11、获得的成功越大,就越令人高兴 。野心 是使人 勤奋的 原因, 节制使 人枯萎 。 12、不问收获,只问耕耘。如同种树 ,先有 根茎, 再有枝 叶,尔 后花实 ,好好 劳动, 不要想 太多, 那样只 会使人 胆孝懒 惰,因 为不实 践,甚 至不接 触社会 ,难道 你是野 人。(名 言网) 13、不怕,不悔(虽然只有四个字,但 常看常 新。 14、我在心里默默地为每一个人祝福 。我爱 自己, 我用清 洁与节 制来珍 惜我的 身体, 我用智 慧和知 识充实 我的头 脑。 15、这世上的一切都借希望而完成。 农夫不 会播下 一粒玉 米,如 果他不 曾希望 它长成 种籽; 单身汉 不会娶 妻,如 果他不 曾希望 有小孩 ;商人 或手艺 人不会 工作, 如果他 不曾希 望因此 而有收 益。-- 马钉路 德。
Community spirit
The impact on the economy
Enhancing international image
During National Day holidays, a series of celebration activities are held all over the country, allowing foreign visitors to have a better understanding of China's history, culture and social development, thus enhancing China's international image.
The common language(s) spoken within a nation help bind people together and distinguish them from other groups. Language is a key component of national identity.
Increasing foreign tourist arrivals
The impact on the tourism industry
Boosting consumption
National Day holiday is a golden week for consumption, during which time people from all over the country gather together to celebrate, greatly promoting consumption in transportation, catering, accommodation and other fields.
【国庆双语课件】National Day
![【国庆双语课件】National Day](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/f9abf36c43323968011c92be.png)
clear adj 晴朗的 golden adj 美好的;特别的 a golden time for 做……的良机 besides prep 除……之外(还)
The week-long holiday enables both short-distance and long-distance trips, resulting in a boom of tourist revenue, as well as an overwhelming tourist crowd.
1949年10月1日是中华人民共和国成立纪念日。自从1950年,每 年10月1日中国人都会进行隆重庆祝。
memorial adj 纪念的 (memory + -ial) ever since 自从;自……以后 grandly adv 盛大地;隆重地 (grand + -ly)
Why is it called Golden Week? 为什么国庆节被称为“黄金周”? Falling in autumn season with clear weather and comfortable temperatures, Chinese National Day holiday is a golden time for travel. It is the longest public holiday in China besides the Chinese New Year.
comparatively adv 相对地;比较地
satisfying adj 令人高兴的;令人满意的 (satisfy + -ing)
2. If one really needs to travel during the Chinese National Day holiday, try to avoid the first two days and the last day of the “Golden Week”. Because they are the busiest time for transportation system, when the flight tickets are highest and train and long-distance bus tickets are hardest to buy. Also, the first two days are usually the most crowded at the attraction sites, especially the famous ones.
Let us see the general process National Day .
让我们看看国庆节的 大致流程!
NO.1 Raising of the national flag
NO.2 Military parade
NO.3 March-past
Next we look together National Day pictures. 接下来我们 来一起欣赏 一下国庆节 的图片吧!
Oct.1st is the national day of China.In 1949.Oct.1st,was the first year of the 十月一日是中国的国庆节,在 national day of China.At that 1949年 十月一日,是中国的第一年国庆节。 time,people were very happy,because 在那时候,人们非常高兴,因为中国 China has been free ,the war has just stopped.We were the winner!Then every 从此自由了,战争已经停止了。我们 year of this day,people put the national 是胜利者!所以每年的这天,人们升 flag out to celebrate.At the capital of 起国旗庆祝。在中国的首都——北京, China--Peking,there is a lot of people 那里很多人们为能庆祝国庆节而骄傲。 to parade and celebrate in the national 没个人都异常的兴奋。非常有生气。 day.Everybody was happy and very 你想了解和来看吗?为我们中国的国 exciting.It was very lively.Do you want to know and see ! it? Come and visit us for 庆节而来访吧 the national day of China.
世界各国国庆national day in various countries课件(共26张PPT)
![世界各国国庆national day in various countries课件(共26张PPT)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/718b34563968011ca200911a.png)
Bastille Day
the origin Bastille Day is a National holiday in France. It is very much like Independence Day in the United States because it is a celebration of the beginning of a new form of government.
How to celebrate the Independence Day
The Independence Day is commonly associated with fireworks, parades, barbecues, carnivals, fairs, picnics, concerts, baseball games, family reunions, and political speeches and ceremonies, in addition to various other public and private events celebrating the history, government, and traditions of the United States.
《美国独立宣言》(The Declaration of Independence),是北美洲十三个英属殖民地 宣告自大不列颠王国独立,并宣明此举正当性之文告。
1776年7月4日,本宣言由第二次大陆会议(Second Continental Congress)于费城批准 ,这一天后成为美国独立纪念日。宣言之原件由大陆会议出席代表共同签署,并永久 展示于美国华盛顿特区之国家档案与文件署当中。此独立宣言为美国最重要的立国文 书之一。7月4日是决议采用宣言的日期,之后进行了印刷,议会代表们大多采用1776 年8月2日签署本宣言。 《独立宣言》由四部分组成:第一部分为前言,阐述了宣言的目的;第二部分阐述政 治体制思想,即自然权利学说和主权在民思想;第三部分历数英国压迫北美殖民地人 民的条条罪状,说明殖民地人民是在忍无可忍的情况下被迫拿起武器的,力争独立的 合法性和正义性;第四部分,也就是在宣言的最后一部分,美利坚庄严宣告独立。
How do Chinese people celebrate China's National Day?
Chinese National Day is celebrated throughout mainland China, Macau, and Hong Kong with many government-organized festivities. These include fireworks, concerts, sports events and cultural events.
Compared to those national holidays, Germany’s October 3rd is fairly recent, having only been around since 1990.
October 3rd - or Tag der Deutschen Einheit - marks the date that the former West and East Germany officially became one country again, after being divided since the end of WWII. In 2022 it's celebrated on a Monday, meaning many people will get a long weekend.
Sep. 29 (Fri)
MidAutumn Festival Holiday
2023 Chinese National Day Holiday Schedule
Sep. 30 (Sat)
Weekend leave 周末休假
中国传统节日国庆节:庆祝与传承**Title: Chinese Traditional Festival - National Day: Celebration and Heritage****Slide 1: Cover Page*** Title: Chinese Traditional Festival - National Day * Subtitle: Celebration and Heritage * Background: Flag of China waving with festive fireworks in the night sky.**English Content:**Welcome to our presentation on the Chinese Traditional Festival - National Day. This slideshow explores the significance, history, and celebrations associated with this important national holiday.**Chinese Content:**欢迎来到我们关于中国传统节日——国庆节的演示文稿。
**Slide 2: Introduction*** Title: Introduction to National Day * Content: Brief overview of National Day, its significance, and place in Chinese culture.**English Content:**National Day, also known as Guoqing Jie in Chinese, is a national holiday celebrated in China to commemorate the founding of the People's Republic of China (PRC) in 1949. It is a day of pride and unity, marked by parades, flag-raising ceremonies, and various cultural performances.**Chinese Content:**国庆节,又称“国庆节”,是中国为纪念1949年中华人民共和国成立而设立的国家节日。
6、黄金时代是在我们的前面,而不在 我们的 后面。
8、你可以很有个性,但某些时候请收 敛。
9、只为成功找方法,不为失败找借口 (蹩脚 的工人 总是说 工具不好)。
10、只要下定决心克服恐惧,便几乎 能克服 任何恐 惧。因 为,请 记住, 除了在 脑海中 ,恐惧 无处藏 身。-- 戴尔. 卡耐基 。
16、业余生活要有意义,不要越轨。——华盛顿 17、一个人即使已登上顶峰,也仍要自强不息。——罗素·贝克 18、最大的挑战和突破在于用人,而用人最大的突破在于信任人。——马云 19、自己活着,就是为了使别人过得更美好。——雷锋 20、要掌握书,莫被书掌握;要为生而读,莫为读而生。——布尔沃
加拿大日:7月1日 • 加拿大国庆日被称为加拿大日,是加拿大的全国公众的假日,定于每 年的7月1日,最初被成为“自治领日”,以纪念代表政治联和的加拿大. • 每到加拿大日,加拿大全国会放假一天,一同欢庆。 • 大批加拿大人都会在国庆日举行热闹的庆祝活动,人们喜欢在游行时 穿上有代表性的枫叶服装,表达自己的爱国之情。 • 加拿大在国庆时还有放烟火等活动。
• • • • • •
英国国庆日:随国王的生日而变换 英国是君主立宪制国家,所以没有固定的国庆日,按照历史惯例,英国国王的生 日便为英国国庆日。 虽然伊丽莎白二世的生日为4月21日,但由于伦敦4月气候欠佳,因此将每年6月 的第二个星期六定为“女王官方诞辰日”。因为每年的这个时候伦敦天气比较好。 女王亲自检阅英国皇家卫队,是“女王官方诞辰日”的主要活动。 6月14日这天,英国皇家卫队会在伦敦骑士卫队广场举行盛大的阅兵式。 由于在英国星期六本来就不是工作日,因而这一天也不在假日之列。
The United States
July 4th is the independence day of the United States also as the national day, and it is one of the most important legal holidays in the United States. In the annual national day, large and small church bells in the United States , the scene is very spectacular. T h e p e o p l e i n t h e s t r e e t s c a n d re s s u p themselves in different ways, organize small family band, and some relatives and friends even grandparents and grandchilds and all the generations of people get together to sing and dance. In that day, American streets become a sea of joy. Streets, parks, everywhere will be filled with the national flag, even the food will be the shape of the flag. 美国是以 7月4日独立日为国庆日,它是美国的主要法定节日之一。
Fireworks show
Trooping the Color
4.英国国庆日—英国女王官方生日 Official Birthday of Her Majesty
Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ (UK)
❖ 英国没有传统意义上的国庆节,只有女王的 “官方生日”。英国女王伊丽莎白二世的真 正生日是1926年4月21日,但因为6月天气好, 女王的“官方生日”则定在每年靠近6月11日 的那个星期六。每年的这个时候,一向有 “雾都”之称的伦敦天气也比较好,这一传 统从1748年沿袭至今。
❖规则:分成两组,A和B, 看哪组能最快答出正确答 案,答对一题得10分
No.1 歌唱祖国
No. 2
No. 3
No. 4 洪湖水浪打浪
No. 5
No. 6 浏阳河
No. 7
No. 8
No. 9
5. India
❖ Republic Day (共和国日)
❖ January 26th.
Republic Day
• 欢度国庆,让我们温习一些嘹亮 悠扬的红歌,看你是否记得这些 曾经耳熟能详的歌曲,因为它们 恰恰是一段段共和国创立前后的 珍贵记忆。
Step1 听歌猜歌名
1.China’s National Day
On October 1st in 1949,
in Tiananmen Square in Beijing.
国庆节 英文ppt
![国庆节 英文ppt](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/55248ce3cf2f0066f5335a8102d276a200296030.png)
国庆节英文pptTitle: National Day CelebrationSlide 1:- Introduce the topic: National Day Celebration- Include relevant images related to National Day celebrations in your countrySlide 2:- Briefly explain what National Day is and its significance- Mention the historical background or the reason for celebrating National Day in your countrySlide 3:- Describe the various customs and traditions observed during National Day celebration- Include images representing these customs, such as parades, flag-raising ceremonies, fireworks, etc.Slide 4:- Talk about famous landmarks or tourist attractions that are associated with National Day- Share interesting facts about these landmarks or attractions- Include photographs of these placesSlide 5:- Discuss special events or activities that take place during National Day- Mention any concerts, performances, or competitions held to mark the occasion- Highlight any traditional foods or beverages consumed during the festivitiesSlide 6:- Highlight the cultural significance of National Day celebration- Emphasize the importance of patriotism and national unity- Include quotes or slogans that reflect the core values of National Day celebrationSlide 7:- Share some interesting facts or trivia about National Day in your country- Include historical facts, record-breaking achievements, or any other remarkable milestones related to National DaySlide 8:- Conclusion:- Recap the main points discussed throughout the presentation- Invite the audience to join in the celebration and express their own patriotism- End with a visually appealing National Day-themed image or a patriotic quoteSlide 9: (Optional)- Add a slide with references or sources that were utilized in the presentation, if applicable.Note: Remember to use appropriate font size, colors, and graphics to make the presentation visually appealing. Keep the text on eachslide concise and use bullet points or short sentences to convey information effectively.。
行动,能让人生放射光彩。陆游说: “纸上 得来终 觉浅, 觉知此 事要躬 行。” 还有人 说,“ 时间给 空想者 痛苦, 给创造 者幸福 。”有 了梦想 ,就要 付出行 动,用 行动来 实现自 己梦想 。 行动,能让人生放射光彩。陆游说: “纸上 得来终 觉浅, 觉知此 事要躬 行。” 还有人 说,“ 时间给 空想者 痛苦, 给创造 者幸福 。”有 了梦想 ,就要 付出行 动,用 行动来 实现自 己梦想 。
国庆节的祝福语 行动,能让人生放射光彩。陆游说:“纸上得来终觉浅,觉知此事要躬行。”还有人说,“时间给空想者痛苦,给创造者幸福。”有了梦想,就要付出行动,用行动来实现自己梦想。
行动,能让人生放射光彩。陆游说: “纸上 得来终 觉浅, 觉知此 事要躬 行。” 还有人 说,“ 时间给 空想者 痛苦, 给创造 者幸福 。”有 了梦想 ,就要 付出行 动,用 行动来 实r country, especially
the National Day of the
Republic of China was
formally ( 正式地)
行动,能让人生放射光彩。陆游说: “纸上 得来终 觉浅, 觉知此 事要躬 行。” 还有人 说,“ 时间给 空想者 痛苦, 给创造 者幸福 。”有 了梦想 ,就要 付出行 动,用 行动来 实现自 己梦想 。
04 行动,能让人生放射光彩。陆游说: “纸上 得来终 觉浅, 觉知此 事要躬 行。” 还有人 说,“ 时间给 空想者 痛苦, 给创造 者幸福 。”有 了梦想 ,就要 付出行 动,用 行动来 实现自 己梦想 。
行动,能让人生放射光彩。陆游说: “纸上 得来终 觉浅, 觉知此 事要躬 行。” 还有人 说,“ 时间给 空想者 痛苦, 给创造 者幸福 。”有 了梦想 ,就要 付出行 动,用 行动来 实现自 己梦想 。
Do you know how many National Days a country can have?
One? ? More? ?
Do You know the world‘s most glorious National Day ?
In the world’s history ,the most glorious National Day was the san Marino National Day. In the A.D. 301 years, the san Marino decided September 3rd as the National Day, until now ,it already has a history of more than 1700 years.
Went to the National Day holiday in the country to celebrate this day, I hope you happy as Xi, always happy. Happy National Day! 又到国庆节了,在这举国欢庆的日子里, 又到国庆节了,在这举国欢庆的日子里,希 望你快乐如夕,永远幸福。国庆节快乐! 望你快乐如夕,永远幸福。国庆节快乐!
The national day
Yao Bo dan Cheng Ling ling Wang Jun xia Ma Yu jie Zheng Yi
The National Day is the holiday of strongest natural politic(
浓) .
But actually , the various countries' National Day names as well as the date determination are different. Do you know how to say something to celebrate it with each other in English?
1 The Date 日期 2 The Origin 起源
3 The Customs 习俗
4 Celebration 庆典
The National Days Of Other Countries 其他国家国庆日
Байду номын сангаас 1
The Date 日期
1949年10月2日,中央人民政府通过《关于中华人民共和国国庆日的决 议》,规定每年10月1日为国庆日,并以这一天作为宣告中华人民共和国 成立的日子。从此,每年的10月1日就成为全国各族人民隆重欢庆的节日 了。
The Customs 习俗
The Customs
The Customs
Read with friends
Visit the museum
Get together
Have a family trip
Celebration 庆典
The National Days Of Other Countries
The National Days Of Other Countries
The Date
October 1st is our National Day.
The Origin 起源
The Origin
In October 2, 1949, the Central People‘s government adopted the “resolution on the national day of People’s Republic of China“, stipulates that every October 1st is the national day, and on this day as the date of People‘s Republic of China’s founding. Since then, every year on Oct. 1st to become the grand people of all nationalities to celebrate the festival.
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“Revolutionary Festival”(革命节)
“Federation Establishment Date”(联邦成立日)
“Union date”
Determined by the meaning of the term Including our country, approximately (大约)
Some took revolutionizes the revolt date (革 命起义日)as the National Day, like France;
Some took the head of state birthday as the National Day, like Japan, Thailand, Holland, Denmark, England and so on.
30 countries took the day when the nation was found as the National Day;
Some took the constitution promulgation date (宪法颁布日)as the National Days, like Federal Republic of Germany(联邦德国)
Determined by the name
“National Day”(国庆节) or “National Date”
“Independent Date(独立日)” or “Independent Festival”
“Republican Date” or “Republic Date”
The national day
Yao Bo dan Cheng Ling ling
Wang Jun xia Ma Yu jie Zheng Yi
The National Day is the holiday of strongest natural politic(政治性最
But actually , the various countries' National Day names as well as the date determination are different. Do you know how to say something to celebrate it with each other in English?
刚刚送走了美丽的嫦娥,又迎来了祖国的华 诞。借此机会我呈上对你衷心的祝福:祝你 一切顺利,万事如意!
4.Girls like flowers, and more broadminded inclusion, in order to open up new possibilities and awaken the sleepy mountain, the river changed its appearance. This is a beautiful motherland is where my growth.
又到国庆节了,在这举国欢庆的日子里,希 望你快乐如夕,永远幸福。国庆节快乐!
Just off the beautiful Chang E, ushered in the birthday of the motherland. I take this opportunity goes to you my heartfelt blessing: I wish you all the best and every success! ! !
One? More?
Do You know the world‘s most glorious
National Day ?
In the world’s histothe san Marino National Day. In the A.D. 301 years, the san Marino decided September 3rd as the National Day, until now ,it already has a history of more than 1700 years.
In this season of heavy fragrance(香气, 芬芳), pleasant day across the country, there is a feeling called longness,there is a thinking called miss. Sincerely wish you happy National Day.
States have a home, you can have a home, you have me, I wish my dear parents happy National Day! Health!
有国才有家,有家才有你,有你才有我,祝 我亲爱的爸妈国庆快乐!身体健康!
Went to the National Day holiday in the country to celebrate this day, I hope you happy as Xi, always happy. Happy National Day!
The most interesting is that, some countries along with the king, the emperor or queen's replacement changed the the date of the National Day.
Do you know how many National Days a country can have?