• 南极大冒险 • 忠犬八公
Tracy 徐瑶
クイール 导盲犬小Q 导盲犬小
• 《导盲犬小Q》改编自日本 导盲犬小 》改编自日本 作家石黑谦吾和秋元良平 秋元良平的 作家石黑谦吾和秋元良平的 小说《再见了,可鲁》 小说《再见了,可鲁》。书 中的可鲁确实曾经存在, 中的可鲁确实曾经存在,生 卒年为1986年6月25日到 卒年为 年 月 日到 1998年7月20日。一只聪明 年 月 日 一生都在工作的导盲犬, 的、一生都在工作的导盲犬, 在人世间走过了12年的岁月 年的岁月, 在人世间走过了 年的岁月, 日后它的故事被记录、 日后它的故事被记录、被传 播。
Eight Below (南极大冒险)
• 南极大冒险》讲述了八条雪橇 南极大冒险》 犬(sled dog)在残酷的大自然 在残酷的大自然 中努力集体求生的故事。 中努力集体求生的故事。和以 往的动物电影不同, 往的动物电影不同,导演并没 有将狗放在一个只是取悦观众 的角度, 的角度,更没有把狗狗与人类 平行描写, 平行描写,而是将他们刻画为故事的主角--完全的主角 完全的主角--并且 故事的主角 完全的主角 并且 极力淡化了人类角色在片中的 分量, 分量,让人们以伪纪录片的方 式了解动物之间的那种特有的 情怀。 情怀。
Hachi 忠犬八公的故事) (忠犬八公的故事)
• 改编自 改编自1935年发生在日本的真 年发生在日本的真 实故事 • 电影的原型为1924年秋田犬八 电影的原型为 年秋田犬八 公被它的主人上野秀三郎带到 东京。每天早上, 东京。每天早上,八公都在家 门口目送着上野秀三郎出门上 班,然后傍晚时分便到附近的 涩谷火车站迎接他下班回家 火车站迎接他下班回家。 涩谷火车站迎接他下班回家。 一天晚上, 一天晚上,上野秀三郎并没有 如常般回到家中, 如常般回到家中,他在大学里 突然中风,抢救无效死了, 突然中风,抢救无效死了,再 也没有回到那个火车站, 也没有回到那个火车站,可是 八公依然忠实地等着他。 八公依然忠实地等着他。
sometimes even give up their lives. They are so great.
Of course, sorrow also comes with the company of happy things.
The problem of stray dogs and the reasons.
Maybe the reasons need yourselves to think……
The solution to the problem.
Proverbs(谚语) about dogs.
What can we do for them?
•Build more animal shelters . •People who like dogs can adopt a
12. rain cats and dogs 下倾盆大雨
Now, let's look at some pictures of the related.
They are protecting their owners who was buried in the earthquake.
The dog is trying to save his master.
There are many like this pictures, you can search the Internet in their spare time.
Dogs are not only cute, but also have some help for persons.
The advantages of dogs to persons.
• The relation of persons and dogs . • The advantages of dogs to persons. • The problem of stray dogs and the
Of course, sorrow also comes with the company of happy things.
The problem of stray dogs and the reasons.
Maybe the reasons need yourselves to think……
The solution to the problem.
Proverbs(谚语) about dogs.
What can we do for them?
•Build more animal shelters . •People who like dogs can adopt a
12. rain cats and dogs 下倾盆大雨
Now, let's look at some pictures of the related.
They are protecting their owners who was buried in the earthquake.
The dog is trying to save his master.
There are many like this pictures, you can search the Internet in their spare time.
Dogs are not only cute, but also have some help for persons.
The advantages of dogs to persons.
• The relation of persons and dogs . • The advantages of dogs to persons. • The problem of stray dogs and the
Types of dog food
Regular bathing and grooming are essential for maintaining your dog's coat and skin in good condition. Bathe your dog at least once a month, more often if necessary for particular breeds or if your dog gets dirty easily. Brush their coat regularly to remove dead hairs and prevent mats.
Socialization is important for your dog's mental well-being. Introduce your dog to new people, other dogs, and new environments gradually to help them become well-adjusted and confident.
Working dogs
Hound breeds are dogs that have been bred to hunt using their scent and sight capabilities. Some of the most famous hound breeds include Greyhounds, Afghan Hounds, and Beagles.
目 录
Introduction to Dog Species
Regular bathing and grooming are essential for maintaining your dog's coat and skin in good condition. Bathe your dog at least once a month, more often if necessary for particular breeds or if your dog gets dirty easily. Brush their coat regularly to remove dead hairs and prevent mats.
Socialization is important for your dog's mental well-being. Introduce your dog to new people, other dogs, and new environments gradually to help them become well-adjusted and confident.
Working dogs
Hound breeds are dogs that have been bred to hunt using their scent and sight capabilities. Some of the most famous hound breeds include Greyhounds, Afghan Hounds, and Beagles.
目 录
Introduction to Dog Species
Japanese Akita日本秋田犬 introduced from the Chinese rural dog in the Tang Dynasty, Japanese fostered them to formed the breed afterwards. Japanese treat them as the county aristocratic cultivation. Akita in Japan has a high value origin. In 1931 them officially recognized as Japan national rare animals.
5.Let sleeping dogs lie. 不要惹事生非。
6.He is a lucky dog. 他是个幸运儿。
7.A son never thinks his mother ugly, and a dog never shuns its owner’s home however shabby it is. 儿不嫌母 丑,狗不嫌家贫。
• 由于新进搬入了一个禁止饲养 宠物的公寓里,安迪和布鲁斯 姐弟两个必须以最快的速度为 他们的宠物狗弗莱迪找一个新 家,他们共同将一些被扔掉的 日常用品变成了各种非常具备 机械原理的小奇迹,并在邻居 朋友的帮助下,彻底地将一座 已经许久无人涉足的破败酒店 ,变成了一个充满着奇幻色彩 的狗狗的天堂,不仅让弗莱迪 有了容身之所,他们还将每一 只能够找到的流浪狗都安置在 这里。
1.Love me, love my dog. 爱屋及乌。
2.A staff is quickly found to beat a dog with. 欲加之罪, 何患无词。 3.Every dog has his day. 人人皆有得意时。 4.Barking dogs don’t (seldom) bite. 爱叫的狗很少咬人。
gorgeous ['ɡɔ:dʒəs] adj. 华美的,灿烂的;极好的 compelling [kəm'peliŋ] adj. 引人注目的;强制的;激发 兴趣的 v. 强迫;以强力获得〔compel的ing形式〕 spoiled [spɔilt] adj. 被宠坏的v. 宠坏;变质〔spoil的过 去式和过去分词〕;损坏
UPCConuotpuildnd1lteor8igen3so5ot,cridhwgeoihnpoeaisnltaeeEtdedn,iifngifselatrhaenendgtUomlonadcitdaepeldebbtSrudetaloeltgbde.esaf,sotrhgeeutihddeevbdeaolongpp,smb,eemerlnosotnroeignnctJooaamtphlimaetnyocnaoanmbdnrmeSdeoodnusvvthieanrKcrielyoutrideaesa.l,Leaanrbtdr,andioonwrtRehealtlsriigebveeeenrnst,f,uGratohlnedrednimRlpikerotervieevtdoe. rsg, o 变Ge质rm〔asnpSohil的ep过he去rd式do和g过s ,去an分d词ot〕he;r varieties. out,also have good temper. Poodle not depilate, is a
saddlesn. 鞍;[车辆] 车座〔saddle的复数〕v. 给 马装鞍具;使负重担 saddlery ['sædlərɪ] n. 马具;马具业;马具店
toy poodle
Teddy dog is actually a poodle. VIP is the French variety, was once used as a hunting waterfowl.It is the smallest of all the poodle, it have active, cheerful
UPCConuotpuildnd1lteor8igen3so5ot,cridhwgeoihnpoeaisnltaeeEtdedn,iifngifselatrhaenendgtUomlonadcitdaepeldebbtSrudetaloeltgbde.esaf,sotrhgeeutihddeevbdeaolongpp,smb,eemerlnosotnroeignnctJooaamtphlimaetnyocnaoanmbdnrmeSdeoodnusvvthieanrKcrielyoutrideaesa.l,Leaanrbtdr,andioonwrtRehealtlsriigebveeeenrnst,f,uGratohlnedrednimRlpikerotervieevtdoe. rsg, o 变Ge质rm〔asnpSohil的ep过he去rd式do和g过s ,去an分d词ot〕he;r varieties. out,also have good temper. Poodle not depilate, is a
saddlesn. 鞍;[车辆] 车座〔saddle的复数〕v. 给 马装鞍具;使负重担 saddlery ['sædlərɪ] n. 马具;马具业;马具店
toy poodle
Teddy dog is actually a poodle. VIP is the French variety, was once used as a hunting waterfowl.It is the smallest of all the poodle, it have active, cheerful
Siberian Husky 西伯利亚雪橇犬
习 性: Muscular(肌肉发达的) brightwellproportioned (轮廓匀称的)
Bichon Frise 卷毛比雄犬
习性: small, happy, friendly, lively, easy to please mannered(守规矩的)
1.Every dog has his day. 大家都有走运的一天。
2.He is a lucky dog. 他是个幸运儿。
3.Love me, love my dog. 爱屋及乌。
4.Lead a dog’s life 过穷困潦倒的日子
5. Barking dogs seldom bite.
Chow Chow
习性: brave,independent,very smart,loyal勇 敢的,独立的,非常聪明,忠诚
Miniature Schnauzer 迷你雪纳瑞犬
From 德国 习 性:brave, alert(警惕 的)friendly, smart,
Proverbs(谚语) about dogs
Tibetan Mastiff 藏獒
习性 : with strong will, Have a high degree of intelligence and memory(意志坚强, 具有较高程度的智力和 记忆,) Distant(冷漠的) independent Sensible(有判断力的)
以上有不当之处,请大家给与批评指正, 谢谢大家!
• friendly 友好的
• enthusiastic 热情的 • Shapely 匀称的
拉布拉多 labrador retriever
• Lively 活泼的
• No offensive 无攻击性的 • A good guide dog 出色的导盲犬
马尔济斯犬 Maltese Dog
• Dignified 高贵的 端庄的
• 《导盲犬小Q》改编自日本作家石黑谦吾和秋元 良平的小说《再见了,可鲁》。书中的可鲁确实 曾经存在,生卒年为1986年6月25日到1998年7 月20日。一只聪明的、一生都在工作的狗,在人 世间走过了12年的岁月,日后它的故事被记录、 被传播。然后是除了他的主人和作者之外的更多 人被感动。据说,作者用了15年的时间才完成这 只小狗的传记。时间证明,这15年的付出的确有 所值,因为在出版后的一年多时间里,这本书已 经被认为是21世纪“感动1亿亚洲人心”的超级 畅销好书和21世纪亚洲“赚得泪水最多”的一本 书
• 养狗注意事项: 1.不能给小狗狗喝牛奶,只需给它喝干净的水就可以,因为犬奶和牛 奶的成分完全不同,犬奶中含有高蛋白质、高脂肪和低乳糖,而牛奶 中却含有低蛋白质、低脂肪和高乳糖,两者成分正好相反,幼犬的肠 胃无法吸收和消化牛奶,会产生腹泻等肠胃病。 2.一定要把肉弄碎才能给狗狗吃,鸡、鸭、鹅等禽类的骨既小又硬。 不能像猪、牛骨头一样较易被狗牙齿嚼碎,尤其是小狗根本无法嚼碎。 犬囫囵吞下这些骨头,有时会会刺穿喉咙或胃,导致犬丧失生命。所 以在喂犬鸡、鸭、鹅肉时,一定要把骨头剔除。 3.芥末及辣椒含量太多的食物,会造成犬的口。胃肠溃烂现象,不能 喂。 4.洋葱是绝对不可以喂给狗吃的食物。洋葱相对狗的血液有强烈的毒 性,犬吃多了会引起急性贫血,甚至危及性命 5.盐制的干燥食品如咸鱼、小鱼小虾干和腊肉、食品火腿及腌肉等盐 份高的食品,不能喂给犬吃。 6.冷藏的牛奶、冰淇淋和其它乳制品也不能给狗吃,特别是对发育未 完全的幼犬影响最大。通常几口冷牛奶就会造成幼犬腹泻,长期如此 会形成习惯性腹泻,导致犬体虚弱,犬的肠胃不适应此类食品。 7.3个月以内的幼犬最好饲喂商品幼犬粮,因其营养搭配比较合理。 如果幼犬粮太干可以用温开水泡软。 8.自己给幼犬配置食物时,最好不要放太多的肉。幼犬由于肠胃发育 还不够健全,过量的肉会使它肠胃负担过重,引起腹泻;尤其是单纯 喂肉引起的消化紊乱有时是致命的。 9.幼犬不能缺水,对幼犬来说,缺水的危害比饿肚子更严重。给幼犬 准备足量请水让它随便喝。盛水的器皿要注意每天清洗,保持清洁
• enthusiastic 热情的 • Shapely 匀称的
拉布拉多 labrador retriever
• Lively 活泼的
• No offensive 无攻击性的 • A good guide dog 出色的导盲犬
马尔济斯犬 Maltese Dog
• Dignified 高贵的 端庄的
• 《导盲犬小Q》改编自日本作家石黑谦吾和秋元 良平的小说《再见了,可鲁》。书中的可鲁确实 曾经存在,生卒年为1986年6月25日到1998年7 月20日。一只聪明的、一生都在工作的狗,在人 世间走过了12年的岁月,日后它的故事被记录、 被传播。然后是除了他的主人和作者之外的更多 人被感动。据说,作者用了15年的时间才完成这 只小狗的传记。时间证明,这15年的付出的确有 所值,因为在出版后的一年多时间里,这本书已 经被认为是21世纪“感动1亿亚洲人心”的超级 畅销好书和21世纪亚洲“赚得泪水最多”的一本 书
• 养狗注意事项: 1.不能给小狗狗喝牛奶,只需给它喝干净的水就可以,因为犬奶和牛 奶的成分完全不同,犬奶中含有高蛋白质、高脂肪和低乳糖,而牛奶 中却含有低蛋白质、低脂肪和高乳糖,两者成分正好相反,幼犬的肠 胃无法吸收和消化牛奶,会产生腹泻等肠胃病。 2.一定要把肉弄碎才能给狗狗吃,鸡、鸭、鹅等禽类的骨既小又硬。 不能像猪、牛骨头一样较易被狗牙齿嚼碎,尤其是小狗根本无法嚼碎。 犬囫囵吞下这些骨头,有时会会刺穿喉咙或胃,导致犬丧失生命。所 以在喂犬鸡、鸭、鹅肉时,一定要把骨头剔除。 3.芥末及辣椒含量太多的食物,会造成犬的口。胃肠溃烂现象,不能 喂。 4.洋葱是绝对不可以喂给狗吃的食物。洋葱相对狗的血液有强烈的毒 性,犬吃多了会引起急性贫血,甚至危及性命 5.盐制的干燥食品如咸鱼、小鱼小虾干和腊肉、食品火腿及腌肉等盐 份高的食品,不能喂给犬吃。 6.冷藏的牛奶、冰淇淋和其它乳制品也不能给狗吃,特别是对发育未 完全的幼犬影响最大。通常几口冷牛奶就会造成幼犬腹泻,长期如此 会形成习惯性腹泻,导致犬体虚弱,犬的肠胃不适应此类食品。 7.3个月以内的幼犬最好饲喂商品幼犬粮,因其营养搭配比较合理。 如果幼犬粮太干可以用温开水泡软。 8.自己给幼犬配置食物时,最好不要放太多的肉。幼犬由于肠胃发育 还不够健全,过量的肉会使它肠胃负担过重,引起腹泻;尤其是单纯 喂肉引起的消化紊乱有时是致命的。 9.幼犬不能缺水,对幼犬来说,缺水的危害比饿肚子更严重。给幼犬 准备足量请水让它随便喝。盛水的器皿要注意每天清洗,保持清洁
• 他们尽最大努力救助更多的流浪狗,呼吁 更多的人的帮助
• If you love dogs,please pay more attention and take good care of them
• 如果你爱狗,请好好照顾它们
• Regard them as your friend and never leave them
吠犬不咬人(意指:对于高声发出恐吓,或惯于 大声吼叫的人,勿须当真)。
6. go to the dogs
7. dog days
8.Be old dog at sth.
9. a big dog 大款,保镖等
10.a top dog 一个身居要职的人
11. fight dog , fight bear 一决雌雄
12. rain cats and dogs 下倾盆大雨
流浪狗 Stray dogs
• Some dogs are not Lucky at all 然而一些狗并不那么 幸运
• They are abandoned by their owner 他们被主人遗弃
they have no food and no kennel to live
The world's smartest dog
Border Collie 边境牧羊犬 Origin: Scotland Height:43 ~ 53 cm Weight: 14 to 22 kg
Utilization: herding dog
Dog is a kind of animal.They are clever and friendly to people.They can do lots of things for people such as helping blind people going across the road or helping them do other things.
• If you love dogs,please pay more attention and take good care of them
• 如果你爱狗,请好好照顾它们
• Regard them as your friend and never leave them
吠犬不咬人(意指:对于高声发出恐吓,或惯于 大声吼叫的人,勿须当真)。
6. go to the dogs
7. dog days
8.Be old dog at sth.
9. a big dog 大款,保镖等
10.a top dog 一个身居要职的人
11. fight dog , fight bear 一决雌雄
12. rain cats and dogs 下倾盆大雨
流浪狗 Stray dogs
• Some dogs are not Lucky at all 然而一些狗并不那么 幸运
• They are abandoned by their owner 他们被主人遗弃
they have no food and no kennel to live
The world's smartest dog
Border Collie 边境牧羊犬 Origin: Scotland Height:43 ~ 53 cm Weight: 14 to 22 kg
Utilization: herding dog
Dog is a kind of animal.They are clever and friendly to people.They can do lots of things for people such as helping blind people going across the road or helping them do other things.
This very special friend would accompany his master, Professor Parker, to the train station every day and return each afternoon to greet him after work. But one day, Parker suddenly collapsed in a speech at the University, he died of illness, and never returned to the station. However, Ba Gong faithfully returned to the same spot at the station next day, and every day for the next nine years to wait for his beloved master. During his daily visits, Ba Gong touched the lives of many who work near and commute through the town square. He taught the local people love, compassion and above all unyielding loyalty.
美国可卡犬 Cocker spaniel
大麦町/斑点狗 Dalmatian
日本银狐 Japanese Spitzbn
An American adaptation of a Japanese tale about a loyal dog named Eight public ,also Ba Gong.
美国可卡犬 Cocker spaniel
大麦町/斑点狗 Dalmatian
日本银狐 Japanese Spitzbn
An American adaptation of a Japanese tale about a loyal dog named Eight public ,also Ba Gong.
summaБайду номын сангаасy
As our “honest friend”, dogs play an important role in human’s development. They are excellent doorkeepers and close companion of children. They are also proving their worth in the battlefield by helping wounded soldiers recover, and rescue the survivors in calamity just like earthquake and fire.
Before you bring a dog home , please remember :the dog’s life is with a short ten to fifteen years , your forsaken would bring it greatest pain. • You have your work , your entertainment , your friends……but your dog only has you . Mabey your friends or someone else will betray you , but your loyal dog will never betray you. • All in all , be kind to your dog , be kind to your friendship between you and your dog.
(based on use)
1.牧羊犬 2.工作犬 3.枪猎犬 4.狩猎犬 5.玩赏犬
Poodle 贵宾犬
博 美
The world's largest dog
• • • • • • • Caucasian [kɔ:'keiziən]sheepdog 高加索犬 Origin: Russia. Type: large-sized dog Shoulder Height: 64-72 cm Weight: 45-70 kg Utilization(用途):guard and defense dog
1.Every dog has his day. 大家都有走运的一天。 2.He is a lucky dog. 他是个幸运儿。 3.Love me, love my dog. 爱屋及乌。 4.Lead a dog’s life 过穷困潦倒的日子
5. Barking dogs seldom bite.
クイール 导盲犬小Q (Quill)
• 《导盲犬小Q》改编自日本 作家石黑谦吾和秋元良平的 小说《再见了,可鲁》。书 中的可鲁确实曾经存在,生 卒年为1986年6月25日到 1998年7月20日。一只聪明 的、一生都在工作的导盲犬, 在人世间走过了12年的岁月, 日后它的故事被记录、被传 播。
Hotel for Dogs (流浪狗之家)
The world's smallest dog
• • • • • • • Chihuahua[tʃi'wɑ:wə] 吉娃娃 Origin: Mexico Type:small-sized dog Height:15 ~ 23 cm Weight: 1 to 3 kg Utilization: Companion dogs
Eight Below (南极大冒险)
博 美
The world's largest dog
• • • • • • • Caucasian [kɔ:'keiziən]sheepdog 高加索犬 Origin: Russia. Type: large-sized dog Shoulder Height: 64-72 cm Weight: 45-70 kg Utilization(用途):guard and defense dog
1.Every dog has his day. 大家都有走运的一天。 2.He is a lucky dog. 他是个幸运儿。 3.Love me, love my dog. 爱屋及乌。 4.Lead a dog’s life 过穷困潦倒的日子
5. Barking dogs seldom bite.
クイール 导盲犬小Q (Quill)
• 《导盲犬小Q》改编自日本 作家石黑谦吾和秋元良平的 小说《再见了,可鲁》。书 中的可鲁确实曾经存在,生 卒年为1986年6月25日到 1998年7月20日。一只聪明 的、一生都在工作的导盲犬, 在人世间走过了12年的岁月, 日后它的故事被记录、被传 播。
Hotel for Dogs (流浪狗之家)
The world's smallest dog
• • • • • • • Chihuahua[tʃi'wɑ:wə] 吉娃娃 Origin: Mexico Type:small-sized dog Height:15 ~ 23 cm Weight: 1 to 3 kg Utilization: Companion dogs
Eight Below (南极大冒险)
• 迷你雪纳瑞是勇敢的、警惕的,同时也是驯服的。他非 常友好,聪明,喜欢取悦主人。既无侵略性,也不会过 于胆怯。
The breed is of average intelligence and can have a mind of their own, so it’s good to start training early and provide daily exercise.
松狮犬的外貌和性格具同狮子的高贵、熊猫的诙谐、泰 迪熊的吸引力、猫的优雅和独立以及狗的忠心和热爱。 上述所有特性,松狮犬多多少少都有一些,但它的聪明 和热爱、它的独立和高贵使得他最最独特
Chow chow is a very gifted a variety, it almost can finish all other varieties can be done . Loyal and clever are its advantages. In the hunt, it has the speed and endurance is often highly appreciated by the people.
松狮是非常具有天赋的一个品种,它几乎能完成其他所 有品种所能完成的工作。忠诚可靠和聪明是它的优点。 在猎取中,它具有的速度和耐力常受到人们的高度赞赏。
Siberian Husky is the original ancient breed, origin of the name is derived from the unique husky hoarse cry. Huskies changeable character and some extremely timid, and some extreme violence, to enter the mainland and the family has no wild huskies are relatively docile, is a popular pet dogs in the world.
The breed is of average intelligence and can have a mind of their own, so it’s good to start training early and provide daily exercise.
松狮犬的外貌和性格具同狮子的高贵、熊猫的诙谐、泰 迪熊的吸引力、猫的优雅和独立以及狗的忠心和热爱。 上述所有特性,松狮犬多多少少都有一些,但它的聪明 和热爱、它的独立和高贵使得他最最独特
Chow chow is a very gifted a variety, it almost can finish all other varieties can be done . Loyal and clever are its advantages. In the hunt, it has the speed and endurance is often highly appreciated by the people.
松狮是非常具有天赋的一个品种,它几乎能完成其他所 有品种所能完成的工作。忠诚可靠和聪明是它的优点。 在猎取中,它具有的速度和耐力常受到人们的高度赞赏。
Siberian Husky is the original ancient breed, origin of the name is derived from the unique husky hoarse cry. Huskies changeable character and some extremely timid, and some extreme violence, to enter the mainland and the family has no wild huskies are relatively docile, is a popular pet dogs in the world.
Dogs are our link to paradiise.They don’t have evil or jealousy or discontent.To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was ont boring ,it was peace.
• A sheepdog is generally a dog or breed of dogs historically used in connection with the raising of sheep.
Slpeeydog-Border collie
The world’s smartest dog Origin:Scotland Height:43~53cm Weight:14~22kg
狗是我们与天堂的联结,它们不懂何为邪恶、嫉妒和不满,在美丽的黄昏, 和狗并肩坐在海边,犹如重回伊甸园。即使什么事情也不做,也不觉得无 聊,只有幸福平和——米兰·昆德拉
Thank you
By 刘頔
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• The History • The types • My experience
The history
• The History • The types • My experience
The types (based on use)
1.sheepdog 2.working dog 3.hound dog 4.toy dog 5.others
Border Collie (边境牧羊犬)
• "Australian red" Border Collie competing in agilityBorder Collies excel at several dog sports in addition to their success in herding trials. They dominate the higher jump heights at dog agility competitions, so much so that in England competitions often include classes for ABC dogs, "Anything But Collies". • The Border Collie's speed, agility, stamina have allowed them to dominate in up-and-coming dog activities like flyball and disc dog competitions. Their trainability has also given them a berth in dog dancing competitions. • Border Collies have a highly developed sense of smell and with their high drive make excellent and easily motivated tracking dogs for Tracking trials. These trials simulate the finding of a lost person in a controlled situation where the performance of the dog can be evaluated with titles awarded for successful dogs. Because of this skill, Border Collies make excellent Search and rescue dogs in both Lowland, Mountain, and Urban areas.
Dogs actually want less, just a bit of your love!They just want some easy food and a place to avoid rain and wind! They’re loyal to their owners and they can look after the house for you and you can go out without worrying about the theif!
Байду номын сангаас
America has some Stray dog rescue shelters to save homeless dogs.Some of them will be fortunetely adopted by they new owners. I really hope that our country could take some measures to help these pool dogs. Boys and girls,do your best,
How to solve this problem by ourselves?
• What can we do to help these stray dogs is to adopt these dogs,and appeals on more and more people to care about these stray dogs!
Good Morning! Everyone!
• In this short talking,I’m going to talk something about stray dogs!
Steady sunny friendly
Chow Chow
Miniature Schnauzer
迷你雪纳瑞犬 .
A Schnauzer is a German dog type that originated in Germany in the 1400s and 1500s. The original Schnauzer was of the same size as the modern standard Schnauzer breed, and was bred as a rat catcher, yard dog and guard dog. The miniature Schnauzer is the result of crossing the original schnauzer.
Huskies are an active, energetic and resilient breed whose ancestors came from the extremely cold and harsh environment of the Siberian Arctic and were bred by the Chukchi of Northeastern Asia, it was imported into Alaska during the Nome Gold Rush and spread from there into the United States and Canada, initially as a sled dog. It rapidly acquired the status of a family pet and a show-dog.
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The world's smallest dog
• • • • • • • Chihuahua[tʃi'wɑ:wə] 吉娃娃 Origin: Mexico Type:small-sized dog Height:15 ~ 23 cm Weight: 1 to 3 kg Utilization: Companion dogs
Siberian Husky 西伯利亚雪橇犬 From西伯利亚 习 性: Muscular(肌肉发达的) brightwell-proportioned (轮廓匀称的)
Old English Sheepdog 古代英国牧羊犬 From英国
习性: Friendly, loyal, Steady(沉稳的), large size, weight, active
Hotel for Dogs (流浪狗之家)
• 由于新进搬入了一个禁止饲养 宠物的公寓里,安迪和布鲁斯 姐弟两个必须以最快的速度为 他们的宠物狗弗莱迪找一个新 家,他们共同将一些被扔掉的 日常用品变成了各种非常具备 机械原理的小奇迹,并在邻居 朋友的帮助下,彻底地将一座 已经许久无人涉足的破败酒店, 变成了一个充满着奇幻色彩的 狗狗的天堂,不仅让弗莱迪有 了容身之所,他们还将每一只 能够找到的流浪狗都安置在这 里。
• In western countries, many families keep dogs or cats, they regard them as friends and kinsfolk, not only “pet”. Dogs will be introduced to visitors like other formal family members equally, they get medical care when they are sick or injured. But in China’s history, the dog's status is humble, their social effect is ignored. So, “dog” refers to different meanings in different areas.
The world's smartest dog
• • • • • Border Collie 边境牧羊犬 Origin: Scotland Height:43 ~ 53 cm Weight: 14 to 22 kg Utilization: herding dog
As our “honest friend”, dogs play an important role in human’s development, help in many aspects. They are excellent doorkeepers and close companion of children. They are also proving their worth off the field of battle by helping wounded soldiers recover, and rescue the survivors in calamity just like earthquake and fire.
Samoyed 萨摩犬 From俄罗斯 习性: Steady(沉稳) sunny(性格开朗的) friendly
Maltese Dog 马尔济斯犬 From马耳他岛
习性 : confident , gentle(温和的), frolicsome(爱玩的) not
American Cocker Spaniel 美国可卡犬
Maltese (马尔济斯犬)
Shar Pe(沙皮)
Continental Toy Spaniel
Samoyed • Toy dog traditionally refers to small蝴蝶犬 sized dog and also known as companion dogs. A Toy dog can be any dog types, including Spaniels, Pinschers and Terriers that have been bred down in size. Most pet lovers' first choice are toy dogs. Because they are Schnauzer very beautiful and lovely.
Bichon Frise 卷毛比雄犬 From法国
习性: small, happy, friendly, lively, easy to please mannered(守规矩的)
Chow Chow
From中国 习性: brave,independent,very smart,loyal
Miniature Schnauzer 迷你雪纳瑞犬
Proverbs(谚语) about dogs
1.Every dog has his day. 大家都有走运的一天。 2.He is a lucky dog. 他是个幸运儿。 3.Love me, love my dog. 爱屋及乌。 4.Lead a dog’s life 过穷困潦倒的日子
5. Barking dogs seldom bite.
博 美
Poodle 贵宾犬
The world's largest dog
• • • • • • Caucasian sheepdog 高加索犬 Origin: Russia. Type: large-sized dog Shoulder Height: 64-72 cm Weight: 45-70 kg Utilization(用途):guard and defense dog
Lassie 灵犬莱西
• 小男孩乔,因为家里经济拮 据,迫于无奈必须卖掉最挚 爱的牧羊犬-莱西,而莱西 总是每天风雨无阻地至校门 口接小主人返家,被迫送走 后仍不畏艰难地逃离1200 公里外的新家,就只为了回 到小主人的身边,只因他们 是彼此生命中最好的朋友。 而小主人也同时因为经历与 莱西的分别而坚强成长,变 得更加成熟懂事。
From 德国 习 性:brave, alert(警惕 的)friendly, smart, likes to please the master.
Chihuahua 吉娃娃犬 From墨西哥
习性; energetic
Dalmatian 大麦町犬 From 南斯拉夫
习 性: calm(平静的) alert(警惕 的),strong,lively, not shy, brightwell-proportioned(轮廓匀 称的) proof(有耐力的)
From德国 习性: Smart, lively, with good temperament, loyal nimble(敏捷的) Gentler(优雅)
Tibetan Mastiff 藏獒 From西藏 习性 : with strong will, Have a high degree of intelligence and memory, Distant(冷漠的) independent Sensible(有判断力的)
West Highland whiteTerrier dog 西部高地白梗 From 英国西部高地
习性: Small size, frolicsome(爱玩的) Steady(坚定的), with good artistic temperament (艺术气质) conceited(自负)
Dogs is a kind of animal.They are clever and friendly to people.They can do lots of things for people such as helping blind people going across the road or helping them do other things.
Some movies about dogs
クイール 导盲犬小Q
• 《导盲犬小Q》改编自日本 作家石黑谦吾和秋元良平的 小说《再见了,可鲁》。书 中的可鲁确实曾经存在,生 卒年为1986年6月25日到 1998年7月20日。一只聪明 的、一生都在工作的导盲犬, 在人世间走过了12年的岁月, 日后它的故事被记录、被传 播。
Labrador Retriever 拉布拉多寻回犬
Samoyed 萨摩耶
husky 哈士奇
Rough Collie苏牧
The more I see of men,the more I admire dogs. 我看到的人愈多,我愈欣赏狗。狗的特色是忠心。
Dog won‘t eat dog,but men will eat each other up like cannibals.
• Three kinds of working dogs guide dogs(导盲犬) police dogs(警犬) sniffer dogs (搜救犬)
Gun dogs, are types of dogs developed to assist hunters in finding and retrieving [ri'tri:v] game, usually birds. Gun dogs are divided into three primary types: Retrievers, flushing dogs, and pointing breeds. The three most popular types are: Spaniel(西班牙猎犬),Golden Retriever (金毛猎犬)and Labrador(拉布拉多).