
雅思Part1口语范文和解题思路分析:巴士还是的士【题目】Bus or Taxi1 How often do you take the bus?2 When was the first time you took a taxi3 What are the advantages of takinga taxi compared with buses4 Is it convenient to take the bus/taxi in your city?公共汽车或出租车你多久乘一次公交车?你第一次乘出租车是什么时候乘坐出租车和公交车的优点是什么在你们城市乘公共汽车/出租车便利吗?【口语范文】1 How often do you take the bus?I take the bus to work everyday, twice a day, round trip. I have got a commuter ticket for it, its very economical.你多久乘一次公交车?我每天乘公共汽车去上班,一天两次,来回。
2 When was the first time you took a taxiIts been a long long time. I cant recall it. But I do remember the last time I took a taxi. It was this morning, I came here by taxi because I was afraid of losing way.你第一次乘出租车是什么时候好久不见了。

三种思路让你在雅思口语part2有话可说雅思口语Part 2的难度有一部分是在于描述,而有更大的一部分是在于很多考生有着一口流利的英语,但是不知道说什么。
下面小编给大家带来三种思路让你在雅思口语part 2 有话可说。
三种思路让你在雅思口语part 2 有话可说1.以个人经历(专业、爱好)发展话题常见话题:Describe a person who has an interesting job.解析:典型的人物类抽象话题,描述一个有着有趣工作的人。
案例1:某学员的专业为Industrial Design,一直向往能够设计一些高端的跑车,正好自己的导师是法拉利的设计师之一,在之前的课上一直提到自己特别羡慕自己的导师。
案例2:某学员的爱好为看电影,她特别喜欢看电影,也听说过这样的一个职业叫做film reviewer,他们的工作职责是每天看电影,把电影的情节记录下来,并且写下观影感受。
2.大事化小--把大话题具体成一个小事件常见话题:Describe a useful advice you have received.解析:描述他人提供的有用的建议或者意见。

二、示例回答Q: What is your favorite food?1A: My favorite food is pizza. I love its combination of different tastes and textures. The crust is crispy and the cheese is melted, while the toppings can vary from salty to spicy, depending on what kind of pizza you are eating. It is also a versatile food that can be enjoyed as a snack or a meal, and it is often a crowd-pleaser, which makes it a great choice for social gatherings.2。
雅思口语Part One思路解析:Computer ?电脑.doc

雅思口语Part One思路解析:Computer ?关于电脑这类题属于科技类的话题卡,雅思口语考官问题相关的问题的频次相对来说不是特别的高,但是假如谈到了,你总得有些东西可以扯点儿对吧?咱们来看看考官都会问道哪一些问题跟一起来分析分析How often do you use computer?你多久用一次电脑?I use computer nearly every day. I often watch some American TV shows on Youku, which is a very popular youtube like video sharing platform. Also, if I need to hand in some paper to my professor, I will use the computer to type it out.What kinds of computers are popular in China?在中国,什么样的电脑受欢迎?(这道题说什么样的电脑,你可以理解为是什么类型的电脑,比如笔记本或者台式机,当然也可以说不通的品牌)Nowadays, it seems that laptop is the most popular computer in China, especially in those youngsters on campus. They often use it as a tool to help them with their studies and for entertainment as well.What do you usually use your computer for?你平时用电脑来干嘛?As I said, I nearly use it every day to finish my homework. And, apart from that, I will just watch some TV shows downloaded from some websites on the computer, because it’s convenient.Who taught you how to use a computer?谁教会你使用电脑的?It was my father who taught me how to use a computer back in the second year of my primary school. He taught me how to right click the mouse to check the files, and how to surf on the Internet. You know, I really appreciate my father’s help at that time.当然说网上冲浪(Internet Surfing),我们不得不准备Describe a website you like to visit和internet.Do you think computers have changed your life a lot?你认为电脑改变了你的生活了吗?Yes, I think computers have definitely brought us a huge change to our lives. You know, in the past, we often send postcards to express our best wishes to our friends far away from us, but now we can just handle it by just using the electronic ones and make sure they can get it within several seconds in every corner of the world.还想知道其他雅思口语问题?那必须查看雅思口语part one问题库。

雅思Part1口语范文及题目思路解析:忘记的事情【题目】forget things1 What kinds of things do you have to bring when you go out2 Did you ever forget to bring something?3 How do you remind yourself?4 Do you carry different things in the morning and in the evening?忘记的事情你出去的时候需要带什么东西你曾经忘记带东西吗?你如何提醒自己?你们早上和晚上带的东西不同吗?【口语范文】1.What kind of things do you have to bring when you go out?Cell phone, of course. I take it with me wherever I go. And my keys, wallet, lipstick are also must-have items. I always put them together in a small handbag.1.你出去的时候需要带什么东西?当然是手机了。
2.Did you ever forget to bring something?I rarely forget to bring something as I have a good memory. But there was a time when I forgot to take my house key beforeI left home. What was worse, my parents were on their trip. So I had to stay with my friend for one night.2.你曾经忘记带东西吗?我很少忘记带东西,因为我有很好的记忆力。

题目一:Describe a place you have visited and would like to visit again.范文解析:我想描述的是我曾经去过并且想要再次访问的一个地方是巴黎。
题目二:Describe a book that has had a major influence on you.范文解析:我想要描述的是一本对我产生过重大影响的书籍是《活出生命的意义》名s。
这是维克多·弗兰克尔(Viktor Frankl)的一本心灵成长类图书,讲述了他在纳粹集中营的经历,并通过心理学的角度阐述了人生的意义。
雅思口语Part One思路解析:Daily routine 日程安排.doc

备考雅思口语Part One话题思路解析:Daily routine 日程安排日常安排相关的口语问题出现在雅思口语的第一部频次算是很高的了,烤鸭在雅思备考期间们不可忽视。
What part of your day do you like best?你喜欢一天中的哪个时候?(注意这里强调的PART OF THE DAY直译就是一天的哪个部分,言外之意就是你喜欢一天的哪个时间段)Well, actually I’m really into the end of the day, especially the time after dinner. Because this period of time is the official start of my own recreation. I don’t need to think anything about my work/studies.What’s your daily routine?你每天的日常有哪些?My daily routine is kind of ordinary compared to some big potatoes. I usually get up at 7:30 and begin my study/work after breakfast. The rest of my daytime is all about study/work. Well, during the nighttime, things get a little bit different.I usually watch some movies and write some blogs on , which I think is one of the most meaningful things for me and for some learners of English.?What is the busiest part of the day for you?你一天最忙的时间段是啥时候?Well, the busiest period of the day for me is actually the evening. We got piles of homework right after attending lectures and seminars of the day. This article is from Laokaoya website. Sometimes when things get stuck at the same time, I even have to burn the midnight oil to finish them, which really drives me nuts.What is the best part of the day for you?你一天最美好的时间是什么时候?The best part of my life is actually the time before getting up. You know, especially in winter, I feel a strong sense of resistance of stepping out of my warm and soft bed. I always thought nothing would be better than just staying a few more minutes on bed in the morning.?What’s the difference of routine between you and your teenager’s times?你觉得你和青少年们的日常有什么不一样的吗?I think we are pretty much the same, because we have work to do, and so do they. They need to get up early and so do I. But, there’s a tiny difference in the activities we do. I guess ours are matureer than those they do in schools.我觉得我们和青少年们都差不多吧,我们有活儿要做,他们也一样。
雅思口语part 3 答题思路实例解析

雅思口语part 3 答题思路实例解析雅思口语中Part3有关人类行为对生态影响类话题是十分常见的话题。
1.Turtles have an unfortunate habit of devouring plastic objects floating in the sea.These then get snared in their alimentary canals, cannot be broken down by the animals' digestive enzymes and may ultimately kill them.It is widely assumed that this penchant for plastics is a matter of mistaken identity.Drifting plastic bags, for instance, look similar to jellyfish, which many types of turtles love to eat. Yet lots of plastic objects that end up inside turtles have no resemblance to jellyfish.【翻译】海龟有一个坏习惯,就是吞食漂浮在海里的塑料制品。
雅思口语Part One思路解析:Hometown 关于家乡的问题.doc

雅思口语Part One思路解析:Hometown 关于家乡的问题关于家乡的问题可以说几乎是雅思口语考官逢考必问的话题范围。
相应的问题则有:What’s (the name of) your hometown? 当然这个问题可能在考官抛出Where are you from?(你来自哪里?)之后问道The name of my hometown is called YC, which was originated from a famous person in Three Kingdoms Time.Is that a big city or a small place?你的家乡是个大的城市还是一个小地方?Well, my hometown is YC, which is a relatively small city compared to Beijing, Shanghai and those metropolitan cities. It’s only an hour’s ride to get to one corner from the farthest place within YC.Please describe your hometown a little能否描述一下你的家乡呢?My hometown is a third-tier city(三线城市)in China. The city is not so big, sometimes one-hour-trip time in Beijing from Haidian to Chaoyang will highly possibly take you to another county in YC city. So, I am pretty comfortable with the less time-consuming living pace. This article is from laokaoya website. Apart from that, my hometown is known as the biggest water damn in the world. Some have criticised this project for ages, but I think it’s been producing a lot of electricity to the whole nation, which is at least not bad right now.How long have you lived there?你在你的家乡住了多久了?I’ve been living there for nearly two decades. I left this city after graduation from my senior high school. I could still remember the old streets and buildings, but now things changed totally.Do you like it?你喜欢你的家乡吗?你也可以Describe a tall building in your hometown you like 《《《()Yes, I love my hometown just like I love my parents. It’s a place that saw mygrowth and gave me countless happy memories.Do you like living there?你喜欢居住在这里吗?(其实这个问题和上面的那个你时候喜欢你的家乡有很多相同之处,如果考官同时问题到的时候当然最好不要答一样的,尝试从另一个角度思考问题。

关于家乡的雅思口语话题1.Where is your hometown?My hometown is on the south-east coast of Northern Ireland. It’s called Dundrum and it’s about 1 hour south of the capital city.2.What do you like about it?It’s an area of outstanding natural beauty and for me, one of the most beautiful places of earth. It has everything; fantastic beaches, rolling mountains, dense forests and picturesque countryside.3.What do you not like about it?It can be a little bit boring because it’s really tiny. There are only a few small shops and a couple of pubs and that’s it! In the summer, it’s OK because you can enjoy the outdoors but it would be nice to have a few more indoor facilities for the winter.4.How often do you visit your hometown?Not as much as I should. I only get to visit about once a year now to see my family because I’m really busy with work and it’s quite far away, but I hope to visit more in the future.5.What’s the oldest part of your hometown?There is an old Norman castle that sits on top of the highest hill of the town. It’s a ruin now, but there are some breathtaking views from it and it’s easy to see why they chose that site for a castle, because you can see for miles around.6.Do many people visit your town?Thousands of tourists visit every summer. They come fromthe capital city mostly to get away from the hustle and bustle and enjoy the peace and quiet. There are more and more international tourists visiting because lots of scenes from the TV show ‘Game of Thrones’ were shot just outside the village.7.Is there any way your hometown could be made better?As I said before, the best thing about the town is its rural beau ty and you can’t really improve that. If I had to say something, it would be to improve the roads, they are in a terrible state and cause a few car accidents every year.雅思口语中家乡的话题及回答1. Where do you come from?Well, I’m from HanDan, an inland city that is in the middle of China. It’s well known for its historical architecture. Also, many travellers like the traditional spicy food, which is a “must-eat” for visitors once they come to town.我来自邯郸,是个中国中部的内陆城市。

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雅思口语话题解析之近水之地2022年5-8月雅思口语part2范文:Describe a place near water.Topic:Describe a place near water (such as a river, a lake or the ocean) that you enjoyed visiting.You should say:Where this place wasWhat you did at this placeWho you went there withAnd explain why you liked this place.思路解析:1、首先介绍这个地方:黄河边上的小镇,是我的出生地。
Sample answer:When I think about a place near water, the first sight that come to my mind is the great yellow river. I can visualized the magnificence(华丽) and natural beauty of it without really go there because I was born in a smalltown that suited along the side of the yellow river. Throughout my childhood, I can smell and listen to the yellow river. This literally(真正地) became a huge part of my childhood memory. When I was very little, four or five years old maybe, my parents would take me to the river bank on weekends for a picnic. They would bring a piece of cloth, some bread, some orange juice and other picnic food that I liked. If it was spring when the city enjoys a windy weather, they would also take a kite. I cannot remember all the detail snow, but I clearly remember how much fun I had playing with the soft sand on the river bank, laughing with my parents and lying drowsily(懒洋洋地) in the sunshine. The yellow river is forever and I feel small in front of it. When I was young, I used to simply just sit by the running river, watching it flooding and rolling. Staring at the yellow river gradually became my habit. I always think about my future life while facing it. No matter how time goes and how far I will be from it, it still means a lot to me. Now I worked in a big city that is thousands mille away from the yellow river, but every time I think of it, I can still feel the rhythm and power of it which reminds of where I belong to.雅思口语高频话题:近水之地A Place Near WaterDescribe a place near a lot of water that you enjoyed visiting.You should say:where this place waswhat you did at this placewhy ( when) you went therewho you went there withand explain why you liked this place.Part 3Why do so many people like going to places with water such as lakes, rivers or the ocean?What kinds of leisure activities do people like to do in places such as on the ocean, at a beach, at a river, at a lake, etc?As a place to spend some leisure time, do you think the beach or the seaside is more suitable for children or for old people?Do you think children and old people do the same types of things when they go to a beach?What activities would you do if you were spending some leisure time at a beach or near the ocean?【雅思培训-口语】话题解析:近水之地.题目:Describe a place near water you want to visitThe place I’m all dreaming about is the place in Mediterranean area. It can be any country, region, or any city located there, such as Greece and Morocco. The deep blue sea and unique style of housing decoration are pictures that always come into my mind. Besides that, the mouthwatering foods there are another part which makes me crazy about.口语解析第一段解析:这段内容是整个回答的一个介绍,为后面的扩展作一个引子。
雅思口语Part One思路解析:Time management 时间管理.doc

雅思口语Part One思路解析:Time management 时间管理How do you organize your time?你如何规划自己的时间Every night before I go to bed, I list things I need to do tomorrow, and then rank them according to their relative importance and required time, so that I can make better use of every hour.Do you think young people organize their time in the same way?你认为年轻人以同样的方式规划他们的时间吗?Some of them might. But I know there are also others who do not make schedules at all. They just deal with things that come to their faces(小编还写过一篇关于拖延症的话题卡,大家可以参考一下).Are you ever late for anything?你曾经迟到过吗?(雅思口语Part two有一个相关的话题卡Describe a time you need to arrive early)Yes, of course, but not very often. Usually it is because I miscalculate the time that I need to get to my destination.What excuses do you use when you are late / What excuses do people have when they are late?当你迟到的时候你会用什么借口/当人们迟到的时候会用什么借口?Traffic jam. It is probably the most popular excuse people use. Due to the increasing number of private cars and narrow streets, it is very common in China.Do you like it when others are late?你喜欢其他人迟到吗?No, I do not. It is very disrespectful, especially when someone is late for over half an hour. However, if he or she is late for 5-10 minutes, it is acceptable. After all, no one can always be punctual.其他雅思口语Part One的题目也有解析和答案哦,真的不点开看看吗?。
雅思口语part 2 之wedding话题解析

雅思口语part 2 之wedding话题解析Describe a wedding you have been to.You should say:Where it wasWho you went withWhat you sawand how you felt about the wedding.谈及到wedding,很多人就会觉得没有思路,但是其实只要把每个要点分析到位,思路明确,其实这道题目也可以表述的清楚完整。
首先问到地点人物没有任何难度,在what you saw这个要点这里需要稍微构思一下,不要杂乱无章的东说一句西说一句,建议同学按照一定的顺序来表述。
那么最后一个要点how you felt about the wedding你的感受,说到婚礼嘛,肯定是围绕亲情、爱情的展开,所以你的感受就可以从这两个思路展开,一方面说为姐姐感到开心能够见证她的幸福时刻,另外一方面说到自己对于爱情的向往与憧憬。
再用上一定的连接词衔接,整篇文章就构思出来啦!大家可以参考以下范文:Mentioned about the wedding I have been to, I’d like to share with you one impressive experience that I attended to my sister’s wedding.I clearly remember that it was about last month, I went to my sister’s wedding with my parents.It was held in a fantastic hall of hotel in the center of the city. And once I stepped into the hall, I was totally amazed and surprised by the wonderful decoration which is filled with the photos of my sister and her husband and their favorite flowers roses. Also , I met lots of relatives we haven't seen for a long time chatting with others. What touched me the most is the moment that the bride and bridegroom exchange their wedding rings and express their appreciation to their parents.As for my feelings to this wedding, I think firstly, I was really happy and delightful about my sister since I witness her happiness and the most important moment in her life. My sister and I grew up together, and we spent a lot of joyful time. Therefore, every time she felt happy, I will also be excited with her.What's more, since then, I began to think about things about love. I started to look forward to meeting my soul-mate since it's really hard to find a true love. Also I realized that once I find my Mr. Right, I need to cherish this love.。

Well, I'd like to talk about my friend Jack. He's just a one of a kind guy with the most interesting ideas and opinions.We were at a coffee shop one day, and the topic of futuretransportation came up. You know, most people would just talk about self driving cars or faster trains. But Jack, oh my god! He started talkingabout how in the future, we might have teleportation pods in our living rooms. He said that instead of spending hours in traffic or on a plane, we could just step into a pod, type in the destination, and boom! Be there in an instant. And he wasn't just daydreaming. He actually started explaining how it could work based on some crazy quantum physics stuff. I was like, “Jack, are you for real?” But he just grinned and said, “Hey, you never know. Science is full of surprises.”Another time, we were discussing food. Everyone was complaining about how expensive organic food was. Jack, on the other hand, had this wild idea. He said that we should start growing our own food in vertical gardens onthe balconies of our apartments. He said it would not only be cheaper but also much fresher. And then he went on to describe how we could use hydroponics and LED lights to make the plants grow faster and healthier. He even had plans to create a community where people could exchange the extra food they grew from their balconies.When it comes to art, his ideas are just as out there. We went to anart exhibition once, and there was this really abstract painting that mostof us couldn't make heads or tails of. But Jack looked at it and said, “This is like the artist's inner turmoil made visible. It's not just arandom splash of colors. Each color represents an emotion, and the way they blend is like the chaos in his mind.” And he started making up this whole story about the artist's life and what might have inspired him to create that piece.So, Jack is always full of these amazing and off the wall ideas that make you see the world in a completely different way. He's not afraid to think outside the box, and that's what makes him so interesting.二、解析。

雅思口语手工艺品运动人物类话题思路解析一、Part 1话题词汇及思路分析(一)Handicraft1. What's the real meamng of handicraft in your country?2. Can you make handicraft?定义: Handicraft is a type of work where useful and decorative devices arc made completely by hand or by using only simple tools.Includes:Beodwork珠饰,小珠装饰Origami crane千纸鹤Bone carving雕刻Making cloy animals捏泥人Pottery制陶Shoemokirtg 制链Knitting编织Crochet钩针编织Wood carving木雕Model cars模型思路:Benefits: creativity, problem-solving ability, self-confident, ability of observing, independence, flexibility.(二)Sports1. Do you love swimming?2. Do you want to live by sea?3. What do you enjoy doing when you visit rivers, lakes or the sea? Why do you think these activities are popular?常见的类型:skipping rope 跳绳;jogging慢跑;runnin跑步;球类: table tennis ;bodminton;footbol basketball;水上类:surfing;skiing;water sports; water polo;playing pool思路:运动的好处:乐趣;健身;缓解压力;塑造性格;提升生活质量;培养其他技能二、Part 2范文及话题扩展人物类:Talk about a famous sportsman. You should say the nameof this person, what kind of sports he/she is good at, how you know this person, why you like him or her.范文:Well, as for answering the name of this person, thefirst person who comes into my mind is Liu Xiang. I guess maybe you also know him well. He was born in Shanghai in 1983.When comes to the second question that how I know him, definitely I have known him since the 2004 Olympic Games. He is an Olympic Gold medalist ond World Champion.His 2004 Olympic gold medal was the first in a men's track and event for China. Therefore, you can guess I knew him from the news in Internet, books, magazines, newspapers and TV.Actually, like many other sportsmen, he started training when he was very young. I knew that he was encouraged atfirst to train as a high jumper. Then, in 1998, His skill at hurdling was noticed by his coach.The reasons why I'd like to talk about him is that he is one of China's most commercially successful athletes and has emerged as ftculturol icon.拓展:Talk about a person in the newsA successful person you knowA person you admireAn adventurous personA person who has a healthy lifestyle三、Part 3思路分析1. What kinds of people can be on in the TV program?Famous people: sportsmen, leaders, successful businessmen, film or music stars,..(Someone who have a grcot influcncc or contribution to some fields, community, nation or international)2. Why people love celebrity news?Having funDiverting peoples attention from trivial or devastating things to outer expcricnccBreaking from day-to-day routine activitiesEstablishing self-esteem when comparing with others。

雅思口语新话题范文Describeaparkyouvisited我们都知道备考雅思口语需要在平时积累多一些素材,并且多多参考别人的优秀范文,下面小编给大家带来雅思口语新话题范文Describe a park you visited。
雅思口语新话题范文Describe a park you visited一、解题思路You should sayWhere it isWhat kind it isWhen you visited itWhat people can do thereAnd explain the reason why you like to visit there二、雅思口语Describe a park you visited范文I would like to describe a park which is just five minutes walk from my home. Situated in the center of my community, it is actually a recreation place for all the citizens nearby. If you go around the blocks there, you won’t miss it ‘cause it is always packed with people.The park, covering just a small area, is thickly wooded, with some trees labelled as many centuries old. It is fascinating that such a ‘tiny’ park accommodated a beautiful lush green meadow where probably is the most refreshing place there. Moreover, the entire park is dotted with historic buildings, including some ancient pagodas, exquisite pavilions and vivid statues.Since the first day we moved here, my parents and I have made it as our habit to go strolling after dinner in the park every day. Though it seems that more neighbors tend to do the same thing as us, which, to some extents, ca uses a little crowd, I’d sayit’s still appealing to me.Well, I would say the park shows its charm in different time. In the morning, you might see some retired people doing morning exercise, like tai chi or some streching exercise, like Pilates. The tranquil and peaceful environment really could be a good refresher for your whole day. As dust arrives, with the warm street lights, the air is quite cozy and relaxed. Let paint a picture for you, you stroll along the path, enjoying the moonlight and just having a pleasant chat with your parents or your lovers, which could definitely let your hair down and turn off all those tension and pressure.I’m not really into going to the parks, but it couldn’t be better to take a walk there after dinner. Just strolling on the garden-like walkways and appreciating the picturesque views in the gentle breeze, sometimes with the gorgeous starry sky is highly enjoyable. The park is rather small, you know, only a few quarters, but it looks really adorable with so many flourishing plants. It looks magnificent at different points of the year, and it surpasses itself in beauty when spring is coming because the blossom of multicolored flowers is just like a magician making the entire park wearing a stunning clothes. How amazing it is!雅思口语:describe a public park or gardenPark作为一个public facility,真是方便了考生啊,这个季度的口语题目里好多跟facility相关的话题,比如describe a leisure facility (such as cinema, theatre, sports center) you would like to have in your city、describe a park/garden you visited when you were little、describe a public place/facility that you think need improvements或者更general一点儿的describe a place in your city that you often visit with your friends or family都可以用park 话题。
雅思口语Part One思路解析:Friends 朋友.doc

雅思口语Part One思路解析:Friends 朋友朋友这个话题在Part One考到的频率中等,但大家切不可以掉以轻心。
Do you remember your friends in primary school? Why?你还记得你小学的朋友吗?为什么?No, I do not. When I got into secondary school, my family moved to another city. Back to then, the internet was not very developed and cellphone was still rare. It was very difficult to keep in touch. So my primary classmates gradually faded away from my memory.What do you do with friends?你和朋友一起干吗?All kinds of things. Together, we play computer games, play badminton, go swimming, have dinner and study. Basically, except dating with my girlfriend, I am willing to do everything with my friends.大家这里也可以说的更积极向上一些,聊聊教授朋友知识的一些事情。
How do you make friends?你如何交朋友?Most of my friends are my classmates. But there are also some who I get to know from interest groups, like the photography society in my university. As we share the same hobby, it is easy to start a conversation and become familiar with each other. 交朋友的详细扩展大家可以参考下《结交的新朋友》这篇文章。

下文是雅思口语Part1难题中关于时间管理题的范文解析,希望对各位烤鸭的雅思口语有帮助!关注新通外语雅思频道.雅思口语时间管理题1. Is time important?答题思路:时间的重要性不言自喻,同学们可以背诵一些格言,来体现时间的重要性。
口语范文:Time is super important. There are a lot of sayings about the importance of time, like ‘Time waits for no man.’; ‘Time never comes back when it is gone.’ Nothing can be more precious than time.雅思口语时间管理题2. Are you good at organizing time?答题思路:可以回答自己并不善于组织时间,但是自己已经意识到时间管理的重要性,并努力去学习;如果同学们想回答自己善于组织时间,可以参考下一小题。
口语范文:I am not good at it. But now I am realizing the importance of time management, so I am learning how to organize my time in a good way.雅思口语时间管理题3. How do you usually organize time?答题思路:笔者认为,组织好时间就是要做出良好的计划,并且按照计划完成一项项的任务。
口语范文:Usually, I will make a plan for all the tasks and break up moretime-consuming tasks with shorter, easier tasks. That way I won't be overwhelmed by too many tough tasks.雅思口语时间管理题4. Do you think planning is important for time management?答题思路:这道题目相当于第一小题,关于时间的重要性问题。
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人物类雅思口语话题怎么备考,本期雅思口语话题范文思路解析,话题为:Describe someone you haven t seen before but you would like to know more,备考在即,整理好口语话题思路,临考才不慌。
先来审题,Describe someone you haven’t seen before but you would like to know more这个话题题目很长,满足这个条件的人物必须是:没见过,但是想要认识。
考生在备考期间要训练自己的口语话题反应能力,拿到话题第一反应是构架自己的口语话题思路体系,比如这个话题Describe an important tree or plant in your country.说到本土重要植物,考生要迅速反应到相关植物,种植地区,植物外貌及重要性。