英文介绍吉林雾凇的作文英文:Jilin rime is a natural phenomenon that occurs in the winter months in Jilin province, China. It is a unique and beautiful sight that is created when water droplets in the air freeze on trees, plants, and other surfaces, forming a layer of ice crystals. The result is a stunning landscape of white, glittering trees and plants.I first heard about Jilin rime from a friend who had visited the province during the winter. She showed me pictures of the icy wonderland and I was immediately captivated. I knew I had to see it for myself.When I finally got the chance to visit Jilin during the winter, I was not disappointed. The rime-covered trees and plants were truly breathtaking. The sunlight reflected off the ice crystals, creating a sparkling effect that was almost magical. It was as if I had stepped into a winterwonderland.One of the things I loved about Jilin rime was how it changed throughout the day. In the morning, the trees and plants were covered in a thick layer of ice, but as the sun rose higher in the sky, the ice began to melt and drip, creating a delicate and beautiful sound.Overall, my experience seeing Jilin rime was unforgettable. It is truly one of the most beautiful natural phenomena I have ever witnessed.中文:吉林雾凇是中国吉林省冬季时期出现的一种自然现象。
吉林雾凇英文导游词篇一:吉林雾凇英语导游词JilinRimeGoodmorning,LadiesandGentlemen!welcometoJilincity.andiamthetourgui deofchinanationalTourismadministration,youcancallmeJingya,ormissLiu, andonmylefthandisourdrivermr.zhang,hehavemorethan20yeardrivingexpe riences,hewillkeepussafe. okeveryonetherearefewminutesbeforewereachthetenmilesdike,nowiwillgi veyouabriefintroductionaboutJilinRime. TheRimeofJilincityissaidtobeasymbolofthespringinwinter,beingtogetherw iththeGuilinlandscape,YunnanstoneforestandThreeGorgesoftheYangtzeRi ver,itiscalledthefourmeteorologicalwondersinchina,andactually,chinahasth eearliestrecordofrimeintheworldwhichisalsocommonlyknownas”themistat tachedtotrees”bylocalpeople. nowiwillintroducehowJilinRimecomesintobeing,upgoing15kilometersups treamfromtheJilincityalongtheSonghuaRiver.ThereisthefamousFengmanp owerstation.inwinterwhenthewaterpassesthroughthehydraulicgroup,itgets warmerandthetemperaturekeepsataround4centigradeinspiteofthecoldnessa ndthesteel–likeiceonthelake.Sincetheriverwaterholdsgreatheatenergy,itdoe sn’tfreezeforaslongastenmiles.watervaporrisesconstantlyfromthewatersurfac eandthewholeriverappearstobemisty.Therearepines,poplarsandweepingwil lowsalongthedykes.Thewatervaporfreezesaroundthetreeswhen encumberscoldness,ofcourseundertheeffectofatmosphericpressure.winddir ectionandtemperature.Becauseofthisspecialformation,Jilinrimecanlastarat herlongtimeandithappensfrequentlyinwinterseason.what’smore,thebesttimeforsightseeingisfromthelatedecembertothenextFebruary. Sometimetherecouldbemorethan60timesofrime–formationinasinglewinter. Peopleusuallydividetheprocessofappreciationintothreestages;watchingthe mistatnight,enjoyingtherimeinthemorningandappreciateit.asilverandmagicworldappearsjustinfrontofus.allofthetressalon gtheriverarecoveredbyrimeandthebranchesofweepingwillowslikesilvernec klaces.asforthelaststage,wearetalkingaboutthetimewhentherimebeginstofa ually,afternineo’clockinthemorning,therimewillfelldownfromthetrees.Thisbeginsbylittlea mountandthenmoreandmoreisfallingdown.whentheflyingrimefallsonourhe ardandshoulders,wefeelespeciallyfreshandcool.ontheninth,January,1991,theformerpresidentofchina,Jiangzemin,visitedJili ncityandenjoyedtherime.Hemadecomplimentaryremarksforitsbeauty: Jilincitydeservesherfame,Forherwillowsdressedinrime.Theylooklikejadeandsilver,StandingonthebankoftheSonghuaRiver.inmycity,thereisafamousRimeviewingarea-Rimeisland.From1991,Jilincity governmentheld”china?JilininternationalRimeFestival”.in1995,thefifth“c hina?JilininternationalRimeFestival”,producedasetoftwochineseJilinRime stamp. okeveryonenowwehavereachedtheSongjangroad.Pleasegofellowmeandenj oythewondersoftherime.篇二:吉林雾凇英语导游词20XX新版吉林省英语导游证资格考试专用导游词之吉林雾凇JilinRimeJiLinRimEHelloeverybody!welcometoJilin.nowwearegoingtoenjoythewonderfulscen eryofJilinrime.Jilinrimewithitspoeticandpictur esquebeautyof“springinwinter”,togetherwi thotherthreelandscapes:QiantangRivertidalbore;SunriseofmountTai;cloud ofmountHuang,isnamedasoneofthefourmeteorologicalwondersofchina.int hedeadofwinter,thenorthernchinawasdepressed,however,youwouldseeami raculousandbeautifullandscapewhenenteringJilincity.Lookingalongtheban kofSonghuaRiver,youwillseeagrandsightoffrostandsnowonthebranchesofp inesandwillows,likeaclusterofsilver,orrowsofsnowspoondrift.That’sthewondernamed“Rime”.Therimeisgenerallycalled“Shugua”,it’sfogandwatervaporturnintoicewitheitherparticleorcrystalshape.Theconstru ctionofparticlerimeistight,whilecrystalisloose.andtheformeroneturnintosm allicecubeswhilethelatterturnintolargeslices.Jilinrimefallsintothecrystalsha pe.itwilltakeintoshapewithvaporatthetemperaturelowerthan-25℃andinthewindlessthangrade3.onlyinthisconditioncantherimeinvolve.Theun iqueconditioninJilincityisperfectfortherime. FengmanHydronicPowerStationis15kilometersuptotheSonghuaRiver,who seaveragedepthis70meters.inthedeadofwinter,itswaterkeepsitstemperature atabout4℃.itneverfreezesafterrunningseveraltensofkilometersacrossthecit ywithitsvastthermicenergy.Thevastamountofwatersteamvaporizesfromthe unfrozenriver,meetsthecoldair,formingthepatternofmiraculouslogandfloati ngandperfusing,whennaturalconditionisappropriate,itturnsintocrystalfogo nthebranchesofpinesandwillowsoneitherbankoftheriver,thustheworld-reno wnedrimetakesintoshape.Jilincomesintowintereverymid-november,atthesametime,therimeappears,e speciallytheyearswithlargeamountofsnowandcoldweather. chinaisthefirstcountrytorecordrimeintheworld.Forthousandsofyears,ancien tchinesehavehadmanynamesandpraisesofrimesuchas“ShuJia”accordingtot he,writtenbyLvcheninSongdynasty.itmeans“coldairmakesice,disappearwh enitmeetssunshine.PeopleinShandongcallitwuSong.”Themostmysteriousn ameis“mengSong”,whichrecordedin,means“Giftsentindream”. Peoplemayfeelairisveryfreshwhentheyareviewingrime.itisbecausetherimehasabilityoffresheningair.Thereisalotofdustintheair,andrimecanabsorbthe m.Therefore,rimeisnotonlybeautiful,butalsoanaturalaircleaner. whentherimeappears,thesceneofSonghuaRiverlookslikeafairyland.in1991, theformerpresidentofchina,Jiangzemincan’thelpwritingapoemwhenhesawthewonder: Jilincitydeservesherfame,Forherwillowsdressedinrime.Theylooklikejadeandsilver, StandingonthebankoftheSonghuaRiver.()in1998,hewroteanotherpoemtopraisetherime. Theprocessofviewingrimecanbedividedintothreeperiods:viewingnightfog, hangingicebranchmorning,andfallingicyfloweratthenoon. “Viewingnightfog”meanstoenjoythebeautifulsceneryoffogontheevebeforet herimeforms.PlumeoffogappearsintheSonghuaRiverataboutteno’clockatnight,andbecomesbiggerandthicker,flutteringtobothsidesconstantly .Therimeisalsocalled“ShuGua”or“iceflower”.it’sfogandwatervaporturnintoicewitheitherparticleorcrystalshape.itisalwaysa ttachedtothebranches,wiresorprominentpartsofbuildings.itisconsistofnume roussmalliceglobulesoricecrystals,andalwayswhiteormilky.Therimecanbe dividedintotwokinds:needlerimeorgranularrime.inthesmog,coldandwindy days,itoftenformsrime. “Hangingicebranchesinthemorning”istogetupearlytov iewthefogglaze.Treesonbothsidesbecomesilverovernight.it’sreallymagnificent.Rimeisquitecommoninnature,whythatinJilincityissofa mous?it’sbecausethethicknessoftherimeherecanreach40mmto60mmwhiletheusualo neisonly5mmto10mm.ThelocalobservationaldataindicatesthattherimeinJil inisthethickest,andhastheminimumdensityandlooseststructure.Theplush-s hapedandcrystallinerimeistherarestkindoftherimes. “Fallingicyfloweratnoon”describestherimesfallingofffromthetrees.ataroun dteno’clockinthemorning,therimebeginstocastoffoneflakeafteranother,andthenco ntinuestofallinstrings.whensunshinesuponthepieces,itwillbecomeacolorful snowcurtains.mydearfriends,i’llintroduceanothergoodplaceforviewingtherimebesidesJilincity.it’stheRimeisland.Theislandis35kilometersnorthtoJilincityalongtheSonghua River.aroundtheisland,therearemanycentury-oldelmsandwillows.Therimes herearemoreunsophisticatedandnaturalthanthoseinthecity.nowyoucantake photosandwalkaround.Enjoyyourselves!篇三:国际导游英文导游词加中文译文《吉林雾凇》吉林雾凇JilinFrostyPine JilinFrostyPinemixingthewinterbeautyintoice,ismarkedas。
关于吉林雾凇的英语作文The Wonders of Rime Ice in JilinNestled in the northeastern region of China, the province of Jilin is renowned for its spectacular winter attraction — the breathtaking rime ice, commonly known as "Wusong" in Chinese. This natural phenomenon occurs when extremely cold air meets the warmth of the river's current, creating a magical display of icy branches and frozen trees.The winter in Jilin is characterized by low temperatures and high humidity, conditions that are perfect for the formation of rime ice. As the river's warm water flows beneath the frigid air, it creates a thin layer of vapor that freezes on contact with the surrounding trees and branches. Over time, these layers accumulate, transforming the landscape into a winter wonderland of sparkling ice crystals.Visiting Jilin during the winter is a truly magical experience. The sun's rays bounce off the ice-coated trees, creating a dazzling array of colors that is simply breathtaking. Walking through the forest, one can hear the occasional snap of ice as the trees sway in the gentle breeze, adding to the serene atmosphere.Not only is rime ice a visual treat, but it also plays an important role in the local ecosystem. The thick layer of ice provides protection for the trees during the harsh winter, ensuring that they will thrive come spring.Furthermore, the phenomenon attracts tourists from all over the world, boosting the local economy and creating jobs.In conclusion, the rime ice in Jilin is a unique and wondrous natural phenomenon that should be experienced by everyone at least once in their lifetime. It is a testament to the beauty of nature and a reminder of the fragile balance that exists between our environment and ourselves.。
吉林雾凇英文作文The rime in Jilin is absolutely stunning. It's like walking into a fairy tale world, with everything covered in a layer of glistening ice. The trees, the buildings, even the streets are all transformed into a magical wonderland. It's truly a sight to behold.I remember the first time I saw the rime in Jilin. I was completely mesmerized by the beauty of it all. It's one of those things that you have to see to believe. The way the sunlight hits the ice and makes it sparkle is just breathtaking. It's a truly unforgettable experience.Walking through the rime in Jilin is like stepping into a winter wonderland. The air is crisp and fresh, and everything is so quiet and peaceful. It's the perfect place to take a leisurely stroll and just take in the beauty of nature.One of the most amazing things about the rime in Jilinis how it changes throughout the day. In the morning, everything is covered in a layer of frost, and as the day goes on, the sun melts the ice and creates these beautiful icicles. It's like watching nature create a work of art right before your eyes.The rime in Jilin is a photographer's dream. Everywhere you look, there's a perfect picture just waiting to be taken. The way the ice clings to the trees and the way it reflects the sunlight is simply stunning. It's impossible to take a bad picture in a place like this.。
吉林雾凇 英语导游词
![吉林雾凇 英语导游词](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6cc1083631126edb6f1a10c8.png)
2011新版吉林省英语导游证资格考试专用导游词之吉林雾凇Jilin RimeJILIN RIMEHello everybody! Welcome to Jilin. Now we are going to enjoy the wonderful scenery of Jilin rime.Jilin rime with its poetic and picturesque beauty of “spring in winter”, together with other three landscapes: Qiantang River tidal bore; Sunrise of Mount Tai; Cloud of Mount Huang, is named as one of the four meteorological wonders of China. In the dead of winter, the northern China was depressed, however, you would see a miraculous and beautiful landscape when entering Jilin City. Looking along the bank of Songhua River, you will see a grand sight of frost and snow on the branches of pines and willows, like a cluster of silver, or rows of snow spoondrift. That’s the wonder named “Rime”.The rime is gener ally called “Shu gua”, It’s fog and water vapor turn into ice with either particle or crystal shape. The construction of particle rime is tight, while crystal is loose. And the former one turn into small ice cubes while the latter turn into large slices. Jilin rime falls into the crystal shape. It will take into shape with vapor at the temperature lower than -25℃ and in the wind less than grade 3. Only in this condition can the rime involve. The unique condition in Jilin city is perfect for the rime.Fengman Hydronic Power Station is 15 kilometers up to the Songhua River, whose average depth is 70 meters. In the dead of winter, its water keeps its temperature at about 4℃. It never freezes after running several tens of kilometers across the city with its vast thermic energy. The vast amount of water steam vaporizes from the unfrozen river, meets the cold air, forming the pattern of miraculous log and floating and perfusing, when natural condition is appropriate, it turns into crystal fog on the branches of pines and willows on either bank of the river, thus the world-renowned rime takes into shape.Jilin comes into winter every mid-November, at the same time, the rime appears, especially the years with large amount of snow and cold weather.China is the first country to record rime in the world. For thousands of years, ancient Chinese have had many names and praises of rime such as “Shu Jia” according to the <Spring And Autumn” or “Shu Jie” namely “Wu Song” at the present time. “Wu Song” first appeared in th e book <Zi Lin>, written by Lv Chen in Song Dynasty. It means “Cold air makes ice, disappear when it meets sunshine. People in ShanDong call it Wu Song.” The most mysterious name is “Meng Song”, which recorded in <Huang Shi Ri Chao>, means “Gift sent in dream”.People may feel air is very fresh when they are viewing rime. It is because the rime has ability of freshening air. There is a lot of dust in the air, and rime can absorb them. Therefore, rime is not only beautiful, but also a natural air cleaner.When the rime appears, the scene of Songhua River looks like a fairyland. In 1991, the former president of China, Jiang Zemin can’t help writing a poem when he saw the wonder:Jilin City deserves her fame,For her willows dressed in rime.They look like jade and silver,Standing on the bank of the Songhua River.In 1998, he wrote another poem to praise the rime.The process of viewing rime can be divided into three periods: viewing night fog, hanging ice branch morning, and falling icy flower at the noon.“Viewing night fog” means to enjoy the beautiful scenery of fog on the eve before the rime forms. Plume of fog appears in the Songhua River at about ten o’clock at night, and becomes bigger and thicker, fluttering to both sides constantly. The rime i s also called “Shu Gua” or “ice flower”. It’s fog and water vapor turn into ice with either particle or crystal shape. It is always attached to the branches, wires or prominent parts of buildings. It is consist of numerous small ice globules or ice crystals, and always white or milky. The rime can be divided into two kinds: needle rime or granular rime. In the smog, cold and windy days, it often forms rime.“Hanging ice branches in the morning” is to get up early to view the fog glaze. Trees on both sides become silver overnight. It’s really magnificent. Rime is quite common in nature, why that in Jilin City is so famous? It’s because the thickness of the rime here can reach 40mm to 60mm while the usual one is only 5mm to 10mm. The local observational data indicates that the rime in Jilin is the thickest, and has the minimum density and loosest structure. The plush-shaped and crystalline rime is the rarest kind of the rimes.“Falling icy flower at noon” describes the rimes falling off from the trees. At around ten o’clock in the morning, the rime begins to cast off one flake after another, and then continues to fall in strings. When sun shines upon the pieces, it will become a colorful snow curtains.My dear friends, I’ll introduce another good place for viewing the rime besides Jilin City. It’s the Rime Island. The island is 35 kilometers north to Jilin City along the Songhua River. Around the island, there are many century-old elms and willows. The rimes here are more unsophisticated and natural than those in the city. Now you can take photos and walk around. Enjoy yourselves!。
The Magnificent Rime Ice of JilinNestled in the northeastern corner of China, Jilin Province holds a natural wonder that captivates the hearts of many - the breathtaking rime ice, also known as the Jilin fog and rime. This phenomenon, unique to the cold winters of the region, transforms the landscape into a frozen fairyland.The rime ice forms when the cold air meets the warm, moist air rising from the nearby Songhua River. As the temperature plummets, the moisture in the air condenses and freezes onto trees, branches, and even wires, creating a layer of glistening ice crystals. The result is a landscape coated in a sparkling white blanket, with trees resembling icy sculptures and the air filled with a mysterious, ethereal fog.Walking through such a scene is an experience that is both surreal and humbling. The silence is broken only by the sound of crunching ice underfoot and the occasional caw of a bird. The sun, when it peeks through the fog, casts a warm glow on the icy landscape, making it seem even more magical.The local people of Jilin have long celebrated and treasured this natural wonder. They hold festivals and events to showcase the beauty of the rime ice, attracting tourists from all over the world. Visitors come to marvel at the frozen trees, snap photos, and immerse themselves in the unique atmosphere of the place.In conclusion, the rime ice of Jilin is a natural masterpiece that showcases the beauty and diversity of nature. It is a testament to the power of nature and a reminder of the wonders that lie hidden in our world. A visit to Jilin during winter is a must for anyone who appreciates the beauty and magic of nature.。
吉林雾凇英语作文Embraced by the frigid grip of winter, Jilin Province in northeastern China unveils a breathtaking spectacle: rime ice, a crystalline fantasyland that transforms the landscape into a silvery dreamscape. Known as "shuāng sōng" in Mandarin, meaning "frost凇", this natural phenomenon has captivated hearts and minds for centuries, becoming a source of inspiration for poets, artists, and travelers alike. The genesis of this ethereal beauty lies in a delicate dance between freezing temperatures and flowing water. As the mercury plummets below zero degrees Celsius, the mist rising from the unfrozen Songhua River encounters the bitter cold, crystallizing upon contact with trees and other surfaces. The result is a mesmerizing tapestry of icy filigree, each twig and branch encased in a delicate, feathery coating that shimmers and glitters under the winter sun. The Songhua River, meandering through the heart of Jilin City, plays a pivotal role in the formation of rime ice. Its relatively warm waters, sourced from upstream dams, remain unfrozen despite the harsh winter chill. As the warm water vapor rises and encounters the frigid air, it undergoes a rapid transition, transforming into tiny ice crystals that adhere to anything in their path. This process is aided by the absence of wind, allowing the delicate ice crystals to settle undisturbed, creating intricate and undisturbed formations. Among the numerous sites renowned for their rime ice displays, the banks of the Songhua River stand out as a veritable winter wonderland. The trees lining the riverbanks become ethereal sculptures, their branches adorned with feathery ice crystals that catch the sunlight, creating a dazzling spectacle of refracted light. This spectacleattracts a multitude of visitors, eager to witness the ephemeral beauty of this natural phenomenon. They wander amidst the frosted trees, marveling at thedelicate intricacy of the ice formations and capturing the fleeting beauty with their cameras. Beyond its visual allure, rime ice holds cultural significance in Jilin Province. It is perceived as a symbol of resilience and renewal, representing nature's ability to withstand the harshest conditions and emerge even more beautiful. The ephemeral nature of the phenomenon serves as a poignant reminder of life's transient beauty, urging people to appreciate the fleeting moments of wonder that life offers. The beauty of rime ice lies not merely in itsaesthetic appeal but also in its ability to evoke a sense of awe and wonder. Standing amidst the frosted trees, bathed in the soft glow of the winter sun, one cannot help but feel a profound connection with nature's raw power and delicate artistry. It is a reminder that even in the depths of winter, beauty persists, patiently waiting to be discovered and cherished. As the sun sets on the rime-covered landscape, casting long shadows and painting the sky in hues of pink and orange, one cannot help but be captivated by the ephemeral beauty of this winter spectacle, forever etched in memory as a testament to nature's artistry.。
吉林雾凇英语作文Wusong Island, located in Jilin Province, is renowned for its breathtaking natural beauty, particularly its unique phenomenon of rime frost, known as "wusong frost". 吉林省雾松岛以其令人惊叹的自然美景而闻名,特别是其独特的霜凇现象,即所谓的“雾松霜”。
During the winter months, the island transforms into a mesmerizing wonderland, as the trees, grass, and rocks are blanketed in a layer of delicate frost. 冬季,岛上变成了一个令人着迷的仙境,树木、草地和岩石都被一层层精致的霜覆盖。
The rime frost, created by the combination of cold air and water vapor, encases everything in a glistening coat of ice, resulting in a picturesque and ethereal landscape. 这种由寒冷空气和水蒸气组成的霜凇,把一切都包裹在一层晶莹剔透的冰层中,形成了一幅如画般的超凡景观。
Wusong Island's rime frost has been compared to a glittering crystal palace, captivating the hearts of visitors with its otherworldly beauty. 雾凇岛的霜凇被比喻为一座闪闪发光的水晶宫殿,吸引着游客们的心灵,展现着其超凡脱俗的美丽。
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吉林雾凇Jilin Frosty PineJilin Frosty Pine mixing the winter beauty into ice, is marked as ‘spring scenery in winter’.吉林雾凇将冬天的美与冰雪相融,被称作“冬之春景”。
It is praised as one of the Chinese four natural wonders, as the other three are the landscape of Guilin,stone frost of Yunnan,Changjiang Gorges.它被称为中国四大自然奇迹之一,其余三个是桂林山水,云南石林和长江三峡。
As a natural wonder ,it is rare and some-what miraculous. 作为自然奇观,它罕见而神奇。
In some places in our country,maybe,the frosty pine appears in people’s sight somewhere.However,Jilin’s has its special characteristic.在我国的一些地区,雾凇可能会出100、现在人们的视线中。
The pine along the 10 miles bank, dangled in the falling frost yesterday. 松树悬挂着昨日的落雾,绵延河岸10英里。
In the light of a new day, all the trees are dressed in white. 在新的一天的光芒中,所有的树银装素裹。
Old pines with shining white in the 10 miles bank are definitely a miracle.10英里河岸上的古松闪耀银光,的确是个奇迹。
接下来是小编为大家整理的关于吉林雾凇英语导游词,方便大家阅读与鉴赏!吉林雾凇英语导游词1Ladies and gentlemen: Hello!Welcome to sunshine and nature. I'm Zhao Yinzhi, the guide of @ @ tour guide agency. Please call me Zhao Dao, Lao Zhao and Xiao Zhao. I'm very happy to meet you. T oday I will try my best to provide you with excellent tour guide service. I hope you have a good time and have a good time!Today, we all rely on our own good fortune to bring us luck. The rime that we haven't seen in a few days is full of branches this morning.With its poetic beauty of "spring in winter", Jilin rime, together with Guilin landscape, Yunnan Shilin and the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River, is known as China's four natural wonders. We call it "shugua", which is the ice crystal condensed on the branches and leaves by fog and water vapor when it is cold. It can be divided into granular and crystalline. The rime in Jilin is crystalline. It can only be formed naturally in the weather with water vapor, temperature below - 25 ℃ and no more than the third level wind. Because of the harsh conditions for its formation, it is listed as one of the four natural landscapes in China.Fengman Hydropower Station is located 15 kilometers up the Songhua River from the urban area of Jilin Province. In winter, the river water passes through the water turbine units, and thewater temperature rises and becomes hot. Every winter, there is still 4 ℃ water flowing from the water turbine units. The river water carries a large amount of heat energy, forming a wonderland where the Songhua River flows slowly through the urban area for decades. From the surface of the water continuously steaming out water vapor, the whole river white fog Tengteng, for a long time does not dissipate. Along the Yangtze River, there are many pines and willows, and the transpiration fog on the river is cold, forming a world-famous rime landscape.To watch rime, we should pay attention to "watching fog at night, watching hanging in the morning, and enjoying falling flowers near noon"."Watching fog at night" is to watch the fog scene on the river on the eve of rime formation. At about ten o'clock in the night, there began to be wisps of fog on the Songhua River, and then it became bigger and thicker. Large groups of white fog rolled up from the river and drifted to both sides of the river. Winter fog filled Jiangcheng, which was also a wonder in the north."Morning watch hanging" is to get up early to watch the tree hanging. The dark trees on the Bank of the ten li River turned silver overnight. Willows are like jade branches hanging down, and pine needles are like silver chrysanthemums in full bloom. The river breeze blows, the silver needle flickers, the jade chrysanthemum sways.Rime is also known as "dream sending" among the people. It means that people are still in sleep, and the master of heaven has sent all over the sky white and crystal clear pear flowers. As Tang Dynasty poet Cen Shen's poem "white snow song to send judge Wu back""Beijing" two poems: suddenly, like a night of spring breeze,thousands of pear trees bloom."Enjoy the falling flowers near noon" refers to the scene when the hanging trees fall off. Generally at about 10 am, the hanging trees begin to fall off one by one, and then they fall down in clusters. The silver flakes fall off in the air when the breeze blows. The bright sunlight shines on them, and colorful snow curtains are formed in the air. What I saw in winter was a picture of pear blossoms.It is said that a long time ago, there was an old mother by the Songhua River. Her husband died early. She raised her three daughters and worked hard to earn money to support their children. As time went by, the three daughters grew up and married out one after another. After the three daughters got married, the old mother, who was lonely and old, could not work, so she had to take turns to live with her three daughters The three daughters were unfilial and pushed the old mother around like a rubber ball. One day, on the way of the eldest daughter and the second daughter to the third daughter's house, the cold wind roared. The more the old mother thought about it, the more sad she was. Her white hair and tears fluttered with the wind. They hung on the trees and condensed into ice, forming tree hangers. People looked at the silver branches, and could not help thinking of her silver hair I hate my unfilial daughter.Dear tourists, the short journey is coming to an end. It's like a spring breeze all night. The rime of thousands of pear blossoms will let you never forget, and the colorful "falling flowers" will make you linger. Scattering is the beginning of gathering. May we meet again in this world of jade trees and silver, and enter nature again. Jilin rime with its enthusiasm, broad mind to welcome the arrival of friends from all walks of life at home andabroad!Thank you for your support and cooperation in my work. I hope you can give me more valuable opinions and suggestions. Finally, I wish you all the best!吉林雾凇英语导游词2Rime island is located in the Manchu town of Wula street, more than 30 kilometers north of Jilin City. It is a small island in the Songhua River. It is the most famous rime scenic spot in China. Wusong in Jilin Province, together with Guilin mountains and waters, Shilin in in Yunnan Province and the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River, is known as China's four natural wonders. Rime island has many and beautiful rime, and it is often a good place to photograph scenery. Every winter, the rising water mist in the unfrozen river is cold, and it condenses into frost flowers on the trees. From a distance, it is the legendary Yushu Qionghua, which is beyond words.Rime is a natural wonder, but the probability of seeing rime on rime island is high, especially from the middle and late December of each year to the end of February of the next year. However, the formation of rime needs to meet specific weather conditions, so it is recommended to use the microblog of Jilin Tourism Bureau( /u/2061847537 )To pay attention to the weather, usually if there is moderate to heavy snow, and the temperature is below minus 20 degrees, there is a great possibility of rime.From the shore, you need to take a ferry to the island, the cost of 60 yuan per person is equivalent to the island fee and round-trip ticket. Zengtongtun on the island is the best place to enjoy the Wusong. The trees here are peculiar in shape. The weeping willows covered with frost along the river are shining inthe river wind. If you want to feel the beauty of rime, you can take an early morning bus from Jilin City. It's the best time to watch rime from 9 to 11 o'clock, and then return in the afternoon. One day is enough. However, if you have plenty of time, you'd better stay here for one or two nights. In the evening, you can take pictures of sunset. The next day, you can get up early to watch sunrise, and then take pictures of rime. In addition, Hantun on the other side of rime island is also a good place to watch rime.You can choose to live in zengtongtun or Hantun on Wusong island. They are all hot Kang shops provided by local farmers. Generally, they are 100-150 yuan per person. Local dishes are common northeast farmhouse dishes. Sauerkraut is delicious. Rime island is very cold in winter. It's usually 20-30 degrees below zero. You must wear thick down jacket and high top anti-skid snow shoes. You can't miss a cotton hat, mask, ski gloves and scarf. For Southern tourists who come to Northeast China occasionally, you can stick some warm treasures outside your underwear before going out.吉林雾凇英语导游词3Rime island is a small island on the Songhua River, located in Wula Street Manchu T own, Longtan District, Jilin City, Jilin Province. Hantun, zengtongtun and other villages in Wula Street Manchu town are the most concentrated places of rime, and also the best places to watch and photograph rime. Especially in zengtong village, there is a saying that "enjoy rime, to zengtong". The best viewing season of rime island is from late December to the end of February of the next year, and the best shooting time is between 10:00-11:30.Jilin city is famous for its rime. However, most people know about the ten mile long dike in the urban area. Few people knowthat there is a rime island in the lower reaches of the Songhua River, 35 kilometers away from Jilin City. Rime island is named for its many and beautiful rime. The trees on both sides of the Songhua River are luxuriant and the branches are numerous. In winter, the water mist rising from the unfrozen river water condenses into frost flowers on the trees when encountering the cold air. It is called "Wusong" by meteorology and "shugua" by local people. Wusong in Jilin Province, together with Guilin mountains and waters, Shilin in in Yunnan Province and the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River, is known as China's four natural wonders. Since 1991, Jilin City has held a "Wusong ice and Snow Festival" every year.Since 1991, Jilin City has held a "Wusong ice and Snow Festival" every year. Jilin City has long been famous for its rime. However, most people know about the ten mile long dike in the urban area. Few people know that there is a rime island in the lower reaches of the Songhua River, 35 kilometers away from Jilin City. Rime island is named for its many and beautiful rime. Zengtongtun on the island is the best place to enjoy Wusong. There was a saying that "to appreciate Wusong, to zengtong". The trees here are peculiar in shape. The weeping willows along the river are covered with white and crystal frost flowers. The river breeze blows and the silver wire flickers. The scenery is both wild and beautiful. Rime, commonly known as shugua, is one of the four wonders in China. There is a saying that "at night to see the fog, morning to see the hanging, until near noon to enjoy the falling flowers", which is the process of rime from nothing to have, from there to nothing. The most famous scenic spots of rime are Jilin, Lushan and Huangshan, among which "Jilin rime is a wonder in the world".The rime of Jilin is unique in the world. Together with Guilin landscape, Yunnan Stone Forest and Yangtze River Gorge, Jilin rime is known as China's four natural wonders. Rime is not snow or ice, but frost on the branches. Along the banks of the Songhua River, the pines and willows are covered with frost and snow, and the jade is covered with silver. To see rime in Jilin, the best place is rime island in the lower reaches of Songhua River. Most of the people who come here are photography enthusiasts, but now, more and more tourists know it.吉林雾凇英语导游词4Good morning, everyone. Did you have a good rest last night? Today we all rely on our blessings to bring us luck. We haven't seen rime for a few days. This morning, we are finally full of branches. Hearing is believing, seeing is believing. Now let's go to the shilijiandi to see Jilin rime, one of China's four natural wonders. It's about ten minutes' journey from our international hotel to Shili river bank. Let me introduce the formation of rime.Jilin rime with its "spring in winter" poetic beauty. T ogether with Guilin mountains and waters, Yunnan Shilin and the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River, they are known as China's four natural wonders. In Jilin Province, we usually call rime "tree hanging". It is a kind of meteorological landscape formed by fog and water vapor freezing when it is cold. It can be divided into granular and crystalline. Jilin rime belongs to crystalline type. It can only be formed in the weather with water vapor, temperature below - 25 ° C and no more than the third wind. Because of the harsh conditions for its formation, it is listed as one of the four natural wonders in China. Some of the group members here would like to ask why such a marvelous natural rime spectacle can be formed in Jilin City? This is because there is a SonghuaRiver in Jilin City, the only river that does not freeze in winter. Oh, the group friend asked, "we just came from Harbin, why is the Songhua River frozen there?" this is because the famous Fengman Hydropower Station is 15 kilometers upstream from the Songhua River in Jilin City. Every winter, the water temperature of the river rises and warms up through the huge water turbine generator set, and it is still around 4 ° C. Therefore, although the Songhua Lake is covered with ice for thousands of miles, it looks like a mirror However, the river water under the lake carries a huge amount of heat energy and flows through the urban area for tens of kilometers without freezing. A large amount of water vapor evaporates from the unfrozen river surface. When it is cold, the air pressure forms a miraculous winter fog. With the help of the fog, water vapor condenses on the pines and weeping willows on both sides of the river under suitable natural conditions, forming a world-famous rime spectacle.Careful group members have found that the trees on both sides of the road today are different from those of yesterday. The black bark was still exposed yesterday, but it has turned white today. Yes, this is the tree hanging. It's just that there is less fog in the urban area, so there is only one layer on the tree, which is far worse than the scenery of the riverbank. Are some of the group members anxious to get to the riverside immediately. In the morning, a group friend asked me why I got up at dawn. This is because the beautiful rime does not appear every day, and the appreciation is divided into three stages, which are called "watching the fog at night, watching the hanging in the morning, and enjoying the falling flowers near noon"."Watching fog at night" is to see the fog scene on the riveron the eve of rime formation. At more than 10 o'clock in the night, there began to be wisps of fog rising on the river, and then it became bigger and thicker. The big white fog rolled up from the river and kept flowing to the river bank. Some fog like wisps of fine sand, winding in the river bank old trees; some fog like clouds, floating in the space; more fog like cotton ball, constantly climbing high cotton mountain. At this time, the middle Songjiang Road is wrapped in thick fog, high-rise buildings appear and disappear in the fog, and the lights become complicated, making people feel like they are in the sky above nine days. The winter fog permeates Jiangcheng, which is also one of the wonders of northern China."Morning watch hanging" means getting up early to watch the tree hanging. Fog constantly attached to the trees, overnight, in front of the trees will become a sea of silver, willows like jade branches hanging, clusters of pine needles like silver chrysanthemum in full bloom, the river breeze blowing, silver needles flickering, jade chrysanthemum swaying; when the East's dawn casts red light into the forest, the thousands of forms of rime is more crystal clear and colorful. Rime in the folk also has a "dream send" reputation. It means that when people are still sleeping, God has sent the crystal clear pear flowers all over the sky. As Tang Dynasty poet Cen Shen said: "suddenly like a spring breeze, thousands of pear trees bloom.".When you get up in the morning, you can feel that today's weather is particularly sunny and the air is particularly fresh. This is probably because the water flow in the fog has a purifying effect on the air, so I asked you to watch the beautiful tree hanging with me in the early morning and breathe the fresh air by the way.Many Chinese and foreign tourists marvel at the beauty of the tree after seeing it. On January 9, 1990, when Jiang Zemin, then president of the people's Republic of China, visited Jilin city to watch the rime of Jilin Province, he said with admiration: "the cold river snow willow, Yushu Qionghua, Jilin tree hanging are worthy of the name."Although the rime is beautiful, it can only last for a few hours, "until noon to enjoy the falling flowers", that is, the scene when the tree hanging falls off. Generally at about 10 am, the hanging trees begin to fall off one by one, and then fall in clusters. When the breeze blows off the silver flakes flying in the air, the bright sunlight shines on it, the background of the sky is particularly blue, and the snow flakes open into colorful snow curtains in the air, slowly floating down and scattering white on the ground. At this time, walking on the Songjiang Road, under the sun, blue sky and white snow, people let the trees fall on their heads. Through the snow curtain, people can see the Songhua River running like a drill. The high-rise buildings, floating floats and colorful costumes make the tourists look very fresh. What they see in winter is a picture of pear blossom in spring.Well, having said so much, we are going to get to the best place to watch Wusong, Songjiang middle road. Now look at the large-scale sculpture in front of you. This is the city standard of Jilin City - rowing man. It is carved from granite and has four big characters "torrent bravely marching" on it. Yesterday, I told you about the history of Jilin City. In the Qing Dynasty, Jilin city was a famous shipyard in China. Remember, choosing "rower" as our city logo is a symbol of the city spirit of Jilin City.Now you can see that the Gothic building with a layer of snow in the tree hanging on the right side is the Catholic Church.It was built by French priest Paul in 1917 and took nine years to complete. Its main body is composed of the church and the bell tower. The towering sky is a scene in the rime by the river.Please wear your hats and gloves and follow me to this beautiful rime spectacle. You can hold up your camera and take a picture of the rime scenery and keep it in your memory, because the rime scenery is not only of Jilin, but also of China and the world.吉林雾凇英语导游词5The most beautiful place to see rime wonder in Jilin should be in "rime island". Here, Hantun and zengtongtun in Wula street town are the most concentrated and best shooting places for rime. Because there is an island on the river, people gradually call it rime island.Wusong island is about 40 kilometers away from Jilin City. Its terrain is lower than that of Jilin City. It is surrounded by rivers. The cold and hot air intersects here. The heavy fog rising in winter often covers this island of nearly 6 square kilometers, and sometimes the sun can't be seen for a day. In such weather, the rime hanging on the tree will not fall, and it will hang on a layer at night. Zengtongtun on the island is the best place to enjoy rime. There was a saying that "to appreciate rime, to zengtong".To watch rime, we should pay attention to "watching fog at night, watching hanging in the morning, and enjoying falling flowers near noon". "Morning watch hanging" is to get up early to see the tree hanging, to see those thousand year old elm trees, overnight turned into a silver white, jade branches hanging, clusters of pine needles, just like silver chrysanthemum in full bloom, crystal. And "enjoy the falling flowers in the near afternoon", generally around 10 am, the hanging trees begin tofall off one by one, and then they fall down in clusters. The silver flakes fall off in the air when the breeze blows, and the bright sunlight shines on them, forming colorful snow curtains in the air. When shooting rime, you must be decisive. If the weather is clear and the sun has risen completely at 9:00, you will see white rime hanging on various branches, setting off against the blue sky. At 10:00, the solar radiation will make the rime begin to fall off from the trees, and the rime on the sunny side will start to blacken (in fact, the branches are exposed).。
Introduction to Jilin's Rime IceJilin, located in Northeast China, is famous for its unique natural phenomenon known as rime ice, or "tree ice" in English. This amazing sight occurs when the cold winter air meets the warm water from the Songhua River, resulting in a thin layer of ice that covers the branches of trees and other plants. The rime ice is characterized by its delicate and transparent appearance, which transforms the winter landscape into a magical wonderland.The best time to view rime ice in Jilin is during the early morning hours, when the sun's rays cast a beautiful golden hue on the ice-covered branches. This breathtaking sight attracts numerous tourists from around the world, who come to witness this natural phenomenon and capture its beauty with their cameras.In addition to its aesthetic value, rime ice also serves as an important indicator of the local environment's health. Its presence indicates that the area has clean air and water, making it a popular destination for those seeking a escape from the hustle and bustle of city life.吉林雾凇介绍位于中国东北部的吉林,以其独特的自然现象——雾凇而闻名。
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![【优质】吉林雾凇英文导游词-优秀word范文 (2页)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/8f4d72ca81c758f5f61f67bd.png)
【优质】吉林雾凇英文导游词-优秀word范文本文部分内容来自网络,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将予以删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可随意编辑修改! ==吉林雾凇英文导游词ladies and gentlemen;welcome to my hometown jilin city. and i am the tour guide of china national tourism administration you can call me vera. or miss zhang , and on my left hand is our driver mrs. li he have more than 20 year driving experiences, he will keep our safe.ok everyone there are few minutes before we reach the ten miles dike, now i will give you a brief introduction about jilin rime, the rime of jilin city is said to be a symbol of the spring in winter ,being together with the guilin landscape ,yunnan stone forest and three gorges of the yangtze river, it is called the four meteorological wonders in china ,and actually ,china has the earliest record of rime in the world which is also commonly known as” the mist attached to trees” by local people .now i will introduce how jilin rime comes into being ,up going 15 kilometers upstream from the jilin city along the songhua river is the famous fengman power station, in winter when the water passes through the hydraulic group ,it gets warmer and the temperature keeps at around 4 centigrade in spite of the coldness and the steel –like ice on the lake ,since the river water holds great heat energy it doesn't freeze for as long as ten miles ,water vapor rises constantly from the water surface and the whole river appears to be misty ,given that there are pines, poplars and weeping willows along the dykes the water vapor freezes around the trees when encumbers coldness, of course under the effect of atmospheric pressure. wind direction and。
JilinRimeGood morning, my friends. Did you have a sound sleep last night? Today good fortune has brought us good luck. What is our good luck? That is, the rime has covered the branches, which hasn’t been seen for days. Seeing is believing. Now let us take a look at the rime, one of four China’s natural wonders. It is about ten-minute drive from our International Hotel to the Ten-li Bank. First of all, I would like to tell you the formation of the rime.Jilin Rime with its poetic and picturesque beauty of “spring in winter”, together with other three landscapes, Guilin Scenery, Yunnan Stone Forest, and Three Gorges in the Yangtze River, is named as one of the four China’s natural wonders. In Jilin, generally, we call fog glaze “the rime”, which actually is a kind of weather sight: fog and water vapor turn into ice with either particle or the crystal shape.Jilin Rime falls into the crystal shape. It will take into shape with vapor at the temperature lower than -wind less than grade 3 equal to breeze. Only in this condition can the rime evolve. Only because of this, Jilin Rime is one of the 8 world wonders. Upon hearing this, some of you may ask what it is that makes Jilin City the place of marvelous rime on such a large scale. The main reason is that across Jilin City there is the Songhua River, the only unfrozen river in winter in Northeast China. Probably, one may ask another question: “We have been to Harbin. Why is the Songhua River there frozen instead?” The main reason is in Jilin there is Fengman Hydrolic Power Station 15 km up to the Songhua River. Its water, when traveling through the huge hydrogenerator groupTherefore, it never freezes after running several tens of kilometers across the city with its vast thermic energy, though at the same time the Songhua Lake has all been frozen far and wide like a mirror. The vast amount of water steam vaporizes from the unfrozen river, meeting the cold air, forming the pattern of miraculous fog and floating and perfusing. When the natural condition is appropriate, it turns into crystal fog on he branches of pines and willows on either bank of the river, thus the world-renowned rime takes into shape.The careful travelers have already found that trees todayare quite different from yesterday for their dark barks apparently have turned white. Yes, this is the rime. But it is pretty thin. Compared with the rime along the bank, it is far from perfect. So far, aren’t many of you very eager to reach the bank of the river? Some of you asked me this morning why you were told to get up so early in the morning, and now I can tell you it is simply because the beautiful rime does not appear every day. You know, it lasts briefly. Furthermore, there are three periods in a day for us to enjoy the scene: viewing the fog at night, watching the rime in the morning, and enjoying the rime falling at noon.Viewing the fog at night means to see the fog scene on the river before its formation. When it is ten, quiffs and quiffs of fog start to elevate from the river surface, getting larger and larger, thicker and thicker, and violently rising from the river, continuously rolling and spreading. Look at them, how beautiful they are! Some are like locks of spinning yarn, enwinding the old trees on the bank; others look like patches of cloud, drifting about in the air; more others, balls of cotton, continually climbing the cotton mountain, higher and higher. The present Songjiang Mid Road is wrapped n the thick fog, with tall buildings and amp lights shimmering and flicking,thus it seems as if you were in the sky, creating an ecstacy of situating yourself above the heaven. The winter fog pervading the city is a wonder in North China.Watching the rime in the morning means that we watch it after getting up in the early morning. You can see the thick fog continuously stick to the trees, turing into a silver sea of forest overnight. The willows look lie drooping branches of jade together with cluster of pine needles, yellow chrysanthemums in full blossom wavering and flickering at the fanning of the river cloud. When the morning ray shines through the forest, the rime in various statures appear to be more graceful and elegant. The folk tale gives the rime a pretty nickname “Gift sent in dream”, which goes to the effect that when people were in dream, God sent the purest white and blemishless crystal per flowers all over the sky. It fits perfectly a poem written by Censen a famous Chinese ancient poet in the Tang Dynasty: As if the vernal breeze had com back overnight, Adorning thousands of pear tress with blossoms white.You can feel this morning that the weather is very clear, and the air is very clean. This is because the flow of the water in the fog purifies the air, which is also why I guess that you enjoy the beautiful rime and breathe the fresh air in themorning.You can feel this morning that the weather is very clear, and the air is very clean. This is because the flow of the water in the fog purifies the air, which is also why I suggest that you enjoy the beautiful rime and breathe the fresh air in the morning.A lot of Chinese and international visitors have marveled at the beauty of the rime. On the 9th, Janurary, 1991, the former president of China, Jiang Zemin, when visiting Jilin City and enjoying the rime, made complimentary remarks at is beauty:JilinCitydeserves her in fame,For her willows dressed in rime.They look like jade and silver,Standing on the bank of Songhua River.As beautiful as it is, the rime lasts only a few hours. So it’s really hard for us to have an opportunity to watch it. Enjoying the flowery rime falling at noon refers to the science of the falling rime. Generally, at around 10 in the morning, the rime begins to cast off one flake after another, and then continues to fall in strings. When the sliver flakes are dancing in the sky, the bright sun casts its light upon them, setting off aparticularly blue sky. And they blossom into colorful snow curtains, fluttering down slowly, onto the ground purely white. If on strolls under the sun with purely white snow flakes flying over the blue sky over the Songjiang Road at such moment, you can just let them fall upon your head. And watching snow curtain, you van find seems galloping. Turning around, you can find tall buildings standing upright, the decoration cars moving and the flamboyantly-dressed travelers in high spirit. All this portraits a picture of spring pear flowers dancing about in the sky.All right, so far as what I have been brietling, we are about to arrive at the Songjiang Road, the best spot to view the rime. Now, ahead of us s a large sculpture, The Boat Rower, a symbol of the city of Jilin, which is made out of granite, engraved upon with 4 big characters “Blazing the Trail and Advance in the Mighty Stream”. Yesterday, I told you about the history of the city of Jilin, and I think you still remember Jilin City as the renowned shipping yard across country in the Qing Dynasty. The choice of the Boat Rower as the symbol of the city matches it’s enterprising spirit pretty well.Now you might have discovered on the right side f the rime lies an architecture, a catholic church, seemingly coveredwith a layer of snow. It took the French priest, Lawyer, 9 years to complete it since 1917. Composed of two parts—the church and the clock tower, the main body of the building towering toward the sky, is a sight among the rime on the bank of the river.Now, please put on your cap and handgloves, and follow me to the beautiful rime. Why not take some this pretty view and leave them in your memory? For the rime is not only the fortune of the city of Jilin, but also that of China, and of the world as well.。
吉林雾凇英语导游词(精选5篇)吉林雾凇英语篇1Rime island is a small island on the Songhua River, located in Wula StreetManchu T own, Longtan District, Jilin City, Jilin Province. Hantun, zengtongtunand other villages in Wula Street Manchu town are the most concentrated placesof rime, and also the best places to watch and photograph rime. Especially inzengtong village, there is a saying that "enjoy rime, to zengtong". The bestviewing season of rime island is from late December to the end of February ofthe next year, and the best shooting time is between 10:00-11:30.Jilin city is famous for its rime. However, most people know about the tenmile long dike in the urban area. Few people know that there is a rime island inthe lower reaches of the Songhua River, 35 kilometers away from Jilin City. Rimeisland is named for its many and beautiful rime. The trees on both sides of theSonghua River are luxuriant and the branches are numerous. In winter, the watermist rising from the unfrozen river water condenses into frost flowers on thetrees when encountering the cold air. It is called "Wusong" by meteorology and"shugua" by local people. Wusong in Jilin Province, together with Guilinmountains and waters, Shilin in in Yunnan Province and the Three Gorges of theYangtze River, is known as China's four natural wonders. Since 1991, Jilin Cityhas held a "Wusong ice and Snow Festival" every year.Since 1991, Jilin City has held a "Wusong ice and Snow Festival" everyyear. Jilin City has long been famous for its rime. However, most people knowabout the ten mile long dike in the urban area. Few people know that there is arime island in thelower reaches of the Songhua River, 35 kilometers away fromJilin City. Rime island is named for its many and beautiful rime. Zengtongtun onthe island is the best place to enjoy Wusong. There was a saying that "toappreciate Wusong, to zengtong". The trees here are peculiar in shape. Theweeping willows along the river are covered with white and crystal frostflowers. The river breeze blows and the silver wire flickers. The scenery isboth wild and beautiful. Rime, commonly known as shugua, is one of the fourwonders in China. There is a saying that "at night to see the fog, morning tosee the hanging, until near noon to enjoy the falling flowers", which is theprocess of rime from nothing to have, from there to nothing. The most famousscenic spots of rime are Jilin, Lushan and Huangshan, among which "Jilin rime isa wonder in the world".The rime of Jilin is unique in the world. Together with Guilin landscape,Yunnan Stone Forest and Yangtze River Gorge, Jilin rime is known as China's fournatural wonders. Rime is not snow or ice, but frost on the branches. Along thebanks of the Songhua River, the pines and willows are covered with frost andsnow, and the jade is covered with silver. To see rime in Jilin, the best placeis rime island in the lower reaches of Songhua River. Most of the people whocome here are photography enthusiasts, but now, more and more tourists knowit.吉林雾凇英语导游词篇2Rime island is located in the Manchu town of Wula street, more than 30kilometers north of Jilin City. It is a small island in the Songhua River. It isthe most famous rime scenic spot in China. Wusong in Jilin Province, togetherwith Guilin mountains and waters, Shilin in in Yunnan Province and the ThreeGorges of the Yangtze River, is known as China's four natural wonders.Rimeisland has many and beautiful rime, and it is often a good place to photographscenery. Every winter, the rising water mist in the unfrozen river is cold, andit condenses into frost flowers on the trees. From a distance, it is thelegendary Yushu Qionghua, which is beyond words.Rime is a natural wonder, but the probability of seeing rime on rime islandis high, especially from the middle and late December of each year to the end ofFebruary of the next year. However, the formation of rime needs to meet specificweather conditions, so it is recommended to use the microblog of Jilin TourismBureau( )To pay attention to the weather, usuallyif there is moderate to heavy snow, and the temperature is below minus 20degrees, there is a great possibility of rime.From the shore, you need to take a ferry to the island, the cost of 60 yuanper person is equivalent to the island fee and round-trip ticket. Zengtongtun onthe island is the best place to enjoy the Wusong. The trees here are peculiar inshape. The weeping willows covered with frost along the river are shining in theriver wind. If you want to feel the beauty of rime, you can take an earlymorning bus from Jilin City. It's the best time to watch rime from 9 to 11o'clock, and then return in the afternoon. One day is enough. However, if youhave plenty of time, you'd better stay here for one or two nights. In theevening, you can take pictures of sunset. The next day, you can get up early towatch sunrise, and then take pictures of rime. In addition, Hantun on the otherside of rime island is also a good place to watch rime.You can choose to live in zengtongtun or Hantun on Wusong island. They areall hot Kang shops provided by local farmers. Generally, they are 100-150 yuanper person. Local dishes are common northeast farmhouse dishes. Sauerkraut isdelicious.Rime island is very cold in winter. It's usually 20-30 degrees belowzero. You must wear thick down jacket and high top anti-skid snow shoes. Youcan't miss a cotton hat, mask, ski gloves and scarf. For Southern tourists whocome to Northeast China occasionally, you can stick some warm treasures outsideyour underwear before going out.吉林雾凇英语导游词篇3The most beautiful place to see rime wonder in Jilin should be in "rimeisland". Here, Hantun and zengtongtun in Wula street town are the mostconcentrated and best shooting places for rime. Because there is an island onthe river, people gradually call it rime island.Wusong island is about 40 kilometers away from Jilin City. Its terrain islower than that of Jilin City. It is surrounded by rivers. The cold and hot airintersects here. The heavy fog rising in winter often covers this island ofnearly 6 square kilometers, and sometimes the sun can't be seen for a day. Insuch weather, the rime hanging on the tree will not fall, and it will hang on alayer at night. Zengtongtun on the island is the best place to enjoy rime. Therewas a saying that "to appreciate rime, to zengtong".To watch rime, we should pay attention to "watching fog at night, watchinghanging in the morning, and enjoying falling flowers near noon". "Morning watchhanging" is to get up early to see the tree hanging, to see those thousand yearold elm trees, overnight turned into a silver white, jade branches hanging,clusters of pine needles, just like silver chrysanthemum in full bloom, crystal.And "enjoy the falling flowers in the near afternoon", generally around 10 am,the hanging trees begin to fall off one by one, and then they fall down inclusters. The silver flakes fall off in the air when the breeze blows, and thebrightsunlight shines on them, forming colorful snow curtains in the air. Whenshooting rime, you must be decisive. If the weather is clear and the sun hasrisen completely at 9:00, you will see white rime hanging on various branches,setting off against the blue sky. At 10:00, the solar radiation will make therime begin to fall off from the trees, and the rime on the sunny side will startto blacken (in fact, the branches are exposed).吉林雾凇英语导游词篇4Good morning, everyone. Did you have a good rest last night? Today we allrely on our blessings to bring us luck. We haven't seen rime for a few days.This morning, we are finally full of branches. Hearing is believing, seeing isbelieving. Now let's go to the shilijiandi to see Jilin rime, one of China'sfour natural wonders. It's about ten minutes' journey from our internationalhotel to Shili river bank. Let me introduce the formation of rime.Jilin rime with its "spring in winter" poetic beauty. T ogether with Guilinmountains and waters, Yunnan Shilin and the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River,they are known as China's four natural wonders. In Jilin Province, we usuallycall rime "tree hanging". It is a kind of meteorological landscape formed by fogand water vapor freezing when it is cold. It can be divided into granular andcrystalline. Jilin rime belongs to crystalline type. It can only be formed inthe weather with water vapor, temperature below - 25 ° C and no more than thethird wind. Because of the harsh conditions for its formation, it is listed asone of the four natural wonders in China. Some of the group members here wouldlike to ask why such a marvelous natural rime spectacle can be formed in JilinCity? This is because there is a Songhua River in Jilin City, the only riverthat does not freeze in winter. Oh, the group friend asked, "we just came fromHarbin, why is theSonghua River frozen there?" this is because the famousFengman Hydropower Station is 15 kilometers upstream from the Songhua River inJilin City. Every winter, the water temperature of the river rises and warms upthrough the huge water turbine generator set, and it is still around 4 ° C.Therefore, although the Songhua Lake is covered with ice for thousands of miles,it looks like a mirror However, the river water under the lake carries a hugeamount of heat energy and flows through the urban area for tens of kilometerswithout freezing. A large amount of water vapor evaporates from the unfrozenriver surface. When it is cold, the air pressure forms a miraculous winter fog.With the help of the fog, water vapor condenses on the pines and weeping willowson both sides of the river under suitable natural conditions, forming aworld-famous rime spectacle.Careful group members have found that the trees on both sides of the roadtoday are different from those of yesterday. The black bark was still exposedyesterday, but it has turned white today. Yes, this is the tree hanging. It'sjust that there is less fog in the urban area, so there is only one layer on thetree, which is far worse than the scenery of the riverbank. Are some of thegroup members anxious to get to the riverside immediately. In the morning, agroup friend asked me why I got up at dawn. This is because the beautiful rimedoes not appear every day, and the appreciation is divided into three stages,which are called "watching the fog at night, watching the hanging in themorning, and enjoying the falling flowers near noon"."Watching fog at night" is to see the fog scene on the river on the eve ofrime formation. At more than 10 o'clock in the night, there began to be wisps offog rising on the river, and then it became bigger and thicker. The big whitefog rolled up from theriver and kept flowing to the river bank. Some fog likewisps of fine sand, winding in the river bank old trees; some fog like clouds,floating in the space; more fog like cotton ball, constantly climbing highcotton mountain. At this time, the middle Songjiang Road is wrapped in thickfog, high-rise buildings appear and disappear in the fog, and the lights becomecomplicated, making people feel like they are in the sky above nine days. Thewinter fog permeates Jiangcheng, which is also one of the wonders of northernChina."Morning watch hanging" means getting up early to watch the tree hanging.Fog constantly attached to the trees, overnight, in front of the trees willbecome a sea of silver, willows like jade branches hanging, clusters of pineneedles like silver chrysanthemum in full bloom, the river breeze blowing,silver needles flickering, jade chrysanthemum swaying; when the East's dawncasts red light into the forest, the thousands of forms of rime is more crystalclear and colorful. Rime in the folk also has a "dream send" reputation. Itmeans that when people are still sleeping, God has sent the crystal clear pearflowers all over the sky. As Tang Dynasty poet Cen Shen said: "suddenly like aspring breeze, thousands of pear trees bloom.".When you get up in the morning, you can feel that today's weather isparticularly sunny and the air is particularly fresh. This is probably becausethe water flow in the fog has a purifying effect on the air, so I asked you towatch the beautiful tree hanging with me in the early morning and breathe thefresh air by the way.Many Chinese and foreign tourists marvel at the beauty of the tree afterseeing it. On January 9, 1990, when Jiang Zemin, then president of the people'sRepublic of China, visited Jilin cityto watch the rime of Jilin Province, hesaid with admiration: "the cold river snow willow, Yushu Qionghua, Jilin treehanging are worthy of the name."Although the rime is beautiful, it can only last for a few hours, "untilnoon to enjoy the falling flowers", that is, the scene when the tree hangingfalls off. Generally at about 10 am, the hanging trees begin to fall off one byone, and then fall in clusters. When the breeze blows off the silver flakesflying in the air, the bright sunlight shines on it, the background of the skyis particularly blue, and the snow flakes open into colorful snow curtains inthe air, slowly floating down and scattering white on the ground. At this time,walking on the Songjiang Road, under the sun, blue sky and white snow, peoplelet the trees fall on their heads. Through the snow curtain, people can see theSonghua River running like a drill. The high-rise buildings, floating floats andcolorful costumes make the tourists look very fresh. What they see in winter isa picture of pear blossom in spring.Well, having said so much, we are going to get to the best place to watchWusong, Songjiang middle road. Now look at the large-scale sculpture in front ofyou. This is the city standard of Jilin City - rowing man. It is carved fromgranite and has four big characters "torrent bravely marching" on it. Yesterday,I told you about the history of Jilin City. In the Qing Dynasty, Jilin city wasa famous shipyard in China. Remember, choosing "rower" as our city logo is asymbol of the city spirit of Jilin City.Now you can see that the Gothic building with a layer of snow in the treehanging on the right side is the Catholic Church. It was built by French priestPaul in 1917 and took nine years to complete. Its main body is composed of thechurch and the bell tower. The towering sky is a scene in the rime by theriver.Please wear your hats and gloves and follow me to this beautiful rimespectacle. You can hold up your camera and take a picture of the rime sceneryand keep it in your memory, because the rime scenery is not only of Jilin, butalso of China and the world.吉林雾凇英语导游词篇5Ladies and gentlemen: Hello!Welcome to sunshine and nature. I'm Zhao Yinzhi, the guide of @ @ tourguide agency. Please call me Zhao Dao, Lao Zhao and Xiao Zhao. I'm very happy tomeet you. Today I will try my best to provide you with excellent tour guideservice. I hope you have a good time and have a good time!Today, we all rely on our own good fortune to bring us luck. The rime thatwe haven't seen in a few days is full of branches this morning.With its poetic beauty of "spring in winter", Jilin rime, together withGuilin landscape, Yunnan Shilin and the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River, isknown as China's four natural wonders. We call it "shugua", which is the icecrystal condensed on the branches and leaves by fog and water vapor when it iscold. It can be divided into granular and crystalline. The rime in Jilin iscrystalline. It can only be formed naturally in the weather with water vapor,temperature below - 25 ℃ and no more than the third level wind. Because of theharsh conditions for its formation, it is listed as one of the four naturallandscapes in China.Fengman Hydropower Station is located 15 kilometers up the Songhua Riverfrom the urban area of Jilin Province. In winter, the river water passes throughthe water turbine units, and the water temperature rises and becomes hot. Everywinter, there is still 4 ℃ water flowing from the water turbine units. Theriverwater carries a large amount of heat energy, forming a wonderland where theSonghua River flows slowly through the urban area for decades. From the surfaceof the water continuously steaming out water vapor, the whole river white fogTengteng, for a long time does not dissipate. Along the Yangtze River, there aremany pines and willows, and the transpiration fog on the river is cold, forminga world-famous rime landscape.To watch rime, we should pay attention to "watching fog at night, watchinghanging in the morning, and enjoying falling flowers near noon"."Watching fog at night" is to watch the fog scene on the river on the eveof rime formation. At about ten o'clock in the night, there began to be wisps offog on the Songhua River, and then it became bigger and thicker. Large groups ofwhite fog rolled up from the river and drifted to both sides of the river.Winter fog filled Jiangcheng, which was also a wonder in the north."Morning watch hanging" is to get up early to watch the tree hanging. Thedark trees on the Bank of the ten li River turned silver overnight. Willows arelike jade branches hanging down, and pine needles are like silver chrysanthemumsin full bloom. The river breeze blows, the silver needle flickers, the jadechrysanthemum sways.Rime is also known as "dream sending" among the people. It means thatpeople are still in sleep, and the master of heaven has sent all over the skywhite and crystal clear pear flowers. As Tang Dynasty poet Cen Shen's poem"white snow song to send judge Wu back""Beijing" two poems: suddenly, like a night of spring breeze, thousands ofpear trees bloom."Enjoy the falling flowers near noon" refers to the scene when the hangingtrees fall off. Generally at about 10 am, the hanging trees begin to fall offone by one, and then they fall down in clusters. The silver flakes fall off inthe air when the breeze blows. The bright sunlight shines on them, and colorfulsnow curtains are formed in the air. What I saw in winter was a picture of pearblossoms.It is said that a long time ago, there was an old mother by the SonghuaRiver. Her husband died early. She raised her three daughters and worked hard toearn money to support their children. As time went by, the three daughters grewup and married out one after another. After the three daughters got married, theold mother, who was lonely and old, could not work, so she had to take turns tolive with her three daughters The three daughters were unfilial and pushed theold mother around like a rubber ball. One day, on the way of the eldest daughterand the second daughter to the third daughter's house, the cold wind roared. Themore the old mother thought about it, the more sad she was. Her white hair andtears fluttered with the wind. They hung on the trees and condensed into ice,forming tree hangers. People looked at the silver branches, and could not helpthinking of her silver hair I hate my unfilial daughter.Dear tourists, the short journey is coming to an end. It's like a springbreeze all night. The rime of thousands of pear blossoms will let you neverforget, and the colorful "falling flowers" will make you linger. Scattering isthe beginning of gathering. May we meet again in this world of jade trees andsilver, and enter nature again. Jilin rime with its enthusiasm, broad mind towelcome the arrival of friends from all walks of life at home and abroad!Thank you for your support and cooperation in my work. Ihope you can giveme more valuable opinions and suggestions. Finally, I wish you all the best!。
吉林雾凇英文导游词吉林雾凇英文导游词ele t y hetn Jilin ity. And I a the tur guide f hina Natinal Turis Adinistratin yu an all e Vera. r iss Zhang , and n y left hand is ur driver rs. Li he have re than year driving experienes, he ill keep ur safe.k everyne there are fe inutes befre e reah the ten iles dike, n I ill give yu a brief intrdutin abut Jilin Rie, the Rie f Jilin ity is said t be a sybl f the spring in inter ,being tgether ith the Guilin landsape ,Yunnan stne frest and Three Grges f the Yangtze River, it is alled the fur eterlgial nders in hina ,and atually ,hina has the earliest rerd f rie in the rld hih is als nly knn as the ist attahed t trees by lal peple . N I ill intrdue h Jilin Rie es int being ,up ging 15 kileters upstrea fr the Jilin ity alng the Snghua River is the faus Fengan per statin, in inter hen the ater passes thrugh the hydrauli grup ,it gets arer and the teperature keeps at arund 4 entigre in spite f the ldness and the steel like ie n the lake ,Sine the river ater hlds great heat energy it desn t freeze fr as lng as ten iles ,ater vapr rises nstantly fr the ater surfae and the hle river appears t be isty ,Given that there are pines, pplars and eeping ills alng the dykes the ater vapr freezes arund the trees hen enubers ldness, f urse under the effet f atspheri pressure. ind diretin and teperature .Beause f this speial fratin, Jilin rie an last a rather lng tie and it happens frequentlyin inter seasn . hat s re ,the best tie fr sightseeing is fr the late Deeber t the next February.Stie there uld be re than 60 ties f rie fratin in a single inter.Peple usually divide the press f appreiatin int three stages; athing the ist at night, enjying the rie in the rning and appreiatin, a silver and agi rld appears just in frnt f us .allf the tress alng the river are vered by rie and the branhes f eeping ills like silver neklaes. As fr the last stage, e are talking abut the tie hen the rie begins t fall. Usually, after nine lk in the rning, the rie ill fell dn fr the trees. This begins by little aunt and then re and re is falling dn. hen the flying rie falls n ur heard and shulders, e feel espeially fresh and l.k everyne n e have reahed the Sngjang r please put yu hats and glves tgether g fell e t enjy the nders f the rie.。
吉林雾凇英语作文English:The rime in Jilin, also known as "Jilin frost" or "Jilin rime", is a unique natural phenomenon that occurs in winter when moisture in the air freezes on tree branches, creating a stunning display of ice crystals. This phenomenon is especially mesmerizing in Jilin City, where the landscape transforms into a winter wonderland with trees covered in frost, sparkling in the sunlight. The rime-covered branches form intricate patterns and shapes, resembling delicate lacework suspended in the air. Tourists from around the world flock to Jilin City to witness this breathtaking sight and capture the beauty of the frost on camera. The rime in Jilin is not only a visual treat but also a testament to the beauty and wonder of nature in its purest form.中文翻译:吉林的雾凇,也被称为“吉林白雾”或“吉林雾凇”,是一种独特的自然现象,在冬季时空气中的湿气冻结在树枝上,形成令人惊叹的冰晶展示。
接下来是小编为大家整理的关于吉林雾凇导游词英文版,方便大家阅读与鉴赏!吉林雾凇导游词英文版1Ladies and Gentlemen;Welcome to my hometown Jilin city. And I am the tour guide of China National Tourism Administration you can call me Vera. or Miss Zhang , and on my left hand is our driver Mrs. Li he have more than 20 year driving experiences, he will keep our safe.Ok everyone there are few minutes before we reach the ten miles dike, now I will give you a brief introduction about Jilin Rime, the Rime of Jilin city is said to be a symbol of the spring in winter ,being together with the Guilin landscape ,Yunnan stone forest and Three Gorges of the Yangtze River, it is called the four meteorological wonders in China ,and actually ,china has the earliest record of rime in the world which is also commonly known as” the mist attached to trees” by local people .Now I will introduce how Jilin Rime comes into being ,up going 15 kilometers upstream from the Jilin city along the Songhua River is the famous Fengman power station, in winter when the water passes through the hydraulic group ,it gets warmer and the temperature keeps at around 4 centigrade in spite of the coldness and the steel –like ice on the lake ,Since the river water holds great heat energy it doesn't freeze for as long as ten miles ,water vapor rises constantly from the water surface and the whole river appears to be misty ,Given that there are pines, poplars and weeping willows along the dykes the water vapor freezes around the trees when encumbers coldness, ofcourse under the effect of atmospheric pressure. Wind direction and temperature .Because of this special formation, Jilin rime can last a rather long time and it happens frequentlyin winter season . What's more ,the best time for sightseeing is from the late December to the next February.Somtime there could be more than 60 times of rime –formation in a single winter.People usually divide the process of appreciation into three stages; watching the mist at night, enjoying the rime in the morning and appreciation, a silver and magic world appears just in front of us .all of the tress along the river are covered by rime and the branches of weeping willows like silver necklaces. As for the last stage, we are talking about the time when the rime begins to fall. Usually, after nine o'clock in the morning, the rime will fell down from the trees. This begins by little amount and then more and more is falling down. When the flying rime falls on our heard and shoulders, we feel especially fresh and cool.Ok everyone now we have reached the Songjang road please put you hats and gloves together go fellow me to enjoy the wonders of the rime.吉林雾凇导游词英文版2With its poetic beauty of "spring in winter", Jilin rime, together with Guilin landscape, Yunnan Shilin and the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River, is known as China's four natural landscapes.In the middle of winter, when thousands of trees are in depression in northern China, when you enter Jilin City in Northeast China, you will see a magical and beautiful scenery. Looking along the Bank of Songhua River, the pines and willows are frosted and covered with snow, and the jade is covered with silver. This is what people call the "misty scene".Rime, commonly known as "tree hanging", is the ice crystal condensed on the branches and leaves by fog and water vapor when it is cold, which can be divided into granular and crystalline. The granular rime structure is compact, forming a very small ice block, while the crystalline rime structure is loose and large flake. The rime in Jilin is crystalline. It is formed naturally in the unique geographical environment of Jilin City. 15 kilometers up the Songhua River from the urban area of Jilin Province is the plump hydropower station. In winter, the river water passes through the water turbine units, and the water temperature rises and becomes hot. Every winter, there is still 4 ℃ water flowing from the water turbine units. The river water carries a large amount of heat energy, forming a wonderland where the Songhua River flows slowly through the urban area for decades. From the surface of the water continuously steaming out water vapor, the whole river white fog Tengteng, for a long time does not dissipate. Along the river bank, there are many pines and willows. Under certain pressure, temperature, wind direction and other conditions, the transpiration fog on the river surface condenses into a fog graveThe beauty of rime lies in magnificence and wonderTo watch rime, we should pay attention to "watching fog at night, watching hanging in the morning, and enjoying falling flowers near noon"."Watching fog at night" is to watch the fog scene on the river on the eve of rime formation. At about ten o'clock in the night, there began to be wisps of fog on the Songhua River, and then it became bigger and thicker. Large groups of white fog rolled up from the river and wandered to both sides of the river."Morning watch hanging" is to get up early to watch the treehanging. The dark trees on the Bank of the ten li River turned silver overnight. Willows are like jade branches hanging down, and pine needles are like silver chrysanthemums in full bloom."Enjoy the falling flowers near noon" refers to the scene when the hanging trees fall off. Generally at about 10 am, the hanging trees begin to fall off one by one, and then they fall down in clusters. The silver flakes fall off in the air when the breeze blows. The bright sunlight shines on them, and colorful snow curtains are formed in the air.It is said that a long time ago, there was an old mother by the Songhua River. Her husband died early. She raised her three daughters and worked hard to earn money to support their children. As time went by, the three daughters grew up and married out one after another. After the three daughters got married, the old mother, who was lonely and old, could not work, so she had to take turns to live with her three daughters The three daughters were unfilial and pushed the old mother around like a rubber ball. One day, on the way to the third daughter's house, the elder daughter and the second daughter roared in the cold wind. The more she thought about it, the more sad she was. Her white hair and tears fluttered with the wind, hanging on the trees to form ice. People looked at the silver branches and couldn't help thinking of her head Silver hair, but also increase the hatred of unfilial daughter.吉林雾凇导游词英文版3Rime island is located in the Manchu town of Wula street, more than 30 kilometers north of Jilin City. It is a small island in the Songhua River. It is the most famous rime scenic spot in China. Wusong in Jilin Province, together with Guilin mountains and waters, Shilin in in Yunnan Province and the Three Gorges of theYangtze River, is known as China's four natural wonders. Rime island has many and beautiful rime, and it is often a good place to photograph scenery. Every winter, the rising water mist in the unfrozen river is cold, and it condenses into frost flowers on the trees. From a distance, it is the legendary Yushu Qionghua, which is beyond words.Rime is a natural wonder, but the probability of seeing rime on rime island is high, especially from the middle and late December of each year to the end of February of the next year. However, the formation of rime needs to meet specific weather conditions, so it is recommended to use the microblog of Jilin Tourism Bureau( /u/2061847537 )To pay attention to the weather, usually if there is moderate to heavy snow, and the temperature is below minus 20 degrees, there is a great possibility of rime.From the shore, you need to take a ferry to the island, the cost of 60 yuan per person is equivalent to the island fee and round-trip ticket. Zengtongtun on the island is the best place to enjoy the Wusong. The trees here are peculiar in shape. The weeping willows covered with frost along the river are shining in the river wind. If you want to feel the beauty of rime, you can take an early morning bus from Jilin City. It's the best time to watch rime from 9 to 11 o'clock, and then return in the afternoon. One day is enough. However, if you have plenty of time, you'd better stay here for one or two nights. In the evening, you can take pictures of sunset. The next day, you can get up early to watch sunrise, and then take pictures of rime. In addition, Hantun on the other side of rime island is also a good place to watch rime.You can choose to live in zengtongtun or Hantun on Wusong island. They are all hot Kang shops provided by local farmers.Generally, they are 100-150 yuan per person. Local dishes are common northeast farmhouse dishes. Sauerkraut is delicious. Rime island is very cold in winter. It's usually 20-30 degrees below zero. You must wear thick down jacket and high top anti-skid snow shoes. You can't miss a cotton hat, mask, ski gloves and scarf. For Southern tourists who come to Northeast China occasionally, you can stick some warm treasures outside your underwear before going out.吉林雾凇导游词英文版4Wusong island is named for its rich and beautiful rime. There are so many scenic spots around rime island that you can play for several days. But the transportation to each scenic spot is not very convenient. If you want to save the traffic trouble, you can consider finding a local guide or signing up for the outdoor tour route directly. You don't need to make your own strategy, but also choose the route according to your own time, and play all the classic scenic spots under the guidance of a professional leader It's safe and easy.The terrain here is lower than that of Jilin City, and it is surrounded by rivers. The cold and hot air intersects here. In winter, there are trees hanging almost every day, and sometimes they don't fall for several days. Zengtongtun on the island is the best place to enjoy Wusong. There was a saying that "to appreciate Wusong, to zengtong". The trees here are peculiar in shape. The weeping willows along the river are covered with white and crystal frost flowers. The river breeze blows and the silver wire flickers. The scenery is both wild and beautiful.Rime appears only in winter. This is because the formation of rime has its own unique environment and conditions. Rime can be divided into granular and crystalline. The granular rimestructure is compact, forming a very small ice block, while the crystalline rime structure is loose, showing a large flake. The rime in Jilin is crystalline.吉林雾凇导游词英文版5The most beautiful place to see rime wonder in Jilin should be in "rime island". Here, Hantun and zengtongtun in Wula street town are the most concentrated and best shooting places for rime. Because there is an island on the river, people gradually call it rime island.Wusong island is about 40 kilometers away from Jilin City. Its terrain is lower than that of Jilin City. It is surrounded by rivers. The cold and hot air intersects here. The heavy fog rising in winter often covers this island of nearly 6 square kilometers, and sometimes the sun can't be seen for a day. In such weather, the rime hanging on the tree will not fall, and it will hang on a layer at night. Zengtongtun on the island is the best place to enjoy rime. There was a saying that "to appreciate rime, to zengtong".To watch rime, we should pay attention to "watching fog at night, watching hanging in the morning, and enjoying falling flowers near noon". "Morning watch hanging" is to get up early to see the tree hanging, to see those thousand year old elm trees, overnight turned into a silver white, jade branches hanging, clusters of pine needles, just like silver chrysanthemum in full bloom, crystal. And "enjoy the falling flowers in the near afternoon", generally around 10 am, the hanging trees begin to fall off one by one, and then they fall down in clusters. The silver flakes fall off in the air when the breeze blows, and the bright sunlight shines on them, forming colorful snow curtains in the air. When shooting rime, you must be decisive. If the weather is clear and the sun has risen completely at 9:00, you will see white rimehanging on various branches, setting off against the blue sky. At 10:00, the solar radiation will make the rime begin to fall off from the trees, and the rime on the sunny side will start to blacken (in fact, the branches are exposed).。
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吉林雾凇Jilin Rime with its poetic and picturesque beauty of “Spring in winter”, together with Guilin Scenery, Yunan Stone Forest and Three Gorges in the Yangtze River, is named as one of the four China’s natural wonders. The fog and water vapor turn into ice with either particle or the crystal shape. And we also call it Rime. Jilin Rime is the crystal shape. When the temperature is 25 centigrade below zero and the wind is less than grade three, the rime will form. And Jilin is the best place of forming Rime. But why? Let me tell you. We all know that there is Songhua River in Jilin City, and it is the only unfrozen river in winter in Northeast China because up to the Songhua River, there is a Fengman Hydrolic Power Station , it keeps the water at about four centigrade degree. Along the river, there are lots of trees, the vapor come into trees, so the rime is formed. Every year in the middle of November, the winter comes, also the rime comes. When the comes to the snowy and cold year, the rime appears frequently.When people watch the rime, they will feel the air is fresh and relaxed, that is because the rime can clean the air , so it is really a good friend of our human being! Jiang Zemin had written a poet for Jilin Rime, the content are “寒江雪柳,玉树琼花,吉林树挂,名不虚传。