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Ⅴ. Figures of Speech (修辞格;修辞手段;比喻): a figure of speech is a word or

expression used with a figurative rather than a literal

meaning;a word or expression that gives variety or force,

using words out of their literal meaning; a word or expression

used in a different way from the normal one, to give you a

picture in your mind

1. Simile: a comparison between two things, using the words like or as (as...as, as

if/though included), as in He jumped as if he had been stung. (他像被蜇

了似的跳了起来。) or Childhood is like a swiftly passing dream. (童年


2. Metaphor: the use of words to indicate sth. different from the literal meaning, as

in ‘I’ll make him eat his words’ or ‘He has a heart of stone’ or The

world is a stage.

3. Personification: instance of regarding or representing sth. as a person, as in

referring to the sun and the moon by using ‘he’ and ‘she’, My

heart was singing我的心在歌唱。This time fate was smiling

to him这一次命运朝他微笑了。The flowers nodded to her

while she passed当她经过的时候花儿向她点头致意。The

wind whistled through the trees风穿过树丛,树叶哗哗作


4. Metonymy (转喻;换喻): (change of name) the substitution of the name of one

thing for that of another with which it is closely

associated, as in suit for business executive,the turf

for horse racing, the crown for the monarch, No. 10

Downing Street for the British government or the

Prime Minister, the bottle for alcohol, the bar for

the legal profession, “The kettle boils” for “The

water in the kettle boils,” His purse would not allow

him that luxury(他的经济条件不允许他享受那种

奢华。) or The mother did her best to take care of

the cradle. (母亲尽最大努力照看孩子。)

5. Synecdoche (举隅法;提喻法) : a figure of speech in which a part is made to

represent the whole or vice versa, as in

Scotland lost by two to nothing (meaning the

Scottish team), bread for food or living, the

army for a soldier, He earns his bread by

writing.(他靠写作挣钱谋生。), The farms

were short of hands during the harvest season

(收获季节里农场缺乏劳动力。) Australia

beat Canada at cricket (澳大利亚队在板球比

赛中击败了加拿大队。) or He is the Newton

of this century (他是这个世纪的牛顿。)

6. Euphemism: use of mild, vague and indirect words or phrases in place of what

is required by truth or accuracy, as in using to fall asleep/to cease

thinking/to pass away/to go to heaven/ to leave us in place of the

verb to die, senior citizens for old people, a slow learner or an

under achiever for a stupid pupil, weight watcher for fat people,

mental institution for madhouse or asylum, mentally or

emotionally disturbed for mad, washroom/men's / women's room

for lavatory, handicapped for crippled, low income

brackets/underprivileged/disadvantaged for the poor

7. Irony (反语): the expression of one’s meaning by saying sth. which is the direct

opposite of one’s thoughts, in order to make one’s remarks

forceful, as in ……(omitted)
