×52 B9 44×62 C7/6 81×162 A10 26×37 B10 31×44 各常规尺寸 名称规格标准尺寸备注 名片横版: 90*55mm<方角> 85*54mm<圆角> 竖版: 50*90mm<方角> 54*85mm<圆角> 方版: 90*90mm 90*95mm


影响纸张白度原因浅析 新闻纸的生产,其主要原料是采用高得率机械浆。随着新闻纸业的不断发展与扩大,造纸原料的短缺,特别是森林资源的贪乏,给造纸业带来诸多困难。因此,在过去的20年中,造纸业已发展到部分或全部使用回收纤维来代替机械浆。而随着配浆的变化,保持目标白度,就面临挑战。我厂新闻纸的生产,同其它采用回收纤维的厂家一样,白度已成为一个主要问题。影响纸张白度原因分析如下: 一、原料质量的波动 1. 经过前一段时间对我厂现有原料分析结果表明:脱墨后纸浆的白度为 9#美废高于日废,日废高于8#美废,8#美废高于国废。因为9#美废储存时间短,印刷油墨未完全老化而浮在纸的(纤维上)表面,未吸入纸内,容易脱墨。相反,8#美废和国废为回收废纸,贮存时间长短不一,有的废报纸已印刷两年之久,甚至更长。油墨已吸入到纸内,油墨中的粘结料变成易碎结构,从而形成许多微细油墨粒子,而不易被脱除。因此,原料存放的时间长短,直接影响脱墨效果及成纸白度。 2.进口废纸质量的下降。目前欧洲一些国家的造纸行业,纤维的回用率达40%左右,日本达到50%甚至更高一些。因此,纸质下降,白度指标也呈下降趋势。进口废纸中的黑白报较彩印报纸其自身白度偏低,一般在51%左右,国内报纸更低,一般在47%左右。 二、废报纸脱墨过程油墨夏季效应 1. 油墨夏季效应 油墨夏季效应发生的根本原因在于气温升高后引起油墨的一些变化。印刷油墨主要由颜料与粘结料组成,此外,还有一些填料和附加料。用于新闻纸印刷的黑色油墨常用矿物油作粘结料,有色油墨则常用植物油作粘结料。 黑色油墨印刷在纸上后,油墨中的粘结料(矿物油)开始时都在纸的表面,但经过一段时间(4-6个月)的老化,矿物油几乎全部被纸吸收,由于其吸收氧气的能力差,留在纸面上的粘结料很少交联,也无僵硬的结构,只有一些脆弱易碎的结构,故形成了许多很小的油墨粒子。 植物油油墨印刷在纸上后,油墨中的粘结料(植物油)开始时也都在纸的表面,但由于它吸收氧气能力强,经过一段时间的老化,植物油一部分被纸所吸收,但还有很多仍留在纸面与颜料粘结在一起。由于植物油都具有不饱和的双链结构,故能形成一些交联的僵硬结构,并附着在纤维上。 矿物油油墨和植物油油墨印刷的旧报纸在碎解机中碎解时,矿物油油墨较植物油油墨更易于碎化,故碎化后的ERIC值高(有效残留油墨粒子浓度)且充


纸张的大小 国际标准化组织的ISO216国际标准指明了大多数国家使用的标准纸张的尺寸。此标准源自德国,在1922年通过,定义了A、B、C三组纸张尺寸,C 组纸张尺寸主要用于信封。另外,有些国家也有自己的标准,如美国,日本。这里主要是指办公用纸。下面是一些标准纸张的具体尺寸。单位:mm ISO216A ISO216B ISO216C A0 841×1189B0 1000×1414C0 917×1297 A1 594×841B1 707×1000C1 648×917 A2 420×594B2 500×707C2 458×648 A3 297×420B3 353×500C3 324×458 A4 210×297B4 250×353C4 229×324 A5 148×210B5 176×250C5 162×229 A6 105×148B6 125×176C6 114×162 A7 74×105B7 88×125C7 81×114 A8 52×74B8 62×88DL 110×220 A9 37×52B9 44×62C7/6 81×162 A10 26×37B10 31×44 A组纸张尺寸的长宽比都是,然后舍去到最接近的毫米值。 A0定义成面积为1平方米,长宽比为的纸张。接下来的A1、A2、A3……等纸张尺寸,都是定义成将编号少一号的纸张沿着长边对折,然后舍去到最接近的毫米值。最常用到的纸张尺寸是A4,后来为了能在打印出全副A3?大小的图像,又定义了A3+和SRA3大小,就是人们通常说的“出血”纸,A3+的大小是457mmx305mm,SRA3的大小是450mmx320mm。 B组纸张尺寸是编号相同与编号少一号的A组纸张的几何平均。举例来说,B1是A1和A0的几何平均。同样地,C组纸张尺寸是编号相同的A、B 组纸张的几何平均。举例来说,C2是B2和A2的几何平均。(此外,日本有一种不兼容的B组纸张尺寸,是用算术平均而不是用几何平均来定义的。)C组纸张尺寸主要使用于信封。一张A4大小的纸张可以刚好放进一个C4大小的信封。如果你把A4纸张对折变成A5纸张,那它就可以刚好放进C5大小的信封,同理类推。 美国国家标准化组织ANSI定义了自己的标准X3.151-1987,具体尺寸如下名称纸张大小(mm)名称纸张大小(mm) Letter 216×279Legal 216×356


最标准的各种纸张尺寸 各种纸型:A1尺寸、A2尺寸、A3尺寸、A4尺寸、A5尺寸、B1尺寸、B2尺寸、B3尺寸、B4尺寸、B5尺寸: A0=1189*841 A0(大1k)1189mm×841mm A1=841*594 A1(大2k)841mm×594mm A2=594*420 A2(大4k)420mm×594mm A3=420*297 A3(大8k)420mm ×297mm A4=297*210 A4(大16k)297mm×210mm A5=210*148 A5(大32k)210mm×148mm A6=148*105 A6(大64k)144mm×105mm B1=1000*706 B2=706*500 B3=500*353 B3(8K) B4=353*250 B4(16K) B5=250*176 B5(32K) 国家规定的开本尺寸是采用的国际标准系列,现已定入国家行业标准GB/T 1999内在全国执行。书刊本册现行开本尺寸主要是A系列规格,有以下几种:(注意:其中A3(8k)尺寸尚未定入,但普遍用。) A3(8k)420mm×297mm; A4(16k)297mm×210mm; A5(32k)210mm× 148mm; A6(64k)144mm×105mm; 我们日常生活中说说的A4复印纸,8K纸就是指这些尺寸,即A4纸(16K纸)的尺寸为:297mm×210mm,32K笔记本(A5笔记本)规格为:21cm × 14.8cm。 纸张按种类可分为新闻纸、凸版印刷纸、胶版纸、有光铜版纸、哑粉纸、字典纸、地图纸、凹版印刷纸、周报纸、画报纸、白板纸、书面纸、特种纸等。 普通纸张按克重可分为60gsm、80gsm、100gsm、105gsm、120gsm、157gsm、200gsm、250gsm、300gsm、350gsm、400gsm。 8开就是8开的,尺寸是390X270mm,要是word里面没有,那就自行设定,全开,载成8张,你量一下. 纸张的规格是指纸张制成后,经过修整切边,裁成一定的尺寸。过去是以多少"开"(例如8开或16开等)来表示纸张的大小,现在我采用国际标准,规定以A0、A1、A2、B1、B2......等标记来表示纸张的幅面规格。标准规定纸张的幅宽(以X表示)和长度(以Y表示)的比例关系为X:Y=1:n 。 按照纸张幅面的基本面积,把幅面规格分为A系列、B系列和C系列,幅面规格为A0的幅面尺寸为841mm?189mm,幅面面积为1平方米;B0的幅面尺寸为1000mm*414mm,幅面面积为2.5平方米;C0的幅面尺寸为917mm*279mm,幅面面积为2.25平方米;复印纸的幅面规格只采用A系列和B系列。若将A0纸张沿长度方式对开成两等分,便成为A1规格,将A1纸张沿长度方向对开,便成为A2规格,如此对开至A8规格;B8纸张亦按此法对开至B8规格。A0~A8和B0~B8的幅面尺寸见下表所列。其中A3、A4、A5、A6和B4、B5、B6等7种幅面规格为复印纸常用的规格。 举例说明:“A4”纸,就是将A型基本尺寸的纸折叠4次,所以一张A4纸的面积就是基本纸面积的2的4次方分之一,即1/16。其余依此类推。 以前在做图片的时候从来没想过要做多大的尺寸,总觉得像素换算成我们常用的毫米、厘米等基本单位很难,而且还要考虑分辨率的大小,上次满怀信心地制作简历封面,图的效果很好,但用A4纸打印出来的模糊又难看,今天专门研究了这个问题,其实也并不难,分析如下: A4纸的尺寸是210mm*297mm,也就是21.0cm*29.7cm,而1英寸=2.54cm,当分辨率为72像素/英寸时,我们将其换算成像素/厘米就是28.3,现在,我们将其转换为制作图片时的像素就是(21*28.3)*(29.7*28.3),即:595*842(单位为像素);同样的道理,我们可以得到:当分辨率为300像素/英寸时,A4大小是2479*3508;(单位为像素)当分辨率为120像素/英寸时,A4大小为1487*2105。(单位为像素) 所以如果你要将做的图片打印出来的话,最好先进行换算,不然很可能会降低图片质量的!一般情况下,如果是印刷品,最好用300像素/英寸,如果是打印机或者喷绘,可以选择72像素/英寸的分辨率。


纸张的大小 国际标准化组织的ISO 216国际标准指明了大多数国家使用的标准纸张的尺寸。此标准源自德国,在1922年通过,定义了A、B、C三组纸张尺寸,C组纸张尺寸主要用于信封。另外,有些国家也有自己的标准,如美国,日本。这里主要是指办公用纸。下面是一些标准纸张的具体尺寸。单位:mm A组纸张尺寸的长宽比都是,然后舍去到最接近的毫米值。 A0定义成面积为1平方米,长宽比为的纸张。接下来的A1、A2、A3……等纸张尺寸,都是定义成将编号少一号的纸张沿著长边对折,然后舍去到最接近的毫米值。最常用到的纸张尺寸是A4,后来为了能在打印出全副A3 大小的图像,又定义了A3+和SRA3大小,就是人们通常说的“出血”纸,A3+的大小是457mm x 305mm,SRA3的大小是450mm x 320mm。 B组纸张尺寸是编号相同与编号少一号的A组纸张的几何平均。举例来说,B1是A1和A0的几何平均。同样地,C组纸张尺寸是编号相同的A、B组纸张的几何平均。举例来说,C2是B2和A2的几何平均。(此外,日本有一种不兼容的B组纸张尺寸,是用算术平均而不是用几何平均来定义的。)C组纸张尺寸主要使用于信封。一张A4大小的纸张可以刚好放进一个C4大小的信封。如果你把A4纸张对折变成A5纸张,那它就可以刚好放进C5大小的信封,同理类推。

日本工业标准协会JIS定义了自己的标准JIS P 0138-61,它接近与ISO 216 B,所以,我们常常看到B5JIS 等,就是指日本标准的B5纸张,具体尺寸如下,单位:mm 我国按国家标准规定生产的纸张称作全开纸,把一张全开纸裁切或折叠成面积相等的若干小张,叫多少开数,装订成册,即为多少开本。各种开本的规格,全国有统一的标准,所以全国各地印制出来的图书,同一规格都是同样大小的。 由于各种规格的纸张幅面大小不一样,虽然都裁折成同一开数,其大小规格也不一样,订 成书后,如统称为多少开本就不确切了。我国目前以787*1092(mm)的纸为标准印张,用它来 印成32开的书,叫做32开本。若以850*1168(mm)的纸来印成32开的书,因纸张幅面比标准 印张大,故要冠一个“大”字,称为大32开本。 开度大度开切毛尺寸成品净尺寸正度毛尺寸成品净尺寸 全开1194×889 1160×860 1092×787 1060×760 对开889×597 860×580 787×546 760×530 长对开1194×444.5 1160×430 1092×393.5 1060×375 三开889×398 860×350 787×364 760×345 丁字三开749.5×444.5 720×430 698.5×393.5 680×375 四开597×444.5 580×430 546×393.5 530×375 长四开298.5×88.9 285×860 787×273 760×260 五开380×480 355×460 330×450 305×430 六开398×44.5 370×430 364×393.5 345×375 八开444.5×298.5 430×285 393.5×273 375×260 九开296.3×398 280×390 262.3×364 240×350 十二开298.5×296.3 285×280 273×262.3 260×250 十六开298.5×222.25 285×210 273×262.3 260×185 十八开199×296.3 180×280 136.5×262.3 120×250 二十开222.5×238 270×160 273×157.4 260×40 二十四开222.5×199 210×185 196.75×182 185×170 二十八开298.5×127 280×110 273×112.41 260×100 三十二开222.5×149.25 210×140 196.75×136.5 185×130 六十四开149.25×111.12 130×100 136.5×98.37 120×80


网页设计标准尺寸: 1、800*600下,网页宽度保持在778以内,就不会出现水平滚动条,高度则视版面和内容决定。 2、1024*768下,网页宽度保持在1002以内,如果满框显示的话,高度是612-615之间.就不会出现水平滚动条和垂直滚动条。 3、在ps里面做网页可以在800*600状态下显示全屏,页面的下方又不会出现滑动条,尺寸为740*560左右 4、在PS里做的图到了网上就不一样了,颜色等等方面,因为WEB上面只用到256WEB安全色,而PS中的RGB或者CMYK以及LAB或者HSB的色域很宽颜色范围很广,所以自然会有失色的现象. 页面标准按800*600分辨率制作,实际尺寸为778*434px 页面长度原则上不超过3屏,宽度不超过1屏 每个标准页面为A4幅面大小,即8.5X11英寸 全尺寸banner为468*60px,半尺寸banner为234*60px,小banner为88*31px 另外120*90,120*60也是小图标的标准尺寸 每个非首页静态页面含图片字节不超过60K,全尺寸banner不超过14K 标准网页广告尺寸规格 一、120*120,这种广告规格适用于产品或新闻照片展示。 二、120*60,这种广告规格主要用于做LOGO使用。 三、120*90,主要应用于产品演示或大型LOGO。 四、125*125,这种规格适于表现照片效果的图像广告。 五、234*60,这种规格适用于框架或左右形式主页的广告链接。 六、392*72,主要用于有较多图片展示的广告条,用于页眉或页脚。 七、468*60,应用最为广泛的广告条尺寸,用于页眉或页脚。 八、88*31,主要用于网页链接,或网站小型LOGO。 广告形式像素大小最大尺寸备注 BUTTON 120*60(必须用gif) 7K 215*50(必须用gif) 7K 通栏 760*100 25K 静态图片或减少运动效果 430*50 15K 超级通栏 760*100 to 760*200 共40K 静态图片或减少运动效果 巨幅广告 336*280 35K 585*120 竖边广告 130*300 25K 全屏广告 800*600 40K 必须为静态图片,FLASH格式 图文混排各频道不同 15K


常用印刷纸张分类 铜版纸 特性:表面光滑,白度较高,纸质纤维分布均匀,厚薄一致,伸缩性小,有较好的弹性和较强的抗水性能和抗张性能,对油墨的吸收性与接受状态十分良好。铜版纸有单、双面两类。 主要用途:主要用于印刷画册、封面、明信片、精美的产品样本以及彩色商标等。 克重:常见有80、105、128、157、200、250、300、350(g/m2)。 亚粉纸 特性:与铜版纸所不同的是该纸表面哑光,纸质纤维分布均匀,厚薄性好,密度高,弹性较好且具有较强的抗水性能和抗张性能,对油墨的吸收性与接收状态略低于铜版纸,但厚度较铜版纸略高。 主要用途:主要用于印刷画册、卡片、明信片、精美的产品样本等。 克重:常见有80、105、128、157、200、250、300、350(g/m2)。 白卡纸 特性:是一种较厚实坚挺的白色卡纸。分黄芯和白芯两种。 主要用途:主要用于印刷名片、明信片、请柬、证书及包装装潢用的印刷品。 克重:250、300、350、400(g/m2)。

白板纸 特性:内芯为灰色,纸质厚实,坚挺。分灰底白和白底白两种。 主要用途:主要用于各种包装装潢用的印刷品。 克重:250,300,350,400 (g/m2)。 双胶纸 特性:适用广泛,质量稳定。 主要用途:主要用于各种说明书,信封,信签等。 克重:60,70,80,90,100,120(g/m2)。 书写纸 特性:书写纸是供墨水书写用的纸张,纸张要求写时不洇。 主要用途:主要用于印刷练习本、日记本、表格和帐薄等。 克重:45,50,60,70,80 (g/m2)。 牛皮纸 特性:具有很高的拉力,有单光、双光、条纹、无纹等。分白牛皮和黄牛皮两种 主要用途:主要用于包装纸、信封、纸袋等。 克重:60,70,80,100,120 (g/m2)。 艺术纸 特性:种类繁多。


常用纸张的尺寸大小对 照表 Document number:NOCG-YUNOO-BUYTT-UU986-1986UT

纸张的大小 国际标准化组织的ISO216国际标准指明了大多数国家使用的标准纸张的尺寸。此标准源自德国,在1922年通过,定义了A、B、C三组纸张尺寸,C组纸张尺寸主要用于信封。另外,有些国家也有自己的标准,如美国,日本。这里主要是指办公用纸。下面是一些标准纸张的具体尺寸。单位:mm ISO216A ISO216B ISO216C A0 841×1189 B0 1000×1414 C0 917×1297 A1 594×841 B1 707×1000 C1 648×917 A2 420×594 B2 500×707 C2 458×648 A3 297×420 B3 353×500 C3 324×458 A4 210×297 B4 250×353 C4 229×324 A5 148×210 B5 176×250 C5 162×229 A6 105×148 B6 125×176 C6 114×162 A7 74×105 B7 88×125 C7 81×114 A8 52×74 B8 62×88 DL 110×220 A9 37×52 B9 44×62 C7/6 81×162 A10 26×37 B10 31×44 A组纸张尺寸的长宽比都是,然后舍去到最接近的毫米值。 A0定义成面积为1平方米,长宽比为的纸张。接下来的A1、A2、A3……等纸张尺寸,都是定义成将编号少一号的纸张沿着长边对折,然后舍去到最接近的毫米值。 最常用到的纸张尺寸是A4,后来为了能在打印出全副A3大小的图像,又定义了A3+和SRA3大小,就是人们通常说的“出血”纸,A3+的大小是457mmx305mm,SRA3的大小是450mmx320mm。 B组纸张尺寸是编号相同与编号少一号的A组纸张的几何平均。举例来说,B1是A1和A0的几何平均。同样地,C组纸张尺寸是编号相同的A、B组纸张的几何平均。举例来说,C2是B2和A2的几何平均。(此外,日本有一种不兼容的B组纸张尺寸,是用算术平均而不是用几何平均来定义的。)C组纸张尺寸主要使用于信封。一张A4大小的纸张可以刚好放进一个C4大小的信封。如果你把A4纸张对折变成A5纸张,那它就可以刚好放进C5大小的信封,同理类推。 美国国家标准化组织ANSI定义了自己的标准,具体尺寸如下 名称纸张大小(mm)名称纸张大小(mm) Letter 216×279 Legal 216×356 Executive 190×254 Ledger/Tabloid 279×432


标准是大度16K ,285X210mm 纸张的规格 1.纸张有哪几种规格? 常用纸张有大度和正度两种规格。 2.什么叫大度纸? 规格889*1193 (mm)为大度纸。 3.什么是正度纸? 规格787*1092 (mm)为正度纸。 4.如何计算纸张的开数? 将全纸张对折为对开,对开纸再对折为四开 纸张的计量 1.什么是纸张的计量单位? 令或卷。 2.什么叫卷筒纸? 将整条纸卷成一个筒。 3.多少张纸为一令? 一令为500张纸。(有些国家一令为1000张纸)4.卷与令是如何换算? 通常一卷约相当于10令。 5.纸张厚薄以什么衡量? 克重。(克数多,纸张就厚) 6.克重表示什么? 克重表示一张纸每平方米的重量。 各常规尺寸 名片 横版:90*55mm<方角> 85*54mm<圆角>

竖版:50*90mm<方角> 54*85mm<圆角> 方版:90*90mm 90*95mm IC卡 85x54MM 三折页广告标准尺寸: (A4)210mm x 285mm 普通宣传册标准尺寸: (A4)210mm x 285mm 文件封套标准尺寸:220mm x 305mm 招贴画:标准尺寸:540mm x 380mm 挂旗:标准尺寸:8开376mm x 265mm 4开 540mm x 380mm 手提袋:标准尺寸:400mm x 285mm x 80mm 信纸便条:标准尺寸:185mm x 260mm 210mm x 285mm 正度纸张:787×1092mm 开数(正度) 尺寸单位(mm) 全开781×1086 2开530×760 3开362×781 4开390×543 6开362×390 8开271×39016开195×271 注:成品尺寸=纸张尺寸-修边尺寸 大度纸张:850*1168mm 开数(正度) 尺寸单位(mm) 常见开本尺寸(单位:mm) 开本尺寸:787 x 1092 对开:736 x 520 4开:520 x 368 8开:368 x 260 16开:260 x 184 32开:184 x 130 开本尺寸(大度):850 x 1168 对开:570 x 840 4开:420 x 570 8开:285 x 420


各种标准纸张大小 最标准的各种纸张尺寸,比如A0\A1\A2\A3\A4的各种尺寸都有记录。 A0=1189*841 A1=841*594 A2=594*420 A3=420*297 A4=297*210 A5:148×210mm A6:105*148mm A7 74×105 A8 52×74 B1:706×1000mm B2:500×706mm B3:353×500mm B4:250×353mm B5:176×250mmB6 125×176 B7 88×125 B8 62×88单位是毫米

国家规定的开本尺寸是采用的国际标准系列,现已定入国家行业标准GB/T 1999内在全国执行。书刊本册现行开本尺寸主要是A系列规 格,有以下几种: A4(16k)297mm×210mm; A5(32k)210mm×148mm; A6(64k)144mm×105mm; A3(8k)420mm×297mm; 注意:其中A3(8k)尺寸尚未定入,但普遍用。 我们日常生活中说说的A4复印纸,8K纸就是指这些尺寸,即A4纸(16K纸)的尺寸为:297mm×210mm,32K笔记本(A5笔记本)规 格为:21cm ×14.8cm。 纸张尺寸介绍: a2纸的尺寸(大4开)594mm×420mm a3纸尺寸(大8开)420mm×297mm a4纸尺寸(大16开)297mm×210mm b4纸尺寸(16开) b5纸的尺寸(32开) 8开纸尺寸

纸张按种类可分为新闻纸、凸版印刷纸、胶版纸、有光铜版纸、哑粉纸、字典纸、地图纸、凹版印刷纸、周报纸、画报纸、白板纸、书面纸、特种纸等。普通纸张按克重可分为60gsm、80gsm、100gsm、105gsm、120gsm、157gsm、200gsm、250gsm、300gsm、350gsm、 400gsm。 8开就是8开的,尺寸是390X270mm,要是word里面没有,那就自 行设定。 全开,载成8张,你量一下. 纸张的规格是指纸张制成后,经过修整切边,裁成一定的尺寸。过去是以多少"开"(例如8开或16开等)来表示纸张的大小,现在我采用国际标准,规定以A0、A1、A2、B1、B2......等标记来表示纸张的幅面规格。标准规定纸张的幅宽(以X表示)和长度(以Y表示)的比 例关系为X:Y=1:n 。 按照纸张幅面的基本面积,把幅面规格分为A系列、B系列和C系列,幅面规格为A0的幅面尺寸为841mm?189mm,幅面面积为1平方米;B0的幅面尺寸为1000mm?414mm,幅面面积为2.5平方米;C0的幅面尺寸为917mm?279mm,幅面面积为2.25平方米;复印纸的幅面规格只采用A系列和B系列。若将A0纸张沿长度方式对开成两等分,便成为A1规格,将A1纸张沿长度方向对开,便成为A2规格,如此对开至A8规格;B8纸张亦按此法对开至B8规格。A0~A8和B0~B8的幅面尺寸见下表所列。其中A3、A4、A5、A6和B4、B5、B6等


各种规格纸张型号和规格大小 纸张的规格是指纸张制成后,经过修整切边,裁成一定的尺寸。过去是以多少"开"(例如8开或16开等)来表示纸张的大小,现在我采用国际标准,规定以A0、A1、A2、B1、B2......等标记来表示纸张的幅面规格。标准规定纸张的幅宽(以X表示)和长度(以Y表示)的比例关系为X:Y=1:n 。 按照纸张幅面的基本面积,把幅面规格分为A系列、B系列和C系列,幅面规格为A0的幅面尺寸为841mm×1189mm,幅面面积为1平方米;B0的幅面尺寸为1000mm×1414mm,幅面面积为2.5平方米;C0的幅面尺寸为917mm×1279mm,幅面面积为2.25平方米;复印纸的幅面规格只采用A系列和B系列。若将A0纸张沿长度方式对开成两等分,便成为A1规格,将A1纸张沿长度方向对开,便成为A2规格,如此对开至A8规格;B8纸张亦按此法对开至B8规格。A0~A8和B0~B8的幅面尺寸见下表所列。其中A3、A4、A5、A6和B4、B5、B6等7种幅面规格为复印纸常用的规格。 举例说明:“A4”纸,就是将A型基本尺寸的纸折叠4次,所以一张A4纸的面积就是基本纸面积的2的4次方分之一,即1/16。其余依此类推。 一般打印纸就是采用复印纸,复印纸的分类是按大小分的,有几个标 准:1、A型;2、B型;3、K型,K型纸就是我们常说的开型纸,只有在国内才有用K型纸的。现在一般都用A型纸。不管A型B型,它的分类

都是这样的,比如A5是A6的两倍,A4是A5的两倍,A3是A4的两倍,B4是B5的两倍B3是B4的两倍,而K型的分类是把一张大的1K的纸分为两张为2K,把2K的纸分为一半为4K,把4K的分为一半为8K,把8K 分为一半为16K,把16K分为一半则为32K等。 还有办公用的专用打印纸,分类是按纸张的大小和层数分的,比如 241-1,241-2,它们分别表示1层和2层的窄行打印纸,当然还有3层4层的;常用的宽行打印纸还有381-1,381-2等。 还有按纸张的厚度来分的,比如60g、70g、75g、85g、120g等等,是指在单位面积纸的重量是多重,因为纸的密度基本上是一样的,在单位面积纸的重量越重,纸的厚度就越厚。比如一般速印机用的是40g左右的纸,而一体机用的是50-60g的纸,而复印机用的是70-85g的纸,打印机用的一般最低不要使用低于60g厚的纸,否则就容易卡纸。 我国原来的开本是由787×1092(mm)纸张来开的。由于787×1092(mm)纸张的开本是我国自行定义的,与国际标准不一致,因此是一种已经淘汰的非标准开本。 1K:787×1092 2K:546×787 4K:393×546 8K:273×393


各种标准纸张大小A1,A2,A3,A4纸的尺寸最标准的各种纸张尺寸,比如A0\A1\A2\A3\A4的各种尺寸都有记录。 A0=1189*841 A1=841*594 A2=594*420 A3=420*297 A4=297*210 单位是毫米 国家规定的开本尺寸是采用的国际标准系列,现已定入国家行业标准GB/T 1999内在全国执行。书刊本册现行开本尺寸主要是A系列规格,有以下几种:A4(16k)297mm×210mm; A5(32k)210mm×148mm; A6(64k)144mm×105mm; A3(8k)420mm×297mm; 注意:其中A3(8k)尺寸尚未定入,但普遍用。 我们日常生活中说说的A4复印纸,8K纸就是指这些尺寸,即A4纸(16K 纸)的尺寸为:297mm×210mm,32K笔记本(A5笔记本)规格为:21cm ×14.8cm。 纸张尺寸介绍: a2纸的尺寸(大4开)594mm×420mm a3纸尺寸(大8开)420mm×297mm a4纸尺寸(大16开)297mm×210mm b4纸尺寸(16开) b5纸的尺寸(32开) 8开纸尺寸

纸张按种类可分为新闻纸、凸版印刷纸、胶版纸、有光铜版纸、哑粉纸、字典纸、地图纸、凹版印刷纸、周报纸、画报纸、白板纸、书面纸、特种纸等。 普通纸张按克重可分为60gsm、80gsm、100gsm、105gsm、120gsm、157gsm、200gsm、250gsm、300gsm、350gsm、400gsm。 8开就是8开的,尺寸是390X270mm,要是word里面没有,那就自行设定。 全开,载成8张,你量一下. 纸张的规格是指纸张制成后,经过修整切边,裁成一定的尺寸。过去是以多少"开"(例如8开或16开等)来表示纸张的大小,现在我采用国际标准,规定以A0、A1、A2、B1、B2......等标记来表示纸张的幅面规格。标准规定纸张的幅宽(以X表示)和长度(以Y表示)的比例关系为X:Y=1:n 。 按照纸张幅面的基本面积,把幅面规格分为A系列、B系列和C系列,幅面规格为A0的幅面尺寸为841mm?189mm,幅面面积为1平方米;B0的幅面尺寸为1000mm?414mm,幅面面积为2.5平方米;C0的幅面尺寸为917mm?279mm,幅面面积为2.25平方米;复印纸的幅面规格只采用A系列和B系列。若将A0纸张沿长度方式对开成两等分,便成为A1规格,将A1纸张沿长度方向对开,便成为A2规格,如此对开至A8规格;B8纸张亦按此法对开至B8规格。A0~A8和B0~B8的幅面尺寸见下表所列。其中A3、A4、A5、A6和B4、B5、B6等7种幅面规格为复印纸常用的规格。 举例说明:“A4”纸,就是将A型基本尺寸的纸折叠4次,所以一张A4纸的面积就是基本纸面积的2的4次方分之一,即1/16。其余依此类推。 以前在做图片的时候从来没想过要做多大的尺寸,总觉得像素换算成我们常用的毫米、厘米等基本单位很难,而且还要考虑分辨率的大小,上次满怀信心地制作简历封面,图的效果很好,但用A4纸打印出来的模糊又难看,今天专门研究了这个问题,其实也并不难,分析如下: A4纸的尺寸是210mm*297mm,也就是21.0cm*29.7cm,而1英寸=2.54cm,


纸张的类型主要是从使用特点的角度分类,常见的纸张类型有复印纸、喷墨纸、普通照片纸,光泽照片纸,高质量光泽照片纸、亚光纸、绘图纸、彩机纸等。纸张的种类非常多,每种类型没有严格的定义,并且有些类型是相似的。总的来说复印纸、喷墨纸、普通照片纸,光泽照片纸,高质量光泽照片纸、亚光纸等可以算一个系列。复印纸因为适用复印机而得名,是最常见的纸张,除了用于复印机,还可以用于激光打印机、喷墨打印机的文本打印或者草稿打印等。它相对其他介质来说,价格比较便宜,而且容易购买,特别是在频繁打印文本内容的情况下,使用普通纸会节省不少费用。 喷墨纸是适用于彩色喷墨打印机的纸张,它在普通纸基础上涂有一层较薄的介质,使纸张更加具有光泽同时发白。通常各大厂商会根据自己的墨水的特点配以相应的涂层,使打印出的图像更加亮丽清晰。当然这类纸张根据应用纸张的类型不同,分为许多种,如以硬卡纸为底的喷墨卡片纸,以丝绢为底的喷墨丝绢布等等。 纸张的的大小和形状是由长、宽尺寸决定的。其长、宽尺寸是依据印刷品的开法(最常用的为几何级数开切为32开)和印版的要求由国家主管部门规定的。国际标准尺寸是根据DLN476(德国工业标准)由ISO国际标准化组织推荐使用的。这个标准尺寸是根据奥斯特瓦尔教授的标准尺寸制定的。纸张长边和短边的比例是:1:2或1:。这种尺寸无论是对开、四开或八开,其长边与短边的比例始终保持一样。国外不少国家都采用这个长宽比,我国也是这样,因此目前我们使用的打印、复印纸长边和短边的比例都是1:。下边列出了常见纸张大小的尺寸:

平面设计常用制作纸张尺寸正度纸张:787×1092mm 开数(正度) 尺寸单位(mm)全开781×1086


T 525 om-92 SUGGESTED METHOD – 1972 HISTORICAL METHOD – 1985 OFFICIAL TEST METHOD – 1986 REVISED – 1992 ? 1992 TAPPI The information and data contained in this document were prepared by a technical committee of the Association. The committee and the Association assume no liability or responsibility in connection with the use of such information or data, including but not limited to any liability or responsibility under patent, copyright, or trade secret laws. The user is responsible for determining that this document is the most recent edition published. Diffuse brightness of pulp (d/0°) 1.Scope 1.1This method is to be used to evaluate the diffuse blue reflectance factor (diffuse brightness) of pulp by measuring handsheets prepared according to TAPPI T 218 “Forming Handsheets for Reflectance Tests of Pulp.” The measurement of handsheets is the most commonly accepted procedure for obtaining pulp brightness; however, machine-dried sheets can also be used. NOTE 1:The brightness of a handsheet will usually be 0.5 to 1.0 unit higher than that of a machine-dried sheet made from the same pulp. 1.2This method utilizes an integrating sphere to provide diffuse illumination and perpendicular (0°) observation geometry (1). With this geometry, specimen surface structure and azimuthal orientation have negligible effect on brightness. 1.3The instrument has a relatively large specimen aperture for the purpose of averaging small area variations in reflectance, making it possible to obtain a reliable average value with only a few individual measurements. 1.4This method is not intended for use with colored materials. 1.5Although this method does not specifically exclude naturally fluorescent pulps or the use of optical brighteners, paper manufacturers may wish to limit their pulp suppliers in their use of optical brighteners. Such additives may reduce the potential for paper manufacturers to control brightness by the use of additional optical brighteners. 2.Summary Diffuse reflectance is measured at an effective wavelength of 457 nm by using a suitable filter set or an equivalent device for modifying the spectral response and an instrument having diffuse illumination and perpendicular observation geometry. The measurements are made in terms of absolute reflectance. 3.Significance 3.1Blue-light reflectance measurements were originally designed to provide an indication of the amount of bleaching that has taken place in the manufacture of pulp. The higher the blue-light reflectance, generally the whiter the products will appear. The method provides a simple, single-number index useful for comparing similar white materials; however, colored materials are better identified by using a standardized three-dimensional color space [see TAPPI T 442“Spectral Reflectance Factor, Transmittance, and Color of Paper and Pulp (Polychromatic Illumination),” T 524 “Color of White and Near-White Paper and Paperboard by L, a, b 45° 0° Colorimetry,” and T 527 “Color of Paper and Paperboard in CIE Y; x, y, or Y, Dominant Wavelength and Excitation Purity”]. Approved by the Optical Properties Committee of the Process and Product Quality Division TAPPI
