




Eight Do’s and Eight Don’ts
Love, do not harm the motherland.
Serve, don't disserve the people.
Uphold science; don't be ignorant and unenlightened.
Work hard; don't be lazy and hate work.
Be united and help each other; don't gain benefits at the expense of others.
Be honest and trustworthy, not profit-mongering at the expense of your values.
Be disciplined and law-abiding instead of chaotic and lawless.
Know plain living and hard struggle; do not wallow in luxuries and pleasures.。



专有名词英文翻译保险业The insurance industry保证重点支出Ensure funding for priority areas被兼并或挤掉annexed or forced out of business补发拖欠的养老金Clear up pension payments in arrears不良贷款Non—performing loan层层转包和违法分保Multi-level contracting and illegal subcontracting产值output value城乡信用社Credit Cooperative in both urban and rural areas城镇居民最低生活保障A minimum standard of living for city residents城镇职工医疗保险制度The system of medical insurance for urban workers抽样调查data from the sample survey出口信贷Export credit初步建立社会主义计划商品经济新体制。

to establish at a preliminary level a new system of socialist planned commodity economy.贷款质量Loan quality贷款质量五级分类办法The five-category assets classification for bank loans第二产业secondary industry第三产业tertiary industry第一产业primary industry独资企业wholly foreign owned/funded enterprise发电量electric energy production发挥市场的调节作用to give play to the regulatory role of the market发展过快excessive growth防范和化解金融风险Take precautions against and reduce financial risks防洪工程Flood-prevention project非法外汇交易Illegal foreign exchange transaction非公有成分non-public sectors非贸易收汇Foreign exchange earnings through non trade channels非银行金融机构Non-bank financial institutions费改税Transform administrative fees into taxes分配形式forms of distribution风险资金risk funds副业sideline production改革是社会主义制度的自我完善和自我发展。



八荣八耻(Eight Honors and Eight Disgraces)以热爱祖国为荣、以危害祖国为耻,-- Love the country; do it no harm.以服务人民为荣、以背离人民为耻,-- Serve the people; do no disservice.以崇尚科学为荣、以愚昧无知为耻,-- Follow science; discard ignorance.以辛勤劳动为荣、以好逸恶劳为耻,-- Be diligent; not indolent.以团结互助为荣、以损人利己为耻,-- Be united, help each other; make no gains at other's expense.以诚实守信为荣、以见利忘义为耻,-- Be honest and trustworthy; do not spend ethics for profits.以遵纪守法为荣、以违法乱纪为耻,-- Be disciplined and law-abiding; not chaotic and lawless.以艰苦奋斗为荣、以骄奢淫逸为耻。

Live plainly, struggle hard; do not wallow in luxuries and pleasures.(1)“八荣八耻”Eight Dos and Don'ts,also known as "socialist concept of honour and disgrace(社会主义荣辱观)以热爱祖国为荣、以危害祖国为耻;Love; do not harm the motherland.以服务人民为荣、以背离人民为耻;Serve; don't disserve the people.以崇尚科学为荣、以愚昧无知为耻;Uphold science; don't be ignorant and unenligntened.以辛勤劳动为荣、以好逸恶劳为耻;Work hard ; don't be lazy and hate work.以团结互助为荣、以损人利己为耻;Be united and help each other; don't gain benefits at the expense of others.以诚实守信为荣、以见利忘义为耻;Be honest and trustworthy; don't chase profit at the expense of your values.以遵纪守法为荣、以违法乱纪为耻;Be disciplined and law-abiding, don't break laws and violate disciplines.以艰苦奋斗为荣、以骄奢淫逸为耻;Know plain living and hard struggle; do not wallow in luxuries and pleasures(2)八荣八耻Eight Glories , Eight Disgraces以热爱祖国为荣、以危害祖国为耻,Glory in loving the motherland; take harming the motherland to be a disgrace.以服务人民为荣、以背离人民为耻,Glory in serving the people; take disserving the people to be a disgrace.以崇尚科学为荣、以愚昧无知为耻,Glory in pursuing science; take ignorance and unenlightened to be a disgrace.以辛勤劳动为荣、以好逸恶劳为耻,Glory in working hard; take indolence to be a disgrace.以团结互助为荣、以损人利己为耻,Glory in teamwork and helping one another; take self-seeking to be a disgrace.以诚实守信为荣、以见利忘义为耻,Glory in honesty and faithfulness; take mercenariness and profit-grabbing to be a disgrace. 以遵纪守法为荣、以违法乱纪为耻,Glory in being disciplined and law-abiding; take violation of laws and disciplines to be a disgrace.以艰苦奋斗为荣、以骄奢淫逸为耻。

6. 经济类文本的翻译

6. 经济类文本的翻译
• 发展是硬道理,中国解决所有问题的 关键在于依靠自己的发展。



六种《八荣八耻》翻译版本的比较与点评网络版Honor loving homeland, and shame harming it.Honor serving people, and shame betraying themHonor upholding science, and shame being benighted.Honor hard work, and shame loving ease and hating work.Honor unity and helping, and shame harming others to benefit oneself.Honor honest and trust, and shame forgetting honor at sight of money.Honor abiding by laws and disciplines, and shame being illegal.Honor arduous struggle, and shame wallowing in luxurious and sensual pleasure.美联社版Love, do not harm the motherland,Serve, dont disserve the people,Uphold science; dont be ignorant and unenlightened,Work hard, dont be lazy and hate work,Be united and help each other, dont gain benefits at the expense of others,Be honest and trustworthy, not profit mongering at the expense of your values,Be disciplined and law-abiding instead of chaotic and lawless,Know plain living and hard struggle; do not wallow in luxuries and pleasures.新华社版Love the Motherland, do her no harm.Serve the people, never betray them.Follow science, discard fatuity.Be diligent, not indolent.Be united and help each other, make no gains at others expense.Be honest and trustworthy; do not spend ethics for profits.Be disciplined and law-abiding, not chaotic and lawless.Live plainly and work hard, do not wallow in luxuries and pleasures.《中国翻译》2006年第3期版Honor to those who love the motherland, and shame on those who harm the motherland;Honor to those who serve the people, and shame on those who betray the people;Honor to those who quest for science, and shame on those who refuse to be educated;Honor to those who are hardworking, and shame on those who indulge in comfort and hate work;Honor to those who help each other, and shame on those who seek gains at the expense of others;Honor to those who are trustworthy, and shame on those who trade integrity for profits;Honor to those who abide by law and discipline, and shame on those who break laws and disciplines;Honor to those who uphold plain living and hard struggle, and shame on those who wallow in extravagance and pleasures.林戊荪版中国外文局资深翻译家Honor to those who love the motherland, shame on those who harm the motherland;Honor to those who serve the people, shame on those who betray the people;Honor to those who believe in science, shame on those who choose to remain ignorant;Honor to those who are hard-working, shame on those who are lazy and avoid work;Honor to those who uphold unity and help one another, shame on those who seek personal gain at others expense;Honor to those who are honest and trustworthy, shame on those who trade principle for profits;Honor to those who are disciplined and law-abiding, shame on those who are undisciplined and break the law;Honor to those who practice plain living and defy adversity, shame on those who indulge in extravagance and pleasures-seeking.丁衡祁版,对外经济贸易大学商务英语系教授Honor to those who love the motherland, and shame on those who do harm to her;Honor to those who serve the people, and shame on those who are divorced from them;Honor to those who quest for science, and shame on those who prefer to be ignorant;Honor to those who are hard-working, and shame on those who detest having to work;Honor to those who unite and help people, and shame on those who gain at the expense of others;Honor to those who are honest and trustworthy, and shame on those who forsake good for the sake of gold;Honor to those who are disciplined and law-abiding, and shame on those who violate laws and disciplines; andHonor to those who uphold hard struggle, and shame on those who indulge in a dissipated life.点评:在翻译的过程中,除了站在一定的高度之外,还要根据立体思维方式把握住了另外几个度,即:理解原文的深度,英语表达的力度,语言风格的雅度,和表现形式的美度。



①政府政策“八荣八耻”eight-honor and eight-shame“大通关”建设national project to facilitate customs clearance※facilitateverb[VN] (formal) to make an action or a process possible or easier: The new trade agreement should facilitate more rapid economic growth. ◆Structured teaching facilitates learning.facilitation noun [U, sing.]: the facilitation of international communication※clearancenoun[C, U] the removal of things that are not wanted: There were forest clearances in Java thousands of years ago. ◆slum clearance (= the removal of houses that are in very bad condition in an area of a town) ◆Landscape gardeners have begun a clearance of the overgrown ground to make way for a new park. ◆a clearance sale (= in a shop / store, when goods are sold cheaply to get rid of them quickly)[U, C] the amount of space or distance that is needed between two objects so that they do not touch each other: There is not much clearance for vehicles passing under this bridge. ◆a clearance of one metre[U, C] official permission that is given to sb before they can work somewhere, have particular information, or do sth they want to do: I'm waiting for clearance from headquarters. ◆All employees at the submarine base require security clearance.[U] official permission for a person or vehicle to enter or leave an airport or a country: The pilot was waiting for clearance for take-off. ◆How long will customs clearance take? [U, C] the process of a cheque being paid by a bank: Clearance will take seven days.[C] a clearance in football and some other sports is when a player kicks or hits the ball away from the goal of his or her own team“国家清史重修工程”National Project for the Recompilation of Qing Dynasty History“荷花奖”Lotus Award (for professional dance)“孔雀奖”Peacock Award (for ethnic minority artists and artworks)※ethnic minoritynouna group of people from a particular culture or of a particular race living in a country where the main group is of a different culture or race: The main political parties have little to offer Britain's ethnic minorities.“全国文化信息资源共享工程”National Project for the sharing of Cultural Information and Resources“全国舞台精品工程”Works of Excellence on the Nation’s Stage“群星奖” Galaxy Award (for amateur artists and community culture)※galaxynoun (plural galaxies)[C] any of the large systems of stars, etc. in outer space(the Galaxy) (also the Milky Way) [sing.] the system of stars that contains our sun and its planets, seen as a bright band in the night sky[C] (informal) a group of famous people, or people with a particular skill: a galaxy of Hollywood stars“三步走”战略the three-step development strategy“三高”农业“three highs”agriculture(high yield,high quality and high efficiency agriculture)※yieldverb, nounverb[VN] to produce or provide sth, for example a profit, result or crop: Higher-rate deposit accounts yield good returns. ◆The research has yielded useful information. ◆trees that no longer yield fruit[V] ~ (to sth/sb) to stop resisting sth/sb; to agree to do sth that you do not want to do: After a long siege, the town was forced to yield. ◆He reluctantly yielded to their demands. ◆I yielded to temptation and had a chocolate bar.[VN] ~ sth/sb (up) (to sb) (formal) to allow sb to win, have or take control of sth that has been yours until now: He refused to yield up his gun. ◆(figurative) The universe is slowly yielding up its secrets.[V] to move, bend or break because of pressure: Despite our attempts to break it, the lock would not yield.[V] ~ (to sb/sth) (AmE, IrishE) to allow vehicles on a bigger road to go first Synonym: GIVE WAYYield to oncoming traffic. ◆a yield signPhrasal Verbs: yield to sth (formal) to be replaced by sth: Barges yielded to road vehicles for transporting goods.noun[C, U] the total amount of crops, profits, etc. that are produced: a high crop yield ◆a reduction in milk yield ◆This will give a yield of 10% on your investment.“三个代表”就是必须代表中国先进生产力的发展要求,代表中国先进文化的前进方向,代表中国最广大人民的根本利益,是我们党的立党之本、执政之基、力量之源,是我们党始终站在时代前列,保持先进性的根本体现和根本要求。




“八荣八耻”法语版les “huit honneurs et huit déshonneurs” (“ba rong, ba chi”).Il s’agit de huit recommendations balancées (le Bien, le Mal), qui peuvent aisément entrer dans l’esprit des cadres et des masses :- Aimer la patrie, ne pas lui faire de mal.- Servir le peuple, ne pas le désservir.- adhérer à la science, chasser l’ignoran ce.- Etre diligent, pas indolent.- Solidarité, pas de gain au dépend d’autrui.- Honnêteté et confiance, l’éthique prime sur le profit.- Discipliné et obéissant à la loi, ni chaotique ni insoumis.- Vie simple et rudes combats, ne pas se vautrer dans le luxe et les plaisirs (traduction non officielle).“八荣八耻”英文版Honor loving homeland, and shame harming it.Honor serving people, and shame betraying themHonor upholding science, and shame being benighted.Honor hard work ,and shame loving ease and hating work.Honor unity and helping,and shame harming others to benefit oneself.Honor honest and trust ,and shame forgetting honor at sight of money. Honor abiding by laws and disciplines,and shame being illegal.Honor arduous struggle ,and shame wallowing in luxural and sensual pleasure.。




Socialist concept of honour and disgrace—Eight Dos and Don'ts
(Eight Honors & Eight Disgraces)
Love, do not harm the motherland.
Serve, don't disserve the people.
Uphold science, don't be ignorant and unenlightened.
Work hard, don't be lazy and hate work.
Be united and help each other, don't gain benefits at the expense of others. Be honest and trustworthy, not profit-mongering at the expense of your values. Be disciplined and law-abiding instead of chaotic and lawless.
Know plain living and hard struggle, do not wallow in luxuries and pleasures.。



"八荣八耻"提出的背景和多种英语译文A poster was issued to popularize the "socialist concept of honor and disgrace" voiced by Chinese President Hu Jintao on March 4 in discussions with the country's political advisors. Published by the People's Publishing House, the poster is on sale throughout the country at Xinhua Bookstores. President Hu pinpointed the importance of developing an "advanced socialist culture" when he was meeting with members of the 10th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), China's political advisory body. The concept, which stresses the value of patriotism, hard work and plain living, belief in science, consciousness of serving the people, solidarity, honesty and credibility, and observation of the law, is a perfect amalgamation of traditional Chinese values and modern virtues."八荣八耻"原文:以热爱祖国为荣、以危害祖国为耻以服务人民为荣、以背离人民为耻以崇尚科学为荣、以愚昧无知为耻以辛勤劳动为荣、以好逸恶劳为耻以团结互助为荣、以损人利已为耻以诚实守信为荣、以见利忘义为耻以遵纪守法为荣、以违法乱纪为耻以艰苦奋斗为荣、以骄奢淫逸为耻"八荣八耻"的英语表达:Chinese President Hu Jintao recently called on the whole nation to adopt the "socialist concept of honor and disgrace (社会主义荣辱观)", also known as "Eight Dos and Don'ts", or "eight honors, eight disgraces"."八荣八耻"的多种译文1、Eight Dos and Don'tsLove, do not harm the motherland.Serve, don't disserve the people.Uphold science; don't be ignorant and unenlightened.Work hard; don't be lazy and hate work.Be united and help each other; don't gain benefits at the expense of others.Be honest and trustworthy, not profit-mongering at the expense of your values.Be disciplined and law-abiding instead of chaotic and lawless.Know plain living and hard struggle; do not wallow in luxuries and pleasures.[Tr by Associated Press (美联社) (67.9/5.3)]2、The eight honors and eight shames of establishing socialist honorThe honor of loving the motherland; the shame of endangering the motherland.The honor of serving the people; the shame of turning away from the people.The honor of upholding science; the shame of ignorance and illiteracy.The honor of industrious labor; the shame of indolence.The honor of togetherness and cooperation; the shame of profiting at the expense of others.The honor of honesty and keeping one's word; the shame of abandoning morality for profit. The honor of discipline and obedience; the shame of lawlessness and disorder.The honor of striving arduously; the shame of wallowing in luxury.3、Eight Honors and Eight ShamesHonor to the love for the motherland; shame to the harm to the motherland.Honor to the serve for the people; shame to the deviation from the people.Honor to the advocate of science; shame to fatuity and ignorance.Honor to industrious labor; shame to indolence.Honor to togetherness and cooperation; shame to profiting at the expense of others. Honor to honesty and keeping one's word; shame to abandoning morality for profit. Honor to disciplined and obedience to the laws; shame to lawlessness and disorder. Honor to striving arduously; shame to wallowing in luxury.4、Eight Honors and Eight DishonorsHonor the love for the motherland; dishonor the harm to the motherland.Honor the serve for the people; dishonor the deviation from the people.Honor the advocate of science; dishonor fatuity and ignorance.Honor industrious labor; dishonor indolence.Honor togetherness and cooperation; dishonor profiting at the expense of others.Honor honesty and keeping one's word; dishonor abandoning morality for profit.Honor the disciplined and obedience to laws; dishonor lawlessness and disorder.Honor striving arduously; dishonor wallowing in luxury.。




网络版Honor loving homeland, and shame harming it.Honor serving people, and shame betraying themHonor upholding science, and shame being benighted.Honor hard work, and shame loving ease and hating work.Honor unity and helping, and shame harming others to benefit oneself.Honor honest and trust, and shame forgetting honor at sight of money.Honor abiding by laws and disciplines, and shame being illegal.Honor arduous struggle, and shame wallowing in luxurious and sensual pleasure.美联社版Love, do not harm the motherland,Serve, don’t disserve the people,Uphold science; don’t be ignorant and unenlightened,Work hard, don’t be lazy and hate work,Be united and help each other, don’t gain benefits at the expense of others,Be honest and trustworthy, not profit mongering at the expense of your values,Be disciplined and law-abiding instead of chaotic and lawless,Know plain living and hard struggle; do not wallow in luxuries and pleasures.新华社版Love the Motherland, do her no harm.Serve the people, never betray them.Follow science, discard fatuity.Be diligent, not indolent.Be united and help each other, make no gains at other’s expense.Be honest and trustworthy; do not spend ethics for profits.Be disciplined and law-abiding, not chaotic and lawless.Live plainly and work hard, do not wallow in luxuries and pleasures.《中国翻译》2006年第3期版Honor to those who love the motherland, and shame on those who harm the motherland;Honor to those who serve the people, and shame on those who betray the people;Honor to those who quest for science, and shame on those who refuse to be educated;Honor to those who are hardworking, and shame on those who indulge in comfort and hate work; Honor to those who help each other, and shame on those who seek gains at the expense of others; Honor to those who are trustworthy, and shame on those who trade integrity for profits;Honor to those who abide by law and discipline, and shame on those who break laws anddisciplines;Honor to those who uphold plain living and hard struggle, and shame on those who wallow in extravagance and pleasures.林戊荪版中国外文局资深翻译家Honor to those who love the motherland, shame on those who harm the motherland;Honor to those who serve the people, shame on those who betray the people;Honor to those who believe in science, shame on those who choose to remain ignorant;Honor to those who are hard-working, shame on those who are lazy and avoid work;Honor to those who uphold unity and help one another, shame on those who seek personal gain at others’ expense;Honor to those who are honest and trustworthy, shame on those who trade principle for profits; Honor to those who are disciplined and law-abiding, shame on those who are undisciplined and break the law;Honor to those who practice plain living and defy adversity, shame on those who indulge in extravagance and pleasures-seeking.丁衡祁版,对外经济贸易大学商务英语系教授Honor to those who love the motherland, and shame on those who do harm to her;Honor to those who serve the people, and shame on those who are divorced from them;Honor to those who quest for science, and shame on those who prefer to be ignorant;Honor to those who are hard-working, and shame on those who detest having to work;Honor to those who unite and help people, and shame on those who gain at the expense of others; Honor to those who are honest and trustworthy, and shame on those who forsake good for the sake of gold;Honor to those who are disciplined and law-abiding, and shame on those who violate laws and disciplines; andHonor to those who uphold hard struggle, and shame on those who indulge in a dissipated life.点评:在翻译的过程中,除了“站在一定的高度”之外,还要根据“立体思维”方式把握住了另外几个“度”,即:理解原文的深度,英语表达的力度,语言风格的雅度,和表现形式的美度。

学习八荣八耻 (中英文版)

学习八荣八耻 (中英文版)

学习八荣八耻(中英文版)作者丁晓钟kill two birds with one stone。


Socialist concept of honour and disgrace(一对反义词;honorable / disgraceful)—Eight Dos and Don'ts(体会类似用法:三个代表 Three Represents)(Eight Honors & Eight Disgraces)Love, do not harm the motherland.Serve, don't disserve the people. (这里serve / disserve 用的非常好,押韵啊。

注意:为人民服务的英文是serve the people, 不是serve for the people )Uphold science, don't be ignorant and unenlightened.Work hard, don't be lazy and hate work.Be united and help each other, don't gain benefits at the expense of others. (学习搭配:gain benefits / at the expense of )Be honest and trustworthy, not profit-mongering at the expense of your values. ( monger 贩卖, 传播, 散布)Be disciplined and law-abiding instead of chaotic and lawless.Know plain living (朴素的生活) and hard struggle, do not wallow in(indulge in 沉溺于) luxuries and pleasures.(注意学习几个描述人的形容词:ignorant / unenlightened / honest (dishonest) / trustworthy / disciplined / law-abiding (= lawful; abide by the law) / chaotic / lawless(=unlawful ))___________________________________________________________________下面是中国政府官方网站的另外一种版本的翻译,大家自己学习一下咯:/2006-04/05/content_245361.htmLove the country; do it no harm.-- Serve the people; do no disservice.-- Follow science; discard ignorance.-- Be diligent; not indolent.-- Be united, help each other; make no gains at other's expense.-- Be honest and trustworthy; do not spend ethics for profits.-- Be disciplined and law-abiding; not chaotic and lawless.-- Live plainly, struggle hard; do not wallow in luxuries and pleasures。

translation TEM8-1

translation TEM8-1

She came to this school in 1998. She had taught English in two other schools. 她于1998年来到这所学校,在那之前,她在另外两所学 校教过英语。 English prose is elaborate rather than simple. It was not always so. 现今英国散文华丽而欠简朴,过去却并非总是如此。
因本产品内部物质飞散,会造成污染和遗漏,请 不要切割使用本产品。 Due to internal material dispersion of the product will cause pollution and omissions, do not cut uses this product. The release of internal materials will cause pollution and leakage. Do not cut it into pieces.
Mary Magdalene is a loyal follower of Jesus and prominent in his ministry. Jesus intervenes on her behalf in an argument she has with Peter, according to the Gospel of Thomas 抹大拉的玛利亚是耶稣忠实的追随者和优 秀的门徒。多玛斯福音上说,耶稣在一次 她跟彼得的争吵中站到了她这边。 抹大拉的玛利亚是耶稣的忠实门徒,在耶 稣传教活动中地位显赫。《多马福音》称, 有一次她与彼得争吵,耶稣替她帮腔。
Lecture 11


பைடு நூலகம்
笔者没有 把 “ 荣八耻 ”直接 译成 “i t r e 八 e a s h g gc
n g ga s 八个 荣 和八 个耻 ) ad i t sr e” ( e d c h i ,一是考虑 到 这样 的 英 文 不 是很 地 道 ,再 就 是 觉 得 这 也并 非 是 “ 八荣八 耻 ” 的确切 含 义 。英 文里 有 “o ddn dsa o ’ n ’ ( 为准则 )的地 道用语 ,用在这 里 不仅切 意 , 行
应该达 到的效果 。 4 以服务 人 民为荣 ,以背 离人 民为耻 A t . cn i i n g
h neeto t e pev i . d vai r h n ee t teitrs f ep o l e 1 e it gf m teitrs f h  ̄1 8 n o o h e pe tep o l
还使语 言显得 生动。 3 以 热 爱祖 国为 荣 ,以危 害 祖 国为 耻 So n . hw g i
lv o e mo el d v i1 on a m ote mo eln o e frt t ra e ̄. d i h r t t ra d h h n 1 8 g h h
这里 的 “ ”和 “ ”是 翻译 中 的两 个难 点。 荣 观
首先 ,从 “ 荣八耻 ”的具体 内容来看 ,“ ”不 完 八 荣
全是指 “ 光荣 ” 荣誉 ” 荣耀 ”或 “ 、“ 、“ 名誉 ” ,而 更 多的应该 是指 “ 尚光彩 的行 为” “ 举”或 “ 高 、 善 德 行” 笔 者 选 用 “ e ” 而 异 用 “ l y 或 。 艘 s r” o “oor ,正 是出于这一 考虑 。 “r e 的英 文定 义 hnu' ’ g c” a



中国译协对外传播翻译委员会中译英研讨会讨论词汇选登(3)1.文化体制改革reform of cultural administrative system2.文化(事业内部)机制改革internal reform of cultural institutions3.文化事业public cultural undertakings4.文化产业cultural industries5.文化事业单位cultural institutions6.社会文化和图书馆事业work of community culture and libraries7.经营性文艺演出commercial (art and cultural) performance8.经营性文化单位cultural enterprises9.“全国舞台精品工程”Works of Excellence on the Nation’s Stage10.“文化扶贫计划”Culture-aid Program/Cultural Aid Program11.“全国文化信息资源共享工程”National Project for the Sharing of Cultural Information and Resources12.“国家清史纂修工程”National Project for the Recompilation of Qing Dynasty History13.“三下乡”(文化、科技、卫生)Bringing Culture/Science and Technology/Hygienic Health to the CountrysideGalaxy Award (for amateur artists and community culture)15.“文华奖”Splendor Award (for professional theatrical artworks)16.“荷花奖”Lotus Award (for professional dance)17.“孔雀奖”Peacock Award (for ethnic minority artists and artworks)18.“五个一工程奖”the Best Works Award19.“三个一百”“A Hundred Patriotic Films/Songs/Books” List20.县县都有文化馆、图书馆,乡乡都有文化站。




“八荣八耻”法语版les “huit honneurs et huit déshonneurs” (“ba rong, ba chi”).Il s’agit de huit recommendations balancées (le Bien, le Mal), qui peuvent aisément entrer dans l’esprit des cadres et des masses :- Aimer la patrie, ne pas lui faire de mal.- Servir le peuple, ne pas le désservir.- adhérer à la science, chasser l’ignoran ce.- Etre diligent, pas indolent.- Solidarité, pas de gain au dépend d’autrui.- Honnêteté et confiance, l’éthique prime sur le profit.- Discipliné et obéissant à la loi, ni chaotique ni insoumis.- Vie simple et rudes combats, ne pas se vautrer dans le luxe et les plaisirs (traduction non officielle).“八荣八耻”英文版Honor loving homeland, and shame harming it.Honor serving people, and shame betraying themHonor upholding science, and shame being benighted.Honor hard work ,and shame loving ease and hating work.Honor unity and helping,and shame harming others to benefit oneself.Honor honest and trust ,and shame forgetting honor at sight of money. Honor abiding by laws and disciplines,and shame being illegal.Honor arduous struggle ,and shame wallowing in luxural and sensual pleasure.。









【译文】The socialist outlook on honor and shame (the “eight honor and eight shame”outlook):The cadres and masses,especially our young people,should be educated in the socialist outlook on honor and shame,which advocateshonor to those who love the motherland,andshame on those who do harm to her;honor to those who serve the people,andshame on those who are divorced from them;honor to those who quest for science,andshame on those who prefer to be ignorant;honor to those who are hard-working,andshame on those who detest having to work;honor to those who unite and help people,andshame on those who gain at the expense of others;honor to those who are honest and trustworthy,andshame on those who forsake good for the sake of gold;honor to those who are disciplined and law-abiding,andshame on those who violate laws and disciplines; andhonor to those who uphold hard struggle,andshame on those who indulge in a dissipated life.在翻译的过程中,除了前面提到的“站在一定的高度”这个“高度”之外,根据我的“立体思维”方式,我还把握住了另外几个“度”,即:理解原文的深度,英语表达的力度,语言风格的雅度,和表现形式的美度。



八荣八耻发言稿英语Title: The Eight Honors and Disgraces: Upholding Core Values in Modern SocietyLadies and gentlemen, distinguished guests,I am honored to stand before you today to discuss a topic of utmost importance in our society, "The Eight Honors and Disgraces." These essential principles guide our actions and shape our character, reminding us of the values we must uphold to foster a harmonious and prosperous society. Let us delve into each of the Honors and Disgraces and explore their significance in modern times.The first Honor we should hold dear is to love our country. As citizens, it is our duty to work selflessly for the betterment of our nation, showing unwavering loyalty and dedication. By striving for the growth and development of ourhomeland, we contribute to its prosperity and ensure a brighter future for generations to come.The second Honor is to serve the people. As individuals, we have a responsibility to prioritize the needs of others and put their interests above our own. By actively participating in community initiatives, volunteer work, and charitable activities, we create a society built on compassion, empathy, and mutual support.The third Honor calls us to be upright in character. Honesty, integrity, and moral fortitude should be the pillars of our behavior. By living ethically and adhering to principles of respect, fairness, and justice, we contribute to a society where trust is valued and corruption is eradicated.Honor number four emphasizes diligence and dedication in our work. Whether we are students, employees, or professionals, striving for excellence is essential. By beingdiligent, constantly improving our skills, and maintaining a strong work ethic, we not only achieve personal success but also contribute to the progress of our society.The fifth Honor, to strive for excellence, reminds us to continuously pursue knowledge and strive for personal growth. Lifelong learning ensures that we remain adaptable and contribute to innovation and advancement in our respective fields. By embracing a growth mindset, we can overcome challenges and achieve greatness.The sixth Honor highlights unity and harmony. In a diverse society like ours, fostering unity and building harmonious relationships is of utmost importance. By respecting and embracing our differences, promoting dialogue and understanding, and working together towards common goals, we can create a society that celebrates diversity and flourishes in harmony.The seventh Honor emphasizes good manners and respect for others. Politeness, courtesy, and respect form the foundation of healthy interpersonal relationships. By treating others with kindness, humility, and empathy, we cultivate a society where mutual respect and dignity prevail.Last but not least, the eighth Disgrace warns against pursuing personal gain at the expense of the public interest. Corruption, selfishness, and greed undermine the very fabric of our society. We must reject such behavior and strive to eradicate corruption from all levels, maintaining a society founded on fairness, justice, and equality.In conclusion, the Eight Honors and Disgraces serve as a moral compass guiding our actions and shaping our character. By embracing these principles and incorporating them into our daily lives, we can build a prosperous, harmonious, and just society. Let us remember the importance of these values and work together to create a better future for all.Thank you.。

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八荣八耻(Eight Honors and Eight Disgraces)
-- Love the country; do it no harm.
-- Serve the people; do no disservice.
-- Follow science; discard ignorance.
-- Be diligent; not indolent.
-- Be united, help each other; make no gains at other's expense.
-- Be honest and trustworthy; do not spend ethics for profits.
-- Be disciplined and law-abiding; not chaotic and lawless.

Live plainly, struggle hard; do not wallow in luxuries and pleasures.
Eight Dos and Don'ts,also known as "socialist concept of honour and disgrace(社会主义荣辱观)
Love; do not harm the motherland.
Serve; don't disserve the people.
Uphold science; don't be ignorant and unenligntened.
Work hard ; don't be lazy and hate work.
Be united and help each other; don't gain benefits at the expense of others.
Be honest and trustworthy; don't chase profit at the expense of your values.
Be disciplined and law-abiding, don't break laws and violate disciplines.
Know plain living and hard struggle; do not wallow in luxuries and pleasures
Eight Glories , Eight Disgraces
Glory in loving the motherland; take harming the motherland to be a disgrace.
Glory in serving the people; take disserving the people to be a disgrace.
Glory in pursuing science; take ignorance and unenlightened to be a disgrace.
Glory in working hard; take indolence to be a disgrace.
Glory in teamwork and helping one another; take self-seeking to be a disgrace.
Glory in honesty and faithfulness; take mercenariness and profit-grabbing to be a disgrace. 以遵纪守法为荣、以违法乱纪为耻,
Glory in being disciplined and law-abiding; take violation of laws and disciplines to be a disgrace.

Glory in living thriftily and struggling; take sybaritism to be a disgrace.。
