1. 发音和语音语调(pronunciation and intonation):评估学生
2. 词汇和句型(vocabulary and sentence patterns):考察学生
3. 语法和句子连贯(grammar and coherence):评估学生是否
4. 语言运用的流利程度(fluency):考察学生是否能够流利、自然地进行口语表达,包括语速的掌握、断句的准确性,以及对话的连贯性。
5. 语言交际能力(communicative ability):评估学生在与他人进行交流时的能力,包括表达自己的观点、回应他人的问题、提出合理的建议等,以及表达意见时的逻辑性和说服力。
3, . 45 1 . .(考生准备时间45秒).(考生A和B同时回答,时间1分钟):4, a . . a . :1.(s)2.3.1 . , a . . .(屏幕上显示以下文字):1.(s)2.3.(考生准备时间1分钟).(考生A和B讨论,时间3分钟). .大学英语四、六级考试口语考试样题A - 1::1 (5 ):( ), . ? , . ? … ? … ? ... .? , . (1.5 ), . , I'd .[ C1, C2, C3 ]1) ( , …)?2) a ( , …)?3) a ?4) , , ?5) ( , …)?6) ?7) a , a a ?8) 's ( , …)?2 (10 ):'s . “ ”. ' a ( ) . I'd a . ' a (s). 't I . .[1 ], [ C1 ], ? [ C2 ] [ C3 ], [ C1 ] .[1.5 ] . [ C2 ], 's .[1.5 ] , [ C3 ], 's .. . I'd a ( , …). a .a . .[ ], I' . 's [ C? ] .[ a ] /, [ C? ], …?[4.5 ], 's .3 (5 ):I'd “ ”.[ a .][ C1 C2 C3 ]·, ... ?·?·?·?·?, 's . , .大学英语四六级口语考试历年话题20041. ?2. 't ?3. ?4. ?a ?1. ? ?2. ' s a ? ?3. 's ?4. ?5. , ...?1. ?2. ?3. 's a ?4. ?5. . 's ? ( ).1.2.3. , ,4.1. ?2. ? , . , ?3. ?4. ?5. ?6. , ...?1. . ?2. ? ?3. , a ?4. ?5. a . ? a ( ).123.4.a1. a , ?2. a ?3. ?4. ?5. a ?1. ?2. ?3. ? ?4. a ? .5. ?6. ?( ) .1. 学校环境对比2. 上学路途对比3. 考上大学与否对比4. 兄妹上学对比?1 . ?2. ' s a ?3. ?4. 's ?5. ?( ) ?1.2.3. '4.?1' s ?2. ' s 's ?3. ?4. ?5. . ' s ?6. , ... ?.20041 ?2. í ín "A ís a "?3. í's ?4. í's ?5. , ?6. , ?()1.2.3. a4.?l. ?2. ?3. a a ?4. a ?5. ?6. , . . .?1. ? .2. ?3. ?4. ?5. ? ( )A :1234?1. 's ?2. ?3. ?4. a ?5. e1 ?6. ?7. ?1. 1 a ?2. ?3. ? . , ?4. ?5. ?6. 't a . ? ( ) 1k . ?2. ?3. ?4. ? .5. ? .1. a c1?2. ? ?3. ?4. a ?5. ?6. ? ( ).1. "'s ."2. "I 't 1 't f."3. ''!'m ."4. " , . ."?1. ?2. a ' s ?3. ?4. ?5. ?1. a ?2. a a a ? ?3. a ? ?4. a ? ?5. ? ?6. ? ( ) . ( ) 's a ?( )? a .1. 专业对口,但工资低2. 工资高,但专业不对3. 工资高,但工作强度很大4. 专业对口,但晋升机会少's a1 a a ? ?2. ?3. ' s a ? ?4. 's , ? ( )5. a . 's a ? ?6. , ...?1. ?2. ?3. ?4. ?5. ? ( ) ? ( ) ?6. ( ), . . 't .1./ /2./ /3.'s / /4./ /?1. i t' s ? ( )2. ?3. ? ( )4. a a ? ?5 a ? ( )6. , ...?2005: :1. ' ?2. ' s ? ?3. ? ?4. a , ?5. ? ?( )1. .2. .3. .4. .?1. ?2. ?3. a ?4. ?5. ?: :1. ?2. ? ?3. a . ?4. ? ?5. ?6. ?()( ) a?1. ?2. ?3. a e1 ?4. ?5. ?: :1. ? ? ), ?2. a . ' s ?3. ? ?4. . 's a ?5. . ?6. ?( ):1. &2. & , , .3. &4. &1.' s ?2. 2. a . ' s ?3. ?4. ? ?5. ?: :1 ?2. 's ?3. ? 't ?4. ?5. ?( ) 1k :1.2. 13.4. 1?1 ?2. a ? ?3. a ?4. ' ? .5. ? ?:: '1. ?2. ?3. ?4. ?5. ? ?6. ? ().1. 学习方面(态度、方法、成绩)2. 生活方面(自理、自律、适应能力)3. 社交方面(团队精神、合作共事能力)' ?1. ' ?2. ' s ?3. 't ?4. , , " '? ?5. ?6. , ... ?: :1 ?2. ? ?3. "A a "?4. ? ,? , ' ?5. ? , ?6. ? 's ?( ).1. 捐助希望工程,捐助贫困生2. 捐建卷教学大楼、图书馆等3. 捐款捐物,赈济灾民·?1. ?2. ?3. ?4. a a ?5. ?6. a ?7. , ... ?2006::1. ? ?2. ?3. ?4. ?5. a ? ( )a . I'd . , . . , , .1. c1 's ?2. ?3. 's ?4. 't ?5. ?::1. , ? .2. ? ?3. ? ?4. ? ?5. a ? . ( ).1. 学习无计划:如作业拖拉、不预习、不复习、临时抱佛脚2. 饮食不规律:如不吃早餐、偏食、食暴饮、过度节3. 作息不规律:如熬夜、不休息、不锻炼's .1. ? ?2 ? ?3. ?4. 's 's ? ?5. ( ) a ? .6. , ... ? .2006 Ⅰ. ::'s1. ? , ?2. ? ?3. , ?4. ?5. i1l? , ? , ?6. a , ?( ). . 1. 知足常乐2. 助人为乐3. 自得其乐1. ? ?2. ?3. a ?4. a ? ?5. a . ?6. , ...?::1. 's ? ?2. a ? , ? , ?3. ? ?4. ? ?5. ? ?( ).l. 目前大学生的就业形式2. 大学生找工作的途径3. 大学生求职时考虑的主要因素a1. ? ?2. a ? .3. ?4. ?5. a ?6. , ... ?2007::1. ?2. a ? ?3. a ? ?4. a ? ?5. 's ?( )a . .l. 外国人学汉语的不同目的2. 外国人学汉语的各种途径3. 外国人学汉语的主要困难a1. ? ?2. ? ?3. 's ? ?4. a , ?5. a ?6. , ...?: :1. ? ?2. ? ?3. ' s ? ?4. ?5. ? , , ? , ?6. a , ?1 ( ). . ' ?2. ? ?3. ' 's . ?4. " ." 's ?5. 's ? .6. , ... ?: :1. ?2. ?3. ?4. ? ?5. " "? ? ( )a . .1. 1y.2. .3. .·?1. c1 c1?.2. c1?3. '? , ? , ?4. ? ?5. a ? .6. , ... ?.2007::1. ? ( ?)2. ? ( ?)3. 1 ?4. ? ( , ? , ' s ?5. ?( )1 . .1. /2. /3. /a ? (本题易跑题)1. ' . ?2. ? ( ?)3. ? ( ?)4. ?5. . ?6. , ...?::1 ? ?2. ? ( ?)3. ?4. ? ( ?)5. ?( ). .1. .2. .3. .·?1. . ' s ?2. 's ?3. ' ?4. : , ?5. ? ( ?)6. , ...?::1. ? ?2. ? ?3. ?4. ? (?)5. a ? ( . .)( ). . ? ( .)2. ? ( ?)3. ? ( ?)4. ?5. ?6. , ... ?::1 ?2. ?3. a ? ( .)4. ? () ? ( ) ?5. ' ?( )' . .1.买一份礼物送个老师2. 亲手制作一件礼物送给老师3. 以优异的成绩回报老师'1. ? ( ?)2. ?3. a ? ( ?)4. ?5. ? ( , ?) (难度大〉6. , ... ?。
评分标准:1. 回答正确+1分;2. 回答错误或未回答+0分。
评分标准:1. 回答正确+1分;2. 回答错误或未回答+0分。
评分标准:任务一:1. 内容完整、观点明确、连贯性强+12分;2. 内容基本完整、观点基本明确、连贯性较好+9分;3. 内容不完整、观点不够明确、连贯性较差+6分;4. 内容不完整、观点不明确、连贯性差+3分;5. 内容缺失、观点混乱、连贯性极差或未完成+0分。
任务二:1. 内容完整、观点明确、连贯性强+15分;2. 内容基本完整、观点基本明确、连贯性较好+12分;3. 内容不完整、观点不够明确、连贯性较差+9分;4. 内容不完整、观点不明确、连贯性差+6分;5. 内容缺失、观点混乱、连贯性极差或未完成+0分。
评分标准:1. 涵盖主要内容、表达准确、语法正确+5分;2. 涵盖大部分内容、表达基本准确、语法基本正确+3分;3. 涵盖部分内容、表达不够准确、语法有错误+1分;4. 涵盖内容不完整、表达不准确、语法错误较多或未完成+0分。
评分标准:1. 语言流利、用词准确、语法正确、发音清晰+5分;2. 语言基本流利、用词基本准确、语法基本正确、发音基本清晰+3分;3. 语言不够流利、用词不够准确、语法有错误、发音不够清晰+1分;4. 语言不流利、用词不准确、语法错误较多、发音不清晰或未完成+0分。
Examiner:Task 3 Individual PresentationIn this task, you are to talk about the picture displayed on the screen. You will have 45 seconds to prepare and 1 minute to talk about it. Now here is the picture.(屏幕上显示以下文字)Your plan may include:1.place(s) to visit2.schedule3.means of transportation(考生准备时间1分钟)Now please start your talk on hearing the beep.(考生A和B讨论,时间3分钟)Thank you. That is the end of the test.大学英语四、六级考试口语考试样题CET Spoken English TestSample PaperTopic A - 1Topic Area : City LifeTopic : City TrafficPart 1 (5 minutes)Examiner:Good morning (Good afternoon), everybody. Could you please tell me your name and the number of your admission ticket? Your name, please. And your number? … Your name? … And your number? ... Thank you.Now would you please briefly introduce yourselves to each other? Remember, you should not mention the name of your university. (1.5 minutes)OK, now that we know each other we can do some group work. First of all, I'd like to ask each of you to say something about life in the city.[ C1, C2, C3 ]1) Ho w do you like living in Beijing ( Shanghai , Nanjing …)?2) What do you think is the most serious challenge of living in a city like Beijing( Shanghai , Nanjing …)?3) How do you like shopping in a supermarket?4) Where would you like to live, downtown or in the suburbs, and why?5) What measures do you think we should take to reduce air pollution in Beijing( Shanghai , Nanjing …)?6) Can you say something about the entertainment available in your city?7) Where would you like to find a job after graduation, in a big city like Beijing or Shanghai or in a small town and why?8) What's your impression of the people in Beijing ( Shanghai , Nanjing …)?Part 2 (10 minutes)Examiner:Now let's move on to something more specific. The topic for our discussion today is “City Traffic”. You'll have a picture (some pictures) showing two different types of transport. I'd like each of you to give a brief description of each type and then compare the two types. You'll have one minute to prepare and each of you will have one and a half minutes to talk about the picture(s). Don't worry if I interrupt you at the end of the time limit. Now here are your pictures.[1 minute later]Now, [ C1 ], would you please start first? [ C2 ] and [ C3 ], please put your pictures aside and listen to what [ C1 ] has to say.[1.5 minutes later] OK. [ C2 ], now it's your turn.[1.5 minutes later] OK, [ C3 ], and now it's your turn.Right. Now we all have some idea of various kinds of city transport. I'd like you to discuss this topic further and see if you can agree on which is the best type of transport for a big city like Beijing ( Shanghai , Nanjing …). During the discussion you may argue with each other or ask each other questions to clarify a point. You will have about four and a half minutes for the discussion. Your performance will be judged according to your contributions to the discussion.[If one candidate talks too long]Sorry, I'll have to stop you now. Let's listen to what [ C? ] has to say.[If one candidate keeps silent for a long time] /Now, [ C? ], could you please say something about your view of …?[4.5 minutes later]All right, that's the end of the discussion.Part 3 (5 minutes)Examiner:Now I'd like to ask you just one last question on the topic of “City Traffic”.[Select a question from the following list to ask each of the candidates.][ C1 or C2 or C3 ]· During the discussion, why did you say that ... ?· What kind of transport do you usually use in your city?· Do you have any suggestions as to how traffic conditions can be improved in big cities?· Do you think private cars should be encouraged?· Why do you think some Western countries encourage people to ride bicycles?Now, that's the end of the test. Thank you, everybody.大学英语四六级口语考试历年话题May 2004Questions about sense of responsibility1. What kind of people would you like to work with?2. What do you think about people who don't keep their promises?3. How do you feel about students who are often late for class?4. What kind of people would you like to employ ifyou were the boss?Discussion Whether the younger generation today has a strong sense of responsibility? More questions1. Do adult children have the responsibility to care for their elderly parents? Why or why not?2. Do you think it' s important for students to have a strong responsibility? Reasons?3. Could you suggest some ways to enhance one's sense of responsibility?4. What could you do with an irresponsible employee?5. During the discussion, why did you say that...?Questions about Social behavier1. Do you get along with your roommates?2. Do you think people are less honest today than they used to be?3. Do you think it's always wrong to tell a lie?4. Do you think one should always be ready to help others?5. Some people say interpersonal relationships are becoming more and more complicated. What's your opinion? Fighting Dishonesty(for candidates)Please comment on the following form of dishonest behavior and give examples to illustrate your point.1. Cheating in exams2. Selling fake commodities3. Taking stimulants, or illegal drugs, for better athletic performance4. Evading or escaping taxes DiscussionThe best way to fight dishonesty More questions1. Do you believe in the saying that honesty is the best policy?2. Have you ever been cheated by anybody? If yes, please tell us about it. If not, how did you avoid being cheated?3. Do you believe honesty is important in developing friendships?4. What would you do if your found somebody cheating in exams?5. Do you think people will benefit from being dishonest?6. During the discussion, why did you say that...?Questions about city development1. Can you give examples to illustrate the rapid development of. cities in China?2. Which city do you like best? Why?3. Where do you prefer to work, a coastal city or an inland city?4. Why does the govemment encourage young people to work in the westem areas of China?5. Now many people from rural areas are trying to make a living in cities . What do you think about that? If you were mayor of a city(for candidates)Please tell us what you would do about the two areas of concern listed on your card if you were mayor of the city.1.Enviroment Housing2.Employment Public Security3. Education Medical Care4. Welfare for the unemployedPublic transportation DiscussionThe qualities a mayor should have More questions1. If you were given the job of a mayor, would you accept it?2. What do you think could be the most difficult problem for a mayor?3. What do you think is the best way to solve the problem of unemployment?4. Have you ever thought of doing administration work after graduation?5. What contribution so you think a university student can make to city development? Questions about education1. How did you feel when you first went to school?2. How did you like the school you attended?3. DO all children in your hometown go to school when they reach school age? Why or why not?4. Did you have to pay a lot of extra fees when you went to school? Explain.5. Can you say something about your former classmates who failed to get into university?6. Have you ever been back to your former school to see your teacher?The right to education(for candidates) Describe the pictures and talk about the difficulties children in poor areas face in getting an education.1. 学校环境对比2. 上学路途对比3. 考上大学与否对比4. 兄妹上学对比DiscussionWhy all children should be given equal opportunity to get an education? More questions1.Why is education important for the development of. our county?2. Do you think it' s a good idea for parents to send their young children abroad to study?3. Why do you think some parents like to send their children to expensive private schools?4. What's your comment on schools which charge students unreasonable fees?5. Why do we encourage people to contribute to Project Hope?Ways to motivate students(for candidates) Do you think the following way is effective in motivating students to learn?1. Giving frequent exams2. Updating course content3. Enhancing students' interest in what is being taught4. Enforcing strict regulations DiscussionWhy some students lack motivation for learning?More questions1.What' s your motivation for learning?2. Do you think it' s the teacher's job to motivate students?3. Do you think motivation is important for success?4. DO your have any other suggestions for motivating students?5. Some students are planning to study abroad after graduation. What' s their reasons for doing so?6. During the discussjon, why did you day that... ?Nov.2004Questions1.What kind of people do you like working with?2. Do you belíeve ín the saying "A friend in need ís a friend indeed"?3. What do you thínk ofpeople who always rely on other people's homework?4. What do you thínk of students who often copy other people's homework?5. Among your classmates, who do you admire most?6. Among your teachers, who do you respect most?People you admire (for candidates)1. people who have team spirit2. people who are ready to help others3. people who have a strong determination4. people who are willing to try new ideas or methods DiscussionWhich kind of person is more likely to be successful in life? More questionsl. Do you think we shou~d carry on th,e spirit of Lei Feng today?2. Do vou think Bill Gates would have been successful if he had finished college?3. Do you think a good education will ensure a successful career?4. Would you say wealth is a symbol of success?5. Do you think people who get rich ovemight can be considered succussful?6. During the discussion, why did you say that. . .?Questions1. Do you ever throw away things that can still be used? Please give an example.2. Do you think garbage can be recycled?3. Do you save used things likeplastic bags for future use?4. What sort of people do you think like to keep used things?5. Do you think used things are always worthless? The throw-away culture(for candidates)A card listing two different groups of people:1.manufacturers and consumers2.young people and elderly people3.wealthy people and low-income people4.people who care about durability and people who care about fashion Discussion Whether the throw-away culture should be encouraged? More questions1. Do you think it's wasteful to throw away things that can still be used?2. Why are many youngpeople in the habit ofthrowing away things which can still be used?3. Are wealthy people wasteful?4. Are disposable products a waste ofnatural resources?5. Why do e1deriy people rarely have the habit ofthrowing away things which can still be used?6. In which way can we stimulate productions?7. Why govemment encourage people to consume?Questions1. Do you tbink bicyc1es are a good means of transportation?2. Which form of city transport do you prefer?3. Have you ever traveled long distances? Please say sometbing about our travels. If not, have you any plans to do so?4. Whicb do you tbink is tbe most convenient way to travel over distances?5. Do you think more and more people are going to buy cars?6. Some people don't what to own a car even thougb they can afford it. What do you tbink is tbeir reason for not buying one?Intercity transportation (for candidates) Please ta1k about the advantages and disadvantages of the means of intercity transportation as shown on your card.1. Trains2. Airplanes3. Long-distance buses4. Private cars DiscussionWhich means should be given priority when planning intercity transportation systems? More questions1. What is the biggest problem with public transportation in the city you live in?2. What is the major cause of traffic jams in big cities?3. Should drivers always be held responsibLe for road accidents?4. Can you think of any measures to make people obey traffic rules? Please name one or two.5. What form of transportation causes the least environmental pollution? Please explain. Questions1. Do you spend a lot of time reviewing your lessons after c1ass?2. Do you often attend lectures given by distinguished scholar? In what way have those lectures benefited you?3. Do you like taking exams?4. Do you spend a lot of time preparing for exams?5. Do you think exams are helpful to your studies?6. Are you happy when an exam is postponed or canceIled? Cheating in Exams (for candidates)Please comment on the statement about cheating in exams given on your card .1. "It's shameful to cheat and those who cheat sbould be severely punished."2. "I don't care whether other people cheat in exams so long as 1 don't cheat mysel f."3. ''!'m strongly against cheating in exams and will report any such case."4. "As long as there are exams, there will be people who cheat. Nothing can be done about it."DiscussionWhat should be done to stop cheating in exams? More questions1. Do you think exams are necessary?2. Do you think exams are the only way to evaluate a student' s academic performance?3. Do you have any suggestions for reforming the present examination system at college?4. Do you think exams will be done away with someday?5. What are the positive and negative aspects of exams at college?Questions1. When do college students usually start to look for a job?2. Is a college degree a guarantee for a good job in the future? Why or why not?3. Is it becoming more and more difficult for university graduates to get a good job? Why or why not?4. Do you agree that work experience should be a precondition for employment? Why or why not?5. What kind of job do you expect to get when you graduate? Why?6. Have you got any work experience? (If yes) Please say something about it. (If not) Do you think it's a disadvantage?Job Hunting (for candidates)Do you think the student should take the job or turn it down? Try to help him come to a decision.1. 专业对口,但工资低2. 工资高,但专业不对3. 工资高,但工作强度很大4. 专业对口,但晋升机会少DiscussionWhat should be one's chief concern in choosing a jobMore Questions1.Some applicants ask for a low salary in order to get ajob- Do you think that is a good strategy? Why?2. What qualifications must one have to be more competitive in the job market?3. Do you think it' s easier for male students to get a job tban female students? Why or why not?4. Do you think the higher one's degree, the easier it will be for one to get ajob? (Explain the reasons)5. Many university graduates would rather start their own businesses than hunt for a job. Do you think it's a good idea? Why?6. During the discussion, why did you say that...?Questions1. Can you say something about your primary school education?2. Can you say something about your middle school education?3. What subject did you Iike most at middle school?4. What extracurricular activities did you often take part in at middle school?5. Do you think you have more free time at college that at middle school? (If yes) How do you spend your free time? (lf not) Why not?6. What do you think of your teachers at middle school Education in China (for candidates) Please say what you know about education in China, focusing on the area specified on your card. Tbe prompts provided are Only For Your Reference. You don't have to cover all tbe points or be limited to them.1. Compulsory educationNine-year compulsory education / quality of education / student workload2. Higher educationRapid development / cbances for admission / labor market3. Continuing educationUpdating one's knowledge / distance education / on-tbe- job training4. Vocational educationNeed for skilled technicians / possibilities of career advancement / teaching staff and facilities DiscussionWhich area of education should be given priority at present? More questions1. Do you think i t' s easy to develop education in rural areas? (explain reasons)2. What do you think you can do to help improve education in remote areas?3. Do you think primary school education an important part of your life? (explain reasons)4. Do you think a university education is the only road to a successful career? Why or why not?5.What kind of school would you like to teach in if you were a teacher? (explain reasons)6. During the discussion, why did you say...?May 2005Topic Area: Social Issues Topic: Equality between Men and Women Questions1. Do you think you're fortunate to be admitted to college?2. What' s the ratio of males to females in your class? Do you think this ratio is reasonable?3. Do men students and women students have different likes and dislikes? Examples?4. Who do you like to work with ifyou have a choice, men or women?5. What kind of job would you like to have after graduation? Why?Equality Between Men and Women (for candidates)1. Talk about differences in opportunities for men and women in terms of employment and give your comments.2. Talk about differences in opportunities for men and women in terms of promotion and give your comments.3. Talk about differences in incomes for men and women and give your comments.4. Talk about differences in family responsibilities for men and women and give your comments.DiscussionWhat we can do to ensure equality between men and women? More Questions1. Do you think men and women have different roles to play in society?2. Do you think there can ever be absolute equality between men and women?3. Do you think women should stay at home instead of taking a job after marriage?4. Do you think men and women should share housework and childcare?5. Do you think women managers are easier to work with than men managers?Topic Area: Elderly People Topic: Life after Retirement Questions1. Can you say something about your grandparent?2. What do you think elderly people need most? Reasons?3. Some people find a new job after they retire. What do you think about that?4. What kink of jobs do you think are suitable for elderly people? Why?5. What can elderly people do to stay healthy?6. What should we do to show our concern for elderly people?Life after retirement(pictures)(for candidates)1. Traveling2. Learning something new3. Taking care of grandchildren4. Having a good time DiscussionWhether early retirement should be encouraged in China? More Questions1. Why do some people prefer late retirement to early retirement?2. Do you think elderly people would like to live in homes for the elderly?3. Do you think jogging is a good exercise for e1derly people?4. What can people do for their community after they retire?5. Do elderly people like living with their children or grandchildren?Topic Area: Information Technology Topic: Surfing the Net Questions1. Is it easy for you to access the Internet? How often? If not), Why not?2. People often say we are now living in a small world. What' s your opinion?3. What do you think is the most convenient means of communication? Reasons?4. Mobile phones are popular with teenagers. Do you think it's a good thing?5. More and more people are using mobile phones. What do you think about that?6. How do you usually communicate with your family and friends?Surfing the Net (for candidates)Please talk about the advantages and disadvantages of surfing the net specified on the following topic:1. Useful information & harmful information2. Communication via the Intemet & Junk mail, computer viruses, etc.3. E-learning & overindulging in computer games4. E-shopping & computer crimesMore Questions1.What' s your advice to classmate and friends who spend too much time surfing the net?2. 2. It is said that students who major in infornation technology are likely to get a good job. What' s your opinion?3. Do you think e-learning is an efficient way of learning?4. What websites do you often visit? Why?5. What do you think is the future of e-business?Topic Area: University Life Topic: Coping with Stress Questions1.What do you think of campus life?2. How's the food in your school dining hall?3. How often do you have tests? What if you don't do well on the tests?4. How do you usually spend your weekends?5. What would you do if you feel lonely on campus?Coping with Stress (for candidates) Please ta1k about the kind of pressur college students may experience as specified on your card:1. Academic pressure2. Financia1 pressure3. Job-hunting pressure4. Emotiona1 pressureDiscussionHow to cope with the stress students may experience while studying at school? More Questions1.Why is it important for college students to learn to cope with stress?2. Do you think it a good habit to stay up late before an examination? Why or why not?3. DO you think pressure is always a bad thing?4. Do you think school authorities are paying enough attention to students' psychological health? Explain.5. Do you think psychological counseling can help students relieve their stress? Why or why not?Topic Area: University LifeTopic: Students' All-round Development Questions1. How did you feel when you received your college admission letter?2. What was the response of your parents or relatives when they leamed you were admitted to college?3. What preparations did you make before leaving for university?4. What impressed you most when you first arrived on campus?5. Do you like the courses offered by your university? Why or why not?6. Are you satisfied with your university life? Please explain (for candidates)Please talk about the possible problems facing college students from the perspective written on your card.1. 学习方面(态度、方法、成绩)2. 生活方面(自理、自律、适应能力)3. 社交方面(团队精神、合作共事能力)Discussion What measures should be taken to ensure students' all-round development? More questions1. What do you think is the greatest progress you've made at college so far?2. What' s the biggest challenge you encountered at college?3. What would you say if one of your classmates doesn't like his current major?4. Do you believe in DIY, that is , "Do It Yourself'? Why or whynot?5. What do you plan to accomplish during your college years?6. During the discussion, why did you say that... ?Topic Area: Social Issues Topic: Charity and Donations Questions1.What will you do if someone has difficulty in their studies and turns to you for help?2. Have you ever noticed there are people in need of help in our society? Who are they?3. What do you think of the saying "A friend in need is a friend indeed"?4. Have you ever done any voluntary work? If yes,what did you do? If no, do you think you'll do some voluntary work when needed?5. Are there any students in serious financial difficulty in your class? If yes, what will you do to help them?6. Are there any students in your class who are from the rural areas? What's their financial condition?The Kind of Charitable Donations (for candidates)Please talk about the kind of charitable donation written on your card.1. 捐助希望工程,捐助贫困生2. 捐建卷教学大楼、图书馆等3. 捐款捐物,赈济灾民Discussion·What should be done to narrow the gap between the rich and the poor? More questions1. Do you think rich people are always happy?2. What do you think you can do for the poor after you graduate?3. Can you name one or two causes for the difference between the rich and the poor?4. Are you from a developed area or a less developed area?5. In what way do you think you can contribute to the development of the westem part of our country?6. What do you think a harmonious society should be like?7. In the discussion, why did you mention that... ?May 2006Topic Area: Social BehaviorTopic: Trust among People Questions1. Do you live on campus or at home? How do you get along with your classmates?2. What do you do when someone asks for help?3. Why do some people tell lies?4. What would you do if you found someone stealing or cheating?5. What do you do when a classmate faces difficulty? Trust among People ( for candidates ) Each of you will be given a card. I'd like you to tell the story based on the pictures given on your card. Remember, you should tell only your part of the story.Right. Now that we all know what the story is about, we can see thaf instead of being trusfed and rewarded, the lady got herself into trouble. DiscussionThe importance of building more trust among people More questions1. What do you think ofthe c1aim made by the old man's family members in the story?2. What would you do if you were the lady driver in the story?3. Why do you think the old man's family members behaved thatway?4. How is it that people sometimes don't trust each other?5. What do you think we should do to promote trust among people?Topic Area: University LifeTopic: Living and Studying Habits Questions1. Do you exercise in the moming or in the aftemoon, or not at all? Please explain.2. When do you usually go to bed? What do you usually do in the evening?3. Can you always finish your homework in time? Why or why not?4. Do you enjoy the food in your school cafeteria? What are your favorite foods?5. Do most ofyour classmates lead a healthy life? Please elaborate. Living and Studying Habits( for candidates )Please describe the unhealthy habits stated on your card and comment on them.1. 学习无计划:如作业拖拉、不预习、不复习、临时抱佛脚2. 饮食不规律:如不吃早餐、偏食、食暴饮、过度节3. 作息不规律:如熬夜、不休息、不锻炼DiscussionHow Healthy Living and Studying Habits Contribute to one's success . More questions1. Do your roommates or classmates have different living habits? How do you manage to get along?2.Do you End it annoying ifyour classmates are late for class? What do you think could be done to solve the problems?3. What are some ofyour living habits that you consider healthy?4. Do you think it's easy to change one's Iiving habits? Why or why not?5. Do you believe punctuality (being on time) is a virtue? Please explain.6. During the discussion, why did you say that... ? Dec.2006 Ⅰ. Topic Area: Attitude towards LifeTopic: How to Find Happiness in LifeQuestions about People's Attitudes towards Life1. Do you find college life challenging? If yes, in what way?2. Have you met with any difficulties while at college? What are they?3. If you ran out of money, what would you do?4. What do you usually do when you meet with difficulties In your studies?5. Have you ever fallen i1l? Ifyes, what was the problem? If not, how have you managed to keep so healthy?6. Suppose one ofyour classmates came down with a fatal illness, what would you do for them?How to Find Happiness in Life (for candidates)Please talk about the way to find happiness in life as suggested on your card. You can give examples to illustrate your point if necessary. 1. Happiness lies in contentedness知足常乐2. Find happiness in helping others助人为乐3. Derive happiness from what you are doing 自得其乐DiscussionHow Young People Should View Happiness More questions1. Do you think there are mental health problems among college students? Why do you say so?2. What attitude do you adopt towards problems that come up in your life?3. What should be done to ensure that students have a happy time at college?4. Do you think wealthy people enjoy a happier life? Why do you say so?。
1. 发音及语音语调。
2. 语法正确性。
3. 词汇运用及流畅度。
4. 内容连贯性和逻辑性。
5. 沟通效果。
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大学英语四级口语考试 (CET-SET4) 试题构成以及样题
(考生准备时间 45 秒 ) Now please begin to read on hearing the beep. (考生 A 和 B 同时回答,时间 1 分钟 )
Task 2 Question and Answer In this task, you are to answer two questions. For each question, you will have 20 seconds to respond. Please start speaking on hearing the beep. (问题文字不显示在屏幕上 ) Question 1: What would many people think of San Francisco according to the passage? (考生 A 和 B 同时回答,时间 20 秒 ) Question 2: Which city in China do you like most? And why? (考生 A 和 B 同时回答,时间 20 秒 )
小组互动 (Pair work)
试题构成 :
任务描述 考生作简短的自我介绍
时间 每人 20 秒
考生经过准备后,朗读一篇 短文 考生回答 2 个与所朗读的短 文有关的问题 考生经过准备后,根据所给 提示作 1 分钟发言 两位考生经过准备后,根据 设定的情景和任务进行交谈
准备: 45 秒 答题: 1 分钟 答题:每题 20 秒
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大学英语四级口语考试 (CET-SET4) 试题构成以及样题 本次 CET-SET成绩将印制在 CET成绩报告单上, 其成绩报告单并下发 至笔试报考的考点。
以下是整理的英语四六级⼝语考试的评分标准,欢迎阅读!1.英语四六级⼝语考试的评分标准 ⼀、评分标准 CET-SET主考在评分时使⽤以下标准: a.准确性指考⽣的语⾳、语调以及所使⽤的语法和词汇的准确程度 b.语⾔范围指考⽣使⽤的词汇和语法结构的复杂程度和范围 c.话语的长短指考⽣对整个考试中的交际所作的贡献、讲话的多少 d.连贯性指考⽣有能⼒进⾏较长时间的、语⾔连贯的发⾔ e.灵活性指考⽣应付不同情景和话题的能⼒ f.适切性指考⽣根据不同场合选⽤适当确切的语⾔的能⼒ ⼆、语⾔功能 CET-SET考试要求考⽣参与不同形式的⼝头交际,其语⾔能⼒将根据其在考试中的表现予以测量。
2.英语四六级⼝语考试做题技巧 1、考试前抓关键词、连词、成句 2、运⽤序数词 ⼝语考试就像写作⼀样,需要逻辑清晰,条理清楚,运⽤序数词可以让你的叙述听上去有条理、有逻辑。
3、互动 在四六级⼝语考试中,除了考⽣与模拟考官之间的问答外,还有⼀个环节就是考⽣与搭档之间的互动。
这就有点像BEC ⼝语考试了。
4、积累地道英语⼝语表达 其实所有的⼝语考试都是万变不离其宗,多⽤⼀些地道的英语⼝语表达。
3.英语四六级⼝语考试注意事项 ⼀、⼝语正式开始之前有五分钟调试设备的时间,在这五分钟内,抓紧时间试⾳检查你的⽿机是否有问题,如果有问题,抓紧向⽼师报告更换。
1. 考试时间:考试时间为10分钟左右,其中考生需要自我介绍1分钟。
2. 考试方式:四级口语考试采用单独面试的方式进行,考生和考官进行一对一的交流。
3. 题目:四级口语考试的题目以日常生活为主,包括个人情况介绍、家庭、学习、工作、兴趣爱好、社交活动等话题。
4. 评分标准:四级口语考试的评分标准主要考察考生的语音、语法、词汇、流利度、语言表达能力、交际能力等方面。
1. 自我介绍:考生需要在1分钟内进行自我介绍,包括姓名、年龄、学校、专业、兴趣爱好等基本信息。
2. 口头表达能力:考生需要能够流利地表达自己的观点和想法,使用正确的语法和词汇。
3. 交际能力:考生需要能够用英语进行日常交流,包括打招呼、问候、介绍自己等。
4. 分析问题能力:考生需要能够分析问题,提出自己的看法和解决方案。
5. 坚持观点能力:考生需要能够坚持自己的观点,并用相关的
四六级口语考试形式和内容CET-SET 考试采用机考形式,每场考试由 2 名主考和 3 (或 4 )名考生组成:CET-SET 考试分三部分:英语四六级口语第一部分是考生和 CET 授权的主考进行交谈,采用问答的形式。
时间约 5 分钟。
英语四六级口语第二部分包括 1.5 分钟的考生个人发言和 4.5 分钟的小组讨论。
时间共约 10 分钟。
时间约 5 分钟。
大学英语四级口试Introduction:大学英语四级口试(College English Test Band 4,简称CET-4)是中国大学生英语能力测试的一项重要组成部分。
I. CET-4口试评分标准CET-4口试根据听力、口语、交际和语言运用等方面对学生进行评分。
具体评分标准如下:1. 听力(20%):考察学生对于英语短文和对话的理解能力,包括听清关键信息、推断上下文和理解主旨等。
2. 口语(30%):考察学生的口语流利程度、语音语调准确性、语法和词汇运用等方面。
3. 交际(30%):考察学生与他人进行英语交流的能力,包括寒暄、提问和回答问题、表达观点等。
4. 语言运用(20%):考察学生对英语语法、词汇和句子结构的正确运用能力。
II. CET-4口试内容CET-4口试的内容主要包括听力测试、个人陈述、问答和对话等几个部分。
1. 听力测试:考生需要听取英语短文和对话,并回答相关问题。
2. 个人陈述:考生需要根据所给的题目进行个人陈述。
3. 问答:考生需要回答面试官的问题。
4. 对话:考生需要与面试官进行对话。
III. CET-4口试备考建议为了顺利通过CET-4口试,考生可以采取以下备考建议:1. 加强听力训练:通过听听力材料、练习听写以及参加模拟考试等方式来提高听力理解能力。
2. 提高口语表达能力:多参加英语口语练习,与他人进行对话和交流,积极参加英语角活动等。
3. 扩大词汇量:背诵常用词汇和短语,并灵活运用于口语表达中。
大学英语四六级考试口语考试大纲_2023下半年英语四六级考试内容大学英语四六级考试口语考试大纲一、评分标准CET-SET 主考在评分时使用以下标准:a. 准确性指考生的语音、语调以及所使用的语法和词汇的准确程度b. 语言范围指考生使用的词汇和语法结构的复杂程度和范围c. 话语的长短指考生对整个考试中的交际所作的贡献、讲话的多少d. 连贯性指考生有能力进行较长时间的、语言连贯的发言e. 灵活性指考生应付不同情景和话题的能力f. 适切性指考生根据不同场合选用适当确切的语言的能力二、语言功能CET-SET 考试要求考生参与不同形式的口头交际,其语言能力将根据其在考试中的表现予以测量。
三、考试形式CET-SET 考试分三部分:第一部分是考生和 CET 授权的主考进行交谈,采用问答的形式。
时间约 5 分钟。
第二部分包括 1.5 分钟的考生个人发言和 4.5 分钟的小组讨论。
时间共约10 分钟。
时间约 5 分钟。
四、输入信息CET-SET 考试运用以下两种形式的输入信息来产生信息差:1 )画面提示(如图片、图表、照片等);2 )文字提示。
考试内容分为三个部分:(1复述故事 (Retelling a story ; (2即席讲话 (Talking on a given topic; (3交谈 (Role-playing
1. 复述故事
复述的故事大约有 300个词, 故事内容一般为过去发生的事情。
复述时间为 3分钟。
2. 即席讲话
考生准备 3分钟后,即席讲话 3分钟。
3. 交谈
交谈双方或采用讨论的方式, 对某个问题发表看法; 或采用辩论的形式, 阐述各自的观点。
考生准备 3分钟,交谈 4分钟。
前三项的得分反映三项任务完成的情况, 后两项的得分是对考生在三项任务中的语音语调及语法与词汇的总体评价。
TTMS system office room 【TTMS16H-TTMS2A-TTMS8Q8-TTMSHHJ8】考试总分为15 分,分为A 、B 、C 和D 四个等级。
C等以上者将获得由教育部高教司颁发的注有CET Spoken English Test 成绩等级的证书A+ 分A 分能用英语就熟悉的题材进行口头交际,基本上没有困难。
B+ 分B 分能用英语就熟悉的题材进行口头交际,虽有些困难,但不影响交际。
C+ 分C 分能用英语就熟悉的题材进行简单的口头交际。
D 分以下尚不具有英语口头交际能力。
CET Spoken English Test – Band FourSample PaperTopic Topic Area: Daily LifeTopic: Travel(考生准备时间45秒)Now please begin to read on hearing the beep. (考生A 和B 同时回答,时间1分钟) A - 1Task3Individual PresentationIn this task,you are to talk about the picture displayed on the screen.You will have45seconds to prepare and1minute to talk about it.Now here is the picture.(考生准备时间45秒)Now please start speaking on hearing the beep.(考生A和B同时回答,时间1分钟)大学英语四、六级考试口语考试样题CET Spoken English TestSample PaperTopic A - 1Topic Area : City LifeTopic : City TrafficPart 1 (5 minutes)Examiner:Good morning (Good afternoon), everybody. Could you please tell me your name and the number of your admission ticket Your name, please. And your number … Your name …And your number ... Thank you.Now would you please briefly introduce yourselves to each other Remember, you should not mention the name of your university. minutes)OK, now that we know each other we can do some group work. First of all, I'd like to ask each of you to say something about life in the city.[ C1, C2, C3 ]1) How do you like living in Beijing ( Shanghai , Nanjing …)2) What do you think is the most serious challenge of living in a city like Beijing ( Shanghai , Nanjing …)3) How do you like shopping in a supermarket?4) Where would you like to live, downtown or in the suburbs, and why?5) What measures do you think we should take to reduce air pollution in Beijing ( Shanghai , Nanjing …)6) Can you say something about the entertainment available in your city?7) Where would you like to find a job after graduation, in a big city like Beijing or Shanghai or in a small town and why?8) What's your impression of the people in Beijing ( Shanghai , Nanjing …)Part 2 (10 minutes)Examiner:Now let's move on to something more specific. The topic for our discussion today is “City Traffic” . You'll have a picture (some pictures) showing two different types of transport. I'd like each of you to give a brief description of each type and then compare the two types. You'll have one minute to prepare and each of you will have one and a half minutes to talk about the picture(s). Don't worry if I interrupt you at the end of the time limit. Now here are your pictures.[1 minute later]Now, [ C1 ], would you please start first [ C2 ] and [ C3 ], please put your pictures aside and listen to what [ C1 ] has to say.[ minutes later] OK. [ C2 ], now it's your turn.[ minutes later] OK, [ C3 ], and now it's your turn.Right. Now we all have some idea of various kinds of city transport. I'd like you to discuss this topic further and see if you can agree on which is the best type of transport for abig city like Beijing ( Shanghai , Nanjing …). During the discussion you may argue with each other or ask each other questions to clarify a point. You will have about four and a half minutes for the discussion.Your performance will be judged according to your contributions to the discussion.[If one candidate talks too long]Sorry, I'll have to stop you now. Let's listen to what [ C ] has to say.[If one candidate keeps silent for a long time] /Now, [ C ], could you please say something about your view of …[ minutes later]All right, that's the end of the discussion.Part 3 (5 minutes)Examiner:Now I'd like to ask you just one last question on the topic of “City Traffic” .[Select a question from the following list to ask each of the candidates.][ C1 or C2 or C3 ]· During the discussion, why did you say that ...· What kind of transport do you usually use in your city?· Do you have any suggestions as to how traffic conditions can be improved in big cities?· Do you think private cars should be encouraged?· Why do you think some Western countries encourage people to ride bicycles?Now, that's the end of the test. Thank you, everybody.大学英语四六级口语考试历年话题May 2004Questions about sense of responsibility1. What kind of people would you like to work with?2. What do you think about people who don't keep their promises?3. How do you feel about students who are often late for class?4. What kind of people would you like to employ ifyou were the boss?Discussion Whether the younger generation today has a strong sense of responsibility?More questions1. Do adult children have the responsibility to care for their elderly parents? Why or why not?2. Do you think it' s important for students to have a strong responsibility? Reasons?3. Could you suggest some ways to enhance one's sense of responsibility?4. What could you do with an irresponsible employee?5. During the discussion, why did you say that...Questions about Social behavier1. Do you get along with your roommates?2. Do you think people are less honest today than they used to be?3. Do you think it's always wrong to tell a lie?4. Do you think one should always be ready to help others?5. Some people say interpersonal relationships are becoming more and more complicated. What's your opinion? Fighting Dishonesty(for candidates)Please comment on the following form of dishonest behavior and give examples to illustrate your point.1. Cheating in exams2. Selling fake commodities3. Taking stimulants, or illegal drugs, for better athletic performance4. Evading or escaping taxes DiscussionThe best way to fight dishonesty More questions1. Do you believe in the saying that honesty is the best policy?2. Have you ever been cheated by anybody? If yes, please tell us about it. If not, how did you avoid being cheated?3. Do you believe honesty is important in developing friendships?4. What would you do if your found somebody cheating in exams?5. Do you think people will benefit from being dishonest?6. During the discussion, why did you say that...Questions about city development1. Can you give examples to illustrate the rapid development of. cities in China?2. Which city do you like best? Why?3. Where do you prefer to work, a coastal city or an inland city?4. Why does the govemment encourage young people to work in the westem areas of China?5. Now many people from rural areas are trying to make a living in cities . What do you think about that? If you were mayor of a city(for candidates)Please tell us what you would do about the two areas of concern listed on your card if you were mayor of the city.HousingPublic Security3. Education Medical Care4. Welfare for the unemployedPublic transportation DiscussionThe qualities a mayor should have More questions1. If you were given the job of a mayor, would you accept it?2. What do you think could be the most difficult problem for a mayor?3. What do you think is the best way to solve the problem of unemployment?4. Have you ever thought of doing administration work after graduation?5. What contribution so you think a university student can make to city development?Questions about education1. How did you feel when you first went to school?2. How did you like the school you attended?3. DO all children in your hometown go to school when they reach school age? Why or why not?4. Did you have to pay a lot of extra fees when you went to school? Explain.5. Can you say something about your former classmates who failed to get into university?6. Have you ever been back to your former school to see your teacher?The right to education(for candidates) Describe the pictures and talk about the difficulties children in poor areas face in getting an education.1. 学校环境对比2. 上学路途对比3. 考上大学与否对比4. 兄妹上学对比DiscussionWhy all children should be given equal opportunity to get an education? More questionsis education important for the development of. our county?2. Do you think it' s a good idea for parents to send their young children abroad to study?3. Why do you think some parents like to send their children to expensive private schools?4. What's your comment on schools which charge students unreasonable fees?5. Why do we encourage people to contribute to Project Hope?Ways to motivate students(for candidates) Do you think the following way is effective in motivating students to learn?1. Giving frequent exams2. Updating course content3. Enhancing students' interest in what is being taught4. Enforcing strict regulations DiscussionWhy some students lack motivation for learning?More questions' s your motivation for learning?2. Do you think it' s the teacher's job to motivate students?3. Do you think motivation is important for success?4. DO your have any other suggestions for motivating students?5. Some students are planning to study abroad after graduation. What' s their reasons for doing so?6. During the discussjon, why did you day that...Questionskind of people do you like working with?2. Do you belíeve ín the saying "A friend in need ís a friend indeed"3. What do you thínk ofpeople who always rely on other people's homework?4. What do you thínk of students who often copy other people's homework?5. Among your classmates, who do you admire most?6. Among your teachers, who do you respect most?People you admire (for candidates)1. people who have team spirit2. people who are ready to help others3. people who have a strong determination4. people who are willing to try new ideas or methods DiscussionWhich kind of person is more likely to be successful in life? More questionsl. Do you think we shou~d carry on th,e spirit of Lei Feng today?2. Do vou think Bill Gates would have been successful if he had finished college?3. Do you think a good education will ensure a successful career?4. Would you say wealth is a symbol of success?5. Do you think people who get rich ovemight can be considered succussful?6. During the discussion, why did you say that. . .Questions1. Do you ever throw away things that can still be used? Please give an example.2. Do you think garbage can be recycled?3. Do you save used things likeplastic bags for future use?4. What sort of people do you think like to keep used things?5. Do you think used things are always worthless? The throw-away culture(for candidates)A card listing two different groups of people:and consumerspeople and elderly peoplepeople and low-income peoplewho care about durability and people who care about fashion DiscussionWhether the throw-away culture should be encouraged?More questions1. Do you think it's wasteful to throw away things that can still be used?2. Why are many youngpeople in the habit ofthrowing away things which can still be used?3. Are wealthy people wasteful?4. Are disposable products a waste ofnatural resources?5. Why do e1deriy people rarely have the habit ofthrowing away things which can still be used?6. In which way can we stimulate productions?7. Why govemment encourage people to consume?Questions1. Do you tbink bicyc1es are a good means of transportation?2. Which form of city transport do you prefer?3. Have you ever traveled long distances? Please say sometbing about our travels. If not, have you any plans to do so?4. Whicb do you tbink is tbe most convenient way to travel over distances?5. Do you think more and more people are going to buy cars?6. Some people don't what to own a car even thougb they can afford it. What do you tbink is tbeir reason for not buying one?Intercity transportation (for candidates) Please ta1k about the advantages and disadvantages of the means of intercity transportation as shown on your card.1. Trains2. Airplanes3. Long-distance buses4. Private cars DiscussionWhich means should be given priority when planning intercity transportation systems?More questions1. What is the biggest problem with public transportation in the city you live in?2. What is the major cause of traffic jams in big cities?3. Should drivers always be held responsibLe for road accidents?4. Can you think of any measures to make people obey traffic rules? Please name one or two.5. What form of transportation causes the least environmental pollution? Please explain. Questions1. Do you spend a lot of time reviewing your lessons after c1ass?2. Do you often attend lectures given by distinguished scholar? In what way have those lectures benefited you?3. Do you like taking exams?4. Do you spend a lot of time preparing for exams?5. Do you think exams are helpful to your studies?6. Are you happy when an exam is postponed or canceIled? Cheating in Exams (for candidates)Please comment on the statement about cheating in exams given on your card .1. "It's shameful to cheat and those who cheat sbould be severely punished."2. "I don't care whether other people cheat in exams so long as 1 don't cheat mysel f."3. ''!'m strongly against cheating in exams and will report any such case."4. "As long as there are exams, there will be people who cheat. Nothing can be done about it."DiscussionWhat should be done to stop cheating in exams? More questions1. Do you think exams are necessary?2. Do you think exams are the only way to evaluate a student' s academic performance3. Do you have any suggestions for reforming the present examination system at college4. Do you think exams will be done away with someday5. What are the positive and negative aspects of exams at collegeQuestions1. When do college students usually start to look for a job2. Is a college degree a guarantee for a good job in the future Why or why not3. Is it becoming more and more difficult for university graduates to get a good job Why or why not4. Do you agree that work experience should be a precondition for employment Why or why not5. What kind ofjob do you expect to get when you graduate Why6. Have you got any work experience (If yes) Please say something about it. (If not) Do you think it's a disadvantageJob Hunting (for candidates)Do you think the student should take the job or turn it down Try to help him come to a decision.1. 专业对口,但工资低2. 工资高,但专业不对3. 工资高,但工作强度很大4. 专业对口,但晋升机会少DiscussionWhat should be one's chief concern in choosing a jobMore Questionsapplicants ask for a low salary in order to get ajob- Do you think that is a good strategy Why2. What qualifications must one have to be more competitive in the job market3. Do you think it' s easier for male students to get a job tban female students Why or why not4. Do you think the higher one's degree, the easier it will be for one to get ajob (Explain the reasons)5. Many university graduates would rather start their own businesses than hunt for a job. Do you think it's a good idea Why6. During the discussion, why did you say that...Questions1. Can you say something about your primary school education2. Can you say something about your middle school education3. What subject did you Iike most at middle school4. What extracurricular activities did you often take part in at middle school5. Do you think you have more free time at college that at middle school (If yes) How do you spend your free time (lf not) Why not6. What do you think of your teachers at middle school Education in China (for candidates) Please say what you know about education in China, focusing on the area specified on your card. Tbe prompts provided are Only For Your Reference. You don't have to cover all tbe points or be limited to them.1. Compulsory educationNine-year compulsory education / quality of education / student workload2. Higher educationRapid development / cbances for admission / labor market3. Continuing educationUpdating one's knowledge / distance education / on-tbe- job training4. Vocational educationNeed for skilled technicians / possibilities of career advancement / teaching staff and facilities DiscussionWhich area of education should be given priority at present More questions1. Do you think i t' s easy to develop education in rural areas (explain reasons)2. What do you think you can do to help improve education in remote areas3. Do you think primary school education an important part of your life (explain reasons)4. Do you think a university education is the only road to a successful career Why or why notkind of school would you like to teach in if you were a teacher (explain reasons)6. During the discussion, why did you say...May 2005Topic Area: Social Issues Topic: Equality between Men and Women Questions1. Do you think you're fortunate to be admitted to college2. What' s the ratio of males to females in your class Do you think this ratio is reasonable3. Do men students and women students have different likes and dislikes Examples4. Who do you like to work with ifyou have a choice, men or women5. What kind ofjob would you like to have after graduation WhyEquality Between Men and Women (for candidates)1. Talk about differences in opportunities for men and women in terms of employment and give your comments.2. Talk about differences in opportunities for men and women in terms of promotion and give your comments.3. Talk about differences in incomes for men and women and give your comments.4. Talk about differences in family responsibilities for men and women and give your comments.DiscussionWhat we can do to ensure equality between men and women More Questions1. Do you think men and women have different roles to play in society2. Do you think there can ever be absolute equality between men and women3. Do you think women should stay at home instead of taking a job after marriage4. Do you think men and women should share housework and childcare5. Do you think women managers are easier to work with than men managers?Topic Area: Elderly People Topic: Life after Retirement Questions1. Can you say something about your grandparent2. What do you think elderly people need mostReasons3. Some people find a new job after they retire. What do you think about that4. What kink ofjobs do you think are suitable for elderly peopleWhy5. What can elderly people do to stay healthy6. What should we do to show our concern for elderly peopleLife after retirement(pictures)(for candidates)1. Traveling2. Learning something new3. Taking care of grandchildren4. Having a good time DiscussionWhether early retirement should be encouraged in ChinaMore Questions1. Why do some people prefer late retirement to early retirement2. Do you think elderly people would like to live in homes for the elderly3. Do you think jogging is a good exercise for e1derly people4. What can people do for their community after they retire5. Do elderly people like living with their children or grandchildrenTopic Area: Information Technology Topic: Surfing the Net Questions1. Is it easy for you to access the InternetHow oftenIf not), Why not2. People often say we are now living in a small world. What' s your opinion3. What do you think is the most convenient means of communicationReasons4. Mobile phones are popular with teenagers. Do you think it's a good thing5. More and more people are using mobile phones. What do you think about that6. How do you usually communicate with your family and friendsSurfing the Net (for candidates)Please talk about the advantages and disadvantages of surfing the net specified on the following topic:1. Useful information & harmful information2. Communication via the Intemet & Junk mail, computer viruses, etc.3. E-learning & overindulging in computer games4. E-shopping & computer crimesMore Questions1. What' s your advice to classmate and friends who spend too much time surfing the net2. 2. It is said that students who major in infornation technology are likely to get a good job. What' s your opinion3. Do you think e-learning is an efficient way of learning4. What websites do you often visitWhy5. What do you think is the future of e-businessTopic Area: University Life Topic: Coping with Stress Questionsdo you think of campus life2. How's the food in your school dining hall3. How often do you have testsWhat if you don't do well on the tests4. How do you usually spend your weekends5. What would you do if you feel lonely on campusCoping with Stress (for candidates) Please ta1k about the kind of pressur college students may experience as specified on your card:1. Academic pressure2. Financia1 pressure3. Job-hunting pressure4. Emotiona1 pressureDiscussionHow to cope with the stress students may experience while studying at schoolMore Questionsis it important for college students to learn to cope with stress2. Do you think it a good habit to stay up late before an examinationWhy or why not3. DO you think pressure is always a bad thing4. Do you think school authorities are paying enough attention to students' psychological healthExplain.5. Do you think psychological counseling can help students relieve their stressWhy or why notTopic Area: University LifeTopic:Students'All-round Development Questions1. How did you feel when you received your college admission letter2. What was the response of your parents or relatives when they leamed you were admitted to college3. What preparations did you make before leaving for university4. What impressed you most when you first arrived on campus5. Do you like the courses offered by your universityWhy or why not6. Are you satisfied with your university lifePlease explain (for candidates)Please talk about the possible problems facing college students from the perspective written on your card.1. 学习方面(态度、方法、成绩)2. 生活方面(自理、自律、适应能力)3. 社交方面(团队精神、合作共事能力)Discussion What measures should be taken to ensure students' all-round developmentMore questions1. What do you think is the greatest progress you've made at college so far2. What' s the biggest challenge you encountered at college3. What would you say if one of your classmates doesn't like his current major4. Do you believe in DIY, that is , "Do It Yourself'Why or whynot5. What do you plan to accomplish during your college years6. During the discussion, why did you say that...Topic Area: Social Issues Topic: Charity and Donations Questionswill you do if someone has difficulty in their studies and turns to you for help 2. Have you ever noticed there are people in need of help in our society Who are they3. What do you think of the saying "A friend in need is a friend indeed"4. Have you ever done any voluntary workIf yes ,what did you doIf no, do you think you'll do some voluntary work when needed5. Are there any students in serious financial difficulty in your classIf yes, what will you do to help them6. Are there any students in your class who are from the rural areasWhat's their financial conditionThe Kind of Charitable Donations (for candidates)Please talk about the kind of charitable donation written on your card.1. 捐助希望工程,捐助贫困生2. 捐建卷教学大楼、图书馆等3. 捐款捐物,赈济灾民Discussion·What should be done to narrow the gap between the rich and the poorMore questions1. Do you think rich people are always happy2. What do you think you can do for the poor after you graduate3. Can you name one or two causes for the difference between the rich and the poor4. Are you from a developed area or a less developed area5. In what way do you think you can contribute to the development of the westem part of our country6. What do you think a harmonious society should be like7. In the discussion, why did you mention that...May 2006Topic Area: Social BehaviorTopic: Trust among People Questions1. Do you live on campus or at homeHow do you get along with your classmates2. What do you do when someone asks for help3. Why do some people tell lies4. What would you do if you found someone stealing or cheating5. What do you do when a classmate faces difficultyTrust among People ( for candidates )Each of you will be given a card. I'd like you to tell the story based on the pictures given on your card. Remember, you should tell only your part of the story.Right. Now that we all know what the story is about, we can see thaf instead of being trusfed and rewarded, the lady got herself into trouble. DiscussionThe importance of building more trust among people More questions1. What do you think ofthe c1aim made by the old man's family members in the story2. What would you do if you were the lady driver in the story3. Why do you think the old man's family members behaved thatway4. How is it that people sometimes don't trust each other5. What do you think we should do to promote trust among peopleTopic Area: University LifeTopic:Living and Studying Habits Questions1. Do you exercise in the moming or in the aftemoon, or not at allPlease explain.2. When do you usually go to bedWhat do you usually do in the evening3. Can you always finish your homework in timeWhy or why not4. Do you enjoy the food in your school cafeteriaWhat are your favorite foods5. Do most ofyour classmates lead a healthy lifePlease elaborate. Living and Studying Habits( for candidates )Please describe the unhealthy habits stated on your card and comment on them.1. 学习无计划:如作业拖拉、不预习、不复习、临时抱佛脚2. 饮食不规律:如不吃早餐、偏食、食暴饮、过度节3. 作息不规律:如熬夜、不休息、不锻炼DiscussionHow Healthy Living and Studying Habits Contribute to one's success . More questions 1. Do your roommates or classmates have different living habitsHow do you manage to get alongyou End it annoying ifyour classmates are late for classWhat do you think could be done to solve the problems3. What are some ofyour living habits that you consider healthy4. Do you think it's easy to change one's Iiving habitsWhy or why not5. Do you believe punctuality (being on time) is a virtuePlease explain.6. During the discussion, why did you say that... Ⅰ. Topic Area: Attitude towardsLife Topic: How to Find Happiness in LifeQuestions about People's Attitudes towards Life1. Do you find college life challengingIf yes, in what way2. Have you met with any difficulties while at collegeWhat are they3. If you ran out of money, what would you do4. What do you usually do when you meet with difficulties In your studies5. Have you ever fallen i1lIfyes, what was the problemIf not, how have you managed to keep so healthy6. Suppose one ofyour classmates came down with a fatal illness, what would you do for themHow to Find Happiness in Life (for candidates)Please talk about the way to find happiness in life as suggested on your card. You can give examples to illustrate your point if necessary. 1. Happiness lies in contentedness知足常乐2. Find happiness in helping others助人为乐。
一、四级口语考试成绩等级大学英语四级口语能力等级标准如下:等级等级描述A 等能用英语就熟悉的题材进行口头交际,基本上没有困难B 等能用英语就熟悉的题材进行口头交际,虽有些困难,但不影响交际C 等能用英语就熟悉的题材进行简单的口头交际D 等尚不具有英语口头交际能力二、四级口语考试评分标准四级口语在对考生进行评分时的标准如下:a. 准确性指考生的语音、语调以及所使用的语法和单词的准确程度b. 语言范围指考生使用的单词和语法结构的复杂程度和范围c. 话语的长短指考生对整个考试中的交际所作的贡献、讲话的多少d. 连贯性指考生有能力进行较长时间的、语言连贯的发言e. 灵活性指考生应付不同情景和话题的能力f. 适切性指考生根据不同场合选用适当确切的语言的能力人工评分总分为15分,计算机自动评分(朗读部分)总分为5分。
人工评分的分值和计算机评分的分值合成后的考试总分为20分,最终成绩转化为ABCD 四个等级。
具体试题结构及流程如下表所示:四、四级口试应试技巧1. 自我介绍环节:自我介绍构成部分:姓名+考号+其他其他部分最好能够有细节,避免泛泛的表达。
比如说到兴趣(hobby),在说明观点时要有重点、有条理,不要追求大而全,要追求深而精,此时说:“I have a lot of hobbies, such as … ”不如说“I have some hobbies, my favorite is ”, 然后就此展开。
在评估考生的流畅度时,评判标准主要包括以下几个方面:1. 句子流利程度:考生需要时刻保持流畅地运用英语,使用正确的语法和词汇。
2. 语速和停顿:口语表达需要恰当的语速,不宜过快或过慢,同时也需要适当的停顿,以展示对话的连贯性和自然度。
3. 语调和重音:考生在表达时,需要注意语调和重音的使用。
流利度主要考察考生对话组织和信息结构能力,具体包括以下几个方面:1. 信息传递:考生需要准确地传递信息,回答问题时要紧扣主题,避免过多涉及无关信息。
2. 话题扩展:在回答问题时,考生应该能够丰富回答内容,使用合适的例子和具体细节,以充分展示自己的英语表达能力。
3. 逻辑连贯:对话应该连贯有序,每一个问题和回答之间都要有明确的逻辑联系。
评判标准主要包括以下几个方面:1. 音标准确性:考生需要准确地使用音标,发音纯正,避免常见发音错误。
2. 音素分辨度:考生需能够准确区分英语中的不同音素,包括元音、辅音、清浊音等,并能正确发出。
3. 连音和重音:考生应注意正确发出连音和重音,以增加语音的自然度。
四、词汇与语法(vocabulary and grammar):正确使用词汇和语法规则,丰富度和准确性。
1. 发音与语调(Pronunciation and Intonation):
2. 词汇与语法(Vocabulary and Grammar):
3. 语言流利度(Fluency):
4. 内容和逻辑(Content and Coherence):
5. 交际策略(Communication Strategies):
英语口语测试评分参考标准 ( IV级)
英语口语测试评分参考标准( IV级) 一、个人陈述(5分)分)二、小组讨论(5Oral Test ( Band IV ) Examiner’s Material Part I (5 minutes) Examiner:Part II. (10 minutes) Examiner:Unit 1 Fighting with the Forces of NaturePart I Answer the following questions:1.What do you think of the forces of nature?⏹The forces of nature are more powerful than we can imagine. Mankind tendsto conquer and control the nature. They want to get a sense ofaccomplishment, but more often than not, they find it’s a so difficult task. Inthe face of nature, human being sometimes seems so tiny and so helpless.2.How should we cope with nature? Can we disregard the laws of nature?⏹First we should realize that the nature is more mighty than mankind canconquer. We should never disregard the laws of nature, otherwise it will takerevenge on us. Instead, we should try our best to know more about nature andfind more ways to deal with the disasters brought by nature. We shouldregard nature as our friends and try to live in harmony with it.3.What do you think war will bring to human being and nature?⏹War will bring heavy loss to people. During the war, a lot of people will losetheir job, their houses, and even their lives. A country’s economy will begreatly affected by the war. Meanwhile, war will bring a hard-to-erasepsychological impact on people, especially the children.⏹War will also bring a bad effect on the nature. It will destroy the ecosystemof the earth and break the balance of nature. Nuclear weapons, chemicalweapons, burning of oil, are all destructive and will cause great pollution tothe earth.4.Do you think war can be affected by the nature? How?⏹Yes. In Chinese history, we have heard about “火烧赤壁”and “草船借箭”.These stories tell us that sometimes weather may play an important roleto win a battle. In Text A of Unit 1, we can also find the cold winter’s greatpower. Besides, storm, snow, gale, heavy rain, flood, drought can all affectthe war. Sometimes, a war might be launched directly because of the naturalresources, such as oil.5.What’s your opinion about the relations between peace and war?⏹War and peace always exist side by side. As long as there are countries andhuman beings, there will be wars of various kinds. War can be categorizedinto 2 types: destructive wars (aggressive wars) and wars of justice(defensive wars). Aggressive war will certainly bring great disasters to theworld people. It threatens the world peace. At this time, we should launchwar of justice to protect the people and give the peace back to the people.Peace is what the war of justice fights for.6.What do you think are the reasons for a war?⏹Political reasons: World War I and II, Civil War in many countries, Warbetween Iraq and Iran, Vietnam War…⏹Religious reasons: War between Palestine and Israel…⏹Territory reasons: War in Malvinas Islands (between Britain and Argentina),War in Cashmere(between India and Pakistan)…⏹Energy reasons: Iraq War…⏹Other reasons: for beautiful woman (Trojan War)…Part II Discussion1. Nowadays people all over the world have realized that peace is very precious and important. But still in many places people cannot live a peaceful life. What should we do to maintain world peace? Discuss it with your partners.⏹education⏹mutual trust and understanding⏹respect other countries’ and nation s’ principles⏹develop economy, improve people’s living standard⏹develop new resources⏹establish more international supervising organizations2. The sandstorm, known as a “sand devil”, has become a great concern in our country these years. Discuss with your partners the harms brought by this phenomenon, the reasons behind it and some possible solutions to it.⏹most of northern China suffer from sandstorms each spring, occur more andmore frequently, with greater intensity⏹cover the city in a shroud of dense dust, reduces visibility, cause trafficaccident⏹worsen the air quality, one type of air pollution⏹caused by human actions: excessive herding, exploitation of the grasslands⏹increasing price of wool, raise more sheep, destroy the vegetarian⏹launch a nation-wide campaign to preserve vegetarian, restrict recklessfarming and herding⏹care for trees after planting them, increase the survival rate。
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45秒)大学英语四、六级考试口语考试样题A - 1::1 (5 ):( ), . ? , . ? … ? … ? ... .? , . (1.5 ), . , I'd .[ C1, C2, C3 ]1) ( , …)?2) a ( , …)?3) a ?4) , , ?5) ( , …)?6) ?7) a , a a ?8) 's ( , …)?2 (10 ):'s . “ ”. ' a ( ) . I'd a . ' a (s). 't I . .[1 ], [ C1 ], ? [ C2 ] [ C3 ], [ C1 ] .[1.5 ] . [ C2 ], 's .[1.5 ] , [ C3 ], 's .. . I'd a ( , …). a .a . .[ ], I' . 's [ C? ] .[ a ] /, [ C? ], …?[4.5 ], 's .3 (5 ):I'd “ ”.[ a .][ C1 C2 C3 ]·, ... ?·?·?·?·?, 's . , .大学英语四六级口语考试历年话题20041. ?2. 't ?3. ?4. ?a ?1. ? ?2. ' s a ? ?3. 's ?4. ?5. , ...?1. ?2. ?3. 's a ?4. ?5. . 's ? ( ).1.2.3. , ,4.1. ?2. ? , . , ?3. ?4. ?5. ?6. , ...?1. . ?2. ? ?3. , a ?4. ?5. a . ? a ( ).123.4.a1. a , ?2. a ?3. ?4. ?5. a ?1. ?2. ?3. ? ?4. a ? .5. ?6. ?( ) .1. 学校环境对比2. 上学路途对比3. 考上大学与否对比4. 兄妹上学对比?1 . ?2. ' s a ?3. ?4. 's ?5. ?( ) ?1.2.3. '4.?1' s ?2. ' s 's ?3. ?4. ?5. . ' s ?6. , ... ?.20041 ?2. í ín "A ís a "?3. í's ?4. í's ?5. , ?6. , ?()1.2.3. a4.?l. ?2. ?3. a a ?4. a ?5. ?6. , . . .?1. ? .2. ?3. ?4. ?5. ? ( )A :1234?1. 's ?2. ?3. ?4. a ?5. e1 ?6. ?7. ?1. 1 a ?2. ?3. ? . , ?4. ?5. ?6. 't a . ? ( ) 1k . ?2. ?3. ?4. ? .5. ? .1. a c1?2. ? ?3. ?4. a ?5. ?6. ? ( ).1. "'s ."2. "I 't 1 't f."3. ''!'m ."4. " , . ."?1. ?2. a ' s ?3. ?4. ?5. ?1. a ?2. a a a ? ?3. a ? ?4. a ? ?5. ? ?6. ? ( ) . ( ) 's a ?( )? a .1. 专业对口,但工资低2. 工资高,但专业不对3. 工资高,但工作强度很大4. 专业对口,但晋升机会少's a1 a a ? ?2. ?3. ' s a ? ?4. 's , ? ( )5. a . 's a ? ?6. , ...?1. ?2. ?3. ?4. ?5. ? ( ) ? ( ) ?6. ( ), . . 't .1./ /2./ /3.'s / /4./ /?1. i t' s ? ( )2. ?3. ? ( )4. a a ? ?5 a ? ( )6. , ...?2005: :1. ' ?2. ' s ? ?3. ? ?4. a , ?5. ? ?( )1. .2. .3. .4. .?1. ?2. ?3. a ?4. ?5. ?: :1. ?2. ? ?3. a . ?4. ? ?5. ?6. ?()( ) a?1. ?2. ?3. a e1 ?4. ?5. ?: :1. ? ? ), ?2. a . ' s ?3. ? ?4. . 's a ?5. . ?6. ?( ):1. &2. & , , .3. &4. &1.' s ?2. 2. a . ' s ?3. ?4. ? ?5. ?: :1 ?2. 's ?3. ? 't ?4. ?5. ?( ) 1k :1.2. 13.4. 1?1 ?2. a ? ?3. a ?4. ' ? .5. ? ?:: '1. ?2. ?3. ?4. ?5. ? ?6. ? ().1. 学习方面(态度、方法、成绩)2. 生活方面(自理、自律、适应能力)3. 社交方面(团队精神、合作共事能力)' ?1. ' ?2. ' s ?3. 't ?4. , , " '? ?5. ?6. , ... ?: :1 ?2. ? ?3. "A a "?4. ? ,? , ' ?5. ? , ?6. ? 's ?( ).1. 捐助希望工程,捐助贫困生2. 捐建卷教学大楼、图书馆等3. 捐款捐物,赈济灾民·?1. ?2. ?3. ?4. a a ?5. ?6. a ?7. , ... ?2006::1. ? ?2. ?3. ?4. ?5. a ? ( )a . I'd . , . . , , .1. c1 's ?2. ?3. 's ?4. 't ?5. ?::1. , ? .2. ? ?3. ? ?4. ? ?5. a ? . ( ).1. 学习无计划:如作业拖拉、不预习、不复习、临时抱佛脚2. 饮食不规律:如不吃早餐、偏食、食暴饮、过度节3. 作息不规律:如熬夜、不休息、不锻炼's .1. ? ?2 ? ?3. ?4. 's 's ? ?5. ( ) a ? .6. , ... ? .2006 Ⅰ. ::'s1. ? , ?2. ? ?3. , ?4. ?5. i1l? , ? , ?6. a , ?( ). . 1. 知足常乐2. 助人为乐3. 自得其乐1. ? ?2. ?3. a ?4. a ? ?5. a . ?6. , ...?::1. 's ? ?2. a ? , ? , ?3. ? ?4. ? ?5. ? ?( ).l. 目前大学生的就业形式2. 大学生找工作的途径3. 大学生求职时考虑的主要因素a1. ? ?2. a ? .3. ?4. ?5. a ?6. , ... ?2007::1. ?2. a ? ?3. a ? ?4. a ? ?5. 's ?( )a . .l. 外国人学汉语的不同目的2. 外国人学汉语的各种途径3. 外国人学汉语的主要困难a1. ? ?2. ? ?3. 's ? ?4. a , ?5. a ?6. , ...?: :1. ? ?2. ? ?3. ' s ? ?4. ?5. ? , , ? , ?6. a , ?1 ( ). . ' ?2. ? ?3. ' 's . ?4. " ." 's ?5. 's ? .6. , ... ?: :1. ?2. ?3. ?4. ? ?5. " "? ? ( )a . .1. 1y.2. .3. .·?1. c1 c1?.2. c1?3. '? , ? , ?4. ? ?5. a ? .6. , ... ?.2007::1. ? ( ?)2. ? ( ?)3. 1 ?4. ? ( , ? , ' s ?5. ?( )1 . .1. /2. /3. /a ? (本题易跑题)1. ' . ?2. ? ( ?)3. ? ( ?)4. ?5. . ?6. , ...?::1 ? ?2. ? ( ?)3. ?4. ? ( ?)5. ?( ). .1. .2. .3. .·?1. . ' s ?2. 's ?3. ' ?4. : , ?5. ? ( ?)6. , ...?::1. ? ?2. ? ?3. ?4. ? (?)5. a ? ( . .)( ). . ? ( .)2. ? ( ?)3. ? ( ?)4. ?5. ?6. , ... ?::1 ?2. ?3. a ? ( .)4. ? () ? ( ) ?5. ' ?( )' . .1.买一份礼物送个老师2. 亲手制作一件礼物送给老师3. 以优异的成绩回报老师'1. ? ( ?)2. ?3. a ? ( ?)4. ?5. ? ( , ?) (难度大〉6. , ... ?。