河大老师的课件F Scott Fitzgerald.ppt


美国文学 菲茨杰拉德 Fitzgerald 课件

美国文学 菲茨杰拉德 Fitzgerald 课件

Literary Characteristics

Simplicity and gracefulness Metaphors and symbols Manipulating relation between the general and the specific Bold impressionistic and colorful quality
Literary Characteristics

Themes: money and love Attitude towards money: contradictory and complex Double vision: knowing it well inside; seeing it ironically outside Special experience: familiar with life style, mental state and moral standards of the rich Critical of the rich and showing the disintegrating effects of wealth on the emotional make-up
Literary Characteristics

பைடு நூலகம்

Fitzgerald: excellent chronicler of the Jazz Age Greatness: finding intuitively in his personal experience the embodiment of that of the nation and creating a myth out of American life Pursuing his ideals; objective enough to analyze, satirize and criticize them


在丈夫皮埃尔去世以后,居里夫人开始一人担 负起抚养孩子的重担。当时她经济上拮据,还得 补贴一部分给科研。有人建议她卖掉与皮埃尔在 实验室里分离出的那1分克镭,这在当时价值100 万法郎。居里夫人则认为,不管今后的生活如何 困难,决不能卖掉科研成果。她让女儿从小养成 勤俭朴素、不贪图荣华富贵的思想。居里夫人毅 然将镭献给了实验室,把它用于研究工作。后来 她带着两个女儿赴美国接受总统赠送给她的一克 镭时,也同样告诫女儿:“镭必须属于科学,不 属于个人。”
称来争得祖国的荣誉和人民的光荣。居里赞同地说:钋, 波兰!波兰,钋!
该课件由【语文公社】http://www. 友情提供
生活家饮食保健孕期选择食用油的学 问邢台 市第四 病院罕 见护理 应急预 案猪气 喘病综 合防制 技术动 物营养 系列理 想蛋白 与氨基 酸模式 的研究 进展皮 肤病的 诊断包 括病史 体格检 查和必 要的实 验室检 查我国 有关食 物添加 剂营养 强化剂 食物新 资本的 治理律 例与标 准
文章的语言质朴、真诚, 现了居里夫人作为一位科学 家的性格特点和人格力量, 能给我们以深刻的启迪和思 考。
该课件由【语文公社】http://www. 友情提供
生活家饮食保健孕期选择食用油的学 问邢台 市第四 病院罕 见护理 应急预 案猪气 喘病综 合防制 技术动 物营养 系列理 想蛋白 与氨基 酸模式 的研究 进展皮 肤病的 诊断包 括病史 体格检 查和必 要的实 验室检 查我国 有关食 物添加 剂营养 强化剂 食物新 资本的 治理律 例与标 准
4、“一位从事研究工作的科学 家,不仅是一个技术员,而且 是一个小孩儿,在大自然的景 色中,好像迷醉于神话故事一 般。”怎样理解这句话?



II. Literary Career
• 1837-1842: Twice-Told Tales 《故事新编》 • 1846: Mosses from an Old Manse 《古屋青苔》 • 1850: The Scarlet Letter《红字》 • 1851: The House of the Seven Gables 《带七个尖角阁的房子》 • 1852: The Blithedale Romance《福谷传奇》
Nathaniel Hawthorne(1804-1864) (纳撒尼尔· 霍桑)
The Scarlet Letter(《红字》)
Portrait of Hawthorne
Cover of The Scarlet Letter
I. Life
• 1. Birthplace: Salem, Massachusetts • 2. Family background: a family with a long Puritan tradition; father died when he was only 4 years old; mother relied on relatives in rearing her four children • 3. Education: reading extensively by his midteens and aspired to be a writer; from 18211825, he studied at Bowdoin college in Maine.
• The guilt can be seen as a strategy for achieving the self and alienation can be interpreted not as the punishment for guilt but as the opportunity for achieving an independent self, one which can morally transcend society and culture. • The journey from innocence to maturity requires a confrontation with evil. • It attacks society for its persecution of those who violate man’s conventions but none of Nature’s laws.

新野大学英语读写第一册第4单元课件B1U4SECTION A(河北大学

新野大学英语读写第一册第4单元课件B1U4SECTION A(河北大学
descriptions of settings descriptions of characters sections of dialogue
Inspiring your thoughts
The story itself should be interesting and lively.
Outstanding narratives will “show” rather than “tell”, allowing readers to see a picture that is not explicitly made but properly arranged, by time sequence or space setting.
1. Of course! Because they are superheroes and have super power. They can help people who are in need.
Байду номын сангаас
2. I think we ordinary people can be hero too because everyone can have some heroic qualities or can perform a heroic act.
Inspiring your thoughts
Reading skill
Inspiring your thoughts
Task 1
Skill instruction Now read the following passage quickly and in the blanks. In 1990 Microsoft released its first version offill Windows. This was a breakthrough in operating software as it replaced text interfaces with graphical interfaces. It soon became a best seller and was able to capture the majority of the operating system market share. In 1995 Windows 95 was released, setting new standards and features for operating systems. This version of Windows has been the backbone of all future releases from Windows 2000 to the latest XP and Vista. Nevertheless the success of Microsoft in cornering various aspects of the software market has led to several anti trust cases. In 1998 US v Microsoft, Microsoft came close to being broken up into three smaller firms. However on appeal Microsoft were able to survive as a single firm.



Zelda’s Collapse (1930) (Save Me the Waltz)
remind readers of The Mad Woman in the Attic
Born in 1900, She became a 'roarer' of the 1920s and met F.Scott Fitzgerald at one of the many social dances she attended.
the fifth chapter: the encounter of two groups
the latter four chapters: present two groups’ conflicts Point of view
-endless cocktail party…
---the first step that American fiction has taken
since Henry James
菲茨杰拉德的夫人泽尔达曾是当时瞩目的美人, 为了一睹芳容,部队士兵到她家附近的大道上操 练。军队飞行员也用花哨的特技飞行表演和编队 低空飞行从她家上空呼啸而过,直到有个不幸的 飞行员机毁人亡。而当战争结束,全城出动观看 大阅兵,军警不得不在她周围拉了一道警戒线。
The couple became increasingly eccentric and erratic; Scott became an alcoholic and Zelda developed schizophrenia. In 1932 Zelda became seriously ill and wrote Save me the Waltz (six weeks) to the envy of her husband who had been writing Tender is the Night (five years). Zelda died in a hospital fire in 1947.

Francis_Scott_Fitzgerald PPT

Francis_Scott_Fitzgerald PPT

Jazz Age
• It refers to the period from 1918-1929, the years between the end of World War I and the start of the Great Depression. • To many, WWI was a tragic failure of old values, of old politics, of old ideas. The social mood was often one of confusion and despair.
Francis Scott Fitzgerald 1896~1940
Life story
• • • • Born in St. Paul, Minnesota Left Princeton to serve in WWI Fell in love with Zelda Sayre / engaged but broke off After the publication of This Side of Paradise, they got married. • They lived in expensive style so he had to write a lot just to keep their extravagant lifestyle. • Ruined by Zelda’s mental disease, his alcoholism, and failures of his writings / died at only 44
Determined to win his lost love back, Gatsby engages himself in bootlegging ( 走 私 ) and other “shady” activities, thus earning enough money to buy a magnificent imitation French villa. There he spreads dazzling parties every weekend in the hope of alluring the Buchanan to come.


F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940)

Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald was an American author of novels and short stories, whose works are the paradigm writings of the Jazz Age, a term he coined himselfБайду номын сангаас He is widely regarded as one of the greatest American writers of the 20th century. Fitzgerald is considered a member of the "Lost Generation" of the 1920s. He finished four novels: This Side of Paradise, The Beautiful and Damned, Tender Is the Night, and his most famous, The Great Gatsby. A fifth, unfinished novel, The Love of the Last Tycoon, was published posthumously. Fitzgerald also wrote many short stories that treat themes of youth and promise along with despair and age.
Lost Generation

coined by Gertude Stein refer to a group of American literary notables who lived in Paris from the time period which saw the end of WWI to the beginning of the Great Depression. More generally, the term is being used for the young adults of Europe and America during WWI. They were "lost" because after the war many of them were disillusioned with the world in general and unwilling to move into a settled life.

F. Scott Fitzgerald 美国文学菲斯杰拉德英文课件ppt

F. Scott Fitzgerald 美国文学菲斯杰拉德英文课件ppt

Major works
• novel
• This Side of Paradise《天堂的另一面》: His first novel. It won for him wealth and fame. • The Beautiful and Damned 《漂亮冤家》又名《美丽与毁灭》 • The Great Gatsby 《了不起的盖茨比/长岛春梦》: His masterpiece. It made him one of the greatest American novelists. • Tender is the Night《夜色温柔》 . • The Last Tycoon《最后的大亨》: His last novel. It remains unfinished.
• 整个夏天的夜晚都有音乐声从我邻居家传过来。 在他蔚蓝的花园里,男男女女像飞蛾一般在笑语、 香摈和繁垦中间来来往往。下午涨潮的时候,我 看着他的客人从他的木筏的跳台上跳水,或是躺 在他私人海滩的热沙上晒太阳,同时他的两艘小 汽艇破浪前进,拖着滑水板驶过翻腾的浪花。每 逢周末,他的罗尔斯一罗伊斯轿车就成了公共汽 车,从早晨九点到深更半夜往来城里接送客人, 同时他的旅行车也像一只轻捷的黄硬壳虫那样去 火车站接所有的班车。每星期一,八个仆人,包 括一个临时园丁,整整苦于一天,用许多拖把、 板刷、榔头、修技剪来收拾前一晚的残局。
F. Scott Fitzgerald
• Life and Career • Major and the Jazz Age • The American Dream • Case Study
Life and career
• Born in St. Paul, Minnesota on September 24, 1896 • Had an expensive education in private schools at Princeton. • Due to illness and neglect of academic study, he left the university in 1917 without graduation.



Life and career
• Born in St. Paul, Minnesota on September 24, 1896 • Had an expensive education in private schools at Princeton. • Due to illness and neglect of academic study, he left the university in 1917 without graduation.
Writing Style
• Although the most famous works of Fitzgerald are his novels, his short novels are also very features. In fact, during his lifetime, his short stories give him a commercial success and get him to win the general public recognition, rather than his novels. • Fitzgerald’s novels got praise of the field, but it didn’t bring significant income for him such as he hoped it would. To write short stories for popular magazines became the way to maintain his upper-class life. Therefore, Fitzgerald's short stories are generally strong entertaining. They have choicer and twisted layout, exquisite and luxuriant text and witty style. They often own O. Henry’s typical unexpected ending. If you read them, they will make you into great enjoyment.

Lesson 16. Fitzgerald

Lesson 16.  Fitzgerald

•Their marriage was subject to continued stress from their drinking, his tension about his work, her feelings of neglect, and their constant worry about a sufficient income. Zelda •Fitzgerald's stormy relationship with is told in his novel The Crack Up. •Fitzgerald's alcoholism and Zelda's mental breakdown attracted wide publicity in the 1930s. •From 1934, they never lived together. But their love was enduring. •He returned to Hollywood in 1937. •In 1939 Fitzgerald began a novel about Hollywood, The Last Tycoon. •Fitzgerald died on December 21, 1940, in Hollywood, in Graham's apartment. • Zelda Sayre died in a hospital fire in 1948.
Writing Style
•His best novels exhibit a craftsmanship in using language. His sentences are always constructed in simple and subtle diction carefully chosen, and permeated with luxuriant symbolic connotations. •The dialogues and conversations are dramatized exactly like those of his time. •His novels move rapidly in a series of episodic descriptions with details which always result in leaving sufficient room for the readers’ imagination.

对岸PPT2 河大版 (共23张PPT)

对岸PPT2 河大版 (共23张PPT)









对岸有系在竹竿 上的一行儿船只,有 此岸人们耕耘的田地, 有放牧牛群的牧场, 也有自由自在的野兽, 那里充满生机与活力, 是“我”眼中恬美神 奇的乐土。
诗人让孩子叙说那河边的渡船、田野的 耕者牧人、苇塘中的野鹜、竹鸡、长草、白 花和夜晚孤独的豺狼,勾画出一个自由、洒 脱、适性任情与悠然自得的生命乐园。这在 孩子心中当然是美丽诱人的理想境界,从而 自然地表达出了深深的渴望之情。
在诵读中理解、体味 在理解、体味中背诵
泰戈尔,印度 作家、诗人、社会 活动家。获1913年 诺贝尔文学奖。主 要作品有长篇小说 《沉船》《戈拉》 和诗集《吉檀迦利》 《新月集》等。
泰戈尔出生于加尔各 答市一个具有深厚文化修 养的名门望族,从小就受 到文学的熏陶。1878年, 他去攻读法律,深受英国 文学和欧洲艺术的影响。 他接近人民、同情人民, 善于吸收古典和民间文学 的营养,作品在艺术上别 具一格。

美国文学Francis Scott Fitzgerald(课堂PPT)

美国文学Francis Scott  Fitzgerald(课堂PPT)

2.distinctive female characters
• Jordan Baker(乔丹 •贝克) - Daisy ’s long-time friend with
“autumn-leaf yellow” hair, a firm athletic body, and an aloof attitude. She is Nick ’s girlfriend A cynical and conceited woman who cheats in golf; wants Nick to go out with her.
Its simplicity and gracefulness;its skill in manipulating the relation between the general and the specific reveal his
consummate (完美的)artistry.
1.The Plot of The Great Gatsby:
his first novel This Side of Paradise reached an great success and married Zelda and lived an extravagant life .
In 21 December 1940,he died of heart attack
Women described in that book are ①. all pretty in appearance but hollow inside; ②.money oriented; ③.vainglorious; ④.selfish.

Fitzgerald 英语专业教学课件

Fitzgerald 英语专业教学课件
materialized America.
• Point of view: first-person point view, using the “ dramatic narrator”
• Style: excellent craftsmanship; using metaphors, irony, allusions and other rhetorical devices; smooth; simple but refined and graceful language
• The chief theme of Fitzgerald’s work is aspirationòthe idealism he regarded as defining American character. Another major theme was mutability or loss.
Major Works
This Side of Paradise (1920) Flappers and Philosophers (1920) The Beautiful and Damned (1920) Tales of the Jazz Age (1922) The Great Gatsby (1925) Tender Is the Night (1934) The Last Tycoon (1941)
• Symbolism: • Gatsby: the country’s history • Daisy: seemingly beautiful American Dream • Tom: commercialization which brought the
country only moral depravity • Nick: hope of the country • Theme: • Disillusionment of American Dream in the


飒爽 秀逸
摄住 寂寥
眸子móu 秀逸yì 摄住shè 澹泊dàn
飒爽sà 酡红tuó 寂寥liáo 扰攘 rǎng
罗兰,原名靳(jìn)佩芬,天津宁河人。台 湾女作家,善于写景状物,文笔优美。她创作勤 奋,有近30部作品问世。其中《罗兰散文》获台 湾中山文艺大奖。著有《罗兰小语》。
台 湾 女 作 家
罗 兰
欣赏配乐朗诵 思考:作者为我们描绘了 一幅优美的秋景图,在这 幅图中,出现了哪些风景
作者在描写这些景物时,分别抓 住了这些景物的什么特征?各用一两 个词语概括。
•9、要学生做的事,教职员躬亲共做;要学生学的知识,教职员躬亲共学;要学生守的规则,教职员躬亲共守。2021/8/292021/8/29Sunday, August 29, 2021 •10、阅读一切好书如同和过去最杰出的人谈话。2021/8/292021/8/292021/8/298/29/2021 12:57:04 PM •11、只有让学生不把全部时间都用在学习上,而留下许多自由支配的时间,他才能顺利地学习……(这)是教育过程的逻辑。2021/8/292021/8/292021/8/29Aug-2129-Aug-21 •12、要记住,你不仅是教课的教师,也是学生的教育者,生活的导师和道德的引路人。2021/8/292021/8/292021/8/29Sunday, August 29, 2021
提示 表现在运用多种修辞方法
课文为我们渲染了一幅明澈清丽 的秋光, 然而我们又注意到, 本文并非仅仅停留在于写景, 本文作者只写了秋吗?


美国文学菲茨杰 拉德Fitzgerald 课件
• 菲茨杰拉德简介与背景 • 《了不起的盖茨比》解读 • 《夜色温柔》赏析 • 菲茨杰拉德短篇小说选讲 • 菲茨杰拉德创作风格与技巧 • 菲茨杰拉德与其他作家比较研究
菲茨杰拉德被誉为20世纪美国文学的重要代表之一,他的作品以独特的风格和深刻的社会洞察力赢得了 广泛的赞誉。他的小说作品不仅在当时引起了轰动,而且对后来的文学创作产生了深远的影响。
菲茨杰拉德的作品对后来的文学创作产生了重要的影响,尤其是在描绘人物性格和揭示社会问题方面。他 的作品启发了许多作家和艺术家,成为他们创作的灵感源泉。同时,他的作品也深刻地反映了人类精神世 界的复杂性和多样性,对读者产生了深远的影响。
小说通过讲述主人公盖茨比的人生经历以及他与 旧情人黛茜的关系,揭示了美国上层社会的虚伪 和冷酷。
小说以主人公迪克的视角,展现了20世纪20年 代美国社会的风貌和人们的精神状态。
《人间天堂》 小说讲述了主人公艾默生的成长历程和他在追求 自我认同的过程中所经历的挫折和迷茫。
两者都关注社会底层人民的苦难和斗争,但菲茨杰拉德更注重对人性的揭示和批判,而斯坦 贝克则更强调社会的不公和改革。

美国文学F·Scott Fitzgerald ppt课件

美国文学F·Scott Fitzgerald ppt课件
How do you understand this? “I was enjoying myself now. I had taken two finger-bowl of champagne, and the scene had changed before my eyes into something significant, elemental, and profound.”
and able to give an objective presentations of the novel. How?
Questions (chapter 3)
How are Gatsby’s parties? What do they show? Who are his party guests? What do they do or
• His novels such as The Great Gatsby (1925), Tender Is the Night (1934), and The Last Tycoon (1941), amplify详述 the melancholy he discovered beneath the glitter灿烂 of Americanstyle success.
Jazz Age
• A period of U.S. history in the 1920s noted for general prosperity, financial speculation金融投机, Prohibition, the emergence of organized crime, the popularity of jazz and the open pursuit pleasures.


的情意。 德育目标: 1.领会莎莉文老师隽永深沉的爱心和高超的教育艺
术。 2.学习海伦好学敏思、坚韧不拔、热爱生活的精神。
教学重点: 研读课文,把握作品的思想内容。 教学难点: 深人体会作为盲聋哑人的作者对生活独
特感悟。 教学方法: 诵读法、质疑研讨法。 课时安排:1课时
教学目标: 1.把握本文的结构脉络。 2.反复品读课文,体会作者朴实的语言和真挚的感情。 3.感悟作者对老师的真挚感情,培养学生尊师、爱师、
3.通过字词句的解读,感受作者在文章字里行间 所蕴涵的真挚情感 ,体会作者对老师的那份纯 真的感激之情。
1 藤野先生
这篇散文通过回忆鲁迅在日本求学的经历, 抒发了作者强烈的爱国主义情感和对没有民 族偏见、正直、热情的藤野先生的深切怀念 之情。本文有两条叙事线索,一条是明线: 作者与藤野先生的交往;一条是暗线:作者 的爱国主义情感。因此,教学此篇时可围绕 对明线和暗线的探索展开,在对明线和暗线 的探索中认识藤野先生的崇高品质,理解鲁 迅弃医从文的原因。
四、深层研读,体察文意 1.课文文笔优美,充满诗情画意。请学生再
读全文,品评并积累文中优美而精警的语 句。
2.合作研讨 五、拓展延伸: 六、课堂练习(分发资料) 阅读《阳光,是一种语言》,回答问题。 七、写作平台:

具体事物 海
莉 文 老

凯 勒
师 再塑生命
生的 ,在仙台与藤野先生 、 、 、



• Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald was born in Saint Paul, Minnesota on September 24th, 1896.
• When he was thirteen, F.Scott Fitzgerald published his first story in the school newspapaccounts, F.Scott Fitzgerald was an alcoholic. He struggled with depression and he watched as his friends like Ernest Hemingway got more and more successful while he kind of got less and less successful.
and made him incredible wealthy.
• A week after the novel was published, he felt comfortable asking Zelda to marry him. And they eventually had a daughter, Frances Scott Fitzgerald.
order to write his novels.
• Fitzgerald’s subsequent novels, such as his 1934 ‘Tender is the Night’ 《夜色温 柔》never matched the success of ‘The Great Gatsby’.
biggest selling great American classic.


Walt Whitman(1819-1892) (沃尔特·惠特曼)
Leaves of Grass 《草叶集》(1855)
I. Life
• 1. Birthplace: Long Island, New York • 2. Family Background: poor • 3. Education: only five or six years of formal schooling but well-educated through private reading • 4. Working Experience: 1836-1841, an elementary school teacher; 1842, editor of The New York Aurora; carpenter and other did other odd jobs
• 8. Whereas many poets use meter to establish the rhythm of the poem, Whitman seems to work according to thoughts. • He would take one line to develop a thought. • And when that thought is done, he would start a new line. • So the poem does not move in terms of beats. • The poem moves in terms of thoughts.
• 9. His poems are composed like mosaics. • He would write some words out on many scraps of paper, then put the scraps of paper in order. • He started out with several ideas, put them on paper, shuffled the paper around to get them in the right order and then he had the poem. • Thought is more important to him than the regularity of form.
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The Lost Generation
• Now although they lived in Europe, they still thought about what it meant to be in America.
• They had not given up on American civilization. • They criticized it, satirized it, laughed at it, but
manners, morals, and social environment of his time, but mostly about himself and his own problems. • He expressed what the young people believed in the 1920s, that that they could wipe out the past and rebuild the world into something much better, free from the ideas of the older generation.
F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940)
F. 司各特·费茨杰拉德
The Great Gatsby 《了不起的盖茨比》
Picture of Fitzgerald
Zelda and Fitzgerald
I. Life
• 1. Birthplace: St. Paul, Minnesota • 2. Family: his father, from a genteel family,
• They lost their sense of being a part of American society.
• It was not the war itself, but long exposure to European culture which intensified their criticism of American life.
III. Comment
• Fitzgerald is representative of the 1920s. • a spokesman for the Jazz Age, one of the “lost
generatioБайду номын сангаас” writers. • He was an able writer who recorded the changing
but poor; his mother, dominant and eccentric woman • 3. Education: Princeton • 4. Working Experiences: in 1917, he left college and joined the army
II. Literary Achievements
• 1920: This Side of Paradise 《人间天堂》 • 1922: The Beautiful and the Damned 《美丽的和可诅咒的》 • 1925: The Great Gatsby 《了不起的盖茨比》 • 1934: Tender is the Night《夜色温柔》 • 1941: The Last Tycoon《最后的大亨》
• They indulged in hedonism in order to make their life less unbearable.
The Lost Generation
• For American expatriates, they had cut themselves from their past in America in order to search for the meaning of their American experience.
• It means this generation had lost the beautiful sense of the calm idyllic past.
The Lost Generation
• Stein’s comment suggests the ambiguous and pointless lives of expatriates as they aimlessly wandered about the Continent, drinking, making love, and traveling from place to place and from party to party.
• These activities seem to justify their search for new meanings to replace the old ones.
The Lost Generation
• Yet, in fact, being cut off from their past, disillusioned in reality, and without a meaningful future to fall on, they were lost in disillusionment and existential voids.
The Lost Generation
• The term “Lost Generation” was first used by Gertrude Stein(1874-1946), one of the leaders of this group.
• It included the young English and American expatriates as well as men and women caught in the war and cut off from the old values and yet unable to come to terms with the new era when civilization had gone mad.