


1.mean doing sth. 意味着; mean to do sth. 打算或企图做某事;

mean sb. to do sth. 打算让某人做某事 be meant for 打算作用;

2.take place 发生;举行

3.of all kinds 各种各样的

4.starve to death饿死 be starved of 缺乏, starve for sth, starve to do,渴望

5.plenty of 大量; 充足

6.be satisfied with感到满意 to ones satisfaction感到满意的是

7.do harm to sb.=be harmful to sb. 伤害某人

8.in the shape of呈的形状,以的形式

9.in memory of/ to the memory of sb.纪念某人

10.dress up 穿上最好的衣服;打扮,化装

11.award sth.(to sb.)和award sb.sth.(for sth.) 给予、颁奖reward sb. for sth. 因奖赏某人;

reward sb. with sth. 用某物酬劳某人

12. admire sb. for sth在某方面钦佩某人

13.look forward to期望,期待,盼望

14,have fun with(与某人)玩得开心;过得快乐 ( have a good time, enjoy oneself.)

15. turn up.来;出现;把(收音机等)音量开大些turn down 拒绝; turn off 关掉; turn on 打开; turn out结果是......

turn to sb. for help 向某人求助

16.keep ones word 守信用; break ones word, 失信

17.It be obvious that-clause 显而易见;一目了然

18.set off 动身, 出发; 使(地雷、炸弹)爆炸; set in开始; set up建立,创立 ;

set out to do = set about doing sth.着手做 set down 写下,


19.remind sb. of sth. 提醒,使想起

1.bring up 抚养,培养 take up 占据 grow up 长大

2. scene,scenery,view,sight

scene 用作可数名词,表示一场,还可指事物发生地点,景色,景象,布景,场景


sight 表示视力,情景

3.permit sb.to do sth.

permit doing sth.

4.by accident 偶然 by chance

5.spot 发现,认出

spot sb. doing sth. 看到某人正在做某事

6.account for 对做出解释

on account of 由于,因为

on no account 决不可以

7.seek for 寻找

8.on the contrary 与此相反

9.afford 提供,负担得起

10.to be honest 说实话

11.接不可数名词 : a large amount of ,a good/great deal of quit a little

接可数名词:a large number of,a good many,many a

既可接可数也可接不可数:a lot/lots of,a great/large quatities of,plenty of

12.take a chance 冒险

13.in rags 衣衫褴褛

1. a weather forecast 天气预报 make forecast about 对作出预测

2. catch / get a glimpse of = catch a brief sight of 瞥见

3. ensure = make sure of 保证

4. keep / stay / get in touch with = keep in communication with 与保持联系 be in touch with sb 与保持联系be out of touch with sb = lose touch with sb 与失去联系

5. be crowded with 挤满 crowd into 涌入

6. It remains to be proved 有待证明

7. pay / give attention to attract / draw / invite ones attention to 吸引某人注意某物 fix ones attention on = focus on 注意力集中在 devote ones attention to 专心于 With a better understanding of 对.有更好的理解

8. regular consumers 老主顾

9. deal with = do with 处理

10. cure sb of the disease 治疗某人的疾病 bring about a cure 使痊愈 There is still no cure for the common cold

11. keep sb at a distance 对保持疏远 in the distance 在远处

12. be well-prepared for = be ready for 为做好准备

13. in store 就要到来 / 准备着 / 储藏着

14. old-fashioned 老式的 / 过时的 come into fashion 开始流行go out of fashion 不在流行 follow the fashion 赶时髦

15. come true = come into reality 成为现实 in reality = in fact = as a matter of fact 16. What happened to sb = What became of sb 某人发生了。 Something occurred to sb 某人突然想起某事

17. in future = from now on 从今以后 in the future 在未来

18. What is the weather like = How is the weather天气怎么样

19. drive at full / top speed 以全速开车 put on speed 加速 at

a price of 以的价格 at a high speed高速

20. in this way 采取这种方法 in the way 挡道 in a way 从某种意义上说 by the way 顺便提一下 on the / ones way 在途中 a way of doing sth = a way to do sth做某事的方法

21. do business with sb 与做生意 on business 出差 in business

做生意 get down to business 言归正传 Its none of your business = Mind your own business 不关你事

22. make a search for = be in search of 寻找

23. combine With把和结合 What fun it is to do sth for / in fun 开玩笑地 make fun of = laugh at取笑

24. bring about = lead to = cause = result in = contribute to 导致

25. be different from = differ from与有区别 make a difference 与众不同 / 起作用 make no difference 没关系 be similar to 类似于be the same as 与一样

26. Its certain that

27. appreciate the danger 意识到 appreciate ones help 感激.. appreciate ones friendship 重视 appreciate works of art 欣赏..

28. instead of = rather than = in place of 而不是

29. keep / bear sb company 陪伴某人 in the company of 在的陪同下

30. It looks like a good time for a change. 好像 feel like doing = would like to do 想要

英语知识点牛津译林版高中英语选修八Unit 2《The Universal Language》重点词汇讲解-总结

重点词汇讲解 1.universal adj. 共通的、广泛的、全球的、公认的;普遍的、一般的; ●There was universal agreement as to who should become chairman. 谁该当主席,大家的意见是一致的。 ●This is a subject of universal interest. 这是一个普遍关心的问题。 ●Football is a universal game. 足球是一项全球化的体育运动。 2.witness vt. 亲眼目睹 ●Did you really witness the accident that happened near our school? 你真的亲眼目睹了发生在我们学校附近的那场事故? ●Several journalists witnessed the incident in which eight peo ple were injured. 几名记者目睹了那场事故,事故中八人受伤。 witness n. 目击者;证人 ●Mr. Green was asked to act as a witness to the agreement between his two friends. 格林先生被叫去在他的两位朋友达成的协议上签名作证。 ●He will appear as a witness for the defence. 他将作为被告的证人出庭。 阅读下列各句,辨别witness的词性和含义。 1) Police have appealed for witnesses to the accident. (n. 目击者) 2) His good health is a witness to the success of the treatment. (n. 为……提 供证据) 3) Recent years have witnessed a growing social mobility. (vt. 见证) 4) She witnessed to having seen the man enter the building. (vi. 作证说) 3.cast vt. 分派某人扮演角色;为……选演员;(其过去式和过去分词均为cast) ●The director cast me as a mad scientist. 导演分派我演一个发狂的科学家。 ●John was cast as Hamlet and Mary as Ophelia in the film. 在这部戏中,约翰扮演哈姆雷特,马莉扮演奥菲利亚。 阅读下列各句,辨别cast的词性和含义。 1) The fishermen cast their nets into the sea. (vt. 抛、 撒) 2) To cast aside the salesgirl’s doubts, he emptied all his pockets. (vt. 打消) 3) She cast a glance in his direction. (vt. 把……投向) 4) We were cast away on an island without food or water. (vt. 使漂流) 5) Now that the warmer weather has come, we cast off our winter clothing. (vt. 脱掉、不再穿) 6) The film has a strong cast that includes several famous names. (n. 演 员阵容) 4.set vt. 以……为背景;发生在……


高二英语选修八的单词的总结(2) 高二英语知识点整理介绍 1.mean doing sth. 意味着; mean to do sth. 打算或企图做某事; mean sb. to do sth. 打算让某人做某事 be meant for 打算作用; 2.take place 发生;举行 3.of all kinds 各种各样的 4.starve to death饿死 be starved of 缺乏, starve for sth, starve to do,渴望 5.plenty of 大量; 充足 6.be satisfied with感到满意 to ones satisfaction感到满意的是 7.do harm to sb.=be harmful to sb. 伤害某人 8.in the shape of呈的形状,以的形式 9.in memory of/ to the memory of sb.纪念某人 10.dress up 穿上最好的衣服;打扮,化装 11.award sth.(to sb.)和award sb.sth.(for sth.) 给予、颁奖reward sb. for sth. 因奖赏某人; reward sb. with sth. 用某物酬劳某人 12. admire sb. for sth在某方面钦佩某人 13.look forward to期望,期待,盼望 14,have fun with(与某人)玩得开心;过得快乐 ( have a good time, enjoy oneself.) 15. turn up.来;出现;把(收音机等)音量开大些turn down 拒绝; turn off 关掉; turn on 打开; turn out结果是...... turn to sb. for help 向某人求助 16.keep ones word 守信用; break ones word, 失信 17.It be obvious that-clause 显而易见;一目了然 18.set off 动身, 出发; 使(地雷、炸弹)爆炸; set in开始; set up建立,创立 ; set out to do = set about doing sth.着手做 set down 写下,


Unit 2 Cloning 词汇学习 1.differ vi. 不同;相异 different adj. 不同的有区别的相异的 difference n. 不同;不同之处 differ from... 不同于…… differ in... 在……方面不同 A differs from B in... A与B在……方面不同 A differs with B about/on/over... A与B就……意见相左 be different from 与……不同make a/some/no difference to

sb./sth. 对某人/某物有/有些/没有影响或作用 And everybody's preferences differ. 而各人偏好又是千差万别。Attitudes towards this hot topic differ widely. 人们对此热点话题态度不一。 They differ in size but not in kind. 它们的区别只是大小不同而实质一样。 I differ with my classmates on that issue. 我在这问题上与班里的同学意见相左。

Opinions on various social questions differ from person to person. 有关各种社会问题的意见因人而异。 I cannot see where they differ from each other: to me they look exactly alike. 我看不出他们彼此有什么不同,在我看来,他们确实很相像。 They differ with each other on moral standards. 关于道德标准,他们的见解不同。 [即学即练]

人教版高二英语选修八 Unit2 Cloning 知识点讲解

Unit 2 Working the land(耕作土地,在田间耕作) 一.单词考点 Section A Warming-up,Reading&Comprehending 1.struggle的用法 ⑴作vi.时,“斗争;拼搏;努力” 搭配:for...为……而斗争 struggle against...与……作斗争 with...与……并肩作战 to do sth....努力做某事 eg:Millions of people are struggling for survival. ⑵作n.时,[C]“斗争;奋斗;努力” 搭配:with sb.for sth.与某人一起支持某事的斗争 a struggle with sb.against sth.与某人一起反对某事的斗争 with sb.to do sth.与某人一起努力做某事 between A and B A与B之间的斗争 eg:It is a struggle between good and evil. 2.hunger的用法 ⑴作n时,[U]“饥饿”[C]“渴望,欲望” 搭配: with hunger因为/由于饥饿 die of hunger死于饥饿 have a (strong) hunger for sth.(强烈)渴望某物 eg:She has a strong hunger for knowledge. ⑵作vi时,“渴求;渴望得到” 搭配: hunger for/after...渴望得到 hunger to do sth.渴望做某事 eg:We all hunger for others’ understanding. 3.disturbing adj 引起烦恼的;令人不安的—disturbed adj (感到)心烦意乱的;烦恼的—disturb vt 使不安 eg:What he said was disturbing. 4.expand v “使变大;伸展”的用法 搭配: expand...into...把……扩展/发展成…… expand into...扩展/膨胀成…… expand (up)on阐述,详谈 eg:①Tom is expanding his story into a novel. ②Expand this sentence into a paragraph. 区别:expand,extend,enlarge,stretch ⑴expand指范围、体积的扩大,尤指向四面八方扩大、扩张。 ⑵extend指长度、宽度的延伸及时间的延长。强调向某一方向延长。 ⑶enlarge指面积、体积的扩大。 ⑷stretch指手掌、手臂、腰、腿、颈由曲变直,由短变长,即伸展或伸出,多与out连用;还有“拉紧,拉直”之意。 5.rid“摆脱”的用法 短语:


Module 1 polar 极地的 penguin 企鹅 explorer 探险者 Antarctica 南极洲 annual 每年的 rainfall 降水量,降雨量 state 状态,状况 depth 深度 gravity 重力,地心引力 inhospitable 荒凉的,不适宜居住的extreme 极端的,极度的 flower 开花 moss 藓,苔藓 algae 藻类(植物) lichen 地衣 adapt(to)(使)适应 trap 储存,存留 meteorite 陨石 extraterrestrial 天外的,地球外的mass 块,堆,团 balance 使平衡 exploration (对某地区)勘察 set foot on 进入,到达 rivalry (不断的)竞争 treaty (国家或政府间的)条约,公约commercial 商业的 nuclear 核的,核能的 test 试验 radioactive (具有)放射性的promote 促进,增进 via 经由,取道 trap 使陷入困境 lifeboat 救生船 crew (全体)船员 voyage (乘船的)旅行,航行 drift 漂流,漂泊 ceremonial 仪式性的,正式的 glacier 冰川,冰河 magnetic 磁的,磁场的,磁性的glare 刺眼的光 intense 强烈的 sunglasses 太阳镜,墨镜 suncream 防晒霜severe 艰难的,艰巨的 eyesight 视力,目力 sunburnt 晒伤的 minus 零下 numb 麻木的,失去知觉的 frost 霜,霜冻 clothing 衣服,(尤其)某种服装portable 轻便的,便携的 pure 干净的,不含有害物质的millimeter 毫米,千分之一米abnormal 不正常的,反常的 sunrise 日出 sunset 日落 absence 缺乏,没有 daylight 日光,白天 tiresome 烦人的,令人讨厌的depressing 令人沮丧的,令人抑郁的isolated 孤单的,孤立的 aircraft 飞机,飞行器 platform 平台 powder 粉末,粉 minimum 最少量,最少数 modest 不很昂贵的,适中的 luxury 奢侈品 cosy 温暖舒适的 dormitory 宿舍,寝室 canteen (工厂学校等的)食堂,餐厅stock 储备,储存 laundry 待洗的衣物 discourage 阻止,打消……的念头 in case of 如果,假使 emergency 紧急情况,突发事件conventional 常规的,普通的 drill 钻,钻机 snap 崩溃,支持不住 tricky 困难的,棘手的 fragile 脆弱的,易碎的 battery 电池 ecology 生态,生态学 delicate 娇气的,纤弱的 privilege 荣幸 trader 商人,买卖人,经商者 spice 香料


选修8单词 第一单元 △ v. 说明;阐明 adj. 清晰的;明显的;明确的 n. 差别;区分;卓著 △n. (从外国移入的)移民 继续存在;继续生存 n. 海峡 adj. 北极的;北极区的 北极 n. 手段;方法 用……办法;借助……adj. 史前的 n. 大多数;大半 n. (政府的)部;(全体)牧师;牧师的职责 adj. 天主教的n.天主教徒 n. 冒险家 习惯于新的生活方式、工作等 △ prp. 尽管;不管 n. 苦难;困苦 v. 选择;决定做某事;选举某人 adj. 联邦制的;联邦政府的 n. 铁路;扶手;(护栏的)横条 n. 百分比;百分率 p 坚持;维持;沿袭(风俗、传统等) n. (人口、贸易的)繁荣v. 处于经济迅速发展时期n. 飞行器;航空器;飞机v. 移入(外国定居) n. 移民;移居入境 adj. 人种的;种族的 n. 横渡;横越;十字路口;人行横道 n. & adj. 代理;副职 n. 侄子;外甥 n. 地极;电极;磁极 n. 申请人 n. 海关;关税;进口税 n. 社会主义者;社会党人 adj.社会主义者的 n. 社会主义 v. 发生;出现 n. 牛(总称) v. 指出;指示;表明;暗 示 a 背靠背 n. 行李(<美>aa) v. & v. (avd; avd, avn) 刮; 剃 n. (有轨)电车 adj. 显而易见的;显然的; 表面上的 adv. 显然地;显而易见地 n. 闸;刹车;制动器 V. & v. 刹(车);用制动器 减速 n. (公车)售票员;列车 员;(乐队)指挥 v. 滑动;滑行;滑跤n.滑 动;滑倒 △ n. 码头 n. 面包房;面包厂 n. 渡船;渡口v.摆渡;渡 运 与……合作或一起工作 v. & n. 租用;雇用 △ adj. 迷人的;吸引人的 划线;标出……界线 n. 海鸥 包括;吸收 n. 角;角度 许多;很多 adv. 无处;到处都无 dj. 痛苦的;悲惨的 n. 处罚;惩罚 n. 公正;公平 v. & v. 哀悼;悼念;表 示悲痛 v adj. 公民的;国内的; 民间的 n. 权威;权力(p)当局; 官方 v. & v. 改革;革新n.改 革;改造;改良 v. & n. 抓住;抓紧;掌握; 领会 adj. 关切的;体贴的;深思 的 adj. 感激的;感谢的 v. 插入;嵌入 第二单元 v. 不同;相异 adj. 精确的;准确的 n. 剪枝;剪报;剪纸 n. 双胞胎之一;孪生儿之 一adj.成对的;成双的 adj. 同一的;一模一样的 adj. 商业的;贸易的 adj. 简单的;直接的;坦 率的 adj. 复杂的;难懂的 v. (ndr, ndran) 着手;从事; 承担 得到好结果;取得成功;偿 清 n. 突破 n. 程序;步骤;手续 n. 携带者;搬运工;运输 工具 v..扔;投;掷 沮丧;不愉快 adv. 总共;完全地 adj. 任意的 △n. 命运;天命 n. 改正;纠正;修正 v. 反对;不赞成 n. 不赞成;反对;异议 △撞击;冲击;巨大的影响


高中英语选修8单词表 1. adversity 困境 2. amicable 友好的 3. apathy 冷漠 4. aspiration 渴望 5. auspicious 吉利的 6. autonomy 自治 7. benevolent 仁慈的 8. charisma 魅力 9. clandestine 秘密的 10. condescend 屈尊 11. conscientious 有良心的 12. contempt 轻蔑 13. conventional 传统的 14. covetous 贪婪的 15. credible 可信的 16. decorum 礼仪 17. despotism 专制 18. diffident 缺乏自信的 19. discriminate 歧视 20. eccentric 古怪的 21. edict 法令

22. egotistic 自我主义的 23. elitist 精英主义的 24. enigmatic 神秘的 25. epitome 典型 26. esoteric 深奥的 27. evanescent 短暂的 28. exalt 赞扬 29. expedient 方便的 30. extol 赞美 31. fallacy 谬论 32. forbearance 忍耐 33. fortitude 坚韧不拔 34. frivolous 轻浮的 35. galvanize 激励 36. gregarious 群居的 37. hackneyed 陈腐的 38. hedonistic 享乐主义的 39. herculean 英勇的 40. hubris 傲慢 41. idiosyncrasy 个人癖好 42. immerse 沉浸 43. impeccable 无可挑剔的


Unit1 a land of diversity1.illustrate v. 说明, 阐明, 图解, 配图 The company's bank statements illustrate its success. 这家公司的银行报表说明了它的成功。 This diagram will illustrate what I mean. 这个图表可说明我的意思 She decides to use charts and diagrams to illustrate. 她决定用图表来说明。 Let me illustrate. 让我举出这样一个例子来 illustrate by facts 用事实说明 Illustrate five of your words. 图解你的五个单词 The publisher will illustrate the book . 那个出版商将给这本书配图。 illustrated adj. 有插图的 illustrative adj. 解说性的,说明性的 illustration n. 1.(书、杂志等中的)插图, 图表, 图案 例证, 实例; 说明, 图解, 图示 Here is another illustration: 这是另外一个例子。 Acting or serving as an illustration. 作为解释说明的 Take an airline as an illustration. 以航空公司为例子. 2.distinct adj. 截然不同的; 清晰的,明显的 Those two ideas are quite distinct.这两个主意完全不同。 Gold is distinct from iron.金在性质上不同于铁。 There is a distinct improvement in your spoken English. 你的英语口语有明显的进步。 His pronunciation is quite distinct.他的发音非常清楚。 It is distinct that smoking is harmful to health. 很明显, 抽烟对健康有害。 a distinct image 清晰的图像 distinct improvement 明显的改进 distinction n. 明显差别,特征; 卓越,优秀; 荣誉,奖赏 I can't see any distinction between these two cases. 我看不出这两个案例有什么不同。 He is a writer of real distinction. 他是一位真正才智超群的作家。 He has gained a distinction in various fields of scholarly studies.他在多种科学的学术研究中享有盛名。 the main distinction 主要区别 a nice distinction 细微的差别 A diplomat of distinction. 一位卓越的外交官 an essential distinction 本质差别3.majority n. 大多数半数以上; 超过的票数; 法定年龄成年 The majority of his books are kept upstairs. 他的大部分书收藏在楼上。 The majority of the damage is easy to repair. 这次的大部分损害容易补救。 The draft resolution was adopted by a majority of 128. 这项提案以超过128票的多数获得通过。 She has reached her majority.她已达到法定年龄。 She has reached her majority.她已达到法定年龄。 a slender [narrow] majority 微弱的多数 an overwhelming majority 绝大多数 *be in the majority属多数;占多数 Publishing houses where women are in the majority. 妇女占多数的出版社。 major adj. 较大的主要的严重的 n. 少校专业主修科目 vi. 〈美〉主修专攻 There are major and minor principles in everything, and the minor principles are all subordinate to the major. 事情有大道理, 有小道理, 一切小道理都归大道理管着。They suffered some major setbacks during the fighting. 在这次战斗中, 他们遭到了严重挫折。 The car needs major repairs.这辆汽车需要大修。 The major ordered his men to fall in at once. 少校命令他的士兵立即集合。 Mathematics is my major. 我的专业是数学 Are you majoring in English Literature? 你是在专修英国文学吗? 4.ministry n. (政府的)部; 牧师职位;神职任期 (US=department) The Ministry has resigned. 内阁辞职了。 Ministry of Civil Affairs 民政部 the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 外交部 the Ministry of National Defence 国防部 The ministry of preaching. 布道的神职 He is training for the ministry. 他正在接受培训,准备做牧师。 牧师: blackcoat churchman minister pastor priest minister n. 部长,大臣; 外交使节; 某些新教教会的牧师(US=secretary) the prime minister 首相;(内阁)总理 Minister of Defence 国防大臣 the Minister of F-Affairs (=F-Minister) 外交部长 5.adventure n. 冒险活动; 冒险经历; 奇遇 All the children listened to his adventures with eager attention. 精品文档


选修八复习 Unit 1-2 一、单词 1.means. __________ 2.boom___________ 3.customs__________ 4.occur__________ 5.luggage__________ 6.slip__________ 7.hire__________ 8.nowhere__________ 9.reform __________ 10grasp__________11.distinct__________ 12.majority__________ 13.elect __________ 14.indicate__________15.conductor_________16.punish_________ 17.undertake__________18.breakthrough__________19.cast_________20.obtain_________ 21.attain __________ 22.owe__________ 23.retire _________ 24.bother__________ 25.strike__________26.vain__________ 27.adore__________ 28.assumption__________ 29.accurate__________ 30. resist __________ 31.despite _________ 34.applicant_________ 35.apparent __________ 36.justice _________ 37. twin __________ 38.forbid ___________ 39.straightforward ___________ 40.bother __________ 41.drawback _________ 42.feather _________43.differ __________ 44. object _________ 45.accumlate ___________ 46.retire __________ 二、短语 1.继续存在__________ 2.用。。。办法__________ 3.而且__________ 4 向。。。宣战__________ 5.习惯与新的生活方式、工作等__________ 6.在十九世纪晚期__________ 7.坚持,维持,沿袭 8.成为。。。的家园__________ 9.想到某人__________ 10.背靠背__________ 11.与。。。合作或一起工作__________ 12.划线,划出。。界限__________13.包括,吸收__________ 14.许多__________ 15.申请,请示得到__________ 16.改革体制__________ 17.得到好结果,取得成功,偿清__________ 18.沮丧,不愉快__________ 19.反对,不赞成__________ 20.对。。又很大影响__________ 21.支持,赞同__________ 22.在另一方面__________ 23..欠。。。,把。。。。归功于。。。__________ 24.一定或注定(做)。。。__________ 25. 使。。刻骨铭心__________ 26..不时,偶尔__________27.白费力气__________ 28.状态良好/不好__________ 29.传递__________ 三、完成句子: 1. At present, we live in ________________________ “information Age”.( call ) 现在,我们生活在所谓的信息时代。 2. ____________________ that he will be caught in the storm. (likely) 他可能会背暴风雨困住。 3._________________ that lung cancer is closely related to smoking. (believe) 据信癌症与吸烟关系密切。 4._____________________, the naughty boy determined to study hard. (praise) 因为受到老师的当众表扬,这个淘气的男孩决定努力学习。 5.We must face the fact _____________________________( run) 我们必须面对我们已经花完了钱这一事实。 6. On the top of the hill ________________________. (stand) 山顶上有一座古庙。 7. ___________________, I went out for a walk. (with) 没事可做,我出去散了会步。


选修8 Module 2 The Renaissanee 耳刘嵌■阴耳范却汪嵌闵曲」蘇逼•基础颊识|j虫空虫於也弐注三单词谨记 (录音见U盘) 1. _______ v.逃跑;逃掉 2. v.恳求;呼吁 3. ______ n.(犯罪)嫌疑人;可疑分子 4. ______ n.丢失;丧失 5. ______ v.流传;传播 6. ______ v.寻找;寻求 7. ______ a dj.根本的;基本的 8. ______ a dv.仅仅;只不过 9. ______ n.(对错事或坏事应付的)责任 10. _____ n.职业 11. _______ ____________________________ adj.有天赋的;有才华的- n.天赋;礼物 12. _____ v.计算-___________ n.计算(结果)— _____ n.计算器;计算者 13. _______ ________________________________ adj.引起烦恼的;令人不安的—v.打扰就乱—adj.烦恼的不安的 14. _____ n.效果;作用—_______ adj.有效的 15. _____ v.激发;激励—_________ n.激励;动机;意图 16. _____ v.鼓舞;激励—_______ n.灵感;启示;鼓舞 【答案】1.flee 2.appeal 3.suspect 4」oss 5.circulate 6. seek 7.fundamental 8.merely 9.blame 10.profession 11.gifted; gift 12.calculate; calculation; calculator 13.disturbing; disturb; disturbed 14.effect; effective 15.motivate; motivation 16.inspire; inspiration 三緬语巩固 (录音见U盘) 1.in short __________________ 2. depe nd on __________________ 3.l eave for ___________________ 4.tax on __________________ 5」eave sth behi nd __________________ 6.o n behalf of __________________ 7. 厌倦做某事;厌烦做某事_________________ 8. 获得自由的___________________ 9. 渴求;渴望___________________ 10. 达到(某个数量)_________________ 11. 导致;通往______________________ 12. 从事;开始做(某项工作);占据______________ 【答案】1.总之;简而言之 2.依靠;依赖;取决于 3. 出发去某地 4.对……征税;向……课税 5.把……抛在后面 6.代表 . 7.get tired of doing sth 8.at liberty 9.be thirsty for 10.up to 11.lead to 12.take up 竖典切式 1. sb / sth is believed to do / be ...


Unit 23 Confilct 词汇篇 2 1、掌握第二单元第二课及第三课的重点单词,短语及句型。 2、灵活运用第二单元第二课及第三课的重点单词,短语及句型。 1. keep off 减去,让开,不接近 归纳拓展: keep away 使离开 keep back 阻止,阻挡;隐瞒(某事);扣除(钱) keep down 控制,压制 keep out 关在门外,不准入内 keep to 坚持,保持,不离开 keep up 继续,坚持 典型例句: You keep away from my daughter !你离我女儿远点! 勿踏草地。You can use herbicides to keep dow n the weeds.你可以用除草剂控制杂草的生长。 There was a notice saying “ Keep off the那00s有一块告示,上面写着 I don ' t think I can keep this up any Iong我认为这事我再也坚持不下去了。 2. come about 发生 归纳拓展: come across 被理解;(偶然)遇见 come around/round 恢复知觉,苏醒 come at sb. 扑向某人 come by sth. 设法得到 come down on sb. 斥责,训斥,惩罚 come down to sb. (从很久以前)流传下来 come aIong 进展,发展 come out 出版,发行, come up 上升,靠近, come up with sth. 找到(答案);提出 come to an end 结束 典型例句: Can you expIain how it came about that you were an hour Iate? 你怎么会迟到一个小时,对此你能做出什么解释呢? How' s your En glish coming along? 你英语学得怎么样?

选修8 UNIT2 词汇讲解

泗州学校Sizhou School高三英语选修八导学案 编号:2014- 课型:新授课上课时间:第1周主备人:沙千审核人:班级:小组:姓名:评价: Unit 2Cloning 1.differ vi.不同;相异 Think about how they differ. (教材P10)想一想他们如何不同。 ①differ from sb./sth.与某人/某物不同differ from /with sb. about/on sth.关于某事与某人有异议 differ in...在……方面不同 ②make a difference有影响,很重要the difference between A and B A与B之间的不同 ③be different from sb.in...在……方面不同于某人 It is a way of making an exact copy of another animal or plant.(教材P11)这是一种用来生产与原型完全相同的动植物的方法。 exactly adv.确切地;究竟;到底to be exact确切地说(=exactly speaking) not exactly不完全;一点也不;根本不 Exactly speaking,the result is wrong. 确切地说,这个结果不正确。 3.The fact that she seemed to develop normally was very encouraging. (教材P11) 看来多莉是在正常地成长着,这很令人鼓舞。 句中that引导同位语从句来说明fact的具体内容。 同位语从句可由when,where,how,why,that,whether等词引导。同位语从句一般放在idea,fact,news,hope,belief,thought,doubt,question等抽象名词之后,用以说明抽象名词的具体内容。有时为了保持句子的平衡,同位语从句还可以放在动词的后面。 (2013·浙江高考)The only way to succeed at the highest level is to have total belief ________ you are better than anyone else on the sports field. A.how B.that C.which D.whether 4.Cloning plants is straightforward while cloning animals is very complicated.(教材P11) 克隆植物简单,但克隆动物就很复杂了。 while在本句中表示“对比”关系。表示同类事物之间的对比,常译作“然而,可是”。 while的另外两个重要的含义: ①while作从属连词,意为“当……的时候”。 ②while作从属连词,意为“虽然,尽管”,表示让步关系。 (2012·四川高考)At school,some students are active________some are shy,yet they can be good friends with one another. A.while B.although C.so D.as 5.undertake vt.(undertook,undertaken)着手;从事;承担;承诺;答应 It is a difficult task to undertake.(教材P11) 这是一项很难完成的任务。 The United Nations was supposed to undertake the responsibility for global peace keeping. 联合国应承担维护世界和平的责任。 ①undertake a task/responsibility承担任务/责任undertake to do sth.同意、答应或着手做某事 undertake for...为……负责undertake that clause 保证…… ②undertaking n.任务;事业;企业 He undertook to pay the money back in one month. 他答应在一个月之内还钱。 6.pay off得到好结果;取得成功;偿清 But at last the determination and patience of the scientists paid off in 1996 with a brea pay sth.off全部偿还;偿清pay sb.off付清某人工资并解雇 pay for买……;为……付款;为……付出代价pay back还钱;偿还;报复 pay money for sth.付钱买…… pay up付清欠款 (2012·安徽高考)The athlete's years of hard training________when she finally won the Olympic gold medal. A.went on B.got through C.paid off D.ended up 7.Then_came the disturbing news that Dolly had become seriously ill.(教材P11) 接着传来了多莉病重的坏消息。 本句是一个完全倒装句。完全倒装是把谓语动词完全置于主语前,其中主语必须是名词,若为代词则不倒装,这种结构中谓语部分无助动词(be,do,have)和情态动词,但可以有连系动词be。 须用完全倒装的情况有: ①当句首为副词out,in,up,down,off,here,there,now,then等,且主语为名词时,应用完全倒装。 ②当表示地点的介词短语位于句首,且主语为名词时,应用完全倒装。 ③在there be结构中,there为引导词,be动词之后为句子的主语,属完全倒装,be应与主语保持一致。除be以外,能与there连用的动词还有seem,exist,happen,appear,live,stand等。 ④作表语的形容词、过去分词等较短,而主语相对比较长,为了保持句子平衡而将表语前置时,句子的主谓也应完全倒装。 differ from 表示相互有别,不同于……。 differ with 指不同意某人的意见或与某人意见不同。


第二单元单词: 1.warming up & learning about language: 1.岔道;支线__________ 2.宪法;章程__________ 3.义务的;强制的________ 4.歌剧;歌剧院_________ 5.一条(面包)_________ 6.面粉_____________ 7.立刻;不久__________ 8.假定;设想________ 9.规则;法规__________ 10.differ ___ __________ A differ from B________ be different from_________- 11.owe__ __________; owing to_________ Owe sb sth/ owe sth to sb__________ 12.bother__v _________; __n __________ 13.be bound to do___________; 14.retire_________ 2.reading1,part1: 1.精确的__________ 2.成对的;孪生儿之一_________ 3.商业的_________ 4.简单地;坦率地__________ 5.突破_________ 6.程序;步骤_________ 7.携带者;搬运工_________ 8.pay off__________ pay back___________ pay for sth____________ 9.undertake__________ undertake to do sth_________ 10.all the time __________ 11.take out of________ 3.reading1,part2: 1.总共;完全的__________ 2.任意的___________
