有效的观点反馈需要注意以下几点:1. 表达自己的观点当别人给出观点时,你可以选择赞同、反对或提出自己的补充观点。
”2. 提供理由和例证赞同或反对某个观点时,最好给出相应的理由和例证来支持你的观点。
”3. 注意语气和语态观点反馈时,要注意使用适当的语气和语态。
以下是一些回应观点的技巧:1. 进行进一步的提问回应对方的观点时,可以通过提问来进一步了解对方的立场和理由。
例如,对方说“大学生活是人生中最美好的阶段”,你可以追问:“你认为大学生活之所以美好,主要是因为什么呢?”2. 与对方的观点进行比较或对比回应对方的观点时,可以选择与之进行比较或对比,进一步拓展讨论的深度。
智 课 网 雅 思 备 考 资 料雅思写作知识点系列之支持反对类-智课教育出国考试备考雅思写作需要考生投入一定的时间与精力,对于每个知识点都要牢记。
雅思写作Task 2的第二种题型是支持反对类题目。
与观点比较类提供2种观点不同的是,支持反对类题目只提供1种观点,要求考生在比较该观点本身优缺点的基础上,明确提出对这种观点的态度,即它是否可行/有用/正确/利大于弊……如果说观点比较类题目比较像英语中的Whic h引导的特殊疑问句,必须二选一才能作答的话,那么支持反对类题目更像是Do或Be动词引导的一般疑问句,只需要用yes或no就可以决定回答的问题。
例题:You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.Write about the following topic:Drivers should pay a certain amount of fee to drive on the city streets during the busiest hours of a day. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.本题要求考生对“城市里交通高峰时段开车收费”这一观点表明态度。
我们下面就结合 本题的范文进行一下分析。
范文与解析:As the traffic in big cities is continuously worsening, many suggestions have been proposed to put a stop to the problem. Among the suggestions is one that argues drivers should pay a certain amount of fee to drive on the city streets during the busiest hours of a day. I find this idea reasonable and probably effective if put into practice.作者先用一句话概括话题背景,即“大城市交通恶化,提议纷至沓来”,继而把话题聚焦到其中的一条建议,即本题的核心观点“交通高峰时开车收费“ 。
抽象和哲学话题1. 关于童年是否美好的讨论0071020(G)Many adults think the childhood and schooldays are the best years of a person's life. What's the reason? Do you agree or disagree童年的美好1.可以有很多梦想Can have many dreams of life 而成人意味着现实的压力adulthood is dulled by practical life pressure2.小时候没有责任,大人需要承担太多的责任,社会的家庭的工作上的we are not responsible to anybody, while being an grown-up, we need to shouldern too many repsonsibilities from family, society, and occupation3.小孩子只扮演一个角色children need to play one role, that is children. 但是大人们需要扮演太多的角色;but adults need to have numberous role and deal with all kinds of complicated and sophisticated, subtle relationships, they make people stressful and tired4.小孩子不用为生计担心children do not need to worry about their living; 但是大了以后,必须努力工作才能维持自我和家庭but after growing up, they need to work around the clock to raisea family and themselves5.小孩子有更多的时间玩耍,而大人的世界是工作和责任children have more time to play, while adults' world is full of work and responsibilities6.也许我们大人不开心,也是因为我们有更多的欲望;对于小孩子一块糖果一个笑话是最大的快乐,但是perhaps the reason why adults are not happy is that they have too many desires: big house, a luxury car, a world wide tour, higher positions, better reputation and so on; these endless desires bows the heart and wrinkle their face. While for a child, a small lolly or a common joke can make him or her happy.7.小孩子更加有真正的友谊现在是背叛和物质主义we have the most trustworthy friendship, while we now are have doubt and scepticism8.小孩子有更加真诚的关系: children's relationship is easy and innocent; while ours is complicated and demanding to deal with童年的不好1.有太多的功课要做childhood is a life of homework; our school bag is filled with textbooks2.童年意味着很少的独立childhood represents little or no independence;3.童年就像是父母的附属品,不能自己做决定children are like parents' accessories; no right of making decisions for themselves4.童年意味着被管束childhood means being controled by parents, teachers2. 未来的重要性080216“Tomorrow is the most important thing in life.” - US movie actor & director John Wayne . Why is it important for individuals and countries to think about the future rather than focusing on the present?未来的重要性:1.未来有更多的可能性,现在已经相对静止the present is relatively stable, static;many current situations are even irrevocable ; 将来是动态的the future is dynamic; and the future represent potentials2.未来的目标,让人们有更多的动力people usually set up objectives for the future; think ofmany possibilities of their tomorrow; all of these work as the goal of their life, and give people more incentives to fight against the difficulties in their life; give more aspirations for the life, make them more creative3.未来是浪漫的,是富有想象的,而现实总是残酷的,是现实的,人们喜欢展望未来,虽然现实的奋斗必不可少the future is romantic and imaginative; it reflects people's good will of their lives; while the present means the reality, which is demanding and challenging, and full of practical problems; people like to look forward to the future probabilities, although hard work in the real world is indispensable4.未来让人们更加的乐观,现实的情况往往无法改变,而且现实对于很多人来说不是最满意的,有很多需要改进的,而人们所设定的美好未来让人们更加的乐观the future makes people more optiisitic, while the reality is not changeable, and it is unsatisfactory for many, need improvements; the goals and ideologies they set for tomorrow make them more enthusiastic about fighting against the pain, hardships, depression and frustration of real life5.对于国家而言,不管是发达国家还是发展中国家都有自己的问题,这些问题让人们失望,压抑郁闷;但是他们必须描绘美好的未来给人民for countries, the future is even more significant; no matter they are developed or undeveloped, all nations are confronted with countless social, economic or even political problems, all of which make people upset and depressed. To arouse confidence and enthusiasm of developing the country, or to promote political party loyalty, or to ensure a national productivity, an attractive and fascinating future of the country is depicted and presented to citizens.反对未来1.有人认为应该更加关注现在,因为现在才使人们可以尝试去改变的;而未来只是空想others focus more on the present; because the preent is what we can attempt to change while the future is just human being's finest imaginations and illusions2.人们对现在可以控制people can have a handle over the present , while it is not possible to control what the future would become3.只有现在的努力才有未来;所以应该注重现在the present hard work ensures our future4.忽视现在是不敢面对苦难的懦弱心理,没有现在的积极努力,未来没有保证neglecting the present is a mentality of shrinking in front of hardships, and timidity;5.关注未来让人们消磨意志,浪费时间focusing much on the future kills one's resolution and waste his or her time动物类话题060527Some people think that the use of animal for experimentation is cruel. Other think it is good for the development of science.用动物做实验有利还是过于残忍与之非常的相似的是080202Some people think it is acceptable to use animals for the benefit of humans. Other people think it is wrong to exploit animals for human purposes. Discuss both views and give your own opinionFor the use of animals5.科学研究,实验室试验,需要使用动物many animals are of great experimental value to the scientific and technological advancements6.比如关于物种演化,基因遗传规律的研究,必须使用动物做实验biologists claim that animals offer evolutionary evidence of species, and help unveil the mysteries of the nature7.人们因为追求经济利益,或者医学上的用处,或者自私的其他目的而使用甚至杀害动物animals are used or even killed for the pursuit of economic or medical purposes, or any other selfish objectives8.许多对动物的试验,虽然是为了人类的目的,但是同时也是帮助了动物,比如人们使用动物预报自然灾害,其实也帮助了动物many scientists goes even further to argue that although superficially many uses of animals are for humans, actually they are also for animals well-being. Eg, animals are expected to forecast earthquakes or floods in dangerous natural surroundings, but on receiving feedback from animals, humans are able to initiate the efforts of saving animals as well as themselves.9.通过动物研究,了解动物生存的规律,环境的关系,从而更好的帮助动物animal researches can indicate the ways they depend on the ecology, and the survival relationships with the environment. All of these information obtained would benefit animals' sustainable existence and development.Against:1.生命的权力是平等的,而动物也是生命it is self-evident that all lives on the earth are equal, so are animals; mankind does not have the privileges to deprive animals of lives2.只是为了人类的利益,自私,杀死动物是为了肉humans disturb animals only for their own interests , many animals are killed for meat, just to enrich their recipes.3.或者用于工业生产,作为原材料animals species are traded as industrial raw materials and manufactured into finished products such as pig belt, crocodile shoes or whale oil4.动物是人类的朋友animals are hamans' friends; co-exist with us on the same planet5.是生态系统的重要组成部分animal species have an important part to play in ecosystem;担心这种情况对于生态的影响it is feared that the extinction of animal species has catastrophic impacts on the extremely vulnerable environment and ecosystem6.对动物的滥杀,导致生态系统破坏slaughter of animals upset the ecosystem and make many animal species endangered; the number of them decrease at an astounding rate; 人类的生存环境也因此造成破坏human's living environment is thus seriously threatened7.杀害动物是因为人类的残忍,和对生命的轻视slauther of animals is because of humans' cruelty; is the reflection of uncontrolled and uncivilised animal instincts of man8.人类好斗心理的发泄在杀害动物上面man's aggressive emotions and the pent-up primal urge of injuring and killing are released and gratified through killing animals9.打着科学研究,为人类的福利的口号而残害动物hurt animals with the noble slogan 'for the sake of man's welfare and scientific research'资源和环境讨论话题A: 旅行对于环境/能源的影响(参考社会类考题G)==> 剑5的第4套题第一篇文章话题B: 关于耗油方面,到底是禁止飞机还是禁止汽车使用禁止飞机1.能源处于危险的水平the natural resources and fuel are above a dangerous level2.能源的储量急剧减少the total reserve of global reserve is decreasing at an astouding rate3.飞机意味着速度,但是是以高消耗为代价air flight is efficient, but it is at the cost of high consumption of fuel4.短短一次1个小时飞行往往使用的耗油量是成倍上千辆汽车一天的使用量:the fuel used to fly for a short hour can be used to drive hundreds of cars for a whole day5.很多人认为飞机旅游是一种奢侈,many believe air flight is a luxury6.另外,由于耗油更多,飞机往往比较昂贵,是满足那些富人们需要的,是那些商人们需要的,而穷人们只能使用更加廉价的交通方式--汽车air flights cost more fuel in a single trip, so normally are considered a luxury, seems that they are invented only to gratify the rich's or wealthy businessmen's demands; while the poor only use the relatively less expesensieve tranportation. This is a 'transportation gap' between differnt group of people in many countries.7.,有些人只是为了舒适和刺激,忽视环保some people are just fond of excitements of traveling in the air, but they ingore environmnetal prolems that planes cause.禁止汽车(剑3 test 4, passage 1)1.汽车每次只使用几个人the avarage number of car users is much smaller than that of air travels, so the use of cars is not as efficient as air planes2.当人的油耗比飞机高得多the fuel comsumption per user is much higher than that of air planes3.全世界的汽车持有量已经达到上亿辆,这些汽车每天总的排量是飞机的几千甚至几万倍the total amount of cars is reported to amount up to 100 million, their carbon dioxide or sulphur dioxide emission is thousands times more than that of airplanes4.除了油,汽车使用的土地面积非常大apart from the use of fuel,cars use more land space, need to invest in building roads for cars, and large quantities of land is occupies by car users5.有些国际旅行只能用飞机some international or overseas travel could only be done through planes6.汽车作为路面交通,可以使用更多的替代性的,更加环保的方式cars, as a kind of land transportation model, can be substitued by more economical, more environmentally friendly ways--- public transportation, which can hold more users at one time, which means less emission per person or less total emission in the long term7.通过补贴,提供更加廉价的公共交通;提高环保意识;鼓励使用公共交通;修建更多的公共交通设施;对私有汽车征收耕种的税收;对道路使用的个人征税;提高汽油税收;要求生产更加干净的车子provide subsidy for public transportation users; more inexpensive buses, or subways; raise awareness of environmental protection; encourage citizens to use more public transportation; build more public transportation infrastructures and facilities; stricter and higher taxes upon private cars; charge those private road users; increase gas and fuel taxes and prices; require the car producers to manufacture cleaner cars8.State regulations are forcing manufacturees to try to sell cleaner cars. Another solution could be to rent out road space to users.国家政策强制生产商销售干净的车子;另外一个解决方案就是把道路租借给使用者话题C. 发展和能源环境的关系能源使用的问题9.导致能源储量减少lead to the rapid reduction in the resreve of fuel10.污染的加重the exacerbation of polluting the planet11.给未来的经济发展带来威胁pose a great threat on future economic development, 过于依赖于fuel 等传统能源,将会让人们失去创造力,因此当能源用完的一天,将无法面对over-dependence on the traditional resources can make people lose creativity of producing substitue ones, or to seek other solutions, once the inevitable depletion of resources arrives, find it hard to cope with12.给环境和生态的平衡带来极大的压力pose extremely challenging pressure on the environment and the ecology13.带来空气污染deteriorate the air pollution, traditional fuel is not clean, the emission and particulate matter in smoke pollute the air, forming acid, erode the topsoil, reduce the productivity of farmland; undermine people's respiratory health; enter the food chain, ultimately cause harm to natural species and human beings14.污染水源contaminate the water supply, pose great threat against people's health解决方法10.控制经济发展模式adjust business model;限制能源消耗性的经济发展restrict the development of resource-dependent economies11.发展替代能源encourage and subsidise the development of substitute resources12.对工业能源的使用征税,tax the industrial use of fuels and other resourece13.控制和减少二氧化碳等温室气体的排放control or diminish the emission of greenhouse gases,such carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide, etc.话题A: 关于远程教育For(支持):●增加教育的内容选择improve the flexibility of education in terms of space, time ,choiceof content or teaching resources●按照自己的进度进行学习,自己决定Study at their own pace Have rapid and easy access toinformation●以学生为中心的教学Student-centered education●促进师生之间的互动enhance the interaction between students and the teacher /获得及时地反馈instant feedback●促进职业技能V ocational skills●减少通勤的时间reduce the commuting time;●帮助老师平衡好个人工作和生活help teachers balance overburdened teaching tasks andpersonal livesAgainst(反对):●Lack of interaction 缺少互动●Emotional support 情感支持●no discipline 没有纪律●No supervision and necessary stress to meet a certain standard or time limit for anassignment 没有监管●Difficult to vividly convey feeling or knowledge 很难生动的表达思想●Not sufficient, teachers' personal experience on the knowledge is the key component oflearning 没有足够的老师的个人经验,而这是学习的最重要的核心的东西话题B: 关于学生是否应该穿校服的讨论For1.是学生的标志serve as an identity of students, to live a collective life, to identify students as part of a collective2.给学生一种归属感give students a sense of belonging to an identical organisation3.锻炼学生的服从意识implement and enforce a sense of obedience,--> students this age should learn the importance of surrendering personal standards to larger authorities4.不会产生很多等级感觉students of higher or lower status need to wear the same uniform, convey a singnal to students that all men are equal5.父母亲也加入赞同的行列,因为减低了经济压力parents immediately join in the postive team, because it reduce their economic burden反对:1.扼杀学生的个性it depletes/ restricts students' unique personality; dress is a sign of personality and personal characteristics2.不必要的对学生的个人权利的限制unnecessary and unreasonable/ irrational confinement upon students' freedom and rights3.Deprive students of the right of independence剥夺学生的自由4.限制学生的创造力,因为给学生一个暗示:和别人一样很重要,而独特的个人特征不被支持Confine students' creativity in some ways because it gives students an implication that being the same with others is emphasised rather than unique individual characteristics5.校服对于很多家庭而言是一项经济负担pose a degree of economic burden on parents. Because parent have prepared clothes for children, most of which are suitable for school use, buying uniform is an extra uncessary cost for many households.话题C 竞争还是合作Competition10.让学生懂得只有通过一定的竞争才能获得成功Make students learn and accept competition is the most common path to success11.帮助学生追求卓越help students achieve excellence , in the process of competition, students find their weakness/ the areas they need to better, which gives them stimuli to make progress12.是社会进步和生物进化的源泉it is where prosperity and evolution comes from. In the process, humans become ever increasingly powerful. Children need to learn to compete to make themselves and the whole society stronger and more competitive13.通过竞争挖掘潜能to develop children's largest potential14.适应今后的生活under the shelter of parents or elders, children would be unadaptable to future challenges.15.外部的动力External incentive for them to advance16.成功和失败的经验,让孩子知道如何去面对和处理失败和从成功中去学习Experience of failure or success could be of great value for children, learn to face and deal with failures and to learn from successCo-operation1.互相学习Learn from each other, not just to win their 'opponents'2.更好的互信和信任Build up mutual trust and faith3.理解成功在于合作不是竞争Understand that success lies in co-operation, not competition4.社会结构尤其是商业领域,合作受到极大的重视The social structure and the modern business areas, co-operation is valued/5.理解自己的弱项和强项,学会把自己融入团队来克服己方的弱点Understand their weakness and strength, and learn to melt into a team to overcome his or her weakness6.理解在团队中的重要性,而不是个人英雄主义Understand the importance of working in a teamn, not individual 'heroism'7.更多地向同伴学习的机会,更多精神和情感的支持More chance of learning from peers/. More mental or emotional support/话题D 学生是否应该评价老师For:1.从商业角度看commercially, 学生是客户,而老师是提供服务的一方,因此有权利提出评价students, as the customers , naturally have the right to give comments or evaluate the service they receive2.学生的督促可以给老师提高改进教学的压力could pose great pressure on teacher to better their teaching quality and service3.学生作为接受教学服务的人,能够更好地指出老师需要提高的方面as the party to receiveteaching service, students can identify teachers' problems and weakness more directly and specifically.4.节省教育监管的资源,提高教学管理的效率students evaluation could be good source of feedback about teachers' teaching quality and progress, making the administrative management more efficient and effective, and saving educational resources in many ways5.迅速了解学生的需求know students' demand and needs rapidly and constantly make responses accordingly6.给学生一个意识,即即使权威人物也是可以评价和反驳的,促进其独立思考的意识Give them a sense that the authoritative figures in an institution could also be evalued and even opposed, thus improve their awareness of independent thinking,而不是盲目崇拜,从而失去自己的思想instead of the blind worship of authorityAgainst:14.让学生变得没有礼貌impair students manners15.让学生随意的挑战权威,那么原有的规定和秩序将被打破,产生很多的不良效果students could willingly challenge authorties, breaks the established rules and orders, it would act in aharmful way16.学生变得非常好斗students become very agressive,不愿意服从become disobedient, arrogant, over-ambitious and under-achieving17.给老师带来更大的精神压力bring about larger psychological stress, over-burdended teachers would be feeling deceasing occupational securities.18.学生的评价不尽客观,和成熟不全面,甚至不专业,有很强的个人喜好色彩,对老师不公平students evaluations are not objective, not comprehensive, not professional, and out of personal distastes, all of these could make the situation quite unfair to teachers19.伤害师生的感情undermine teaher-student relationship and interactions话题E 学校中的男女生问题(共校co-education)For:1.学校应该是真实的互动场景the school should be a genuine panorama of society made up of different genders.2.学会如何和异性沟通,如何打交道learn how to approach and communicate and interact with the opposite gender.3.适应多样性的环境adapt to a varied environment which is composed by different genders, orvarious socio-economic backgrounds.4.男女生可以互相帮助it is interesting to find that students in the same gender group tend to be aggressive to each other, but less to peers of different gender. Therefore, it would be more likely for students to live in a more peaceful environment.5.有益于青春期的心理发展students that age are curious about the opposite gender, and this adolescent emotions could be appropriately developed through interacting with the other gender\6.可以保证教育的平等性make people understand that everybody is the same, and should receive the same education. Give children an awareness that they should learn to accept the equality between genders7.Social skills, / co-operational skills between genders 社交技能/ 性别间的合作技能Against:1.干扰彼此的学习interfere with their studies, 因此情感特征because of their adolescent emotional characteristics; 尽管有一定的指导,但是男女同校会给学生带来很大的威胁,尤其是女同学in spite of a certain degree of guidance available, the educational practice still poses huge risks upon students, especially those female students.2.注意力转移distract from study 因为大家对异性的好奇/吸引异性的注意力,促使大家很大的精力放在这方面Because of biological or genetic human nature, those young students are curious about 'the other bank of the river', which takes them plenty of invaluable time.3.早熟的孩子可能会早恋those precocious children are likely to have their puppy love early4.管理上更加麻烦,because the school administration needs to consider more factors when there are different genders studying at the same school. 学校的运营曾本更高schools would need to provide more facilities, this is due to the fact that many facilities suitable for one gender would not be suitable for the other gende5.导致更多的暴力和好斗行为,尤其是男孩子it is increasing problem that children tend to be more aggressive and violent, especially those male students, because they are interested in 'making friends ' with the same female classmate.6.由于不足够的学校监管,很多异性孩子未婚同居,导致过早怀孕,带来一系列的问题Due to insufficiency of school supervision, many students are living together unmarried, which leads to many problems including unmarried pregnancy, and young mothers.话题F 如何帮助新生适应新的环境分析问题1.孤独loneliness, isolation2.自卑inferiority emotion3.想念家乡home-sickness4.对新环境的不确定uncertainty of new surroudings财务上的问题the financial burden on them/ the concern for family住宿的费用accomodations攀比be forced to campare their personal financial states with others语言和文化Fail to understand the local dialect/ accentSlangs and idiomsCultural shock/ conflicts/ misunderstandingWay of life/ thinkingEven the food does not suit their taste教师的教学上New methodology/ new facilities, new requirements/ new procedures/ discriminations/ bully from senior students如何解决问题:1.School teachers and administrations should be aware and pay attention to this problem and attach great importance to this issue2.Orientation class; make them familiar with the requirements and better melt into new people and environments3.咨询机构consultation and assistance organs4.更多的校园活动more campus acitivities5.更多的个性化的支持more individual support6.提供相应的工作机会more formal or informal employment opportunities新生自己如何做1.学会自理和自立learn to care for themselves and be independent2.更加得主动more initiatives to participate in activities3.寻求帮助willing to invite assistance from professionals and peers4.精神上做好准备迎接挑战psychologically prepared for new challenges5.与家人,同学保持很好的联系和沟通keep intemate touch with tachers, parents and peers6.愿意学习great enthusiasm to learn话题G关于给孩子零花钱For1.让他们知道如何花钱teach them how to spend mone, understand the what money can do for them2.培养独立的做事情的意识pocket money can give them a certain degree of independence, make their own decision3.Teach them how to finance themselves reasonalby, how to live in budgets; parents can give specific guidance4.早期的养成良好的消费习惯financial capabilities should be part of early education, parents can monitor and guide children in terms of their spending habits, financing strategies5.让孩子学会区分优先选择learn to prioritize the things they want to buy, and gradually learn to prioritize the things they want to doAgainst:1.从小关注物质的东西it is harmful for children to focus on material things when they are still young2.给孩子错误的假象give children a false impression that everyhing needs to be paid3.增加家庭经济负担4.孩子们没有很好的指导,会浪费金钱withouth supervison and guidance, children get into the habit of wasting money/ squander/话题H 先天还是后天Nature:1.基因的因素在生理上决定智力推理能力甚至是脾性Genetic, inherited characteristics could biologically determine their inteligence/ reasoning capabilites or even temper permanently2.Research relating to identical twins shows that inherited characteristics can have a powerful effect on one's personality针对双胞胎儿童的研究发现,继承的基因影响个性3.Biologically, human beings inherit genetic characteristics from their parents or ancestral generations人类继承祖先的基因4.Like father, like son 有其父必有其子5.A fox can grow grey but never good. 江山易改,秉性难移Nurture:15.Cultural background文化背景16.Social requirements shape the personality社会要求可以改变一个人的个性17.Ethnical characteristics, people of the same ethnic group have similar way of thinking and personality族群的特征18.道德规范Ethical standard determine a man's behavior patterns; must be accepted by a society or a culture; for example, if a community adore a peaceful man, then the members are more likely to be good-tempered19.教育后天的培训也会改变个性education/ traning/ nurture one receives20.与之交往的人the people they meet and have complex, important interaction with, would largely influence their personality21.后天的兴趣爱好hobbies interests they develop in life22.后面的变化constantly make response and adjustments to external environments话题I: 学生出去工作或者旅游的好处坏处For1.可以学会更多的知识could learn more knowledge and experience of the world2.有更多的个人资源可以依赖more personal resources to draw on3.更加的自立more independent4.对于学生生活很有帮助it is beneficial for them to deal with challenges of student life5.变得经济上独立become economically independent6.社交技能social skills7.开阔眼界broaden horizen/ have broader views of lfieAgainst:6.觉得做工作更重要Find it more useful to continue in a particular job7.很难重新适应学校氛围end up finding it difficult to readapt to academic environment8.干扰学习interfere with their studies9.占用时间occupy plenty of study time10.容易受到一些剥削become victims of commercial expoitation because of their lack of social experience and skills11.容易造成不必要的学习压力create more academic stress12.受到社会的不良影响children are exposed to some bad behavior or uneducated way of thinking outside the campus, easily negatively be affected by the society科技类话题话题A: 太空探险对生活的好处:1.促进科技的发展enhance scientific development of a country; 太空探险的任务完成,需要很多相关的科技的研究发明,这些科技将会被用于民用领域,提升人民的生活质量space travel programs involve numerous scientific and technological inventions , which can be applied to gratify civil demands and better citizens' living standard.2.促进对外部世界,甚至是整个宇宙的了解promote mankind's understanding of the external world- the universe.3.探索未知世界是人类的本性it is human nature to explore the world unknown;4.人类可以通过太空探索,尤其是类似星球的研究,来更好地了解地球得起源,发展过程,更好的保护地球和环境space explorations, especially the researches into planets resembling the earth, prove to provide a clearer knowledge of the origin and evolutionary process of our planet, as well as giving human beings lesson about how to protect our living environment5.太空中的资源对于工业的重要性many rare mineral resources in the space are of enormous value to industrial development6.太空地位被很多国家显示地位的方式。
⼀. SmokingFor:(means agree or advantages)1. it is pleasurable and relaxing2. it is one's right3. it is difficult to stop smoking4. it makes socializing easier5. it is an important source of tax revenueAgainst:(means disagree or disadvantages)1. it is harmful to one's health (e.g., heart disease, bronchial trouble, lung cancer )2. it is harmful to those nearby3. it is addictive (i.e., nicotine)⼆. School UniformsFor:1. they eliminate class differences2. they allow students to better concentrate on their studies3. they are popular with parents and administrators4. they are inexpensive5. they are attractive and neat6. they eliminate the need to choose what to wear every day7. many countries have themAgainst:1. they are disliked by students (students like to primp)2. they create a military mentality3. they are an infringement on our freedom (different strokes for different folks)4. they are ugly and childish三. Legalized GamblingFor:1. it is a source of government revenue2. it is an old practice dating back thousands of years3. it is pleasurable (e.g., horse racing, casinos)4. many people play poker and mahjongAgainst:1. it can become addictive2. it can destroy happy families3. it can lead to suicide4. it is easily controlled by the Mafia (e.g., bookmakers )四. City LifeFor:1. it is exciting2. it offers the best schools, hospitals, and stores3. it offers many entertainments (e.g., swimming pools, bowling alleys, and sports stadiums )4. it offers many chances of employment5. cities have an efficient public transportation systemAgainst:1. it is unhealthy (e.g., water and air pollution in industry )2. it is not a good environment for children3. it is noisy and dangerous4. it makes people nervous5. cities are overcrowded and expensive五. Informing Patients Of CancerFor:1. patient’s right to know2. it is wrong to hide the truth3. it gives the patient a chance to plan his last days4. doctors must do it (in some country like the U. S.)Against:。
你的雅思写作口语提分最佳伴侣考官观点语料库:体育休闲sport and leisure体育与休闲Arguments against Professional/competitive sportSport has become a businessProfessional sport encourages people to compete for moneyMany sports stars are only concerned about money and fameSome athletes take drugs in order to win at any costCompetitors are often selfish and rudeThey are not good role models for childrenAll sports should be amateurSports should be leisure activities rather than jobsPeople should do sporting activities for enjoyment and health reasons Taking part is more important than winningArguments for Professional sportProfessional sports are the same as any other businessMany people are employed in the sports industryPeople should be able to use their talents to earn a salarySports stars entertain millions of peopleMoney is necessary to improve facilities and train athletesThe level of professional sport is much higher than that of amateur sportArguments for Competitive sportCompetition is a natural instinct in humansIn daily life we compete to get jobs or the highest gradesSports are a safe form of competitionCompetition is healthy because it pushes us to give our bestCompetitors and fans can release energy and aggressionSupporters of teams feel a sense of belonging to a communityOpinion: professional sport salaries are too highSports professionals earn too much moneyThey do not provide a vital serviceFootball players, for example, earn enormous salaries by simply kicking a ballWe could all live happily without professional footballLife would be difficult without doctors, engineers and other vital professionals.Society does not seem to value these professions as highly as professional sportSports salaries should be compatible with the wages most peopleearnOpinion: professional sport salaries are fairIt is fair that the best professional earn a lot of moneySport is a multi-million-pound industryThere is a large audience of sports fansSports on television attract many viewersSports stars have dedicated hours of practice to developing their fitness and skillsOnly the most talented among them will reach the topA sports career many only last 10 yearsSports fans are willing to pay to support their teamsSports and PoliticsSome people think that sport and politics should remain separate Governments are involved in the hosting of sporting events such as the Olympics.These events attract investment and create jobs.The Olympic Games are an advertisement for the host nationThey attract huge numbers of visitors and sports fansWealthy countries tend to hold these eventsDeveloping countries should be given the chance to become hosts 相关雅思历史真题1.Some people believe that the salaries paid to professionalsportspeople are too high, while others argue that sports salaries are fair.Discuss both views and give your opinion.2.Extreme sports such as sky diving and skiing are very dangerous and should be banned. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view?你的雅思写作口语提分最佳伴侣考官观点语料库:金钱Money金钱相关语料Money and SocietySociety has become increasingly materialisticPeople aspire to earn more moneyThey want a bigger house or a better carWe connect wealth and material possessions with happiness and successBrands like “Armani” or ”Mercedes” are status symbolsAdvertising creates new desires and needsIt persuades us to buy the latest stylesPositives of ConsumerismConsumerism creates employmentIt helps to reduce povertyIt encourages innovation and creativity in businessWe live in a global economyWe have a better quality of lifeNegatives of ConsumerismConsumerist societies create more wasteThey use more natural resourcesThey cause damage to the environmentConsumerism creates a “throw-away” cultureAdvertisers tell us who we are and what we wantWealth does not lead to happinessMaterialism causes greed and crimeWe should return to traditional values like sharing相关雅思历史真题1.Economic progress is often used to measure a countrys success. However, some people believe that other factors are more important. What other factors should also be considered when measuring a countrys success? Do you think one factor is more important than others?2.Some people believe that money is the most important factor for achieving happiness. However, others believe that happiness has nothing to do with money.Do you agree or disagree?3.Some people argue that it is more important to have an enjoyable job than to earn a lot of money. Others disagree and think that a good salary leads to a better life.Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.你的雅思写作口语提分最佳伴侣考官观点语料库:房屋建筑Housing and Architecture住房与建筑State/council housing 公共住房In some countries the government provides state or council housing This helps people who cannot afford to buy their own houseIt can be argued that state housing creates dependence on the governmentPeople should be rely on the government to look after themPeople have no incentive to earn money and buy their own home Council properties are often made with cheap, poor-quality materials.Old Buildings 老建筑Historic buildings are part of a country’s heritageThey should be protectedOld buildings are often considered to be works or artThey give character to cities and attract touristsThey show us how people lived in the pastWe identify countries by architectural symbols like the pyramids in EgyptGovernments should spend money on looking after historic buildingsThey need regular repairs and maintenanceNew buildings should be designed to complement themModern/green buildings 现代/绿色建筑Modern buildings should be designed to be environmentally friendlyThey should use less energy and produce less wasteModern insulation can make houses more energy-efficientSolar and wind power can be used to generate electricityRainwater and waste water can be recycled and used to flush toilets.Modern glass buildings take advantage if natural light相关雅思历史真题1.It is more important for a building to serve its purposes than to look beautiful. Architects do not need to worry about whether it is a real work of art. Do you agree or disagree?2.Some people believe that new buildings should be built in traditional styles. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?。
反向论证雅思口语1. 一般人觉得雅思口语就得按部就班地准备话题,什么旅游就说美景美食呗。
2. 好多人认为雅思口语要用高大上的词汇才好。
4. 大家常说雅思口语要迎合考官的喜好。
5. 很多人以为雅思口语回答越长越好。
6. 不少人觉得雅思口语得把发音练得像BBC播音员那样标准才行。
7. 通常人们会在雅思口语里避免犯错,小心翼翼的。
8. 大多数人在雅思口语考试中,遇到没准备过的话题就慌了神。
在进行反面立论时,仍然推荐考生使用演绎法,也就是在主体段的开头仍然要有分论点,也就是段落的中心句,然后是支撑分论点的句子,这些支撑句就是考生组织论据进行推理的过程,和正面立论的论证逻辑安排一样,在扩充中心句时,考生依然可以运用《【小站名师】雅思写作之正面立论》体现自己的critical thinking(批判性思维),考生也同样可以采用让步的方式,首先承认科技确实让我们的压力更大,生活节奏变快,然后再指出这些问题是可以解决的,回到自己所支持的立场。
考生遇到雅思写作Task 2中的辩论类文章中,如果要进行反面立论,那么首先要明确自己的立场,抓住题目中的关键词,然后结合SHAME法破题,找到合适的分论点,筛选出恰当的论据,此外,还需要注意的是对分论点和论据的安排,一定要能够说服读者相信自己的观点是合理的、牢靠的。也就是说,无论是正面立论,还是反面立论,考生一定要做到立场坚定,自圆其说。
Some people believe that it is the responsibility of the government rather than the individuals to combat environmental problems. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
对于这三道题目,如果考生想要从反面立论,则需要支持反方观点。也就是说,在第一道agree or disagree的题目中国,考生应当给出“disagree”的立场,也就是“大学不应该在每个学科都招收同等数量的男女学生”;在第二道advantages & disadvantages的题目中,考生应当肯定“网络发展的缺点大于优点”;而第三道discuss & opinion的题目中给出的两个观点,考生应当支持的是“花时间看电视、录像以及玩游戏会对孩子造成负面影响”。
而中国考生在写essay时常见的一个问题恰恰是考前准备了语言,临场读懂了题目,很快形成了观点,但是却不知该从哪些角度来支持自己的thesis statement。
所以主体段落观点单调,思维陈旧,内容空洞,为达到字数而把一个观点写了再写等问题常常会充斥在文章的body part。
例如:讨论是否将动物用于科学实验:Some scientists claim that experiments carried out on animals would be crucial for potential breakthroughs in treating some of the most-feared incurable diseases.讨论社会道德下滑:Development of science and technology has given birth to materialism and capitalism which favor the research for economic growth and freedom of men. Consequently, no spiritual, moral, and traditional values are taken into account.压力大的原因:The rapid development of science and technology makes work today more demanding than it used to be.亲情淡漠的原因:The availability of a great variety of high-tech recreational facilities also diverts people from enjoying chats with the members of their families.环保全球化的原因:Developing countries lack sufficient numbers of qualified scientists and other skilled personnel to cope with the increasingly serious environmental problems, such as the ozone depletion, the marine pollution and the like.。
雅思写作口语提分最佳伴侣考官观点语料库:犯罪Police and Crime Prevention犯罪预防The job of the polices is to catch criminalsThey must also prevent crime and make communities saferThere should be an increase in the number of police officers on the streetsPolice officers should be seen as part of the communityThey should be involved with education and preventionThe police should be in close contact with schoolsThey should focus on young people who have dropped out of school.These teenagers may become involved with gangsPunishments/Prisons犯罪惩罚Fines are used as punishment for minor crimesIf the crime is more serious, prison is the most common punishmentSome criminals pose a threat to societyThey are put in prison to ensure the safety of other citizens negatives of Prisons监狱负面Criminals are put togetherThey make friends with other offendersMany prisoners re-offend when they are releasedA criminal record makes finding a job more difficultRehabilitation改造Another aim of prisons is rehabilitationPrisoners receive education of vocational trainingPrisoners should learn personal skills and specific job skills Punishment could make prisoners’ behavior worseRehabilitation aims to make them better citizensRehabilitated prisoners are less likely to re-offendCapital punishment死刑Supporters say that capital punishment deters crimeFear of the death penalty stops people from committing offencesThe death penalty shows that crime is not toleratedIt is a form of revengeThe cost of imprisonment is avoidedThe offender cannot pose a threat to othersAgainst Capital Punishment反对死刑Innocent people could be wrongly convicted and executedCrime rates are not necessarily reducedMany criminals do not think they will be caughtCapital punishment is not a good deterrentExecuting prisoners creates a violent culture and encourages revengeWe have no right to take another human life Community service社区服务Community service is a way to reform offendersIt could be a solution to prison overcrowdingIt avoids the cost of imprisonmentIt makes offenders useful in their local communities They are required to clean streets or talk to school groups Offenders repay their community罪犯回报社区They avoid the negative influence that prison can have Against community serviceCommunity service is not a sufficient punishment Criminals should be locked up, away from their victims Crime in the Media犯罪报道Crime is one of the main subjects of most news programs. The mass media focus on violent and sensational crimes This lead to fear of crime among the publicSensational stories attract more viewers or readersThe media report crime stories in order to increase their audience相关雅思真题社会法律规范是否该遵守Society is based on rules and laws. It could not function if individuals were free to do whatever they wanted. To what extent do you agree or disagree?是否该将罪犯长时间的关进监狱Sending criminals to prison is not the effective method to deal with them. Education and job training should be used instead. To what extent do you agree or disagree?雅思写作口语提分最佳伴侣考官观点语料库:动物权益Arguments for Animal testing 动物实验Animals are used in important scientific researchIt is necessary to do medical tests on new drugsAnimal testing helps to advance medical and scientific knowledgeMany important medical discoveries involved experimentation on animalsResearchers aim to minimize the suffering that animals experienceTesting for the cosmetics industry is now banned in many countrieArguments against Animal TestingThe benefits of research using animals do not justify the suffering causedThere are alternative methods of researchThe lives of animals should be respectedHumans have no moral right to do experiments on animalsArguments for Vegetarianism 素食主义Vegetarians do not eat foods that are produced by killing animalsMany people choose a vegetarian diet for moral or health reasonsA healthy diet is possible without eating meatIt is unnecessary to kill animal for foodA vegetarian diet may reduce the risk of disease like cancerMany people question the treatment of animals in factory farmsArguments against VegetarianismVegetarians do not eat a balanced dietIn many cultures, meat is the main ingredient in traditional mealsMeat-eaters argue that animals are below humans in the food chainIt is completely natural for us to kill them for foodOur aim should be improve farming methodsFarms should produce organic foodPositives of Zoos 动物园利弊Zoos paly an important role in wildlife conservationThey can help to protect endangered speciesZoos allow scientists to study animals and their behaviorZoos are educational, interesting and funChildren, in particular, enjoy learning about animalsZoos provide job opportunities.Negatives of ZoosZoo animals are kept in artificial environmentsThey are kept in cages or have limited spaceZoo animals rely on humansThey lose the freedom to hunt for foodThey best way to save endangered species is by protecting natural habitats.Some people believe that zoos are unethicalZoos exhibits animals with the aim of making moneyWe have no right to use animals for entertainment and profit.相关雅思写作历史真题:动物做试验Some people think that using animals for experimentation purpose is cruel, but other people think that it isnecessary for the development of science. Discuss both views and give your opinion.动物园的必要性Zoos are sometimes seen as necessary but poor alternative to a natural environment. Is it necessary to keep animals in zoos?雅思写作口语提分最佳伴侣考官观点语料库:教育Education关于教育话题的语料Benefits of education 教育Education gives people knowledge and skillsPeople with qualification are more likely to find workThey can earn a higher salaryThey can contribute positively to societySchools aim to teach young people moral values such as tolerance and sharingSchools prepare children to be members of a societyBenefits of Studying Abroad 留学Foreign institutions may offer better coursesMany students want to attend a prestigious universityThe best universities employ teachers who are experts in their fieldsQualifications gained abroad can open the door to better job opportunitiesLiving abroad can broaden students’ horizonsOverseas students are exposed to different cultures and customs.They become more independentThey are responsible for cooking, cleaning and paying billsThey will learn a foreign languageDrawback of studying abroadLiving and studying abroad can be difficultStudents have problems with paperwork such as visa applicationsThe language barrier can be a problemStudents have to find accommodation and pay billsStudying in a foreign language is challengingLiving alone in an unfamiliar culture can cause homesickness Technology in Education: Advantages 教育中的科技Technology is a powerful tool to engage studentsTechnology can make lessons much more interestingStudents can do research using online resourcesStudents can study at their own placeAdults can take distance learning coursesStudents can study whenever and wherever they wantStudents also learn skills which are useful for their future jobs For example, they learn to write reports using a word processorTechnology in Education: DisadvantagesPeople rely too much on computersYoung learners do not become proficient in some basic skills They use word processors and spelling may sufferPeople should be able to write a letter by handTechnology is no substitute for a real teacherLearners need a structured courseAn experienced teacher knows what materials to chooseComputers are expensive to maintain and can be unreliableTechnology in Education: OpinionInstitutions should supplement traditional teaching with the use of technology Technology is part of everyday lifeIt can enhance a teacher’s lessonsStudents can use online resources to help with homeworkStudents must still learn to write by handThey should still use traditional sources of information such as booksEducation in Developing countries: ProblemsChildren often have to work from an early ageThere are no schools in many areasFamilies do not have access to books or computersLiteracy rates are often lowPeople in developing countries need knowledge and skills Education is the key to improving the economy of these countries。
雅思口语观点论述雅思口语是国际英语语言测试系统(International English Language Testing System)中的一部分,主要用于评估考生的英语口语能力。
2019年雅思写作观点对比类型思路梳理-精选word文档 (1页)
2019年雅思写作观点对比类型思路梳理-精选word文档本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==雅思写作观点对比类型思路梳理Discuss both sides and give your own opinion .此类提问的题目中必然会有双方观点。
如:201X年1月10日考题 Some people believe that the range of technology available to individuals today is increasing the gap between the poor people and the rich people , while some others say this has an opposite effect . Discuss both views and give your opinion .也可能只是对于某一话题的不同看法意见而已。
如201X年2月11日考题 Some people think that politicians have the greatest influence on the world . Other people , however , believe that scientists have the greatest influence . Discuss both of views and give your opinion .但是不论是何种对立观点,在回答此类题目时基本要把握的是考生必须在同一篇文章里面同时出现这双方的观点并进行适当的讨论,同时也绝不能忘记提问中的后一半问题 give your own opinion ,也就是说全文完成后应该要有包括自己观点在内的3方人的看法和意见。
Q:Do you like photography?A:Sure/Certainly! I’m crazy about/fond of/keen on/fascinated with photography. It ranks top 1 of my hobbies. This interest was inspired by my father who is an amateurphotographer. He bought me my first film camera when I was only 10 years old. Since then, I’ve kept taking photos of sceneries and portraits. For me, photography is a creative activity bringing my artistic shades to the foe. Besides, By dedication in photography, I can see what others generally miss and through your photos you make people realize the beauty of things which they generally fail to see.表达Like的同义互换不仅仅是love,enjoy等,考生可以使用一些词组,比如Be dedicated in, Be addicted to,Be indulged in等等,让考官眼前一亮,没那么千篇一律。
• Many countries spend a lot of money in art. Some people think investment in art is necessary, But others say money is better spent public services and facilities. Discuss both these views and give your own opinions.
类型: 结构: 思路:
Many countries spend a lot of money in art. Some people think investment in art is necessary, But others say money is better spent public services and facilities. Discuss both these views and give your own opinions.
• 正方观点:投资艺术很重要 原因: • 艺术是文化遗产的重要组成部分 • 艺术的保护和发展对于文化多样性有重要意义 举例: • 绘画 不同文化不同方式,流派,工具和材料 结果: 不加以保护,艺术形式会消失
Many countries spend a lot of money in art. Some people think investment in art is necessary, But others say money is better spent public services and facilities. Discuss both these views and give your own opinions.
跟着店铺一起来看一下吧!Two sides of an argumentGive the other side's opinion, and then give YOUR opinion Give the other sideSome people think that…Although many people feel that…It is claimed that…Some people feel that…One sentence (While, although)While it is true that… … I believe…Despite the fact that millions of people die every year from lung cancer, many people think it is cool to smoke.Although many people think that…., I feel thatAlthough it is often said that…, in fact the opposite is trueTwo sentencesIt is undoubtedly true that… …However…It is often argued that… However, it isSome people say that… They claim… However, I feel…Supporters of this viewpoint say that… However, it isOne sentence (While, although)While it is true that… … I believe…Despite the fact that millions of people die every year from lung cancer, many people think it is cool to smoke.Although many people think that…., I feel thatAlthough it is often said that…, in fact the opposite is true拓展阅读:提高雅思写作能力的阅读杂志推荐选择什么样的阅读杂志来提高我们的雅思写作能力呢?在这里yjbys网店铺为大家推荐以下国内出版的英文报纸和杂志作为平时的补充材料:《21世纪英文报》(21st Century)、《广州英文早报》(Guangzhou Morning Post)和《英语文摘》。