电子信息工程专业英语教程_第5版 模拟试卷AB卷及答案

Technical English Test for Electronic Information EngineeringDepartment____________ Class___________ Name____________SECTION 1Fill in the blanks with proper terms (30 minutes).SECTION 2Translate the following passages into Chinese (40 minutes).1.Digital signal processing tasks can be performed by all processors. Specialized digital signalprocessors (DSPs), however, perform these tasks most efficiently and most quickly. While traditional processors follow the V on Neumann architecture model, which assumes a shared single memory to be used for both program instructions and data, DSPs use the Harvard or modified Harvard architecture, which includes multiple program and data memories, along with multiple buses to access them.2.The basic services that the IMT-2000 network is supposed to provide to its users are: 1.High-quality voice transmission. 2. Messaging (replacing e-mail, fax, SMS, chat, etc.). 3.Multimedia (playing music, viewing videos, films, television, etc.). 4. Internet access (Web surfing, including pages with audio and video).3.The image sensor employed by most digital cameras is a CCD. Some low-end cameras useCMOS technology. While CMOS sensors will almost certainly improve and become more popular in the future, they probably won't replace CCD sensors in higher-end digital cameras.4.Make sure the camera has the right resolution for your needs. If you are going to take snapshotsand e-mail them to friends, then you don't need anything more than 640x480 pixel resolution.Buying the resolution that you need lets you save money (and hard disk space). On the other hand, if you want to print enlarged versions of your photos, you'll need a 2-megapixel or 3-megapixel camera.SECTION 3Read the following passages and answer questions (30 minutes).Passage oneCD-quality audio requires a transmission bandwidth of 1.411 Mbps. Clearly, substantial compression is needed to make transmission over the Internet practical. For this reason, various audio compression algorithms have been developed. Probably the most popular one is MPEG audio, which has three layers (variants), of which MP3 (MPEG audio layer 3) is the most powerful and best known. Large amounts of music in MP3 format are available on the Internet, not all of it legal, which has resulted in numerous lawsuits from the artists and copyright owners. MP3 belongs to the audio portion of the MPEG video compression standard.Audio compression can be done in one of two ways. In waveform coding the signal is transformed mathematically by a Fourier transform into its frequency components. The amplitude of each component is then encoded in a minimal way. The goal is to reproduce the waveform accurately at the other end in as few bits as possible.The other way, perceptual coding, exploits certain flaws in the human auditory system to encode a signal in such a way that it sounds the same to a human listener, even if it looks quite different on an oscilloscope. Perceptual coding is based on the science of psychoacoustics—how people perceive sound. MP3 is based on perceptual coding.The key property of perceptual coding is that some sounds can mask other sounds. Imagine you are broadcasting a live flute concert on a warm summer day. Then all of a sudden, a crew of workmen nearby turns on their jackhammers and start tearing up the street. No one can hear the flute any more. Its sounds have been masked by the jackhammers. For transmission purposes, it is now sufficient to encode just the frequency band used by the jackhammers because the listeners cannot hear the flute anyway. This is called frequency masking—the ability of a loud sound in one frequency band to hide a softer sound in another frequency band that would have been audible in the absence of the loud sound. In fact, even after the jackhammers stop, the flute will be inaudible for a short period of time because the ear turns down its gain when they start and it takes a finite time to turn it up again. This effect is called temporal masking.Answer the following questions within 50 words. Q1:Why is audio compression needed?Q2: What is mp3?Q3: What does the word psychoacoustics mean?Q4: What is the aim of waveform coding?Q5: What is perceptual coding?Passage TwoAlthough over 50 years old, the standard television signal is still one of the most common way to transmit an image. Figure 1 shows how the television signal appears on an oscilloscope. This is called composite video, meaning that there are vertical and horizontal synchronization (sync) pulses mixed with the actual picture information. These pulses are used in the television receiver to synchronize the vertical and horizontal deflection circuits to match the video being displayed. Each second of standard video contains 30 complete images, commonly called frames. A video engineer would say that each frame contains 525 lines, the television jargon for what programmers call rows. This number is a little deceptive because only 480 to 486 of these lines contain video information; the remaining 39 to 45 lines are reserved for sync pulses to keep the television's circuits synchronized with the video signal.Determine the following statement is true (T) or false (F):No. T/F StatementQ6: ( )The term composite video is an alias of standard television signal.Q7:( )There are more than one methods for video transmission mentioned in this passage.Q8:( )The composite video is a combination of frames, picture information and sync pulses.Q9:( )The number 30 frames/second is a little deceptive.Technical English Test for Electronic Information EngineeringDepartment____________ Class___________ Name____________SECTION 1Fill in the blanks with proper terms (30 minutes).SECTION 2Translate the following passages into Chinese (40 minutes).5.While traditional processors follow the V on Neumann architecture model, which assumes ashared single memory to be used for both program instructions and data, DSPs use the Harvard or modified Harvard architecture, which includes multiple program and data memories, along with multiple buses to access them. This arrangement means that much less waiting is required when instructions or numbers are fetched from memory.6.ITU recommended that all governments reserve spectrum at 2 GHz so devices could roamseamlessly from country to country. Later, it was recognized that 2 Mbps is not currently feasible for users who are too mobile (due to the difficulty of performing handoffs quickly enough) .7.Just like a conventional camera, a digital camera has a series of lenses that focus light to createan image of a scene. But instead of focusing this light onto a piece of film, it focuses it onto a semiconductor device that records light electronically. A microprocessor then breaks this electronic information down into digital data.8.Make sure the lens will handle the pictures you plan to take. If you don't have the right lens, itcan be hard to take the best pictures. For example, if very crisp detail is important in your pictures, you'll probably want a high optical zoom number. Be sure to try out the lens system ona camera before you purchase it. Digital cameras come with a huge variety of lenses, so be sureto shop around.SECTION 3Read the following passages and answer questions (30 minutes).Passage oneNature moves in the form of a sine wave, be it an ocean wave, earthquake, sonic boom, explosion, sound through air, or the natural frequency of a body in motion. Energy, vibrating particles and other invisible forces pervade our physical universe. Even light–part particle, part wave–has a fundamental frequency, which can be observed as color. Sensors can convert these forces into electrical signals that you can observe and study with an oscilloscope. Oscilloscopes enable scientists, engineers, technicians, educators and others to “see” ev ents that change over time.Oscilloscopes are indispensable tools for anyone designing, manufacturing or repairing electronic equipment. In today’s fast-paced world, engineers need the best tools available to solve their measurement challenges quickly and accurately. As the eyes of the engineer, oscilloscopes are the key to meeting today’s demanding measurement challenges.The usefulness of an oscilloscope is not limited to the world of electronics. With the proper transducer, an oscilloscope can measure all kinds of phenomena. A transducer is a device that creates an electrical signal in response to physical stimuli, such as sound, mechanical stress, pressure, light, or heat. A microphone is a transducer that converts sound into an electrical signal.Oscilloscopes are used by everyone from physicists to television repair technicians. An automotive engineer uses an oscilloscope to measure engine vibrations. A medical researcher uses an oscilloscope to measure brain waves. The possibilities are endless.Answer the following questions within 50 words.Q1: Are oscilloscopes signals sources? Why not?Q2: Does the word “demanding” mean difficult or easy?Q3: How can an oscilloscope measure the temperature change over time? Q4: What function does a sensor or a transducer perform?Q5: Please give the reason why oscilloscopes are regarded as the eyes of engineers?Passage TwoAlthough over 50 years old, the standard television signal is still one of the most common way to transmit an image. Figure 1 shows how the television signal appears on an oscilloscope. This is called composite video, meaning that there are vertical and horizontal synchronization (sync) pulses mixed with the actual picture information. These pulses are used in the television receiver to synchronize the vertical and horizontal deflection circuits to match the video being displayed. Each second of standard video contains 30 complete images, commonly called frames. A video engineer would say that each frame contains 525 lines, the television jargon for what programmers call rows. This number is a little deceptive because only 480 to 486 of these lines contain video information; the remaining 39 to 45 lines are reserved for sync pulses to keep the television's circuits synchronized with the video signal.Determine the following statement is true (T) or false (F):No. T/F StatementQ6: ( )The term composite video is an alias of standard television signal.Q7:( )There are more than one methods for video transmission mentioned in this passage.Q8:( )The composite video is a combination of frames, picture information and sync pulses.Q9:( )The number 30 frames/second is a little deceptive.Q10:( )The sync pulses are used to control the deflection circuits in the TV receivers.Page 11 of 12Page 12 of 12。
电子信息工程 专业英语

1.Translate the following phrases into English.电子技术:Electronic Technology音频信号:Audio signal真空二极管:vacuum diode 半导体材料: semiconductor material分立元件:discrete component 大规模集成电路:large -scale integration circuit 电气触电:electrical contact 非线性特征: nonlinear characteristic运算放大器:operational amplifier 稳压器: voltage regulator反馈电路:feedback circuit 同相输入:non-inverting input 模拟计算机:analog computer 双列直插:dual-in-line正弦波振荡器:sinusoidal oscillator 张弛振荡器:relaxation oscillator数模转换: digital-to-analog converter信号处理:signal processing实时处理系统:real time processing system仿真器:emulator 存储单元:storage location数字滤波器:digital filter 传感器:transducer2.Translate the following phrases into Chinese.Electromotive force电动势; nonlinear resistor非线性电阻器; magnetic field磁场; dielectric constant介电常数; electric charge电荷;Information source信息来源; communication channel通信信道; message destination消息目的地; sensing element敏感元件;Natural frequency自然频率; reversible effect可逆效应; mutual inductance互感; address generator地址发生器; optical fiber光纤;Noise source噪声来源; Asynchronous transfer mode异步传输模式; negative feedback消极的反馈; alternating voltage交流电压;Sensitive measuring circuit敏感的测量电路; variable resistor可变电阻器; induced emf感应电动势3.Translate the following sentences into Chinese.①Electronics is a field of engineering and applied physics dealing with the design andapplication of devices, usually electronic circuits, the operation of which depends on the flow of electrons for the generation, transmission, reception, and storage of information.答案:电子学属于工程和应用物理学的范畴,一般研究由电子线路构成的设备的设计和应用。
电子信息类专业英语 unit 4 Microelectronics

❖ 微型化是指减少元件和电路的几何尺寸, 从而增加封装 密度、降低功耗、减少信号传播延迟。
❖ The integrated circuit is a group of transistors manufactured from a single piece of material and connected together internally, without extra wiring . Integrated circuits are also called ICs or chips.

电子信息专业英语期末考试试卷(一)(考试时间120分钟,满分100分)一、词汇测试题(共25道题,每小题1分,总计25分)(一).Translate the following words and expressions into Chinese (写出下列词组的汉语意思。
)(共25分,每题1分,总计25分)1. resistor 2. capacitor 3. inductor 4. resistance 5. capacitance 6. inductance . 7.Dielectric8. frequency9.electromotive force (emf )10. Electronics 11. Electricity12. electron 13. Diode14. Transistor 15. Circuit 16. Vacuum 17. semiconductor 18. silicon 19. chip20. microminiaturization 21. Microelectronics 22. integrated circuit 23. Negative 24. Positive 25. Cell(共25题,每题1分,总计25分)1.黑白电视机2.基本原理3.硅晶体管4.电子元件5. 锗晶体管6. 真空二极管7. 信息时代 8. 单片 9.电源 10.负极 11.正极 12.干电池 13.串联 14.并联 15.电压降16.固定电阻 17.电阻值18.电场 19.容抗 20. 对电流的阻力21. 非线性电阻23.一个二端元件24.一个闭合回路 25. 事实上(三)填空题Choose one word from the word list below to fill in the blank in each of the following sentences. Change the form of the word where necessary: (共8道题,每题1分,总计8分)resistors capacitance nonlinear resistance electricity inductor electrical capacitor1. Capacitor’s basic function is to store _____ energy.2. A _____ is a device designed to have capacitance.3. The property of a capacitor to oppose any change in voltage across that capacitor is called ______.4. Resistors used for special applications are ______.5. Ohm is used as a unit of ______.6. Some _____ are made to have a variable resistance.7. The larger is the emf, the more ______ the capacitor stores. 8. Any _____ is made of wire having resistance.(四)单项选择题Choose the one that best completes each of the following statements according to the text: (共12题,每题1分,共12分)1. Electronics is a part of _______.A. electronsB. technologyC. electricityD. science2. The field of electronics includes _____.A. transistorB. electron tubeC. integrated circuitD. All above3. Thomas Edison invented ______ in 1883.A. vacuum tubeB. diodeC. triodeD. lamp4. The first transistors were made from ______.A. siliconB. germaniumC. copperD. gold5. ______ created a new future in electronics.A. Integrated circuitB. SemiconductorC. Electron tubeD. Computer6. Due to the invention of ______, microelectronics was created in 1950s.A. electron tubeB. transistor 7. Power supply, the conductor, the control device and ______ are fourbasic parts of an electric circuit.A. batteryB. wireC. switchD. load8. The energy conversion can take place _______.A. in the circuitB. in a cellC. within the loadD. along the wire9. Electric circuit is a combination of a conductor and of a source of e.m.f.which permits electrons to flow along a ______.A. streamB. wireC. terminalD. pathway10. The electrons move in a fixed way in a _____ direction.A. definiteB. differentC. variousD. appropriate11. The electric current flows from ______ to ______.A. negative , positiveB. positive, negativeC. minus, plusD. A and C12. When the current flows, it is a ______ circuit.A. closedB. openC. combinationD. electric(五)翻译题(共10题,每题2分,总计20分)1. Each lamp filament representing an independent path from the minus main wire to the plus wire.2. Silicon transistors began to replace germanium transistors in the late 1950s, which made possible the next revolutionary step in electronics.3. Electronics began in 1883, when Thomas Edison discovered the vacuum diode as part of his research on materials for a practical electric light. proportional to the current passing through it.5. Such circuits make it possible to combine the different voltage characteristic of a series circuit with the different current characteristic of a parallel circuit within a single network.6. Jack Kilby, an American scientist, made the first single IC in the late 1950s, which laid foundation of microminiaturization and integration.7. Digital computers are essentially machines for recording numbers, operating with numbers and giving the result in numerical forms.8. Integrated circuits are more of a science, than of a technology.9. Bandwidth of transistor amplifiers vary from about 250 MHz in the L band to 1000 MHz in the X band.10. The main device failure mode is secondary breakdown。

电子信息工程专业《专业英语》课程期末考试试题专业、班级:姓名:学号:共 6 页第 1 页三、根据英文缩写写出中文含义(每题 0.5 分,二十个小题,共 10 分)1). CDMA2). ALU3). DAS4). HLL5). SCR6). I/O7). MIPS8). MMX9). DCS10). HDD11). PLA12). VSWR13). DC14). FDM15). GBW16). TDM17). IP18). DCT19). MRI20). PCM四、将下列句子翻译为中文(每题 2 分,五个小题,共 10 分)1). At present, the state of most semiconductor device technology is such that the device design and process technology must be supplemented by screening and inspection procedures, if ultimate device reliability is to be obtained and controlled.2). The converter is essentially a highly over –sampling 1-bit ADC (the comparator) followed by digital filtering and decimation to realize the processing gain. The effective performance of the converter is greatly enhanced by the addition of circuitry to shape the quantization noise such that, instead of being uniformly spread throughout the 0 to fs/2 band, it is minimized in the band of interest.3). Although the individual integrated circuits might cost as little as 10 cents each, the cost of designing the printed circuit board for such a system and the cost of assembling the board are very significant and this design style is no longer cost-effective.4). Rather than just matching the abilities of the human ear, these systems are designed to exceed the limits of hearing. It's the only way to be sure that the reprod uced music is pristine.5). In the case that the object types in a video sequence belong to known object classes, knowledge-based coding can be employed, which uses a wireframe specially designed to describe the recognized object type. Several approaches have been developed to code human heads using predefined wireframes. Using a predefined wireframe increases coding efficiency because it is adapted to the shape of the object. Sometimes. this technique is also referred to as model based coding.五、将下列句子翻译为相应的英文(每题 3 分,五个小题,共 30 分)1). 在测量应用中,选择合适的探头是获得最佳信号保真度的关键。

电子信息专业英语复习资料一、基本术语(英译汉)1.probe探针2.real time operational system 实时操作系统3.debugger 调试器4.sourse code 源代码5.software radio wireless LAN 软件无线电网络6.base station 基站7.top-down approach 自顶向下分析法8.variable 变量9.data compress 数据压缩10.signal conditioning circuit 信号调理电路11.Chebyshev Type Ⅰfilter 切比雪夫Ⅰ型滤波器12.vertical resolution 垂直分辨率13.device driver 设备驱动piler 编译器15.template 模板16.concurrent process 并发进程17.object recognition 目标识别18.Discrete Time Fourier Transform 离散傅立叶变换bined circuit 组合逻辑电路20.impedance transform 阻抗变换器21.voltage source 电压源22.passive component 无源器件23.quality factor 品质因数24.unit-impulse response 单位脉冲响应25.noise origin 噪声源26.Domino effect 多米诺效应27.output load 输出负载28.cordless phone 无绳电话29.Antenna 天线30.harmonic interference 谐波干涉31.Parallel Resonant 并联谐振32.voltage control oscillator 压控振荡器33.adaptive delta modulation 自适应增量调制34.amplitude modulation 调幅二、缩略语(写出全称)1.LSI:large scale integration2.PMOS:p-type metal-oxide semiconductor3.CT:cycle threshold4.MRI:magnetic resonance imaging5.ROM:read-only memory6.DRAM:dynamic random access memory7.TCXO:temperature compensated X'tal (crystal) OscillatorB:Universal Serial Bus9.DCT:discrete cosine transform10.DC:direct current11.CD:Compact Disc12.ASIC:application-specific integrated circuit13.MPEG:Moving Picture Experts Group14.ASSP:application-specific standard product15.EEPROM:electrically erasable programmable read-only memory16.GBW:gain band width17.PLD:programmable-logic device18.RTL:resistor transistor logic19.IP:intellectual property20.FPGA:field-programmable gate array21.CAD:computer-aided design22.MAC:multiply-accmulate23.GSM:Global System for Mobile communications24.CDMA:code division multiple access25.EDA:electronic-design automation26.HDL:hardware-description language27.OS:operating system28.PCB:printed-circuit board29.CMOS:complementary metal-oxide semiconductor30.AC:alternating current31.SRAM:static random-access memory32.PLL:phase-locked loop三、翻译(英译汉+汉译英)1.Bode presented a log technique that transformed the intensely mathematical process of calculating a feedback system's stability into graphical analysis that was simple and perceptive.伯德采用的是一种对数方法——将分析反馈系统稳定性的数学过程转换为简单又好理解的图形化分析。

bus network rectifier regulator monitor
田野, 场地, 领域
公共汽车 网、网状组织 修正者 调整者 班长
总线 网络 整流器 稳压器 显示器、监视器
0.1 科技英语的特点 features
0.1.2 词汇 Vocabularies or words
0.2.1 翻译的准则 The Criteria of Translation
e.g. In the AND circuit, “1” signals on all inputs give a “1” output ; output is “0” , if all inputs are not “1” . 在“与”电路中, 若所有输入端为“1”信号, 则输 出“1” ; 若所有输入端不是“1”, 则输出“0” 。
0.1 科技英语的特点 features
0.1.2 词汇 Vocabularies or words
转意通词汇借用、移植过来,赋予了专业含 义。出现在专业文献中,一般就是使用其专业含 义。
resistance current charge 阻力, 抵抗, 敌对
Interactive-network → internet
互联网、因特网 收发器
transmitter-receiver → transceiver
0.1 科技英语的特点 features
0.1.1 长句 Long sentences
有两种方法简化长句,以正确把握长句句意 —— the ratio of A to B :A与B的比率

一、依据英文单词写出中文词义(每题 1 分共 20 分)silicon 硅2 power dissipation 功耗3 flip flop 触发器4 base band 基带5 micron 微米6 assembly language 汇编语言7 transient response 瞬态响应8 quality factor 质量因子9 power supply 电源10. quantization level 量化电平11. undersampling 欠采样12. dielectric 介电的13. decibel 分贝14. duty cycle 占空比15. transducer 传感器16. emulation 仿真17. power-up 加电18. buffer 缓冲器19. semi-custom 半定制20. synthesis 综合二、依据中文词义写出英文单词(每题 1 分共 20 分)1. 电流源current source2.晶体管transistor3.周期period4.稳固性stability5.矢量vector6.复位reset7.除法division8.振荡器oscillator9.锁存器latch10.滤波器filter11.电感inductance12.电容capacitance13.存放器register14.正反应positive feedback15.并联parallel16.谐振resonance17. 晶体crystal18.原理图schematic19.整流器rectifier20.增益gainWhat is a filter? A filter is a device that passeselectric signals __at_ certain frequencies or frequency ranges __while_ preventing the passage of others.Filter circuits are used ___in____ a wide variety of applications. In the filed oftelecommunication (在电信领域 ),band-pass filters are used in the audio frequency range (0kHz to 20kHz) for __modem and speech processing__ (调制解调器和语音处理 ).High-frequency band-pass filters(several hundred MHz) are used for____channel selection_ (信道选择 )in telephone central offices. Data acquisition systems usually require _anti-aliasing low-pass filters__(抗混叠低通滤波器 ) as well as low-pass noise filters in their preceding __signal conditioning_ ( 信号调治 )stages. System power supplies often use band-rejection filters to suppress the 60-Hz frequency and high frequency transients. In addition, there are filters that do not filter_ ( 滤除 )any frequencies of a complex input signal, but just add a ___linear phase shift__ (线性相移 )to each frequency component,thus contributing a constant __time delay__(时延) .These are called ___all-pass filter__ 全(通滤波器 ).At high frequencies (>1 MHz), all of these filters usually consist __of_ passive components __such as__ inductors (L), resistors (R), and capacitors(C). They are then __called______ LRC filters. In the low frequency range (1 Hz to 1 MHz), however, the inductor value becomes very large and the inductor itself gets quite bulky,___making__ economical production difficult. In these _cases_____, _active filters_(有源滤波器) becomes important. Active filters are circuits that use _operational amplifier__ ( 运算放大器) as the active device ___in__ combination with some resistors and capacitors to provide an LRC-like filter performance at low frequency.四 . 翻译(每题 5 分共 40 分)1.As in the first- order case, the second-order low-pass transfer function tends to zero as frequency tends to infinity.当频次趋近于无量时,二阶低通滤波器的传输函数趋近于零(和一阶低通滤波器的传输函数同样)。

1)As the voltage varies with time, the displacement of charge also varies with time, causing what is known as the displacement current. 当电压随时间的变化、位移电荷也随时间的变化而变化,造成所谓的位移电流。
2)The device capable of doing this is called a capacitor. The ability of a capacitor to store electrical energy is termed capacitance.该装置能做这项被称为电容。
3)Resistance is the capacity of materials to impede the flow of current or, more specifically, the flow of electric charge.电阻是材料的能力来阻碍电流的流动,或者更确切地说,电荷的流动。
4)Second, a current cannot change instantaneously in an inductor, that is, the current cannot change by a finite amount in zero time.第二,电流不能改变瞬间在一个电感,也就是说,当前无法改变由有限零时间。
5)Inductance is the property of oppsing any change of a current flowing through a coil.电感的属性相对任何一个线圈通过电流的变化。
Oppsing:adj. 反对的;相对的;对面的| v. 反对6. Note from Eq(1.4) that the voltage across the terminals of an inductor is proportional to the time rate of change of the current inthe inductor.注意从式(1.4)的电压,一个电感的连接端子是成正比的变率的电感电流。

电子信息工程专业《专业英语》课程期末考试试题专业、班级:姓名:学号:共 6 页第 1 页三、根据英文缩写写出中文含义(每题 0.5 分,二十个小题,共 10 分)1). CDMA2). ALU3). DAS4). HLL5). SCR6). I/O7). MIPS8). MMX9). DCS10). HDD11). PLA12). VSWR13). DC14). FDM15). GBW16). TDM17). IP18). DCT19). MRI20). PCM四、将下列句子翻译为中文(每题 2 分,五个小题,共 10 分)1). At present, the state of most semiconductor device technology is such that the device design and process technology must be supplemented by screening and inspection procedures, if ultimate device reliability is to be obtained and controlled.2). The converter is essentially a highly over –sampling 1-bit ADC (the comparator) followed by digital filtering and decimation to realize the processing gain. The effective performance of the converter is greatly enhanced by the addition of circuitry to shape the quantization noise such that, instead of being uniformly spread throughout the 0 to fs/2 band, it is minimized in the band of interest.3). Although the individual integrated circuits might cost as little as 10 cents each, the cost of designing the printed circuit board for such a system and the cost of assembling the board are very significant and this design style is no longer cost-effective.4). Rather than just matching the abilities of the human ear, these systems are designed to exceed the limits of hearing. It's the only way to be sure that the reprod uced music is pristine.5). In the case that the object types in a video sequence belong to known object classes, knowledge-based coding can be employed, which uses a wireframe specially designed to describe the recognized object type. Several approaches have been developed to code human heads using predefined wireframes. Using a predefined wireframe increases coding efficiency because it is adapted to the shape of the object. Sometimes. this technique is also referred to as model based coding.五、将下列句子翻译为相应的英文(每题 3 分,五个小题,共 30 分)1). 在测量应用中,选择合适的探头是获得最佳信号保真度的关键。

科技英语课件 ExercisesUnit 1 Exercises(1) Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. As with series resonance, the greater the resistance in thecircuit the lower the Q and, accordingly, the flatter and broader the resonance curve of either line current or circuit impedance.对于串联谐振,电路中的电阻愈大Q值就愈低,相应地线路电流或电路阻抗的谐振曲线也就愈平、愈宽。
2. A wire carrying a current looks exactly the same andweighs exactly the same as it does when it is not carrying a current.一根带电的导线其外表与重量都与不带电导线完全一样。
3. Click mouse on the waveform and drag it to change thepulse repetition rate, or directly enter a new value of the period in the provided dialogue box, while keeping the pulse width unchanged.在波形上点击鼠标并拖动来改变脉冲重复频率,或者在提供的对话框中直接输入新的周期值,而保持脉冲宽度HMILYYLIMH 1不变。
4. Electronics is the science and the technology of thepassage of charged particles in a gas, in a vacuum, or in a semiconductor. Please note that particle motion confined within a metal only is not considered electronics.电子学是一门有关带电粒子在气体、真空或半导体中运动的科学技术。
电子信息技术专业英语5 重修复习

《电子信息技术专业英语》(英语5)重修复习试卷(考试时间90分钟)一、单词拼写(15%)1. 电子9. 种类2. 导电性10. 可获得的3. 性质,特性11. 包裹,管壳4. 衬底12. 内在的,国内的5. 成分,元件13. 开关6. 条纹14. 完成7. 减少,缩减量15 . 物质8. 消耗,分散二、翻译下列专业术语(20%)1. electronic counter 6.自由电子2. frequency synthesizer 7.正向偏置3. digital instrument 8.反向输入端4. operational amplifier 9.8管脚双列直插式5. digital electronics 10.数字逻辑门三、句子翻译(30%)1.Atom is composed of an nucleus and electrons moving in orbit aboutit.2.The electrically interconnected component that make up an IC arecalled integrated elements.3.The invention of IC is a great revolution in the electronic industry, sharp size, weight reduction are possible with these techniques.4.The operational amplifier is the most important basic building block of alllinear circuits.5.Any logic function can be performed by the three basic gates that havebeen described.6.电动势可对电荷做功。

amplifiers (design of first and second order using operational amplifiers, cascade design), filter
characteristics(Butterworth, Chebyshev, frequency transformations in design, sensitivity design
电子学始于 1883 年,即爱迪生研究材料时发现真空管可以用作电灯的那一年。第
一个电子装置显示出其非线性的单一电子特征,但是不能产生放大信号。1905 年佛莱明
在英国制成了第一个二极管。1906 年德·福雷斯特在美国研制了第一个三极管,那个时 候真空管是无线电设备中一个奇妙的器件。真空管广泛应用于通信工业,真空管首先用
第一个大型数字电子系统是特殊用途的真空管电路,称为电子数字积分计算机。 ENIAC 是计算机工业的先驱。1948 年晶体管问世,为电子学的发展作出了重大贡献。今 天所说的电子技术实际上是在发现晶体管效应以后开始发展的。晶体管为电子技术开辟 了道路,早期的晶体管用锗做成,主要用于小型袖珍调幅收音机。硅晶体管于 20 世纪 50 年代末代替了锗晶体管,它再次给电子学带来了革命性进步,更重要的是它为计算机 世界开辟了道路。各种类型的计算机开始在市场上出现,研究工作进入一个迅速发展的 时代。

英语电子技术英语40题1. Which of the following is a common component in an electronic circuit?A. ResistorB. CapacitorC. TransistorD. All of the above答案:D。
选项A“Resistor( 电阻)”、选项B“Capacitor( 电容)”和选项C“Transistor( 晶体管)”都是电子电路中常见的组件,所以选择D“All of the above( 以上都是)”。
2. In an electronic device, what is used to store electrical energy?A. BatteryB. InductorC. CapacitorD. Generator答案:C。
选项A“Battery 电池)”主要是提供电能;选项B“Inductor(电感)”通常用于滤波等;选项C“Capacitor( 电容)”能够存储电能;选项D“Generator( 发电机)”是产生电能的设备。
3. What is the function of a diode in an electronic circuit?A. To amplify the signalB. To rectify the currentC. To store the chargeD. To control the voltage答案:B。
选项A“To amplify the signal(放大信号)”是三极管的作用;选项C“To store the charge( 存储电荷)”是电容的作用;选项D“To control the voltage( 控制电压)”通常由稳压器实现。
而二极管的主要功能是B“To rectify the current 整流电流)”。

2013~2014学年第一学期1106-1107班《电子信息技术专业英语》试卷(考试时间90分钟)一、单词翻译(20%)1. switch 11. component2. device 12. circuit3. instruction 13. resistor4. junction 14. capacitor5. combination 15. diode6. manufacture 16. transistor7. structure 17. current8. principle 18. voltage9. wafer 19. amplifier 10. analog20. insulator二、词组互译(20%) 1. 广泛应用于 11. electronic circuit 2. 把…. 分成…… 12. variable resistor 3. 打算…… 13. direct currents 4. 根据…… 14. integrated circuit 5. 将…..应用于 15. forward bias 6. 提到、指 16. N-type material 7.由……组成 17. electronic counter 8. 用做…… 18. frequency synthesizer 9. 被称做…… 19. digital instrument 10. 形成 20. operational amplifier三、判断正误,用“T ”或“F ” 表示(10%)1. The conductivity of semiconductors is higher than that of insulators But lower than that of conductors. ( )2. Silicon materials can conduct electricity when they are in purestate. ( )3. A semiconductor of n-type means that the pure material have been added impurities with three outer electrons. ( )班级 学号 姓名4. It is called forward bias if a diode is connected to an external voltage to make the p-type region positive and the n-type region negative. ( )5. An n-type and a p-type material created side by side can form a p-n junction. ( )四、回答问题(15%)1. What component can restrict the flow of electrons?2. What component can be used to change AC into DC?3. What component can amplify small signal?4. Material can be divided into three types, what are they?5. What function can integrated circuits perform?五、句子翻译(20%)1. The transistor acts as a switch.2. Diodes conduct electricity in only one direction.3. Digital ICs can be used in computers.4. ICs have a small size and low cost and therefore they are widely used in different fields.5. Substance can be divided into three types: conductors, semiconductors andinsulators.六、段落翻译(15%)An integrated circuit look like nothing more than a tiny chip of metal, perhaps one-half of a centimeter on a side, and not much thicker than a sheet of paper. It is so small that if it fell on the floor, it could be easily swept up with the dust. Although it is very small, it represents the most highly skilled technology at every step of its manufacture. At today’s level of development, it might comprise more than ten thousand separate electronic elements including elements of many different functions, such as diodes, transistors, capacitors and resistors.2013~2014学年第一学期1106-1107班《电子信息技术专业英语》补考答题卷(考试时间90分钟)一、单词翻译(20%)1.__________________________ 11. ________________________2.__________________________ 12._________________________3.__________________________ 13._________________________4. _________________________ 14. _________________________5.__________________________ 15.________________________ 6 ._________________________ 16.________________________ 7 ._________________________ 17.________________________8. _________________________ 18.________________________ 9 ._________________________ 19.________________________ 10._________________________ 20.________________________ 二、词组互译(20%)1.__________________________ 11. ________________________2.__________________________ 12._________________________3.__________________________ 13._________________________4. _________________________ 14. ________________________5.__________________________ 15.________________________ 6 ._________________________ 16.________________________ 7 ._________________________ 17.________________________8. _________________________ 18.________________________ 9 ._________________________ 19.________________________ 10._________________________ 20.________________________三、判断正误,用“T ”或“F ” 表示(10%)1._____2._____3.______4.______5.________(10%)。
电子信息工程专业英语教程_第5版 题库

《电子信息工程专业英语教程(第5版)》题库Section A 术语互译 (1)Section B 段落翻译 (5)Section C阅读理解素材 (12)C.1 History of Tablets (12)C.2 A Brief History of satellite communication (13)C.3 Smartphones (14)C.4 Analog, Digital and HDTV (14)C.5 SoC (15)Section A 术语互译Section B 段落翻译Section C阅读理解素材C.1 History of TabletsThe idea of the tablet computer isn't new. Back in 1968, a computer scientist named Alan Kay proposed that with advances in flat-panel display technology, user interfaces, miniaturization of computer components and some experimental work in WiFi technology, you could develop an all-in-one computing device. He developed the idea further, suggesting that such a device would be perfect as an educational tool for schoolchildren. In 1972, he published a paper about the device and called it the Dynabook.The sketches of the Dynabook show a device very similar to the tablet computers we have today, with a couple of exceptions. The Dynabook had both a screen and a keyboard all on the same plane. But Key's vision went even further. He predicted that with the right touch-screen technology, you could do away with the physical keyboard and display a virtual keyboard in any configuration on the screen itself.Key was ahead of his time. It would take nearly four decades before a tablet similar to the one he imagined took the public by storm. But that doesn't mean there were no tablet computers on the market between the Dynabook concept and Apple's famed iPad.One early tablet was the GRiDPad. First produced in 1989, the GRiDPad included a monochromatic capacitance touch screen and a wired stylus. It weighed just under 5 pounds (2.26 kilograms). Compared to today's tablets, the GRiDPad was bulky and heavy, with a short battery life of only three hours. The man behind the GRiDPad was Jeff Hawkins, who later founded Palm.Other pen-based tablet computers followed but none received much support from the public. Apple first entered the tablet battlefield with the Newton, a device that's received equal amounts of love and ridicule over the years. Much of the criticism for the Newton focuses on its handwriting-recognition software.It really wasn't until Steve Jobs revealed the first iPad to an eager crowd that tablet computers became a viable consumer product. Today, companies like Apple, Google, Microsoft and HP are trying to predict consumer needs while designing the next generation of tablet devices.C.2 A Brief History of satellite communicationIn an article in Wireless World in 1945, Arthur C. Clarke proposed the idea of placing satellites in geostationary orbit around Earth such that three equally spaced satellites could provide worldwide coverage. However, it was not until 1957 that the Soviet Union launched the first satellite Sputnik 1, which was followed in early 1958 by the U.S. Army’s Explorer 1. Both Sputnik and Explorer transmitted telemetry information.The first communications satellite, the Signal Communicating Orbit Repeater Experiment (SCORE), was launched in 1958 by the U.S. Air Force. SCORE was a delayed-repeater satellite, which received signals from Earth at 150 MHz and stored them on tape for later retransmission. A further experimental communication satellite, Echo 1, was launched on August 12, 1960 and placed into inclined orbit at about 1500 km above Earth. Echo 1 was an aluminized plastic balloon with a diameter of 30 m and a weight of 75.3 kg. Echo 1 successfully demonstrated the first two-way voice communications by satellite.On October 4, 1960, the U.S. Department of Defense launched Courier into an elliptical orbit between 956 and 1240 km, with a period of 107 min. Although Courier lasted only 17 days, it was used for real-time voice, data, and facsimile transmission. The satellite also had five tape recorders onboard; four were used for delayed repetition of digital information, and the other for delayed repetition of analog messages.Direct-repeated satellite transmission began with the launch of Telstar I on July 10, 1962. Telstar I was an 87-cm, 80-kg sphere placed in low-Earth orbit between 960 and 6140 km, with an orbital period of 158 min. Telstar I was the first satellite to be able to transmit and receive simultaneously and was used for experimental telephone, image, and television transmission. However, on February 21, 1963, Telstar I suffered damage caused by the newly discovered Van Allen belts.Telstar II was made more radiation resistant and was launched on May 7, 1963. Telstar II was a straight repeater with a 6.5-GHz uplink and a 4.1-GHz downlink. The satellite power amplifier used a specially developed 2-W traveling wave tube. Along with its other capabilities, the broadband amplifier was able to relay color TV transmissions. The first successful trans-Atlantic transmission of video was accomplished with Telstar II , which also incorporated radiation measurements and experiments that exposed semiconductor components to space radiation.The first satellites placed in geostationary orbit were the synchronous communication (SYNCOM ) satellites launched by NASA in 1963. SYNCOM I failed on injection into orbit. However, SYNCOM II was successfully launched on July 26, 1964 and provided telephone, teletype, and facsimile transmission. SYNCOM III was launched on August 19, 1964 and transmitted TV pictures from the Tokyo Olympics. The International Telecommunications by Satellite (INTELSAT) consortium was founded in July 1964 with the charter to design, construct, establish, and maintain the operation of a global commercial communications system on a nondiscriminatory basis. The INTELSAT network started with the launch on April 6, 1965, of INTELSAT I, also called Early Bird. On June 28, 1965, INTELSAT I began providing 240 commercial international telephone channels as well as TV transmission between the United States and Europe.In 1979, INMARSAT established a third global system. In 1995, the INMARSAT name was changed to the International Mobile Satellite Organization to reflect the fact that the organization had evolved to become the only provider of global mobile satellite communications at sea, in the air, and on the land.Early telecommunication satellites were mainly used for long-distance continental and intercontinental broadband, narrowband, and TV transmission. With the advent of broadband optical fiber transmission, satellite services shifted focus to TV distribution, and to point-to-multipoint and very small aperture terminal (VSAT) applications. Satellite transmission is currently undergoing further significant growth with the introduction of mobile satellite systems for personal communications and fixed satellite systems for broadband data transmission.C.3 SmartphonesThink of a daily task, any daily task, and it's likely there's a specialized, pocket-sized device designed to help you accomplish it. You can get a separate, tiny and powerful machine to make phone calls, keep your calendar and address book, entertain you, play your music, give directions, take pictures, check your e-mail, and do countless other things. But how many pockets do you have? Handheld devices become as clunky as a room-sized supercomputer when you have to carry four of them around with you every day.A smartphone is one device that can take care of all of your handheld computing and communication needs in a single, small package. It's not so much a distinct class of products as it is a different set of standards for cell phones to live up to.Unlike many traditional cell phones, smartphones allow individual users to install, configure and run applications of their choosing. A smartphone offers the ability to conform the device to your particular way of doing things. Most standard cell-phone software offers only limited choices for re-configuration, forcing you to adapt to the way it's set up. On a standard phone, whether or not you like the built-in calendar application, you are stuck with it except for a few minor tweaks. If that phone were a smartphone, you could install any compatible calendar application you like.Here's a list of some of the things smartphones can do:•Send and receive mobile phone calls•Personal Information Management (PIM) including notes, calendar and to-do list•Communication with laptop or desktop computers•Data synchronization with applications like Microsoft Outlook•E-mail•Instant messaging•Applications such as word processing programs or video games•Play audio and video files in some standard formatsC.4 Analog, Digital and HDTVFor years, watching TV has involved analog signals and cathode ray tube (CRT) sets. The signal is made of continually varying radio waves that the TV translates into a picture and sound. An analog signal can reach a person's TV over the air, through a cable or via satellite. Digital signals, like the ones from DVD players, are converted to analog when played on traditional TVs.This system has worked pretty well for a long time, but it has some limitations:•Conventional CRT sets display around 480 visible lines of pixels. Broadcasters have been sending signals that work well with this resolution for years, and they can't fit enough resolution to fill a huge television into the analog signal.•Analog pictures are interlaced - a CRT's electron gun paints only half the lines for each pass down the screen. On some TVs, interlacing makes the picture flicker.•Converting video to analog format lowers its quality.United States broadcasting is currently changing to digital television (DTV). A digital signal transmits the information for video and sound as ones and zeros instead of as a wave. For over-the-air broadcasting, DTV will generally use the UHF portion of the radio spectrum with a 6 MHz bandwidth, just like analog TV signals do.DTV has several advantages:•The picture, even when displayed on a small TV, is better quality.• A digital signal can support a higher resolution, so the picture will still look good when shown on a larger TV screen.•The video can be progressive rather than interlaced - the screen shows the entire picture for every frame instead of every other line of pixels.•TV stations can broadcast several signals using the same bandwidth. This is called multicasting.•If broadcasters choose to, they can include interactive content or additional information with the DTV signal.•It can support high-definition (HDTV) broadcasts.DTV also has one really big disadvantage: Analog TVs can't decode and display digital signals. When analog broadcasting ends, you'll only be able to watch TV on your trusty old set if you have cable or satellite service transmitting analog signals or if you have a set-top digital converter.C.5 SoCThe semiconductor industry has continued to make impressive improvements in the achievable density of very large-scale integrated (VLSI) circuits. In order to keep pace with the levels of integration available, design engineers have developed new methodologies and techniques to manage the increased complexity inherent in these large chips. One such emerging methodology is system-on-chip (SoC) design, wherein predesigned and pre-verified blocks often called intellectual property (IP) blocks, IP cores, or virtual components are obtained from internal sources, or third parties, and combined on a single chip.These reusable IP cores may include embedded processors, memory blocks, interface blocks, analog blocks, and components that handle application specific processing functions. Corresponding software components are also provided in a reusable form and may include real-time operating systems and kernels, library functions, and device drivers.Large productivity gains can be achieved using this SoC/IP approach. In fact, rather than implementing each of these components separately, the role of the SoC designer is to integrate them onto a chip to implement complex functions in a relatively short amount of time.The integration process involves connecting the IP blocks to the communication network, implementing design-for-test (DFT) techniques and using methodologies to verify and validate the overall system-level design. Even larger productivity gains are possible if the system is architected as a platform in such as way that derivative designs can be generated quickly.In the past, the concept of SoC simply implied higher and higher levels of integration. That is, it was viewed as migrating a multichip system-on-board (SoB) to a single chip containing digital logic, memory, analog/mixed signal, and RF blocks. The primary drivers for this direction were the reduction of power, smaller form factor, and lower overall cost. It is important to recognize that integrating more and more functionality on a chip has always existed as a trend by virtue of Moore’s Law, which predicts that the number of transistors on a chip will double every 18-24 months. The challenge is to increase designer productivity to keep pace with Moore’s Law. Therefore, today’s notion of SoC is defined in terms of overall productivity gains through reusable design and integration of components.。

电子信息工程专业英语教程课后练习题含答案第一部分:综合练习阅读下面短文,完成题目Organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) are popular for use in displays because they can be made flexible, thin, and lighter in weight than traditional displays. OLEDs are also more environmentally friendly as they do not require a backlight, which increases their energy efficiency.1. What are the advantages of using OLEDs over traditional displays?Answer:The advantages of using OLEDs over traditional displays include that they can be made flexible, thin, and lighter in weight, and they are more environmentally friendly.2. Why are OLEDs more environmentally friendly than traditional displays?Answer:OLEDs are more environmentally friendly than traditional displays because they do not require a backlight, which increases their energy efficiency.完成下面句子,使其意思与原文相同1. The growth of social media platforms has led to an increase in cyberbullying.Answer:An increase in cyberbullying has been caused by the growth of social media platforms.2. The researchers found that there was a significant difference between the two groups.Answer:A significant difference between the two groups was found by the researchers.第二部分:专业术语练习选择最恰当的词汇,完成下面句子1. _______ is a circuit that can perform a single operation.A. DecoderB. EncoderC. Flip-flopD. GateAnswer:D. GateExplanation:A gate is a circuit that performs a single operation, such as AND, OR, or NOT.2. _______ refers to the process of converting an analog signal into digital form.A. SynthesisB. ModulationC. SamplingD. QuantizationAnswer:C. SamplingExplanation:Sampling refers to the process of converting an analog signal into digital form, where the value of the signal is sampled at regular intervals.根据定义给出对应术语1. The study of electronic devices and circuits.Answer:Electronics2. A device that supports the transfer of data between different networks.Answer:Gateway第三部分:阅读理解请阅读下面短文,并根据所提出的问题选择正确的答案。

1)The term modem is derived from the wordsd
a.modulate emphasis b. modular emulation
c.multiplex or demultiplex d. modulate demodulate
f)An identifier that indicates the location of a record.
g)Protection of a database against access or modification without authorization.
h)Protection of a database against invalid alteration or destruction.
6)PC-to-PC networking could be easily accomplished between buildingsc.
a. on one campusb. between campuses
c. a or bd. none of them
7)In aaswitching system, a call was established and routed in a set of progressive electromechnical steps, each under the direct control of the user’s dialing pulse.
2)ddatabase management
system (DBMS)

电子信息工程专业英语Part 1第一课关于电子技术一、课文习题参考答案Ⅰ. (1)alternating current circuits (2)semiconductor diodes(3)passive component(4)the combinatory logic electric circuit(5)rectification(6)Laplace transform(7)inductor(8)Fourier series and Fourier transformⅡ.(1)控制理论(2)场效应管三极管(3)布尔代数(4)稳压(5)相关性和功率谱密度(6)滤波器类型(7)模/数转换器(8)时序逻辑电路的分析与综合Ⅲ.(1)Electronics is a part of the larger field of electricity. The basic principles of electricity are also common to electronics. Modern advances in the field of computer, control system, communications have a close relationship with electronics. The field of electronics includes the electron tube, transistor, integrated circuit and so on.(2) Direct current circuits & Alternating current circuits,Analog electronics,Digital electronics,signal and systems,Circuit theory and design, Control theory, Microcontroller systems,Computer programming for engineering applications.(3) This curriculum mainly introduces the characteristics of semiconductor devices in linear application scope.The content involved in semiconductor diodes (PN junction diodes, special purpose diodes), transistors (field effects and bipolar transistors), signal amplifiers, practical amplifiers, biasing circuits, operational amplifiers circuit and other circuits (rectification, regulation and DC power supplies).(4) This partial studies take the basic electric circuit theory and the operational amplifier knowledge as the foundation. The main study goal is to enhance understanding of the electric circuit theory. Its main content includes the elementary theory in circuit theory (network functions, characteristic frequencies), types of filter (lowpass,bandpass), review of operational amplifiers (design of first and second order using operational amplifiers, cascade design), filter characteristics(Butterworth, Chebyshev, frequency transformations in design, sensitivity design of passive LC ladder filters and a brief introduction to switched capacitor filters).(5) Perfect.二、参考译文电子学的发展电子学是电学的一部分。
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Translate the following passages into Chinese or English 。
Unit 2
1、It is extremely hard to definite dynamic range (DR )for an op amp ,so let is start with a digital-to-analog converter (DAC ) where DR is define as the ratio of the Maximum output voltage to the smallest output voltage the DAC can produce
译文:由于很难定义运算放大器的“动态范围”(DR ),因此先给“数模转换器”(DAC )的动态范围下定义。
DAC 的动态范围就是其最大输出电压和最小输出电压之比。
2、The same definition of DR can be used for an op amp ,and the maximum output voltage swing equals OUTMAX V 。
This output voltage swing is defined as the maximum output voltage the op amp can achieve (OH V ) minus the minimum output voltage the op amp can achieve (OL V )。
OH V and OL V are easily obtainable from an op amp IC data sheet 。
译文:这个“动态范围”的定义也可用于运算放大器,其最大输出电压摆幅为OUTMAX V 。
输出电压摆幅定义为运算放大器能达到的最大输出电压(OH V )减去最小输出电压(OL V )。
从运放集成电路数据手册中,可以很容易获得OH V 和OL V 。
低电压系统(此处是指低于5V 的单电源供电)让我们认识到电压的价值。
译文:In one respect ,voltage is like water :you don't appreciate its value until your supply runs low ;Low —voltage systems ,defined here as a single power supply less than 5V ,teach us to appreciate voltage 。
欧姆定律可表述为R I V ∙=。
译文:Ohm’s law is stated as R I V ∙= ,and it is fundamental to all electronics 。
Ohm’s law can be applied to a single component,to any group
of component,or to a complete circuit。
When the current flowing through any portion of a circuit is know ,the voltage dropped across that portion of the circuit is obtained by multiplying the current times the resistance。
译文:Circuits are a mix of passive and active components.The components are arranged in a manner that enables them to perform some desired function.The resulting arrangement of components is called a circuit or sometimes a circuit configuration.The art portion of analog design is developing the circuit configuration.。