



There are three mosquitoes “living” in a house. Every day they suck blood and sing songs, not to mention how happy they are. Just now they attacked the sleeping boy and sucked a lot of blood.


“Buzzing and buzzing”, the three mosquitoes s ing a song and excitedly vibrate their wings, as if to celebrate another blood sucking success. But they didn't find that a man was walking towards them with a mosquito swatter “Crack”! With a crisp sound, a mosquito fell on the table, but it didn't die, but a pair of wings were damaged. He touched his hand and said, “don't worry about me, hurry up...” “Pa” words did not finish, it was killed by the man, the other two

mosquitoes saw, fight to fly out of the sight of the man.


They fly and fly until they are tired. At this time, when someone wants to go into the bedroom, they cling to the person tightly and go into the bedroom. At this time, they are hungry. So when people lie on the bed and have a voice, they will ignore the 3721 to suck on it. Unexpectedly, just after sucking out a bag, one of the mosquitoes will be flattened by the itchy person” Mosquito “matter, the third mosquito saw this scene was stunned, hurriedly escaped from the house.


When the mosquito escaped from the house, he lived a long summer until it rained heavily in autumn, so the poor mosquito died in the heavy rain.
