



1. terms translation.Acceptance with Modifications(对邀约做出修改、变更的承诺)Acceptance(承诺/受盘)Act of the Parties (当事人的行为)Administrative Management (经营管理)Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR解决方式)Anticipatory Breach in Common Law (普通法上预期违约)Antidumping Authority(反倾销机构)Applicability of the CISG (CISG的适用范围) Applying for a Letter of Credit(信用证的申请)Approval of Foreign Investment Applications(外国投资申请的批准)Arbitration Agreement and Arbitration Clauses (仲裁协议和合同中的仲裁条款)Arbitration Tribunals(仲裁机构)Artistic Property Agreements(保护文学艺术作品的协定)Artistic Property Agreements(文学艺术品产权协定)Assignment(合同权利转让)Attorney-General(法律总顾问)Automatic Dissolution (自动散伙)Average Clauses(海损条款)Avoidance(解除)Bases of Income Taxation(所得税的征税依据/基础)Battle of the Forms(形式上的分歧/冲突)Bills of Lading (提单)Branch Banking(银行的分支机构)Business Form and Registered Capital (企业形式和注册资本)Business Forms(商业组织形式)Buyer's Remedies(买方可以采取的救济措施)Carriage of Goods by Air(航空货物运输)Carriage of Goods by Sea and Marine Cargo Insurance(海上货物运输及其保险)Carrier's Duties under a Bill of Lading(在提单运输方式下承运人的责任/义务)Carrier's Immunities(承运人责任/义务的豁免)Charterparties (租船合同)Charterparties by Demise (光船出租合同)China's Fundamental Policies for Encouraging Foreign Investments (中国大陆鼓励外国投资的基本政策)Choosing the Governing Law(准据法的选择)CIF (cost, insurance and freight) (port of destination) (CIF成本\保险费加运费付至指定的目的港)Civil Law (民法法系)Commercial Arbitration (国际商事仲裁)Common Enterprise Liability(企业的一般责任)Common Law (普通法系)Common Procedures in Handling Bills of Exchange (汇票处理的一般程序)Common Stock (股票)Company Taxpayers(公司/法人企业纳税人)Comparison of Municipal Legal Systems(内国法系的比较研究)Compulsory Licenses(强制许可)Conformity of Goods(与合同约定相符合的货物)Consideration in Common Law(英美法上的对价)Contemporary International Trade Law(当代国际贸易法)Contract Law for the International Sale of Goods (国际货物销售合同法)Contract Liability of the Agent (代理人的合同义务)Contract Liability of the Principal (委托人的合同义务)Contractual Issues Excluded from the Coverage of CISG(排除在CISG适用范围之外的合同问题)Copyrights (著作权/版权)Creation of Agency (代理创立)Creditors of Partners(合伙人的债权人)Custom(习惯)Debt Securities (债券)Definite Sum of Money or Monetary Unit of Account (确定货币的总额或者计价的货币单位)Definition and Special Features(定义和特征)Delayed Bills of Lading(提单迟延)Denial of Justice(司法不公)Direct Effect(直接效力)Direct Exporting(直接出口)Directors' and Officer's Duties to the Corporation(董事和经理/首席执行官对公司的义务)Dispute Settlement(争端的解决)Dissolution by Agreement (协议解散)Dissolution by Court Order (依法院令状散伙)Dissolution of the Partnership (散伙)Distribution of Earnings and Recovery of Investments (收入分配和投资回收)Distribution to Shareholders (红利分配权)Doctrine of Imputability (归责原则) Documentary Formalities(文本格式要求)Double Taxation Provision(双重征税的规定)Double Taxation(双重征税)Duress (胁迫行为)Duties of Agent and Principal (代理人和委托人的义务)Duties of Agent to Principal (委托人的义务)Duties of Principal to Agent (代理人、的义务)Duty of Care in Partnership Business(对合伙事务尽心看护义务)Duty of Loyalty and Good Faith (忠诚和诚信义务)Effectiveness of an Offer(邀约/发盘的效力)Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards in the People's Republic of China (在中华人民共和国境内外国仲裁裁决的执行)Enforcement of Foreign Judgment (外国法院判决的执行)Enforcement of Partnership Rights and Liabilities(执行合伙事务的权利和责任)Escape Clause(免责条款)European Union Law on Trade in Services(欧洲联盟关于服务贸易的法律)Exceptio non Adimpleti Contractus in Civil Law (大陆法上履行契约之抗辩权)Exceptions(例外)Exclusive Licenses(独占许可)Excuses for Non-performance (不履行的免责)Excuses for Nonperformance(不履行合同的抗辩/借口)Export Restrictions (出口限制)Exporting(出口)Expropriation(征收)Failure to Exhaust remedies(没有用尽法律救济)Fault and Causation(过错和因果关系)Finance of International Trade(国际贸易的结算/支付)FOB (free on hoard) (port of shipment)(FOB装运港船上交货)Force Majeure Clauses (不可抗力条款)Foreign Investment Guarantees(外国投资的担保)Foreign Investment Laws and Codes(外国投资法)Formal and Informal Application Process(正式和非正式申请程序)Formation of the Contract(合同的成立)Forsed Endorsements(虚假背书)Fraud Exception in Letters of Credit Transaction (信用证交易的欺诈例外)Frauds on Bills of Lading(提单欺诈)Fraudulent Misrepresentation(受欺诈的误解)Free Zones(保税区/自由贸易区)Fundamental Breach(根本违约)General Agreement on Trade in Services (服务贸易总协定)General Requirements and Rights of the Holder in Due Course(票据持有人的一般要求和权利)General Standards of Performance(履行的一般标准)Geographic Limitations(地区限制)Government Controls over Trade (政府对贸易的管制)Government Guarantees(政府担保)Governmental Interest(政府利益原则)Home state Regulation of Multinational Enterprises(本国对跨国企业的管理)Host State Regulation of Multinational Enterprises(东道国对跨国企业的管理)Illegality and Incompetency(行为不合法性与主体不适当资格的认定)Industrial Property Agreements (保护工业产权的协定)Inquiry(调查)Insider Trading Regulations(内幕交易规则)Insurance Cover (保险范围)Integration of Company and Personal Income Taxes (公司和个人所得税的征收)Intellectual Property Right Law (知识产权法)International Center for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (解决投资争端国际中心)International Commercial Dispute Settlement (国际商事争端的解决)International Court of Justice (海牙联合国国际法院)International Franchising(国际特许经营权) International Model Law(国际示范法) International Organizations(国际组织) International Persons(国际法主体)International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms(国际贸易术语解释通则)International Trade Customs and Usages(国际贸易惯例和习惯)International Treaties and Conventions(国际条约和公约)International Tribunals (国际法庭)Interpreting of the CISG (CISG的解释) Invitation Offer (要约邀请/要约引诱/询盘)Involuntary Dissolution (非自愿解散)Issuance of Securities(证券发行)Jurisdiction and Venue (管辖权和法院地)Jurisdiction in Civil Cases(民事案件的管辖权)Jurisdiction in Criminal Cases(刑事案件的管辖权)Know-how (技术秘密/专有技术)Lack of Genuine Link(缺乏真实的联系)Lack of Nationality(无国籍)Law Applicable to Letters of Credit (调整信用证的法律)Law of Foreign Investment Enterprises of China (中国的外商投资企业法)Law of the People's Republic of China on Chinese Foreign Contractual Joint Ventures(中华人民共和国中外合作企业法)Law of the People's Republic of China on Chinese Foreign Equity Joint Ventures (中华人民共和国中外合资企业法)Law of the People's Republic of China on Foreign Capital Enterprises(中华人民共和国外资企业法)Legal Characteristics (定义和法律特征)Legal Structure of the WTO (世界贸易组织的法律框架)Legal System of International Business(国际商事的法律体系)Letters of Credit (L/C)(信用证)Liabilities of Makers, Drawers, Drawees, Endorsers and Accommodation Parties(票据制作人、出票人、付款人、背书人、代发人/担保人的责任)Liability for Environmental Damage(环境损害责任)Liability Limits(承运人责任/义务的限制)Licensing Regulations(许可证制度)Limitations on Foreign Equity(外国投资的资金比例限制)Limitations on the Excuses That Drawers and Makers Can Use to Avoid Paying Off a Bill or Note 661 (票据制作人、出票人拒绝付款借口的限制)Liquidated Damages (约定的损害赔偿金)Liquidation (清算)Maritime Liens (留置权)Means of Delivery(根据交付方式)Mediation(调停/调解)Membership(成员)Methods of Investment Contribution(出资方式)Mini-trial (模拟审判方式)Misrepresentation(误解)Most Significant Relationship(最密切联系原则)Most-favored-nation Treatment (最惠国待遇原则)Multilateral Trade Agreements(多边贸易协定)Multilateral Trade Negotiations (多边贸易谈判)Multinational Enterprise(跨国企业)Municipal Legal Systems(内国法系)2. terms explanation.(1)Precedent(判例)A prior judicial decision relied on as authority or guide for resolving later, similar cases.(2)Limited liability company(有限责任公司)A limited liability company is a company formed for the purpose of conducting a business for profit by nature or legal persons who shall make a capital contribution and who shall be liable for the debts or obligations of the company to the extent of their respective capital contributions.(3) General partnership(普通合伙)A general partnership enterprise may be formed by general partners. The partners shall bear unlimited joint and several liabilities for the debts of the partnership enterprise.(4)Limited partnership(有限合伙)A limited partnership is a form of partnership similar to a general partnership, except for oneor more general partners, there are one or more limited partners. The general partners are, in all major respects, they have management control, share the right to use partnership property, share the profits of the firm in predefined proportions, and have joint several liabilities for the debts of the partnership. But the limited partner(s) cannot participate in the management and control of the partnership’s business.(5) Offer(要约)A proposal for concluding a contract constitutes an offer if it is sufficiently definite and indicates the intention of the offeror to be bound in case of acceptance.(6) Acceptance(承诺)A statement made by or other conduct of the offeree indicating assent to an offer is an acceptance.(7) Contract(合同)A contract means an agreement on the establishment, alteration or termination of acivil right-obligation relationship between natural persons, legal person or other organization as subjects with equal status.(8)Agency(代理)A legal relationship whereby one person ( the agent) represents another ( the principal) and is authorized to act for him/her.(9)Principal(本人)The person for whom an agent acts and from whom the agent derives authority; the person who, by agreement or otherwise, authorizes an agent to act on his or her behalf in such a way that the acts of the agent become binding on the principal.(10)Product liability(产品责任)Product liability means that businesses making or selling products are responsible for ensuring that those products are safe and do not pose a hazard to the public.(11)Arbitration(仲裁)An out-of-court procedure in which a dispute is presented to one or more persons (arbitrators),whose decision is binding on theparties.(12)Arbitration Agreement(仲裁协议)A contract to refer a present or future legal dispute to arbitration. Such agreements are of two kinds: those referring an existing dispute to arbitration and those relating to disputes that may arise in the future.。



国际商法专业词汇中英文对照A Note on the Incoterms(国际贸易术语通则解释)Absolute Advantage(亚当.斯密的绝对优势理论)Acceptance with Modifications(对邀约做出修改、变更的承诺)Acceptance(承诺/受盘)Act of State Doctrine(国家行为主义)Act of the Parties (当事人的行为)Administrative Management (经营管理)Advising and Confirming Letters of Credit(信用证的通知和确认)Agent for International Settlements(国际结算代理人)Agreement of the Parties(协议选择原则)Agriculture(农业协定)Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR解决方式)Anticipatory Breach in Common Law (普通法上预期违约)Antidumping Authority(反倾销机构)Applicability of the CISG (CISG的适用范围)Application of Home State Labor LawsExtraterritorially(内国劳工法律域外适用)Applying for a Letter of Credit(信用证的申请)Approval of Foreign Investment Applications(外国投资申请的批准)Arbitrage(套汇)Arbitration Agreement and Arbitration Clauses(仲裁协议和合同中的仲裁条款)Arbitration Tribunals(仲裁机构)Artistic Property Agreements(保护文学艺术作品的协定)Artistic Property Agreements(文学艺术品产权协定)Assignment(合同权利转让)Attorney-General(法律总顾问)Automatic Dissolution (自动散伙)Average Clauses(海损条款)Avoidance(解除)Bank Deposits(银行储蓄)Bases of Income Taxation(所得税的征税依据/基础)Battle of the Forms(形式上的分歧/冲突)Bills of Lading (提单)Branch Banking(银行的分支机构)Business Form and Registered Capital (企业形式和注册资本)Business Forms(商业组织形式)Buyer's Remedies(买方可以采取的救济措施)Carriage of Goods by Air(航空货物运输)Carriage of Goods by Sea and Marine CargoInsurance(海上货物运输及其保险)Carrier's Duties under a Bill of Lading(在提单运输方式下承运人的责任/义务)Carrier's Immunities(承运人责任/义务的豁免)Cartels (企业联合/卡特尔)Categories of Investment Projects (外国投资的项目类别)Charterparties (租船合同)Charterparties by Demise (光船出租合同)China's Fundamental Policies for Encouraging Foreign Investments(中国大陆鼓励外国投资的基本政策)Choosing the Governing Law(准据法的选择)CIF (cost, insurance and freight) (port ofdestination) (CIF成本\保险费加运费付至指定的目的港)Civil Law (民法法系)Clearance and Settlement Procedures(交换和转让程序)Collection of Documentary Bills Through Banks(银行跟单托收)Commercial Arbitration (国际商事仲裁)Commodity Arrangements(初级产品/农产品安排)Common Enterprise Liability(企业的一般责任)Common Law (普通法系)Common Procedures in Handling Bills ofExchange (汇票处理的一般程序) Common Stock (股票)Company Taxpayers(公司/法人企业纳税人)Comparative Advantage(大卫.李嘉图的比较优势理论)Comparison of Municipal Legal Systems(内国法系的比较研究)Compensation for Winding up (清算补偿)Comprehensive Agreements (综合性的协定)Compulsory Licenses(强制许可)Computation of Income(收入计算)Conformity of Goods(与合同约定相符合的货物)Consent to the Jurisdiction of the Host State(给予东道国管辖权的许可/同意)Consideration in Common Law(英美法上的对价)Contemporary International Trade Law(当代国际贸易法)Contract Law for the International Sale ofGoods(国际货物销售合同法)Contract Liability of the Agent (代理人的合同义务)Contract Liability of the Principal (委托人的合同义务)Contractual Issues Excluded from the Coverageof CISG(排除在CISG适用范围之外的合同问题)Copyrights (著作权/版权)Council for Trade-Related Aspects ofIntellectual Property Rights(与知识产权有关的理事会)Coverage of Tax Treaties(税收条约的覆盖范围)Creation of Agency (代理创立)Creditors of Partners(合伙人的债权人)Currency Crises: The Role of Monetary Policy(金融危机:货币政策的作用与地位)Currency Exchange Obligations of IMF MemberStates(国际货币基金组织成员国在外汇交易中的义务)Currency Exchange(外汇交易)Currency Support(资金/财政援助)Custom(习惯)Customs Valuation(海关估价协定)Debt Securities (债券)Decision Making within the WTO(WTO内部决定作出机制)Deficiencies in the GATT 1947 Dispute Process(关税及贸易总协定1947争端解决程序的不足)Definite Sum of Money or Monetary Unit ofAccount(确定货币的总额或者计价的货币单位)Definition and Special Features(定义和特征)Delayed Bills of Lading(提单迟延)Denial of Justice(司法不公)Development Banks (发展银行)Direct Effect(直接效力)Direct Exporting(直接出口)Directors' and Officer's Duties to theCorporation(董事和经理/首席执行官对公司的义务)Dispute Settlement(争端的解决)Dissolution by Agreement (协议解散)Dissolution by Court Order (依法院令状散伙)Dissolution of the Partnership (散伙)Distribution of Earnings and Recovery ofInvestments (收入分配和投资回收)Distribution to Shareholders (红利分配权)Doctrine of Imputability (归责原则)Documentary Formalities(文本格式要求)Double Taxation Provision(双重征税的规定)Double Taxation(双重征税)Duress (胁迫行为)Duties of Agent and Principal (代理人和委托人的义务)Duties of Agent to Principal (委托人的义务)Duties of Principal to Agent (代理人、的义务)Duty of Care in Partnership Business(对合伙事务尽心看护义务)Duty of Loyalty and Good Faith (忠诚和诚信义务)Effectiveness of an Offer(邀约/发盘的效力)Employment Laws in the European Union(欧洲联盟雇佣/劳工法)Employment Standards of the Organization forEconomic Cooperation and Development(经济合作与发展组织雇佣/劳工标准)Enforcement of Exchange Control Regulationsof IMF Member States(国际货币基金组织成员国对外汇交易管理规则的履行)Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards in thePeople's Republic of China (在中华人民共和国境内外国仲裁裁决的执行)Enforcement of Foreign Judgment (外国法院判决的执行)Enforcement of Partnership Rights andLiabilities(执行合伙事务的权利和责任)Enforcement of Securities RegulationsInternationally(国际证券规则的执行)Environmental Regulation(环境规则)Escape Clause(免责条款)Euro-currency Deposits(欧洲货币储蓄)European Communities - Regime for theImportation, Sale, and Distribution of Bananas(欧洲共同体对于香蕉的进口、销售和分销的管理) European Union Law on Trade in Services(欧洲联盟关于服务贸易的法律) Exceptio non Adimpleti Contractus in CivilLaw (大陆法上履行契约之抗辩权)Exceptions(例外)Exclusive Licenses(独占许可)Excuses for Non-performance (不履行的免责)Excuses for Nonperformance(不履行合同的抗辩/借口)Exemptions for New Members from IMF MemberState Currency Exchange Obligations(国际货币基金组织新成员国在外汇交易中义务的免除) Export Restrictions (出口限制)Exporting(出口)Expropriation(征收)Extraterritorial Application of U. S.Securities Laws(美国证券法域外的适用问题)Failure to Exhaust remedies(没有用尽法律救济)Fault and Causation(过错和因果关系)Finance Ministry(财政部)Finance of International Trade(国际贸易的结算/支付)Financing Foreign Trade(对外贸易的价金支付)FOB (free on hoard) (port of shipment)(FOB装运港船上交货)Force Majeure Clauses (不可抗力条款)Foreign Investment Guarantees(外国投资的担保)Foreign Investment Laws and Codes(外国投资法)Formal and Informal Application Process(正式和非正式申请程序)Formation of the Contract(合同的成立)Forsed Endorsements(虚假背书)Fraud Exception in Letters of CreditTransaction (信用证交易的欺诈例外) Frauds on Bills of Lading(提单欺诈)Fraudulent Misrepresentation(受欺诈的误解)Free Zones(保税区/自由贸易区)Fundamental Breach(根本违约)GATS Schedules of Specific Commitments(服务贸易总协定减让表中的特别承诺)General Agreement on Trade in Services (服务贸易总协定)General Requirements and Rights of the Holderin Due Course(票据持有人的一般要求和权利)General Standards of Performance(履行的一般标准)Geographic Limitations(地区限制)Government Controls over Trade (政府对贸易的管制)Government Guarantees(政府担保)Governmental Interest(政府利益原则)Governmental Sources of Capital(官方资金)Grant Back Provisions(回授的规定)Home state Regulation of MultinationalEnterprises(本国对跨国企业的管理)Host State Regulation of MultinationalEnterprises(东道国对跨国企业的管理)Illegality and Incompetency(行为不合法性与主体不适当资格的认定)IMF "Conditionality"(国际货币基金组织的制约性)IMF Facilities(国际货币基金组织的机制)IMF Operations(国际货币基金组织的运作)IMF Quotas(国际货币基金的份额)Immunities of States from the Jurisdiction ofMunicipal Courts(国家豁免于内国法院的管辖权)Import-Licensing Procedures(进口许可证程序协定)Income Categories(收入分类)Income Tax Rates(所得税税率)Income Taxes(所得税)Independence Principles and Rule of StrictCompliance (信用证独立原则和单证严格相符规则)Indirect Exporting(间接出口)Industrial Property Agreements (保护工业产权的协定)。

国际商法2 (2)

国际商法2 (2)

4.责任主体的竞合与原因的竞合(1)责任主体的竞合:主体是两个以上对消费者承担连带责任,产品损害免除连带责任(2)原因的竞合:①生产的缺陷和第三者的过失共同造成的②产品本身有过失,受害者也有过失③产品有缺陷,生产厂商也有缺陷,加重厂商的过失,惩罚性的赔偿5.求偿权四、应该赔偿的损失范围1.损害种类图积极(有发票等证据)财产损害人损消极(遗失利益,应得到却没有得到)非财产损害(精神损失)损害产品以外的损害个人物损(消费方面)物损产品本身的损害营业物损(企业生产方面)纯粹财产损害2.应该赔偿的损害范围各国有所不同3.惩罚性赔偿、赔偿最高限额、免责额(1)惩罚性赔偿:一般指生产商这方有加害行为时,从法律方面讲有制裁行为,不以扯平为原则(2)赔偿最高限额(3)免责额五、被害者的范围六、免责事由:只要是被害者受到损失1.(1)“参与过失”原则——被害者由于自己的过失参与损害的(通过立法/判例已放弃美国)(2)“过失抵消”原则——(或相对过失)被害者由于自己过失参与损害减轻生产者的赔偿责任(3)“自担风险”原则——受害人明知有危险还将自己置于危险中受到损害时生产者一方不需承担赔偿责任2. “技术水准的抗辩”与“开发危险的抗辩”(1)美国的“技术水准的抗辩”(免责事由)(2)欧洲各国的“开发危险的抗辩”即“不能发现的潜在危险”3. 具有不可避免的不安全因素的产品4. 损害赔偿请求权的消灭时效5. “责任期间”(安全耐用期间)6. 免责条款的效力产品都应使人身财产的安全得到保护免费条款没有效力7.《EC指令》中的六点免费事由(1)生产者未将该产品投放流通(2)生产者将产品投放流通时,缺陷不存在或缺陷有可能是在其后产生的(3)以产品投放流通时的科学技术水准尚不能认识缺陷存在(4)生产者不是以营利目的生产该产品并将它投放到流通中(5)缺陷是由于按照权力机关的强制性标准生产的(6)对零部件生产者来说,产品缺陷是由于按照产品组装的设计或生产者的指示生产的(零部件生产者不负责任)8. 中国法律中的主要免费事由(1)未将产品投放流通(2)产品投入流通时,引起损害的缺陷尚不存在(3)将产品投放流通的科学技术水准尚不能发现缺陷的存在注:消费者与生产者签订的减免合同,企业与企业之间签订的免责合同(生产者与经销商签订的免责合同无效)第一节 代理概论一、代理产生的历史背景及其作用1. 代理产生的历史背景2. 代理制度的作用:(1)扩大民事主体的活动范围(2)补充民事主体的行动能力二、代理概念及其适用范围1. 通俗意义上的代理2. 现代民法上的代理(1)广义与狭义(2)间接与直接3. 大陆法系的直接代理(1)定义:代理是代理人以被代理人(即本人)的名义代被代理人为法律行为而使所产生的法律效果(即权利义务)全部直接归属于本人的法律制度(2)代理由三方面关系构成 A 的中心是代理权问题 B 的中心是代理行为问题C 的中心是法律效果的归属问题(3)代理的四个要点①显名性——以真实姓名显示②合法性——代理行为是合法的法律行为③独立性——代理行为是代理人独立完成的④全部、直接性——归属(代理行为产生的权利义务完全归属问题)4. 与代理相类似的概念或制度——大陆法系国家(1)使者(地位不独立,代表或传达机关,不可以独立于国家)而代理人与本人是独立的平行于本人的地位 本人A.内部关系代理人 第三人 C 归属关系 B 外部关系(2)居间商(居间法律关系图)(3)行纪商(4)经销商(5)法人代表(公司内部成员)(代理人与公司里并行的、独立的)5.代理制度的使用范围(1)民法代理与诉讼代理的区别(2)与商标注册、专利申请的区别(3)与纳税代理的区别(4)与各种登记代理的区别(5)民商法中不适合代理之处①身份②违法、非法、侵权行为③事实行为④有些设立行为、捐助行为(6)代理行为的适用范围①合用②与合同相关的法律行为(要约邀请、要约的撤回等)③与合同相关的程序行为(公正等)三、代理的种类1.依代理权产生的原因(1)法定代理——代理权由于法律规定产生的(未成年人、精神病患者)(2)任意代理——双方通过合同产生中国分为法定代理、指定代理、委托代理2.依代理行为的法律效果(1)有权代理——完全按照代理行为应产生的代理效果(2)无权代理——冒充、虚造的代理权(3)表见代理——实质上是无权代理,以第三方权利将其视为有权代理3.依代理行为的多少(1)单独代理——每个代理人都可以单独代理(2)共同代理——一个公司具有多个代理人且授权委托给由这多个代理共同签约4.(1)主动代理——主动去代理(2)被动代理——代表本人被动接受5.依代理行为的归属方式(1)直接代理——以被代理人的名义签订合同(2)直接代理——以代理人的名义签订的合同必须签转让合同给被代理人6.依代理行为发生时间情况(1)紧急代理——在紧急时刻由特定人依情况做判断(2)常态代理7.代理关系的多寡(1)单一代理——本人——代理人(2)复代理——本人——代理人A——代理人B(也叫转委托代理)AB均为本人的代理8.依代理人与被代理人的关系(1)他人代理(2)自己代理——是本人的代理人,同时又是第三方(法律禁止)(3)双方代理——本人与第三方找同一个代理人(法律禁止)9.依所代理的范围大小(1)个别代理——只代理某一方面(2)概括代理——有关一个主体的方方面面全部代理(例如:未成年人由父母全权代理)第二节代理权一、代理权的概念:就是代理人所具有的可以实施代理行为的地位、资格和权限二、代理权的产生※任意代理权产生的原因——授权许可1.授权行为的概念及其性质(1)概念:本人将代理权授予代理人的一种法律行为(2)性质2.授权行为的要式与不要式要式授权行为需要合法的授权委托书,反之为不要式(1)与合同法律行为的要式与不要式没有必然联系(2)授权委托书①法律性质:规定授权行为是要式的,则授权委托书是必要的;若为不要式的,则授权委托书不是必要的②规范性的基本记载内容,(本人、代理人姓名、性别、地址、身份证号码)主体的身份,代理的事项,权利范围,代理时效,授权人的姓名,性别,地址(3)授权行为的表示方式①明示授权行为②默示授权行为(例,给予一定的费用或接收物品/信息)③追人授权行为(4)授权行为不真实①授权错误②欺诈授权(按欺诈的意思来表示处理,可作无效处理)(5)授权不明(我国,被代理人应向第三方承担责任,代理人承担连带责任)(6)授权行为的法律效果(即产生了代理权、代理关系)①产生任意(委托)代理权②接受双方的基本权利义务(报告义务、交付义务、为双方负责义务、保密义务),报酬请求权,费用的偿还请求权三、代理权的范围和限制1.代理权的范围:根据代理项目范围2.代理权的限制:授权不明,只可为管理行为,不可为处分行为四、代理权的消灭1.各种代理权共同的消灭原因:本人或代理人死亡/破产/(准)禁资产2.各种代理权特有的消灭原因(1)法定代理人(2)任意代理权(代理事务完成或代理期限已满)(3)复代理权(代理权消灭,则复代理权也消灭/代理人取消下一个复代理权)第三节代理行为一、代理行为的概念及性质1.概念:代理人在代理权限内以本人名义实施的法律行为2.性质:代理行为为本人行为,法律效果归属于本人二、代理法律行为的有效构成要件1.应具备一般法律行为的有效构成要件(合同的有效构成要件)2.应具备特殊法律行为即代理行为的有效构成要件①代理人必须显明②代理行为必须要有代理人亲自实施③本人要有真实地授权给代理人(有效的代理权)④要有本人的真实存在3.两者的关系:一般法律行为不能有效成立,则特殊有效法律行为一定不能成立三、代理行为的法律效果归属问题1.有权代理(作为代理行为,合法)——全部归属于本人(一般特殊法律构成要件)2.无权代理(作为代理行为,不能成立,但作为特殊法律构成要件则不满足)——第三方与代理人关系(1)狭义的无权代理①定义②归属问题③内部关系的处理(2)表见代理①定义:代理本身不具有代理权,由于他本人或其他人言行所致客观呈现代理人所有代理权的外观造成使善意的不过失的第三人相信代理权存在的正当理由时②表见代理的基本类型:A. 本人意思代理以个人自己名义进行活动B. 代理权曾经存在但现在代理权期限已经期满C. 代理人有基本代理权但是有界限③内部关系及外部关系的处理面对第三方有权处理,代理人与被代理人可以追究侵权责任3.代理权的滥用(1)定义:代理人具有有效的代理权而不是为了本人的利益行使代理权的行为(2)归属问题:本人不承担由此产生的法律效果若第三方是善意无过失的,代理行为的法律效果归属本人本人面对滥用代理权的代理人追就违背诚信原则的损失违约和侵权责任竞合第四节大陆法商事代理的特点与英美法的代理制度一.大陆法商事代理1. 定义:就是基于商行为的有关商事法律行为的代理2. 特点(1)代理人不需要特别写明(代理人存在为前提)(2)一般商事代理权不会因为本人死亡而消灭(3)作为表见代理的越权行为以有权代理处理二.英美法系的代理制度1. 属“有权代理”类型的(1)代理人在订约时指明本人姓名(2)代理人表明自己是代理人,但未指出本人姓名(3)代理人不表明代理关系存在即有“未被披露的本人”※“未被披露的本人”与大陆法系间接代理的区别间接代理与本人之间必须有转让的意思表示2. 属大陆法系“无权代理”类型的——在英美法中被称为“违反有代理权的默示担保”默示担保即对第三方说自己有代理人而其实没有则由他承担责任3. 属“表见代理”类型的——在英美法中被称为“不可否认的代理”或“禁止翻供的代理”或“禁反言的代理” 注意两大法系的区别:“禁止翻供的代理”通常认为被代理人对表见代理的后果不可否认,认为本人是有责任的在大陆法系中,第三人是不是具有相信代理权存在在英美法系中,则本人是否具有导致第三方误认为具有代理权的责任第五节 承担特别责任的代理人——复合性代理一.对第三人承担特别责任的代理人1. 保付代理人(Confirraing Agent )——又称为出口商行(Export House )或保付代理人※实际是代理与担保两重法律关系的重合:帮国外的本人做代理,又以自己向第三方担保2. 保兑代理 ※保兑银行通知, 支付行为与其保兑 行为是不同的行为, 后者的权利义务主体 是保兑行为卖方①代理关系保付代理人 本人国外买方 第三者国内卖方②买卖合同 ④代理买卖归属 委托开证 ⑦信用证归属 开证银行、本人、进口地 ③开证 ④委托保兑 保兑银行、代理人、出口地 卖方受益人 国内 ⑤保兑⑥通知信用证 ①买卖合同 买方、委托人二.对本人承担特别责任的代理人 ※信用担保代理人实际上是担任双重角色, 是卖方的代理人,是买方的资信或履约担 保人※此外,还有各种各样的类似于第六节 我国的外贸代理制度一.外贸公司的沿革及其现状1. 买断制——早期(1)含义:两个完全不相干的买卖合同(2)法律关系2. 代理、代办制——旧《对外贸易法》(1)含义:本人有对外贸易经营权,又去找外贸代理,没有对外贸易经营权的小公司找外贸公司(不能作为独立一方)(2)法律关系——或代理或行纪(经济上受益亏损主体)3. 新《合同法》的施行及《对外贸易法》的修改(1)新《合同法》第402条、第403条——吸收英美法的“有权代理”制度402:受托人(代理人)以自己的名义在授权范围内与第三人订约,第三人在订约时知道代理关系时合同就只约束第三人和本人,如果有确切证据表明出第三人和本人403:受托人以自己的名义与第三方订约,第三方在订约时不知道代理关系,受托人因为委托人或第三人的原因不能顺利履行,受托人就有义务告诉第三方或本人或第三方是谁(本人或第三方介入)第三方有选择权让本人或受托人解决,一旦选择不得更改A 、指明本人的代理B 、表明代理人但不指明本人的代理C 、不披露代理关系(2)《对外贸易法》的修改——“对外贸易经营权”全面开放(第8、9条)①依法办理工商登记或者其他执业手续②依照对外贸易法办理备案手续③从事对外贸易经营活动的法人、其他组织、个人二.我国现行外贸代理制度(1)与英美法国家的沟通将更容易(2)代理的方式方法将更为多种多样(3)基本法律关系应具体问题具体分析,万变不离其本第七章 国际票据法第一节 票据概述一.票据的基本概念1. 定义:票据——是出票人依照法定形式签发的,有自己承诺无条件支付或委托他人无条件支付确定金额给收款人或持票人的有价证券信用担保代理人 ①委托代理 ②支付担保 卖方、国内本人 买方、国内第三人③买卖合同 ③买卖归属2.种类(1)汇票——是出票人签发的,委托付款人无条件支付确定金额给收款人或持票人的票据(委付证券)(2)本票——是出票人签发的,承诺自己无条件支付确定金额给收款人或持票人的票据(自付证券)(3)支票——是出票人签发的,委托银行无条件支付确定金额给收款人或持票人的票据(委托银行支付的证券)3.票据的经济作用(1)汇兑作用(2)收款作用(3)付款作用(4)信贷作用(只允许发行银行本票)4.票据的法律特征(1)票据是设权证券——开具之前票据权利不存在特点:行使或拥有票据证券权利,必须以占有票据为前提非设权:本来就有权利将原有权利证券化(2)票据是要式证券(3)票据是文义证券——票据的权利只是按照票据上的文字加以限制(4)票据是无因证券——人的抗辩被切断(5)票据是指示证券·何谓记名证券·何谓无记名证券·何谓指示证券:票据金额或权利可以由票据上记载的收款人或收款人所指示的人来获得(6)票据是提示证券——行使时向债务人提示证券(7)票据是金钱债权证券——不存在履行不能转的情况,可以取代的(8)票据是回收证券——在支付时将票据回收,双清(9)票据是流通证券——开具票据到行使票据可能经过转手(10)票据是完全有价证券——票据的权力和票据的黏合度很高,权力必须依据票据这个载体,无票据则无权利二.票据法的定义、特点、法系1.定义:票据法——规范票据活动、调整有关当事人通过票据行为所形成的票据关系以及与票据有关的其他法律关系的各种法律规范的总称2.特点票据格式(1)严格性——票据的法律行为、活动严格按照法律要求进行票据种类(2)技术性票据形式等(3)统一性——支付手段趋于统一3. 三大法系(1)日内瓦法系(大陆法系)最大区别:①大陆法系在严格要求上更甚于英美法(2)英美法系(流通票据法)②在伪造背书方面两大法系(英美法视为无背书(3)国际通用法系大陆法系认为即使存在善意取得制度仍然适用,满足善意取得权限。



2. 当卖方违约时,买方可以得到哪些补救?
(2)买方可采取的补救措施:继续履行合同;交付替代 物;要求卖方修补;撤合同;要求减价;请求损害 赔偿等
1. 简述要约和承诺的构成要件
(1)要约的概念:订立合同的意思表示 构成要件:a. 内容具体确定;b. 必须反映其订立 合同的基本意图;c. 必须向特定的受要约人发出 (2)承诺的概念:受要约人同意要约的意思表示 构成要件:a. 须由受要约人向要约人作出; b. 须是 对要约的回复;c. 须是对要约的无条件接受;d. 须用 要约限定的承诺方式;e. 须在要约有效期内作出

东北财大版 屈广清主编《国际商法》课后习题答案

东北财大版 屈广清主编《国际商法》课后习题答案




















7.我国某公司于1999年3月2日以CIF价格条件 向新加坡某公司出口一批货物。合同订立后,我 方公司于4月1日将货物运到上海港码头,4月5日 开始装上中远公司的承运船舶,当天下午5时装船 完毕。4月6日承运船舶开航,4月24日到达新加坡, 4月28日新加坡公司提货。 (1)我国公司的交货地点在哪里? (2)我国公司的交货时间是何时?

1.甲国公民汤姆19岁,2005年在我国 境内购买一件民间工艺品,价值5500元。现 汤姆以其本国法上20岁为成年才具有行为能 力为由,要求解除合同。我国法院在审理此 案时能够适用《公约》?

四、国际贸易术语 (一)总规律 从E组、F组、C组、D组,总趋势是: 卖方义务负担逐渐加重,而买方义务负担 逐渐减轻。EXW卖方义务最轻,而DDP下 卖方义务最重。

2.交单(书证的交付) 在国际货物买卖中,存在着两种交货方 式:一种是实际交货,即卖方亲自把货物连 同代表货物所有权的单据一起交到买方手中, 完成货物所有权与占有权的同时转移;另一 种方式是象征性交货,即卖方只把代表货物 所有权的证书(提单、发票等)交到买方手中, 完成货物所有权的转移即为完成交货义务

三、《联合国国际货物买卖合同公约》 (一)公约适用范围 1.“国际”买卖: (1)当事人营业地在不同缔约国 (2)扩大适用



1. 什么是汇票?什么是本票?二者有何区 别?
(3)主要区别: a. 证券性质和当事人个数不同 b. 主债务人与付款人的责任不同 c. 有无承兑不同 d. 付款方式不同 e. 付款时间不同
2. 你认为我国是否有必要区分国内商事仲裁与 国际商事仲裁?为什么?
(1)商事仲裁的概念:通过仲裁协议,由第三人裁决的 争端解决方式。仲裁的合意性,强制性及终局性 (2)国际商事仲裁的划分:解决对外经济贸易及海事活 动中具有国际性商事争议的仲裁。如双方当事人具有 不同国籍,营业地分处不同国家等 (3)我国区分国际商事商事仲裁的意义:a. 只有属于国 际商事性质的仲裁,才允许适用涉外仲裁机构及其仲 裁规则;b. 国际商事仲裁与国内商事仲裁证据保全申 请的法院级别不同;c. 人民法院对国际仲裁审查的限 度规定
1. 什么是汇票?汇票的概念及特征:汇票是由出票人签名出具的, 要求受票人(付款人)于见票时或于规定的日期或于 将来可以确定的日期内,向特定人或凭特定人的指示, 或向持票人,支付一定数额金钱的无条件地书面支付 命令。 (2)本票的概念及特征:本票是指出票人签发的,承 诺自己在见票时无条件支付确定的金额给收款人或者 持票人的票据。



《国际商法》作业一、简答1. 简述英美法系和大陆法系的区别.答:(1)法律的主要渊源不同。
















国际商法专业词汇中英文对照A Note on the Incoterms(国际贸易术语通则解释)Absolute Advantage(亚当.斯密的绝对优势理论)Acceptance with Modifications(对邀约做出修改、变更的承诺)Acceptance(承诺/受盘)Act of State Doctrine(国家行为主义)Act of the Parties (当事人的行为)Administrative Management (经营管理)Advising and Confirming Letters of Credit(信用证的通知和确认)Agent for International Settlements(国际结算代理人)Agreement of the Parties(协议选择原则)Agriculture(农业协定)Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR解决方式)Anticipatory Breach in Common Law (普通法上预期违约)Antidumping Authority(反倾销机构)Applicability of the CISG (CISG的适用范围)Application of Home State Labor Laws Extraterritorially(内国劳工法律域外适用)Applying for a Letter of Credit(信用证的申请)Approval of Foreign Investment Applications(外国投资申请的批准)Arbitrage(套汇)Arbitration Agreement and Arbitration Clauses (仲裁协议和合同中的仲裁条款)Arbitration Tribunals(仲裁机构)Artistic Property Agreements(保护文学艺术作品的协定)Artistic Property Agreements(文学艺术品产权协定)Assignment(合同权利转让)Attorney-General(法律总顾问)Automatic Dissolution (自动散伙)Average Clauses(海损条款)Avoidance(解除)Bank Deposits(银行储蓄)Bases of Income Taxation(所得税的征税依据/基础)Battle of the Forms(形式上的分歧/冲突)Bills of Lading (提单)Branch Banking(银行的分支机构)Business Form and Registered Capital (企业形式和注册资本)Business Forms(商业组织形式)Buyer's Remedies(买方可以采取的救济措施)Carriage of Goods by Air(航空货物运输)Carriage of Goods by Sea and Marine Cargo Insurance(海上货物运输及其保险)Carrier's Duties under a Bill of Lading(在提单运输方式下承运人的责任/义务)Carrier's Immunities(承运人责任/义务的豁免)Cartels (企业联合/卡特尔)Categories of Investment Projects (外国投资的项目类别)Charterparties (租船合同)Charterparties by Demise (光船出租合同)China's Fundamental Policies for Encouraging Foreign Investments (中国大陆鼓励外国投资的基本政策)Choosing the Governing Law(准据法的选择)CIF (cost, insurance and freight) (port of destination) (CIF成本\保险费加运费付至指定的目的港)Civil Law (民法法系)Clearance and Settlement Procedures(交换和转让程序)Collection of Documentary Bills Through Banks(银行跟单托收)Commercial Arbitration (国际商事仲裁)Commodity Arrangements(初级产品/农产品安排)Common Enterprise Liability(企业的一般责任)Common Law (普通法系)Common Procedures in Handling Bills of Exchange (汇票处理的一般程序)Common Stock (股票)Company Taxpayers(公司/法人企业纳税人)Comparative Advantage(大卫.李嘉图的比较优势理论)Comparison of Municipal Legal Systems(内国法系的比较研究) Compensation for Winding up (清算补偿)Comprehensive Agreements (综合性的协定)Compulsory Licenses(强制许可)Computation of Income(收入计算)Conformity of Goods(与合同约定相符合的货物)Consent to the Jurisdiction of the Host State(给予东道国管辖权的许可/同意)Consideration in Common Law(英美法上的对价)Contemporary International Trade Law(当代国际贸易法)Contract Law for the International Sale of Goods(国际货物销售合同法)Contract Liability of the Agent (代理人的合同义务)Contract Liability of the Principal (委托人的合同义务)Contractual Issues Excluded from the Coverage of CISG(排除在CISG适用范围之外的合同问题)Copyrights (著作权/版权)Council for Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights(与知识产权有关的理事会)Coverage of Tax Treaties(税收条约的覆盖范围)Creation of Agency (代理创立)Creditors of Partners(合伙人的债权人)Currency Crises: The Role of Monetary Policy(金融危机:货币政策的作用与地位)Currency Exchange Obligations of IMF Member States(国际货币基金组织成员国在外汇交易中的义务)Currency Exchange(外汇交易)Currency Support(资金/财政援助)Custom(习惯)Customs Valuation(海关估价协定)Debt Securities (债券)Decision Making within the WTO(WTO内部决定作出机制)Deficiencies in the GATT 1947 Dispute Process (关税及贸易总协定1947争端解决程序的不足)Definite Sum of Money or Monetary Unit of Account(确定货币的总额或者计价的货币单位)Definition and Special Features(定义和特征)Delayed Bills of Lading(提单迟延)Denial of Justice(司法不公)Development Banks (发展银行)Direct Effect(直接效力)Direct Exporting(直接出口)Directors' and Officer's Duties to the Corporation(董事和经理/首席执行官对公司的义务)Dispute Settlement(争端的解决)Dissolution by Agreement (协议解散)Dissolution by Court Order (依法院令状散伙)Dissolution of the Partnership (散伙)Distribution of Earnings and Recovery of Investments (收入分配和投资回收)Distribution to Shareholders (红利分配权)Doctrine of Imputability (归责原则)Documentary Formalities(文本格式要求)Double Taxation Provision(双重征税的规定)Double Taxation(双重征税)Duress (胁迫行为)Duties of Agent and Principal (代理人和委托人的义务)Duties of Agent to Principal (委托人的义务)Duties of Principal to Agent (代理人、的义务)Duty of Care in Partnership Business(对合伙事务尽心看护义务)Duty of Loyalty and Good Faith (忠诚和诚信义务)Effectiveness of an Offer(邀约/发盘的效力)Employment Laws in the European Union(欧洲联盟雇佣/劳工法)Employment Standards of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development(经济合作与发展组织雇佣/劳工标准)Enforcement of Exchange Control Regulations of IMF Member States(国际货币基金组织成员国对外汇交易管理规则的履行)Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards in the People's Republic of China (在中华人民共和国境内外国仲裁裁决的执行)Enforcement of Foreign Judgment (外国法院判决的执行)Enforcement of Partnership Rights and Liabilities(执行合伙事务的权利和责任)Enforcement of Securities Regulations Internationally(国际证券规则的执行)Environmental Regulation(环境规则)Escape Clause(免责条款)Euro-currency Deposits(欧洲货币储蓄)European Communities - Regime for the Importation, Sale, and Distribution of Bananas(欧洲共同体对于香蕉的进口、销售和分销的管理)European Union Law on Trade in Services(欧洲联盟关于服务贸易的法律)Exceptio non Adimpleti Contractus in Civil Law (大陆法上履行契约之抗辩权)Exceptions(例外)Exclusive Licenses(独占许可)Excuses for Non-performance (不履行的免责)Excuses for Nonperformance(不履行合同的抗辩/借口)Exemptions for New Members from IMF Member State Currency Exchange Obligations(国际货币基金组织新成员国在外汇交易中义务的免除)Export Restrictions (出口限制)Exporting(出口)Expropriation(征收)Extraterritorial Application of U. S. Securities Laws(美国证券法域外的适用问题)Failure to Exhaust remedies(没有用尽法律救济)Fault and Causation(过错和因果关系)Finance Ministry(财政部)Finance of International Trade(国际贸易的结算/支付)Financing Foreign Trade(对外贸易的价金支付)FOB (free on hoard) (port of shipment)(FOB装运港船上交货)Force Majeure Clauses (不可抗力条款)Foreign Investment Guarantees(外国投资的担保)Foreign Investment Laws and Codes(外国投资法)Formal and Informal Application Process(正式和非正式申请程序)Formation of the Contract(合同的成立)Forsed Endorsements(虚假背书)Fraud Exception in Letters of Credit Transaction (信用证交易的欺诈例外) Frauds on Bills of Lading(提单欺诈)Fraudulent Misrepresentation(受欺诈的误解)Free Zones(保税区/自由贸易区)Fundamental Breach(根本违约)GATS Schedules of Specific Commitments(服务贸易总协定减让表中的特别承诺)General Agreement on Trade in Services (服务贸易总协定)General Requirements and Rights of the Holder in Due Course(票据持有人的一般要求和权利)General Standards of Performance(履行的一般标准)Geographic Limitations(地区限制)Government Controls over Trade (政府对贸易的管制)Government Guarantees(政府担保)Governmental Interest(政府利益原则)Governmental Sources of Capital(官方资金)Grant Back Provisions(回授的规定)Home state Regulation of Multinational Enterprises(本国对跨国企业的管理)Host State Regulation of Multinational Enterprises(东道国对跨国企业的管理)Illegality and Incompetency(行为不合法性与主体不适当资格的认定)IMF "Conditionality"(国际货币基金组织的制约性)IMF Facilities(国际货币基金组织的机制)IMF Operations(国际货币基金组织的运作)IMF Quotas(国际货币基金的份额)Immunities of States from the Jurisdiction of Municipal Courts(国家豁免于内国法院的管辖权)Import-Licensing Procedures(进口许可证程序协定)Income Categories(收入分类)Income Tax Rates(所得税税率)Income Taxes(所得税)Independence Principles and Rule of Strict Compliance (信用证独立原则和单证严格相符规则)Indirect Exporting(间接出口)Industrial Property Agreements (保护工业产权的协定)Innocent Misrepresentation(因无知的误解)Inquiry(调查)Insider Trading Regulations(内幕交易规则)Insurance Cover (保险范围)Integration of Company and Personal Income Taxes(公司和个人所得税的征收)Intellectual Property Right Law (知识产权法)International Center for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (解决投资争端国际中心)International Commercial Dispute Settlement (国际商事争端的解决)International Court of Justice (海牙联合国国际法院)International Factoring (国际保理)International Franchising(国际特许经营权)International Labor Standards(国际劳工标准)International Licensing Agreement(国际许可证协议)International Licensing Agreements (国际许可证协定)International Model Law(国际示范法)International Organizations(国际组织)International Persons(国际法主体)International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms(国际贸易术语解释通则)International Trade Customs and Usages(国际贸易惯例和习惯)International Treaties and Conventions(国际条约和公约)International Tribunals (国际法庭)Interpreting of the CISG (CISG的解释)Invitation Offer (要约邀请/要约引诱/询盘)Involuntary Dissolution (非自愿解散)Issuance of Securities(证券发行)Jurisdiction and Venue (管辖权和法院地)Jurisdiction in Civil Cases(民事案件的管辖权)Jurisdiction in Criminal Cases(刑事案件的管辖权)Know-how (技术秘密/专有技术)Lack of Genuine Link(缺乏真实的联系)Lack of Nationality(无国籍)Lack of Standing(身份不明)Law Applicable to Letters of Credit (调整信用证的法律)Law of Foreign Investment Enterprises of China (中国的外商投资企业法)Law of the People's Republic of China on Chinese Foreign Contractual Joint Ventures(中华人民共和国中外合作企业法)Law of the People's Republic of China on Chinese Foreign Equity Joint Ventures (中华人民共和国中外合资企业法)Law of the People's Republic of China on Foreign Capital Enterprises(中华人民共和国外资企业法)Legal Characteristics (定义和法律特征)Legal Structure of the WTO (世界贸易组织的法律框架)Legal System of International Business(国际商事的法律体系)Letters of Credit (L/C)(信用证)Liabilities of Makers, Drawers, Drawees, Endorsers and Accommodation Parties(票据制作人、出票人、付款人、背书人、代发人/担保人的责任)Liability for Environmental Damage(环境损害责任)Liability Limits(承运人责任/义务的限制)Licensing Regulations(许可证制度)Limitations on Foreign Equity(外国投资的资金比例限制)Limitations on the Excuses That Drawers and Makers Can Use to Avoid Paying Off a Bill or Note 661 (票据制作人、出票人拒绝付款借口的限制)Liquidated Damages (约定的损害赔偿金)Liquidation (清算)Maintaining Monetary Value(维护币值稳定)Major Principles of GATT 1994(关税及贸易总协定1947的主要原则)Marine Insurance Policies and Certificates (海运保险单和证书)Maritime Insurance(海运保险)Maritime Liens (留置权)Means of Delivery(根据交付方式)Mediation(调停/调解)Membership(成员)Memorandums of Understanding(谅解备忘录)Methods of Investment Contribution(出资方式)Mini-trial (模拟审判方式)Miscellaneous Taxes(混杂的,各种各样的税)Misrepresentation(误解)Mixed Sales(混合销售)Modification of Foreign In vestment Agreements(外国投资协议的修改)Money and Banking(货币与金融)Monopoly Control Authority (反垄断机构)Most Significant Relationship(最密切联系原则)Most-favored-nation Treatment (最惠国待遇原则)Movement of Workers(劳工流动)Multilateral Investment Guaranty Programs(多边投资担保计划/安排)Multilateral Trade Agreements(多边贸易协定)Multilateral Trade Negotiations (多边贸易谈判)Multinational Enterprise(跨国企业)Municipal Courts(国内法院的实践)Municipal Legal Systems(内国法系)National Foreign Investment Policies(内国的外国投资政策)National Investment Guarantee Programs(内国/国家投资担保计划/安排)National Law(国内法)National Monetary Systems(国内金融/货币体系)National Treatment (国民待遇原则)Nationality Principle(国籍原则)Negligent (innocent) Misrepresentation(因疏忽的误解)Negotiability of Bills and Negotiability of Notes(可流通的汇票和可流通的本票)Negotiation (谈判,议付)Noncompetition Clauses(限制竞争条款)Nondiscrimination(非歧视原则)Nonimputable Acts(免责行为)Nontariff Barriers to Trade(非关税贸易壁垒)Nonwrongful Dissolution (非不法原因散伙)Objections(异议)Obligations of the Parties (当事人各方的义务)Obligations of the Seller and the Buyer (买卖双方的合同义务)Offer (要约/发盘)Operation of Law (法律的原因而终止)Operational Reviews(营业审查)Opting In and Out(加入和退出)Organization of the IMF(国际货币基金组织的机构)Organizations Affiliated with the United Nations(联合国的相关组织) Overseas Private Investment Corporation(海外私人投资公司的案件)Parent Company(母公司)Passing of Property (产权的转移)Passing of Risk (风险的转移)Patents (专利权)Payable on Demand or at a Definite Time(付款要求或者在指定的付款时间)Payment of the Price(支付价款)Penalties for Noncompliance(对于不遵守法规的处罚)Perils and Losses(保险危险和损失)Persons Immune from Taxation(个人所得税的免除)Piercing the Corporate Veil(普通法上揭开公司的面纱/大陆法上公司人格否认原则)Place for Delivery(交付的地点)Post -Termination Relationship(代理终止后的有关问题)Powers during Winding up (合伙人在清算过程中的权力/权利)Practices and Usages(交易习惯和商业惯例)Preemption(先买权/优先权)Preshipment Inspection(装运前检验协定)Price-Fixing(定价)Private Insurers(私人/商业保险)Private Sources of Capital(私人资金)Products Liability Laws(产品质量法)Promissory Notes(本票)Promoter of International Monetary Cooperation(国际金融合作的促进者)Promoters(公司的发起人)Protection of Natural Resources(自然资源的保护)Protection of Subsidiaries(分支机构的保护制度)Protection of Workers' Rights by the Council of Europe(欧洲理事会关于劳工权利的保护)Protection through Tariffs(关税保护)Proving Foreign Law(外国法的查明)Provisions Governing Trade in Services in the North American Free Trade Agreement (北美自由贸易区协定中关于服务贸易的规定)Quality Controls(质量控制)Quantity and Field-of-Use Restrictions(对数量和使用领域的限制)Recognition and Enforcement of Awards (仲裁裁决的承认和执行)Recognition of Foreign Judgments(外国裁决的承认)Refusal to Exercise Jurisdiction(拒绝执行管辖权)Regional and International Development Agencies(区域性和国际性发展机构)Regional Integration(区域联合)Regional Intergovernmental Regulations on Labor(区域性政府间关于劳工的规定)Regional Intergovernmental Regulations on Trade in Services(关于服务贸易的区域性政府间管理规则)Regional Monetary Systems(区域性金融体系)Regulation of Foreign Workers(外籍员工的的管理规定)Regulation of Pollution(防止污染规则)Relief(救济、赔偿)Remedies Available to Both Buyers and Sellers(买卖双方都可以采取的救济措施)Remedies for Breach of Contract(违反合同的救济)Requests for Specific Performance(要求继续/特定履行)Residency Principle(居住地原则)Restrictions on Research and Development(对技术研究和发展的限制)Restrictions That Apply after the Expiration of Intellectual Property Rights(知识产权保护期满后应用的限制)Restrictions That Apply after the Expiration of the Licensing Agreement (知识产权使用许可合同期满后应用的限制)Right to Compensation (主张赔偿的权利)Rights and Duties (权利与义务)Rights and Responsibilities of Beneficiaries(收款人/收益人的权利与义务)Rights and Responsibilities of the Account Party(付款人/信用证帐户申请人的权利与义务)Rules of Origin(原产地规则)Rules of Private International Law(国际私法规则)Safeguards(保障措施协定)Sanitary and PhytosanitaryMeasures(卫生与植物卫生措施协定)Scope and Coverage of GATT 1947 and GATT 1994 (关税及贸易总协定1947和1994文本的调整范围)Screening Foreign Investment Applications(对外国投资申请的筛选/审查)Sectoral Limitations(行业/部门限制)Securities and Exchange Commission(证券交易委员会)Securities Exchanges (证券交易所)Securities Regulations(证券规章)Seller's Obligations(卖方的义务)Seller's Remedies(卖方可以采取的救济措施)Settlement of Disputes between ILO Member States(国际劳工组织成员国之间争端的解决)Settlement of Disputes between Intergovernmental Organizations and Their Employees (政府间国际组织与它的雇员之间争端的解决)Settlement of Disputes in International Tribunals(在国际法庭解决争端)Settlement of Disputes in Municipal Courts(内国法院的争端解决途径)Settlement of Disputes through Diplomacy(通过外交途径解决争端)Settlement of Disputes through Municipal Courts (通过内国法院解决国际商事争端)Shareholders' Inspection and Information Rights(股东的监督和知情权)Shareholders' Lawsuits (股东的诉权)Shareholders' Meetings(股东会议/大会)Shareholders' Rights and Liabilities (股东的权利和责任)Sharp Practices (欺诈行为)Signed by the Maker or Drawer(票据制作人或者出票人签名)Source Principle(税收发生来源原则)Sources of Corporate Financing (公司资本的来源)Sources of Foreign Investment Law of China (中国外国投资法的渊源)Sources of International Business Law(国际商法的渊源)Sources of International Law(国际法的渊源)Sources of Investment (投资范围)Sovereign or State Immunity(国家主权豁免)Specialization(国际分工专门化)Standard of Care(给予外国人的待遇/关照标准)Start-Up Standards(设立标准)State Responsibility(国家责任)Statements and Conduct of the Parties(当事人的陈述和行为)Statutory Choice-of-Law Provisions (强制选择条款)Structure of the WTO(WTO的组织结构)Subordinate Business Structures(商业分支机构)Subsidies and Countervailing Measures(补贴与反补贴措施协定)Supervision of Foreign Investment(外国投资的监管)Supreme Court Decision(最高法院的裁决)Systems for Relief from Double Taxation(避免双重征税的救济体制)Takeover Regulations(接管/收购规则)Taking Delivery(接受交付)Tariff-based Import Restriction (约束进口关税)Tariffs(关税)Tax Avoidance(避税)Tax Evasion(逃税)Tax Incentives (税收激励)Tax Sparing(节税)Tax Treaties(税收条约)Taxation(税收)Taxpayers(纳税人)Technical Barriers to Trade(贸易的技术壁垒)Technology Transfer(技术转让)Termination of an Agency (代理的终止)Termination of Corporations (公司的终止)Territorial Restrictions(地区限制)Textiles and Clothing(纺织品和服装协定)The Acceptance(承诺/受盘)The Administrative Discretion of Screening Authorities(筛选/监管机构的管理权)The Anglo-American Common Law System(普通法系或者英美法系)The Applicable Procedure Law (应用的程序法)The Applicable Substantive Law(应用的实体法)The Bank for International Settlements(巴塞尔国际清算银行)The Bill of Exchange(汇票)The Board of Directors (董事会)The Bretton Woods System(布雷敦森林体系)The Business Form(商业组织形式)The Buyer's Right to Avoid the Contract(买方解除合同的权利)The Central Bank(中央银行)The Choice of Money(货币的选择)The Convention on Insider Trading(内幕交易的公约)The Drafting of the CISG(CISG的起草)the Economic Globalization (经济全球化)The Final Act Embodying the Results of the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations(乌拉圭回合多边贸易谈判结果的最后文本)The Foreign Exchange Market(外汇交易市场)The Founding of GATT(关税及贸易总协定的成立)The Framework Agreement(协定的框架)The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade(关税及贸易总协定)The Importance of the Separate Legal Identity of Juridical Entities(跨国企业作为拥有独立法律地位的实体之重要性)The Interbank Deposit Market(银行间的储蓄市场)The International Labor Organization(国际劳工组织)The International Monetary Fund(国际货币基金组织)The International Standard(国际待遇/标准)The International Transfer of Intellectual Property(工业产权的国际转让)The Islamic Law System (伊斯兰法系)The Law Governing Bills of Exchange (调整汇票的法律制度)The Law of Agency (国际商事代理法)The Making of International Law (国际法的构成)The National Standard(国民待遇/标准)The Negotiation and Transfer of Bills and Notes(票据权利的转让和背书转让)The Obligations of Banks(银行的义务/责任)The Principal Characteristics(基本特征)The Role of Banks in Collecting and Paying Negotiable Instruments(银行在可流通票据的托收和付款中的角色)The Roman-Germanic Civil Law System(大陆法系或者罗马日耳曼法系)The Scope of International Law in Actual Practice (实践中国际法的范围)The Subordinate Structure(分支结构)The Transfer of Money(货币转移)The Turning Over of Documents(交付与货物有关的单证)The Uruguay Round(乌拉圭回合)The Value of Money(币值)The World Trade Organization (WTO) (世界贸易组织)The WTO Agreement (WTO协定)Third Party Relations of the Principal and the Agent (与委托人和代理人有关的第三人)Third-Party Claims and Personal Injuries(第三方的权利和人身伤害)Third-Party Rights (Himalaya Clause)(第三方的权利----喜玛拉亚条款)Time Charterparties (定期租船合同)Time for Delivery (交付的时间)Time Limitations(时效)Trade Barriers (贸易壁垒)Trade in Goods(货物贸易)Trade Liberalization Through Cooperation (通过合作实现贸易自由化)Trade Policy Review(贸易政策评审机制)Trade Terms(贸易术语)Trademarks(商标权)Trade-Related Investment Measures(与贸易有关的投资措施协定)Trading in Securities (证券交易)Transactions Covered in CISG(CISG适用的交易范围)Transnational Organized Labor(有组织的跨境服务的劳工)Transparency(透明度)Treaties and Conventions(条约和公约)Trial Court Decision(初等法院的裁决)Turnover Taxes(流转/交易税)Tying Clauses(搭售条款)Unconditional Promise or Order to Pay(无条件的付款承诺和要求)Unfair Competition Laws(不正当竞争法)UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts (PICC)(国际统一私法协会国际商事合同通则,简称PICC)United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG)(联合国国际货物销售合同公约,简称CISG)Validity and Formation of International Sale of Contracts(国际货物销售合同的成立和效力)Visas(签证)Voyage Charterparties (航次租船合同)Waivers(让渡、放弃)Winding Up (合伙清算)World Intellectual Property Organization(世界知识产权组织)World Trade Organization Dispute Settlement Procedures(世界贸易组织争端解决机制)Wrongful Dissolution (不法原因散伙)WTO Antidumping Agreement (世界贸易组织反倾销协议)WTO Dispute Settlement Procedures(世界贸易组织的争端解决程序)。

国际商法答案(宁烨 杜晓君 主编)(机械工业出版社)

国际商法答案(宁烨 杜晓君 主编)(机械工业出版社)

《国际商法》教材思考与练习答案第1章导论一、填空题1.商事组织2.《国际贸易术语解释通则2000年修订本》,《跟单信用证统一惯例2007年修订本》3. 国际公约国际贸易惯例4. 成文法系统化条理化法典化逻辑性5. 联邦法州法二、判断题√×√×√在英美法国家不存在独立的商法。

三、单项选择题D B D四、多项选择题1. A D2. ACD3. BC4. ABC5. ABCD五、简答题1.大陆法在结构上强调系统化、条理化、法典化和逻辑性。



















1.依照英国法,下列各项中会使合同无效的是()A. 一方当事人意思表示的错误B. 一方当事人判断上的错误C. 一方当事人对自己履约能力的估计错误D. 在认定当事人上发生错误2. 依照法国法,合同违约责任的归责原则是()A. 过失责任原则B. 无过失责任原则C. 结果责任原则D. 公平责任原则3. 依美国法,法院通常会作出实际履行的判决的合同是()A. 提供个人劳务的合同B. 土地买卖合同C. 当事人一方为未成年人的合同D. 建筑合同4. 依照英国法,一方违约,对方既可以解除合同,又可以要求赔偿损失的,是指违反了()A. 条件条款B. 担保条款C. 条件条款和担保条款D. 条件条款或担保条款5. 依照我国《合同法》,适用诉讼时效期间为4 年的合同是()A. 国际货物买卖合同B. 技术开发合同C. 技术转让合同D. 承揽合同6. 根据英国货物买卖法的规定,下列不属于卖方对其所出售的货物应承担品质担保义务的是()A. 凭说明的交易,卖方所交付的货物必须与说明相符B. 营业中出售货物,即使有关货物的缺陷已在订约前提醒买方注意,卖方所提供的货物仍然应具有商销品质C. 凭样品成交的买卖,卖方所交的货物在品质上应与样品相符D. 在交易中既有样品,又有说明,则卖方所交的货物应与样品和说明都一致7. 根据国际货物买卖合同公约的规定,在双方当事人没有约定的情况下,货物运输过程中发生毁损灭失的风险原则上应由()A. 买方承担B. 卖方承担C. 买方或卖方承担D. 买方和卖方共同承担8. 根据国际货物买卖合同公约的规定,当卖方只交付部分货物而未构成根本违反合同时,买方所不能采取的救济方法是()A. 退货B. 减价C. 损害赔偿D. 撤销整个合同9. 根据国际货物买卖合同公约的规定,接受通知在传递中可能发生的失误风险,其承担人应是()A. 发价人B. 受发价人C. 传递人D. 主要由发价人承担,传递人有过失的,也应分担部分风险10. 根据国际货物买卖合同公约的规定,在合同已有效成立而又没有明示或默示地规定货物的价格或规定确定价格的方法时,确定货物价金的依据是()A. 交货时卖方所在地的合理价格B. 交货时买方所在地的合理价格C. 交货时合同履行地的合理价格D. 订立合同时的通常价格11. 下列各项学说中,不属于美国产品责任法的法学理论依据的是()A. 疏忽说B. 违反担保说C. 违反条件说D. 严格责任说12. 欧洲经济共同体《关于对有缺陷的产品的责任的指令》对产品缺陷的定义采用的标准是()A. 主观标准B. 客观标准C. 主观为主,客观为辅的标准D. 客观为主,主观为辅的标准:13.德国民法典规定,在无权代理情况下,第三人催告本人是否追认的()A.本人应在第三人作出催告后的2周内作出是否追认的表示B.本人应在收到催告后的2周内作出是否追认的表示C.本人应在收到催告后的6周内作出是否追认的表示D.以上选项全对14.某甲向某乙借款若干,并指定乙为其代理人收取房地产租金,以清偿其借款。




一、单项选择题一、C 二、A 3、B 4、D 五、A六、C 7、C 八、A 九、C 10、A1一、A 1二、B 13、A 14、C 1五、B1六、A 17、A 1八、C 1九、A 20、B 1.英国的普通法来源于( C )A.衡平法B.习惯法C.判例法D.法院解释2.德国法对许诺生效的时间采取( A )A.抵达主义B.了解主义C.投邮主义D.通知主义3.若是受要约人在许诺中对要约的条款作了扩张、限制或变更的,那么( B )A.其效果也视为对要约的许诺B.在法律上视为一项反要约,需经原要约人许诺后,合同才成立C.在法律上视为一项反要约,不必原要约人许诺后,合同也能成立D.其效果视为对原要约的部份接受,两边当事人均受此约束4.违法担保是指违背合同的次要条款或随附条款,那么违法担保的法律后果是( D )A.蒙受损害的一方可以请求解除合同,但不能请求损害补偿B.蒙受损害的一方只能请求解除合同C.蒙受损害的一方不能请求解除合同D.蒙受损害的一方不能解除合同,而只能请求解除损害补偿5.甲乙签定十分合同中,前四份合同乙一直拖欠货款,因此甲怀疑乙的信用有问题。

按照《联合国国际生意合同公约》( A )A、甲方可以中止履行合同B、甲方不能中止履行合同C、甲方应当向乙方发出催告D、甲方可以宣布解约6.(C)以为违约金是对违约的惩罚金。


A.错误B.诈欺C.不合法影响D.不正确说明8.大陆法的代理权产生的原因,基于本人的意思表示而产生的是( A )A、意定代理B、法定代理C、明示代理D、默示代理9.法国法把( C )作为合同有效成立的原因之一A、法律上的原因B、不妥得利C、约因D、对价10.我国的一般诉讼时效是(A)A、2年B、1年C、3年D、4年11.下各国家中,属于普通法体系的有(A)A、加拿大B、瑞士 C 、日本D、法国12.按照《联合国国际生意合同公约》,若是合同没有规定交货的地址,而合同有涉及运输的,则卖方应( B )A、在装运港交货B、货交第一承运人C、在目的港交货D、在货物所在地交货一、C 二、A 3、B 4、D 五、A六、C 7、C 八、A 九、C 10、A1一、A 1二、B 13、A 14、C 1五、B1六、A 17、A 1八、C 1九、A 20、B13.在美国由于利用有缺点的产品蒙受损害向法院起诉要求补偿损失时,援引的理由对其最为有利的是( A )A、违背担保B、疏忽C、严格责任D、合同责任14.在股分中,组成公司资本基础的,最重要的一种股分是( C )A、回收股B、优先股C、普通股D、无表决权股15.要约人甲发现许诺人乙在许诺中对包装的方式作了改变,当即电复:“你的许诺对要约的方式作了更改,我方不能接受。



I. T T F T T T F F T TII.1. The division of international law that deals primarily with the rights and duties of states and intergovernmental organizations as between themselves.2. The division of international law that deals primarily with the rights and duties of individuals and nongovernmental organizations in their international affairs.3. Legally binding agreement between two or more states.4. Legally binding agreement between states sponsored by an international organization.5. A long established tradition or usage that becomes customary law if it is (1) consistently and regularly observed and (2) recognized by those stated observing it as a practice that they must obligatorily follow.6. Law code promulgated in 1804 by Napoleon that collected, arranged, and simplified French Law.7. Law code promulgated in 1896 that is based primarily on the Corpus Juris Civilis and that is characterized by its detailed structure and its technical precision.tin: “body of civil law.” Codificatio n of Roman law completed about A.D. 534 at the order of Emperor Justinian, which selected, arranged, and condensed the ancient laws.III.1. I nternational business treaties and conventions, international trade customary cases, international business precedents, and national business laws.2. The Court of Exchequer settled tax disputes;(1)The court of Common Pleas dealt with matters that did not involve the king‟s directinterest, such as title to land, enforcement of promises, and payment of debts;(2)The Court of King‟s Bench handled cases of a direct royal interest, such as the issuanceof “writs to control unruly public officials.IV.1.legal family2.civil law system3.Anglo-American law System4.international economic law5.writ6.equity7.the supremacy of the law8.adversarial9.inquisitorial10. custom11. laissez-faire economics12. the principle of personal law13. territorial law14.the conflict of lawsI. T T F F T T T T T T F T T T F F F TII.1.That which motivates the exchange of promises or performance in a contractual agreement. The consideration, which must be present to make the contract legally binding, must result in a detriment to the promisee (something of legal value, legally sufficient, and bargained for ) or a benefit to the promisor.2.a state statute under which certain types of contracts must be in writing to be enforceable3. An action by prompt notice to cancel the contract and return the parties to the positions that they occupied prior to the transaction. A vailable when fraud, mistake, duress, or failure of consideration is present.4. A remedy under which a person is restored to his or her original position prior to a contract.5. The relief given to innocent parties, by law or by contract, to enforce a right or to prevent or compensate for the violation of a right.6. a sum inserted into a contract, not as a measure of compensation for its breach but rather as punishment for a default. The agreement as to the amount will not be enforced, and recovery will be limited to actual damages.7. The substitution, by agreement, of a new contract for an old one, with the rights under the old one being terminated. Typically, there is a substitution of a new person who is responsible for the contract and the removal of the original party‟s rights and duties under the contract.8. The capacity required by the law for a party who enters into a contract to be bound by that contract.III.1. V ery likely, yes --- minus any damages caused to Larrissa by her early departure.2. No. The c ourt held that Mike did not make an offer to heal the daughter‟s hand in three or four days. He merely expressed an opinion as to when the hand would heal. The reason is that an expression of opinion is not an offer. It does not evidence an intention to enter a binding agreement.3. As long as the new contract is supported by consideration, the novation discharges the original contract you and Sheikh Enterprises and replaces it with the new contract between you and A & N Corporation. Sheikh prefers the novation over an assignment, because it discharges all the liabilities stemming from its contract with you. If sheikh had merely assigned the contract to A & N Corporation, Sheikh would have remained liable to you for the payments if A& N Corporation defaulted.4. ABC Training Center‟s measure of damages is $1,500 (10 $150), plus incidental damages. In cases in which the breach is by the buyer, and the seller has not as yet produced the goods, compensatory damages normally equal the lost profits on the sale, not the difference between thecontract price and the market price.IV. Put the following terms into English:1. promissory estoppel2. quasi contract3. damages4. the Statute of Frauds5. the parol evidence rule6. liquidated damages7. the age of majority8. subject matter of the contract9. non-breaching party10. novation of contract11. equitable remedy12. substituted agreement13. intended beneficiary14. contract dischargeChapter 3I. F T T F F T T F T T F T F T T F T FII.1. A proposal by one person to another indicating an intention to enter into a contract under specified terms.2. The fixing by the buyer of an additional reasonable period of time in which the seller may perform.3. Remedy that allows a seller to ascertain specifications himself when the buyer fails to supply them as required by the contract or within a reasonable time after the seller requests them.4. shifting of responsibility for loss or damage from the seller to the buyer.5. Remedy available to either party when it becomes clear that the other party will not perform a substantial part of his obligation because of a serious deficiency in his ability to perform, his creditworthiness, his preparation for performing, or his performance.6. the exchange of goods for an amount of money or its equivalent from the seller to the buyer.7. a moveable tangible object. For the purposes of CISG, goods do not include things bought for personal use or at an auction or foreclosure sale, nor may they be ocean-going vessels or aircraft.8. Remedy that allows a buyer to pay less for non-breaching goods in those cases where the buyer is not entitled to damages.III1. No. When the offeror promises to keep the offer open for a fixed period, the offer is a firm offer, it is enforceable.2. An acceptance is not effective until it is delivered to the offeror. Y es. Minor changes in the terms contained in the offer from the offeree is not an acceptance any more, it is a counter offer.3. To deliver the goods; to hand over any related documents and to transfer the property in the goods to the buyer, to deliver goods conform to the contract.4. (1) Compel specific performance (2) avoid the contract for fundamental breach or non-delivery (3) reduce the price (4) refuse early delivery (5) refuse excess quantities.IV. Put the following terms into English:1.tender of the documents2.shipment contract3.rejection of goods4.real property5.cross-border contract6.payment against documents7.open-price contract8.offeree9.material breach10.firm offer11.export license12.counter offer13.breach of contract14.anticipatory avoidanceChapter 4I. F T T T T T F T T F T F T T T T F TII.1. The legal liability of the manufacturer or seller of a product which, because of a defect, causes injury to the purchaser, user, or bystander.2. Imposing liability on an actor regardless of fault.3. The neglect or omission of reasonable precaution or care.4. A contract is a private agreement between the parties who have entered into it, so these parties alone should have rights and liabilities under the contract. This is referred to as privity of contract. Privity refers to the parties‟ relationship, which is considered sufficiently direct to uphold a legal claim between them. Privity of contract establishes the basic concept that third parties have no rights in a contract to which they are not a party.5. It is a time limit, defined by the statute, within which a lawsuit must be brought.6. This defense is based upon a manufacturer's compliance with the best available technology (which may or may not be synonymous with the custom and practice of the industry). This state-of-the-art defense keeps a manufacturer from liability if no safer product design is generally recognized as being possible.7. It is an affirmation made by the seller relating to the quality of the goods sold.8. It is created by law and guarantees the merchantability and, in some circumstances, the fitness for a particular purpose of the goods sold.III.1. (1) she, or her property, was harmed by the product; (2) the injury was caused by a defect in the product; and (3) the defect existed at the time it left the defendant and did not substantially change along the way.2. manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers, and retailers.3. If there is a consolidation or merger of the two corporations; or (2) there is an express or implied agreement to assume such obligations, a corporation purchasing or acquiring the assets of another is liable for its debts?4. (1) the product was produced according to government specifications; (2) the manufacturer possessed less knowledge about the specifications than did the government agency; (3) the manufacturer exercised proper skill and care in production; and (4) the manufacturer did not deviate from the specifications.IV.1. strict liability in tort2. government-contractor defense3. statute of limitation4. statute of repose5. breach of warranty6. state-of-the-art defense7. theories of recovery8. negligence9. punitive damages10. preemption defense11. prescription drug12. express warranty13 implied warranty14. market-share liabilityChapter 51. T T T F T T T T T T T T T F F T T TII.1. In agency law a person who, by agreement or otherwise, authorizes an agent to act on his or her behalf in such a way that the acts of the agent become binding on the principal.2. A fiduciary relationship between two persons in which one (the agent) acts on behalf of, and is subject to the control of, the other (the principal)3. Legal doctrine imposing liability on a principal for torts committed by an agent who is employed by the principal and subject to the principal‟s control.4. A principal whose identity is not known by the third party, but the third party knows that the agent is or may be acting for a principal at the time the contract is made.5. Agency relationship formed through oral or written agreement6. An agency relationship in which the principal is estopped from denying that someone is the principal‟s agent after leading a third party to believe the person is an agent.7. One who works for, and receives payment from , an employer but whose working conditions and methods are not controlled by the employer, and independent contractor is not an employee but may be an agent.8. Agency relationship in which an unauthorized agent commits the principal to an agreement and the principal later accepts the unauthorized agreement, thus ratifying the agency relationship.III.1.Y es. In their principal-agent relationship, the parties agreed that Bruce would act on behalfand instead of the Crash in negotiating business with a third person.2.The employer must bear the loss under the law of agency.3.Y es. Based on the principal of agency by estoppel, Charles will be bound to fill the orders.Charles‟s representation to Stevenson created the impression that Johnson was Charles‟s agent and had authority to place orders.4.Y es. Smith‟s power to sell Green Hills is coupled with a benefic ial interest of one-halfownership in Green Hills created at the time of the loan for the purpose of supporting it and securing its repayment. The agency power is irrevocable.IV.1.principal2.disclosed principal3.undisclosed principal4.apparent authority5.withholding taxes6.fiduciary relationship7.power of attorney8.ratification9.independent contractor10.tort11.agency by appointment12.agency by operation of law13.agency by necessity14.agency coupled with an interestChapter 6I. T T T F T T T T T T T T T T T F T FII.1.A public corporation is one formed by government (for example, cities, towns and publicprojects)2.Stocks are securities issued by a corporation--- the purchase of ownership in the firm.3. The process by which corporate assets are converted into cash and distributed to creditors andshareholders according to specified rules of preference. Liquidation may be supervised by members of the board of directors (when dissolution is voluntary) or by a receiver appointed by the court to wind up corporate affairs.4 The shareholders of a limited liability company are only liable for the un-paid amount ontheir shares should the company fail to pay its debts5. An enterprise organized around a parent firm established in one state that operates throughbranches and subsidiaries in other states.6. An enterprise made up of two or more parents form different states that co-own subordinateoperating businesses in two or more states.7. A government-controlled multinational created by a treaty between two or more sates.8. In partnership law, partners incur joint liability for partnership obligations and debts. Forexample, if a third party sues a partner on a partnership debt, the partner has the right to insist that the other partners be sued with him or her.]III.1. More funds are available for expansion; Two or more persons share in the decision making; Each partner may provide expertise in various areas of the operation2. A share capital of a stated amount ;The allotment and issue of company shares ;The allotment toeach subscriber of one or more shares on condition that an amount will be paid to the company ;The liability of members is limited to the amount (if any) unpaid on their shares; The shares are the personal property of the members and are usually freely transferable.3. No. Smith and John may be partners, but the farmer is not a partner with them. Only Smith and John jointly own the property and have an equal right to manage the business. Also, the three do not share losses. Sharing profits does not alone prove a partnership.4. Possible not. Without a writing, Terry may have a hard time overcoming the presumption that he is entitled to only one-half of the profits of a two-person partnership. This problem could have been avoided by specifying in a written agreement how the profits would be shared.IV.panies limited by sharespanies limited by guarantee3.private company / close corporation4.public companypany prospectus6.Articles of Association7.Memorandum of Association8.the authorized capital9.the issued capital10.the paid up capital11.express power12.implied power13.Ultra vires doctrine14.subscriptions /subscription of sharesChapter 7I. 1-5 T F F T T F T F T F T F F T T T F FII.1. The WTO‟s top decision-making body. Meets at least once every two years.2. Top day-to-day decision-making body. Meets regularly, normally in Geneva.3. T reating one‟s own nationals and foreigners equally.4. Equal treatment for nationals of all trading partners in the WTO.5.It allows a WTO member state to temporarily escape from its GA TT obligations when there is a surge in the number of imports coming from other member states.6. Principles that government must make their rules, regulations, and practices open and accessible to the public and other governments.7.A group of states that have reduced or eliminated tariffs between themselves and have also established a common external tariff.8.Safeguards are emergency actions that a WTO member state may take in order to protect its domestic industry from serious injury from a sudden increase in the quantity of an imported product.III.1.to implement, administer, and carry out the WTO Agreement and its annexes; to act as a forum for ongoing multilateral trade negotiations; to serve as a tribunal for resolving disputes; to review the trade policies and practices of member states. to cooperate with other international organizations such as the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank to achieve greater coherence in global economic policy making.2.tariff-based import restrictions; most-favored–nation treatment; national treatment; reciprocity.3. Eight. They are outlines as follows:All services are covered by GA TS;Most-favored-nation treatment applies to all services, except the temporary exemptions; National treatment applies in the areas where commitments are made;Transparency in regulations, inquiry points;Regulations have to be objective and reasonable;International payments, normally unrestricted;Individual countries‟ commitments, negotia ted and bound;Progressive liberalization, through further negotiations.4.copyright and related rights, trademark, including service marks, geographical indications, industrial design, patents, layout designs of integrates circuits, and undisclosed information, including trade secrets.IV.1. multinational trading system2.. non-discrimination treatment3. most-favoured-nation treatment4. export subsidy5. The General Agreement on Trade in Services (GA TS)6. The General Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS)7. restrictive trade barriers8. Generalized System of Preferences9. dispute settlement procedures10. cross-border supply11. market access12. integrated circuits layout design13. World Intellectual Property Organization14. Dispute Settlement SystemChapter 8I. T T F T T T T T T T F T T T T T F TII.1. Copyright is an incorporeal statutory right that gives the author or an artistic work, for a limited period, the exclusive privilege of making copies of the work and publishing and selling the copies.2. Exclusive right of an author to make multiple copies of a copyrighted work..3. It is “any word, name, symbol, or device or any combination thereof adopted and used by a manufacturer or merchant to identify his goods and distinguish them from those manufactured or sold by others.”4. It is a mark or symbol used to identify a manufacturer or merchant.5. They are issued for inventions already patented in another country.6. A mark or symbol used to identify a person who provides services.7. Certification of the authorship of an invention and establishment of a state‟s right to its exclusive use. This is used in communist countries, such as China, North Korea.8. An artistic, literary, musical, or scientific creation.III.1. The former. Because it‟s impossible to separate the utilitarian aspect of the circuit from its expression or layout.2. From the viewpoint of a consumer, a trademark serves to designate the origin or source of a product or service, indicate a particular standard of quality, represent the goodwill of the manufacturer, and protect the consumer from confusion.3. (1) national treatment National treatment is the requirement that each member state must grant the same protection to the nationals of other states that it grants to its own nationals. (2) right of priority The right of priority gives an applicant who has filed for protection in one member country a grace period of twelve months in which to file in another member state, which then must treat the application as if it were filed on the same day as the original application. (3) common rules The principle of common rules sets the minimum standards for the creation of intellectual property rights.4. (1) Y es: because you can sell or assign your patent to anyone else. (2) Y es: because a patent entitles you to grant licenses to other people in exchange for royalties. (3)Y es: because patents are personal property which can be bequeathed.IV.1.the country of origin2.franchisepulsory license4.neighboring right5.know-how6.trade secrecy law7.exclusive privilege8.intellectual creation9.private property rightsmercial exploitation11.statutory definition12.economic union13.minor invention14. monetary rewardV. Case 8-2Answers:1.The appellee reproduced a portion of the copyrighted book and published it as anadvertisement. More seriously, it manufactured and sold the toy horse named Spark Plug, which was fashioned after the cartoon figure Spark Plug, a creation of the appellant‟s employee.2.Try to prove that the design of the toy horse is original. Argue that the toy horse haslittle in common with the cartoon figure, and that manufacturing the toy horse is not “ reproduction” or “copying “ within the meaning of the Copyright Law.3.copying in a different medium is also an infringement on the copyright.Chapter 9I. F T T T F T T T F T T F T F T T T TII.1. A written dated, and signed three-party instrument containing an unconditional order by a drawer that directs a drawee to pay a definite sum of money to a payee on demand or at a specified future date.2. A written, dated, and signed two-party instrument containing an unconditional promise by a maker to pay a definite sum of money to a payee on demand or at a specified future date.3. A person who pretends to be another so as to have a negotiable instrument drawn, made, or endorsed to that person, may effectively endorse the pretended person‟s signature on the instrument.4. A person who solicits and obtains a negotiable instrument drawn or made to a fictitious person may effectively endorse the fictitious person‟s signature on the instrument.5. A crossed check is a check which clearly bears across the front of it two parallel transverse lines; or those lines with the wo rds …not negotiable‟ between, or substantially between the lines.6. A time bill is payable at a definite future time. A sight bill (or demand bill) is payable when the holder presents it for payment or at a stated time after presentment.7. a responsibility arising out of the implied guarantees a person makes at the time he transfers or presents a negotiable instrument.8. It is the bill of exchange most commonly used in the sale of goods. On this bill, the seller of the goods is both the drawer and the payee.III.1. (1)Import and export of goods Bill of exchange are particularly commonly used where goods are shipped to buyers for both imports and exports. The document of the title (the bill of lading) can be attached to the bill of exchange and sent through an intermediary such as a bank. Upon acceptance of the bill, the documents can be released to the purchaser so that person can arrange for delivery when available. (2) Discounting A bill may be discounted, usually by selling to a bank. In this case the bank provides the holder with funds to value of the bill less a discount which it takes for providing this service. The advantage of the action for the holder is that the holder has immediate use of the funds for other purposes. (3) Borrowing money Many companies, both public and private, use bills of exchange to borrow funds. In these cases the lenders are usually trading banks or merchant banks and advance money for a short period of time following the acceptance the bill providing written acknowledgment of the debt. (4) Settling debt It is used to transfer to another party for the purpose of settlement of a debt owing.2. The Drawer The drawer is the person drawing a check, usually the signatory on the check, giving authority to the transfer of an amount of money. In the case of a company, the signature would be of an authorized person or persons signing ungluing under he name of the company, which would be the drawer. The Drawee The drawee or drawee bank is the banker on whom the check is drawn. The drawee is the paying bank. The Payee The payee is the party to whom the amount of money shown on the check is made payable.3. Endorsements are signatures, with or without additional statements, commonly written on the back of the instrument. There are four basic kinds (1) special endorsements, (2) blank endorsements, (3) qualified endorsements, and (4) restrictive endorsements. The first two have already been described above.4. Banks perform at least four functions in connection with the negotiation of bills and notes.(1)They may issue instruments themselves, such as certified checks or certificates of deposit.(2)They may function as the drawer on a bill of exchange or as the acceptor of a bill or promissory note, assuming primary liability for payment.(3)They can act as an agent for a holder or transferee to make collection.(4)They can take an instrument as an endorsee, paying the endorser, and presenting the instrument for payment in their own right.IV.1. paying bank2. collecting bank3. forged signature4. order check5. bearer check6. blank endorsement7. conditional endorsement8. trade acceptance9. Uniform Commercial Code (UC C)10. Geneva Conventions on the Unification of the Law Relating to Bills of Exchange(ULB)11. United Nations Conventions on International Bills of Exchange and International Promissory Notes (CIBN)12. International Monetary Fund‟s Special Drawing Right13. the money of account14. the money of payment谢谢您使用本教材,请更正以下地方,教师参考书正在边编写中1.P134 line 4 在right 前加no2.P 151 Line 2 legal identity的翻译为合法身份3.P 153 Exercise I, 6题需加词和减词,在partner之前加limited 之后去who。



第1页(共5页)管理学作业答题纸国际商法作业01(第1-4单元)答题纸学籍号:131331010006 姓名:罗露露分数:学习中心:北京外国语大学总部学习中心专业:_国际经济与贸易___________________本次作业满分为100分。


题目1 [50 分] (1)中外合作企业与合营企业有什么主要区别?(出自第四单元)答:(1)中外合作经营企业的定义与特征:中外合作方根据书面合同约定合作条件,承担各自的权利和义务;(2)中外合资经营企业的定义与特征:中外合作方依据投资比例共同经营、共担风险、共负盈亏;(3)契约式,即合同约定,指合作各方的投资或合作条件、收益或者产品的分配、风险和亏损分担、经营管理的方式和合作企业终止时财产的归属等事项,应在合同中订明;(4)主要区别:投资方式不同,契约式与股权式其他不同点包括:a. 组织形式不同 b. 权力机构和经营管理机构不同 c. 调整的法律不同1.合资方式不同,合资企业属于股权式的合资,合资双方共同投资,共同经营,按各自的出资比例共担风险、共负盈亏;而合作企业属于契约式,中外双方不以投资数额、股权等作为利润分配的依据,而是通过签订合同具体确定各方的权利和义务。









规定,存在程序瑕疵,因此该公司股东大会的决议 行为违反了公司法关于股东会召开程序的规定。这 一行为不仅违反了公司法精神,而且侵犯了股东合 法权利,应当否认起法律效力。 二、股东会决议内容侵犯股权的效力认定问题。股 东会作为公司的权力机构,对公司的重要事项享有 决定权,同时,作为公司的出资者,股东的权利都 是法律赋予的,任何不得侵犯股东的合法权益。新 公司法对股东大会的职权与股东的权利作出详尽的 规定,这些规定也是解决股东之间以及公司与股东
式通过了股东会决议,主要内容是:公司乙股东因 调动。、离职、退休、除名及去世等原因儿离开公 司。其所持有股权,必须转让给公司乙的其他股东, 其他按出资额由大到小的顺序对该转让的股权实行 优先购买,股权转让价格,以上年度未净资产额为 标准等内容。事后,被告乙根据股东会议开除了甲 股东资格,并自行将退股金划入甲的银行卡。甲遂 向法院起诉,原告甲请求法院依法确认:2007年10 月25日通过的股东会议决议无效,并判令被告乙恢 复原告甲股东地位并赔礼道歉。
之间权利冲突的主要依据。在不违反公序良俗的原 则、强行法规定和公司制度本质的前提下,公司章 程可对股东权的内容予以适当的限制或扩张是合理、 合法,但是此种限制或扩张,必须在法律规定的范 围内,且以不对他人的合法权益造成损害为前提。 若大股东以增进公司利益为名,恶意修改公司章程, 操纵股东大会,以达到剥夺或者限制小股东的利益 的不正当目的,则这种决议超越了公司法对其职权 的规定,违背了公司法对于股东合法权益的规定, 应当认定为无效。因此,股东大会的职权和决
公司的概念 公司作为现代企业制度的核心形式,是市场经济最 常见、最普遍的企业组织形式,是指依公司法成的, 以营利为目的的企业法人。




1.对违约金的性质各国有不同规定,认为违约金具有惩罚性的国家是( )A.英国B.美国C.德国D.法国2.依照英国法,对于违反担保,非违约方可采取的补救措施是( )A.只能请求解除合同,不能请求赔偿损失B.不能请求解除合同,有权请求赔偿损失C.既能请求解释合同,又能请求赔偿损失D.或者请求解除合同,或者请求赔偿损失3.以下国家中,规定合同法定解除权的行使须向法院提出的是( )A.中国B.德国C.法国D.美国4.对于来自订约双方当事人以外的第三者施行的胁迫,认为只有合同的相对人知道有胁迫情事时,受胁迫的一方才能撤销合同的国家是( )A.德国B.法国C.英国D.西班牙5.根据国际货物买卖合同公约的规定,以下各项中,属于发价的是( )A.普通商业广告B.商品目录C.商品价目表D.一项包含货物名称、数量和价格的订约建议6.依照法国法,不以公证人的文书作为合同有效成立的形式要件的合同是( )A.赠与合同B.夫妻财产制合同C.设立抵押权合同D.商事合同7.依照美国"统一商法典",除双方当事人另有约定外,货物所有权移转于买方的时间是( )A.合同成立时B.合同生效时C.卖方交付货物时D.买方支付价金时8.甲公司与乙公司订立国际货物买卖合同。



依照"国际货物买卖合同公约",该批货物风险损失应( )A.由卖方甲公司承当B.由买方乙公司承当C.由甲、乙公司分担D.按公平原则处理9.乙公司对甲公司发价的承受通知于8月5日从乙地发出,8月9日到达甲公司所在地,8月10日下午到达甲公司传达室,8月11日上午甲公司经理阅及此通知。

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02)Assig nmen t(02)
管理学作业答题纸 国际商法 作业02 (第5-8单元)答题纸


答:汇票是出票人签发的,委托付款人见票即付或者在指定日期无条件支付确定 的金额给收

本票是出票人签发的,承诺自己在见票时无条件支付确 定的金额给收款人或者持票人的票据。


区 别:本票是出票人签发的,承诺自己在见票时无条件支付确定的金额给收款人或 者持票人的票据。

汇票是出票人签发的,委托付款人在见票时 ]或者在指定日期 无条件支付确定的金额给收款人 或者持票人票据。



本票是出 票人自己付款的承诺,汇票是出票人要求他人付款的委托或指示。

第2页(共6页) 学籍号:
141231010085 姓名: 宁萌萌 分数: 学习中心:
北外校本部学习中心 专业: 会计学 阀?ft 疑會FRi
WWW kMfch ra Will AM 4«nn

2 .主债务人不同。























2、_______________________________________________________________________ 构、仲裁地点、仲裁员、仲裁规则、仲裁形式及仲裁应适用的法律等。







