higher education IN the US美国高等教育 大学介绍




[ Location of the scho]ols
[ ] The eight universities’ school badge
[ Brown University
Brown University is a private, Ivy League university located in Providence, Rhode Island, United States.
[ ] Dartmouth College
• The institution comprises a liberal arts college, Geisel School of Medicine, Thayer School of Engineering, and the Tuck School of Business, as well as 19 graduate programs in the arts and sciences.
[ ] Columbia University
Motto: In Thy light shall we see light
Famous alumni:
Low Memorial Library
[ ] the University of Pennsylvania
University of Pennsylvania, a famous private search type university in the United States, is located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
• Famous alumni: Emma Watson(《哈利波 特》中的女主角)
Masi Oka(美剧《英雄》 中的男演员之一)












哈佛大学简介哈佛大学(Harvard university)是一所私立的高等学校。







哈佛大学校训哈佛早期的校训是“察验真理”(Veritas [1643])、“荣耀归于基督”(In Christ Gloriam [1650]),以及“为基督•为教会”(Christo et Ecclesiae [1692])。




" 现在,在近几年里,哈佛大学的校训又有了新的进步,只有一个词语:真理。






attraction: Being your own boss is one of the attractions of owning your own business.
no matter who / when / how / what / whether, etc.: used to say that sth is true or that sth happens whatever the situation is Feeding a baby is a messy job no matter how careful you are. I'm determined to visit Japan no matter what it costs. He visited her every day no matter the weather. My priority is to drive the business, bring in the revenue, no matter what it takes.
Paraphrasing: Education is like an investment, and the more time you spend on it, the more you will get in the future.
invest: invest sth in sth
Oliver made a fortune by investing in antique furniture. Williams invested a large sum of money in Swiss stocks. He had invested heavily (=invested a lot of money) in the bond market.



Unit 6 T ext BHigher Education in the United States 美国的高等教育1 In the United States,a student who has finished high school may want to continue in higher education.在美国,一名中学生高中毕业后,如果想继续接受高等教育,There are several ways to continue in higher education in the United States.他可以有以下几种选择方式:There are universities, colleges,community colleges,and technical or vocational schools.综合大学、四年制学院、社区学院、职业或技术学院。

Each of these kinds of higher education will be described below.对这几种高等教育方式,下文将分别加以介绍。

2 A university is much larger than a college.It is larger for two reason.综合大学比四年制学院规模大,表现在两个方面。

First,a university in the United States usually has several different colleges in it.首先,美国综合大学通常设有若干个学院。

Each college within a university has a special subject area.每个学院都有专门的学科领域。

There may be a college of liberal arts where humanities,social science ,natural science, and mathematics are taught.一般设有文学院,开设的课程有人文学科、社会科学、自然科学和数学等。



2. Funding
• The vast majority of United Kingdom universities are government financed, with only one private university--the University of Buckingham, where the government does not subsidize the tuition fees.
Higher education
—undergraduate study
➢ A bachelor degree (BA, BSc, etc) can be obtained by a minimum of three year’s study at one of the more than 200 universities or institutions of higher education in the UK offering degree courses.
• There are about 40,000 full time university teachers paid wholly from university funds. About 1 in 6 of all university teachers are professors.
• British higher education has become a mass system, enrolling about a third of the age group. Approximately 1.8million students currently are in the higher education system. There are 114 university institutions (and 60 higher education colleges) in the UK, counting separately the constituent colleges of the federal universities of Wales and London. In addition, higher education programs are offered in many further education colleges.




二.办学实力截止至2019年,哈佛大学位于剑桥市的主校区下设10个学术单元以及1个高等研究院,其中本科生教育主体由哈佛学院承担,这11个学术单元分别为哈佛学院(Harvard College)文理研究生院(Graduate School of Arts and Sciences)哈佛继续教育学院(Harvard Extension School)哈佛设计学院(Harvard Design School)哈佛神学院(Harvard Divinity School)哈佛教育学院(Harvard Graduate School of Education)哈佛法学院(Harvard Law School)哈佛大学肯尼迪政治学院(Harvard Kennedy School)哈佛工程与应用科学院(Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences)拉德克利夫高等研究学院(Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study)哈佛文理博物馆(Harvard Art and Science Museums)此外,哈佛大学的Allston Campus以及Longwood Campus还设有以下4个学术单元,全校总共设有46个本科专业、134个研究生专业哈佛商学院(Harvard Business School)牙医学院(Harvard Dental School)哈佛医学院(Harvard Medical School)哈佛大学公共卫生学院(Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health)三.重大成果1922年,医学院于英格兰首次完成胰岛素注射。



每个学期期末考试开始的前一天,在半夜12点整,参加裸奔的本科生 将聚集在哈佛小院中尖叫着裸奔三圈,以此来迎接第二天的期末考试 阶段。这样做的理由是,如果你连裸奔都不怕,期末考试又算什么呢?
• 在2006英国《泰晤士 报》专上教育增刊的 世界大学排名,耶鲁 大学在总平均排名世 界第四。 • 美国Princeton Review 在2006年把耶鲁大学 在全美最难进的大学 里排第二。耶鲁大学 以人文、艺术、历史、 及法律最有名,理工 科则在美国一流名校 里算是比较弱的。 • 耶鲁大学——带戴怪帽 子的毕业班日
• 耶鲁大在美国历史上,有5位总统 毕业于耶鲁:威廉· 霍华德· 塔夫脱、 杰拉尔德· 鲁道夫· 福特,乔治· 布什、 比尔· 克林顿、乔治· W· 布什。耶鲁 凭借其优秀的学子创造了一个政坛 的奇迹。所以,耶鲁素有“总统摇 篮”之称。教员之间经常开的玩笑 就是:“一不小心,你就会教出一 个总统来。”
• 美国民族英雄内森· 黑尔(Nathan Hale)
贝尼克图书馆内一个重 要藏书算是谷登堡圣经 (Gutenberg Bible), 谷登堡圣经是世界上第 一部活字印刷的圣经。
• “Women`s Table”是 由耶鲁大学建筑系毕 业的林璎所设计,林 璎是著名的美籍华裔 建筑大师、中国建筑 师林徽因的侄女, “Women`s Table”是 献给耶鲁大学的所有 女生的。以前女生是 不能进耶鲁大学学习 的,后来女权运动兴 起,女生才被允许上 耶鲁。这个桌子记载 着耶鲁所有就读女生 的年份与人数。
麻省理工学院 (Massachusetts Institute of Technology),
简称麻省工(MIT),坐落于美国马 萨诸塞州剑桥市(大波士顿地区) , 是世界著名私立研究型大学、被誉 为"世界理工大学之最"。



Elementary and Secondary education
• Elementary education refer to grades 1~6,the secondary education generally refers to grades 9~12 which is also called "high school".However,in many districts,secondary education includes both grades 7~9 which is called "junior high school"and grades 10~12 which is called "senior high school".Secondary education in the US also includes vocational schools and technical schools.
The public school
The private school
• The great majority of American students go to public schools ,which are supported by taxpayers and free for
• The rest of students attend private schools,most of which need certain amount of tuition
• There is not a national system of edcuation in the USA .The federal government influences education and contributes financially to its development,but it has no control over education policy and practice across the states.



COOPERATION AGREEMENT ON INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION签署日期: The date of甲方:中国某大学Party A: A China University (China)地址:Address乙方:美国某大学Party B: US University (United States)地址:124 Street, New York, WV 26426经友好协商,甲、乙双方就国际教育合作事宜达成以下协议。

Through friendly negotiations, Party A and Party B have reached the following agreement on issues of international education cooperation.一、合作双方The Two Parties甲方是中国教育部直属211工程大学,是具有自主办学资质的高等教育机构,可与外国教育机构合作,开展教师交流、学生交换和留学预科教育和中外合作办学等国际教育交流合作。


As one of 211 Project universities directly subordinated to the Ministry of Educationof P.R.China , Party A is a higher educational institution having the qualification of running a school independently. The international education exchange and cooperation can cover such areas as cooperation with foreign educational institutions, teacher exchange, student exchange and programs of preparatory courses as well as running a school with foreign counterparts.USA University, institution of higher learning in the United States, is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association. As a regular university of U.S.A, its academic credentials have also been admitted by the Chinese Ministry of Education.二、合作目的与宗旨Purpose & Aim甲乙双方以互惠、互信、互利为原则,发挥各自的资源优势进行合作,以取得良好的经济和社会效益,提升各自的社会影响力。



American Higher EducationKey words: higher education campus lifeSummary: education plays an important role in country’s development and has been drawn more attention. Aiming at American higher education, I make a brief introduction. Something about the education system of American higher education, reflecting on its characteristics, and more about the campus life.Education plays an important role in the development of a country and has been a sign of comprehensive strength. Due to the differences of political, economic, culture and other aspects, every country’s education system has its own characteristics, which can be more easily reflected by higher education. The following is a brief description of the American higher education.Americans attach great importance to education. Now there are about 3,300 high schools and 12 million students of the United States. Some schools are public and others are private. The difference is the manner in which the schools are supported and controlled. Public schools are supported by taxes and in charge of local government. They are not influenced by religion. Students in different religions can stay in one classroom and study, so there is no discrimination. Private schools are not in charge of government. It is independently funded, connecting with religious groups, and most of them are in charge of the Roman Catholic Church.Students can get higher education in college or university. College refers to the school where high school graduates can be admitted and learn knowledge. Compared to university, college is smaller in scale and not so professional. But in some certain aspects, college is also good. While university is relatively large in scale and is more comprehensive and complex. Usually, a university has several colleges, where students can learn some professional knowledge or skills. In general, a university is made up of science and engineering college and liberal arts college. Both of them have some branches, such as building, machine, information technology, language, economy and so on. After a student choosing his major, he will be a student of onecollege to learn professional knowledge. In universities, students not only take the necessary courses, but also to do some research in the field they major in. There are some famous universities, such as Harvard, Y ale, and Stanford University. With better facilities, more research, more teachers, and more branches of subjects, the famous universities develop more talents and make much progress in science and technology.In America, there is community college, two-year college, state college, institute of technology and so on. In a four-year university, there are four grades: freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior. In the first two years, students are taught basic courses, such as English, science, foreign, languages and social science. And later, they will learn something about their major and do some practice or research.What’s the American campus life like?Classroom Atmosphere. Every teacher has his own teaching style and the style is not fixed. Generally speaking, the classroom atmosphere is relax and active. Students are encouraged to talk, express their opinions, and do some actions to show their ideas. In the class, students are more creative and cooperative with students and teachers. Their interests and passion about one problem or question can be greatly improved. American higher education also carries out credit system. Students can decide when and which subject to learn, only to follow the flowchart of your major. When starting school in the first year, students receive a flowchart,something about the courses they must take and the lowest score they have to earn. But every term a student must get determinate score. Thus in one class students maybe from different majors and different grades. Also the classroom is not fixed. Sometimes there are 100 students in a class, which is crowed.Sometimes teachers may not rely on the textbook and they are student-centered. They care more about the creativity development and independent thinking of students. Such teaching style and classroom atmosphere is helpful for improving the ability and personal skills. Students are not required to memorize, listen, or write, they can acquire knowledge solidly. Meanwhile, they will be impressed by the way to solve the problem and the way of thinking.The Accommodation. In most universities, students can choose to live oncampus or live off campus. Both of them have advantages and disadvantages. Live on campus is convenient and fast to go to the classroom or library. Y ou can meet with students and communicate with each other more easily. Second, talking about the problems of study and life is a good way to develop friendship. Third, living on campus can be relatively cheap, so you can save money and time. But the space of the dormitory is limited, so you may feel not free.Live off campus. Y ou can choose to live with a family, but you have to do something yourself. In fact, it is a good way to practice yourself to be independent. Y ou can learn something about the local customs from the family and improve your ability to communicate with others. Obviously, it takes more time to go to school and clean house, so you should do things quickly and efficiently. Personally I think living off campus may be good for us, especially for a international student. Y ou can not only practice your speaking English, but also have a better understanding of the local culture.The library. Every university has its own library. It can be the best place to study and read some books you interested in. Usually, the library has a large collection of different kinds of books. In addition, many courses require students to read books and look up magazines or though the Internet to get the information they need. There is online library with all the information about the books. With the help of computers, it is much faster and convenient to find materials and books. Sometimes, students don’t have to go to the library, just through the online research, they can ge t the information, search the book they want to borrow and check the deadline of the books they have borrowed. Library has been a good place to study and research for the environment is quiet and comfortable.Homework. College students also have homework. The amounts and kind vary with the subject and teacher. After some chapters of lessons, students will receive homework to practice and solidify the knowledge. In some class, they are asked to do some activities, such as role play, finding resources or discussion. There is no fixed pattern. Meanwhile, the way teachers to check their homework may be through the Internet, in class, or do some program.Extracurricular activities. There are all kinds of extracurricular activities about college students. Sports activities are not only good for students’ health, but also improve friendship with each other. For example, football match is a common activity, which can enhance teamwork spirit. There are many clubs in universities aiming at developing student’s interes t and enrich their life. Other literature and art organization also attracted many students. It is not required to reach high level, but can adjust the atmosphere, let the students relax and have a good time during their leisure time. There is student union in college school. Student who are interested in and have the ability can have a try to do a job. In fact, it is a good way to improve one’s ability. Other social public welfare activities, such as helping the old and unable, blood donation, and other fo rms of activities is to improve students’ conscious of helping the person in need and doing what we can do to protect the world. On weekends, party is a choice for many students. It can take place in dormitory, off campus or other places to enjoy a happy time. The party maybe not formal, but the atmosphere is very high. As we all know, the tuition of American higher school is very high, some students choose to find a job in their part time to earn money for the expense.After the four-year study, students can get the Bachelor Degree. Off all the higher school graduates, many choose to continue studying for master and doctor degree. In order to be admitted by a good university, students must work hard and hard, because there are many students want to apply for the famous university. Some choose to find a job. It is not easy to find a suitable job. They have to do much practice and take part in many activities in school and in the part time to improve themselves. No matter working or studying, graduates will be faced with great challenge.For many students, university is the place where they improve their independence and ability, preparing for the social life. As people say, university is a small society, you will learn to deal with problems you may meet in the future. A wide variety of knowledge are available and students can also enjoy the campus life. To some extent, university is a window through which students can know more about the life and broaden their view of the world.Reference:美国文化与社会American culture and society 王恩铭编上海外语教育出版社2009.7英语国家社会与文化Exploring-English-speaking Countries梅仁毅主编外语教学与研究出版社2010.8美国文化教程胡敏编世界知识出版社2000.8美国大学校园英语与文化American Campus English and Culture 赵勇鄢波编清华大学出版社2005.9美国社会与文化吴斐编武汉大学出版社2003。






『私立学校』基本上不受任何政府的监管,不过对学校政策有影响力的是家长和教师联合会PTA(Parent and Teacher Association),以及较具有专业性质的一般坊间教育机构。






且在义务教育的部份,只要你是合法居留人(Green Card),就有受义务教育的权利,且在美国受义务教育都是免费的,不必缴交学杂费、课本。








Chapter 5 Education一、Tell whether each of the following statements is true or false.1、Education is governed by state and local governments instead of thenational government in America.2、All American children are offered 12 years of compulsory publiceducation.3、The first formal academic institution that a child attends is calledkindergarten.4、There are some exams for the students to go to high schools.5、American schools tend to p ut more emphasis on developing students’abilities to acquire quantities of facts.6、After 12 years of schooling, American students receive a bachelor’sdegree at graduation.7、The first degree that the students get in graduate school is Doctor’sdegree.8、Yale University is the oldest institution of higher education in theUnited States.9、George W. Bush graduated from Yale University.10、All colleges and universities in the United States, public orprivate, are governed by a board of trustees who are composed of professionals.二、Fill in the blanks with the correct information.1 、Formal education in the United States is composed of , secondaryand higher education.2、At the age of five, most children start school by attending .3、and are the basis of public education which arecompulsory.4、Some Parents select to educate their children due to the moral orreligious reasons.5、American education puts more emphasis on developing ratherthan acquiring quantities of facts.6、Higher education in the United States began with the founding of in1636.7、is the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States.8 、The Skull & Bones is a secret student society at composed of upand coming political elites.9、The fourth oldest university in the United States is .10、MIT refers to a name of a university. It is .三、Choose the correct answer on the basis of what is stated in the text.1、Most students usually start elementary school at years old.(a) 5 (b) 6 (c) 7 (d) 82、In the US school system, there are twelve levels called 12th .(a) grades (b) divisions (c) degrees (d) classes3、Of the following subjects, are not offered to elementary school students.(a)mathematics and languages(b)politics and business education(c)science and social studies(d)music and physical education4、When a pupil has finished his elementary school education, he goes to .(a) private school (b) high school(c) public school (d) preschool5、The elementary and secondary education in the U.S. lasts .(a) 8 years (b) 10 years (c) 12 years (d) 13 years6、The major functions of higher education in the United States are .(a) teaching (b) research(c) public service (d) all above7、The students of the universities in the second year are called .(a) junior (b) sophomore(c) freshman (d) senior8、An undergraduate student has to earn a certain number of in order to receive a degree at the end of four years’ study.(a) credits (b) grades (c) scores (d) classes9、is the third oldest institution of higher education in the United States.(a) Harvard University (b) Yale University(c) MIT (d) Princeton University10、is an institute well known for its scientific and technologicaltraining and research.(a)Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)(b)Yale University(c)Princeton University(d)Harvard University一、Tell whether each of the following statements is true or false.1、Education is governed by state and local governments instead of thenational government in America.答案:T2、All American children are offered 12 years of compulsory publiceducation.答案:T3、The first formal academic institution that a child attends is calledkindergarten.答案:F4、There are some exams for the students to go to high schools.答案:F5、American schools tend to put more emphasis on developing students’abilities to acquire quantities of facts.答案:F6、After 12 years of schooling, American students receive a bachelor’sdegree at graduation.答案:F7、The first degree that the students get in graduate school is Doctor’sdegree.答案:F8、Yale University is the oldest institution of higher education in theUnited States.答案:F9、George W. Bush graduated from Yale University.答案:T10、All colleges and universities in the United States, public orprivate, are governed by a board of trustees who are composed of professionals. 答案:F二、Fill in the blanks with the correct information.1 、Formal education in the United States is composed of , secondaryand higher education.答案: elementary2、At the age of five, most children start school by attending .答案: kindergarten3、and are the basis of public education which arecompulsory.答案: elementary education; secondary education4、Some Parents select to educate their children due to the moral orreligious reasons.答案: home schooling5、American education puts more emphasis on developing ratherthan acquiring quantities of facts.答案: critical-thinking6、Higher education in the United States began with the founding of in1636.答案: Harvard University7、is the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States.答案: Harvard University8 、The Skull & Bones is a secret student society at composed of upand coming political elites.答案: Yale University9、The fourth oldest university in the United States is .答案: Princeton University10、MIT refers to a name of a university. It is .答案: Massachusetts Institute of Technology三、Choose the correct answer on the basis of what is stated in the text.1、Most students usually start elementary school at years old.(a) 5 (b) 6 (c) 7 (d) 8答案: (b)2、In the US school system, there are twelve levels called 12th .(a) grades (b) divisions(c) degrees (d) classes答案: (a)3、Of the following subjects, are not offered to elementary school students.(a)mathematics and languages(b)politics and business education(c)science and social studies(d)music and physical education答案: (b)4、When a pupil has finished his elementary school education, he goes to .(a) private school (b) high school(c) public school (d) preschool答案: (b)5、The elementary and secondary education in the U.S. lasts .(a) 8 years (b) 10 years (c) 12 years (d) 13 years答案: (c)6、The major functions of higher education in the United States are .(a) teaching (b) research(c) public service (d) all above答案: (d)7、The students of the universities in the second year are called .(a) junior (b) sophomore(c) freshman (d) senior答案: (b)8、An undergraduate student has to earn a certain number of in order toreceive a degree at the end of four years’ study.(a) credits (b) grades (c) scores (d) classes答案: (a)9、is the third oldest institution of higher education in the United States.(a) Harvard University (b) Yale University(c) MIT (d) Princeton University答案: (b)10、is an institute well known for its scientific and technological training and research.(a)Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)(b)Yale University(c)Princeton University(d)Harvard University答案: (a)。



3. Lakes 湖泊 The most important lakes in the United States are the Great Lakes五大湖: (1) Lake Superior 苏必利尔湖, which is the largest fresh water lake in the world. (2) Lake Michigan密歇根湖(the only one entirely in the US) (3) Lake Huron休伦湖 (4) Lake Erie伊利湖 (5) Lake Ontario 安大略湖 They are all located between Canada and the United States except Lake Michigan.
பைடு நூலகம்
2. Rivers河流 The Mississippi River密西西比河: It is one of the world’s greatest continental rivers. It has been called “Father of Waters众河之父” or “Old Man River老人 河”. Ohio River俄亥俄河: It is another major river in America. It has been called the American Ruhr美国的 鲁尔河 after the Ruhr River in Germany. The river provides cheap water transportation for raw materials. 俄亥俄河被称为美国的鲁尔河,该河为原材料提供了便 宜的水路运输。 The Rio Grande River格兰德河: It flows to the Gulf of Mexico, forming a natural boundary between Mexico and the US.格兰德河是美国和墨西哥之间的天然界河。



❖ In some school system, the 12 grades are divided into two stages, the first 6 grades for elementary school and the next 6 grades for secondary school.
Private Schools
❖ Most private schools are related to religious groups.
❖ In these schools, religious instruction is part of the curriculum
❖ Today,Βιβλιοθήκη about 12% of all American children go to private schools for their elementary and secondary education.
❖ Class atmosphere is usually relaxed in American schools.
❖ American educator believe that children learn better when they are happy and interested, so every effort has been made to arouse the interests of the individual.
high school teachers 3. The impression they make during the
interviews at the university 4. Their scores on SAT
The Complex System of Higher Education

unit 8 American education 美国教育

unit 8 American education  美国教育

Higher education

There are more than 3,500 colleges and universities in the U.S. A college is usually for undergraduates, and colleges mainly teach. a university is a collection of one or more colleges, plus a graduate school and various professional schools. universities, with their large numbers of graduate students, also place emphasis on research.
Unit 8 American Education

Get a general view of the American education system Be familiar with the operation of elementary and secondary education in the United States
Harvarliated colleges/universities

religiously affiliated colleges and universities are all privately owned and operated. They are predominantly Christian, although some are Jewish, Islamic, etc. These institutions offer general coursework, but they also offer and sometimes require participation in religion courses.

美国教育体系 详细介绍美国高等教育的分类

美国教育体系 详细介绍美国高等教育的分类

美国教育体系详细介绍美国高等教育的分类(一) 初级(或社区)学院(Junior or Community College)全美国现有公立和私立的初级学院(亦有人称之为社区大学或短期大学)共1422所。

在二年制的学院就读,学生毕业后可得副学士(Associate' Degree)学位,再可转学到四年制的大学Bachelor' Degree)。



(二)文理学院(College of Liberal Arts and Sciences或简称 Liberal Arts College)这是四年制的大学,但重点是在大学本科教育(undergraduate education)而非研究所教育,虽然有小部分文理学院亦颁授硕士及博士学位。

这类学院在美国的高等教育学府中是最先建立的一种,至今仍然盛行,有部分文理学院由于不断的发展扩充,已升格成为综合性大学(university),因在课程上不单只是文理科,还包括了人文学科(humanities)、数理科(pure sciences ),以及专门职业教育(prefessional school)的研究院等,著名的大学如哈佛、耶鲁及哥伦比亚,其前身皆为文理学院。

(三)综合性大学(Comprehensive University,或简称University)综合性大学必须附设研究院,从事深入的学术研究。




(四)研究院(Graduate Schools)美国教育制度,以研究院及高等专科学院为最高的阶梯及顶点。






哈佛大学(Harvard University),简称哈佛,坐落于美国马萨诸塞州剑桥市,是一所享誉世界的私立研究型大学,是著名的常春藤盟校成员。






文化传统校训拉丁原文:Amicus Plato,Amicus Aristotle, Sed Magis Amicus VERITAS.“要与柏拉图为友,要与亚里士多德为友,更要与真理为友”。




办学规模院系设置截至2014年,哈佛大学下设13个学院,分别为哈佛大学文理学院、哈佛商学院、哈佛大学设计学院、牙科医学、哈佛大学神学院、教育学院、哈佛法学院、哈佛医学院、哈佛大学公共卫生学院、哈佛大学肯尼迪政治学院、工程与应用科学院、哈佛大学研究生院、哈佛学院,另设有拉德克利夫高等研究学院,总共在46个本科专业[1] 、134个研究生专业招生;其中本科生教育主体由哈佛学院承担。

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