自考数据库系统原理 第四章 关系运算 课后习题答案
自考数据库系统原理第四章关系运算课后习题答案2009-09-15 10:454.1 名词解释(1)关系模型:用二维表格结构表示实体集,外键表示实体间联系的数据模型称为关系模型。
关系模式不涉及到物理存储方面拿枋觯 鼋鍪嵌允 萏匦缘拿枋觥?(3)关系实例:元组的集合称为关系和实例,一个关系即一张二维表格。
其形式定义如下:如果属性集K是关系模式R1的主键,K也是关系模式R2的外键,那么R2的关系中, K的取值只允许有两种可能,或者为空值,或者等于R1关系中某个主键值。
这条规则在使用时有三点应注意: 1)外键和相应的主键可以不同名,只要定义在相同值域上即可。
第4章数据库安全性1 .什么是数据库的安全性?答:数据库的安全性是指保护数据库以防止不合法的使用所造成的数据泄露、更改或破坏。
2 .数据库安全性和计算机系统的安全性有什么关系?答:安全性问题不是数据库系统所独有的,所有计算机系统都有这个问题。
数据库的安全性和计算机系统的安全性,包括操作系统、网络系统的安全性是紧密联系、相互支持的,3 .试述可信计算机系统评测标准的情况,试述TDI / TCSEC 标准的基本内容。
目前各国引用或制定的一系列安全标准中,最重要的是美国国防部(DoD )正式颁布的《DoD 可信计算机系统评估标准》(伽sted Co 哪uter system Evaluation criteria ,简称TcsEc ,又称桔皮书)。
(TDI / TCSEC 标准是将TcsEc 扩展到数据库管理系统,即《可信计算机系统评估标准关于可信数据库系统的解释》(Tmsted Database Interpretation 简称TDI , 又称紫皮书)。
在TDI 中定义了数据库管理系统的设计与实现中需满足和用以进行安全性级别评估的标准。
TDI 与TcsEc 一样,从安全策略、责任、保证和文档四个方面来描述安全性级别划分的指标。
4 .试述T csEC ( TDI )将系统安全级别划分为4 组7 个等级的基本内容。
答:根据计算机系统对安全性各项指标的支持情况,TCSEC ( TDI )将系统划分为四组(division ) 7 个等级,依次是D 、C ( CI , CZ )、B ( BI , BZ , B3 )、A ( AI ) ,按系统可靠或可信程度逐渐增高。
SolutionsChapter 4 4。
1.2a)b)c)In c we assume that a phone and address can only belong to a single customer (1—m relationship represented by arrow into customer)。
d)In d we assume that an address can only belong to one customer and a phone can exist at only one address.If the multiplicity of above relationships were m—to—n, the entity set becomes weak and the key ssNo of customers will be needed as part of the composite key of the entity set。
In c&d, we convert attributes phones and addresses to entity sets. Sinceentity sets often become relations in relational design,we must consider more efficient alternatives.Instead of querying multiple tables where key values are duplicated, we can also modify attributes:(i) Phones attribute can be converted into HomePhone, OfficePhone and CellPhone。
(ii) A multivalued attribute such as alias can be kept as an attribute where a single column can be used in relational design i。
1. SELECT*FROM Student结果:2. SELECT Sname 姓名,Sage 年龄FROM StudentWHERE Sdept='计算机系'结果:3. SELECT Sno 学号,Cno 课程号,Grade 成绩FROM SCWHERE Grade BETWEEN 70 AND 804. SELECT Sname 姓名,Sage 年龄FROM StudentWHERE Sdept='计算机系'AND Sage>=18 AND Sage<=20 AND Ssex='男'5. SELECT MAX(Grade)最高分数FROM SCWHERE Cno='c01'6. SELECT MAX(Sage)最大年龄,MIN(Sage)最小年龄FROM StudentWHERE Sdept='计算机系'7. SELECT Sdept 系名,COUNT(*)学生人数FROM StudentGROUP BY Sdept8. SELECT Cname 课程名,COUNT(*)选课门数,MAX(Grade)最高分FROM Course,SCGROUP BY Cname9. SELECT Sno 学号,COUNT(*)选课门数,SUM(Grade)总成绩FROM SCGROUP BY SnoORDER BY'选课门数'ASC10. SELECT Sno 学号,SUM(Grade)总成绩FROM SCGROUP BY SnoHAVING SUM(Grade)>20010.CREAT TABLE BOOK(Snobook nchar(6) PRIMARY KEY,Snamebook nvarchar(30) NBOT NULL,Writer char(10) NOT NULL,Time smalldatetime,Price numeric(3,1))CREAT TABLE BOOKSHOP(Snoshop nchar(6) PRIMARY KEY,Snameshop nvarchar(30) NOT NULL,Tel char(8)CHECK(Tel =0 AND Tel <=9),Place nchar(40),Snoemail char(6))CREAT TABLE BOOKSELL(Snobook nchar(6) NOT NULL,Snoshop nchar(6) NOT NULL,Selltime smalltime NOT NULL,Snosell tinyint,PRIMARY KEY (Snobook, Snoshop, Selltime),FOREIGN KEY (Snobook) REFERENCES BOOK(Snobook), FOREIGN KEY (Snoshop) REFERENCES BOOK(BOOKSHOP) )11.ALTER TABLE BOOKADD Nomber intADD CONSTRAINT DF-NomberCHECK (Nomber>1000)12.ALTER TABLE BOOKSHOPDROP COLUMN Tel13.ALTER TABLE BOOKSELLALTER COLUMN Snosell int。
Solutions Chapter c we assume that a phone and address can only belong to a single customer (1-m relationship represented by arrow into customer).In d we assume that an address can only belong to one customer and a phone canexist at only one address.If the multiplicity of above relationships were m-to-n, the entity set becomesweak and the key ssNo of customers will be needed as part of the composite keyof the entity set.In c&d, we convert attributes phones and addresses to entity sets. Since entitysets often become relations in relational design,we must consider more efficient alternatives.Instead of querying multiple tables where key values are duplicated, we can also modify attributes:(i) Phones attribute can be converted into HomePhone, OfficePhone and CellPhone. (ii) A multivalued attribute such as alias can be kept as an attribute where asingle column can be used in relational design i.e. concatenate all values. SQLallows a query "like '%Junius%'" to search the multiple values in a column alias. relationship "played" between Teams and Players is similar to relationship "plays" between Teams and Players. The information about children can be ascertained from motherOf and fatherOf relationships. Attribute ssNo is required since names are not unique. Professor only works in at most one department.A course has at most one TA.A course is only taught by one professor and offered by one department.Students and professors have been assigned unique email ids.A course is uniquely identified by the course no, section no, and semester (e.g. cs157-3 spring 09).4.1.10Given that for each movie, a unique studio exists that produces the movie. Each star is contracted to at most one studio.But stars could be unemployed at a given time. Thus the four-way relationship in fig 4.6 can be easily into converted equivalent relationships.Redundancy: The owner address is repeated in AccSets and Addresses entity sets. Simplicity: AccSets does not serve any useful purpose and the design can be more simply represented by creating many-to-many relationship between Customers and Accounts.Right kind of element: The entity set Addresses has a single attribute address.A customer cannot have more than one address.Hence address should be an attribute of entity set Customers.Faithfulness: Customers cannot be uniquely identified by their names. In real world Customers would have a unique attribute such as ssNo or customerNo4.2.2Studios and Presidents can be combined into one entity set Studios withPresidents becoming an attribute of Studios under following circumstances:1. The Presidents entity set only contains a simple attribute viz. presidentName. Additional attributes specific to Presidents might justify making Presidentsinto an entity set. The entity sets should have single attribute.a) Stars: starNameb) Movies: movieNamec) Studios: studioName. However there exists a many-to-many relationship between Studios and Contracts. Hence, in addition, we need more information aboutstudios involved. If a contract always involves two studios, two attributes such as producingStudio and starStudio can replace theStudios entity set. If a contact can be associated with at most five studios, it may be possible to replace the Studios entity set by five attributes viz.studio1, studio2, studio3, studio4, and studio5. Alternately, a compositeattribute containing concatenation of all studio names in a contact can be considered. A separator character such as "$" can be used. SQL allows searchingof such an attribute using query like '%keyword%'From Augmentation rule of Functional Dependency,givenB -> M (B=Baby, M=Mother)thenBND -> M (N=Nurse, D=Doctor)Hence we can just put an arrow entering mother.a) Put an arrow entering entity set Mothers for the simplest solution (As in fig.4.4, where a multi-way relationship was allowed, even though Movies alone could identify the Studio). However, we can display more accurate information with below figure.Again from Augmentation rule of Functional Dependency,givenBM -> DthenBMN -> DThus we can just add an arrow entering Doctors to fig 4.15. Below figure represents more accurate information however.4.2.6a)b) Transitivity and Augmentation rules of Functional Dependency allow arrow entering Mothers from Births. However, a new relationship in below figure represents more accurate information.c)Design flaws in abc above 1. As suggested above, using Transitivity and Augmentation rules of Functional Dependency, much simpler design is possible.4.2.7In below figure there exists a many-to-one relationship between Babies and Births and another many-to-one relationship between Births and Mothers. From transitivity of relationships, there is a many-to-one relationship between Babies and Mothers. Hence a baby has a unique mother while a birth can allow more than one baby.4.3.1a)b)A captain cannot exist without a team. However a player can (free agent). A recently formed (or defunct) team can exist without players or colors.c)Children can exist without mother and father (unknown).4.3.2a)The keys of both E1 and E2 are required for uniquely identifying tuples in Rb)The key of E1c)The key of E2d)The key of either E1 or E24.3.3Special Case: All entity sets have arrows going into them i.e. all relationships are 1-to-1Any KiOtherwise: Combination of all Ki's where there does not exist an arrow going from R to Ei.4.4.1No, grade is not part of the key for enrollments. The keys of Students and Courses become keys of the weak entity set Enrollments.4.4.2It is possible to make assignment number a weak key of Enrollments but this is not good design (redundancy since multiple assignments correspond to a course).A new entity set Assignment is created and it is also a weak entity set. Hence the key attributes of Assignment will come from the strong entity sets to which Enrollments is connected i.e. studentID, dept, and CourseNo.4.4.3a)b)4.4.4a)4.5.1Customers(SSNo,name,addr,phone)Flights(number,day,aircraft)Bookings(custSSNo,flightNo,flightDay,row,seat)Relations for toCust and toFlt relationships are not required since the weak4.5.2(a)(b)Schema is changed. Since toCust is no longer an identifying relationship, SSNo is no longer a part of Bookings relation.Bookings(flightNo,flightDay,row,seat)ToCust(custSSNO,flightNo,flightDay,row,seat)The above relations are merged intoBookings(flightNo,flightDay,row,seat,custSSNo)However custSSNo is no longer a key of Bookings relation. It becomes a foreign4.5.3Ships(name, yearLaunched)SisterOf(name, sisterName)4.5.4(a)Stars(name,addr)Studios(name,addr)Movies(title,year,length,genre)Contracts(starName,movieTitle,movieYear,studioName,salary)Depending on other relationships not shown in ER diagram, studioName may not be required as a key of Contracts (or not even required as an attribute of Contracts).(b)Students(studentID)Courses(dept,courseNo)Enrollments(studentID,dept,courseNo,grade)(c)Departments(name)Courses(deptName,number)(d)Leagues(name)Teams(leagueName,teamName)Players(leagueName,teamName,playerName)4.6.1The weak relation Courses has the key from Depts along with number. Hence there is no relation for GivenBy relationship.(a)Depts(name, chair)Courses(number, deptName, room)LabCourses(number, deptName, allocation)(b) LabCourses has all the attributes of Courses.Depts(name, chair)Courses(number, deptName, room)(c) Courses and LabCourses are combined into one relation.Depts(name, chair)Courses(number, deptName, room, allocation)4.6.2(a)Person(name,address)ChildOf(personName,personAddress,childName,childAddress)Child(name,address,fatherName,fatherAddress,motherName,motherAddresss)Father(name,address,wifeName,wifeAddresss)Mother(name,address)Since FatherOf and MotherOf are many-one relationships from Child, there is no need for a separate relation for them. Similarly the one-one relationshipMarried can be included in Father (or Mother). ChildOf is a many-manyrelationship and needs a separate relation.However the ChildOf relation is not required since the relationship can be deduced from FatherOf and MotherOf relationships contained in Child relation. (b)A person cannot be both Mother and Father.Person(name,address)PersonChild(name,address)PersonChildFather(name,address)PersonChildMother(name,address)PersonFather(name,address)PersonMother(name,address)ChildOf(personName,personAddress,childName,childAddress)FatherOf(childName,childAddress,fatherName,fatherAddress)MotherOf(childName,childAddress,motherName,motherAddress)Married(husbandName,husbandAddress,wifeName,wifeAddress)The many-many ChildOf relationship again requires a relation.An entity belongs to one and only one class when using object-oriented approach. Hence, the many-one relations MotherOf and FatherOf could be added as attributes to PersonChild,PersonChildFather, and PersonChildMother relations.Similarly the Married relation can be added as attributes to PersonChildMother and PersonMother (or the corresponding father relations).(c) For the Person relation at least one of husband and wife attributes will be null.Person(personName,personAddress,fatherName,fatherAddress,motherName,motherAddres ss,wifeName,wifeAddresss,husbandName,husbandAddress)ChildOf(personName,personAddress,childName,childAddress)4.6.3(a)People(name,fatherName,motherName)Males(name)Females(name)Fathers(name)Mothers(name)ChildOf(personName,childName)(b)People(name)PeopleMale(name)PeopleMaleFathers(name)PeopleFemale(name)PeopleFemaleMothers(name)ChildOf(personName,childName)FatherOf(childName,fatherName)MotherOf(childName,motherName)People cannot belong to both male and female branch of the ER diagram.Moreover since an entity belongs to one and only one class when using object-oriented approach, no entity belongs to People relation.Again we could replace MotherOf and FatherOf relations by adding as attributesto PeopleMale,PeopleMaleFathers,PeopleFemale, and PeopleFemaleMothers relations.(c)People(name,fatherName,motherName)ChildOf(personName,childName)4.6.4(a)Each entity set results in one relation. Thus both the minimum and maximum number of relations is e.The root relation has a attributes including k keys. Thus the minimum number of attributes is a. All other relations include the k keys from root along withtheir a attributes. Thus the maximum number of attributes is a+k.(b)The relation for root will have a attributes. The relation representing the whole tree will have e*a attributes.The number of relations will depend on the shape of the tree. A tree of eentities where only one child exists(say left child only) would have the minimum number of relations. Thus below figure will only contain 4 subtrees that contain root E1,E1E2,E1E2E3, and E1E2E3E4. With e entity sets, minimum e relations are possible.The maximum number of subtrees result when all the entities(except root) are at depth 1. Thus below figure will contain 8 subtrees that contain rootE1,E1E2,E1E3,E1E4,E1E2E3,E1E3E4,E1E2E4,and E1E2E3E4. With e entity sets, maximum 2^(e-1) relations are possible.(c)The nulls method always results in one relation and contains attributes from all e entities i.e. e*a attributes.Summarizing for a,b, and c above;#Components #RelationsMin Max Min MaxMethodstraight-E/R a a e eobject-oriented a e*a e 2^(e-1)nulls e*a e*a 1 and Females subclasses are complete. Mothers and Fathers are partial. All subclasses are disjoint.4.7.7We convert the ternary relationship Contracts into three binary relationships between a new entity set Contracts and existing entity sets.4.7.9a)b)c)4.7.10A self-association ParentOf for entity set people has multiplicity 0..2 at parent role end.In a Library database, if a patron can loan at most 12 books, them multiplicity is 0..12.For a FullTimeStudents entity set, a relationship of multiplicity 5..* must exist with Courses (A student must take at least5 courses to be classified FullTime.4.8.1Customers(SSNo,name,addr,phone)Flights(number,day,aircraft)Bookings(row,seat,custSSNo,FlightNumber,FlightDay)Customers("SSNo",name,addr,phone)Flights("number","day",aircraft)Bookings(row,seat,"custSSNo","FlightNumber","FlightDay")4.8.2a)Movies(title,year,length,genre)Studios(name,address)Presidents(cert#,name,address)Owns(movieTitle,movieYear,studioName)Runs(studioName,presCert#)Movies("title","year",length,genre)Studios("name",address)Presidents("cert#",name,address)Owns("movieTitle","movieYear",studioName)Runs("studioName",presCert#)b)Since the subclasses are disjoint, Object Oriented Approach is used. The hierarchy is not complete. Hence four relations are required Movies(title,year,length,genre)MurderMysteries(title,year,length,genre,weapon)Cartoons(title,year,length,genre)Cartoon-MurderMysteries(title,year,length,genre,weapon)Movies("title","year",length,genre)MurderMysteries("title","year",length,genre,weapon)Cartoons("title","year",length,genre)Cartoon-MurderMysteries("title","year",length,genre,weapon)c)Customers(ssNo,name,phone,address)Accounts(number,balance,type)Owns(custSSNo,accountNumber)Customers("ssNo",name,phone,address)Accounts("number",balance,type)Owns("custSSNo","accountNumber")d)Teams(name,captainName)Players(name,teamName)Fans(name,favoriteColor)Colors(colorname)For Displays association,TeamColors(teamName,colorname)RootsFor(fanName,teamName)Admires(fanName,playerName)Teams("name",captainName)Players("name",teamName)Fans("name",favoriteColor)Colors("colorname")For Displays association,TeamColors("teamName","colorname")RootsFor("fanName","teamName")Admires("fanName","playerName")e)People(ssNo,name,fatherSSNo,motherSSNo)People("ssNo",name,fatherssNo,motherssNo)f)Students(email,name)Courses(no,section,semester,professorEmail)Departments(name)Professors(email,name,worksDeptName)Takes(letterGrade,studentEmail,courseNo,courseSection,courseSemester)Students("email",name)Courses("no","section","semester",professorEmail)Departments("name")Professors("email",name,worksDeptName)Takes(letterGrade,"studentEmail","courseNo","courseSection","courseSemester")4.8.3a)Each and every object is a member of exactly one subclass at leaf level. We have nine classes at the leaf of hierarchy. Hence we need nine relations.b)All objects only belong to one subclass and its ancestors. Hence, we need not consider every possible subtree but rather the total number of nodes in tree. Hence we need thirteen relations.c)We need all possible subtrees. Hence 218 relations are required.class Customer (key (ssNo)){attribute integer ssNo;attribute string name;attribute string addr;attribute string phone;relationship Set<Account> ownsAcctsinverse Account::ownedBy;};class Account (key (number)){attribute integer number;attribute string type;attribute real balance;relationship Set<Customer> ownedByinverse Customer::ownsAccts;};4.9.2a)Modify class Account to contain relationship Customer ownedBy (no Set)b)Also remove set in relationship ownsAccts of class Customer.c)ODL allows a collection of primitive types as well as structures. To class Customer add following attributes in place of simple attributes addr and phone: Set<string phone>Set<Struct addr{string street,string city,string state}>d)ODL allows structures and collections recursively.Set<Struct addr{string street,string city,string state},Set<string phone>>Collections are allowed in ODL. Hence, Colors Set can become an attribute of Teams.class Colors(key(colorname)){attribute string colorname;relationship Set<Fans> FavoredByinverse Fans::Favors;relationship set<Teams> DisplayedByinverse Teams::Displays;};class Teams(key(name)){attribute string name;relationship set<Colors> Displaysinverse Colors::DisplayedBy;relationship set<Players> PlayedByinverse Players::Plays;relationship PLayers CaptainedByinverse Platyers::Captains;relationship set<Fans> RootedByinverse Fans::Roots;};class Players(key(name)){attribute string name;relationship Set<Teams> Playsinverse Teams::PlayedBy;relationship Teams Captainsinverse Teams::CaptainedBy;relationship Set<Fans> AdmiredByinverse Fans::Admires;};class Fans(key(name)){attribute string name;relationship Colors Favorsinverse Colors::FavoredBy;relationship Set<Teams> RootedByinverse Teams::Roots;relationship Set<Players> Admiresinverse Players::AdmiredBy;};4.9.4class Person {attribute string name;relationship Person motherOfinverse Person::childrenOfFemale;relationship Person fatherOfinverse Person::childrenOfMale;relationship Set<Person> childreninverse Person::parentsOf;relationship Set<Person> childrenOfFemaleinverse Person::motherOf;relationship Set<Person> childrenOfMaleinverse Person::fatherOf;relationship Set<Person> parentsOfinverse Person::children;};4.9.5The struct education{string degree,string school,string date} cannot have duplication.Hence use of Sets does not make any different as compared to bags, lists, or arrays.Lists will allow faster access/queries due to the already sorted nature.4.9.6a)class Departments(key (name)) {attribute string name;relationship Courses offersinverse Courses::offeredBy;};class Courses(key (number,offeredBy)) {attribute string number;relationship Departments offeredByinverse Departments::offers;};b)class Leagues (key (name)) {attribute name;relationship Teams containsinverse Teams::belongs;};class Teams(key (name,belongs)) {attribute name,relationship Leagues belongsinverse Leagues::contains;relationship Players playinverse Players::plays;};class Players (key(number,plays)) {attribute number,relationship Teams playsinverse Teams::play;4.9.7class Students (key email) {attribute string email;attribute string name;relationship Courses isTAinverse Courses::TA;relationship Courses Takesinverse Courses::TakenBy;};class Professors (key email) {attribute string email;attribute string name;relationship Departments WorksForinverse Department::Works;relationship Courses Teachesinverse Courses::TaughtBy;};class Courses (key (no,semester,section)) {attribute string no;attribute string semester;attribute string section;relationship Students TAinverse Students::isTA;relationship Students TakenByinverse Students::Takes;relationship Professors TaughtByinverse Professors::Teaches;relationship Departments OfferedByinverse Departments::Offer;};class Departments (key name) {attribute name;relationship Courses Offerinverse Courses::OfferedBy;relationship Professors Worksinverse Professors::WorksFor;};4.9.8A relationship is its own inverse when for every attribute pair in the relationship, the inverse pair also exists. A relation with such a relationship is called symmetric in set theory. e.g. A relationship called SiblingOf in Person relation is its own inverse.4.10.1a)Customers(ssNo,name,addr,phone)Account(number,type,balance)Owns(ssNo,accountNumber)b)Accounts(number,balance,type,owningCustomerssNo)Customers(ssNo,name)Addresses(ownerssNo,street,state,city)Phones(ownerssNo,street,state,city,phonearea,phoneno)We can remove Addresses relation since its attributes are a subset of relation Phones.c)Fans(name,colors)RootedBy(fan_name,teamname)Admires(fan_name,playername)Players(name,teamname,is_captain)Teams(name)--remove subset of teamcolorTeamcolors(name,colorname)Colors(colorname)d)class Person {attribute string name;relationship Person motherOfinverse Person::childrenOfFemale;relationship Person fatherOfinverse Person::childrenOfMale;relationship Set<Person> childreninverse Person::parentsOf;relationship Set<Person> childrenOfFemaleinverse Person::motherOf;relationship Set<Person> childrenOfMaleinverse Person::fatherOf;relationship Set<Person> parentsOfinverse Person::children;};Person(name,mothername,fathername)The children relationship is many-many but the information can be deduced from Person relation. Hence below relation is redundant.Parent-Child(parent, child)4.10.2First consider each struct as if it were an atomic value i.e. key and value association pairs can be treated as two attributes. After applying normalization, the attributes can be replaced by the fields of the structs.4.10.3(a)Struct Card { string rank, string suit };(b)class Hand {attribute Set theHand;};(c)Hands(handId, rank, suit)Each tuple corresponds to one card of a hand. HandId is required key to identify a hand.class PokerHand{attribute Array Hand(Card card1,Card card2,Card card3,Cardcard4,Card card5)}PokerHandS(handId,rank1,suit1,,rank2,suit2,rank3,suit3,rank4,suit4,rank5,suit5) (e)class Deal {attribute Set <Struct PlayerHand { string Player, Hand theHand } > theDeal;}(f) PokerDeal consist of a player and array of five card deal.class PokerDeal{string Player,attribute Array Hand(Card card1,Card card2,Cardcard3,Card card4,Card card5)}(g) Above can similarly be represented by key player and a value consisting of five element array.(h)dealID is a key for Deals. Thus the relations for classes Deals and Hands are:Deals(dealID, player, handID)Hands(handID, rank, suit)A simpler relation Deals below can also represents the classes:Deals(dealID, player, rank, suit)(i)The relation Deals(dealID,card) cannot identify the hand to which a card belongs. Also two attributes are required for a card;its rank and suit.Deals(dealID, handID, rank, suit)4.10.4(a)C(a, f, g)(b)C(a, f, g, count)(c)C(a, f, g, position)(d)C(a, f, g, i, j)。
目录第1部分课程的教与学第2部分各章习题解答及自测题第1章数据库概论1.1 基本内容分析1.2 教材中习题1的解答1.3 自测题1.4 自测题答案第2章关系模型和关系运算理论2.1基本内容分析2.2 教材中习题2的解答2.3 自测题2.4 自测题答案第3章关系数据库语言SQL3.1基本内容分析3.2 教材中习题3的解答3.3 自测题3.4 自测题答案第4章关系数据库的规范化设计4.1基本内容分析4.2 教材中习题4的解答4.3 自测题4.4 自测题答案第5章数据库设计与ER模型5.1基本内容分析5.2 教材中习题5的解答5.3 自测题5.4 自测题答案第6章数据库的存储结构6.1基本内容分析6.2 教材中习题6的解答第7章系统实现技术7.1基本内容分析7.2 教材中习题7的解答7.3 自测题7.4 自测题答案第8章对象数据库系统8.1基本内容分析8.2 教材中习题8的解答8.3 自测题8.4 自测题答案第9章分布式数据库系统9.1基本内容分析9.2 教材中习题9的解答9.3 自测题9.4 自测题答案第10章中间件技术10.1基本内容分析10.2 教材中习题10的解答10.3 自测题及答案第11章数据库与WWW11.1基本内容分析11.2 教材中习题11的解答第12章 XML技术12.1基本内容分析12.2 教材中习题12的解答学习推荐书目1.国内出版的数据库教材(1)施伯乐,丁宝康,汪卫. 数据库系统教程(第2版). 北京:高等教育出版社,2003(2)丁宝康,董健全. 数据库实用教程(第2版). 北京:清华大学出版社,2003(3)施伯乐,丁宝康. 数据库技术. 北京:科学出版社,2002(4)王能斌. 数据库系统教程(上、下册). 北京:电子工业出版社,2002(5)闪四清. 数据库系统原理与应用教程. 北京:清华大学出版社,2001(6)萨师煊,王珊. 数据库系统概论(第3版). 北京:高等教育出版社,2000(7)庄成三,洪玫,杨秋辉. 数据库系统原理及其应用. 北京:电子工业出版社,20002.出版的国外数据库教材(中文版或影印版)(1)Silberschatz A,Korth H F,Sudarshan S. 数据库系统概念(第4版). 杨冬青,唐世渭等译. 北京:机械工业出版社,2003(2)Elmasri R A,Navathe S B. 数据库系统基础(第3版). 邵佩英,张坤龙等译. 北京:人民邮电出版社,2002(3)Lewis P M,Bernstein A,Kifer M. Databases and Transaction Processing:An Application-Oriented Approach, Addison-Wesley, 2002(影印版, 北京:高等教育出版社;中文版,施伯乐等译,即将由电子工业出版社出版)(4)Hoffer J A,Prescott M B,McFadden F R. Modern Database Management. 6th ed. Prentice Hall, 2002(中文版,施伯乐等译,即将由电子工业出版社出版)3.上机实习教材(1)廖疆星,张艳钗,肖金星. PowerBuilder 8.0 & SQL Server 2000数据库管理系统管理与实现. 北京:冶金工业出版社,2002(2)伍俊良. PowerBuilder课程设计与系统开发案例. 北京:清华大学出版社,20034.学习指导书(1)丁宝康,董健全,汪卫,曾宇昆. 数据库系统教程习题解答及上机指导. 北京:高等教育出版社,2003(2)丁宝康,张守志,严勇. 数据库技术学习指导书. 北京:科学出版社,2003(3)丁宝康,董健全,曾宇昆. 数据库实用教程习题解答. 北京:清华大学出版社,2003 (4)丁宝康. 数据库原理题典. 长春:吉林大学出版社,2002(5)丁宝康,陈坚,许建军,楼晓鸿. 数据库原理辅导与练习. 北京:经济科学出版社,2001第1部分课程的教与学1.课程性质与设置目的现在,数据库已是信息化社会中信息资源与开发利用的基础,因而数据库是计算机教育的一门重要课程,是高等院校计算机和信息类专业的一门专业基础课。
数据仓库与数据挖掘教程(第2版)课后习题答案 第四章
数据库系统教程课后习题答案(部分)--何玉洁 李宝安
第1章绪论1 .试述数据、数据库、数据库系统、数据库管理系统的概念。
答:( l )数据( Data ) :描述事物的符号记录称为数据。
( 2 )数据库( DataBase ,简称 DB ) :数据库是长期储存在计算机内的、有组织的、可共享的数据集合。
( 3 )数据库系统( DataBas 。
Sytem ,简称 DBS ) :数据库系统是指在计算机系统中引入数据库后的系统构成,一般由数据库、数据库管理系统(及其开发工具)、应用系统、数据库管理员构成。
( 4 )数据库管理系统( DataBase Management sytem ,简称 DBMs ) :数据库管理系统是位于用户与操作系统之间的一层数据管理软件,用于科学地组织和存储数据、高效地获取和维护数据。
5 .试述数据库系统的特点。
答:数据库系统的主要特点有:( l)数据结构化数据库系统实现整体数据的结构化,这是数据库的主要特征之一,也是数据库系统与文件系统的本质区别。
( 2)数据的共享性高,冗余度低,易扩充( 3 )数据独立性高数据独立性包括数据的物理独立性和数据的逻辑独立性。
( 4 )数据由 DBMS 统一管理和控制DBMS 必须提供统一的数据控制功能,包括数据的安全性保护、数据的完整性检查、并发控制和数据库恢复。
6 .数据库管理系统的主要功能有哪些?答:DBMS 的主要功能包括数据定义功能、数据组织、存储和管理、数据操纵功能、数据库的事务管理和运行管理、数据库的建立和维护功能。
9 .定义并解释概念模型中以下术语:实体,实体型,实体集,属性,码,实体联系图( E一 R 图)答:实体:客观存在并可以相互区分的事物。
一.选择题1.下面哪种数字数据类型不可以存储数据256?(D)A.bigintB. intC. SmallintD. tinyint2.下面是有关主键和外键之间的关系描述,正确的是(AC)A.一个表最多只能有一个主键约束,多个外键约束。
3.下面关于数据库中表的行和列的叙述正确的是(D)A.表中的行是有序的,列是无序的B. 表中的列是有序的,行是无序的C. 表中的行和列都是有序的D. 表中的行和列都是无序的4.SQL语言的数据操作语句包括SELECT、INSERT、UPDATE、DELETE等。
A.ALTERB. CREATEC. UPDATED. INSERT6.设有关系R(A,B,C)和S(C,D),与关系代数表达式πA,B,D(σR.C=S.C(R ∞S)等价的SQL语句是(B)。
A.SELECT *FROM R,S WHERE R.C=S.CB.SELECT A,B,D FROM R,S WHERE R.C=S.CC.SELECT A,B,D FROM R,S WHERE R=SD.SELECT A,B FROM R WHERE(SELECT D FROM S WHERE R.C=S.C)7.设关系R(A,B,C) 与SQL语句“SELECT DISTINST A FROM R WHERE B=17”等价的关系代数表达式是(A)A.πA(σB=17 (R))B. σB=17 (πA(R))C. σB=17 (πA. C(R))D. πA. C(σB=17 (R))下面第(8)-(12)题,基于“学生-选课-课程”数据库中的3个关系。
【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】SolutionsChapter 4 c we assume that a phone and address can only belong to a single customer (1-m relationship represented by arrow into customer).d)In d we assume that an address can only belong to one customer and a phone can exist at only one address.If the multiplicity of above relationships were m-to-n, the entity set becomes weak and the key ssNo of customers will be needed as part of the composite key of the entity set.In c&d, we convert attributes phones and addresses to entity sets. Since entity sets often become relations in relational design,we must consider more efficient alternatives.Instead of querying multiple tables where key values are duplicated, we can also modify attributes:(i) Phones attribute can be converted into HomePhone, OfficePhone and CellPhone.(ii) A multivalued attribute such as alias can be kept as an attribute where a single column can be used in relational design i.e. concatenate all values. SQL allows a query "like '%Junius%'" to search the multiple values in a column alias. relationship "played" between Teams and Players is similar to relationship "plays" between Teams and Players. The information about children can be ascertained from motherOf and fatherOf relationships. Attribute ssNo is required since names are not unique. Professor only works in at most one department.A course has at most one TA.A course is only taught by one professor and offered by one department. Students and professors have been assigned unique email ids.A course is uniquely identified by the course no, section no, and semester (e.g. cs157-3 spring 09).4.1.10Given that for each movie, a unique studio exists that produces the movie. Each star is contracted to at most one studio.But stars could be unemployed at a given time. Thus the four-way relationship in fig 4.6 can be easily into converted equivalent relationships.4.2.1Redundancy: The owner address is repeated in AccSets and Addresses entity sets. Simplicity: AccSets does not serve any useful purpose and the design can be more simply represented by creating many-to-many relationship between Customers and Accounts.Right kind of element: The entity set Addresses has a single attribute address. A customer cannot have more than one address.Hence address should be an attribute of entity set Customers. Faithfulness: Customers cannot be uniquely identified by their names. In real world Customers would have a unique attribute such as ssNo or customerNo 4.2.2Studios and Presidents can be combined into one entity set Studios with Presidents becoming an attribute of Studios under following circumstances:1. The Presidents entity set only contains a simple attribute viz. presidentName. Additional attributes specific to Presidents might justify making Presidents into an entity set. The entity sets should have single attribute.a) Stars: starNameb) Movies: movieNamec) Studios: studioName. However there exists a many-to-many relationship between Studios and Contracts. Hence, in addition, we need more informationabout studios involved. If a contract always involves two studios, two attributes such as producingStudio and starStudio can replace theStudios entity set. If a contact can be associated with at most five studios, it may be possible to replace the Studios entity set by five attributes viz. studio1, studio2, studio3, studio4, and studio5. Alternately, a composite attribute containing concatenation of all studio names in a contact can be considered. A separator character such as "$" can be used. SQL allows searching of such an attribute using query like '%keyword%'4.2.5From Augmentation rule of Functional Dependency,givenB -> M (B=Baby, M=Mother)thenBND -> M (N=Nurse, D=Doctor)Hence we can just put an arrow entering mother.a) Put an arrow entering entity set Mothers for the simplest solution (As in fig. 4.4, where a multi-way relationship was allowed, even though Movies alone could identify the Studio). However, we can display more accurate information with below figure.b)c)Again from Augmentation rule of Functional Dependency, givenBM -> DthenBMN -> DThus we can just add an arrow entering Doctors to fig 4.15. Below figure represents more accurate information however.4.2.6a)b) Transitivity and Augmentation rules of Functional Dependency allow arrow entering Mothers from Births. However, a new relationship in below figure represents more accurate information.c)Design flaws in abc above 1. As suggested above, using Transitivity and Augmentation rules of Functional Dependency, much simpler design is possible.4.2.7In below figure there exists a many-to-one relationship between Babies and Births and another many-to-one relationship between Births and Mothers. From transitivity of relationships, there is a many-to-one relationship between Babiesand Mothers. Hence a baby has a unique mother while a birth can allow more than one baby.4.3.1a)b)A captain cannot exist without a team. However a player can (free agent). A recently formed (or defunct) team can exist without players or colors.c)Children can exist without mother and father (unknown).4.3.2a)The keys of both E1 and E2 are required for uniquely identifying tuples in R b)The key of E1c)The key of E2d)The key of either E1 or E24.3.3Special Case: All entity sets have arrows going into them i.e. all relationships are 1-to-1Any KiOtherwise: Combination of all Ki's where there does not exist an arrow going from R to Ei.4.4.1No, grade is not part of the key for enrollments. The keys of Students and Courses become keys of the weak entity set Enrollments.4.4.2It is possible to make assignment number a weak key of Enrollments but this is not good design (redundancy since multiple assignments correspond to a course).A new entity set Assignment is created and it is also a weak entity set. Hence the key attributes of Assignment will come from the strong entity sets to which Enrollments is connected i.e. studentID, dept, and CourseNo.4.4.3a)b)c)4.4.4a)b)4.5.1Customers(SSNo,name,addr,phone)Flights(number,day,aircraft)Bookings(custSSNo,flightNo,flightDay,row,seat)Relations for toCust and toFlt relationships are not required since the weak entity set Bookings already contains the keys of Customers and Flights.4.5.2(a)(b)Schema is changed. Since toCust is no longer an identifying relationship, SSNo is no longer a part of Bookings relation.Bookings(flightNo,flightDay,row,seat)ToCust(custSSNO,flightNo,flightDay,row,seat)The above relations are merged intoBookings(flightNo,flightDay,row,seat,custSSNo)However custSSNo is no longer a key of Bookings relation. It becomes a foreign key instead.4.5.3Ships(name, yearLaunched)SisterOf(name, sisterName)4.5.4(a)Stars(name,addr)Studios(name,addr)Movies(title,year,length,genre)Contracts(starName,movieTitle,movieYear,studioName,salary)Depending on other relationships not shown in ER diagram, studioName may not be required as a key of Contracts (or not even required as an attribute of Contracts).(b)Students(studentID)Courses(dept,courseNo)Enrollments(studentID,dept,courseNo,grade)(c)Departments(name)Courses(deptName,number)(d)Leagues(name)Teams(leagueName,teamName)Players(leagueName,teamName,playerName)4.6.1The weak relation Courses has the key from Depts along with number. Hence there is no relation for GivenBy relationship.(a)Depts(name, chair)Courses(number, deptName, room)LabCourses(number, deptName, allocation)(b) LabCourses has all the attributes of Courses.Depts(name, chair)Courses(number, deptName, room)LabCourses(number, deptName, room, allocation)(c) Courses and LabCourses are combined into one relation.Depts(name, chair)Courses(number, deptName, room, allocation)4.6.2(a)Person(name,address)ChildOf(personName,personAddress,childName,childAddress)Child(name,address,fatherName,fatherAddress,motherName,motherAddresss) Father(name,address,wifeName,wifeAddresss)Mother(name,address)Since FatherOf and MotherOf are many-one relationships from Child, there is no need for a separate relation for them. Similarly the one-one relationship Married can be included in Father (or Mother). ChildOf is a many-many relationship and needs a separate relation.However the ChildOf relation is not required since the relationship can be deduced from FatherOf and MotherOf relationships contained in Child relation.(b)A person cannot be both Mother and Father.Person(name,address)PersonChild(name,address)PersonChildFather(name,address)PersonChildMother(name,address)PersonFather(name,address)PersonMother(name,address)ChildOf(personName,personAddress,childName,childAddress)FatherOf(childName,childAddress,fatherName,fatherAddress)MotherOf(childName,childAddress,motherName,motherAddress)Married(husbandName,husbandAddress,wifeName,wifeAddress)The many-many ChildOf relationship again requires a relation.An entity belongs to one and only one class when using object-oriented approach. Hence, the many-one relations MotherOf and FatherOf could be added as attributes to PersonChild,PersonChildFather, and PersonChildMother relations.Similarly the Married relation can be added as attributes to PersonChildMother and PersonMother (or the corresponding father relations).(c) For the Person relation at least one of husband and wife attributes will be null. Person(personName,personAddress,fatherName,fatherAddress,motherName,mot herAddresss,wifeName,wifeAddresss,husbandName,husbandAddress) ChildOf(personName,personAddress,childName,childAddress)4.6.3(a)People(name,fatherName,motherName)Males(name)Females(name)Fathers(name)Mothers(name)ChildOf(personName,childName)(b)People(name)PeopleMale(name)PeopleMaleFathers(name)PeopleFemale(name)PeopleFemaleMothers(name)ChildOf(personName,childName)FatherOf(childName,fatherName)MotherOf(childName,motherName)People cannot belong to both male and female branch of the ER diagram. Moreover since an entity belongs to one and only one class when using object-oriented approach, no entity belongs to People relation.Again we could replace MotherOf and FatherOf relations by adding as attributes to PeopleMale,PeopleMaleFathers,PeopleFemale, and PeopleFemaleMothers relations.(c)People(name,fatherName,motherName)ChildOf(personName,childName)4.6.4(a)Each entity set results in one relation. Thus both the minimum and maximum number of relations is e.The root relation has a attributes including k keys. Thus the minimum number of attributes is a. All other relations include the k keys from root along with their a attributes. Thus the maximum number of attributes is a+k.(b)The relation for root will have a attributes. The relation representing the whole tree will have e*a attributes.The number of relations will depend on the shape of the tree. A tree of e entities where only one child exists(say left child only) would have the minimum number of relations. Thus below figure will only contain 4 subtrees that contain rootE1,E1E2,E1E2E3, and E1E2E3E4. With e entity sets, minimum e relations are possible.The maximum number of subtrees result when all the entities(except root) are at depth 1. Thus below figure will contain 8 subtrees that contain rootE1,E1E2,E1E3,E1E4,E1E2E3,E1E3E4,E1E2E4,and E1E2E3E4. With e entity sets, maximum 2^(e-1) relations are possible.The nulls method always results in one relation and contains attributes from all e entities i.e. e*a attributes.Summarizing for a,b, and c above;#Components #RelationsMin Max Min MaxMethodstraight-E/R a a e eobject-oriented a e*a e 2^(e-1)nulls e*a e*a 1 and Females subclasses are complete. Mothers and Fathers are partial. All subclasses are disjoint.4.7.6。
数据库实用教程课后习题参考答案(1-4章)第1、2章1.1 名词解释:◆ DB:数据库(Database),DB是统一管理的相关数据的集合。
◆ DBMS:数据库管理系统(Database Management System),DBMS是位于用户与操作系统之间的一层数据管理软件,为用户或应用程序提供访问DB的方法,包括DB的建立、查询、更新及各种数据控制。
◆ DBS:数据库系统(Database System),DBS是实现有组织地、动态地存储大量关联数据,方便多用户访问的计算机软件、硬件和数据资源组成的系统,即采用了数据库技术的计算机系统。
◆ 1:1联系:如果实体集E1中的每个实体最多只能和实体集E2中的一个实体有联系,反之亦然,好么实体集E1对E2的联系称为“一对一联系”,记为“1:1”。
◆ 1:N联系:如果实体集E1中每个实体与实体集E2中任意个(零个或多个)实体有联系,而E2中每个实体至多和E1中的一个实体有联系,那么E1对E2的联系是“一对多联系”,记为“1:N”。
◆ M:N联系:如果实体集E1中每个实体与实体集E2中任意个(零个或多个)实体有联系,反之亦然,那么E1对E2的联系是“多对多联系”,记为“M:N”。
◆ 数据模型:表示实体类型及实体类型间联系的模型称为“数据模型”。
◆ 概念数据模型:它是独门于计算机系统的模型,完全不涉及信息在系统中的表示,只是用来描述某个特定组织所关心的信息结构。
◆ 结构数据模型:它是直接面向数据库的逻辑结构,是现实世界的第二层抽象。
The relationship "played" between Teams and Players is similar to relationship "plays" between Teams and Players.
4.1.6 The information about children can be ascertained from motherOf and fatherOf relationships. Attribute ssNo is required since names are not unique.
Instead of querying multiple tables where key values are duplicated, wecan alsomodify attributes:
(i) Phones attribute can be converted into HomePhone, OfficePhone and CellPhone.
In below figure there exists a many-to-one relationship between Babies and Births and another many-to-one relationship between Births andMothers. From transitivity of relationships, there is a many-to-one relationship between Babies and Mothers. Hence a baby has a uniquemother while a birth can allow more than one baby.
第1章绪论1 .试述数据、数据库、数据库系统、数据库管理系统的概念。
答:( l )数据(Data ) :描述事物的符号记录称为数据。
500 这个数字可以表示一件物品的价格是500 元,也可以表示一个学术会议参加的人数有500 人,还可以表示一袋奶粉重500 克。
( 2 )数据库(DataBase ,简称DB ) :数据库是长期储存在计算机内的、有组织的、可共享的数据集合。
( 3 )数据库系统(DataBas 。
Sytem ,简称DBS ) :数据库系统是指在计算机系统中引入数据库后的系统构成,一般由数据库、数据库管理系统(及其开发工具)、应用系统、数据库管理员构成。
( 4 )数据库管理系统(DataBase Management sytem ,简称DBMs ) :数据库管理系统是位于用户与操作系统之间的一层数据管理软件,用于科学地组织和存储数据、高效地获取和维护数据。
DBMS 的主要功能包括数据定义功能、数据操纵功能、数据库的运行管理功能、数据库的建立和维护功能。
解析DBMS 是一个大型的复杂的软件系统,是计算机中的基础软件。
目前,专门研制DBMS 的厂商及其研制的DBMS 产品很多。
函数依赖(Functional Dependency,FD)是关系模式中属性之间的一种逻辑依赖关系。
设有关系模式R(U),U是属性全集,X和Y是U的子集,如果X→Y,并且对于X的任何一个真子集X′,都有X'→Y,则称Y对X完全函数依赖(Full Functional Dependency),记作 f 。
如果对X的某个真子集X',有X'→Y,则称Y对X部分函数依赖(Partial Functional Dependency),记作X p 。
设有关系模式R(U),U是属性全集,X,Y,Z是U的子集,若X→Y,但Y→X,而Y →Z(Y∉X,Z∉Y),则称Z对X传递函数依赖(Transitive Functional Dependency),记作:t 。
如果关系模式R∈1NF,且每个非主属性都完全函数依赖于R的主码,则称R属于第二范式(Second Normal Form),简称2NF,记作R∈2NF。
如果关系模式R∈2NF,且每个非主属性都不传递函数依赖于R的主码,则称R属于第三范式(Third Normal Form),简称3NF,记作R∈3NF。
如果关系模式R∈1NF,且所有的函数依赖X→Y(Y∉X),决定因素X都包含了R的一个候选码,则称R属于BC范式(Boyce-Codd Normal Form),记作R∈BCNF。
区别和联系:(1)32⊂⊂BCNF NF NF(2)BCNF、3NF与2NF均是针对函数依赖而定义划分的。
ORACLE 10g 课后参考答案(答案仅供参考)第一章ORACLE 10g简介一、选择题1.下面不属于ORACLE 10g产品系列的是(D)A.Oracle数据库 10g标准版1B.Oracle数据库 10g标准版C.Oracle数据库 10g企业版D.Oracle数据库 10g网络版2.ORACLE 10g中的g表示(D)A.版本B.网络C.数据库D.网格计算3.下面关于ORACLE 10g数据库逻辑结构的描述错误的是(C)A.数据库由若干个表空间组成B.表空间由表组成C.表由数据块组成D.段由区间组成4.ORACLE管理数据库存储空间的最小存储单位是(A)A.数据块B.表空间C.表D.区间5.ORACLE分配磁盘空间的最小单位是(D)A.数据块B.表空间C.表D.区间6.下列不属于ORACLE表空间的是(D)A.大文件表空间B.系统表空间C.撤销表空间D.网格表空间7.当数据库服务器上的一个数据库启动时,ORACLE将分配一块内存区间,叫做系统全局区,英文缩写为(B)A.VGAB.SGAC.PGAD.GLOBAL二、填空题1.__视图__ 是虚拟的表,它在物理上并不存在。
4.一个数据块对应磁盘上的一定数量的数据库空间,标准的数据块大小由初始参数(DB_BLOCK_SIZE )指定。
5.每个数据库都至少有一个系统表空间,被称为__SYSTEM _表空间。
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SolutionsChapter 4 c we assume that a phone and address can only belong to a single customer (1-m relationship represented by arrow into customer).d)In d we assume that an address can only belong to one customer and a phone canexist at only one address.If the multiplicity of above relationships were m-to-n, the entity set becomesweak and the key ssNo of customers will be needed as part of the composite keyof the entity set.In c&d, we convert attributes phones and addresses to entity sets. Since entitysets often become relations in relational design,we must consider more efficient alternatives.Instead of querying multiple tables where key values are duplicated, we can also modify attributes:(i) Phones attribute can be converted into HomePhone, OfficePhone and CellPhone. (ii) A multivalued attribute such as alias can be kept as an attribute where asingle column can be used in relational design i.e. concatenate all values. SQLallows a query "like '%Junius%'" to search the multiple values in a column alias. relationship "played" between Teams and Players is similar to relationship "plays" between Teams and Players. The information about children can be ascertained from motherOf and fatherOf relationships. Attribute ssNo is required since names are not unique. Professor only works in at most one department.A course has at most one TA.A course is only taught by one professor and offered by one department.Students and professors have been assigned unique email ids.A course is uniquely identified by the course no, section no, and semester (e.g. cs157-3 spring 09).4.1.10Given that for each movie, a unique studio exists that produces the movie. Each star is contracted to at most one studio.But stars could be unemployed at a given time. Thus the four-way relationship in fig 4.6 can be easily into converted equivalent relationships.4.2.1Redundancy: The owner address is repeated in AccSets and Addresses entity sets. Simplicity: AccSets does not serve any useful purpose and the design can be more simply represented by creating many-to-many relationship between Customers and Accounts.Right kind of element: The entity set Addresses has a single attribute address.A customer cannot have more than one address.Hence address should be an attribute of entity set Customers.Faithfulness: Customers cannot be uniquely identified by their names. In real world Customers would have a unique attribute such as ssNo or customerNo4.2.2Studios and Presidents can be combined into one entity set Studios withPresidents becoming an attribute of Studios under following circumstances:1. The Presidents entity set only contains a simple attribute viz. presidentName. Additional attributes specific to Presidents might justify making Presidentsinto an entity set. The entity sets should have single attribute.a) Stars: starNameb) Movies: movieNamec) Studios: studioName. However there exists a many-to-many relationship between Studios and Contracts. Hence, in addition, we need more information aboutstudios involved. If a contract always involves two studios, two attributes such as producingStudio and starStudio can replace theStudios entity set. If a contact can be associated with at most five studios, it may be possible to replace the Studios entity set by five attributes viz.studio1, studio2, studio3, studio4, and studio5. Alternately, a compositeattribute containing concatenation of all studio names in a contact can be considered. A separator character such as "$" can be used. SQL allows searchingof such an attribute using query like '%keyword%'4.2.5From Augmentation rule of Functional Dependency,giventhenBND -> M (N=Nurse, D=Doctor)Hence we can just put an arrow entering mother.a) Put an arrow entering entity set Mothers for the simplest solution (As in fig.4.4, where a multi-way relationship was allowed, even though Movies alone could identify the Studio). However, we can display more accurate information with below figure.b)givenBM -> DthenBMN -> DThus we can just add an arrow entering Doctors to fig 4.15. Below figure represents more accurate information however.4.2.6a)b) Transitivity and Augmentation rules of Functional Dependency allow arrow entering Mothers from Births. However, a new relationship in below figure represents more accurate information.c)Design flaws in abc above 1. As suggested above, using Transitivity and Augmentation rules of Functional Dependency, much simpler design is possible.4.2.7In below figure there exists a many-to-one relationship between Babies and Births and another many-to-one relationship between Births and Mothers. From transitivity of relationships, there is a many-to-one relationship between Babies and Mothers. Hence a baby has a unique mother while a birth can allow more than one baby.4.3.1a)b)A captain cannot exist without a team. However a player can (free agent). A recently formed (or defunct) team can exist without players or colors.c)Children can exist without mother and father (unknown).4.3.2a)The keys of both E1 and E2 are required for uniquely identifying tuples in Rb)The key of E1c)The key of E2d)The key of either E1 or E24.3.3Special Case: All entity sets have arrows going into them i.e. all relationships are 1-to-1Any KiOtherwise: Combination of all Ki's where there does not exist an arrow goingfrom R to Ei.4.4.1No, grade is not part of the key for enrollments. The keys of Students and Courses become keys of the weak entity set Enrollments.4.4.2It is possible to make assignment number a weak key of Enrollments but this is not good design (redundancy since multiple assignments correspond to a course).A new entity set Assignment is created and it is also a weak entity set. Hence the key attributes of Assignment will come from the strong entity sets to which Enrollments is connected i.e. studentID, dept, and CourseNo.4.4.3a)b)4.4.4a)4.5.1Customers(SSNo,name,addr,phone)Flights(number,day,aircraft)Bookings(custSSNo,flightNo,flightDay,row,seat)Relations for toCust and toFlt relationships are not required since the weak4.5.2(a)(b)Schema is changed. Since toCust is no longer an identifying relationship, SSNo is no longer a part of Bookings relation.Bookings(flightNo,flightDay,row,seat)ToCust(custSSNO,flightNo,flightDay,row,seat)The above relations are merged intoBookings(flightNo,flightDay,row,seat,custSSNo)However custSSNo is no longer a key of Bookings relation. It becomes a foreign4.5.3Ships(name, yearLaunched)SisterOf(name, sisterName)4.5.4(a)Stars(name,addr)Studios(name,addr)Movies(title,year,length,genre)Contracts(starName,movieTitle,movieYear,studioName,salary)Depending on other relationships not shown in ER diagram, studioName may not be required as a key of Contracts (or not even required as an attribute of Contracts).(b)Students(studentID)Courses(dept,courseNo)Enrollments(studentID,dept,courseNo,grade)(c)Departments(name)Courses(deptName,number)(d)Leagues(name)Teams(leagueName,teamName)Players(leagueName,teamName,playerName)4.6.1The weak relation Courses has the key from Depts along with number. Hence there is no relation for GivenBy relationship.(a)Depts(name, chair)Courses(number, deptName, room)LabCourses(number, deptName, allocation)(b) LabCourses has all the attributes of Courses.Depts(name, chair)Courses(number, deptName, room)(c) Courses and LabCourses are combined into one relation.Depts(name, chair)Courses(number, deptName, room, allocation)4.6.2(a)Person(name,address)ChildOf(personName,personAddress,childName,childAddress)Child(name,address,fatherName,fatherAddress,motherName,motherAddresss)Father(name,address,wifeName,wifeAddresss)Mother(name,address)Since FatherOf and MotherOf are many-one relationships from Child, there is no need for a separate relation for them. Similarly the one-one relationshipMarried can be included in Father (or Mother). ChildOf is a many-manyrelationship and needs a separate relation.However the ChildOf relation is not required since the relationship can be deduced from FatherOf and MotherOf relationships contained in Child relation. (b)A person cannot be both Mother and Father.Person(name,address)PersonChild(name,address)PersonChildFather(name,address)PersonChildMother(name,address)PersonFather(name,address)PersonMother(name,address)ChildOf(personName,personAddress,childName,childAddress)FatherOf(childName,childAddress,fatherName,fatherAddress)MotherOf(childName,childAddress,motherName,motherAddress)Married(husbandName,husbandAddress,wifeName,wifeAddress)The many-many ChildOf relationship again requires a relation.An entity belongs to one and only one class when using object-oriented approach. Hence, the many-one relations MotherOf and FatherOf could be added as attributes to PersonChild,PersonChildFather, and PersonChildMother relations.Similarly the Married relation can be added as attributes to PersonChildMother and PersonMother (or the corresponding father relations).(c) For the Person relation at least one of husband and wife attributes will be null.Person(personName,personAddress,fatherName,fatherAddress,motherName,motherAddres ss,wifeName,wifeAddresss,husbandName,husbandAddress)ChildOf(personName,personAddress,childName,childAddress)4.6.3(a)People(name,fatherName,motherName)Males(name)Females(name)Fathers(name)Mothers(name)ChildOf(personName,childName)(b)People(name)PeopleMale(name)PeopleMaleFathers(name)PeopleFemale(name)PeopleFemaleMothers(name)ChildOf(personName,childName)FatherOf(childName,fatherName)MotherOf(childName,motherName)People cannot belong to both male and female branch of the ER diagram.Moreover since an entity belongs to one and only one class when using object-oriented approach, no entity belongs to People relation.Again we could replace MotherOf and FatherOf relations by adding as attributesto PeopleMale,PeopleMaleFathers,PeopleFemale, and PeopleFemaleMothers relations.(c)People(name,fatherName,motherName)ChildOf(personName,childName)4.6.4(a)Each entity set results in one relation. Thus both the minimum and maximum number of relations is e.The root relation has a attributes including k keys. Thus the minimum number of attributes is a. All other relations include the k keys from root along withtheir a attributes. Thus the maximum number of attributes is a+k.(b)The relation for root will have a attributes. The relation representing the whole tree will have e*a attributes.The number of relations will depend on the shape of the tree. A tree of eentities where only one child exists(say left child only) would have the minimum number of relations. Thus below figure will only contain 4 subtrees that contain root E1,E1E2,E1E2E3, and E1E2E3E4. With e entity sets, minimum e relations are possible.The maximum number of subtrees result when all the entities(except root) are at depth 1. Thus below figure will contain 8 subtrees that contain rootE1,E1E2,E1E3,E1E4,E1E2E3,E1E3E4,E1E2E4,and E1E2E3E4. With e entity sets, maximum 2^(e-1) relations are possible.(c)The nulls method always results in one relation and contains attributes from all e entities i.e. e*a attributes.Summarizing for a,b, and c above;#Components #RelationsMin Max Min MaxMethodstraight-E/R a a e eobject-oriented a e*a e 2^(e-1)nulls e*a e*a 1 and Females subclasses are complete. Mothers and Fathers are partial. All subclasses are disjoint.4.7.7We convert the ternary relationship Contracts into three binary relationships between a new entity set Contracts and existing entity sets.4.7.9a)b)c)4.7.10A self-association ParentOf for entity set people has multiplicity 0..2 at parent role end.In a Library database, if a patron can loan at most 12 books, them multiplicity is 0..12.For a FullTimeStudents entity set, a relationship of multiplicity 5..* must exist with Courses (A student must take at least5 courses to be classified FullTime.4.8.1Customers(SSNo,name,addr,phone)Flights(number,day,aircraft)Bookings(row,seat,custSSNo,FlightNumber,FlightDay)Customers("SSNo",name,addr,phone)Flights("number","day",aircraft)Bookings(row,seat,"custSSNo","FlightNumber","FlightDay")4.8.2a)Movies(title,year,length,genre)Studios(name,address)Presidents(cert#,name,address)Owns(movieTitle,movieYear,studioName)Runs(studioName,presCert#)Movies("title","year",length,genre)Studios("name",address)Presidents("cert#",name,address)Owns("movieTitle","movieYear",studioName)Runs("studioName",presCert#)b)Since the subclasses are disjoint, Object Oriented Approach is used. The hierarchy is not complete. Hence four relations are required Movies(title,year,length,genre)MurderMysteries(title,year,length,genre,weapon)Cartoons(title,year,length,genre)Cartoon-MurderMysteries(title,year,length,genre,weapon)Movies("title","year",length,genre)MurderMysteries("title","year",length,genre,weapon)Cartoons("title","year",length,genre)Cartoon-MurderMysteries("title","year",length,genre,weapon)c)Customers(ssNo,name,phone,address)Accounts(number,balance,type)Owns(custSSNo,accountNumber)Customers("ssNo",name,phone,address)Accounts("number",balance,type)Owns("custSSNo","accountNumber")d)Teams(name,captainName)Players(name,teamName)Fans(name,favoriteColor)Colors(colorname)For Displays association,TeamColors(teamName,colorname)RootsFor(fanName,teamName)Admires(fanName,playerName)Teams("name",captainName)Players("name",teamName)Fans("name",favoriteColor)Colors("colorname")For Displays association,TeamColors("teamName","colorname")RootsFor("fanName","teamName")Admires("fanName","playerName")e)People(ssNo,name,fatherSSNo,motherSSNo)People("ssNo",name,fatherssNo,motherssNo)f)Students(email,name)Courses(no,section,semester,professorEmail)Departments(name)Professors(email,name,worksDeptName)Takes(letterGrade,studentEmail,courseNo,courseSection,courseSemester)Students("email",name)Courses("no","section","semester",professorEmail)Departments("name")Professors("email",name,worksDeptName)Takes(letterGrade,"studentEmail","courseNo","courseSection","courseSemester")4.8.3a)Each and every object is a member of exactly one subclass at leaf level. We have nine classes at the leaf of hierarchy. Hence we need nine relations.b)All objects only belong to one subclass and its ancestors. Hence, we need not consider every possible subtree but rather the total number of nodes in tree. Hence we need thirteen relations.c)We need all possible subtrees. Hence 218 relations are required.class Customer (key (ssNo)){attribute integer ssNo;attribute string name;attribute string addr;attribute string phone;relationship Set<Account> ownsAcctsinverse Account::ownedBy;};class Account (key (number)){attribute integer number;attribute string type;attribute real balance;relationship Set<Customer> ownedByinverse Customer::ownsAccts;};4.9.2a)Modify class Account to contain relationship Customer ownedBy (no Set)b)Also remove set in relationship ownsAccts of class Customer.c)ODL allows a collection of primitive types as well as structures. To class Customer add following attributes in place of simple attributes addr and phone: Set<string phone>Set<Struct addr{string street,string city,string state}>d)ODL allows structures and collections recursively.Set<Struct addr{string street,string city,string state},Set<string phone>>Collections are allowed in ODL. Hence, Colors Set can become an attribute of Teams.class Colors(key(colorname)){attribute string colorname;relationship Set<Fans> FavoredByinverse Fans::Favors;relationship set<Teams> DisplayedByinverse Teams::Displays;};class Teams(key(name)){attribute string name;relationship set<Colors> Displaysinverse Colors::DisplayedBy;relationship set<Players> PlayedByinverse Players::Plays;relationship PLayers CaptainedByinverse Platyers::Captains;relationship set<Fans> RootedByinverse Fans::Roots;};class Players(key(name)){attribute string name;relationship Set<Teams> Playsinverse Teams::PlayedBy;relationship Teams Captainsinverse Teams::CaptainedBy;relationship Set<Fans> AdmiredByinverse Fans::Admires;};class Fans(key(name)){attribute string name;relationship Colors Favorsinverse Colors::FavoredBy;relationship Set<Teams> RootedByinverse Teams::Roots;relationship Set<Players> Admiresinverse Players::AdmiredBy;};4.9.4class Person {attribute string name;relationship Person motherOfinverse Person::childrenOfFemale;relationship Person fatherOfinverse Person::childrenOfMale;relationship Set<Person> childreninverse Person::parentsOf;relationship Set<Person> childrenOfFemaleinverse Person::motherOf;relationship Set<Person> childrenOfMaleinverse Person::fatherOf;relationship Set<Person> parentsOfinverse Person::children;};4.9.5The struct education{string degree,string school,string date} cannot have duplication.Hence use of Sets does not make any different as compared to bags, lists, or arrays.Lists will allow faster access/queries due to the already sorted nature.4.9.6a)class Departments(key (name)) {attribute string name;relationship Courses offersinverse Courses::offeredBy;};class Courses(key (number,offeredBy)) {attribute string number;relationship Departments offeredByinverse Departments::offers;};b)class Leagues (key (name)) {attribute name;relationship Teams containsinverse Teams::belongs;};class Teams(key (name,belongs)) {attribute name,relationship Leagues belongsinverse Leagues::contains;relationship Players playinverse Players::plays;};class Players (key(number,plays)) {attribute number,relationship Teams playsinverse Teams::play;4.9.7class Students (key email) {attribute string email;attribute string name;relationship Courses isTAinverse Courses::TA;relationship Courses Takesinverse Courses::TakenBy;};class Professors (key email) {attribute string email;attribute string name;relationship Departments WorksForinverse Department::Works;relationship Courses Teachesinverse Courses::TaughtBy;};class Courses (key (no,semester,section)) {attribute string no;attribute string semester;attribute string section;relationship Students TAinverse Students::isTA;relationship Students TakenByinverse Students::Takes;relationship Professors TaughtByinverse Professors::Teaches;relationship Departments OfferedByinverse Departments::Offer;};class Departments (key name) {attribute name;relationship Courses Offerinverse Courses::OfferedBy;relationship Professors Worksinverse Professors::WorksFor;};4.9.8A relationship is its own inverse when for every attribute pair in the relationship, the inverse pair also exists. A relation with such a relationship is called symmetric in set theory. e.g. A relationship called SiblingOf in Person relation is its own inverse.4.10.1a)Customers(ssNo,name,addr,phone)Account(number,type,balance)Owns(ssNo,accountNumber)b)Accounts(number,balance,type,owningCustomerssNo)Customers(ssNo,name)Addresses(ownerssNo,street,state,city)Phones(ownerssNo,street,state,city,phonearea,phoneno)We can remove Addresses relation since its attributes are a subset of relation Phones.c)Fans(name,colors)RootedBy(fan_name,teamname)Admires(fan_name,playername)Players(name,teamname,is_captain)Teams(name)--remove subset of teamcolorTeamcolors(name,colorname)Colors(colorname)d)class Person {attribute string name;relationship Person motherOfinverse Person::childrenOfFemale;relationship Person fatherOfinverse Person::childrenOfMale;relationship Set<Person> childreninverse Person::parentsOf;relationship Set<Person> childrenOfFemaleinverse Person::motherOf;relationship Set<Person> childrenOfMaleinverse Person::fatherOf;relationship Set<Person> parentsOfinverse Person::children;};Person(name,mothername,fathername)The children relationship is many-many but the information can be deduced from Person relation. Hence below relation is redundant.Parent-Child(parent, child)4.10.2First consider each struct as if it were an atomic value i.e. key and value association pairs can be treated as two attributes. After applying normalization, the attributes can be replaced by the fields of the structs.4.10.3(a)Struct Card { string rank, string suit };(b)class Hand {attribute Set theHand;};(c)Hands(handId, rank, suit)Each tuple corresponds to one card of a hand. HandId is required key to identify a hand.class PokerHand{attribute Array Hand(Card card1,Card card2,Card card3,Cardcard4,Card card5)}PokerHandS(handId,rank1,suit1,,rank2,suit2,rank3,suit3,rank4,suit4,rank5,suit5) (e)class Deal {attribute Set <Struct PlayerHand { string Player, Hand theHand } > theDeal;}(f) PokerDeal consist of a player and array of five card deal.class PokerDeal{string Player,attribute Array Hand(Card card1,Card card2,Cardcard3,Card card4,Card card5)}(g) Above can similarly be represented by key player and a value consisting offive element array.(h)dealID is a key for Deals. Thus the relations for classes Deals and Hands are:Deals(dealID, player, handID)Hands(handID, rank, suit)A simpler relation Deals below can also represents the classes:Deals(dealID, player, rank, suit)(i)The relation Deals(dealID,card) cannot identify the hand to which a card belongs. Also two attributes are required for a card;its rank and suit.Deals(dealID, handID, rank, suit)4.10.4(a)C(a, f, g)(b)C(a, f, g, count)(c)C(a, f, g, position)(d)C(a, f, g, i, j)。