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I. 在下列句子的空格中填上a, an或者the, 不需要的地方用“/”

1. This is ______ old map. It is ______ useful map.

2. We have no classes in ______ afternoon on _______ Saturday.

3. There is ______ interesting picture on ______ wall.

4. Which is ______ biggest, ______ sun, ______ moon, or ______ earth?

5. --- Which picture is more beautiful? --- ______one on ______ left, I think.

6. After ______ breakfast he went to ______ school on ______ foot.

7. He likes playing ______ football. His sister likes playing ______ piano.

II. 单项选择:

1. 上学 A. go to school B. go to the school C. go to a school

2. 步行 A. on foot B. on the foot C. on feet

3. 乘公共汽车 A. take bus B. by bus C. by the bus

4. 在家 A. at the home B. at a home C. at home

5. 跳高 A. jump high B. high jump C. the high jump

6. 坐飞机 A. by air B. by the air C. on air

7. 乘火车 A. by the train B. by train C. on train

8. 睡觉 A. go to bed B. go to the bed C. go to a bed

9. 玩得痛快 A. have good times B. have a good time C. have good times III. 选择填空:

1. There is ______ old woman in the car.

A. /

B. the

C. a

D. an

2. Bill is ______ English teacher. He likes playing ______ football.

A. a, the

B. an, the

C. a, /

D. /, /

3. This is ______ interesting story-book and it is also ______ useful one.

A. a, a

B. an, an

C. an, a

D. a, an

4. They passed our school ______ day before yesterday.

A. an

B. one

C. a

D. the

5. Australia is ______ English-speaking country.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. /

6. Don’t play ______ basketball here. It’s dangerous.

A. a

B. an

C. /

D. the

7. This is ______ apple. It’s _______ big apple.

A. an, a

B. a, the

C. a, an

D. an, the

8. This is _______ twelfth birthday of me.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. some

9. This is _____ orange. _______ orange is on the table.

A. a, The

B. an, The

C. an, An

D. the, An

10. Have you had ______ breakfast?

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. /

11. After ______ supper, he stayed at home and played ______ violin.

A. the, the

B. /, the

C. /, a

D. /, /

12. ______ tall man over there is our ______ English teacher.

A.A, the

B. The, a

C. A, an

D. The, /



1._______ (我) love my parents, and _________(他们) love _________ (我), too.

2.——Do you know the Smiths?

—— Yes, _________ (他们) are doctors.

3.——I know _________(他们) very well. Who’s that girl with long hair?

—— __________(她) is Jane.

4.Tom is a student. _________(他) likes helping others and ________ (我们) all like

_______ (他).

5.I have a dog. ________ (它) is very clever(聪明). I often play with _______ (它).

6.I have a sister. ___________ (她的) name is Kate. _________ (她) is my friend.

7.___________ (他的) son is in America.

8.Here comes the twins. I like ___________ (她们的) songs very much.

9.Mary is __________ (我们的) teacher. We have a lot of fun in _________ (她的) class.

10.Look at the cat! Do you know __________ (它的) name?


1. Is this_____dictionary?

A. you

B. yours

C. your

D. hers

2. It’s a bird. ______name is Happy.

A. It’s

B. It

C. Its

D. His

3. Please give the key to_____.
