具有公认可靠度的 MINI-MELF 电阻_cn

SMM0204 .... EN803 E8
Vishay Draloric
型号 SMM0204 .... EN803 E8 代码 B1 B3 数量 1000 3000 包装类别 抗静电吸塑卷轴 符合 IEC 60286-3, Type II 宽度 8 mm 引脚间距 4 mm 卷轴直径 180 mm/7"
SMM0204 .... EN803 E8
具有公认可靠性的 MINI-MELF 电阻 MINI-MELF Resistors with Established Reliability
电阻器可用于自动表面贴装 (SMD)装配系统。它们适于通 过如 IEC 61760-1 (3) 中所示的波峰焊、回流焊或汽相焊进行 自动焊接。 规定其焊接可保持生产或再次质检后的 2 年不变, 但其出色的可焊性已经获得公认,即便在 10 年以上的扩存后 仍然如此。其存储寿命为 20 年。 电阻完全符合无铅 (Pb)标准,纯锡电镀可兼容无铅 (Pb) 和含铅焊接工艺。电镀防止锡须增长的能力,已通过广泛测 试进行了证明。 这种封装可耐受常用于电子行业的所有清洗剂,包括醇类、 酯类和水溶液等。如果采用了这些封装,那么将会利用适当 的方法对涂层的适用性进行验证,以保证整个系统长期的稳 定性。 所有产品均符合 GADSL(1) 和 CEFIC-EECA-EICTA(2) 关于有 害物质的法规。它们完全符合以下指令: 2000/53/EC 汽车报废指令 (ELV)和附件 II (ELV II) 2002/95/EC 限制使用有害物质指令 (RoHS) 2002/96/EC 废电器及电子设备指令 (WEEE)
波峰焊 类型 SMM0204 .... EN803 E8 G (mm) 1.5 Y (mm) 1.5 X (mm) 1.8 Z (mm) 4.5 G (mm) 1.6 Y (mm) 1.25 回流焊 X (mm) 1.7 Z (mm) 4.1
MEF 系列无引线精密金属膜电阻

产品规格:o技术特点:降功率曲线:o无引线圆柱状外形、涂覆封装、色环标志、高精密、o低温度系数. 适用于有高精度要求的表面贴装(SMD)o电子线路。
o工作温度范围: -65℃~ +155℃。
o尺寸(mm):o型号o0204o0207o0208o额定功率(70℃)(W)o0.25o0.50o0.75o最大工作电压(V)o200o250o250o尺寸(mm)o L +/- 0.3o 3.50o 5.60o8.50o D +/- 0.4o 1.35o 2.15o 3.00o C +/- 0.1o 1.00o 1.40o 1.90o标称阻值范围( Ω )及相应标称阻值误差,标称阻值范围( Ω )及相应温度系数:o0204o0207/0208o TOLo0204o0207/0208o TCRo100~600Ko20 ~ 1M21o A5 ( +/- 0.05%)o50~ 600Ko50 ~ 1Mo C7( +/- 5PPM/℃)o50 ~600Ko20 ~ 1M21o B( +/- 0.10%)o50~ 600Ko50 ~ 1Mo C6( +/- 10PPM/℃)o50 ~ 1Mo20 ~ 3Mo C( +/- 0.25%)o30~ 600Ko30 ~ 3Mo C5( +/- 15PPM/℃)o 1 ~ 1Mo 1 ~ 5Mo D( +/- 0.50%)o10~ 600Ko10 ~ 3Mo C3( +/- 25PPM/℃)o 1 ~ 1Mo 1 ~ 10Mo F( +/- 1.00%)o1~ 1Mo 1 ~ 4M5o C2( +/- 50PPM/℃)o 1 ~ 1Mo0.1 ~ 10Mo G( +/- 2.00%)o注:超过以上标准范围的,可协商订货。
o主要质量一致性检验项目:o项目o方法o要求o寿命o GJB244A-2001 4.8.18额定功率,70℃,2000ho GJB244A-2001 3.24oΔR/R 0.50%+0.01 Ω)o耐湿o GJB244A-2001 4.8.15 -10℃~+65℃, RH > 90%,额定功率,循环240h. o GJB244A-2001 3.21oΔR/Ro温度冲击o GJB244A-2001 4.8.2 -65℃~ 150℃每个温度点各0.5h,循环5次o GJB244A-2001 3.8oΔR/Ro可焊性o GJB244A-2001 4.8.7槽温:235 +/- 5℃焊料覆盖层,浸渍时间2So GJB244A-2001 3.13 S >= 95%o耐焊接热o GJB244A-2001 4.8.14o GJB244A-2001 3.20oΔR/Ro短时间过载o施加电压应为2.5倍额定电压或2倍元件极限电压,取较低者,试验持续时间3S。

50 0 -55 70 175 (°C) (RE)功率 - 温度曲线
型号 额定功率 (W) 最大工作电压(V) 尺寸(Unit: mm) 阻值范围(Ω) 工作溫度范围 标称阻值误差
70 °C L ± 0.3 D ± 0.4 A ± 0.05
RE50 0.125 200 4.0 1.4 0.40
1 ~ 3M
RE55 0.25 200 6.9 2.05 0.60
0.05 ~ 10M
RE60 0.5 250 9.8 3.2 0.60
0.05 ~ 10M
RE65 0.75 300 12.5 3.6 0.60
0.05 ~ 10M
RE70 1.0 350 14.1 4.65 0.80
0.05 ~ 10M
RE75 1.5 500 17.8 7.2 0.80
无机械损伤,飞弧,绝缘击穿 短期
GJB244A (MIL-PRF-55182) 3.17/3.22/3.23 ΔR≤±(0.20%R+0.01Ω)
GJB244A (MIL-PRF-55182)3.20 ΔR≤±(0.10%R+0.01Ω)
Version 2014
GJB244A (MIL-PRF-55182) 3.24 ΔR≤±(0.5%R+0.01Ω) ΔR≤±(2%R+0.01Ω) GJB244A (MIL-PRF-55182)3.21 ΔR≤±(0.4%R+0.01Ω) GJB244A (MIL-PRF-55182)3.25 ΔR≤±(2.0%R+0.01Ω) GJB244A (MIL-PRF-55182) 3.18/3.29/3.16 ΔR≤±(0.15%R+0.01Ω)
MGP MHM系列金属膜MELF电阻器说明书

PULSE WITHSTAND CHART (increased pulse levels avail.) MGP SERIES - Conformal CoatedMHM SERIES - Hermetic SealedMETAL FILM MELF RESISTORSMetal film performance, economical price!RCD Series MGP melf* resistors utilize precision film technologywhich is inherently low inductance, low noise, and high stabilityeven after extended periods. Heavy solder plating assuresexcellent solderability and long shelf life. Series MHM offershermetically sealed environmental protection and utmostreliability. MGP series parts are color banded, MHM are alphanu-merically marked with resistance and tolerance. *Melf = metalelectrode face-bonded (cylindrical component).OPTIONSOption S: Increased power (refer to chart below)Option P: Increased pulse capabilityOption F: Flameproof coating (per UL94V0)Dozens of additional options are available... burn-in, specialmarking, non-standard values, high frequency designs,matched sets, temp. sensitive, zero-ohm jumpers, etc.Customized components are an RCD specialty!Pulse capability is dependent on res. value, waveform, repetition rate,current, etc. Chart is a general guide for Opt. P pulse resistant version,single pulse, with peak voltage levels not exceeding 1KV for MGP55SP,700V MGP50SP, and 350V MGP45SP. Max pulse capability for standardparts (w/o Opt.P) is 60% less. For improved performance and reliability,a 30-50% pulse derating factor is recommended (or larger for frequentpulses, high values, etc). Consult RCD for application assistance. Verifyselection by evaluating under worst-case conditions.APPLICATION NOTE #1: Temperature Rise (T HS)The T HS of SM resistors depends largely on heat conduction through theend terminations, which can vary significantly depending on PCBmaterial and layout (i.e. pad size, trace area, copper thickness, air flow,etc.). Typical temp. rise at full rated power is 30-50°C (Opt.S=50-70°C).APPLICATION NOTE #2: Resistor SelectionMGP resistors are ideal for semi-precision SM applications and aregenerally more economical than thin film rectangular chips. For lesscritical applications, consider low cost MCF carbon film melf resistors.For increased performance, especially in high humidity applications(such as Naval or tropical environments), consider MHM series. If flatchips are preferred, consider BLU series (precision) or MC series (semi-precision/ general purpose). For higher power, consider MPF series.Industry’s widest selection of metal film MELF resistors-.1W to .5W, 0.1Ω to 22MΩ, 0.1% to 5%, 10ppm to 100ppm/°CLow cost, quick delivery (available on SWIFT TM program)Precision performance, excellent environmental stabilitySeries MHM hermetic sealed is an industry first!SPECIFICATIONS1 Max working voltage determined E= √(PxR), not to exceed the value listed.2 Consult factory for non-standard range3 PreliminaryInch [mm]* Typical performance levels listed are for standard products from 10Ω to 1M.Consult factory for performance levels of extended range and modified designs.** To ensure utmost reliability, care should be taken to avoid potential sources ofionic contaminationDCRepyTW ega t t a)d t S(ega t t aW)'S'.t pO(ega t l oVgn i t aR2,1ecna t s i seRegnaR2c i r t ce l e i Dh t gne r t S2]3.[210.±L]2.[80.±D).n iM(W)xaM(t2 54PGM W1.W51.V11ΩM1o t V2]0.2[970.]21.1[440.]3.[210.]670.[30.5PGM W521.W52.V281.0ΩM1o t V52]4.3[531.]54.1[750.]5.[20.]1.[40.55PGM W52.W5.V521.0ΩM22o t V53]9.5[232.]51.2[580.]6.[420.]51.[60.55MHM3W521.W52.V5201ΩK2o t V53]0.7[572.]50.3[21.]72.1[50.]51.[60.MGP55SPMGP50SPMGP45SP1uS 10uS 100uS 1mS 10mS 100mSPulse DurationPeakPower(Watts)1000100101RESISTORS CAPACITOR S C OILS DELAY LINES FA031D Sale of this product is in accordance with GF-061. Specifications subject to change without notice.ToleranceOptionsRCD Components Inc, 520 E.Industrial Park Dr, Manchester, NH, USA 03109 Tel: 603-669-0054 Fax: 603-669-5455 Email:***********************20Term.W isRoHScompliant& 260°Ccompatible。

10R-100K 4.7R-510K 1R-1M 1M-10M 10R-100K 4.7R-510K 1R-1M 1M-5.1M 10R-100K 4.7R-510K 1R-1M 1M-5.1M 10R-100K 4.7R-510K 1R-1M 1M-5.1M
精度 A=±0.05% B=±0.1% C=±0.25% D=±0.5% F=±1%
阻值 1R00=1R 1K00=1000R 510K=510000R 1M00=1000000R 10M0=10000000R
温飘 V=±5ppm N=±10ppm M=±15ppm P=±25ppm Q=±50ppm K=±100ppm
80 60 40 20
-55 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
选型示例:EMFR1W00C1M00P9 (EMFR 1W00 ±0.25% 1M ±25ppm)
系列号 EMFR
功率 W250=0.25W W500=0.5W 1W00=1W 2W00=2W
可选精度 (%)
±0.05, ±0.1, ±0.25, ±0.5, ±1 ±0.1, ±0.25, ±0.5, ±1 ±0.1, ±0.25, ±0.5, ±1 ±0.1, ±0.25, ±0.5, ±1 ±0.05, ±0.1, ±0.25, ±0.5, ±1 ±0.1, ±0.25, ±0.5, ±1 ±0.1, ±0.25, ±0.5, ±1 ±0.1, ±0.25, ±0.5, ±1 ±0.05, ±0.1, ±0.25, ±0.5, ±1 ±0.1, ±0.25, ±0.5, ±1 ±0.1, ±0.25, ±0.5, ±1 ±0.1, ±0.25, ±0.5, ±1 ±0.05, ±0.1, ±0.25, ±0.5, ±1 ±0.1, ±0.25, ±0.5, ±1 ±0.1, ±0.25, ±0.5, ±1 ±0.1, ±0.25, ±0.5, ±1
MF 精密金属膜电阻

2.形名依据其种类、额定电力、端子形状、特性、公称电阻值及容许误差等分别注明2-1种类精密型金属皮膜电阻器以MF表示之2-2额定电力额定电力(W)以数字表示,如1/6W、1/4W、1/2W、1W、2W、3W、5W…2-3端子形状视其端子区分为P型、M型、F型2-4特性温度系数以“T”表示之.如: T-0:±200PPM/℃T-1:±100PPM/℃T-2:±50PPM/℃T-3:±25PPM/℃2-5公称电阻值Ω、KΩ为单位,依据JIS-C6402为选用原则(E-96Series)2-6电阻值及容许差在室温中依电桥法测量,应在指定电阻值之容许差以内B±0.1% C±0.25% D±0.5% F±1% G±2% J±5%深圳市宝安区石岩正信电阻厂3.额定功率额定电力是周围温度70℃以下,可连续使用之负载电力最大值数,且应使机械性能与电气性能满足,如周围温度超越上记温度时,依照图一电力减轻曲线而定.电100力80负60载40率20(%)0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Ambient Temperture(℃)图一1:电力减轻曲线周围温度依公式E=√P*R 求出连续使用额定电压,如额定电压超出最高使用电压,则以最高使用电压为连续使用额定电压.E=连续使用额定电压P=额定功率R=公称电阻值3-1最高使用电压所谓最高使用电压,是指依电压所规定可以外加于电阻的直流或交流电压的最大值(商用频率的有效值).一般超过临界电阻值的电阻,都限制在最高使用电压以下,而非依公式E=√PR的额定电压3-2过载电压所谓过载电压,是指可以在额定周围温度下所规定的时间(5秒)外加的直流电壓或交流电压的最大值,通常以额定压的 2.5倍为过负载电压,但以不超过最高过负载电压为原则深圳市宝安区石岩正信电阻厂4.a 高温传道瓷心CERAMIC CORE (HIGH CONDUCTIVITY)b 高稳定性金属皮膜METAL FILM (HIGH STABILITY)c 压合度良好之高信赖性端帽END CAP(HIGH RELIABILITY FITTING BY ORIGINALCAPPRESSING METHOD)d 绝缘及耐溶剂之环气树脂涂漆EPOXY RESIN(INSULATIVE LACQUER. SOLVEN-PROOF)e 符合MIL&EIA 规定之标准色码带COLOR CODE(PER MIL &EIA STANDARDS PERMANENTf 镀锡导线 LEAD WIRE φd深圳市宝安区石岩正信电阻厂6表5-1:阻值范围备注:除了标准阻值范围10Ω~1MΩ外,可以依客户的要求阻值制造7.机械性能7-1端子电阻器之端子确实焊接在电阻体,并有良好焊锡性能7-2 端子弯曲强度一手持电阻体,另一手将端子线弯曲900后,恢复原位,继续再向反方向弯曲900,如此三次而接头不可脱落或折断。

VIKING TECH CORPORATION VIKING TECH CORPORATION KAOHSIUNG BRANCH VIKING ELECTRONICS (WUXI) CO., LTD.()CSRV SeriesMetal Film Precision MELF ResistorFeaturesAEC-Q200 Compliance Thin film technologyExcellent overall stabilitySn termination on Ni barrier layer Tight tolerance down to ±0.1%Extremely low TCR down to ±5 PPM/°C High power rating up to 1 Watts SMD enabled structure Lead-free and RoHS compliantApplicationsAutomotive(non-safety parts) IndustrialTelecommunication Medical EquipmentMeasurement/Testing EquipmentConstruction & DimensionPart NumberingPart Number CSRV0204DTDV1001 Part NumberCSRV0204JT-VR0R0Recommend Land PatternDerating CurveABC100Except for 5ppm5ppmStandard Electrical SpecificationsItem PowerRatingat 70CTCR(PPM/C)±15High Power Rating Electrical SpecificationsItem PowerRatingat 70CTCR(PPM/C)Operating Voltage=√(P*R) or Max. Operating Voltage listed above, whichever is lower.Overload Voltage=2.5*√(P*R) or Max. Overload Voltage listed above, whichever is lower.RCWV(Rated Continuous Working Voltage)=√(P*R) or Max. Operating Voltage whichever is lower.Viking is capable of manufacturing the optional spec based o n customer’s requirement.5% and Below5% and BelowRCWV(Rated Continuous Working Voltage)=√(P*R) or Max. Operating Voltage whichever is lower. ■Storage Temperature: 15~28°C; Humidity < 80%RHPackagingPackaging Quantity & Reel SpecificationsEmboss Plastic Tape SpecificationsTop Tape11.4Min.0.9 Min (CSRV0102)0.9 Min (CSRV0204)1.4 Min (CSRV0207)Pulse withstanding capacityThe single impulse graph is the result of the impulse of rectangular shape applied. The limit of acceptance was a shift in resistance of less than 1% from the initial value. The power applied was subject to the restrictions of the maximum permissible impulse voltage graph shown.Continuous PulseThe continuous load graph was obtained by applying repetitive rectangular pulses where the pulse period was adjusted so that the average power dissipated in the resistor was equal to its rated power at 70 C. Again the limit of acceptance was a shift in resistance of less than 1% from the initial value.Frequency behaviorResistors are designed to function according to ohmic laws. This is basically true of resistors for frequencies up to 100kHz. At higher frequencies, there is an additional contribution to the impedance by an ideal resistor switched in series with a coil and both switched parallel to a capacitor. The values of the capacitance and inductance are mainly determined by the dimensions of the terminations and the conductive path length.Frequency vs. Phase AngleCSR Series(CSR0204)-100-80-60-40-2020406080100110100100010000Frequency (MHz)PhaseAngle(Degree)CSRV Series (CSRV0204)CSR Series(CSR0204)-100-5050100150200110100100010000Frequency (MHz)[Zo]-Ro/Roin%CSRV Series (CSRV0204)Lightning SurgeResistors are tested in accordance with IEC 60115-1 using both 1.2/50us and 10/700us pulse shapes. The limit of acceptance is aFrequency vs. Phase Angle CSR Series(CSR0207)-100-80-60-40-20020406080100110100100010000Frequency (MHz)P h a s e A n g l e (D e g r e e )CSRV Series (CSRV0207)CSR Series(CSR0207)110100100010000Frequency (MHz)CSRV Series (CSRV0207)shift in resistance of less than 0.5% from the initial value.CSR0204CSR0207CSRV0204CSRV0207CSR0204CSR0207CSRV0204CSRV0207Marking & Resistance Tolerance※Resistance more than two significant figures(<1R) or more than three significant figures(>1R) will not provide color code.REVISION HISTORYREVISION DATE CHANGE NOTIFICATION DESCRIPTIONVersion A4Feb 25,2015 --Max overload voltage updated-Increase the color code Description Version A5Apr 30,2015 --Environmental Characteristics updated-Dimension “K” updatedVersion A6Jun 05,2015 - -Electrical Specifications updatedVersion A7Jul 15, 2016 --Size CSRV0102 specifications added-Modify Storage TemperatureVersion A8Mar 06, 2017 - -Electrical Specifications updatedVersion A9Jun 01, 2017 - -Electrical Specifications updatedVersion B Aug 04, 2017 - -Electrical Specifications updatedVersion B1Jan 12, 2018 --Electrical Specifications updated-Increase L1 &ΦD1 DimensionVersion B2Apr 10, 2019 ECN18009-Electrical Specifications updated-Applications: Automotive(non-safety parts) Version B3May 20, 2019 - -Modify TCR Test descriptionVersion B4Sep 30, 2019 --Modify Pulse withstanding capacitydescription & picture-Standard Electrical Jumper spec.-0204 Jumper Specifications 2A-->3A-0207 Jumper Specifications 4A-->5A Version B5Mar 31, 2020 - -Increase 5ppm specification range Version B6Jun 30, 2020 - -Increase 5ppm specification range Version B716 Sep, 2020 - -Increase Jumper SpecificationsVersion B810 Mar, 2021 --Electrical Specifications updated-Modify Soldering Condition (IPC/JEDECJ-STD-020)。

1文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word 版本可编辑.【关键字】知识贴片式元件表面组装技术(surface Mount Technology 简称SMT) 表面贴装 (Surface Mounted Devices 简称SMD) 一、表面贴片组件(形状和封装的规格)表面贴片技术由1960年代开始发展,在1980年代逐渐广泛采用,至现在已发展多种类SMD 组件,优点是体积较小,适合自动化生产而使用在线路更密集的底板上。
SMD 组件封装的形装和尺寸的规格都已标准化,由JEDEC 标准机构统一,以下是SMD 组件封装的命名:1. 二个焊接端的封装形式:矩形封装:通常有片式电阻(Chip-R)/ 片式电容(Chip-C)/ 片式磁珠 (Chip Bead),常以它们的外形尺寸(英制)的长和宽命名,来标志它们的大小,以英制(inch) 或 公制(mm)为单位, 1inch=25.4mm ,如外形尺寸为0.12in×0,06in ,记为1206,公制记为3.2mm×1.6mm 。
常用的尺寸规格见下表:(一般长度误差值为±10%)NO 英制名称 长(L) "X 宽(W) " 公制(M)名称 长(L)X 宽(W) mm 1 01005 0.016" × 0.008" 0402M 0.4 × 0.2 mm 2 0201 0.024” × 0.012" 0603M 0.6 × 0.3 mm 3 0402 0.04” × 0.02" 1005M 1.0 × 0.5mm 4 0603 0.063" × 0.031" 1608M 1.6 × 0.8 mm 5 0805 0.08" × 0.05" 2012M 2.0 × 1.25 mm 6 1206 0.126" × 0.063" 3216M 3.2 × 1.6 mm 7 1210 0.126" × 0.10" 3225M 3.2 × 2.5 mm 8 1808 0.18" × 0.08" 4520M 4.5 × 2.0 mm 9 1812 0.18" × 0.12" 4532M 4.5 × 3.2 mm 10 2010 0.20" × 0.10" 5025M 5..0 × 2.5 mm 1125120.25" × 0.12" 6330M 6.3 × 3.0 mm 较特别尺寸如下: NO 英制名称 长(L) "X 宽(W) " 公制(M)名称 长(L)X 宽(W) mm 1 0306 0.031" × 0.063" 0816M 0.8 ×1.6 mm 2 0508 0.05" × 0.08" 0508M 1.25 × 2.0mm 3 0612 0.063" ×0.12"0612M1.6 × 3.0 mmMELF 封装:MELF(是Metal Electrical Face 的简称) 圆柱体的封装形式,通常有晶圆电阻(Melf-R) /贴式电感(Melf Inductors) /贴式二极管(Melp Diodes ):NO 工业命名 公制(M)名称 长(L)X 直径(D) mm 101022211M2.2 × 1.1 mm片式电阻(Chip-R ) 片式磁珠 (Chip Bead )片式电容(Chip Cap )2 0204 3715M 3.6 × 1.4 mm3 0207 6123M 5.8 × 2.2 mm4 0309 8734M 8.5 × 3.2 mmSOD封装:专为小型二极管设计的一种封装。

精密电阻电容电感选型手册,Resistor 电阻Automotive GradeNew Resistance TCR Product Type Series SPEC Tolerance Size Product Range (ppm/?)Automotive Grade ThinFilm Precision Chip 0402/0603/0805Resistor AR..A 10Ω~1MΩ ?0.05%~?1% 25/50 1206/1210 汽车等级高精密薄膜芯片2010/2512电阻Automotive Grade Chip 0402/0603/0805/1206 Resistor CR..A1Ω~100MΩ ?0.1%~?5%, 100/200/400 1210/2010/2512 汽车等级厚膜芯片电阻Automotive GradeAnti-Sulfurated Chip 0402/0603/0805/1206 AS..A1Ω~10MΩ ?0.5%,?1%,?5% 100/200 Resistor 1210/2010/2512汽车等级抗硫化芯片电阻Automotive Grade Current 0402/0603/0805Sensing Chip Resistor 100/150/200 1206/1210/2010 CS..A3mΩ~8000mΩ ?1%,?2%,?5% 汽车等级电流感应芯片电300/400/6002512/1225/3720阻 7520 Thin filmNew Resistance TCR Product Type Series SPEC Tolerance Size Product Range (ppm/?)0201/0402/0603 Thin Film Precision Chip Resistor 5/10/15 AR1Ω~3MΩ ?0.01%~?1% 0805/1206/1210 高精密薄膜芯片电阻 25/50 2010/2512Anti-Corrosive Thin Film 0402/0603/0805 Precision Chip Resistor PR 10Ω~1.5MΩ ?0.1%~?0.5% 15/25/50 1206/2010/2512 抗蚀高精密薄膜芯片电阻Thin Film Current Sensing Chip 0402/0603/0805 Resistor TCS50mΩ~1000mΩ ?0.5%,?1% 50/100/200 1206/2010/2512 电流感应芯片电阻Wire Bondable Chip Resistor WB 10Ω~332KΩ ?0.1%~?10% 25/50/100 0201/0402/0603 打线式芯片电阻Thin Film Anti-Sulfurated Chip TAS 24.9Ω~499KΩ ?0.05%~?1%10/15/25/50 0603/0805 Resistor曹小姐提供 010 - 5 6 0 3 4 1 9 5 viking台湾光颉提供高精密薄膜抗硫化芯片电阻Thin Film Array Chip Resistor TFAN 100Ω~33KΩ ?0.1%~?1% 10/15/25/50 0603x4 高精密薄膜芯片排阻Resistor ArrayNew TCR Product Type Series SPEC Resistance Range Tolerance Size Product (ppm/?)Thin Film Array Chip Resistor ?0.1%,?0.25% TFAN 100Ω~33KΩ10/15/25/50 0603x4 高精密薄膜芯片排阻 ?0.5%Thick Film Array Chip Resistor CN 1Ω~1MΩ ?1%,?5% 200 0402x4 厚膜芯片排阻 CNAThick Film Flat Array Chip Resistor CN-21 0201x2 10Ω~1MΩ ?5% 200 厚膜芯片平板排阻 CN-41 0201x4MELF/CarbonNew TCR Product Type Series SPEC Resistance Range Tolerance Size Product (ppm/?)Metal Film Precision Resistor 10/15/25 CSR 0.1Ω~10MΩ ?0.1%~?5% 0102/0204/0207tr> 金属精密薄膜电阻 50/100Metal Film Precision Resistor 10/15/25 CSRV 0.1Ω~1MΩ ?0.1%~?5% 0204/0207 金属精密薄膜电阻 50/100Carbon Film Resistor CFS 1Ω~1MΩ ?2%,?5% - 0204/0207/0309 碳膜无脚电阻Thick filmNew Resistance TCR Product Type Series SPEC Tolerance Size Product Range (ppm/?)01005/0201/0402 Thick Film Chip Resistor CR 1Ω~100MΩ ?0.1%~?5%50/100/200/400 /0603/0805/1206/ 厚膜芯片电阻 1210/2010/2512High Ohmic Chip Resistor HMR 110MΩ~1GΩ ?5% 500/1000 0805/1206 高阻值厚膜芯片电阻曹小姐提供 010 - 5 6 0 3 4 1 9 5 viking台湾光颉提供Pulse Withstanding Chip 0603/0805/1206 Resistor PWR1Ω~20MΩ ?0.5%~?5% 100/200 1210/2010/2512 耐突波贴片电阻Surge Withstanding Chip 0603/0805/1206 Resistor SWR1Ω~20MΩ ?5%~?20% 100/200 1210/2010/2512 抗浪涌芯片电阻High Voltage Thick Film 0402/0603/0805 Chip Resistor HVR10Ω~100MΩ ?1%,?5% 100/200/400 1206/2010/2512 耐高压厚膜芯片电阻Anti-Sulfurated Thick Film 0201/0402/0603Chip Resistor AS 1Ω~10MΩ ?0.5%,?1%,?5% 100/200 0805/1206/1210 抗硫化芯片电阻 2010/2512Trimmable Thick Film 0402/0603/0805Chip Resistor RT 1Ω~10MΩ -10%~-30% 100/200 1206/1210/2010 可雷切芯片电阻 2512 LeadedNew Resistance TCR Product Type Series SPEC Tolerance Size Product Range (ppm/?)Metal Film Leaded Precision 5/10/15/25 0318/0623/0932 Resistor MFR 0.1Ω~10MΩ ?0.05%~?1% 50/100 1145/1550 插件式金属精密电阻Me tal Film Leaded Resistor ?0.02%,?0.05%, MFD 10Ω~1MΩ 5/10/15/25 0727/1040 高精密金属膜固定电阻器 ?0.1%Carbon Film Leaded Resistor 0318/0623/0932 CFR 0.1Ω~22MΩ ?2%,?5% - 插件式碳膜电阻 1145/1550Metal Oxide Leaded Film 0623/0932/1145 Resistor MOF0.1Ω~22MΩ ?1%,?2%,?5% 200 1550/1765/2485 插件式金属氧化皮膜电阻Current sensingNew Resistance TCR Product Type Series SPEC Tolerance Size Product Range (ppm/?)0201/0402/0603 Current Sensing Chip 100/150/200/300 0805/1206/1210 Resistor CS 3mΩ~8000mΩ ?1%,?2%,?5% 400/600/1000 2010/2512/1225 电流感应芯片电阻 3720/7520 曹小姐提供 010 - 5 6 0 3 4 1 9 5 viking台湾光颉提供Thin Film Current 0402/0603/0805 Sensing Chip Resistor TCS50mΩ~1000mΩ ?0.5%,?1% 50/100/200 1206/2010/2512 薄膜电流感应芯片电阻Current Sensing Thick 0402/0603/0805 200/500/800 Film Chip Resistor RS 10mΩ~976mΩ ?1%, ?5% 1206/1210/2010 1200/1500 电流感应芯片电阻 2512Ultra Low Ohm (MetalStrip) Chip Resistor LR 0.5mΩ~15mΩ ?1%,?3%,?5% 50/75/100/1501206/2010/2512 1W~3W合金超低阻芯片电阻Chip Shunt Resistor 50/60/75 LRS 0.5mΩ~4mΩ ?1%,?2%,?5% 1050/1575分流芯片电阻 100/120Current Sensing Metal 0805/1206 Chip Resistor CSM10mΩ~100mΩ ?1%,?2%,?5% 50/100 2010/2512 电流感应金属芯片电阻Low Ohm (Metal Strip)Chip Resistor LRM 5mΩ~100mΩ ?1%,?2%,?5% 75/100 1206/2010/2512 合金低阻芯片电阻Power resistorPower ResistorNew TCR Product Type Series SPEC Resistance Range Tolerance power Product (ppm/?)TO-220 Power Resistor ?0.5%,1%, 5%, TR20 0.05Ω~10KΩ 50/100/200/300 20W 插件式功率电阻 10%TO-220 Power Resistor ?0.5%,1%, 5%, TR30 0.05Ω~10KΩ 50/100/200/300 30W 插件式功率电阻 10%TO-220 Power Resistor ?0.5%,1%, 5%, TR35 0.05Ω~10KΩ 50/100/200/300 35W 插件式功率电阻 10%TO-220 Power Resistor ?0.5%,1%, 5%, TR50 0.1Ω~10KΩ 50/100/200/300 50W 插件式功率电阻 10%TO-247 Power Resistor ?0.5%,1%, 5%, TR100 0.05Ω~10KΩ50/100/200/300 100W 插件式功率电阻 10%曹小姐提供 010 - 5 6 0 3 4 1 9 5 viking台湾光颉提供TO-220 Power Resistor ?0.5%,1%, 5%, TR50-H 0.1Ω~10KΩ50/100/200/300 50W 插件式功率电阻 10%,Inductor 电感高频电感(RF Inductor)New Inductance Product Product Description Series SPEC Curve Tolerance SRF(MHZ) DCR(Ω) IDC(mA) Size Product RangeThin Film Chip 0201 Inductor ?0.1,0.2,0.3nH AL 0.1nH~100nH1000~14000 0.1~7.5 75~800 0402 高频薄膜精密芯片电?1%,2%,3%,5% 0603 感Multilayer Chip ?0.3nH 0402 Inductor CL 1nH~220nH 600~10000 0.1~2.7 100~500 ?5%,10% 0603 高频陶瓷积层电感Wire Wound Chip 0402Inductor 0603(Low Profile, High Q, WL 1nH~15000nH ?2%, 5%,10% 15~12700 0.02~11.5 80~2400 0805 Current, High SRF) 1008高频陶瓷绕线电感 1206功率电感(Power Inductor)New Product Inductance Product Series SPEC Tolerance DCR(Ω) I DC(A) Size Product Description RangeNon-shielded,High Power, WireWound Power ?20% 1608/1813/3316 PDH 0.47u~100uH 0.003~1.6 0.4~30 Inductor +40%-20% 4920/5022 开磁路绕线功率电感Non-shielded,Wire Wound Power 1608/3308/3316 Inductor PD 0.18u~1000uH ?20%,30% 0.007~13.8 0.1~40 3340/5022 开磁路绕线功率电感曹小姐提供 010 - 5 6 0 3 4 1 9 5 viking台湾光颉提供Non-shielded,Low Profile Wire 0301/0302/0402/0403 Wound Power PCD1.0u~1000uH ?10%,20% 0.01~10.19 0.09~9.5 0502/0503/0504/0703 Inductor 0705/1004/1005/1006 开磁路绕线功率电感Low Profile , Mini Wire Wound Power Inductor MPI 1.2u~1000uH ?20%, 0.04~22.6 0.08~2.5 0610/0612/0620 小型绕线功率电感Low Profile , Mini Wire Wound Power Inductor MPE 1u~68uH ?20%,30% 0.08~4.2 0.17~1.4 0312 小型绕线功率电感Shielded, Wire Wound Power Inductor PS 1u-10000uH ?10%,20%0.021~32.8 0.02~5 1608/3316/5022 闭磁路绕线功率电感Shielded, Wire Wound Power ?20% 62B/64B/73/74 Inductor PCS 1.2u-1000uH 0.007~9.44 0.14~9.8 +40%-20% 124/125/127 闭磁路绕线功率电感Shielded, Wire Wound Power 0628/0728/0730Inductor PCDR 1.2u~1500uH ?20%,30% 0.0069~4.78 0.13~130732/0745/1045 闭磁路绕线功率1255/1265/1275电感Shielded, Low Cost, Wire Wound Power Inductor PCDS10u~820uH ?20%,30% 0.03~2 0.33~3.15 63B/74B/105B/125B 闭磁路绕线功率电感Shielded, Low Profile Wire Wound Power 5D28 PSDB 1.3u~1000uH ?30% 0.006~1.989 0.4~10.5 Inductor 1003/1004/1005 闭磁路绕线功率电感曹小姐提供 010 - 5 6 0 3 4 1 9 5 viking台湾光颉提供Shielded, Low Profile Wire Wound Power 2D12/2D15 SCDB1.2u~47uH ?20%,30% 1.2~47 0.22~1.1 Inductor 2D18 闭磁路绕线功率电感Shielded, Low Profile Wire 3D18Wound Power 4D18/4D22/4D28 SCDS 1u~470uH ?30% 0.012~6.56 0.13~6.15 Inductor 5D18/5D28 闭磁路绕线功率6D28/6D38电感Shielded Wire 4010/4020/4030 Wound Power 5010/ 5020/5030 Inductor PCF 0.36u~10000uH ?20%,30% 0.005~201.16 0.026~12.6 6915/6919/7040 闭磁路绕线功率1015/1040/1062 电感Shielded, Low Profile Wire Wound Power 0.47u~ 0302/0303/0418PDRH ?20%,30% 0.009~175.4 17~4820 Inductor 27000uH 0501/0502/0503 闭磁路绕线功率电感Shielded, Wire Wound Power Inductor SDRH 1.0u~100uH ?30% 0.0095~0.43 0.75~9 0830/0840/0845 闭磁路绕线功率电感Shielded, Wire Wound Power Inductor SDB 0.10u~47uH ?20% 0.0015~0.210 1.2~32.5 0630/1040 闭磁路绕线功率电感Miniature Wire Wound Power 0312/0412/0612 Inductor SDIA1u~100uH ?20% 0.016~60 0.05~8.16 0820/0825/0840 小型绕线功率电感Shielded, 201609E/201514 Non-shielded, ?5%,10% 321618C/322515 Miniature Wire VLH 0.1u~10000uH 0.0098~140 0.023~50 ?20%,30%322520C/453226C Wound Power 575047C Inductor曹小姐提供 010 - 5 6 0 3 4 1 9 5 viking台湾光颉提供小型绕线功率电感Shielded, LowProfile Wire 2D10/2D15/2D18 SCDA 0.47uH~100uH ?20%,?30% 0.035~3.840.18~3.9 Wound Power 3D12/3D15/3D18 Inductor磁芯电感(Ferrite Inductor)New Product Inductance Product Series SPEC Tolerance SRF(MHZ) DCR(Ω) IDC(mA) Size Product Description RangeMultilayerFerrite ChipInductor ML 0.01~33uH ?10%,20% 13~320 0.15~2.55 5~300 0603/0805/1206 积层芯片式黑电感Multilayer 0402/0603/0805/1204 Chip Bead CB 5~2700Ω ?25% - 0.01~250~6000 1206/1210/1808/1812 贴片磁珠Wound ChipInductors(Ferrite) ?5%,10% 0805/1008/1210 NL 0.12uH~1000uH 0.5~800 0.03~150 30~1800 铁芯绕线电感?20% 1812/2220 (开放,铸膜及背胶)Chip CommonMode Choke CM 67~2200Ω ?20% - 0.25~1.2 200~400 0805/1206 共模滤波器插件式电感(DIP Power Inductor)New Product Inductance Product Series SPEC Tolerance DCR(Ω) IDC(A) Size Product Description RangeDIP PowerInductor DRGH 10u~47000uH ?10%,20% 0.022~96.4 0.038~5.3664/855/875/895/106/108/110 插件式开磁路功率电感曹小姐提供 010 - 5 6 0 3 4 1 9 5 viking台湾光颉提供DIP PowerInductor DRGR 10u~10000uH ?10%,20% 0.023~35 0.074~3.51664/875/108/110 插件式闭磁路功率电感DIP Power 0708/0808/1210 DM 0.22u~33uH ?20% 0.0006~0.025 6~56 Inductor 1310/1818,Capacitor 电容积层电容(SMD Capacitor)New Product Capacitance Picture Series SPEC Tolerance Voltage Material Size Product Description Range Multilayer ?0.1,0.25,0.5pF Ceramic 6.3V,10V,16V NPO/X7R 0402/0603/0805 MC-1 0.5pF~100uF ?5%,10%,20% Capacitor 25V,50V,100V X5R/Y5V 1206/1210/1812 -20/+80% 迭层贴片电容MultilayerCeramicCapacitor ?0.25,0.5pF (Middle & 200V,250V,500V NPO/X7R0603/0805/1206 MC-2 0.5pF~0.68uF ?5%,10%,20% High 630V,1KV,2KV,3KV Y5V 1210/1808/1812 -20/+80% Voltage)中高壓迭层贴片电容MultilayerCeramicCapacitor ?0.25,0.5pF 6.3V,10V,16V NPO/X7R (Ultra-Small MC-30.3pF~0.1uF 0201 ?5%,10%,20% 25V,50V X5R Capacitor)小型迭层贴片电容MultilayerCeramicCapacitor ?0.1,0.25,0.5pF MCHL 0.5pF~3300pF 16V,25V,50V,100V NPO0402/0603/0805 (High Q, Low ?5%ESR)迭层贴片电容Multilayer ?0.05,0.1,0.25,0.5pF 6.3V,10V,25V 0201/0402/0603 Ceramic MCRF 0.1pF~100pF NPO ?1%,2%,5% 50V,100V,250V 0805 Capacitor曹小姐提供 010 - 5 6 0 3 4 1 9 5 viking台湾光颉提供(Ultra HighQ, Low ESR)高频迭层贴片电容MultilayerCeramicCapacitor(Low MCLI 10nF~150nF ?10%,20% 50V X7R 0612 Inductance)低感迭层贴片电容------------------------------ 咨询及样品申请,请联系光颉viking代理: 曹小姐提供**************************曹小姐提供 010 - 5 6 0 3 4 1 9 5 viking台湾光颉提供。

melf电阻的运用英文回答:Melf resistors, also known as chip resistors, are widely used in various electronic applications. These resistors are small in size and are typically rectangular or square in shape. They are surface mount components, which means they are soldered directly onto the surface of a printed circuit board (PCB).One of the main advantages of using Melf resistors is their compact size. Due to their small footprint, they are ideal for applications where space is limited, such as in mobile devices, laptops, and other portable electronics. Their small size also helps in reducing the overall weight of the electronic device.Another advantage of Melf resistors is their high power rating. Despite their small size, they can handlerelatively high power levels, making them suitable forapplications that require high power dissipation. This is achieved through the use of advanced materials and manufacturing techniques.Melf resistors also offer good stability and accuracy. They have low temperature coefficients, which means that their resistance value remains relatively constant over a wide range of temperatures. This makes them suitable for applications where precision and stability are critical, such as in medical devices, automotive electronics, and industrial control systems.In addition, Melf resistors have excellent solderability. They have metallized terminations that provide a reliable and strong solder joint, ensuring good electrical contact between the resistor and the PCB. This is important for maintaining the integrity of theelectrical circuit and preventing any signal loss or degradation.Now let's take a look at some examples of how Melf resistors are used in real-world applications. In a mobilephone, Melf resistors are used in various circuits, such as voltage dividers, current limiting circuits, and pull-up or pull-down resistors. These resistors help in regulating voltage levels, limiting current flow, and providing stable reference voltages.In an automotive electronic control unit (ECU), Melf resistors are used in sensor circuits, feedback loops, and voltage regulation circuits. They help in converting sensor signals into digital or analog signals, providing feedback for control algorithms, and regulating voltage levels for various components.中文回答:Melf电阻,也被称为芯片电阻,广泛应用于各种电子设备中。

因此,行业标准AEC-Q200要求在偏置湿度测试85℃/ 85 % RH 条件下,也要对无源元件进行测试。
通过认证的薄膜电阻采用了适当的稳定R层和电绝缘漆,能够通过85 / 85测试。
会出现下面这些问题:(1)通过1000小时的偏置85 / 85测试,对实际当中应用的薄膜电阻意味着什么?(2)在一定的负载和环境条件下,是否有可能通过使用经过一定时间之后的85 /85测试数据或HAST数据,预测在最坏情况下的电阻漂移?要回答这些问题和其他与测试有关的问题,我们对电阻在40°C / 93 % RH和85°C / 85 % RH的工作情况,以及常用的标准测试情况,进行了长时间的实验对比。
除此以外,我们还进行了70°C / 90 % RH,90°C / 40 % RH,以及HAST130条件下的测试,对电阻的温度、湿度的线性度,以及电压对漂移的影响进行了研究。
明确的ln√t– 1 / T框图包含了全部信息,使我们能够计算文中讨论的塑模/漆,以及功能层上所有相关材料的数据(活化能,湿度有关的材料特性,偏置电压加速效应等)。

金属膜melf 电阻0102 解释说明以及概述1. 引言1.1 概述在现代电子设备制造中,金属膜MELF (Metal Electrode Leadless Face) 电阻是一种常见的元器件。
本文将对金属膜MELF 电阻进行解释说明及概述,从物理特性、应用领域到规格以及常见问题与注意事项等方面进行详细介绍,以帮助读者更好地了解和使用这一关键元器件。
1.2 文章结构本文共分为五个部分。
首先是引言部分,包括概述、文章结构和目的;其次是金属膜MELF 电阻的解释说明和物理特性;然后是针对规格的讨论,深入探究其定义和标准、特点与优势以及应用案例;接下来是解决常见问题与注意事项,包括针对常见问题提供的解答、使用时需要注意的事项以及维护与保养方法;最后是结论与展望部分,总结论文内容,并展望金属膜MELF 电阻未来的发展前景,并提出研究方向建议。
1.3 目的本文的目的是全面介绍金属膜MELF 电阻,包括其解释说明、物理特性、应用领域、规格定义和标准、特点与优势以及应用案例等方面的内容,同时解决读者在使用过程中可能遇到的常见问题,并提供相应的注意事项和维护保养方法。
最后,通过对金属膜MELF 电阻未来发展前景和研究方向进行展望,希望能为相关领域的研究人员提供一些建议。
2. 金属膜melf 电阻:2.1 解释说明:金属膜MELF 电阻是一种表面贴装器件,用于电子电路中,常用于限流、分压和过滤等应用。
MELF 是Metal Electrode Leadless Face 结构的简称,它在设计上采用了无引线的结构,使得其具备更好的功率容量、低感性和超高频特性。
2.2 物理特性:金属膜MELF 电阻的主体部分由一层金属薄膜组成,通常为镍铬或镍铬合金,在精密印刷工艺下均匀沉积在陶瓷基体上。
这种结构使得金属膜MELF 电阻具有较高的精度和稳定性。
VISHAY 高可靠性 MINI-MELF 含铅电阻 说明书

Document Number: 28837For technical questions, contact: ***************************Revision: 08-Apr-101MS1 .... EN803 E8Vishay Draloric高可靠性MINI-MELF 含铅电阻Lead (Pb)-Bearing MINI-MELF Resistors with Established Reliability特性•通过EN 140401-803版本E 认证•高可靠性,故障率等级为E8•将稳定的金属膜片镀在优质陶瓷体上•镀锡铅电极,含铅量>6%•满足Bellcore 、MIL 和ESCC 等电镀要求应用•医疗•军用•航天说明MS1 .... EN803 E8EN 样式RC3715M电阻范围电阻公差温度系数额定功耗、 P 70工作电压、U 最大值交流/直流200 V 薄膜温度 ϑF 最大值125 °C 工作温度范围- 55 °C to 125 °C 在P 70条件下的最大电阻变化: |ΔR /R| 最大值:1 Ω to 332 k Ω1000 小时后 ≤ 0.25 %8000 小时后≤ 0.5 %绝缘电阻≥ 10 G Ω允许环境电压(绝缘):1分钟;U 绝缘300 V 评估的故障率等级E8 = 10-8/h品质因数 πQ0.03故障率, FIT 观察值< 0.1 x 10-9/h 注•这些电阻在允许限值范围内无使用寿命限制。
•故障率等级E8 (10-8/h, πQ = 0.03), 相当于MIL S 级,优于E7级 (10-7/h, πQ = 0.1), E6 (10-6/h, πQ = 0.3)或E5级 (10-5/h, πQ = 1) 因而可用于替代故 障率为这两级的元件。

精密贴片电阻计算表(e96标识法)25. 5 40X25540A2.55K40B25.5K40C255K40D26. 1 41X26141A2.61K41B26.1K41C261K41D26. 7 42X26742A2.67K42B26.7K42C267K42D27. 4 43X27443A2.74K43B27.4K43C274K43D28. 0 44X2844A2.80K44B28.0K44C280K44D28. 7 45X28745A2.87K45B28.7K45C287K45D29. 4 46X29446A2.94K46B29.4K46C294K46D30. 1 47X30147A3.01K47B30.1K47C301K47D30. 9 48X30948A3.09K48B30.9K48C309K48D军规电组的阻值以四位数字表示,但拿起军规电阻,你会发现在四位数字之后还有一个英文字,例如2151F。
E-24系列:常用于精度为5%的贴片电阻(单位:Ω)E-96系列:常用于精度为1%的贴片电阻10kΩ~100kΩ~1MΩ1MΩ~10MΩ1Ω~10Ω10Ω~100Ω100Ω~1kΩ1kΩ~10kΩ100kΩ1Ω10Ω100Ω1kΩ10kΩ100kΩ1MΩ1.02Ω10.2Ω102Ω 1.02kΩ10.2kΩ102kΩ 1.02MΩ1.05Ω10.5Ω105Ω 1.05kΩ10.5kΩ105kΩ 1.05MΩ1.07Ω10.7Ω107Ω 1.07kΩ10.7kΩ107kΩ 1.07MΩ1.1Ω11Ω110Ω 1.1kΩ11kΩ110kΩ 1.1MΩ1.13Ω11.3Ω113Ω 1.13kΩ11.3kΩ113kΩ 1.13MΩ1.15Ω11.5Ω115Ω 1.15kΩ11.5kΩ115kΩ 1.15MΩ1.18Ω11.8Ω118Ω 1.18kΩ11.8kΩ118kΩ 1.18MΩ1.21Ω12.1Ω121Ω 1.21kΩ12.1kΩ121kΩ 1.21MΩ1.24Ω12.4Ω124Ω 1.24kΩ12.4kΩ124kΩ 1.24MΩ1.27Ω12.7Ω127Ω 1.27kΩ12.7kΩ127kΩ 1.27MΩ1.3Ω13Ω130Ω 1.3kΩ13kΩ130kΩ 1.3MΩ1.33Ω13.3Ω133Ω 1.33kΩ13.3kΩ133kΩ 1.33MΩ1.37Ω13.7Ω137Ω 1.37kΩ13.7kΩ137kΩ 1.37MΩ1.4Ω14Ω140Ω 1.4kΩ14kΩ140kΩ 1.4MΩ1.43Ω14.3Ω143Ω 1.43kΩ14.3kΩ143kΩ 1.43MΩ1.47Ω14.7Ω147Ω 1.47kΩ14.7kΩ147kΩ 1.47MΩ1.5Ω15Ω150Ω 1.5kΩ15kΩ150kΩ 1.5MΩ1.54Ω15.4Ω154Ω 1.54kΩ15.4kΩ154kΩ 1.54MΩ1.58Ω15.8Ω158Ω 1.58kΩ15.8kΩ158kΩ 1.58MΩ1.62Ω16.2Ω162Ω 1.62kΩ16.2kΩ162kΩ 1.62MΩ1.65Ω16.5Ω165Ω 1.65kΩ16.5kΩ165kΩ 1.65MΩ1.69Ω16.9Ω169Ω 1.69kΩ16.9kΩ169kΩ 1.69MΩ1.74Ω17.4Ω174Ω 1.74kΩ17.4kΩ174kΩ 1.74MΩ1.78Ω17.8Ω178Ω 1.78kΩ17.8kΩ178kΩ 1.78MΩ1.82Ω18.2Ω182Ω 1.82kΩ18.2kΩ182kΩ 1.82MΩ1.87Ω18.7Ω187Ω 1.87kΩ18.7kΩ187kΩ 1.87MΩ1.91Ω19.1Ω191Ω 1.91kΩ19.1kΩ191kΩ 1.91MΩ1.96Ω19.6Ω196Ω 1.96kΩ19.6kΩ196kΩ 1.96MΩ2.0Ω20Ω200Ω 2.0kΩ20kΩ200kΩ 2.0MΩ2.05Ω20.5Ω205Ω 2.05kΩ20.5kΩ205kΩ 2.05MΩ2.1Ω21Ω210Ω 2.1kΩ21kΩ210kΩ 2.1MΩ2.15Ω21.5Ω215Ω 2.15kΩ21.5kΩ215kΩ 2.15MΩ2.21Ω22.1Ω221Ω 2.21kΩ22.1kΩ221kΩ 2.21MΩ2.26Ω22.6Ω226Ω 2.26kΩ22.6kΩ226kΩ 2.26MΩ2.32Ω23.2Ω232Ω 2.32kΩ23.2kΩ232kΩ 2.32MΩ2.37Ω23.7Ω237Ω 2.37kΩ23.7kΩ237kΩ 2.37MΩ2.43Ω24.3Ω243Ω 2.43kΩ24.3kΩ243kΩ2.43MΩ2.49Ω24.9Ω249Ω 2.49kΩ24.9kΩ249kΩ 2.49MΩ2.55Ω25.5Ω255Ω 2.55kΩ25.5kΩ255kΩ 2.55MΩ2.61Ω26.1Ω261Ω 2.61kΩ26.1kΩ261kΩ 2.61MΩ2.67Ω26.7Ω267Ω 2.67kΩ26.7kΩ267kΩ 2.67MΩ2.74Ω27.4Ω274Ω 2.74kΩ27.4kΩ274kΩ 2.74MΩ2.8Ω28Ω280Ω 2.8kΩ28kΩ280kΩ 2.8MΩ2.87Ω28.7Ω287Ω 2.87kΩ28.7kΩ287kΩ 2.87MΩ2.94Ω29.4Ω294Ω 2.94kΩ29.4kΩ294kΩ 2.94MΩ3.01Ω30.1Ω301Ω 3.01kΩ30.1kΩ301kΩ 3.01MΩ3.09Ω30.9Ω309Ω 3.09kΩ30.9kΩ309kΩ 3.09MΩ3.16Ω31.6Ω316Ω 3.16kΩ31.6kΩ316kΩ 3.16MΩ3.32Ω33.2Ω332Ω 3.32kΩ33.2kΩ332kΩ 3.32MΩ3.4Ω34Ω340Ω 3.4kΩ34kΩ340kΩ 3.4MΩ3.48Ω34.8Ω348Ω 3.48kΩ34.8kΩ348kΩ 3.48MΩ3.57Ω35.7Ω357Ω 3.57kΩ35.7kΩ357kΩ 3.57MΩ3.65Ω36.5Ω365Ω 3.65kΩ36.5kΩ365kΩ 3.65MΩ3.74Ω37.4Ω374Ω 3.74kΩ37.4kΩ374kΩ 3.74MΩ3.83Ω38.3Ω383Ω 3.83kΩ38.3kΩ383kΩ 3.83MΩ3.92Ω39.2Ω392Ω 3.92kΩ39.2kΩ392kΩ 3.92MΩ4.02Ω40.2Ω402Ω 4.02kΩ40.2kΩ402kΩ 4.02MΩ4.12Ω41.2Ω412Ω 4.12kΩ41.2kΩ412kΩ 4.12MΩ4.22Ω42.2Ω422Ω 4.22kΩ42.2kΩ422kΩ 4.22MΩ4.32Ω43.2Ω432Ω 4.32kΩ43.2kΩ432kΩ 4.32MΩ4.42Ω44.2Ω442Ω 4.42kΩ44.2kΩ442kΩ 4.42MΩ4.53Ω45.3Ω453Ω 4.53kΩ45.3kΩ453kΩ 4.53MΩ4.64Ω46.4Ω464Ω 4.64kΩ46.4kΩ464kΩ 4.64MΩ4.75Ω47.5Ω475Ω 4.75kΩ47.5kΩ475kΩ 4.75MΩ4.87Ω48.7Ω487Ω 4.87kΩ48.7kΩ487kΩ 4.87MΩ4.99Ω49.9Ω499Ω 4.99kΩ49.9kΩ499kΩ 4.99MΩ5.11Ω51.1Ω511Ω 5.11kΩ51.1kΩ511kΩ 5.11MΩ5.23Ω52.3Ω523Ω 5.23kΩ52.3kΩ523kΩ 5.23MΩ5.36Ω53.6Ω536Ω 5.36kΩ53.6kΩ536kΩ 5.36MΩ5.49Ω54.9Ω549Ω 5.49kΩ54.9kΩ549kΩ 5.49MΩ5.62Ω56.2Ω562Ω 5.62kΩ56.2kΩ562kΩ 5.62MΩ5.76Ω57.6Ω576Ω 5.76kΩ57.6kΩ576kΩ 5.76MΩ5.9Ω59Ω590Ω 5.9kΩ59kΩ590kΩ 5.9MΩ6.04Ω60.4Ω604Ω 6.04kΩ60.4kΩ604kΩ 6.04MΩ6.19Ω61.9Ω619Ω 6.19kΩ61.9kΩ619kΩ 6.19MΩ6.34Ω63.4Ω634Ω 6.34kΩ63.4kΩ634kΩ 6.34MΩ6.65Ω66.5Ω665Ω 6.65kΩ66.5kΩ665kΩ 6.65MΩ6.81Ω68.1Ω681Ω 6.81kΩ68.1kΩ681kΩ 6.81MΩ6.98Ω69.8Ω698Ω 6.98kΩ69.8kΩ698kΩ 6.98MΩ7.15Ω71.5Ω715Ω7.15kΩ71.5kΩ715kΩ7.15MΩ7.32Ω73.2Ω732Ω7.32kΩ73.2kΩ732kΩ7.32MΩ7.5Ω75Ω750Ω7.5kΩ75kΩ750kΩ7.5MΩ7.68Ω76.8Ω768Ω7.68kΩ76.8kΩ768kΩ7.68MΩ7.87Ω78.7Ω787Ω7.87kΩ78.7kΩ787kΩ7.87MΩ8.06Ω80.6Ω806Ω8.06kΩ80.6kΩ806kΩ8.06MΩ8.25Ω82.5Ω825Ω8.25kΩ82.5kΩ825kΩ8.25MΩ8.45Ω84.5Ω845Ω8.45kΩ84.5kΩ845kΩ8.45MΩ8.66Ω86.6Ω866Ω8.66kΩ86.6kΩ866kΩ8.66MΩ8.87Ω88.7Ω887Ω8.87kΩ88.7kΩ887kΩ8.87MΩ9.09Ω90.9Ω909Ω9.09kΩ90.9kΩ909kΩ9.09MΩ9.31Ω93.1Ω931Ω9.31kΩ93.1kΩ931kΩ9.31MΩ9.53Ω95.3Ω953Ω9.53kΩ95.3kΩ953kΩ9.53MΩ9.76Ω97.6Ω976Ω9.76kΩ97.6kΩ976kΩ9.76MΩE3 50% tolerance (no longer used)E6 20% tolerance (now seldom used)E12 10% toleranceE24 5% toleranceE48 2% toleranceE96 1% toleranceE192 0.5, 0.25, 0.1% and higher tolerancesStandard EIA Decade Values Table (100 to 1,000Decade)。
mef 系列无引线精密金属膜电阻器

MEF 系列无引线精密金属膜电阻器Homepage : & & Email: szebg@ & & sales@ EBG SHENZHEN- Issue 093C 地址:中国深圳南头科技工业园23栋北五楼 ;邮编:518057 Tel :0086-755-26632604,26639094,26619205,26553391Fax: 0086-755-26639341执行企业标准Q/EBG003-2004,该标准主要参照国家军用标准 GJB244A-2001及国家标准GB/T5729-1994;GB/T9546-1995;GB/ T9547-1995的有关规定制定的有关规定制定。
技术特点技术特点:: 降功率曲线降功率曲线::无引线圆柱状外形无引线圆柱状外形、、涂覆封装涂覆封装、、色环标志色环标志、、高精密高精密、、 低温度系数低温度系数. . . 适用于有高精度要求的表面贴装适用于有高精度要求的表面贴装适用于有高精度要求的表面贴装((SMD ) 电子线路电子线路。
工作温度范围: -65℃~ +155℃。
尺寸尺寸((mm mm):):型号0204 0207 0208 额定功率(70℃) (W) 0.25 0.50 0.75 最大工作电压(V)200 250 250 L±0.33.50 5.60 8.50 D±0.4 1.35 2.15 3.00 尺寸(mm)C±标称阻值范围(Ω)及相应标称阻值误差, 标称阻值范围(Ω)及相应温度系数:0204 0207/0208TOL0204 0207/0208 TCR100~600K 20 ~ 1M21 A5 (±0.05%) 50~ 600K50 ~ 1M C7(±5PPM/℃) 50 ~600K 20 ~ 1M21 B(±0.10%) 50~ 600K 50 ~ 1M C6(±10PPM/℃) 50 ~ 1M 20 ~ 3M C(±0.25%) 30~ 600K 30 ~ 3M C5(±15PPM/℃) 1 ~ 1M 1 ~ 5M D(±0.50%) 10~ 600K 10 ~ 3M C3(±25PPM/℃) 1 ~ 1M1 ~ 10MF(±1.00%)1~ 1M1 ~ 4M5C2(±50PPM/℃)1 ~ 1M 0.1 ~ 10M G(±2.00%)注:1、超过以上标准范围的超过以上标准范围的,,可协商订货可协商订货。

底漆:藍色 標示:色環標示(四條色環標示) Coating color:Blue. Marking:Color code(4 color band)特 Fra bibliotek FEATURES
SMD 型式之金屬皮膜電阻器。 SMD style metal resistor. 以圓柱形方便設計安裝。 Free direction for mounting due to cylindrical design. 具高可焊性特殊電極端子。 High solder ability due to specially plated electrodes. 具高精密度(容許誤差可達±0.25%,T.C.R.可至±25ppm/℃ ±0.1%,T.C.R.可至±15ppm/℃) Hi accuracy guaranteed (tolerance ±0.25% & T.C.R.±25ppm/℃ ±0.1% &T.C.R.±15ppm/℃) 電極強度高於晶片電阻(器)。 Electrodes strength is higher than flat chip resistors. 比厚膜晶片電阻(器)更低的雜音(current noise)。 Lower current noise than thick film flat chip resistors. 有較佳的散熱性。 Suitable for reflow, flow and iron soldering
MEMF----MELF 型金屬皮膜固定電阻器
MEMF 規格 Product Code 1/4W 額定功率 Power Rating T 成品型態 T: Taping P: Bulk 1K11 電阻阻值 Nominal Resistance C 誤差值 Resistance Tolerance