
1 2 3 4D.深海勘探开发技术装备的研制,将不断推进我国大洋海底可燃冰的开采工程效率。
而“哭竹生笋”的故事则有些可疑,还有“ ”的故事,如模仿则有性命之忧了。
独自凭栏的李煜,用“春花秋月何时了,往事知多少”来抒写故国之思;对友人被贬尽感无奈的李白,用“①, ”来表达对友人的殷切的关心(《闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄》);身处受降城中的李益,用“②, ”来寄托征人绵绵不绝的乡愁(2)(《夜上受降城闻笛》)。

1.(3分)B(A. 憔cuì C. 粗犷guǎng确凿záo D. 应和hè)2.(3分)A(B.诀别一诀 C. 翻来覆去一覆 D. 岐斜一敲)3.(3分)D(咄咄逼人形容气势汹汹,盛气凌人,使人难堪。
(每空1分,共5分)9.(3分)C(A.快乐/以……为快乐 B.按时/当时 C.诚信 D.表转折/表承接)10. (3分)广泛学习且能坚定自己的志向,恳切地发问求教,多思考当前的事情。

11. /eɪ/ A. apple B. date C. band D. flat12. / i: / A. dead B. field C. head D. this13. /aɪ/ A. pity B. city C. thin D. kite14. /ɔ:/ A. hot B. horse C. doctor D. not15. /s/ A. season B. rest C. days D. friends16. /ʌ/ A. put B. unit C. study D. cute17. /iz/ A. finds B. gives C. talks D. watchesB)请指出句中哪个单词划线部分的字母发音与本句其他三个单词划线部分的字母发音不同。
18. The fat man put a cat and a piece of cake into the bag.A B C D19.Whose blue shoes are those?A B C D20. After she washes her hands, she begins to send some e-mails.A B C D四、单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分;满分15分)请在下列各题的四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。
21. ——will he come back from school?——This weekend.A.What timeB. WhenC.WhoD. How22. Our classes are 7:50 a.m. 12:05 a.m..A. at; atB. at; toC. from; toD. from; at23. What exciting story it is!A. aB. anC. theD. /24. ——Why are you so ?——Because my mother buys me a new skirt.A. happierB. happyC. happinessD. happily25. ——Is there any bread in the fridge?——. We must buy some.A. Yes, there isB. No, there isn’tC. Yes, there areD. No, there aren’t26. ——How often do you clean your bedroom, Fangfang?——. My mother does it.A. AlwaysB. Twice a weekC. NeverD. Usually27. The boy often brushes his before he goes to bed.A. toothB. toothsC. teethD. teeths28. very dangerous for children in the street.A. It’s ; playB. It’s ; playingC. It’s ; to playD. That’s ; to play29.Mark usually up at six o’clock in the morning.A. getB. getsC. gotD. getting30. When Sam was a child, he started .A. play the pianoB. playing pianoC. playing the pianoD. to play piano31. Mr. Yang enjoys football.A. to playB. playC. playingD. plays32. ——What the weather in Beijing in winter?——It’s very cold and dry.A. does ; likeB. is ; likeC. do ; likeD. are ; like33. an apple and two bananas on the table.A. There areB. There hasC. There isD. There have34. ——does your father go to work?——By bike.A. WhatB. WhyC. HowD. Where35. ——What would you like for breakfast, Mr. Smith?——Three pieces of with cup of black tea, please.A. breads ; aB. bread ; aC. breads ; theD. bread ; the五、完型填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分;满分15分)I am always interested in clowns (小丑). When I was a child of three, I saw a pair of clowns--one very fat, and theother very 36 . A traveling circus (马戏团) came to our 37 and my parents took me to see it. When we arrived at the circus, everyone was laughing at the clowns. I didn't understand why they were laughing, but I laughed, too.While I was 38 , the fat clown came and sat down next to me. "Shall we dance?" he asked, then 39 me up and began dancing. I felt 40 and began to cry. Since then I have been interested in clowns. They make me laugh a lot, although they 41 make me a bit afraid, too.In life, we sometimes laugh at things that 42 us. We often laugh most at people who make us nervous. When we laugh, we relax and 43 ourselves. If people never laugh, they can become worried and ill. Laughter is like medicine and a clown is like a 44 .People love clowns, because people need to laugh. Laughter is the best kind of 45 in life.( )36. A. happy ( )37. A. home ( )38. A. dancing ( )39. A. picked ( )40. A. happy ( )41. A. never ( )42. A. trouble ( )43. A. play ( )44. A. doctor ( )45. A. dream B. thinB. shoolB. eatingB. threwB. afraidB. hardlyB. surpriseB. loveB. nurseB. medicineC. kindC. circusC. laughingC. hungC. interestedC. stillC. interestC. enjoyC. friendC. careD. luckyD. townD. cryingD. pushedD. surprisedD. everD. frightenD. understandD. teacherD. color六、阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分;满分30分)阅读下面短文,然后根据短文内容选择最佳答案。

12345D.6D.A.B.C.D.下列运算正确的是( ).7A.B.C.D.长方形的周长为,若它的宽为,则它的长为( ).8A.B.C.D.近似数表示的准确数的取值范围是( ).9A.B.C.D.若当时,整式的值为,当时,整式的值为( ).10中国的领水面积约为,将数用科学记数法表示为 .11一家商店把一种旅游鞋按成本价元提高标价,然后再以折优惠卖出,则这种旅游鞋每双的售价是 元.(用含的式子表示)12比较大小:() ;() ;() .13若 与互为相反数,与互为倒数,则 .14表示数的点如图所示,化简: .15二、填空题(本大题共6小题,每小题3分,共18分)如图,由等圆组成的一组图中,第个图由个圆组成,第个图由个圆组成,第个图由个圆组成,……,按照这样的规律排列下去,则第个图形由 个圆组成,第个图形由 个圆组成.16计算:.17计算:.18计算:.19计算:.20化简:.21化简:.22小明做了一道数学题:两个多项式,,其中为,试求.他误将“”看成了“”,结果求出答案为,由此,你能求出的正确结果吗?23某校对七年级班男生进行俯卧撑测试,以能做个为标准,超过的次数用正数表示,不足的次数用负数表示,成绩记录如下表:24三、解答题(本大题共12小题,共72分)与标准次数的差值(单位:次)人数求全班男生共做了多少个俯卧撑?25三个植树队,第一队植树棵,第二队植的树比第一队植的树的倍少棵,第三队植的树比第一队植的树的一半多棵.(1)第二队植的树棵,第三队植的树棵.三个队共植树棵.(2)(3)求第一队的植树数比第二队的植树数多几棵?请列式解答.26小张学习爱钻研,一天他突然产生了这样的想法,若存在这样一个数,使,则,可变为,小张还发现具有如下性质:;;;;;;;.请你观察上述等式,根据你发现的规律填空:__________;__________;__________;__________;__________;__________;__________;__________.27如图,数轴上、两点分别表示,,甲、乙在数轴上同时左右运动,设运动时间为秒,当时,甲乙都在原点处,甲先向右运动,速度为个单位长度/秒,到达处后立即掉头向左运动,乙先向左运动,速度为个单位长度/秒,到达处后立即掉头向右运动.(不考虑掉头花费的时间)28。

11. /eɪ/ A. apple B. date C. band D. flat12. / i: / A. dead B. field C. head D. this13. /aɪ/ A. pity B. city C. thin D. kite14. /ɔ:/ A. hot B. horse C. doctor D. not15. /s/ A. season B. rest C. days D. friends16. /ʌ/ A. put B. unit C. study D. cute17. /iz/ A. finds B. gives C. talks D. watchesB)请指出句中哪个单词划线部分的字母发音与本句其他三个单词划线部分的字母发音不同。
18. The fat man put a cat and a piece of cake into the bag.A B C D19.Whose blue shoes are those?A B C D20. After she washes her hands, she begins to send some e-mails.A B C D四、单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分;满分15分)请在下列各题的四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。
21. ——will he come back from school?——This weekend.A.What timeB. WhenC.WhoD. How22. Our classes are 7:50 a.m. 12:05 a.m..A. at; atB. at; toC. from; toD. from; at23. What exciting story it is!A. aB. anC. theD. /24. ——Why are you so ?——Because my mother buys me a new skirt.A. happierB. happyC. happinessD. happily25. ——Is there any bread in the fridge?——. We must buy some.A. Yes, there isB. No, there isn’tC. Yes, there areD. No, there aren’t26. ——How often do you clean your bedroom, Fangfang?——. My mother does it.A. AlwaysB. Twice a weekC. NeverD. Usually27. The boy often brushes his before he goes to bed.A. toothB. toothsC. teethD. teeths28. very dangerous for children in the street.A. It’s ; playB. It’s ; playingC. It’s ; to playD. That’s ; to play29.Mark usually up at six o’clock in the morning.A. getB. getsC. gotD. getting30. When Sam was a child, he started .A. play the pianoB. playing pianoC. playing the pianoD. to play piano31. Mr. Yang enjoys football.A. to playB. playC. playingD. plays32. ——What the weather in Beijing in winter?——It’s very cold and dry.A. does ; likeB. is ; likeC. do ; likeD. are ; like33. an apple and two bananas on the table.A. There areB. There hasC. There isD. There have34. ——does your father go to work?——By bike.A. WhatB. WhyC. HowD. Where35. ——What would you like for breakfast, Mr. Smith?——Three pieces of with cup of black tea, please.A. breads ; aB. bread ; aC. breads ; theD. bread ; the五、完型填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分;满分15分)I am always interested in clowns (小丑). When I was a child of three, I saw a pair of clowns--one very fat, and the other very 36 . A traveling circus (马戏团) came to our 37 and my parents took me to see it. When we arrived at the circus, everyone was laughing at the clowns. I didn't understand why they were laughing, but I laughed, too.While I was 38 , the fat clown came and sat down next to me. "Shall we dance?" he asked, then 39 me up and began dancing. I felt 40 and began tocry. Since then I have been interested in clowns. They make me laugh a lot, although they 41 make me a bit afraid, too.In life, we sometimes laugh at things that 42 us. We often laugh most at people who make us nervous. When we laugh, we relax and 43 ourselves. If people never laugh, they can become worried and ill. Laughter is like medicine and a clown is like a 44 .People love clowns, because people need to laugh. Laughter is the best kind of 45 in life.( )36. A. happy ( )37. A. home ( )38. A. dancing ( )39. A. picked ( )40. A. happy ( )41. A. never ( )42. A. trouble ( )43. A. play ( )44. A. doctor ( )45. A. dream B. thinB. shoolB. eatingB. threwB. afraidB. hardlyB. surpriseB. loveB. nurseB. medicineC. kindC. circusC. laughingC. hungC. interestedC. stillC. interestC. enjoyC. friendC. careD. luckyD. townD. cryingD. pushedD. surprisedD. everD. frightenD. understandD. teacherD. color六、阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分;满分30分)阅读下面短文,然后根据短文内容选择最佳答案。

广大附中2017-2018学年第一学期期中考试初一数学出卷人:赖巧芳 审稿人:王春华 (满分分120分,考试时间:90多钟)第一部分 选择题(共30分)一、选择题(共10题,每题3分,满分30分)1.哈市11月份某天的最高气温是5C ︒,最低气温是3C -︒,那么这天的温差(最高气温减最低气温)是( ). A .2C -︒ B .8C ︒ C .8C -︒ D .2C ︒ 2.数轴上一点A ,一只蚂蚁从A 出发沿数轴爬了4个单位长度到了原点,则点A 所表示的数是( ). A .4B .4-C .4±D .8±3.“一带一路”倡议提出三年以来,广东企业到“一带一路”国家投资越来越活跃,据数据显示,广东省对沿线国家的实际投资额超过4000000000美元,将4000000000用科学记数法表示为( ). A .90.410⨯ B .100.410⨯ C .9410⨯D .10410⨯ 4.长方形的一边长等于32x y +,另一边长比它长x y -,这个长方形的周长是( ).A .4x y +B .122x y +C .82x y +D .146x y +5.若23(2)0m n -++=,则2m n +的值为( ). A .1B .1-C .7D .7-6.下列方程中,是一元一次方程的是( ). A .243x x -=B .10x -=C .21x y +=D .11x x-=7.下面的说法正确的是( ). A .2-不是单项式 B .a -表示负数 C .35ab的系数是3D .1ax x++不是多项式 8.小明发现关于x 的方程★62x -=中的x 的系数被污染了,要解方程怎么办?他翻开资料的答案一看,此方程的解为2x =-,则★=( ). A .4B .3C .4-D .3-9.在下列方程中,变形正确的为( ). (1)由360x +=变形,得20x += (2)由537x x -=+变形,得22x -=(3)由327x =变形,得314x =(4)由42x =-变形,得2x =- A .(1)、(3) B .(1)、(2)、(3) C .(3)、(4)D .(1)、(2)、(4)10.观察下列算式:122=,224=,328=,4216=,5232=,6264=,72128=,82256=,用你发现的规律得出2017201822+的末位数字是( ). A .2B .4C .8D .6第二部分(非选择题,共90分)二、填空题(共6题,每题3分,满分18分)11.35-的倒数的相反数是__________.12.已知a 是最小的正整数,b 是最大的负整数,c 是绝对值最小的有理数,那么a b c ++值为__________. 13.已知3a b -=-,2c d +=,则()()b c a d +--的值为__________. 14.若32m a b -与44n a b 是同类项,则m n +的值为__________.15.已知当1x =时,代数式3234ax bx ++值为6,那么当1x =-时,代数3234ax bx ++值为__________. 16.同学们都知道,5(2)--表示5与2-之差的绝对值,实际上也可以理解为5与2-两数在数轴上所对应的两点之间的距离,则使得156x x -++=这样的整数x 有__________个.三、解答题(本大题共7小题,满分72分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤) 17.(10分)计算:(1)(40)(28)(19)(24)-----+-(2)4211(10.4)[(2)6]3---÷⨯--18.(10分)解方程:(1)2235x x -=+ (2)2125671236x x x -+--=- 19.(12分)化简求值:(1)(87)3(45)x y x y ---其中:2x =-,1y =-.(2)已知多项式2(23)x -+的2倍与A 的差是2227x x +-,当1x =-时,求A 的值.20.(8分)如图,数轴上的三点A ,B ,C 分别表示有理数a ,b ,c ,化简a b a c b c --++-.21.(10分)今年“十一”黄金周期间,某风景区在7天假期中每天接待游客的人数变化如下表:(正数表示比前一天多的人数,负数表示比前一天少的人数)日期 10月1日 10月2日 10月3日 10月4日 10月5日 10月6日 10月7日 人数变化/万人1.6+0.8+0.4+0.4-0.8-0.2+1.4-(1)请判断七天内游客人数最多的是哪天?最少的是哪天?它们相差多少万人?(2)若9月30日游客人数为3万人,门票每人次200元,7天总人数的2%的游客符合免费条件,8%的游客符合减半收费条件,求该风景区7天门票总收入是多少万元?22.(10分)某校羽毛球队需要购买6支羽毛球拍和x 盒羽毛球,羽毛球拍市场价为200元/支,羽毛球为30元/盒.甲商场优惠方案为:所有商品9折.乙商场优惠方案为:买1支羽毛球拍送1盒羽毛球,其余原价销售.(1)分别用x的代数式表示在甲商场和乙商场购买所有物品的费用.(2)当10x=时,请你通过计算说明选择哪个商场购买比较省钱.23.(12分)如图,一个点从数轴上的原点开始,先向左移动2cm到达A点,再向左移动3cm到达B点,然后向右移动9cm到达C点,数轴上一个单位长度表示1cm.(1)请你在数轴上表示出A,B,C三点的位置;(2)把点C到点A的距离记为CA,则CA=__________cm.(3)若点B以每秒2cm的速度匀速向左移动,同时A、C点分别以每秒1cm、4cm的速度匀速向右移动.设移动时间为t秒,试探索:CA AB-的值是否会随着t的变化而改变?请说明理由.(4)动点P从B点出发,沿数轴以每秒4cm匀速向右运动,多少秒后点P到A,B,C三点的距离之和为10cm.。

【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】大广附2017-2018学年第一学期期中考试试卷初一英语第I卷一、单选(共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)1. They want to have some______ for supper, so they decide to catch ______now.A. fishes, muchB. fish, someC. fish, muchD. fishes, many2. He wants to write down something, so he asks me for_____?A. a paperB. some papersC. a piece of paperD. some pieces of papers3. The little girl is good at______. She is able to sing more than 50 English songs.A. singB. singingC. singsD. sang4. My mother is______ office worker. She works in ______big company.A. a; theB. an; aC. the; aD. a; an5. ---_____ orange juice do you want?---A little, thanks.A. How manyB. How muchC. How longD. How old6. There_____ still some milk in the fridg e. We don’t need to buy any.A. wasB. isC. areD. has7._____ is good for us_____ every day.A. It, to playB. It, playC. This, to playD. This, play8. Mary often_____ half an hour______ to school.A. spend, to walkB. spends, walkingC. spends, to walkD. spend, walking9. My house is far away_____ the mountains.A. toB. atC. fromD. with10. ---_____ do you play computer games?---Every Sunday morning.A. How muchB. How longC. How oftenD. How many11. Where_____ Lucy_____ from?A. is, comeB. do, comeC. does, comeD. are, come12. Lily_____ very well.A. enjoy play the violinB. enjoy playing the violinC. enjoys to play the violinD. enjoys playing the violin13. There_____ a rugby match tomorrow afternoon.A. is going to haveB. haveC. will haveD. is going to be14. ---___________?---It’s cloudy.A. How’s the weather like in ShanghaiB. How’s the weather in ShanghaiC. What is the weather in ShanghaiD. Which is the weather in Shanghai15. It’s a good habit to keep the classroom ______all the time.A. cleanlyB. clearlyC. clearD. clean二、语音(共10小题,每小题0. 5分,共5分)第一节:找出划线部分读音与其他三个不同的单词16. A. kind B. know C. kite D. kilo17. A. close B. hobby C. orange D. not18. A. always B. caps C. makes D. hopes19. A. bright B. like C. English D. nice20. A. tooth B. cook C. book D. foot第二节:找出重音位置与其它三个不同的单词21. A. spring B. enjoy C. guitar D. pollute22. A. practice B. hobby C. grammar D. protect23. A. tomorrow B. information C. understand D. magazine24. A. photo B. away C. because D. remember25. A. daily B. article C. seldom D. together三、语法选择(每小题1分,共10分)I live with my father and mother in a very big house in Guangzhou. My parentsare___26___ very busy. They leave for work very early in the morning and___27___ home late in the evening.When I am at home___28___ weekends from school, we spend a lot of time together. We___29___ about my studies, my health and my scool life. I love my parents very much.My grandparents are still living, but they___30___ live with us. Their health___31___ good and they both do sports very early in the morning. My grandmother___32___ gymnastics(体操) with elderly(上年纪的) women in the park. Both of my grandparents play___33___ basketball in the morning and sometimes they go swimming.I often play computer games___34___ I like it so much. I watch cartoon movies with my parents___35___. In long holidays we take trips, too.26. A. both B. two C. all D. second27. A. gets B. got C. get D. are getting28. A. for B. in C. at D. by29. A. talk B. talks C. talked D. are talking30. A. aren’t B. isn’t C. doesn’t D. don’t31. A. am B. be C. is D. are32. A. does B. do C. is doing D. doing33. A. a B. / C. an D. the34. A. so B. but C. or D. because35. A. at Saturday B. on SaturdaysC. at the SaturdayD. on the Saturdays四、完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)New York, London, Paris and other cities are exciting places to live in. There are many interesting things to see and to do. You can go to different kinds of cinemas. There will be a lot of___36___ for you to enjoy. You can also go shopping in___37___ to buy things from all over the world.But there are serious___38___ in big cities too. The cost of living is high, and there are___39___ people in some of big cities. Every year many people___40___ to the cities because there are some chances to___41___ jobs, to study at good schools, and to receive good medical care. But sometimes these people cannot find work or a good place to live___42___. Also, there are too many people in small space. It is hard to___43___ the cities safe and clean.Some people enjoy living in___44___ cities. Before people move to big cities, they should think about the problems of living there, or their lives will become___45___.36. A. films B. books C. pictures D. animals37. A. bookshops B. supermarkets C. houses D. museums38. A. competition B. problems C. people D. questions39. A. many B. no C. few D. every40. A. return B. want C. move D. like41. A. buy B. find C. sell D. leave42. A. with B. in C. on D. /43. A. help B. find C. keep D. let44. A. beautiful B. quiet C. small D. big45. A. better B. bigger C. worse D. smaller五、阅读理解(共15题,每题2分,共30分)AAnn lives in Edinburgh. It is a beautiful old city in Scotland. About 500, 000 people live in Edinburgh. Ann is thirteen years old. She has long brown hair and wears glasses. Her sister, Aileen, is always happy. She is ten. Their mother is very kind. She is an office worker. Their father is a policeman. He is very tall.On school holidays, Ann likes to go to France, Spain and Canada. She also likes doing exercise.On weekdays, Ann gets up at seven o’clock. She goes to school at about 8 o’clock. She usually goes to school by bus. On Thursday and Friday, she comes home on foot. There is no underground in Edinburgh. She always does her homework for one hour after dinner.At the weekend, she usually gets up at 9 o’clock. She plays the piano for one hour. She likes going to her classmates’ house. They talk and listen to music. She likes staying at her classmates’ house for one night.46. How many children are there in Ann’s family? There are______.A. oneB. twoC. thereD. four47. Where does Ann study?A. In China.B. In the UK.C. In France.D. In Canada.48. When does Ann go home on foot?A. On Thursday and Friday.B. On Friday and Saturday.C. On Saturday and Sunday.D. On Monday and Tuesday.49. What does Ann do at the weekend?A. Does her homework.B. Does exercise.C. Goes shopping with her mother.D. Plays the piano.50. Which of the following is NOT true?A. Ann’s father is an English policeman.B. Ann’s sister is younger than her.C. People in Edinburgh can go to work on the underground.D. Students in England are free at weekends.BWe are Zuzia and Sara from Poland. Both of us are 11 years old. We started school when we were 7. We will finish primary school when we’re 13 and secondary school when we’re 16. Then we will go to high school for three or four years. And after the final exams-Matura, we can continue studying at college or university.We go to school from Monday to Friday. We start school at 8:00 a. m. , and usually finish at 4:30p. m.. The school year has 2 terms. The autumn term starts on 1st, October, and we finish it at the end of January. We have a holiday about two weeks at Christmas and a two-week winter holiday in February. The second term starts in February and finishes at the end of June. In March or April we have a six-day holiday at Easter. The summer holiday is about 9 or 10 weeks long. We like the holidays very, very much!!!Every year in September we celebrate the beginning of sports school year and then we have some sports competitions.51. If Zuzia and Sara finish high school, how old are they at least?A. 13.B. 16.C. 19.D. 21.52. What does the word “Matura“mean?A. The final exams.B. A college.C. The name of a university.D. The name of their high school53. When do the students in Poland have holidays according to the passage?A. At Christmas and on Thanksgiving Day.B. At Easter and Christmas.C. At Christmas and the Spring Festival.D. At Easter and on Mid-Autumn Day.54. How long does the summer holiday last?A. Two weeks.B. A month.C. More than two months.D. Half a year55. Which is the best title for this passage?A. School year in Poland.B. Primary students in Poland.C. Famous schools in Poland.D. Sports in Polish schools.CHave you ever walked into a room and felt relaxed? It could be because the walls were painted blue, a calm and peaceful color.Sometimes colors can affect our feelings and moods. Some colors can make us feel calm and peaceful. Blue is one of these. Wearing blue clothes or sleeping in a blue room isgood for our mind and body, because this color makes a good feeling. Blue is also the color of sadness, so you may say you’re feeling blue when you are feeling sad. White is another calm color. You should wear white clothes if you are feeling nervous. White is also the color of purity(纯洁). Many women like to be in white on their wedding day. Green is the color of nature, It can give us more energy when we are feeling tired. Some colors can make you feel warm. These colors can give you a happy feeling. People who live in cold climates use warm colors in their homes like orange and yellow instead of white and blue.Orange shows joy. It can bring you success and cheer you up when you are feeling sad. Yellow is the color of the sun, so it can remind you of a warm, sunny day. Yellow is also the color of wisdom. Some people prefer this color when they study for exams. For example, they may use yellow school things. Red is one of the strong colors. Wearing red often makes us active.In short, we can try out different colors if we aren’t feeling our best.56. According to the passage, which colors of the following can make you feel relaxed?A. Yellow.B. Orange.C. Red.D. White.57. What’s the meaning of the sentence ‘She is blue today’.A. She is angry.B. She is sad.C. She is bored.D. She is excited.58. Some students prefer yellow rulers or erasers when they study for exams because yellow is the color of_____.A. wisdomB. purityC. natureD. peace59. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?A. People who live in cold climates had better paint the walls of their houses white.B. Many women like to be in white on their wedding day because it’s the colorof_____.C. Sometimes colors can affect our feelings and moods.D. Wearing green can give us more energy when we are feeling tired.60. What’s the main idea of the passage?A. People like warm colors in daily life.B. There are many colors in our life.C. Colors can affect our feeling and moods.D. If you feel good, just use orange color.六、根据音标写单词。

广大附中2017-2018学年第一学期期中考试试卷初一英语第Ⅰ卷一、单选(共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)1.They want to have some______for supper,so they decide to catch______now.A.fishes,muchB.fish,someC.fish,muchD.fishes,many2.He wants to write down something,so he asks me for_____?A.a paperB.some papersC.a piece of paperD.some pieces of papers3.The little girl is good at______.She is able to sing more than 50 English songs.A.singB.singingC.singsD.sang4.My mother is______office worker.She works in______big company.A.a;theB.an;aC.the;aD.a;an5.---_____orange juice do you want?---A little,thanks.A.How manyB.How muchC.How longD.How old6.There_____still some milk in the fridge.We don‟t need to buy any.A.wasB.isC.areD.has7._____is good for us_____every day.A.It,to playB.It,playC.This,to playD.This,play8.Mary often_____half an hour______to scool.A.spend,to walkB.spends,walkingC.spends,to walkD.spend,walking9.My house is far away_____the mountains.A.toB.atC.fromD.with10.---_____do you play computer games?---Every Sunday morning.A.How muchB.How longC.How oftenD.How many11.Where_____Lucy_____from?A.is,comeB.do,comeC.does,comeD.are,come12.Lily_____very well.A.enjoy play the violinB.enjoy playing the violinC.enjoys to play the violinD.enjoys playing the violin13.There_____a rugby match tomorrow afternoon.A.is going to haveB.haveC.will haveD.is going to be14.---___________?---It‟s cloudy.A.How‟s the weather like in ShanghaiB.How‟s the weather in ShanghaiC.What is the weather in ShanghaiD.Which is the weather in Shanghai15.It‟s a good habit to keep the classroom______all the time.A.cleanlyB.clearlyC.clearD.clean二、语音(共10小题,每小题0.5分,共5分)第一节:找出划线部分读音与其他三个不同的单词16.A.kind B.know C.kite D.kilo17.A.close B.hobby C.orange D.not18.A.always B.caps C.makes D.hopes19.A.bright B.like C.English D.nice20.A.tooth B.cook C.book D.foot第二节:找出重音位置与其它三个不同的单词21.A.spring B.enjoy C.guitar D.pollute22.A.practice B.hobby C.grammar D.protect23.A.tomorrow rmation C.understand D.magazine24.A.photo B.away C.because D.remember25.A.daily B.article C.seldom D.together三、语法选择(每小题1分,共10分)I live with my father and mother in a very big house in Guangzhou. My parents are ___26___ very busy.They leave for work very early in the morning and ___27___ home late in the evening.When I am at home ___28___ weekends from school,we spend a lot of time together.We ___29___ about my studies,my health and my scool life.I love my parents very much.My grandparents are still living,but they ___30___ live with us.Their health ___31___ good and they both do sports very early in the morning.My grandmother ___32___ gymnastics(体操) with elderly(上年纪的) women in the park.Both of my grandparents play ___33___ basketball in the morning and sometimes they go swimming.I often play computer games ___34___ I like it so much.I watch cartoon movies with my parents ___35___.In long holidays we take trips,too.26.A.both B.two C.all D.second27.A.gets B.got C.get D.are getting28.A.for B.in C.at D.by29.A.talk B.talks C.talked D.are talking30.A.aren‟t B.isn‟t C.doesn‟t D.don‟t31.A.am B.be C.is D.are32.A.does B.do C.is doing D.doing33.A.a B./ C.an D.the34.A.so B.but C.or D.because35.A.at Saturday B.on SaturdaysC.at the SaturdayD.on the Saturdays四、完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)New York,London,Paris and other cities are exciting places to live in.There are many interesting things to see and to do.You can go to different kinds of cinemas.There will be a lot of ___36___ for you to enjoy.You can also go shopping in ___37___ to buy things from all over the world.But there are serious ___38___ in big cities too.The cost of living is high,and there are ___39___ people in some of big cities.Every year many people ___40___ to the cities because there are some chances to ___41___ jobs,to study at good scools,and to receive good medical care.But sometimes these people cannot find work or a good place to live ___42___.Also,there are too many people in small space.It is hard to ___43___ the cities safe and clean.Some people enjoy living in ___44___ cities.Before people move to big cities,they should think about the problems of living there,or their lives will become ___45___.36.A.films B.books C.pictures D.animals37.A.bookshops B.supermarkets C.houses D.museumspetition B.problems C.people D.questions39.A.many B.no C.few D.every40.A.return B.want C.move D.like41.A.buy B.find C.sell D.leave42.A.with B.in C.on D./43.A.help B.find C.keep D.let44.A.beautiful B.quiet C.small D.big45.A.better B.bigger C.worse D.saller五、阅读理解(共15题,每题2分,共30分)AAnn lives in Edinburgh.It is a beautiful old city in Scoland.About 500,000 people live in Edinburgh.Ann is thirteen years old.She has long brown hair and wears glasses.Her sister,aileen,is always happy.She is ten.Their mother is very kind.She is an office worker.Their father is a policeman.He is very tall.On scool holidays,Ann likes to go to France,Spain and Canada.She also likes doing exercise.On weekdays,Ann gets up at seven o‟clock.She goes to scool at about 8 o‟clock.Sheusually goes to scool by bus.On Thursday and Friday,she comes home on foot.There is no underground in Edinburgh.She always does her homework for one hour after dinner.At the weekend,she usually gets up at 9 o‟clock.She plays the piano for one hour.She likes going to her classmates‟ house.They talk and listen to music.She likes staying at her classmates‟house for one night.46.How many children are there in Ann‟s family?There are______.A.oneB.twoC.thereD.four47.Where does Ann study?A.In China.B.In the UK.C.In France.D.In Canada.48.When does Ann go home on foot?A.On Thursday and Friday.B.On Friday and Saturday.C.On Saturday and Sunday.D.On Monday and Tuesday.49.What does Ann do at the weekend?A.Does her homework.B.Does exercise.C.Goes shopping with her mother.D.Plays the piano.50.Which of the following is NOT true?A.Ann‟s father is an English policeman.B.Ann‟s sister is younger than her.C.People in Edinburgh can go to work on the underground.D.Students in England are free at weekends.BWe are Zuzia and Sara from Poland.Both of us are 11 years old.We started scool when we were 7.We will finish primary scool when we‟re 13 and secondary school when we‟re 16.Then we will go to high school for three or four years.And after the finalexams-matura,we can continue studying at college or university.We go to school from Monday to Friday.We start school at 8:00 a.m.,and usually finish at 4:30p.m..The school year has 2 terms.The autumn term starts on 1st,October,and we finish it at the end of January.We have a holiday about two weeks at Christmas and atwo-week winter holiday in February.The second term starts in Februaryand finishes at the end of June.In March or April we have a six-day holiday at Easter.The summer holiday is about 9 or 10 weeks long.We like the holidays very,very much!!!Every year in September we celebrate the beginning of sports school year and then we have some sports competitions.51.If Zuzia and Sara finish high school,how old are they at least?A.13.B.16.C.19.D.21.52.What does the word “matura”mean?A.The final exams.B.A college.C.The name of a university.D.The name of their high school53.When do the students in Poland have holidays according to the passage?A.At Christmas and on Thanksgiving Day.B.At Easter and Christmas.C.At Christmas and the Spring Festival.D.At Easter and on Mid-Autumn Day.54.How long does the summer holiday last?A.Two weeks.B.A month.C.More than two months.D.Half a year55.Which is the best title for this passage?A.School year in Poland.B.Primary students in Poland.C.Famous schools in Poland.D.Sports in Polish schools.CHave you ever walked into a room and felt relaxed?It could be because the walls were painted blue,a calm and peaceful color.Sometimes colors can affect our feelings and moods.Some colors can make us feel calm and peaceful.Blue is one of these.Wearing blue clothes or sleeping in a blue room is good for our mind and body,because this color makes a good feeling.Blue is also the color of sadness,so you may say you‟re feeling blue when you are feeling sad.White is another calm color.You should wear white clothes if you are feeling nervous.White is also the color of purity(纯洁).Many women like to be in white on their wedding day.Green is the color of nature,It can give us more energy when we are feeling tired.Some colors can make you feel warm.These colors can give you a happy feeling.People who live in cold climates use warm colors in their homes like orange and yellow instead of white and blue.Orange shows joy.It can bring you success and cheer you up when you are feeling sad.Yellow is the color of the sun,so it can reind you of a warm,sunny day.Yellow is also the color of wisdom.Some people prefer this color when they study for exams.For example,they may use yellow school things.Red is one of the strong colors.Wearing red often makes us active.In short,we can try out different colors if we aren‟t feeling our best.56.According to the passage,which colors of the following can make you feel relaxed?A.Yellow.B.Orange.C.Red.D.White.57.What‟s the meaning of the sentence …She is blue today‟.A.She is angry.B.She is sad.C.She is bored.D.She is excited.58.Some students prefer yellow rulers or erasers when they study for exams becauseyellow is the color of_____.A.wisdomB.purityC.natureD.peace59.According to the passage,which of the following is NOT true?A.People who live in cold climates had better paint the walls of their houses white.B.Many women like to be in white on th eir wedding day because it‟s the colorof_____.C.Sometimes colors can affect our feelings and moods.D.Wearing green can give us more energy when we are feeling tired.60.What‟s the main idea of the passage?A.People like warm colors in daily life.B.There are many colors in our life.C.Colors can affect our feeling and moods.D.If you feel good,just use orange color.六、根据音标写单词。

2017-2018学年度第一学期初一级数学科期中考试试卷第一部分选择题(共30分)一、选择题(每题3分,共30分)1.2016-的相反数是().A .12016-B .12016C .2016-D .20162.汽车向东行驶5千米记作5千米,那么汽车向西行驶5千米记作().A .5千米B .5-千米C .10千米D .0千米3.给出下列式子:0,3a ,π,2x y -,1,231a +,11xy -,1y x +,其中单项式的个数是().A .5B .1C .2D .34.21π3x y -的系数是(). A .13 B .13- C .1π3D .1π3-5.数a ,b 在数轴上的位置如图所示,化简||a b a --的结果为().A .2a b -B .2b a -C .b -D .b 6.有理数23-,2(3)-,3|3|-,13-按从小到大的顺序排列是(). A .22313(3)|3|3-<-<-<- B .3221|3|3(3)3-<-<-<- C .22313(3)|3|3-<-<-<- D .23213|3|(3)3-<-<-<-7.下列去括号正确的是().A .(25)25x x -+=-+B .1(42)222x x --=-+C .12(23)33m n m n -=+D .222233m x m x ⎛⎫--=-+ ⎪⎝⎭8.某机构对30万人的调查显示,沉迷于手机上网的初中生大约占7%,则这部分沉迷于手机上网的初中生人数,可用科学计数法表示为().A .52.110⨯B .32110⨯C .50.2110⨯D .42.110⨯9.已知231a a +=,则代数式2261a a +-的值为(). A .0 B .1 C .2 D .310.红星队在4场足球赛中战绩是第一场3:1胜,第二场2:3负,第三场0:0平,第四场2:5负,则红星队在这次比赛中总的净胜球数是().A .1+B .1-C .2+D .2-第二部分非选择题(共90分)二、选择题(每题3分,共1 8分)11.8-的绝对值是__________.12.某天最低气温是5-℃,最高气温比最低气温高8℃,则这天的最高气温是__________℃.13.近似数0.03086是精确到__________分位,有__________个有效数字.14.写出325x y -上的一个同类项__________.15.若关于a ,b 的多项式22222(2)(2)a ab b a mab b ---++不含ab 项,则m =__________.16.按如下规律摆放三角形:则第(4)堆三角形的个数为__________;第(n )堆三角形的个数为__________.三、解答题17.计算(每题3分,共15分)(1)713620-+-+.(2)31.2415⎛⎫-⨯÷- ⎪⎝⎭. (3)(15)18(3)|5|--÷-+-.(4)31125(25)25424⎛⎫⨯+-⨯+⨯- ⎪⎝⎭. (5)201031110.2(2)5⎛⎫---⨯÷- ⎪⎝⎭.18.合并同类项(每题4分,共8分)(1)82(5)a b a b ++-.(2)22347321x x x x -+-++.19.(本题满分8分)1()2()⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅3()先化简,再求值:22131122233x x y x y ⎛⎫⎛⎫+-+-- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭,其中12x =-,1y =.20.(本题满分6分)某登山队5名队员以二号高地为基地开始向海拔距二号高度500米的顶峰冲击,设他们向上走为正,向下走为负,行程记录如下(单位:米):150+,32-,43-,205+,30-,25+,20-,5-,30+,75+,25-,90+.(1)此时他们有没有登上顶峰?如果没有,那么他们离顶峰还差多少米?(2)登山时,5名队员在行进全程中都使用了氧气,且每人每米要消耗氧气0.04升,则他们共使用了氧气多少升?21.(本题满分8分)已知a 与b 互为相反数,c 与d 互为倒数,m 的绝对值为2,求||a b cd m m+-+的值.22.(本题满分7分)如图是某住宅的平面结构示意图,图中标注了有关尺寸(墙体厚度忽略不计,单位:米),房子的主人计划把卧室以外的地面都铺上地砖,如果他选用的地砖价格是a 元/米2,则买地砖只是要用多少元?(用含有a ,x ,y 的代数式表示)23.(本题满分7分)超市用36万元购进A 、B 两种商品,销售完后共获利6万元,其进价和售价如下表:(1)设进A 商品x 件,则进A __________元,那么购进B 商品__________件.(2)求超市购进A 、B 两种商品各多少件__________.(3)超市第二次以原进价购进A 、B 两种商品,购进B 种商品的件数不变,而购进A 种商品的件数是第一次的2倍,A 种商品按原销售价出售,而B 种商品打折出售,若两种商品销售完毕,要使第二次经营活动获利不少于81600元,B 种商品最多只能打几折?24.(本题满分4分)请观察下列算式,找出规律并填空:2111122=-⨯,1112323=-⨯,1113434=-⨯,1114545=-⨯. 则第10个算式是__________,第n 个算式是__________. 根据以上规律解答以下两题:(1)111112233499100++++⨯⨯⨯⨯ . (2)若有理数a ,b 满足|1||3|0a b -+-=,试求: 1111(2)(2)(4)(4)(100)(100)ab a b a b a b ++++++++++ 的值.25.(本题满分5分)有若干个数1a ,2a ,3a , ,n a ,若112a =-,第二个数起,每个数都等于“1与它前面的那个数差的倒数”.(1)求2a =__________,3a =__________. (2)求9a ,10a ,11a 的值.(3)是否存在M 的值,使111()n n n M a a a a -+÷⋅⋅=?若存在,请求出M 的值.26.(本题满分4分)已知数轴上有A 、B 、C 三个点,分别表示有理数24-,10-,10,动点P 从A 出发,以每秒1个单位的速度向终点C 移动,设移动时间为t 秒. (1)用含t 的代数式表示P 到点A 和点C 的距离:PA =__________;PC =__________. (2)当点P 运动到B 点时,点Q 从A 点出发,以每秒3个单位长度的速度向C 点运动,Q 点到达C 点后,再立即以同样的速度返回,运动到终点A .在点Q 开始运动后,P 、Q 两点之间的距离能否为2个单位长度?如果能,请求出此时点P 表示的数,如果不能,请说明理由. A BC P 24。

2017-2018学年广东广州广州大学附属中学初一上学期期中考试卷第一部分积累与运用(37分)1下列词语中,加粗字读音全都正确的一项是( )A.酝酿(liànɡ)窠巢(kē)黄晕(yùn)发髻(jì)B.水藻(zǎo)贮蓄(chǔ)花苞(bāo)棱镜(lén)C.静谧(mì)高邈(miǎo)莅临(lì)吝啬(sè)D.卖弄(lòng)脑髓(suǐ)咄咄(duō)菜畦(qí)2下列词语中,没有错别字的一项是( )A.屋檐凄冷分岐人迹罕至B.倜傥喉咙睫毛疲卷不堪C.云宵粗犷干涩水波粼粼D.朗润嘹亮抖擞小心翼翼3下列各句中,加粗的词语使用不恰当的一项是( )A.上课铃响后,同学们兴奋地坐在教室里,迫不及待地想要见到新来的语文老师。
4下列句子中,没有语病的一项是( )A.阅读优秀的大量的文学作品,不仅能增长人的知识,而且能丰富人的情感。
5下列句子中,哪一句的修辞手法与其他各项不同( )A.春天像小姑娘,花枝招展的,笑着,走着。

广州市2017年秋季第一学期期中测试模拟卷七年级数学(问卷)(考查有理数,整式,一元一次方程)姓名:___________成绩:___________说明:1.全卷共三大题25小题,共120分.考试时间120分钟.2.答题前,考生务必在答卷上填好自己的相关信息.3.解答时不得使用计算器,必须将答案用黑色字迹钢笔或签字笔写在“答卷”指定的位置内.4.考试结束后,考生只须将答卷交回.一、选择题(本题有10个小题,每小题3分,共30分,下面每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个是正确的.)1.-2的倒数是( )A . 2-B .2C .12 D .21- 2.=---)1(|2|( )A . 1-B . 1C . 2D .33.过度包装既浪费资源又污染环境.据测算,如果全国每年减少10%的过度包装纸用量,那么可减排二氧化碳3120000吨.把数3120000用科学记数法表示为( )。
A . 53.1210⨯B .63.1210⨯C . 531.210⨯D .70.31210⨯4.下列式子中,是单项式的是( )。
A . 312xy -B . b a +C .12+xD . x1 5.下列方程中,是一元一次方程的是( )。
A . 5=+y xB . x x 892=-C .xx 11=- D .132=+x 6.若m xy 23-与8325y x n -是同类项,则m 、n 的值分别是( )。
A .2=m ,2=nB . 4=m ,1=nC .4=m ,2=nD .2=m ,3=n7.关于x 的方程60)1(4)(4=+--x x a 的解是1-=x ,则a 的值为( )。
A . 14-B .20C . 14D . 16-8.下列去括号或添括号的变形中,正确的是( )。
A .c b a c b a --=--32)3(2B .143)12(23-+=-+b a b aC. )32(32c b a c b a -+=-+ D .)(b a n m b a n m -+-=-+- 9.已知3||=a ,5||=b ,且0<ab ,那么b a +的值等于( )。

1(2(3456789101112 131415(16(17A (1)D (2)A (3)B (4)C(5)ECBDA18completes19hobbies20bell21protect22brightly23during241:to2:make3:friends4:with251:all2:over26六、阅读填空(共5题,每题1分,共5分)七、单词拼写(共6题,每题1分,共6分)八、完成句子(共7题,每题2分,共14分)3:the4:city1:a2:middle3:school4:student271:was2:good3:at4:dancing281:like2:to3:travel4:abroad291:often2:spends3:in4:doing301:provides2:with3:every4:day31I like many sports.32九、默写(共5题,每题1分,共5分)I enjoyed learning about different places in the world.33We must stop doing these things.34In autumn, everything changes.35People usually spend time with their relatives during the Spring Festival.36Dear Tom.Welcome to my home. I'm looking forward to your coming. Now let me tell you something about my family.There are three people in my family, my father, my mother and me. My father is a driver and my mother is a nurse. We live a busy but happy life. We usually have breakfast and dinner together. When we have time, we often talk with each other. But sometimes they are strict with me. For example, I have to go to bed before ten every night. At the weekends, we often visit my grandparents. Sometimes we go shopping together or have a short trip.I love my family and I am sure we will have a good time together.Yours,Li Ming 37十、书面表达(共10分)。

13 略
2017~2018学年广东广州越秀区广州大学附属中学 初一上学期期中语文试卷
1D 2A 3C 4C 5B
6 遥怜故园菊 2:不知何处吹芦管 3:山岛竦峙 4:枯藤老树昏鸦 5:博学而笃志 6:落花时节又逢君 (3) 1 我寄愁心与明月,随君直到夜郎西。 2 1:夕阳西下 2:断肠人在天涯
8 1:舍弃 2:同“否” 3:吃 4:传授,指老师传授的知识 5:相比
9 (1) “客路”指旅人前行的路(1分) ,“残夜”指夜将尽未尽之时(1分) (2) “当残夜还未消退之时,一轮红日已从海上升起;当旧年尚未逝去,江上已呈露春 意。”(2分)这句诗在描写江南早春特有的景色时,蕴含着一种新事物必将代替旧事 物的自然理趣,给人乐观、积极、向上的力量。
12 (1) 以求女儿成凤凰时,将有梧桐栖,(1分)或者女儿们长大以后,用梧桐木做嫁妆。 (2) 燕子每年都要迁徙一次,“我”家的梧桐树成了它们归来的家;(2分)“我”长年奔波在 外,故乡的家是“我”能够停歇的地方。(2分) (3) 运用了比喻、对比、拟人的修辞手法,(1分)把梧桐树比喻成女子,(1分)从“探出 头”可看出用了拟人,(1分)以及把“那些树”与梧桐作对比,(1分)突出了梧桐树花 期之迟,令人难以察觉。(1分) (4) 写出了燕子迁徙归来后在梧桐树上兴奋和鸣的情景。(2分)表达作者对这些活泼燕子 的喜爱之情。(2分) (5) 运用了想象的表现手法。(1分)作者运用想象,再加上深情的询问,表达了对燕子的 关切,(2分)也含蓄的表达了对故乡的思念,同时也起到了言有尽而意无穷的效果。 (2分)
10 (1) A (2) 1 正午过后客人还没有来,太丘便不再等候就走了,他走后客人才到。 2 友人惭愧,从车里下来,想要拉住元方。 (3) B

大广附2017-2018学年第一学期期中考试试卷初一英语第Ⅰ卷一、单选(共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)1.They want to have some______for supper,so they decide to catch______now.A.fishes,muchB.fish,someC.fish,muchD.fishes,many2.He wants to write down something,so he asks me for_____?A.a paperB.some papersC.a piece of paperD.some pieces of papers3.The little girl is good at______.She is able to sing more than 50 English songs.A.singB.singingC.singsD.sang4.My mother is______office worker.She works in______big company.A.a;theB.an;aC.the;aD.a;an5.---_____orange juice do you want?---A little,thanks.A.How manyB.How muchC.How longD.How old6.There_____still some milk in the fridge.We don’t need to buy any.A.wasB.isC.areD.has7._____is good for us_____every day.A.It,to playB.It,playC.This,to playD.This,play8.Mary often_____half an hour______to scool.A.spend,to walkB.spends,walkingC.spends,to walkD.spend,walking9.My house is far away_____the mountains.A.toB.atC.fromD.with10.---_____do you play computer games?---Every Sunday morning.A.How muchB.How longC.How oftenD.How many11.Where_____Lucy_____from?A.is,comeB.do,comeC.does,comeD.are,come12.Lily_____very well.A.enjoy play the violinB.enjoy playing the violinC.enjoys to play the violinD.enjoys playing the violin13.There_____a rugby match tomorrow afternoon.A.is going to haveB.haveC.will haveD.is going to be14.---___________?A.How’s the weather like in ShanghaiB.How’s the weather in ShanghaiC.What is the weather in ShanghaiD.Which is the weather in Shanghai15.It’s a good habit to keep the classroom______all the time.A.cleanlyB.clearlyC.clearD.clean二、语音(共10小题,每小题0.5分,共5分)第一节:找出划线部分读音与其他三个不同的单词16.A.kind B.know C.kite D.kilo17.A.close B.hobby C.orange D.not18.A.always B.caps C.makes D.hopes19.A.bright B.like C.English D.nice20.A.tooth B.cook C.book D.foot第二节:找出重音位置与其它三个不同的单词21.A.spring B.enjoy C.guitar D.pollute22.A.practice B.hobby C.grammar D.protect23.A.tomorrow rmation C.understand D.magazine24.A.photo B.away C.because D.remember25.A.daily B.article C.seldom D.together三、语法选择(每小题1分,共10分)I live with my father and mother in a very big house in Guangzhou. My parents are ___26___ very busy.They leave for work very early in the morning and ___27___ home late in the evening.When I am at home ___28___ weekends from school,we spend a lot of time together.We ___29___ about my studies,my health and my scool life.I love my parents very much.My grandparents are still living,but they ___30___ live with us.Their health ___31___ good and they both do sports very early in the morning.My grandmother ___32___ gymnastics(体操) with elderly(上年纪的) women in the park.Both of my grandparents play ___33___ basketball in the morning and sometimes they go swimming.I often play computer games ___34___ I like it so much.I watch cartoon movies with my parents ___35___.In long holidays we take trips,too.26.A.both B.two C.all D.second27.A.gets B.got C.get D.are getting28.A.for B.in C.at D.by29.A.talk B.talks C.talked D.are talking30.A.aren’t B.isn’t C.doesn’t D.don’t31.A.am B.be C.is D.are33.A.a B./ C.an D.the34.A.so B.but C.or D.because35.A.at Saturday B.on SaturdaysC.at the SaturdayD.on the Saturdays四、完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)New York,London,Paris and other cities are exciting places to live in.There are many interesting things to see and to do.You can go to different kinds of cinemas.There will be a lot of ___36___ for you to enjoy.You can also go shopping in ___37___ to buy things from all over the world.But there are serious ___38___ in big cities too.The cost of living is high,and there are ___39___ people in some of big cities.Every year many people ___40___ to the cities because there are some chances to ___41___ jobs,to study at good scools,and to receive good medical care.But sometimes these people cannot find work or a good place to live ___42___.Also,there are too many people in small space.It is hard to ___43___ the cities safe and clean.Some people enjoy living in ___44___ cities.Before people move to big cities,they should think about the problems of living there,or their lives will become ___45___.36.A.films B.books C.pictures D.animals37.A.bookshops B.supermarkets C.houses D.museumspetition B.problems C.people D.questions39.A.many B.no C.few D.every40.A.return B.want C.move D.like41.A.buy B.find C.sell D.leave42.A.with B.in C.on D./43.A.help B.find C.keep D.let44.A.beautiful B.quiet C.small D.big45.A.better B.bigger C.worse D.saller五、阅读理解(共15题,每题2分,共30分)AAnn lives in Edinburgh.It is a beautiful old city in Scoland.About 500,000 people live in Edinburgh.Ann is thirteen years old.She has long brown hair and wears glasses.Her sister,aileen,is always happy.She is ten.Their mother is very kind.She is an office worker.Their father is a policeman.He is very tall.On scool holidays,Ann likes to go to France,Spain and Canada.She also likes doing exercise.usually goes to scool by bus.On Thursday and Friday,she comes home on foot.There is no underground in Edinburgh.She always does her homework for one hour after dinner.At the weekend,she usually gets up at 9 o ’clock.She plays the piano for one hour.She likes going to her classmates ’ house.They talk and listen to music.She likes staying at h classmates ’house for one night.46.How many children are there in Ann ’s family?There are______.A.oneB.twoC.thereD.four47.Where does Ann study?A.In China.B.In the UK.C.In France.D.In Canada.48.When does Ann go home on foot?A.On Thursday and Friday.B.On Friday and Saturday.C.On Saturday and Sunday.D.On Monday and Tuesday.49.What does Ann do at the weekend?A.Does her homework.B.Does exercise.C.Goes shopping with her mother.D.Plays the piano.50.Which of the following is NOT true?A.Ann ’s father is an English policeman.B.Ann ’s sister is younger than her.C.People in Edinburgh can go to work on the underground.D.Students in England are free at weekends.BWe are Zuzia and Sara from Poland.Both of us are 11 years old.We started scool whenwe were 7.We will finish primary scool when we ’re 13 and secondary school when w16.Then we will go to high school for three or four years.And after the finalexams-matura ,we can continue studying at college or university.We go to school from Monday to Friday.We start school at 8:00 a.m.,and usually finish at 4:30p.m..The school year has 2 terms.The autumn term starts on 1st ,October,and wefinish it at the end of January.We have a holiday about two weeks at Christmas and atwo-week winter holiday in February.The second term starts in Februaryand finishes at the end of June.In March or April we have a six-day holiday at Easter.The summer holiday is about 9 or 10 weeks long.We like the holidays very,very much!!!Every year in September we celebrate the beginning of sports school year and then we have some sports competitions.51.If Zuzia and Sara finish high school,how old are they at least?A.13.B.16.C.19.D.21.52.What does the word “matura ”mean?C.The name of a university.D.The name of their high school53.When do the students in Poland have holidays according to the passage?A.At Christmas and on Thanksgiving Day.B.At Easter and Christmas.C.At Christmas and the Spring Festival.D.At Easter and on Mid-Autumn Day.54.How long does the summer holiday last?A.Two weeks.B.A month.C.More than two months.D.Half a year55.Which is the best title for this passage?A.School year in Poland.B.Primary students in Poland.C.Famous schools in Poland.D.Sports in Polish schools.CHave you ever walked into a room and felt relaxed?It could be because the walls were painted blue,a calm and peaceful color.Sometimes colors can affect our feelings and moods.Some colors can make us feelcalm and peaceful.Blue is one of these.Wearing blue clothes or sleeping in a blue room isgood for our mind and body,because this color makes a good feeling.Blue is also the colorof sadness,so you may say you’re feeling blue when you are feeling sad.White is another calm color.You should wear white clothes if you are feeling nervous.White is also thecolor of purity(纯洁).Many women like to be in white on their wedding day.Green is thecolor of nature,It can give us more energy when we are feeling tired.Some colors can make you feel warm.These colors can give you a happy feeling.Peoplewho live in cold climates use warm colors in their homes like orange and yellow insteadof white and blue.Orange shows joy.It can bring you success and cheer you up when you are feelingsad.Yellow is the color of the sun,so it can reind you of a warm,sunny day.Yellow is alsothe color of wisdom.Some people prefer this color when they study for exams.Forexample,they may use yellow school things.Red is one of the strong colors.Wearing redoften makes us active.In short,we can try out different colors if we aren’t feeling our best.56.According to the passage,which colors of the following can make you feel relaxed?A.Yellow.B.Orange.C.Red.D.White.She is blue today’.57.What’s the meaning of the sentence ‘A.She is angry.B.She is sad.C.She is bored.D.She is excited.58.Some students prefer yellow rulers or erasers when they study for exams becauseA.wisdomB.purityC.natureD.peace59.According to the passage,which of the following is NOT true?A.People who live in cold climates had better paint the walls of their houses white.B.Many women like to be in white on their wedding day because it’s the colorof_____.C.Sometimes colors can affect our feelings and moods.D.Wearing green can give us more energy when we are feeling tired.60.What’s the main idea of the passage?A.People like warm colors in daily life.B.There are many colors in our life.C.Colors can affect our feeling and moods.D.If you feel good,just use orange color.六、根据音标写单词。

广州英语初一上期中考试英语卷--广大附中(含答案)大广附2017-2018学年第一学期期中考试试卷初一英语第I卷一、单选(共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)1. They want to have some______ for supper, so they decide to catch ______now.A. fishes, muchB. fish, someC. fish, muchD. fishes, many2. He wants to write down something, so he asks me for_____?A. a paperB. some papersC. a piece of paperD. some pieces of papers3. The little girl is good at______. She is able to sing more than 50 English songs.A. singB. singingC. singsD. sang4. My mother is______ office worker. She works in ______big company.A. a; theB. an; aC. the; aD. a; an5. ---_____ orange juice do you want?---A little, thanks.A. How manyB. How muchC. How longD. How old6. There_____ still some milk in the fridge. We don’t need to buy any.A. wasB. isC. areD. has7._____ is good for us_____ every day.A. It, to playB. It, playC. This, to playD. This, play8. Mary often_____ half an hour______ to school.A. spend, to walkB. spends, walkingC. spends, to walkD. spend, walking9. My house is far away_____ the mountains.A. toB. atC. fromD. with10. ---_____ do you play computer games?---Every Sunday morning.A. How muchB. How longC. How oftenD. How many11. Where_____ Lucy_____ from?A. is, comeB. do, comeC. does, comeD. are, come12. Lily_____ very well.A. enjoy play the violinB. enjoy playing the violinC. enjoys to play the violinD. enjoys playing the violin13. There_____ a rugby match tomorrow afternoon.A. is going to haveB. haveC. will haveD. is going to be14. ---___________?---It’s cloudy.A. How’s the weather like in ShanghaiB. How’s the weather in ShanghaiC. What is the weather in ShanghaiD. Which is the weather in Shanghai15. It’s a good h abit to keep the classroom ______all the time.A. cleanlyB. clearlyC. clearD. clean二、语音(共10小题,每小题0. 5分,共5分)第一节:找出划线部分读音与其他三个不同的单词16. A. kindB. knowC. kiteD. kilo17. A. closeB. hobbyC. orangeD. not18. A. alwaysB. capsC. makesD. hopes19. A. brightB. likeC. EnglishD. nice20. A. toothB. cookC. bookD. foot第二节:找出重音位置与其它三个不同的单词21. A. springB. enjoyC. guitarD. pollute22. A. practiceB. hobbyC. grammarD. protect23. A. tomorrowB. informationC. understandD. magazine24. A. photoB. awayC. becauseD. remember25. A. dailyB. articleC. seldomD. together三、语法选择(每小题1分,共10分)I live with my father and mother in a very big house in Guangzhou. My parents are___26___ very busy. They leave for work very early in the morning and___27___ home late in the evening.When I am at home___28___ weekends from school, we spend a lot of time together. We___29___ about my studies, my health and my scool life. I love my parents very much.My grandparents are still living, but they___30___ live with us. Their health___31___ good and they both do sports very early in the morning. My grandmother___32___ gymnastics(体操) with elderly(上年纪的) women in the park. Both of my grandparents play___33___ basketball in the morning and sometimes they go swimming.I often play computer games___34___ I like it so much. I watch cartoon movies with myparents___35___. In long holidays we take trips, too.26. A. bothB. twoC. allD. second27. A. getsB. gotC. getD. are getting28. A. forB. inC. atD. by29. A. talkB. talksC. talkedD. are talking30. A. aren’tB. isn’tC. doesn’tD. don’t31. A. amB. beC. isD. are32. A. doesB. doC. is doingD. doing33. A. aB. /C. anD. the34. A. soB. butC. orD. because35. A. at SaturdayB. on SaturdaysC. at the SaturdayD. on the Saturdays四、完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)New York, London, Paris and other cities are exciting places to live in. There are many interesting things to see and to do. You can go to different kinds of cinemas. There will be a lot of___36___ for you to enjoy. You can also go shopping in___37___ to buy things from all over the world.But there are serious___38___ in big cities too. The cost of living is high, and there are___39___ people in some of big cities. Every year many people___40___ to the cities because there are some chancesto___41___ jobs, to study at good schools, and to receive good medical care. But sometimes these people cannot find work or a good place to live___42___. Also, there are too many people in small space. It is hard to___43___ the cities safe and clean.Some people enjoy living in___44___ cities. Before people move to big cities, they should think about the problems of living there, or their lives will become___45___.36. A. filmsB. booksC. picturesD. animals37. A. bookshopsB. supermarketsC. housesD. museums38. A. competitionB. problemsC. peopleD. questions39. A. manyB. noC. fewD. every40. A. returnB. wantC. moveD. like41. A. buyB. findC. sellD. leave42. A. withB. inC. onD. /43. A. helpB. findC. keepD. let44. A. beautifulB. quietC. smallD. big45. A. betterB. biggerC. worseD. smaller五、阅读理解(共15题,每题2分,共30分)AAnn lives in Edinburgh. It is a beautiful old city in Scotland. About 500, 000 people live in Edinburgh. Ann is thirteen years old. She has long brown hair and wears glasses. Her sister, Aileen, is always happy. She is ten. Their mother is very kind. She is an office worker. Their father is a policeman. He is very tall.On school holidays, Ann likes to go to France, Spain and Canada. She also likes doing exercise.On weekdays, Ann gets up at seven o’clock. She goes to school at about 8 o’clock. She usually goes to school by bus. On Thursday and Friday, she comes home on foot. There is no underground in Edinburgh. She always does her homework for one hour after dinner.At the weekend, she usually gets up at 9 o’clock. She plays the piano for one hour. She likes going to her classmates’ house. They talk and listen to music. She likes staying at her classmates’ house for one night.46. How many children are there in Ann’s family? There are______.A. oneB. twoC. thereD. four47. Where does Ann study?A. In China.B. In the UK.C. In France.D. In Canada.48. When does Ann go home on foot?A. On Thursday and Friday.B. On Friday and Saturday.C. On Saturday and Sunday.D. On Monday and Tuesday.49. What does Ann do at the weekend?A. Does her homework.B. Does exercise.C. Goes shopping with her mother.D. Plays the piano.50. Which of the following is NOT true?A. Ann’s father is an English policeman.B. Ann’s sister is younger than her.C. People in Edinburgh can go to work on the underground.D. Students in England are free at weekends.BWe are Zuzia and Sara from Poland. Both of us are 11 years old. We started school when we were 7. We will finish primary school when we’re 13 and secondary school when we’re 16. Then we will go to high school for three or four years. And after the final exams-Matura, we can continue studying at college or university.We go to school from Monday to Friday. We start school at 8:00 a. m. ,and usually finish at 4:30p. m.. The school year has 2 terms. The autumn term starts on 1st, October, and we finish it at the end of January. We have a holiday about two weeks at Christmas and a two-week winter holiday in February. The second term starts in February and finishes at the end of June. In March or April we have asix-day holiday at Easter. The summer holiday is about 9 or 10 weeks long. We like the holidays very, very much!!!Every year in September we celebrate the beginning of sports school year and then we have some sports competitions.51. If Zuzia and Sara finish high school, how old are they at least?A. 13.B. 16.C. 19.D. 21.52. What does the word “Matura “mean?A. The final exams.B. A college.C. The name of a university.D. The name of their high school53. When do the students in Poland have holidays according to the passage?A. At Christmas and on Thanksgiving Day.B. At Easter and Christmas.C. At Christmas and the Spring Festival.D. At Easter and on Mid-Autumn Day.54. How long does the summer holiday last?A. Two weeks.B. A month.C. More than two months.D. Half a year55. Which is the best title for this passage?A. School year in Poland.B. Primary students in Poland.C. Famous schools in Poland.D. Sports in Polish schools.CHave you ever walked into a room and felt relaxed? It could be because the walls were painted blue, a calm and peaceful color.Sometimes colors can affect our feelings and moods. Some colors can make us feel calm and peaceful. Blue is one of these. Wearing blue clothes or sleeping in a blue room is good for our mind and body, because this color makes a good feeling. Blue is also the color of sadness, so you may say you’re feeling blue when you are feeling sad. White is another calm color. You should wear white clothes if you are feeling nervous. White is also the color of purity(纯洁). Many women like to be in white on their wedding day. Green is the color of nature, It can give us more energy when we are feeling tired.Some colors can make you feel warm. These colors can give you a happy feeling. People who live in80. I love dancing very much. My d_____________is to become a dancer.八、连词成句(把所给的词重新排列,连成语句通顺的句子,注意使用动词的正确形式)(共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)81. make friends, Tom, with, want, in, the, class, to, everyone_____________________________________________________________________82. not, the river, put, polluted water, into, must, we_____________________________________________________________________83. winter, weather, in, start, get, to, cold, the_____________________________________________________________________84. me, is, interesting, take, it, to, trip, a, for_____________________________________________________________________85. ten books, and, the, desk, a pen, there is, on_____________________________________________________________________九、完成句子(共20空,每空0. 5分,共10分)86. 妈妈为我们提供了一个温暖的家。