2.长按流量计面板开关键至少2秒打开蓝牙,并点击手机app中间按钮连接设备,如下图,选择IdeaCreated BLE4.0(注意有时候显示为该流量计的出厂编号)
按照测量原理、用途、精度等级 等分类方式,轴承常用量仪可分 为多种类型,如千分表、杠杆表 、光学仪器等。
轴承常用量仪具有高精度、高稳定性 、易于操作等特点,能够满足轴承制 造过程中对尺寸、形位公差等方面的 严格要求。
轴承常用量仪主要用于测量轴承内径 、外径、宽度、侧隙等参数,以确保 轴承的制造质量和装配精度。
为了确保仪器的使用寿命和准确性,应定期 对仪器进行保养和维护。
对于不熟悉操作的人,应在专业人员的指导 下进行操作,以免造成不必要的损失。
轴承常用量仪的维护与 保养
1 2
对量仪的使用情况和检查结果进行记录,以便及 时发现异常。
随着环保意识的提高,轴承常用量仪的环保性能也受到关 注,低能耗、低污染的测量仪器将成为未来的发展趋势。
轴承常用量仪的测量原 理
测量原理通常涉及物理、化学或几何学的基本原理,如长度、角度、表面粗糙度等 。
根据测量原理的不同,轴承常用 量仪可分为接触式和非接触式两
接触式量仪通过直接接触被测物 体进行测量,如千分尺、卡尺等
非接触式量仪则通过光学、电磁 等方式获取被测物体的信息,如
zxcvG=0.005×D×B gramszxcvG=润滑脂量(以g为单位)zxcvD=轴承外径(以mm为单位)zxcvB=轴承总厚度(以mm为单位)对止推轴承而言,是以H为单位尺寸zxcvG=0.114×D×B ounceszxcvG=润滑脂量(以oz为单位)zxcvD=轴承外径(以inch为单位)zxcvB=轴承总厚度(以inch为单位)对止推轴承而言,是以H为单位尺寸润滑脂补充间隔周期zxcv当你计算好轴承内部的润滑脂使用量后,请根据轴承的型式和转速查看下面之曲线图,查出需补充润滑脂的运转小时间隔期,即可明确的得知应有的补充润滑脂量。
● 假使运转条件同时具有以上状况时,则必须加倍再加倍的补给新鲜滑脂,以确保润滑品质。
HKBN Smart智能体脂磅 (型号:EW1S) 用户指南说明书
![HKBN Smart智能体脂磅 (型号:EW1S) 用户指南说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/f46d95620622192e453610661ed9ad51f01d54ee.png)
智能體脂磅(型號:EW1S)HKBN Smart 用戶指南v.20211110目錄下載及安裝 HKBN Smart 應用程式 (4)添加設備 (5)使用設備 (9)- 操作介面簡介 (9)- 查閱體重紀錄及趨勢 (10)- 查閱所有的健康數據 (11)- 分配未知成員的數據紀錄 (12)- 查閱過往的數據紀錄 (13)- 管理成員清單 (14)設備資訊 (15)- 檢查韌體升級 (16)- 移除設備 (17)產品規格 (18)產品維修及保養 (19)產品介紹本用戶指南為介紹此產品在HKBN Smart應用程式的使用及各類智能操作教學,有關以下詳細內容請參閱包裝內的使用說明書:•使用前注意事項;•產品總覽;•疑難排解;•身體成分數據;•注意事項;•保養條款等。
下載及安裝 HKBN Smart 應用程式到 Apple 的App Store 或Google 的Play Store 上搜尋「HKBN Smart」下載並安裝應用程式或使用手機掃描下面的二維碼1.添加設備時,您的手機必須連接到2.4GHz的Wi-Fi網絡。
(圖2)(圖1)(圖2)4.在左方目錄選擇「Smart D」,再點擊選擇「迪士尼/MARVEL智能體脂磅」。
(圖6)*重要提示 : Wi-Fi網絡要求⚫設備暫只支援2.4GHz的Wi-Fi網絡,請確保您的手機及設備連接2.4GHz而非5GHz的Wi-Fi網絡。
⚫如您家中設有5GHz網絡,並與2.4G網絡使用同一無線網絡名稱(SSID) ,請先暫時關掉5GHz網絡,才進行智能設備的配對。
及关系公式,方便用户查看轴承参数; 6) 如输入参数超越通常范围,软件会提示改正。如计算结果表明轴承性能 已处于不宜应用的状态,软件会提示,请重新选择输入参数。
2.4 其他功能要求
1) 基于流体动力学的雷诺方程的求解,计算结果经过理论比较和实验检验 2) 可以反复设计,寻找最合适的滑动轴承型式和结构参数; 3) 重点解决动力机械系统产品开发中的滑动轴承选型和分析过程,具有用 户后续发展的适应性。 4) 提供计算结果报表功能,方便用户打印和存档。 5) 操作界面和结果报表为汉字操作界面,方便使用。
1 加密锁用户使用手册 1.1 介绍
加密锁为单机加密锁,需要安装加密锁驱动,在安装完程序后,将单机加密 锁插在用户计算机的 USB 接口上,即可使用软件产品。
1.2 加密锁驱动安装
加密锁驱动安装,在光盘的 SetupComponent 目录找到加密锁驱动安装.exe 文件,点击安装。如下图,点击安装,插入加密锁,选择确定,安装完毕即可。
的备份的所有权与版权均属于本单位。 协议的终止 违反上述条款时,本“协议”的授权将自动终止。如此类情况发生,您必须销毁 “软件产品”的所有组成部分及其所有副本。如您未做到及时销毁,本单位将保 留依据我国知识产权法和相关法律之规定予以追究的权利。 本“协议”受中华人民共和国法律保护和管辖,本单位对本“协议”拥有最终解 释权。您对本“协议”有任何问题请与本单位联系。 地址:陕西咸宁西路西安交通大学轴承所 邮编:710049
2 滑动轴承性能分析软件用户手册 2.1 介绍
针对滑动轴承选型, 性能分析以及滑动轴承油膜刚度系数和阻尼系数计算的 工业实际需求,软件功能为计算径向和推力滑动轴承的静特性和动特性,可以计 算的径向滑动轴承类型包括普通圆瓦滑动轴承,椭圆瓦滑动轴承,错位瓦滑动轴 承,多油叶滑动轴承,径向可倾瓦轴承;可以计算的推力滑动轴承类型包括面推 力瓦轴承,推力可倾瓦轴承等。 在计算过程中,根据设计的转子系统转速或转速范围、轴承类型、轴承结构 参数、润滑油参数等,在软件中方便的输入,然后可以计算得到滑动轴承的静特 性和动特性,其静特性计算结果可以分析轴承选型是否正确,动特性计算结果可 以供转子计算程序使用,进一步分析转子系统的稳定性、振型、临界转速和失稳 转速是否满足机组要求。
γπL d D Q 4
式中γ——润滑油的密度(γ=0.9g /cm 3
D ——轴承孔的直径,cm d ——轴颈的直径,cm L ——轴承长度,cm 。
L 和轴颈直径d 的比值而定。
d L =l 时,每班(8h)的耗油量可参见表1。
若d L
表3 滑动轴承油环润滑的耗油量
Q=(0.06~0.15)DL, L/min
Q=(0.003~0.006)DL, L/min。
计算数据F--压入力(N)F=P fmax πd f L f μ584.1509设计数据d f --结合直径(mm)34.9000设计数据L f --结合长度(mm)9.3980选择数据μ--结合面摩擦系数0.1300计算数据P fmax --结合面承受的最大单位压力(N/mm 2)13.7000设计数据δmax --最大过盈量(mm)0.0127选择参数E a --包容件材料弹性模量(N/mm2)230000.0000选择数据E i --包容件材料弹性模量(N/mm2)230000.0000计算数据C a --系数C a =[(d a 2+d f 2)/(d a 2-d f 2)]+V a 1.3516计算数据C i --系数C i =[(d f 2+d i 2)/(d f 2-d i 2)]-V i4.7576设计数据d a --包容件外径(mm)70.0000设计数据d i --被包容件内径,实心轴为0(mm)28.5750选择参数V a --包容件泊松系数0.3100选择参数V i --被包容件泊松系数0.3100计算数据F end ----最终压装力(N)1927.698058-22 材料摩擦系数村料摩擦因数μ(无润滑)摩擦因数μ(有润滑)钢一钢0.07~0.160.05~0.13钢—铸钢0.110.07钢一结构钢0.10.08钢一优质结构0.110.07钢—青铜0.15~0.200.03~0.06钢—铸铁0.12~0.150.05~0.10铸铁—铸铁0.15~0.250.05~0.10表58-23,常用材料的弹性模量,泊松比和线胀系数加热碳钢、低合金钢、合金结构钢200~2350.30~0.3111灰铸铁(HT150、HT200)70~800.24~0.2511灰铸铁(HT250、HT300)105~1300.24~0.2610可锻铸铁90~1000.2510非合金球墨铸铁160~1800.28~0.2910青铜850.3517黄铜800.36~0.3718铝合金690.32~0.3621镁铝合金400.25~0.3025.5注:在选用压力机规格时应是计算压力P的3~3.5倍材料弹性模量E/(KN/mm 2)泊松比v 线胀系数-6/℃使用资料 1)压装时不得损伤零件 2)压入时应平稳,被压入件应准确到位。
Mettler Toledo C3236 电子称用户手册说明书
![Mettler Toledo C3236 电子称用户手册说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/1738b722326c1eb91a37f111f18583d049640ffa.png)
User Manual Model: C3236CheckweigherTable of Contents1. General information and Warnings page 5FCC Declaration of Compliance - Déclaration de conformité (5)Training - Formation (6)Battery Safe Disposal - Élimination sécurisée des batteries (6)Routine Maintenance - Entretien de routine (6)Cleaning the Machine - Nettoyage de la machine (6)Sharp Objects - Objets tranchants (6)2. Introduction page 7Unpacking (7)General Installation Guidelines (7)Levelling the Scale (7)Battery Operation (7)Front Panel (8)Display Annunciators (8)Operation Keys (9)Error Codes (9)3. Scale Operation page 10Gross Weighing (10)Tare Weighing (10)Clear a Tare (10)Checkweighing (10)Setting the Checkweighing Limits (11)Checkweighing Beeper Modes (11)Changing Units of Measure (11)4. Menus page 12User Menu (12)User Menu Levels (12)User Functions Descriptions [UF] (12)Supervisor Menu (13)Supervisor Menu Levels (13)Supervisor Functions Descriptions [LF] (14)Quick Calibration Menu (15)Quick Calibration Menu Levels (15)Quick Calibration Functions Descriptions [ECF] (15)5. Scale Configuration [LF 2] page 166. Calibration page 17Scale Calibration Procedure (17)7. Replacement Parts page 18Manual revision historyCurrent Issue Date Created Details of Changes Draft Jan. 2019 New1. General Information and Warnings1.1. FCC Declarations of Compliance - FCC Déclaration de conformité United StatesThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.CanadaThis digital apparatus does not exceed the Class A limits for radio noise emissions from digital apparatus set out in the Radio Interference Regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications.Le présent appareil numérique n’émet pas de bruits radioélectriques dépassant les limites applicables aux appareils numériques de la Classe A prescrites dans le Règlement sur le brouillage radioélectrique edicté par le ministère des Communications du Canada.Interference Regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications.1.4. Training - FormationDo not attempt to operate or complete any procedure on a machine unless you have received the appropriate training or read the instruction books.Ne pas tenter d’utiliser la machine ou lui appliquer une quelconque procédure sans avoir reçu une formation adaptée ou lu les manuels d’instruction.CAUTION! Risk of electrical shock. Refer to qualified service personnel for service.ATTENTION! Risque de choc électrique. Confier la réparation de l’appareil à un personnel qualifié.1.5. Safe Battery Disposal - Élimination sécurisée des batteriesPlease be aware this product contains a lead acid battery which MUST be removed and disposed of safely prior to any disposal of the scale.The battery can be accessed by removing the battery cover found on the underside of the scale.CAUTION! Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced. Replace only withthe same or equivalent type recommended by the manufacturer .ATTENTION! Il y a danger d'explosion s'il y a remplacement incorrect de la batterie, remplacer uniquement avec une batterie du même type ou d'un type équivalentrecommandé par le constructeur.1.6. Routine Maintenance - Entretien de routineIMPORTANT: This equipment must be routinely checked for proper operation and calibration. Application and usage will determine the frequency of calibration required for safe operation.PRUDENCE: Le fonctionnement et l’étalonnage de cet équipement doivent être vérifiés régulièrement. Les applications et l’utilisation déterminent la fréquence de l’étalonnage requis pour une utilisation en toute sécurité.1.7. Cleaning of Scale - Nettoyage de la machine1.8. Sharp Objects - Objets tranchantsDo not use any sharp objects such as screwdrivers or long fingernails to operate the keys.Ne pas appuyer sur les touches avec des objets tranchants tels que des tournevis ou même des ongles longs.2. IntroductionThe C3236 is a high resolution stainless steel IP68 wash-down scale ideal for general food weighing, portion control or checkweighing applications. This scale offers a fast weight indication along with an easy to use Under, Over and Acceptable weight indication. Ideal for most food processing environments or where weighing needs to take place in a clean wet environment.This manual covers the introduction to the unit, its use, configuration and calibration.2.1 UnpackingCarefully take the scale out of its package, make it sure it’s not damaged and all accessories are included.•Remove the scale from the carton•Remove the protective covering•Inspect the scale and terminal for damage•Make sure all components are included:1. C3236 Scale2. Adaptor plus plug adaptors3. Weight Platter2.2. General Installation GuidelinesTo get the best performance from the scale try to place the C3236 in a location that will not degrade its accuracy.•Avoid extremes of temperature. Try to avoid placing the scale in direct sunlight or near air vents. •Place the scale on a level flat surface. Do not place the scale near vibrating machinery•Avoid unstable power sources. Do not use near large users of electricity, e.g. welding equipment. 2.3. Levelling the ScaleLevel bubble is located at the front left corner of the display.•Place the scale on a level flat surface.•The level bubble should be centered inside the inner ring.•If the scale is not level, adjust the levelling feet until the levelbubble is centered correctly.Always check the level prior to using scale.2.4. Battery OperationTo charge the 6V 4Ahr battery, plug in the supplied power adaptor into an AC power outlet and attach the DC wash-down connector end to the scale (Fig. 1). The scales DC water proof connector can be found under the scale near the battery compartment, slide back the bottom battery cover and pull out the DC charging lead with water proof connector and attach it to the supplied power adaptor.This water proof connector has a key that has to be lined up so it can only be plugged in in one direction. Close the battery lid making sure the lead is not trapped and turn on the scalePlease note the scale does not need to be turned on to charge the battery. The battery should be charged for at least6hrs to fully charge the battery.When the scale is turned on, the battery annunciators are:- LOW BATTERY, battery needs to be recharged;- CHARGE, battery is being charged (6hrs).Do not use any other type of power adaptor than the onesupplied with the scale and verify that the AC power socketoutlet is properly protected.Charge the battery before using (+6hrs).Caution!When cleaning or washing down thescale, please insure the power adaptor is fullyremoved from the scale prior to cleaning.Figure 1 - C3236 underside view.2.5. Front PanelFigure 2shows the front panel of the unit. It includes the display window, the annunciators arrayed around the display, the four keys, and the bubble level.Figure 2 - C3236 front panel.2.5.1. Display AnnunciatorsHI Over acceptable weight rangeOK Within acceptable weight rangeLO Under acceptable weight rangeScale at ZeroDisplay reading is stableNET Indicates a Net weightLOW BATTERY Battery needs to be rechargedCHARGE Battery is being charged (6hrs).kg lb g Current unit of measure2.5.2. Operation KeysKeys are shown below along with their functions. Some keys have secondary functions.- Press the UNITS key to scroll through the active units of measure. - In Menu mode : It aborts a numeric entry and acts as an ESCAPE key for menu navigation (ESC ). Press and hold the OFF key to turn off the scale. oFF will be displayed for 2 seconds.-Press the ON key to turn on the scale. The scale will self-adjust to 0. -Press this key to Zero the display. -Press this key to Tare the weight on the scale up to 100% of capacity. - In Menu mode : It accepts the displayed item/value in the menu structure or duringnumeric entry (↵). - Use the FN key to access and navigate the menus and options. - In Menu mode : It increments a numeric value (▲).2.6. Error Codes3. Scale OperationThe steps for various kinds of weighing are explained in the following pages. To set parameters and calibrate the unit, see chapters 4.3. Supervisor Menu on page 13and 6. Calibration on page 17.A warm-up time of 15 minutes is required to stabilize the measured values.3.1. Gross WeighingTo perform a gross weighment, follow these steps:1. Power up the scale. Be sure the scale is displaying weight in the correct unit of measure. Pressthe UNITS key, if necessary.2. Zero the scale if necessary by pressing the ON/ZERO/TARE key. 0.000 is displayed.3. Place the item(s) on the scale platform.4. Remove the item(s) and repeat steps 2 through 4 for the next item(s).3.2. Tare WeighingIf you want to do NET weighing, such as weighing objects in a container, follow these steps:1. Power up the scale. Be sure the scale is displaying weight in the correct unit of measure. Pressthe UNITS key, if necessary.2. Zero the scale if necessary by pressing the ON/ZERO/TARE key. If the weight change is withinthe Zero window area the display will show 0.000.3. Place the empty container to be tared on the scale platform.4. Press the ON/ZERO/TARE key. If the container weight is outside the Zero window area thedisplay will show 0.000 weight and the NET annunciator is illuminated.5. Place the item to be weighed into the empty container and place on the scale platform. Net weightof the item is displayed.6. Remove the item and repeat steps 2 through 5 for other items.3.2.1. Clear a TareRemove any load from the scale and press the ON/ZERO/TARE key until 0.000 is displayed. The NET annunciator will turn off.3.3. CheckweighingCheckweighing is a function that allows you to enter an upper and lower acceptable weight for a product or item that must be checked for weight conformity.To set the limits and beeper modes, see sections 3.3.1. and 3.3.2.To perform a gross weighment, follow these steps:1. Power up the scale. Be sure the scale is displaying weight in the correct unit of measure. Pressthe UNITS key, if necessary.2. Zero the scale if necessary by pressing the ON/ZERO/TARE key. 0.000 is displayed.3. Place the item to be checkweighed on the scale platform. The weight is displayed and the LO, OKor HI annunciator illuminates (Fig.3).4. Remove item from the scale platform and repeat steps 3 and 4 for each item to be checkweighed.Figure 3 - C3236 limits annunciators: LO, OK, HI.Checkweighing limits use the unit of measure the limits were set in.3.3.1. Setting the Checkweighing Limitsi.When the scale is ON, press FN (▲) key;UF-1 will be displayed.ii.Press FN (▲) key;UF-2 will be displayed.iii.Press ON/ZERO/TARE (↵) key;iv.To enter or edit the LO limit value, scroll through the displayed digits by using the ON/ZERO/TARE (↵) key. Press the FN (▲) key to increase the value of the flashing digit.v.Press ON/ZERO/TARE (↵) key to confirm;vi.Repeat points iv. and v. for the HI limit;vii.Choose the beeper mode [000; 001; 002] navigating the decimal position by pressing ON/ZERO/TARE (↵) key. Press the FN (▲) key to increase the value of the flashing digit.viii.Press ON/ZERO/TARE (↵) key to complete and leave the procedure;ix.Press UNITS (ESC ) key to exit the User Menu.To disable the checkweighing feature, set the Hi and Lo limits to 0 in the User Menu [UF-2].The LO and HI annunciators will be turned off.3.3.2. Checkweighing Beeper ModesThere are three modes.o 000 The beeper is disabled.o 001 The beeper sounds only when the load is within the acceptable limits. o 002 The beeper sounds only when the load is outside the acceptable limits.Please, ignore any other mode not listed above . 3.4. Changing Units of Measure1. With the scale turned on press the UNITS key to select the required unit of measure you want the scale to work in from kg – grams –lb.4. MenusThere are three menus that allow to configure, enable or execute specific functions or options.page •User Menu UF – 1 ~ 1112 •Supervisor Menu LF 1 ~ 813 •Quick Calibration Menu ECF – 1 ~ 3154.1. User MenuIn the User Menu there are various submenus available to configure specific sections of the scale operating modes, including a diagnostic feature.4.1.1. User Menu Levels [UF]Navigate the menus and increase a numeric value by pressing FN (▲) key. Use ON/ZERO/TARE (↵) key to confirm and/or move to the next option or numeric value position. Press UNITS (ESC) key to exit the option or the menu.4.1.2. User Functions Descriptions [UF]There are 11 Setup Functions.UF-1 Diagnostic: use this menu to check or verify the performance of the indicator. The diagnostic tests are: Internal A/D Value and Battery Voltage.UF-2 Checkweighing: the acceptable weight is any weight which falls between the upper and lower limits. Enter this option to set the items relating to Checkweighing:•LOW / HIGH limits. Valid beeper modes: o 000; o 001; o 002.See chapter 3.3. on page 10.UF-3 Auto Power-Off: use this to set the length of time before the scale automatically turns off if not being used. Values can be set between 01 and 99 minutes.Factory default: AoFF 10 (10min). Auto Power-OFF disabled when AoFF 00UF-4 Stand by: a battery power saving function to turn off the display power but not turn off the scale. Ideal for weight processes where the scale could say inactive for long periodsof time and where the Zero point or current weight cannot be lost. Any weight change orkey press will automatically turn the display back on. Values between 01 and 99 secondsare valid.UF-5 ADC Update Rate: use this to select the sampling frequency: 15 (1), 30 (2) or 7.5Hz (3) See Supervisor Menu.UF-6 Automatic Zero Tracking: use this to define a ± 0 /5 divisions range around zero.See Supervisor Menu.UF-7 Gravitational value: use this item to key in a G constant value: 9.78031 < G < 9.83217 See Supervisor Menu.4.2. Supervisor MenuIn the Supervisor Menu there are various submenus available to configure system parameters, specific sections of the operating modes and the calibration feature (see also chapter 6. Calibration).4.2.1. Service Menu Levels [LF]Navigate the menus and increase a numeric value by pressing FN (▲) key. Use ON/ZERO/TARE (↵) key to confirm and/or move to the next option or numeric value position. Press UNITS (ESC) key to exit the option or the menu.4.2.2. Supervisor Functions Descriptions [LF]There are 8 functions.LF 1 1st Calibration: see chapter 6. Calibration on page 17 for a detailed procedure.LF 2 Configuration: use this item to configure system parameters, specific sections of the operating modes. See chapter 5. Scale Configuration at page 16.LF 3 Linearization: use this to add 1-3 linearization points for the scale equivalent to 0, 1/3,2/3 and 3/3 of the max capacity.between the zero and span calibration points are showing slight inaccuracies, such as ±a few divisions. If large inaccuracies are recorded, this indicates a possible mechanicalproblem or possible load cell failure which linearity calibration may not be able to correct. LF 4 ADC Update Rate: use this to select the sampling frequency: 15 (1), 30 (2) or 7.5Hz (3) Factory default: SPEEd 1 (standard 15Hz)LF 5 Zero Tracking: use this to define a ± 0 /5 divisions range around zero. When scaleweight is not at the center of zero but inside this range, ½ of the weight will be subtracteduntil that the weight is inside the center of zero region.Factory default: ZP 0 (off)LF 6 Factory default:noneLF 7 Gravitational value:use this item to key in a G constant value: 9.78031 < G < 9.83217If the scale has been calibrated at a different location and it is not possible to re-calibratewith known test weights, the scale can be adjusted using this gravity factor.Factory default: 9.81259LF 8 Zeroing at Every Power UP: use this items to set an auto zero at the power up.Factory default: SEtZ Y (on)4.3. Quick Calibration MenuSee chapter 6. Calibration on page 17 for a detailed procedure.NOTE: Default calibration units are in kg. To change this to lb please refer toScale configuration LF 2 on page Quick Calibration Menu Levels [ECF]Navigate the menus and increase a numeric value by pressing FN (▲) key. Use ON/ZERO/TARE (↵) key to confirm and/or move to the next option or numeric value position. Press UNIT (ESC) key to exit the option or the menu.4.4.2. Quick Calibration Functions Descriptions [ECF]There are 3 Calibration Functions.ECF-1 Calibration: ZERO / SPAN. Test weight should be at least 1/3 of the max. capacityECF-2 Zero Calibration (only)ECF-3 Span Calibration (only)5. Scale Configuration [LF 2]Enter the function LF 2 to set the units, range mode, calibration units, decimal position of the separator and division size.Navigate the menus and increase a numeric value by pressing FN (▲) key. Use ON/ZERO/TARE (↵) key to confirm and/or move to the next option or numeric value position. Press UNIT (ESC) key to exit the option or the menu.6. CalibrationIt is recommended to perform only the very first calibration following the function LF 1 in the Supervisor Menu . To prevent any unintentional change of the scale configuration, all the subsequent Calibrations should be performed entering the Quick Calibration Menu [ECF ].Both procedures above, must be conducted following the steps on the 6.1 Scale Calibration Procedure .6.1. Scale Calibration ProcedureThe following procedures assume that the scale has been already properly configured [function LF 2], including the settings of the Gravitational correction values [function LF 7] and Linearity correction points [function LF 3].Perform the linearity procedure only if test weights applied to the scale between the zero and span calibration points are showing slight inaccuracies, such as ± a few divisions. If large inaccuracies are recorded, this indicates a possible mechanical problem or possible loadcell failure which linearity calibration may not be able to correct.LF-2 CALIBRATION SETTINGS• Default setting is for calibrating in kg [110001] •To calibrate in lb set LF2 to [110002]The calibration steps following the function LF 1 or entering the Calibrations Menu ECF are the same. For this reason only the ECF is described below.Before starting, make sure that LF 3 and LF 7 are configured as desired and test weight equivalent to at least 1/3 of the maximum capacity.i. When the scale is ON, press and hold the FN (▲) key for 3 seconds;ECF-1 will be displayed.ii. Press ON/ZERO/TARE (↵) key;CAL Z will be displayed.iii. Remove the loads from the pan and press ON/ZERO/TARE (↵) key; iv. Edit the span increasing the numeric value by pressing FN (▲) key and/or press ON/ZERO/TARE (↵) key to move to the next digit;v. Press ON/ZERO/TARE (↵) key to confirm; vi. When the span value blinks, load the test weight;vii. Press (ON/ZERO/TARE (↵) key to complete and exit the procedure.7. Replacement PartsPart number DescriptionAWT25-502472 Power supply universal with USA-UK & EU plug adaptors(100 to 240VAC 50/60 Hz output: 12V 1000mA withspecial water proof 2 pin connector)Replacement battery(DJW6-4.0 6V4.0AH lead acid battery)AWT20-509288 Replacement feet Kit(4 feet and lock nuts)。
《铁路客车轮轴组装检修及管理规则》铁路客车轮轴组装检修及管理规则目录1 总则与基本要求 (1)1.1 总则 (1)1.2 基本要求 (2)2 轮对及制动盘组装 (6)2.1 组装类型 (6)2.2 组装要求 (6)3 轮对检修................................................................................................................123.1 外观检查 (12)3.2 探伤检查 (12)3.3 退轮及退盘检查 (12)3.4 更换车轴 (12)3.5 更换车轮 (13)3.6 更换制动盘 (13)3.7 加工修理 (14)3.8 轮对分解技术要求 (15)3.9 车轮加修及处理技术要求 (15)3.10 车轴加修及处理技术要求 (16)3.11 制动盘加修及处理技术要求 (20)3.12 车轴裂纹及发纹限度要求 (21)3.13 动平衡试验要求 (22)3.14 涂装要求 (22)4 轴承及轴箱装置组装及检修 (23)4.1 热组装圆柱滚子轴承及轴箱装置的检修和组装 (23)4.2 冷压装滚子轴承及轴箱装置的检修和压装 (35)5 轮轴探伤................................................................................................................405.1 综合要求 (40)5.2 铁路客车轮轴、轮对、车轴手工超声波探伤 (41)5.3 铁路客车车轮轮辋手工超声波探伤 (70)5.4 铁路客车轮轴、轮对、车轴磁粉探伤 (78)5.5 铁路客车滚动轴承零件磁粉探伤 (89)5.6 铁路客车轮轴、轮对超声波自动探伤 (97)5.7 铁路客车车轮轮辋超声波自动探伤.................................................... 107 6 轮轴标记.. (118)6.1 车轮标记 (118)6.2 车轴标记 (123)6.3 轴承标记 (125)6.4 轴箱前盖标记 (129)6.5 制动盘组装标记 (130)6.6 标志板标记............................................................................................ 131 7 轮轴信息化管理.. (133)7.1 综合要求 (133)7.2 输入、输出原始记录............................................................................ 134 8 备用轮轴管理 (138)8.1 适用范围 (138)8.2 基本要求 (138)8.3 备用轮轴、轮对的管理 (138)8.4 备用轴承管理........................................................................................ 142 附件1 术语解释..................................................................................................... 144 附件2 轮轴及零部件名称、型式、基本尺寸及材质信息................................. 147 附件3 轮对组装压装力曲线及说明..................................................................... 165 附件4 铁道车辆车轮、轴承外观缺陷术语及程度分类..................................... 174 附件5 轴承组装前的清洁度及工作间环境质量要求......................................... 185 附件6 NJ(P)3226X1型轴承用工程塑料保持架技术说明................................. 190 附件7 铁路客车轮轴、轮对、车轴手工超声波探伤附录................................. 192 附件8 铁路客车车轮轮辋手工超声波探伤附录................................................. 222 附件9 铁路客车轮轴、轮对、车轴磁粉探伤附录............................................. 225 附件10 铁路客车滚动轴承零件磁粉探伤灵敏度试块....................................... 236 附件11 铁路客车轮轴、轮对超声波自动探伤用对比试样轮轴(轮对)....... 239 附件12 轮轴探伤、检修及组装记录单............................................................... 244 附件13铁路客车及轮轴零部件造修单位简称及代号....................................... 301 附件14 轮对、轴承和轴箱装置检修限度表....................................................... 305 附件15 新轴承抽检项目表................................................................................... 315 附件16 轴承注油脂量及润滑脂质量检测项目 (316)IITG/CL206-20131 总则与基本要求1.1 总则铁路客车轮对、轴承和轴箱装臵是铁路客车的重要部件,其技术状态直接关系到客车的运行品质和安全。
二、注册与登录1. 打开小程序后,如果是第一次使用,需要先注册用户账号。
2. 如果已经注册过账号,直接点击“登录”按钮,输入手机号码和密码,点击“登录”即可。
三、首页导航1. 首页导航栏位于小程序顶部,包含多个选项,如“首页”、“分类”、“购物车”、“我的”等。
2. 点击不同选项,可以切换到对应页面,浏览不同内容。
四、商品浏览与搜索1. 在首页或分类页面上滑浏览商品列表,点击商品可以查看详细信息。
2. 在首页或分类页面顶部的搜索框中输入关键词,点击搜索按钮,可以搜索相关商品。
五、商品详情页1. 在商品列表中点击商品,进入商品详情页,可以查看商品的详细信息,包括商品名称、价格、规格、库存等。
2. 在商品详情页,可以选择商品的规格、数量,点击“加入购物车”按钮,将商品加入购物车。
六、购物车1. 点击首页导航栏的“购物车”按钮,可以查看购物车中的商品列表。
2. 在购物车页面,可以增加或减少商品数量,删除商品,计算商品总价等操作。
3. 点击“结算”按钮,可以进入订单确认页面。
七、下单与支付1. 在订单确认页面,确认订单信息,包括商品数量、总价、收货地址等。
2. 点击“提交订单”按钮,进入支付页面。
3. 在支付页面选择支付方式,如微信支付、支付宝支付等。
4. 输入支付密码或进行指纹验证,完成支付。
八、个人中心1. 点击首页导航栏的“我的”按钮,进入个人中心页面。
2. 在个人中心页面,可以查看个人信息、订单记录、收货地址等。
3. 可以修改个人信息,添加或删除收货地址,查看订单详情等操作。
九、售后服务1. 如果收到的商品有质量问题或与描述不符,可以在个人中心页面找到对应的订单,点击“申请售后”按钮,提交售后申请。
检查确认产品表面没有气泡附着,可重复测量,取最大值;4、将W1、W2、W3代入下式,分别计算产品干密度ρ和含油率P干密度ρ= W1/(W2-W3)含油率P = {(W2-W1)/〔ρ油(W2-W3)〕} * 100%燃烧法:1、浸油后的产品,取一定数量为一组(每组产品总重量大于0.1g),以组为单位进行检测,每次取5组。
防止烧后的样品粘附异物;4、将W1、W2、W3代入下式,分别计算产品密度ρ和含油率P干密度ρ= W1/(W2-W3)含油率P = {(W2-W1)/〔ρ油(W2-W3)〕} * 100%。