
学习了美国社会与文化后,我对美国的传统价值观有了更深更好的理解一般而言,美国的传统价值观共包括六个方面,即:individual freedom, equality of opportunity, material wealth 和self-reliance, competition, hard work. 其中,前三个方面集中代表了世界各地的人们移民到美国的原因,亦即我们通常所讲的“美国之梦”所包含的主要内容;而后三个方面则是为了实现这些梦想所应付出的代价。
在美国人看来,individual freedom 和self-reliance, equality of opportunity 和competition, material wealth 和hard work 是一一对应的。


British generally don’t show their own inner world to others and this feature is very evident in the upper classes of society. It is difficult to know a reserved person: he never tells you anything about himself, and you may work with him for years without ever knowing where he lives, how many children he has, and what his interests are. English people tend to be like that.

英美社会与文化课英语作文The United States and the United Kingdom, two of the most influential countries in the world, have long been known for their rich cultural heritage and diverse societies. As neighboring nations with a shared history and language, the two countries have developed distinct social and cultural identities that have significantly impacted the global landscape. In this essay, we will explore the intricacies of English and American society and culture, examining the similarities and differences that make these nations unique.One of the most striking aspects of both English and American society is the emphasis placed on individualism and personal freedom. In both countries, the notion of the individual as the fundamental unit of society is deeply ingrained, with a strong emphasis on personal rights, self-expression, and the pursuit of personal goals. This individualistic ethos has shaped the social and political landscapes of both nations, leading to the development of robust democratic institutions and a vibrant civil society.However, the expression of this individualism can take differentforms in the two countries. In the United Kingdom, the concept of the "stiff upper lip" and a more reserved, formal approach to social interactions are often seen as hallmarks of English culture. Britons are often perceived as more polite, reserved, and deferential to authority, with a strong sense of tradition and social hierarchy. In contrast, American society is often characterized by a more casual, outgoing, and egalitarian approach to social interactions, with a greater emphasis on informality and self-expression.These cultural differences are reflected in the educational systems of the two countries as well. The English education system is often seen as more rigorous and academically focused, with a strong emphasis on traditional academic subjects and a more structured, hierarchical approach to learning. In contrast, the American education system is often more diverse and flexible, with a greater emphasis on practical, hands-on learning and a more individualized approach to student development.Another key aspect of both English and American society is the role of religion and spirituality. In the United Kingdom, the Church of England, the official state church, has played a significant role in shaping the country's cultural and social landscape. While religious observance has declined in recent decades, the influence of the Anglican church can still be felt in many aspects of English life, from the architecture of historic cathedrals to the observance of religiousholidays.In the United States, the religious landscape is much more diverse, with a wide range of Christian denominations, as well as significant populations of adherents to other faiths, such as Judaism, Islam, and Hinduism. The separation of church and state enshrined in the US Constitution has led to a more pluralistic religious environment, where individuals are free to practice their faith without state interference.Despite these differences, both England and the United States share a deep appreciation for the arts and cultural expression. From the literary masterpieces of Shakespeare and Hemingway to the iconic works of art in the National Gallery and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the two countries have made invaluable contributions to the global cultural landscape.In the realm of popular culture, the influence of both nations is equally profound. The music, film, and television industries of the UK and the US have captivated audiences around the world, with iconic artists, actors, and directors shaping the cultural zeitgeist. From the Beatles to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the cultural exchange between the two countries has been a two-way street, with each nation's creative output influencing and inspiring the other.Despite these shared cultural ties, there are also significant differences between English and American society that are worth exploring. One of the most notable is the role of government and the relationship between the individual and the state. In the United Kingdom, the monarchical system and the tradition of parliamentary democracy have led to a more centralized and hierarchical approach to governance, with a stronger emphasis on social welfare and collective responsibility.In contrast, the United States has a more decentralized, federalist system of government, with a stronger emphasis on individual rights and a more limited role for the federal government. This difference in political philosophy has shaped the social and economic landscapes of the two countries, leading to divergent approaches to issues such as healthcare, education, and social welfare.Another key difference between English and American society is the role of class and social stratification. In the UK, the legacy of the aristocratic system and the enduring influence of the upper classes have led to a more rigid social hierarchy, with a stronger emphasis on tradition, privilege, and social status. In the US, the notion of a classless society and the "American Dream" of social mobility have led to a more fluid and dynamic social structure, with a greater emphasis on individual achievement and entrepreneurship.Despite these differences, however, both England and the United States share a deep commitment to democratic values and a belief in the fundamental rights and freedoms of the individual. From the Magna Carta to the US Constitution, the two countries have played a pivotal role in shaping the global discourse on human rights, civil liberties, and the rule of law.In conclusion, the societies and cultures of England and the United States are complex and multifaceted, shaped by a rich history, diverse populations, and a shared commitment to democratic ideals. While the two nations may differ in their specific cultural expressions and social structures, they are united by a common language, a deep appreciation for the arts and creativity, and a shared belief in the power of the individual to shape the world around them. As the world continues to evolve and change, the enduring influence of English and American society and culture will undoubtedly continue to shape the global landscape for generations to come.。

The British Educational SystemAs far as we know, there are pre-primary schools, primary schools, secondary schools and university or college. Pre-school education is available (often on a fee-paying basis) for children aged 2 to 4/5 through playgroups and nursery schools. And many of them are private. The emphasis of pre-primary schools is on group work, creative activity and guided play.Two systems of primary and secondary education in Britain: 1. State Schools: 11-year Compulsory Education (5-16), we can know that there is comprehensive school (84%), grammar school (3%) or secondary modern school (7%) from the state primary school. 2. Public schools/Independent schools: there is an only 7% public (independent) school from prep school.What are the main differences between the two? We can find four points. 1. School Funding. In state schools, state funding from central government; supplemented by local finance. And in public schools, funding from tuition fees; endowments or donations from society (esp. alumni to their ammeters). 2. Attendance. There are 93% in state schools, only 7% in the public schools. 3. Teaching Staff and Facilities. Public schools have better teaching staff & facilities. 4. Graduates. Students from the public schools are more promising, e.g. Eton College has educated 20 Prime Ministers, 6 Chancellors of Exchequers, etc.Compulsory education begins at 5 in England, Wales and Scotland and 4 in Northern Ireland. Pupils mainly attend state sector primary schools (co-educational or mixed schools). Infants schools have equal to the first schools (for 2 years from 5). Junior schools (for 4 years to 11). There’s little or no specialist subject teaching and great emphasis is on literacy and numeracy in early years.Compulsory education ends at age 16. At 16, students in England and Wales take GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) examinations involving a final exam, an assessment of work done during the two-year course, or both of these things. Then they can leave school and find a job. Other pupils who decide not to go to university may choose to take vocational training and get the GNVQ (GeneralNational V ocational Qualification).In my opinion, about the entrance procedures, in the third term of Year 12, students prepare their applications to university. Applications are then made in the first term of the Year 13 through one centralized organization known as UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service). Students can apply to a maximum of 6 universities/institutions. Admission-selection on basis of A level results & an interview.In teaching methods, we can see, the UK educational system encourages self-study, discussions and practical work. The students may have time-tabled classes or might be encouraged to do more of independent work for a substantial amount of time depending on the course.Most of the courses would include the following teaching methods: lectures, seminars, tutorials, independent workand coursework.There are two famous universities in Britain. They are the Cambridge and Oxford. Cambridge University was founded in 1209 by students fleeing from Oxford after one of the many episodes of violence between the university and the town of Oxford. Cambridge is one of the world’s great universities, and has the ability to transform lives. If you study here, you will experience that quality at first hand. Day to day, you will work with academic staff who are leaders in their fields, and who are also committed to see you succeed, and to help you develop your ideas, knowledge and understanding.Legend has it that Oxford University was founded by King Alfred in 872 to encourage education and establish schools throughout his territory. Like a grammar school, it was just a place for teaching Latin grammar at that time. The University actually began in the 12th century as gatherings of students around popular masters. The university consisted of people, not buildings. The buildings came later as a recognition of something that already existed. In a way, Oxford was never founded; it grew.Oxford is one of the greatest universities in the world. It has played a distinguished part in the history of our country and our continent, and has much to contribute to our success and our well-being as a civilized community in the future.The Boat Race between Oxford & Cambridge started June 10, 1829.The event is now a British national institution, and is televised live each year. The race has beenwon by Cambridge 79 times and Oxford 73 so far. The race is currently run over a four mile and 374 yard (6.8 km) stretch of the River Thames between Putney and Mortlake in London.Oxford wear dark blue and Cambridge light blue.In Chinese higher education, we can find five dilemmas. There is enrollment expansion, elite education vs mass education, intense competition in the job market, resources are straining and education quality is suffering.There are five defects of Chinese higher education. Defect 1: Blind Enrollment Expansion. Universities seem to have enrolled more than they can accommodate! Limited facilities & space, insufficient resources, shabby dorms (slum)…Expansion means a lot more! Fierce competition in the job market. Defect 2: Awkward Teaching Method. Teachers tend to spoon-feed their students who are in turn spoon-fed and force-fed!More trust, freedom, interactions and responsibilities for the students! Teachers should serve as advisors & assistants!Defect 3: Prescribed / Designated Textbooks. A lack of flexibility (few alternative choices), Outdated contents (keep pace with), The prescribed textbooks can be replaced by …Defect 4: Unreasonable Curriculum. Many outdated courses should be abolished! More utilitarian courses are welcome! (Computer Science, Business, Finance, Accounting and Law)One shouldn’t be confined to one’s specific field.Moral education is in urgent demand! (campus violence, suicide, theft, murder) Defect 5:Unfair Assessment System. Exam-oriented style! (Scores talk!)Students: exams of lottery(memory test / work overtime shortly before the test)How can we improve it? I will show my answer. It’s a time-consuming & systematic project.Never wait for the improvement! Get a move now! You and me are part of Chinese higher education! Try to make the best and most of the current situation! Stop complaining and try to make a difference from now on.。

美国社会与文化论文英文精编W O R D版IBM system office room 【A0816H-A0912AAAHH-GX8Q8-GNTHHJ8】After the study of American society and culture, I have a deeper and better understanding of the traditional values of traditional values of the United States. In general, the United States traditional values ,includes six aspects, namely: individual freedom, equality of opportunity, material wealth and self-reliance, competition, hard work. Among them, the first three aspects concentrated represent the people from all over the world to U.S. immigration reasons, that we often speak of "American dream" contains the main content; Then three aspects is to achieve these dreams should pay a price. For the United States people, individual freedom and self-reliance, equality of opportunity and competition, material wealth and hard work is the one-to-one.B e f o r e y o u w a n t t o r e a l i z e a d r e a m,i t m u s t p a y b a c k t h e c o s t. Individual freedom , It originated in the tradition of the liberty of individuality ancestors of the us pursuing religious freedom. Including independent motivation, independent choices, self-reliance, and respect for others, the liberty of individuality, respect the privacy and other aspects. America's idea of "not only refers to exempt from the physical constraints,and refers to the individual has the right to sign a contract; has the rightto engage in any kind of common career; has the right to make a living toobtain useful knowledge, has the right to get married, a family and raising children and by your conscience, and a general dominate worship god always considered the right to liberty and equality to the pursuit of happiness of those essential privilegeSelf-reliance. every life down there is free, but to really enjoy free will have to rely on yourself. This kind of idea embodied in the language is in the United States and talk to people, they rarely by showing off their family or social relationship to drive up; If you want to do so can only let others feel that you are a child, not his life forever can is a child.The equality of opportunity. Americans always willing to listen to the opinions of others, give other people opportunities; A person on the one hand made a mistake, and does not take away his good rights in other ways. Americans believe that before in nature, and everyone has the right to live, so long as has the strength, the ability, who can get natural, who can make a fortune when millionaire; In politics, they contend that everyone is equal before the ballot box, that is, everyone has the right to vote; In education by, bourgeois progressive thinker advocate everyone has the opportunity to by education, public schools every person can go to school; The playground, Americans have their standards, so long as has the sports ability and technology can attend competition; In a social situation, the American people like equal to them, also like to be others treat one another as equals, put on AIRS, superior performance for people do not take; In the officers andsoldiers on the relationship between the United States people think, between officers and men should be equal, not a qualification to the soldiers commander, cannot treat authority when treasure staff use; In religion, Americans believe that everyone has the right to religious freedom, as long as it is protestants, don't the clergy any for intermediaries, can be interlinked with god.Competition. consciousness competition is eternal, is also a person to prove his position in society the means, but at the same time he may want to colleagues and cooperation. But please note, the American people understand "competition" and not the victory "self-centered", but by others understand and recognition; In addition, Americans in order to clear understanding of the victory can only show the past, tomorrow there will be a more challenges, to be optimistic face challenges, to participate in the competition.Material wealth. American ancestors come from mostly in the poor, the pursuit of wealth and improve the quality of life for the vast majority of immigrant dream. Today Americans now for wealth far beyond the understanding of their ancestors, time, health, and the power, and the information, etc, are beyond the value of paper money, money become a representative symbol. In short, in the American people, a person should have the pursue, this is your personal motivation.Hard work. Most Americans would "work, progressive" as yourself for wealth and keep wealth. In the big us store, a "DIY" goods the most popular. Many people in the United States has to work, as a kind of the pleasure of life. Before in the competition, and only professional and keep making progress, to maintain our unbeaten in the competition.Here are some subclasses can help group we understand I mentioned the United States in front of traditional values.1, American business emphasizes the "free market", this and the United States has been since the beginning of the liberal values are closely linked. American value system is and economic reform related. Precisely, and "free market" produce relates in together, the free market in American life is the root of all kinds of basic contradiction: economic efficiency for service, political equality for services, cultural for self realization of the three standards service form the American society of three kinds of the most important restrict each other values. A century and a half since, these three different value orientation always happens between tension and conflict.2, the American public education in order to realize the equality of opportunity, the social mobility of social and economic justice aspects of equality as a goal.American education, self-reliance and responsibility spirit, is the starting point of the education for their children. Let the child learn to independence The moral education that the President of the United States in the establishment of a democratic country will up quite important role. Development education to help my fellow citizens aware of their moral responsibility, this no matter to guarantee the safety of their fellow citizens, or to establish a state of the normal order, is very necessary. Religion, morality and knowledge to the government are needed, they can human welfare services, and schools and legislative institution is should rely on the support of the country.3. The United States and the separation of isn't unique, because all European countries for religious freedom of the constitution provides a guarantee. The mainstream American religious really is unique because of the existence of free church. The world's religious freedom will soon from the belief systems, to fully liberalism, and in the United States, free the secularization of sectarian very slowly, of which a large degree is the liberalization of religion and a series of the compulsory religious worship combine together.4. The Americans to a person in the family background, parents position have little interest in this kind of thing, because a man can succeed in life, parents' name is not much help, and no one bought this bill. The son of a President can still to wipe the car, could come out on top in the individual's struggle to get. For example in the school, the students to get scholarships or other encouragement, premise condition is to strive to academic performance than the other students. University teachers promotion, pay conditions, except I writings, but must see the students to his teaching job evaluation. At the end of each learn, all the students have to fill out an to teacher teaching evaluation table, and the content includes: the teachers teach how ability; After school counseling if adequate; This professional knowledge is proficient in and so on. The result of the comparison to the school. Therefore, one who promotion salary isn't at school who long depends on the length of the time, but look at the above conditions. In this kind of environment, teachers' performance means and colleague's compare, also is a kind of competition. The small company staff, even if is a typing or filing documents of, also want to try to do better than colleagues well, you have hope a promotion or a raise.These reflect the United States six big traditional values, and the influenceof American life.The last time we saw a movie called cold mountain, from the movie, inside tell him about the American civil war, black for their rights, fight for individual liberty. After the war the political position of blacks have improved, participating in the number increases ceaselessly.The black economy may be improving. The life of the Negro than ever with improved, in law won and white equal rights, but as it is just a little bit a little bit better than before the war. Inman fled from the war on the way home, I met many difficulties, hunger, the temptation to pursue the defector the army, but he was overcome these difficulties return to the home, it is also a kind of self-reliance. But in the film's most major or speak to individual freedom, one of the traditional values. Personal freedom is always Americans have been constantly seeking to realize the rights.Americans have been in constant innovation, but in the United States in the development of the traditional values plays a big part, the conventional stuff also is not necessarily bad, as long as reasonable use, not only will it not hinder it will promote development. American society and culture this courselet I to the United States had a deeper understanding, although English levelis not much, but something to me very pretty good.。


American welfare systemI have seen the movie -The Pursuit of Happiness two years ago. To be honest, this move was really a big shock to me, and the strong power in Chris has been influencing me all the time. I believe that most of us who have seen the movie should remember the plot that the government took $600 from Chris Gardner´account and he only had $21.33 left, and he was broke again . During that time, he and his son spent a night in the WC, and lived in the church hospice for many days. The church hospice in the movie is a part of American welfare system .And in this essay I will talk something about the system.In the American vocabulary, "welfare" has often had a limited meaning, most commonly associated in public discourse with public assistance to mothers with dependent children. Y et government welfare can also be given a broader definition, as a general social safety net designed to support citizens in need. Under this definition, "welfare" refers to government protections for workers' incomes, which are often threatened by structural economic change under the free market system .In an economy in which workers rely on wages to support themselves.In the United States, then, government welfare has been a collection of different programs that includes unemployment insurance, health insurance, old age pensions, accident insurance, and support for families with dependent children.The American present welfare measures for import from 1935 of Social Security Act and its later improvement. And the American present social system includes: the federal social insurance, unemployment subsidy, public aid, pregnant women and children´s welfare and Social security tax.Federal social insurance is established for the inaugural personage, on-the-job or once worked for oneself and family members can attend. It mainly includes retirement, consolation, disable gold and medical benefits, etc. As to the unemployment subsidy, as long as one is unemployed, regardless of the savings they can apply for subsidy until they find another job.The public aid is designed for low or no income blind person, old people, disabled and no income family. According to their own living conditions, the state decide whether the applicants have qualifications to apply for .Pregnant women and children's welfare is to protect and promote the health of women and children, but it has not assigned cash, but provides health services. What is more, it also provides orphans education fees and cost of living.Therefore, US´s welfare systems are quite perfect. It contained generally the life aspects. It plays an important part in people’s lives. But such perfect welfare system also has the shortcoming, is only the money subsidies, for one person who has the house to live or not, is always regardless of. There is no doubt that such system has its institutional shortcomings. Such as aggravating financial burden, weakening people to alter their fate´s morale , improper using lots of money and fair questions.From my point of view, welfare institution´s purpose is to give people a better life. From American´s institution we can learn a lot which can apply to our country. And I hope people all over the world will live a better life with the improvement of the system of social welfare.。
美国社会与文化 论文

美国社会与文化HISTORICAL AND POLITICAL REASONS FOR THE PROSPERITY OFUNITED STATESHistorical and Political Reasons for the Prosperity of the United StatesThe history of modernAmerica is quite short. The USA was founded at July fourth, 1776. For a young country like America, the achievement it obtains is fairly great. Nowadays, America is the most powerful country in the whole world, and plays a crucial role in the world politics. And every political,financial andmilitary movement affects the world. So, how is it possible for a country to prosper in such a short time ,whose record history has only 236 years?I think there may be several reasonable answers to this question.First, Americanmainstream culture is based on Puritanism, and American adore individualism. Puritan pays a close attention to education. Universities like Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Columbia, MIT, Stanford, etc. are all the top schools among the world. There are many well-known examples in which an individual succeeded something difficult, like T.A Edison, Bill Gates and many more.Besides the culture, American politics are conservative, the Federal government does not have much power on the states government, which ensures the independence of each stats. Thus the combination of culture and political environment has a direct influence on the prosperity of the country.Second, USA covers a half North America continent. It faces the Europe across the Atlantic Ocean, the Asia across the Pacific Ocean. The adjacent countries around it are all small or less powerful countries, who do not present any threats to America. Even during the World War One, and World War Two, there has no direct conflict over the American land. The perfectlocation provides a good opportunity for USA to develop its economy, technology and military force.America is a country of immigrants. Due to its unique location as well as its emigrant history, US has been the destination of many intelligent emigrant people, especially in the time of world war two. Albert Einstein, Enrica Fermi and many other outstanding scientists as well as thousands of skilled workers had gone to USA during that specific period of time. They together helped the country to boom.Last but not the least, during the 1870s, America grasped the chance to industrialize provided by the Second Industrial Revolution. After the industrialization, America rose quickly and soon its GDP became a dominate figures among the world’s economy. Acentury later, the Information Technology Innovation first occurred in USA. This time, America secured its domination over the world by developing highly advanced technology involving nuclear tech, astronautical technology, computer science.To conclude, the special cultural and historical backgrounds make Americathe country which appreciates freedom, independenceprivacy and skills, and a country the final paradise for American dream seekers. Despite the itsgeographical position, and proper policies and the culture diversity together with the chance from the second and third industrial revolution made America the only superpower country worldwide. Secured , it is hardworking and perseverancethat leadAmericanpeople to theirprosperity.。

中南大学《英美社会与文化》课程论文题目:Views on the American Dream院(系)专业学生姓名成绩任课教师任秀2016年6月10日Views on the American Dream【Abstract】American dream is a common belief among many Americans. "All men are created equally, given to them by their creator some an inalienable rights, among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness ",more than two hundred years,It attracted more and more young people from all over the world, came to the United States to achieve their dreams and their own value,and a lot of stories seem to indicate that, as long as there iswisdom, there can be a success in American. At the beginning ,the American Dream just serve as pursuit of freedom, but when the time goes by, it followed the footsteps of times, enricheditselfconnotation.【Key Words】American Dream ; The pursuit of freedom; happiness; new;By looking at baidubakie,we can kown,there are broad sense and narrow sense about American Dream. The broad sense refers to the equality, freedom, democracy ,while the narrow sense is a kind of believe that as long as the American people work hard ,they will get a better life."Life is like a box of chocolate, you don't know which one will be selected." The person who watched Forrest Gump would be impressive about this sentence. This moive is a perfect interpretation of the American dream, Protagonist Agam is a men whose IQ is not high, but he insisted on running, joined the Vietnam War, witnessed the ping-pong diplomacy of China and the United States. Eventually, he became the embodiment of the American spirit,.There is no doubt that the film tell us a truth: if you work hard, you will succeed. When you watch American movies or American TV shows, this kind of thinking is always there.Nowadays, many people will say, American Dream has already become the chrysanthemums after the Double Ninth Festival. Many people dream of getting rich. and they abandoned their homeland or immigrant or study or illegal immigrants, after arduous, came to this piece of land and no such as they expected, that gold is everywhere. In fact, from the beginning, we have a misunderstanding of the American dream, America is not heaven.the American Dream isn’t the pursuit of material.President Obama gives the American dream a new meaning , on November 7, 2012 ,in his Victory Speech, he said:” But despite all our differences, most of us share certain hopes for America's future.We want our kids to grow up in a country where they have access to the best schools and the best teachers —a country that lives up to its legacy as the global leader in technology and discovery and innovation —with all of the good jobs and new businesses that follow……America, I believe we can build on the progress we've made and continue to fight for new jobs and new opportunities and new security for the middle class. I believe we can keep the promise of our founding, the idea that if you're willing to work hard, it doesn't matter who you are or where you come from or what you look like or where you love . It doesn't matter whether you're black or white or Hispanic or Asian or Native American or young or old or rich or poor, abled, disabled, gay or straight. You can make it here in America if you're willing to try.”Equality of results and equality of opportunity is different , equality of opportunity is the core of American dream.References:[1].刘植荣,解读美国梦[2].鲍玲玲, Interpretation of the American dream[3].深圳商报2008年6月12日奥巴马诠释“美国梦”[4].中国新闻网“美国梦”真的破碎了吗?[5].The President Obama’s victory speech: to the American dream forever[6]Time: the rise and fall of the "American dream"学期感想本学期的课就这样结束了,不说英语水平有没有提高?提高的多与少?上课的愉快氛围我还是很喜欢的,上课的方式也是很新颖的,同学们轮流上去授课,可以增加同学们的参与感,也能提升同学们的综合能力。

美国社会与文化英语作文American Society and Culture: A Melting Pot of DiversityThe United States of America is often referred to as a "melting pot" due to its rich tapestry of cultures and traditions that have been woven together by immigrants from all over the world. This diversity is not only a hallmark of American society but also a driving force behind its cultural evolution.One of the most striking aspects of American culture is its emphasis on individualism. Unlike many collectivist societies, the U.S. places a high value on personal freedom and self-reliance. This is reflected in the American Dream, a national ethos that anyone, regardless of where they were born or what class they were born into, can achieve success through hard work.The American society is also characterized by a strong work ethic and a competitive spirit. Success is often measured by professional achievements and material wealth. This can be seen in the country's robust economy, which is fueled by innovation and entrepreneurship.Culturally, the United States is a blend of influences from Native American traditions, African heritage, European settlers, and more recent immigrants from Asia and Latin America. This mix is evident in the nation's cuisine, music,and festivals. For instance, American food ranges from the traditional turkey at Thanksgiving to the influence of Mexican, Italian, and Asian dishes in contemporary cuisine.Music is another area where the diversity of American culture shines. From the rhythm and blues born out of African American communities to the country music that originated in the rural South, the variety of musical genres is vast and rich.The American education system is also a reflection of its society's values. It encourages critical thinking, creativity, and the pursuit of knowledge. Higher education institutionslike Harvard, Stanford, and MIT are renowned worldwide fortheir academic excellence and research contributions.However, American society is not without its challenges. Issues such as racial inequality, income disparity, andpolitical polarization are ongoing concerns that the nation continues to grapple with. Despite these challenges, theUnited States remains a symbol of opportunity and freedom for many.In conclusion, American society and culture are dynamic and ever-changing, shaped by the continuous influx of people from different backgrounds. It is this diversity that makesthe United States a unique and influential player on theglobal stage. As the country continues to evolve, it will be fascinating to see how its society and culture will reflectthe changing demographics and values of its people.。

1 、英美文学发展英美文学作品是英美两国人民智慧的结晶,同时也是英美文化的表现形式。

Society and Culture of the English - speaking countriesWith the help of teacher,I learned the society and culture of English-speaking country. And I benefit a lot from it.Mostly,we learned about The United Kingdom of Great Britain and The Northern Ireland . Britain is located in the west part Europe. It consists of England, Scotlaand, Wales and Northern Ireland. London is the capital of Britain.And the population of UK is 60,441,457. English, welsh and Gaelic is UK’s offical language.Britain is the first country to undergoing the industrial revolution.Now,Britain is a country has a big impat such as world powers in political, economic, military, scientific, technological and cultural areas.Britain is one of the country which is richest and most econnmically advanced.The courage and courtesy, as " gentleman Road " form the core and essence of the spirit of Britain. White and red flag of England is Cross on behalf of England's patron saint St George's, White Cross of the cross on behalf of the patron saint ST Andrew of Scotland, the Red Cross guard the Holy Cross, the representative of Ireland, Patrick British flag, commonly known as " M - word flags ", officially called " the Union Flag ", and are often called " the Union Jack ".Jack is a naval term, refers to the flag flying in the bow. Union Flag is for " Union Flag ". The United Kingdom on behalf of England's patron saint St George's cross on theflag guard the sacred, the patron saint Andrew ofScotland, and Ireland, PatrickDesign of a nuclear arms, the UK nationalemblem Centre, on the surface of the upper - leftcorner and lower - right corner of the shield is redon the ground three Golden Lion, symbol of England ; the upper - right corner for gold half red lion standing on the ground, a symbol of Scotland ; the lower - left corner of the blue golden harp on the ground, a symbol of Northern Ireland.Arms, each represented by a head wearing a crown, Lion of England and one on behalf of the Scottish Unicorn holding. Around the arms, with a motto written in French, meaning " evil with evil " ; bottom of hanging Jared Medals, ribbons, it says " Oh my God there's a god, I have the right ".Arms, the top for a jeweled Gold Silver helmet, the imperial crown and the lion wearing a crown.The National Anthem of Britain is named God savethe Queen.As the reign of a male monarch, change thenational anthem " God save the King ". The God Savethe Queen is the national anthem of the Commonwealthcountries and the royal family carols.Their currency is the pound.And the national flower of Britain is rose.Its national bird is Red Beasted Pigeon.The main religion in the UK is Christian.And the main church is England church and Scotland church.Britain started in the industrial revolution.So The Britain has a unique status in the industry. What’s more ,Britain has strong cultural heritage.It is known to all that there are many famous colleges in Britain. For example,University of Oxford and University of Cambridge.The students graduted from these colleges are pretty excellent.And they are different from Chinese university graduate.In the UK, it’s always everywhere can feel the British cultural scene filled with rich atmosphere of Shakespeare, Shakespeare has been like nutrients into the blood of the British, has become not only the pride of Britain, has also become a symbol of British culture. Britain's respected also in actively explore Shakespeare, protection and construction of Shakespeare - related artifacts and buildings. A representative of the building is one of Shakespeare's Globe theatre.The first show of the creation of Shakespeare's plays are mostly held in the globe.There are many famous and historic architecture.For example,Sallo Paulo cathedral,British Museum,Buckingham Palace,Capitol and Big Ben,Tower of London bridge and Agile temple of west.Don’t forget a modern architecture,its name is London Bowl.They all reprensent the culture of the United Kingdom.Britain has a rich food culture.The British tend to enjoy cuisine : Stewed, grilled, fried and fried. Cooking of meat, seafood, and game are a special way.They also have a special preference for beef, such as roast beef. When eating not only with seasonal vegetables, baked potato, but also in steak with lots of mustard ; in seasoning, use the preferences cream and alcohol ; in spices are like fresh meat Cole, cinnamon spice. Scotch Whisky or gin these well-known wine come from the United Kingdom. In the UK local, there are many people who like to drink,mainly because the United Kingdom is also a wine - producing country.The British spent on alcohol spending more than any other.As far as I know,Bar culture, is absolutely essential part of British social life. Earlier we talked about gentleman culture.A gentleman is the essence of British culture, value orientation and direction are British. Among the cultural influence of English, such as in life, work, work both as a standard.Gentleman culture is a temperament and style. It allows image of the English gentleman is deeply engraved in people's minds.By watching the short films.I find that the British Life is a little fast.But they also have time to enjoy the sun.It seems that they have a leisurely life.Their life is filled with passion and energy.And They are enthusiastic to others every day.Their life is very significant I think.By learning Society and Culture of the English - speaking countries, I know many knowledge about English-speaking country.It makes me know that there are many differences between Western country and Eastern country.For Western countries, I am full of curiosity .If there is a chance,I am bound to go around the English-speaking countries.。

Checks and balances in the United States“Absolute power leads to absolute corruption. Any powerful man may abuse his power and that’s why we have to use power to restrain power.”--Montesquieu.1. Origins and developments of checks and balances systemsThe most distant theory about checks and balances systems could date back to Aristotle times. Great Aristotle delivered the famous “three elements in politics” theory, which imply to that the structure of a political system could be divided into 3 parts, one part for argument, one for administration, and one for judgments. He also claimed that the notches of those three powers verify until they get to a balance. That’s the ancient idea about checks and balances systems.In the 17th century, the publishing of < Treaties of government> leads to the constitutional monarchy in England. Later, French man Montesquieu improved his theories and came up with the distinguished <of laws in general>, which had influence the American political systems a lot.It’s wildly known that as a capitalism country, American inevitably chose checks and balances as the system of separation of powers. The purpose of the power divisions lies in the avoiding of dictator. The emperor in ancient times with absolutely power, controlling the lawmaking, the administration, and the judicial parts may easily abuse his powers.2. How the checks and balances system runsAs what mentioned above, the political system vary from country to country depending on its different national condition, such as the constitutional monarchy of UK and the People's Congress system of China, the separation of power of US. Here I’d like to talk about the how the American government works under the idea of separation of power which is associated with the checks and balances system..According to the U.S. Constitution declared that the government was divided into three different branches including a legislative, an executive and a judiciary, in accordance with the idea of separation of power. This idea was created because that Americans did not want these powers to be controlled by just one man or one group. They were afraid that if a small group received too much power, the United States would wind up under the rule of another dictator or tyrant.Separation of powers is a political doctrine originating in the writings of Montesquieu in "The Spirit of the Laws" where he urged for a constitutional government with three separate branches of government. Each of the three branches would have defined powers to check the powers of the other branches. This idea was called separation of powers. This philosophy heavily influenced the writing of the United States Constitution. The legislative, executive, and judicial branches of the United States government are kept distinct in order to prevent abuse of power. The United State’s form of separation of powers is associated with a system of checks and balances.How does the United States do when putting the idea of separation of power into practice? Which department is responsible for the legislative, executive, and judicial work respectively? In fact, in USA, the legislative is headed by Congress; the executive branch headed by the President and judicial branches headed by the Supreme Court. If we have to use very simple words to describe the work of these three branches, it can be summarized as follow: the Legislative Branch makes the law; the Executive Branch enforces and carries out the laws; The Judicial Branchinterprets the laws. Each branch of the government have particular powers, it will be introduced followed.The President, who is responsible for the Executive Branch carries out federal laws and recommends new ones, directs national defense and foreign policy, and performs ceremonial duties. The main powers include.How does the system work to achieve this goal? As we know, each branch has equal but particularpowers.Legislative branch can make the laws; executive branch can enforce and carry out the laws ; judicial branch can interpret the laws. And each branch has certain powers over the other branche s. This is done to keep them balanced and to prevent one branch form ever gaining too much powe r.The system has played an important role in keeping the power from abusing to a certain extent, But sometimes it does not work the way as they are supposed to .For instance,a proposal advanced by the president to set up the department of navy took 10 years to gain the permission from the Congress, establish the department of interior 39 years, Department of Justice 40 years. The case brought the biggest disadvantage of the system to light----low efficiency. Cooperation can benefit a group, but the workmates have interest conflict with you , the basis of the cooperation will break down .The American system of checks and balances has worked well over the course of America's history. Even though some huge clashes have occurred when vetoes have been overridden or appointees have been rejected, these occasions are rare. The system was meant to keep the three branches in balance. Even though there have been times when one branch has risen preeminent, overall the three branches have achieved a workable balance with no one branch holding all the governmental power.。


众所周知(saying as is known to every one),美国是当今世界上最大的移民国家(the united states is the world’s largest immigration country)。
从历史上来看(historically),美国一直被全球各地的人们视为一片“充满了机会的大陆”(the united states has been all over the world’s people as a “full of opportunity road”)。
在各个时期(in each time),这个世界每个角落的人们都满怀着憧憬和梦想(people all over the world is full of hopes and dreams),源源不断地来到这方神奇而又充满了希望的沃土(continue to come to this magical and full of hope of fertile land)。
这些他们所坚信的能够在美国找到的机遇(these challenges which they do believed),再加上来到美国大陆后自己的切身经历(plus their own life experiences after they come to the united states),就构成了美国社会传统价值观的主要来源(make up the major source of the traditional American values)。
一般而言(generally speaking),美国的传统价值观共包括六个方面(the traditional American values include six aspects),即:individual freedom, equality of opportunity, material wealth 和(and) self-reliance, competition, hard work.其中(in the traditional American values),前三个方面集中代表了世界各地的人们移民到美国的原因(in the first three aspects represent the reason people in all over the world to immigrated to the united states),亦即我们通常所讲的“美国之梦”所包含的主要内容(that is we often speak of “American dream” included);而后三个方面则是为了实现这些梦想所应付出的代价(and the last three aspects are the costs of realize these dreams should pay)。

英美文化论文第一篇:英美文化论文American RacismA popular saying is that America is a nation where people, with diligence and perseverance, can realize their dreams regardless of their religious beliefs, colors of skin and political convictions.However, others frown on this idea.This issue has given rise to a heated discussion.For my part,I’m all for the idea of disapproval.The reasons are mainly as follows:It is generally known that the United States of America is a nation of immigrants.People of different skin colors,religions and faiths creat the nation —America.And inevitably,religious conflict,racial discrimination and political struggle come along.The most prominent phenomenon is the racial discrimination.Nowadays,the racial discrimination in America remains quite serious.This social issue has been a long-standing problem.In the first place,there are so many roots of racial discrimination.Looking back in history, it began with the slave trade.Needless to say,it is so miserable and disastrous.Between 1650 and 1900, 10.24 million enslaved Africans arrived in the Americas.The transatlantic slave trade resulted in a vast and as yet still unknown loss of life for African captives both in and outside of America.Approximately 1.2 – 2.4 million Africans died during their transport to the New World.No scholars dispute the harm done to the enslaved people themselves.The African slave trade helped to shape a wide variety of societies from modern Argentina to Canada.These differed in their use of slaves, the harshness of the regime imposed on slaves, and the degree of mixing of the races that custom and law permitted.But none ofthese became as virulently racist--insisting on racial separation and a strict color bar--as the English North American colonies that became the United States.The institution of slavery was abolished through Civil War,a bloody second American revolution that cost at least 600,000 lives.Today,in the United States, although legal racial discrimination was cancelled,institutionalized racism remained intact.In addition, the United States parties which are based on different interests,1 formulate a series of related policies and harmed the interests of black people.The original U.S.Constitution permitted slavery and counted Black slaves as three-fifths of white persons in determining both Congressional representation and taxation, which were deeply rooted the racism in the very foundation of U.S.society.Unfortunately,to blacks,their performance provide discrimination discourse.In the black areas, the excessive crime happen at any moment.Worse still, Black also do the drug trade which undoubtedly violates the nation’s law.Politicians from both the Democratic and Republican Parties got the big calls “tough on crime,” embracing the so-called war on drugs, which tripled the prison population between 1980 and 1995.Two-thirds of those who entered the prison system during that period were Black, Latino or poor, and the vast majority of them were nonviolent drug offenders.Today, with the prison population swollen to more than 2 million, African Americans make up just 12 percent of the U.S.population and only 13 percent of drug users, yet account for 35 percent of drug arrests and 53 percent of drug convictions.Blacks are also 43 percent of those on death st year, the U.S.Bureau of Justice Statistics estimated that 30 percent of 12 year-old Black boys will spend time in jail in their lifetimes--far more than will attend college.And because manystates have laws denying present and former inmates the right to vote, an estimated 13 percent of all Black men--including one in every three in Alabama and Florida--have been disenfranchised.In light of racial discrimination,black people conducted a series of racial fights which was called the Civil Rights Movement.The most illustrious march is probably the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.It is best remembered for the glorious speech Martin Luther King, Jr.gave, in which the “I have a dream” part t urned into a national text and eclipsed the troubles the organizers had to bring to march forward.The process was long and tenuous,and many of these movements did not fully achieve their goals although,the efforts of these movements did lead to improvements in the legal rights of previously oppressed groups of people.The current status of racism in America are still in poor condition.While discrimination has decreased and old forms of segregation have been recalled,subtlepatterns of informal discrimination in housing,employment,education and virtually every social sphere still persists.Indeed,for many African Americans,discrimination,as of now,remains a central part of their experience in the United States.According to a report of American, the black’s inco me only accounted for the three-fourths of the white,and African-American family’s income was just one-tenth of the white family’s.Half of all black men in New York can’t find a job,while Black teenage unemployment stands at 37 percent nationwide.As Mr.Bus h said,”And this poverty has roots in generations of segregation and discrimination that has closed many doors of opportunity“.These statistics show a crisis among Black Americans that should be setting of alarm.Racism, notcriminal records, explains the high unemployment rate for Black men today.A recent Wall Street Journal report showed that in the city of Milwaukee, a white job applicant with a criminal record has a better chance of being called for an interview than a Black man with no criminal record.”The disadvantage carried by a young Black man applying for a job as a dishwasher or a driver is equivalent to forcing a white man to carry an 18-month prison record on his back,“ concluded reporter David Wessel.And only racism can explain these statistics: Segregation in public schools, which decreased continuously from the 1950s to the late 1980s, has now returned to levels not seen in three decades.Black infants are almost two-and-a-half times more likely than white infants to die before the age of one, a wider gap than in 1970.More than 200 years since slavery was written into the U.S.constitution, its racist legacy remains--and the words of abolitionist Frederick Douglass remain true: ”Without struggle, there can be no progress."In general,only a struggle that shakes the foundation of U.S.society can end racism.As is the always the case,the darkest hour comes before the dawn.A mixed-race man is president says much about the peaceful progress on race relations in America.I believe that the black people can have equal rights and are free to live, study and work as they wish in the future,and people can truly realize their dreams regardless of their religious beliefs, colors of skin and political convictions.第二篇:英美文化(二)带来交际中的尴尬一位50来岁的美国妇女在中国任教,有一位年的中国同事请她到自己家里来吃饭,一进门,女主人就把4岁的女儿介绍给客人。

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The British Educational SystemAs far as we know, there are pre-primary schools, primary schools, secondary schools and university or college. Pre-school education is available (often on a fee-paying basis) for children aged 2 to 4/5 through playgroups and nursery schools. And many of them are private. The emphasis of pre-primary schools is on group work, creative activity and guided play.Two systems of primary and secondary education in Britain: 1. State Schools: 11-year Compulsory Education (5-16), we can know that there is comprehensive school (84%), grammar school (3%) or secondary modern school (7%) from the state primary school. 2. Public schools/Independent schools: there is an only 7% public (independent) school from prep school.What are the main differences between the two? We can find four points. 1. School Funding. In state schools, state funding from central government; supplemented by local finance. And in public schools, funding from tuition fees; endowments or donations from society (esp. alumni to their ammeters). 2. Attendance. There are 93% in state schools, only 7% in the public schools. 3. Teaching Staff and Facilities. Public schools have better teaching staff & facilities. 4. Graduates. Students from the public schools are more promising, e.g. Eton College has educated 20 Prime Ministers, 6 Chancellors of Exchequers, etc.Compulsory education begins at 5 in England, Wales and Scotland and 4 in Northern Ireland. Pupils mainly attend state sector primary schools (co-educational or mixed schools). Infants schools have equal to the first schools (for 2 years from 5). Junior schools (for 4 years to 11). There’s little or no specialist subject teaching and great emphasis is on literacy and numeracy in early years.Compulsory education ends at age 16. At 16, students in England and Wales take GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) examinations involving a final exam, an assessment of work done during the two-year course, or both of these things. Then they can leave school and find a job. Other pupils who decide not to go to university may choose to take vocational training and get the GNVQ (GeneralNational V ocational Qualification).In my opinion, about the entrance procedures, in the third term of Year 12, students prepare their applications to university. Applications are then made in the first term of the Year 13 through one centralized organization known as UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service). Students can apply to a maximum of 6 universities/institutions. Admission-selection on basis of A level results & an interview.In teaching methods, we can see, the UK educational system encourages self-study, discussions and practical work. The students may have time-tabled classes or might be encouraged to do more of independent work for a substantial amount of time depending on the course.Most of the courses would include the following teaching methods: lectures, seminars, tutorials, independent workand coursework.There are two famous universities in Britain. They are the Cambridge and Oxford. Cambridge University was founded in 1209 by students fleeing from Oxford after one of the many episodes of violence between the university and the town of Oxford. Cambridge is one of the world’s great universities, and has the ability to transform lives. If you study here, you will experience that quality at first hand. Day to day, you will work with academic staff who are leaders in their fields, and who are also committed to see you succeed, and to help you develop your ideas, knowledge and understanding.Legend has it that Oxford University was founded by King Alfred in 872 to encourage education and establish schools throughout his territory. Like a grammar school, it was just a place for teaching Latin grammar at that time. The University actually began in the 12th century as gatherings of students around popular masters. The university consisted of people, not buildings. The buildings came later as a recognition of something that already existed. In a way, Oxford was never founded; it grew.Oxford is one of the greatest universities in the world. It has played a distinguished part in the history of our country and our continent, and has much to contribute to our success and our well-being as a civilized community in the future.The Boat Race between Oxford & Cambridge started June 10, 1829.The event is now a British national institution, and is televised live each year. The race has beenwon by Cambridge 79 times and Oxford 73 so far. The race is currently run over a four mile and 374 yard (6.8 km) stretch of the River Thames between Putney and Mortlake in London.Oxford wear dark blue and Cambridge light blue.In Chinese higher education, we can find five dilemmas. There is enrollment expansion, elite education vs mass education, intense competition in the job market, resources are straining and education quality is suffering.There are five defects of Chinese higher education. Defect 1: Blind Enrollment Expansion. Universities seem to have enrolled more than they can accommodate! Limited facilities & space, insufficient resources, shabby dorms (slum)…Expansion means a lot more! Fierce competition in the job market. Defect 2: Awkward Teaching Method. Teachers tend to spoon-feed their students who are in turn spoon-fed and force-fed!More trust, freedom, interactions and responsibilities for the students! Teachers should serve as advisors & assistants!Defect 3: Prescribed / Designated Textbooks. A lack of flexibility (few alternative choices), Outdated contents (keep pace with), The prescribed textbooks can be replaced by …Defect 4: Unreasonable Curriculum. Many outdated courses should be abolished! More utilitarian courses are welcome! (Computer Science, Business, Finance, Accounting and Law)One shouldn’t be confined to one’s specific field.Moral education is in urgent demand! (campus violence, suicide, theft, murder) Defect 5:Unfair Assessment System. Exam-oriented style! (Scores talk!)Students: exams of lottery(memory test / work overtime shortly before the test)How can we improve it? I will show my answer. It’s a time-consuming & systematic project.Never wait for the improvement! Get a move now! You and me are part of Chinese higher education! Try to make the best and most of the current situation! Stop complaining and try to make a difference from now on.。