所有米用层压的 P.P 编织袋包装,其塑料薄内衬标明净重、品牌标记。每 10 包 5 千克/包,每 5 包 10 千克/包的米装在容量为 50 千克的大 P.P 编织袋中。 其他唛头依照我们的香米进口规定印制。
保险 由买方负责。
支付 采用不可撤销信用证,在买方依序提供以下全套装运单据时进行即期支付。
港口。 c)采用四台可工作起重机,以 1000 公吨/连续 24 小时好天气工作日的速率装运,
星期日和节假日除外,不用不算,即使用了也不算。如果卖家不能以前述速 度装运,消耗在等待停泊和装运的时间将计入装卸时间,卖家应按照租船合 约支付滞期费,滞期费不超过 3000 美元/天(不足一天者,按比例计算)。如 果装载超过前述速率,买方应该支付卖方速遣费,速遣费以滞期费的 1.5 倍 费率计价,适用于所有节省的时间。 d)当船在各方面准备就绪以装货时,卖方负责接受船长的装卸准备就绪通知书。 装卸时间从船主或代理人在任何日期给出书面通知 12 小时后开始计算,星期 日和节假日除外。 e)卖方应及时以电传的形式告知买方船抵达装运港、开始和完成装货的时间, 船出发时间以及实际运输数量。 f)卖方应该在获得全套运输单据后立即向买方传真复印件。 g)卖方应尽最大努力为装货提供便利和合作。若产生垫舱物料费用,由买方支 付。
43m1m“-”J520Gm01m24“492k-Z(1)g2L3-”3060@k%3-g“/1”7mD2%BJ/Tg0d1-ZP318¬-A_2"o70)Xc0?y258z6n”217 NE)
商品(1006.3000) “金狮球”牌泰国白香米 香米纯度:80%以上 年份:1997 年或 1998 年新米

中文英文全称交货条件Dlivery Terms发货人Shipper交货条件Delivery电子数据交换Electronic Data Interchange 装船通知Advice of Shipment装船时间Time of Shipment保单Insurance Policy表面状况良好的提单Clean bill of lading象征性交货Symbolic Delivery实际交货Physical Delivery预计到港时间Expected Time of Arrival到货合同Arrivel Contract装运合同Shipment ContractFOB班轮条件FOB Liner TermFOB吊钩下交货FOB Under TackleFOB理舱费在内FOB StowedFOB平舱费在内FOB TrimmedFOB平舱费及理舱费在内FOB Stowed and TrimmedCFR班轮条件CFR Liner TermCFR卸至码头CFR LandedCFR吊钩下交接CFR Ex TackleCFR舱底交接CFR Ex Ship's HoldCIF班轮条件CIF Liner TermCIF卸至码头CIF LandedCIF吊钩下交接CIF Ex TackleCIF舱底交接CIF Ex Ship's HoldFOB理舱费和平舱费在内FOB Stowed and Trimmed买卖合同purchasing contract合同的标的物subject matter商品说明description品名name of commodity商品的质量quality of goods看货买卖sell by actual quality知识产权intellectual property right 工业产权industrial property right确认样品confirming sample色样colour sample款式样pattern sample精选货selected良好平均品质fair average quality原产地证书certificate of origin品质公差quality tolerance毛重gross weight以毛作净gross for net实际皮重actual tare/real tare平均皮重average tare/standard weight习惯皮重customary tare约定皮重computed tare公量conditioned weight理论重量theoretical weight法定重量legal weight实物净重net net weight裸装in pack散装in bulk公制the metric system英制the british system美制the u.s. system国际单位制the international system of units 短溢装数量more or less运输标志shipping mark知识性标志indicative mark警告性标志warning mark中性包装neutral packing运输方式modes of transportation班轮运输liner transport租船运输shipping by charting船期表sailing schedule班轮运价表liner's freight tariff重量吨weight ton尺码吨mearsurement ton按商品价格收 A.V.或ad val按毛重收w按毛重或体积收W/M按货物重量、尺码或价值W/M or ad val按货物重量或尺码,并加收从价运费w/m plus ad val超重附加费extra charge on heavy lifts超长附加费extra charge on over length选卸附加费additional on optional discharging port选卸货物optional cargo直航附加费additional on direct转船附加费transhipment additional港口附加费port additional定程租船voyage charter定期租船time charter光船租船bareboat charter按费率运费rate freight装船货物重量intaken quantity卸船货物重量delivered quantity整船包价lump-sum freight班轮条件gross terms或liner terms或berth terms管装不管卸free out管卸不管装Free in不负担装货费和卸货费Free in and out不负担装卸、理舱和平舱费Free in and out,stowed and trimmedFIOST船舶出租人Owner租船人charter波罗的海国际航运公会the baltic and international maritime conference BIMCO航次租船time charter on trip basis统一杂货租船合同uniform general charter留置权lien clause通用冰冻条款general ice clause双方互有碰撞责任条款both-to-blame collision clause新泽森条款new Jason clanse航空运输air transport包机运输chartered carrier班机运输schedule airline集中托运consolidation航空急件传送方式air express service桌到桌运输desk to desk service集装箱运输container transport标准箱twentyfoot equivalent unit整箱货full container load拼箱货less than container load集装箱堆积场Container yard集装箱货运站Container freight station门到门服务door to door国际多式联运international Multimodel transport/international combined transport多式联运合同multimodel transport contract多式联运经营人multimodel transport operator无船承运人non-vessel operating common carrier NVOCC大陆桥运输Land bridge transport公路运输road transportation内河运输inland water transportation邮政运输parcel post transport邮政包裹收据parcel post receipt国际特快专递international express mail serviceDHL信使快递DHL courier service管道运输pipeline transportation交货时间Time of delivery装运时间Time of Shipment装船loading on board vessel发运despatch收妥待运accepted for carriage邮局收据日期date of post receipt收货日期date of pick-up接受监管taking in-charge立即装运immediate shipment即期装运prompt shipment尽快装运shipment as soon as possible 装运港port of shipment目的港port of destination选择港option port分批装运partial shipment转运transhipment装卸准备就绪通知书Notice of readiness滞期费demurrage速遣费despatch money内陆地区overland common points海运提单ocean bill of lading表面情况良好in apparent good order已装船提单on board B/L or shipped B/L 备运提单Received for shipment B/L清洁提单Clean bill of lading不清洁提单unclean B/L;foul B/L记名提单straight B/L不记名提单bearer B/L持票人bearer指示提单order B/L直达提单direct B/L转船提单transhipment B/L租船提单charter party B/L联运提单through B/L班轮提单liner B/L全式提单long form B/L略式或简式提单short form B/L正本提单origin B/L全套(提单)full set B/L副本提单copy B/L集装箱提单container B/L集装箱联运提单combined transport B/L多式联运提单Multimodal transport document舱面提单On deck B/L过期提单stale B/L海运单sea waybill;ocean waybill不可转让海运单non-negotiable sea waybill承运货物收据cargo receipt航空运单air waybill航空主运单master air waybill航空分运单house air waybill实际发货日期actual date of despatch邮寄证明certificate of posting专递数据courier receipt运费计算标准basis等级class最低运费minimum freight最高运费maximum freight电子提单e-B/L提示行presenting bank付款人drawee需要时的代理人customer's representative in case-of-need光票托收clean collection跟单托收documentary collection付款交单documents against payment即期付款交单documents against payment at sight远期付款交单documents against payment after sight信托收据Trust receipt远期付款交单凭信托收据借单D/P.T/R借记通知credit note承兑交单document against acceptance货运单据shipping document开证申请人(开证人)applicant (opener)开证银行opening bank,issuing bank通知银行advising bank,notifying bank受益人beneficiary议付银行negotiating bank付款银行paying bank;drawee bank保兑银行confirming bank偿付银行reimbursement bank受让人transferee信开本to open by mail电开本to open by cable简开本brief cable全电本full cable格式format信息message承诺条款untaking clause代号tag议付兑付available by negotiation承付Honour跟单信用证documentary credit光票信用证clean credit不可撤销信用证irrevocable L/C可撤销信用证revocable L/C保兑信用证confirming L/C保兑行confirming bank不保兑信用证unconfirmed L/C付款兑现available by payment即期付款信用证sight payment credit延期付款信用证deferred payment credit延期付款兑现available by deferred payment 承兑信用证acceptance credit议付信用证negotiation L/C公开议付信用证open negotiation credit限制性议付信用证restricted negotiation credit 可转让信用证transferable credit可分割divisible可分开fractionable可让渡assignable可转移transmissible不可转让信用证non-transferable credit循环信用证revolving credit对开信用证reciprocal credit背对背信用证back to back credit预支信用证anticipatory L/C备用信用证standby L/C商业票据信用证Commrecial paper L/C保证(担保)信用证guarantee L/C红条信用证red clause L/C保函letter of guarantee见索即付保函demand guarantee无条件保函Unconditional L/G有条件保函conditional L/G银行保函banker's letter guarantee申请人(委托人)applicant (principal/consignor) 担保人guarantor通知行advising bank保兑行confirming bank转开行reissuing bank反担保人counter guarantor履约保函performance guarantee还款保函repayment guarantee分期付款pay by instalement延期付款deferred payment打包贷款packing credit代理行correspondent bank保留索偿under reserve商业信用证commercial letter of credit履约备用信用证performance standby L/C投标备用信用证Tender bind standby L/C预付款备用信用证advanced payment standby L/C直接付款备用信用证direct payment standby L/C验残检验证书inspection certificate on damaged cargo异议与索赔条款discrepancy and claim clause违约金条款liquidated damages clause定金条款deposit clause不可抗拒力条款force majeure clause仲裁条款arbitration clause罚金penalty索赔claim/fire a claim理赔settlement of a claim合同落空frustration of contract仲裁协议submission交货条件Dlivery Terms发货人Shipper交货条件Delivery电子数据交换Electronic Data Interchange装船通知Advice of Shipment装船时间Time of Shipment保单Insurance Policy表面状况良好的提单Clean bill of lading象征性交货Symbolic Delivery实际交货Physical Delivery预计到港时间Expected Time of Arrival到货合同Arrivel Contract装运合同Shipment ContractFOB班轮条件FOB Liner TermFOB吊钩下交货FOB Under TackleFOB理舱费在内FOB StowedFOB平舱费在内FOB TrimmedFOB平舱费及理舱费在内FOB Stowed and TrimmedCFR班轮条件CFR Liner TermCFR卸至码头CFR LandedCFR吊钩下交接CFR Ex TackleCFR舱底交接CFR Ex Ship's HoldCIF班轮条件CIF Liner TermCIF卸至码头CIF LandedCIF吊钩下交接CIF Ex TackleCIF舱底交接CIF Ex Ship's HoldFOB理舱费和平舱费在内FOB Stowed and Trimmed买卖合同purchasing contract合同的标的物subject matter商品说明description品名name of commodity商品的质量quality of goods看货买卖sell by actual quality知识产权intellectual property right 工业产权industrial property right确认样品confirming sample色样colour sample款式样pattern sample精选货selected良好平均品质fair average quality原产地证书certificate of origin品质公差quality tolerance毛重gross weight以毛作净gross for net实际皮重actual tare/real tare平均皮重average tare/standard weight 习惯皮重customary tare约定皮重computed tare公量conditioned weight理论重量theoretical weight法定重量legal weight实物净重net net weight裸装in pack散装in bulk公制the metric system英制the british system美制the u.s. system国际单位制the international system of units短溢装数量more or less运输标志shipping mark知识性标志indicative mark警告性标志warning mark中性包装neutral packing运输方式modes of transportation班轮运输liner transport租船运输shipping by charting船期表sailing schedule班轮运价表liner's freight tariff重量吨weight ton尺码吨mearsurement ton按商品价格收 A.V.或ad val按毛重收w按毛重或体积收W/M按货物重量、尺码或价值W/M or ad val按货物重量或尺码,并加收从价运费w/m plus ad val超重附加费extra charge on heavy lifts超长附加费extra charge on over length选卸附加费additional on optional discharging port选卸货物optional cargo直航附加费additional on direct转船附加费transhipment additional港口附加费port additional定程租船voyage charter定期租船time charter光船租船bareboat charter按费率运费rate freight装船货物重量intaken quantity卸船货物重量delivered quantity整船包价lump-sum freight班轮条件gross terms或liner terms或berth terms管装不管卸free out管卸不管装Free in不负担装货费和卸货费Free in and out不负担装卸、理舱和平舱费Free in and out,stowed and trimmedFIOST船舶出租人Owner租船人charter波罗的海国际航运公会the baltic and international maritime conference BIMCO航次租船time charter on trip basis统一杂货租船合同uniform general charter留置权lien clause通用冰冻条款general ice clause双方互有碰撞责任条款both-to-blame collision clause 新泽森条款new Jason clanse航空运输air transport包机运输chartered carrier班机运输schedule airline集中托运consolidation航空急件传送方式air express service桌到桌运输desk to desk service集装箱运输container transport标准箱twentyfoot equivalent unit整箱货full container load拼箱货less than container load集装箱堆积场Container yard集装箱货运站Container freight station门到门服务door to door国际多式联运international Multimodel transport/international combined transport多式联运合同multimodel transport contract 多式联运经营人multimodel transport operator 无船承运人non-vessel operating common carrier NVOCC大陆桥运输Land bridge transport公路运输road transportation内河运输inland water transportation邮政运输parcel post transport邮政包裹收据parcel post receipt国际特快专递international express mail serviceDHL信使快递DHL courier service管道运输pipeline transportation交货时间Time of delivery装运时间Time of Shipment装船loading on board vessel发运despatch收妥待运accepted for carriage邮局收据日期date of post receipt收货日期date of pick-up接受监管taking in-charge立即装运immediate shipment即期装运prompt shipment尽快装运shipment as soon as possible 装运港port of shipment目的港port of destination选择港option port分批装运partial shipment转运transhipment装卸准备就绪通知书Notice of readiness滞期费demurrage速遣费despatch money内陆地区overland common points海运提单ocean bill of lading表面情况良好in apparent good order已装船提单on board B/L or shipped B/L 备运提单Received for shipment B/L清洁提单Clean bill of lading不清洁提单unclean B/L;foul B/L记名提单straight B/L不记名提单bearer B/L持票人bearer指示提单order B/L直达提单direct B/L转船提单transhipment B/L租船提单charter party B/L联运提单through B/L班轮提单liner B/L全式提单long form B/L略式或简式提单short form B/L正本提单origin B/L全套(提单)full set B/L副本提单copy B/L集装箱提单container B/L集装箱联运提单combined transport B/L多式联运提单Multimodal transport document 舱面提单On deck B/L过期提单stale B/L海运单sea waybill;ocean waybill不可转让海运单non-negotiable sea waybill承运货物收据cargo receipt航空运单air waybill航空主运单master air waybill航空分运单house air waybill实际发货日期actual date of despatch邮寄证明certificate of posting专递数据courier receipt运费计算标准basis等级class最低运费minimum freight最高运费maximum freight电子提单e-B/L净价net price数量折扣quantity discount特别折扣special discount年终折扣turnover bonus价格调整条款price adjustment (revision)clause 初步价格initial price商品检验commodity inspection“离岸品质、离岸重量”,Shipping Quality and ShippingWeight 到岸品质、到岸数量,“Landed Quality and LandedWeight”“离岸重量、到岸品质”Shipping Weight and Landed Quality 公证行(Authentic Surveyor)、宣誓衡量人(Sworn Measurer),实验室(Laboratory)检验证书(Certificate of Inspection)品质检验证书(Inspection Certificate of Quality)。

国际贸易合同中英对照International Trade Contract (English-Chinese Comparison)Introduction:国际贸易合同,作为国际贸易中不可或缺的一环,扮演着规范交易双方行为、维护权益、确保交易平稳进行的重要角色。
1. 合同条款/Contract Clauses1.1 Particulars of the parties involved合同当事方的具体情况English:The International Trade Contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract") is entered into on [date] between [Party A], a company organized and existing under the laws of [country], with its principal place of business at [address], and [Party B], a company organized and existing under the laws of [country], with its principal place of business at [address].Chinese:国际贸易合同(以下简称“合同”)于[日期]由[甲方全称],一家根据[国家]法律组织和存在的公司,主要办事处位于[地址],以及[乙方全称],一家根据[国家]法律组织和存在的公司,主要办事处位于[地址]签署。
1.2 Product description and specifications产品描述和规格English:The goods to be traded under this Contract are as follows:- Product 1: [Description and specifications]- Product 2: [Description and specifications]- ...Chinese:本合同涉及的货物如下:- 产品1:[描述和规格]- 产品2:[描述和规格]- ...1.3 Quantity and pricing数量和定价English:The quantity of each product, unit price, and total amount payable under this Contract are as follows:- Product 1: [Quantity], [Unit price], Total: [Amount]- Product 2: [Quantity], [Unit price], Total: [Amount]- ...Chinese:本合同涉及的每款产品的数量、单价和应支付的总金额如下:- 产品1:[数量],[单价],总计:[金额]- 产品2:[数量],[单价],总计:[金额]- ...1.4 Delivery terms交货条款English:Delivery shall be made according to the following terms:- Place of delivery: [Address]- Delivery date: [Date]- Mode of transport: [Air/Sea/Road/Rail]- ...Chinese:交货将按照以下条款进行:- 交货地点:[地址]- 交货日期:[日期]- 运输方式:[航空/海运/公路/铁路]- ...1.5 Payment terms付款条款English:The payment terms for this Contract are as follows:- Currency: [Currency]- Method of payment: [Wire transfer/Letter of credit/Cash] - Payment schedule: [Details of installment payments]- ...Chinese:本合同的付款条件如下:- 币种:[货币]- 付款方式:[电汇/信用证/现金]- 付款计划:[分期付款详情]- ...1.6 Inspection and acceptance检验和验收English:Inspection and acceptance of the goods shall be conducted according to the following provisions:- Inspection agency: [Name of inspection agency]- Inspection criteria: [Specifications, quality standards]- Acceptance period: [Number of days]- ...Chinese:货物的检验和验收将按照以下规定进行:- 检验机构:[检验机构名称]- 检验标准:[规格、质量标准]- 验收期限:[天数]- ...2. Conclusion结论以上仅为国际贸易合同中的一些典型条款,根据实际情况,各种合同具体内容可能存在差异。

国际贸易中常用合同中英对照国际贸易中常用合同中英对照1. 引言2. 销售合同(Sales Contract)2.1 合同主体中文:甲方:(销售方名称)乙方:(购货方名称)英文:Party A: (Name of Seller)Party B: (Name of Buyer)2.2 商品描述中文:1. 商品名称:2. 规格型号:3. 数量:4. 单价:5. 总价:6. 交货地点:7. 交货时间:英文:1. Commodity Name:2. Specifications:3. Quantity:4. Unit Price:5. Total Price:6. Delivery Place:7. Delivery Time: 2.3 付款方式中文:1. 付款方式:2. 付款时间:3. 付款金额:4. 付款账户:英文:1. Payment Method:2. Payment Time:3. Payment Amount:4. Payment Account:2.4 交货方式中文:1. 交货方式:2. 运输费用:3. 运输时间:英文:1. Delivery Method:2. Transportation Cost:3. Transportation Time: 2.5 合同履行中文:3. 违约责任:英文:1. Effective Date of Contract:2. Termination Date of Contract:3. Liability for Breach of Contract: 3. 合作协议(Cooperation Agreement)3.1 协议内容中文:1. 合作内容:2. 合作期限:3. 合作方式:4. 合作责任:英文:1. Cooperation Scope:2. Cooperation Duration:3. Cooperation Mode:4. Cooperation Responsibilities:3.2 终止协议中文:1. 解除协议原因:2. 解除协议通知:英文:1. Reasons for Termination:2. Notice of Termination:3. Effective Date of Termination:4. 运输合同(Transportation Contract)4.1 合同主体中文:甲方:(承运方名称)乙方:(托运方名称)英文:Party A: (Name of Carrier)Party B: (Name of Consignor)4.2 运输内容1. 货物名称:2. 货物数量:3. 起运地:4. 目的地:5. 运输方式:6. 运输费用:7. 运输时间:英文:1. Goods Name:2. Quantity of Goods:3. Place of Departure:4. Destination:5. Mode of Transportation:6. Transportation Cost:7. Transportation Time: 4.3 运输保险1. 运输保险责任:2. 运输保险费用:3. 运输保险公司:英文:1. Liability for Transportation Insurance:2. Transportation Insurance Cost:3. Transportation Insurance Company:5.以上是国际贸易中常用合同的中英对照。

英语版国际贸易合同5篇篇1International Trade ContractThis contract is made on [Date] between [Company Name 1, Country 1] and [Company Name 2, Country 2], hereinafter referred to as the “Seller” and the “Buyer” respectively.1. Contract Commodity and SpecificationThe Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to purchase the following commodity: [Describe the product in detail, including name, quantity, specifications, and other necessary information].2. Terms of DeliveryDelivery shall be made on or before [Date of Delivery] from the port of [Port of Origin] to the port of [Port of Destination]. Any delay shall be notified to the Buyer by the Seller in writing at least [Number of Days] days prior to the agreed date of delivery.3. Price and PaymentThe total price for the contracted commodity shall be [Total Price in Currency]. The Buyer shall make payment within [Payment Term] upon receipt of the invoice from the Seller.4. Quality and Inspection5. Insurance and Risk Transfer6. Delay and Force Majeure7. Warranty and Claims8. Contract Amendment and TerminationThis contract may be modified or terminated only by mutual consent in writing signed by both parties or in accordance with relevant laws and regulations applicable under either party’s country’s law.9. Disputes SettlementFailure to agree on such place, each party may request arbitration at its own country’s arbitration institution located in its capital city respectively.If any party fails to perform its contractual obligations, such failure may be considered as a breach of contract underapplicable laws and regulations, subject to compensation for losses incurred by non-breaching party.If such dispute cannot be settled through negotiation or arbitration, it may be submitted to court in accordance with applicable laws and regulations under either party’s country’s law.Both parties agree that this contract shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with laws applicable under either party’s country’s law, except otherwise stipulated by applicable international trade agreements or conventions to which both parties are parties.The language of this contract is English and shall be deemed valid whether signed by parties orally or confirmed by any party’s representative or other documents with equivalent legal effect.Upon execution in duplicate originals; each party retains one original copy for record purposes only..篇2国际贸易合同(International Trade Contract)本合同由以下双方签订:买方(Buyer):___________卖方(Seller):___________鉴于买方和卖方同意按照本合同规定的条款进行国际贸易,双方特此达成如下协议:一、商品与数量(Commodity and Quantity)1. 卖方同意向买方提供以下商品:___________ (商品名称、规格、数量等详细信息)。

(如果本合同中的价格基于离岸价格,则注明“运费到付”或“运费按租船合同支付”,如果本合同中的价格基于成本加运费,则注明“运费预付”)B. 发票:注明合同编号,装运标记,承运船只的名字和信用证编号,如果分批装运,需注明分批号。
E. 按照本合同第(11)条的规定来做装船通知的电报副本。
F. 按照本合同第(10)条的规定来做航行证明书,(如本合同的价格条件是在CFR的基础上则需要此证明书,如本合同的价格条件是以FOB为基础,则不需要此项证明书。
)(10)装运条件A. 离岸价交付条款a) 买方或者买方运输代理人中国租船公司负责安排装货船只,用来装运该合同的货物。

国际贸易合同买方(The Buyer) :__________________________ 卖方(The Seller) : ___________________________签订日期(Date) :________ 年_____ 月 ___ 日签字日期Signing Date: 买方The Buyer: 地址Address: 电话Tel :卖方The Seller:地址Address:电话Tel :This Con tract, made out by and betwee n the Buyer and the Seller, whereby theBuyer agree to buy and the Seller agree to sell the un der-me nti oned commodityaccording to the terms and conditions stipulated below.(According to thepractical price of in voice)本合同由买方和卖方签订,根据下面规定的条款,买方同意购买并且卖方同意销售如下商品(根据发票的实际金额)。
1. Commodity,Specifications:原产地和制造商:3. TRANSPORTATIONMari ne refrigerated co ntai ner tran sportati on.运输方式:海洋冷藏集装箱运输。
4. PACKING:To be packed by new strong woode n cases suitable for long dista nee ocea ntran sportati on and well protected aga inst damp ness, moisture, shock, rust andrough han dli ng. The Seller shall be liable for any damage of the commodity andexpe nses in curred on acco unt of improper pack ing and for any rust damageattributable to in adequate or improper protective measures take n by the sellers in regard to the pack ing.包装:须用坚固的新木箱包装,适合长途海运,防湿、防潮、防震、防锈,防粗暴搬运。

Contract No.: [Contract Number]Date: [Contract Date]Seller: [Seller's Company Name]Address: [Seller's Address]Contact Person: [Seller's Contact Person]Phone: [Seller's Phone Number]Email: [Seller's Email Address]Buyer: [Buyer's Company Name]Address: [Buyer's Address]Contact Person: [Buyer's Contact Person]Phone: [Buyer's Phone Number]Email: [Buyer's Email Address]This Sales Contract is made by and between the Seller and the Buyer on [Contract Date], in accordance with the following terms and conditions:1. Product Description- Product Name: [Product Name]- Product Specifications: [Detailed Product Specifications]- Quality Standard: [Applicable Quality Standard]- Quantity: [Total Quantity] units- Packing: [Packing Details, e.g., [Number of Cartons] each containing [Number of Units] pieces]2. Unit Price and Total Amount- Unit Price: [Unit Price] [Currency]- Total Amount: [Total Amount] [Currency]3. Payment Terms- Payment Method: [Payment Method, e.g., 100% T/T (Telegraphic Transfer) in advance]- Payment Due Date: [Date by which payment is due]- Bank Details: [Detailed Bank Information for the Buyer to make the payment]4. Delivery Terms- Delivery Port: [Destination Port]- Delivery Time: [Specific Delivery Date or Time Frame]- Shipping Marks: [Shipping Marks Required by the Buyer]- Insurance: [Insurance Coverage Details, e.g., [Insurance Company] to cover [Coverage Percentage] of the total value]5. Shipment- The Seller shall arrange for the shipment of the goods to the Buyer within the agreed time frame.- The Seller shall provide the Buyer with the necessary shipping documents, including but not limited to the Bill of Lading, Commercial Invoice, and Packing List.- The Buyer shall bear all risks and costs of transportation and insurance after the goods have been delivered to the carrier at the Seller's factory or designated warehouse.6. Inspection and Quality Control- The Buyer shall have the right to inspect the goods at the Seller's factory or at any other designated location before shipment.- The Seller warrants that the goods shall comply with the quality standard specified in this Contract at the time of shipment.7. Warranties and Liability- The Seller warrants that the goods shall be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of [Warranty Period] from the date of shipment.- In the event of any defects in the goods, the Seller shall, at its option, replace the defective goods or refund the purchase price.8. Dispute Resolution- Any disputes arising from or in connection with this Contract shall be settled through friendly negotiations between the parties.- If the parties fail to reach an amicable solution within [Negotiation Period], the dispute shall be submitted to [Dispute Resolution Mechanism, e.g., arbitration or litigation] in [Jurisdiction].9. General Provisions- This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, whether written or oral.- Any amendment or modification of this Contract must be made in writing and signed by both parties.- This Contract is governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Applicable Jurisdiction].10. Signatures- This Contract is executed in two copies, each party retaining one copy as evidence of its binding obligations.[Signature of Seller][Name of Seller's Authorized Representative][Date][Signature of Buyer][Name of Buyer's Authorized Representative][Date]。

国际贸易合同条款中英文International Trade Contract Terms1. Definitions1.1 The terms and expressions used in this Contract shall have the meanings assigned to them in the Incoterms 2020, unless otherwise specified in this Contract.1.2 "Buyer" shall mean the party purchasing the goods under this Contract.1.3 "Seller" shall mean the party selling the goods under this Contract.1.4 "Goods" shall mean the products to be sold and purchased under this Contract.2. Price and Payment Terms2.1 The price of the Goods shall be [insert amount] per unit.2.2 Payment shall be made in [insert currency] within [insert number] days from the date of invoice.2.3 Any bank charges related to the payment shall be borne by the Buyer.3. Delivery Terms3.1 The delivery of the Goods shall be in accordance with the agreed Incoterm, which shall be [insert Incoterm].3.2 The delivery date shall be [insert date].3.3 Any delay in delivery shall entitle the Buyer to claim damages from the Seller.4. Inspection and Acceptance4.1 The Buyer shall have the right to inspect the Goods upon delivery.4.2 The Buyer shall notify the Seller of any defects or non-conformities within [insert number] days of delivery.4.3 If the Goods are found to be defective, the Seller shall replace them at no extra cost to the Buyer.5. Force Majeure5.1 Neither party shall be liable for any delay or failure to perform its obligations under this Contract due to events beyond its reasonable control.5.2 The affected party shall notify the other party of the force majeure event and its expected duration.6. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution6.1 This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [insert governing law].6.2 Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be settled through arbitration in [insert place] in accordance with the rules of [insert arbitrationinstitution].中文翻译:国际贸易合同条款1. 定义1.1 本合同中使用的术语和表达应具有《2020年国际贸易术语解释通则》中赋予它们的含义,除非本合同另有规定。

国际贸易合同(中英文)国际贸易合同(中英文)英文版本1. Contract PartiesBuyer: [Enter buyer's full legal name]Seller: [Enter seller's full legal name]2. Object and ScopeThis contract is made between the Buyer and the Seller, and it outlines the terms and conditions for the sale and purchase of goods between the parties involved. The goods to be traded are described in detl in Appendix A, which forms an integral part of this contract.3. Price and Payment Terms3.1 The price for the goods shall be as specified in Appendix A.3.2 Payment for the goods shall be made in [currency], according to the following terms:[Specify payment method][Specify payment schedule, if applicable]4. Delivery4.1 The Seller shall ensure the delivery of the goods to the Buyer's designated location, as stipulated in Appendix A.4.2 Delivery shall take place within [number of days] days from the date of the contract's signing, unless otherwise agreed upon by both parties.5. Quality and Inspection5.1 The goods shall conform to the specifications outlined in Appendix A.5.2 The Buyer shall have the right to inspect the goods upon receipt, and any discrepancies or defects shall be communicated to the Seller in writing within [number of days] days of delivery.5.3 If the goods fl to meet the specified quality requirements, the Buyer may, at their discretion, reject the goods or request a replacement or refund.6. Force Majeure6.1 Neither party shall be liable for any delay or flure in fulfilling their obligations under this contract due to force majeure events, including but not limited to natural disasters, acts of war, or governmental restrictions.6.2 The party affected by a force majeure event shall notify the other party promptly and provide reasonable evidence of the event's impact on their ability to perform their obligations.7. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution7.1 This contract shall be governed by the laws of [Enter governing jurisdiction].7.2 Any disputes or disagreements arising from this contract shall be resolved through amicable negotiations between the parties. If a resolution cannot be reached, the dispute shall be submitted to [Enter preferred dispute resolution method], as stated in Appendix B.中文版本1. 合同双方买方: [填写买方全称]卖方: [填写卖方全称]2. 目标和范围本合同由买方和卖方签署,明确双方之间进行货物销售和购买的条款和条件。

二、合同条款1. 合同名称:中文:国际商品买卖合同英文:International Sales Contract2. 合同双方:卖方:ABC贸易公司地址:XX街道XX号,XX城市,XX国家英文:Seller: ABC Trading CompanyAddress: XX Street, No. XX, XX City, XX Country买方:XYZ进出口公司地址:XX街道XX号,XX城市,XX国家英文:Buyer: XYZ Import and Export CompanyAddress: XX Street, No. XX, XX City, XX Country3. 商品描述:中文:商品种类、规格、数量、质量标准等详细描述英文:Detailed description of the goods, including type, specifications, quantity, quality standards, etc.4. 交货方式:中文:卖方负责将商品交付给买方,交货方式为XX(如:海运、空运、陆运等)英文:The seller shall be responsible for delivering the goods to the buyer, using XX method of delivery (e.g. sea freight, air freight, land transportation, etc.).5. 交货地点:中文:商品交付的具体地点英文:Place of delivery for the goods6. 价格与支付方式:中文:商品价格、货币单位、支付方式等详细说明英文:Detailed explanation of the price, currency unit, payment method, etc.7. 检验与验收:中文:商品检验的标准和程序,以及验收的要求英文:Standards and procedures for goods inspection, as well as acceptance requirements8. 运输保险:中文:运输保险的责任承担方和范围英文:Party responsible for transportation insurance and coverage9. 违约责任:中文:违约方需要承担的责任和赔偿方式英文:Liabilities and compensation methods for breach of contract10. 争议解决:中文:合同争议解决的方式,如仲裁、诉讼等英文:Methods of dispute resolution, such as arbitration, litigation, etc.11. 合同生效:中文:合同生效的时间和方式英文:Effective date and method of the contract12. 其他条款:中文:其他双方约定的条款,如合同解除、修订、附加条款等英文:Other terms agreed upon by both parties, such as contract termination, amendment, additional clauses, etc.三、合同签署中文:本合同一式两份,卖方和买方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。

Contract No.: [Insert Contract Number]Date: [Insert Date]Seller: [Insert Seller's Full Name or Company Name]Address: [Insert Seller's Address]Buyer: [Insert Buyer's Full Name or Company Name]Address: [Insert Buyer's Address]Parties Acknowledge:1. Product Description:- The product to be supplied by the Seller to the Buyer is [Insert Product Description], which includes [Insert Specific Details Such as Color, Size, Model, etc.].2. Quantity:- The quantity of the product is [Insert Quantity], measured in [Insert Unit of Measurement].3. Packing:- The product shall be packed in [Insert Type of Packaging], ensuring that each package contains [Insert Quantity per Package] of the product.4. Price:- The unit price of the product is [Insert Unit Price] [Insert Currency], with the total contract price being [Insert Total Contract Price] [Insert Currency].5. Payment Terms:- The Buyer shall make the payment in full to the Seller within [Insert Payment Period] days from the date of this contract, via [Insert Payment Method, e.g., Telegraphic Transfer (TT), Letter of Credit (LC), etc.]- All bank charges and other expenses incurred in the process of payment shall be borne by the Buyer.6. Shipment:- The Seller shall arrange for the shipment of the product to the Buyer's designated port at [Insert Port of Destination], within [Insert Shipment Period] after the Buyer's payment is confirmed.- The Seller shall provide the Buyer with the relevant shipping documents, including but not limited to Bill of Lading, Commercial Invoice, and Packing List.7. Insurance:- The Seller shall arrange for insurance coverage for the product during transportation. The insurance shall be taken out for [Insert Insurance Coverage Percentage] of the total contract value.- The Buyer shall be the beneficiary of the insurance policy.8. Warranty:- The Seller warrants that the product shall be free from any defects in material and workmanship for a period of [Insert Warranty Period] from the date of delivery.- The Buyer shall notify the Seller of any defects within [Insert Warranty Notification Period] from the date of discovery of the defects.9. Force Majeure:- Neither Party shall be held liable for any failure or delay in the performance of its obligations under this contract due to any cause beyond its reasonable control, including but not limited to acts of God, war, strike, fire, flood, and any governmental action.10. Dispute Resolution:- Any disputes arising from or in connection with this contractshall be settled through friendly negotiations between the Parties.- If the Parties fail to reach an amicable resolution, the dispute shall be submitted to [Insert Applicable Arbitration Institution or Court].Special Provisions:[Insert Any Additional Provisions Specific to the Transaction]Acceptance of Terms:The undersigned hereby confirms the acceptance of the terms and conditions set forth in this Sales Contract.Seller’s Signatu re: ___________________________Seller’s Name: ___________________________Buyer’s Signature: ___________________________Buyer’s Name: ___________________________WITNESS:This Sales Contract is executed in two copies, each copy being equally valid, with one copy to be retained by the Seller and the other by the Buyer.Seller’s Copy:Buyer’s Copy:。

中文英文全称交货条件Dlivery Terms发货人Shipper交货条件Delivery电子数据交换Electronic Data Interchange 装船通知Advice of Shipment装船时间Time of Shipment保单Insurance Policy表面状况良好的提单Clean bill of lading象征性交货Symbolic Delivery实际交货Physical Delivery预计到港时间Expected Time of Arrival到货合同Arrivel Contract装运合同Shipment ContractFOB班轮条件FOB Liner TermFOB吊钩下交货FOB Under TackleFOB理舱费在内FOB StowedFOB平舱费在内FOB TrimmedFOB平舱费及理舱费在内FOB Stowed and TrimmedCFR班轮条件CFR Liner TermCFR卸至码头CFR LandedCFR吊钩下交接CFR Ex TackleCFR舱底交接CFR Ex Ship's HoldCIF班轮条件CIF Liner TermCIF卸至码头CIF LandedCIF吊钩下交接CIF Ex TackleCIF舱底交接CIF Ex Ship's HoldFOB理舱费和平舱费在内FOB Stowed and Trimmed买卖合同purchasing contract合同的标的物subject matter商品说明description品名name of commodity商品的质量quality of goods看货买卖sell by actual quality知识产权intellectual property right 工业产权industrial property right确认样品confirming sample色样colour sample款式样pattern sample精选货selected良好平均品质fair average quality原产地证书certificate of origin品质公差quality tolerance毛重gross weight以毛作净gross for net实际皮重actual tare/real tare平均皮重average tare/standard weight习惯皮重customary tare约定皮重computed tare公量conditioned weight理论重量theoretical weight法定重量legal weight实物净重net net weight裸装in pack散装in bulk公制the metric system英制the british system美制the u.s. system国际单位制the international system of units 短溢装数量more or less运输标志shipping mark知识性标志indicative mark警告性标志warning mark中性包装neutral packing运输方式modes of transportation班轮运输liner transport租船运输shipping by charting船期表sailing schedule班轮运价表liner's freight tariff重量吨weight ton尺码吨mearsurement ton按商品价格收 A.V.或ad val按毛重收w按毛重或体积收W/M按货物重量、尺码或价值W/M or ad val按货物重量或尺码,并加收从价运费w/m plus ad val超重附加费extra charge on heavy lifts超长附加费extra charge on over length选卸附加费additional on optional discharging port选卸货物optional cargo直航附加费additional on direct转船附加费transhipment additional港口附加费port additional定程租船voyage charter定期租船time charter光船租船bareboat charter按费率运费rate freight装船货物重量intaken quantity卸船货物重量delivered quantity整船包价lump-sum freight班轮条件gross terms或liner terms或berth terms管装不管卸free out管卸不管装Free in不负担装货费和卸货费Free in and out不负担装卸、理舱和平舱费Free in and out,stowed and trimmedFIOST船舶出租人Owner租船人charter波罗的海国际航运公会the baltic and international maritime conference BIMCO航次租船time charter on trip basis统一杂货租船合同uniform general charter留置权lien clause通用冰冻条款general ice clause双方互有碰撞责任条款both-to-blame collision clause新泽森条款new Jason clanse航空运输air transport包机运输chartered carrier班机运输schedule airline集中托运consolidation航空急件传送方式air express service桌到桌运输desk to desk service集装箱运输container transport标准箱twentyfoot equivalent unit整箱货full container load拼箱货less than container load集装箱堆积场Container yard集装箱货运站Container freight station门到门服务door to door国际多式联运international Multimodel transport/international combined transport多式联运合同multimodel transport contract多式联运经营人multimodel transport operator无船承运人non-vessel operating common carrier NVOCC大陆桥运输Land bridge transport公路运输road transportation内河运输inland water transportation邮政运输parcel post transport邮政包裹收据parcel post receipt国际特快专递international express mail serviceDHL信使快递DHL courier service管道运输pipeline transportation交货时间Time of delivery装运时间Time of Shipment装船loading on board vessel发运despatch收妥待运accepted for carriage邮局收据日期date of post receipt收货日期date of pick-up接受监管taking in-charge立即装运immediate shipment即期装运prompt shipment尽快装运shipment as soon as possible 装运港port of shipment目的港port of destination选择港option port分批装运partial shipment转运transhipment装卸准备就绪通知书Notice of readiness滞期费demurrage速遣费despatch money内陆地区overland common points海运提单ocean bill of lading表面情况良好in apparent good order已装船提单on board B/L or shipped B/L 备运提单Received for shipment B/L清洁提单Clean bill of lading不清洁提单unclean B/L;foul B/L记名提单straight B/L不记名提单bearer B/L持票人bearer指示提单order B/L直达提单direct B/L转船提单transhipment B/L租船提单charter party B/L联运提单through B/L班轮提单liner B/L全式提单long form B/L略式或简式提单short form B/L正本提单origin B/L全套(提单)full set B/L副本提单copy B/L集装箱提单container B/L集装箱联运提单combined transport B/L多式联运提单Multimodal transport document舱面提单On deck B/L过期提单stale B/L海运单sea waybill;ocean waybill不可转让海运单non-negotiable sea waybill承运货物收据cargo receipt航空运单air waybill航空主运单master air waybill航空分运单house air waybill实际发货日期actual date of despatch邮寄证明certificate of posting专递数据courier receipt运费计算标准basis等级class最低运费minimum freight最高运费maximum freight电子提单e-B/L提示行presenting bank付款人drawee需要时的代理人customer's representative in case-of-need光票托收clean collection跟单托收documentary collection付款交单documents against payment即期付款交单documents against payment at sight远期付款交单documents against payment after sight信托收据Trust receipt远期付款交单凭信托收据借单D/P.T/R借记通知credit note承兑交单document against acceptance货运单据shipping document开证申请人(开证人)applicant (opener)开证银行opening bank,issuing bank通知银行advising bank,notifying bank受益人beneficiary议付银行negotiating bank付款银行paying bank;drawee bank保兑银行confirming bank偿付银行reimbursement bank受让人transferee信开本to open by mail电开本to open by cable简开本brief cable全电本full cable格式format信息message承诺条款untaking clause代号tag议付兑付available by negotiation承付Honour跟单信用证documentary credit光票信用证clean credit不可撤销信用证irrevocable L/C可撤销信用证revocable L/C保兑信用证confirming L/C保兑行confirming bank不保兑信用证unconfirmed L/C付款兑现available by payment即期付款信用证sight payment credit延期付款信用证deferred payment credit延期付款兑现available by deferred payment 承兑信用证acceptance credit议付信用证negotiation L/C公开议付信用证open negotiation credit限制性议付信用证restricted negotiation credit 可转让信用证transferable credit可分割divisible可分开fractionable可让渡assignable可转移transmissible不可转让信用证non-transferable credit循环信用证revolving credit对开信用证reciprocal credit背对背信用证back to back credit预支信用证anticipatory L/C备用信用证standby L/C商业票据信用证Commrecial paper L/C保证(担保)信用证guarantee L/C红条信用证red clause L/C保函letter of guarantee见索即付保函demand guarantee无条件保函Unconditional L/G有条件保函conditional L/G银行保函banker's letter guarantee申请人(委托人)applicant (principal/consignor) 担保人guarantor通知行advising bank保兑行confirming bank转开行reissuing bank反担保人counter guarantor履约保函performance guarantee还款保函repayment guarantee分期付款pay by instalement延期付款deferred payment打包贷款packing credit代理行correspondent bank保留索偿under reserve商业信用证commercial letter of credit履约备用信用证performance standby L/C投标备用信用证Tender bind standby L/C预付款备用信用证advanced payment standby L/C直接付款备用信用证direct payment standby L/C验残检验证书inspection certificate on damaged cargo异议与索赔条款discrepancy and claim clause违约金条款liquidated damages clause定金条款deposit clause不可抗拒力条款force majeure clause仲裁条款arbitration clause罚金penalty索赔claim/fire a claim理赔settlement of a claim合同落空frustration of contract仲裁协议submission交货条件Dlivery Terms发货人Shipper交货条件Delivery电子数据交换Electronic Data Interchange装船通知Advice of Shipment装船时间Time of Shipment保单Insurance Policy表面状况良好的提单Clean bill of lading象征性交货Symbolic Delivery实际交货Physical Delivery预计到港时间Expected Time of Arrival到货合同Arrivel Contract装运合同Shipment ContractFOB班轮条件FOB Liner TermFOB吊钩下交货FOB Under TackleFOB理舱费在内FOB StowedFOB平舱费在内FOB TrimmedFOB平舱费及理舱费在内FOB Stowed and TrimmedCFR班轮条件CFR Liner TermCFR卸至码头CFR LandedCFR吊钩下交接CFR Ex TackleCFR舱底交接CFR Ex Ship's HoldCIF班轮条件CIF Liner TermCIF卸至码头CIF LandedCIF吊钩下交接CIF Ex TackleCIF舱底交接CIF Ex Ship's HoldFOB理舱费和平舱费在内FOB Stowed and Trimmed买卖合同purchasing contract合同的标的物subject matter商品说明description品名name of commodity商品的质量quality of goods看货买卖sell by actual quality知识产权intellectual property right 工业产权industrial property right确认样品confirming sample色样colour sample款式样pattern sample精选货selected良好平均品质fair average quality原产地证书certificate of origin品质公差quality tolerance毛重gross weight以毛作净gross for net实际皮重actual tare/real tare平均皮重average tare/standard weight 习惯皮重customary tare约定皮重computed tare公量conditioned weight理论重量theoretical weight法定重量legal weight实物净重net net weight裸装in pack散装in bulk公制the metric system英制the british system美制the u.s. system国际单位制the international system of units短溢装数量more or less运输标志shipping mark知识性标志indicative mark警告性标志warning mark中性包装neutral packing运输方式modes of transportation班轮运输liner transport租船运输shipping by charting船期表sailing schedule班轮运价表liner's freight tariff重量吨weight ton尺码吨mearsurement ton按商品价格收 A.V.或ad val按毛重收w按毛重或体积收W/M按货物重量、尺码或价值W/M or ad val按货物重量或尺码,并加收从价运费w/m plus ad val超重附加费extra charge on heavy lifts超长附加费extra charge on over length选卸附加费additional on optional discharging port选卸货物optional cargo直航附加费additional on direct转船附加费transhipment additional港口附加费port additional定程租船voyage charter定期租船time charter光船租船bareboat charter按费率运费rate freight装船货物重量intaken quantity卸船货物重量delivered quantity整船包价lump-sum freight班轮条件gross terms或liner terms或berth terms管装不管卸free out管卸不管装Free in不负担装货费和卸货费Free in and out不负担装卸、理舱和平舱费Free in and out,stowed and trimmedFIOST船舶出租人Owner租船人charter波罗的海国际航运公会the baltic and international maritime conference BIMCO航次租船time charter on trip basis统一杂货租船合同uniform general charter留置权lien clause通用冰冻条款general ice clause双方互有碰撞责任条款both-to-blame collision clause 新泽森条款new Jason clanse航空运输air transport包机运输chartered carrier班机运输schedule airline集中托运consolidation航空急件传送方式air express service桌到桌运输desk to desk service集装箱运输container transport标准箱twentyfoot equivalent unit整箱货full container load拼箱货less than container load集装箱堆积场Container yard集装箱货运站Container freight station门到门服务door to door国际多式联运international Multimodel transport/international combined transport多式联运合同multimodel transport contract 多式联运经营人multimodel transport operator 无船承运人non-vessel operating common carrier NVOCC大陆桥运输Land bridge transport公路运输road transportation内河运输inland water transportation邮政运输parcel post transport邮政包裹收据parcel post receipt国际特快专递international express mail serviceDHL信使快递DHL courier service管道运输pipeline transportation交货时间Time of delivery装运时间Time of Shipment装船loading on board vessel发运despatch收妥待运accepted for carriage邮局收据日期date of post receipt收货日期date of pick-up接受监管taking in-charge立即装运immediate shipment即期装运prompt shipment尽快装运shipment as soon as possible 装运港port of shipment目的港port of destination选择港option port分批装运partial shipment转运transhipment装卸准备就绪通知书Notice of readiness滞期费demurrage速遣费despatch money内陆地区overland common points海运提单ocean bill of lading表面情况良好in apparent good order已装船提单on board B/L or shipped B/L 备运提单Received for shipment B/L清洁提单Clean bill of lading不清洁提单unclean B/L;foul B/L记名提单straight B/L不记名提单bearer B/L持票人bearer指示提单order B/L直达提单direct B/L转船提单transhipment B/L租船提单charter party B/L联运提单through B/L班轮提单liner B/L全式提单long form B/L略式或简式提单short form B/L正本提单origin B/L全套(提单)full set B/L副本提单copy B/L集装箱提单container B/L集装箱联运提单combined transport B/L多式联运提单Multimodal transport document 舱面提单On deck B/L过期提单stale B/L海运单sea waybill;ocean waybill不可转让海运单non-negotiable sea waybill承运货物收据cargo receipt航空运单air waybill航空主运单master air waybill航空分运单house air waybill实际发货日期actual date of despatch邮寄证明certificate of posting专递数据courier receipt运费计算标准basis等级class最低运费minimum freight最高运费maximum freight电子提单e-B/L净价net price数量折扣quantity discount特别折扣special discount年终折扣turnover bonus价格调整条款price adjustment (revision)clause 初步价格initial price商品检验commodity inspection“离岸品质、离岸重量”,Shipping Quality and ShippingWeight 到岸品质、到岸数量,“Landed Quality and LandedWeight”“离岸重量、到岸品质”Shipping Weight and Landed Quality 公证行(Authentic Surveyor)、宣誓衡量人(Sworn Measurer),实验室(Laboratory)检验证书(Certificate of Inspection)品质检验证书(Inspection Certificate of Quality)。

CONTRACTNO.: DATE:THE BUYERS:ADDRESS :TEL: FAX:THE SELLERS:ADDRESS:TEL: FAX:This Contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers;whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell theunder mentioned commodity according to the terms andconditions stipulated below:买方与卖方就以下条款达成协议:1. COMMODITY:2. COUNTRY AND MANUFACTURERS: 原产国及造商:3. PACKING:To be packed in standard airway packing. The Sellers shall be liable forany damage of the commodity and expenses incurred on account of improper packingand for any rust attributable to inadequate or improper protective measurestaken by the sellers in regard to the packing. 包装:标准空运包装..如果由于不适当的包装而导致的货物损坏和由此产生的费用;卖方应对此负完全的责任..4. SHIPPING MARK: The Sellers shall mark on each package with fadeless paintthe package number; gross weight; net weight; measurement and the wordings:"KEEP AWAY FROM MOISTURE" "HANDLE WITH CARE" "THIS SIDE UP" etc. and theshipping mark:唛头:卖方应用不褪色的颜料在每个箱子外部刷上箱号、毛重、净重、尺寸;并注明“防潮”、“小心轻放”、“此面向上”等;唛头为:5. TIME OF SHIPMENT装运期: within days after receipt of L/C6. PORT OF SHIPMENT装运港:7. PORT OF DESTINATION目的港: ; CHINA8. INSURANCE保险:To be covered by sellers for 110% invoice value against All Risks.9. PAYMENT付款方式The buyer open an irrevocable 100% L/C at sight in favor of seller 信用证付款:买方给卖方开出100%不可撤销即期信用证.. 银行资料:10. DOCUMENTS:①Full set of Air waybill in original showing “Freight Prepaid” and consignedto applicant. 空运提单一套②Invoice in three copies. 发票一式叁份③Packing list in three copies issued by the Sellers. 装箱单一式叁份④Certificate of Quality issued by the Sellers. 制造厂家出具的质量证明书⑤Insurance Policy. 保险单一份⑥Certificate of origin issued by the Sellers. 原产地证书⑦Manufacturer’s certified copy of fax dispatched to the applicant within 24hours after shipment advising flight No.; B/L No.; shipment date; quantity;Gross weight; Net weight; and value of shipment. 制造厂家通知开证申请人有关货物装运的详细资料传真复印件壹份⑧The seller’s Certificate and waybill certifying that extra documents havebeen dispatched according to the contract terms by express airmail. 卖方有关另外用特快邮寄壹套单据给开证申请人的证明书及邮寄底单.⑨Certificate of No Wooden Packing or Certificate of Fumigation.非木包装声明或熏蒸证.In addition; the Sellers shall; within three days after shipment; send by express airmail one extra sets of the aforesaid documents directly to the Buyers. 另外;卖方应于货物发运后三天内;用特快专递寄送一套上述的单据给买方..11.SHIPMENT: The Sellers shall ship the goods within the shipment time fromthe port of shipment to the destination. Transshipment is allowed. Partial shipment is not allowed. 运输:卖方应于交货期内将合同货物从装货港运到目的港;不许分批;允许转运..12.SHIPPING ADVICE: The sellers shall; immediately upon the completion of theloading of the goods; advise by fax the buyers of the Contract No.; commodity;quantity; invoiced value; gross weight; name of vessel and date of delivery etc. In case due to the sellers not having faxed in time; all losses caused shall be borne by the sellers. 装运通知:卖方应于装货后;立即用传真将有关合同号、货物、数量、发票价值、毛重、运输工具名称、交货日期、货物预计抵达日等资料通知买方..如果由于卖方未能通知买方而造成的所有损失均由卖方承担..13.GUARANTEE OF QUALITY: The Sellers guarantee that the Commodity hereof ismade of the best materials with first class workmanship; brand new and unused;and complies in all respects with the quality and specification stipulated in this Contract. The guarantee period shall be 12 months counting from the date of signing the Acceptance Report of this machine at the end-user‘s site.质量保证:卖方保证合同货物采用最好的材料、精湛的做工、全新、未使用过、质量和技术规格均符合合同的要求..质保期为最终用户签定验收报告后12个月内..14. CLAIMS: Within 90 days after the arrival of the goods at destination; should the quality; specification; or quantity be found in unconformity with the stipulations of the Contract except those claims for which the insurance co’s engineer; have the right to claim for replacement with new goods; or for compensation; and all expenses such as inspection charges; freight for returning the goods and for sending the replacement; insurance premium; storage and loading and unloading charges etc. shall be borne by the Sellers.索赔:货物抵达目的地后90天内;如果质量、技术规格或数量发现与合同的规定不符除过保险公司和运输公司的责任所负;买方应该依据中华人民共和国出入境检验检疫局的检验报告或者是卖方的调试人员在安装调试时出具的报告;有权要求替换或补偿;所有的费用包括商检费、替补件来回的运费、保险费、仓储费、货物装货卸货费等均由卖方承担..卖方的质量保证为签定关于此批货物的验收报告后12个月内;由于货物内在的质量、差的做工、选材不当而造成操作中的货物损坏;买方应立即书面通知卖方;并同时随附中国商检局出具的检验报告作为索赔依据..卖方在接到买方的索赔后;有责任立即解决相应的质量问题、全部或部分地替换货物或根据货物损坏的程度进行折价;如果卖方在收到买方的上述索赔后一个月内未能作出答复;则视为索赔已为卖方所接受..15. FORCE MAJEURE: The Sellers shall not be held responsible for the delay in shipment or non-delivery of the goods due to Force Majeure; which might occur during the process of manufacturing or in the course of loading or transit. The Sellers shall advise the Buyers immediately of the occurrence mentioned above and within fourteen days thereafter; the Sellers shall send by airmail to the Buyers for their acceptance a certificate of the accident issued by the Competent Government Authorities where the accident occurs as evidence thereof. Under such circumstances the Sellers; however; are still under the obligation to takeall necessary measures to hasten the delivery of the goods. In case the accident lasts for more than 10 weeks; the Buyers shall have the right to cancel the Contract.不可抗力:对于制造或装船运输过程中可能产生的不可抗力而造成的迟交货或不能交货;卖方可以不承担责任..卖方应立即在不可抗力产生的十四日内将有关情况通知买方;并且卖方应用航空邮件将有关政府当局部门出具的证明不可抗力产生的文件寄送给买方..在此情况下;卖方仍应尽最大努力采取各种措施促使货物的发运..如果事故持续十周;买方有权取消该合同..16. LATE DELIVERY AND PENALTY: Should the Sellers fail to make delivery on timeas stipulated in the Contract; with exception of Force Majeure causes specified in Clause 15 of this Contract. The Buyers shall agree to postpone the delivery on condition that the Sellers agree to pay a penalty which shall be deducted by the paying bank from the payment. The Penalty; however; shall not exceed 5% of the total value of the goods involved in the late delivery. The rate of penalty is chargedat 0.5% for every seven days. Odd days less than seven days should be counted as seven days. In case the Sellers fail to make delivery ten weeks later than the timeof shipment stipulated in the Contract; the Buyers shall have the right to cancel the contract and the Sellers; in spite the cancellation; shall still pay the aforesaid penalty to the Buyers without delay.迟交货和罚金:如果卖方未能按合同规定及时交货除了本合同15条款所言的不可抗力;买方同意在卖方付罚金的前提下迟交货..罚金的金额不超过迟交货的合同货物部分的价值的5%;罚金按每7日0.5%计算;少于7日的增加天数按7日计..如果卖方未能于合同规定的交货期之后的十周内发运;买方有权取消该合同;除此之外;卖方仍要将有关罚金不加拖延地付给买方..17. ARBITRATION: Any dispute arising from or in connection with this Contract shallbe submitted to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission for arbitration which shall be conducted in accordance with the Commission's arbitration rules in effect at the time of applying for arbitration. The arbitral award is final and binding upon both partied. Arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing party.仲裁:与此合同有关的争议应通过友好协商解决..如果协商无法解决;提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会进行仲裁..按照申请仲裁时该会现行有效的仲裁规则进行仲裁..仲裁裁决是终局的;对双方均有约束力..仲裁费用由败诉方承担..18.BANK CHARGES: All bank charges outside China will be on the account of the Sellers.银行费用:所有中国之外的银行费用均由卖方承担..19.OTHER: This contract signed in three copies; the seller holds one copy and the buyer hold two copies. 其它:本合同一式叁份;卖方执壹份; 买方执贰份..THE BUYERS: THE SELLERS:。

FDI (对外直接投资):making a physical investment by building a factory in another country.Trade surplus( 贸易顺差)when the value of a country’s export is more than that of its imports. Trade deficit(贸易逆差)when the value of a country’s export is less than that of its imports. Barter(物物交换 ):buy or sell goods or services without the use of money. Duping (倾销) :sell the goods with a price lower than its cost or lower than its domestic price to a foreign market. Free trade (自由贸易): the movement of goods and services among nations without political or economic barriers. Export tax rebate (出口退税):government pays back the tax for the export commodities to encourage export. Export subsidies (出口补贴):payments given by the government to domestic companies to encourage export.Import quota(进口配额): a limit on the quantity of a certain import in a specific period. Trade Protectionism(贸易保护主义):the use of government regulations to limit the import of goods and services. Advocates of protectionism believe it allows domestic producers to survive, grow and produce jobs. Embargo(贸易禁运):a complete ban on the import or export of a certain product or the stopping of all trade with a particular country. Contract(合同): is an agreement signed by the seller and the buyer which regulates t he both parties’ right and obligation as well as the detailed information on the transaction. Time regulation of submitting the Documents: the original documents must be presented within 21 working days after the date of shipment, and before the expiry date of L/C in any case. Commission(佣金):commission is a payment given to the middleman for his service.Time charter (定期租船):rent a ship for a period of time. Time of shipment (发货时间):the time for loading the goods on board at the port of shipment. Partial shipment(分批运输):means goods in one contract would be shipped in more than one lot. Transshipment (转运):means the goods should be transferred to another ship during the transportation. Lay time (装卸时间):the time used for loading or unloading the goods. Demurrage(逾期费):the money paid by the charterer to the ship owner for the delay of loading or unloading .B/E (汇票):is a payment advice made by the exporter (drawer) to the importer (drawee),Drawee should pay the money to payee when he receive the B/E. Sight B/E(即期汇票):Drawee should pay money to the payee when he receives the B/E immediately. B/E(远期汇票):Drawee should pay money to payee in a specific date in future.Drawee should accept the time B/E. L/C(信用证):is a conditional written promise for payment of bank .L/C is issued by the bank to the seller. Sight L/C(即期信用证):the bank should pay the money immediately when the exporter provides the qualified documents . Usance L/C(远期信用证):bank would pay the money in a specific date in future. Collection (托收):The exporter authorizes the bank to collect the payment from the importer by drawing a draft. Packing list(装箱单):is adocument made by the exporter to indicate the detailed information on shipment. Pro forma invoice(形式发票):is an informal invoice made by exporter indicating the transaction information. Commercial invoice(商业发票)formal. Customs invoice(海关发票)is the invoice made by the exporter based on the special form regulated by the importer’s customs. B\E(汇票)is a payment advice made by the exporter to the importer. Drawee should pay the money to the payee when he receives the B\E.Bill of Lading(提单): Bill of Lading is a receipt from the shipping company giving detailed information about shipment issued by shipping company to shipper.Shipped BL(已装船提单): showing the goods have been shipped on board. Received BL(备运提单): showing the goods received by the shipping company but have not shipped on board. Endorsement(背书): The document would be transferred by its owner signing the name on the back of the document. Insurance Document(保险单据):It‘s the insurance contract made by the insurer and the insured:the insurer would take the insurance responsibility according to the insurance coverage. Certificate of Inspection(检验证书):It‘s a document certifying the result of commodity inspection insured by an inspection institution. Certificate of Origin(原产地证书):It‘s a document issued by governmental institution to certify the place where the goods have been produced.公式:insurance amount (保额)=CIF×(1+10%)Premium(保险费)=CIF×(1+10%)×premium rateCFR=CIF×(1-1,1×Premium rate)Net price =C-included price ×(1-commission rate)Commission=C-included price×commission rateFreight =W/M(choose the higher one )Total freight =unit price ×units×(1+surcharge)。

国际贸易合同样本中英文对照国际贸易合同样本中英文对照---1. 介绍国际贸易合同是双方在国际贸易活动中签订的合同,旨在规范双方的权利和义务,保障交易的顺利进行。
---2. 合同样本2.1 贸易合同标题中文: 国际贸易合同英文: International Trade Contract2.2 合同签署方中文: 甲方(买方):____________英文: Party A (Buyer): ____________中文: 乙方(卖方):____________英文: Party B (Seller): ____________2.3 合同条款中文: 第一条:货物描述英文: Article 1: Description of Goods中文: 第二条:交货方式和时间英文: Article 2: Delivery Method and Time中文: 第三条:价格和付款方式英文: Article 3: Price and Payment Method中文: 第四条:检验和索赔英文: Article 4: Inspection and Clms中文: 第五条:违约责任英文: Article 5: Breach of Contract Liability 中文: 第六条:争议解决英文: Article 6: Dispute Resolution---3. 合同条款解释3.1 第一条:货物描述中文: 乙方应向甲方提供如下所述的货物:英文: Party B shall provide the following goods to Party A:3.2 第二条:交货方式和时间中文: 乙方将按照双方商定的方式和时间交付货物。
英文: Party B shall deliver the goods according to the agreed method and time.3.3 第三条:价格和付款方式中文: 甲方应按照合同约定的价格和付款方式向乙方支付货款。

国际贸易实务合同模板英汉International Trade Practice Contract Template。
1. Introduction。
International trade is a complex process that involves various parties, including buyers, sellers, and intermediaries. To ensure a smooth and successful trade transaction, it is important to have a well-drafted contract that outlines the terms and conditions of the deal. This International Trade Practice Contract Template serves as a guide for drafting such contracts, providing a comprehensive framework for parties to follow.2. Parties Involved。
This section of the contract should clearly identify the parties involved in the trade transaction. This includes the buyer, seller, and any intermediaries or agents involved in the process. It is important to include the full legal names and addresses of all parties to ensure clarity and avoid any confusion in the future.3. Description of Goods。

• 明确规定具体装运时间Time of shipment: April 2005 • 规定收到信用证后若干天装运 • Shipment within 20 days after receipt of L/C • 装运港 • (三)具体的规定方式 1、只规定一个装运港(地)例 Port of shipment:Shanghai 2、规定两个或两个以上的装运港(地)例 Port of shipment: Qingdao and Shanghai 3、笼统规定例 Port of shipment: China ports
• 请为中国大米制作含下列内容的合同条款 • 品名:中国大米 • 规格:不完善颗粒不超过17% • 杂质不得超过1% • 水分不得超过15%
Commodity&Specification: Chinese Rice
Broken grains(Max.)17% Admixture (Max.)1% Moisture (Max.)15% Quantity: 1 000 metric ton 5% • 数量:1000公吨,溢短装5%,由卖方选择 more or less at seller's option Packing:Packed in gunny bags • 包装:麻袋装,每袋约100公斤,以毛作 of 100kgs each Gross for net
“尚好可销品质”(Good Merchantable Quality )一般是指 卖方所交货物应为“品质尚好,合乎商销”。
在合同中规定:“quality and technical data to be strictly in conformity with the description submitted by the seller”

Contract No.: [Contract Number]Date: [Contract Date]This Contract is made and entered into by and between the following parties:The Seller:[Full Name of the Seller][Address of the Seller][Contact Information of the Seller]The Buyer:[Full Name of the Buyer][Address of the Buyer][Contact Information of the Buyer]WHEREAS, the Seller is willing to sell and the Buyer is willing to buy the following goods on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth;NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto agree as follows:1. Description of Goods:The goods to be sold hereunder shall be as follows:[Detailed description of the goods, including specifications, brand, model, quality, quantity, and any other relevant information]2. Price:The price of the goods shall be [Price] USD per unit, making the total price for the goods [Total Price] USD.3. Payment Terms:The Buyer shall make the payment to the Seller in accordance with the following terms:(a) 100% of the total price shall be paid by [Payment Method] (e.g., Letter of Credit, Telegraphic Transfer, etc.) within [Number of Days] days after the date of the relevant invoice issued by the Seller.(b) The Seller shall issue an invoice within [Number of Days] days after the shipment of the goods.(c) All bank charges, whether originating in the country of the Buyer or the Seller, shall be for the account of the Buyer.4. Shipment:(a) The goods shall be shipped from the port of [Port of Shipment] to the port of [Port of Destination] by [Mode of Transport] (e.g., vessel, air, etc.).(b) The Seller shall ensure that the goods are shipped in accordance with the contract specifications and deliverables.(c) The shipping date shall be [Shipment Date], but the Seller shall endeavor to deliver the goods earlier if possible.(d) The Buyer shall bear all costs and risks of transportation from the port of destination to the final destination.5. Insurance:The Seller shall effect and maintain, at the expense of the Buyer, adequate marine insurance on the goods during the period of shipment.6. Warranties:The Seller warrants that the goods shall be free from any defects in materials and workmanship, and shall conform to the specifications set forth in this contract.7. Liability and Indemnity:(a) The Seller shall be liable for any loss or damage to the goods caused by its failure to comply with the terms and conditions of this contract.(b) The Buyer shall indemnify the Seller against any claim, demand, action, or proceeding arising out of or in connection with the goods sold hereunder.8. Force Majeure:Neither party shall be liable for any failure or delay in the performance of its obligations under this contract due to any cause beyond its reasonable control, including but not limited to acts of God, war, strikes, lockouts, or government regulations.9. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution:This contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction]. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this contract shall be resolved through friendly negotiation. If such negotiation fails, the disputes shall be submitted to the competent court of [Jurisdiction] for arbitration.10. Entire Agreement:This contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements, negotiations, and understandings, whether written or oral, relating to the subject matter of this contract.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.THE SELLER:_________________________Name: [Name of the Seller]Position: [Position of the Seller]THE BUYER:_________________________Name: [Name of the Buyer] Position: [Position of the Buyer] Witnessed by:_________________________Name: [Name of the Witness] Position: [Position of the Witness]。
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2013年05 月20 日
商品 (1006.3000)
e) 卖方提供的米应无下列中国人民共和国农业部所规定的对植物构成危险的疾病、害虫、杂草
1) 大谷蠹
2) 谷斑皮虫
3) 谷象
f) 卖方提供的米中的化学残留物不得超过中华人民共和国公共卫生部的规定。
2) 不得含有汞化合物
3) 磷化物含量不得超过0.05PPM(百万分之五,据磷化氢含量计算)
4) 氰化物含量不得超过5PPM(百万分之五,据氰化氢含量计算)
5) 马拉硫磷含量不得超过3PPM(百万分之三)
25千克/包的包装: 1000公吨
10千克/包的包装: 400公吨
5千克/包的包装: 100公吨
■25千克/包的包装 : @USD515.00/公吨
■10千克/包的包装 : @USD530.00/公吨
■5千克/包的包装 : @USD545.00/公吨
a) 商业发票正本,一式五份.
b) 全套正本海运清洁提单,空白抬头,空白背书,写明“按约定的运费”,“清洁装船”,以及通知中国国家粮油食品进出口总公司
c) 由中国进出口商品检验股份有限公司(泰国)出具的数量、质量证书,一式五份,证明装运米的实际百分比含量符合泰国商务部指定的B类100%泰国香米的标准(条款2第二项涉及的纯度)
d) 由中国进出口商品检验股份有限公司(泰国)出具的包装证书,一式五份,证明聚丙烯编织袋清洁,无味,不会使对人类食用谷物造成伤害。
e) 植物检疫证书,一式五份,由泰国农业合作部或其指定、授权的机构出具,证明装运米不含有害疾病、活害虫,寄售物符合本合同质量条款e)项提及的进口国现行植物检疫法规。
f) 杀虫剂残余证书,一式五份,由泰国农业合作部,或其指定授权的机构,或中国进出口商品检验股份有限公司(泰国)出具,证明在装运港,合同标的的化学残留物符合本合同质量条款f)项。
g) 熏蒸证书,由中国进出口商品检验股份有限公司(泰国)出具,一式五份。
h) 船舱健康证书,一式五份,由中国进出口商品检验股份有限公司(泰国),或装运港官方出具,证明船舱适宜接收、装载装运运米。
i) 农作物年份、产地证书,一式五份,由中国进出口商品检验认证有限公司(泰国)出具。
b) 卖方应用黄麻线绳缝补所有在装船期间破损的包装袋,并替换所有损坏严重的包装袋。
c) 卖方应指派代表监督驳船和/或货船的运作,直到货物全部卸到远洋船舶。
d) 中国进出口商品检验股份有限公司(泰国)应在装船完成时签发关于装运米的质量、数量的完整报告。
e) 中国进出口商品检验股份有限公司(泰国)应在卖方的支付下进行蒸熏消毒。
f) 检验费用由卖方承担。
中国北京100005 泰国曼谷10500
中粮广场建国门内大街No.8 silom区 139pan road 7至13楼 20至21楼。